Race walking refers to the work of what intensity. Sports walking technique: how to do it right

The fact that movement is life is known to everyone almost from birth, and this fact, of course, is undeniable. However, this movement is different. Some people prefer walking, others move with the help. Without a doubt, walking has been and remains the most useful and accessible to everyone who wants to lose those extra hated kilograms. For a long time, running was thought to be the best way to lose weight. One can argue with this statement, because there are people for whom running is clearly contraindicated. And walking has no contraindications. Race walking is especially useful for those who have cardiovascular or musculoskeletal disorders.

The technique of race walking is not particularly difficult, but still it must be approached with all responsibility. At the very beginning, you do not need to set a fast pace, otherwise rapid breathing will immediately appear, the body will quickly get tired, and this will not lead to anything good. Walking should be calm, measured. This helps warm up the muscles. Then the pace gradually increases. Steps should not be made too wide. Frequent and short steps are most effective. Special attention should be given to posture. The shoulders should be straightened, the stomach tightened, the back is even. The foot must first be placed on the heel, and then smoothly transfer the weight of the body to the toe. The arms should move like a pendulum, and not hang arbitrarily along the body. One more thing important rule: Do not make sudden stops. As the pace gradually increased, it should also be gradually reduced. This is necessary to restore uniform breathing and heartbeat. These are the simple rules that race walking requires.

You need to try to prevent dehydration of the body. The lack of fluid negatively affects the condition of the skin and the process of losing weight. Drink a glass of water before and after your walk.

Maximum effect can be achieved if you maintain a fast pace of walking for at least an hour daily. After a week, you will feel lightness in the body, tightness of the buttocks, uniformity of breathing. Race walking, without a doubt, has its positive impact. All cells of the body are saturated with oxygen, shortness of breath completely disappears, fatigue visits less and less. In addition, during a walk you can escape from everyday problems and completely give yourself to the surrounding nature. Sports walking is especially useful in the morning, preferably in a park or square, where only your own steps will break the silence.

Due attention should be paid to clothing. It should be fairly light and not hinder movement. Sneakers should be chosen with a rounded heel and preferably with a flexible toe. It is necessary that their surface contributes to the free circulation of air. This is the equipment that race walking should have, the technique in which it will be as correct as possible.

With such daily training, a large number of calories are burned, cholesterol levels are lowered, the process is inhibited, the skin acquires freshness and elasticity, and a natural blush appears on the cheeks. In addition, the muscles of the legs and buttocks are significantly strengthened, the silhouette becomes toned, tendons and ligaments are strengthened. And most importantly, the bulging belly disappears forever, of course, if you do not stop these walks. It also increases the volume of the lungs, and significantly strengthens

To record the speed and distance traveled, you need to purchase a pedometer. In addition, it can serve as an additional incentive to achieve the desired result. Depending on the level of the trained body, you can change the load. But the main thing is not to overdo it and not bring the body to complete exhaustion, so as not to resort to emergency measures to restore lost health.

Race walking is one of the safest sports. A sedentary lifestyle has never been good for the body, which is why so many people exercise regularly to keep fit.

General principles

Race walking is based on aerobic exercise, which helps to effectively strengthen muscles, which contributes to the burning of calories. One of the advantages of this sport is the minimal likelihood of joint injury, in contrast to the same run. The essence of walking is to move quickly, when one foot is in full contact with the ground. Due to this, the steps are much longer and faster, and more muscles are also involved.

This sport is shown to people with a slight overweight. In fact, anyone can walk, the main thing is that there are no serious health problems. That is why it is important to first consult a doctor for recommendations. On average, for 2 kilometers traveled at an average pace, you can burn up to 300 calories.

Benefits of walking

With the help of this sport, you can not only significantly lose weight, but also improve your health. Many people do not believe that it is enough just to walk. However, scientists have proven that a regular 30-minute brisk walk can extend life by 2 years.

Walking helps to normalize blood pressure and lower cholesterol, strengthen the skeletal system and improve insulin production, increase volume muscle mass and just improve your mood, bringing the body into tone. In addition, this sport is one of the fundamental ways to prevent cardiovascular diseases.

For weight loss, walking is also the best tool. Women around the world daily on fresh air move at a fast pace in order to achieve perfect figure. It has been proven that 2000 steps every day allow a person to keep fit. However, for weight loss, you need to walk 5-7 times more, which is approximately equal to 4-5 kilometers. It is also worth noting that walking without a proper diet will never give results.

Getting Started

First, you need to understand why a person starts playing sports. If he wants to strengthen his muscles or just warm up, then it is enough to arrange daily half-hour classes. Some women set themselves the goal of losing weight. In this case, walks should take up to an hour at a fast pace.

Many beginners start classes without a warm-up and without knowledge of elementary skills. It is important to understand what race walking is, how to move correctly, how to breathe, etc. Tearing the body in the first month of training is strictly contraindicated. It is better to start classes early in the morning. At this time, it is easier to burn the maximum number of calories. In addition, morning workouts will tone the body for the rest of the day.

Types of walking

Like any other sport, walking has its variations:

  • Walk in slow pace. The walking speed here is about 80 steps per minute, that is, in half an hour a person walks up to one kilometer.
  • Walk at a moderate pace. The speed is up to 120 steps per minute. It is comparable to when a person is in a hurry somewhere and accelerates the usual pace of movement. A kilometer at this speed will be covered in 12-15 minutes.
  • Traditional race walking. In this case, in one hour a person can walk up to 7 kilometers. Step speed - 140 per minute. With such walking, the arms should be bent at an angle and very actively work with them. Before class, a good warm-up is required.
  • Fast walk. Recommended only for athletes. These are daily hardened rocky/cross-country workouts. The speed of such walking is up to 12 km/h. It is better to switch to this mode after a year of systematic training.

Walking technique

The essence of this sport is to optimally calculate the load on the body. The average speed in this case should be in the range from 6 to 10 km / h.

The technique of race walking consists of 5 basic rules:

  1. The arms should always be bent at the elbows at an angle of no more than 90 degrees. Throughout the distance, they help the body move. Proper hand placement will make movement much easier.
  2. The back must be straight. It is important that the body is tilted a few degrees forward. In walking, maintaining a balance of the center of gravity is the main key to success.
  3. When moving, the heel should touch the ground first, and only then the toe. roll into race walking is also important. It should be smooth and even throughout the foot.
  4. Legs should never be bent. In such walking, the main load is taken by the muscles of the thighs and calves.
  5. You need to move rhythmically, not forgetting about breathing. The entrance and exhalation should be uniform and deep. If the breath is lost, then the training can be completed.

To build muscle mass in the legs, you can take a backpack with a small load on your back. Before class, you need to warm up thoroughly. It will be useful to do a few exercises to warm up and stretch the muscles.

How to warm up properly

First, you need to start by stretching the calf muscles. To do this, you need to rest with both hands on the wall, take one leg back, and raise and lower the body with the other (supporting) one. The exercise should consist of 8-10 sets and last up to 7 minutes.

For warm-up rear surface hips, stretch your leg forward and put it on a stool. Next, you need to slightly tilt the body towards it. Anterior thigh region warms up next exercise: one leg is the supporting one, and they try to bring the foot of the second as close as possible to the buttocks.

The hips are kneaded by alternate lunges of the body forward and backward with the foot placed on a stool. For this management, it is important to relax as much as possible.

According to athletes, the warm-up should last at least 20 minutes. During this time, all muscles should not only be stretched, but also warmed up well in order to protect yourself from unnecessary injury.

Proper breathing

Walking should never expose your body high loads, especially if not even a month has passed since the first workout. The surest way to understand that the given pace of movement is optimally selected is breathing. If it is uniform, then the rhythm of walking should not be slowed down. If the loads seem insignificant, then you can increase the distance and time of the walk.

Walking technique is important for proper breathing. If you move your arms correctly and touch the ground with your foot, then the load on the body will be minimal. People most often go in for sports to keep fit or build muscle, but there is another reason that many do not even think about. Why does a person prefer walking in nature, and not in the gym? The fact is that the body needs oxygen saturation, especially during physical activity. That is why proper breathing while walking is so important. It should be uniform throughout the distance, and the breath should be deep.

Load calculation

If you approach walking wisely, then they will never harm your health. Each person is unique in itself, which means that for each there is individual program workouts. In the first couple, one should not take as a basis the indicators of people who have been involved in sports for a long time, since they are already subject to heavy loads.

As for the distance, for men a weekly walking is shown 50 km, for women - about 40 km. However, these indicators can only be guided by experienced runners. For beginners, it is best to start with 2-3 kilometers a day and increase the distance by 500 meters every week, if health permits.

This sport has no age restrictions, but it all depends on the body. In the first workouts, it is recommended to regularly check the current pulse, which should not exceed the threshold of 100 beats per minute. If at the beginning of the lesson there is discomfort in the muscles or joints, then you should immediately stop walking. In such cases, it is not worth stopping abruptly, it is better to gradually slow down the step.

Shoe selection

Walking shoes should not have thin soles. By the end of the long distance, the feet will experience tremendous pressure, so every stone will be felt. In addition, in sneakers with a thin sole, the legs will start to hurt after the first kilometers. It is a common mistake for women to wear hard-heeled shoes, such as ballet flats, to workouts.

The best option for training is a thick sole. In any case, walking shoes should be light. A hard rubber sole is excluded, as it will cause a lot of discomfort to the feet.

In rainy weather, sneakers with a protective film against slipping are best suited.

Walking on level ground

Before training, you should do a warm-up, which includes a few minutes of a quiet walk with parallel warming up of the calf and hip muscles. Then race walking begins moderate pace. At this stage, it is important to determine the breathing rate and check the pulse.

Gradually, the walking speed increases to a maximum. Subsequently, it is recommended to alternate the pace of training. It is undesirable to conquer long distances in the first lessons, even on flat terrain. After a lesson, you can’t stop abruptly or sit down, as the body needs some time to get used to a slow pace.

Walking on hilly terrain

Walking on small slopes is useful for people regardless of age. However, training in hilly terrain is only indicated for experienced athletes who are accustomed to dealing with heavy loads on a daily basis.

In the photo, race walking when climbing a slope looks impressive. All muscles are tense, the wind blows the hair - and so the finish point at the top beckons, but in reality it is much more difficult than it might seem. Walking on a hilly surface requires many times more energy than on a flat one. For beginners, such classes are contraindicated.

As for the warm-up, it does not differ from the warm-up before training on flat ground, except that exercises for the muscles of the arms and forearms are added to the complex.

Monthly course for weight loss

In the first week, you should do three walking sessions at a slow pace. Each workout should not last more than 20 minutes. At this stage, it is important to understand how to breathe correctly and control the load.

In the second week, race walking begins. The speed varies depending on how you feel. The duration of one workout is up to 30 minutes. It is not worth testing yourself for serious loads. If you feel tired, then you can go to a slower pace.

In the third week, the duration of the lesson increases to 40 minutes. In addition, the number of workouts should already reach 4-5. At this stage, you can use special belts for weight loss.

The final 7-day should be held in an enhanced mode. The training time varies up to an hour, but their number is still up to 5 sessions. Here it is important to alternate the pace of walking from the maximum to the average every 10 minutes. As numerous reviews show, in a month of training using this technique, you can lose up to 12 kilograms.

The process of training in race walking begins with learning the technique. Despite the seeming simplicity of movements in race walking, the process of learning technique is always a long process of developing a new and complex skill. Learning to keep a straight leg at the time of the vertical does not take much time. The difficulty lies in the ability to correctly alternate muscle contraction with relaxation with relatively small amplitudes of movements performed at a high frequency.

Behind the seeming simplicity of movement in race walking lies a very complex, precisely coordinated activity of the neuromuscular apparatus, due to the processes of excitation and inhibition, which make it possible to combine work and rest. To exclude from work many muscles that do not produce a beneficial effect, to make walking natural and free, to learn to maintain double support at high speed - these tasks are far from simple, requiring a lot of time to solve.

Technical training can start from the very beginning. early age(10-12 years), but this process will continue for many years along with the growth of sportsmanship.

The main purpose of education is to teach correct technique sports walking, perform it freely, without undue stress, with different speed movements, as well as determine the optimal speed (tempo and stride length) for each student. For the solution of the indicated task, a methodical sequence of training is proposed below, particular tasks, means and guidelines are given.

Task 1. Introduce the technique of race walking.

Facilities. 1. Explanation of the features of the sports walking technique. 2. Demonstration of sports walking (showing by the teacher, watching film programs, film rings). 3. Attempts to perform sports walking techniques.

Methodical instructions. The instructor or runner demonstrates race walking several times after explaining the technique. Walking is carried out at the usual competitive speed, and also slowly. Trying to reproduce the walking technique, the trainees walk 2-3 times for 50-60 m, and the teacher draws their attention to the main mistakes: bent legs in the phase of the front support and at the moment of the vertical, torso tilt forward and backward, general stiffness of movement, etc. .

Task 2. To teach the correct movements of the legs during race walking.

Facilities. 1. Walking, in which the leg is placed on the ground straightened and remains in this position until the moment of the vertical. 2. The same exercise with a constant increase in speed.

Methodical instructions. When walking, the foot should be placed on the ground from the heel, followed by a roll on the entire foot. It is useful to remind students to actively straighten the leg by the time it is placed on the ground, and not before. Otherwise, walking with a “swing” will turn out, which contributes to the transition to running. Actively bringing the lower leg forward should be recommended only to those who have difficulty in performing leg extension by the beginning of its landing.

Task 3. To teach the movement of the pelvis during race walking.

Means 1. Walking with vigorous, wide strides with emphasis on the movements of the pelvis around the vertical axis. 2. Walking in a straight line, exposing the leg after some rotation around the vertical axis. 3. In a normal stance, a variable transfer of body weight from foot to foot (without moving the arms). 4. The same with moving forward, taking small steps, putting the foot from the heel.

Methodical instructions. Each exercise is repeated several times (depending on the development of individual elements of the technique). The distance in these exercises is 50-100 m. If the student transfers the body well from foot to foot without becoming enslaved, then the 3rd and 4th exercises can be skipped. The 2nd exercise can be performed along the running line of the stadium's running track. In the 2nd and 3rd exercises, the feet should be placed straight without turning the socks outward.

Task 4. To teach the correct movements of the arms and shoulders during race walking.

Facilities. 1. Imitation of hand movements in place. 2. Walking with your hands behind your back. 3. Walking with almost straight arms. 4. Race walking with active work of the shoulders and arms.

Methodical instructions. In the 1st exercise, do not allow movements in the transverse direction. Movement should be free, without undue stress. When performing the 2nd exercise, it is necessary to indicate to those involved in the need for active movements of the shoulders. In this case, the hands can be clasped behind. In the 3rd exercise, arm movements should be performed widely and freely. The walking distance in these exercises is 100 m.

Task 5. Improving the technique of race walking.

Facilities. 1. Sports walking at different speeds: slow, medium, fast. 2. Sports walking on a bend along an inclined path (down, up), along the highway.

Methodical instructions. When improving the technique, it is necessary to pay attention to: a) the position of the torso and head;

b) softness, emancipation of movements of the torso, legs and arms;

c) a sufficient step length, free transfer of the leg, make sure that the foot is carried as low as possible; d) timely (not early) separation of the heel from the ground; e) coordination of all movements.

When walking, excessive vertical and lateral vibrations of the body should be avoided. The walking distance gradually increases to 400-800 m or more.

When improving the technique of sports walking, each student must, with the help of a teacher, determine the pace of walking that is comfortable for himself, the optimal ratio of the number of breaths, exhalations and steps, etc. When walking on an inclined path, students need to monitor right position torso, when walking uphill, tilt the body forward depending on the steepness of the slope, and when descending, skillfully lean back.

Some athletes cannot fully extend their leg (or even their legs) during the support period. In this case, the following exercises are recommended:

1. Walking uphill with an emphasis on straightening the leg at the knee joint.

2. Walking with the body tilted forward (it is necessary to straighten the legs, hands help to straighten).

3. Walking with the body tilted forward for each step, and if the left leg is in front, then the left hand touches the foot.

To eliminate "slapping" walking and strengthen the muscles of the lower leg, the following exercises are used:

1. Legs in a wide step, standing leg behind the whole foot, standing leg in front on the heel. Jump to the back of the sock standing foot, on the entire foot in front of the standing leg, then take the starting position.

2. Attach loops to gymnastic bench or floor at a distance of 60-70 cm from the wall. Standing with your back to the wall, stand in loops with your toes and, without the help of your hands (or with a little help), bend your whole body back until you rest on the wall. Then return to the starting position.

3. Walking, in which the setting of the foot from the heel is accentuated with a sharp roll to the toe.

4. Walking on soft ground.

To improve the rotation of the pelvis around the vertical axis, exercises are recommended:

1. Feet on the width of the foot, hands in front of the chest. Mutually opposite turns shoulder girdle and pelvis.

2. The same, the arms move as in race walking.

3. Walking with “twisting”, stepping with the left foot not so much forward as far to the right, and with the right foot far to the left.

4. The same, but put your foot on a straight line (walking in a straight line). Move your foot forward, not to the side.

5. Standing on the left leg, the right leg is bent in front, hands in front of the chest. Sharply withdraw bent leg right and left, accentuating the movement to the left with movements of the hands in opposite directions.

6. The same, but with support by hands.

7. Jumping, sharply turning the pelvis around the vertical axis to the right and left.

8. Walking left side forward, right leg once moves in front of the left, another time behind it, with a sharp turn of the pelvis.

9. The same, but with the right side.

10. Walking with toes inward with a preliminary rotation of the pelvis around the vertical axis. Step length 40-50 cm.

11. Sports walking "snake" 2-4 m to the right and left. To improve the movements of the arms and shoulder girdle, the following exercises are used:

1. Race walking - clasp your hands in front of your chest.

2. Race walking - hands behind the head.

3. Race walking - with a stick on the shoulders and with a stick at the back in the elbow joints.

High sports results runners achieve through many years of long-term training. If adult athletes start training, then, as a rule, they spend 4-5 years on systematic improvement before they fulfill the standards of a candidate master of sports (cms) or master of sports (ms). There are individual, exceptionally gifted athletes for whom this period was somewhat shorter: L. Spirin, V. Soldatenko, N. Smaga. But there are athletes who achieved true mastery only in 6-7 years, starting their training in childhood or adolescence: V. Rezaev, N. Vipichenko, A. Solomin and others.

The basic principle years of training- gradual increase training load; this is achieved by increasing both the volume of training means and their intensity.

Until a certain time, mainly the volume of training means increases, then the training effect is achieved by increasing the intensity, both absolute (intensity of the exercise, speed of passing distance segments) and relative, i.e. an increase in walking and running, performed at a heart rate of 130 beats / min and more.

If we take the means of physical training, then in the first years of training their role and significance is greater than in subsequent years, when the development of the basic qualities of an athlete has already taken place, i.e. the prerequisites for more specialized training have been created. We also note that the improvement of technique remains a constant concern of coaches and athletes throughout the long-term sports path.

Long-term training in race walking has several stages. If adults begin to train, then the path of their improvement has the same direction as that of children, but the stages are shorter in duration.

The first stage is the stage of preliminary preparation (9-11 years).

The second stage is the stage of initial specialization (12-15 years).

The third stage is the stage of in-depth specialization (16-18 years old).

The fourth stage is the stage of sports improvement (19 years and older).

The main task of the stage is the selection of capable children who are predisposed to long-term aerobic work, i.e. to walking. No less important is the task to interest children in race walking. Success will come to the coach only if at this stage the selection tasks are correctly solved, and the guys have a great desire to train in this particular type of athletics.

Experience shows that optimistic real forecasts of children's sports results, meetings with the strongest runners of the USSR or Union republics, acquaintance with the history of performances of Soviet runners at the largest sports competitions- all this contributes to the creation heightened interest to sports walking. If in the process of preliminary training the children did not show a certain interest in sports walking, it is difficult in the future to save the selected groups for subsequent specialization in walking.

It is necessary to select children who are predisposed to successful improvement in race walking according to exercises and sports that are directly related to endurance: long crosses, skis, highway runs, walks, as well as on the basis of the results of training competitions in walking on 1, 2 and 3 km.

The guys selected at the preliminary stage of training and expressing a desire to engage in specialized groups of race walking move on to the stage of initial specialization.

Tasks of the stage of initial specialization: creation of the foundation of theoretical knowledge, development physical qualities, especially endurance as a dominant quality, further mastery of the skill of race walking, familiarity with the basics of walking technique; improvement of volitional qualities necessary for the future master of sports.

The stage is characterized by the saturation of various exercise, which are directly related to general physical training, since the arsenal of special physical training means is very limited, and this noticeably tires the central nervous system of those involved. It is especially important not to forget about the emotionality of training sessions so that the children do not lose their desire to go in for race walking.

Means of training on the stage: race walking at different speeds; special walker exercises; running - from slow running at a pulse of 180 beats / min and more; skiing, regular walking.

During this period, children can successfully compete in running, skiing, and other types of light athletics.

For 3-4 years of preparation at this stage, the total volume of special means can increase from 2000 to 3900 km per year, and the volume of special means performed at a heart rate of 130 beats per minute or more can be equal to 900-2700 km during the same period.

Competitive speed (speed close to the threshold of anaerobic metabolism ANSP) can increase up to 400-450 km; the number of training sessions - up to 550-600 (including morning sessions), of which 35-40% will be for physical training; the number of competitions only in walking - b-8.

The control exercises at the stage are: running 60, 100, 800, 3000 m; standing long jump, standing triple jump; throw medicine ball(3 kg); skiing 3 and 5 km, race walking 3 and 5 km. For 15-16-year-olds, skiing and 10 km race walking can be successfully used.

For the stage of initial specialization, the periodization of year-round training is conditional. Much depends on the local calendar of competitions, calls to a health camp, the participation of young athletes in a long camping trip etc.

At this stage, there is a further increase in the training load. First of all, the number of training sessions increases, the total volume of special means, as well as the volume of special means performed at a heart rate of 130 beats per minute or more (the so-called relative intensity).

The share of OFP is noticeably reduced, but the number of competitions increases to 10-11 starts per year. Special physical training becomes the main one. In the advanced specialization stage, it is necessary to learn how to maintain double support at a very high walking speed. The objective of the stage is the achievement of results I sports category or even kms.

The total volume of special facilities reaches 4500-4750 km per year.

Control exercises: race walking 3 km - 12.50.0-13. 00.0; race walking 5 km - 21. 50.0-22. 00.0; race walking 10 km - 44. 40.0-45. 30.0; 3000 m run - 8. 56.0-9. 10.0; triple jump from a place - 7.50-7.70; stuffed ball throw - 13.00-13.50 m; skiing 10 km - 34.30-36.30.

Year-Round Training

The preparatory period lasts 26 weeks and consists of general preparatory (10 weeks) and special preparatory (16 weeks) stages (Table 1).

Table 1. Exemplary plan for year-round training of walkers at the stage of advanced specialization (16-18 years old)

Tasks of the general preparatory stage: increasing the level of theoretical knowledge, the general level of the body's functional capabilities, the development of general endurance, comprehensive physical training, improving the technique of race walking.

Means of training: normal and athletic walking, running, general developmental exercises, sport games, swimming, special walker exercises to improve walking technique and development necessary qualities(for example, for the development of the so-called strength endurance).

The special preparatory stage of the year-round training of the runner has the same tasks as the general preparatory stage, but the task of improving special endurance and walking speed is highlighted. The means of training are the same as in the previous stage. Over the course of 16 weeks, the walking speed on the training segments increases gradually. By the end of the stage, the speed of passing the training segments may slightly exceed the average competitive speed of the result planned for the year. Special training- Summing up - not held for competitions. Competitions are considered as control over the state of fitness of an athlete.

The competitive period lasts 22 weeks and consists of two stages: the early competition stage (8 weeks) and the main competition stage (14 weeks).

Tasks of the first stage of the competitive period: increasing the level of theoretical knowledge; further development and improvement of the physical and moral-volitional qualities necessary for a walker; preparation for maximum stress; improvement of walking technique, in particular, maintaining constant contact with the ground at high speeds of movement.

Means of training: general developmental exercises carried out in the warm-up and in the evening training session, special exercises for walking in order to improve the technique of sports walking and develop speed; race walking at different speeds (up to the maximum possible); running at a uniform and variable speed and, finally, ordinary (walking) walking, used for the purpose active rest and maintaining overall endurance at the required level.

The tasks of the second stage (main competitions) of the competitive period are the same as in the previous stage, but here the main task is to achieve sportswear and maintaining it throughout the second stage.

The means of training are the same as in the previous stage.

In the transitional period, the following tasks are solved: a) maintaining the general physical education at the achieved level; b) gradual reduction of the special training load; c) providing active recreation; d) improving the technique of sports walking; e) increasing the level of theoretical knowledge.

The training transition period is the “big wave” period in the decline in the load. The training of walkers in the transitional period is diverse both in the use of means and in the dosage of exercises.

The fourth stage should be considered as an organic continuation of the third - the stage of in-depth specialization. Top Achievements in race walking are achieved by adult runners who have a fairly long long-term experience in race walking. The most favorable age for showing record results for runners is determined to be 24-28 years old, but there are also deviations in both directions. The stage of sports improvement is characterized by the use of the principle of individualization. To achieve the ms standards, a further increase in the training load is necessary.

An increase in the training load is carried out by increasing the total volume of special training means, sports walking with a heart rate of 130 beats/min and more, increasing competitive speed, etc.

Periods and stages, as well as tasks, means and methods of training correspond to the previous stage. The principles of building monthly and weekly cycles also correspond to the stage of in-depth specialization.

We give an approximate plan for year-round training at the stage of sports improvement (Table 2).

Preparation for the competition. At ENPP, you need to reduce the load in the classroom, although the number of training days may remain the same. Reducing the load in individual training sessions is necessary for the accumulation of strength before the competition.

The control walk 10-15 km must be carried out 10-12 days before the start of 20 km, and the control walk 30-40 km - 16-20 days before the competition 50 km.

Table 2. Approximate plan for year-round training for a walker at the stage of sports improvement (19 years and older)

In those cases when an athlete has to perform quite often in competitions, it is not advisable to conduct a control walk.

Immediately before the competition, athletes usually rest for 2-3 days. On the eve of the competition, it is useful to warm up for 50-60 minutes during the hours that coincide with the competition hours of the next day.

It is also advisable to carry out race walking on short stretches (200, 300, 400 m) with a very high intensity, but the number of repetitions should be small (2-4).

The regime of the day of the competition, if possible, should not differ from the regime of the previous days.

On the day of the competition, the warm-up should be carried out 50-60 minutes before the start of the competition. Rest after a warm-up can be 10-15 minutes. The walker's warm-up consists of slow running, sports walking, general developmental and special preparatory exercises. In order to more freely walk the first lap or the first kilometer of the distance, minced walking and accelerations 3-4 times 60-100 m each are included in the warm-up. special exercises in a warm-up with slow walking or slow running. It is recommended to finish the warm-up with a 300-400 m race walk at the speed planned for the first lap (at the stadium) or the first kilometer (on the highway) in this competition.

It is desirable that each runner has a tactical plan for passing the distance. For example:

1. Start strongly from the start (the goal is to get ahead of the rest of the participants), keep the gap formed until the end of the distance.

2. Accelerate walking in the middle of the distance and thereby secure the victory.

3. With a relatively weak passage of the first half of the distance, count on victory due to the rapid passage of the second half or the last part of the distance (less than half).

4. Evenly cover the entire distance in accordance with the planned average speed etc.

Some runners, for tactical reasons, use jerks and accelerations at a distance in order to create unfavorable conditions for their opponents (if, of course, the latter accept these jerks and accelerations).

Sometimes it is advisable to go in a group of competitors (headwind, team competition, the presence of the most experienced participants in the group, etc.). At the same time, you need to take into account that you can get into "someone else's pace of movement" and not show the desired result.

The tactical plan is drawn up independently or together with the coach. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the composition of the competitors, their capabilities and the capabilities of rivals, terrain, weather and other factors. The planned tactical plan allows the runner to feel more confident at a distance.

Particularly serious attention should be paid to the distance of 50 km, where success depends on the ability to properly distribute forces.

Fast walkers, performing at 20 km, start about 8-10 times a year. This number may include competitions for 10 and 5 km. Fast walkers-stayers perform 6-7 times, of which 2-3 times at their crown distance.

The interval between competitions (rest and preparation for the next competition) for 20 km should be approximately 16-20 days, for 50 km - up to 30 days.

But if you want to get the most out of it, try sport walking. This type of aerobic exercise allows you to burn calories faster and injure your joints less than jogging.

In a nutshell, the essence of race walking is to move quickly without switching to a run. The main rule is that one of the feet should always be in contact with the ground. The step with such walking is slightly longer and noticeably faster than with a normal walk. The speed is usually between 5 and 9 km/h.

Calorie consumption

The number of calories you burn depends on your weight, the length of your workout, your walking pace, and how hard you work with your arms.

A person weighing 70 kg when walking at a speed of 9 km / h on flat terrain burns about 440 kcal per hour - about the same as when running slowly. People with larger mass bodies burn more calories during any physical activity, and those who weigh less, respectively, fall short of this figure. To increase the load, you can run on hilly terrain or on an incline treadmill.

If you increase the pace of walking, then the number of calories burned will increase slightly. To get a more tangible result, it is better to increase the training time.


Walking a few times a week has many benefits. Studies have shown that women who walked one to three hours a week were 30% less likely to develop coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction, compared with women who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Women who walked 3 hours a week were 35% less likely to develop heart disease. Walking for 5 or more hours a week reduces this risk by as much as 40%.

During race walking, the muscles of not only the lower, but also the upper half of the body are trained, especially the muscles of the back, shoulders and arms.

The risk of injury in race walking is minimal because here, unlike running, the foot does not hit the ground. According to some reports, when running, the load on the foot is three times the body weight, and when walking, this load is reduced by half. Maintaining good posture while walking also reduces the risk of back pain.

Walking for 20-60 minutes a day three or more times a week, as others aerobic training relieves stress and has a positive effect on psychological condition.

Other advantages: sports walking does not require large financial costs. You don't need partners or a team. All you need is a pair of comfortable running shoes and a place to practice (park, path, alley, treadmill or yard).


Slow walking is difficult to achieve the same heart rate and cardiovascular benefits as other types of aerobic exercise.

Where you live and work may not be a safe place to walk long distances. In the absence of a treadmill, bad weather can seriously affect the class schedule. Another problem stems from the fact that many people find race walking to be a boring, monotonous activity.

If you wear shoes with too thin, worn out soles, or your sneakers do not support the arch of the foot and dangle on the leg, foot pain can occur.

If you usually wear shoes with heels higher than 5 cm, you may experience heel pain when switching to running shoes.

Who can practice walking?

The main charm of sports walking is that any person who has not lost the ability to move can do it. Race walking is a great family activity.

Be sure to consult your doctor before starting exercise. A relative contraindication to sports walking is flat feet. With this pathology, body weight is not distributed correctly during walking, and this can lead to the development of plantar fasciitis and the appearance of pain in the foot.

Walking training

Many people learn to walk fast on their own by accelerating the pace of normal walking and swinging their arms more vigorously. If you would like to improve your technique, please consult an instructor or refer to specialized literature.

The technique of sports walking is not so simple. Here it is impossible, having pushed off, to fly through the air as a runner flies. The peculiarity of race walking is that the supporting leg remains straight from the moment it touches the ground in front of you until the moment you transfer the body through this point. Athletes also make strong swinging movements with their arms and rhythmically, in a peculiar manner, shake their torso and pelvis.

Important for athletic walking correct posture. The body is held straight, but without tension. The steps are uniform, the movement is carried out by the hips, which move in a horizontal plane with very little vertical moment.

Consult your doctor. This is especially important for patients with coronary heart disease, bronchial asthma, overweight, as well as for those who have not been involved in sports before.

Wear thick 100% cotton sports socks on your feet. They protect your feet well.

When exercising indoors, wear a tank top or T-shirt with comfortable shorts.

Pedometer. Use a pedometer to measure the distance travelled. However, be aware that this unit is fairly accurate when running on flat terrain, but may give erroneous readings when running on hills. This is due to the change in stride length.

Weighting agents. To increase the intensity of training and endurance training, use weights: for example, poles, like ski poles, which increase the load on the hands.

The use of sticks increases the heart rate from 68 to 78% of its maximum value, and also increases calorie consumption by 22% compared to running without sticks.

It would seem that we all go. We do this every day in the morning, afternoon, evening, and sometimes at night. Few more physical activity takes so much human time, which means, in theory, even a person far from sports is more or less prepared for such loads. So why don't you put it to the test? Choose one of the training options and try it out. But first, some theory:

1. You can go at a speed of even 8-10 km / h (and professionals accelerate up to 16 km / h). So what's the difference from running then? The difference is that when walking, no matter how fast it is, one of the feet is always in contact with the ground, that is, the flight phase characteristic of running is absent here.

2. Another difference from running is that walking is a more gentle form of exercise: it is more flexible in terms of speed and less demanding on the surface. So, running on asphalt is harmful to the joints, and walking in this case is not so traumatic.

3. If you link the number of steps to the athlete's speed, you get something like this: 60-70 steps per minute - 2.5-3 km / h; 70-90 - 3-4 km / h; 90-120 - 4-5.6 km / h; 120-140 -5.6-6.4 km / h.

4. The stride length in race walking is 100-115 cm, the frequency is up to 200 steps per minute.

5. 2/3 of the muscles of your body are involved in walking, and since you are actively working with your hands, the effect is comparable to ski training or swimming.

6. An hour of walking is approximately 440 kcal (the calculation is given for a person weighing 70 kg, moving at a speed of 9 km / h).

7. The best way increase the load in walking - choose a hilly area. The effect in this case will be more noticeable than the one that gives an increase in speed on a flat surface.

8. Another way to make training more effective is to use sticks: walking with them will require 22% more calories from you than running, since the athlete’s hands begin to work in addition to the legs.


To test your abilities, start with this workout, which is suitable for any type of terrain.

Warm up

  • Walk for 2 minutes at a calm pace, getting used to the technique and at the same time warming up before a more serious load.
  • Go to a speed that will be average for you, that is, not too easy, and far from your maximum. Follow this pace for 3 minutes, also following the technique and breathing.

Main part

  • Increase the speed even more, this time bringing it to a high speed. Walk for 1 minute at a set pace, trying not to slow down.
  • Go to a calm pace and stick to it for a minute.
  • In total, you need to alternate between high and calm walking speed for 13 minutes. The intervals of each rhythm throughout the workout should be 1 minute.


  • The end of the workout is minutes of walking at an easy pace. Try to get your breath back.


For this workout, you need a small hill or slope that you can walk to the top in 3-4 minutes, and a stopwatch.

Warm up

  • A 3 minute easy walk will set you up for the workout, but try to walk with active arm work to stretch your upper body muscles as well.

Main part

  • Choose a pace at which you can talk while walking, and at that speed climb to the top of the hill, timing the time spent on the ascent with a stopwatch.
  • At an easy pace, descend to the starting point and make another ascent, but this time try to reach the top point 2 seconds faster.
  • For the next 25 minutes, try to make each next hill climb 2 seconds faster than the previous one (but do not go running - this key requirement to any workout, the basis of which is walking).


  • Within 2 minutes of brisk walking flat surface restore your breath.


Choose the type of terrain for yourself: trained people can try this activity on a hill, beginners are better suited for flat terrain.

Warm up

  • Walk for 2 minutes at a pace that is comfortable for you.

Main part

  • Walk at an above-average speed for 4 minutes.
  • Move to lunges - 1 minute lunge to the right, dropping into a squat with each step.
  • Again return to normal walking at a pace from medium to fast (which one to choose - decide for yourself how you feel).
  • For the next minute, lunge to the left, similar to what you did to the right.
  • 2 minutes walk at an easy pace, and then 4 minutes - at a close to the maximum.
  • Another 1 minute walk with lunges. Be patient - the training will end soon.
  • You can do a few more alternations of squats and walks, or you can go to a hitch at this point. Listen to yourself.