Nod in the preparatory group the structure of the human body. Synopsis of the GCD "Human Body" in the preparatory group

The goal is to summarize the elementary valeological knowledge of children about the work of various human organs; development in children the ability to use knowledge about a healthy lifestyle for their own recovery, to develop their own version healthy lifestyle life independently (if possible) to solve the problems of their health. Education of skills to preserve and strengthen one's own health, the ability to express value judgments about facts and phenomena that worsen and improve human health. Material: illustrations with the digestive organs; illustrations with respiratory organs; two paper figures of a man from the height of a child; two sets of illustrations internal organs person; emblems for each child; medals, a first aid kit, a wonderful barrel with small barrels, scarves, vegetables, the game "Pick the right one."

The children in the group are divided into two teams with different names: the Aibolit team and the Moidodyr team. The course of the lesson:
Educator: A person is different:
medium, small, large,
And it's not so easy to immediately figure out who is what,
There are eyebrows, there are ears, there is a mouth, and two hands.
It is very important what is outside, but what is more important is what is inside.
So it's not about the appearance, the essence is not so simple at all
Our main differences: heart, mind, kindness.
A sharp look is needed for the heart, take a closer look -
It is very important what is outside, but more important is what is inside.
Beautiful words: It is important not what is outside, but what is inside a person.
Today is an occupation for the smartest, most savvy, most quick-witted. In today's lesson, we will once again recall what you know about the structure of the human body, let's talk about the external and internal organs of a person. Since each of you is on a team, you will need resourcefulness, ingenuity, and, of course, mutual assistance.
We play KVN.
teams, introduce yourself to each other, the jury, the guests.

Presentation of 1 AIBOLIT team:
If someone is unwell
Don't Call Doctors
All heal and heal
Our team is Aibolit.

Presentation of 2 teams MOIDODYR:
Wash your neck, hands with soap,
Rub your cheeks, nose to holes,
And will certainly praise
You for this - Moidodyr!

Presentation of the jury members. Educator: To be in good competitive shape, I propose to warm up. Each team has 8 questions. You can confer, discuss options for answers.

Questions for the Aibolit team:
1. In which side of the body is the heart? (left)
2. What is between the skin and the skeleton in the human body? (muscles)
3. If a person is very sick, what does he take? (medicine)
4. What organ of our body receives sound signals? (ear)
5. What vegetable do our eyes cry from? (from bow)
6. What does a dentist treat? (teeth)
7. We know that an apple is a fruit, there is also an apple in the human body, but it is ... (eye)
8. If you need to call the police, what number will you dial? (02)

Questions for the Moidodyr team:
1. What color is the blood? (red)
2. What is the head of everything? (brain)
3. How many times a day should you brush your teeth? (2 times)
4. A person can have many friends, but the main ones are: the sun, air and ... (water)
5. Birds have feathers, humans have ... (hair)
6. What does an ophthalmologist treat? (eyes)
7. There is an amazing muscle in the human body, it is involved in chewing food, it is attached to our body only on one side. What is this? (language)
8. What phone number do we call " ambulance"? (03) Educator: The warm-up is over, now you can move on to the main tasks that are in this wonderful barrel. So, "Troubles from the barrel."

Trouble number 1. Interrogative. The task is a puzzle.
Each team is asked a question. To answer it, teams allocate four people each. The members of the Aibolit team are given cards with illustrations of the digestive organs (stomach, mouth, esophagus, intestines). Children need to line up in the order in which food moves through the body.

The members of the "Moidodyr" team are offered cards with illustrations of the respiratory organs (bronchi, lungs, nose, trachea), children need to stand in the order in which the air moves through the body. Children complete the task, evaluate the commands, make changes.
The child of one of the teams takes out the next barrel with the task number from the barrel.

Trouble number 2. Game. It is dedicated to important, tasty, juicy, nutritious foods. Did you guess which one? That's right, fruit. One by one, the teams name one fruit each. A point is given to the team that named the fruit last.
The jury sums up.

Trouble number 3. 1. Tasks from Dr. Pilyulkin:
1. Five brothers
Years equal,
Growth is different. (Fingers.)

2. Here is a mountain, and near the mountain
Two deep holes.
In these burrows the air roams,
It comes in, it goes out. (Nose.)

3. On the top of my head
The forest grew thick.
I'll braid it
The forest will become oblique. (Hair.)

4. In one room
neighbors live
One bites everything
Others chew. (Teeth.)

5. All people have one
Sitting on the neck - (Head.)

6. Should not be a stoop
Our babies ... (Back.)

7. This is no longer a secret for the kids
The bones are collectively called ... (Skeleton.)

8.In the middle of a man
Day and night knocking ... (Heart.)

2. "Help a friend"
Dr. Pilyulkin calls two people from each team: one child is injured (a cut on the wrist), the second is providing assistance using a first aid kit.
Summing up.

Trouble number 4. Captain's.
1. Pick the right picture. To the illustration "Healthy sleep" the child selects the necessary pictures. The second captain selects pictures for the "Healthy food" illustration.

2. This task for the captains will help us check the work of one of the "scouts" of the brain, the work of our language. Children with their eyes closed determine the taste of vegetables.

Summing up.
Trouble number 5. know-it-alls. "Who will collect human organs faster", teams are offered paper internal organs of a person and a paper figure of a person. Each player is invited to attach one organ to a human figure. The team that quickly and correctly attaches the internal organs to the human figure wins. Educator: While the jury is summing up the results, let's sing the song "Smile", because even one smile makes everyone feel better. A healthy person always has a good mood.

The jury sums up. KVN participants are awarded medals - the winning team - gold, the other - silver.
Congratulations, the winning team goes through the lap of honor, the children go to the group.


Morning gymnastics.

Conversation with children healthy body healthy mind."

Tasks : to form in children the habit of a healthy lifestyle, to give an idea of ​​the benefits of physical education for maintaining health.

P / I "Do as I do."

D / I "Valeology", "ABC of security".

Tasks: cultivate a desire to play, taking into account the opinions of others.

D / I "Put it in order."

Tasks : to consolidate knowledge with children about a numerical segment within 10, exercise in comparing objects according to various criteria (Timofey, Dima, Dasha F.).

Duty in a corner of nature - caring for indoor plants.

Tasks : to give an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe reproduction of flowers (cuttings, processes), to cultivate labor skills.

Ind. Conversations with parents "What physical exercise do the children get at home?

cognitive development(FEMP) "Plus sign."

Target: continue to teach children to increase and decrease numbers within 10 by one; introduce the plus sign; learn to call the "neighbors" of a given number; exercise as part of the number six (V.P. Novikova, p. 60).

Music (according to the plan of the music director)


Plant observation.

Tasks: invite the children to find trees and shrubs that still have leaves, explain to the children why not all the leaves have fallen off.

Outdoor games "Hunters and hares", "Oncoming dashes.

Tasks: to improve and expand the game ideas and skills of children. Develop dexterity, speed of reaction, accuracy of movements.

Individual work on the development of movements « Jumping up from a place ”(Sasha, Olya, Danya Kh.).

Tasks : to develop jumping ability, the ability to concentrate muscle efforts, combining strength with speed.

Mobile game "Run to the named tree."Tasks: teach children to use their knowledge of names and external features trees.

Work on the site - clearing paths from snow.

Tasks: develop the habit of finishing what you start.

Sports walking.

Tasks: teach children to follow the technique of execution walking. Develop endurance, strengthen leg muscles, promote children's health.

Reading fiction: K. Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit".

Canteen duty

(Egor, Polina).

Tasks: educate responsibility, conscientiousness, form work skills in a team


Tasks: continue to improve the culture of food: use cutlery correctly, eat neatly, silently, give thanks.


D / I "Miracle crosses", "The fourth extra".

Tasks : cultivate interest and patience, develop logical thinking. Board game"Lotto" (on the topic).

Individual work on the development of speech (Lesha, Semyon, Yulia).


C / R game "Polyclinic".

Tasks : to cultivate the ability to independently distribute roles, develop a plot based on personal experience, use substitute items in the game.

Games initiated by children.


Observation "The transformation of puddles."

Tasks: to teach children to notice the changes that occur with water in puddles depending on air temperature.

Mobile game "Grey wolf".

Return from a walk. Dinner

Independent activity of children in the centerdidactic games:"mosaic", "puzzles", "lotto".

Tasks : development of fine motor skills.

Planning of educational work (TUESDAY)

Topic: I am human. The structure of the human body "

Morning gymnastics.

Conversation with children "Sport and people".

Tasks : to teach children to draw the simplest conclusions, conclusions.

P / I "Wolf in the ditch".

D / I "Cleanliness is the key to health."

Tasks : to cultivate cultural and hygienic skills.

D / I "Find the opposites."

D / I "I will start, and you continue."

Tasks: to teach children to retell the read work (Sonya, Dasha N., Yulia).

Individual work on the development of speech (Lesha, Dima).

Tasks : to exercise children in the formation of single-root words, to teach to use one of the methods of word formation in accordance with the task.

Duty in a corner of nature - wipe the dust from the shelves of cabinets.

Tasks : to cultivate industriousness.

Independent activity in the center of creativity

(draw the children's attention to the fact that you need to hold the pencil correctly, carefully color the object without going beyond the contour of the object).

Ind. conversations with parents about the well-being of children

Information for parents on the topic "Family".

Speech development “Composing a fairy tale on the topic “How the hedgehog rescued the hare”.

Target : to learn to invent a fairy tale on a given topic, to describe appearance characters, their actions, experiences; evaluate each other's stories; learn to select single-root words; learn to choose synonyms and antonyms; promote the assimilation of the meanings of polysemantic words (O.S. Ushakova, p. 153).

Drawing "Human face".

Target : encourage to draw large in full sheet; exercise in creating contours with a simple pencil; develop visual-motor coordination, stimulate the independence and creativity of children in fine arts.

Physical training (Street)

Target : exercise children in running with acceleration, in passing the ball to each other, standing sideways in a line, in jumping from hoop to hoop. Game exercises"Catch up with a couple", "Quickly pass", "Obstacle track".


"Wind, wind - you are mighty ..."Tasks : continue to acquaint children with the phenomena of inanimate nature, form the idea that the wind can be of different strengths and different temperatures.

Research activity: with the help of sultans, turntables, determine the strength and direction of the wind.

P / and "Sun and wind".

Continue to consolidate the technique of throwing a small ball with the right and left hands at a horizontal target (Nikita V., Semyon, Danya Kh.).

Didactic game "It was - will be."

Tasks: clarify children's ideas about the past, present, future time.

Work on the site - to collect the garbage that appeared on the site.

Tasks : educate the desire to help adults.

Game activities for the interests of children.

Tasks: to develop independence and activity in children.

Preparing for dinner, lunch. Preparation for sleep

Reading fiction: K. Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit" (continued).

Canteen duty

(Nikita V., Sonya).

Tasks: learn to plan your actions, stick to the plan, talk about the results of work, evaluate it.

Self-service: to consolidate the skills to quickly, neatly dress and undress, keep order in your closet.


Exercise after sleep.

D / I "It is possible - it is impossible."Tasks : consolidate the basics of a healthy lifestyle.

Examination of the atlas "Man".

Viewing the puppet show "The Three Little Pigs" performed by children.

Individual work on FEMP. Didactic game "Merry Street" (Seryozha, Dasha F., Danya P.).

Tasks: to consolidate the ability to determine the dimensional relationships between objects in height; organize objects by arranging them in ascending order.


Role-playing games at the choice of children.

Games initiated by children.


Watching how people dress.

Tasks : to develop observation, the ability to draw conclusions.

P / I "Stop!"

Unregulated motor activity.

Return from a walk. Dinner

Didactic game "Nature and man".

Tasks : to update and systematize the knowledge of children about what has been done by man and what nature gives man, to form the ability to classify objects.

Planning of educational work (WEDNESDAY)

Topic: I am human. The structure of the human body "

Morning gymnastics.

Conversation "How is our body arranged?"

Tasks : to consolidate children's knowledge about the structure of the human body, the functions of the sense organs.

Y/N “Who knows more about himself?”

Tasks : consolidate knowledge about the human body.

P / I "Hear - catch."

Exercise children in writing a graphic dictation with a small cell

(subgroup of children).

D / I "Say it differently."

Tasks: to consolidate the ability to select synonyms, antonyms, homonyms

Canteen duty

Tasks: to consolidate the ability to properly set the table for breakfast.

Activities in the construction center "Ambulance".

Tasks : develop design ability.

Games initiated by children.

Ind. conversations with parents about the well-being of children.

Advice for parents "A healthy mind in a healthy body."

Direct educational activities

Cognitive development (FTsKM) "Rules of hygiene".

Target : Consolidate children's knowledge about the name of toiletries, the names of body parts. Learn to select adjectives and verbs for each noun on a given topic, coordinate nouns with possessive pronouns (my, yours, ours) in gender and number.

Sculpting "Girl playing ball."

Target : to consolidate the ability to sculpt a human figure in motion, conveying the shape and proportions of body parts. Exercise in the use of different modeling techniques (TS Komarova, p. 44).

Physical training (according to the plan of an individual worker)


Observation: clothes of passers-by.

Tasks: invite children to make a comparative story “Clothes in October and November”; explain how to choose the right clothes and shoes for the weather, discuss what can happen to people who dress out of season.

Outdoor games "Carp and pike", "Ring".

P / exercise "Throw and catch."

Tasks: exercise children in the ability to throw the ball up and catch it with both hands (Katya, Seryozha, Sasha).

Labor on the site - cleaning toys, sports equipment.

Sports walking.

Tasks : to teach children to follow the technique of performing sports walking. Develop endurance, strengthen leg muscles, promote children's health.

Preparing for dinner, lunch. Preparation for sleep

Reading fiction: K. Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit" (end).

Canteen duty

(Semyon, Julia).

Tasks : teach children how to set the table correctly, compare the number of cutlery and pieces of furniture with the number of children.


Tasks: to consolidate the ability to quickly, neatly dress and undress, keep order in your closet.


Wellness activities after sleep: awakening gymnastics, walking along massage paths.

D / I “Show me where it is?”, “I made a guess”, “What for what?”.

Tasks: to consolidate the idea of ​​the human body, to develop logical thinking.

Individual work on FEMP. Didactic game "What, where?" (Lesha, Dima, Dasha F., Timofey).

Tasks: to consolidate the ability to determine the spatial arrangement of objects in relation to oneself, to designate it with words.

C / R game "Pharmacy".

Tasks : to consolidate children's ideas about the work of a pharmacy, the benefits and dangers of various drugs. To form the ability to politely address each other with a request.

Independent play activities of children in employment centers.


Observation: looking at a snowflake.

Tasks : invite children to catch snowflakes on mittens, examine them, tell how they are “arranged”. Tell the children that no two snowflakes are the same in nature.

Outdoor games "Paints", "Flight of birds".

Return from a walk. Dinner

Games with building materials: "Building a supermarket."

Tasks: to exercise children in establishing dependencies: the type of buildings, the stability of structures, the shape and ratio of heavy and light parts on their functional purpose.

Planning of educational work (THURSDAY)

Topic: I am human. The structure of the human body "

Morning gymnastics.

Conversation with children "We are friends with physical education."

Tasks: to consolidate the concept of the benefits of physical education and sports for human health.

D / I "Guess the sport."

D / I "Where we were, we will not say, but what we did - we will show."

Tasks : develop the ability to guess sports.

P / I "Entertainers".

D / I "Find the treasure."

Tasks: to consolidate the ability to navigate in space with the help of signs (verbal and visual) (Danya Kh., Misha, Nikita V.).

Labor - to offer to wash the equipment in the center of physical education.

Role-playing games "School", "Post".

Tasks: contribute to the formation of the ability to creatively develop the plots of the game. Help children learn some moral standards.

Ind. conversations with parents about the well-being of children.

Advice for parents "What to do with a child at home?"

Direct educational activities

Speech development (literacy).

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about the proposal, teach them to make sentences; to consolidate the ability to divide words into syllables (N.V. Durova, p. 52).

Drawing "I and other people."

Target : fix body parts, what role they play, learn to find similarities and differences in the body structure of different people (hair color, skin color, shape of eyes, lips, mouth, height), understand the uniqueness of each person, fix respect for body parts.

Music (according to the plan of the music director)



Tasks : invite the children to watch how the birds eat food from the feeder. Tell the children that if the birds are fed at the same time every day, they will get used to and will constantly fly to the feeder.Outdoor games "Mice and a cat", "A lifesaver".

C / R "Train".

Individual work with Polina, Sasha, Yulia on the development of movements.

Tasks: improve your jumpsthroughlongskipping rope(fixed and swinging, ontwo legs, standing up to hertsom and sideways).

Labor on the site - snow removal on the veranda.

Tasks: educate the ability to keep order in the area.

Independent motor activity: outdoor games at the choice of children.

Tasks: to teach children to find an activity according to their interests, to organize games on their own.

Preparing for dinner, lunch. Preparation for sleep

Reading fiction: G. Zaitsev "Lessons of Moidodyr".

Canteen duty (Semyon, Sonya).

Tasks: teach children to independently and conscientiously fulfill the duties of dining room attendants, set the table.

Formation of cultural behavior skills: workshop "We are going to visit."

Tasks: introduce children to the rules of conduct at a party.


Exercise after sleep.

C / R game "Ambulance".

Tasks : to consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe work of an ambulance, to consolidate the ability to correctly call an ambulance team.

Game training "Give first aid."

Tasks : to give an idea of ​​the rules for first aid for insect bites.

D / I "Teach at school."

Tasks: continue to exercise children in the ability to compose and solve arithmetic problems using a good example

(Nikita K., Yulia, Dasha F.).

D / I "Good - bad"

Tasks : develop logical thinking.

Tasks : development of fine motor skills.

Games initiated by children.



Tasks: invite the children to look at the moon and stars, tell what they know about them. Clarify and supplement the children's answers, tell them that you can determine the weather of the next day by the evening stars.

mobile game"Ring".

Return from a walk. Dinner

Board game "Collect the picture".

Tasks: to exercise children in drawing up a whole picture from separate parts. Develop visual perception.

Planning of educational work (FRIDAY)

Topic: I am human. The structure of the human body "

Morning gymnastics.

Conversation with children "Health is the main wealth."

Tasks : reinforce the idea of ​​​​the need to protect your health.

D / I "Professions".

Tasks : to consolidate ideas about the professions of people related to the promotion of people's health.

P / I "Carousel".

D / I "What time is it?".

Tasks: to consolidate temporary relationships, the ability to show and name the time on the clock (Semyon, Dasha N., Sonya).

Duty in a corner of nature - offer to wipe the dust on large leaves of plants.

Tasks : to cultivate the ability and desire to care for flowers.

C / R "Shop".

Tasks: Vto arouse in children an interest in the profession of a salesman, to form the skills of a culture of behavior in public places.

Ind. conversations with parents about the well-being of children.

Joint compilation of stories “Useful and bad habits in our family” with children.

Direct educational activities

Cognitive development (FEMP) "The composition of the number seven."

Target : learn to compose the number seven from two smaller numbers, fix the name of the days of the week, exercise in compiling the number seven from units (V.P. Novikova, p. 62).

Cognitive Development (FTsKM) "Journey into the human body".

Target: to consolidate the knowledge that the human body is a single system on which the work of all human organs depends. To form a desire to protect your own and others' health.

Physical Culture (according to the plan of an individual worker)


Observation of natural phenomena: the formation of ice.

Tasks : before the walk, invite the children to answer the question: “Do you think there is ice in the puddles?” Listen to the answers and arguments of the children. On a walk to find out who was right.

Outdoor games:"Carp and pike", "Do not get caught."

Tasks: exercise in running in different directions; develop observation, speed of reaction, dexterity.

Individual work on

movement development (Sasha,

Nikita V., Danya P.).

Tasks : learn to maintain balance while standing on one leg.

Labor on the site - sweep the veranda.

Tasks: cultivate the ability to bring the work begun to the end.

Health jogging on the territory of the kindergarten "Labyrinth".

Tasks: exercise children in running, develop endurance, functional capabilities of the body.

Games initiated by children.

Preparing for dinner, lunch. Preparation for sleep

Reading fiction: G. Gorn "Encyclopedia of health in fairy tales and stories for the little ones."

Canteen duty

(Danya H., Dasha F.).

Tasks: contribute to the improvement of skills related to the duties of a duty officer.

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills: exercise "Clean".

Tasks: to improve the cultural and hygienic skills acquired earlier by children.


Exercise after sleep.

C / R game "Polyclinic".

Tasks : to cultivate the ability to independently distribute roles, develop the plot based on personal experience, use substitute objects in the game.

D / I "Flower - seven-flower".

Tasks : educate the ability of children to express their wishes.

Individual work on FEMP. Didactic game "Make an object from triangles" (Danya Kh., Yulia, Polina).

Tasks: learn to make a structure of four isosceles triangles, navigate on a sheet of paper, name the direction in words:left, right, top, bottom.

Board game "Domino".

Tasks: develop attention, logical thinking, speech.

Independent activity of children in the zone of visual activity: work in coloring.

Games initiated by children.


Observation of the evening weather.

Tasks : develop the ability to compare morning, afternoon and evening weather, develop observation and memory.

F/N “Who is gone?”

Return from a walk. Dinner

Didactic game "When does it happen?"

Tasks: to consolidate children's knowledge about the seasons, seasonal changes, activate the relevant concepts in speech, learn to agree on nouns and adjectives.

Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group

"The human body".

Target: Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about parts of the body, about the human senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell.


Get to know the parts of the human body.

To consolidate knowledge about the human senses.

To form children's ideas about the human senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell.

Develop speech when answering questions, train tactile, visual, auditory, taste sensations.

To educate the careful attitude of children to the sense organs, the culture of their protection. Teach kids to take care of their bodies.

Preliminary work: looking at pictures with body parts, reading an encyclopedia, an interactive game "talking anatomy".

Vocabulary work: heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, anatomy.

Priority educational areas: "Knowledge", "Health".

Integration educational areas: "Knowledge", "Health", "Safety", "Reading thin. Literature", "Socialization".

Types of activity: gaming, communicative, cognitive-research.

Equipment: Sun doll, poster with a picture human body, internal organs, the game "Talking Anatomy", cards with rules for the protection of vision.

Course progress.

Educator: Good morning to the sun and birds, good morning to smiling faces. Hello, dear friends, guys, today we have not an easy lesson. The sun has come to visit us. It is very glad that you wanted to see it. Today the sun will tell us what parts the human body consists of. Look carefully at each other, what parts of your body do you have? Now let's look at this poster. Children look at a poster depicting the human body, name the parts: head, legs and arms. Children, answer my questions:

Why does a person need hands? (work, draw, sculpt, etc.)

What are human legs for? (walk, run, jump) What is a man's head for? (think, talk, look)

What parts does the body consist of?

The torso also has parts (the teacher calls the child and shows on it): chest, stomach, back. Game "Parts of the body".

Educator: We need all parts of the body: we eat with our hands, draw, perform miscellaneous work We can move around with our feet. We need a head to think, on the face we have eyes to see, ears to hear, a nose to breathe and smell. And we need the body, because. inside it are the organs: heart, lungs, stomach, intestines (show on the poster). (Listen to the game).

See how many organs are inside a person. And each organ does its job: the heart, like a pump, sends blood to all parts of the body, food is processed in the stomach, we breathe with our lungs. To learn about how we are arranged inside, why all organs are needed, the science called anatomy will help us.

Well done guys, I see that you are interested in learning new things about your body. Now let's have a rest and play.

Physical education:

There are nails on our fingers,

On the hands of the wrist, elbows.

Crown, neck, shoulders, chest

And don't forget your belly.

Got knees and back

But she is only one.

We have two ears and two earlobes on our heads.

Cheeks, nose and two nostrils, Lips, teeth - look!

Chin under the lip.

Here's what we know!

Educator: children, and now, I want to invite you on an extraordinary journey to the country of our feelings. (Listen in the game).

Look closely at these cards. 1 picture - ear. “What can ears do? "," Why are they to us? ". How do we protect our ears?

Dynamic pause for the ears.

"We'll rub our hands,

boldly we will take the ears,

from top to bottom we pinch them,

knead with fingers

let's go up again"

Picture 2 is the nose. "What is the nose for? » In order for your noses to breathe well, I suggest doing breathing exercises.

Breathing exercises

"We take a deep breath of air,

we breathe it out with our mouth.

1 - inhale, 2 - exhale,

1 - inhale, 2 - exhale.

We will stroke the wings of the nose from above,

Let’s rub it from below and breathe again.”

We have another picture. And it will open when you guess the riddle: “Two restless neighbors, a day at work, a night on vacation? »

Picture 3 - eyes.

We know a lot about eyes.

The eyes are one of the most valuable human senses.

Why do people need eyes?

(Children's answers.) What protects the eyes?

Children's answers: Eyelashes, eyebrows, eyelids.

Educator: How do cilia protect our eyes? (trap dust)

Eyelids - close in danger.

Eyebrows - retain sweat, moisture.

Educator: That's right, guys, thanks to the eyes we get almost all the information about the world around us. But in order for our eyes to see well, they must be protected. Do you know the safety rules?

Children's answers.

1. Do not rub your eyes with dirty hands.

2. You can not watch TV close and for a long time, play computer games.

3. You need to protect your eyes from piercing and cutting objects.

5. You need to train your eyes, do exercises, look into the distance.

6. Need to walk on fresh air.

Children, I have one more puzzle left. “Always in your mouth, not swallowed? ".

Children's answer: "Language".

What can language do?

There are plates on the tables. There is a slice of mandarin on the plate.

What is she? (orange, soft, fragrant).

And how did we know?

Children's answers: with the help of hands, eyes, nose.

How else can you find out? to taste.

The tongue can not only speak, but also determine the taste.

We are experimenting with water.

There is a glass of water on the table. The kids are trying. Then I pour salt into one, sugar into the other.

Children's answers - what did the water taste like?

What helped us determine?

The tongue also protects against bad products.

What can not be tried with the tongue?

Can't eat pills

Eating too hot food

Do not take sharp objects

Can't eat cold food

Take dirty items, you can get stomatitis.

Children, what do you think should be done so that the human body is always healthy and all parts of the body work well?

(Engage in physical education, walk more in the fresh air, temper).

Children, and now our sun wants to check what you remember from our lesson, and therefore asks you to solve riddles. Ready? Then listen.

They've been chasing all their lives

And they can't overtake each other.

Five brothers are inseparable

They are never bored together.

They work with a pen

Saw, spoon, axe.

Here is a mountain, and near the mountain

Two deep holes.

In these burrows the air roams,

It comes in, it goes out.

Day and night it knocks

It's like it's set up.

It will be bad if

This knock will stop.

At night, two windows close themselves,

And with the sunrise, they themselves open.

We can listen to them all

We have great hearing!

But it's not good to eavesdrop

This is not appropriate!

Who remembers what science studies the structure of the human body?

Well done guys, you are good at guessing riddles.

“And now we will smile, hold hands tightly, and we will give each other goodbye wishes. Be well everyone." Our lesson is over.

In the program "From birth to school" in senior preschool age the task is: “To expand ideas about the features of the functioning and integrity of the human body, to acquaint children with the possibilities of a healthy person, to expand ideas about the components of a healthy lifestyle: proper nutrition, movement, sleep and sun, air and water, as well as factors that destroy health. In addition to project activities, you can plan a number of activities aimed at introducing children to the human body. An adult organizes experiments to determine the capabilities of some body systems, learns exercises to strengthen eye muscles, respiratory system uses health-saving technologies in its work. During the week, children, getting acquainted with different body systems, fill out graphic cards, depicting the digestive, muscular system, brain and nervous system etc. The result of the week is the replenishment of the sports corner with attributes for outdoor games and exercises for the prevention of visual impairment, as well as a sports festival with the participation of parents. Description of experiments and conversations, exercises to strengthen the body systems, valeological tales you will find in the annex to the plan "Thematic week "Human Body".

Social and communicative development

In the field of social and communicative development, talks about medical professions, story games "Underwater Journey", "Oculist" and talks about city theaters are planned.
Preschoolers watch educational presentations about the structure of the human body, find out that certain conditions are needed for the growth of the smallest organisms (fungi), which human body consists of cells and why microbes are dangerous.

cognitive development

Cognitive development is also facilitated by games to consolidate knowledge about, viewing the Gloomy November presentation and opening a school for a healthy person.

Speech development

Senior preschoolers expand their knowledge about the human body through valeological tales, making sentences with a given word and short messages on the topic of the week, which contribute to the speech development of children. This week, the group's library is replenished with encyclopedias and magazines on the topic "Human body, health."

Artistic and aesthetic development

To solve the problems of artistic and aesthetic development, drawing with ear sticks “Test for color perception”, the game “Concert”, the constructive modeling activity “Cage once, cell two, you and me turned out”, as well as modeling according to the plan from the mass of papier-mâché and collective application "Table for checking vision".

Physical development

Physical development occurs through solving problem situations "How to strengthen the skeletal system", "How to improve vision." The teacher continues to acquaint children with ways to improve health: self-massage, ophthalmic simulators, breathing simulators and elements of fitball and hatka yoga.

Check out the theme week snippet


OOcognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Didactic exercise "Who folds clothes correctly and quickly." Purpose: to consolidate the ability to neatly fold things.Opening of the school of a healthy person. Purpose: to introduce children to the topic of the week, to make worksheets.Introduction of encyclopedias about the human body. Purpose: to consider illustrations, to choose topics for discussion.Drawing "What does the palm look like." Purpose: to develop creative thinking, the ability to see images.Fizminutka "On the lawn in the morning." Purpose: to learn words.
The story of the educator about the right to medical care. Purpose: to introduce the Convention on the Rights of the Child.Conversation "Five sense organs". Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about the ways of knowing the world, to start working with a touch panel.Tapping out rhythmic patterns. Purpose: to promote the development of interhemispheric interaction.Coloring pages on the topic of the week. Purpose: to form perseverance, accuracy, the ability to bring the work begun to the end.P.i. "Who is the smartest?" Purpose: to teach children to throw sandbags at a vertical target from above over their heads, trying to hit it.
2 p.d.A game-dramatization based on the work of A. Barto "The Dirty Girl". Purpose: to consolidate the KGN.Cognitive research activity "What does a person make of clay." Purpose: to give an idea about the manufacture of bricks and their importance in construction.Reading by E. Charushin “Why was Tyupa called Tyupa”. Purpose: to instill interest in literature, to recall the works of the author.Constructive-model activity "Cage one, cage two, you and me turned out." Purpose: to tell children that the body consists of cells, to develop creativity and the ability to use waste material in work.Self-massage of hands and feet. Purpose: to remember the basic exercises with the children.


OOSocial and communicative developmentcognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Conversation "What I want to be when I grow up." Purpose: to summarize the knowledge of children about the professions of adults.The teacher's story about the circulatory system. Purpose: to introduce the features of the circulatory system, to find out why the blood flows.Game "Make a word". Purpose: to exercise children in composing complex words (ice drift, lumberjack, etc.).Concert game. Goal: expand knowledge of musical instruments, develop imagination.Conversation "What foods improve blood." Purpose: to form the habit of proper nutrition.
Role-playing game "Drivers and Pedestrians". Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of the rules of the road.Tour of the garden. Purpose: to determine the signs of late autumn.Breathing exercises at the choice of the teacher. Purpose: to explain the meaning correct breathing, introduce the concept of "lungs, alveoli, etc."Examination of the album "Decorative and applied art". Purpose: to expand knowledge about folk crafts.P.i. "Pass - get up." Purpose: to cultivate a sense of camaraderie, strengthen the muscles of the shoulders and back. P.i. "Flip over the bar." Purpose: to teach children to kick the ball, with their foot from below, trying to throw the ball over the bar.

Topic: “Parts of the body are my helpers”


  • consolidate the concept of body parts;
  • consolidate the knowledge and skills gained in the course of corrective work on the development of the articulatory apparatus.


Speech therapy:

Improving the lexical structure of speech:

  • enrich, activate and expand the vocabulary on the topic “Parts of the body are my helpers”;
  • learn the names of parts of the human body, their functions (we see with our eyes, we hear with our ears, we breathe with our nose, etc.);
  • to consolidate the concept of "multi-valued word", to clarify the polysemy of the word "nose";
  • expand understanding of the perception of odors in animals;
  • clarify the meaning of the words "aroma", "smell";

Formation and improvement of the grammatical structure of speech:

  • agree nouns with adjectives in gender and number.

Development of coherent speech:

  • create a problem situation, take part in its discussion;
  • develop the ability to correctly answer questions;
  • find motivation for discussions on the topic.

Improving general and fine motor skills.

Development tasks:

  • development of tactile sensations;
  • development of proper physiological breathing.


  • to form ideas about the parts of the body: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, hands, about their role in human life;
  • cultivate cultural and hygienic skills.

To achieve the goal, the following methods and techniques were used:

  • visual method (use of video materials)
  • verbal method (talk about body parts)
  • game reception (articulation gymnastics "Cheerful tongue")
  • experimentation method (find out in which teapot the water is cold and which is hot, without touching)
  • method of examination (examination in the mirrors of the eye)
  • aromatherapy (scented candles are used).

Problem solving is carried out through the following educational areas:

  • health (ability to breathe properly)
  • cognition (a speech therapist's story about the eyes and the perception of smells of representatives of the animal world)
  • music ("Sounds of the forest").

Equipment: video materials (landscapes, flora, fauna; nose, ears, eyes; fish, frog, chickens, pigeons, owl, eagle owl, crayfish, lizard, ants, dog, cat, deer, horse, dolphin); audio recording "Sounds of the forest"; two kettles with water - hot and cold; "miracle box"; aroma candles; mirrors, koschey character, drawing paper, red gouache, wet wipes.

The course of directly educational activities

1. Organizational moment.

polite words

To be polite
Need to say "hello"
To everyone who I would not meet -
Children know this.
Say: "Hello!" and in response
It will sound: “Hi! Hello!".

Guys, let's say hello.

Hello palms! (children clap their hands: clap-clap)
Hello boots! (stomp: top-top)
Hello frogs! (croak qua-qua)
Hello cuckoos! (cuckoo: cuckoo)
Hello, ringing heel! (clicking tongue: clack-clack)
And baby firefly! (on the exhale they say: s-s-s)
Hello, quick breeze, (blow)
The sonorous voice of a child! (talking tongue: bl - bl)
The train is long at the platform! (pull: whoo)
Good afternoon to the wrist watch, (tick: tick-tock)
Loud children's voices!
And now everyone sat down together,
Everyone was looking at me.

2. The main part.

Today we will talk about a person. There are a lot of people on Earth - billions. All people are similar, we all know how to speak, think, walk, but each person is unique. We differ in appearance, eye color, hair color, height, gait, voice, character.

Koschey appears.

Koschey. Who was talking about me? And it’s you smart kids here, well, then guess my riddles, and if you don’t guess, I’ll take you to me.

1) We are put on
In winter, boots
In autumn - shoes,
In the summer - sandals.

2) I don’t have to go to the hospital,
I go around everything,
I'm trembling, my lips are shaking,
I was treated yesterday ... (teeth).

3) Five brothers are equal for years
Growth is different.

4) Everything that we put in our mouth,
It will get to us in ... (stomach).

5) The pot has seven holes in it.

Oh, how smart you are here. I do not like such children, I will go and look for other children.

Speech therapist. Well done guys, they coped with the task, escorted Koshchei out. Now take a mirror and look at yourself. A person does not see with his whole body, but only with his eyes.

Let's figure it out together, kids
What are the eyes for?
And why do we all have
Is there a pair of eyes on the face?
So why do people need eyes?
The children answer.

Speech therapist. That's right, the eyes help a person to know the world around him: we see objects around us, their color, size, shape, we can determine the distance at which they are from each other. (Children look at video materials depicting landscapes, flora, fauna.)

The eyes are very sensitive, so they must be protected. For people with low vision, the doctor recommends wearing glasses. All representatives of the animal world have different eyes. For example, fish see well objects located nearby. Frogs only notice moving objects. To consider a motionless object, she herself needs to start moving. In crayfish, the eyes are located on special stalked antennae, move far forward and can rotate on their own when the crayfish is motionless. The owl and the eagle owl have large, but motionless eyes, but the head rotates around its axis in a full circle. In addition, they can only see in the dark. Chickens, pigeons, lizards can only see in the light. Ants see the stars even during the day.

What are the eyes by color?

The children answer.

Speech therapist. And in form?

The children answer.

Speech therapist. What are your eyes?

The children answer.

You close your eyes with your palm,
Let's sit down for a bit:
It immediately became dark.
Where is the bed, where is the window?
Weird, boring and annoying
Nothing is visible around.

Children sit with their eyes closed, musical recordings "Sounds of the Forest" are turned on.

Speech therapist. In the dark, a person feels bad, uncomfortable, but he has one more helper. What do you hear?

The children answer.

Speech therapist. How do we hear sounds around us?

The children answer.

Speech therapist. What sounds can we hear?

The children answer.

Speech therapist. Thanks to hearing, we perceive the sounds around us, orient ourselves in the world. A person with the help of his ears hears the singing of birds and the voices of people, the murmur of a stream and the sound of the wind, and many different sounds. Now tell me, do you smell the aroma in the room, a pleasant smell?

Children inhale the pleasant strawberry smell of scented candles.

Speech therapist. How do we sense scents?

The children answer.

Speech therapist. Why do you think a person needs a nose?

The children answer.

Speech therapist. Some people think that the nose is just an ornament on the face. Others think that nature gave us a nose to turn it up. There are even expressions: “Look, you turned up your nose!”, “Well, why did you hang your nose?”. It's a joke. In fact, even the smallest nose is a very important part of the body. We breathe through our nose. And the nose helps to smell and distinguish smells.

Why do babies need a nose?

Has straight noses
There are snub noses...
Every nose is needed
Since he has grown to the face.
Y. Prokopovich


We stomp our feet.
We clap our hands
We nod our heads.
We raise our hands
We lower our hands.
We give hands
And we run around.

Speech therapist. People perceive each other with the help of sight, hearing in the process of conversation. But for animals, the sense of smell plays an important role. It is the most important sense, often replacing sight or hearing. Not to smell a predator during the time or not to find prey on the trail for some of them is tantamount to death. Better than other animals perceive the smells of dogs, cats and horses. They usually recognize the scent of a familiar person long before they approach. In wild animals, the sense of smell is even better developed. The deer smells the predator from a great distance and manages to run away or hide. On the other hand, birds are very weak in distinguishing smells, but dolphins do not distinguish them at all.

The speech therapist uses video materials and subject pictures depicting animals.

If you catch a cold and catch a runny nose, it is more difficult for you to breathe. You need to take care of your health, be able to breathe properly, inhale air through your nose, and exhale through your mouth. The nose is a human organ. What or what has it?

The speech therapist uses video materials depicting an animal and a person, a boat and a kettle.

Speech therapist. What is a kettle? What parts does it have? (Spout, lid, handle, bottom, walls).

Speech therapist. What is the kettle for? (To drink from it).

Teacher. What kind of water is needed to make tea?

The children answer.

Two teapots of water are placed in front of the children - cold and hot, they are invited to find out where which is, without touching, then a series of questions are asked.

Children understand how to determine the temperature of water.

Speech therapist. There are two teapots in front of you, in one teapot cold water, in the other - warm. Which one do you think has cold water?

The children answer.

Speech therapist. We touch objects with our fingers. They help us write, sew. Sculpt, do a lot of different things. With the help of fingers, we can feel heat and cold, feel - a hard or soft object, smooth or rough. Some very subtle movements need to be learned, for example, the hands of artists are very well developed. I suggest a little play with our fingers. Let's try to guess by touch what is in our miracle box?

Children perform.

Speech therapist. What would happen if a person had one eye, but two mouths and two noses?

The children answer.

One head is given to us.
And two eyes and two ears,
And two temples, and two hands,
But one nose and mouth.
And be it the other way around
One leg, one arm
But two mouths, two tongues
We would only know
What they ate and talked about.
G. Heine.

The tongue lives in our mouth. With it, we can determine the taste. Why else would a person need a language?

The children answer.

Speech therapist. Language helps to make a variety of sounds, and most importantly - to talk. Sometimes he plays the role of a watchman, guarding the entrance to the house (mouth) and checking food for its suitability or unsuitability for consumption. During chewing, the tongue turns over pieces of food.

Children perform articulation gymnastics"Cheerful tongue" (author's development).

Lived - there was a Tongue.
He was cheerful and always noisy. (Clicking tongue)
But one day all the neighbors are at him
They were offended and stopped being friends with the Tongue. (pout lips)
He went up to the Cheek, (They push the right cheek with the tongue)
I knocked on her door, no one opens it.
Then he went in the opposite direction, (They push the left cheek with the tongue)
But no one was waiting for him there.
The tongue decided to make friends with the teeth.
He tickled first the upper teeth, (Perform articulation exercise brushing teeth)
And then the bottom ones.
But then the lips were offended and pouted. (Pouting lips)
The tongue decided to cheer them up:
He licked his upper lip first, (perform the articulation exercise Jam)
And then the bottom one.
Lips liked it
And they smiled at Tongue.
Since then, they all live together (Smile)
And they always smile at each other.

Children perform the collective work "Smile".

They draw smiles with their fingers on pre-prepared faces that do not have a mouth. All faces are placed on whatman paper, a group “photo” is obtained.

Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist. Guys, today you learned a lot of interesting things. Tell us what you liked the most?

Zhantimirova Dinara Kinesovna,
teacher speech therapist,
MDOAU kindergarten"Sun",
Orenburg region, Svetlinsky district, settlement Svetly