Sports events. Scenario of a sports event in elementary school "Fun starts

Scenario of a sports festival for middle and senior students school age"Sport class"

Goals and objectives:
1. Consolidation of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in the field physical education.
2. Formation of the foundations of natural human movements, correct posture, as well as other vital motor qualities.
3. Strengthening physical fitness students.
4. The ability of students to adapt to competitions (overcoming stressful situations).
5. Education of moral and volitional qualities; correct behavior skills; interest; needs and habits for systematic studies exercise.
6. Education of patriotism, honesty, kind, sincere relations.
7. Development of all types of attention; perception.
8. Development of thinking; memory.
9. Valeological - orientation of students to a healthy lifestyle
10. Identification the strongest teams MBOU Lyceum and individual students.
Time and venue:
The sports festival is held on September 16, 2015. Competitions are held on the sports grounds of the school. Beginning at 12-20.
The following classes take part in the competition:
5A; 5B; 6A; 6B; 7; 8A; 8B; 9A; 9B; 10 classes.
Each team consists of 10 people (5 boys + 5 girls). Class teachers submit applications certified by a doctor on the day of the competition.
Management and conduct:
The organization of the sports event is managed by the administration of the MBOU Lyceum.
The direct preparation and holding of a sports festival is carried out by the main panel of judges (M.Yu. Petrogradsky - teacher of physical culture)

Sports event program:
1. Solemn construction in front of the entrance to the school of the participating teams.
2. Parade of competitors. Report of the captains on the readiness of the teams.
3. Grand opening of the holiday.
4. Raise the flag.
5. Sports competitions between school teams.

6. Presentation of prizes and diplomas to all participating teams. Mark the best teams.
7. Closing of the holiday, lowering the flag.

Event progress

1. Solemn formation of teams.
2. Report of the organizer of the games to the representative of the administration.
3. Report of the captains of the teams (team name, motto, greetings to the opponents).
4. Raising the State Flag of the Russian Federation to the sounds of the Russian anthem.
5. Greetings from the administrator with wishes for successful performances.
6. Teams are given route sheets.
7. The movement of the participating teams to the competition site, according to the route list.

Stage 1
Competitions are held on the volleyball court of the sports stadium of the school.
Flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position. 5 participants at once (for example, first boys, then girls). The total number of push-ups is counted.

Stage 2
RELAY 200m.
Competitions are held on the athletics track of the sports stadium of the school. The first 5 participants (boys) go to the start with baton. At the command of the judge, they run 1 circle (200m.) Pass the baton to the girls. Time is recorded according to the last participant in the race.

Stage 3
Competitions are held on the volleyball court of the sports stadium of the school. The first participant jumps from the start line. The referee makes a mark (with chalk) on the heels. Then the second participant approaches this mark and makes a long jump from a place, etc. The total footage of the team is calculated (meters and centimeters).

Stage 4
Competitions are held at the site of the sports stadium of the school. Hanging boys on the bar, hanging hanging girls. The total number of pull-ups is counted.

Stage 5
Competitions are held on the basketball court of the sports stadium of the school.
Hitting the ball in the basketball hoop. The whole team is involved. Two throws each. The total number of hits is counted.
Stage 6
Competitions are held on the football ground of the sports stadium of the school. The team is asked 5 questions on sports topics, according to the age of those involved. For a correct answer, the team earns 1 point.

Stage 7
Competitions are held on the football ground of the sports stadium of the school. From 9 meters, each participant (in turn, on one attempt) tries to score the ball into the empty hockey goal. The total number of hits is counted.
Stage 8
Competitions are held on the football ground of the sports stadium of the school. 4 people from the team participate (4 boys and 4 girls). Participants sit on 4 chairs side by side. They are taken with the right hand in the middle, put their heads on the knees of their neighbors. The judge removes the chairs from under them and the “centipede” moves together 1 meter to the side. For successful execution, the judge awards 5 points.

Stage 9
Competitions are held on the football ground of the sports stadium of the school. The team is built in a column one at a time. The last participant in the column, the judge, tells the word so that other participants do not hear. Without pronouncing this word out loud, the last participant writes this word letter by letter on the back of the next participant, etc., when all participants have completed the task, the first in the column calls this word out loud. For a correct answer, the judge awards the team 5 points.

Stage 10
One of the participants is blindfolded and offered to go from the start line to the finish line. Tennis, football, basketball and volleyballs. The task of the team is to lead the “blind” to the finish line with tips without stepping on and without hitting the balls. For touched balls, the referee awards penalty points.
The results are being calculated. While the judges are counting the results, the teams compete in a tug-of-war contest.
Announcement of the winning team. Rewarding.

Before. How to say goodbye to you
We want to wish you!
good health,
smile more often
And never lose heart!
Goodbye! See you again.

Ira Shumakova
Scenario sporting event V primary school « fun starts»

Scenario of a sports event in elementary school"fun starts"

Target: Develop children's interest in sports, understand the meaning sports in human life to teach students to healthy lifestyle life.

Tasks: - develop physical qualities children: coordination, speed of movements, reaction;

Instill a love for outdoor activities;

Cultivate a sense of mutual assistance and collectivism.

To grow and mature

Not by days, but by hours,

engage in physical education,

We need to take care of it!

Introduction. Hello dear guys! It is very nice to see you today in our gym . We are starting the funniest of all sports and the sportiest of all fun games« fun starts» and our sports the hall turns into a fun stadium. Competitors will compete in strength, agility, ingenuity, speed.

Leading: Today we are happy to welcome friendly teams. 2 teams will take part in the competition. (Performance).

To the music We firmly believe in heroes sports» teams go to the center of the hall.

Commands are greeted: Team captains present their teams


Motto: Not a step back, not a step in place,

But only forward and only together.

Team B.

Motto: Shine always, shine everywhere

And help friends in need.

Leading: And now we will introduce you to the members jury: (Performance).

Jury Chairman:.

Jury members:.

Leading: So, we got acquainted with the teams, the jury chose, parting words were heard - it's time to start the competition!

Competition No. 1 - Relay "Fried eggs".

Run to a certain place, carrying a ball on a racket, and return back, passing the baton to the next participant.

The task is to have time to cook scrambled eggs before others - to complete the distance.

Competition No. 2 - Relay "Sharpshooter"

The target will be an ordinary bucket, into which the participants must throw balls. A member of each team is awarded two balls. The target bucket is set at a distance of 4 meters from the finish line. On a signal, the first player approaches the finish line and throws the balls, trying to hit the bucket. The next player follows him, and so on in turn. The team that scores the most goals wins.

Competition No. 3 - Relay "Through the Eye of a Needle".

On a signal, the first participant runs to the middle line, where the hoop lies on the floor, threads the hoop through himself (like thread through the eye of a needle). He leaves the hoop on the line, runs around the turn, on the way back he passes the hoop through himself and passes the baton by touching his hand to the second participant, etc.

Competition No. 4 - Relay "Tug of War".

Teams go to starting line, take a gymnastic rope with a red ribbon in the middle and, on a signal, begin to pull it in their direction. Three attempts are given to determine the winner.

Competition No. 5 - Competition of captains

Questions for Team A:

1. How to speak athletes will be called the start of sports competitions? (Start.)

2. This horse does not eat oats,

Instead of legs - two wheels.

Sit on horseback and ride it

Just better drive... (Bike.)

3. We are nimble sisters,

Run fast masters.

In the rain - we lie down,

In the snow we run

This is our regime... (Skis.)

Questions for Team B:

1. How to speak athletes called the end of sports competitions? (Finish.)

2. Guys, I have

Two silver horses

I drive both at the same time.

What kind of horses do I have? (Skates.)

3. Green meadow,

One hundred benches around

From gate to gate

The people run briskly. (Stadium.)

Competition No. 6 - Relay Race.

The team stands in a column one at a time. The first participant reaches the chip, returns to the team and takes the hand of the second player. Then the two of them run to the chip, return to the team and take the third player by the hand, run to the chip and return to the team, etc. As soon as all the participants have completed the task, the relay race can be considered over.

Competition No. 7 "Planting Potatoes"

Participants are built in a column one after another. In front of them are 3 small balls on the rug. On a signal, the first participant takes one ball, runs to the first hole, puts the ball down, comes back. Takes the second ball, runs to the second hole, puts the ball, comes back. He takes the third ball, runs to the third hole, runs around the post, putting the ball in the hole, returns back, touching the next player with his hand.

Second competitor runs to first hole, tackles ball, comes back, puts down on mat, runs to second hole, picks up second ball, comes back, puts down, runs to third hole, picks up ball, runs around post, comes back, throws ball to hands.

Competition No. 7 "Bring the ball"

You need to carry 2 balls in your hands without dropping them.

The first team to finish without dropping the ball wins.

Competition No. 7 - Competition for fans.

1. Laid two tracks,

So that the legs rushed through the snow,

fast, new

The legs are maple. (Skis.)

2. Very strange shoes

Appeared at Irinka

Not suitable for walking

They would ride on ice. (Skates.)

3. What dinners is it for?

No, don't dine here. let's become:

We will pull the net tight -

The ball bounces here and there.

What is the name of this game? (Table tennis.)

4. Ah, what a huge table!

They go to the skating rink in winter.

What to do in the summer heat?

Useful for Kolenka

With wheels. (Rollers.)

5. Two rackets and a shuttlecock,

Lush, like a sundress.

The shuttlecock flies high -

Strongly Lena beats. (Badminton.)

6. This horse does not eat oats,

2 wheels instead of legs.

Sit on horseback and ride it

Just better drive. (Bike.)

7. Throw it into the river - it doesn't sink.

You hit the wall - you don't groan.

You will throw winter.

Will fly upward. (Ball.)

Summarizing. We give the floor to the jury, which will sum up our competitions.

Leading: So our holiday is over. All team members showed their dexterity, strength, speed. And most importantly - got a charge of vivacity and mass positive emotions! get busy sports, strengthen your health, develop strength and endurance!

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Purpose: Promotion of a healthy lifestyle, involvement in systematic physical education and sports. Tasks: Rallying children.

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Polyanskaya Galina Viktorovna
Job title: physical culture teacher
Educational institution: MAOU "Gymnasium named after N.V. Pushkov
Locality: Moscow Troitsk
Material name: Methodical development
Subject: Organization and holding of mass sports events in educational institutions (schools).
Publication date: 12.11.2016
Chapter: complete education

Topic: Organization and holding of mass sports events in educational institutions (schools).

1. Introduction
page 3
Chapter 1
. Organization sports and mass work At school. page 5 1.1. Types of competitions page 8 1.2. Planning mass sports competitions and events page 9
Chapter 2
. The content and methodology of extra-curricular sports and mass work. p.10 2.1 Regulations on competitions p.12 2.2 Council of Physical Culture p.14 2.3 Conducting competitions p.17
Chapter 3
The main directions of sports-mass work. page 19
p.21 References p.23 Appendix

Mass sport is a part of sport aimed at physical education and physical development citizens through organized and (or) self-study, as well as participation in physical culture and mass sports events. . Extra-curricular sports and health-improving work is one of the most important components of physical education at school. Carrying out physical culture and sports events is the most important component of the process of physical education of students. The goals of these events are to promote physical culture and sports, to introduce students to systematic physical education. ex. and sports, summing up the results of physical culture and sports work, active recreation. school competitions- the most effective measure of increasing the physical fitness of students. Especially great is the importance of sports competitions for the formation of moral and volitional qualities and character traits. Sports events are used to check the quality of educational, training and educational work. They also allow pedagogical influence on the audience. Sport is an activity that serves the interests of society, implementing educational, preparatory, communicative functions, but is not a permanent specialty of a person. This is most pronounced in children's sports, since the sports activity of students is 2
extracurricular, provided by state plans and programs as an academic discipline at school and is carried out through extracurricular and extracurricular forms of work, that is, purely on a voluntary basis. Sports competitions are a bright emotional spectacle. The pleasure from sports spectacles arise as a result of the participation of the spectator in them, who is attracted by the high level of development of motor qualities, the bold, decisive actions of the participants, their high achievements. Almost all types of human activity are represented in sports: cognitive, value-oriented, communication, etc. Therefore, in the process of physical education, it is possible to actively form the consciousness and behavior of people in the right direction. In the process of sports events, mental education of participants is carried out. In the process of training, the moral development of those involved in sports also takes place. It is aimed at shaping a person's social value qualities that determine his attitude to other people, to society, to himself and in the aggregate represent what is commonly called moral education. In games and sports competitions there are rich opportunities for the formation of norms of collective behavior. Mastering various team functions, students learn not only to organize their behavior, but also to actively influence the actions of their comrades, to perceive the tasks of the team as their own. Under the guidance of a teacher, such important moral qualities as 3
responsibility to the team, a sense of duty, pride in the success of the team, etc. The main objectives of any competition are: -promoting health, hardening and diversified development of students. -upbringing them in the spirit of patriotism, collectivism and friendship, developing high moral and volitional qualities, improving discipline and organization. -wide development of certain sports at school and improvement of sports and technical results of students. - summing up the results of educational and training work, identifying the interests of children in certain sports, attracting students to systematic physical education and sports, promoting and popularizing sports.
Chapter 1

1. Organization of mass sports work at school.
Properly organized physical culture and health work at school is the basis of a healthy lifestyle, strengthening the health of students. In the conditions of a general education school, great importance is attached to the motor mode of schoolchildren. The health and performance of students largely depends on its proper organization. The rational organization of the motor regime meets the requirements of the time, to provide students with daily physical exercises. 4
A rational motor regime should include all types of physical culture and health work. Alternating them with training sessions provides a high level of physical activity, to a certain extent reduces the fatigue of students and increases the efficiency of educational work. Means of physical culture have different effects on mental tension and mental properties of a person, in particular, on aggressiveness and anxiety. I. P. Pavlov also noted that the behavioral activity of people is social in nature. Of course, social conditions affect the emotions, behavior, character, psyche of people, especially young people. And this is especially true in the field of sports. V.I.Malinak emphasizes in his study that further increase in the effectiveness of the complex physical education of schoolchildren is largely associated with the improvement of methods for teaching children various forms of motor activity. However, the lack of consensus on many issues of the choice and effectiveness of the various methods and teaching methods used indicates that this issue has not been sufficiently studied. The tree also needs evaporation and frequent refreshment with the help of winds, rains, colds, otherwise it easily weakens and withers. In the same way, the human body needs generally strong movements,
activity and serious exercise. (Komensky Ya.). 5
Protracted socio-economic instability in our country is clearly affecting schoolchildren. Students in difficult, critical situations show aggressiveness, anxiety, conflict, commit offenses. All this as a result of influence on the formation of personality. The physical education of the child is the basis for the rest, without the correct application of hygiene in the development of the child, without the correct physical education and sports, we will never get a healthy generation. (A.V. Lunacharsky). In this pedagogical situation, physical culture and health-improving work solves not only health-improving, educational, educational, but also preventive, corrective tasks. Such work can stop the processes of negative impact on schoolchildren, improve to some extent the mental state of each student and the microclimate in a group of schoolchildren. It is necessary that every person join physical exercises. Without this, no talk about a healthy lifestyle is inconceivable. (N.Amosov). . Obviously, physical exercises performed systematically and purposefully have a positive effect on the psychophysiological development of schoolchildren. Many are already used to the expression “health-saving technologies”, although they understand it in their own way. Some are implementing the training program "Lessons 6
health”, others organize class competitions, the third use the universal program recommended by the Ministry of Education, the fourth are limited to herbal tea and vitamin salads, etc. Of course, any such method should be welcomed, but it is important to remember the main thing: health is more than just the absence of disease. And work to preserve and strengthen it must be carried out purposefully using pedagogical methods.
1.1. Types of competitions
In the Russian system of physical education, a harmonious system of sports competitions has been developed. All major sports competitions can be conditionally divided into three groups: 1. Complex competitions with offsets in many sports. 2. Annual championship competitions Russian Federation in all sports. 3. Russian-scale competitions dedicated to significant dates, as well as for prizes established by various organizations. Depending on the goals, competitions are divided by sports: 1) championships in which the champion is determined ( best team, participant of the competition); 2) qualifying competitions in order to identify the strongest athletes or complete the national team; 7
3) control competitions during training sessions (the purpose of these competitions is pedagogical control over the state of fitness and sports achievements of those involved); 4) mass competitions (Presidential games, Presidential competitions); 5) demonstration competitions for the popularity of various sports. According to the form of organization, the following types of competitions are distinguished: a) closed competitions in a class, school, sports club, in which only students of this team participate; b) open competitions in which teams, individual athletes of other schools can participate, fully contesting prizes, medals, etc.; c) friendly (match) meetings - competitions by prior agreement between teams of classes, schools; d) correspondence competitions between classes, schools in the district, city, region, etc. According to the terms of the offset, competitions can be personal and team. The structure of mass sports events. Competitions can be internal - (school championship in various types sports, Health Days, tournaments, sports days), external - (city, zonal, regional, etc.). 1
.2. Planning of sports competitions.
Since sports competitions are an integral part of the educational and training process, their nature and timing are planned 8
in advance. The main documents for planning and holding competitions are the calendar plan and the regulation on competitions. The plan of mass sports work of the school is drawn up by all interested parties before the start of the new academic year, taking into account the age groups of students and school traditions. When drawing up a plan, it is necessary to weigh all the possibilities: the availability and condition of the sports base, sports equipment and the weather conditions of the region. The draft version of the plan should be posted on the bulletin board for schoolchildren to familiarize themselves with it. At the very first meeting of the class physicists, the plan is discussed, supplemented, or something is changed and approved. Then during the academic year it will be carried out. In each school, the plan of mass sports events can be purely its own, taking into account the state and availability of a sports base, sports equipment and the qualifications of physical education teachers. In our school - “Gymnasium them. N.V. Pushkov ", Troitsk, sports events are held according to the following plan (see Appendix No. 1)
Chapter 2

2. Content and methodology of extra-curricular sports and mass work.
The working hypothesis is that a differentiated approach to a comprehensive, systematic conduct of physical culture and recreation and sports events at school and individual characteristics of physical development and physical fitness of schoolchildren, 9
attending circles and sports clubs will provide sufficient physical activity for children, will in every way contribute to their normal physical development, strengthening their health, development of mental abilities, will have a positive impact on learning in general, their constitution, on familiarization with a healthy lifestyle, on their future life. The purpose of the study is to scientifically substantiate the means and methods of complex physical culture and recreation and sports events held at the school, taking into account the individual levels of physical development and physical fitness of students. In accordance with the goal and the hypothesis put forward, the following research tasks were set: 1. To determine the level and dynamics of the physical fitness of schoolchildren. 2. To develop age guidelines for physical development and physical fitness of schoolchildren. 3. Check the effectiveness of the proposed means and methods, complex physical culture and health and sports events that affect the physical development and physical fitness of students. 10
4. To develop recommendations for improving the organization and holding of complex sports and recreational and sports events.
2.1 Competition Regulations
Regulations on competitions are the main document regulating the conditions and procedure for holding competitions. Each section of this provision must be carefully thought out and clearly stated. Not a single point should give rise to doubts and various interpretations. The regulation is drawn up on the basis of the calendar plan and competition rules for this sport and is sent to the participating organizations no later than a month before the competition (3 months before the all-Union and republican competitions). The regulation usually consists of the following sections: 1. goals and objectives of the competition; 2. place and time of the competition; 3. participants of the competition; 4. leadership in the preparation and conduct of competitions; 5. the procedure for determining the winners; 6. rewarding personal and team championship; 7. terms and procedure for submitting applications 8. conditions for admission of participants. eleven
The content of the sections of the regulation on competitions depends on the type and scale of the competition. When choosing a place and dates for competitions, it is necessary to take into account climatic conditions: air temperature, precipitation, fog, etc. When choosing a terrain in certain sports, it is necessary to take into account the scale of the competition and the level of preparedness of the participants: the terrain of the tracks must correspond to the qualifications of the athletes. When planning the time of the competition, it is necessary to take into account the duration of daylight hours, the number of participants, the remoteness of the start and finish from the places of accommodation and meals for athletes, the features of traffic, the mode of the bulk of the participants in the competition. When drawing up the regulation on competitions, a special place should be given to the sections "Participants of the competition", "Program and conditions for the competition", "Procedure for determining the winners". The section "Participants of the competition" clearly indicates which organizations, for which groups are allowed to participate in these competitions, the number of teams. each participant. In this section, the conditions for admission to competitions for the individual championship are stipulated. 12
In the section "Program for the conditions of the competition" types are included competitive activity included in the competition program for all age groups and for all participating teams, as well as the distribution of species by day. In the case of a large number of participants, a group draw should be provided and the order of distribution of participants should be indicated. In the section “Procedure for determining the winners”, the composition of the team and the number of test participants for certain types and conditions for summing up team results are extremely clearly and clearly indicated. (See Annex No. 2.) In all scoring systems, when summing up the results of the team championship, additional coefficients may be applied to stimulate results and increase the significance of the age group or type of competition. In team sports, draw systems are used: round-robin, with elimination, mixed. Intra-school competitions should be held in an organized manner, in a solemn atmosphere, parents and representatives of marching organizations should be invited to them.
2.2 Board of Physical Education
To establish mass leadership physical culture work and holding competitions at school, you need to fully rely on the strength of the students themselves. The council of the physical culture collective should work actively in the school. To ensure that events are held in a timely manner, interesting, fun, so that there are physical and pedagogical benefits and there have never been injuries among 13
children, you need to prepare helpers for yourself. Without them, as without hands. And we need all sorts of helpers. These are young judges in various sports, graphic designers, organizers of children's groups or class physicists and team captains, photographers and just working hands. Any junior schoolboy is glad and proud that he is entrusted with business. He is ready to work, he tries, he climbs out of his skin, but if you don’t teach him, don’t show him, you can lose such an assistant forever, and as an athlete too. It is for this reason that we must prepare our assistants. As for the sportsmen of the class, they are chosen by children, and they know for sure that these guys can be trusted with their sports fate. So these guys are leaders. Fizorgs are collected once a week, on a certain day. They are introduced to the very first tasks: - to ensure a 100% attendance of students without delay and in sports uniform for the lesson; - to teach how to make a duty schedule in physical education classes. . Questions can be very diverse: about holding competitions, refereeing, repairing a sports base, awarding and encouraging players and young referees, disciplinary issues, sports affairs of schools are discussed. At the sessions of the council of fizorgs, it is mandatory to record what was decided, what was decided, who was assigned and the deadline. The decision of the council of fizorgs is posted on the stand "Council of fizorgs" for all students. 14
Before the next competition at the council of physical organizers: “For the successful holding of such and such a competition, helpers are needed, select or determine at will the guys, so many people from each class. The first seminar will take place tomorrow after school.” In the classroom with young judges, you don’t have to go into the deep jungle of refereeing. Familiarize the children with general provisions, for example, with the basic rules of the game, etc. This is enough for the young judge so far. The rest will be replenished in the process of games and refereeing. You can’t put such a referee in charge of a match. You have to go from simple to complex. And then, over time, we will have real referees capable of conducting any children's match. A huge role in holding any event is played by its external design, timely information about the results shown at the competitions. These works are painstaking, require perseverance, perseverance. Here, it is not enough just to want to promptly notify everyone about the successes of comrades. Each ad, table should not only carry information, but also be colorful and attractively designed. A lot of design work during the competitions, especially during their preparation. Artists also need to be encouraged and supported, it is very important not to discourage children from working. Any competition is a confrontation between teams. And in the team there must be a leader. It is one thing when a teacher speaks, it is quite another when the leader, the leader elected by the children, speaks and demands the same. Understanding and bestowal in the latter case 15
very high. You also need to calmly analyze the loss, find your weaknesses and try to get rid of them in training. Before starting any mass sports of the event, the teacher must think over and weigh everything, and then only draw up a script - a strict order of the upcoming place of gathering of participants, start time, who says what and for whom the order of performances, who serves the competition (judges), when and what kind of music sounds (see Appendix No. 3.4).
2.3. Conducting competitions.
On the day of the competition, before they start, main judge competitions, together with a representative of the organization conducting them, must check the venue of the competitions and make sure they are ready to receive participants. This applies to the preparation and arrangement of inventory and equipment, distance marking, referee documentation. The opening procedure is of great importance for the success of the competition. It is advisable to develop a "memo" for the participants, in which to indicate the time, place, formation order and uniform of the teams. It is necessary to provide for the route of movement of participants, the order of raising the flag, greeting. Start competitions and conduct each type should be exactly at the time and sequence agreed at the meeting panel of judges together with 16
team representatives. Team representatives and participants must be notified in advance of all changes. Information about the course of the competition can be carried out with the help of a megaphone, special scoreboards, as well as by posting the start and final protocols and other documents of the competition in a specially designated place. The withdrawal of the participants of the competition must be carried out in an organized manner after the preliminary collection and formation of the participants in the agreed place. Team representatives ensure the timely appearance of participants at the competition site and control their participation in the competition. In case of non-appearance, the representative is obliged to inform the main panel of judges about it in writing. Already during the competition, it is advisable to announce the results and reward the winners. An integral part of the competition is the procedure for their closing. It includes building the participants in teams, reporting the final results, presenting team prizes and lowering the flag. One of the important sections of the preparation and holding of competitions in sports is medical care. At competitions, the doctor is the deputy chief referee for medical support. Its functions include checking applications with doctors' visas for the admission of athletes to competitions, medical care of the sites and monitoring the condition of 17
their health during multi-day competitions, the condition of the competition sites, the possibility of evacuation from the competition sites.
Chapter 3

3. The main directions of extracurricular sports - mass work.
This course work defines the main directions of extra-curricular sports - mass, physical culture and health work. 1. All sports competitions among schoolchildren should solve the main task - to attract students to systematic physical education and sports, the development of mass physical culture and sports in secondary schools and globally promote the health of students, their physical development and physical fitness. 2. The school must be the center for organizing mass competitions. All students, starting from grade 1, should be involved in intra-school competitions in all sports studied under state programs and cultivated outside of school hours. 3. Participation in sports competitions of any student must be preceded by appropriate sports training. When students are admitted to mass intra-stake competitions, as well as when recruiting teams to participate in city (district) competitions, everyone must strictly adhere to this condition. 18
4. All competitions with the participation of schoolchildren must be held outside school hours. 5. Competitions with the participation of schoolchildren should be carefully prepared, colorfully designed, and held at a high organizational level Judges from among schoolchildren should be widely involved in holding competitions. 6. Expand the list of types of physical activity cultivated at school. 7. Monitor the quality of extracurricular activities. 8. Provide (by the school administration, teachers and students) high-quality outreach and educational support in holding sports events aimed at involving the maximum possible number of schoolchildren in active classes physical exercise and sports. 9. To attract third-party specialists - qualified coaches - teachers and instructors in sports. 10. Systematically update and improve the material and technical base of the sports sector of the school. In the process of physical education of general education schools, solve the problems of strengthening the health of schoolchildren, developing their physical abilities, expanding the functional capabilities of the body, forming motor skills, educating their morality and strong-willed 19
qualities: patriotism, collectivism, courage, determination, perseverance, purposefulness. Based on this, the school principal, teachers of physical education, as well as the council of the physical education team, with the active assistance of the entire teaching staff, need to carry out extra-curricular sports, mass and recreational work. Teachers of physical culture should, first of all, direct their efforts towards the development of students' independence, in every possible way achieve the active work of the council of the physical culture team on the mass involvement of all children in various sports and recreational activities and sports. For the successful work of a physical culture team, it is important that it be led by a council consisting of the most active students, good athletes representing different groups of classes, which will ensure the necessary continuity, accumulation of experience, and gradual mastery of organizational skills and abilities.
The raised questions of the organization of out-of-class physical culture and health-improving and mass sports work at school testify to the versatility of the forms and methods of this work. 20
Of course, this work requires a lot of work of the teaching staff of the school, especially teachers of physical education. Therefore, the main direction in the conduct of any physical culture, sports and other events should be a lively, interested participation, especially of the schoolchildren themselves. This work on the organization of mass sports events should not be spontaneous, uncontrolled. It should be systematically directed by the administration, teachers of physical education, the entire teaching staff of the school should be involved in the work, however, this work should become more fruitful if it is closely connected and supported by out-of-school forms of physical education of the students themselves 21
L I T E R A T U R A: 1. Ashmarin B.A. Theory and methods of physical education. Textbook for students of the Faculty of Physical Education. M. "Enlightenment" 1979 2. Balsevich V.A., Zaporozhanov V.A. Physical activity person. - Kyiv: "Health", 1987. 3. Belonozhkin O.V. Sports and recreational activities at school, Volgograd, Publishing House "Teacher", 2007 4. Bogoslovsky V.P. Collection instructively - teaching materials in physical education. M. "Enlightenment", 1984 5. Buylin Yu.F. Theoretical training of young athletes, M "Physical culture and sport" 1981. 6. Vidyakin M.V. extracurricular activities on physical culture in secondary school Volgograd, Publishing House "Teacher", 2004. 7. Goloshchapov B.R. History of physical culture and sports, M. "Academy" 2009 8.Zheleznyak Yu.D. Theory and methods of teaching the subject of physical culture PDF. M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2004. 9. Zholdak V.I., Korotaev N.V. Sociology of physical culture and sports Tutorial, Malakhovka MoGIFK 1984 10. Kovalenko V.A. Physical culture Textbook M Publishing house "ASV" 2000. 22
11. Prokudin B.F. Physical education programs for students in grades 1-11, secondary schools, taking into account three lessons per week. M 2003 . 12. Physical education. Textbook for university students. - M.: Higher school, 1983. 13. Federal Law on Physical Culture and Sports of the Russian Federation, December 2007 N 329-FZ 15.Sport at school Methodological newspaper for physical education teachers, Publishing House "First of September" 13,2008. 23

Municipal Autonomous Institution

additional education

"Children's Maritime Center No. 9"

Scenario Collection

sports and recreational activities

« sports movement– our respect!”

Naberezhnye Chelny


Published by decision of the editorial and publishing council of the municipal budget institution"Information and Methodological Center", Naberezhnye Chelny

Compiled by:

E.N. Yakovlev, Deputy Director for Educational Work of MAOU DOD "Children's Maritime Center No. 9"

Edited by N.A. Nesterova, and about. Director of the MBU "Information and Methodological Center"

The collection presents materials from the experience of the teaching staff of the MAOU DOD "Children's Marine Center No. 9" of the city of Naberezhnye Chelny. The material is devoted to topical issues of physical education and education in modern conditions. Addressed to specialists (teachers, OBZH teachers, teachers of additional education) in the field of additional education of children.

® Information and methodological center


    Combined military-sports march "Seven Courageous"

    Sports event "Merry Sportlandia"

    Health Day "Sports Olympionics"

    Health Day "Funny Ball Championship"

    Sport's event " Winter Tournament sports games"

    Sports and game program for children preschool age

"Game Rainbow"

    Sports and recreational event among

dance groups "Starteenager"

    Annex 1: Regulations on holding a health day

    Annex 2: Application for participation in competitions

    Appendix 3:

    Sketches of charters


Health- one of the essential characteristics of a person, along with spirituality, intellectuality, which determines the degree of viability, stability of the body in the appropriate environment, the ability to realize its biological and sociological functions.

In the institution of additional education for children, the forefront is not so much the physical development of children, the preservation and strengthening of their health, but the education in children of the need for health as a vital value, a conscious desire to lead a healthy lifestyle, a responsible attitude to their health and the health of those around them .

This collection presents scenarios for Health Days.

Purpose of Health Days - introduction to a healthy lifestyle of children who are not involved in sports sections.

Monthly health days are held in the form of interactive games, competitions, tournaments, small olympiads. The competition is designed for the simultaneous participation of 8 - 14 teams, with its own route, including stages with tests.

The collection is addressed to parents, teachers, class teachers of junior, middle and senior classes, teachers of institutions of additional education for children.


combined military-sports march "Seven Courageous"

for primary school students



Stroke: Good afternoon dear friends! Greetings to all who have gathered sports ground. On this wonderful day, our sports holiday will take us along the paths of sports relay races. We hope that the fans will take an active part in supporting their teams, because sports, of course, need the support of friends. Let's check the starting readiness of our fans.

Fans of team No. ___________________________________ - are you here?

We all saw and heard our fans. They are very determined. And teams are invited to the site (line up in columns) ___________________

And now I want to introduce to everyone our esteemed jury (jury introduction)

Dear jury, teams and fans, I would like to note that all competitions are evaluated according to a 3-point system. And the main condition of our sports festival is team cohesion!

In order for our teams to get to know each other, we will hold a competition “Tell everyone about yourself” /2-3 min./ You need to introduce your creative team: say the name, motto and slogan of the team in unison.

So, we are starting the military-sports march "Seven Courageous"!

    Ski relay. Task: put on skis, walk a certain distance to the flag and back for a while, take off the skis and pass them on to the next participant.


Equipment: skis, signal flag.

    Ski relay. Task: put on skis, go for a certain distance through the flags and back, take off the skis and pass them on to the next participant.


Equipment: skis, 3 signal flags.

    Sled relay. Task: one participant sits on a sled, the other picks up a rope from the sled and walks for a certain distance through the flags and back, pass the sled to the next participants.


Equipment: sled, 3 signal flags.

    Sled relay. Task: the participant lies down on the sled and makes movements with his hands, as if he were swimming. The participant passes for a certain distance through the flags and back, passes the sled to the next participant.


    Relay, with tied legs. Task: two participants tie their legs with a bow (string). It is necessary to go for a certain distance through the flags and back, untie the legs and tie the next participants.


Equipment: sled, 2 signal flags.

    Relay "Numbers". Task: line up in the correct order.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

7. "Dragon Tail". Task: first the first participant passes the relay, then the second, etc. You need to go the distance with the whole team without disengaging your hands. Then return to the start and raise your arms above your head.


Equipment: 2 signal flags

Our march is smoothly approaching the summing up. /The jury sums up the results of the sports and recreation contest “Seven Courageous”./ Many thanks to the teams for showing your unity, speed and endurance today. Many thanks to our fans who came to support their teams today.

And now we are ready to listen to our jury. What did you like? What do you remember the most? Please announce the results of the entire competition in the nominations: "strong", "brave", "friendly", "dexterous", "hardy". /rewarding participants/


sporting event "Merry Sportlandia"

for middle school students

Target: to develop a steady interest of students in physical education and sports activities.


    formation of healthy lifestyle values ​​among students;

    develop skills and abilities of cooperation with peers in the process of sports activities;

    to cultivate dexterity, reaction speed.

Competitors: 7 teams from 6 people.

Equipment:balls (large and small) - 3 pcs, a ball with horns - 2 pcs. colored ribbons 12 pcs., gymnastic sticks - 3 pcs., signal cones (flags, skittles), chairs - 2 pcs., 6 cardboard "footprints", cards with letters - 3 copies, certificates - 7 pcs.



Hello guys, teachers and parents! It's good that you and I have gathered together in our gym for the Merry Sportland game. Today in any competition you will need mutual assistance and support, but first you need to introduce yourself:

Team "………". Your motto:

7 teams are competing today!

And the competition is judged by members of our respected jury

(jury presentation).

So, I announce the start of the competition! The first 2 teams go to the start "……." And "……..".

I relay

"Colored Paths"

First relay!

Colored tracks -

Shiny heels,

The legs ran.

Opposite each team (at a distance of about 30 m) stand chairs to which are attached colored ribbons(according to the number of participants). Each of the participants must run to the chair, untie one ribbon and return to the start.

The team that collects all the ribbons the fastest wins. The jury sums up the results on a 3-point system.

II relay

"Friendly Guys"

Attention! Attention! Relay race the second "Friendly guys". Team members are divided into pairs, become the face of each other. Ball fix between chest, hands behind back. In this position, you need to go around signal cone, go back and pass the ball to the next pair.

I relay

"Fun Hockey"

The following 2 teams go to the start “…….” And "……..". For you, the relay "Merry Hockey", boldly hit the gate! Opposite each team (at a distance of about 5 m) stand cones in the form of a gate. Each participant must score gymnastic stick small ball at the gate. Each player has 1 attempt.

The team that scores the most goals wins. The jury sums up the results on a 3-point system.

II relay

"Fun Guys"

Standing at a certain distance 3 cones (signal flags). 1 player dribbles a large rubber ball up to 1 cone, goes around it and returns to the start, passes the baton to the next player, 2 player dribbles the ball with a club up to 2 cones, goes around it and returns to the start, passes the baton to the next player, 3 player sits astride the ball with horns and jumps up to 3 cones, goes around it and returns to the start, passes the baton to the next player, then 4 repeats movements 1, 5 - 2, 6 - 3, etc. A very difficult task, designed for the attentiveness of the players.

The team that finishes the relay first wins. The jury sums up the results on a 3-point system and the overall result of the two competitions.

I relay

"Fun Train"

The following 3 teams go to the start: “…….”, “…….” And "……..". For you relay "Merry Train". The first player of each team runs to the pins (distance 30 m), runs around, runs back after the second player, runs together, runs around the pin, returning, takes the third player, and so on until the last player of the team.

II relay

"Fun Guys"

Each player walks the distance, carrying a small ball on his back on his shoulder blades, trying not to drop it. Each participant must pass the baton from start to finish and pass the baton to the next player.

The team that finishes the relay first wins. The jury sums up the results on a 3-point system and the overall result of the two competitions.

The jury summarizes the results of the entire competition and calls to the start 3 teams that have scored the most points.

I relay

"Museum Slippers"

The team is offered 2 cardboard "footprints" which the participants alternately put on their feet. Each participant must run from start to finish and pass the baton to the next player.

The team that finishes the relay first wins. The jury sums up the results on a 3-point system.

II relay


At a distance of 30 m lie letter cards scatter (by the number of players). For example, T U R N I R.

The player runs to signal flag, takes a card with a letter and returns to the start, etc. When the players bring all the cards, they need to make a word out of them.

The team that finishes the relay first wins. The jury sums up the results on a 3-point system and the overall result of the two competitions.

The jury sums up the results of the competition, conducts the awards.

So our sport games finished. We hope that for many of you these first starts will not be the last. Happy starts, dear friends!

Health Day Scenario

"Sports Olympionics"

for middle and high school students

Target: formation of motivation for a healthy lifestyle of students.


    development of students' horizons in the field of sports;

Competitors: 6 teams 6 people

Supervisor The team preliminarily (before the competition) conducts safety briefings with students and is responsible for the life and health of children.

Equipment ( Sports Equipment):

    olympic flag + mast

    route sheets

    chalk + meter tape

    small ball + skittles /6 pcs./



    small ball + tennis balls /5-10 pcs/

    three-dimensional figures /5-6 pieces/

    flags - barriers /12 pcs./

    hoops /2 pcs./

    certificates + diplomas /5-6 pieces/


shields with team names

five multi-colored interlaced rings

the name of the sports arenas "Gladiator's step",

"Lead Strike"

"Erudites of Olympia"

« ball race»,

"Hunter of Olympia"

"Fights of athletes".

poster "Olympic rules":

Victory is obtained in a fair fight!

    The competition at Olympia is a competition of valor!

    Not with money, but with sportsmanship, an Olympic victory is acquired!

Musical accompaniment:

    • fanfare

      marching music

      The song "Physical education-hurray!"

      music by A. Pakhmutova "Heroes of Sports"

      "Song about charging" op. In Viktorov, music. Lvov-Kompaneytsa



(Fanfare sounds)

Columns of athletes appear in the sports hall. In front of each team is a captain with a shield. On the shield - the name of the team / in accordance with the ancient Greek theme /. All teams line up in the sports hall /at the "Big Arena"/, a white flag of the Olympic flag with five rings is carried past them. olympic flag mounted on a specially prepared mast.

Words are not written on the flags, but adults and children - people all over the world know that five multi-colored interlaced rings are a symbol of the holiday of peace and friendship. They talk about being honest wrestling, urge athletes to fight each other only in stadiums and never meet on the battlefield.

(Two presenters in tunics come out.)

It was a very long time ago, in 776 BC. In one of the small Greek kingdoms, in Olympia, the first competitions of athletes were held. winners on such Olympic Games Ah, they called Olipionics.

Time passes, people change, cities change, one generation replaces another. But the Olympic Games were and will be competitions where the spirit of freedom, peaceful competition and sportsmanship is awakened.

Our journey into the history of the ancient Olympics was somewhat delayed. Isn't it time for us to get down to business? As they say, one is not a warrior in the field, and therefore let's start with the creation of the Small Olympic Committee(IOC). The Chairman of the Olympic Committee of Milon of Croton is invited to the "Great Arena" strong man ancient Greek Olympic Games, a six-time winner in wrestling.

(The Chairman of the IOC announces sports Olympionics open, salutatory words are addressed to the participants of the competition).

We also present the Hellanodics - judges of our modern sports Olympionics :

(Exit of the Hellanodics - judges in the arenas)

    Ellanodik Thunder. A sound phenomenon in the atmosphere always accompanies lightning. From one of his heavenly leaps, the earth trembles like a moving avalanche.

    Ellanodik Dynamite. In throwing balls, he has no equal. Try it and you will be surprised at its mighty power.

    Ellanodik Lightning. Her lightning-fast reaction can only be envied.

    Ellanodik Arrow. She achieves her victory in a fair fight, not with money, but with dexterity and skill.

    Ellanodik Element. Try to fight her in any competition. And you will regret it.

Well, do you still have a desire to participate in the Olympic Games? (Yes) I just bow to your courage and courage. Then introduce yourself those who want to prove it. School team No. ____ ...

(Enumeration of commands, greeting)

Then the Hellanodics, together with the participants of the competition, take an oath to fight honestly on the sports grounds.

Competitors' oath:

I, …………….., confirm before the Chairman of the IOC, Milon of Croton, that I have trained as required by the ancient traditions of the Olympic Games. I solemnly swear that in order to achieve victory I will not use illegal methods and argue with the judges. I swear!

Oath of the Hellanodics:

I swear to you that I will make my decisions honestly and incorruptibly.

And now, let representatives of all teams come to me to get route sheets, based on which you will move around the arena of future fights, participating in sports sports. In each arena, your abilities will be judged by Hellanodiki.

(During the words of the presenters, marching music sounds)

    Ellanodik Thunder - in the arena "Gladiator's step". Team competition in the performance of long jumps from a place. The total distance /in meters/ is recorded in the route sheet.

    Ellanodik Dynamite - in the Lead Strike arena. Task: hit the skittles with a small ball. Total knocked down skittles is recorded in the route sheet.

    Ellanodik Lightning - at the Erudites of Olympia. Task: Solve the crossword puzzle. The total number of guessed words is recorded in the route sheet.

    Ellanodik Element -in the arena "Race of balls". The team lines up at a distance of 2-3 meters from each other, then sits on the floor. The first player has the ball at his feet. On a signal, the first player passes the ball to the one sitting next to him, he to the next, and so on until the end of the line. The last player, having received the ball, touches the floor with it and passes it in the opposite direction. The total time is recorded in the route sheet.

    Ellanodik Arrow - in the arena "Hunter of Olympia". A child with a small ball in his hands becomes a circle with a diameter of 1 m. Behind him lie 5-10 tennis balls. On a signal, the child tosses the ball and, while it is in the air, turns around and picks up as many balls as possible, then, without leaving the circle, catches the tossed ball. The total number of balls caught is recorded on the route sheet.

After the teams have passed all the arenas, the chairman of the IOC, Milon of Krotonsky, conducts competition of captains "Duels of athletes". Task: lie on the floor opposite each other, one hand is wound behind the back, it contains a three-dimensional object made from an album sheet. /For example, a cube./ Task: you need to touch the opponent's hand on the floor (according to the rules of amwrestling) and not crush the voluminous object.

So, Hellanodics disperse to their arenas (places), where they are looking forward to you. Well, are you ready? Then go ahead!

(Participants disperse into arenas,

the music of A. Pakhmutova "Heroes of Sports" sounds)

After the participants of the competitions went through all the sports arenas according to the route list and Hellanodics put marks, the participants return to the "Big Arena".

The IOC sums up the results of the relay. Leading with Hellanodics carry out competition for the best sports complex morning exercises for children 7-9 years old /homework/. Criteria: each team in full force must demonstrate its own version of the morning exercise complex. The overall composition, clarity of performance are taken into account.

(team performance)

While the IOC sums up the results of the Sports Olympionics competition, the holiday ends with demonstration performances.

(Performance of the dance group)

IOC Chairman Milon Krotonsky announces the final results of the competition. (Drum roll sounds) Hellanodiki hand over certificates and diplomas. The winning team performs the traditional lap of honor.

(The host says goodbye to the players and fans.)

So, our small Olympic games are over. We hope that for many of you these first starts will not be the last. Happy starts, dear friends!

Health Day Scenario

"Championship fun ball»

for students of primary and secondary school age

Target: formation of healthy lifestyle values ​​among students.


    to develop a steady interest of students in physical education and sports activities;

    to form healthy lifestyle skills;

    to develop the skills and abilities of cooperation with peers in the process of physical education and sports activities.

Note: competitions are conducted by a teacher and a boy who plays the role of Vovka, the hero of A.L. Barto.

Rules of the game: The sporting event is held in a round-robin fashion. Students pass given distance according to the route sheets, starting with the number 1 (each group under this number has the name of different checkpoints). After passing all the stations, the group returns to the gathering place, where they hand over the route sheets to the counting commission. Then the solemn rewarding of teams with souvenirs and certificates takes place.

Course of the competition:


Good afternoon girls and boys,

Our dear kids!

And here is my assistant Vovka - the hero of the poems of a very famous children's poetess.


Dear teacher!

I really want to say

what time would

start the competition!


You are right, Vovka! I announce the start of the competition!

There is order in everything

We'll start with a hello!

(teams present name, motto)

Well done! They shouted together!

But still everyone needs to go

According to the route sheet - complete tasks.

After all, without them it is impossible

Compete, you, friends!

(completion of tasks)


The first participant squeezes the ball between his knees and in this position jumps to the hoop. Then he takes the ball, leaves it in the hoop and runs to the signal flag. The second participant runs to the hoop, takes the ball, squeezes the ball between his knees and in this position jumps to the signal flag, and then to the start, etc. 3,5,7,9 - performs the task as the first participant, 2,4,6,8 - as the second participant.

ball, hoop, signal flag.


The participant runs to the place where they lie hockey stick And soccer ball. At a distance of 3-5 meters there are small gates. Goal: get into the gate. Each participant is given one attempt.

hockey stick, gate, soccer ball.

"Winter bowling".

Large skittles are placed at a distance of 5 meters. Goal: knock down more pins with a ball. Each participant is given one attempt.

skittles and ball.


One participant stands at a distance of 3-5 meters, holds a basket in his hands, the rest of the participants throw a basketball into an "improvised" basket. The player with the basket can help the players catch the ball.

basket, b/ball.


At a distance of 2 and 4 m there are gates, 6 m - a signal flag. Purpose: Put on skis at the start line, run to the gate, climb through them, run to the next gate. Run around this gate on skis on the right side, then run to the signal flag, and return to the start line.

gates - 2 pcs., signal flag, skis (Bring the participants of the game).

(competitors gather at the starting point)

While the jury is counting the points, the fairy tale characters are playing with the contestants.

"At Moti's"

Aunt Moti has 4 sons

Aunt Moti has 4 sons.

They didn't eat, they didn't drink,

but only sang one verse (right hand):

And we start over.

(right hand, left hand), etc.

(right leg, left leg), etc.

"Forbidden Movement"

I will show the movements, and you have to repeat after me! But, one movement cannot be repeated. For example, jumping on one leg, etc.


(rewarding teams)

You all played so well!

Well tried!

And though it's a pity to leave,

But it's time to say goodbye!


sports event "Winter Tournament of Sports Games"

for middle and high school students

Target: popularization winter views sports among middle and high school students.


    to develop a sustainable interest of students in sports;

    to form healthy lifestyle skills;

    develop the skills and abilities of cooperation with peers during the game.

Equipment: skis for each player, 1 sled, stick, puck, hoop, signal flags.

Rules of the game: Students go through a given distance according to the route lists, starting with the number 1 (each group has the name of different control points under this number). After passing all the stations, the group returns to the gathering place, where they hand over the route sheets to the counting commission.


Hello my friends!

Hello teachers!

I didn't come to you alone

I brought my friends with me.

(points to the Tiger, Clown, Hare, Squirrel -

heroes stand at checkpoints)

Now we will find out

who came to compete today.

(team greeting)

Progress of a sporting event:

Yes, you have bold names, good mottos! But it's time to start the competition! Captains from each team step forward! You need to go to the registration desk and take the route sheets.

(Fairy-tale heroes distribute route lists and disperse at checkpoints)

So let's start the competition! Teams disperse according to route sheets.

Tasks at checkpoints:

"In one connection".

At the start, the first member of the team gets on skis, overcomes the distance to the landmark and back, returns to the team, where the second member joins him, and the distance is covered by two, then three, etc.

"Sled racing".

One participant sits on a sled, and the other pushes the first in the back with his hands. Thus, the couple advances to the landmark, where the participants change places, then return to the team and pass the baton to the next couple.

"Ski trip".

At the start, the first team member gets on skis, overcomes the distance to the landmark and back classic style, then returns to the team and passes the baton to the next player.

"Fun Hockey"

The participant picks up the stick and starts to dribble the puck, rounding all the control flags, returns to the team, passes the baton to the next player.

"Funny Biathlon"

At the start, the first member of the team gets on skis, runs to the place where 3 prepared “balls” lie and throw one at a time into the basket, then returns to the team and passes the baton to the next player. The number of goals scored is recorded on the route sheet.

"Comic Cross"

At the start, the first member of the team gets on skis, overcomes the distance to the second member, takes off the skis, passes the skis to the second member, the second member, overcomes the distance to the third member, takes off the skis, passes the skis to the third member, etc.

(summarizing, awarding)






Well, well, friends,

need to forgive.

We heartily congratulate those

Who is smart, fun and friendly.

Got ahead of everyone today!


Goodbye! See you soon!


sports and games program for preschool children

"Game Rainbow"

Target: formation of healthy lifestyle values ​​among pupils.


    popularization of physical culture and sports;

    improving the health of students;

    improving the interpersonal communication skills of children during the game.

Competitors: 2 teams

Children are built in teams in 2 lines, parents and teachers stand behind. There is already a large box with gifts on the site, which says: "GIFTS EXPO"

1 mouse

(runs out, sees the package, sniffs) By the way!

2 mouse

(fits 1 mouse) How I love all sorts of surprises!

(Mice take gifts

And leave a letter here)


Hello, friends! Allow me to introduce myself, I am a Snowman, the winner of all sports Olympiads!

And today I will hold unforgettable competitions for you and test your strength, dexterity and see how you make friends with each other! And I will give the most friendly prizes that the cat Leopold sent for you (looks around in surprise).

Where's the package? Guys, have you seen the package? ( No!)


(The snowman turns around, sees the letter, reads from whom, opens the letter, reads the message)

We took away your gifts and hid them. If you do not complete our tasks, we will eat gifts! You need to fight and bite!


(out of breath, runs into the center of the site) Hello guys! I know you will have sports competitions, I would not like to disturb you. These annoying little mice have hidden the gifts that the cat Leopold has prepared for you and come up with tests for you.


Leopold, in my opinion, the only means that will re-educate these unbridled mice is friendship.


If you knew, Snowman, how many times I suggested to them: “Guys, let's live together!” - but, alas, all is useless!


But today, I think we can teach them to be friends.


Yes? And how?


Mice, would you like to take part in fun competitions with our guys?

1 mouse

We-s-s-s! Yes, we only know how to fight...

2 mouse

…and bite!!


Are you afraid that you will not be able to complete our tasks?

2 mouse



Yes, yes, it is you!

1 mouse

(referring to 2 mice) How are you?

2 mouse

I love to play! I don't mind!


Mice, can you be entrusted with a very important and responsible role?

1 mouse

2 mouse

(looking at each other) Na-a-am? 1


Yes, it's for you! You will help Leopold and me organize various games and competitions, determine the winners and reward them with gifts

1 mouse

2 mouse

(joyfully) Agree!


Then we start! Team captains come and take the route sheets ( palms) You must pass from station to station holding hands and not unhook!

(children change lanes and pass stations)

"Friendly family"

The team is divided into 2 subgroups: 1 option - children and parentsOption 2 - based on parents (try to include all parents in each team) Task: run around the cubes without moving them, and return to the starting place, stand at the end of the column.


Task: to score an inflatable ball into the goal with an inflatable bat (2 attempts)

"Sport ducks"

The children line up. They bend their knees and put their hands on them (pose "duck"). On a signal, they begin to move forward in turn to the arc, pass the “snake” through it of the designated line, and back.

« Olympic Stadium»

A child holds a racket in his hands, on which lies a small ball (tennis ball) . Task: walk a certain path without dropping the ball to the hoop held by the parents. Climb through the hoop, return to the starting point, stand at the end of the column.

1 mouse

We love your wonderful holiday so much!

2 mouse

It's so much fun here. Everyone here treats each other so well (whispering) We are now, we are soon! (run away)


These mice are so unpredictable!

1 mouse

Ah, here we are. These are gifts for you from the cat Leopold, (guilty) and ... from us!

1 mouse

(turns to the cat) Leopold, let's live together!


(turns to the cat) Leopold, in my opinion, they have become kinder.


Of course, I will be friends with you. And you guys are friends with each other.


Guys let's be friends!


And I, in turn, would like to present diplomas and gifts to the most friendly, active and athletic. And we invite team captains to present prizes.

(rewarding teams)


Thanks to all the kids and parents! Looking forward to the next program!


sports and recreational event

among dance groups


Target: formation of values ​​of a healthy lifestyle of students.


    promotion of children's sports lifestyle;

    development of children's creative abilities;

    improving the health of the younger generation.


Good afternoon dear friends! Greetings to all gathered in this hall. You are lucky to be here on our show program! We are happy to have you here! Here you can do whatever you want! If you want - crawl, if you want - sing! Remember, if you're on the show, then you're cool!

On this wonderful day, our "Startin" will take us along the paths of the dance marathon. We hope that the fans will take an active part in supporting their teams, because "Starting" is not only movement, rhythm, acting skills but also, no doubt, the support of friends. Please, stomp your feet, clap your hands, and cheer on your teams. Let's check the starting readiness of our fans.

Team fans - are you here?

We all saw and heard our fans. They are very determined. We will hold a chants contest for you. The participation of fans will bring their teams an extra point. And team captains are invited to the site ( draw is held)

And now I want to introduce our esteemed jury to everyone.

Dear jury, teams and fans - I would like to note that all competitions are evaluated according to a 3-point system.

The meaning of today's game is that you must move without stopping, completing the tasks of the leaders! And the main condition of "Startin" is team cohesion, synchronism and continuity of movements!

So, we start "Starting"!

In order for our teams to get to know each other, we will hold a competition "Business card" /1 min./. And we will conduct it between competitive tasks. Your business card will be presented by the team that got first number by lottery. The rest of the teams repeat these movements as much as possible. After showing the business card, the fans of this team should saychant to support your group.

And now, so that our teams warm up a little, we start the competition "Warm-up". So, let's start moving! And now only the head is dancing, only the arms, only the legs, we connect the head, arms and legs. The task of the jury is to choose the best.

second number And now it soundschant

A new contest is starting right now. "Musical Numbers". Task: music sounds, you dance, I call the number. Then you must show resourcefulness, break into groups according to the number equal to this number. Even, if this number will exceed the number of your team. / numbers/ Well done! All teams have coped with this task. The jury does not forget to evaluate the teams.

And now the team that has dropped out will present its business card third number by lottery. The rest of the teams do not forget to repeat the movements. And now it soundschant to support the command "_______________"

The competition is coming "Non-stop" /medley/. You will need to guess the melody, quickly orient yourself and start dancing it correctly. Go! …………………………….Wonderful, incendiary, magnificent!

And now the team that has dropped out will present its business card number four by lottery. The rest of the teams do not forget to repeat the movements. And now it soundschant to support the command "_______________"

Teams keep dancing, don't stop!

And now another contest is approaching - "Friendly Dance" Let's dance while I explain the task. On command, you must do what I say and at the same time do not forget about constant movement. The jury evaluates how the group fulfills the leader's commands. Get ready! Started!

    reorganize into the round command

    reorganize into the triangular command

    reorganize into the square command

    reorganize into the low command

    reorganize into the high command

    and now we dance heel to heel

    and now we dance shoulder to shoulder

    and now we dance foot to foot

    and now we dance forehead to forehead

    and now we dance back to back.

Well done! Amazing! Original!

And now the team that has dropped out will present its business card number five by lottery. The rest of the teams do not forget to repeat the movements. And now it soundschant to support the command "_______________"

Suitable for the following contest "We dance like..." The meaning of this task is that whatever the dance moves, you must move, for example, like boxers(let's try);

like skaters

like skiers

like karate

The track of our marathon is smoothly approaching the summing up. Here, today and now, the brightest stars of the Center for Children's Creativity "Ognivo" have gathered. Many thanks to the teams for showing your unity, your creativity and skill today. Thanks to our fans who came to support their teams today.

And now we are ready to listen to our jury. What did you like? What do you remember the most? Please announce the results of the entire competition in the following nominations: "Super-Pro", "Plastic", "Artistic", "Original", "Stylish", "Incendiary", "Clockwork". /rewarding participants/

Goodbye, see you again!

Application No. 1

"I approve"

Director of MOU DOD

"Children's Maritime Center No. 9"


"____" ______________ 2007


on holding a Health Day for students of the MOU DOD "Children's Maritime Center No. 9"

combined military-sport march

"Seven brave"

Target: formation of positive motivation for a healthy lifestyle of students.


    promotion of children's sports lifestyle.

    improving the health of students.

    improving children's interpersonal communication skills.

Time and place of the competition: sports ground on the street secondary school No. __. Meeting of teams ____________2007 at ____ hours ______ minutes.

Management the preparation and conduct of the competition is carried out by the head. department. Competitors. Allowed to compete one team per department. Command structure: 7 people.

Supervisor teams preliminary (before the competition) conducts with students safety briefing and is responsible for the life and health of children.

The procedure and deadlines for submitting applications for participation in the day of health. Preliminary application with the indication of the full name of the participants is submitted to the Organizing Committee of the competition - in the office No. 102 until __________________ 2007.

Mandatory conditions:

    All teams that have expressed their desire to take part in the Health Day must come to the gathering place 15 minutes before. Late teams, as well as teams with less than or more than 7 studentsremoved from the competition!

    The presence of the emblem of the team.

    All team members must have a single sportswear For relay game on the street V winter period.

Health day program:

    construction (team name, motto), theatrical performance;

    handing out route sheets to team captains;

    start, tasks at stations;

    building, rewarding teams - winners.

Competitions are held in the form of relay races.

Summarizing.Victory awarded to the team that spent the least amount of time and completed all the tasks correctly during the passage of all relay races.

Compiled by: department

Application No. 2


to participate in the competition "Seven Courageous"

An association____________________________________________________

Department ______________________________________________


Head of Sports and Recreation Department


Are you planning a sports event? Or to diversify sports entertainment and leisure? In this section you will find a great variety of ready-made solutions for this.

Here are detailed scenarios and summaries of successfully conducted by your colleagues sports competitions, « Happy starts”, family sports competitions, Small Olympic Games, thematic events dedicated to important holidays and memorable dates of the calendar. We will help you bring freshness and variety to sports activities with children both in summer and in winter.

Do with us, do as we do, do better than us!

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 18355 .
All sections | Scenarios. Sports holidays, sports entertainment, fun starts

Summer is a wonderful time, as if specially created for children to run, jump and had fun. mobile games and sports relay races and competitions are especially loved by children, because they are an important source of joyful emotions. July 02, 2019 on the territory of kindergarten No. 3 "Yablonka"...

Sports festival "Winter Games" in the preparatory group Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Chertkovsky kindergarten №3 general developmental type Sports festival V preparatory group « Winter Games» Physical Instructor culture: Emelianenko Tamara Ivanovna. P. Chertkovo, January 2019. Tasks:...

Scenarios. Sports holidays, sports entertainment, fun starts - Sports festival "Winter Fun" in the middle group

Publication "Sports festival" Winter fun "in the middle..." Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Chertkovsky kindergarten No. 3 of a general developmental type Winter sports festival in middle group"Winter fun". Physical culture instructor: Emelianenko Tamara Ivanovna. Chertkovo village January 2019 Purpose:...

MAAM Pictures Library

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Scenario of a sports holiday For children of senior preschool age "APPLE SPAS and DAY OF PHYSICAL TRAINERS" 1. The purpose of the holiday is to promote the mass character of physical culture and sports and to learn the traditions of the Russian people. 2. Tasks: Developing children's interest in physical education, ...

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Sports holiday Purpose: to create a joyful mood, improve motor skills and abilities in a relaxed atmosphere that disposes all children to creative activity. Implement succession in physical education children between preschool and...

Holiday February 23. Children enter the march and line up on both sides of the hall. Educator: today we have a sports festival dedicated to the Day of the Russian Army. Congratulations to all men, defenders of the Motherland on the holiday of February 23. Very soon the boys will grow up and take a place ...

The scenario of physical education summer leisure "Summer visiting the guys" for senior preschoolers of preschool educational institutions The scenario of physical culture leisure on a summer theme for older preschoolers "Summer visiting the guys." Purpose: to create a joyful mood in children. Tasks: to develop activity and attention; consolidate knowledge about wild flowers; promote the development of communication skills. Current...

This section contains various sports games, sports activities, as well as all kinds of relay races and fun starts for children attending preschool institutions.

Here you can find both individual games and forms of entertainment with children, as well as entire physical education and sports programs. There are scenarios designed exclusively for the children's team, and there are those in which children take part together with their parents. A fun holiday will turn out if sports competitions add a musical component, and how to do it correctly and interestingly, you can also learn from this section.

The material will be useful for both parents and kindergarten teachers. The presented games and programs will not only diversify the pastime with children, but also strengthen them, develop dexterity, reaction and dexterity. The scripts are written clearly and competently. They will allow you to create a fun holiday for kids from scratch. Each of the scenarios is presented by employees of children's preschool institutions, which means that it has already been tested on kids and received a positive assessment from the pupils of the preschool educational institution and their parents.