Mass sports competitions in the USSR instead of the Olympic ones. History of Physical Culture: Textbook

The largest and at the same time the oldest mass sports festival in the history of mankind is Olympic Games. In life Ancient Greece Olympic holidays, especially in their heyday, were of great social and cultural significance. Here poets read their poems, musicians performed their works. It is known that the games were repeatedly attended by the mathematician Pythagoras, the philosophers Plato and Aristotle, and the historian Herodotus. In the era of Ancient Rome, participants from chariot races to reading tragedies and playing the lyre competed for the title of winner in the Olympic competitions. In ancient Greece, along with Olympic holidays other agons were also widespread (“agon” is an ancient Greek word meaning competition): Nemean, Pythian, Isthmian games, etc.

In our country, the organization of mass sports festivals is associated with the holding of the Spartakiad. Spartakiad- it's massive sport competitions in the USSR and other socialist countries. Initially, Spartakiads (after the leader of the Roman slave uprising Spartacus) were called sports competitions held by pro-communist German sports clubs. The purpose of the Olympic Games is to reveal record achievements in the field of purely individualistic bourgeois sports. And in contrast to the Olympic Games of the capitalist countries, the Red Sports International (KSI) organized International working sports holidays (spartakiads), which aimed to promote physical education as a means of improving the health of the proletariat and class education of the working masses. In addition to individual sports competitions, mass performances were held here.

In the 1920s, sports and athletics spread to the USSR, where they were supposed to serve as a replacement Olympic Movement, in which the USSR did not participate until 1952 - at first due to the boycott of the IOC, later on its own initiative due to ideological differences. The first All-Union Spartakiad with the participation of foreign guests took place in 1928 in Moscow. In 1932, the World Spartakiad of the Red Sports International took place. In subsequent decades, the Spartakiads of the armed forces of the USSR, the peoples of the USSR, trade unions of the USSR, DOSAAF were held. They also organized in other socialist countries such as the GDR and Czechoslovakia. Spartakiads, as a rule, were accompanied by colorful parades of athletes.

Parade of athletes- an event held in the USSR and designed to promote physical education and sports among the Soviet people. In 1919, the first parade of athletes and Vsevobuch detachments took place on Red Square in Moscow. The most grandiose parades were held during the Stalin period in the capital of the USSR - Moscow. Parades were also held in some other cities of the USSR. In particular, in 1927, the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the October Revolution was held in Barnaul with a parade of athletes. In 1935, at the parade of athletes in Moscow, Stalin was called “the best friend of the pioneers,” and in 1936, at the parade of athletes in Moscow, the slogan “Thank you Comrade Stalin for our happy childhood!” first appeared. Prominent Soviet figures of culture and art were involved in the organization of these spectacular events. For example, in the 1940s, sketches of costumes and compositions for the Parade of Athletes on Red Square were created by the famous theater artist F.F. Fedorovsky.

Impressive sports and artistic performances were organized in Athlete's Day. The All-Union Athlete's Day was established by the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, which signed a corresponding decree on July 16, 1939. The first day of the athlete was celebrated on July 18, 1939. The holiday was intended to promote mass promotion of physical culture and sports in the country. It became the day of the traditional nationwide review of the achievements of the Soviet physical culture movement and the skills of Soviet athletes. On this day throughout the country were held demonstration performances athletes and competitions at various levels.

Colorful all-Union parades of athletes and mass sports and gymnastic performances were among the most striking events. So, in 1945, 25 thousand participants performed at the All-Union Parade of Athletes on Red Square. There were 22 performances in the sports and gymnastics part of the parade, which lasted more than four hours. Since 1956, the openings of the Spartakiads of the peoples of the USSR, mass sports competitions held every four years, have been timed to coincide with the All-Union Day of Athlete. The date of the Day of the Athlete was set annually. After the collapse of the USSR, the tradition of celebrating the Day of the Athlete was preserved. Athlete's Day is celebrated in Russia on the second Saturday of August.

All-Russian mass ski race "Ski Track of Russia" has been held annually since 1982 and is always a big winter celebration. Both amateurs and professionals participate in it at distances from 5 to 50 km. For decades, it has united fans of one of the most popular and massive sports. This bright, large-scale winter holiday has a glorious history, which is adorned with legendary names and achievements of skiers of different generations. Every year the "Ski Track of Russia" becomes more and more significant event in sports life the whole country. The number of its participants is increasing from year to year.

Cross nation- the most massive sport's event in the territory Russian Federation, race at a distance of 1 km to 12 km. It has been held since 2004. The main purpose of the "Cross of the Nation" is propaganda healthy lifestyle life and the involvement of Russian citizens in physical education. The All-Russian Running Day traditionally takes place in two stages. The first stage of the competition is held in the Russian regions on the third Sunday of September. Distances and conditions of participation are determined by the organizers of the competitions on the ground. Its winners and prize-winners receive the right to participate in the final stage of the "Cross of the Nation" - the Grand Prix, which takes place in Moscow a week after the completion of the first stage. Hundreds of thousands of schoolchildren, students, state employees and civil servants are involved in the runs. Contrary to the name "cross-country", the races most often take place on the track of the stadium or on the highway.

Along with all-Russian events, almost all regions have developed traditions of holding their own mass sports festivals.

Holiday of the North in Murmansk has been leading its history since March 30, 1934. In 1970 it acquired the status of an international sports festival, and the locals have long called it the "Polar Olympics". In 2004, the 70th anniversary of the holiday was solemnly celebrated. Every year sports competitions are held in March, in "frost and sun", in the midst of the ski season. Competitions are held in almost all winter sports: ski race, biathlon, skiing, hockey, figure skating. At the initiative of the indigenous people, reindeer sleigh races, skiers being towed by reindeer, as well as walrus swims, snowmobile rides, and group paratrooper jumps are organized. Traditionally, the holiday ends ski marathon for 50 km.

Traditional in Tver track and field relay May 9, dedicated Victory Day, originates in 1948, when the third anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. Until 1971, the launch was given on Sovetskaya Square, in subsequent years and until today - at the Obelisk of Victory. Teams of schools, technical schools, institutes, organizations and sports clubs take part in the relay race. The peak of mass participation was reached in 1981 - about 4 thousand participants.

So, history shows that such events contribute to increasing people's interest in physical self-improvement, the disclosure of the value of physical culture and the formation in the mass consciousness of an understanding of the vital need for physical culture and sports activities.

The next period in the history of physical culture begins in 1957. In the country at this time, a radical restructuring of the structure of society, the implementation of a cultural revolution, and changes in the way of life of the population are planned. As a result of these changes, new tasks were also set for the physical culture movement. This period is replete with numerous resolutions of the party and government, which were called upon to play a leading role in all areas of the life of Soviet people, including the development of physical culture and sports.

In fact, after the next decision, there was some rise and revival in the physical culture movement. But in connection with the growing stagnation in the life of our society, this could not but affect the development of physical culture and sports.

In January 1959, the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR analyzed the 40-year path of development of physical culture. Having considered the results achieved and sports successes in the international arena, they came to the conclusion that in the coming decades, physical culture and sports should be turned into a mass movement. It was concluded that the leading physical education link within the framework of a mass organization will be able to more easily cope with the increased tasks, being under public (state) control. On this basis, in March 1959, the Union of Sports Societies and Organizations of the USSR was created, i.e. the leadership of the physical culture movement was carried out by an elected public organization. The main task of the Union was to further develop mass sports and sports movement in the country, as well as in creating conditions for the construction of new sports facilities, more effective participation in protecting the health of workers.

At the founding session of the Union of Sports Societies and Organizations of the USSR, the Central Council of the Union was elected and a seven-year plan for the development of Soviet physical culture was adopted, which provided for an increase in the number of athletes to 50 million.

In connection with the course adopted from 1959 - 1965. The following activities were carried out in the country:

1. Designed long-term plans creation of complex sports facilities. The priority capital construction plans included the construction of sports complexes in the villages and on the backward state and collective farms.

2. With the involvement of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR, the curricula of school and extracurricular physical education. Measures have been taken to strengthen control over physical education in preschool institutions. The emphasis in the physical education of preschoolers was placed on sport games. Physical education was introduced in the homes of pioneers, pioneer camps, children's and youth sports schools Oh.

3. In the interests of strengthening physical education and intensifying classes among adults, industrial gymnastics began to be widely disseminated, and special attention was paid to multilateral sports, which are of the nature of leisure. Along with hiking, new types of tourism appeared on bicycles, boats and skis.

Classes in OFP groups (health groups) for middle-aged and elderly people have become widespread.

Health workshops began to be created at enterprises. They were an association of such services as treatment-and-prophylactic and physical culture and sports. The health workshops included stadiums and houses of culture, polyclinics and sanatoriums, canteens, athletic facilities and etc.

At industrial enterprises, one of the forms of introducing people to mass physical culture was the review-competition of workshops for the title of "The Most Ski Workshop", "The Workshop of Friends of the TRP", etc.

4. Measures have been taken for the purpose of more qualified training of teachers and social activists. The number of training courses has increased.

In the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On measures for the further development of physical culture and sports", adopted in August 1966, the task was set - to give physical culture universal character. Achieving this level was a higher stage of development compared to mass production. This resolution defined goals aimed at improving the management of physical culture and sports, at creating a science-based system of physical education, which should cover all population groups, starting from childhood, an increase in appropriations for mass sports work, the purchase of sports equipment and inventory, the creation of specialized youth sports schools and schools of higher sportsmanship. It also defined measures to improve the skills of teachers, lecturers, trainers, strengthen the material and technical base, increase the attention of scientific institutions to the study of sociological, pedagogical, psychological and biomedical problems, increase the mass physical culture movement and sportsmanship.

However, the Union of Sports Societies and Organizations of the USSR, as a public organization, did not have sufficient rights to successfully solve the tasks set in the field of physical culture and sports. In connection with this decision of the government of October 17, 1968, the Union-Republican Committee for Physical Culture and Sports was created under the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

The summer and winter Spartakiads of the peoples of the USSR continued to serve as a national review of the achievements of the Soviet physical culture movement. They intensified physical culture work in all parts of the physical culture movement, played an important role in preparing our athletes for the Olympic Games.

Millions of people took part in the mass starts of the Spartakiad, which lasted 2-3 years. different ages and professions. So, in 1967, 85 million people participated in the IV Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR, in 1979, 100 million people participated in the VII Spartakiad.

The final part of the Spartakiad of the peoples of the USSR collected the best representatives Soviet sports, and over 2 thousand foreign athletes from 84 countries took part in the VII Spartakiad (1979). The program of the Spartakiad included competitions in more than 20 sports (summer) and all Olympic sports, except for bobsleigh (winter sports days).

In 1977, a new Constitution of the USSR was adopted. Included in the Constitution new chapter"Social Development and Culture", where special attention was paid to the comprehensive spiritual and physical development of the young generation and workers.

48. GTO complex (1972) and its role in the development of the physical culture movement.

From March 1, 1972 was introduced new complex GTO, since the complex of 1959 did not correspond to the new tasks and could not serve as the basis for further improvement of the system of physical education.

This complex should create ample opportunities for solving the problem of turning a mass physical culture movement into a nationwide one. The complex consisted of six steps. covering the age range from 7 to 60 years:

Stage I - “Ready for starts” (for children from 7 to 9 years old).

Stage II - "Brave and dexterous" (for boys and girls aged 10-13).

Stage III - "Sports shift" (for teenagers 14 - 15 years old).

Stage IV - "Strength and Courage" (for boys and girls aged 16-18).

Stage V - "Physical Perfection" (for men aged 19-39 and women aged 19-34).

Stage VI - "Vigor and health" (for men 40 - 60 years old and women 35 - 55 years old).

Each stage of the TRP complex consisted of sections of requirements and exercises and norms.

A movement was launched in the country to pass the TRP standards, special commissions were created that adopted the TRP standards, drew up protocols and assigned gold, silver and bronze badges in accordance with the result. “Open starts”, “Days of sports”, “Become a TRP champion”, “Through the TRP complex - to the highest labor productivity”, “From the TRP badge to Olympic medal"and many others.

At the end of 1978, TRP winter all-around competitions began to be held, the program of which included skiing, shooting, pull-ups on the bar, push-ups.

To implement the ideas that physical education should be included in everyday life population was sent the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On the further rise in the mass character of physical culture and sports" (September 1981). It was a detailed program of the physical culture movement in the new conditions and covered its most important problems. The Committee on Physical Culture was asked to expand the network of sports clubs at the place of residence, to revise learning programs in educational institutions, to improve the work of youth sports schools, sports camps, to develop Olympic sports, to improve research work.

However, the solution of these and other tasks was held back by stagnation in the economic and socio-cultural spheres of our society in the 1970s and the first half of the 1980s. The residual principle of financing affected. Practical activities sports organizations in those years, it was often evaluated not by the development of mass physical culture and health work, but by the number of cups, diplomas and medals won, by the training of only individual athletes, “iron” test-takers.

In the physical culture movement, there has been a deepening of the imbalance between mass character and mastery, to the obvious detriment of the first. The development of physical culture and sports was hindered by many departmental barriers in the use of sports facilities, administrative and bureaucratic methods of managing the physical culture movement.

The Decree of 1981 prompted the development of new forms of mass sports work, gave a new impetus to many already tested means: sports and recreation complexes (FOC) began to form; mass competitions of the “Swimmer's Week”, “Skier's Week”, etc.; mass competitions “The whole brigade to the stadium”, “Dad, mom and me - sport family»; the forms of mass sports work with children were constantly improved: competitions for the prizes of the clubs “Leather Ball”, “Golden Puck”, “Olympic Snowflake”, “Our Ice of Hope”, etc. gained particular popularity among children.

For the development of physical culture and sports in the country, it was planned to strengthen the organizational side of physical education, better use of existing sports facilities, develop public initiative, amateur performance of the population in the development physical culture work at the place of residence, the construction of the simplest sports grounds and halls.

All this was reflected in the "Basic Directions for the Economic and Social Development of the USSR for 1986-1990". and for the period up to the year 2000.

The restructuring of the physical culture movement was supposed to raise all branches of sports science, the system of training personnel, highly qualified athletes, the selection of sports reserves, the activities of sports institutions, and the organization of sports competitions to high levels.

In fact, against the backdrop of the political events that have taken place, the collapse of the USSR, the formation of the CIS, etc. in physical culture and sports there was a significant decline. Such forms of occupations as industrial gymnastics, health groups, etc. have lost their relevance. In a market economy, most sports facilities have switched to self-supporting. This led to an increase in rent for classes, the poor part of the population lost the opportunity to engage in physical culture and sports. Sports schools are in the same disastrous condition, children do not have the opportunity to travel to competitions in other cities. Leading athletes are forced to sign more lucrative contracts outside of Russia.

The significance of the I Spartakiad of the peoples of the USSR is that it was a test of the state of physical culture and sports work, contributed to the involvement of the broad masses of the population in regular classes physical culture and sports; stimulated the development of sports and the growth of sports achievements; identified capable athletes who replenished the national teams. In 1959, the II Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR took place, the peculiarity of which was that in addition to the combined teams of the republics, Moscow and Leningrad, teams of physical culture teams of factories, plants, and institutions competed in five sports. top scores swimming and athletics were shown by athletes from the Leningrad Optical and Mechanical Plant, gymnastics from the Moscow Fili Club, cycling from the Riga Carriage Repair Plant and other teams. P. Bolotnikov became the winners of the Spartakiad ( Athletics), Yu. Vlasov (weightlifting), B. Shakhlin and P. Astakhova (gymnastics), etc. Later, the Spartakiads of the peoples of the USSR became a good tradition in the Soviet physical culture movement. International Sports Relations in the Postwar Period In May 1951, the Soviet National Olympic Committee (NOC) was admitted to the International Olympic Committee (IOC). First Soviet athletes took part in the XV Olympic Games in Helsinki (1952). The participation of sportsmen from the USSR gave the Olympic Games a new character. They competed throughout the Olympic program except for field hockey. Athletes of the USSR achieved particular success in gymnastics, classical and freestyle wrestling, weightlifting, and shooting, winning first places. Good results were shown by basketball players, track and field athletes, rowers, who took second overall places. Soviet athletes set 2 world and 6 Olympic records. They brought 22 gold, 30 silver and 19 bronze medals. Discus thrower Nina Romashkova won the first gold medal. A total of 29 Soviet athletes became Olympic champions. In the unofficial standings, Soviet athletes, as well as US athletes, scored 494 points, dividing first and second places. In 1956, USSR athletes participated in the Winter Olympic Games in Cortina d'Ampezzo (Italy) for the first time. Our skaters achieved the greatest success, having won 4 gold medals, and hockey players, who won the honorary titles of champions of the Olympic Games, the world and Europe. Our athletes performed well in cross-country skiing (2 gold medals). In total, USSR athletes received 7 gold, 3 silver and 6 bronze medals. The largest sporting event in 1956 was the participation of Soviet athletes in the XVI Olympic Games held in Melbourne (Australia). Late dates for the Games (late November – early December), climatic and geographical conditions required careful preparation Olympic team. But, despite this, our team won, winning 37 gold, 29 silver, 32 bronze medals, scoring 622.5 points in the unofficial standings, the US team - 497.5. A total of 58 athletes became Olympic champions . The hero of the Olympic Games was Vladimir Kuts, who won victories in the 5 and 10 thousand meters. 8.4. FURTHER DEVELOPMENT OF PHYSICAL CULTURE IN THE USSR The next period in the history of physical culture begins in 1957. At that time, a radical restructuring of the structure of society, the implementation of a cultural revolution, and changes in the way of life of the population are planned in the country. As a result of these changes, new tasks were also set before the physical culture movement. This period is replete with numerous resolutions of the party and government, which were called upon to play a leading role in all areas of the life of Soviet people, including the development of physical culture and sports. In fact, after the next decision, there was some rise and revival in the physical culture movement. But in connection with the growing stagnation in the life of our society, this could not but affect the development of physical culture and sports. In January 1959, the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR analyzed the 40-year path of development of physical culture. After reviewing the results achieved and sporting successes in the international arena, they came to the conclusion that in the coming decades, physical culture and sports should be turned into a mass movement. It was concluded that the leading physical culture link within the framework of a mass organization will be able to more easily cope with the increased tasks, being under public (state) control. On this basis, in March 1959, the Union of Sports Societies and Organizations of the USSR was created, i.e. The leadership of the physical culture movement was carried out by an elected public organization. The main task of the Union was to further develop the mass physical culture and sports movement in the country, as well as to create conditions for the construction of new sports facilities, more effective participation in protecting the health of workers. At the founding session of the Union of Sports Societies and Organizations of the USSR, the Central Council of the Union was elected and a seven-year plan for the development of Soviet physical culture was adopted, which provided for an increase in the number of athletes to 50 million. 131 In connection with the adopted course from 1959 - 1965. The following activities were carried out in the country: 1. Long-term plans for the creation of complex sports facilities were developed. Among the top-priority plans for capital construction was included the construction of sports complexes in the villages and on backward state farms and collective farms. 2. With the involvement of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR, curricula for school and out-of-school physical education have been revised. Measures have been taken to strengthen control over physical education in preschool institutions. The emphasis in the physical education of preschoolers was on sports games. Physical education was introduced in pioneer homes, pioneer camps, and youth sports schools. 3. In the interests of strengthening physical education and intensifying classes among adults, the widespread distribution of industrial gymnastics began, and special importance was attached to multilateral sports, which are of the nature of leisure. Along with hiking, new types of tourism appeared on bicycles, boats and skis. Classes in general physical education groups (health groups) for middle-aged and elderly people have become widespread. Health workshops began to be created at enterprises. They were an association of such services as medical and preventive and physical culture and sports. The health workshops included stadiums and houses of culture, polyclinics and sanatoriums, canteens, sports facilities, etc. At industrial enterprises, one of the forms of introducing people to mass physical culture was the competition of workshops for the title “The most ski workshop”, “ Shop of Friends of the TRP”, etc. 132 4. Measures have been taken to provide more qualified training for teachers and social activists. The number of training courses has increased. In the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR “On measures for the further development of physical culture and sports”, adopted in August 1966, the task was set to give physical culture a nationwide character. Achieving this level was a higher stage of development compared to mass production. This resolution defined goals aimed at improving the management of physical culture and sports, at creating a scientifically based system of physical education, which should cover all groups of the population, starting from childhood, an increase in allocations for sports and mass work, the acquisition of sports equipment and inventory, the creation of specialized youth sports schools and schools of higher sportsmanship. It also defined measures to improve the skills of teachers, lecturers, trainers, strengthen the material and technical base, increase the attention of scientific institutions to the study of sociological, pedagogical, psychological and biomedical problems, increase the mass physical culture movement and sports mass thrashing. However, the Union of Sports Societies and Organizations of the USSR, as a public organization, did not have sufficient rights to successfully solve the tasks set in the field of physical culture and sports. In connection with this decision of the government of October 17, 1968, the Union-Republican Committee for Physical Culture and Sports was created under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. The summer and winter Spartakiads of the peoples of the USSR continued to serve as a national review of the achievements of the Soviet physical culture movement. They intensified physical culture work in all parts of the physical culture movement, played an important role in preparing our athletes for the Olympic Games. Millions of people of different ages and professions took part in the mass starts of the Spartakiad, which lasted 2-3 years. Thus, in 1967, 85 million people participated in the IV Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR, in 1979, 100 million people took part in the VII Spartakiad. The final part of the Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR brought together the best representatives of Soviet sports, and over 2,000 foreign athletes from 84 countries took part in the VII Spartakiad (1979). The program of the Spartakiad included competitions in more than 20 sports (summer) and all Olympic sports, except for bobsleigh (winter sports and athletics). In 1977, a new Constitution of the USSR was adopted. A new chapter "Social development and culture" was included in the Constitution, where special attention was paid to the comprehensive spiritual and physical development of the young generation and workers. On March 1, 1972, a new complex of the TRP was introduced, since the complex of 1959 did not correspond to the new tasks and could not serve as the basis for further improvement of the system of physical education. This complex should create ample opportunities for solving the problem of turning a mass physical culture movement into a nationwide one. The complex consisted of six steps. covering the age range from 7 to 60 years: Stage I - “Ready for starts” (for children from 7 to 9 years old). Stage II - "Brave and dexterous" (for boys and girls aged 10-13). Stage III - "Sports shift" (for teenagers 14 - 15 years old). 134 Stage IV – “Strength and Courage” (for boys and girls aged 16-18). Stage V - "Physical perfection" (for men 19 - 39 years old and women 19 - 34 years old). Stage VI - "Vigor and health" (for men 40-60 years old and women 35-55 years old). Each stage of the TRP complex consisted of sections of requirements and exercises and norms. A movement was launched in the country to pass the TRP standards, special commissions were created that accepted the TRP standards, drew up protocols and assigned gold, silver and bronze badges in accordance with the result. “Open Starts”, “Days of Sports”, “Become a TRP Champion”, “Through the TRP Complex to Higher Labor Productivity”, “From the TRP Badge to the Olympic Medal”, and many others became widespread. At the end of 1978 TRP winter all-around competitions began to be held, the program of which included skiing, shooting, pull-ups on the crossbar, and push-ups. The Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR “On the further rise of the mass character of physical culture and sports” (September 1981) was sent to implement the ideas that physical culture should be part of the daily life of the population. It was a detailed program of the physical culture movement in the new conditions and covered its most important problems. The Committee on Physical Culture was proposed to expand the network of sports clubs in the community, revise the curricula in educational institutions, improve the work of the Youth Sports School, sports and health camps, develop Olympic sports, and improve research work. 135 However, the solution of these and other tasks was held back by stagnation in the economic and socio-cultural spheres of our society in the 70s and the first half of the 80s. The residual principle of financing affected. The practical activity of physical culture organizations in those years was often evaluated not by the development of mass physical culture and health-improving work, but by the number of cups, certificates and medals won, by training only individual athletes, “iron” test-takers. In the physical culture movement, there has been a deepening of the imbalance between mass character and mastery, to the obvious detriment of the first. The development of physical culture and sports was hindered by many departmental barriers in the use of sports facilities, administrative and bureaucratic methods of managing the physical culture movement. The Decree of 1981 prompted the development of new forms of mass sports work, gave a new impetus to many already tested means: sports and recreation complexes (FC) began to form; mass competitions of the “Swimmer's Week”, “Skier's Week”, etc.; mass competitions “The whole brigade to the stadium”, “Dad, mom and I are a sports family” were widely introduced into practice; the forms of mass sports work with children were constantly improved: competitions for the prizes of the clubs “Leather ball”, “Golden puck”, “Olympic snowflake”, “Our ice of hope”, etc. became especially popular among children. For the development of physical culture and sports in the country, it was planned to strengthen the organizational side of physical education, better use of existing sports facilities, develop public initiative, self-activity of the population in the development of physical culture work at the place of residence, construction of simple sports grounds and halls. 136 All this was reflected in the “Guidelines for the Economic and Social Development of the USSR for 1986-1990”. and for the period up to the year 2000. The restructuring of the physical culture movement was supposed to raise all branches of sports science, the system of personnel training, top-qualified athletes, the selection of sports reserves, the activities of sports institutions, and the organization of sports competitions to high levels. In fact, against the backdrop of the political events that have taken place, the collapse of the USSR, the formation of the CIS, etc. there was a significant decline in physical culture and sports. Such forms of training as industrial gymnastics, health groups, etc. have lost their relevance. In the conditions of a market economy, most sports facilities have switched to self-financing. This led to an increase in rent for classes, the poor part of the population lost the opportunity to engage in physical culture and sports. Sports schools are in the same disastrous condition, children do not have the opportunity to travel to competitions in other cities. Leading athletes are forced to sign more profitable contracts outside of Russia. Analysis of the performances of Soviet athletes at the Summer and Winter Olympic Games and other competitions of 1960-1990. In the XVII Olympic Games in 1960, which were held in Rome (Italy), 5348 athletes from 83 countries took part. 151 were played in 20 types Golden medal. The Games ended with the victory of the Soviet athletes, who were far ahead of the US athletes. The USSR team won 43 gold, 29 silver, 31 bronze medals, scoring 382.5 points in the unofficial team standings. In second place in the unofficial standings is the US team with 137,463.5 points, winning 34 gold, 21 silver and 16 bronze medals. In third place is the combined team of the GDR and the FRG - 42 medals and 280.5 points. The winners of the Olympiad were T. Press (athletics), E. Ozolina (athletics), P. Bolotnikov (athletics), V. Zhdanovich (fencing), V. Kapitonov (cycling), B. Shakhlin (gymnastics). ). At the VIII Winter Olympic Games in Squaw Valley (USA), held in 1960, the USSR team performed successfully, winning 7 gold, 5 silver and 9 bronze medals and the first team place. E. Grishin and L. Skoblikova (skates) won two gold medals each, and V. Kosichkin and K. Guseva (skates) won one each. The XVIII Olympic Games were held for the first time on the Asian continent in 1964, in Tokyo (Japan). 5140 sportsmen came to the capital of this state and competed in 22 events for 163 gold medals. Athletes from the Soviet Union won the team championship, scoring 607.8 points and winning 96 medals (30 gold). The most representative at the Games was also the USSR team - 319 people. The US team, which managed to bypass the Soviet delegation in the number of gold awards (36), lost to it in the total number of medals (90) and in the number of points (581.8). The third place, as in the previous Olympiad, was taken by the combined team of the GDR and the FRG - 337.5 points, 50 medals. Among the winners were the following athletes: V. Popenchenko (boxing), V. Brumel (athletics), V. Ivanov (rowing), T. Press (athletics), V. Zhdanovich and B. Melnikov (fencing). The IX Winter Olympic Games were held in 1964 in the Austrian city of Innsbruck. The USSR national team won by 138

Youth sports in general and children's sports in particular from the first years of Soviet power became one of the main objects of attention of the country's leadership, the ultimate goal of which was to create a strong state with healthy citizens. The promotion of a healthy lifestyle, the mass production of sports equipment and equipment, the strengthening of the material and technical base, the introduction of TRP standards - these are far from all the actions of the Soviet government designed to popularize sports.

For development children's sports specially created sports departments and societies responded: children's and youth sports schools, sport sections, clubs DOSAAF. In 1946, mandatory health monitoring of children involved in physical education classes was introduced. Since 1956, some educational institutions have begun to independently form a physical education program. A year later, the Burevestnik student sports society was created, which in a couple of years had about one and a half million people. In the 80s, the emphasis was on the sequence of classes for the physical development of young people: from preschool to the university. At the same time, the concept is approved, according to which the development of youth sports ceases to be only a way to spend free time, but also becomes a tool for solving social problems (aggression, smoking, alcoholism).

Sports sections and competitions for children

Especially notable results there were sports and gymnastic competitions and holidays that amazed with their mass character and diversity. On average, about 300 of them were held per year. And this is only according to the All-Union sports calendar. Among the largest and most famous youth tournaments, we recall the Leather Ball football tournament, the Golden Puck hockey championship, military sports games"Eaglet" and "Zarnitsa". Volleyball and basketball clubs were popular. Tennis and badminton were not as popular, but the number of fans of racket games was constantly growing. Chess and checkers sections attracted the attention of a large number of schoolchildren and students. In almost all sports, tournaments of various levels were held, from regional to all-Union. By itself,
Outfit, equipment and equipment of children's and youth sports schools and sections were paid for by the state.

It was these and many other sections that made it possible to achieve the highest results that Soviet athletes could boast of. Perhaps there was no sport in which the Soviet Union would be uncompetitive. The basis of all success was precisely the concern for physical development children and their mass introduction to physical culture and sports - amateur and professional, because where children are not paid attention, there are no adult victories.


Spartakiad- Mass sports competitions in the USSR and other socialist countries.

Spartakiads were also held in other socialist countries such as the GDR and Czechoslovakia.

Conducted sports days

  • All-Union Spartakiad of schoolchildren
  • Summer Spartakiad of Trade Unions of the USSR
  • Winter Spartakiad of Trade Unions
  • Winter Olympics of friendly armies of the USSR
  • Spartakiad of the peoples of the RSFSR



  • The revival of the Spartakiad movement in Russia and the CIS countries

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