PDD family on a bike in the dhow. Cognitive and game program and sports entertainment "Biking in the summer

Traffic rules for adults and young cyclists are significantly different. Children under the age of 14 are not allowed to ride on the road, and therefore the rules for cycling for schoolchildren apply only to bike paths and pedestrian zones.

Children under 7 years of age should always be supervised by adults. It is also worth getting equipment: a helmet, elbow pads and knee pads.

Basic Rules

When making maneuvers on a bicycle, the child must correctly assess the situation and avoid obstacles in a timely manner. Parents need to train their child to develop the skill of seeing the terrain and controlling the bike at the same time.

For safety reasons, the following rules must be observed:

  • It is not recommended to listen to music through headphones while driving;
  • you can not accelerate in crowded places;
  • it is necessary to give sound signals using a bell to warn pedestrians about the maneuver;
  • you need to go around pits, cracks, puddles, glass and stones;
  • you can not move off the sidewalks on the roadway;
  • do not release the steering wheel while driving;
  • you should not switch attention to extraneous things, you need to focus on managing the bike.

Parents need to instill in their children the habit of taking care of personal vehicles, inspecting them every time before a trip and teaching them how to fix minor damage.

Road signs

Basic road signs for cyclists:

Bike Lane

This sign indicates a bike path. If the strip of asphalt along the road is not marked with this sign, then it is simply a shoulder on which cyclists are allowed to move, or it is a sidewalk on which cyclists are not allowed to drive.

Movement on bicycles are prohibited

Cycling under this sign is prohibited.


Adult cyclists are full participants traffic so they can overtake other vehicles. In order to avoid accidents and injuries, follow these simple tips:

  1. Before overtaking, you need to slow down so that the driver has time to notice you.
  2. When overtaking parked cars, keep in mind that the door may suddenly open and this will inevitably lead to a collision. Do not drive too close to cars.
  3. It is forbidden to overtake moving cars on the right, because you may be hit by oncoming traffic.

It must be taken into account that a machine standing still can start moving. Therefore, the cyclist must always be in sight.


It is important for each road user to distinguish between the types of intersecting roads and to know the rules for driving on them.

  1. Unregulated intersection
    Before turning right, first let the cars coming from there. Before turning left, give way to all vehicles moving in the oncoming lane.
  2. Intersection with priority
    This section is formed by the intersection of the main and secondary roads. When driving along the first one, the cyclist has an advantage, but approaching the intersection, he should slow down, since no one can guarantee that other drivers comply with traffic rules. If you need to turn left, let vehicles coming from all directions pass.
  3. Regulated intersection
    At the signal of the traffic light, you can drive straight or to the right. Movement to the left is prohibited, since the traffic rules provide for the movement of cyclists only on the extreme right lane or on the side of the road.
Important! If you are unable to cross the intersection, move the bike in your hands through the pedestrian crossing.

Driving near obstacles

Cyclists do not always have to ride in open areas. If you are driving near trees, bushes, or through tunnels, be sure to sound your horns. This way you warn pedestrians and motorists of your approach. This rule can be applied when leaving the corner.
Advice! Before traveling long distances, get a small bell or horn.

For children

Children under 7 years old are allowed to ride exclusively on the sidewalk, after 7 years young cyclists can move along special paths, but in the presence of their parents.
Before the first trip, you need to study the rules for driving for children:

  1. Students must give way to passers-by.
  2. You can not take your hands off the steering wheel, your feet off the pedals, and also carry passengers on a bicycle.
  3. Before each use, the bike must be inspected in order to timely identify faults.
  4. When driving, you must keep your distance, be able to go around passers-by.
  5. Protective equipment must be worn before each ride.

The seat of a new bicycle must be adjusted so that the child reaches the pedal in the lower position with a straight leg. To prevent the student from colliding with passers-by at night, reflectors must be installed on the vehicle: white in front, red in the back, and orange on the side. You will also need a bell, a headlight or a flashlight.

A helmet for a child should be selected not for growth, but for the size of his head. It must not be allowed to slip into the eyes. It is best to purchase a bright helmet with reflectors. This will ensure the visibility of the baby for all road users, even at dusk. The helmet can also be equipped with a flashlight.

Hands, elbows and knees must be protected with special equipment - gloves, knee pads and elbow pads.

Clothing for the child should be worn light and breathable so that during the ride he does not overheat. It is unacceptable to pedal in pants that are too long or too wide, wrapping them around the chain will lead to a fall. Shoes should be comfortable and fit well.

notation system

All cyclists must know the rules of maneuvering. When starting to move, overtaking or changing lanes, proceed as follows:

  • when starting to move, give way to all passing cars;
  • when entering the courtyard of the house, let the oncoming traffic pass;
  • turning right, pull out right hand sideways or bend your left arm at the elbow;
  • turning to the left, extend the left arm or bend the right;
  • if you need to stop, raise either hand up.
Important! You need to show signs with caution, because there is a possibility of loss of control and subsequent fall. Pre-training is recommended.

All little cyclists should learn the rules of the road and use safe places to ride. At the same time, parents are required to be nearby, supervise their children, and also observe the speed limit while driving. If a child riding a bicycle collides with passers-by or interferes with their movement, this will be considered a violation. Therefore, an adult needs to take him to another place with fewer people.

Yulia Efremova


Formation in older children preschool age about the rules of safe behavior while riding on bicycle.


To form children's ideas about the rules of driving bicycle, To instill an interest in a safe lifestyle, to cultivate a sense of responsibility for one's behavior on the road. Develop logical thinking of children.

Event progress:

The teacher thinks riddle: That's so miracle-miracles.

Two moving wheels!

There are pedals under your feet

There is a saddle on a rigid frame.

I pedal.

I go where I want!

That's right, children are bike. Soon summer and all the kids ride on bicycles. But so that you do not get into trouble, you must always follow the rules of the road. Today we will talk about the rules of the young cyclist.

The parent comes out.

Parent: Hello guys! I …. I decided to improve the environment and learn how to ride bicycle even though I have a car. But driving it is expensive and not that fun. past your kindergarten I was driving by, I heard your cheerful voices, I decided to look at you. Oh man bike!

Who bike,

They say no problem!

Sit on horseback and ride it

Just better drive!

caregiver: You are wrong. Bicycle is a vehicle, and for driving bicycle have their own safety rules.

The cat rode without care

Didn't look at the red light.

Ran into a hippopotamus

broke bike!

We are with the guys we will introduce you, dear ... with the rules of safe traffic on bicycle.

caregiver: The cyclist needs to know how it works bike.

Children name the details bicycle tell what they are for.

Didactic game "Name the part"

Children name the item bicycle. (wheel, handlebar, pedal, saddle)

caregiver: Cyclist is obliged to ensure the correctness of his vehicle. Before you start driving, you need to check the brake, bell, steering wheel and seat, if necessary, pump up the tires.

Parent A: Well now I'm all about bikes know: how it works bike how to dress, check before the road, now you can ride.

caregiver: You haven't learned everything yet. In order to avoid accidents on the roads, there are road signs. There are a lot of road signs, but there are special signs designed for cyclists.

See the sign! Bike

Circled in red.

There is no way for him.

Remember this my friend!

Sign remember friends:

Both parents and children.

Where he hangs

Can't ride on bicycle.

Sign like the sky is blue.

And again bike.

Ride here on any

There is no prohibition for him!

Even if you are a master sports,

This sign must be firmly remembered.

Blue disc cyclist:

ride, cyclists!

caregiver: Tell me, do you know where it is allowed to ride bicycle.

I know everyone says so

I will drive carefully, only where you can drive!

I've got bike,

But there are no fourteen years.

While I'm rolling in the yard

Where is it safe for kids?

Didactic game "Forbidden - Allowed"

Children do the exercise bike, if the rule allows it.

To ride on cycling in the park.

To ride on cycling on the road.

Ride on a friend's trunk.

Drive without holding the steering wheel.

Ride on bike and sing a song.

tow another bike.

To ride on bicycle, where a white sign with a red border with the image bike inside.

To ride on bicycle, where the blue sign with the image bike inside.

caregiver: now you know what you can and cannot do for real cyclist.

Let's start our competition.

Second task. I invite you to participate in the relay race "Who will quickly reach the sign and correctly name it". Driving with cars of those children who do not know how to drive bicycle

Relay progress: In front of each team there are two road signs with the reverse side to the teams. Competing four people. The child goes to the first sign, goes around it, brings to the attention of the team what sign is there. The second child goes around the second sign. The other two participants go to make sure the answers of their comrades are correct. A point is given for the speed and correctness of the answers.

3. task: "Riding a snake on a three-wheeled bicycle» Distance 30 m.

4. task: "Riding on a two wheeler bicycle» Width 20 cm.

5. task: "Take a friend to the first aid station". Road signs are placed around the circle. The children are traveling with their parents.

caregiver: We are very glad that we were able to help you. Come visit us more often!



to acquaint children with road signs: “Intersection with a bicycle path”, “Biking is prohibited”, “Bicycle path”;

to form the idea that special places are allocated for games and cycling;

continue to study the rules of behavior for children on the street.


develop moral qualities;

to bring to the consciousness of children that their safety and the safety of those around them depend on how they behave on the street;

continue to form skills and abilities to act in accordance with the rules of the road.


to cultivate attention, concentration, sensitivity, the ability to listen to the answers of comrades.

Forms of work with children:

artistic word;

viewing illustrations;

surprise moment;

physical education in the form of the game "You can - you can not";

solving a problem situation.


Toy Kolobok; road signs: "Intersection with a bicycle path", "Moving on bicycles is prohibited", "Bicycle path"; signal cards (red - not allowed, green - you can); picture of a bike.

Active Dictionary:

“Moving on a bicycle is prohibited”, “Intersection with a bicycle path”, “Bicycle path”, parts of a bicycle - “saddle”, “frame”.

Passive Dictionary:

Bicycle, wheel, steering wheel, pedals, carriageway, road, KAMAZ.

Preliminary work:

Excursions to playgrounds, reading poems about a bicycle, games on bicycles.


1. Emotional mood

Children with a teacher stand in a circle, holding hands, and pronounce words, perform movements in accordance with the text:

Wider our wonderful circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Left, turn right

And smile at each other.

Stretch your hands to the sun

Take his rays

And press it to your chest.

With this ray in my chest

You see the world more clearly. (children sit on chairs).

2. Educator: Guys, guess the riddle.

They blinded him from flour,

Then they put it in the oven.

On the window, he was chilling,

He rolled down the path.

He was cheerful, he was brave,

And along the way he sang a song.

The bunny wanted to eat it

Gray wolf and brown bear.

And when the baby is in the forest,

I met a red fox

I couldn't get away from her.

Who is this?

Children: kolobok (slide 2) I bring in a toy - a bun.

Gingerbread Man: I haven't been visiting you for so long that I even began to get bored. But I came on business. You told me a lot about land transport. I also have my own transport - it's a bicycle, but I don't know anything about it. You tell me how the bike works. Where can you ride it? I love riding so much.

Teacher: Do you have bicycles? Do you like to ride them?

Children: Yes, we love to ride them.(Slide 3)

Educator: Look at this bike and tell me what parts it consists of. What is the name of the part of the bike where the rider sits? Why is he moving? And what's that? (pointing to the frame), etc. What are the wheels loaded with?

3. Game "Name what is missing."(Slides 4-7)

Educator: And now I suggest you play the game "What is missing." Look carefully at each slide. What is missing from the bike?

Children: There is not enough wheel, saddle, steering wheel, pedals.

4. Kolobok: Thank you. It's great, of course, to ride a bike, but I don't know where it can be done. I have a bicycle, but I have no idea how I will ride it on the carriageway. Yes, some KAMAZ will not notice me and crush me.

Educator: Why is Kolobok afraid to ride a bike on the road?

Children: Afraid of getting into an accident, doesn't know the rules, etc.

Educator: And where, in your opinion, you can ride, and where you can’t?

Children: You can ride in the yard, on the bike path, on the sidewalk. It is impossible - on the road, where there are a lot of cars.

Educator: Right. On a bicycle, small children cannot ride on the carriageway, and they need to ride and play only in yards or playgrounds. If something happened to the bike - do not linger on the path, go to the side.(Slides 8-9)

Educator: Where is the kitten riding?

Children: On the path.

Educator: Why does the puppy not ride a bicycle, but carries it?

Children: Because he walks along the sidewalk and pedestrians can walk towards him.

Teacher: What do you see on this slide?

Children: How a grandfather teaches a girl to ride a bike in the yard.

Educator: When riding a bicycle, you must follow the rules. See how you can ride and how not to ride.(Slide number 10)

Teacher: Look at these cyclists. Which one follows the rules of cycling?(Slide 11)

Educator: I will point to each cyclist, and you will show a red or green circle. Red - if you can not ride like that, green - if you can.

5. Game "You can - you can not"

Children lie on their backs. Simulate cycling. The teacher names various places for cycling. Children react: if possible, they pedal in the air, and if not, they lie still.

At the bus stop ... (lie quietly)

In the yard ... (pedaling)

On the roadway ... (lie quietly)

In the clearing ... (pedaling)

Up the stairs ... (lie quietly)

On the sidewalk ... (lie quietly)

On the site ... (pedaling)

6. Educator: There are also special road signs for cyclists.

Who has a bike

Spoken: No problem!

Sit down, pedal

Wherever you want - go there!

Everything is not easy, everything is wrong

Drive where this sign is:

The circle is blue

And around the bike.(Slide 12)

Educator: This sign is called "Bicycle Path". It only allows movement on bicycles and mopeds. Pedestrians can also move along the cycle path (in the absence of a sidewalk or footpath).

Sign remember friends

Both parents and children:

Where it hangs, it is impossible

Ride a bike!

Educator: This sign is "No cycling." It belongs to prohibition signs. This prohibits the movement of bicycles and mopeds in both directions of the road.

Educator: And for drivers they put a sign "Intersection with a bicycle path." This sign is a warning. It warns drivers and cyclists that there will soon be a road crossing with a bike lane. Bicyclists must slow down and give way to the vehicle.(Slide 13)

When I pedal

I have everything in the world on the shoulder!

But here is a familiar sign recognized:

Signal to the driver and me.

Here I will slow down a little,

Even if you want to fly forward:

Bike Lane

The machine path will cross.

Educator: And in order to remember these signs well, I suggest you play.

7. Game: "Choose the right sign"


Two signs are placed in the center of the room in different directions: "Bicycle path" and "No bicycle traffic." Children must choose the right direction by explaining their decision. Having chosen the correct sign, the children begin to move in the right direction to the music, imitating cycling.

Gingerbread Man: Thanks guys. Now I know where you can ride a bike.(Slide 14)

8. Analysis

Do you guys remember the signs? What do they stand for? Which one is forbidding? What is a warning? Why is it necessary to follow the rules of cycling? Look, I have mugs of three colors on my tray. What can be made of them? That's right, traffic lights: red, yellow, green. And with their help, you yourself will evaluate how you answered today. If you were active for the lesson, knew the answers to all the questions, then take the green circle, and if you are not very active, then the yellow circle. If the tasks seemed difficult to you, and you found it difficult to answer many questions, then the red circle. Now raise your mugs. Well done, everyone appreciated their work correctly. Now imagine that you and I got on a bike and went for a ride.

Guys, always follow the rules of cycling!

The warm season and sunny weather contribute to the appearance of small cyclists on the streets. Merry and useful activity intertwined with the risk of injuries, bruises and other troubles. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right equipment for the child and teach the rules of driving.

Cycling is a good trainer for the whole body. This type entertainment strengthens the heart, blood vessels, helps prevent back diseases, improves posture, strengthens physical form organism. But the most important thing is that by pedaling, the child gets a lot of positive emotions.

It should be borne in mind that even small participants in traffic are subject to appropriate rules and restrictions when riding a bicycle. Parents should tell their child about them in an accessible form, explain incomprehensible nuances and monitor the implementation of these requirements.

1. Parents should keep an eye on the presence of a sound signal and reflectors on a bicycle. The traffic rules state that a two-wheeled vehicle must be equipped with a white reflector in front, orange on the sides, and red in the back.

2. For safe movement in the dark or under other conditions of poor visibility, it is mandatory to have a lantern or a special bicycle headlight.

3. It is important to consider age restrictions when riding a bike. Under parental supervision, children under 7 years old can ride on the sidewalks. Older children under the age of 13 are allowed to use designated bike paths and parks. From the age of 14, a child can ride a bicycle on the roads by himself.

4. If a young cyclist will ride on the roadway, it is reasonable to install rear-view mirrors and a rear flashing red signal on children's bikes.

5. Traffic on the carriageway is allowed in the extreme right lane and roadside, without creating obstacles and obstacles for pedestrians. You can only drive in one lane. But if there are special paths reserved for cyclists, then you should use them.

6. When moving along the road, the cyclist must warn drivers and other road users about his further maneuvers. Turning, you need to stretch your hand in the direction of the desired direction (to the left - the left outstretched hand, to the right - the right outstretched hand). The left hand is raised vertically before the cyclist stops in place.

7. To ensure the safety of pedestrians and your child, teach him the basic traffic rules for cyclists:

  • Any turns by cyclists that require the crossing of two or more lanes of the road are strictly prohibited by the rules of the road.
  • You can’t cross the road on a bicycle, you should dismount and only then cross the zebra or other crossings.
  • When leaving the local area, you need to give way to vehicles moving along the roadway.
  • People crossing the exit from the local area have an advantage over cyclists, they need to give way.
  • You can not drive on a red traffic light.
  • It is necessary to give way to people crossing the carriageway at the transition.

8. Among the rules of the road for cyclists, the following nuances are distinguished: while riding, you can’t hold on to other vehicles, release the steering wheel or take your feet off the pedals, it’s forbidden to talk on a mobile phone without a headset, you can’t carry other passengers on a bicycle.

9. Be sure to inspect the bike before riding for the serviceability of the brakes, horn, reflectors, etc. You should not send your child to ride on a faulty vehicle. In the future, let the children themselves monitor the technical condition of the bike.

10. The traffic rules do not specify the mandatory presence of protective equipment, such as a helmet. But in practice, they can save a child from many life-threatening moments when driving, hitting when falling, and other troubles.

From childhood, when buying a bike for a child, teach him to be an attentive and responsible road user. Explain the rules and tell why they are needed. Having secured the child with the right equipment, proper transport and knowledge, you will not worry, and the child will be able to fully enjoy the walk.

Prepared by Natalia Bilyk

MBOU Khokhlovskaya school, Klimovsky district, Bryansk region

District competition methodological developments on the prevention of child road traffic injuries

"Connoisseurs of road sciences" among teachers of educational organizations.

Nomination: Teaching children the rules of the road.

Conversation on the topic: "Traffic rules for cyclists."

Work completed:

Nikiforova Veronika Valerievna,

teacher of computer science and mathematics,

MBOU Khokhlovskaya school


Target: to consolidate ideas about the rules of the road for cyclists.

Equipment: road signs made of cardboard.

Course progress.

Hello guys! Today we have gathered to talk about a very important thing - the rules of the road.

Auction riddles about road users.

To help you

The path is dangerous

Burning day and night

Green, yellow, red.

(Traffic light)

Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz

The beetle runs down the street.

And burn in the eyes of the beetle

Two brilliant lights.


Early in the morning behind the window

Knock, and ringing, and confusion.

On straight steel tracks

There are red houses.


I'm walking through the city

I won't get into trouble

Because I know for sure

I follow the rules.

(A pedestrian)

There is a place to go

Pedestrians know this.

We got it lined

Where to go - all indicated.


The house is walking down the street

It takes everyone to work.

Not on chicken thin legs

And rubber boots.

(Bus, fixed-route taxi)

Two pairs of legs on the pavement

Two pairs of hands above the head.


Drinks petrol like milk

Can run far

Carries goods and people

Be careful with her.


Look at the strong man:

On the go with one hand

stop used to

Five ton truck.


General requirements to cyclists.

According to the rules of the road (clause 2.3)bike - non-mechanical vehicle.

Cyclist - one of the most active participants in the movement, therefore, he must firmly know the rules of the road and strictly follow them, be guided by traffic lights or traffic controllers, road marking lines, obey all the requirements of police officers, public traffic inspectors, vigilantes.

Before leaving, it is necessary to check the technical condition of the bike. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the serviceability of the brakes, steering wheel, saddle, the condition of the wheels and tires, check the sound signal, lighting devices.

The bike must have special equipment:

    Bell to beep ; mounted on the left side of the steering tube;

    Headlight with white light; installed in such a way that the light from it falls on the roadway at a distance of up to 20 m from the bicycle, and turns on at night, in conditions of insufficient visibility (fog, rain, snowfall, in tunnels);

    Rear light and red light reflector , enabling drivers riding behind to see the cyclist in a timely manner and go around him;

    Rearview mirror to watch the road behind; mounted on the left side of the steering wheel with a hinge;

    License plate on the back plate;

    Travel tool to troubleshoot a bike on the road;

    Bicycle Pump ; attached to the frame on the bottom, top or seat tube.

The safety of a cyclist largely depends on how he is dressed. Clothing should be light, durable, comfortable, not restrict movement. The same requirements apply to shoes.

Rules for cycling.

    It is allowed to ride a bicycle on the streets of cities and highways only from the age of 14.

    Drive in the far right lane in one lane and as far to the right as possible.

    The cyclist is obliged to know the device well and constantly keep his car in good condition. technical condition, especially it is necessary to check the reliability of the steering wheel and brakes.

    In some cities, in order to get the right to drive a bicycle, you must pass exams in traffic rules, get a license plate.

    When driving on a street or highway, cyclists should not move more than a meter from the sidewalk or shoulder.

    It is forbidden to ride two or more in a row.

    sidewalks, walking paths boulevards, parks - not for cyclists!

    Ride a bicycle holding the handlebars with one hand or "hands off".

    Ride under the signs

- "No Entry"

- "Movement Prohibition",

- Bicycles are prohibited

- "The movement of cars",

- "Motorway",

- "The road for cars."

    Cling to passing vehicles.

    Ride a single bike for adults or children.

    Carry objects that interfere with control or protrude more than half a meter in length or width.

Cyclists are allowed:

    Turn left or turn around on streets and highways only at intersections and only from the street on which the passage of the car is allowed in no more than one lane for one or each direction (a tram track is considered as a traffic lane).

    If you need to turn on a wider (multi-lane) street, as well as to turn in the opposite direction on the stretches of the streets, you must get off the bike, turn or turn around, driving the bike next to you, observing the traffic rules for pedestrians.

    When passing through an intersection in a city or on a highway, a cyclist first passes traffic turning left or right, and then continues on or makes a turn, and only to the right.

    On highways and country roads, a cyclist is prohibited from turning left and turning on hauls.

    If you need to turn left or turn around, get off your bike in the safest place and ride the bike next to you.

    If there's a special one on the road Bike Lane"You can't go outside of it.

    The cyclist must know the road signs perfectly, obey the traffic lights, the traffic controller.

    At controlled intersections, cyclists must obey the signals of special bicycle traffic lights or the signals of ordinary traffic lights. You need to signal a turn in the following way: stretch your straight arm in the direction of the turn or stretch your arm bent at the elbow in the direction opposite to the direction of the turn. The intention to stop is signaled by raising either hand straight up.

One of road signs - a circle with a red border, in the center of which a bicycle is depicted on a white or yellow background - prohibits the movement of a bicycle on a street or highway. Here you need to get off the bike and drive it next to you at the edge of the sidewalk.

Road sign round shape, where a white bicycle is depicted on a blue field, means the beginning of a bicycle path.

No bicycles sign used to prohibit movement in cases where they interfere with other vehicles, and in addition, they themselves are endangered. Such a restriction is introduced primarily on roads with very heavy traffic, as well as on city streets where shuttle buses and trolleybuses pass. In this case, in addition to the fact that everyone overtakes cyclists, they themselves have to go around buses and trolleybuses standing at stops.

Game "It's me, it's me - it's all my friends!"

Now I will ask you questions, and if you agree, answer in unison:"It's me, it's me - it's all my friends!" and if you don't agree, keep quiet.

Which of you is in the cramped carriage

Giving way to seniors?

Which one of you is coming into the world

Saying "no move"?

Which one of you is moving forward?

Where is the transition?("It's me, it's me - it's all my friends!")

Which of you, going home,

Keeps the path on the pavement?

Who doesn't know the rules

Rides a "hare" on the tram?

Who's on a slippery road

Running out in bad weather?

Who knows that the light is green

Meaning: the way is open,

And that the yellow light is always for us

Are you talking about attention?("It's me, it's me - it's all my friends!")

Game "Start!"

Two teams of 5 people. They stand on command at the back of each other's head. The scooter is given first. On the "racing" track, you can put 2 - 3 road signs. The team that completes the track faster and does not violate traffic rules wins.

The game "Think - Guess!"

    How many wheels does the car have: 2, 4, 6, 8?

    How many people can ride on one bike: 1, 2, 3?

Game "Tell me a word"

Nadia and Tanya go together.

Where are they going? … (on the sidewalk).

Give way to elders

If you went to...(tram).

Hockey is a game on ice in winter,

But don't play... (bridge).

Must remember pedestrian

About the underground... (transition).

From squares and crossroads

Looks straight at me

Looks ugly and serious

Lanky… (traffic light).

Here it stands on the pavement

Regulator - ...(guard),

Hanging three-eyed ...(traffic light),

And he knows the rules...(chauffeur).

Feet go down the road

And two wheels run

The riddle has an answer:

This is my … (bike).


Through the city, down the street

They don't just go like this:

When you don't know the rule

It's easy to get into trouble.

Be careful all the time

And remember ahead:

They have their own rules

Driver and pedestrian.