Scenario of a sports event for elementary school children. Health Day - a holiday of sports in elementary school

Tatiana Lotz
Scenario of the sports festival fun starts" V primary school

The script of the sports festival« fun starts»

Lotz Tatyana Alekseevna


1. Develop children's interest in sports, understand the meaning sports in human life.

2. Teach students to a healthy lifestyle.

3. To develop the personality of the child on the basis of mastering physical culture.

4. Cultivate feelings of collectivism, camaraderie, mutual assistance.

Inventory: skittles, hoops, basketballs, darts, balloons, sports benches, badminton rackets, cut letters of words (beauty, kindness, happiness).

Leading: Good afternoon, dear participants and fans! We welcome you all today to holiday of sports, strength, speed, agility and endurance! We are starting the most funniest of all sports and the most athletic of all fun games- "Fun Starts"! We invite our teams to the competition (Teams enter the hall to the music).

Everyone wants to compete

joke and laugh

Show strength, dexterity,

And dexterity to prove.

We are all happy with this meeting.

We didn't come here for a reward.

We need to meet more often

May we all live in harmony!

No competition is complete without judges. Today our teams will judge…. (introduction of jury members).

Let the jury the whole course of the battle

Track without a hitch.

Who will be friendlier

That one will win.

To become agile an athlete,

We'll run relay races.

Let's run fast together

Everyone needs to win!

Now let's get to know the teams.

1 competition. "Command View".

Each team presents itself in any creative form (name, motto, emblem, etc.)

2 competition. "Warm-up".

Run to the opposite side of the hall, going around the skittles; climb into the hoop and run back.

3 competition. "Running with the ball".

The first participant runs with two balls to the first hoop, puts one ball into the hoop, runs to the second hoop, puts the second ball into the hoop. Runs around the rack, comes back, passes the baton to the next participant, who runs, collects the balls, runs around the rack, comes back, passes the balls to the next, etc.

4 competition. "Snake".

Each team member must run a snake between the pins with the ball in his hands, hit the ball on the floor at the finish line and catch it, run to the next player and pass the ball to him with a throw from the mark.

5 competition. "Balloon".

Balloons are scattered around the hall. Without touching the balls with your hands, use a badminton racket to pick up one ball, take it to the “basket” and return back.

6 competition. "Collect the Word".

Run to the opposite side of the hall, take 1 sheet with the letter and go back. The relay is considered completed when the team lined up, holding the composed word in front of them.


7 competition. "Arrows".

On one leg, jump to the rack, “shoot” the prepared dart at the darts and return back.

8 competition. "Caterpillar".

Each team is divided in half. The members of each subgroup of the team stand one after another and hold on to their shoulders. In this position, each subgroup runs to the rack and back.

9 competition. "Combined Relay".

The team is built in a column, one behind the line start. On a signal, the first participant, who lies on the bench, pulls himself up, crawls along it and touches its edge, then runs to the middle of the site, where the hoop lies, threads it through himself. Then he crawls under the barrier, runs around the counter and back at a run.

Summarizing. Team awards.

Leading: So ours ended holiday. All team members showed their dexterity, strength, speed. And most importantly - got a charge of vivacity and mass positive emotions! get busy sports, strengthen your health, develop strength and endurance! See you soon!

There is no better recipe in the world

Be with inseparable sports.

You will live to be a hundred years old!

Here's the whole secret for you!

It's time for us to end the holiday

Let's shout holiday - Cheers!

The sports day is an important school event. It promotes an active and healthy lifestyle for children of all ages and is great fun.

A sports holiday is needed in order to instill in children a desire to join sports culture, exercise and train competitive spirit. After all, there is no such child in the world who would not love contests, quests, competitions and the taste of victory.

A sporting event is always fun, joy with friends, team games and the pleasure of active pastime. In addition, such an activity instills in children a love for sports, which means it forms a full-fledged personality out of them. By introducing your child to sports, you take care of his health, teach him to live in society and win in any business.

Sports event at school

Traditionally, a sports holiday for schoolchildren includes such entertainment as:

  • sports competitions
  • relay races
  • fun entertaining games

At the very beginning of the event, you should take the time to form the goals of this holiday, talk about the importance of a sports lifestyle and motivate children to actively participate.

Event structure:

  1. Formulate goals and objectives, voice them to all those present. Talk about the benefits of sports and healthy lifestyle life these days
  2. Divide the participants into teams, explain the conditions of the competitions, familiarize them with the inventory
  3. According to the results of the competitions, determine strongest teams, award the winners
  4. Summarize the event, promote an active lifestyle

Required equipment for competitions:

  • For the jury: stopwatches, meter (roulette), whistles
  • For participants: balls, jump ropes, hoops, rope, bricks

sports teams

An important part of the event is motivation. Ask those who are present and not participating in the celebration to prepare flags, balloons and posters that will encourage teams to win.

Musical accompaniment will add solemnity to the event: songs about sports, a sports march and active music.

Start the event with pleasant and solemn words:

Hello, dear viewers and everyone who takes part in our today's competitions! Sport is life and our fun party confirmation of this. Let's unanimously give some respect to an active healthy lifestyle and try to enjoy the fun, contests and competitions.

Sport fills us with movement,
Every day will be easy with him.
It serves as a fabulous rescue
And our laziness wins.

Let's save today
Himself from the gray fuss.
Let sport give us freedom
From all diseases and troubles!

Confident walk
He will conquer sadness and fear
And shine like the sun
A smile of happiness on your lips!

After solemn words, a sports march sounds and a list of upcoming competitions and competitions is announced.

ball competitions

Each contest is proposed in turn for execution. The jury carefully observes the teams and puts points.

Children's sports competitions for schoolchildren

Like physical exercises in any physical education lesson, they should be of different intensity, incrementally. So, the simplest contests will start the holiday. From the proposed list of competitions, you can choose any at will.

For each competition, one participant with the most the best results in sports games.

  • Competition "runner"- the winner is the one who runs the hundred meters in the shortest period of time
  • Competition "kangaroo"- the winner is the one who makes the farthest jump
  • Basketball competition- the winner is the one who can hit the ball off the floor the most number of times
  • Competition "clean goal"- the winner is the one who manages to score the most goals in a short period of time
  • Competition "strongman"- the winner is the one who can perform the selected exercise the most number of times (squats, push-ups, pull-ups)
  • Contest "slender waist" - The winner is the one who can spin the hoop with their belly the most times.

sports competition

Fun starts: sports relay race for children

Relay race- This is a competition in which the whole team takes turns taking part. Contests can be completely diverse, all participants one by one try their hand at completing tasks and transfer their role to everyone who is present in the team.

sports relay
  • Sports competition "Jump me"

This competition is very easy to understand and perform for children of any age. All you have to do is mark the area and the distance. Competing teams must jump from point A to point B on one foot without changing it. After reaching point B, the leg changes and the child jumps in the opposite direction. The team that completes the task with the full complement the fastest and makes the fewest mistakes wins.

  • Sports competition "Three points"

Teams line up in front of the basketball backboard at a distance of three meters. Task: throw the ball and hit it in the ring. The task is considered completed when all members of the line throw the ball. The winner is the team that made the most successful hits.

  • Sports competition "Far Throw"

The team is all in the same line. The distance is marked, each participant must throw the ball and the referee must record the result of the throw. The winner is the team that was able to throw the ball over a longer distance in the shortest period of time.

  • Sports competition "Twisted ball"

In this competition, all teams also remain in their ranks. Task: run with soccer ball, butsaya it from point A to point B. It is impossible to go beyond the agreed band. The ball should roll smoothly between the legs and not fly away to the side. The task is considered completed when all participants make their walk. The winner is the team that reaches the finish line faster.

Competition of sports games for children of any age

Sport game - way to relax and have fun. It is recommended to include games in the event in order to diversify the holiday and make it more emotional. Besides, sport game able to take away all the negative energy and transform it into a good mood.

sport games
  • Sports game "Round the World"

This game can be played both outdoors and indoors. It is preferable, of course, to play in nature, as there are more opportunities and territory. The game is similar to a quest and contains many points for teams to complete.

At each point, the team will have to pass many tests of a sports nature: jumping rope, hurdles, squats or push-ups. For the exact completion of the task, the team receives points, which are eventually summed up.

  • Active game "Fun Starts"

The meaning of the game is to get to the finish line by any means, overcoming obstacles. And the obstacles can be very diverse:

  • running in bags
  • fit ball jumping
  • running with tied legs
  • tug of war
  • jumping rope
  • goat jumping and more

Similar sports entertainment always with pleasure are perceived by children and give a lot of positive emotions. It is best to arrange such games in the open air, where there will always be a vast territory and many options for obstacles.

fun starts

What are some fun contests for kids?

A sports quiz takes place at every event. This entertainment serves the comprehensive development of the child and is able to interest him in leading a healthy lifestyle. The questions are not difficult and are quite understandable to children of any age. A sports quiz can be held as a separate competition and the final stage of the competition.

holding a sports quiz

Sports quiz questions with answers:

  1. Anyone who wants to reach the finish line begins his journey from ... (start)
  2. This sports equipment you can drag it to your side. (rope)
  3. What is the name of the action when the ball goes out of play? (out)
  4. What is the action called when the ball is passed from one player to another? (pass)
  5. What is the name of the game played with the smallest ball? (table tennis)
  6. Country that discovered for the first time Olympic Games. (Greece)
  7. The name of a game in which there are two teams, one net and one ball. (Volleyball)
  8. Which game requires a basket? (Basketball)
  9. Athletes seek to install it. (Record)
  10. The name of the venue where boxers compete. (Boxing ring)

At the end of the event, it is necessary to sum up the results of the holiday. Discuss all the difficulties of the tests and be sure to sum up the exact score. Each team is sure to be awarded with diplomas and symbolic prizes that will remain as a memory of the fun competition.

Why do we need sports activities at school? The benefits of sports holidays

benefit sporting event It is difficult to overestimate, it develops a comprehensive personality in the child and teaches them to an active healthy lifestyle. Children are always very anxiously waiting for all kinds of competitions, as they provide an opportunity to cultivate a spirit of competition and discover all their talents.

sports holiday

A huge incentive, of course, are incentive prizes that are awarded to all participants. It can be both sweet gifts and real medals.

In addition, such activities allow children to develop their communication skills in society, communicating and helping each other in various situations. Experience shows that even not friendly children are able to find a common language, being in the same team.

In schools, such events are recommended to be held at least twice a year. Such a holiday should last from an hour to two hours, but not longer, as children quickly get tired and lose interest. A prerequisite The holiday is to promote a healthy lifestyle and love for sports.

Video: "Sports relay" Small Olympiad "

"Happy Starts"

Sports scenario


(students and teachers)

Team Nike

Team Adidas


- Promotion of healthy lifestyles.

- Development of the child's personality on the basis of mastering physical culture.

- Raising a sense of collectivism, camaraderie, mutual assistance, creative thinking.

TEACHER (leader): Hello dear children and dear teachers! We are very pleased to see all of you today at our stadium! We are starting the most fun of all sports and the most sporty of all fun games - “Funny Starts”!
Competitors will compete in strength, dexterity, ingenuity,
commanders represent their teams.

So our teams met, we wish them success.

To the sports ground
We invite you now
Holiday of sports and health
Starts with us
Children! Listen now
Olympic my mandate:
Compete in friendship, peace,
We have no place for a bully.
Don't offend little ones.
Well, we can start.

1. relay race "Who is faster"

Exercise. In the hands of the first participant baton. At the signal of the leader, he runs out, runs to the rack, runs around it and returns, passes the baton to the next participant. (For a victory in each relay team receives 2 points, for a loss - 1 point.)

2. relay race "Football players"

Exercise. Opposite each team at a distance of 80-100 cm from each other there are three skittles. The first participant is given a ball, which, while kicking, must be held between the pins to the rack, and then pick it up, run around the rack, return and pass the baton to the next participant.

3. relay race "Merry steam locomotive"

Exercise. At the signal of the leader, the first participant runs out, runs to the counter, runs around and returns, takes the second player by the hand, together they run to the counter, run around it, return, take the third player by the hand, etc., until the whole team lines up in a chain . Finish - according to the last member of the team.

4. relay "Pass the ball"

Exercise. On a signal from the leader, the ball is passed overhead. The last member of the team, having received the ball, gets in front and passes the ball again, etc., until the whole team has run.

5. relay race "Jumpers"

Exercise. On a signal, the first participants run jumping rope to the rack, run around and jump back passing the baton.

6. relay race "Hockey players"

Exercise . The first participants are given a ball and gymnastic stick. On a signal, they run dribbling the ball with a stick to the rack and passing the baton back.

7. relay race "Planting potatoes"

Exercise. Instead of a riser, there are gymnastic hoops in which 3 balls lie. On command, the first participants run and pick up one ball, return to the team, put it at the start and the same for the other two balls. The following participants do the same only in reverse order.

8. relay race "Skillful basketball players"

Exercise. Each team is given basketball, after which, on a signal, the first participants dribble the ball by hitting it on the floor, circle the rack and, returning in the same way, pass the baton.

9. relay race "Grasshopper"

Exercise. On a signal, the first participants start by jumping on right leg, having jumped to the rack, they return in jumps, having changed their legs, they pass the baton.



And so our holiday ended. All team members showed
his dexterity, strength, speed. And most importantly - got a charge of vivacity and a lot of positive emotions!
Go in for sports, strengthen your health, develop strength and
endurance! See you soon!

Goals and objectives:

1. Improving the health of children.

2. Development in children of interest in physical education understanding the importance of sport in human life.

3. Raising a love for physical culture and sports, feelings of friendship, interest in joint leisure activities.

4. Promotion of a healthy lifestyle.



Sports festival in elementary school


Goals and objectives:

1. Improving the health of children.

2. Development of children's interest in physical culture, understanding the importance of sports in human life.

3. Raising a love for physical culture and sports, feelings of friendship, interest in joint leisure activities.

4. Promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

Equipment and inventory:whistle, racks (flags or skittles), balls, balloons, jump ropes, hoops, rackets, backpacks, buckets, cubes.

Decor: slogans-posters: “If you want to be strong, run!”, “If you want to be beautiful, run!”, “If you want to be smart, run!”, “Sport is health”, “Sport is success”, “Sport is friendship ”, “Sport is the strongest”, “No greater victory than victory over oneself”, “Our health is in our hands”.

(The song “I will make friends with sports” sounds andchildren sit down)

Presenter 1: - Hello, dear children and distinguished guests.

Host 2: - We are glad to welcome you to our sports festival “Merry Starts”.

Presenter 1: - In order to save good shape and not get sick, you need to play sports, exercise and heat up.

Host 2: - Engaging in physical education is useful, fun physical education is doubly. After all, every minute of playing sports prolongs a person's life by one hour, and fun competitions - by two hours!

Presenter 1: - Dear friends! Let me open our sports and recreation holiday “Merry Starts”.

Host 2: Now I want to ask you...
Such as with physical education
Never be friends
Don't jump, don't run
But they always sleep
Dislikes skiing and skating
And don't invite them to football.
Tell us the secret
We don't have them here? (Children respond in chorus: “No”)
Who is friendly with work -
Do we need today? (“Needed”)
Who is friendly with studies -
Do we need today? (“Needed”)
Who is friendly with sports -
Do we need today? (“Needed”)
Praise and honor to these guys.
Are there guys like this among us? ("Eat")

Reader 1: Sport, guys, is very necessary,

We are friends with sports!

Everyone knows, everyone understands

What a pleasure to be healthy!

Reader 2: You just need to know how to be healthy.

There is no better recipe in the world:

Be inseparable from sports.

Live a hundred years

That's the whole secret!

Reader 3 : Charging is useful for everyone,

Everyone needs a charger

From laziness and disease

She saves us.

Reader 4: I want, friends, to confess
What do I like in the morning
Do physical exercises
What I advise you.

Reader 5 : Everyone needs to do exercises,
Lots of benefits from it.
Health is the reward
For your diligence.

Presenter 1:

To the site in order

Get in line!

To charge, to charge

We invite you guys!

The guys are warming up "Physical Education".

What is physical education?

Training and play.

What is physical education?

“Phiz” and “kul” and “tu” and “ra”.

Hands up, hands down.

It's "phys".

We turn the neck like a steering wheel.

This is "cool".

Jump high.

It's "that".

Run for half an hour in the morning.

This is RA".

By doing this, you will be strong, dexterous, courageous.

Plus a good figure.

That's what physical education means!

Presenter 1: You warmed up well -

The holiday has gone merrier

New tasks are waiting for you

Difficult tests.

Host 2: Hey brave teams

Friendly, skillful

Come out to the platform

Show strength, dexterity.

Presenter 1: - Meet our teams!

(Teams are built in 2 columns).

Lead 2 : Teams get ready to welcome!

1st team captain: Our team:"Smeshariki"!

Our motto:

"To grow and temper

Let's play sports!"

Team Captain 2: Our team:"Smilies"!

Our motto:

"Use dexterity and attitude

Victory will be yours!"

Presenter 1: - The jury will judge your progress. (Jury presentation)

Host 2:

Children! Listen now

Here is our sports mandate:

Compete in friendship, peace,

We have no place for a bully.

Don't offend little ones.

Well, we can start.

Presenter 1 : Guess the riddle:

He is round, he is smooth,

Jumps very smartly.

What is this?

Children: Ball!

  1. Relay "KANGAROO".

“Kangaroo” - holding the ball between the legs (above the knees), move forward in jumps to the landmark and back. When you return, pass the baton to the next player. If the ball fell to the floor, you need to pick it up, return to the place where the ball fell out, pinch it with your feet and only then continue the relay.

(The first team to finish the relay wins.)

2. Relay "CINDERELLA".

“Cinderella” - at the opposite end of the site, 4 circles are drawn. The first players are each given a bucket of dice. At the signal, the children run and lay out all the cubes 1 in a circle. and an empty bucket is passed to the second numbers. The second numbers run, collect the cubes into buckets and pass the buckets to the next player, etc., until they collect all the cubes.

Presenter 1 : - While the jury is summing up the results of 2 competitions, and the teams are resting, we will play a game"It's me, it's me, it's all my friends."Listen carefully to my questions and if the question is about you, get up and answer - “it's me, it's me, these are all my friends”, if not, then sit silently.

The game "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends."

Which of you is always ready

Life without doctors?

Who doesn't want to be healthy

Vigorous, slim and cheerful?

Which of you does not walk gloomy -

Do you love sports and exercise?

Who is not afraid of frost -

Does he fly like a bird on skates?

Well, who will start dinner -

With imported chewing gum, sweets?

Who doesn't love tomatoes

Fruits, vegetables, lemons?

Who - ate and brushes teeth

Daily, twice a day?

Who according to the schedule

Doing physical exercises?

Host 2: The floor is given to the jury.

(The jury summarizes the results of the relay races).

4. Relay "Crossing".

The first player runs to the chair, takes the hoop, returns to the team and the second player grabs the hoop, they run together, etc.

Presenter 1: Tourists are walking along the trail

They have a backpack on their back.

And the finalists

Run them like this.

5. Relay "Tourist trail".

(On a signal, the children put on a backpack, run to the landmark with a snake, running around the skittles, climb through the hoop, stop near the chair, take the rope out of the backpack, make 3 jumps and come back. Pass the backpack to the next one. The team that finished the relay first wins).

Host 2: - Our endurance contests are over. While the jury is deciding which of our teams won, let's test your wits.

Say the proverb.

We all need health. No wonder the people came up with a lot of proverbs and sayings about this. Do you know them?

IN healthy body- healthy ... (spirit)

Smoking - health ... (harm)

The disease is not fast and dexterous ... (catch up)

Before the wedding ... (heal)

Health is not ... (buy)


Guys, do you know what helps athletes become so dexterous and strong? But guess.

They beat him, but he does not cry,
More fun just jumps. (Ball).

I am a rope-driver,
Everyone plays with me.
Even every bully
And he knows me. (Jump rope).

Two birch horses
They carry me through the forest.
These horses are red
And their name is ... (Ski).

Rushing like a bullet, I'm ahead
Only the ice creaks
Let the lights flicker. Who is carrying me? (Skates).

You go with friends to the forest,

And he climbed on your shoulders.

He doesn't want to go

He is very heavy


green meadow,

One hundred benches around

From gate to gate

The people run briskly.

At these gates

Fishing nets.


Here is such a funny case!
A cloud settled in the bathroom:
Rain pours from the ceiling
On my back and sides.
The rain is warm, heated,
There are no puddles on the floor...
All the guys love ... (shower)

bone tail,
There is a bristle on the back. (Toothbrush)

Escapes like a living thing
But I won't release it.
Foaming with white foam
Do not be lazy to wash your hands. (soap)

I wake up early in the morning
Together with the rosy sun,
I make my own bed
I quickly do ... (exercises)

Presenter 1: To sum up the results of the holiday, the teams line up.

(Teams line up in the center of the gym)

Host 2:

Today there are no losers
There are simply the best of the best.
May there be light in every heart of friendship,
Will ignite the deeds of a good ray.

For summing up the floor is given to the jury.
(the results in the team standings of the sports festival are announced, the awarding ceremony is held)

Presenter 1: We rested well

All rightfully won

Praise worthy and rewards

And we are happy to give you medals!

Host 2: - Congratulations to the teams! We wish them to be strong, agile, fast and always friendly.

Song keep it up

Presenter 1:

Thank you all for your attention
For enthusiasm and ringing laughter.
For the fire of competition
Ensuring success.

Host 2:

Now it's time to say goodbye
Our speech will be short.
We say goodbye to everyone
Until happy new meetings!

Before the start of the holiday, music is played. Two teams enter, line up.

Leading. Today we are holding a sports festival. The guys will show how strong, dexterous, and brave they are. Jury presentation. Team greetings.

Team "Olympic Bear".

We love songs, dances,

Hockey, football, sleigh.

We will spare no effort -

Let's show what we can.

And if we lose

There is no resentment against you.

The command "Well, wait a minute!" -

Hello! Hello! Hello!

Team "Well, wait a minute!".

WITH ancient greece, from Hellas

I took the example of the new century.

Revived the Olympics

Modern man!

Team "Olympic Bear"

"Wait for it!" we don't say

No matter how hard you try, kids

Today we will defeat you!

At the beginning of the competition it is necessary to raise the flag of our Olympiad.

(5 people from each team come out.)

Task 1. Relay.

1. Walk on all fours on the bench.

2. Jump on two legs through parallel gymnastic sticks.

3. Crawl through the bag.

4. Pass through the hoops, as through jump ropes (jumping), and return back.


Time flies like a bird.

And, probably, in a good hour

In the bright form of an Olympian

One of you will come out.

Who dreams not furtively,

And preparing in earnest -

Carrying out charging

Hardened in frost

To look right

To have a sporty look.

Ahead - the Olympics!

The solar torch burns.

Task 2. "Nimble cyclists."

Leading. Guess the riddle:

Clear morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass.

Feet go down the road

And two wheels are running.

The riddle has an answer

This is my ... (bike).

2 people from each team come out. They must cycle between the pins and not knock down any. Time is also taken into account.

Task 3. "Hockey in bags."

Leading. Guess the riddle:

This riddle is not easy:

I always write with two "K".

Hit the ball and the puck with a club

And I'm called ... (hockey).

The song "A coward does not play hockey" sounds. Each team has 4 people. The guys in the bags are trying to score the puck into the opponent's goal.

Task 4. Competition of captains.

1. The captains are at opposite ends of the hall. Between them is a pin. Each person has 2 boards in their hands. The captains stand on one of the boards, and hold the other in their hands. Then they put another plank in front of them and step on it with both feet. The goal is to get to the skittles faster without leaving the planks.

2. The inflatable ball lies on a stick. The task is to put the ball into the bucket (who is faster), without letting it fall and without touching it with your hands.

Task 5. Relay with balls.

The balls lie in a circle. The task of the team is to move all the balls from one circle to another and as quickly as possible. On command, the relay race participant runs to the circle and, grabbing as many balls as possible with his hands, transfers them to another circle. Then the next participant runs, and so on, until all the balls have been carried. The player who dropped the ball must pick it up.

A word to the fans.

Fans of the 1st team.

I wake up early.

I don't pull.

I'm with my mom today

I will rise.

I turn on the speaker

On the wall.

He says: "Good morning!"

The exercise has begun.

Do "one!"

Wider step, keep up!

Do two!

Don't delay, look!

Do "three!"

The sun peeked through the windows.

I will be brave, I will be strong

And big.

I wake up early in the morning

I don't pull.

Me and tomorrow together with my mother

I will rise.

Who sleeps sweetly in bed?

It's time to get up!

Hurry to recharge

We won't wait for you!

But to wake up completely

We need to p-t-t-t-t-sya!

Get started! Do not rush!

Breathe through your nose!

I'll take a big ball

I'll lift it over my head

I'll bend my back

And throw the ball back.

open window,

We don't mind the cold

We walk a little

And shake off the dream.

To give work to the legs,

We will sit together.

Serezha took his hoop,

Holds a hoop behind his back.

Everything Serezha does

Try again too:

"One two three four,

Five-six, seven-eight."

Fans of the II team stage I. Krylov's fable

"Dragonfly and Ant".


Jury word. Rewarding.


The game "Who will quickly roll the hoop to the flag?".

Inventory: flags, skittles, hoops.

Meaning: promotes the development of attention, speed of reaction, running technique.

Game Description: children are built in a column of 2-4 people. Skittles or flags are placed at a distance of 10-15 m. Those in front have hoops in their hands. At the signal "Katya!" the first in the columns roll the hoops towards the flags, run around them and pass the hoops to the next players, and they themselves go to the end of the column. The rest of the players follow the same path. The team that finishes the game first wins.

Rule: it is necessary to ensure that when taking the hoop, the children do not go beyond the line.

Game "Funny competition".

Inventory: gymnastic benches, hoops.

Meaning: promotes the development of dexterity, attention, coordination of movements.

Game Description: children are built in 3-4 columns. In front of each, gymnastic benches are placed 4-5 steps away, hoops are placed on the floor even further. At the signal of the teacher, the first in the columns run to the benches, run along them, jump off, run up to the hoops, crawl through them. Then they quickly return, pass the baton to the next players, and themselves go to the end of the column. The team that finishes the game first wins.

Train game.

Venue: hall, playground.

Inventory: flags, balls, skittles.

Meaning: promotes the development of attention, dexterity, speed of reaction, improvement of the technique of fast walking.

Game Description: children are built in 3-4 columns on one side of the playground. At 10-12 meters they put flags, or balls, or skittles. At the command "March!" the first players quickly go to their landmarks, go around them and return to the columns, where the second ones join them. Together they again overcome the same path. The players hold each other by the elbows, while walking, they move their hands back and forth. The first players to arrive at the "station" win.

Game "Don't get your feet wet"

Venue: hall, playground.

Inventory: boards, sultans.

Meaning: promotes the development of dexterity, attention, ingenuity, the ability to cross obstacles.

Game description: children are located on one side of the playground (hall) behind the line. The teacher names 5-6 players. They go to hell and get 2 boards (30 cm x 20 cm). On the opposite side, the sultans are laid out. At 4-5 m from the line, a “swamp” (“stream”) is drawn. Children must climb over the planks without “wetting their feet”, stepping only on the planks. At the command of the educator "Start!" the players put one plank on the ground and stand on it, then move on to another, take the one lying behind in order to put it again in front of them. Having crossed the “swamp”, they collect planks, take sultans and raise them above their heads. It is noted who raised the sultan first. Children put the sultans in place and return to their places, pass the boards to other players.

Rule: put the boards on the floor carefully, without dropping them.

The game "From bump to bump".

Venue: hall, playground.

Inventory: chalk.

Meaning: promotes the development of dexterity, speed of reaction, improvement of jumping technique.

Game description: Children are divided into two groups and stand on opposite sides of the playground. Between them, circles (“hummocks”) are drawn throughout the site (the distance between the “hummocks” is different: 10-40 cm). The teacher calls several children from both sides of the playground. Jumping from "bump" to "bump", they get over to the other side. Everyone is watching to see if the task is done correctly. Then the next players jump. At the end of the game, it is revealed whose team jumps better and faster.

Shoot the ball game.

Venue: playground, hall.

Inventory: stool, bench, balls, bags.

Meaning: promotes the development of attention, dexterity, speed of reaction, accuracy.

Game description: a line is drawn on one side of the site. Benches are placed on it (according to the number of teams), two balls are placed on each. At 2 meters from the benches, one line is drawn, at 3 meters - another. The players are divided into teams and stand in a column behind the second line, facing the ball. Each team receives two bags of the same color. At the signal "Knock the ball!" those standing in the columns are the first to throw bags - first with the right hand, and then, from the near line, with the left. After that, they run after the bags and pass them on to the next players, while they themselves go to the end of the column. For each hit on the ball, the team receives one point or a flag of the same color as the bag. The team with the most points or flags wins.


1. Throw from behind the line on a signal.

2. The players who knocked down the balls must put them back in their original places.

The game "Relay with the ball!".

Venue: playground, hall.

Equipment: balls.

Meaning: the game contributes to the development of reaction speed, attention, agility, passing and catching the ball.

Game Description: children are built in 2-4 columns. The ones in front have the ball. On a signal, the first players pass them over their heads to those standing behind them. Each time the last player in the column, having received the ball, runs to the right, becomes the first and passes the ball to those standing behind until the one who started the game returns to his place. After that, he must raise the ball up and give the command "Attention!". The team that finishes the game first wins.


1. The game starts only at the signal of the teacher.

2. You can only pass the ball over your head.

3. The player who dropped the ball must pick it up himself, stand in his place and continue the game.

Potato planting game.

Venue: hall, playground.

Inventory: bags, balls.

Meaning: the game contributes to the development of dexterity, attention, speed of reaction.

Game Description: children are built in 2-4 columns, in front of which a start line is drawn. The children standing in the columns first have a bag with 5-6 small balls in their hands. Opposite the columns, 10 m from the starting line, 5-6 small circles are drawn in a row. At the signal of the teacher, the first players run to their circles, lay out the balls one by one in a circle, return and pass the empty bags to the next. They run to the circles, collect balls in bags, return and pass them to the next players. Thus, some "plant potatoes", others collect. The team that finishes the game first wins.


1. You can not run out ahead of time.

2. Balls must be in circles.

The game "Forbidden movement".

Venue: playground, hall.

Meaning: the game contributes to the development of coordination of movements, attention.

Game description: The children, along with the teacher, stand in a circle. After explaining the condition of the game, the teacher performs various movements, indicating which of them is forbidden. The repeater takes a step forward, then continues to play. Celebrate the most attentive.


1. The one who did not repeat all the movements (except for the forbidden one) is considered the loser.

2. The losers take a step forward and continue playing or do a penalty task.

Line relay game.

Venue: playground, hall.

Inventory: stuffed balls of different sizes.

Meaning: the game contributes to the development of speed of reaction, dexterity, attention.

Game Description: The players are divided into 2-4 teams. There is a start line on the site. 15-20 m from it - by medicine ball. The distance between the balls is 2-3 meters. The first players on the team go to the starting line and receive a small stuffed ball. At the command of the educator "Attention, march!" participants run to the big balls, run around them on the right side, return to the starting point, where the next players are waiting for them. There, the first players pass the balls to the second, after which the game is repeated. The game lasts 5-7 minutes.


1. Movements begin only on a signal.

2. The ball is passed only to the hands.