How is msmk decoded. Sports, ranks and titles

Honored Master of Sports
Honorary sports title. The standard abbreviation in sports reference literature is ZMS. The title "Honored Master of Sports" was established in the USSR in 1934 (since 1983 the official name is "Honored Master of Sports of the USSR"). Honorary title - a title assigned on an individual basis by the highest legislative body of the country or the president; honorary sports title - a title awarded on an individual basis by the leadership of the ministry or department responsible for sports; sports title - a title awarded upon fulfillment of the standards established by sports classifications.

Ranks and ranks

The system of sports titles and categories is the same for all sports. The following categories and titles of athletes are provided (in descending order):
  • International Master of Sports of Russia (MSMK): Grandmaster of Russia
  • Master of Sports of Russia (MS)
  • Candidate Master of Sports of Russia (KMS)
  • 1st sports category
  • 2nd sports category
  • 3rd sports category
  • 1st youth category
  • 2nd youth category
  • 3rd youth category

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The highest sports title has two name options - "Master of Sports of International Class" and "Grandmaster of Russia". The use of two terms is due to tradition - the title of "Grandmaster" is used for board logic games (chess, checkers, go), and MSMK - for all other sports. Youth categories are assigned only in those sports where age objectively gives an overwhelming advantage over the opponent, regardless of the level of his training (where such qualities as physical strength, speed of movement, endurance, speed of reaction). In those species where age does not play a decisive role (for example, in intellectual games), youth categories are not assigned.

Requirements and procedure for awarding titles

The basis for awarding a rank or title is the achievement of a certain objectively measurable result. sports activities. These may be recognized as:
  1. Occupation of a certain place when performing in an official competition, provided for by the standards.
  2. Achieving the number of victories specified by the standards over rivals of the corresponding rank or category. Wins achieved during the last year are taken into account only in official competitions, the level of which meets the standards.
  3. Fulfillment of quantitative standards, in those types where such are possible (for example, weightlifting) at official competitions of the level corresponding to the standards.
Each title (rank) provides for a certain minimum age of an athlete from which this title can be awarded. To be awarded the title of MSMK or "Grandmaster of Russia", an athlete must participate for Russia in international competitions appropriate level. For competitions, according to the results of which titles and categories are awarded, standards are established for the level, composition of participants, required quantity referees of a certain category, the required number of opponents, the number of games, fights, performances in the main and preliminary (qualifying) parts of the competition. For international competitions, according to the results of which the highest ranks are awarded, the required minimum number of participating countries is determined. The highest titles (MSMK, Grandmaster of Russia) are approved by the Federal Agency for Physical Culture and Sports. Lower ranks and ranks are assigned to athletes by regional or local (depending on the rank or rank) executive bodies for physical culture and sports. Sports titles are awarded only to citizens of the Russian Federation.
Sports categories must be confirmed at least once every two years.

Getting one or another category is a serious step from amateur sports to professional ones. And the assignment of the title is already a well-deserved recognition of the achievements of an eminent athlete. But many are confused in the existing Russian sports ranks and ranks, their order. We will try to clarify this article.

Sports ranks and ranks

Athletes at the beginning of their careers are assigned ranks, and upon reaching all the latter - titles. The ascent to the podium begins with youth sports categories:

  • 3rd youth;
  • 2nd youth;
  • 1st youth;
  • 4th category (applicable only in chess - you need to play at least 10 games and score at least 50% of the points in a group game);
  • 3rd category;
  • 2nd category;
  • 1st rank.

It should be noted that youth categories are assigned only in those sports where age is a decisive factor in competitions, where strength, endurance, reaction speed, speed of the participant are important. Where he is not important advantage or a disadvantage (for example, in mind sports), a youth category is not assigned.

Those who have the 1st sports category can already be awarded titles. We list them in ascending order:

  • master of Sport;
  • master of sports of international class / grandmaster;
  • deserved

A long-standing custom prescribes to call masters of sports of international level in intellectual games (checkers, chess, etc.) grandmasters.

About EVSK

In the Russian Federation, the confirmation and assignment of sports categories and titles is determined by a document called the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification (EVSK). It indicates the norms in each sport that must be met in order to receive a certain of the ranks and titles. The first such document was approved in 1994; EVSK is accepted for four years. Today, the variant 2015-2018 is valid for the years, for the summer -2014-2017.

The document is based on the All-Russian Register of Sports and the list of sports recognized by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation sports games. The document dictates both the standards that must be met in order to obtain a particular sports category or title, and the conditions under which all this must occur: the level of the opponent, the importance of the competition, the qualifications of the judging staff.

Why do you need a sports category?

The assignment of categories in sports has several clearly defined goals:

  • Mass promotion of sports.
  • Incentive to level up sports training and skill.
  • Moral encouragement of athletes.
  • Unification of assessments of achievements, mastery.
  • Approval of a single procedure for the assignment of sports categories and titles.
  • Development and continuous improvement of the sphere physical education and sports.

Order of assignment

Let's touch on general important points assignment of ranks and ranks:

  • Athletes must be divided into juniors, young people, adults.
  • A young athlete who has taken part in a scheduled competition and has fulfilled the necessary standards for a certain category receives the last one. This will be evidenced by a badge and a special qualification book.
  • The athlete's record book must be registered with the organization where he received this document. In the future, at all competitions in which the athlete will participate, he will enter into this qualification book all information about his results in competitions, assigned and confirmed categories, won prizes. Each entry is made based on a specific protocol, certified by the signature of the responsible person and the seal sports organization who organized the competition.
  • The assignment of a sports title is the prerogative of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation. In confirmation of his athlete receives a certificate and an honorary

Requirements for the assignment of ranks and titles

And now consider the requirements that an athlete must fulfill, and what he must meet in order to receive a certain category:

  • The basis for assigning a category is only a certain measurable result of sports activity: occupying a specific place on official games or competitions, achieving a certain number of victories over opponents of a specific level over the past year, fulfilling a number of quantitative standards in sports, where they are possible.
  • Each category or title implies the achievement of a certain age by the athlete.
  • If within the framework of the competition, athletes are assigned ranks and titles, then it must comply with a whole set of strict rules: the composition and level of participants, a certain number of judges and athletes, the number of performances, fights and games in the qualifying and main stages.
  • At international competitions, the smallest number of participating countries is additionally determined. To get the title of international master of sports or grandmaster, you need to participate in competitions of this level.
  • The highest ranks are assigned only to citizens of the Russian Federation and only by the Federal Agency for Physical Education and Sports.
  • The ranks are authorized to assign regional executive bodies in the field of physical culture and sports.
  • An athlete must confirm his sports category at least once every two years.

All categories and titles of sports in the Russian Federation are regulated by the EVSK. After receiving a particular category in the order and within the current requirements, the athlete must also periodically confirm it.

What do they give sports titles.

Sport is an activity of people organized according to certain rules, thanks to which there is a comparison of physical or mental abilities. Most often, there is a comparison of the physical capabilities of a person, for example, who will run the fastest distance or lift the most weight.

Sports titles - titles officially assigned by the state, the level of an athlete's career growth in different areas of sports, that is, his achievements personally or in a team.
Sports titles are awarded for achievements at official sports competitions, subject to the fulfillment of the established sports standards, as well as for pedagogical or coaching.

The first Unified All-Russian Sports Classification (EVSK) was introduced in 1994. EVSK defines the titles of "master of sports of Russia" (MS), "master of sports of Russia in national sports", "master of sports of Russia of international class" (MSMK) or "grandmaster of Russia". Contrary to popular belief, a candidate for master of sports of Russia (CMS) is not a sports title, it is only a sports category that requires regular (1 time in 2 years) confirmation.

Not many people know, but for the sports cultivated among the disabled, athletes are also awarded the sports titles “master of sports of Russia among the disabled” (MS) and “master of sports of Russia of international class among the disabled” (MSMK). In addition, in 1995, the regulation on the honorary sports titles "Honored Master of Sports of Russia" and "Honored Coach of Russia" was approved.

Some athletes really want to get sports titles without even thinking about what it will give them. We will not go into details and delve into the past, talking about what happened before, but we will highlight what is happening in our time.

On this moment, having an official sports title can give an athlete something, but not nearly as much as most people would like.

Firstly, a sports title can facilitate admission and study at a physical education or pedagogical university. Usually teachers are sympathetic to professional athletes, so they meet them on controversial issues.

Secondly, the presence of an official sports title gives athletes an advantage when applying for a job in state sports facilities. For example, if an athlete wants to go to work as a coach in a youth youth sports school(DYUSSH), then the presence of a sports title will be good plus in his resume, although the fact that they will take it without any sporting merit is not ruled out.

Thirdly, the presence of an official rank is taken into account when serving in the army, and is also a reason for receiving an increase in salary for employees of the FSB and other government agencies.

Most people can say that the first two points are not a good incentive to get a sports title, they will be partly right. In conditions modern life, benefits for admission to an educational institution or a check mark in a resume for employment - hardly anyone will be interested. But an increase in salary for each rank will be a very good bonus, for professional athlete.

Now we were talking about official sports titles, but as many already know, in addition to this, there are also titles of alternative federations. The difference between official and alternative federations is that the latter do not have state support, therefore, athletes competing there cannot receive sports titles officially recognized in Russia.

In Bodybuilding and especially Powerlifting, there are many alternative federations, whose activities are observed on the territory of Russia. Apart from official federation referred to as the FBFR (IFBB), Bodybuilding competitions are also hosted by the WFF, NAC and NABBA. It is worth noting that for last years the number of tournaments held by alternative federations has decreased several times, including due to the fact that many athletes began to move to the FBFR, hoping to receive, in addition to medals, cash prizes that are given at some tournaments.

In Powerlifting, the situation is similar, in addition to the official federation of the FPR (IPF), competitions are also held by NAP, VITYAZ, SPR and WRP. All of the above federations have their own sports titles and categories, which are awarded for achievements in competitions. But unlike the title of Master of Sports of Russia, any titles of alternative federations do not provide the advantages that were described earlier, in particular, they do not give an increase in salary.

Nevertheless, the presence of any sports titles or victories in competitions in any sport carries certain benefits for the athlete, especially if he works as a coach. You may have noticed that in most sports clubs, employees have a published resume that lists the most significant achievements.

The presence of sports titles or victories in competitions in any federation, regardless of whether it was officially recognized or not, to say that a person has a certain level of training and experience in this sport, that is, in part, the presence of a sports title, is a confirmation of qualification specialist.

It is impossible to say with certainty whether ordinary people need sports titles now, or it is rather a relic of the past, which is useless in modern life. But it can be assumed that no matter what sport and federation an athlete competes in, a sports title, whether it is 3rd category, ZMS or just a place taken in some tournament, first of all, this is a pleasant memory of the past, for the person himself and people close to him.

Therefore, sports titles are something useful, as it gives people positive emotions and incentive for development.