Integral training in the chosen sport. The theory of integral training as the quintessence of sports didactics

Physical culture and sports / 1.Physical culture and sports: problems, research, proposals

Suienshbekov E.Zh., Ph.D. Andrushchishin I.F.

Kazakh-British Technical University, Republic of Kazakhstan

Integral training in sambo

The most important principle of using the means and methods of the training process is the expedient use of an integral approach, which implies the organic combination of various types of training in a separate exercise. This principle determines the very concept of integral training, defined in the textbook on theory and methodology. physical education(1990) as a pedagogical process aimed at ensuring that the athlete is able to holistically implement in competitive activity all sections of the training. However, in our opinion, the definition proposed is more specific and accurate in terms of semantic content.DI. Nesterovsky - « Integral training - is a multi-level system of increasing complexity and focus training tasks, including the cumulative competitive effect, providing conditions at the top of the hierarchical structure for the integral realization of the potential of all components of the preparedness of athletes in the process of competitive activity.

It is also significant from the methodological standpoint that D.I. Nesterovsky considers integral training not only as a combination of different types of training, but as a complex multi-level system of closely related components and elements of various sections of athletes' training.

In the process of integral training, the following tasks should be solved:

Mastering and improving the technique and tactics of a particular sport in which the athlete is engaged;

Constant increase and improvement of the level of physical qualities necessary for this sport and ensuring the level of development of the functional systems of the body corresponding to them;

Parenting in progress physical training the most significant volitional qualities for a particular sport;

Education of moral and volitional qualities in the development and improvement of technical and tactical skills and abilities;

Ensuring the necessary level of special mental preparedness in combination with the development of complex coordination abilities;

Acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical experience necessary for successful training and competitive activities;

Integrated improvement and manifestation in the competitive activity of various aspects of the preparedness of an athlete.

These tasks in the most general form will determine the main directions of sports training related to the implementation of the integral approach.

At the same time, it is very important to remember that if integral training is considered from a systemic standpoint, thenthe effectiveness of the development of control actions depends on the completeness of the volume of information circulating in the system. The analysis of competitive activity indicators reveals the general patterns and trends in the development of a sport, which allows developing a temporary algorithm for the strategic planning of training means, their integration into a single training system with a certain level of compensatory training of some training means by others.

A systematic approach to integral training plays a particularly important role at the stage of initial sports specialization, since it allows you to significantly increase the effectiveness of a holistic and most complete manifestation of all aspects of young athletes' preparedness.

At the same time, one must take into account the fact that modern sports the whole system sports training essentially integral. This principle becomes especially important in sports, where the specificity of competitive activity necessarily implies a holistic manifestation of all types of athlete's preparedness.

Sambo wrestling is fully related to sports where one cannot ignore any section of training and not include it in the system of the training process. That is why we can say that almost all methods of special training used in SAMBO wrestling are of an integral nature, since they have different subsystems of training as their addressee: technical, tactical, physical, psychological. This is especially true for the following methods:

A method of training without an opponent, used to master the basics of techniques and improve them;

The method of training with a conditional opponent, where the actions of the visual analyzer and kinesthetic sensations are manifested;

The method of training with a partner, used to study and consolidate the technique of techniques and tactics of action, to improve specialized skills;

Method of training with an opponent - to improve techniques and actions, taking into account the individual characteristics of the athlete.

The selection of means and methods depends on the qualifications of athletes, their technical and tactical equipment, morpho-constitutional features and individual inclinations to manifestations of psychomotor and higher mental functions.

The possibilities of special training of sambists can increase due to scientific and technological progress, the achievements of which G.S. Tumanyan refers to non-traditional means of solving motor problems and divides them into four groups:

1. technical means tactical training(ideomotor exercises, forced imitations, urgent information exercises, etc.);

2. means of physical training (stimulated or induced exercises, forced restrictions on the activity of some body systems);

3. means of volitional training (exercises in overcoming difficulties);

4. means of complex training of sambo wrestlers (exercises in resistance such as game-tasks, fights with different intensities, competitions-estimates).

Conclusion. Concluding the above, it can be argued that integral training is the main section of the special training of sambo wrestlers. Therefore, by implementing special training at the pre-competitive stage of sambo wrestlers, it is necessary to take into account the degree of integral orientation of exercises and their compliance with competitive activity when selecting training means and methods.


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Interaction and interdependence of subsystems of sports training result in the integral preparedness of an athlete, which is characterized by the ability to coordinate and implement various aspects of preparedness in competitive activity, and serve as the unifying side of this preparedness.

Integral training is aimed at achieving the necessary integral fitness of an athlete.

Integral preparedness is characterized by the ability to coordinate and implementation in the competitive activity of various aspects of preparedness - technical, physical, tactical, mental, and serves as a unifying, one of the most important aspects of an athlete's preparedness for important competitions. Each of the sides of the athlete's preparedness to a certain extent is a consequence of the application narrowly focused methods and means. This leads to the fact that the individual qualities and abilities manifested in local exercises, often cannot be fully manifested in competitive exercises. Therefore, one of the important problems of sports training is the optimal combination of training process analytical and synthesizing approaches. The first of them involves purposeful work on the improvement of individual qualities or aspects of preparedness, and the second - ensuring the coherence of the complex manifestations of all aspects of preparedness in competitive activity.

Because of this, part of the training process, in which the synthesis of various qualities and abilities into a single whole is carried out, taking into account the specifics competitively vatnogo exercise is an integral part of sports training.

In the process of integral sports training, the following main tasks are solved:

Mastering the technique and tactics of the chosen sport;

Ensuring the necessary level of development of motor qualities, the capabilities of the functional systems of the body that carry the main load in this sport;

Education of the necessary moral and volitional qualities;

Ensuring the necessary level of special mental preparedness;

Acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical experience necessary for successful training and competitive activities;

Comprehensive improvement and manifestation in the competitive activity of various aspects of the preparedness of an athlete.

These tasks in the most general form determine the main directions of sports training. More specific tasks are associated with individual sections of training.

So, in the study of V.V. Cheshikhina examines the relationship between physical and specialized intellectual training in the process of sports training. In the work of I.G. Maksimenko, the features of physical, technical and game readiness are considered young football players at the stage of specialized basic training. experimentally substantiated that the increase in the parameters of speed and speed-strength work and its rational distribution throughout the annual cycle allow not only to develop these physical qualities in an appropriate way, but also to achieve the required level of technical and game readiness of young football players.

Obviously, in this case, it is necessary to determine the "leading link" in the integral readiness, which to the greatest extent determines the formation and improvement of the remaining components of the athlete's integral readiness. It is also obvious that this regularity is most typical for adolescence and partly adolescence.

The problems of integral training of athletes are usually considered from the standpoint of a systematic approach to the management of sports training. This approach involves its construction on integrative principles, which means: the unity and interconnection of structural foundations with the direction and severity of adaptive reactions, strict adherence to the principles of integrity, structurality, as well as the concept of internal unity of the elements of the training process that are in relationships and connections with each other.

1.4.2 Integral training of combat athletes

Most of the scientific and methodological works carried out in the last two decades in the field of theory and methodology combat sports, one way or another, are aimed at implementing the principle of integrality. It can be cited as an example of work that deals with the problems of interconnected physical and technical training of a combatant.

sports training should be, in principle, integral and contain the means of conjugated influences that contribute to the integrated impact on the physical and mental sphere of the athlete. HowThe more training means correspond to competitive activity or exceed it in terms of functional shifts, technical complexity, tactical unpredictability of situations of competitive struggle and emotional background, the higher is the conjugation in the integral training system.

These provisions are developed by specialists in the field of martial arts V.I. Filimonov and R.A. Nigmedzyanov, who believe that conjugated development physical qualities and technical skills are achieved if the following methodological provisions are followed:

Means and methods of physical training should be adequate to the mode of muscle work in a competitive exercise and correspond to it in terms of the coordination structure of movements;

It is advisable to predominantly develop the muscle groups of the body links that ensure the implementation of the main techniques;

It is necessary to timely eliminate individual shortcomings in the level of development of physical qualities that hinder the formation of the correct technique of movements.

Thus, the integral approach allows organically combining the technical and physical training of athletes into a single controlled pedagogical process, during which the athlete simultaneously develops motor skills and physical qualities.

When selecting funds, it is necessary that the exercises used not only correspond to the nature of the work locomotive apparatus of an athlete in a competitive movement, but were adequate to him in terms of the magnitude and mode of emerging efforts, both in a holistic action and in various phases of movement.

An important component of the training process, built on the principle of integrality, are adequate psychological attitudes. When an athlete performs a technical exercise with a focus on speed or power of the work being done, he thereby develops physical qualities and technical skills in an integrated manner. When he performs a tactical exercise with the same attitude, he develops physical qualities and tactical skills accordingly.

It suffices to cite as an example a number of studies on topical issues of martial arts training. In the work of F.A. Kerimov considers integral models that are used in the training of wrestlers, but, unfortunately, they cannot solve all the problems of integral training.

The dissertation work of a well-known specialist in the field of wrestling V.G. Igumenov about the theoretical and methodological foundations of long-term training of highly qualified wrestlers and ways to increase the effectiveness of their training in institutes physical education. As the most significant element of the system years of training the author considers the rational distribution of training means depending on their specialization, coordination and mental complexity, as well as the cyclical structure of pre-competitive training. Particular emphasis should be placed on the methodological approach to the study, based on the conjugated use of individual means of training wrestlers, however, methodological approaches to integrating individual means into a single system are presented in a small amount.

In the work of A.A. Gaskov about the theoretical and methodological foundations of managing the competitive and training activities of boxers, it is said about the role of the integration principle, as the most relevant for the creation of particular-subject theories of martial arts. The author writes that it is the integrated approach that makes it possible to design training in such a way that athletes in competitions have the opportunity to implement all the components of fitness in unity. However, this, of course, is a valuable position, which is not fully disclosed in the work itself.

The training of a martial artist is a complex system, which is characterized by a hierarchy of subsystems and elements, the presence of several qualitative levels (for example, levels of fitness and "sports form"), big number objects (for example, technical and tactical actions, speed-strength exercises, means of mental correction, etc.). With the development of the theory and methodology of sports training in martial arts, an integral approach is becoming increasingly important, when exercises to improve technical and tactical skills are logically connected in a single system with exercises aimed at developing motor qualities.

In the work of Ch.T. Ivankov, an attempt was made to identify trends and patterns in the dynamics of the parameters of technical and tactical skill, versatile physical and functional readiness of young wrestlers at various stages of the formation of sportsmanship. It is shown that integrative success is achieved on the basis of exercises that simulate the competitive activity of a wrestler and most contribute to the development of speed-strength qualities and skills for solving operational problems.

Problems similar in meaning were solved in his study by A.A. Novikov, who made an attempt to identify the relationship between the main elements of the athlete's technical and tactical actions in the functional system for managing his training. He studied the main regularities of technical and tactical mastery management with the help of a model of competitive activity of athletes in wrestling and showed a number of original methodological approaches to the composition of integral training in martial arts.

Achieving sports results in martial arts is associated with the implementation of the following methodological provisions:

Building the training process in strict accordance with the specifics of competitive activity in various martial arts;

Emphasis on the development of the strongest qualities of an athlete, the improvement of those technical and tactical skills that mainly ensure the achievement of results;

Primary increase in the level of special speed-strength qualities and, on this basis, the improvement of special endurance;

The use of optimal volumes of special training, especially in modes that simulate the competitive activity of athletes;

Increasing the level of reliability and balance of attacking and defensive actions in accordance with the requirements of competitive activity in major tournaments.

A martial artist varies with various actions, not only adapting, but also actively participating in the course of a conflict struggle with the help of various ways tactical control of the opponent's actions.

The study of the state of the basic systems of the body of a combatant athlete predetermines the creation of an algorithm for the use of means of technical-tactical, physical and psychological training. It is the knowledge about the features of the functioning of such systems in the process of training and competitive activities that makes it possible to logically substantiate the integration of various means and methods of training into a single system.

Integral training is a system of training influences designed to maximize the training effects of individual aspects of training (physical, technical, tactical and others ...) in the integral and game activities of basketball players.


  • 1. Increasing the level of physical qualities of morphological and functional indicators, which determine the effectiveness of motor actions.
  • 2. Implementation of connections between the types of training - physical and technical: tactical, moral - volitional, psychological, theoretical in the unity of game actions.
  • 3. Implementation physical abilities through the technique of specific game techniques, and technical techniques through tactical actions.


  • - performing exercises for the development of special physical qualities in various combinations.
  • - a combination of preparatory and lead-up exercises with separate techniques.
  • - implementation of the studied techniques and tactical actions (individual, group, team defense and attack in various combinations with different levels of intensity) with and without resistance, in order to develop special physical qualities within the structure of technique techniques.
  • - games leading to basketball (according to simplified rules).
  • - relay races based on the implementation of basketball techniques in various combinations.
  • - a game of basketball 1x1, 2x2, 3x3, 3x4, for one or two rings.

The main methods of integral training are combined (conjugated) influences, game, competitive.

GAME TRAINING - an integral form of sports training for basketball players, aimed at improving the ability to fight in various game situations.


1. Improving the ability to distribute forces, which involves the formation of skills to mobilize one’s forces and capabilities to the maximum

combine periods of intense motor activity and relaxation.

  • 2. Improving individual actions and interactions with teammates.
  • 3. Achieving the stability of game skills in difficult conditions of competitive activity.
  • 4. Improvement in the use of mastered tactical systems of combinations and their variants.


two-sided game 5 / 5 in different initial conditions:

  • - against the background of pronounced drowning
  • - with a handicap (for example: the scoring player makes an acceleration to the corner of the site, while the conceded team organizes a breakthrough with the implementation of specific tasks)
  • - play a certain combination or use a certain interaction
  • - play fast break only
  • - play through center
  • - play with an attack after 20 seconds of possession, etc.
  • - using and switching from some tactical combinations and options to others according to predetermined signals - after a goal is scored - after a throw-in out - timeout
  • - with a sudden artificial change in the situation requiring a quick switch; - announce that there are 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 15 seconds until the end of the game; - artificially change the score - give a task ... that you need to lose no more than 1, 5, 7 points, etc.

Integral training is aimed at coordination and implementation of various components of sportsmanship in competitive activity - technical, physical, tactical and psychological readiness. Each of the aspects of an athlete's preparedness is to a certain extent formed as a result of the use of narrowly focused methods and means. This leads to the fact that individual qualities and abilities, manifested in local exercises, often cannot be fully manifested in competitive exercises. Therefore, a special section of training is needed, aimed at combining various aspects of "preparedness, qualities and abilities, the purpose of which is to ensure the complexity and effectiveness of the complex manifestation of all the diverse components that together determine the success of competitive activity.

The main means of integral training are competitive exercises of the chosen kind of sport, performed in the conditions of competitions of various levels.

A significant role in solving the problems of integral training is also assigned to exercises of a special preparatory nature, as close as possible in structure and features of the activity of functional systems to competitive ones.

The least acute problem is integral training in sports of a cyclic nature, where the arsenal of techniques and tactical actions is limited, and the training work (which suppresses its volume) is as close as possible in form, structure, and features of the functioning of the body systems to the competitive one.

In complex coordination sports, martial arts, and especially in sports games the variety and complexity of techniques, individual, group and team tactics, mental manifestations necessitate the implementation of exceptionally large volumes training work analytical nature, associated with the improvement of individual techniques and actions, local qualities and abilities. The ability to implement them in difficult conditions of competitive struggle requires special and purposeful improvement. For example, in sports games, the main means of integral training is a specially organized and controlled bilateral educational game in conditions as close as possible to the official competition. At the same time, the players are guided by the need for a comprehensive implementation in various game situations of the acquired physical capabilities, technical and tactical skills, moral, strong-willed and special mental preparedness.

For a more comprehensive and complete integral training, along with a general focus that provides for comprehensive improvement, it is advisable to highlight the priority areas:

Improvement of individual technical and tactical actions;

Improvement of group technical and tactical actions;

Improving team technical and tactical actions;

Improving the ability to limit the mobilization of functionality;

Improving the switching ability of the maximum motor activity for periods of relative relaxation in order to ensure high performance.

To increase the effectiveness of integral training, you can apply a variety of methodological techniques:

Facilitating conditions through the use of various simulators, reducing the number of players on the site, organizing competitions with weaker or “convenient” opponents, forced leadership or racing for the leader, etc.;

Complicating the conditions by limiting the size of the site, ring or carpet, holding competitions in adverse climatic conditions, with a stronger or "uncomfortable" opponent, etc.;

Intensification of competitive activity by increasing its duration, the size of the field or platform, the weight of shells, reducing the time of possession of the ball, etc.

Integration is essential in training to enhance training efficiency sports equipment and tactics, updating the special knowledge of trainees in the process of mastering the technical and tactical arsenal and in competition conditions.

Integral training is designed to implement in training, in the process of technical and tactical training and improvement, a sign of the integrity of competitive activity, so that training effects, each separately, are effectively manifested in competitive conditions.

It is not enough to solve problems at a good level only in each type of training autonomously in the hope that later in the competitive activity the effect will manifest itself. The interrelation of the parties of preparation requires a special, purposeful influence. This is possible when integrating the process of forming links between the training components in order to combine them into a single integral competitive activity. This is the goal of integral training, which is a system of training effects designed to maximize the training effects of individual aspects of training technical, tactical, physical in an integral competitive activity. athletes. The highest form of integral training is competitive actions performed in the same form as in real competitions. Often, integral training is reduced to only these exercises, which reduces the effectiveness of the training process.

The tasks of integral training include the implementation of the connection between the types of training (physical and technical; technical and tactical; psychological and theoretical; volitional and physical, technical and tactical; theoretical and technical - tactical, physical); achieving stability of skills in difficult competition conditions; realization of physical, technical, tactical, theoretical and psychological readiness in unity in competitive activity.

Leading means integral training are exercises for solving problems of two types of training - combination (conjugated); exercises in the alternation of exercises of various nature (preparatory, leading, technique, tactics, switching); control sketches.

The relationship of physical and technical training is achieved, firstly, with the development of physical abilities necessary to perform a specific competitive exercise; secondly, in the development of physical abilities within the structure of this exercise; thirdly, during the development of special physical abilities in the process of repeated repetition of a competitive exercise with an increased intensity exceeding the competitive one.

For this, certain methodological techniques and organization of the exercises are used: alternation of exercises for the development of physical qualities; alternation of exercises for the development of qualities with exercises in technique, tactics; "connection" of exercises for the development of qualities and abilities with a competitive exercise.

The relationship of two or more types of training in the training process during the year is carried out as follows. Initially, they solve the specific tasks of each type of training separately, then the issues of interconnection - within one type of training separately, contributing to the solution of the problems of one type of training by means of another type. The relationship of the training parties is carried out in a certain sequence: within the framework of one type of training; physical and technical; physical and tactical; technical and tactical; all three types of training - in control and official competitions.

From the standpoint of solving the problems of integral training, it is necessary to consider the structure of the formation of sports skills, means and methods, types of training, stages of teaching technique and tactics. At each stage of the formation of a skill, such means (exercises) should be involved that create a certain continuity and connection between the parties to the training. Integral training is the link between training and official competitions. With the help of integral training, athletes learn to maximize in sport-specific competitive activity everything that is “acquired” in training sessions (training effects).

The transformation of training effects into the effectiveness of competitive actions is achieved through: firstly, the combination (conjugation) of the training components - physical and technical, technical and tactical; secondly, alternation and switching; thirdly, the system of tasks in control competitions; fourthly, participation in official competitions - the highest form of integral training. Particularly effective and indispensable is integral training in the period preceding the competition.

In each type of training - technical, tactical, physical, intellectual (theoretical) and mental - there are specific tasks, means and methods, they are given great attention. In addition, in each form there should be a “block of interconnections” with other types of training, while mutual orientation. Relationship blocks form the core of primary integration; secondary integration is achieved through “estimates”, control competitions, in which all types of training, individual training effects are already in close interconnection. The highest level in this system is occupied by competitive activity.

The relationship of technical, tactical and physical training (integral approach). Education gymnastic exercises- this is a pedagogical process that requires a systematic and methodically correct organization of the actions of the teacher (coach) and the student. This process is aimed at solving the main tasks of education: the formation of motor skills and abilities, the development of a complex of physical qualities, the education of moral and volitional qualities.

Thus, the process of training a gymnast (gymnast) is understood as the unity of closely related components of technical, tactical, physical and psychological training. At the same time, it is assumed that each of these components not only can, but must be the subject of purposeful work, which is especially important in relation to gymnasts aimed at the highest sports achievements.

With a close relationship of technical, physical and psychological preparation, one can count on the success of a gymnast's performance. In order to improve the process of training gymnasts, it is necessary to determine the significance of each of these factors. Experts call the first factor technical training in all-around. But in close relationship with the technical training on the shells there is a special and general physical training, as well as acrobatic skills. Special physical training in the training process, according to experts, should not only be combined with general physical training, but also play an important role in acrobatic training.

The development of special physical qualities also depends on the psychological qualities of the gymnast: initiative, independence, perseverance. Education of psychological qualities in many ways contributes to the improvement of technical skills, improvement of physical fitness. In the training process, these qualities should be improved in unity with technical and physical training.

Thus, in order to achieve results in sports, it is necessary to build and conduct a year-round educational and training process of high quality, high level comprehensive physical fitness, the use of large training loads, the systematic and purposeful organization of educational work, the use of evidence-based training methods.

Everything that an athlete acquires for his physical and mental fitness, technical skills, increasing the functionality of organs and systems, all the knowledge and experience he gains, he must embody in training in a holistic chosen sport.

There is only one way for this - multiple repetition by an athlete of competitive exercises using different methods. At the same time, the need to perform one's sport with all its features, with all that is required in the competition, as well as taking into account external conditions, should be emphasized.

Integral exercises are performed in the range from competitive intensity to close to it. These also include exercises used to build a special foundation.

The main tasks of integral training: a) building a special foundation; intensity according to heart rate - 140-170 beats / min, in% of maximum effort - 75 -90, volume according to the sport, daily exercises during the preparatory period; b) increasing special preparedness; intensity in heart rate 180-190 bpm, in % of maximum effort - 85-100, volume according to the sport, classes from 2-3 times a week to daily and twice a day during the pre-competitive and competitive periods; c) maintaining special preparedness at the achieved level; heart rate intensity - 160-180 beats / min, in % of maximum effort - 50-80, classes 2-3 times a week during the special preparatory stage, and if necessary - in a large cycle.

The process of sports training is divided (to some extent conditionally) into two parts - analytical and integral. In the first part (analytical), training is carried out by performing special and other exercises, as well as the main exercises of the chosen sport, with a primary focus on improving certain components of preparedness. Many exercises aimed mainly at improving technique, or developing strength, or improving flexibility, or practicing certain tactical elements, etc., can be associated with the simultaneous improvement of other components of preparedness.

In the second integral part, preparation is carried out through training in the chosen sport as a whole. In this case, different goals can be pursued: to create a special foundation, to improve the entire complex of mental, physical and functional capabilities of an athlete, to bring together everything that was, as it were, separately acquired in the process of developing individual qualities, forming a technique, acquiring knowledge, etc. All these components fall into place in a holistic action: in running, jumping, playing, lifting the barbell, wrestling. Only holistic, repeated performance can ensure the harmonious development, strengthening and improvement of all organs and systems, all components of preparedness in strict accordance with the requirements of the chosen sport.

Methodical instructions.

1. In any sport, integral training is the main means of acquiring and improving skills. For example, in sports games, to play well, a team must play a lot throughout the year. No special and additional exercises on technique, strength, speed, etc. cannot replace training and competitive games. Only in games do athletes fully reveal their capabilities, the relationship and mutual understanding between them are established and consolidated, technical skills and tactical actions are improved, will and courage are tempered in relation to the requirements of a complex competitive environment.

The role of competitions in the integral training of athletes specializing in those sports where there is a struggle with the enemy is similar. In fencing, boxing, in all types of wrestling, it is also impossible to prepare an athlete without combat practice in many competitions.

2. In all cases, two parts must take place in the preparation of athletes - analytical and integral. The ratio of these parts in the total volume of annual training in different types sports are different. For example, the strongest athletes: marathon runners, road cyclists, middle and long distances, swimmers - integral training (including competitions) takes 95-100%, fencers - 60-70%; for skaters and cross-country skiers - 50-65%; basketball players have 40-50%. But for athletes - throwers and jumpers - this percentage is much less: for the first - 15-20% and for the second - 5-10%.

3. In preparation for cyclic species sports, the importance of integral training is so great. The words of the famous former world record holder Finnish stayer P. Nurmi “in order to run, you have to run and run” are fully justified today, including among rowers, skiers, cyclists, and walkers. They have movement with different options intensity and duration ensures high fitness and excellent sports results.

4. Along with the increase in the technical and tactical complexity of the movements of athletes, the increase in the range of required skills and actions, the need for their long, painstaking development, the development of certain qualities through special exercises, increases. It takes more training time, so the amount of integral training is reduced.

5. Particular attention should be paid to integral training in all-around sports, for example, in biathlon, modern pentathlon, decathlon. Here, integral training is necessary and, consequently, preparedness in individual sports included in the all-around. At the same time, such integral readiness in each of the types will be based on the integral general physical and mental readiness, the high vitality of the athlete's body, his great ability to coordinate movement.

6. The relationship between the total volume of training and the volume of integral training is determined not only by the time spent, but also by the degree of mental tension, the amount of nervous and energy costs in the holistic performance of the chosen kind, sport. The larger they are, the more necessary it is to limit the volume of integral training, the more analytical exercises, elements of the chosen sport, various preparatory and special exercises are used in training.

This is especially clearly seen in the example of the ratio of these two parts of training among representatives of speed-strength sports. So, the strongest jumpers perform 2000-3000 high jumps a year from a full run, which takes a total of only 4-6 hours a year. Long jumpers make 500-600 jumps a year from a full run and spend a total of 60 minutes on this. Of course, in these examples, the time taken for the actual execution of the jump from the start of the takeoff to the landing with the manifestation of maximum effort. Naturally, such a volume of truly integral exercises is small, but it costs the athlete dearly in terms of the expenditure of neuropsychic energy, which is why the analytical part of the training is so great for jumpers, replenishing everything that the athlete needs.

7. It is necessary to carefully study the volumes of integral training of athletes and find their optimal ratio with the total volumes. Such data will help to see new opportunities for improving the preparation of your students, primarily by increasing the number of repetitions in integral training at an effort slightly lower than the competition.

8. The volume of integral training and its ratio with the total volume has changed over the years. The path from solving the problems of comprehensive physical education to the highest sportsmanship also outlines an increase in integral training with age. However, it also occupies a sufficient place in young years among swimmers, gymnasts, figure skaters, football players, basketball players, archers, etc.

9. The ratio of integral training and the entire training process also changes over the course of one year. It can be gradually increased in favor of training in a chosen sport for runners, cross-country skiers, cyclists, rowers.

In sports such as track and field jumping and throwing, diving and skiing, integral training is usually carried out to the greatest extent in the competitive period. It is believed that the qualitative and technical accumulations acquired by an athlete in the preparatory period should be linked to the holistic performance of the chosen sport in the competitive period. Although the repetition of the main exercise of the chosen sport also takes place in the preparatory period, the main tasks of training at this time are solved through special exercises. However, there is reason to believe that integral training should have more space in the preparatory period. This will greatly help to ensure the construction of the most perfect special foundation and to strengthen the technique.

Integral training in the training process is associated not only with tasks by periods and stages, but also with the level of preparedness of athletes and with the competition calendar. This often requires integral training almost throughout the year (for example, in sports games).

10. Particularly effective for integral training are light, difficult and complicated conditions for performing a chosen sport. This is one of the main ways to achieve high results In sports.


15.1. Essence and purpose of planning, its types

Planning, control and accounting- Composite controls for the preparation of athletes.

Planning implies, first of all, the process of developing a system of plans designed for various periods of time, within which a set of interrelated goals, objectives and content of sports training should be implemented.

The subject of planning in the process of training athletes are:

- goals, objectives, means and methods of training;

- the value of training and competitive loads;

- internal shifts in the body of athletes under the influence of loads (training effect);

- the number of training sessions and days of rest;

- systems of restoration measures;

– control standards;

- educational activities;

– training conditions, etc.

A training plan is a document that discloses the direction, content, order, sequence and timing of the implementation of training and out-of-training tasks related to the achievement of the goals set by the coach and the athlete - near, intermediate or distant.

Evidence-based training plans make it possible to avoid spontaneity in the actions of a coach and an athlete, unnecessary expenditure of time, effort and material resources, poor quality of training work, and ultimately achieve better results in the chosen sport. Depending on whether the training of an individual athlete or a team is planned, plans are divided into individual or general (group).

Often, mixed (individual-group) plans are developed, which are similar in some basic features to group plans and at the same time take into account the individual characteristics of athletes.

According to the duration of the planned period, the following types of plans can be distinguished - multi-year, annual, monthly (per mesocycle), weekly (per microcycle), for a training day, for one lesson.

Individual plans are developed both for short periods of time (individual classes, microcycles, mesocycles, stage, period, year), and for long periods (4 years or more). The latter are usually compiled for particularly promising athletes (candidates for master of sports and above).

The central link, the core of management is the training program. Programming is the management of any kind of activity. The training program is a guide for the sports teacher and his students. With its help, the coach manages the development of the preparedness of athletes, the growth of their achievements. Implementation training program carried out through a system of training tasks, causes a certain training effect, which is expressed in a change in the actual state of the athlete - operational, current or milestone. Information about the changes in these states, obtained using three forms of control - operational, current and staged, is then compared with the corresponding parameters of a given (simulated) state and, based on this comparison, corrections are made to the training plan.

However, corrections made by the coach in these cases are often either premature or delayed. Therefore, the probability of achieving the simulated state in the planned time frame is reduced. For example, at the time of important competitions, an athlete may not show his best planned result, but will reach it earlier than the main starts or some time after them.

Naturally, in order to show the planned result by the scheduled time, one should have advanced information about the athlete's readiness level in macro-, meso- and microcycles of training. It can be obtained by predicting the athlete's condition based on a comparison of the planned and predicted characteristics of each type of athlete's condition, the work performed, and increasing the effectiveness of corrections introduced into the program.

Planning, control and forecasting are closely related, complement each other and are integral elements of the training process management.

The training planning process for athletes includes the following interrelated steps:

1) the stage of developing a draft training plan - a model of the future state of an athlete and a model of the training process that ensures the achievement of this state by a certain point in time;

2) the stage of implementation of the preparation plan;

3) the stage of its correction.

15.2. Multi-year (prospective) training planning

A multi-year training plan for athletes is drawn up for 2, 3 years or more, depending on their age, fitness, sports experience, training cycles and other factors. The initial data for drawing up a multi-year plan are:

Duration of training to achieve the highest best results;

The rate of their growth from category to category;

The optimal age for achieving high sports results;

Individual characteristics of athletes;

Logistics of places of employment and other factors.

The duration of preparation necessary to achieve the highest result in a particular sport is different and is of great importance for multi-year planning.

The average duration of achieving the best results in various sports for women is 4.3, and for men - 4.8 years of special training. These times vary by sport. So, in gymnastics, to fulfill the norm of a master of sports, women need 6.1 years, and in volleyball - 3.5 years.

Therefore, when drawing up a multi-year plan for each athlete, you can roughly set the approximate number of years needed to achieve high results.

However, in last years as a result of improving the training methodology, medical supervision, improving the social and living conditions of the athlete, the logistics of training places and other factors, there is a tendency to reduce the training time for athletes.

To correctly build a multi-year plan, you need to know what age period is most favorable for achieving the highest results. The main criterion in this case is the age of their achievement.

Currently, in the long-term dynamics of sports results, three age zones are distinguished: 1) the zone of the first great successes; 2) zone of optimal opportunities; 3) a zone for maintaining high results. Long-term planning should be aimed at ensuring that athletes achieve the results of a master of sports already within the first zone.

Long-term plans are drawn up both for a group of athletes and for one athlete. In the first case, a general plan is developed, in the second - an individual plan. General long-term plans should contain only separate starting data, based on which it would be possible to correctly carry out annual planning.

A general long-term training plan usually consists of the following sections:

1. Brief description of a group of athletes or a team.

2. Purpose and main tasks of long-term training.

3. Stages of preparation and their duration.

4. Main competitions at each stage.

5. The main orientation of the training process in stages.

6. Distribution of classes, competitions and rest at each stage.

7. Sports and technical indicators by stages.

8. Control standards characterizing various aspects of the preparedness of athletes.

9. Changes in the composition of the team (in sports games).

10. The main orientation of the training process by stages (main tasks and their significance).

11. Distribution of classes, competitions and rest at each stage.

12. Sports and technical indicators by years.

13. Control standards characterizing various aspects of an athlete's preparedness.

14. The main means of training and their distribution by stages.

15. Approximate volume and intensity of training loads by stages.

16. Pedagogical and medical supervision.

Based on the brief characteristics of the athlete, as well as the goal of long-term training and its main tasks, sports and technical indicators are established by years and the fixed assets, the volume and intensity of the load, the number of competitions are planned. Those aspects of preparedness (physical, technical, tactical, etc.) are determined, on the improvement of which it is advisable to focus the main attention in order to ensure the fulfillment of the planned indicators. The long-term plan should provide for the stages of preparation, their duration, as well as the main competitions at each stage. Their number and duration depend on the structure of long-term training in a given sport, the calendar of mass sports events and other reasons.

When planning sports and technical indicators, one should proceed both from the average growth rates of results in a given sport, and from the individual characteristics of an athlete, as well as the conditions of the training process.

In an individual plan, the main means should be determined taking into account the characteristics of this athlete and the need to improve the weaknesses of his preparedness. An essential point in the long-term planning of athletes' training is the determination of the magnitude, nature and dynamics of training loads.

It should be borne in mind that the increase in sports results in young athletes depends not only on training effects, but also on their natural growth. Conventionally, it can be written as the following expression: natural growth + training = sports result. It is possible that the training load can be neutral or hinder the growth of the body, but at the same time contribute to the growth of athletic performance. Other cases are also possible. For example, training influences can actively contribute to the natural growth of the body and have very little effect on the growth of athletic performance.

Thus, when planning a training load in the course of a long-term training, one should proceed, first of all, from the need to increase its volume, especially for young and middle-aged athletes.

15.4. Annual plan, its content and methodology

The content of the multi-year plan is described in more detail in the annual plan. The annual plan usually includes the following sections: a brief description of the athlete; goal and main tasks for the year; calendar of main competitions and their tasks; cyclicity of preparation and tasks of the period; sports and technical indicators, control standards; distribution of basic and additional funds in each month, the volume and intensity of the training load; pedagogical and medical control, etc.

1. Work on the annual plan begins with the preparation of a training profile in the previous year, including the characteristics of the athlete, the dynamics of training, sportswear, training loads. The characterization must necessarily end with an analysis of the main errors and conclusions that allow determining the direction of future work.

Further, the plan includes: a detailed calendar of all competitions of the year with a clear gradation of each of them (main, qualifying, secondary, training, etc.), with specific tasks, for example, for the main and qualifying competitions- show a certain result; for minor ones - to try out a new variant of tactics, to work out a new element of technology.

2. Next stage in the work on the annual plan - the determination of the training cycle in accordance with the dynamics of the sports form required in the coming year.

Depending on the calendar of competitions, qualifications, experience, sport, individual characteristics, the ability to more or less maintain the state of sports form, one-cycle or two-cycle annual training can be used.

Having established the training cycle, it is necessary to determine the content of the training process by type of training (physical, technical, tactical, etc.). Having determined the tasks of training by cycles and periods of the year, as well as the main means and methods for their implementation, we can move on to the key issue of planning - determining the magnitude and nature of training loads.

The annual plan may be presented in the form of a plan-schedule, the form of a table or in the form of a table-schedule.

The variety of forms of planning documentation used in practice gives the coach a wide choice in accordance with the specifics of the sport.

15.5. Monthly and weekly planning

On the basis of the annual plan, it is possible to draw up a training plan for shorter periods of the training process - a stage, a month (mesocycle), a week (microcycle), a training day and a separate lesson.

Rice. 8. Variant of the annual schedule (according to S.M. Vaitsekhovsky)

Each of these plans involves a clear detailing of what was planned in the plan that preceded it. As a rule, the larger the planning time scale, the less detailed the plan. And vice versa, the shorter and closer the planned fragment of the training process, the more likely it is possible to design it in detail.

In sports practice, training planning for a month (mesocycle), a week (microcycle) has become widespread. When planning training in meso- and microcycles, it is necessary, first of all, to take into account:

1. Its primary focus (on the development of endurance, strength, speed or coordination abilities; on technical training or on a complex solution of several problems).

2. The nature of the means and methods of training used.

3. Patterns of the transfer of motor skills and physical abilities (training transfer) when determining the content of classes in each microcycle and a series of microcycles.

4. Parameters of volume and intensity of training loads, their ratio and change during training.

5. The order of alternation of loads of different directions and magnitudes, both within a separate training day, microcycle, and mesocycle.

6. Control exercises or indicators indicating the correct development of a sports form, etc.

Forms for compiling monthly and weekly plans may be different. In many respects, it depends on the specifics of the sport, the qualification of the athlete, the conditions of training, the practical experience of the coach, his outlook and creative attitude to planning the training process. The most appropriate plan-table or schedule.

The plan-table of the monthly plan can be compiled as a system of several weekly microcycle plans.

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Integral training

Integral training is a system of training influences designed to maximize the training effects of individual aspects of training (technical, tactical and others) in the holistic game competitive activity of volleyball players.

In reaching sports result In volleyball, three stages can be conventionally distinguished.

1. The level of physical qualities and morphological and functional indicators, which largely determine the effectiveness of motor actions.

2. Realization of physical abilities through the technique of specific game techniques.

3. Implementation of techniques through tactical actions. The holistic nature of the steps and factors is observed: the wider the arsenal of equipment and the more perfect it is, the more opportunities a volleyball player has to use his physical (motor) potential in the game to the maximum; The more diverse the tactics and the more perfect they are, the more opportunities there are to maximize their technical and physical potential in the game.

There are many competitive actions (game techniques) in the arsenal of volleyball players, and they must be performed many times during one meeting, and there are always several such meetings in competitions.
To this we must add the factor of consistency in the actions of volleyball players. Through the modeling of competitive activity in the training process, it is impossible to have high-quality preparation for competitions.

Therefore, it is very important, using a wide range of means, training methods for certain types of training, to ensure that everything that an athlete studies in the classroom, he can implement in game actions, in the process of competitive confrontation, where technique and tactics, physical, moral and volitional qualities, knowledge, etc. Volleyball competitions are the highest form of integral training.

It is impossible, however, to reduce integral training only to bilateral games and competitions. It distinguishes, firstly, a purposeful process of developing links between factors that determine the effectiveness (result, gain) of the volleyball player's game actions and, secondly, the complex impact of a holistic game activity, including competitive.

The tasks of integral training include: implementation of links between types of training - physical and technical; technical and tactical; moral-volitional and theoretical; volitional and physical, technical and tactical; theoretical and technical-tactical, physical; achieving the stability of playing skills in difficult competition conditions; implementation of physical, technical, tactical, theoretical and moral-volitional readiness in the unity of game actions.

The leading means of integral training are exercises in alternating actions of different nature (preparatory, leading, technique, tactics, switching); two-sided training games with tasks on technique and tactics, control and calendar games with the so-called settings for the game.

The main methods of integral training: methods of combined (conjugated) influences, game, competitive. The highest form of integral training is educational, control and competitive volleyball games.

Table of contents
Features of training volleyball players of various qualifications
General provisions
Training and improvement of offensive tactics
Teaching and improving defense tactics
Exemplary exercises for mastering individual tactical actions in defense
Exemplary exercises for mastering and improving group tactical actions in defense
Team tactical actions in defense (defense)
Control over the level of tactical readiness
Integral training
The relationship of physical with technical and tactical training
Relationship between technical and tactical training
Game preparation
Theoretical training
The focus of training work during the team training camp
Preparing young volleyball players
Organization of selection in the Youth Sports School
Tasks and content of the preparation process in the Youth Sports School
Fundamentals of training work planning
Training of senior volleyball players (I category and CCM)