Summer small olympic games in dhow. Scenario of the sports festival "Small Olympic Games


Create an atmosphere of joy and emotional well-being.

- To instill in children a love for sports and physical education, an interest in the Olympic Games, in competitions.

- To consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired in physical education classes.

Develop children's creativity, imagination; encourage children to show initiative.

To cultivate a sense of friendship, collectivism, the ability to control one's actions.

The course of a sports festival in kindergarten

The phonogram "Sports March" sounds.

Moderator: Hello dear guests! We are starting the solemn opening ceremony of the Small Olympic Games.

To the Olympic Stadium kindergarten _________ the Stars team comes out. There are excellent guys in the team - future masters of sports. They are ready for a serious fight. We wish you happy starts!

Host: On track Olympic Stadium kindergarten __________ the “Bells” team comes out. The team is strong with friendship and the desire to win. There are many sports stars here who are sure to flare up at the Olympic stadium today.

Congratulations to all the kids who did everything to perform well today at the Small Olympic Games.


What is the Olympics?

This is a fair sports fight!

Participation is a reward

Anyone can win!

We open the games of the Olympians

We invite everyone to the holiday!

We wish you health, happiness, joy,

May Olympic success come to all!


Holiday joyful, beautiful,

There was no better and no

And from all the happy children

Our Olympics:

Children: Hello! Hello! Hello!

Leading: Today we are holding small Olympic Games.

(To the jury)

Presenter: The honorable right to bring flags: the state flag of Russia, the flag of the city _______, the flag of the kindergarten _________, as well as the main flag today, the flag of the Olympic Games is given to the best pupils of the kindergarten _________________

Dear members of the jury! Competitors of the Small Olympic Games are lined up. Let us bring the flags of our country, our city and the Olympic flag and light the Olympic flame!

Jury: Allowed!

Leading: Teams line up for the solemn introduction of the flags. Athletes take it easy! Alignment with the banners!

(The anthem of Russia sounds, flags are brought in).


Words are not written on the flags, but all people know that five multi-colored interlaced rings are a symbol of peace and friendship of athletes from five continents: Australia, Europe, Africa, Asia, America.


Five rings on a white flag

entwined with each other,

As if all the athletes in the world

Hold hands tightly.

Leading. A long way overcomes the Olympic flame. It is lit by Greek girls near the ruins of Ancient Hellas. Repeatedly passing from hand to hand, the torch hurries through the whole world to reach the Olympic stadium. Today we light the Olympic flame - a symbol of peace and friendship among the peoples of the planet.

(The instructor lights the Olympic flame)


Sacred Olympian fire

Burning over the planet of the century!

And the torch, lit today,

Let the flame of friendship burn.

And the slogan: "Peace to all peoples!"

Sounds at our holiday!

Instructor: The Olympic Games are declared open.

There are two teams in the Olympic Games today.

Before the competition, all participants take an oath, let's swear today to be honest, to abide by the rules of the competition, to respect the victory of the opponent.

Oath of the Olympians

"On behalf of all competitors, I promise that we will participate in the Olympic Games, respecting and abiding by the rules by which they are held, in a truly sporting spirit, for the glory of sport and the honor of our teams"

1st leader. Who can compare with the nimble wind?

Children. We are Olympians!

2nd leader. Who believes in victory, is not afraid of obstacles?

Children. We are Olympians!

1st leader. Who is proud of the sport of beloved Russia?

Children. We are Olympians!

2nd leader.

We swear to be honest

Strive for victory

We swear to achieve high records!

Children. We swear, we swear, we swear!


There are teams - they are ready! The referees will monitor the fairness of the game. Let me introduce the members panel of judges.

Kindergarten manager ___________

Educator - ________

Psychologist - _____________

Honorary guest of our small Olympic Games ______________


We wish good luck, health, happiness, sunshine and victories to all participants!

You are invited to try your hand at five sports - according to the number of rings on the Olympic flag:





Fishing sport

Teams greet each other.

Child from the "Bells" team:

Today we wish you:

Successes and victories.

the Stars team

Our physical education hello!

A child from the Stars team:

Sports fuse

We wish you good

team bells

In honor of our friendship

Shout a resounding "Hurrah!"

Host: Now we can safely start our competition. All athletes do a warm-up before the start. Let's do some warm-up exercises.

Warm-up "Heel-toe"

Host: Today, a support group is in a hurry to visit us at the Small Olympic Games. We invite you! Meet! (Baba Yaga runs out).

Baba Yaga: Gentlemen are good. For what reason is the noise - din - chatter?

Host: We have the Olympic Games.

Baba Yaga: Oh, games! So they were invited (nods towards the children and the jury), but I was not!

I also want to play.

Host: Here we are sport games. Are you an athlete, Yaga?

Baba Yaga: No, but my dear, it may be so. I'll call him now and tell him everything, everything. (Calls, Kuzya runs out)

Kuzya: Oh, hello my girlfriend. Why did you call me?

Baba Yaga:

We weren't invited to the games.

We need to teach them.

We'll take everything for the games,

And we'll take it home

Everything is useful in business.


Wait Baba Yaga and Kuzya Sports Equipment we will give it to you if you show us how you will use them?

(They show: with each other, fencing with clubs - fighting).

Presenter: You see, everyone was laughed at, you don’t know how to play sports, so you mixed everything up.

Baba Yaga: (grabbing his sides)

Oh, my years!

As in the field of cornflowers:

They flew not to catch up,

And I don't recognize myself.

Here to give me a massage,

Put on makeup.

Braid blond braids,

Yes, two hundred years would be thrown off,

I would then show “Wow!”


You, Yagusya, do not be sad.

Turn to medicine!

I recommend you

sour cream mask

Will you be again then

Young, ruddy!


No, dear Yaga.

Gotta do some exercise

Do not trace the sides.

You have to play sports.

Baba Yaga and Kuzya together:

We don't know anything, teach us.

We also want to be - nasty!

OH! No, sports.

Host: Get in line soon!

And our first competition - Athletics - is an Olympic sport that includes running, walking, jumping and throwing

Whose team completes the task faster, he will be the winner.


Wow! Knocked sides!

This work is not easy!

Well now I'm better

I'll sit on a stump.

I am my health

For now, I'm on my way.

Baba Yaga:

Well, you are disgusting!

How unsporty!

To live a hundred years in the world,

We need to be friends with sports.

What, don't you understand?

Come on, join your team!

(To the presenter): Continue the competition

Presenter: Yes, our children are stubborn in knowledge, familiar with various types sports


IN sports life

I love hockey.

I would like a club and a gate

Puck to score so hunting!

Baba Yaga and Kuzya: Hockey - is it Sparrow, or from the fairy tale Barmaley?

Presenter: Hockey is creative game cohesive team. Each of you must move the puck around the posts with a stick and score a goal into the symbolic goal (assistants show). Return to the team with a stick in hand, pass the baton to the next participant.

Are the teams ready? Then "To the start, attention, MARCH !!!" (relay to music)

Host: Wait a minute! We continue with major competitions. The next sport is Biathlon, which is olympic view sport that combines cross-country skiing and marksmanship with a rifle. But since in autumn, we will run without skis, and since we have small Olympic Games, we will get to Koltsebros.


Moderator: Let's take a break. Pantomime is a type of stage art in which an artistic image is created with the help of facial expressions, gestures, body plasticity, and the like.


Host: Next sport - Cycling- is movement on the ground using bicycle vehicles), driven by the muscular strength of a person.


Host: Well, and the last competitions at our Olympic Games. This, of course, is Sports Fishing - catching fish with sports gear (rods, spinning rods, etc.), but our small Olympians will not be fishing normally!

"Fishing with Math"


And it has come to us now

The most awaited time.

If everything is ready

Let the jury tell us the floor!

Main judge:

(Awarding the participants of the Olympic Games, music sounds.)

Baba Yaga:

Well thank you guys

For teaching us

Sports wisdom.


Let's play sports

And splash with water.

And in my native forest

We will open the stadium.

And now it's time to say goodbye

And we will return home.


Look, look

For cheerful preschoolers -

Olympic hopes

Now they go to kindergarten.


Time flies like a bird

And, probably, in a good hour

Soon in the form of an Olympian

One of us will.

Greetings from the Olympians.

Leader of the Team, equal, quietly. right to endure olympic flag provided to kindergarten students. On the flag, equal, quietly. Take out the flag. The Olympics are closed!


That's all! Thus ended the holiday.

This meeting gave us inspiration

Everyone now knows what the Olympics are

Victory is given to all of us!

Let someone seem a little

And it's not that big of a deal.

In every business, the beginning is important.

First year, first time, first step.

Children in good mood, cheerful and cheerful, go from the site to the music.

Target: propaganda healthy lifestyle life.


  • Continue to acquaint children with the history of the Olympic Games, with their symbols and traditions.
  • To form a strong interest in different sports.
  • Cultivate patriotism, a sense of camaraderie.
  • Creating an atmosphere of fun, goodwill, friendly competition, mutual assistance, the need for collective communication.


  • Posters dedicated to the Olympic Games, winter sports;
  • 3 "Olympic torches";
  • 3 cones;
  • 3 tunnels for climbing;
  • 3 fitballs;
  • 3 hoops;
  • 3 walkers;
  • 30 plastic balls;
  • 3 buckets;
  • Whistle.

The course of the holiday.

Children of three groups (preparatory or senior) enter the Olympic March in a column (music: A. Steklyanskaya, lyrics: A. Steklyanskaya,

L. Korn) and are built in 3 lines.

Leading: Hello dear participants and guests. We are very happy to see you at our Olympic Games today. Today we have gathered for a sports festival dedicated to this sports holiday. This year, the Russian city of Sochi hosted the Winter Olympics. Athletes from different countries came to visit us in Russia to compete for medals. Today our competitions are dedicated to the Olympics and are called “Small Olympic Games”, and the young athletes present in this hall will also compete for medals. We welcome the members of the jury, which will judge the competition strictly but fairly today (representation of the jury members). We also welcome our fans, who will help their teams with their spirit.

Leading: girls from preparatory groups prepared for all those present here a gift - a beautiful dance "Olympic Games". Let's invite them with our applause!!!

Girls perform a dance to the song of A. Yermolov "Olympics 2014".

After the dance, the children - participants in the competition read poems about sports (words by A. Petrakova):

1 child:

IN gym Today

We invite you all.

Children's Olympics

We start in kindergarten.

2 child:

Sports holiday proudly

Comes into his own.

Sun, good smile

Meets his kids.

3 child:

Health, strength, agility -

Here is a fiery testament to sports,

Let's show our friendship, courage

Olympic helmet hello!!

4 child:

We are brave and strong

With sports always on the way

The guys are not afraid of training -

Let your heart beat in your chest.

We are brave and strong and dexterous

You must always be ahead!

5 child:

Sport is life, it is ease of movement,

Sports are admired by all,

Sport moves everyone up and forward,

Vivacity, health he all gives.

6 child:

Everyone who is active and who is not lazy,

Can easily make friends with sports!

Leading: Our guys are not only strong, brave, dexterous, but also friendly, cheerful, skillful and will cope with any difficulties. We hope that one of our children will someday rise to the Olympic podium and become an Olympic champion!!

What is the Olympics?

This is a fair sports fight!

To participate in it is a reward!

Anyone can win!

The symbol of the Olympics - five intertwined rings - denote friendship between people of all continents: Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and America. These rings are the basis of the Olympic flag. I ask you to bring the Olympic flag and the Olympic flame into the hall.

Children solemnly bring in the symbolic Olympic flame and flag.


To start the Olympic Games

The guys should take an oath:

(Children together with the leader pronounce the words of the oath)

Leading: Who can compare with the nimble wind?

Children: We are Olympians!!

Leading: Who believes in victory, is not afraid of obstacles?

Children: we are olympians!!

Leading: Who is proud of the sport of their beloved homeland?

Children: we are olympians!!


We swear to be honest

Strive for victory

high records,

We vow to get it!!

Children: we swear! We swear! We swear!

Leading: Consider the Small Olympic Games open!! Our Olympians face interesting trials. And we are sure that they will pass them with dignity, with joy and a smile. I ask the teams to get ready and announce their names and mottos.

Teams take it in turns to announce their names and slogans.

1 relay "Transfer of the Olympic torch".

With a torch in hand, run around the cone, return, pass the baton.

2 relay race "Snowball riding".

Roll fitballs to the cone and back, pass the baton.

3 relay race "Throwing snowballs."

Each child from the team throws a plastic ball into buckets, which are held at a distance of 3 m by the leader's assistants.

Leading: I ask the jury to announce the preliminary results of the competition.

The jury deliberates and announces the preliminary results.


Before competing

We must loosen up soon.

Do the exercises

Repeat after me!!

The host invites both participants and fans to warm up to the song "The Radiant Sun" (author Maxim Zadornov). Warm-up is in progress.

Leading: Let's continue the competition!

4 relay race "Ski races".

Walk around the cone on a walker and return to the team.

5 relay race "Climbing through snow tunnels."

With a snowball (plastic ball) in hand, climb through the tunnel, run to the cone where the hoop lies, put the ball in the hoop, run back to the team, pass the baton.

6 relay "Intellectual minute".

The teams take turns calling winter views sports.

7 relay race "Bobsleigh".

Team captains in a hoop run around the cones, then in turn “transport” all the players of their team in the same way.

Leading: our competition is over. We ask the jury to announce the results.

The jury announces the results. Teams are rewarded to the solemn music.

Leading: The Olympics is a celebration of sports. It is a pity that the Olympic Games are held only once every 4 years. But we will not wait so long and next year we will meet again at our Small Winter Olympics. I ask you to extinguish the Olympic flame and take out the Olympic flag.

The Olympic flame is solemnly extinguished and the Olympic flag is raised. All children sing A. Yermolov's song "Forward, the country is calling!".

To the music of the team, they leave the hall in a column.



Scenario "Small Olympic Games" for older children preschool age 5 – 7 years

Summer scenario sports festival"Olympic Summer"

Description of the event: This event is designed for children of senior preschool age (5 - 7 years). The event can be useful for physical education instructors and preschool teachers. educational institutions. Also, the material will be of interest to physical education teachers in elementary school.

Target: education in children the need for classes physical education and sports.
- improving in a competitive form the skills of running, jumping from a place, throwing the ball into the distance, throwing a stuffed ball.
- develop speed, agility, coordination abilities.
- education of attention, respect for the opponent and the will to win, mutual assistance, patience and determination.
- to promote a positive emotional upsurge of children and their parents.
Preliminary work:
- compiling a sports dance for the opening of the holiday.
- invitation of guests: parents, athletes.
- preparation of material for musical accompaniment.
- preparing and conducting a conversation for children the day before using a multimedia presentation "Olympic Games".
- preparation of Olympic attributes.
Equipment, inventory:
- stuffed balls(1 kg.);
- tape measure;
- relay sticks;
- stopwatch, whistle;
- tennis balls or sandbags;
- mascot - Olympic bear (drawn on paper);
- a flag with Olympic rings;
- a bowl for the Olympic flame;
- stands with multi-colored flags.

Event progress

A sports march sounds, the central platform is decorated with Olympic attributes. Teams go through a circle of honor to the music, then line up in designated places. Young Olympians of senior and preparatory groups come out to build a solemn march.

Leading. Fly banners over the stadium (five athletes come out holding multi-colored banners in their hands, marching one after another in a circle)
Joyful songs sound everywhere
We walk in step, in a slender column
We are going to the sports parade.
They insert the flags into the stands, turning to face the children, solemnly say.
1st child. We are sports guys, stars of Irbit.
2nd child. We are not yet visible in the sports sky.
3rd child. We will play sports, we just have to try,
4th child. We will grow fast, we will become the stars of the country!
(guys stand up)
Leading. To all the guys, my hello and this word:
Love sports since childhood
You will be healthy!
Come on together, kids,
Let's all shout: Physical education - hurray!
In our kindergarten throughout the summer, there were many different competitions. And today is the last day of summer, dedicated to the anniversary of the Summer Olympic Games in Moscow in 1980. Soviet athletes successfully performed and won 80 gold medals, 69 silver and 46 bronze. The Olympics are the biggest sports in the world they are winter and summer. Once every four years, the Olympic flame lights up in a stadium in one of the countries of the world. A man runs in with a torch lit in Olympia and lights the fire.
Sports make people friends! Athletes from all five continents of the planet come to the Olympic Games. The symbol of the Olympics - five colored rings - represents friendship between all continents:
Europe - blue
Africa - black
Australia - green
Asia - yellow
America - red
At the opening of the Olympics, athletes perform - artists, gymnasts. Meet the girls with the sports dance "Forward to Victory".

At the Olympics, there must be a mascot, usually this animal is popular in the country. In 1980, at the Summer Olympic Games, which were held in Moscow, the mascot was a bear (shows to children).
This summer is not normal. Not just sports, it is Olympic. Because this summer marks the anniversary of the Moscow Olympic Games, 35 years have passed.
We are friends with the sun and water
We are happy to start
Celebrate sports
We are in honor of the Olympics.
For the opening of the athletics Olympics, it is given to raise the flag, the participants of last year's Olympics - Yesenia Shchapova and Anna Savina.
To raise the flag, everyone stand at attention!

Lighting the Olympic flame is given to the winner of the city competitions "Dad, Mom, Me sport family"- Matvey Rudakov.
(to the best athlete of the kindergarten)
Oath. Do you swear to compete honestly at the Small Olympics?
All. We swear!
Respecting, observing the rules by which they are held?
We swear!
I invite everyone to the workout.
(general warm-up)
Children with educators diverge in stages:
- standing long jump
- running speed;
- throwing the ball into the distance;
- throw stuffed ball;
- relay team of 6 people (length 30 meters).

Winners are awarded with diplomas, medals for each type.
Leading. The main thing is not victory, the main thing is participation!
Guys, I invite you to take part in the drawing competition "Summer Olympic Games". We will decorate the exhibition with the best drawings. Teachers and parents can become your assistants. Olympic bear at the closing Summer Olympics in 1980, saying goodbye to the athletes, he took off into the sky on balloons, and we send our bear into the sky, let's say goodbye, like 35 years ago.

Leading. To close the competition, stand still! Removing the flag is given to the winning team in the track and field relay.

For older preschool children

  • Create an atmosphere of joy and emotional well-being.
  • To instill in children a love for sports and physical education, an interest in the upcoming Olympic Games in Sochi, in sports competitions.
  • Attach received to physical education classes knowledge and skills.
  • Develop children's creativity, imagination; encourage children to show initiative.
  • Cultivate a sense of camaraderie, collectivism, the ability to control their actions.

The phonogram "Sports March" sounds.

Moderator: Hello dear guests! We are starting the solemn opening ceremony of the Small Olympic Games.

The Zvyozdochka team enters the central Olympic stadium. There are excellent guys in the team - future masters of sports. They are ready for a serious fight. We wish you guys a happy start!

The Snezhinki team enters the central track of the Olympic stadium. The team is strong with friendship and the desire to win. There are many sports stars here, which are sure to light up at the Olympic stadium today.

Let's greet all the guys who did everything to perform well today at the Small Olympic Games.

What is the Olympics?

This is a fair sports fight!

Participation is a reward

Anyone can win!

We open the games of the Olympians

We invite everyone to this holiday!

We wish you health, happiness, joy,

May the Olympic success come to you!

Holiday joyful, beautiful,

There was no better and no

And from all the happy children

Olympics - ours:

Children: hi!

Host: Today we are holding small Olympic Games.

(addressing the chairman of the organizing committee)

Dear Chairman of the Olympic Committee! Competitors of the Small Olympic Games are lined up. Allow me to raise the Olympic flag and light the Olympic flame!

Chairman of the Organizing Committee: Permission!

Leading: The honorary right to raise the flag of the Olympic Games is granted to the head of the kindergarten.

Teams line up for the solemn raising of the Olympic flag. Athletes take it easy! Alignment with the flag!

(The Russian anthem sounds, the Olympic flag rises).

Words are not written on the flags, but all people know that five multi-colored interlaced rings are a symbol of peace and friendship of athletes from five continents: Australia, Europe, Africa, Asia, America.

Five rings on a white flag

Intertwined among themselves

Like all the athletes in the world

Hold hands tightly.

(Include presentation of lighting the Olympic flame.)

Leading. A long way overcomes the Olympic flame. It is lit by Greek girls near the ruins of Ancient Hellas. Many times, passing from hand to hand, the torch hastens through the whole world to reach the Olympic stadium. Today we also light the Olympic flame - a symbol of peace and friendship among the peoples of the planet.

Sacred Olympian fire

Burn over the planet of the century!

And the torch, lit today,

Let the flame of friendship burn.

And the slogan: "Peace to all nations!"

Sounds at our holiday!

Leading. The Olympic Games are declared open. Today, two teams take part in the Olympic Games. Before the competition, all participants take an oath, let's swear today to be honest, to abide by the rules of the competition, to respect the victory of the opponent.

1st leader. Who can compare with the nimble wind?

Children. We are Olympians!

2nd leader. Who believes in victory, is not afraid of obstacles?

Children. We are Olympians!

1st leader. Who is proud of the sport of their beloved Fatherland?

Children. We are Olympians!

2nd leader.

We swear to be honest

Strive for victory

We swear to achieve high records!

Children. We swear, we swear, we swear!

There are teams - they are ready!

Keep the game fair

There will be judges

Let me introduce the members of the jury. (Performance)

Leading. We wish good luck, health, happiness, sunshine and victories to all participants!

You are invited to try your hand at five types winter sports- according to the number of rings on the Olympic flag:


Figure skating

Teams greet each other.

Child from the team "Snowflakes:

Today we wish you:

Successes and victories.

Star Team

Our physical education!

A child from the Stars team:

Sports enthusiasm

We wish you good

Team Snowflakes

In honor of our friendship

Shout a resounding "Hurrah!"

Host: Now we can safely start our competition. All athletes do a warm-up before the start. Let's do some warm-up exercises.

Warm up.

Moderator: A cheerleading group came to the Small Olympic Games today. We invite you!!! (Girl performances)

Another support group is coming to us. Meet!!! (Baba Yaga runs out).

Baba Yaga: Hello, good gentlemen.

For what reason is the noise - din - chatter?

Host: We have the Olympic Games.

Baba Yaga: Oh, games! It means they were invited (nods towards the children and the jury), but I'm not!

I also want to play.

Host: Here we have sports games.

Are you an athlete, Yaga?

Baba Yaga: No, but my friend may be yes.

I'll call him now and tell him everything, everything. (calls, Kuzya runs out)

Kuzya: Oh, hello my girlfriend. Why did you call me?

Baba Yaga:

We weren't invited to the games.

We need to teach them.

We'll take everything for the games,

And we'll take it all home.

Everything is useful in business.

Wait a minute Baba Yaga and Kuzya sports equipment, we will give you toys anyway, if you show us how you will use them?
(They show: they put skis on their hands and play hands with each other, fencing with clubs - they fight, lie down on a sled and imitate swimming).

Presenter: You see, they made everyone laugh, you don’t know how to play sports games, so they mixed everything up.

Baba Yaga: (grabbing his sides)

Oh, my years!

As if in a field of cornflowers:

They flew not to catch up,

And I don't recognize myself.

Here to give me a massage,

Put on makeup.

Braid the Russian braids,

Yes, drop two hundred years,

Then I would show "Wow"!

You, Yagusya, do not be sad.

Turn to medicine!

I advise you

sour cream mask

You will become again then

Young, ruddy!

No, dear Yaga.

Gotta do some exercise

Do not trace the sides.

You have to play sports.

Baba Yaga and Kuzya together:

We don't know anything, teach us.

We also want to be - Nasty!


Host: Get in line soon!

And our first competition is luge.

Whose team completes the task faster, that one will be the winner.

Wow! Knocked sides!

This work is not easy!

Well now I'm better

I'll sit on a stump.

I own health

For now, I'm on my way.

Baba Yaga:

Well, you're disgusting!

How unsporty!

To live a hundred years in the world,

We need to be friends with sports.

You don't understand?

Well, go to your team!

Addresses the presenter: Continue the competition.

Presenter: Yes, our children are stubborn in learning, familiar with different types sports, as well as songs, they know about sports and now they will sing it.

Song "Sports family"

From the sports life of the whole

I love hockey.

I would like a stick, yes a gate

The puck is so eager to score!

Baba Yaga and Kuzya: Hockey - what is it - Sparrow, or from the fairy tale of Barmaley?

Presenter: Hockey is a creative game of a close-knit team. Each of you must move the puck around the posts with a stick and score a goal into the symbolic goal ( assistants show). Return to the team by running with a stick in hand, pass the baton to the next participant.

Are the teams ready? Then "To the start, attention, MARSH !!" (relay to music)

Presenter: We give the floor to our judges (announce the results of the first relay)

Just a minute attention!

We continue to compete.

The next sport is Biathlon!

Biathlon is an Olympic sport that combines cross-country skiing and marksmanship with a rifle.

Host: Let's take a break.

and on sports theme sing ditties.


Moderator: The next sport is curling.

Host: Well, the last competitions are the most beautiful in the Winter Olympics. This, of course, is figure skating. Figure skating is the decoration of the Winter Olympics, an amazing combination of beauty and strength.

Demonstration pair performances of figure skaters.

And it has come to us now

The most awaited hour.

If everything is ready

Let the jury speak!

Main judge:

For a long time we wondered

The best were chosen.

But we didn't know how to be

How can we reward the guys?

All of you were great

And brave and honest

This one is brave, and that one is bold,

This one showed strength.

For the athletes in this hall

Who spoke today

olympic medals,

Olympic podium!

(Awarding the participants of the Olympic Games, music sounds.)

Baba Yaga:

Well thank you guys

For teaching us

Sports wisdom.

Let's play sports

And splash with water.

And in my native forest

We will open the stadium.

And now it's time to say goodbye

And we will return home.

Even before the Olympians

We have a long way to go.

And may sweet medals

We have received so far.

But we will hope

That a few years will pass

Real medals

We will finally get it!


love, look

For cheerful preschoolers -

Olympic hopes

Today they go to kindergarten.


Time flies like a bird

And, probably, in a good hour

In the proud form of an Olympian

One of us will come out.


And in a very ordinary tone

Peers say about him:

With an Olympic champion

We live in the same yard.

Congratulations to the Olympians.

Leading.Teams, equalize, quietly. The right to lower the Olympic flag is granted to the head of the kindergarten. On the flag, equal, quietly. Drop the flag. Winter Olympics considered closed!


That's all!

And the holiday is over

He rang, played, made a noise ...

Helped us find out

This meeting is about the Olympics

You managed to find out.

Let someone seem a little

And it's not that big of a deal.

In every business, the beginning is important.

First year, first time, first step.

Children in a good mood, cheerful and cheerful, leave the hall to the music.