What determines the power of impact in football. How to improve your kick in football? Primary Learning: Phases of kicking the ball in football

Do you admire the shots of Leo Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo and Neymar, but think that you will never be able to do that? It's time to change everything. SOVSPORT. ENwill show you the varieties of hits on the ball, and also tell you how to properly apply them.

Striking technique

Imagine that the ball is stationary, and you just need to hit it. Even before the impact, you must imagine which leg you have shock. Once you have decided which foot you will kick with, you need to stand a few meters behind the ball and about a meter to the side of it in order to run. At the moment before the kick, you need to place the supporting leg in such a way that it is slightly to the side of the ball. Meanwhile, your kicking leg swings back, simultaneously bending at the knee. And then she abruptly flies forward, now unbending back. The ball should be exactly in front of your foot. At the same time, if you hit right foot, the left hand should be put sideways and slightly back to maintain balance.

Now let's talk a little about what strikes are in football.

Cheek punch

It is also called a strike from the inside of the foot. It is applied in the same place, which, as a rule, a pass is given. Such strikes lose a little in strength to other varieties, but surpass them in terms of accuracy.

Lifting kick

In football, the instep is called the central part of the foot. The difference in the execution technique is that at the moment of straightening the kicking leg, you pull the toe down so that the contact area of ​​​​the foot with the ball is as large as possible. This method is used in volleys when the ball is in the air. Lifting kicks are slightly inferior to the cheek in accuracy, but they are the strongest in the entire marsenal of football players.

blow swede

The so-called strike with the outside of the foot. Its essence lies in the fact that before contact with the ball, you turn your foot slightly inward so that contact with the spotted one falls on the outside. This kick is quite difficult to execute. Among the rest stands out, often quite unpredictable trajectory of the flight of the ball after contact with the kicking leg.

Hinged kick

The main way to deliver corners and some free kicks. A similar technique is used by goalkeepers and defenders to kick the ball away from their goal over the heads of opponents. In order to lift the ball, you must punch it as if under the bottom. In this case, he will fly higher than the previously given types of blows.


Now, after we have dealt with the main varieties of shots to turns, let's talk about one very useful feature, having mastered which, you can consider yourself a real master. This is the spin of the ball. It is both internal and external.

Internal spin is performed as follows. The takeoff must be the same as for a normal strike. At the moment of the impact, hit the ball with the place where the thumb begins, after which it will roll back a little and fly along the trajectory you set. After the shot, do not stop the leg, but keep moving it. If you are left-handed, then your hit should fall slightly from below and to the left of the center of the ball, and if you are right-handed, then from below and to the right, respectively. External twist is performed by a Swede. The differences in execution technique are that the supporting leg here should be placed a little further than the ball. After the strike, as in the case of the inside twist, you kind of follow the kicking leg along the ball movement, turning the foot inward.

Just by reading this material, of course, you will not immediately learn how to hit like Roberto Carlos or Cristiano Ronaldo. Like any element of football skill, a kick requires constant practice. So, take the ball, call your friends on the nearest field and train!

One of the most difficult technical elements in football is hitting the ball. From the very first classes of the sports school, coaches teach little football players how to hit the ball correctly. To come to the ideal technique of precise and hard hit need to spend a lot of time. Only a huge number of attempts and errors can lead to the correct technique for performing this technical element.

If you constantly practice and hit the ball strictly according to technique, then soon you will be able to become a great master in this matter, such as David Beckham, Andrea Pirlo or Cristiano Ronaldo.

Primary Learning: Phases of kicking the ball in football

In modern football, there is a huge variety of techniques for hitting the ball. It is almost impossible to master all of them, therefore, in order to correctly execute a strike, it is necessary to know and understand the main phases of the execution of this technical element.

According to the theory and methodology in football game There are 4 phases of hitting the ball:

  • Preliminary (run-up or approach to the ball);
  • Preparatory (positioning of the supporting leg, swing of the kicker);
  • Working (actually hitting the ball and posting);
  • Final (assuming a starting position for performing other tactical and technical actions).

Before performing a strike, you must clearly understand which leg you have is shock and which is supporting. At the beginning, you need to move back from the ball a few meters (2-3 m) and a little to the side so as not to stand on the same line with the ball. Then a run is made and at the moment before the impact, the supporting leg must be placed at a distance (8-10 cm) parallel to the ball. At this time, the kicking leg swings back, bending slightly in knee joint, and then sharply goes forward, while unbending back. The kicking leg should accompany the ball, as if to do the "wiring". That's all. If all of the above is done correctly, then the ball will hit exactly the point you were aiming at.

According to the authoritative foreign site Expert Football, the correct placement of the body and legs can be the key to an accurate and powerful strike. According to their recommendations, in order for the ball to fly strongly into lower part relative to the middle of the gate, it is necessary upper part tilt the body slightly forward. Conversely, if you want to send the ball to the top of the goal, lean your upper body back a little.

Also, for an accurate and strong hit, it is necessary to contact the ball not with the toe, but with the middle part of the foot, which has a large surface area.

Hit errors:

Players may make the following mistakes while kicking:

  • The run-up (approach) is made along the same line with the ball;
  • The supporting foot is set too far or too close to the ball;
  • The supporting leg is set in one direction, and the ball should fly in the other;
  • The body is littered;
  • Relaxed leg;
  • Failure to drive after touching the ball.

These are the most important mistakes made by football players during a strike.

Thought on impact

once legendary Brazilian forward Pele said:

"Football is 90% thinking and 10% running."

This statement can also be applied to football kicks. After all, in order to hit the ball correctly, you must first assess the situation in your head, calculate everything in phases, and only then proceed to execution.

As you stand in front of the ball, try to analyze your future actions. Imagine in your mind where you are, where the ball is, how many steps you need to take to the ball, how you need to put the supporting foot, how to swing the kicker. These are all very important aspects, because only when you understand the process of making a strike, you will eventually be able to execute it.

Exercises to improve the technique of hitting the ball

There are a lot of exercises for setting an accurate strike. The simplest is the imitation of a blow. Everything is simple here, try in your mind with an inner voice to first analyze all the phases of the blow, and then perform an imitation of the blow itself.

You can also use simple strokes on a stationary ball. To do this, it is best to choose a certain point in the gate and try to get into it.

The next exercise is hitting a rolling ball forward, sideways or towards. Then volleys, volleys after rebounding from the ground.

Modern football cannot be imagined without beautiful, long-range strikes at the gate, which, for example, is famous for Cristiano Ronaldo. Without heads flying into the net from 30 meters. So how to train such a blow? This question, at one time, was answered by the famous soldier, Honored Master of Sports Alexei Grinin.

- "One-legged" - not so bad. We also have a lot of such masters who, even with their strongest foot, cannot hit the goal strongly. In hitting the target, we are noticeably behind many foreign players. The trouble is that the majority of our footballers have not had a hit since childhood. From here, from the children's section, "one-leggedness" also originates. Children do not like to do in training what they do poorly. And, on the contrary, they like to train what works well. If children's trainer does not overcome this desire of theirs, does not force them to practice more often in technical techniques with their weakest leg, then the football player will certainly grow up “one-legged”.

For more than twelve years, I taught footballers in the nursery sports school. The main feature of my students, who achieved the greatest success in football, was their great training diligence. They absorbed all the instructions and comments of the coach like a sponge. Yes, and they themselves carefully looked at everything that I showed them, adopted all the techniques and details of the technique. They did it consciously, not mechanically.

In teaching 10-year-old beginners, I start with a straight lift. This strike is quite complex in terms of technique, and yet it has advantages. What exactly?

The kick with a straight lift is one of the strongest. The technique of its execution can be called classical. Here, as it were, the main elements necessary for a strong blow in any way are concentrated. In addition, in children's games this blow is rarely used, on its own young football players they will not be able to learn this blow.

Often, young players are addicted to various "dry sheets", cut and twisted shots. When I check the beginners, I see that their blow flies at random, then at random. I immediately, as it were, oppose a direct and strong blow to this harmful hobby. I know that if I give a student a blow with a straight lift, then he will be able to hit the goal from 20-30 meters in the game, and when defending, he will be able to hit his goal from 50-60 meters.

When teaching beginners, I first demonstrate the straight lift in general. And then I learn with the guys each element separately.

First of all - swing. The wider it is, the stronger the ball will hit. It is not easy for children to master the wide swing. Each student has to be dealt with separately. Supporting the student so that he stands firmly on one leg, I swing the leg with him. The children imitate movements well, and this method gives good results.

The next element is the contact of the foot with the ball upon impact. You need to beat not with your fingers and not with a fold ankle joint, and the middle of the rise. The children learn this element against the wall. Then I give them special exercise- hit slowly medicine ball so they can feel the ball landing on their feet. And made sure that good hit You need to apply a lot of force to the ball.

And further. At the moment the ball touches the kicking leg, the kicking leg is straight. The toe is pulled back, the ankle is tense. After the impact, the direction of the foot is exactly forward, without deviating to the right or left.

The supporting leg is also straight. At the moment of impact, the player must rise on the toe so that the toe of the kicking leg does not touch the ground. The foot of the supporting leg is placed next to the ball.

Having mastered all the elements separately, the students begin to hit the wall with the ball. In winter, when exercising in the gym, it is not difficult to organize such a workout. Here the kids manage to make up to 500 strokes. And I go from one to another and correct mistakes.

Many people bend their supporting leg at the moment of impact. You literally have to straighten it with your hand so that the student understands what his mistake is.

Often, when kicking, football players bend the kicking leg at the knee, and as a result, the ball flies up, while the kick should be flat. This error is clearly visible when you watch the student from the side. I go up to such a pupil and demand that he imitate a blow with a straight leg without a ball. I make sure that he pulls the sock. I tell some that, they say, if you bend your knee, I will tie a stick to your leg.

This error is also typical: at the moment of impact foot goes not exactly forward, but to the side. This is clearly seen in the final part of the movement, when you stand behind the student.

10-year-old players need an eye and an eye. The old skills of the wrong kick, acquired by them in the yards, are very tenacious. And if you don’t follow the technique of hitting for a week, then the children start hitting incorrectly. Looks like they've mastered the technique. Loosen control. And they reappear through training typical mistakes. Therefore, the basic elements of hitting with beginners need to be rehearsed at every lesson.

The method of further training to hit is usual: after hits from the spot - hits in motion on the ball, hits on the oncoming and overtaken ball. After three months, students can be given exercises in more complex strokes - on a ball rolling from the side, flying, jumping, etc. These exercises at first can only be done by the most capable and diligent.

With two training sessions a week, I manage to teach the guys how to hit the oncoming and outgoing ball during the winter. In the summer, students reinforce these skills in a more challenging environment. For example, when combining strikes with a preliminary stop of the ball or an opponent's stroke. The number of strikes in each lesson is reduced by about a third, but the situation is closer to the game. But in order not to show errors in the technique of movement, in the summer I gave tasks for the simplest blows against the wall.

For example, I believe that if a player does not have a strong blow, then he simply has nothing to do in football. A strong blow is especially important now, when 8-9 players are pulled into the defense. Here it is difficult to enter the penalty area with the ball. But, you can hit the gate from a distance - a strong and accurate well-placed blow.

To the question of how to kick the ball correctly, asked by the author distribute the best answer is It depends on when and under what circumstances. Twisted ball, not twisted. Penalty, free kick, corner. Yes, circumstances are different. There are several basic types of hitting the ball.
1. Pyrom - that is, a toe, a crushing blow, but requires high technique - the ball can slip off.
2. A blow with a cheek, or with a brush - most often used when delivering corner kicks and free kicks. It's easier to spin the ball. When twisting, it goes around the wall - and the ball is in the goal.
3. Swede strike - most often with the outside of the foot they hit the ball rolling towards or from the side, with outside kicking leg. To strike such a blow with your right foot to the right of yourself, you need to put your left (supporting) foot about half a step to the left of the ball and a little behind it. After swinging to the side and past the supporting leg, with the reverse movement of the other leg, hit the middle of the outside of the foot in the middle of the ball. In the game, such a strike is rare, since it is inconvenient to execute it.
4. Lift kick:
Mid-rise kick
Let's say you want to hit the ball with the middle of your right instep. Place your left foot next to the ball so that its toe is slightly in front of the ball. Right foot slightly behind and in front of the ball. Now bend your right leg and take it back a little. With a sharp movement, direct your foot towards the ball, trying to get into the middle of the ball with the middle of the rise. At the moment of impact, the supporting (left) leg is placed on the toe, and the body leans forward. At the moment of touching the ball with the lift, the leg will still be bent, but then, as if seeing off the ball, it will begin to straighten. Please note: before the impact, the ankle joint is relaxed, and when striking, it should be tense. The left hand at the moment of impact is carried forward upwards. To hit the ball with a running start, take a few steps back, but not away from the ball. Calculate the run-up so that at the moment of impact the position of the legs is the same as during the impact from the spot. When striking, lift the supporting leg on the toe so that the kicker does not touch the ground with your fingers.
Hitting the middle of the lift is one of the main ones. The height of the ball during a lift kick depends on how far the supporting foot is from the ball at the moment of impact. If the supporting leg is at the level of the ball, then by raising the kicking leg it is possible to touch the ball in the middle or even slightly higher. The flight of the ball with such a blow is low. If the supporting foot is farther from the ball, then the kicking foot can only touch the bottom of the ball. It turns out hooking, why the ball flies high.
The middle of the lift can send the ball in any direction, with varying strength and accuracy: a fairly large foot area is in contact with the ball.
In the game, this strike is used very often.
Hit inside rise
It is performed in the same way as a straight lift kick, but at the last moment before the kick, you need to turn the toe outward.
Often this kick is used when a player is on one of the edges of the field and wants to hang the ball on the goal. After all, such a player does not need to turn to face the target, as with a hit with the middle of the rise. So it saves time. You can strike such a blow with a direct run-up (in relation to the flight of the ball). It is often used by football players who have not mastered the kick with a straight lift or who have a long foot: with such a kick, the danger of touching the ground with the toe disappears, since the fingers are not facing the ground, but are at an angle to it.
If you want to strike such a blow with your right foot not forward, but to the side - to your left, do this: put the ball down and stand behind it with your left side to the side of the court where you intend to send the ball. Place a bent left leg slightly behind the ball and to the left of it. Take the right (beating) leg, also slightly bent, to swing back and slightly to the right. Now calculate the outward rotation of the ankle joint at the moment of impact so that the inside of the instep is comfortable to hit the bottom of the ball. The movement of the arms is the same as in a straight lift strike. The ball will fly low if the knee of the kicking leg is brought forward. And in order for the ball to fly high, it is necessary, on the contrary, not to bring the knee of this leg to the ball, but to strike at the bottom of the ball.

How to hit the ball in soccer

The beauty of the flight of the ball, the accuracy and power of impact are the result of long training. achieve correct technique in work with the ball is quite achievable. By learning and mastering the basic types of ball strokes, everyone will be able to increase their role in football team at various competitive levels.

The main quality of a football player is his professionalism. It is defined both in terms of team actions and individual ones. In order to make an accurate pass, accurately and accurately punch a free kick or a penalty kick, you need to know how to hit the ball correctly in various game situations.

How to hit the ball correctly?

In football, there are two types of ball kicks: from the ground and from the summer. In this case, they are performed both on a motionless lying ball, and on a rolling or flying one. Kicks are performed from a place and in motion, from a turn, in a jump and in a fall.

Any technique with the ball consists of three stages:

Stage 1 - run. The speed and length of the run are individual things, depending on the specific game moment.

Stage 2 - the process of swinging the shock leg with the simultaneous setting of the supporting leg. Strength depends on hip extension and flexion lower leg that produces motion. Proper execution the swing is carried out by lengthening the last step during the run.

Stage 3 is the kick to the ball. It is considered correct if the one who hits, in the process, sees his kicking leg.

In the process, the position of the supporting and kicking legs, as well as the inclination of the body, is determined. The main condition for performing an accurate and strong strike is correct position supporting leg. Even a slight inaccurate setting of it relative to the ball will significantly change the force of impact and the trajectory of the leather projectile. The pivot foot is the pointer to the direction of the ball. It also determines the height of the projectile, depending on its position (in front, behind or parallel to the ball). Having made a blow with the right foot, the left hand is exposed to the side, maintaining the balance of the body. When performing a similar action with the left foot, the right hand is retracted to the side. The height of the ball flight is also determined by the degree of deflection of the body.

The power coming from the hip depends on the degree of swing. Sometimes the striker takes a solid acceleration, makes an impressive swing, and the blow is not strong enough due to muscle strain. Every action has a reasonable limit.

Types and features techniques

There is no limit to polishing the perfection of football skill. By persistent training, the main techniques on the ball are achieved to perfection:

From the rise;



With twist;

Hinged strike;

Sock (pyrom);

With undercut;


Reception from the rise is carried out by the central part of the foot. The force is proportional to the area of ​​contact between the foot and the ball. The method is most often used when hitting a flying ball. A feature of this technique is the low accuracy of hitting the target.

Cheek technique ( inside feet) is the most accurate in football, although it loses in strength due to the small amplitude of the swing. It is used for passes, as well as breaking through 11-meter strikes.

The impact of the swede (outer side of the foot) is caused by turning the foot inward. In this case, the trajectory of the ball's flight is completely unpredictable. With sufficient training, such a blow reaches considerable force.

Reception with a twist is the reception of a real master. The spin of the ball is carried out by the outer and inner side of the boot. Performing an internal twist, the blow is applied by the location thumb legs. The nuance is the automatic extension of the movement of the leg after the action. External twist is a variety of reception by a Swede. In this case, the supporting leg is placed further than the line of the ball. The kicking leg continues the motion of the ball by turning the foot inward.

Hinged is most often used when serving the ball into someone else's penalty area from corner kicks, as well as when hastily removing a leather projectile from their own goal. In this case, the ball is given the highest trajectory by hitting from below.

Pyrom (from the toe) is performed for strength. This is a yard football technique. In this case, a blow is made to the middle part of the ball, and, having gained significant acceleration, it often flies not along a given trajectory. Sometimes a penalty kick is performed with this technique, carrying out the strongest blow. In this case, the foot of the supporting leg is always turned forward.

Undercutting the ball is made under the ball with a sharp stop of the leg. The blow is carried out bottom foot lift.

The heel strike is usually performed in dynamic situations where there is no other way to strike. In this case, the toes of both feet should be directed forward. Hit the bottom of the ball. The protrusion of one foot forward will make it possible to correct its direction.

Are there any universal tricks? Hardly. Rather, it is the individual technique of world-class football players. These are free kicks with the ball twisting with the inside of the foot performed by D. Beckham, and the famous Czechoslovak “panenka” when breaking through a 11-meter free kick using a light sweep under the bottom of the ball. Many people remember the strongest free-kick by R. Carlos and the toe shot by I. Belanov.

Football is a fast game. The ability of players to play at high speeds is highly valued. In this case, hits are made on the ball in the process of running. It can be a hinged or serve, a kick-cut over the goalkeeper, a cheek, swede, from the toe. The main thing here is to make the best decision.

Basics of the first training sessions

Hitting the ball in football is the most important component of the game. But all kinds of ball techniques are worth little without regular training sessions that contribute to the constant improvement of football skills.

Any football player starts training sessions after the results of a medical examination and permission to visit them issued by a doctor.

A novice athlete takes classes to master the basics of football skills:

hitting techniques;

Basic technical methods;

Range and strength accuracy;

Techniques for handling the ball on the move.

In parallel, competitive elements are held, as well as individual classes, where there is an opportunity to acquire the right skills and eliminate technical and other shortcomings. The frequency of training depends on physical health, the abilities of the football player himself, the initial inclinations. The optimal initial frequency is 1-2 times a week. In the initial stage of training, a natural slight stretching of the muscles of the whole body occurs. When a good physical shape is achieved, the intensity and frequency of training can be increased.

Any work with the ball provides for the presence of two important elements - physical form and basic skills. good footballer- this is not someone who hits the ball hard and runs fast, but someone who is able to simultaneously master the basic skills: the correct handling of the ball (the ability to receive, process, give a timely pass, shoot a free kick, use dribbling). Well, and most importantly, he must understand the tactical and strategic task of a football game.

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