Development of sports activities in the camp. Sports activities in the camp

Methodical development sports festival

at the summer health camp

Explanatory note

Health is the most precious thing a person has. Careful attitude to one's own health must be brought up from childhood.
Communication with peers and adults is the most important condition for personal development. It is in communication that a child learns the necessary information, a system of values, learns to navigate in life situations. The problem of maintaining health remains the most acute social problem of society. Modern man is increasingly aware of the need for a healthy lifestyle, personal activity and better health.

Competitions and games still occupy a significant place in the work with children. It's connected with age characteristics schoolchildren, the game basis of these events, the originality of their conduct. This form of work is always advantageous, since it presents not only game moments, the original presentation of the material, but also the employment of children in various forms of collective and group work in preparing and completing tasks.

^ Brief abstract. This methodical development sports festival continues the cycle of events related to the formation healthy lifestyle children's lives and is carried out at a summer camp as part of a summer wellness campaign. The tasks are designed for participants aged 7-14 years using valeological, articulatory and dynamic exercises. When compiling, the involvement of a larger number of children, their maximum activity during this sporting event was taken into account.

Relevance. Caring for the health of children is the most important task of the whole society. In recent decades, there has been a trend towards the deterioration of the health of the child population around the world. New approaches to the formation of health contribute to the creation of new educational and recreational programs in valeology, starting with childhood, since it is during this period that a person lays the basic skills of a healthy lifestyle.

^ Innovative focus. The system of work in the summer camp includes not only the organization of recreation and leisure for children, but also the development of their physical and spiritual health. Moreover, it is important not only to teach a child to eat healthy food and take care of his body, it is necessary that already with early childhood he learned to love himself, for people, for life. The leading factor in the summer recreation camp is the development of the motivational sphere of a healthy lifestyle, where the tasks of physical and valeological education are comprehensively solved.


1. To cultivate a responsible attitude to one's own health and conviction in a healthy lifestyle, the need for it - through participation in specific, demanded by children, various types of activities.

2. Raise the level of knowledge that contributes to the preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health.

3. Form a positive public opinion in favor of health promotion.

4. Promote the development of creative abilities to unite joint efforts in favor of a healthy lifestyle.

^ To achieve these goals, the following tasks were set:

Promote a healthy lifestyle;

Expand and activate sports life pupils;

Make every possible use of opportunities to involve students in active life health promotion and healthy lifestyle.

^ Methods used:

Verbal: speeches by hosts and participants of the event;

Visual: the use of posters, photographs, books, drawings on a given topic;

Practical: game tasks, relay races, riddles.

^ Equipment and decoration:

Sports equipment for "Merry Starts",

Thematic posters about sports and health,
musical equipment,

Exhibition of books dedicated to healthy lifestyle;

Event slogan poster:

“I came to the camp, don’t frown.

Be fun to the end.
You are not a spectator or a guest,
And our programs are the nail!”

1. Teams are created while preparing for the event. Children are divided into teams, which include representatives from each group. Players come up with the name and motto of their team in advance. All groups must be ready for the grand opening of the event.
2. A group is being prepared to perform in a costumed musical performance, which includes pupils of the middle and senior level, the rest are fans.

3. Together with them, the fans are preparing for the event. Collective work before the competition is very important: the children will feel the support of each other. They prepare posters with statements in support of their teams.

Members: presenters - counselors 1 and 2, Dr. Aibolit, two teams of relay race participants, participants in a musical performance, fans, jury.

^ Action plan:

I. Solemn line of the opening of the Day of Health.

II. Main part of the event:

    Morning work-out"Do as I do".

    Exercise "What is physical education."

    The mission to be healthy...

    "Fun Starts".
    Command presentation.
    a) competition "Running Relay";
    b) contest "Collect potatoes";
    c) competition "Planet Earth";

    Riddles competition (performance by the kind doctor Aibolit)
    d) competition "Running in one felt boots";
    e) competition "Ball under the feet";

    Task "Find like-minded people"

    Riddles competition (performance by the kind doctor Aibolit)

    "Funny Contests"
    -Exercise-2 "Exercise for the lungs"
    "Get ready for school!"
    - Pantomime Competition "Apartment Cleaning"

    Musical performance (in the auditorium)

III. Summarizing.

^IV. Celebration Line.

I. Solemn line

Leader 1: Attention! Attention!

Hello children! Hello Camp Sunshine!

Leader 2: Not so long ago, we met here on the line to solemnly celebrate the start of the season at our summer health camp! Today we have a holiday again! A holiday of sports, a holiday of health, youth, hope - Health Day!

Leader 1: We have gathered to see how smart, brave, fast and skillful you are.

Leader 2: So, attention! Camp: equalize, quietly! The solemn line dedicated to the Day of Health is declared open!

^ Head of the camp:

Good morning dear guys! Since ancient times, an absolutely reliable way to improve health and increase longevity has been well known - sports, a method that does not require expensive medicines and technical devices, but only will and some effort on oneself.

Sport is a pleasure, it is he who contributes to the development of harmony of mind and strength, helps to develop nobility. Everyone in sports draws something of their own. For some, this is a bright spectacle, for others it is a means of communication, physical improvement and health promotion. Still others choose sport as their profession, their life's work. But, no matter who you become in the future, guys, sport should remain your faithful companion in work, study, and creative endeavors.

Everyone should do sports. Do not set yourself the goal of necessarily breaking the world record, set yourself a more modest goal: improve your health, be strong and dexterous. This is what our health day in the camp is dedicated to today, it will continue on the sports grounds, and I wish you personal and team sports victories, success and a great charge Have a good mood! And let this Health Day become the style of your every day!

Leader 2: Guys, what should you do before you start playing sports? That's right, warm up!

^II. The main part of the event.

1. Morning exercises "Do as I do".

Leader 1: To the site in order
Get in line!
To charge, to charge
We invite all the guys!

Leader 2: We go to the site
Charging starts.
Step in place - two forward,

And then turn around.

Morning exercises “Do as I do” with cheerful rhythmic music are held with children.

^ Morning exercises/exercises are repeated after the counselor/:

1. Walking in place.

2 . I.p. O. s., right hand up.
1-2 hand jerks back.
3- left hand up
4-5 hand jerks back
6- i.p.

3. I.p. o.s.
1-4 different names circular motions hands.

4. I.p. o.s. jumping legs apart, clap above the head.
O.s. The same as 1 I. p.

5. I.p. o.s.
1 - Swing right, clap under the foot
2 - Swing left, clap under the foot.
3 - Same as 1
4 - Same as 2

6. I.p. o.s., hands on your knees.
1-4 circular movements in knee joint, hands on knees
5-8 same as 1-4

7. I. p. o.s.
1-4 jumps on two legs moving to the right
5- cotton over the head.
6-7 is the same as 1-4 only to the left.

8 . Run in place with different hand movements.

9. Walking in place with high knees

10. Breathing exercise.

At the end of the exercise, all students say loudly: "Well done" (3 p.) And right hand pat themselves on the head. This suggests that the guys did an excellent job.

    ^ Exercise "What is physical education".

Counselor 1: Charging is useful for everyone,
Everyone needs a charger
From laziness and disease
She saves us!

And also, guys, today we will try to reveal many secrets of a healthy lifestyle. Repeat with me:

What is physical education? - Practice and play.
What is physical education? - "Phys" and "kul" and "tu" and "ra".
Hands up, hands down - This is "phys."
We twist the neck like a steering wheel - This is a "sack".
Deftly jump high - This is "that".
Run for half an hour in the morning - This is "ra".
By doing this, you will be strong, dexterous, courageous.
Plus a good figure. That's what physical education means!

^ 3. The task "To be healthy ..."

Counselor 2: And now complete the phrase "Being healthy for me means ..."

The counselor throws the ball to each participant who says what it means to be healthy, starting the phrase in this way: “Being healthy means to me ...”

^ Counselor 1: Health is important and relevant for every person!

Leader 2: I see you can't wait to take part in our Fun Starts. Two teams will participate in them, we asked the esteemed jury to follow the course of the fight. /Represented by the jury./

So, let's begin! Team on the way! Speed ​​you fast!

^ 4. "Fun Starts"

Counselor 2: Teams! Attention! To greet rivals, stand still!
- Representation of commands:

Each team presents the team name, motto, and emblem. (Players display emblems, their team names, as well as their motto.)

The competition is worth five points. The jury announces the scores.

Counselor 1 invites to next step competition and explains what needs to be done. (Other counselors in the camp help the leading counselors in holding competitions).

A. "Running Relay". The participant with the cube runs with a snake (between the caps) to the rack and back, passes the cube to another player.

b. "Gather the potatoes." A participant with a bucket runs to the hoop, and to the hoop he must crawl under the barrier. He pours potatoes (cubes) out of the bucket and runs, crawling back under the barrier. The other participant does the same, but only collects the bucket of potatoes.

in "Planet Earth" Participants on top pass big ball("Planet earth") back. The last participant takes the ball and gets up first and begins to pass the ball back.

The jury evaluates the teams and announces the amount of points.

Counselor 2: Guys! We continue our contests. And so the next competition... /Knock on the door. The Doctor enters. Oh! What is this? Who is this?
Kind AIBOLIT - an experienced doctor,
Just hear the cry of a child,
In the early hours and at midnight
Hasten to help.
On the road, on the river
On dangerous paths
With a suitcase in hand
And with a phonendoscope.
And he won't be intimidated
Neither frost nor shaking -
He will fly into space
Make a dressing.
Because he is ready
Fight for health!
It is necessary - so without further ado
Sharing blood.
And repeat everywhere
Will be for order:
"Do you want to be strong?
Get charged!”

Hello guys! Of course you recognized me. I am the Kind Doctor AIBOLIT. I will now give you riddles (riddle contest, fans participate).

^5. Riddles Contest:

1. As many as 25 teeth
For curls and tufts.
And under each under the tooth
Hair will lay in a row.
2. I wear them for many years,
I don't know how to count them.
I don't sow, I don't plant
They grow up on their own.
3. The wise man saw a wise man in him,
Fool - fool
ram - ram,
A sheep saw a sheep in him,
And a monkey is a monkey.
But they brought Fedya Baratov to him,
And Fedya saw a shaggy slut.
4. It has two letters "k"
Don't forget to write
Like him, always be!
(Neat person)
5. Looks like a hedgehog
But he does not ask for food.
Runs through clothes -
She will be cleaner.
(Clothes brush)
6. Smooth, fragrant, washes clean,
Everyone needs to have.
What is it guys?
7. Hairy head
She fits into her mouth deftly
And counts our teeth
Mornings and evenings.
Leader 2: Thank you Dr. AIBOLIT! And now, after a short rest, we can continue our « Fun starts» :

"Running in one felt boots". The participant puts on a felt boot on one leg and runs in it to the counter and back.
"Ball underfoot". Participants pass a large ball under their feet back. The last one to take the ball gets up first and does the same.

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

^ 6. Task "Find like-minded people"

Counselor 1: Next exercise"Find like-minded people."

The team captain is given a sheet. The task is to write what rule (what action) children follow to maintain health. Further, communicating with other spectator participants, he collects signatures (marks) of those who follow the same rules.

Notes. You can't use negations, like "I don't smoke", etc.

counselor announces what team members and spectators consider the most important for maintaining health. The number of signatures is counted by the jury.

^ 7. Riddles contest.

Dr. Aibolit: And now I will ask you riddles again:

1. He is not sugar, not flour,
But it looks a little like them.
In the morning he always
It gets on the teeth.
2. Lie in your pocket and watch
Roaring, crying and dirty,
They will wipe away the streams of tears,
He will not forget about the nose.
3. Here is such a funny case!
A cloud settled in the bathroom.
Rain pours from the ceiling
On my back and sides.
What a pleasure it is!
The rain is warm, heated,
There are no puddles on the floor.
All the kids love...
4. The track says -
Two embroidered ends:
Wash yourself a little
Wash the ink off your face!
Otherwise you are at noon
Dirty me.
5. What is useful -
Everybody knows?
And the answer is easy to find.
By my favorite cup
Daisies are drawn
Well, in a cup...
6. On the snow - two lanes,
Two foxes were surprised.
One came closer
Someone was running...
7. Who will catch up with me on the ice?
We are racing.
And it's not the horses that carry me,
And shiny...

And on this occasion
We will now entrust you
Name the best today.
And we will give them medals.

Gives medals to the winners of the riddle contest.

^ 8. "Fun Contests"

Leader 2: And now let's hold "Fun Contests"

A. washing. 4 people blindfolded under dictation draw on the board how they wash their face.
b. Charging-1. 4 people collect matches scattered on the floor without bending their knees.
V. Charging-2. "Exercise for the lungs." Inflate the balloon.

d. "Get ready for school!". 3 people from each team dress their captains (shorts, T-shirt, socks, sneakers, hat, fur coat, scarf, satchel).
e. Pantomime Competition. "Apartment cleaning". Depict what kind of homework I do:
1. I sweep the floor.
2. I dust the furniture.
3. Wash dishes.
4. I use a vacuum cleaner.
5. I set the table.
6. I wash and hang clothes.

The jury summarizes and announces the results of the competition.

The event continues in the auditorium.

^ 9. Costume musical performance "Vitamins is power". Cheerful music sounds in the auditorium.

Presenter 1: Greetings to everyone who found the time
And come to the holiday of health!
Lead 2: Cheerful summer looks out the window,
Our camp is cozy and bright!
Lead 3: We are growing up here, we are husbands here
And, of course, gaining weight!
Presenter 4: We are always healthy, friendly with charging,
We need sports with physical education, like air, we need!

Music sounds, a moving dance is performed.
Suddenly one participant falls.

Presenter 1: Yes, that's class!
I feel bad now!
Everything is spinning in front of me
Everything went haywire in my head.
Lead 2: You can't leave like that!
We need to call the doctor!
Presenter 1: I don't want doctors!
I'm almost healthy!
Lead 3: You look terrible.
A visit to the doctor won't hurt.

Lead 4: Listen! My ears hurt
So I have three injections a day
The nurse pricked for a month!
And, as you can see, alive and well
And I live without doctors!
Lead 2: You can live without injections -
Start taking pills.
Here's a bunch of pills for you -
I bought just in case.
(gives a bag that says "Pills")
Lead 3: I have a wish -
Do the pour!
I have this procedure
I don't change to medicine.
And in the cold, and on a hot day
I'm not too lazy to temper!
(in the hands of a basin and a towel)
Lead 4: Physical education - that's the recipe!
Move more come on!
Run, jump, squat!
Catch the ball and throw the ball!
Ready? On your marks!
(throws the ball to the patient)
Presenter 1: Wait! It looks like we're not on our way.
Just think about sports
Tears roll to the floor.
^ ALL: Doctor! Doctor!

Dr. Aibolit: Hello guys!
What's happened? What hurts?
There is iodine and cotton wool.

Presenter 1: Pain, doctor, in the head.
Help me doctor
I have such a weakness
I don't even want sweets!

^ Doctor AIBOLIT: I'll check it out now
I will help how I can.
Hands are weak, legs too...
So, what does that look like?
Come on, open your mouth wide:
One and two and three and four.
All teeth are still in place.
Let's consult together.

Lead 2: We must give him pills!
Lead 3: Drop a pipette into the nose!
Lead 4: We must drink the powder!
Lead 2: Antibiotics - bag!
Lead 3: We must give him potions!
Lead 4: Give a certificate from physical education!

^ Doctor AIBOLIT: No, guys, you are completely wrong in this!
Your knowledge is visible, but the pills are harmful to you!
I understand what the question is! This is AVITAMINOSIS!
Not enough vitamins! Vitamins in the body are melting!

^ ALL: Nonsense! We don't believe!

Come out children - Vitamins.

Dr. Aibolit: Meet - vitamins A, B, C, D, K and E.
Today they will show you the way to good medicine.

Vitamin A: So that you are beautiful,
Vitamin B: To not be whiny,
Vitamin C: So that any business is in the hands
Argued amicably, boiled!
Vitamin K: To sing songs louder,
Vitamin E: To live to be more interesting,
Vitamin D: You need to become strong, healthy,
There is cottage cheese, sour cream, pilaf,
Drink juices and milk.
vitamins(chorus): These truths are not new!

^ Doctor AIBOLIT: Vitamins are life!
Everyone needs to be friends with them!
You don't have any illnesses!
I'll give you this advice:
Take vitamins
And add health!

Presenter 1: Thank you, doctor, to you!
Lead 2: Everyone should think for himself,
Lead 3: How to defeat diseases
Lead 4: And keep healthy!
^ ALL: Vitamins are life!
Everyone needs to be friends with them!
Everyone, both adults and children!

Dr. Aibolit:

Remember my advice:
All year round- winter and summer -
There is no life without vitamins!

Everyone performs together ^ Hymn to Sports(to the motive of the song "Solar circle")

Glorious our friend!
Our true friend!
Sport helps us in life
With him we go
We don't get tired
We sing glory to sports.


Let us have a moment of sports
Give the joy of movement
And soul inspiration
May sport always give!

All in unison: Long live the sport!

^iii. Summarizing.

    Exercise "Dialectics".

The participants gather in a circle. An exchange of opinions is held on the topic: "Taking care of health is easy - taking care of health is difficult." Everyone around the circle expresses one of the assumptions. The first is easy, the second is difficult, the third is easy, and so on.

Leader 1: We sit in a circle. Today we talked a lot about staying healthy, but staying healthy is sometimes not easy at all. Therefore, in the final exercise, we will look at what is easy to do to maintain health, and what is difficult. The first participant says: “Taking care of health is easy because…” The second participant says: “Taking care of health is difficult because…” And so on in a circle.

Leader 2: Good health allows not only to achieve in life what a person really wants: to get an education, a profession, start a family, raise children, achieve success, but also constantly enjoy life itself, enjoy it, despite life's difficulties.

    ^ Ring of sports songs.

Leader 1: The song helps to live
The song unites
She sets the mood
And sports songs
Inspirational, wonderful.
They fill the hearts with enthusiasm.

Leader 2: Let's remember and sing songs about sports.

^IV. Celebration Line.

    Congratulations and awards to the winning teams, active participants and fans.


1. Abramova T. Imagine yourself healthy. Be healthy. - 1997. No. 2.

2. Ivanchenko V. Gymnastics of the pharaohs. Be healthy. -1996. - N.M.

3. Wisdom healthy life: Aphorisms, proverbs, sayings about health. - M.: Medicine, 1986.

4. Novikova T. A., Krivotulova E. V., Shishkina N. V. Legacy of Jean Nico: A play in five acts. Biology at school. - 1997. - No. 2.

5. Journal "Biology at school", 1990-2009. Section "Educational work"
6. Riddles from A to Z. Ed. N.B. Petrov. St. Petersburg: Didaktika Plus Publishing House, 1997

Scenario of a sports team-building holiday for 200 people


  • Playground

Date Time

  • 12.00 – 16.00 (4 hours)

Number of participants

  • 200 people


During the entire event, a host works on the grounds, who comments on the course of the ongoing competitions. He also leads the opening, closing and awarding ceremony of the sports festival.

Instructors and judges

For each type of competition held in the open sports ground attached professional sports animators and instructors who monitor the implementation of the rules of the competition, cheer and help the participants.

Algorithm of the event

The entire sports team-building program takes place simultaneously in 5 game zones. Zones are presented types of sports and entertainment team activities. 1st zone, on the cat. competitions are held in the game "Search for treasure" and in the archery and crossbow shooting range. 2nd zone, members of their teams, together with the host, are competing in tug-of-war and arm wrestling. 3rd zone, participants compete in the pneumatic shooting range and mini-rally races. After passing this stage, the participants move to the 4th zone of the competition site: "High Tower" and take part in a sports and entertainment relay race with attractions. And finally, the 5th game zone is a mini-football and mini-golf area. Sports instructors and a referee work in each zone, who follow the rules for completing tasks and judge tournaments. For the successful or winning completion of tasks, the team is assigned points, the total number of which determines the winner in the team standings of our program. All results are recorded and then transferred to the leader. The team that scores the most points (points) of victories in the presented sports tasks wins. At the end of the holiday, the host solemnly announces the results and awards the winning team.

Types of sports team building activities

  1. "Treasure Search"
  2. Archery and crossbow shooting range
  3. tug of war
  4. Arm wrestling
  5. Pneumatic shooting range
  6. Mini-rally (races of radio-controlled SUV models)
  7. Competition "High Tower"
  8. Team entertainment relay race with attractions
  9. Mini football
  10. Mini golf

Division into teams

Option 1: employees of the company (competitors) at the entrance to the sports grounds are met by personnel who selectively form 4 equivalent teams of 50 people to participate in tournaments by types of sports and entertainment activities. Members of each team tie bandanas of different colors to distinguish from each other (example - red, green, blue and yellow).

Option 2: 4 teams formed in advance take part in competitions at the presented sites.

Team name

Each team comes up with a name for itself, which is entered into the general protocol of the competition.

At the beginning of the program, each team confers and selects a captain and participants in their team according to the types of sports team-building activities provided, based on the number of people per one playing area:

  1. treasure hunt game - all team members; archery and crossbow shooting range - 10 people
  2. tug of war - all participants; arm wrestling - 5 people
  3. pneumatic shooting range - 6 people; race mini-rally -5 people
  4. competition "high tower" - 5 participants and team entertainment relay race - all participants from the team.
  5. mini-football - 5 people and mini-golf - 4 people from the team

Games opening

The host announces the start of sports and entertainment games. Before the start of the competition, the director of the camp gives parting words to the participants.

Sports and entertainment team building program

"Treasure Search"

"Treasure hunt" is an outdoor game, the meaning of which is that each team must collect the largest number of words from pre-hidden letters ("treasure"). Variants of this game are possible, in which words are collected on a specific topic (in this case??. An example is transport, the oil and gas sector, construction, pharmaceuticals, etc.).

At the same time, 2 teams of 25 people each take part in this game. In each team, a captain is selected - he will collect words. In a specially fenced area (forest or rough terrain), a certain number of letters of the Russian alphabet are hidden. At the command of the leader, every 15 seconds, one person from the team goes in search of a “treasure”, until all the players are looking for a “treasure” (letters) in a fenced area. After 10 minutes of searching, the host stops the game and the captains begin to collect words. The team with the most words in 5 minutes wins.

Crossbow and archery shooting range

Real sports and historical activity. A team tournament is held in shooting from professional bows (compound and classic bows) and crossbows. From one team, 10 people from the team participate in the shooting. All participants are immersed in the atmosphere of a real tournament of the best archers in the style of the "King Arthur Tournament of Archers" of the 17th century.

2 firing lines are being prepared for the participants. The firing range is 7 meters. Shooting is carried out at sports targets. Recorded in the protocol total points scored by each team in that discipline. The most accurate guests are marked by instructors.

2 - stage

tug of war

All willing representatives of the two teams participate in the tug-of-war. Rope length 20 meters.

Arm wrestling

Armwrestling competitions are held. Each team nominates 5 people to participate. It is possible to hold competitions on both hands. The team whose members have won the most wins and gets more points in this task. Fights are held in approximately the same weight categories.

3 - stage

Pneumatic shooting range

Such sports activities are offered as shooting from pneumatic pistols and rifles (shooting gallery). 5 members of each team need to knock out the maximum number of points from the firing line, which will help their team in the overall standings. Shooting is carried out from a standing position, from semi-professional repeating rifles and pistols. The firing range is 5 meters at sports targets.

mini rally

Team competitions are held in racing radio-controlled models of buggies (off-road vehicles 1:16 scale). A special track is marked with 2 models on it. Before participating in this task, one warm-up circle is given for each person taking part in the discipline. Under the stormy emotions of the spectators, the teams begin to complete the task, and one participant from the team drives 2 laps of the track and immediately passes the control panel to the next participant. Thus, the total number of laps that 5 employees of one team need to overcome is 10. For the shortest time of passing all 10 laps, the most points are given. The result is entered into the general protocol of the competition.

4 - stage

Competition "High Tower"

4 teams of 5 people assemble a wooden tower. Then, according to the rules of the competition, in turn, the participants take out one wooden block from the tower until one of the 4 towers falls from an unstable position. The winner is the team that was the last to move their block without destroying the tower.

Team entertainment relay race with attractions

This sport activity involves 2 teams of 20 people.

  1. Relay - ("right on target") Participants are invited to run to the marked line and throw as many rings as possible on the "ring throw". After that, the throwing participant runs back to his team and passes the baton to the next participant. The next participant reaches the ring throw, removes all the rings and also completes this task (1 attempt is given in the game - 6 rings). The number of hits of the rings on the "ring throw" is counted and summed up. The team that overcomes this task by all participants in the shortest time and scores the most points (hits) wins.
  2. Jump a certain distance with the ball sandwiched between the legs (“penguins with the ball”) and back - pass the baton to another participant. The team that overcomes this task in the shortest time by all participants wins.
  3. "Relay-train".
  4. "Jumping on balls": the relay race takes place on fitballs, on which participants jump to the marked line and back and pass the ball to another participant.
  5. Entertaining relay race with an attraction "Obstacle Course" Participants need to overcome an inflatable obstacle course consisting of 4 sections back and forth and pass the baton to the next member of their team. The team that completes this task in the shortest time wins.
  6. "Relay race on the attraction" Skis "" participants need to go around several racks on team skiing(5x5 participants), go back and pass the skis to the next 5 relay participants. The team that overcomes this task in the shortest time by all participants wins. The number of participants in each team must be a multiple of 5 (10, 15, etc.).
  7. Relay "Comic badminton" We will not replace the racket with anything, but we will mint an ordinary balloon. The first runner is on the start line. He has a racket in one hand and a ball in the other. Opposite, on the finish line, a bucket is installed. The player must, by hitting the ball with the racket, take the ball to the finish line and put it in the bucket. Then the player returns and passes the racket to the next, the second participant runs to the bucket, takes the ball out of it and leads it to the team. Actions alternate; one player runs with the ball to the bucket - to the finish line, the other from the bucket. No one has the right to carry the ball in his hands or hit it with his hand, everything is only with a racket. The team that first mastered the rules of such badminton and made everything faster than others will win.

5 - stage

Mini football

Football competitions begin immediately with the semi-finals i.e. 4 teams, by drawing lots, determine their opponents and play out for the final, playing with each other. The winning teams in their pairs go to the final of the football tournament, and the losers fight for 3rd place.

Matches are held according to the rules of mini-football on a marked sports ground. The number of participants from each team is 5 people. The game of football consists of two halves of 5 minutes.

Mini golf

There are 4 mini-golf courses with obstacles on the site.

4 participants - each on their own mini-golf course, try to score 5 balls in a hole in a strictly regulated time (example 5 minutes). The number of balls scored in the holes is recorded in the general team protocol of the competition.

Mini golf is a 2.5 meter long course with a hole and obstacles that must be overcome before the ball hits the hole.

Entertainment in free mode

Crossbow and archery shooting range

Real sports and historical activity. A tournament is held in shooting from professional bows (compound and classic bow) and crossbows. All participants are immersed in the atmosphere of a real tournament of the best archers in the style of the "King Arthur Tournament of Archers" of the 17th century.

2 firing lines are being prepared for the participants. The firing range is 7 meters. Shooting is carried out at sports targets. The most accurate guests are marked by instructors.

Attraction "Gladiator fights"

Competitive attraction in which 2 people participate at the same time. The task of the participants, attacking the opponent with a large soft stick, is to push him off the inflatable pedestal.

mini rally

Racing radio-controlled off-road models. A track for radio-controlled models of cars is marked in a specially fenced area. There are 2 models on the track in total. Possible scenarios for holding competitions: 1. individual starts (an individual participant overcomes the track for a while); 2. team starts (each participant of one team overcomes 1 lap of the track and passes the control panel to the next participant).

The winner is the participant or team of these competitions, the cat. overcome in the shortest time a certain amount of laps on the track.


The team that wins in the overall standings is solemnly awarded the cup as the winner in this sports team-building holiday. Participants who win in individual competitions are awarded with memorable gifts and diplomas. There is an awarding ceremony for all planned nominations by the director of the camp and the hosts of the holiday.

Scenario of a sports event in a summer camp

The scenario of a sporting event is suitable for different ages. The purpose of the participants

sporting event win and find treasure

hidden in the camp (legend

about the treasure can be thought up depending on

what constitutes a treasure). At first

teams come up with names for themselves and choose captains (1 minute).

I. Only the fastest will find the treasure

relay races (for each stage 1, 2 or 3 points (0 if

The team didn't do it at all.

1. Relay with

with how


jump to the checkpoint and return back,

team wins

2. Relay with

skipping rope

take the rope in one hand and jump over the rope

run to the checkpoint, win


overcome the distance.

3. Relay with the ball

bring the ball to the checkpoint and return, the team wins,

whose participants will cover the distance the fastest.

4. Relay with three balls (cheburashka)

1 ball

clamped by the knees, the other two in the hands

you need to run to the checkpoint and return with 3 balls in your hands.

5. Relay with the ball

bring the ball around the pins with your feet to the checkpoint and return

with the ball running, the team wins, whose members are

three of them will overcome the distance.

6. Ball relay in pairs

pinch the ball between the heads and run to the checkpoint,

come back with the ball sandwiched between the heads.

7. Relay with a hoop

jumping over the hoop to get to the checkpoint,


running, with a hoop in hand, the team wins

whose members are the fastest

overcome the distance.

8. Relay with hoop and ball

one team member (captain) becomes

control line with a hoop, team members take turns leading me

h to checkpoint

and from there they throw, trying to get into the hoop (basketball)

hoop can catch balls,

team wins

scoring the most goals.

9. Relay with a hoop and skittles

roll the hoop around the pins, trying not to knock down, until


about the point, come back running with the hoop in hand.

10. Skittle relay (collect all the skittles)

there are skittles at the checkpoint (you can

stick pictures of things necessary when searching for treasure and things that are useless


necessary (for speed and communication

strikingness, “wrong” skittles can be discarded,

so that other participants spend less time choosing)) participants run up, take

1 pin and return, the team that collects all the pins wins.

II. Map search.

Team members must

the territory of the camp (each in his own

square) find pieces of the map (hints) hidden in various objects (commands

should be clearly instructed

where to look and what to look for), putting together these pieces

you can read the clue (riddle) and determine where

treasure is located. At this stage

teams get 3, 2 and 1 points.

III. Treasure search.

According to the map (at the prompt), team members search for the treasure


the team that found the treasure.

By the sum of points in all competitions, the jury determines the teams

ranked 1, 2, 3

places in

sports competition

1st COMPETITION. "Building Fast"

Teams must quickly line up in height.


Do not be afraid that they will laugh,

Never leave your charger.

Only the one who does not cry will succeed

Nothing comes easily, without difficulty.

- Our next competition is really difficult, but I'm sure you can handle it.

2nd COMPETITION. "Kangaroo"

Whose team will jump next? Team members take turns jumping from a place. Each next one starts jumping from the landing site of the previous jumper. The team with the longest jump length wins. (Assistant judges monitor the correct execution of the task)


Yes, you played together like that,

And maybe you're tired?

For fun, for order

I’ll ask you another riddle: You throw it on the floor -

He jumps high

It's never boring with him

We want to play it ... (Ball)

When you go to storm the relay race,

Victory is not very visible to us.

But still we will reach victory,

No fluff, you team, no pen!

3rd COMPETITION. Relay "Penguins"
In one direction, players move by jumping, with the ball sandwiched between their knees. Back - take the ball in your hands and run back.

Leading: You did a great job, and we offer you a new interesting

trial. Try to guess which one.

We have a new ball

We've been playing for an hour

I throw - you catch

And if you drop it - pick it up!

Up to what funny ball

And so it jumps, and so it jumps.

Where there is no ceiling

He flies under the clouds! (balloon)

- Guess what kind of competition awaits you?

- Yes, with balloons.

We see from the side

Teams in technology are equal. We want to take a quick look

Whose captains are smarter.

4th COMPETITION. Captains Competition.

It is necessary to put an inflatable ball into the bucket with a stick, without touching it with your hands.

Respite for the contestants.

Entertainment show with spectators and fans

Good people game

Leading: You must do what I say if before that there were the words "Good people."

Good people, raise your hands.

Clap your hands.

"Good people," bark.


"Good people", slap your knees


5TH COMPETITION. "Accurate shooter".

Target - knock down as many balls as possible with another ball.

Leading: Our sports holiday

It's time for us to continue .

Children are happy about the sports holiday.

We will shout to the sports holiday - Hurray !!!

- The next match is called


Shifting the leaflets-boards, the teams must cross the "swamp" without getting their feet wet. The team that spends the least time on the transition, the fewest number of times set foot on the ground, wins.

Director of MAOU Kazanskaya

(correctional) school

Getman L.S.

School events and school holidays

A holiday of outdoor and sports games in a summer camp They will not catch up with us ...


Sports events in the summer camp are held throughout the day (in the morning - sports match, before dinner - other events, rewarding - after dinner). Competitions involve the participation of all teams, however, division into age groups is provided.

Venue for sports games: stadium or large meadow.

Number of participants: 50-100 people.

Age of participants: 12-15 years old.

Material support of the sports festival:

  • sports equipment for the match;
  • props for contests (balloons,
  • thick rope (length - 2 m), tissue paper discs, hats, flags for the game "Defending the Banner");
  • cardboard medals;
  • prizes.

Preparing for a sports holiday at a summer camp

As a preparation for the event, it is necessary to conduct a draw between the squads for a sports match.

It is also necessary to inspect the place where the holiday will take place, clean it of debris, level the ground on the playgrounds, mark the sites.

The plan of a sports holiday in a summer camp:

  1. Sports match.
  2. Warm-up games.
  3. Contests.
  4. The game "Protection of the banner."
  5. Quiz.
  6. Winner's reward ceremony.

Duration of the sports festival: 4 hours.

sports match

The holiday starts right after breakfast sports game(football, volleyball, basketball). There are several options for organizing and conducting games:

  1. Conducting a series of matches between teams.

For this, short futsal competitions are best suited. If the age of the children in the units varies greatly, it is necessary to create several age groups. Games can be played separately for boys and girls or in mixed teams. If possible, several games are played at the same time.

2. Exhibition match (football) between two senior teams.

3. Football or volleyball match between teams of children and teachers.

When preparing matches, it is also necessary to organize teams of fans.

Warm-up games at a sports festival

The second part of the holiday begins in the afternoon with fun games. For example, you can play the following games:

Dragon Tail game

Participants stand in a row one after another and hold on to the belt of the player standing in front. The goal of the first player in the chain is to catch the last one. In this case, the chain should not break.

Game "Locust"

To play, you need to mark Treadmills and start and finish lines. The distance varies from 30 to 50 m depending on the age of the participants. On command, the participants run from the start to the finish line. The last three players who came running no longer participate in the race, but become "pests".

In the next run, the "pests" try to stop the rest of the children from running or force them to step over the edge of the treadmill. The three players who came last in the second run join the "pests". "Pests" are all players who crossed the edge of the treadmill.

After that, the next run takes place. The game continues until one person remains at the start, who is considered the winner.

During the game, it is necessary to ensure that the "pests" do not use force against other players.

All educators know that children learn best through play. Therefore, the whole educational process you need to build in such a way that they are just interested. But it should also be noted that during the rest the child must explore the world and gain new knowledge. In this article, I would like to consider various competitions in the camp for children: funny, moving, but most importantly, educational.

Competition "Who can count better"

The first joke game-competition will tell you which team can count better. To do this, you need to create two groups of children, in which there will be 8 people. The guys line up in a row, and numbers from 1 to 8 are attached to their backs, randomly. Children do not know what number is on their back, but they can see the number of the player in front. The essence of the competition is to line up as soon as possible so that the score is correct.

Competition "Artist, or Like a chicken paw"

Can also be used creative contests at the camp for children. Here, for example, is an excellent contest that will help reveal a non-standard artist in a child. To do this, you need to take one person from each squad. The essence of the game: you need to use a pencil and a leg (not a hand!) to draw a picture (the same for everyone). For example, a house or a flower. Whoever does better wins.

Competition "Crocodile"

It must also be remembered that competitions in the camp for children should also be very fun. So why not play with the kids in the good old "Crocodile"? To do this, you need to choose one person who will be the leader. Children from different teams sit in front of the main player and try to guess what he is showing. In this case, the presenter should not use words or other sound prompts. The team with the most points in the entire competition wins. Each guess of a team member is worth 1 point.

Competition "Chefs"

You also need to remember that competitions in the camp for children should also teach children something useful. That's what this competition is all about. For him, the children are divided into two teams, one of which "cooks" the soup, the other compote. That is, participants should take turns naming vegetables or fruits. And so, until one team does not know what to say. Alternatively, it could be a competition of captains, where not the whole team, but only one person will name vegetables and fruits.

Looking for treasure

When choosing interesting competitions for children in the camp, you need to remember to organize a game for the guys called "In Search of Treasures". To do this, you need to hide the treasure in a certain area and hang out clues that should help the players move forward. As a result, the winner is the team that found the treasure before the others. Attention: this competition requires the presence of adults as well. After all, it is best to hide treasures somewhere in the forest.


What other competitions are there for children in the camp? Merry! Yes, you can just fool around. To do this, the guys are divided into two teams. The players of one - meow, the other - grunt. Then everyone is blindfolded, the children mix with each other. Purpose of the game: with your eyes closed, find all the members of your team, as a result, holding hands along the chain.

Competition for mindfulness

This is an individual competition. That is, everyone plays for himself here. Although as a result, the winner can also represent the entire team. So, all the children stand in a row. When the host says "sea" - everyone should jump forward, "land" - back. Also, the host can say “water”, “river”, “lake” and so on, that is, everything that relates to water. And the same with dry land. Variations: "shore", "land", "sand". Those children who jump incorrectly are out of the game. One person must remain, who will bring the winning ball to his team.


It often happens that you have to spend some time in the building. To do this, you need to have in reserve various competitions for children in the indoor camp that can be held without much difficulty. An excellent competition in this case is for the ability to draw. So, each player chooses a "victim" for himself, that is, the person he draws (from those present). Then all the other participants must guess who is depicted in the portrait. The one whose drawing is recognized by more people wins.


We consider further competitions and games for children in the camp. So, you can ask the children to get the prize as soon as possible. That is, a large barn lock is hung on a box or cabinet. Children are given a bunch of keys, among which they need to find the right one as soon as possible. If there is no way to hide something interesting, you just need to ask the children to pick up the key to the lock.

Young sculptors

There are also very funny contests at a summer camp for children. For example, all the kids will definitely like the Sculptor game. The props here are simple: balls and adhesive tape. From inflated balloons, you need to glue a man or a woman so that it looks like the original as much as possible. Further, you will have to explain your creation, so the most fun will be yet to come.

Sports competition "Marine"

You can play this game in the gym, which, by the way, will be even better. Here - every man for himself. An admiral is chosen, that is, the commander-in-chief of the ship. He will issue orders that the players must obey.

  • "Starboard!" - all the kids run to the right wall.
  • "Left side!" - the guys run to the left wall.
  • "Feed" - the children go to the back wall.
  • "Nose" - to the front.
  • "Raise the sails!" After this command, everyone should immediately stop and raise their hands up.
  • "Scrub the deck!" In this case, all the children pretend to wash the floor.
  • "Cannonball!" After this command, all children squat.
  • "Admiral on board!" In this case, the children should freeze and "salute" the commander in chief.

The person who incorrectly executed the command or was the last to run to the wall leaves the game. And so on until one or more players remain.

Fill up the mammoth

There are also very funny and at the same time sports competitions for children in the camp. This game is more suitable for younger teams. To do this, you need to imagine that the whole team is a tribe. The counselor chooses a mammoth, that is, the one who needs to be thrown onto the nearest bed or mat. Basically, there are no winners. But you can try to time how long this or that mammoth will last.

Accuracy game

You need to choose those games, competitions for children in the summer camp, which the kids really, really like. So, the guys love the following fun, which also develops accuracy. To do this, you need to put a plate with sand or flour on the chair. All the children take turns throwing a coin or a bottle cap there, being at a certain distance. The team with the most items in their bowl wins.

Paper games

If there is no way to go outside and even to the gym, you can keep yourself busy with a very fun and simple game. To do this, all participants are given a piece of paper and a pen. One long word is selected, from which participants need to add many small ones. There can be two winners here. One - who put together the most words. The other is who from the long word folded the longest.

You can also play the good old Sea Battle.

If you are very bored

What other competitions can there be for children in a day camp? Why not start the day in a good mood? To do this, all the children sit in a row, and each one says a compliment to his friend or wishes something good. It can also make a funny face.

Make a mummy

The kids also really like the competition game, the purpose of which is to make a mummy out of a person using toilet paper. That is, you need to wrap the player in such a way that he looks like her as much as possible. The winner is the one whose mummy is more like the hall.

As a small conclusion, I would like to say that when choosing games, quizzes, contests for children in the camp, you need to take into account not only the age of the kids, but also their interests. After all, different children need to work in completely different ways. Someone needs more sports competitions, someone - fun, and someone - intellectual.