Fat burner L-carnitine Power System - the choice of athletes. Sports nutrition Power System for weight loss

Dosage in 3600 units. practically has no analogues on the territory of the Russian Federation. It is one of the most powerful fat burners. The product allows for a short period of time to reduce excess weight as quickly and comfortably as possible. This additive, the purpose of which, the impact on subcutaneous fat to eliminate it. Athletes know that L-carnitine is necessary for those who are actively involved in sports, as it is also responsible for strengthening the immune system and does not allow the cardiovascular system to loosen. Enhance your quality of life and athletic performance by taking L-carnitine regularly.

Premium L-carnitine 3600 is effective tool to improve energy metabolism in the body and transform body fat into a source of strength. Entering the body during physical activity, the amino acid L-carnitine interacts with fatty acids and promotes their conversion into energy. As a result, it becomes possible to train longer and more intensely, which has a positive effect on muscle growth.

In addition to the main active ingredient, Premium L-carnitine 3600 food supplement contains a rich set of micronutrients. Vitamins E and C in the composition of the product are aimed at cleansing the body of free radicals, the sources of which are polluted environment, malnutrition, decay products and many other factors. The complex of vitamins of group B has a general strengthening effect, improves cell permeability and metabolism.

Premium L-carnitine 3600 will be useful for people involved in sports and leading an active lifestyle. The dietary supplement contains a minimum of calories and is suitable for a low-calorie diet. The product qualitatively compensates for the deficiency of nutrients that occurs during intensive physical activity and contributes to the achievement of the best sports results.

1/4 ampoule (6.25 ml) drink 30 minutes before or during training.

Nutritional value per 6.25 ml; 25 ml:
Energy value 1 kcal; 2 kcal
Proteins 0 mg; 0 mg
Carbohydrates 0 mg; 0 mg
L-carnitine 900 mg; 3600 mg
Vitamin C 1.875 mg; 7.5 mg
Vitamin PP 0.56 mg; 2.25 mg
Vitamin E 0.31 mg; 1.25 mg
Pantothenic acid 0.19 mg; 0.75 mg
Vitamin B6 0.06 mg; 0.25 mg
Vitamin B2 0.05 mg; 0.2 mg
Vitamin B1 0.04 mg; 0.175 mg
Folic acid 6.25 mcg; 25 mcg
Vitamin B7 4.69 mg; 18.8 mg
Vitamin B12 0.03 mg; 0.12 mg

Ingredients: prepared drinking water, dietary supplement L-carnitine, acidity regulator (citric acid), a mixture of sweeteners "Multisvit 200C", vitamins: C, PP, E, pantothenic acid, B6, B2, B1, folic acid, B7, B12. Energy value per 1 ampoule (25 ml): 2 kcal / 5 kJ Nutritional value per 1 ampoule (25 ml): Proteins 0 mg Fats 0 mg Carbohydrates 0 mg L-carnitine 3600 mg Vitamin C 7.5 mg Vitamin PP 2.25 mg Vitamin E 1.25 mg Pantothenic acid 0.75 mg Vitamin B6 0.25 mg Vitamin B2 0.2 mg Vitamin B1 0.175 mg Folic acid 25 µg Vitamin B7 18.8 µg Vitamin B12 0.12 µg.

L-Carnitin 60000 is a nutritional supplement for athletes, the manufacturer of which is considered to be the German company Power System. The drug is intended to speed up the processes of fat burning in the body of an athlete and is taken mainly for proper nutrition or drying. This dietary supplement helps to get rid of unwanted fat, converting it into energy, and is suitable for use by both professional and amateur athletes. The drug should be purchased only if constant training is carried out with limited food intake. Without a well-thought-out integrated approach, in conjunction with regular classes sports, L-Carnitine 60000 is not capable of full impact.

In addition to the processes associated with fat burning, L-Carnitine is capable of other equally interesting effects. For example:

  • Helps to increase the energy level of the athlete.
  • Minimizes the likelihood of stress.
  • Improves physical condition.
  • Reduces the likelihood of cardiovascular disease.
  • L-Carnitine belongs to the group of amino acids found in foods such as meat and dairy products, etc. In this regard, this drug is considered absolutely harmless to humans.

Composition L-Carnitine 60 000

One 500 ml bottle contains 60,000 mg of pure L-Carnitine. One dose contains 7.5 ml, therefore, one package will be enough for 66 doses. A measuring cup is included with the container, that is, Power System made sure that the supplement was taken strictly according to the instructions. The composition of the food supplement, in addition to L-Carnitine 60000, includes substances such as citric acid, flavors, flavor enhancers, and useful minerals. After taking one dose (7.5 ml), the athlete receives:

  • 4 calories.
  • 1 g of protein.
  • 900 mg l - carnitine.

How to take L-Carnitine 60000

The developer of L-Carnitin 60,000 indicates that the dietary supplement is taken at 7.5 ml once a day 0.5 hours before the start of sports. On days when training is not provided, the substance is taken in the morning, before meals. L-Carnitin 60000 is taken in different cases: for maximum fat loss, during cutting, as well as during sports to avoid the appearance of fat. Athletes who have been playing sports for many years are advised to take L-Carnitine 2 times a day: once in the morning on an empty stomach, and the second time half an hour before training. Taking a nutritional supplement 3 or more times does not make much sense, because you will not get too high a result.

L-Carnitin 60000 from Power System is completely compatible with other nutritional supplements, so it is acceptable to take it in combination with other nutritional supplements, such as amino acids, gainers and protein complexes.

The supplement is taken in courses, no more than three weeks. If you take it for a longer time, then the athlete's body begins to limit the production of its l - carnitine.

Very important! L-Carnitin 60000 enhances the effect of other fat burning complexes. At the same time, the use of L-Carnitine does not cause any side effects.


This drug is considered the most popular in the healthy sports nutrition market. If we talk about reviews, they are mostly not negative. Athletes point to the normal ratio of price, quality and efficiency. Last but not least are reviews about the taste characteristics and aromatic characteristics of the substance. Most athletes note an increase in performance and endurance, against the background of increased sweating.

Based on many reviews of this food additive, we can conclude that many athletes take it 2 times a day. At the same time, athletes point out that the effectiveness of the supplement is possible only if everyday training is carried out, with proper healthy nutrition.


Natural substance, "vitamin of health and optimism". Carnitine plays an important role in energy metabolism - it is involved in the process of fatty acid oxidation. The value of carnitine in all cases where weight loss or retention of "lean body mass" is required cannot be overestimated. Reception of carnitine-containing products restores efficiency, helps to reduce excess body weight. The use of carnitine allows you to achieve active longevity. It is especially effective in combination with sports training, aerobics and fitness classes, as well as after unloading diets. L-carnitine is a key compound in a weight loss and compliance program healthy lifestyle life. The increased content of L-carnitine in the drink ensures high performance, improves metabolism, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, and normalizes cardiac activity. None side effects from taking high doses of L-carnitine was not detected (up to 4000 mg per day).

Vitamin C

is a water soluble vitamin. Being a powerful antioxidant, it neutralizes the action of free radicals formed during intense exercise, thereby increasing efficiency and recovery processes by an order of magnitude. Actively stimulates the production of white blood cells, thus supporting the immune system. It is necessary for the growth and restoration of almost all tissues of the human body. Without it, collagen-protein of connective tissues, hair, nails, blood vessels is not formed. Beneficial effect on the liver.

Non-alcoholic, non-carbonated drink with a high content of L-carnitine (3600 mg), in a convenient form for drinking (25 ml drinking ampoule).

It has a high biological activity, effective as a fat burner. Increases the energy supply of the body by participating in the process of splitting fatty acids. Indispensable for sports, ensuring the achievement of maximum results. The product is especially effective in combination with sports training, aerobics and fitness. The high content of L-carnitine ensures long-term performance, improves metabolism, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, and normalizes cardiac activity.
Non-toxic, does not cause side effects.


  • high content of L-carnitine in a small volume
  • no carbohydrates
  • specially prepared drinking water
  • Provides fast recovery and long lasting
  • performance
  • reduced levels of preservatives
  • enhances the adaptive capacity of the body
  • for effective weight loss
  • for any sports (up to 6000 mg per day)
  • people leading an active lifestyle

One ampoule contains 3 servings!