All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren on the history of Russia. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the history of Russia Olympiad for schoolchildren in the history of the school stage

All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren in history is conducted for students in grades 5-11. The competition consists of four stages: school, municipal, regional and final...

Everyone can participate in the first stage. They are asked to answer test questions, as well as restore the order of events in the chronology, fill in the gaps in the text with the necessary terms. Basically, the tasks of the Olympiad relate to the history of Russia, but there are also a few for knowledge of world history. For participants in grades 9-11, a historical essay is also provided.

At the municipal stage, students of grades 7-11 who have scored a set number of points can perform. Tasks are similar in form to the school stage of the Olympiad.

The regional stage is held for grades 9-11, it takes place in two rounds. At the first stage, participants are offered theoretical tasks. The second consists of two parts: a historical essay and a research project. To complete the project, the guys need to study the provided historical document and write a paper based on it.

Schoolchildren of grades 9-11 take part in the final, and for tenth and eleventh graders the tasks are the same. The competition is held in three rounds. At the first stage, the guys need to write a historical essay and research project. On the second - to complete tasks on the theory. Some questions are usually related to the region where the Olympiad is held. The third round is oral: participants present short reports on one of the proposed topics and answer questions from their rivals.

The winners and prize-winners of the final are entitled to benefits for admission to specialized faculties of Russian universities.

What's new

How to participate

  1. Ask your history teacher or class teacher how you can take part in the Olympiad.
  2. Come on school stage.
  3. Wait for the results and passing points for the next stage.
  4. Ask the school for organizational information about the municipal stage.
  5. Participate in the second stage.
  6. Wait for the results, compare your work with the evaluation criteria, ask questions to the jury members.
  7. Watch for the appearance of passing points for the regional stage.
  8. If you have scored enough points, find out the information about the venue regional stage at school or contact the person in charge of the Olympiad in your region.
  9. Solve the tasks of the regional stage, wait for the results.
  10. Review your work and check the criteria. If you think it is necessary - appeal.
  11. After that, the Ministry of Education of Russia will publish the passing scores for the final stage and the regional organizer will contact you.
  12. Come to the final.

What's Special

Personal Participant independently performs tasks

Full-time To participate, you need to come to a pre-known venue

Rules of the game General provisions are spelled out in the Olympiad Procedure, which is approved by the Russian Ministry of Education

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History Olympiad Grade 9.docx


school stage

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

in history for grade 9

2016-2017 academic year

Time to complete the work: 120 min. Total 92 points

1. Test tasks. 11 points

1. What historical character did V.O. Klyuchevsky? “Here in the north, it seems, the prince was born ... in 1111. He was a real northern prince, a true Suzdal-Zaleshan in his habits and concepts, in his political education. His father gave him control of Vladimir on Klyazma, a small, recently emerged Suzdal suburb, and there ... he reigned for thirty years of his life without visiting Kiev.

1) Andrei Bogolyubsky 2) Vladimir Monomakh 3) Vsevolod the Big Nest 4) Yuri Dolgoruky

2. In what year did the event described below take place? “And Vladimir began to reign in Kiev alone, and set up idols on a hill outside the tower courtyard: a wooden Perun with a silver head and a golden mustache, and Khors, Dazhbog, and Stribog, and Simargl, and Mokosh. And they sacrificed to them, calling them gods, and brought their sons and daughters, and sacrificed to demons, and defiled the earth with sacrifices.

1) 972 2) 980 3) 988 4) 1015

3. In what century was Kievan Rus formed?

1) V century. 2) IX century. 3) XII century. 4) XV century.

4. Who was at the head of the Russian troops that won on the ice of Lake Peipus in 1242?

1) Dmitry Donskoy 2) Svyatoslav Igorevich 3) Ivan Kalita 4) Alexander Nevsky

5. What was the name of a detour by a prince with a squad of subject lands in order to collect tribute in the Old Russian state?

1) dues 2) polyudye 3) exit 4) yasak

6. Read an excerpt from D.S. Likhachev and indicate which ruler in question.

“During his reign (he) expanded the borders of the Russian state three and a half times. He annexed Novgorod (1478) and Tver (1485) to Moscow ... Finally, after the famous "standing" of two troops on the Ugra, without a battle, thanks to the far-sightedness and perseverance of his policy, he "overstayed" Khan Akhmat, ... thus breaking the last remnants of the dependence of the Russian principalities on the Horde.

    Dmitry Donskoy 2) Ivan 3 3) Ivan 4 5) Boris Godunov

7. As a result of the reform of 1861 in Russia, there were (a)

1) serfdom was abolished 2) the temporarily obligated position of peasants was abolished 3) landownership was liquidated 4) the peasant community was destroyed

1) the establishment of the State Duma 2) the establishment of a republic with a unicameral parliament 3) the creation of a federation of provinces and national territories 4) the convening of the Zemsky Sobor and the transition to a limited monarchy

9. P. A. Stolypin counted the headsmajor obstacle to the development of agriculturefarms in Russia:

1) stratification of the peasantry2) preservation of the peasant community3) preservation of landownership4) the inclusion of peasants in the marketnia

10. Read an excerpt from the memoirs of A.I. Herzen and write the name of the emperor during whose reign the changes in question took place. 2 points.

“In place of the ministries, offices are being established ..., let’s add to this the chief of the gendarmes, Benckendorff, who has the power to cancel court decisions and intervene ... in political crimes ... Benckendorff was the head of the Third Department of His Majesty’s Chancellery.”


2. A) Establish a correspondence between the names of the generals and the names of the wars in which they became famous. 2 points


1) P.I. Bagration A) Crimean War 1853-1856.

2) M.D. Skobelev B) Russian-Turkish war 1877-1878.

3) V.A. Kornilov V) Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774.

4) A.A. Brusilov D) First World War 1914-1918

D) Patriotic War of 1812

B) Establish a correspondence between the names of cultural figures and their works. 2 points

A. Ivanov A. 1) "Horsewoman"

B. Bryullov K. 2) “Khovanshchina

C) Glinka M. 3) "Life for the Tsar"

D) Fedotov 4) “The appearance of Christ to the people

5) "Fresh cavalier"

3 . Arrange the events in chronological order: 2 points

a) Decree "on free cultivators"

b) accession of Finland to Russia

c) war with France

d) death of Alexander 1

e) Establishment of ministries

f) signing of the Gulistan peace treaty with Iran

4 . Arrange the ministers of internal affairs of the Russian Empire in chronological order of their positions: 2 points

A) M.T. Loris-Melikov B) V.P. Kochubey V) V.K. Plehve D) P.A. Valuev D) P.A. Stolypin E) A.G. Bulygin

5. Determine the personality: Who did the Russian historian V. O. Klyuchevsky write about : 6 points.

"... The most unpleasant of all that the Empress Elizabeth-_____________ left behind." He “on the Russian throne became a loyal Prussian minister. Before the indignant sense of national dignity, the hated specter of the second Bironovshchina again rose up ... The murmur imperceptibly developed into a military conspiracy, and the conspiracy led to a military coup.Answer:

“Moderate height, neither too tall nor too short, with bushy eyebrows and light blue eyes, snub-nosed, beardless, with thick, excessively long hair above the upper lip. His head was completely naked, but on one side a tuft of hair hung down - a sign of the nobility of the family, a strong nape and a wide chest ... His clothes were white and differed from the clothes of those close only in cleanliness ... he sat on the oars and rowed along with the close, - this is how the Byzantine historian of the 10th century, Leo the Deacon, described the appearance of the Kiev prince, who fought with the emperor John Tzimisces. Name this prince.Answer:

Question 4
Read an excerpt from the memoirs of F. Yusupov and determine the name of the person in question.
“When ________ stood like a black shadow near the throne, all of Russia was indignant. Best Representatives the higher clergy raised their voices to defend the Church and the Motherland from the encroachments of this criminal rogue. The persons closest to the Royal Family begged the Sovereign and the Empress to remove ________. Everything was to no avail. His dark influence was becoming stronger and stronger, and along with this, discontent in the country was growing stronger and stronger, penetrating even into the most remote corners of Russia, where the common people with a true instinct sensed that something was wrong at the heights of power.Answer:

6. What battle is mentioned in the memoirs of Marshal G.K. Zhukov: 3 points

“In the battle of ______, the Nazis lost a total of more than half a million people, 1300 tanks, 2500 guns ... German troops were thrown back from ______ to the west by 150-300 kilometers. When people ask me what I remember most from the last war, I always answer the battle for ________.

7. Linguistic constructor. Make up definitions of historical concepts from the given words and write them down. Write your own concepts. Words cannot be used twice. In this linguistic constructor you can add prepositions, change words according to numbers and cases(2 points for each correct answer, maximum score is 4 ):

1. Territories, collected, from which, subject to, bypassing, her, products, tribute, paid, prince, money, or. transmitted _________________________________________________________________ _______ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______

8. By what principle are chronological series formed? Give a short answer. 3 points for each correct answer . Total 9 points

a) 1497, 1550, 1581, 1649

b) 1918, 1924, 1936, 1977

c) 882, 912, 980, 1019

9. Compare the events of domestic and foreign history.

In the same year………. 3 points

1. The USSR is excluded from the League of Nations

2. Defeat of Russia in the Crimean War

A. Beginnings of the Second Opium War in China

B. German occupation of Czechoslovakia

B. Completion of the unification of Italy

10. Who or what is superfluous in the row? Explain your answer. 2 points for a complete correct answer. Total: 6 points

a) ryadovichi, purchases, clerks, serfs, smerds

b) Aristotle Fioravanti, Sophia Paleolog, Khan Akhmat, Sergius of Radonezh

c) Operation Bagration, Operation Typhoon, Operation Sea Lion, Operation Citadel

11. Tasks for working with illustrative material. 3 points.

2. To whom was the monument erected?

3. In what city is the monument located?

12. Working with the map. 3 points

1. Write the name of the war shown in the diagram.

2. Write the name of the battle indicated on the diagram by the number "5".

3. Write the number that indicates the place of the described events on the diagram: “ On the first day of the war - January 27, the cruiser "Varyag" and the gunship "Koreets" took an unequal battle with the enemy squadron. During the battle, "Varyag" and "Korean" sank several of the best ships of the enemy, after which, unable to break out of the encirclement, they were flooded

13. CREATIVE ASSIGNMENT (essay or detailed answer, 25 points).

Sample Essay Topics:

1. In that age of people's youth, the heroic exploits of Monomakh, his amazing activity, could not but arouse strong sympathy, especially when these exploits were performed for the benefit of the earth (S.M. Soloviev).

2. Boris ruled on the throne just as smartly and carefully as before, standing at the throne under Tsar Fedor (V.O. Klyuchevsky).

3. A.L. Ordin-Nashchekin warned Peter in many ways and was the first to express many ideas that the converter implemented (V.O. Klyuchevsky).

4. Peter turned out to be not only a talented and insightful diplomat, but also a highly gifted commander and military organizer in that difficult struggle in which the Russian people had to defend their future (E.V. Tarle).

5. In terms of intelligence and talent, Speransky is undoubtedly the most remarkable of the statesmen who worked with Alexander, and, perhaps, the most remarkable state mind in all of recent Russian history (A.A. Kornilov).

6. Alexander II embarked on the path of liberation reforms not because of his convictions, but as a military man on the throne, who realized the lessons of the Crimean War (L.G. Zakharova).

4. "Thaw" and its influence

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________


    Answer: 1-1; 2-2; 3-2; 4-4; 5-2; 6-2; 7-1; 8-1; 9-2, 10-Nicholas 1-2 points. Total 11 points

    A) 1-e; 2-b; 3-a; 4-d- 2 points B)A-4, B-1, C-3, G-5 - 2 points

    Answer: e, a, b, c, e, d - 2 points

    2 points

    Peter 3, Svyatoslav, Rasputin - 6 points

    6. Battle for Moscow - 3 points

    7. Polyudye - the territory of the prince, going around it, the prince collected tribute, which the subjects paid in food or money - 2 points

    Estate - large group people who are distinguished by fixed rights and duties that are inherited. – 2 points

    8. a) dates associated with the enslavement of peasants

    b) the dates of the adoption of the Constitutions of the USSR

    c) dates associated with the beginning of the reign of the Kyiv princes

    total 9 points

    9. Answer: 1-B, 2-A, 3 points

    10. Answer: a) clerks, the rest are categories of the dependent population of the Old Russian state;

    b) Sergius of Radonezh. He was not a contemporary of Ivan 3;

    c) operation "Bagration". The rest of the military operations were developed by the German command

    only 6 points.

    11. Martos, The monument is dedicated to Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin - the leaders of the people's militia in 1612., Moscow - 3 points in total

    12. Russian-Japanese, Tsushima, 4 - 3 points

    13. criteria in task 14.

Selected document to view History Olympiad 10-11 class.docx


School stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in history

10-11 grade

2016-2017 academic year

Total 76 points

Time to complete the work: 2 hours

1. Test tasks

1. Which of the listed principalities was never occupied by Alexander Nevsky?

1) Kiev 2) Vladimir (on the Klyazma) 3) Galicia-Volyn 4) Novgorod

2. In what year did the described by S.M. Solovyov event?

“Meanwhile, the Grand Duke was brought to Moscow on the night of February 14 and imprisoned in the courtyard of Shemyakin; On the 16th, they were blinded for the night and exiled to Uglich with his wife, and his mother, Grand Duchess Sofya Vitovtovna, was sent to Chukhloma.

1) 1425. 2) 1446 3) 1448 4) 1453

3. The main result of the Russian-Lithuanian war of 1512‒1522 was the return of Russia

1) Chernigov 2) Kyiv 3) Smolensk 4) Pskov

4. In what year did Nizhny Novgorod become part of the Moscow principality?

1) 1341. 2) 1363 3) 1392 4) 1418

5. Who led the Horde campaign against Rus' in 1408?

1) Edigey 2) Tokhtamysh 3) Uzbek 4) Akhmat

6. The Commonwealth was formed as a result of the union between

1) Poland and Hungary 2) Bohemia and Prussia 3) the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Livonian Order 4) Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

7. Under what princes was Russkaya Pravda compiled?

1) Oleg, Igor, Svyatoslav; 2) Vasily 1, Ivan Kalita, Ivan 3; 3) Yaroslav the Wise, his sons, Vladimir Monomakh; 4) Svyatoslav, Igor, Ivan 4.

8. The Stakhanov movement unfolded in:

1)1932 2) 1933 3) 1934 4) 1935

9. As a result of the monetary reform, S.Yu. Witte:

1) the golden ruble became the basis of the monetary system 2) the silver ruble became the basis of the monetary system 3) paper money was withdrawn from circulation 4) the circulation of paper money was stopped

10. In connection with what event was a state of emergency declared in Moscow at the beginning of October 1993?

1) a wave of demonstrations by opponents of the war in the Chechen Republic; 2) armed clashes between supporters of the President and the Supreme Council; 3) strikes and acts of protest of miners; 4) the formation of the State Emergency Committee

2. A) Establish correspondence between the guard units and the rulers under which they were created. Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters. Only 4 points.

A) Preobrazhensky regiment

B) Izmailovsky regiment

B) Finnish regiment

D) Cavalier Guard Regiment

D) Life campaign

E) A company of palace grenadiers

1) Catherine II

2) Alexander I

3) Peter I

4) Elizaveta Petrovna

5) Catherine I

6) Nicholas I

7) Anna Ioannovna

B) Match the architects with the buildings they designed. Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

A) F.O. Shekhtel

B) O.I. beauvais

C) A.N. Pomerantsev

D) O. Montferrand

D) V.O. Sherwood

E) K.A. Tone

1) Mikhailovsky Castle

2) Historical Museum in Moscow

3) St. Isaac's Cathedral

4) Grand Kremlin Palace

5) Bolshoi Theater in Moscow

6) the mansion of S.P. Ryabushinsky

7) Upper shopping malls in Moscow

IN) Match the events of the national and world history(date difference within two years) (3 points):

1. Prague Spring a. Bandung Conference

2. Beginning of market reforms in Russia b. "Munich agreement"

3. XXCongress of the CPSU "Red May" in France

4. Soviet-Finnish War d. Parish of M. Thatcher in Great Britain

5. The entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan e. The end of the "apartheid" regime in South Africa

3. Determine the correctness of the proposed judgments (YES, NO). Enter your answer in the table (10 points).

a) The ideas of “non-possessiveness” were developed by the Trans-Volga elders, headed by Joseph Volotsky.

b) During the reign of Anna Ioannovna, it was felt strong influence"German Party", which was headed by Munnich and Lassi.

c) The Decembrists called themselves “children of 1812”, but this is hardly fair, because their movement had obvious foreign roots.

d) The end of the 19th century was characterized in Russia by a major financial reform. The ruble has become one of the most stable currencies in the world. It was a breakthrough from the past into the future, inextricably linked with the name of the Minister of Finance N.H. Bunge.

e) Russia's entry into the war in 1914 caused an increase in patriotic feelings in Russian society, a series of brilliant victories in 1914-1915. reinforced these sentiments.

4. Determine the missing names in the text, words, names, years, indicated by serial numbers. If necessary, with serial numbers, explanations are given about the nature of the required insertion. Enter the necessary inserts under the corresponding numbers in the table below.

The abolition of serfdom, which took place in (1), necessitated further reforms, especially in the field of judiciary and local self-government. Soon new Judicial (2 - document) were published. They proclaimed that the new court should now be (3 - term), i.e., recognize the equality of all subjects of the empire before the law, regardless of their social status. In addition, the trial was obliged to be open and (4 - term), which meant proving that it was the parties to the conflict who were right. There was a complete separation of the judiciary from the administrative, which led to the emergence of a new position - the judiciary (5 - the name of the position), which was in charge of a preliminary analysis of the case before the trial. New types of courts appeared - (6 - name) a court that tried minor cases on the ground, and a crown court, where the decision on the fact of a crime and the guilt of the accused was taken by a panel of randomly selected persons (7 - name). The highest judicial body of the empire remained (8 - body). Judicial proceedings were still conducted on behalf of (9 - title). In the field of local self-government, in (10) the zemstvo reform was carried out. The Minister of the Interior was personally responsible for its implementation (11 - surname). According to the new reform, provincial and district zemstvo assemblies and (12 - body) appeared. Elections in them were made on the basis of property (13 - term). The introduction of zemstvos took place gradually - for example, zemstvo institutions in the western provinces of Russia appeared only in (14) year. Zemstvos were most active in the development of medicine and education at the local level. In addition, the material collected under the leadership of the zemstvos on the situation of agriculture in Russia and its dynamics, called “zemstvo (15 - term)”, is used in historical research and today. Similar zemstvo self-government in cities was introduced in (16) year. Zemstvos and city institutions, despite the skepticism of conservative circles towards them, existed until (17) years.



5. Work with illustrative sources.

A) Below are images of Soviet commanders in 1918-1945. Divide them into 2 groups of 3 generals. Give a criterion for selecting groups. Name the commanders (7 points).

1. 3. 5.

2. 4. 6.

Group name

(selection criterion)

Numbers of commanders

(name them in brackets)







B) Name a politician who, from July 1906, was the Chairman of the Council of Ministers, retaining the post of Minister of the Interior. 2 points

6. Working with the map. 4 points

Review the diagram and complete the tasks.

1. Write the name of the military plan shown in the diagram.

2. Write the name of the city indicated on the diagram by the number "4".

3. Write the number that indicates the city for the capture of which Operation Typhoon was designed.

4. What judgments related to the events indicated in the diagram are correct? Choose three sentences from the six offered. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

    The map belongs to initial stage war.

    Germany planned to end the war by the end of the summer of 1941.

    To repel the aggression depicted on the map, the Labor and Defense Council was created.

    I.V. Stalin was the leader of the country during the war.

    The battle near Smolensk was the most important stage in the disruption of the fascist strategy of "blitzkrieg".

    The offensive of the German troops was stopped along the entire front line in the winter of 1941.

7. Work with the document. 4 points. Before you is a fragment from a historical source.

“Tsar Akhmat, having heard that the great prince was standing on the banks of the Oka with all his might, went to the Lithuanian land, bypassing the Oka River and waiting for the help of the king (1) or his forces, and experienced guides led him to the river Ugra fords. The prince sent his great son (2), and his brother, and the governor to the Ugra with all his strength, and, having arrived, they stood on the Ugra and occupied the fords and ferries. And the Grand Duke himself went from Kolomna to Moscow, wanting to discuss and think it over with his father, the Metropolitan (3), and with his mother, the Grand Duchess Martha, and with his spiritual father, the Archbishop of Rostov (4), and with his boyars - for all of them then they were under siege in Moscow. And they prayed him with a great prayer that he would firmly stand for Orthodox Christianity.

1. Indicate the year of the event described in the text.

2. Indicate the name under which the event described in the text entered Russian history, and explain the meaning of this name.

3. Name the reason for the conflict described in the source.

8. CREATIVE TASK (essay or detailed answer, 25 points). You have to work with the statements of historians and contemporaries about the events and figures of national history. Choose one of them that will be the topic of your essay. Your task is to formulate your own attitude to this statement and substantiate it with the arguments that seem to you the most significant. When choosing a topic, proceed from the fact that you:

1. You clearly understand the meaning of the statement (it is not necessary to fully or even partially agree with the author, but it is necessary to understand what exactly he claims).

2. You can express your attitude to the statement (arguably agree with the author or completely or partially refute his statement).

3. Have specific knowledge (facts, statistics, examples) on the topic.

4. You know the terms necessary for a competent presentation of your point of view.

Sample Essay Topics:

1. The hated yoke stopped the cultural development of Rus' for more than two centuries, which caused Russia to lag behind European countries. (A.N. Kirpichnikov).

2. Distinctive feature Troubles is that all classes of Russian society consistently appear in it (V.O. Klyuchevsky).

3. The 17th century gave Peter "material", without which he could not even take a step (I.L. Andreev).

4. The birth of Decembrism, the ten-year history of secret societies, and then the uprising of December 14, 1825, were serious symptoms of obvious trouble in the political system of Russia (S.V. Mironenko).

5. The policy of Alexander III, the policy of counter-reforms for a certain period of time extended the existence of an unlimited monarchy. (L.G. Zakharova).

6. In the battle near Moscow, a solid foundation was laid for the subsequent defeat of Nazi Germany (G.K. Zhukov).

Sample topics for extended answers:

1. The influence of the Golden Horde on the development of Ancient Rus' in the XIII-XV centuries.

2. Peter's reforms and their assessment by historians and contemporaries.

3. War of 1812 and its influence on the development of Russia in the first half of the 19th century.

4. "Thaw" and its influence on the development of culture


1. Answers 3233143412 -10 points

2. A) A-3, B-7, V-2, G-5, D - 4, E- 6.B) 6 5 7 3 2 4

6 correct correlations -4 points; 5 correct correlations - 3 points; 3-4 correct correlations - 2 points; 1-2 correct correlations - 1 point.


For 5 correct correlations - 3 points, for 3-4 - 2 points, for 1-2 - 1 point. Total - 3 points

3.10 points

4 .

16. 1870

17. 1917

1 correct answer - 1 point. Total for the task 17 points

5 .A) Correctly selected groups (both) - 1 point. 5-6 commanders are correctly assigned - 3 points,4 commanders - 2 points, 3 or less - 0 points; Correctly named 5-6 commanders - 3 points, 4 commanders - 2 points, 3 commanders - 1 point, 2 or less - 0 points. Total - 7 points.

B) P.A. Stolypin 2 points

6 . 1- Barbarossa -1 point, 2-Stalingrad - 1 point, 3-2.4- 145. 4 points in total

7. Answer: 1. 1480. (1 point). 2. Standing on the Eel. (1 point) 3. Ivan III's refusal to pay tribute to the Great Horde after 1476. (2 points) Other valid reasons may be given.

8 . see the evaluation criteria in task 7.

Selected document to view History Olympiad Grade 5.docx





2016-2017 academic year.

Time to complete the work 45 min.

Total 49 points

Read the assignments carefully. Ready-made answers and solutions write down in the answer sheet. If you're having trouble, move on to the next question. You have 45 minutes to complete the entire task. In tasks 1 to 9 there is only one correct answer.

1. Test tasks:

1. Most scientists consider the ancestral home of mankind

1) East Africa

2) Central Europe

3) high latitudes of Eurasia

4) Central Asia

2. For the first time, cave paintings of primitive people were discovered in 1879 in

1) Lascaux Cave (France)

2) Altamira cave (Spain)

3) Kapova cave (Russia)

4) Cave of the Beasts (Egypt)

3. The tool, which changed the nature of agriculture of primitive people, consisted of a drawbar and a plowshare and was called

1) hoe 2) plow 3) chopped 4) plow

4. For the first time in history, the duration of the year at 365 days was determined by the inhabitants

1) Mesopotamia 2) Ancient Greece 3) Ancient Egypt 4) Mesopotamia

5. What does the term "religion" mean?

1) belief in supernatural powers 2) belief in the forces of nature 3) the ability to obey someone

6. Writing in Ancient Egypt:

1) hieroglyphs 2) cuneiform 3) papyrus

2. What unites them? On what basis are the rows formed? Write the most accurate answer.

1. Bastet, Thot, Seth, Geb______________________________________________________________

2. Papyrus, scribe, hieroglyph, scroll ________________________________________________

3. Arrange the events in chronological order. Enter your answer in the table as a sequence of letters.

A) the construction of the pyramid of Cheops

B) the appearance of the Neanderthal

C) unification of Upper and Lower Egypt

D) the emergence of cattle breeding

D) the formation of a tribal community

4. Answer the questions.

Archaeologists have discovered an almost intact tomb in the Memphis area. It is the remains of a brick superstructure, under which there is a huge burial chamber, consisting of 31 rooms. On the walls of the tomb are depicted scenes of earthly life: a man and a woman hunting in the desert; a man oversees the construction of ships, etc.

A mummified body was found in the last room. What is the name of the object in which the mummy was kept?

5. Are the following statements true (“Yes” - “No”)? Enter your answers in the table .

1. The term "homo sapiens" is equivalent to the concept of "upright man".

2. Neolithic - the third period of the Stone Age, characterized by the transition from an appropriating to a producing economy.

3. Gold was the main metal from which primitive people made tools.

4. Irrigation agriculture was developed in ancient Egypt.

5. Nefertiti was the wife of Pharaoh Tutankhamun.

6. In the vicinity of modern Luxor (ancient Thebes), the temple of Queen Hatshepsut was built.

7. Ka - the spirit of man in the religion of the ancient Egyptians.

6. Solve problems.

1. During the holidays, Kolya visited Egypt. In a history lesson, he talked about the building he saw, but forgot its name. Read the text and help Kolya. What cultural monument are we talking about?

This majestic building was built in Egypt around 2570 BC. near Memphis, in Giza. The height reaches 146.5 m. The construction took about 2,300,000 stone blocks.

2 ..In 1900, archaeologists excavated the burial ground of the leader, where they found the remains of beads made of precious stones, gold and silver vessels. It is established that the burial was made 7240 years ago. In what year was the leader buried?

    The Pyramid of Cheops

    1170 years

7. Working with the map. 3 points

1. What is the name of the state indicated on the map?

2. What is the name of the river flowing in the state?

3. What sea does the river flow into?


    122311 each correct answer - 2 points. 12 points in total

    1. gods of Ancient Egypt. 2. Writing of Ancient Egypt. 2 points for each correct answer. Total for the task 4 points.

The task is considered completed correctly only if all positions match. Total for the task 5 points.

    Answer: Sarcophagus. (1 point)

For each correct answer - 2 points. Total for the task 14 points.

6. The Pyramid of Cheops , 1170 years (For each correct answer 5 points, total 10)

7. Ancient Egypt, Nile, Mediterranean Sea

Selected document to view History Olympiad Grade 6.docx




6TH GRADE. (2016-2017 academic year)

Total 45 points.

Time to complete the work: 45 min

1. By what principle are the rows formed? (2 points for each correct answer, maximum score is 6)

1.1. digging stick, chopped, scraper _________________________________ __________

1.2. Nero, Trajan, Constantine, _____________________________________________

1.3. Parthenon, Erechtheion, Propylaea

2 . To whom the following statements may belong or about whom the statement itself may belong.

2.1 .: "Woe to me that I have no relatives who could help me in any way in a moment of danger."

2.2. He himself studied grammar, rhetoric, dialectics, and especially astronomy, thanks to which he was able to skillfully calculate church holidays and observe the movement of the stars. He also tried to write, and for this purpose he constantly kept writing tablets under his pillow in order to train his hand to write letters in his spare time, but his work, begun too late, had little success: his hand was used to holding a weapon.

2.3. According to legend, he gathered at his court in Camelot the most valiant and noblest knights of the Round Table. There are numerous legends and chivalric novels about his exploits and the exploits of his knights, mainly concerning the search for the Holy Grail and the rescue of beautiful ladies.

3. Answer the questions (2 points for each correct answer. 6 points in total)

3.1. What were the records of events by years in Western Europe called: a) chronicles; b) annals; c) stories.

3.2. What event happened in 800: a) the creation of the Frankish kingdom; b) Charlemagne became emperor; c) the defeat of the Arabs by the Franks at Poitiers

3.3. What is the name of the document, which listed the following punishments: a fine for killing a royal warrior - 600 solidi, for killing a common franc - 100 solidi, a slave - 30 solidi.

4. Do you agree with the statements below? If you agree, write "Yes", if you do not agree - "No". Total for the task 8 points.

1. In Greek mythology the goddess of love is Venus, and in Roman mythology, Aphrodite.

2. The Epic of Gilgamesh was created in ancient Egypt.

3. Roman Emperor Constantine the Great is known for his persecution of Christians.

4. Odoacer, who overthrew the last emperor of the Western Roman Empire, sent the imperial crown to Constantinople.

5. Attila becomes the sovereign ruler of the Ostrogoths in the 5th century. n. e.

6. Beneficiary - conditional lifelong land holding, introduced by Charles Martell.

7. In Medieval France, relations between feudal lords were based on the principle: "the vassal of my vassal is my vassal."

8. Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne, declaring him Emperor of the West.

5. Complete the sentences. (2 points for each correct answer. 10 points in total)

1. Supreme power in the time of Clovis belonged to ____________

2. His main support was ______________

3. In case of military danger, ________________ was collected

4. The most important issues throughout the state were resolved by _____________________________.

5. At the time of Clovis, ______________________ francs was written, which was called __________________________________

Use the following words and expressions to help: people's militia, collection of laws, royal squad, Salic Truth, royal court, king

6. Working with the map. Total 3 points

1. What is the name of the peninsula on which Greece is located?

2. What is the name of the sea, named after the king - the father of Theseus - the winner of the Minotaur?

3. What is the name of the ship shown on the map?

7. Chronological sequence. Restore the sequence of events by putting them in the correct order in the table. Total for the task 4 points.

A) the construction of the church of St. Sophia in Constantinople

B) the capture of Rome by the Visigoths under the command of Alaric

B) the baptism of Clovis

D) Prince Igor's campaign against Constantinople

D) the Arab conquest of the Iberian Peninsula


1.1.1. ancient tools 1.2. Roman emperors 1.3. Temples of the Acropolis in Athens(2 points for each correct answer. 6 points in total)

2. 2.1. Clovis 2.2. Charlemagne 2.3. King Arthur -(2 points for each correct answer. 6 points in total)

3. 1. a 3.2. b 3. "Salic truth"(2 points for each correct answer. 6 points in total)


5. 1. to the king 2. royal squad 3. people's militia 4. king and royal court 5. collection of laws and "Salic Truth"(2 points for each correct answer. 10 points in total)

6. Balkan, Aegean, triremes. Total 3 points

7. Answer: B C A E D 4 points for a completely correct chronology. 1 point for chronology with one mistake. Two or more mistakes - zero points

Selected document to view History Olympiad Grade 7.docx





2016-2017 academic year.

Total 40 points.

You have 60 minutes to complete the entire task.

1. Test tasks. 8 points

1. Medieval cities arose as settlements:

A) peasants B) priests C) warriors D) artisans

2. Who left these notes about India?

“There is an Indian country here, and people go all naked, and their heads are uncovered, and their hair is braided in one braid. Children are born every year, and they have many children. All men and women are black. Wherever I go, there are many people behind me: they marvel at the white man.

A) N.N. Miklukho-Maclay B) Afanasy Nikitin

C) V. Bering D) Vladimir Atlasov

3. Whose name is associated with the annexation of Western Siberia to the Russian state?

A) Khan Mamai

B) Ermak Timofeevich

C) Marfa Posadnitsa

D) IvanIII

4. The Baptism of Rus' took place in: a) 890 b) 988 c) 1115 d) 862

5. The victories of the Russian troops under the leadership of Alexander Nevsky refer to:


6. The first mention of Moscow is to: A) 1147 B) 1149 C) 1153g C) 1237g

7. The code of laws of ancient Rus' was called:

a) Russkaya Pravda b) Cathedral Code c) Stoglav d) Sudebnik

8. The time of the transition of peasants from one owner to another, according to the Sudebnik
1497, was called:

a) St. George's day b) protected years c) school years d) otkhodnichestvo

answer: gbbw

2. On what basis are the rows formed? Give a short answer . (Maximum score - 6)

    1. Purchases, ryadovichi, smerds.

    2. 1478, 1485, 1514

    3. Alexey Basmanov, Malyuta Skuratov, Afanasy Vyazemsky.

Answer 1. Purchases, ryadovichi, smerds. (Categories of dependent population of Kievan Rus )

2. 1478, 1485, 1514 (Completion of the unification of Russian lands: 1478 - annexation of Novgorod, 1485 - Tver, 1514 - return of Smolensk )

3. Alexey Basmanov, Malyuta Skuratov, Afanasy Vyazemsky. (Oprichnina leaders )

3. Arrange in chronological order. (5 points)

A. The uprising led by Ivan Bolotnikov.

B. The reign of Boris Godunov.

IN. Election of Mikhail Romanov as tsar.

G. The period of the Seven Boyars.

D. Reign of False DmitryI.


4. Using all the given words and phrases, make definitions of historical concepts. Name these concepts. Words and phrases cannot be used twice. It is allowed to add prepositions, change words by cases. (Maximum score - 12)

1. From, khan, conquered, Batu, Rus', system, Horde, dependence, Golden.



2. Birth, merit, but, not, order, higher, service, positions, ancestors, appointment, state, compliance, personal.



1. Yoke - the system of dependence of Rus conquered by Batu from the khans of the Golden Horde

2. Localism - the order of appointment to the highest state positions in accordance with the generosity and service of the ancestors, and not for personal merit.

5. Working with a document: 2 points

“You king, and you knights, do justice to the king of heaven: give it to the maiden sent here by god, the heavenly king. The keys of all the good cities that have been taken and abused in France. She is quite ready to come to a peace agreement, namely: if you wish to give her due satisfaction, return France and pay for having owned her. And all of you, shooters, leave, I ask you in the name of God, to your countries, and if you don’t do this, wait for news from the maiden who will soon come to you, to your great grief.

    To the king and knights of which state is the author of this appeal addressing?

Answer: 1. Joan of Arc; 2. England

6. Tasks for working with illustrative sources . What historical event corresponds to the map-scheme? Write the event and the number of the corresponding illustration.(Maximum score - 7)

Event:___________________________________________________________________________Illustration Number: ____________





Illustration number: 2016-2017 academic year

Time to complete: 60 min

Total 57 points.

1. Test tasks: total 9 points

1 In what century did Russia become a great maritime power?

1) XVI century. 2) XVII century. 3) XVIII century. 4) XV century.

2 The most important historical merit of Prince Ivan Kalita was

1) the adoption of the first code of laws "Russian Truth" 2) the liberation of Rus' from the Horde dependence 3) the creation of the first all-Russian Sudebnik 4) strengthening the role of Moscow as a center for the unification of Russian lands

3 What was the name of the historical chronicles that existed in Russia in the 11th-17th centuries?

1) epics 2) lives 3) chronicles 4) legends

4 Which of the following refers to the results of Peter I's policy in the field of education?

1) the emergence of secular educational institutions 2) the introduction of universal primary education

3) establishment of women's schools and colleges 4) creation of a network of universitiesin big cities

5. In what century did a single centralized Muscovite state basically take shape?

1) XIV century. 2) XV century. 3) XVII century. 4) XVIII century.

6. Which of the literary works of the XI-XIV centuries. refers to epic epic?

1) "The Tale of Bygone Years" 2) "Zadonshchina" 3) "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" 4) "Sadko"

7. What were the names of the institutions that were in charge of individual industries

public life in the Moscow kingdom?

1) zemstvos 2) orders 3) colleges 4) ministries

8. What was one of the reasons for the palace coups in the 18th century?

1) the adoption of the Table of Ranks 2) the provincial reform of Peter I 3) the new legislation on succession to the throne 4) the transfer of the capital from Moscow to St. Petersburg

9. The need to gain access to the Black Sea became a reason during the reign of Catherine II

    Russian-Turkish wars 2) the conclusion of the Eternal Peace with Poland 3) participation of Russia

in the sections of Poland 4) anti-French policy of the Russian Empire

Answer: 1-3, 2-4, 3-3, 4-1, 5-2, 6-4, 7-2.8-3.9-1 .

2. By what principle is a series formed? Give a short answer. 8 points

A) 882, 912,980, 1019 B) smerd, ryadovich, purchase C) Assumption Cathedral, Archangel Cathedral, Annunciation Cathedral, Ivan the Great Bell Tower D) Barclay de Tolly, Bagration, Tormasov, Kutuzov

Answer: a) the beginning of the reign of the Kyiv princes

b) categories of dependent population in the Old Russian state

c) the cathedrals of the Moscow Kremlin

d) commanders of the Patriotic War of 1812

2. Who or what is superfluous in the row? Explain your answer . Total: 8 points

A) Senate, Synod, Collegia, Table of Ranks

B) 1648.1662.1667-1671.1649

C) K. Bulavin, I. Bolotnikov, S. Razin, A. Menshikov

D) Tilsit, Maloyaroslavets, Moscow, r. Berezina

Answer: a) The Table of Ranks is a document of the 18th century. The rest is the authorities of the 18th century

b) 1649 - acceptance of the document. The rest is the dates of the uprisings

c) A. Menshikov. The rest are the names of the leaders of the peasant uprisings

d) Tilsit. The rest belongs to Patriotic war 1812

3. Answer the following questions . Total: 6 points

A) What was called "soft gold" in Rus'? b) What is St. George's Day?

C) Was the "Council Code" of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich a religious or legal document?

Answer: a) furs, fur of valuable breeds of animals b) A single period for the whole country for the transition of peasants from one landowner to another c) a legal document

4. Match concepts and definitions: 4 points

1. Patronage 3. Localism

2. Manor 4. Feeding

a) the procedure for holding public office in accordance with the nobility of the family

b) the procedure for maintaining local authorities at the expense of funds collected from the local population

c) land holding, given on the condition of serving the sovereign

d) land owned by peasants

e) landed property that is inherited

Answer: B 4, A 3, C 2, G - extra, D 1

5. Arrange the following events in chronological order. Specify the answer as a sequence of letter designations of the selected elements. 1 point

A) standing on the Ugra River B) Battle of Kulikovo C) Battle on the Ice D) Battle of Poltava

Answer: C, B, A, D

6. Establish correspondences between the educational institution and the ruler under which it was opened. Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters. 5 points.



A) Moscow University

1) Princess Sophia

B) Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy

2) Peter I

C) Navigation School D) Smolny Institute

3) Anna Ioannovna

D) Smolny Institute

4) Elizaveta Petrovna

D) Land gentry corps

5) Catherine II

6) Paul I


7. Decipher the charade (1 point)

First syllable note

the second is the established pattern of clothing,

the whole word is a change in society, a transformation.

Answer: reform.

8. To what historical figure do these words belong: “Each warrior must understand his maneuver. They fight not by numbers, but by skill”?(1 point)

Answer: Suvorov.

9. Correlate the dates and events, enter the answer in the table (5 points):

1) May 16, 1703 a) "Plague riot" in Moscow;

2) July 27, 1714 b) foundation of St. Petersburg;

3) 1771 c) a manifesto on a three-day corvee;

4) 1785 d) Letters of grant to the nobility and cities;

5) 1797 e) the battle of Gangut.

10. Working with the map. 3 points.

1. Write the name of the war, indicated by arrows on the diagram.

2. Write the name of the city indicated on the diagram by the number "1",

about which the Russian tsar said: “... And so the Swedes over our army

received a victory, which is indisputable; but it must be understood

what kind of army was this done, for only one old Lefortovsky regiment was ... two regiments of the guards were on two attacks near Azov, and they never saw field battles, and on Ipache with regular troops ... ".

3. The king recognized the results of this battle as impressive and ordered to organize the awarding of the participants in the battle with a special medal, the inscription on which reads: "Worthy - worthy." Write the number that indicates the place of this battle.

Answer: Northern War, Narva, 4

11. Tasks for working with illustrative material. 4 points

1. What is the name of the architectural structure?

2. Under which empress was the architectural structure founded?

3. Who was the architect?

4. What city is it in?

Answer: Winter Palace, Elizaveta Petrovna, Francesco Rastrelli, St. Petersburg.

13. Study fragments of historical documents and complete tasks (2 points).

A). “I am touched by the memories of Anna, daughter of _________ and Queen of France - wife of Henry I, the third king of the Capet dynasty. We have preserved her memory, and this memory is touching ... And I must say that he [Henry I] became related to a powerful sovereign, for this sovereign ... married all his daughters to kings from all over Europe ”(from an interview with Mitterrand).

Write the name missing in the text . ____________________________________________

Answer:.Yaroslav the Wise

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Our all-Russian pedagogical portal Sunshine is glad to welcome all schoolchildren and history lovers in this section. We invite you to participate in free online olympiads on the history of 2016-2017. All tests are based on the sections studied at school. Our portal has a wide list of various entertaining and cognitive tests. Everyone who wants to try himself in this field can register on our portal, take a test and, if possible, can order a diploma for the completed task. Our main difference is the issuance of diplomas immediately after the completion of your test. You do not have to wait for months or years for a diploma, you will receive it immediately after the end of the test.

The main task of holding online history olympiads for students is to find guys who are passionate about history, out-of-the-box thinking guys and competently building their thoughts on historical topics. Data online tests allow you to identify those who show a special ability to study history. The Olympiad also reveals those applicants in which various universities of the country may be interested. Our portal does not issue a free ticket to the future, which means that we are not the state founders of the Olympiads, through which a child can enter any university. With us you get a certain amount of knowledge and experience that you can present at the All-Russian History Olympiad. The task of our pedagogical portal is to develop a student's desire to study history, and we also show what knowledge and skills participants need to write a test well. On our website, everyone can take history olympiads. Online tests are designed to test the knowledge acquired at school. Online tests are provided for students, teachers, applicants, educators, as well as those who are preparing for exams in history or those who want to test their knowledge. Our pedagogical portal presents assignments collected for all courses of middle and high school.

Features of obtaining a diploma on the website of the pedagogical portal

On our site there are various, interesting and entertaining tests, as well as creative competitions related to the sections of history that are studied in middle and high school. Do you want to try your hand, are you able to cope with questions about history? You won't know until you try. Free online history tests for students provide an opportunity to put their knowledge into practice. After each task, you can check the correctness of the answer. To cope with the tasks, you must carefully read the text of the task. Even small details in the story are quite important, so don't miss them. Decide school olympiad in history 2016-2017 is not difficult, the main thing is to know the main sections of historical science and approach each task with all seriousness. The pedagogical portal Sunshine also presents an opportunity for teachers to try themselves and their skills by solving several tasks and participating in creative competitions. Besides, this great experience and knowledge sharing among educators. You can get a diploma upon completion of the test. You pay only for the order for the production of a diploma, and after completion you can download your personal diploma by investing it in the portfolio of awards.

Why study history?

Why reconstruct in human consciousness the course of events of the past? The answer seems obvious - you need to know history, although we often lack a deep knowledge of the Fatherland's past. History is needed in order to know the world around us, the laws and trends in the development of society. History teaches to think globally. Knowledge of the past helps to understand the present and predict the future. It protects individuals and entire nations from repeating mistakes made long ago. History helps to find answers in the past to the questions posed today. Up to the fact that every person's knowledge of the history of the past is an indispensable condition and guarantee of building a bright future.

Preparations for the Olympics are underway all year round, but the countdown of the new season falls on September. Experienced participants in the Olympiad movement easily fall into the field of view of the coaches of the Moscow Region team, showing strong results at the regional or final stages of high school and receive invitations to classes. Those who have not yet participated in intellectual competitions also have a chance to prepare for future competitions.

The main goal of the History Olympiad is to find children who are passionate about the beauty of historical knowledge and who show the ability to engage in historical science.

What tasks will you be offered?

You will definitely be offered tasks related to the analysis of historical sources, because historians do just that. To cope with such a task, you should, first of all, carefully read the text that underlies the task: even “small” at first glance details in historical science are extremely important, and sometimes even more important than the so-called “large” ones. Then you need to concentrate and understand when and why the text you read could have been written, as well as who, under what circumstances and for what purposes could compose “such” - they will ask, in one form or another, just about it.

Another important skill of a historian is the ability to see the logic of events. Suppose you are asked which of the Russian saints did not become earlier - St. Vladimir or St. Boris. At first glance, the question is insanely complicated, because if you believe the reference books and the Internet, between the death of the first (July 15, 1015) and the murder of the second (July 24 of the same year), a week passed by force. But in fact, the answer to this question is easy: it is enough to know that St. Boris died at the hands of assassins during the civil strife that flared up between the heirs of St. Vladimir, and it - it is natural to think - began after the death of the latter. This means St. Vladimir most likely died before St. Boris. So choose among the proposed answers exactly this order!

Finally, a historian cannot be a narrow specialist who knows only "about the princes" or only "about the war." It is necessary to have a good idea of ​​the history of art, to know classical literary texts, to have a basic understanding of the stages in the development of science and technology ... this is the same part of the past as wars, revolutions, geographical discoveries and labor achievements. And you will definitely be asked about it.

How to prepare for the Olympics?

First, read the textbooks carefully. Secondly, not a single textbook. Read at least the classic "Course of Russian History" by V.O. Klyuchevsky, look at the "History of the Russian State" N.M. Karamzin ... Other useful books are listed in guidelines for participants. The internet can be helpful too. Pay attention to the site "Runivers" ( ), read the texts presented in electronic library Faculty of History, Moscow State University ( ). It is useful to become a regular visitor to an open lecture hall for schoolchildren on history ( ).

Adviсe? Please.

Carefully read the wording of the question and in the answer write exactly what you are asked about. Lengthy off-topic arguments will not only not bring you points “for general erudition”, but will also give the jury members a reason to reduce the final grade, because it will become clear that the participant does not see, does not feel the essence of the problem posed. Do not try to write "beautifully" and "creatively", "demonstrate a personal approach", etc. Paphosic but meaningless phrases waste ink and space on paper, but they do not say anything about your knowledge (and if pathos is still out of place, then they talk a lot about ignorance).

Please follow the given form. If you are asked to write the name of the document, do not add the date of its creation. Make a mistake in the date - you can lose a point. If you are asked to give a person's last name, you do not need to add his first name, patronymic, dates of life, place of birth, position, state awards and honorary titles. Suddenly, the “hero” of the assignment was a general not from the cavalry, but from the infantry, the laureate not of the Stalin Prize, but of the Lenin Prize (for historians this is a huge difference), not Trofimovich, but Terentyevich ... The mistake is that they didn’t ask about it - that’s all equals error; it will affect the final result.

And most importantly: do not be upset, if that. In the end, unsuccessful performance in the Olympiad competitions is just an excuse to persevere, sit down for textbooks, books and take the next step. The requirements are designed for leaders, they are tough and will be even tougher, but victory in such competitions is a victory of the “highest standard”!

Guidelines for holding the school and municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in history in 2016/2017 academic year. (.pdf) (download )

Methodist of MBU DPO Odintsovo UMC "Development of Education"

Deyvald Irina Alekseevna


1 tasks Points ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD OF SCHOOLCHILDREN IN HISTORY academic year MUNICIPAL STAGE 8 GRADE Maximum number of points TOTAL 1. Solve the test tasks. Choose one correct answer, write it down in the table. (2 points for each correct answer, maximum score 10) 1.1. The form of government established in Novgorod land was called 1) princely government 2) boyar republic 3) estate-representative monarchy 4) despotism 1.2. What was the name of the collection of laws adopted in the 15th century. and played a big role in the centralization of the Russian state and the creation of a system of all-Russian law? 1) "Russian Truth" 2) "Cathedral Code" 3) "Sudebnik" 4) "Table of Ranks" 1.3. Oprichnina during the reign of Ivan IV is 1) a special sovereign inheritance, which came under the exclusive jurisdiction of the tsar 2) lands subject to additional tax, “zemshchina” 3) a judicial body that resolves disputes in the Boyar Duma about places 4) the territory of the city belonging to the boyars or income 1.4. The government of Fedor Alekseevich on the initiative of V.V. Golitsyn adopted a decree to serve "without places where the great sovereign will indicate to whom" in the year 1)))) Which historical figures are contemporaries? 1) Paul I and Charles XII 2) Anna Ioannovna and Sigismund III Vase 3) Peter I and Frederick II 4) Catherine II and Voltaire

2 2. Solve historical problems. (5 points for a complete correct answer; maximum score 15) 2.1. Before you is a list of various categories of the population who lived in the boyar estate: yard servants; patrimonial artisans; clerks who manage estates; military servants. Name a term that is common to all these categories of the population. Explain what the phrase “no extradition from the Don” meant in the 17th century. Explain where Peter I managed to get acquainted with European customs and way of life without ever leaving the country. 3. What unites the dates or names that form each of the presented series? Give a short answer. (3 points for the correct answer, maximum score 6), 1237, 1239, 1378, 1380, 1382, 1395, Aristotle Fiorovanti, Aleviz New 4. Continue the logical series and indicate the missing date and name. (2 points for each correct answer, maximum score 4) Sudebnik 1497 Ivan III Sudebnik 1550 Ivan IV Cathedral code 5. Choose the correct answers in each task and enter the selected answers in the table. (6 points if there are no incorrect positions in the answer, 5 points if there is one mistake in the answer, 0 points if there are two or more mistakes in the answer) A) Which of the following events and phenomena occurred during the Livonian War: 1) the signing of the Union of Lublin 2 ) defense of Pskov 3) Battle of Grunwald 4) Battle of Grengam 5) oprichnina 6) signing of the Union of Kreva 2

3 B) Indicate the signs that relate to the policy of mercantilism of Peter I. 1) active foreign trade balance 2) passive foreign trade balance 3) isolationism 4) protectionism 5) state intervention in the economy 6) natural economy A B 6. Restore the chronological sequence of events. (1 point for each correctly indicated figure, maximum score 4) 1. Accession of Vasily Shuisky 2. Accession of False Dmitry I 3. Appearance of False Dmitry II in Starodub 4. Rebellion of Ivan Bolotnikov selecting them from the proposed list (there are "extra" names in the list). Enter your answer in numbers in the table. (1 point for each correct digit, maximum score 7) 1. N.M. Karamzin, 2. F.S. Rokotov, 3. D.I. Fonvizin, 4. I.P. Kulibin, 5. M.F. Kazakov, 6. V.K. Trediakovsky, 7. V.L. Borovikovsky, 8. F. Falcone, 9. V.I. Bazhenov. Literature Painting Architecture 8. Analyze the given passage and answer the questions. (2 points for each correct answer, the maximum score is 12) “Although the night was dark and the frost was great, the streets were filled with people going to the Tsar's Palace, and the regiments of guards with a gun in ranks stood around it in the nearby streets ... the noise of conversations and the loud exclamation of many voices: "Hello, our mother," filled the air ... We were greeted with an affectionate greeting by the then chamberlain of Her Majesty, among other things, Peter Ivanovich Shuvalov, who was at the court of Her Majesty. As a sign of universal joy, he said that ... the former ministers, Field Marshal Count Munnich, secret real advisers and the cabinet - ministers Counts Osterman and Golovkin, have already been taken from their homes and are sitting under arrest ... ". 3

4 “The sleigh stopped in front of the regiment’s exit hut, where an unwarned sentry sounded the alarm ... Lestok broke through his drum with his fist, while thirteen grenadiers, initiated into the secret, fled to the barracks to warn their comrades. There were only soldiers here ... the officers all lived in the city ... several hundred people gathered in a few minutes. The Tsesarevna got out of the sleigh. - Do you recognize me? Do you know whose daughter I am? - We know, mother! - They want to imprison me in a monastery. Are you ready to follow me, protect me? “Ready, mother, we’ll kill them all!” 1. What is the name of the princess. Whose daughter is she? 2. What is the name of the period in which the described events occur? 3. What features will the reign of this empress differ in? (List three traits). 9. What year is it customary to date the founding of the city of Lipetsk? What event is associated with this date? (2 points for each correct answer, maximum score 4) 10. Describe an event depicted on an ancient miniature. (2 points for each correct answer, maximum score 12) Determine: 1. what event is it; 2. when it happened (indicate the date, month, year); 3. participants of the event; 4. who led the Russian troops; 5. result of the battle; 6. the meaning of the event. 4

6 11. Carefully examine the map "The economic development of Russia in the second half of the XVIII century." and complete the tasks. (The maximum score for completing the entire task is 20) A. Determine what is indicated in the legend to the map by numbers. In case of difficulty, use the materials of the following tasks. (1 point for each correct answer; maximum score 10) Symbols Explanation of symbols in the map legend in the map legend

7 B. Using the map, insert the geographical names missing in the educational text. (1 point for each correct answer; maximum score 5) If the Russian processing industry was concentrated in (1) area, then the bulk of heavy industry was located in (2). Russia's successes in the confrontation with the Ottoman Empire predetermined active agricultural colonization (3). Another important area where the peasant settlers rushed (including those from abroad) was (4). The main sea gate and the center of a large industrial region of Russia was (5). C. Determine what is meant in the Manifesto of Catherine II. What number indicates the consequences of this Manifesto in the legend to the map? (1 point for the correct answer) “After Our accession to the All-Russian Imperial Throne, We set ourselves the main rule to forever have Our motherly care and work for the peace and prosperity of the entire vast Empire entrusted to Us from God and for the multiplication of its inhabitants. And as many foreigners, likewise those who have left Russia, Our subjects beat with their foreheads so that they would be allowed to settle in our Empire, then We most graciously declare that not only is it favorable for foreign nations to settle in Russia, but also for ourselves, who had previously fled subjects from their own country, we allow them to return.” D. Establish a correspondence between regions and the most striking features of their economic development. For each position in the first column, match the position in the second column. (4 points in the absence of incorrect positions in the answer) Regions Features A) North-West 1. Textile industry B) Center 2. Colonization C) Ural 3. Oil production and processing D) South 4. Shipbuilding, foreign trade 5. Metallurgy Write in table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters. A B C D 7

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school "Leskolovsky center of education" "I approve" School director: / V.G. Glazunova / KIM for intermediate certification

Demonstration version of diagnostic work on the study of the level of individual educational achievements (starting diagnostics) of 8th grade students in the subject "History" Instructions for implementation

Demo version of the translation exam in history in the 2018-19 academic year in grade 8. Part 1. 1. Which of the following events refers to the 18th century 1) Crimean War 2) Proclamation of Russia as an empire

Tasks Points ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD OF SCHOOLCHILDREN IN HISTORY 2017-2018 academic year MUNICIPAL STAGE 9 CLASS I round Maximum number of points 75 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TOTAL 1. Solve the test

Tasks A6 in history 1. Which of the named state bodies was created during the reign of Catherine I? 1) Private Committee 2) State Council 3) Elected Rada 4) Supreme Privy Council 2. What

State budgetary general educational institution of secondary general education

Materials for preparing for admission to the 8th grade of the social and humanitarian orientation of the GBOU gymnasium 1507 History I. Specification of materials for conducting introductory work. 1. Forms of work: 1) Control

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in history 2012, municipal stage Grade 8 Maximum 100 points Task 1. Read the text and answer the questions to it. From the work of the historian V.N. Balyazin "This is a century

Codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of preparation of students in history Grade 7 p / p 1 Checked content elements Formation of the estate monarchy Checked activities Part

ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN in the 2018-2019 academic year SCHOOL STAGE. HISTORY 10 GRADE Time 1 hour 30 min. The maximum score for the task is 100. Task 1. The maximum score 6. Determine the correct

Class Last name, first name (in full) Date 2014 Part 1 For each of the tasks 1-10, 4 answers are given, of which only one is correct. Circle the number of this answer Instructions for completing the work

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren Municipal stage Tasks for the student History Grade 8 Writing time 90 minutes Number of tasks 10 Maximum points 100 Dear participants of the Olympiad!

TOPIC 3. Formation of united states in Europe and Russia 1. What were the prerequisites for the formation of united states in Western Europe? Choose all correct answers. a) development of market relations b) development

Interregional Olympiad for schoolchildren "Highest standard" 2015-2016 academic year

Tests on the history of Russia (end of the XVI end of the XVIII century). Grade 7 Control is the most important area of ​​practical activity of a teacher, which allows to evaluate the effectiveness of work. Test control can assess the level

Municipal autonomous educational institution "Secondary school 15 Balashov Saratov region» DEMO HISTORY 2018-2019 ACADEMIC YEAR 8 GRADE 1. Which of

Diagnostic work on history Option 702 Instructions for performing work Diagnostic work on history consists of three parts, including 2 tasks. All work is assigned to

MATERIALS for the site on the course History of Russia (base) 3 immersion Grade 10 Teacher: Tkach A. M. TOPIC Know Be able Chapter 1. The primitive system and ancient peoples on the territory of modern Russia. Ancient Rus'

Control test "Russia in the era of Ivan the Terrible". Option I 1. The first Zemsky Sobor took place in: a) 1547 b) 1549 c) 1551 d) 1556 2. Orders are: a) the central government in Russia in

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan Municipal budgetary educational institution "Gymnasium 4" Lesson summary extracurricular activity on the history of Russia XVI - XVIII "Own game" Teacher

Story. 8th grade. Option Demonstration option 2 District City (settlement) School Class Surname First name Patronymic Starting diagnostic work on HISTORY 2013 Grade 8 Demonstration option

Demonstration version of the diagnostic work on the study of the level of individual educational achievements, students of the 8th grade in the subject "History", 2018 (final control) Answer to

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in history 2012, municipal stage 8 Class - expert Maximum 100 points Task 1. Read the text and answer the questions to it. From the work of the historian V.N. Balyazin

GBOU secondary school with. Padovka History teacher Lyudmila Tikhonovetskaya Specification of the 7th grade history test (incoming monitoring). 1. The purpose of testing: to test the academic knowledge of students in grade 7 in

Preparation for the exam. Writing a historical essay. Zhiltsova M.S. You need to write a historical essay about ONE of the periods in the history of Russia: 1) 1019 1054; 2) March 1801 May 1812; 3)

Story. 9th grade. Option 1 metod 2 Training work 4 in HISTORY May 2, 2012 Grade 9 metod Option 1 District City (settlement) School Class Surname First name Patronymic Instructions for completing the work

Evaluation materials on history grade 11 MBOU Gymnasium 3 Sharya Codifier of content elements for compiling control measuring materials on history for grade 11 Code Content elements to be checked

Demo Version History Grade 7 2014/2015 academic year Part A Assignments 1 10. Choose the only correct answer. 1.1. Tithe Church was founded in Kyiv 1) Svyatoslav 2) Vladimir Monomakh

History tasks B3 1. Match the terms with the time of their appearance. For each position in the first column, select the corresponding position in the second. Write your answer as a sequence

1 Systematization of historical information: multiple choice The answers to the tasks are a word, a phrase, a number or a sequence of words, numbers. Write your answer without spaces, commas, etc.

Demonstration version of the final work on HISTORY Grade 6 Instructions for completing the work 45 minutes are given to complete the final work on history. The work consists of two parts and includes 20

BASIC KNOWLEDGE FOR LESSON 2 1. Main dates and events 1359-1389 - Dmitry Ivanovich (Donskoy) reigned in Moscow. 1380 - Battle of Kulikovo. 1462-1505 - reign of Grand Duke Ivan III. 1480 - end of dependence

Specification - diagnostic work on the HISTORY OF RUSSIA for students of the 8th cadet classes of educational organizations in Moscow. Appointment of diagnostic work Diagnostic work is carried out

Municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad 2018-2019 academic year History. 9th grade. Keys. Task 1. Choose 1 correct answer in each task. Write your answers in the table below (2 points per

Domestic and foreign policy of Boris Godunov Boris Godunov was elected tsar at the Zemsky Sobor in 1) 1584 2) 1598 3) 1601 4) 1603 During the reign of Boris Godunov, the head of the Russian Orthodox

Russian history. Part 1. L.V. Selezneva Testing time 25 min Number of questions 30 Number of questions for 5 26 Number of questions for 4 21 Number of questions for 3 15

Section 5. RUSSIA IN THE XVI-XVII centuries: FROM THE GRAND PRINCIPALITY TO THE KINGDOM Topic 5.1. The Russian State in the 16th and early 17th centuries. Topic of the lesson: Russia in the reign of Ivan the Terrible. Time of Troubles at the Beginning of the 17th Century.

SCHOOL STAGE OF THE ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN IN HISTORY in the 2016/2017 academic year. TASKS. 8TH GRADE. Time to complete tasks 60 minutes. Total score 100 Task 1. (2 points for each correct

Story. Grade 11. Demo 2 (45 minutes) 1 History. Grade 11. Demo 2 (45 minutes) 2 Diagnostic thematic work 2 in preparation for the exam in HISTORY on the topic “History

ALL-RUSSIAN VERIFICATION WORK HISTORY 11 CLASS Option 16 Instructions for performing work The verification work includes 12 tasks. 1 hour 30 minutes (90

MUNICIPAL STAGE OF THE OLYMPIAD IN HISTORY 2016 2017 academic year Grade 8 Task 1. Analyze an excerpt from the work of V.O. Klyuchevsky and give answers to the questions posed (8 points). "After the impostor king

A demonstration version for conducting an intermediate certification in History in the 7th grade 2016-2017 Appointment of the final test work control of the state of the level of formation of general educational and special

The accession of the Romanov dynasty 2012 11/25/2013 1 Purpose: to analyze how a very young man Mikhail Romanov ended up on the Russian throne, who did not have the virtues of a statesman and

2. History of the national state and law A) Monographs and study guides 1. Reader on the history of the national state and law. X 1917. M.: Zertsalo, 2004, 2013, 2016. 334 p. 2. Constitutional

2 Table of contents I. Planned development results subject... 3 II. The content of the subject... 4 III. Thematic planning of a subject... 6 3 I. Planned results of learning

Unified State Examination in History 2013 Distribution of assignments by parts of the examination work Parts Number Maximum Percentage of the maximum primary Type of assignments work assignments primary score score for completing assignments

QUESTIONS FOR PREPARATION FOR THE EXAM In the academic discipline "History of the national state and law" For the direction of preparation 030900.62 Jurisprudence For full-time students, absentee form 1. Subject

Test work on history 10th grade Time of Troubles answers >>> Test work on history 10th grade Time of Troubles answers Test work on history 10th grade Time of Troubles answers What was it

ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD OF SCHOOLCHILDREN IN HISTORY 2018/2019 ACADEMIC YEAR MUNICIPAL STAGE 8 GRADE The maximum number of points for the round is 60 1. In tasks 1.1-1.3, match the data groups

History test Grade 8 Municipality Locality Educational organization Class Profile Last name, first name (in full) Date 2014 Instructions for the test To perform a test on

Tasks A4 in history 1. What was one of the results of the reign of Ivan the Terrible? 1) the formation of the all-Russian market 2) the abolition of school years 3) the maintenance of St. George's Day for the peasants 4) the weakening of the country due to

Test on the history of Russia Grade 8 Option 1 1. The period of palace coups covers the time after the death of Peter I to 1) Peter II 2) Peter III 3) Catherine I 4) Catherine II 2. The main feature of the internal

Demonstration version of the final test in history for students in grade 7 Explanatory note Intermediate certification in history in grade 7 is carried out in the form of a test work. Purpose

Grade 7 Test 1 Option 1 1. K.15-n.16 century. A) The Dutch Revolution 2. Ser. 16th century B) The great geographical discoveries 3. 1566 C) The beginning of the Conreformation and religious wars Explain the concept

1. The purpose of studying the discipline is: Formation of students' historical thinking, a holistic view of the patterns of the world historical process. 2. Tasks solved during the development of the program

Explanations to the demonstration version of the control measuring materials of intra-school monitoring in the MOU "Secondary School 8" in history for the course of the 7th grade (subject) The demonstration version is designed to

Test on the history of Russia Grade 8 Option 1. What was the active intervention of the state in the development of the economy during the reign of Peter I? Choose three correct answers from the list. Write down the numbers below

Test for 7th grades in history "The era of Peter I. Northern War" Option 1 A1.B 1682-1696. there was a dual power of Peter I and a) Ivan Alekseevich c) Tsarina Natalya Kirillovna b) Tsarevna Sofia Alekseevna

Explanatory note to the diagnostic and training work in the GIA (USE) format: This work was compiled in the GIA (USE) format in accordance with the demo version published on the FIPI website

Test on the history of Russia Grade 8 Option 1. Peter I actively used foreign experience in his transformations. What was the peculiarity of Peter's reforms in comparison with his predecessors? 1) to Petra

The municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Krasnoyarsk Territory 2017-2018 academic year Grade 9 time to complete 140 minutes key Task 1 A: Educators of the heirs to the throne B: These Decembrists

Tasks A5 in history 1. A contemporary of Catherine II was 1) Simeon of Polotsk 2) Stepan Razin 3) Alexander Radishchev 4) Patriarch Nikon 2. In whose reign was the "Council Code" adopted? 1) Mikhail Fedorovich

Final examination on history for grade 7 >>> Final examination on history for grade 7 Final examination on history for grade 7 The work includes several parts with different levels

Conquer Sparrow Hills. Story. Full-time stage 2016-2017. Grades 5-9 Keys Option 1. Polyudie is the duty of the population of Ancient Rus' to send people to the princely squad (no) Black-footed peasants in the North

ALL-RUSSIAN VERIFICATION WORK HISTORY 11 CLASS Option 14 Instructions for performing the work The verification work includes 12 tasks. 1 hour 30 minutes (90

Story. Grade 10. Demo version 1 Final work on the HISTORY Instructions for completing the work 45 minutes are allotted to complete the work on the history. The work includes 22 tasks. Answers to

Test on the history of Russia Option 1 1. The Moscow principality was allocated to Daniil Alexandrovich 1) 1247 2) 1276 3) 1325 4) 1327 2. The transformation of Moscow into the center of the unification of Russian lands is connected

LEGEND: E economy In the war Agricultural agriculture P politics Select one flyleaf in your notebook and write down all the symbols there. What to look for: Highlighted in red to learn;