Book exhibition about winter sports. Book exhibition "Sport, health, beauty - in my life forever

Stepanova Vera Anatolyevna, Chief Librarian of the Department of Library Development of the Lipetsk Regional Children's Library

Towards Health: A Range of Library Ideas
From the experience of children's libraries in the Lipetsk region

When meeting people always wish each other health: “Hello, good health!” Indeed, everyone needs health. It is especially important to maintain the health of children and adolescents.
Health orientation, a healthy lifestyle do not appear in a person by themselves, but are formed as a result of a certain informational, pedagogical impact. And one of the leading roles in this matter, along with the health and education authorities, belongs to libraries.
Today, children's libraries in the region have sufficient information resources to promote a healthy lifestyle and use them correctly. A huge future belongs to preventive work, which is helped by a smart book, the word of a specialist, meaningful information. The formation of a conscious attitude towards a healthy lifestyle is the goal of events held in children's libraries. This work is more successful where it is carried out purposefully, systematically, where program and project activities are implemented.
Usman Children's Library She has been working under the Healthy Lifestyle program for many years. The main goal of the program is to form a positive attitude towards life and their own health among children and young people. The range of activities provided by the program is wide, and, what is remarkable, there are no repetitions either in topics or in titles. For example:
- conversation-game "Hot day in Sportlandia";
- lesson-entertainment "How Boleyka was re-educated";
— cognitive quiz “The world needs sport”;
— review-discussion “Needle is a cruel game”;
- conversation-dialogue: "If you want to live long, stop smoking cigarettes";
- erudite show "Beauty and health gives nature."
It is very important to instill healthy lifestyle habits in children with early years, so kids from kindergarten"Rainbow". Together with the librarians, the children went on a playful journey on a bright train to the “Health Country”. At the station "What do you know about yourself?" children learned what a skeleton is, as well as about the main human organs. At the stations "Mode of the day" and "Sportivnaya" - what is the mode and sport, why do they need the Olympic Games. At the terminal station "Bad Habits" we talked about the dangers of smoking. On the example of the poem "Heron-smoker", the guys concluded that health is the most important wealth of a person. The kids were given an entertainment lesson “Visiting Moidodyr”, a health lesson “Princess of Hygiene and her friends”, a game-journey “In search of a country of health”.
The effectiveness of work to promote the basics of a healthy lifestyle directly depends on the coordination and unification of the efforts of the library with other interested organizations. Yes, at the beginning of 2014 Dobrinsky Central Children's Library together with the MFC of the Dobrinsky district, they initiated the competition of creative works "In the light of the Olympic flame", the purpose of which was to popularize the Olympic movement among children and adolescents. The competition was held in the following categories: "Olympics and Olympic movement»; "Sports still life"; "My family and I are FOR a healthy lifestyle." The works of the contest participants were demonstrated in the lobby of the library at the exhibition “Our Olympics. Our Sochi! Prize-winners and winners were awarded diplomas and valuable gifts.
"It's great to be healthy!" - under this motto, a single team of library specialists, medical workers and teachers worked on the multicomponent site "Planet of Health", organized on the basis of MBOU secondary school No. 2 in Dobrinka. The purpose of the event is to create in children the need for healthy way life, to reveal the positive and negative factors affecting human health. The competition program was rich and interesting: quizzes, riddles, chants were replaced one after another. The guys actively, and most importantly, correctly answered the tasks and questions of the presenter. They also talked about the importance of physical education, hardening, personal hygiene, daily routine, proper nutrition, drew Special attention on the negative consequences that entail the use of alcohol, nicotine, drugs. Considered health as the main value of human life and human society. At the end of the event, the participants of the program came up with a formula for health. Under the sign "+" noted the factors that positively affect health, and under the sign "-" - negative factors.
Not alone in their work to promote a healthy lifestyle and specialists Lebedyansky children's library. It is difficult to fight drug addiction alone, so librarians coordinate their work with educational institutions, medicine, the prosecutor's office, the juvenile department, and the clergy. Hour of information "Stop and think!" made teenagers think about how harmful and dangerous drugs are. In a popular form, specialists told children about the nature of drugs; about how, taking one dose after another, a person gets more and more used to it over and over again and becomes less and less like a person. During the event, a fragment from the video film "It's Dangerous" was shown. The audience concluded that the health and happiness of everyone is in his own hands. In order to expand and strengthen the knowledge of younger schoolchildren about a healthy lifestyle, a fairy tale-game "To grow strong for us" was held in the children's library in an educational theatrical form. The event participants were presented with a theatrical performance of how Winnie the Pooh and his friends took care of Christopher Robin and helped him recover. From this small performance, the children learned how to take care of their health, about the need to harden, do exercises, and about the importance of observing the daily routine. Boys and girls took part in the contest "Guess what I'm doing?" with pleasure. Young connoisseurs expanded their knowledge of how to rationally spend time, got acquainted with socio-cultural ideas, with the world of human spiritual values. Learned a few simple tips:
. Get up early, go to bed early
Tomorrow all day you will not yawn;
. Drink on time, eat on time
You will be strong and fresh until old age! and so on.
The imagination and inventions of children are boundless.
Of course, activity in promoting healthy lifestyles directly depends on how much attention is paid to this problem at the local level. In the Stanovlyansky district, for many years, the decree of the head of administration No. 3 of January 8, 2004 “On measures to streamline the consumption of alcoholic products and beer in the Stanovlyansky district” has been in force. Promoting the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, revealing the relationship between the physical and spiritual development of a person, searching for new interesting forms of library events aimed at the sports and health education of the younger generation - this is how experts see their contribution to the implementation of the resolution Stanovlyansk Children's Library. They developed a complex system of thematic events. The children were offered an exhibition-dialogue "The Road to Good Health", a discussion "Forewarned is forearmed", an oral magazine "No to alcoholism and smoking". The guys imagined helpful information not only in the form of reviews of book novelties, popular periodicals, but also in the form of Internet resources. Readers had the opportunity to view slide programs, video programs, take part in the discussion of topics that concern them. Youth actions in libraries began to take place much more often and more varied. Readers of the children's library visited the interactive exhibition "Sport as an alternative to bad habits" as part of the "Health Marathon" campaign, and then went to the playground and fresh air held an interesting and informative event "Say yes to health!".
promotion of sports and physical activity, affirmation in society of the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle for librarians Terbunsky children's library not empty words. Librarians, along with amateurs, professional athletes, sports veterans, as well as representatives of the district authorities, participate in sports events and promote a healthy lifestyle by personal example. So, children's librarians are regular participants in the annual ski cross in honor of the liberation of the Terbunsky district from the Nazi invaders, cyclocross, held as part of the Village Day. On the opening day of the Olympiad, February 7, 2014, readers and librarians became active participants in the cultural and sports event dedicated to the opening of Sochi XXII winter olympic games. Children and adults were united by a wonderful sports holiday, held in the cultural and sports complex "Olympic". The audience greeted the Olympic torchbearers, famous athletes, the holiday program included sports By various types sports.
The formation of a conscious attitude towards a healthy lifestyle is the goal of events held in Zadonsk children's library. First of all, these are book exhibitions, which occupy a key place in the work of children's libraries, and their goal is to form in children the need to be healthy through the book. Book exhibitions were organized for each age group of readers: Winter fun”, “If you want to be healthy!”, “We are friendly with physical education - we are not afraid of illness!”, “The temptation of curiosity”. Health hours contributed to the formation of a new vision of a healthy lifestyle in children: “How to gain strength for life”, “Nature gives beauty and health”.
All their accumulated experience and ideas on the topic of healthy lifestyle workers Lev Tolstoy Children's Library expressed in the project to create an information and educational center "Second Wind". Today, the activities of the center are carried out within the framework of the regional program "In healthy body- a healthy mind. At the Lipetsk Regional Fair of Socially Significant Projects and Public Initiatives, he was awarded a diploma in the nomination "Public Vocation". Within the framework of the project, various activities were carried out in the children's department. A special place in the information and educational work of the center with children and youth is occupied by the prevention of addictions, familiarizing the young generation with a healthy lifestyle. During the campaign “Say NO to cigarettes, alcohol, drugs”, a whole range of events was held for readers. A presentation of a new book by O. F. Eryshev “Life without drugs” was held, book exhibitions of various types and types were arranged under the general name “Planet Health”, conversations-excursions from the cycle “Man from the Inside” were held. The hours of health, the hours of interesting messages, the lessons of longevity, and the literature reviews have positively proved themselves. The hour of topical conversation "Lifelong captivity" caused a great resonance. The library took part in a single day of prevention, to which children and adolescents who were different types accounting, their parents, as well as girls and boys, educators and counselors from the health camp of the day stay of the secondary school named after L. N. Tolstoy. It discussed the behavior and employment of children and adolescents in the summer.
The organization of children's recreation in a summer health camp is a great opportunity for instilling healthy lifestyle skills in children. A series of outdoor events organized by specialists Khleven Children's Library. This is an expedition game "Get ready for the road - go for health", "Meeting in a flower meadow", hour useful tips"Journey to a World of Safety and Health".
To organize and conduct events to promote a healthy lifestyle and prevent bad habits, it is very important to involve the readers themselves. So, the artists of the puppet theater "Skomorosha" Children's Library of the Lipetsk Municipal District under the guidance of librarians, they prepared a theatrical quiz "We are for a healthy lifestyle" for schoolchildren in grades 2-4. The event was emotionally intense. Fairy tale characters Aibolit and Barmaley held a mini-quiz. The program included proverbs, sayings, riddles about a healthy lifestyle, about hygiene products. The hosts of the event spoke about the benefits of hardening, the role of vitamins in human life and, of course, held a fun exercise.
Do not lag behind the central libraries and branches. Therefore, I would like to say about Donskoy Children's LibraryZadonsky district. All parents want to see their child healthy, strong, hardy, dexterous and courageous. To become such, the child must engage in sports that will give him a good physical form, and the book exhibitions “Sport will help us multiply strength”, “Our friend of sports”, “I want to become a champion”, “To help a football player”, etc. help children choose a sport to their liking.
An unusual health lesson "Interesting about useful things" was held in Yusovskoy Rural Library Chaplyginsky District. An entertaining conversation took place there about milk, its useful properties. After processing milk, many products are obtained that are necessary for human nutrition. The guys independently prepared and made reports about cottage cheese, curdled milk, kefir, cheese. Children actively participated in the quiz about dairy products “Drink, children, milk, you will be healthy!”.
Lipetsk Oblast children's library employees are trying to convey knowledge about the need to take their health seriously with all the forms and methods available to them. With all the breadth of the range of library ideas, the ultimate goal of such events is to involve the child in the thought process, realizing the need to form their own opinion about a healthy lifestyle. Properly placed moral priorities help children and adolescents to resist antisocial phenomena, orient them towards a healthy lifestyle.

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Book Fair Tour

25 best books about sport


involve children in systematic sports, physical culture; to involve children in a healthy lifestyle; learn to work in groups, develop communication skills.

Classroom teacher

Sport is a noble cause. Sports build character. A person involved in sports cannot be dishonest, ignoble. A person who went in for sports in his youth retains the desire for success for life. The desire to be the first and win remains with a person forever in life. Therefore, I suggest you take a tour of the book exhibition "25 best sports books

For fans who like to not only watch sports events, but also read about them.Wecompiled a selection of the best sports books. Athlete autobiographies, sports books for kids, fiction, sports history books and even one "beer" book, sorry Guinness World Records.your attention. Children about sports: the best books and fairy tales about training and victories

Acquaintance with the "sports theme" begins with children's poems, with Agnia Barto's "Exercise" and Sasha Cherny's "On Skates". And then skates, balls and clubs accompany us all the time. A boy named Tolik with a magic box of matches in his pocket dreams of becoming an excellent hockey player, the Munchkins and Winkies play volleyball, and the charm of winter makes the Hemulen ski.

Gelsomino scores the ball into the opponent's goal with the power of his voice - and, for the sake of justice, corrects the situation with a goal in his own net. Maybe he doesn’t really want to - but “otherwise, what will the sport turn into”? Old man Hottabych knows little about sports, so he considers it normal to interrupt Soccer game, bringing down an abundance of multi-colored morocco swords on the heads of the players, and then forcing the gate to play along with one of the teams.

Even bugs and spiders do not remain indifferent to sports. From the stadium "Jukamo" Writer Vitaly Bianchi and artist Elena Netskaya are reporting: Fast-footed Beetles compete in running, Steeds in jumping, and Scarabs in rolling balls. Sport competitions satisfied by the inhabitants of the world of insects and in the tale of Ondrej Sekora "Ants, forward." Main character, Ferd's ant, trains his team and strives to win against all odds.

There is also a special magical sport - for wizards. Quidditch is played on broomsticks: seven players, four balls; speed, agility - and the sporting spirit of real team competitions. And, of course, magic - a small golden flying ball-snitch remembers the one who caught it first, and also gives as much as 150 points! And wizards, it turns out, are no less adventurous than Muggles, so Quidditch tournaments are treated with great attention.

Sport is a grateful topic. After all, this is a universal background, thanks to which events and characters are revealed brighter. Sport means honesty, purposefulness, noble competition. Only people with a pure heart and good intentions achieve success - remember "Silver Skates" M. M. Dodge. The passion for skating not only colors the difficult life of Hans and Gretel, in the end it brings happiness to their home. Teenagers the middle of the 19th century is also characterized by bright dreams of competition and a feeling of genuine joy when the goal is achieved.

Krapivinsky boys are engaged sailing, fencing, archery. They are honest, direct, courageous, knowing the value of friendship and ready to fight injustice. And you can see that not only sport forms character, but, on the contrary, a coward or a deceiver will not linger in sport.

In Soviet times, there were especially many children's stories about sports. The topic was updated by itself: after all, these books are about self-development, cultivating willpower and the best character traits in oneself. And an indispensable element in the life of any teenager. Alisa Selezneva plays volleyball beautifully, and on the pages of "New Adventures of Electronics" a lot of attention is paid to the description of this game. The realities are fading, but the theme is not outdated: and today you can find a reissue of Valery Medvedev's "Flute for the Champion", Elena Ilyina's "The Fourth Height", Lev Kassil's "White Queen's Move".

Today they also write about sports, and not only casually. For example, not so long ago there was a book "When I grow up, I will be a hockey player" Mikhail Sanadze. This is both a detective story and an educational book about hockey. The main character, Seva Mikhailov, finds an autographed club in the attic. According to family legend, this stick belonged to one of the Soviet hockey players who took gold at the 1956 Winter Olympics, and Seva wants to find out who exactly - which means that she will have to dive into the history of hockey with her head.

Modern teenage stories about athletes are the stories of young tennis players, figure skaters, and gymnasts. "Princess of Ice" tells about the girl Masha, who came to the sport as a child and stubbornly pursued her goal, "The Queen of Gymnastics, or the Road to Victory" - about two gymnast girls who first competed with each other and then became friends. A real athlete cannot have a black and envious heart, and honest work is rewarded with victory and medals.

Cognitive literature, as a rule, is devoted to a particular sport. For example, "Running and Walking" Evgenia Yartseva - a book about everyone sports disciplines related to running, from walking to marathon. It contains historical facts, interesting information, and excursions into the history of different cultures. And "My First Football Book" by Clive Gifford tells about the rules, all the important tricks and feints, equipment and famous football players.

Game "Collect a proverb"

Bold and dexterous / the disease does not catch up.

In order not to lie to the sick / one must respect the sport.

Who goes in for sports / gains strength.

NaPROlom Aleksey Yagudin 4.407 31 readers 3 reviews 1 quote Olympic champion, one of the most enviable suitors of Russia and America, the greatest figure skater Alexei Yagudin is back! Having made a unique operation on the hip, the eternal sports revolutionary is going to storm the Olympic peak again, simultaneously performing in various shows. In his book, Yagudin shocks with frankness and a complete lack of desire to please the reader. Alexey, with his inherent straightforwardness and self-irony, talks about everything that happened to him on the ice and beyond. As befits truly strong man, Yagudin does not hide his tears and mistakes.
The novel "The Goalkeeper of the Republic" by Lev Abramovich Kassil is one of the very first in our fiction and the most popular works on sports theme. Written in 1938, the novel was published both in the USSR and in a number of foreign countries. The famous movie "The Goalkeeper" was staged on it. The book is not only a fascinating story about fame and skill Soviet athletes, but also gives a broad and original picture of the life, searches and thoughts of the younger generation in the first two decades of the October Revolution. Much of what is said in the novel (the connection between work and sports, the life of an experienced youth working commune, issues of friendship, comradeship, collectivism) echoes a number of moments in the life of our youth today. For this edition, the author has prepared a new edition addressed to middle and high school students.
"Letters Lost"

l apnaiev


Why are these sports the most beneficial? (All muscle groups are included in the work)

In the series "Nastya and Nikita" an excellent informative book about Olympic Games . In a simple and accessible way, it tells about the history of games, about their traditions and symbols, about old and new awards, about the first Olympionics and innovations of the twentieth century, in general, about everything related to this topic that is in demand today.

Although modern authors do not often put sports in the spotlight as they did in teenage stories forty years ago, in many books it accompanies goodies latently. Fair competition and personal growth, cultivating positive moral character and a strong spirit, is an integral part of the sporting challenge. And, of course, it’s nice to just go skating, ride a bike or skiing, especially since at the end of any trip some kind of adventure is sure to await.

Solving the puzzle.


The book by the Czech author Slavka Poberova tells about the psychological difficulties of a teenage girl who connected her life with sports; talks about the mental trauma of a basketball player. The book widely shows the way of life of Praguers and provincials, their way of life, customs, hobbies, one of which is the Spartakiad - traditionally a family holiday. Giraffe is an awkward girl, clumsy, she is touchy and sometimes rude, but she is also charming. The girl-girl Helena does not perform heroic deeds, her "dawn of foggy youth" passes in the greenhouse conditions of family goodwill. But her endless ocean of feelings, her nervous pain over a conditionally deep drama allow one to penetrate into the innermost depths of a girl's soul. For a wide range of readers

Remember the words of M. Tsvetaeva "What you know in childhood - you know for life, but what you do not know in childhood - you do not know for life."

Man is the highest creation of nature. But in order to enjoy it
treasures, it must meet at least one requirement: to be healthy.”

What sports do you know?

What sport do you like best? Show us and we'll try to figure it out.

Guess what sport these items belong to: ball, glasses, puck, tennis ball?

    They play on a rectangular field, gates are set opposite each other. The goal of the game is to score the ball into the opponents' goal. It is called "playing the ball only with your feet." (Football)

    This is a type of wrestling in which it is allowed to trip, sweep, grab an opponent with hands below the waist. (Freestyle wrestling)

    In their sports equipment, these players resemble medieval knights clad in steel armor. They wear shoulder pads, elbow pads, knee pads, leather gloves, helmet. It’s impossible otherwise - collisions at high speed, falls and hits against the side are inevitable. (Hockey)

    Here the ball almost sank to the ground, one of the players falls and manages to lift it into the air. The second player sends the ball to the third, standing at the net, and he, jumping high, hits hard through the net. (Volleyball)

    The competition is held on a short but very winding track, marked with dozens of so-called gates - red, blue or yellow flags arranged in pairs. The athlete must go through all the gates, otherwise he is eliminated from the competition. (Alpine skiing, slalom)

    Translated from in English The name of this sport is denoted by two words: "basket" and "ball". (Basketball)

Game "Palisade"

It is necessary to "collect" the letters in order: from the largest to the smallest, and you will find out what you need to do to be healthy.


(Make friends with sports)

Summary of the lesson.

Our journey has come to an end.

Sport is health, and health is an invaluable happiness in the life of any person. Each of us wants to be strong and healthy, maintain mobility, vitality, energy as long as possible and achieve longevity. I hope that our trip was not in vain, and you learned a lot from it.

View presentation content
"25 Microsoft PowerPoint Sports Books"

25 best sports books

Mikhailin Anton Gennadievich

physical culture teacher

MAOU secondary school №45 Kaliningrad

Last holidays Ivan Sabilo

The book is about young athletes, about real and imaginary victories, about the formation of a personality, mainly in the struggle with oneself.

Try to hit the ring Natalia Khmelik

The story tells about the difficult path of growing up a teenager. The main character, ninth-grader Lena, classes in the school basketball section help her feel like an independent person, overcome her insecurity and shyness.

Mary Elizabeth Mapes Dodge Silver Skates

The famous story of an American writer tells about the life of Dutch schoolchildren at the beginning of the 19th century, about how diligence, perseverance, determination of Hans Brinker and his sister Gretel helped them overcome all difficulties and become the creators of their own happiness.

Slavka Poberova

The book widely shows the way of life of Praguers and provincials, their way of life, customs, hobbies, one of which is the Spartakiad - traditionally a family holiday.

Sun on the Crossbar Boris Stein

The story of the famous writer Boris Stein "The Sun on the Crossbar" is one of the best examples of Soviet youth prose. Her heroes are young gymnasts. They grow up, get married, fall in love, look for themselves in sports and life.

eight blue lanes

Sofia Mogilevskaya

The story of the little swimmers of the children's sports school.

A duel with yourself Boris Raevsky

The story and stories about the people of sports, about how sports bring up courage, nobility and responsibility in a person.

"My autobiography. Three Beginnings"

If you appreciated the film "Legend Number 17", then you will probably be interested in reading Valery Kharlamov's own story about himself. Yes, it differs a little from what you saw on the screen, but the patriotic beginning in it is even more.

Stay to the last Georgy Sviridov

The champion of Leningrad but boxing Igor Miklashevsky is not in vain called the hope of the national sport. But in the life of a boxer, as well as in the fate of his teammates, the Great Patriotic War. Unequal battles, first losses, retreat, besieged Leningrad - yesterday's athletes have to endure such tests. And Miklashevsky is waiting for another dangerous road - to the lair of the fascist beast ...

The Basketball Diaries Jim Carroll

The Basketball Diaries is a classic work about a young hipster growing up on the dirty streets of New York. The book brought Jim Carroll great fame in the underground environment.

Jack Kerouac, having first read excerpts from Carroll's funny, sometimes terrible chronicle about the life of an urban teenager from thirteen to sixteen years old, decided to write: "Thirteen-year-old Jim Carroll writes prose better than 89% of modern writers."

On the break Alexey Yagudin

White queen move Leo Kassil

a story about sports, the fate of athletes, perseverance, loyalty and love ... The coach decides to leave the sport, but his student, the future "white queen", who won the skiing championship in the High Tatras, returns him to his beloved business. The book is intended for older children.

"Goalkeeper of the Republic" Lev Kassil

The book not only tells in a fascinating way about the glory and skill of Soviet athletes, but also gives a broad and original picture of the life, searches and thoughts of the younger generation in the first two decades of the October Revolution. Much of what is said in the novel (the connection between work and sports, the life of an experienced youth working commune, issues of friendship, comradeship, collectivism) echoes a number of moments in the life of our youth today.

"How I influenced Sevka" Geomar Kulikov

All children love to laugh. But this book is not only funny, it also teaches "reasonable, kind, eternal" - friendship and mutual assistance of young friends - hockey players." alt="" width="640">

On April 7, World Health Day, the Decade of Sports "Healthy City" started in our city. Municipal libraries of the city traditionally became its active participants. Information support of the action - thematic book exhibitions in libraries. Such exhibitions were organized for their readers in branch libraries No. 2, No. 5, No. 9.

At any age, you want to be beautiful and slim. When you look in the mirror, you compare yourself to beauty contestants, popular actors, famous athletes. And the comparison is often not in your favor. Why? The answer to this question can be found atbook exhibitionwith a life-affirming name"If you want to be healthy - be!"presented in the reading roombranch library №2. The exhibition is dedicated to world day health.

"Health is the greatest wealth of man." This statement of the ancient Greek physician and philosopher Hippocrates perfectly expresses the main concept of the exhibition.

In the section "Your landmarks are beauty and health"
books are presented about the characteristics of the body, about how to take care of your health so as not to get sick, to be strong and healthy, how to preserve your eyesight and hearing, about proper nutrition. The reader can find information in the presented books, magazines about the unique methods of healing the body.

In "Habits That Kill Your Life" books are presented that contain information about bad habits and recommendations for their prevention. Readers can get acquainted with the methods of dealing with nicotine and alcohol addiction. Advice for parents is especially important on how to protect their children from addictions.

The exhibition is very popular with readers, everyone is trying to get answers to their questions regarding the preservation and promotion of health.

"Get strong and healthy"

On World Health Day in branch library №5 bookstore opened exhibition-call "Become strong and healthy". It is timed to the City Decade of Sports "Healthy City", which started in Yelets on April 7 and will last until April 17.

This exposition presents literature that reveals the main components of a healthy lifestyle, the laws of proper nutrition, the rules for cleansing the body, ways to restore the body in various diseases, patterns of forming healthy lifestyle habits and, of course, names the insidious destroyers of health. It is addressed to readers of category 14+.

On the opening day of the book exhibition started and test poll for library users “A healthy person is…”.

On the first day, readers from 14 to 77 years old, both male and female, took part in it (31 people in total). The answers were the most unexpected, but all survey participants agreed with the conclusion of Herbert Shelton: "... we should not treat diseases - we should lead a lifestyle that would allow us to maintain health", i.e. play sports and say goodbye to bad habits.

"Health care is the best medicine"

As part of the city-wide Decade of Sports "Healthy City", which started on April 7, in branch library №9 subscription started working book and illustration exhibition “Health care is the best medicine”, which will be valid until 17 April.

The exhibition presents books about health, about proper nutrition, about raising children healthy, about medical physical education, about human hygiene and ecology, etc. and Sports Equipment(rope, ball, hoop), which everyone can use.

The work of the exhibition will be accompanied by talks about a healthy lifestyle.