Nikolai Sherstnev biography. The new head of the Vitebsk region Nikolai Sherstnev promised to make every effort to achieve high results

Fashion on healthy lifestyle life did not bypass the Belarusian officials. They bike to work, train at dawn, and ditch smoked meats in favor of porridge on the water. GO.TUT.BY talks about the most sports managers in Belarus.

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko

The head of state not only vehemently supports Belarusian athletes, but is also a universal athlete himself. He rollerblades, cross-country and skiing plays tennis, hockey, football, volleyball and basketball. Football, surprisingly, is Alexander Lukashenko's favorite team game. The president is still young. But somehow “at this breakneck speed, he fell on his left knee, twisted his leg and damaged the meniscus”.

Now there are three heads of state in the schedule hockey training a week for two and a half, or even three hours. Even on business trips, the president does not refuse physical education and devotes two hours a day to it. Support good shape Housework also helps: on his farm, Alexander Lukashenko mows the grass and chop wood at least two or three times a week.

Deputy Minister for Taxes and Duties Ella Selitskaya

In 2017, Ella Selitskaya became chairman Belarusian Federation swimming. She herself is a master of sports of the USSR, she studied at sports school, and now, on free evenings, he hurries straight from the ministerial office to swim in the pool of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University. For her physical exercise- this is primarily not physical education, but a good emotional discharge.

It is noteworthy that the head of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties, Sergei Nalivaiko, is also a professional swimmer. So in the Olympics for state bodies in swimming, the first places in relay races in recent years have traditionally been theirs.

Ella Selitskaya tries not to disturb her sleep schedule: she goes to bed no later than 23.00, and wakes up at 6.15. In a busy schedule, he finds time for cooking - bakes meat, cooks soups and borscht. But in the first place in the list of products that should be avoided, Ella Aleksandrovna confectionery:

- With age, I think that it's time to say goodbye to sweets and other sweets, but so far I can't be one hundred percent. Favorite sweetness remained from childhood: milk with a piece of loaf, buttered and poured with jam. The simplest dessert that my mother taught me to eat turned out to be the most delicious at the same time.

Governor of the Vitebsk region Nikolay Sherstnev

Due to the tight schedule, the 57-year-old governor does not have time to train either during the day or in the evening - he manages to carve out an hour for physical education only from five to six in the morning. Sherstnev's main projectile is weights. It is convenient to train with them at home - you can do without special conditions and equipment, says the head of the region.

In September, Nikolai Sherstnev lifted a 32-kilogram weight 61 times in a minute. He also owns the record of Belarus among 50-59-year-old athletes in bench press - 170 kilograms.

The Governor admits that children and grandchildren look up to him sports success:

- The son is engaged in barbell and kettlebells, the daughter is in fitness. The eldest granddaughter is twice the winner of the republican basketball competitions, the youngest is the winner international competitions in taekwondo.

According to Nikolai Sherstnev, one should not feel sorry for oneself in sports. “If you want to achieve something, you need to work fanatically”, the official said.

Governor of the Grodno region Vladimir Kravtsov

At 64, Vladimir Kravtsov does physical education every day. The priority is skiing, swimming and team sports. Governor "do not mind turning the pedals"- He rode a two-wheeled vehicle. In winter, Vladimir Vasilievich plunges into the hole and all year round tries to move as much as possible.

In nutrition, the governor of the Grodno region adheres to a simple principle - everything should be in moderation.

- I am modest in food: dinner is light, sometimes I can do without it. I drink about three liters of water a day, as our doctors advise, - Vladimir Kravtsov.

Mayor of Mogilev Vladimir Tsumarev

The 58-year-old chairman of the Mogilev City Executive Committee is a lover of walking on fresh air. For example, on World Car Free Day, Vladimir Mikhailovich cheerfully walked four and a half kilometers from home to work.

Previously, he regularly walked the Central Asian Shepherd Dog and rode a bicycle - “on some days I drove up to 30 kilometers”. A fitness bracelet, which the mayor himself jokingly called "toy".

Now Vladimir Tsumarev is something like this: on weekdays - walks along the central streets and at the same time check the elements of improvement of Mogilev, and on weekends - rest in a park or forest.

And the chairman of the city executive committee observes Great Lent. For 48 days, he does not eat a single gram of meat or dairy products, categorically does not drink alcohol and allows himself fish only twice per fast.

- Every time after the post I pass biochemical analysis blood. If there is usually an excess of cholesterol, then after fasting all indicators are normal, - Vladimir Tsumarev.

Mayor of Brest Alexander Rogachuk

The Chairman of the Brest City Executive Committee prefers walking, jogging and cycling. He even starred in the video for the song "Real Brest" - in a tracksuit. According to the scenario, the hero Alexander Rogachuk has a flat tire, and a sympathetic Brest resident comes to his aid.

Mayor of Grodno Mechislav Goi

Mechislav Goi chairs the Grodno city executive committee and the Supervisory Board of the football Neman. The 54-year-old official himself loves to kick the ball. Last autumn, the mayor's team on the Grodno field with pop and sports stars from Russia and Belarus.

Goy's squad included Grodno prosecutor Vladimir Klishin, the main ideologist of the region Alexander Versotsky, director of the center Olympic reserve Andrei Boisha, Neman coach Igor Kovalevich and veterans of Grodno sports. guest team replenished with such popular persons as Evgeny Bulka, Vlad Topalov and Alexander Gleb.

Mechislav Goy is in the center in a green T-shirt. Photo: Katerina Gordeeva, TUT.BY

On World Car Free Day, the mayor of the city conscientiously switches to a bicycle: “This is the work of all muscles, and a great mood for the whole day”, says the leader.

Head of the Grodno Regional Department of Sports and Tourism Oleg Andreichik

Oleg Andreichik traditionally participates in long races with his wife Natalia. For example, the couple annually starts in the cross-border Friendship Marathon Grodno-Druskininkai and the Warsaw Marathon. For several years in a row, Oleg and Natalya not only started the race together, but also finished holding hands. And later to the sport of his son, who had already conquered the half-marathon distance in Bialystok.

Oleg Andreichik is engaged in physical education responsibly and systematically. “For me, the main thing is not to be a“ bag ””, - the head of the Grodno regional department of sports and tourism is frank. Five times a week he runs, sometimes even at 10 pm. On average, Oleg Andreychik covers 10-12 kilometers per workout.

1. His father is a Hero of Socialist Labor

A native of the Orsha region Nikolai Efremovich Sherstnev was awarded a high title in 1973 for high achievements in potato growing.

The father of the future head of the region was twice elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the BSSR, was a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, a delegate to the Congress of the CPSU. For high achievements in production he received a tractor and a car. Passed away over ten years ago.

His son Nikolai, a zoo engineer by education, headed various enterprises until in 2014 he was appointed head of the country as chairman of the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee.

Chairman of the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee Nikolay Sherstnev. Photo by Svetlana Vasilyeva

2. Sherstnev cares about everything

The head of the Vitebsk region is in many ways similar to Alexander Lukashenko. Intervenes in the affairs of the lowest level. In August, the newspaper "Vesnik Glybochchyny" wrote:

« (On the field) Nikolai Nikolaevich devoted a lot of time to the work of trailed units, in particular the Amazon seed drill and the cultivator of the same company. It can be said that he found out whether this unit was correctly adjusted to the depth of tillage, gave practical advice to the tractor driver and his trainee».

Sherstnev, like Lukashenka, inspects the fields from a helicopter. Photo:

3. Heckles lower-level officials

After one of the straight lines, Sherstnev stated:

“Once again I was convinced that nothing is being done on the ground. Problems are not solved, citizens are not explained why such decisions are made. Ignorance and rudeness... The chairmen of the councils should be aware of all the problems of the population, they should communicate closely with citizens, and if there are acute questions, they should look for answers, make efforts and solve the problem. But this is not. What they are doing is not clear.”

4. Breaks sports records

Nikolai Sherstnev regularly participates in bench press and kettlebell lifting competitions. And he breaks records at his age (again, parallels with Lukashenka suggest themselves). In May of this year, the 57-year-old governor at the tournament " Slavic cup"set new records in Europe and Belarus, lifting a barbell weighing 172 kg.

“I wake up at five in the morning and train. Daily - from five to six in the morning,- Sherstnev told Komsomolskaya Pravda about classes at home.

Photo by Svetlana Vasilyeva

5. Received a reprimand for non-payment of salaries

In May, Lukashenka issued a reprimand to the chairmen of the Vitebsk and Mogilev regional executive committees for failing to comply with the instructions on the timely payment of salaries. May 1st at Vitebsk region there were 80 (most) organizations that owed their employees on wages. And recently, the Ministry of Labor named problem regions where enterprises most often pay wages below the minimum. Vitebsk region was also among them.

Received a severe reprimand for an "ugly" attitude to the task assigned

During the dressing down at a meeting in Vorsha, Lukashenka also criticized the head of the Vitebsk region, which includes the region. «

A stern reprimand to Sherstnev - for an ugly, irresponsible attitude to the task assigned, ”- the head of the country said about the failure to fulfill his instructions for the development of the Orsha region.

A remark and a severe reprimand from the president in just six months look very threatening for the governor's career. It is important to remember that Sherstnev is also responsible for the linen industry, for which the current year, in his opinion, should have been a turning point. But so far everything looks like the head of the Vitebsk region will face another serious portion of criticism from Lukashenka.

Chairman of the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee Nikolai Sherstnev and Deputy Prime Minister Vasily Zharkovozle of St. Sophia Cathedral in Polotsk. Photo by Vladimir Borkov

6. I wanted to raise wages in agriculture and give tractor drivers a deferment from the army

On our own behalf, we would like to add that it was Nikolai Sherstnev who, in March of this year, stated the fact that the animal husbandry of the Vitebsk region is experiencing an acute shortage of qualified, highly professional personnel. One of the main reasons for this situation is the inconsistency of working conditions with its results and wages, therefore, the region intends to fundamentally change approaches to calculating wages in animal husbandry: they will significantly increase it and get rid of equalization (wage will directly depend on the results of work).

In the same March, Sherstnev noted that at the enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of the region there is now a noticeable shortage of qualified personnel. Every year, graduates of specialized colleges are distributed to the village, but, as a rule, guys are drafted into the army immediately after graduation. After completing their service, young people do not return to the agricultural sector.

Photo by Svetlana Vasilyeva

7. Became a nominee for the presidential award for his contribution to the culture of Belarus

Interestingly, at the very beginning of 2016, Nikolai Sherstnev became a laureate in the nomination "For the constant support of national culture."

There were eleven nominees in total. It was noted that in general in 2015 patrons invested 50 billion rubles in Belarusian culture. This contributed to the high level the festivals "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk", "Listapad", the international Christmas Opera Forum and other art events were held. Unfortunately, the contribution of each nominee of the award was not announced.

At the eighth extraordinary session of the regional Council of Deputies of the 27th convocation, the people's deputies unanimously approved the candidacy of Nikolai Sherstnev, who was appointed by the President of Belarus on December 27 to the post of chairman of the regional executive committee. On the same day Alexander Lukashenko appointed Alexander Kosints the head of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Belarus.

Nikolay Sherstnev is from the Orsha region. In 1983 he graduated from the zooengineering faculty of the Vitebsk Veterinary Institute. After serving in the Armed Forces, he returned to his small homeland. From 1984 to 2002, he went from deputy chairman for fodder production of the Leninsky Put collective farm in the Orsha district to first deputy chairman - head of the agriculture and food department of the Minsk regional executive committee. Then Nikolai Nikolayevich successfully applied his knowledge and experience in the poultry industry, achieving high results in this field. He headed the republican association "Belpticeprom", held the position of general director of OJSC "1st Minsk Poultry Farm". Since September 2014, he has been an assistant to the President of the Republic of Belarus - the chief inspector for the Vitebsk region.

Head of the Presidential Administration Oleksandr Kosinets, introducing the new governor, noted that the most important thing is taking care of people. There should be no bureaucracy. Any person should be treated as one's relative, then there will be a tangible effect in the work of the authorities. Alexander Nikolaevich drew attention to the fact that 2015 will be a difficult year, so the regional asset needs to concentrate its efforts and ensure the dynamic development of the economy, having fully met all the forecast indicators. At the same time, according to the head of the Presidential Administration, next year they will have to work in an enhanced mode, since a very high base has been created in the region following the results of 2014. Gross regional product, index of physical volume, innovative products, wholesale trade, social sphere - these are the areas of activity in which the Vitebsk region occupies a leading position in the republic.

- I ask you to keep the gained positions and increase, - Alexander Kosinets called on those present. – To work for the prosperity of the Dvina region and the country. To be better today than yesterday, and better tomorrow than today.

- Together, as a single team, we did everything possible and even impossible in the conditions of a severe economic crisis. And we survived. When there is unity, there are no contradictions, the goal is clearly visible, the tasks for implementation are outlined - there is no such force that could defeat such a team. The cadres of the Vitebsk region are very strong, significant and enjoy authority, - the head of the Presidential Administration emphasized and added that he would continue to provide the Vitebsk region with maximum support. He also thanked the deputies for supporting the new governor.

- The position of the chairman of the regional executive committee is regarded by me as a great confidence of the President, - Nikolai Sherstnev emphasized in his speech. – I am aware of how high the responsibility and demand for the state of affairs in the Vitebsk region are.

Nikolai Nikolayevich noted that in difficult conditions it will be necessary to consistently build work in such a way as to prevent negative phenomena, but, on the contrary, dynamically develop the region's economy. The chairman of the regional executive committee is going to study the situation in all sectors as soon as possible, visit those areas where he did not have time to visit in the position of assistant to the President - chief inspector for the Vitebsk region. And based on this, develop an action plan that will most quickly give a return.

“I would like to thank Alexander Kosinets for all the good and kind things he has done for the region,” said Nikolai Sherstnev. - I will make every effort, knowledge and experience to give even more dynamic development to those positive trends and have the maximum result.

Words of gratitude to the former leader of the Vitebsk region were also expressed by the chairman of the regional Council of Deputies Alexander Atyasov, who presented the ex-governor with the Honorary Diploma of the regional council and noted that Alexander Nikolayevich gave everyone present a master class on how to work.

Photo by Anton Stepanishchev

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Sherstnev Nikolai Efremovich - tractor driver of the collective farm named after Kuibyshev, Orsha district, Vitebsk region, Byelorussian SSR.

Born on August 12, 1930 in the village of Priguzki, Brazdechinsky Village Council, Orsha District, Byelorussian SSR, now part of the Borzdovsky Village Council, Orsha District, Vitebsk Region, Belarus. From a peasant family of Efrem Timofeevich and Maria Nikitovna Sherstnev. Belarusian.

Early left without a father, a participant in the Soviet-Finnish war, who died on February 26, 1940 during the breakthrough of the Mannerheim line in the north of the Karelian Isthmus. To the beginning of the Great Patriotic War graduated from the 4th grade of the local school. During the war years, as a child, he survived the Nazi occupation (1941-1944). Mother Maria Nikitovna put a lot of effort, not only physical, but also moral, in order to raise her only son alone in a harsh time. Already at the age of 12, Nikolai began working in the parental household, replacing his father. He went for a plow, mowed, performed, like an adult, all the male work.

After the liberation of the region in the summer of 1944, he took part in the restoration of the local collective farm Chirvonye Priguzki (in 1950 it was attached to the Kuibyshev collective farm with a center in the village of Borzdovka of Brazdechinsky, then Borzdovsky village council), destroyed during the occupation. Later he worked as an ordinary collective farmer on the farm. First went to general work: sowed in spring, mowed in summer, stinged in autumn, dug peat in the swamp in winter. He showed the ability and great attraction to agricultural machinery, having learned the basics of the tractor business from an elderly tractor driver. At the age of 17, he decided to enroll in a one-year course for tractor drivers at the regional machine and tractor station (MTS). Having successfully completed training and received the specialty of a tractor driver, he returned to his native economy and continued to work in it as a trailer. Soon, the guy was entrusted with the management of the SKHTZ-NATI caterpillar tractor, a modern machine for that time. On this tractor, he quickly and perfectly mastered his specialty - he plowed and sowed, harvested and exported fertilizers.

In 1950-1953 he served in the ranks of Soviet army, where he acquired another specialty - a car driver. After being transferred to the reserve, he returned to the Vitebsk region, got a job as a driver in the regional center of the city of Orsha. He worked in the new specialty for only two days and realized that his calling was to be a grain grower, to work on the land, as his ancestors did. Returning to his native village, he continued to work as a tractor driver on the enlarged collective farm named after Kuibyshev.

He loved his work with all his heart. From year to year he improved his skills in the tractor business, successfully mastered the auto business and combining, became a machine operator of the first qualification. In the spring he delivered fertilizers to the fields, plowed and sowed. With the beginning of summer harrowed and hilled. If required, he sat behind the wheel of a truck. When harvest time came, he switched to a combine, harvested rye, barley, and wheat. After the harvest, he switched to digging potatoes, then sowed winter crops, raised plowing on a tractor. IN winter period worked as a fitter on a livestock farm, harvested compost from peat and manure. Over many years of work, he has established himself as a good specialist, he performed any work conscientiously, efficiently and with love. In 1962 he joined the CPSU.

With the end of the seventh five-year plan (extended: 1959-1965), at one of the collective farm meetings, there was talk about the high cost of cultivated potatoes - it came out at 5 rubles per centner of tubers. Hence the high cost of meat and milk. The collective farm board found a way out of the problematic situation by introducing comprehensive mechanization in the cultivation of "second bread" - this is how the potato, the second most important agricultural crop, is called in Belarus. Four specialized mechanized units were created on the farm. The most experienced machine operators, including Sherstnev, were appointed as links. Diligence, perseverance in achieving what was conceived more than once helped him out in life, especially when he, along with his peer and fellow villager Nikolai Kozlov, was entrusted with potato lands.

Zvenevoy was responsible for the entire cycle of work - from soil preparation, planting tubers to harvesting. At first, 35 hectares of land were assigned to Sherstnev's potato-growing unit. When later, in the 1970s, the number of such units was reduced to two, it began to cultivate a 100-hectare plot. The demand for discipline and quality of work in Sherstnev's link was strict and demanding, he personally monitored the laying of seed material in piles, demanded a diligent approach to any little thing. He actively engaged in self-education, studied special literature, collaborated with the agronomic service of the collective farm. He started with the elementary rules of agricultural technology, then - from step to step - he rose to the development of scientific developments and recommendations, to the experience of advanced potato growers of the region and the republic. Over time, he received a secondary education. In the 1970s, as part of a delegation of Soviet collective farmers, he paid a friendship visit to the German Democratic Republic. He told his German friends about his own experience of growing potatoes, willingly shared advanced methods, and at the same time got acquainted with local high-yielding varieties of potatoes.

I set myself the goal of achieving high results in the difficult soil and climatic conditions of the north of Belarus. To do this, he had to disappear day and night at work, completely devoting himself to the work of the farmer. All care for the household lay on the shoulders of Nina Pakhomovna's wife, who became a reliable support for her husband. She cultivated 50 acres of land alone, and when the children grew up, they began to help their parents run a large farm.

In the very first year of work as a linkman, Nikolai Efremovich came to significant success. In 1967, the spring turned out to be early, there was still water on the plots prepared since autumn, and the team leader obtained permission from the agronomist to deliver composts over them. In order to prevent the tractor from getting bogged down on impassable land, the leader let it run along the furrows, and this made it possible to bring in a sufficient amount of fertilizer - up to 50 tons per hectare - and start planting tubers at the optimum time. Before planting, he drove out into the field, harrowed it across, leveled it, then adjusted the planter, tried it out. In just a week, the link planted tubers in well-groomed land. Smooth ridges made it possible to loosen the row spacing even before germination, so that more heat and air would enter the furrows. Then the Sherstnyovites harrowed and hummed the field twice. Potatoes quickly and amicably went to growth. In autumn, a rich harvest was obtained - 213 centners of tubers per hectare. The cost of each centner was 2 rubles 43 kopecks.

Strict adherence to the rules of agricultural technology, high-performance use of machines and a clear organization of labor quickly brought N. E. Sherstnev to the number of advanced potato growers in the Orsha district and Vitebsk region. Nikolai Efremovich was the first to start growing potatoes of the latest varieties "Temp", "Loshitsky", "Ogenchik". He was the first to propose and apply the planting of tubers according to new technology. In autumn, the lupine field was plowed, and in the spring potash-phosphorus fertilizers were applied to the soil. The combined use of lupine mass - "green nitrogen", as Nikolai Efremovich called it - and organics made it possible to significantly increase the yield of potato fields. IN Last year the eighth five-year plan (1966-1970), its link has already collected 277 centners of potatoes per hectare. The cost of each centner was 2 rubles 20 kopecks. For the successes achieved in the development of agricultural production and the implementation of the five-year plan for the sale of agricultural and livestock products to the state, he was awarded the Order of Lenin in 1971.

Not stopping there, the advanced potato grower from year to year increased the yields of "second bread" during the ninth five-year plan (1971-1975). In the third, decisive year of the five-year plan, he made an increased commitment to collect 300 centners of tubers per hectare. Sherstnevtsy prepared for the sowing season all winter, they took out peat-dung compost to the fields in the conditions of a shortage of potash-phosphorus fertilizers. In the spring, the team leader successfully and in the most optimal time carried out the sowing campaign in the entrusted area. Up to 50,000 tubers were planted per hectare, which was supposed to guarantee a high yield. Then the link timely harrowed the fields up and down, doubled up the friendly and dense seedlings on even ridges. In August, when potatoes were still ripening, Sherstnev and his subordinates took an active part in grain harvesting, achieving excellent results. At the end of the harvest, they began to prepare for work in the potato fields. "Second bread" pleased in 1973 with an unprecedented harvest - 346 centners of tubers per hectare. The cost of each centner was only 2 rubles. The commitment of the decisive year of the five-year plan was far exceeded.

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of December 12, 1973 for the great successes achieved in the All-Union socialist competition, and the labor prowess shown in fulfilling the obligations assumed to increase the production and sale of grain, potatoes, sugar beets and other agricultural products to the state in 1973 Sherstnev Nikolai Efremovich He was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal.

Behind progress made in the struggle for the early implementation of the national economic plan of 1973 and active participation in social and political work, the name of N. E. Sherstnev was entered on the regional Board of Honor.

In response to the high award, Nikolai Efremovich accepted an increased obligation for the fourth year of the five-year plan to collect at least 370 centners of potatoes per hectare and successfully fulfilled it. Diligence, perseverance in achieving what was conceived more than once helped him out in life, especially when the collective farm administration entrusted the leader, together with his peer Nikolai Kozlov, with enlarged, hundred-hectare plots. It was between them in the 1970s that a competition for top scores at work. But the winner was invariably Sherstnev, who from childhood knew the price of hard peasant labor, eventually becoming a real master in his native land. He was one of the first on the farm to be awarded the title of "Drummer of Communist Labor". He took part in the Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy (VDNKh) of the USSR several times, and was awarded medals and diplomas by the Main Exhibition Committee. For the rational and highly efficient use of technology, he was awarded the Moskvich-412 passenger car.

Willingly and with interest, the advanced machine operator was engaged in mentoring, many students successfully worked under his supervision. So, the updated link, which included Mikhail Achkovsky, Vasily Ivanov, Leonid Potemkin, brothers Vasily and Mikhail Kaplun, took on the final year of the ninth five-year plan to collect 300 centners of potatoes from each hectare. In difficult weather and climatic conditions in 1975, it managed to get an average of more than 330 centners. With only two combines, the Sherstnyovites dug up almost one thousand centners from more than three hectares of the Temp variety. An even higher yield - 396 centners per hectare - was obtained on the site where Ogenchik potatoes were grown. These were the best indicators in the economy and the region. Then, on the Kuibyshev collective farm (now defunct), a school of excellence was created under the leadership of N. E. Sherstnev. People from all over the Orsha region came here for the experience, which made the potato fields of the region more and more generous.

During the tenth five-year plan (1976-1980), Nikolai Efremovich continued to show examples of selfless labor at the harvest of the "second bread", despite the most difficult weather and climatic conditions of individual years. In 1977, the crew of the potato harvester, consisting of combine operator P. I. Vashchekin and tractor driver N. E. Sherstnev, celebrated a new labor victory, on which he was congratulated by the leadership of the region.

From a congratulatory letter signed by the first secretary of the regional committee of the Communist Party of Belarus S. M. Shabashov and the first deputy of the Vitebsk regional executive committee V. I. Metelitsa: “The regional committee of the Communist Party of Belarus, the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies warmly and cordially congratulate you on a great labor victory in the potato harvest.

In difficult weather conditions this autumn, you were the first in the Vitebsk region to dig up more than a thousand tons of potatoes and ahead of schedule fulfilled the increased socialist obligation that you took in honor of the 60th anniversary of the Great October Revolution. Your success is a convincing example worthy of wide imitation, an example of a communist attitude to work and assigned work, the result of high professional skills, personal ingenuity, and the ability to apply the most effective methods high-performance use of technology.

In the anniversary year, the link, which was headed by Sherstnev, successfully digged potatoes on the entire 85-hectare area and collected more than 200 centners on average from each hectare. At the end of the year, the leader was delegated to the Republican meeting of advanced potato growers. In the unfavorable year 1979, he again confirmed the high rank of shock worker of communist labor. Having carried out the planting of tubers in the best possible time, he managed to prevent crop loss in conditions when there was a drought for two summer months, and applied hilling of crops to a shallow depth. Paired with harvester Alexander Shmakov, he harvested 1,146 tons of potatoes from a 40-hectare plot in the fall. The daily output on the KKU-2 combine was increased to 109 tons. Each hectare gave 287 centners of tubers.

N. E. Sherstnev worked intermittently at the head of the link for 15 years, was actively engaged in socio-political work, therefore he switched to work as a tractor driver and foreman on a collective farm. He also showed himself as an inventor and rationalizer of production. Among other things, he invented a hydraulic device for lifting shares and a small safety shield on the conveyor belt. Only these two rationalization proposals allowed the economy to save 2,500 rubles in 1979.

Daughter Lyudmila and son Nikolai followed in the footsteps of their father, who became engineers in agricultural production.

He was elected a member of the Vitebsk Regional Committee and the Orsha District Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus, a deputy of the Vitebsk Regional Council of Workers' Deputies (since 1977 - people's deputies), a member of the Central Election Commission for elections to the Supreme Soviet of the BSSR of the 10th convocation (1975-1980). Long years was a member of the bureau of the primary party organization of the collective farm. He was elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 10th convocation (1979-1984): member of the Standing Commission on Industry of the Council of the Union. Delegate of the XXV Congress of the CPSU (1976). Participant of the parade dedicated to the sixtieth anniversary of the Byelorussian SSR and the Communist Party of Belarus.

In 1987, for health reasons, he retired. He lived in his native village of Priguzki of Brazdechinsky (since 1982 - Borzdovsky) village council of the Orsha district. Died February 13, 2004.

He was awarded 2 orders of Lenin (04/08/1971; 12/12/1973), medals, including two silver and one bronze medal of VDNKh of the USSR.

In 2013, a memorial plaque to N. E. Sherstnev was installed on the administration building of the Borzdovsky Village Council.

Son, Nikolai Nikolaevich Sherstnev (born 1960), - Assistant to the President of the Republic of Belarus - Chief Inspector for the Vitebsk Region since September 2014, Chairman of the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee since December 2014; master of Sport international class By kettlebell lifting (2017).

Biography provided by local historians Konstantin Gaidukov and Boris Matveev (Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus).

Remove everything that is grown (author - N. E. Sherstnev, translation from the Belarusian language)

The leadership in the socialist competition among potato growers of the Orsha region is confidently held by the mechanized unit, which is headed by the Hero of Socialist Labor, delegate of the XXV Congress of the CPSU, deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Nikolai Efremovich Sherstnev. As of September 20, the crew led by N. E. Sherstnev dug up 1000 tons of potatoes. The selfless work of a noble potato grower allows the Kuibyshev collective farm to annually receive high yields of "second bread" at a low cost of production. N. E. Sherstnev leads the district school of excellence.

The wedge behind the village of Priguzki is wide and even. Here our unit grew potatoes. Now the cleaning is in full swing. As you drive to one end of the field, the other is barely visible. The tractor rolls for a long time, and it is not necessary to deploy it very often. And this saves a lot of time. Today, when all rural workers are imbued with concern for the speedy completion of all agricultural work, every saved minute is highly valued. She is, as they say, worth her weight in gold.

We, machine operators, are very well aware of this and strive with maximum load use the equipment entrusted to us, harvest the potatoes quickly and without loss. By the way, my team grew it on 40 hectares. Harvest throughout the area was a success. From each hectare we collect 300 and more centners. When we finish plowing the potato field, another 25 centners will be added.

The KKU-2 combine was put into operation with the driver Alexander Shmakov on September 4th. On that day, 26 tons were dug up, on the next - 63, 74, 92, 106 tons. September 11 was a record for us - 110 tons of tubers. During the day, the crew cleans up to three hectares at a rate of 1.25 hectares.

What makes it possible to achieve high output? One word cannot answer this question. But the main thing, in my opinion, is that we condense working time as much as possible, we try to use every minute with the greatest benefit. Our working day begins early, at six o'clock, with the inspection and adjustment of the combine and tractor. We check and lubricate components and assemblies, make their adjustment taking into account the weather and field conditions. This largely prevents downtime of the unit for technical reasons, increases the guarantee of uninterrupted operation. But, of course, various surprises are not ruled out. Some metal object can get on the conveyor - breakage is almost inevitable. A puncture of the lump crusher is also not such a rare injury. In order to prevent all this, high care and accuracy in the work of the tractor driver and the combine driver is required. Well, a simple one happened - do not hesitate, quickly eliminate the breakdown and get back to work. This is exactly what we always do. Not worth it, a well-known case, aside and our technical service. Engineer Valery Chushkin, gas and electric welder Vladimir Firsin, mechanic Pavel Komissarov are ready to help at any time.

I cannot but express my satisfaction with the work of the driver Alexander Shmakov, who is honestly assigned to the duty entrusted to him. He skillfully regulates the working bodies of the combine, depending on the depth of the furrows, the density of the soil, etc. Our young assistants are also trying - students of Orsha GPTU-140 Alexander Sukhovarov, Arkady Sidorov, Sergey Solovey.

We usually finish work in the field by the headlights.

The achievement of high productivity of the unit is also facilitated by the diligent work of tractor drivers Nikolai Shutov and Alexander Khaikov, who are busy transporting tubers from the combine to the sorting station. They, like us, are deeply interested in reducing the time for harvesting the “second bread”, and carrying it out with high quality. The tractors with trailers they drive know no downtime. I cannot but say words of praise to the potato carriers and for the fact that they have learned to precisely coordinate their actions with ours, that is, to load the trailers along the path of the combine. Thanks to this, downtime of KKU-2 was reduced during the day by several hours. Thus, the reserve of time that we cherish so much becomes even greater.

Our well-coordinated work is largely ensured by the fact that we took care of the harvesting of potato tops ahead of time. And this greatly speeds up the advancement of the combine across the field.

Taking a high pace of work from the first days, our crew quickly approached the thousandth milestone. There is firm confidence that we will bring the gross potato harvest to at least 1,500 tons. Yes, and the neighbors, I think, will be in time to help. True, they also do not want to lag behind and, as they say, are stepping on our heels. And in terms of the pace of work, and especially in the collection of tubers per hectare. I mean the link of Nikolai Kozlov and Vladimir Novikov. But the championship, I hope, our crew will not yield to anyone.

The law of our management on earth is not only a high yield of products, but also a reduction in labor, material and monetary costs for its production. We have already reduced the cost of one centner of tubers to 3 rubles 60 kopecks, and labor costs - to 2 man-hours. I think that this year these indicators will be even better. There are grounds for such confidence.

There are no special secrets, as we see, in our work. The success of the business is ensured by the progressive technology that we use in the cultivation and harvesting of "second bread". It makes it possible to ensure high technological and organizational coherence in work, to constantly maintain labor intensity in the competition.

In conclusion, I would like to say the following. Now we, the farmers, are summing up the results of our work throughout the year. Naturally, all of us will need the utmost effort, the full use of reserves and opportunities so that everything that is grown in difficult conditions of hot weather is quickly harvested. Meanwhile, a significant part of the crop is still in the fields. In no case should it be allowed to be even partially lost. Every tuber, every handful of straw, every cop of straw must be removed, put in order. Because the winter will strictly ask for dishonesty and mismanagement.

Our grain-growing conscience does not allow us to work carelessly, does not allow us to lose what our hard work has been invested in and what is our greatest pride and joy - the wealth of endless and generous fields.

VITEBSK, May 12 - Sputnik. The International Press Combined Tournament "Slavic Cup", which is now taking place in Vitebsk, has gathered more than 150 participants from Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.

One of the most striking performances of the first stream of athletes was the bench press by the governor of the Vitebsk region. With a weight of 99 kilograms, he lifted 172 kilograms in a one-rep maximum. In the second exercise of the press biathlon - the press of a barbell of its own weight for the maximum number of times, Nikolai Sherstnev did 25 lifts of a 100-kilogram projectile.

© Sputnik / Pavel Vur

Thus, he broke the records of Europe and Belarus, which he himself had set before.

“In the first exercise, I used only two out of three possible attempts, since there was no point in wasting energy on the third one. Look, in the first approach I set a new European record for a one-time maxim, and in the second I broke it myself. Therefore, I decided not to continue , and leave strength for the second exercise," Sherstnev said after the competition.

In order to set the total European record, in the second exercise, the governor had to squeeze out the barbell of his own weight 23 times, and he did 25 lifts. Then I decided to stop and not waste my energy in vain.

© Sputnik / Pavel Vur

Nikolai Sherstnev is the master of sports of Russia in power biathlon. According to the organizers of the tournament, the governor of the region participates in all competitions in this sport that take place in Vitebsk. In addition, Sherstnev is a strong kettlebell lifter, in 2017 he participated in the III international olympiad in the kettlebell triathlon, in which the Belarusians took first place, and the governor lifted a 32-kilogram weight 61 times in one minute.

“I always set some kind of goal for myself, move towards it, and when I reach it, I raise the bar higher and move on. But this requires patience and consistency. And I have such an approach not only to sports, but also to work, yes and to all life," Sherstnev added.

According to the governor, it is necessary to create conditions for young people to go in for sports. Now a lot of sites are being built in the region with workout machines and gyms, this is done in order to remove children from the street.

"The guys come to the gym under the supervision of a coach. There, playing sports, they develop the character traits that are necessary in life, this is dedication, patience, and fortitude," the governor said.

© Sputnik / Pavel Vur

Now much is being done to "infect" youth with sports, but older people remain "overboard". According to the governor, this is a global problem, since the competitions are mainly designed for young athletes and professionals, while the older generation "drops out". For example, press biathlon is good because it has developed a regulatory framework for amateur athletes, which means that a person at any age can pass the category, the main thing is the desire to work on himself.