Plan abstract of physical culture volleyball. Outline of the lesson in physical education: "Volleyball"

Plan-summary of a lesson in physical education Grade 8.

Subject: Combinations of learned elements. Bottom direct feed, feed reception. Simplified game.

Target: Control of ZUN, physical activity, develop basic physical qualities through playing volleyball.



    improve the reception of the ball from above and below, the supply of the ball.


    form the correct posture;

    develop the strength of the muscles of the hands and abdominals;

    develop speed of reaction and coordination of movements.


    foster a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance;

    develop a sense of responsibility for the assigned task.

Lesson type: lesson on the use of ZUNs

Time: 45 min

Location: gym.

Inventory: whistle, volleyballs, stopwatch, grid, gymnastic mats.

Conducting methods: frontal, flow, individual, game.


1. I. p. - hands to shoulders; - forward rotation; - backward rotation.2. I.p. - arms to the sides, feet shoulder width apart; - rotation of the arms in the elbow joints forward; - rotation of the arms in the elbow joints back.3. I.p. - arms to the sides, feet shoulder width apart; - forward rotation of the hands; - rotation of the brushes back.4. I.p. - o.s.1- left foot on the toe, hands on the belt;2- tilt to the left, hand up;3.4- return to I.p.5. I.p. - o.s.1. step left, arms to the sides;2- tilt to the left leg with the right hand;3.4- return to I.p.6. I.p. - o.s.1- sit down, hands forward;2- i.p.3- sit down, hands forward;4- i.p.7. I.p. - o.s.1- step left foot to the side, arms forward;2- swing with the left foot to the right hand;3.4- i.p.8. I.p. - emphasis crouching;1- jump at point-blank range;2- i.p.3- jump at point-blank range;4- i.p.9. I.p. - o.s., hands on the belt; - jumping on two legs;Rotate 180 degrees
Restore breathing.


In an attacking blow, a run-up, a jump and a swing, a hit on the ball, a landing are distinguished. Take one to three steps during the run. The last step is characterized by a rigid setting of the foot (usually the right one) on the heel, the left one is attached with the simultaneous movement of the hands forward. When pushing away, it is important to coordinate the movements of the arms with the extension of the legs. The blow is made at the highest point of the jump. Landing must be

soft (legs must be bent).

1. Forward hit on the ball tossed by a partner.
2. Forward strikes from zone 4 from a pass from zone 3.

The lower and upper direct supply of the ball. Serve the ball in volleyball is needed to put the ball into play. Serve immediately scores a point. If a player of the opposing team cannot receive the ball from the serve, then the serving team receives a point. If the serving player makes a mistake when serving the ball, then the opposing team receives a point.Modern volleyball uses an overhead straight serve, an overhead side serve, and a jump serve. But it is better for beginner athletes to learn from the bottom straight feed. The server stands behind the end line facing the net.
Run the command: "Class, to the left, reorganized into oncoming columns."
a) Run a command to the oncoming columns: “Forward with a left foot step march, stand in place, circle!”
Educational game, a game according to simplified rules. The class is divided into 2 teams and according to the rules they play volleyball.

Lesson summary on physical education.

Curriculum section: Sport games.

Lesson topic: Volleyball.

Target lesson : popularization of volleyball among students, involvement of students in systematic physical education and sports.



1. Improving the technique of gears, upper and lower direct feed.

2. Improving the skills and abilities of playing volleyball.

3. Development of speed-strength qualities, agility, endurance.


1. Education correct posture.

2. Teaching self-control for physical activity.


1. Education of willpower, independence, organization, discipline, attentive attitude to comrades.

2. Education of students' skills of collective action in the game of volleyball.

Conduct method: group, frontal, game, individual.

Inventory and equipment: volleyball net, volleyballs, whistle.

Location: sports hall of the college.

Time spending: Lesson 5 (45 min.)

Teacher: Zhukova T.V.


Exercise Dosage

Organizational and methodological instructions

    Preparatory part

12 min

    Reporting Lesson Objectives

    Combat exercises (right, left, circle)

    Types of walking:

normal walking

Walking on toes

walking on outside feet, on inside feet

normal walking

    Running types:

Regular run

Running with running and jumping exercises

    Breathing exercises:

1-4 - inhale, arms up, through the sides

5-8 - exhale, hands down, through the sides

Checking the readiness of students

Back straight, shoulder blades flattened

Inhale as deeply as possible, exhale slowly and smoothly

outdoor switchgear without items

    I.P. hands on the belt, circular movements of the head

1-4 - circular movements of the head to the right

    1. circular movements of the head to the left

2. I.P. hands on the belt, head tilts:

1 - forward

2 - back

3 - left

4– right

    I.P. legs together, arms to the sides, hands in fists

1-4 - rotation of the brushes inward

    1. outward rotation

    I.P. - O.S., arms to the sides

1-4 - circular movements of the forearms forward

1-4 - circular movements of the forearms back

    I.P. - O.S., arms to the sides

1-4 - circular movements of the arms forward

5-8 - circular movements of the arms back

    I.P. legs wider than shoulders, leaning forward:

1 to right leg

2 - to the left leg

3 - in the middle

4 - I.P.

    I.P. – O.S.

1 - sit down

2 - jump out

3 - sit down

4 - jump out

4 x 4

4 x 4

4 x 4

4 x 4

4 x 4

4 x 4

4 x 4

Do slopes smoothly

The slopes are smooth, the head touches the shoulder, chest

Arms straight

Elbows 90° at chest level

Amplitude of arm movement as much as possible

Try to get your forehead to your knee, palms to the floor

Jump as high as possible

Special exercises

    Circular movements hands in the "lock" position.

    Rubbing of the hands.

    Exercise "snake".

    Circular movements of the legs in the ankle joints.

2 minutes

Exercises to perform one after another at the command of the teacher

Monitor your range of motion

    Main part

28 min

    Improvement in the technique of receiving the ball, giving the ball.

    Distribution of students in pairs

    Work in pairs.

A.Passing the ball from above with two hands:

- lift the ball above you with both hands from above, then pass to a partner.

b. Receiving and passing the ball from below with two hands

Raise the ball above you with both hands from below, then pass to your partner.

- one player performs a one-handed kick to the legs of a partner. The partner tries to take the ball with both hands from below.

Make sure the exercises are done correctly.

    Educational game volleyball with elements of pioneer ball.

Double-sided educational - training game

Follow the rules of the game.

Improving the technique of playing in various game situations.

    Final part

3 min.


    Lesson Analysis

    Message d/z

    Organized exit from the hall

Message grades for the lesson.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Kuzmichevskaya secondary school"

Gorodishchensky municipal district of the Volgograd region

Plan - lesson summary

in physical culture

Subject: Development

Physical education teacher:

Kolesnikova S.P.

Lesson plan and content

Location: school sports hall

Lesson time: 45 minutes

Subject: Development physical qualities students through the use of elements of the sports game volleyball


    to form ideas about the role of physical culture as the basis of a healthy lifestyle;

    develop coordination and conditioning qualities of students;

    to improve different motor skills of students;

    create conditions for the development of leadership qualities and mutual assistance.


    learning to receive the ball from below;

    improving the transfer of the ball with two hands from above;

    repeating the stance and moving the player.

Teaching methods: explanatory-illustrative, group.

Lesson type : combined.

Class: a combined lesson on this topic is being heldwith middle and high school students.

Organization of activities: group, individual.

Inventory: basketballs and volleyballs, jump ropes, hoops, whistle.

After studying the topic, students should

know :

    the role of physical culture in the general cultural, professional and social development of a person;

    basics of a healthy lifestyle.

be able to:

    use physical culture and health-improving activities to improve health, achieve life and professional goals;

    apply various tricks and ball passes while playing volleyball.

Possess competencies:

OK 1. Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them.

OK 2. Work in a team and team, communicate effectively
with classmates and teacher.

OK 3. Be ready to take on moral obligations in relation to a person.

OK 4. Organize the workplace in compliance with labor protection requirements.

OK 5. News healthy lifestyle life, engage in physical culture and sports to improve health, achieve life goals.

Stages combined lesson:

    student preparation to the lesson (organizational moment)

    repetitive-generalizing work aimed at checking motorprevious skills

    work on the assimilation of new material using ICT

work to consolidate acquired skills and methods of action

    application of acquired knowledge and skills in practice

    summarizing the lesson and explaining homework.

This type of lesson allows you to interest students and move away from the stereotypical form of physical education, increase the efficiency of using study time and significantly improve sports performance students.

Lesson progress



I . Preparatory part


1. Attendance check

2. Reporting the topic of the lesson, setting tasks

Preparation for work

2 minutes.

Warm up

Emphasize on sportswear students' readiness for the lesson.

Pay attention to your posture and the position of your foot.

Pay attention to the distance, timely braking.

Pay attention to safety precautions when working with balls.

Pay attention to the setting, the work of the legs.

Pay attention to the position of the hands when catching and passing the ball.

Maintain distance between students.

Specify how to return to the starting position.

Pay attention to the coordinated work of the arms and legs.

Pay attention to spacing and distance.

Follow the change of the second number

a) Walking in circles on toes, on heels, on the outside of the foot, on the inside of the foot

slow run, running with a change of direction,

running exercises along the diagonals of the hall,

jumping exercises along the diagonals of the hall,

outdoor switchgear complex,

a set of exercises in pairs.

b) Rebuilding from one line to two

V) Warm-up exercises in pairs with volleyballs:

    passing a volleyball with hands from behind the head with a throw;

    the same with a blow to the floor;

    the same with the right hand;

    the same with the left hand;

    passing a volleyball with two hands with a blow to the floor behind the back;

    passing the ball with two hands from below with a throw.

13 min.

II . Main part

Viewing projected material on the screen to study the transfer of the ball with two hands from above and the reception of the ball with two hands from below. (see Attachment)


in physical culture

for 10th grade students

on the topic "Volleyball"

Designed by:

Zhukov N.V.,

physical teacher

Culture and lifestyle

MKOU secondary school №2

Baraba region

Novosibirsk region

year 2014

Brief annotation:the development of a lesson in physical culture is intended for students in grade 10 on the topic "Volleyball". Improvement Lesson technical actions volleyball players on the court and during educational game. The lesson contributes to the development of coordination, speed-strength abilities of students; fosters a sense of collectivism, work in a group and team.

Target : Development of basic physical qualities through volleyball



Improve technical and tactical training in volleyball classes


Develop students' coordination skills

Develop agility and coordination


Cultivate a sense of teamwork, mutual assistance

Cultivate patience, purposefulness.

Technologies: gaming and health-saving technologies are used to develop dexterity, endurance and coordination of movements through sports game volleyball.

Conduct method: frontal, in-line, individual, group, game.

Location: School sports hall.

Inventory : Volleyballs, volleyball net



Organizational and methodological instructions

Preparatory part


Organized entrance to the gym

Construction, report, greeting.

Reporting lesson objectives.


30sec 30sec

The duty officer submits a report to the teacher about the readiness of the class for the lesson.

Pay attention to posture

On-site drills


Activating the attention of students

Walking and its varieties in a column one at a time

a) on toes, arms to the side;

b) on the heels, hands on the belt;

c) in a semi-squat, hands on the belt;

d) in a squat, hands on knees;

e) jumping in a squat, hands on knees

1 min

Pay attention to posture

Do not bend at the hip joint

Keep your distance

Even running:

a) in a column one at a time;

b) running "snake" (along the lines of the site);

c) movements ("snake") in the middle stance of a volleyball player, side steps with the left, right side, with imitation of passing the ball with two hands from above;

d) running in a column one at a time, jumping up at the basketball backboard, touching the backboard with the hand.

2 minutes

Self-control of students for breathing

Keep your distance

Imitation of hands passing the ball with two from above;

jump up perform with both feet

Walking in a column one at a time with a breath recovery exercise


3-4 times

1-2 - Hands up - inhale

3-4- Tilt forward, hands down - exhale (voice)

Outdoor switchgear in motion without objects:

1) I.p. - arms to the sides, hand into a fist:

A) - rotation of the brushes forward;

B) - rotation with brushes back;

2) I.p. - arms to the sides, hand into a fist:

A) - rotations in elbow joint forward;

B) - rotation in the elbow joint back;

3) I.p. - arms to the sides, hand into a fist:

A) - rotations in shoulder joint forward;

B) - rotation in the shoulder joint back;

4) Walking lunges, forward - to the side, with hands resting on the knee of the exposed leg.

5) Walking, with torso forward;

6) Walking with swings with straight legs:

I.p. - hands forward to the sides

1- step from the left, swing with the right, touch with the left


2.- I.p

3. step with the left, swing with the right, touch with the left


4.- I.p

1min 30sec

12 times

12 p.

12 p.

6-8 p.

6-8 p.

6-8 p.

Take care of your posture correct execution exercises

Imitation of the rotation of the rope Range of motion is wide

Imitation of the movement of a drummer

Imitation of the movement of eating

Do not tilt your shoulders forward. Keep the torso straight.

Feet in knee joint- do not bend, touch the floor with your hands.

Hold hands forward to the sides

Do not bend the supporting and fly legs.

Jumping over (2) gymnastic benches:

a) I.p. - o.s., bench on the right

Jumping up left and right

Moving forward (M and D);

b) I.p. - leg stand apart over the bench:

Jump on the bench, dismount -

Moving forward (D);

Jump up, connect over the bench

Feet together, landing - leg stance

apart with a bench between the legs (M).


2 times

2 times

2 times

Do not bend your legs above the bench in the knee joint, move your arms from the bottom up.

Legs above the bench are straight.

The movement of the hands is from the bottom up.

Walking with breathing exercises



1-2 - Hands up - inhale

3-4- Tilt forward, hands down - exhale.

Rebuilding by turning on the spot in two lines (at a distance of 5-6 m from each other).

Exercises are performed frontally, in pairs.

Main part


Improvement in the technique of performing an attacking blow.

1. In pairs:

a) - throws and catches the ball with the left and right

Hand over head.

b) - throws the ball with a rebound from the floor with the left and

Right hand from behind the head.

c) - hitting the ball with the right (left) hand,

Lying on the palm of the exposed

Forward-up of the left (right) hand,

Directing it to the floor from a place;




The arm is straight, after the throw it moves freely along the body

Hitting with a straight hand

Be attentive, control the movement of the ball

2) Exercise in pairs:

The other receives the ball from below, directing

His partner for another blow.

2-3 min.

It is desirable to perform the exercise continuously, without catching and losing the ball. The ball flying at the level of the chest of the head is to be taken with two hands from above, at the level of the belt - to be taken from below. After 1-1.5 minutes. work, the students switch roles.

3) In pairs: (option)

One student after throwing the ball

Performs an offensive strike from a place,

The other, taking the ball from below, performs

Pass overhead and strike

An attacking blow towards a partner,

who repeats the exercise.

2-3 min.

Remind about the correct work of the legs and arms. After 1-1.5 minutes. work, the students switch roles.

4) Attacking kick from the partner's pass

Zone 3, zone 3 player passing two

Zone 4 player.

3 min.

5) Attacking kick from partner's pass

Zone 6 player throws the ball to the player

Zone 3, zone 3 player with two passes

From above leads to an attacking blow

Zone 2 player.

3 min.

Transition after task completion

Fixing in the technique of performing a single blocking

1. In pairs.

The players are on opposite sides

sides of the grid. Moving side by side

Stepping and jumping up touch

Palms of each other over the net.


Grid inclined

2. In pairs.

Players line up in pairs

sides of the grid. Alone, standing on the floor with a ball

In hands, jumps up, shows the ball on the upper cable without letting go,

Palms and pushes the ball on

Single blocking.


Being in a stance in front of the net, follow the actions of opponents.

Determine the location of the alleged attack. Move there. Jump out a little later than the attacker (when passing the ball to strike along the middle trajectory). Straightens his arms. The fingers are wide apart, and the hands are slightly tense and located above the grid. After the block, join the game.

3) In pairs.

Players are also arranged in pairs on both

sides of the grid. Alone standing on the floor

Throws the ball onto the top cable of the net,

Another, jumping up, substitutes

Palms and pushes the ball on

Opposite side, performs

Single blocking.


You need to try not to let the ball fly to your side.

Block the path of the ball on the opponent's side or over the net.

Movable blocking

Improvement in technical and tactical training in a game of volleyball.



4) Game task.

Zone 6 player takes a long

The top pass of the ball to zone 6 on

Opposite side of the site.

Zone 6 player throws the ball

Zone 3 player Top zone 3 player

Passing the ball leads to the attacker

Zone player hit 4.

Zone 2 player on opposite side

The playground performs a movable block.

After completing the game task

All players do

Move around the site clockwise.

3 min.

Double-sided training game

5 minutes.

Improving the technique of playing in various game situations. Play in three touches of the ball. The second transfer from zones 1,6,5 to zone 3. From zone 3, bring the players of zone 2 and 4 to the striker. single block in zones 2,3,4.

Upper direct serve for girls (at a distance of 5-6m from the net).


Final part


2. Game for attention "Class"

3. Summing up the lesson

4. Homework

5. Organized exit from the gym


2 minutes.

Organized exit from the hall

State budget educational institution

Kulebaki Metallurgical College

Outline of the lesson of physical culture

( I well)

Subject: « Comprehensive training basic elements of the game of volleyball.

Type remedial lesson: learning new material.

Program: Comprehensive program physical education students. 1-11 grades. Lyakh Vladimir Iosifovich, Zdanevich Alexander Alexandrovich, Enlightenment, 2012



physical education

Andreyanov N.V.

Plan-summary of a lesson in physical culture.

Lesson topic: Comprehensive training in the basic elements of the game of volleyball.

Target lesson: popularization of volleyball among students, involvement of children in systematic physical education and sports.



1. Improving the technique of passes, the upper direct serve, the attacking (attacking) strike and blocking.

2. Introduction to tactics games.

3. Development of speed-strength qualities, agility, strength endurance.

4. Checking knowledge on the section "Volleyball".


1. Education of correct posture.

2. Teaching self-control over physical activity.


1. Education of willpower, independence, organization, discipline, attentive attitude towards comrades.

Conduct method: group, frontal, game technologies, integrated learning technologies.

Inventory and equipment: volleyballs, hanging balls, gymnastic stick, laptop, multimedia presentation.

Location: gym.

Exercise Dosage

Organizational and methodological instructions

Preparatory part

    Reporting Lesson Objectives

    Combat exercises (right, left, circle)

    Types of walking:

    • normal walking

      Walking on toes

      Walking on the outside of the foot, on the inside of the foot

      normal walking

    Running types:

    • Slow run

      Acceleration 30m

      Regular run

    Breathing exercises:

1-4 - inhale, arms up, through the sides

5-8 - exhale, hands down, through the sides

Checking the readiness of students

Back straight, shoulder blades flattened

Inhale as deeply as possible, exhale slowly and smoothly

outdoor switchgear without items

    I.P. hands on the belt, circular movements of the head

1-4 - circular movements of the head to the right

5-8 - circular movements of the head to the left

    I.P. hands on the belt, head tilts:

1 - forward

2 - back

3 - left

4 - right

    I.P. legs together, arms to the sides, hands in fists

1-4 - rotation of the brushes inward

5-8 - rotation with brushes out

    I.P. - O.S., arms to the sides

1-4 - circular movements of the forearms forward

5-8 - circular movements of the forearms back

    I.P. - O.S., arms to the sides

1-4 - circular movements of the arms forward

5-8 - circular movements of the arms back

The same exercise with the addition of jumps

    I.P. legs wider than shoulders, leaning forward:

1 - to the right leg

2 - to the left leg

3 - in the middle

    I.P. – O.S.

1 - sit down

2 - jump out

3 - sit down

4 - jump out

Do slopes smoothly

The slopes are smooth, the head touches the shoulder, chest

Elbows 90° at chest level

Amplitude of arm movement as much as possible

Try to get your forehead to your knee, palms to the floor

Jump as high as possible

Special exercises

    Circular movements with the hands in the "lock" position.

    Rubbing of the hands.

    Circular movements of the legs in the knee joints.

    Circular movements of the legs in the ankle joints.

Exercises to perform one after another at the command of the teacher

Monitor your range of motion

Main part

    The distribution of students by "stations".

    Station work.

The first "station".

Running with sudden stops and changes in direction.

The second "station".

Transfer from above with two hands of the ball suspended on a cord.

Third station.

Imitation of receiving the ball from below with two hands after moving.

Fourth station.

Tossing the ball above you to a certain height.

Fifth station.

Hitting a suspended ball in a jump from a place.

Seventh station.

Observation of the movements of players during the protection of the "corner forward".

Eighth station.

Movement in a circle in an emphasis lying on the fingers.

    Competitive game tasks.

The game "Get in the square."

Falling stick game.

Watch out for quick changes in direction.

To draw the attention of students to the consistency of the work of the legs and arms.

Control the movements and timeliness of hand connections

Strive to throw the ball to the same height.

Try to hit exactly in the center of the ball. Follow the movement of the hand when hitting.

Viewing a presentation. Pay attention to the movement of players of all zones.

Try not to sink into your palms and keep up the pace.

Follow the rules of the game.

Final part


    Lesson Analysis

    Message d/z

    Organized exit from the hall

Message grades for the lesson.

Jumping up from a deep squat.