Methods for physical culture. Sports training methods: characteristics, tasks and goals

Methods of physical education are ways to exercise. In physical education, two groups of methods are used (Fig. 4): specific methods of physical education (characteristic only for the process of physical education) and general pedagogical methods of physical education (used in all cases of training and education).

Specific methods of physical education:

1) methods of strictly regulated exercise;

2) game method (use of exercises in a game form);

3) competitive method (use of exercises in competitive form).

With the help of these methods, specific tasks related to teaching the technique of performing physical exercises and educating physical qualities are solved.

General pedagogical methodsmethods of physical education:

1) verbal methods;

2) methods of visual influence.

None of the methods can be limited in the methodology of physical education as the best. Only the optimal combination of these methods in accordance with methodological principles can ensure the successful implementation of a complex of tasks of physical education.

Rice. 4. The system of specific and general methodological methods used in physical education

Strictly Regulated Exercise Methods

The main methodological direction in the process of physical education is the strict regulation of exercises. The essence of the methods of a strictly regulated exercise is that each exercise is performed in a strictly specified form and with a precisely determined load.

Methods of strictly regulated exercise have great pedagogical possibilities. They allow: 1) to carry out the motor activity of those involved in a strictly prescribed program (selection of exercises, their connections, combinations, sequence of execution, etc.); 2) strictly regulate the load in terms of volume and intensity, as well as manage its dynamics depending on the psycho physical condition dealing with and solving problems; 3) accurately dose the rest intervals between parts of the load; 4) selectively educate physical qualities; 5) use physical exercises in classes with any age group; 6) effectively master the technique of physical exercises, etc.

In the practice of physical education, all methods of strictly regulated exercise are divided into two subgroups: 1) methods of teaching motor actions; 2) methods of education of physical qualities.

Methods of teaching motor actions. These include:

1) holistic method (method of holistically constructive exercise);

2) dissected-constructive; 3) conjugated impact. The method of holistically constructive exercise. Applicable at any stage of training. Its essence lies in the fact that the technique of motor action is mastered from the very beginning in its integral structure without dividing into separate parts. The holistic method allows you to learn structurally simple movements (for example, running, simple jumps, general developmental exercises, etc.).

Using a holistic method, it is possible to master individual details, elements or phases not in isolation, but in the overall structure of the movement, by focusing students' attention on the necessary parts of the technique.

The disadvantage of this method is that in uncontrolled phases or details of the motor action (movement) it is possible to fix errors in the technique. Therefore, when mastering exercises with a complex structure, its use is undesirable. In this case, the split method is preferred.

Dissected-constructive method. Applies to early stages learning. It provides for the division of an integral motor action (mainly with a complex structure) into separate phases or elements with their sequential learning and subsequent connection into a single whole.

When applying the dissected method, the following rules must be observed (V. V. Belinovich, 1958).

1. It is expedient to start training with a holistic performance of a motor action, and then, if necessary, isolate elements from it that require more thorough study.

2. It is necessary to divide the exercises in such a way that the selected elements are relatively independent or less interconnected.

3. Study the selected elements in a short time and combine them as soon as possible.

4. The selected elements should be studied in various ways, if possible. Then it is easier to construct a holistic movement.

The disadvantage of the dissected method is that it is not always easy to combine the elements learned in isolation into a holistic motor action.

In the practice of physical education, holistic and dissected-constructive methods are often combined. First, they begin to learn the exercise holistically. Then they master the most difficult selected elements and finally return to the holistic performance.

The method of conjugated influence. It is mainly used in the process of improving the learned motor actions to improve their qualitative basis, i.e. effectiveness. Its essence lies in the fact that the technique of motor action is improved in conditions that require an increase in physical effort. For example, an athlete in training throws a weighted javelin or discus, long jump with a weighted belt, etc. In this case, both the technique of movement and physical abilities are improved at the same time.

When applying the conjugate method, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the technique of motor actions is not distorted and their integral structure is not violated.

Methods of education of physical qualities. The methods of strict regulation used for the education of physical qualities are various combinations of loads and rest. They are aimed at achieving and consolidating adaptive changes in the body. The methods of this group can be divided into methods with standard and non-standard (variable) loads.

Standard Exercise Methods are mainly aimed at achieving and consolidating adaptive changes in the body. A standard exercise can be continuous and intermittent (interval).

Method of standard-continuous exercise is a continuous muscular activity without a change in intensity (usually moderate). Its most typical varieties are: a) uniform exercise (for example, long run, swimming, skiing, rowing and other types of cyclic exercise); b) a standard flow exercise (for example, repeated continuous execution of elementary gymnastic exercises).

Method of standard interval exercise - this is, as a rule, a repeated exercise, when the same load is repeated many times. In this case, there may be different rest intervals between repetitions.

Methods of variable exercise. These methods are characterized by a directed change in load in order to achieve adaptive changes in the body. In this case, exercises with a progressive, varying and decreasing load are used.

Exercises with a progressive load directly lead to an increase in the functionality of the body. Exercises with varying loads are aimed at preventing and eliminating speed, coordination and other functional "barriers". Exercises with decreasing load allow you to achieve large volumes of load, which is important in the development of endurance.

The main varieties of the variable exercise method are the following methods.

Variable-continuous exercise method. It is characterized by muscular activity carried out in a mode with varying intensity. There are the following varieties of this method:

a) variable exercise in cyclic movements (variable running, fartlek, swimming and other types of movements with varying speed);

b) variable flow exercise - serial performance of a complex of gymnastic exercises, different in intensity of loads.

Variable-interval exercise method. It is characterized by the presence of various rest intervals between loads. Typical variations of this method are:

a) progressive exercise (for example, consecutive single lifting of a barbell weighing 70-80-90-95 kg, etc. with full rest intervals between sets;

b) a varying exercise with variable rest intervals (for example, lifting a barbell, the weight of which changes in waves - 60-70-80-70-80-90-50 kg, and the rest intervals range from 3 to 5 minutes);

c) descending exercise (for example, running segments in the following order - 800 + 400 + 200 + 100 m with hard rest intervals between them).

In addition to those listed, there is also a group of methods of generalized exposure in the form of continuous and interval exercises during circuit training.

Circle method is a consistent performance of specially selected physical exercises that affect various muscle groups and functional systems by the type of continuous or interval work. For each exercise, a place is determined, which is called the "station". Usually 8-10 "stations" are included in the circle. On each of them, the student performs one of the exercises (for example, pull-ups, squats, push-ups, jumps, etc.) and goes through a circle from 1 to 3 times (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5.

This method is used to educate and improve almost all physical qualities.

In more detail, the methods of education of physical qualities are considered in the seventh chapter "Theoretical and practical foundations for the development of physical qualities."

game method

In the system of physical education, the game is used to solve educational, health-improving and educational tasks.

The essence of the game method lies in the fact that the motor activity of those involved is organized on the basis of the content, conditions and rules of the game.

The main methodological features of the game method are:

1) the game method provides a comprehensive, complex development of physical qualities and improvement of motor skills and abilities, since in the process of the game they do not appear in isolation, but in close interaction; in case of pedagogical necessity, with the help of the game method, it is possible to selectively develop certain physical qualities (selecting the appropriate games);

2) the presence in the game of elements of rivalry requires significant physical effort from those involved, which makes it an effective method of educating physical abilities;

3) a wide choice of various ways to achieve the goal, the improvisational nature of actions in the game contribute to the formation of a person's independence, initiative, creativity, purposefulness and other valuable personal qualities;

4) observance of the conditions and rules of the game in the conditions of confrontation makes it possible for the teacher to purposefully form moral qualities among students: a sense of mutual assistance and cooperation, conscious discipline, will, collectivism, etc.;

5) the factor of pleasure, emotionality and attractiveness inherent in the game method contributes to the formation of a stable positive interest and an active motive for physical education among those involved (especially children).

The disadvantage of the game method can be attributed to its limited capabilities when learning new movements, as well as when dosing the load on the body.

Competitive Method

Competitive Method is a way of performing exercises in the form of competitions. The essence of the method lies in the use of competitions as a means of increasing the level of preparedness of those involved. A prerequisite The competitive method is the readiness of those involved to perform those exercises in which they must compete.

In the practice of physical education, the competitive method is manifested:

1) in the form of official competitions at various levels (Olympic Games, World Championships in various types sport, championship of the country, city, qualifying competitions and so on.);

2) as an element of organizing a lesson, any physical culture and sports activity, including sports training.

The competitive method allows:

  • stimulate maximum expression motor abilities and identify the level of their development;
  • identify and evaluate the quality of possession of motor actions;
  • provide maximum physical activity;
  • contribute to the development of strong-willed qualities.

General pedagogical methods used in physical education

In physical education, methods of general pedagogy are widely used, in particular, methods of using the word (verbal methods) and methods of providing visibility (visual methods).

The use of general pedagogical methods in physical education depends on the content educational material, didactic goals, functions, training of students, their age, personality traits and training of a teacher-trainer, the availability of material and technical base, the possibilities of its use.

verbal methods

In physical education, the teacher largely implements his general pedagogical and specific functions with the help of the word: sets tasks for students, manages their educational and practical activities in the classroom, communicates knowledge, evaluates the results of mastering educational material, and has an educational impact on students.

The following verbal methods are used in physical education.

1. Didactic story. It is a presentation of educational material in narrative form. Its purpose is to provide a general, fairly broad idea of ​​any motor action or integral motor activity. It is most widely used in the process of physical education of children of primary and secondary school age. In elementary school, especially in grades I-II, physical exercises are interesting (emotionally) if they are carried out in the form of "motor, didactic stories": individual actions-episodes are sequentially deployed according to the teacher's story. These actions are united by some common plot story, which children accompany with actions that are accessible to their imagination and motor experience.

The older the students, the wider the description, explanation of the educational material and the lecture are used instead of the story.

2. Description. This is a way of creating an idea about the action in the trainees. The description provides for a clear, expressive, figurative disclosure of the signs and properties of objects, their size, location in space, forms, a message about the nature of the flow of phenomena and events. With the help of the description, students are mainly informed of factual material, it is said what should be done, but it is not indicated why it should be done. It is used mainly when creating an initial representation or when studying relatively simple actions, when students can use their knowledge and motor experience.

3. Explanation. The method is a consistent, logically strict presentation by the teacher of complex issues, such as concepts, laws, rules, etc. In practice, the explanation is characterized by the proof of the statements, the soundness of the put forward provisions, the strict logical sequence of the presentation of facts and generalizations.

In physical education, an explanation is used to familiarize students with what and how they should do when performing a learning task. Widely used in explanation sports terminology characteristic for this section of the program (athletics, gymnastics, etc.). The use of terms makes the explanation more concise.

For children of primary school age, the explanation should be figurative, vivid comparison and specific.

4. Conversation. Question-answer form of mutual exchange of information between the teacher and students.

5. Parsing - a form of conversation conducted by a teacher with students after completing any motor task, participating in competitions, playing activities, etc., in which the analysis and evaluation of the achieved result are carried out and ways of further work to improve the achieved are outlined.

6. Lecture is a systematic, comprehensive, consistent coverage of a particular topic (problem).

7. Instruction - an accurate, specific presentation by the teacher of the task proposed by the student.

Greetings, dear readers! Often visitors gyms They think that it is enough just to lift weights by themselves. If everything were so, and not otherwise, then professional athlete a whole team of trainers, methodologists and scientists would not be required.

Theoretical basis sports training originated more than 2000 years ago, when Greece began to hold sports competitions called Olympic Games. By this time, treatises of ancient Greek scientists belong, in which the methods of sports training of athletes were already discussed.

Training is not as simple a process as it might seem at first glance. After all, it is not only a set of exercises and a specific program for their implementation. The basis of a fruitful training also includes theoretical and psychological preparation, the principle of individualization of the load and the adjustment of the training process to specific goals.

Even having made good program exercises, you will come across the concept of sports training methods. They essentially determine the manner in which you conduct your workout.

Modern methods, in contrast to ancient Greek, have acquired a more formalized form. With their classification, I will now acquaint you.

General pedagogical methods

verbal methods

The athlete's coach must first explain to the athlete the purpose and objectives of the training. Discuss points related to the technique of performing exercises, the style of performing movements and analyze the results already achieved. If necessary, motivate the athlete for the upcoming training.

Such relationships should be present not only in professional sports, but also in ordinary fitness centers, between personal trainer and his client.

Visual Methods

Here the expression is true: "it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times." For example, it will be difficult for a beginner in the gym to explain the technique of performing the exercise. In this case, the coach should clearly demonstrate the correct biomechanics of movement.

And every time in my articles I urge you to use visual methods when I ask you to watch videos from correct technique doing the exercise.

Practical Methods

Strictly Regulated Exercise Method

This includes the development of exercise techniques and methods for developing physical qualities.

Mastering the exercise technique

Mastering the technique can be carried out by breaking up a complex movement into simple components and sequentially working through each part separately. But such methods are rarely used in fitness and bodybuilding.

Iron sports are characterized by working out the technique of the entire exercise in one fell swoop or replacing base movement to the same in the simulator. The last method is called simulation. For example, to better understand the movement of the bar in the squat, you can first perform the exercise in the Smith machine.

Methods for the development of physical qualities

Methods for the development of physical qualities, in turn, can be divided into the following.

Continuous uniform method

An example is cardio. That is, continuous work for a certain time, aimed mainly at developing aerobic qualities and endurance for a particular sport. Moreover, it is important that the exercise is performed in a constant rhythm (slow, medium or fast). The disadvantage of this method is the rapid adaptation of the body to stress.

Continuous variable method

Here, the load can vary during the exercise, which will make the training more interesting and varied. The body will not be able to quickly adapt to the load, as you can surprise it with every workout.

interval method

It consists in alternating intervals of intensive work and rest. And rest is strictly stipulated. An example would be interval cardio, which, as you know, is an efficient calorie burner, but at the same time, it is recommended only for trained athletes. Rest can last from 15 seconds to 3 minutes, depending on the duration of the intense part of the exercise.

Repeat method

The main method used by bodybuilders. After doing a certain amount reps followed by rest until recovery. Rest time is not strictly regulated, but even if it is defined, then this time is enough to replenish energy resources. In other sports, this method is used to simulate competitive loads.

Circuit training method

Introducing this method into your training schedule will increase calorie consumption and diversify the training process. strict intervals of work and rest, individualization of the load, sequential engagement various groups muscles.

game method

Gives the opportunity to develop sports skills during the game. This method is popular in almost all sports and is actively used in preparation for competitions. Even in bodybuilding, you can apply this method, but only as a change and not more than once a month.

If you have not guessed how you can apply this method in the hall, then I suggest. Find a training partner, choose an exercise, and have a ladder race. Choose a certain weight of the projectile and perform the exercise in turn, each time increasing the number of repetitions. The one who first fails to complete the required number of repetitions will lose.

Competitive Method

When preparing for competitions, you need to give the body a load close to the competitive one. This causes serious shifts in various body systems and stimulates its adaptive resources. It can also serve as a control method for the level of training of an athlete. Competition rules in training can be modified to emphasize specific skills.

What conclusion can be drawn, friends? Training is a complex and multifaceted process, during which the athlete, but also the psychological qualities. The variety of methods is proof of this.

And I say goodbye to you on this. Learn theory and put it into practice. Don't forget to share the articles with your friends. See you soon!

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Means- this is the specific content of the athlete's action, and method It is a way of doing things, a way of applying them. The main means of training an athlete are exercise, which can be conditionally divided into three groups: general preparatory, special preparatory and competitive.

Sports training methods accepted for practical purposes

Conditionally divided into three groups: verbal, visual and practical. When selecting methods, care must be taken to ensure that they

strictly corresponded to the tasks set, general didactic principles, as well as special principles of sports training, age and gender characteristics of the athlete, their classification and level of preparedness.

TO verbal methods include a story, explanation, lecture, conversation, analysis, discussion, command, hint, etc. These methods should be used in a concise, figurative and accessible form, especially in the preparation of qualified athletes, which is greatly facilitated by special terminology and a combination of verbal methods with visual .

Visual Methods are diverse and largely determine the effectiveness of the training process. First of all, they should include the methodologically correct, direct demonstration of exercises and their elements by a coach or a qualified athlete. In addition, visual aids should be widely used:

Educational film and video films, film rings, cinematographs, layouts of sports grounds;

The simplest landmarks that limit the direction of movement;

Complex landmarks, which, by means of light, sound "signals and mechanical leading devices, including those with program control, provide feedback.

Practice Exercise Methods can be roughly divided into two main subgroups:

Methods mainly aimed at the development of sports equipment, i.e. on the formation of motor skills and abilities characteristic of the chosen sport;

Methods, mainly aimed at the development of motor qualities.

Both subgroups of methods are closely interconnected, are used in inseparable unity, provide an effective solution to the problems of sports training.

Among the methods, mainly aimed at the development of sports equipment, there are methods of learning movements in general and in parts. The learning of movements as a whole is carried out when mastering relatively simple exercises, as well as complex movements, the division of which into parts is impossible. However, in this case, the attention of those involved is consistently focused on the rational implementation of individual elements of a holistic motor act. When learning more or less complex movements that can be divided into relatively independent elements, the development of sports equipment is carried out in parts. In the future, the integral implementation of motor actions leads to the connection into a single whole of the previously mastered components of a complex exercise.

When using the methods of learning movements, both in general and in parts, a large role is given to leading and imitation exercises. Lead up exercises are used to facilitate the tasks of mastering sports equipment through the systematic development of simpler motor actions. For example, in runner training, running with a high raise of the hip, running with jumps, etc. are used as lead-in exercises. Each of these exercises is leading to running and contributes to a more effective formation of its individual elements: repulsion, high hip extension, increasing the pace of movements, coordination in the activity of antagonist muscles, etc.

IN simulation exercises the general structure of the main exercises is preserved and conditions are provided that facilitate the development of motor actions. Imitation exercises are very widely used in improving the technical skills of both beginners and highly qualified athletes. They not only allow you to create an idea of ​​the technique of a sports exercise, facilitate the process of its assimilation, but also provide effective coordination between motor and vegetative functions. For example, in training a thrower, as an imitation exercise, a holistic action is used in front of a mirror without releasing a projectile, focusing on individual elements of the movement, controlling their accuracy.

The structure of the methods, mainly aimed at the development of motor qualities, is determined by the nature of the exercise in the process of a single use of this method (continuous or with rest intervals) and the mode of exercise (uniform, standard or variable, varying). continuous method characterized by a single continuous execution of training work. interval method provides for the implementation of exercises with regulated rest breaks. When using both methods, exercises can be performed both in a uniform and in a variable mode. Depending on the selection of exercises and the peculiarities of their use, training can be generalized (interval) or selective (primary) in nature. With a generalized impact Parallel (complex) improvement of various qualities is carried out, which determine the level of the athlete's preparedness, and at the electoral the predominant development of individual qualities. With a uniform mode, the intensity of work is constant, with a variable - varying.

As other independent methods, it is necessary to single out Game and competitive methods. game method provides

performance of motor actions in the conditions of the game, within the limits of its characteristic rules, the arsenal of technical and tactical methods and situations. Its use provides high emotionality of classes and is associated with the solution of various tasks in constantly changing situations. These features of gaming activity require initiative, courage, perseverance and independence, the ability to manage their emotions, the manifestation of high coordination abilities, quick response and thinking, original and unexpected technical and tactical solutions for rivals. All this predetermines the effectiveness of the game method for improving various aspects of the athlete's training.

Competitive Method involves a specially organized activity aimed at identifying the level of preparedness of an athlete and acting as a way to increase the effectiveness of the training process. This method can be carried out under difficult or light conditions compared to those that are typical for official competitions.

When applying the competitive method, it is necessary to take into account the qualification of an athlete, the level of his technical, tactical, physical, theoretical, integral and especially psychological readiness. The competitive method as one of the most effective methods effects on the body of those involved are especially widely used when working with qualified and well-trained athletes.

Technical training.

To achieve the best result In athletics, it is necessary to master the perfect technique - the most rational and effective way doing the exercise. Perfect technique should be understood as reasonably justified and expedient movements that contribute to the achievement of the highest sports results. In this case, one should always take into account the individual characteristics of the athlete, as well as the conditions in which the movements have to be performed.

Rational sports technique not only the correct, reasonable form of movement, but also the ability to show significant volitional and muscular efforts, to perform movements quickly, to relax muscles in time. High sports technique is based on the excellent physical preparation of the athlete; to master modern technology, he must be strong, fast, agile, flexible, enduring.

One of the main conditions for successful mastering efficient technique is the athlete's conscious attitude to training at all stages of improvement, his comprehension of each movement. The athlete should not blindly copy movements or mindlessly follow someone else's advice. He must realize why the technique he uses is indeed rational.

Consolidation and improvement of motor skills should not be understood narrowly and applied simultaneously. Improvement of technique continues throughout sports activities. Even when a student shows the result of the highest class, the coach should not forget about improving individual elements of technique, about eliminating technical errors.

Tactical training.

Sports tactics - the art of wrestling with the enemy, its main task is the most expedient use of the physical and mental capabilities of an athlete to defeat an opponent, to achieve maximum results for himself.

Tactics are necessary in all types of light athletics. She plays the most important role in race walking, running for medium and long distances, and the smallest - where the competition takes place without direct contact with the enemy (jumping, throwing). Tactical art allows an athlete to more effectively use his sports technique, physical and moral-volitional preparedness, his knowledge and experience in the fight against different opponents in different conditions. In general, tactical skill should be based on a rich stock of knowledge, skills, and abilities that allow you to accurately carry out the planned plan, and in case of deviations, quickly assess the situation and find the most effective solution.

Tasks tactical training are as follows:

Studying general provisions tactics;

Knowledge of the essence and patterns sports, especially in a specialized form athletics;

The study of methods, means, forms and types of tactics in its own way;

Knowledge of the tactical experience of the strongest athletes;

Practical use of elements, techniques, tactics in training sessions, estimates, competitions (“tactical exercises”);

Determining the forces of opponents, knowing their tactical, physical, technical and volitional readiness, their ability to conduct a competitive fight, taking into account the situation and other external conditions.

Based on these tasks, the athlete, together with the coach, develops a plan of tactical actions for the upcoming competition. After the competition, it is necessary to analyze the effectiveness of tactics, draw conclusions for the future.

The main means of teaching tactics is the repeated execution of exercises according to a planned plan, for example, running with a certain change in speed; start of jumps from a set height; showing the best result in throwing in the first attempt; The use of one of the learned options in response to the envisaged situation; change of tactical scheme and much more.

Tactical skill, as is known, is closely connected with the development of physical and volitional qualities, with the improvement of technology. Sometimes, before trying to carry out the plan

tactical combination, it is necessary to increase the functionality of the athlete and his technical skills.

Theoretical training plays an important role in the training of athletes. The tasks of theoretical training include the following questions:

General concepts of the system of physical education and the theory of sports;

Knowledge of the prospects for the development of physical culture and sports in the country and the world;

Knowledge of the theory and practice of athletics;

Knowledge of the issues of psychological preparation of an athlete;

Knowledge of the athlete's hygiene regimen, medical control and self-control;

Knowledge of the issues of injury prevention in a specialized form of athletics.

Physical training.

Physical fitness is a sports training, which is aimed at the predominant development of the motor qualities of an athlete: strength, speed, endurance, dexterity, flexibility and others, as well as at strengthening health, the most important organs and systems of the body, improving their functions. Physical training is divided into general and special.

aim general physical training(OFP) is to achieve high performance of the body, and it is aimed at general development and strengthening the body of an athlete: increasing the functionality internal organs, muscle development, improvement of coordination ability, correction of body defects (mainly from general preparatory) - taking into account the characteristics and requirements of athletics specialization. These include exercises on shells ( gymnastic wall, bench, etc.), with shells (stuffed

Special physical training(SFP) of an athlete should be aimed at the development of individual muscle groups of an athlete, the acquisition of those motor skills that directly ensure the successful mastery of technique and the growth of results in the chosen sport. It should consist of exercises that are possibly similar in amplitude of movements, the nature and magnitude of muscle effort, the load on the cardiovascular and respiratory system, according to mental stress, etc. These include special preparatory exercises that include an element, part or chosen view athletics in general.

With age and an increase in the skill of an athlete, the number of physical training exercises decreases and those that are more conducive to specialization are selected, i.e. SFP exercises. The volume of physical fitness and physical fitness exercises in the athlete's training system is largely determined by the levels of his fitness components.

Psychological preparation.

The psychological preparation of an athlete can be divided into general psychological preparation and psychological preparation for specific competitions. This division is conditional, since real life the educational and training process alternates with competitions all the time and the tasks of general psychological preparation are solved in conditions competitive activity.

General psychological preparation, daily carried out [during training sessions and competitions, is aimed at [development of such mental qualities in an athlete that are more conducive to the successful and lasting mastery of sportsmanship. These include:

Creation of a correct and stable system of motives that encourage an athlete to systematically train, observe the regime and compete in competitions;

Creation of clear ideas about one's psyche and qualities Necessary for sports improvement and successful performances;

Formation of character traits and properties nervous system, contributing to emotional stability and the transfer of maximum loads;

Development of specific processes necessary for mastering technique and tactics (a sense of rhythm, time, orientation in space, the ability to self-control over various elements of movement, etc.);

Development of the ability to manage oneself, one's feelings and experiences, to be distracted from all extraneous stimuli, to consciously inhibit adverse mental states that arise in the process of training and competitive activities;

Mastering the ability to easily and freely carry out maximum efforts without disturbing coordination and dynamics of movements.

Early pre-competition psychological preparation

Direct psychological preparation on the eve and during the competition includes:

The psychological impact during one performance includes: a brief introspection and correction of behavior during the struggle; stimulation of volitional efforts and reduction of tension; normalization of the mental state after qualifying performances; elimination of emotions

In the process of psychological preparation, you can divide two relatively independent and at the same time closely

interrelated directions: 1) education of moral and volitional qualities; 2) improvement of specific mental abilities.

The most important tasks of the athlete's volitional training are: 1) to learn how to mobilize as much as possible to achieve success; 2) learn to manage your emotional state; 3) cultivate such qualities as purposefulness, determination and courage, perseverance and perseverance, endurance and self-control, independence and initiative.

10. Load. Characteristics of load parameters.

- this is the magnitude of the impact of physical exercises on a person, which is accompanied by an increased, relative to rest, level of functioning of the body.

Distinguish internal And external load side. Internal is characterized by morpho-functional changes in the body under the influence of the load. External - is determined by the quantitative characteristics of the work performed (intensity and volume).

And variable. The first one is the same in its external parameters at every moment of time, and the second one changes in the course of the exercise.

The effect of the load is determined by its volume and intensity.

Load volume is the duration of the impact of the load on the human body.

Intensity- this is the load impact force, characterized by the intensity of functions, a one-time amount of effort, etc.

Total load several physical exercises (or classes in general) can be determined, respectively, by the integral characteristics of its volume and intensity in individual exercises (or classes). Between indicators of volume and intensity of the load there are inversely proportional relationships.

And discontinuous character. In the first case, when performing the exercise, there are no rest intervals, in the second, there are rest intervals between repetitions of the exercise, which ensure the restoration of the level of human performance. Depending on in which phase of recovery of working capacity the next exercise is performed, the following are distinguished: types of rest intervals:

Hard- the interval at which the next part of the load falls on the period of the under-restored state of the body. This rest interval is used in the development different types endurance. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that loads that are inadequate to individual capabilities in this mode can lead to exhaustion of the body.

Relatively complete (ordinary)- an interval that guarantees, by the time of the next part of the load, an almost complete restoration of working capacity to the initial level.

Full interval- at which the operational performance returns to the original one in a wave-like manner.

Supercompensatory (extreme)- the interval at which the next part of the load coincides with the phase of increased performance (supercompensation phase).

Rest can be active, passive or combined.

Leisure - performance in pauses between exercises of the same or other exercises with reduced intensity.

Passive rest- relative rest, lack of active motor activity.

Combined rest- unification in one pause of rest of its active and passive organization.

Effects of exercise exposure. Motor activity is accompanied by a number of processes and phenomena in the human body and psyche, which can be summarized as urgent (immediate) motor effect.

An urgent motor effect is observed directly in the process of performing an exercise or lesson. It manifests itself in a change in the functional activity of the body, in the restructuring of coordination of movements, in the activation of a number of processes and phenomena (biochemical, physiological, mental, intellectual, etc.), in achieving a certain semantic result of the work performed (solving a motor task, creating a product of activity, etc.). d.).

After the cessation of motor activity, its effect does not disappear. For some time, residual phenomena of those processes that were caused by motor activity remain, i.e. trace (current) motor effect.

At the same time, depending on the time intervals that pass before the next lesson, the following phases of changing the effect of exercises are distinguished: the phase of relative normalization, supercompensatory and reduction phases (Fig. 2.1.).

In the phase of relative normalization, the trace effect of the exercise is characterized by the deployment of recovery processes, leading to the restoration of operational performance to the original level.

Rice. 2.1. The dynamics of operational performance during

load and during the rest period (scheme).

1 – running-in phase;

2 - phase of stable operational performance;

3 - the phase of reducing operational performance (fatigue);

4 - phase of relative normalization of operational performance (recovery);

5 - phase of increased operational performance (supercompensation);

6 - reduction phase (decrease in operational performance to the initial level.

In the supercompensatory phase, the trace effect of the exercise is expressed not only in the reimbursement of working expenses, but also in compensating them "with excess", exceeding the level of operational performance over the initial level.

In the reduction phase, the trace effect of the exercise is lost if the time between sessions is too long. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to conduct subsequent sessions either in the phase of relative normalization or in the supercompensatory phase. In such cases, the effect of previous sessions will "layer" on the effect of subsequent ones.

As a result, a qualitatively new effect of the systematic use of exercises arises - cumulative effect. He is thus overall result integration (connection) of trace effects of a regularly reproduced exercise (or a system of various exercises).

The cumulative effect of exercise is the basis for increasing the level of fitness, maintaining and further improving physical fitness. But the cumulation of the exercise effect can also lead to negative consequences if the laws of physical education are violated, in particular, chronically allowed excessive loads. The consequence of this may be overstrain, overtraining, etc.

Depending on the stage of rest at which the loads will be performed, there are four main options for building a lesson (Fig. 2.2.).

Rice. 2.2. Dynamics of operational performance depending on the duration of rest (diagram)

A - repeated execution of the load in the phase of under-recovery of operational performance.

B - repeated execution of the load in the phase of relatively complete restoration of operational performance.

B - repeated execution of the load in the phase of increased operational performance (supercompensation).

G - repeated execution of the load in the phase of full recovery of operational performance.

First option is used for two to three sessions a day and provides for the implementation of training work in the phase of under-recovery, which provides compensatory prerequisites for the total training effect. Its use is advisable mainly in the development of endurance.

Second option involves carrying out subsequent classes during the period of relatively complete recovery of the body of those involved and ensures the maintenance of a certain level of physical performance.

In the third option the use of a supercompensatory type of rest interval is envisaged, which ensures the fulfillment of the subsequent load in the stage of increased working capacity.

Fourth option provides for the subsequent lesson after a long rest interval, when the structural traces of the previous lesson are almost lost. This form of organization of classes is used mainly in the field of active leisure (physical recreation), since it provides a sustainable recreational and health-improving effect. The noted options for alternating work and rest take place both in one lesson and in the system of classes.

Municipal educational institution secondary school in the village of Sputnik

Report on the topic:

« ».

Physical education teacher

Novozhilov M.A.




Introduction ..............................................................................................................................3

Teaching methods for physical education ..................................................................4

    Main sections and stages physical education and education........................4

    Requirements for the choice of teaching methods.................................................................6

    Classification of teaching methods...........................................................................6

    Rules for conducting physical exercises................................11

    How to build a practice session..................................................................12

List of sources used ...........................................................................14


Physical education is an integral part of human life. It occupies a rather important place in the study and work of people. Physical exercise plays a significant role in the working capacity of members of society, which is why knowledge and skills in physical culture should be incorporated into educational institutions different levels step by step. A significant role in the upbringing and teaching of physical culture is invested by the school, where teaching should be based on clear methods, methods that together line up in a well-organized and well-established methodology for teaching and educating students.

An integral part of the methodology of teaching physical culture is a system of knowledge on conducting physical exercises. Without knowledge of the methods of doing physical exercises, it is impossible to clearly and correctly perform them, and therefore the effect of performing these exercises will decrease, if not completely disappear. Wrong execution physical education classes leads only to the loss of excess energy, and therefore vital activity, which could be directed to more useful activities even with the same physical exercises, but in the correct execution, or other useful deeds.

The development of a technique for doing physical exercises should be carried out by specialists in the field of physical culture, since an incorrect technique can lead to more serious consequences, even injuries. Especially in a school where the load should be more complicated - the methodology of physical education exercises should be more clearly, correctly developed and detailed.

Teaching methods in physical culture.

1 Main sections and stages of physical education and upbringing

Physical education and training of students consists of theoretical, practical and control classes, which are determined by the methodology and concept of teaching adopted in this school. Expanding all these sections, we note that each has its own peculiarity, fulfills certain goals and is aimed at a specific result. And of course, it has its own special technique. Any physical education curriculum requires a mandatory theoretical section. This part of physical education and training is presented to students in the form of lectures in a logical sequence. Thus, a theoretical layer of knowledge is formed among students in physical culture. This will serve as a basis for developing students' ability to perform physical exercises and pave the way for the next section. The practical section consists of two subsections: methodical-practical and educational-training. In each quarter, the system of practical classes, which has a methodological and educational-training orientation, is built as a complete module, corresponding to the passage of various sections of the program. These modules culminate in the students completing the relevant tasks in class. control tasks and tests characterizing the degree of assimilation of educational material.

Control classes provide operational, current and final information about the degree of assimilation of educational material. At the end of the semester and school year students who completed curriculum take a test in physical culture, which consists of three sections:

    theoretical and methodological knowledge, mastery of methodological skills and abilities;

    physical and sports and technical training;

    life-saving skills and abilities to improve health and healthy lifestyle life.

So, having opened all sections of physical education and training of students, we can notice that without a well-formed and well-established system of teaching and learning, it will be difficult to follow the methodology of physical exercises.

In other words, the correct, precise execution of the sequence of passing through all three sections determines the quality of education and training and serves as the basis for applying the methodology of physical education exercises.

Forming the basis of the methodology of physical education and upbringing, all of the above sections thus perform the function of factors affecting the quality of education and upbringing of students, since only the consistent passage of all stages of physical education can guarantee the correct assimilation and control over the assimilation of physical culture material. However, such a categorical approach to the sequence of training and education of students can be bypassed.

Also, the process of education and upbringing is organized in such a way that the theoretical course can be combined with a practical section and completed during specific practical exercises in physical education. This can be done through a preliminary oral explanation by the teacher of the physical exercise, the correctness of its execution, its significance for strengthening and developing the physical condition of the body. Then the teacher demonstrates the implementation of this physical exercise. The next step will be the implementation of this exercise by the students and the teacher's control of the correctness, accuracy and quantity of the physical exercise.

2 Requirements for the choice of teaching methods

The use of a particular method entails compliance with a number of requirements:

1. Scientific validity of the method, from the point of view of the theory of knowledge and the doctrine of higher nervous activity.

2. Correspondence to the task of learning. Here, first of all, one should take into account the specificity of the tasks, since only a specific task can determine the method (for example: education of strength not by the method of the same word, but by practical).

3. Providing an educational character, i.e. the method should not only ensure the effectiveness of the learning process, but also meet the requirements for solving the problems of education.

4. Reliance on the entire system of teaching principles, compliance with the individual preparedness of students, compliance with the conditions of classes.

It should be noted that none of the methods can be considered universal. Methods complement and enrich one another. Therefore, it is necessary to use a system of teaching methods, taking into account their strengths and weaknesses in each case.

3 Classification of teaching methods

In science, at present, there are various approaches to the classification of teaching methods. So, if the sources of cognitive information (word, sensory image, practical action) are taken as the basis, then the methods are divided into three groups:




If we take into account the activities of the teacher and the activities of the student, then we distinguish:

    teaching methods;

    teaching methods.

Methods are classified according to didactic purposes:

    methods of communication of new knowledge;

    fastening methods, etc.

Depending on the conditions and forms of organization academic work allocate:



    in physical education;

    outside of physical education (walks, excursions).

A truly scientific classification requires a systematic approach, a holistic one.

1. Methods of organization and self-organization of educational and cognitive activity:

    Perceptual methods (sensory), i.e. verbal, visual, practical;

    logical - methods that reflect the logic of the presentation of educational material and its perception by students;

    gnostic - i.e. explanatory-reproductive, research, search;

    cybernetic - i.e. methods of management and self-management of teaching.

There is a relationship between the methods of this group. And when choosing a particular method, the teacher cannot miss one of the other indicated approaches.

2. Methods for stimulating and motivating learning , i.e. methods of formation of cognitive interests, duty, responsibility.

3. Methods of control and self-control of the effectiveness of training (oral, written, machine, programmed, etc. survey).

When choosing one or another method, you should know that the choice depends on:

    objectives of the lessons;

    features of the subject;

    age and preparation of children;

    conditions of educational work;

    personal qualities of the teacher.

The stereotypical actions of the teacher, as well as the excessive inclusion of an abundance of techniques in classes, are equally dangerous.

4. Verbal methods

A feature of these methods is the impact through the second signal system, the mediated reconstruction of reality in the concepts, conclusions of the child.

In addition, with the help of the word, relationships with children are established, tasks are set, results are evaluated, commands are given.

The word carries not only a semantic function, with the help of which the content of the object is expressed, but also an emotional function that allows influencing the feelings of the child.

When using verbal methods, it is necessary to strictly take into account their features and use the following recommendations:

The word must correspond to the learning objectives. Yes, in primary education use the word for preliminary familiarization with the exercise.

In the process of in-depth learning, the word helps to describe the details of the technique of this exercise.

The word helps to reveal the relationship between individual motor actions and to activate attention on individual moments, the main efforts during the exercise.

5. Visual teaching methods.

Visual perception contributes to rapid, deep and lasting assimilation, increasing interest in the studied motor actions.

In view of the highly developed ability to imitate, visibility is especially important when teaching children.

At the same time, it is necessary to know that visual perception is effective only when what is perceived is understood, consciously by children and encourages them to take active actions.

Otherwise, visualization may turn out to be only an entertaining illustration, turning students into passive spectators.

Visualization methods are divided into methods:

1.Natural clarity

2.Indirect visibility

3. Figurative clarity

Natural display is aimed mainly at learning by imitation, where the following factors should be taken into account:

    the child's readiness to imitate, i.e. availability of opportunities to perform the indicated action (presence of preliminary skills and development of physical qualities)

    completeness of ideas about the object of imitation

    interest in movement

    the desire and desire to perform the observable action

Natural display is a demonstration of the action as a whole, in parts, at a normal and slow pace.

Along with a fairly complete content side, a natural display has a high emotionality (a beautifully and effectively executed element remains in the memory for a long time, a careless one causes a negative reaction).

The first demonstration should give a holistic view of the technique of performing exercises.

6. Practical teaching methods (strictly regulated exercise method and partially regulated exercise method)

Practical methods are directly related to active motor activity. These methods can be divided into two groups:

1.Methods aimed at mastering motor actions.

These include: the method of holistic learning of the exercise and the method of learning in parts (or it is also called the holistic-separate teaching method).

2.Methods, mainly contributing to the development of motor qualities.

This group includes methods of partially regulated exercise and strictly regulated exercise.

At this method the process of assimilation of motor action is facilitated. Favorable conditions are created for controlling the quality of particular motor actions (elements) and, therefore, mastery as a whole proceeds under easier conditions. The study in parts creates the conditions for the timely detection and elimination of errors in movements and their connections.

The richness of the lead-up exercises, the appearance of gradual progress and the goal of learning causes a healthy emotional effect in the trainees.

7. Competitive method . Competition is essential as a way of organizing and stimulating various spheres of life, including sports.

An important feature of the competition is the comparison of forces in the struggle for superiority, for achieving a high result.

The factor of rivalry, rewards and encouragement of the winners create a high emotional background, which enhances the effect of physical exercises. Compared to other methods, competitive makes the highest demands on physical qualities and contributes to their highest development. However, skillful pedagogical leadership is needed for the competition to play a moral role.

4 Rules for conducting physical exercises

1. Be sure to start your workout with a warm-up, and at the end use restorative procedures (massage, warm shower, bath, sauna).

2. The effectiveness of training will be the highest if you use physical exercises in conjunction with hardening procedures, observe hygienic conditions, and a regimen for proper nutrition.

3. Try to follow the physiological principles of training: a gradual increase in the difficulty of exercises, the volume and intensity of physical activity, the correct alternation of loads and rest between exercises, taking into account fitness and load tolerance.

4. Remember that the results of training depend on their regularity, since long breaks (4-5 days or more) between sessions reduce the effect of previous sessions.

5. Physical exercise should correspond to the capabilities of the body, so increase their complexity gradually, controlling the body's reaction to them.

6. When compiling a training plan, include exercises to develop all motor qualities (speed, strength, flexibility, endurance, speed-strength and coordinating qualities).

5 How to build a practice session

The training session consists of three parts:




The main part of the training is 70 - 80% of the total time of the lesson. The remaining 20 - 30% of the activity is divided between the warm-up and the final part, during which the intensity of the physical exercises is sequentially removed.

Each lesson should begin with a warm-up and preparation of the body for the upcoming work. The load should be increased gradually, the exercises should affect the main muscle groups of the arms, legs, torso. Classes begin with exercises requiring precision movements, increased speed, agility, and only then proceed to exercises that require maximum strength and endurance. At the end of classes, a gradual transition to a relatively calm state organism. Physical exercise should not cause significant fatigue.

Self-study should include: general developmental exercises with objects (rope, hoop, kettlebells, dumbbells, rubber expander); various hangs and stops, acrobatic exercises: running, jumping, throwing, pushing, throwing the ball; various mobile and sport games: exercises on various simulators, roller skating, skateboarding, cycling.

List of used literature

    A.K. Kuznetsov. Physical culture in the life of society. Moscow, 1995.

    Physical education: A textbook for university students. Moscow, graduate School, 2000.

    Matveev L.P. Theory and Methods of Physical Culture: Textbook for Institute of Physical Culture. – M.: FiS, 1991.

    Pedagogy: Textbook for students of pedagogical in-tov / Ed. Yu.K. Babansky. – M.: Enlightenment, 1988.

    Theory and methods of physical education / B.A. Ashmarin, Yu.A. Vinogradov, Z.N. Vyatkina and others; Ed. B.A. Ashmarin. – M.: Enlightenment, 1990.

    Theory and Methods of Physical Culture: Textbook / Ed. Yu.F. Kuramshina. - M.:, 2003.

    Kholodov Zh.K., Kuznetsov V.S. Theory and methodology of physical education and sports. - M.: "Academy", 2003.

    Textbook for higher educational institutions of entrepreneurship and law. Theoretical and practical foundations of physical education and education of students. I.S. Barchukov, E.A. Penkovsky, 1996.

IN last years Special attention of physical culture specialists is attracted by physical education, which connects theoretical knowledge, motor skills and methodological skills.

Physical education is the first and determining condition for the formation of children's health. Therefore, it is necessary to engage in physical education from primary school age. It is necessary already at this age to form in students stable motives and needs for caring for their health, their physical and mental qualities, creative use of physical culture in the organization of a healthy lifestyle.

In the practice of organizing and conducting physical education lessons, the following practical methods are generally accepted, which are based on the active motor activity of students. These methods are divided into two groups: the methods of a strictly regulated exercise (learning in parts, as a whole and forcibly facilitating) and partially regulated (playing and competitive). They can be used for learning acrobatic exercises.

Methods of a strictly regulated exercise are characterized by repeated performance of an action (or its parts) with strict regulation of the form of movements, the magnitude of the load, its increase, alternation with rest, etc. As a result, it becomes possible to selectively master individual movements, consistently forming the necessary actions from them. The methods belonging to this group complement each other and are applied in accordance with many conditions that determine a specific educational task: the group and personal characteristics of students, the stage of training, the nature and content of the educational material, the duration of the lesson, local learning conditions, the availability of educational tools (inventory, shells) and etc.

The method of learning in parts, according to experts, provides for the initial study of individual parts of individual actions, followed by their combination into the necessary whole.

The full-fledged implementation of this method largely depends on the understanding of the possibility and necessity of dismembering a motor action, as well as on the practical ability to implement it in accordance with the learning task. It is possible to understand the whole action only through the knowledge of its constituent movements and the laws of the formation of the action.

Breakdown is a characteristic feature of piecemeal methods, but piecemeal learning is not an end in itself. It serves only as an initial stage, facilitating the mastery of a holistic action. The end is mastering the action as a whole. Without this, the meaning of any training is lost. Ultimately, students must perceive the action as a whole from beginning to end. In this unity, performance should not be primary or secondary. Everything is the main thing.

For example, lead-up exercises are used to facilitate the assimilation of a holistic motor act through the preliminary solution of a series of particular educational tasks. This is achieved due to the fact that the lead-up exercises contain elements of a holistic action similar in structure and nature of neuromuscular tension. Leading exercises contribute to the accumulation of such trace effects in the central nervous system, such simpler temporary connections, which, as a result of a certain homogeneity and coordination commonality with the main exercise, can facilitate its development.

For example, the creation of a system of leading exercises is achieved by analyzing the action planned for study, dissecting it and highlighting the most important elements. The lead-up exercise should have a finished form and be accessible to the students.

Depending on the structure of the motor action and the tasks of learning, lead-up exercises can be presented in two forms: in the form of an isolated part of a holistic action or a holistic action, but with details isolated from it.

The pedagogical advantages of the method of learning in parts, as noted by many experts, are as follows:

  1. Facilitates the learning process. The student approaches the goal by gradually accumulating a stock of partial motor skills, from which the desired action is formed.
  2. Learning in parts makes the learning process at each lesson more specific, and, therefore, motivated, because the success of students in mastering even one element is satisfying.
  3. From the wealth of lead-in exercises, the lessons become more diverse, and the learning process itself becomes more interesting.
  4. large stock motor skills, created by learning parts, allows you to more successfully solve the problems of enriching the motor experience of children.
  5. The use of the method of learning in parts contributes to the relatively quick restoration of lost skills.
  6. This method is indispensable in the study of coordination-complex actions and, if necessary, to influence individual joints and muscle group.

The teaching method in general. It provides for the study of action in the form in which it is to be as the ultimate task of learning. This method is applied at any stage of training. With comparatively simple exercise and a sufficiently high level of preparedness of students, there is no need for lead-up exercises, and the learning method as a whole can be used at the first stages of training. At the final stage of learning as a whole, it is used in the study of any action. Learning as a whole is indispensable when trying out an action. We have to resort to learning as a whole even in those cases when we do not know how to correctly divide the action and create justified systems of lead-up exercises.

The method of forced-facilitating learning is based on the theoretical concept of “artificial control environment” (according to I.P. Ratov). It can be considered a variant of the learning method in general, but with the use of simulators, that is, technical devices that provide the ability to reproduce the studied exercise (or its element) in artificially created and strictly regulated conditions.

Methods of partially regulated exercise allow a relatively free choice of actions by the student to solve the problem. These methods are usually used at the stage of improvement, when students already have a sufficient amount of knowledge and skills. The methods included in this subgroup, having different features, have one thing in common: when using them, there is always an element of rivalry between students, the desire to assert superiority in one or another action.

The game method has many features characteristic of physical education games. The game is not only a means of physical education (that is, a characteristic system of physical exercises), but also an effective method of training and education. Therefore, it is possible to understand the nature of the game method only on the basis of revealing the essence of the game in general. The game should perform the following functions: preparatory (improving the physical and spiritual strength of a person, fostering social activity and creativity), entertaining (use of free time) and the function of forming relationships between people, as well as between people and the environment. These features determine the content of the games.

The competitive method has many of the characteristics of competition, but has a wider application.

As established by P.K. Petrov, the most characteristic features of the competitive method are the following:

  1. The subordination of all activity to the task of winning this or that action in accordance with predetermined rules.
  2. The maximum manifestation of physical and mental strength in the struggle for superiority, for high sporting achievements.
  3. Limited opportunities in managing students, in regulating their workload.

The competitive method is most effective in improving the action, but not in its initial learning.

In the process of learning, methods of using the word are constantly present. The word activates the whole learning process. The teacher of physical culture has the opportunity to use two functions of the word: semantic, with the help of which the content of the material being taught is expressed, and emotional, which allows influencing the student's feelings. To implement the process of teaching acrobatic exercises in elementary grades, the following methods are used: verbal and visual.

Verbal methods include: story, description, explanation, analysis, assignments, instructions, commands.

To implement the semantic function of the word, the teacher's speech must be accurate and understandable to students. In the process of physical education, it is customary to use certain terms.

The semantic function of the word underlies the correct solution of the problem of terminology in physical education. Terminology gives verbal designations to objects and phenomena. The term should be demonstrative, precise, clear, concise.

The emotional function of the word contributes to the solution of both educational and educational tasks.

In addition, these methods use a story.

A story - a narrative form of presentation - is most often used by a teacher when organizing students' gaming activities.

In addition to the word, the story has a place to use the description of the exercise.

Description is a way of giving the child an idea of ​​the action. When describing, a list of characteristic features of the action is given, it is said what should be done, but it is not indicated why it should be done. It is used when creating an initial presentation or when learning relatively simple actions, when students can use their knowledge and motor experience.

Gradually, taking into account age, preparedness, the methods become more complicated, and one of them is the explanation.

Explanation is the most important way to develop a conscious attitude towards actions.

For example, a conversation helps, on the one hand, to increase activity, develop the ability to express one's thoughts, and on the other hand, to get to know the teacher of his students, to evaluate the work done.

The analysis method differs from the conversation only in that it is carried out after the completion of a task (for example, a game). Parsing: can be one-sided and two-sided.

The task method provides for setting tasks before the lesson or private tasks during the lesson.

Another method of the word is the method of indication, which is short and requires unconditional execution.

Evaluation is the result of an analysis of the performance of an action.

Commands are used to control the formation and those involved.

The command is a specific and most common method of using a word in physical culture. It has the form of an order for the immediate execution of an action, for its completion or a change in the tempo of movements.

When conducting gymnastic exercises, their training uses counting, which allows students to set the required pace of movement, memorize complexes, combinations of exercises.

Visual perception plays an important role in teaching. Methods of this group provide visual and auditory perception of the studied action. Watching, and sometimes listening to the tempo, rhythm of movements creates a more versatile idea of ​​the action for those involved, which expands the orienting basis for subsequent playback.

Visual perception contributes to faster and more accurate assimilation, increases interest in the studied actions.

The effectiveness of the methods is largely determined by their age, the student. These methods are especially important when working with children. They have a highly developed ability to imitate, the desire to follow living examples, and it is not the same at different ages: for example, at a younger age, the sense of perception is especially strongly developed.

The use of visual perception methods also depends on the stage of learning. As a rule, in the early stages they are used much more often. At the stage of consolidation and improvement, they are used to correct errors that have appeared.

There are the following visualization methods: display, demonstration, posters, drawings and diagrams, sketches, subject aids and films.

The demonstration of motor action by the teacher is the most specific teaching method. Imitation is at the core of learning by display.

The effectiveness of imitation depends, first of all, on the age of the student, on the nature and level of his mental and physical fitness.

The readiness of the student for conscious imitation is determined by the action of several factors:

  1. The ability to analyze the seen action.
  2. Compliance with the psychophysiological maturity of the child, the complexity of the exercise being reproduced.
  3. The level of knowledge, the completeness of the student's understanding of the imitated action.
  4. Interest in the imitated action and the desire for the student to imitate.
  5. The presence of timely and high-quality control and self-control over imitation.

Demonstration of visual aids creates additional opportunities for the student to perceive a motor action with the help of a subject image.

Posters are required to reflect those moments in action that are difficult to emphasize during the show, the more intelligibly to explain.

Drawings and diagrams in chalk on a blackboard, sand, earth, etc.

Sketches performed by students in the form of contour figures allow you to graphically express your own understanding of the structure of the action, think over the execution figuratively, and find your mistakes.

Subject aids have relatively limited didactic possibilities, but they can have a rather strong emotional impact, especially on children of primary school age.

Technical Teaching Tools: film, laptop, projector, VCR, etc.

Despite all the technical difficulties, its demonstrations in the course of the pedagogical process have enormous didactic possibilities.

Sound and light alarms create the necessary visual and auditory guidelines for the beginning and end of an action (or movement, they set a certain pace and rhythm of movements, direction, amplitude, etc.).

The formation of systems of motor skills in acrobatic exercises, which is one of the leading tasks of physical education, is based on the relevant patterns. Knowing them will allow you to correctly assess the unevenness of mastering a motor action and the possibility of varying the conditions of training; will ensure the competent construction of systems of lessons and lead-up exercises, using the effect of skills transfer; will help to determine the most rational content of each stage of learning a motor action.

Depending on the class of the task of the pedagogical aspect (the formation of students' skills to perform motor actions at different rates with different amplitudes and degrees of muscle tension, mastering the school of movements). They may require more time in some lessons, less in others. For example, before a control lesson, when there is a repetition and improvement of basic exercises or combinations, introductory part it is advisable to devote to a warm-up, i.e. solving problems of the biological aspect to a greater extent. In elementary grades or in lessons aimed primarily at mastering new exercises, more attention should be paid to the tasks of the pedagogical aspect.

To solve these problems of the introductory part, various means are used: drill exercises, types of movements, dance exercises, outdoor games, general developmental and floor exercises with elements for coordination of movements. It is not advisable to use exercises with a high intensity of the introductory part, because. they can reduce the working capacity of students in the main part, therefore, the task of developing students' motor qualities, such as strength, endurance, flexibility, is not set here, but development assistance can be.

Usually a gymnastics lesson begins with a general building of the class. At the beginning of the lesson, it is customary to build along the long side of the hall in the upper right corner, at a distance of 1 - 2 meters from the wall, with your back to the windows, in a row in height. In the first lessons in the first grade, children are built under the guidance of a teacher.

For the successful teaching of children to build in a line, it is advisable to use special markings on the floor at a distance of 40 cm from each other, applied with chalk or paint. After the students learn to place one next to the other, the teacher instructs the construction of the students themselves. The attendant gives the command “Equal!” and “Quietly!”. Starting from grade 4, the duty officer gives a report to the teacher. After the command “Attention!” the teacher welcomes the children and informs the objectives of the lesson, which can be specified in the main part.

Most effective means activation of the body functions of primary school children - accelerated walking, running at a uniform pace, rhythmic jumps, dance exercises and games.

It is especially important to draw students' attention to the need to manage running. The leader of the column should be a student who knows how to maintain this pace.

Noteworthy is the selection of methods for controlling students when performing acrobatic exercises: the teacher should use counting, clapping, independent counting of students (aloud or to himself), to the music. For the same purpose, it is recommended to use various limiters at the corners of the hall, arrows, gates, etc. With any method of management, the teacher should be able to make comments, correct mistakes, and encourage students. When conducting acrobatic exercises, the condition of the students is of no small importance. So, for example, if the students came to the lesson in a somewhat excited state (after a test or a very emotional lesson), you should not start the lesson with learning new elements of the formation and normal walking. In this case, it is better to use games and game tasks that distract students from the experiences that preceded the lesson, activate their attention.

Provided that the children came to the lesson calm and focused, you can immediately learn new elements of building and rebuilding.

The introductory part of the lesson usually ends with a set of general developmental exercises. It is desirable to diversify the ways of building students for general developmental exercises (in a circle, line, columns). When demonstrating exercises, the teacher uses a mirror display. The complex of general developmental exercises may include certain lead-up exercises for mastering or consolidating the acrobatic exercises of the main part of the lesson. For greater efficiency and emotionality of this part of the lesson, you should use exercises with objects (skipping ropes, gymnastic sticks, balls, hoops, etc.).

WITH psychological point of view, the use of objects of various shapes, volumes, masses increase the emotionality of classes, the activity and interest of the children, enrich them with new motor experience.

When performing exercises with objects, it is necessary to pay serious attention to discipline and order among students in order to exclude the possibility of injury. We should not forget the correct organization of the issuance and collection of gymnastic equipment in the classroom.

Instead of general developmental exercises, relatively simple floor exercises or rhythmic gymnastics exercises performed on 32 or 64 counts can be included in the preparatory part of the lesson. The main task of such exercises is the development of coordination abilities and motor memory of students, their mastery of school movements. Such exercises are of greater importance in primary grades.

An important role in keeping students interested in the lessons is played by checking and evaluating the exercises performed. After completion, each student is given a score.

On fig. 1 shows a general scheme of methods used in the learning process at various stages.

The manifestation of the teacher's high demands on students increases his authority, and through it the authority of the subject. In order for exactingness to students to bring the desired results, it must be constant, feasible, tactful, sparing the pride of students.

Particular exactingness must be shown when teaching elementary school students the elements of the system, the basic positions of the arms and legs when performing general developmental exercises, the ability to land clearly, posture, that is, those elements that make up the school of movements, the school of gymnastics, gymnastic style.

Thus, there are many different teaching methods, which are divided into verbal methods, visual, practical: methods of strictly regulated exercise and partially regulated exercise.


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