Sports leisure on the theme of autumn senior group. Sports entertainment in the senior group "Visiting autumn

sports entertainment for older children preschool age

Pushkareva Elena Valerievna, instructor in physical education
Place of work: Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten combined type No. 3 "Bell" of the village of Mostovsky municipality Mostovsky district
Material Description: Sports entertainment is intended for children of senior preschool age. This event aims to harmonize physical development and foundation healthy lifestyle life in preschool children. The material will be useful for physical education instructors and preschool teachers.

Sports entertainment for children of senior preschool age "Autumn Marathon"

1. Develop physical qualities(speed, endurance, coordination of movements).
2. To form in children the need for motor activity.
3. Fix the rules of safe behavior during competitions and games.
Equipment: basket (2 pcs.); high chair for children (2 pcs.); landmarks or skittles (6-8 pieces); dummies: turnip (2 pieces), fruits (for half a group of children), vegetables (for half a group of children), zucchini (for half a group of children).
Entertainment progress:
Children, accompanied by musical accompaniment, enter the hall and stand in two lines opposite each other. At the central wall of the hall there is a board with "vegetables" and "fruits".
Leading: Dear children! With all my heart I congratulate you on the coming of autumn, on the holiday of the harvest. Autumn parks are decorated with colorful foliage. Autumn feeds the harvest of birds, animals and you and me.
Attention! Attention! speaks and shows gym kindergarten! Today, unusual competitions are held here, different from others, in which our nimble children take part. The floor is given to the members of the Apples and Cucumbers teams:
The motto of the team "Cucumbers":
Cucumber grows in the garden
So it'll be all right
Soon there will be a harvest
Collect if you want.

The motto of the team "Yablochki":
Ripe, red, sweet apple
Crispy apple with smooth skin.
I'll break the apple in half
I will share an apple with my friend.

Leading: I propose to play, sort vegetables!
You already know many vegetables and fruits. Now we will play a game with you - a competition whose team will most likely harvest. We have two teams: the Apples team and the Cucumbers team. In this basket (points to the “Apples” command), you need to collect fruits, and in this (points to the “Cucumbers” command) vegetables. Whoever thinks that they have collected everything raises the basket up. And we will check if they have forgotten anything in the orchard or in the garden.
Game - relay race No. 1 "We sort vegetables"
Children, in numerical order, collect vegetables and fruits, passing the baton to the next participant.
Leading: Well done! Vegetables and fruits you have collected. Whether you are friendly or not, we will check it now.
Game - relay race No. 2 "Turnip"
There are two teams of 6 children. These are: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall. On each chair "turnip" - a picture depicting a turnip or a model. There are obstacles (skittles) on the way to the turnip. The grandfather starts the game. On a signal, he runs to the “turnip” with a snake, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes him by the waist), and they continue to run together, go around the turnip again and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, then the Bug, the cat and mouse. The team that pulls out the “turnip” faster and brings it to the starting line wins.
Leading: Guys, let's play the game "Who knows more".

Game conditions:
1. Give more correct answers for each question.
2. Do not prompt or interrupt each other.
3. For the correct answer, the team gets a point (fruit or vegetable).
4. If the team does not know the answer, the right to answer is given to the other team, and it earns extra score.
Vegetables will receive - a cucumber, fruits will receive - an apple. At the end of the game, we will count the points and see who wins.
Autumn brings vegetables from the garden beds. But to find out, guess riddles:
Task number 1 "Riddles"
Mystery for the team "Cucumbers":
A beautiful girl sits in a dungeon,
And the spit is on the street. (Carrot)

Mystery for the team "Apples":
I’ll pick such a ruddy one from a tree,
I’ll put it on a plate: “Eat, mommy,” I’ll say. (Apple)

Mystery for the team "Cucumbers":
And green and thick - a bush grew in the garden,
Dig a little ... Under the bush lies ... (Potato)

Mystery for the team "Apples":
Kids know this fruit, monkeys love to eat it.
He comes from hot countries - grows in the tropics ... (Banana)

Task number 2 "Who will name more vegetables"
Each team calls one vegetable, in turn, without repeating.
Whose team will call the last word, she wins.

Task number 3 "Who will name more fruits"
The condition is the same, the teams take turns calling the fruit, without repeating.
Whose team will call the last word - wins.

Leading: Guys! Do you know Carlson's favorite dish? (This is jam).
What is jam made from? (Jam is made from berries and fruits).
And they also make jam from zucchini, it turns out very tasty zucchini jam.
Game - relay race No. 3 "Jam from fruits and zucchini"
The Apples team, in numerical order, collect fruits that lie in a hoop on the opposite side of the hall and put them in a basket at the starting line. Team "Cucumbers" collects zucchini. The team that completes the task faster wins.
Task number 4 "On the contrary"
Leading: Guys, listen and remember what grows in the garden.
What grows in the garden? Cucumbers, sweet peas,
Tomatoes and dill for seasoning and for sampling.
There are radishes and lettuce - our garden is just a treasure,
But watermelons don't grow here.
If you listened carefully, you will definitely remember.
Answer - in order: what grows in our garden?

Leading: Listen to the poem and answer the question: “What did the hostess make soup from?”
The hostess once came from the market,
The hostess brought home from the market:
Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas, parsley and beets, oh!
The answers of the children, for the correct answer - a token on the scoreboard.
Leading: Big (what?) - watermelon, zucchini, potatoes.
Small (what?) - radish, carrot.
Round (what?) - tomato, peach, peas.
Now we will check you for attentiveness, I will name the size of a vegetable or fruit, and you must find what I ask for in the garden.
Game - relay race No. 4 "Big, small and round"
Children, in numerical order, run after one or another object, the team that completes the task faster and without errors wins.
Leading: Guys, do you like fairy tales? Try to recognize the tale from the passage, because they talk about vegetables and fruits. For a correct answer, the team receives a token.
Task number 5 "Guess the fairy tale"
“Granddaughter called - Bug, pull, pull…”
“Apple tree, apple tree, tell me, where did the swans geese fly?”
Leading: And now let's play the game "Tops and Roots". We will call the edible root of the vegetable roots, and the edible fruit on the stem - tops. There are vegetables in our garden. On my command, the Cucumber team will collect the roots, and the Apples team will collect the tops. Ready? Be careful, in some vegetables both tops and roots are edible.
Game - relay race No. 5 "Tops and roots"
For example: Carrots (roots), tomato (tops), onions (tops and roots), potatoes (roots), cucumber (tops), beets (roots).
Leading: So our competition is over.
While the jury is summing up the results, we have a musical break for all the team members "Barbariki".
The jury announces the results and presents certificates and sweet fruits in a basket.

« Autumn starts»

(senior and preparatory group)

Target: to form in children the initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

Tasks: improve motor skills and abilities through games, relay races, develop dexterity, endurance, speed of reaction; contribute to the development positive emotions, feelings of mutual assistance, friendship, empathy. To consolidate children's knowledge about the seasons, about the work of peopleautumnabout fruits and vegetables.

Equipment: paper autumn leaves for voting, 2 sheets of paper, 2 landmarks, 2 baskets, 12 rings from the ring toss, 12 small balls, 2 umbrellas, hoop, sets of vegetables and fruits, music center.

Entertainment progress.

To the music, the children go into the hall. Distributed loosely in pairs around the room.


If the days become shorter

Cold, with frost, nights,

The rain drizzles over the puddles,

The willow over the river is sad,

The leaf flies from the trees,

The bird wedge melts in the sky,

A bear fell asleep under a pine tree

The birds stopped singing...

What is this? It's autumn.

“Do not rush, we ask her. -

Give us more warm days

For fun, for games, for fun!

Leading: Guys, I invite you to fun starts! Tell me, about what time of the year I just read the poem?

Children: About autumn.

Leading: Right! So our fun starts today, what ?. Autumn…

Finger gymnastics "Autumn":

autumn, autumn, - three palms together

Come! - take turns clenching fists

autumn, autumn, - three palms together

Look! - put your hands on your cheeks

Leaves turn yellow - movement of the palms from top to bottom

Quietly they lie down on the ground. - stroking the knees

The sun no longer warms us - take turns clenching fists

The wind is blowing harder - we spread the handles at the same time in different sides

Birds flew south - cross your arms and wiggle your fingers

The rain is knocking on our window. - tapping fingers on the palms

We put on hats, jackets - pretend

And we put on shoes - tap your feet

We know the months - clap your hands on your knees

September, and October, and November. - fist, rib, palm
Leading: And now, in order to start the competition, we need to warm up.

Warm-up "Colorful game"

Leading: Well, now we are definitely ready to start the competition, right, guys? You are ready?

Attention! I ask the participating teams to line up in columns at the landmarks.

I ask the captains to introduce their teams. (representation of teams: name, motto)

For the victory in each competition, I will give the winning team an autumn leaflet, and at the end of the competition we will summarize. Whoever has the most leaves wins.

Leading: So, I announce the first contest called"Bring a leaf"

You need to prepare 2 sheets of paper (you can from a notebook) The players are divided into two teams, which are built in parallel to one another. The first players are placed on the palm of a sheet, and they must quickly reach the landmark. During the game, the sheet should lie in the palm of your hand by itself - it’s impossible to hold it. If the leaf suddenly falls to the ground, you need to pick it up, put it in your palm and continue on your way. Having reached his team, the player must quickly shift the sheet to the right palm of the next participant, etc. The team that completed the task faster wins.

Leading: Ah, now the next competition."Planting Potatoes"

We all know that in the fall we need to harvest, so we will first plant and then harvest potatoes (the first participant runs with a basket of “potatoes” to the holes (rings from the ring thrower) and lays out the “potatoes” in the holes, runs back and gives an empty basket to the second participant; he runs and collects potatoes in a basket, etc.)

Leading: We continue to harvest "Fruits vegetables" .

Leading: Well done guys, you did great! We worked, and now you can take a walk ... Only, here, bad luck, it's raining outside ... but in order not to get wet, you need what to take with you ?. That's right, an umbrella!

And I announce the next match"Hide under an umbrella."

The first participant leads the second under the umbrella to the landmark, passes the umbrella to him, he himself remains in place; the second participant returns to the team with an umbrella, leads the next participant to the landmark under the umbrella and passes the umbrella to him, etc., until all participants go to the opposite side. The team that crosses all over first wins.

Leading: What good fellows you are, no one got wet.

And now, let's rest physically and think a little with our heads - guess the riddles.

Riddles about autumn.

The fields are empty, the earth is wet,

It's raining, when does it happen?

(in autumn)

Redhead Egorka

Fell on the lake

Didn't drown myself

And he didn't stir up the water.

(Autumn leaf)

He walks and we run

He will catch up anyway!

We hurry to hide in the house,

Will knock on our window,

And on the roof thump thump!

No, we won't let you in, dear friend!


The clouds are catching up

Howls, blows.

Roaring around the world,

Sings and whistles.


Autumn has come to visit us

And she brought it with her.

What? Say random!

Well, of course.

(Leaf fall)

Leading: How talented you guys are! You know everything, you know everything.

And now I invite everyone to play one interesting game"At the Giraffes"

Children stand loose and perform movements to the music in accordance with the words.

Giraffes have spots, spots, spots, spots everywhere.(Clap hands all over body.)Elephants have folds, folds, folds, folds everywhere.(We pinch ourselves, as if collecting folds.)On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,On the noses, on the stomachs, on the knees and socks.(With both index fingers we touch the corresponding parts of the body.)Kittens have fur, fur, fur, fur everywhere. Kittens have fur, fur, fur, fur everywhere. (We stroke ourselves, as if smoothing the fur)On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,On the noses, on the stomachs, on the knees and socks.(With both index fingers we touch the corresponding parts of the body.)And the zebra has stripes, there are stripes everywhere.(We draw the edges of the palm along the body (draw stripes))On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,On the noses, on the stomachs, on the knees and socks.

Leading: And, now, it's time to sum up our autumn starts and announce the winner. Children, together with the leader, count the leaves in their baskets.

Autumn. Fallen leaves

The garden rustles underfoot.

Limes, birches and maples

Take off your summer outfit.

In a sad garden in the early morning

The birds no longer sing

The old willow bowed down

Looks sadly into the pond.

Wind-tramp sways

Its branches are above the water.

The rain mutters a little audibly,

Dripping tears from the branches.

Dripping, dripping tears

To the flying garden.

On the hill sister-birches,

Leaning under the wind, they tremble.

And the wind played

He touched the trees with his hand.

And golden waterfall

Leaves fly over the ground. Raise your arms up to the sides

Then slowly lower down. Slightly

Lean forward, hands down, shake

Hands from side to side.

Raise your hands up, shake your hands over

Head left and right.

Clap hands softly

Perform downward bends while tilting the arm

They take it back.

Perform left and right turns

Hands on the belt.

Perform with hands shaking off


Knock fists one on the other.

Hands spread out to the sides, then

Wrap hands around shoulders.

Alternately performed by hand

Wave movements.

They run around in circles,

Lightly swinging your arms up and down.

Well, now let's sum up the results ... who won the competition with us?

Host: Look, both teams scored 4 chips. So, friendship wins!

Congratulations guys! And for the fact that you tried so hard, I have a treat for you.

Host: Our fun starts have come to an end. I wish you all good luck! Goodbye!

The children go to the group.

Elvira Shaimardanova
Sports leisure for senior and preparatory groups "Autumn Starts"

Target : to form in children the initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

Tasks :

1. Develop children's interest insports , understand the meaningsports in human life .

2. Develop dexterity, speed of reaction, the ability to play games, relay races.

3. Consolidate children's knowledge aboutautumn about people's workautumn about fruits and vegetables.

4. Cultivate a sense of help and support in the family.

Equipment and inventory : plastic vegetables and fruits, small balls, hoops, two watering cans, two baskets, two umbrellas.

move :

Children, together with the teacher, enter the music room. Cheerful music sounds.

Leading : - Hello guys! I am pleased to welcome you to our hall forsports entertainment . Guys, what time of year is it? Right,autumn . All the trees are dressed in golden attire.

Againautumn time

The leaves swirled

Miracle - she paints

She bewitched everyone.

Look what carpet

Leaves at the threshold.

It's just a pity that warm days

In autumn a little .

Leading : Richautumn mushrooms and berries . What are people doing in the garden?autumn ?

Children : Harvest vegetables, fruits.

Leading : Did you and your parents harvest?

Children : Yes.

Leading : But I haven't had time yet. Maybe you can help me. Let's go to my cottage.

Children sit on chairs and pretend to drive a car to the music.

Leading : Stop car. We've arrived. And who is coming to meet us?

The scarecrow comes out to the music.

Scarecrow : - I am a labor scarecrow - garden. All summer I stand in the garden, the kitchen garden, I guard the master's harvest. In any weather, and under the sun, and in the rain, I stand, I don’t eat, I don’t sleep, I work without giving up. Yes, I have witnesses. These are the birds I chase from the garden. I protect gardening products from feathered robbers. In general, this was such a difficult job for me. The harvest was harvested, and I was left without a job. It was empty and boring. I heard you and came to you.

Leading : Guys, let's invite a scarecrow to play with us?

Scarecrow : With pleasure.

Leading : Then we invite you to take part in ourautumn competitions .

Children are divided into twocommands : "Yellow leaves" And"Red Leaves" .

Leading : autumn team competitions"Yellow leaves" And"Red Leaves" please consider open. And to begin with, we will do a musical warm-up.

relay races :

1. "Potato Planting"

Leading : Before we compete with each other, guess the riddle.

What they dug from the ground, fried, boiled.

What we baked in the ashes. Ate, praised.

Children's answer.

Leading : That's right, potatoes. Now we will deal with planting potatoes.

In front of each team are hoops - these are the holes. Team members take turns taking potatoes from the basket.(ball) , run up to their hole and plant a potato ball in the hole(put the ball in the hoop) . They run back, pass the baton. The team that completes the task faster wins.

2. "Potato watering" .

In turn, team members with a watering can each run up to their hole and"watered" her. They come back, pass the watering can, and they themselves stand at the end of the column. The team that completes the task faster wins.

3. "Harvesting" .

In turn, team members each run up to their hole and pick up their potato ball, run back, put it in the basket, pass the baton and stand at the end of the column. Who is faster.

4. "Fruits vegetables" .

On the opposite side of the hall, models of fruits and vegetables lie in a hoop. Children take turns running to the hoop. One team collects only vegetables, the other only fruits. The team that completes the task quickly and accurately will win.

5. Riddles onautumn theme .

Scarecrow : Take a break from the competition, guys and guess my fruit and berry riddles, rainy, the most that neither isautumn riddles .

1. I am a drop of summer on a thin leg,

Weave boxes and baskets for me.

Whoever loves me is glad to bow.

And the name was given to me by my native land.


2. Although I am called sugar,

But I didn't get wet from the rain

Large, round, sweet in taste,

Did you find out who I am?


3. I am long and green, I am tasty salty,

Delicious and raw. Who am I?


4. Round, ruddy,

I grow on a branch.

adults love me

And little kids.


5. Red beads hang

They are looking at us from the bushes.

Love these beads

Children, birds and bears.


6. What is this trotter

Fell on the barrel?

Himself well-fed, salad.

That's right, kids...


6. "Running with an umbrella through the puddles" .

Leading : And we continue ourautumn competition between teams"Yellow leaves" And"Red Leaves" .

In turn, each relay participant in each team, with an umbrella in their hands, overcomes the distance by jumping over puddles.(hoops) . Which team will complete the task faster.

Summing up the results of the competition. Rewarding.

Leading : Ourautumn starts have come to an end . We congratulate the team... on the victory. Oh, something our Scarecrow is saddened.

Scarecrow : We played nice today, it's a pity to part with you guys. But it's time for me to leave, but where to?autumn Yes, in the winter there is no work for me in the garden. And what should I do to the poor and unfortunate?

Leading : Come with us. Guys, let's take a scarecrow with us to kindergarten. In the summer you will sweep, in the winter you will remove the snow. And guard the kindergarten at night.

Scarecrow : Well, then we will see each other often. I am very happy about this.

Leading : And for us, children, it's time to return to kindergarten. Everyone get in the car.

Children sit on chairs to the music and pretend to drive a car.

1 contest "Pass the flag"

Run with a flag to the object and back. Pass the flag to the next player; the team whose players finish the distance the fastest wins.

2 competition "Snipers"

Children stand in two columns. Place a hoop at a distance of 3m in front of each column. The children take turns throwing the cone right hand trying to get into the basket. If the child hit, then his team counts 1 point. Outcome: whoever has more points, that team won.

3 competition "Bring a piece of paper"

You need to prepare 2 sheets of paper (you can from a notebook) The players are divided into two teams, which are built in parallel to one another. The first player of each team is placed on the palm of a piece of paper. During the game, the sheet should lie on the palm of its own - it is impossible to hold it. The first players from each team run to the flag. If a leaf suddenly falls to the ground, you need to pick it up, put it in your palm and continue on your way. Having reached his team, the player must quickly transfer the leaf to the right palm of the next comrade in line, who immediately runs forward. Meanwhile, the first one is at the end of the row. This continues until the turn reaches the first one. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

4 competition "Ants"

Both teams stand in a line at arm's length, facing each other. At the beginning, each team has 15 flags, and at the end - a box. By whistling, the first player passes the flag to the second, and so on until the flags run out. The team that passes all the flags the fastest wins.

Members: children of senior and preparatory groups.

  • Encourage children to participate in sports games; cultivate team spirit.
  • Develop motor skills, interest in sports entertainment.
  • Involve children in the process of preparing entertainment.
  • To cultivate curiosity, interest, create a joyful and friendly atmosphere in the children's team.

Equipment, inventory: 2 flags, 4 skittles, 2 baskets, wheelbarrows, vegetables, fruits - one for each child; building Lego, 2 ropes, emblems for teams (Leaves and drops);

Musical accompaniment:"Athlete's March", "Centipede", "Rain", "Relay Music"

Event progress

Children enter the hall under the "March of the Athlete". Teams are building.

Instructor: Hello guys! Today our sports hall has turned into an autumn stadium.

Today we have gathered here to make sure once again how strong, healthy, strong, dexterous and smart you have grown over the summer.

And we will have two teams competing - the Leafs team and the Mushrooms team.

So, attention, let's start our competition!

The instructor distributes in discord to all children cards with the image of leaves and mushrooms.

Now we will check how good your reaction is and what kind of organized guys you are, and at the same time we will warm up before the competition.

1. Relay "Whose team will line up faster."

Music is playing, all the children are running around the room. As soon as the music stops, the teams should line up in their places.

Instructor: Guys, autumn is the rainy season. It has been raining all day today. But as they say, nature has no bad weather. And we are not at all afraid to walk in the rain. After all, right? (Children's answers.)

2. Relay "We are not afraid of rain."

On the start line in front of the teams are an umbrella and one overshoe. On the march command, each participant takes turns putting on a galosh, takes an umbrella and runs in a straight line to the landmark, runs around it and returns to the team.

Instructor: Well guys, the rain is over. But now, after the rain, there are puddles and mud all around, but this is not a hindrance to us either.

3. Relay "After the rain".

On the march command, the first participant runs around the skittles with a snake, crawls under the arc, runs around the landmark and returns in a straight line to the team, passes the baton to the next participant.

4. Relay "Don't get your feet wet."

On the march command, each team member alternately, with the help of two circles, moves to the landmark, takes the circles in his hands, runs around the landmark and returns to the team in a straight line.

Instructor: Autumn is harvest time. In the next relay race, we will harvest apples.

5. Relay "Gathering the harvest."

On the start line, each team has one spoon and a basket, on the opposite side of the hall at the landmark - a basket of apples. On the march command, the first team member with a spoon in his hands runs to the basket, takes one apple, puts it on the spoon and returns to his team, puts the apple in the basket and passes the spoon to the next participant.

Instructor: And also, guys, autumn is the time for leaf fall and cold winds. Look how many leaves attacked our stadium. Our task is to remove them.

6. Relay "Leaf fall".

An equal number of yellow and red leaves are scattered around the hall. On the march command, each team member runs in turn and picks up one leaf of his color, returns to his team. The second participant runs and so on until all the leaves are collected. The team that collects all the pieces the fastest wins.

Instructor: Well, our fun autumn holiday has come to an end! Dear guys, always remain the same friendly, strong, fast and dexterous! See you soon! (All children are given apples.)

Ludmila Onipko
Sports Entertainment Scenario Autumn fun» for children of the middle group

Target: to bring joy and create a positive emotional mood from entertainment.


Versatile personal development;

Cultivate courage, dexterity;

Ability to navigate in space;

Cultivate kindness towards each other.

Benefits: replicas of vegetables, fruits; 2 hoops; 2 baskets; 2 spoons; small balls; 2 landmarks; 2 mugs; 2 arcs, skittles.

Children enter the hall to the music and stop in a circle.

caregiver: Hello children! I'm glad to see you all on our sports entertainment" Autumn fun":

caregiver: Guess mine riddle:

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves fall like rain

Rustle underfoot

And fly, fly, fly. (Autumn)

caregiver: Let's prepare the fingers and spend for them finger gymnastics « Autumn leaves» .

Finger gymnastics « Autumn leaves»

One two three four five, (bend fingers, starting with the thumb)

Let's collect the leaves. (clench and unclench fists)

Birch leaves, rowan leaves, poplar leaves, (bend fingers, starting with aspen leaves, we will collect oak leaves. thumb)

Mom we will take the autumn bouquet. ("go" medium and index fingers)

caregiver: Now let's play with you. I will ask you questions, and you will answer them only "yes" or "no". If yes, clap, if not, stomp.

A game "Yes or no". (verbal)

flowers bloom in autumn? (No)

Mushrooms grow in autumn? (Yes)

Clouds cover the sun? (Yes)

Is the cold wind coming? (Yes)

mists sail in autumn? (Yes)

Well, do birds build nests? (No)

Do the bugs come? (No)

Are the animals closing their burrows? (Yes)

Is everyone harvesting? (Yes)

Are the birds flying away? (Yes)

Does it rain often? (Yes)

Do we get boots? (Yes)

Is the sun very hot? (No)

Can children sunbathe? (No)

Well, what should be done: jackets, hats to wear? (Yes)

caregiver: Autumn- an amazing time of the year. Bright, unusual and magical.

We walk along the path, raise our legs higher! - they walk.

In order not to be late, we need to run fast! - run.

On a smooth, smooth path, we will ride a horse! - they ride at a straight gallop.

We walk along the winding path with a quiet step.

We will carefully go around all swamps, puddles, bumps. - go like a snake

Has everyone arrived? Hooray! That's nice kids.

We arrived at the garden.

A glorious harvest has grown. Whatever you want, choose! (children sit on a bench)

caregiver: And now I ask the guys to guess my riddles.

Weigh on a branch smooth,

Round, sweet.

How to bite on a barrel -

So gentle juice splashes (apples)

It's big like a soccer ball

If ripe - everyone is happy.

It tastes so good!

What is this ball? (Watermelon)

I was born to fame

The head is white, curly.

Who loves cabbage soup -

Look for me in them. (Cabbage)

Granddaughter with grandmother, grandfather are pulling.

What did they pull together? (Turnip)

A feather sticks out of the head.

Taste it - it's bitter.

Clean and cry all of a sudden.

Everyone understands this (Onion)

caregiver: What kids are great! How good are they at solving riddles? And they also know how to play well.

Hey guys, get up out of your seats and play a little!

1. Relay "Harvest for the winter".

Vegetables and fruits lie in a hoop. On a signal, the first players from each team run to the hoop, take a vegetable or fruit and carry it to the basket and return back, then the second, third, etc. The team that quickly collects all the fruits and vegetables of their team wins.

2. Relay "Harvest of apples".

On the start line, each team has one spoon and a basket, on the opposite side of the hall, near the landmark, there is a basket with balls. On command, the first team member with a spoon in his hands runs to the basket, takes one ball, puts it on the spoon and returns to his team, puts the ball in the basket and passes the spoon to the next participant.

3. Relay "Don't get your feet wet".

On command, each team member alternately using two circles moves to the landmark, takes the circles in his hands, runs around the landmark and returns to the team in a straight line.

4. Relay "After the rain".

On command, the first participant runs around the skittles with a snake, crawls under the arc, runs around the landmark and returns to the team in a straight line, passes the baton to the next participant.


Autumn came to visit us

And she brought it with her.

What? Say random!

Well, of course. (Leaf fall)

5. Relay "Leaf fall".

An equal number of yellow and red leaves are scattered around the hall. On command, each team member runs in turn and picks up one leaf of his color, returns to his team. The second participant runs and so on until all the leaves are collected. The team that collects all the pieces the fastest wins.


Autumn is a glorious time.

She brought games to all of us!

Low mobility game "Friendship"

Children stand in a circle, hold hands and walk.

"We're going in circles

Let's find a friend

Let's find a friend

Let's find a friend"

caregiver: 1,2,3- find a friend for yourself!

Children are looking for a mate - a friend left without a mate is out of the game.

caregiver: Well, our fun has come to an end autumn holiday! Dear guys, always remain the same friendly, strong, fast and dexterous! See you soon! (All children are given apples.)

Related publications:

Scenario of sports entertainment for children of the senior group "Journey along fairy paths" Scenario of sports entertainment for children of the senior group "Journey along fairy paths" Tasks: To develop the main ones in a playful way.

Sports event dedicated to Cosmonautics Day. Vedas. Back in 1961, the first man flew into space. Say his name.

Sports entertainment scenario for February 23 (for the middle group) Sports entertainment scenario for February 23. Children enter the hall under the march and stand near the chairs. Leading. Today is a big holiday.

Purpose: formation in children of interest and value attitude to physical culture, harmonious physical development through implementation.

Purpose: family involvement in physical education and sports, promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Tasks: Formation in children of the ability to act alone.

Svetlana Alexandrovna Poplevina


1. Create an environment of emotional well-being.

2. Improve the skills and abilities acquired in joint activities on physical culture of the teacher and children.

3. To consolidate knowledge about the seasons, the signs of autumn.

4. To instill in children a sense of collectivism, the ability to empathize.

Inventory: leaflets according to the number of children; two baskets; mushrooms by the number of children; six trees; cones; two scarves; "puddles"; bench; arc; rope; models of "fruits and vegetables"; two small hoops.

Leisure course.

Children enter the hall, to the recording of the song “Autumn has come”, line up.

Leading: Again autumn outside the window,

The rain is pouring down,

Leaves are falling, rustling,

How beautiful is autumn!

Guys, what is autumn rich in? Let's go now on an unusual journey and visit Autumn.

1st child:

Leaves embroidered with gold

The paths are washed with rain,

Mushrooms in bright slippers

Everything to us, autumn, you give!

2nd child:

Autumn walks everywhere,

Here the foliage and poplar dropped.

3rd child:

Look - at the mountain ash,

blushed cheeks,

They flew to the track

Yellow leaves.

4th child:

Cranes fly south.

Hello, hello autumn!

All children:

Come to the holiday with us

Very, very, please!

Leading: Well done guys, what beautiful poems about autumn you know. And now let's hit the road.

We go to the yard.

(Walking on toes, heels, normal).

The autumn wind blew.

What wonderful autumn air!

(Calm walking with the restoration of breathing).

Leading: Close your eyes and imagine that we are in the forest. See how many leaves are around. Let's take a leaf and play with the leaves.

Mobile game "We are leaves."

We are leaves, we are leaves, (Standing, raise your hands up)

We are autumn leaves. (Swinging torso to the side)

We were sitting on a branch. (To squat)

The wind blew - flew

We flew, we flew. (Running in different directions)

And then they got tired of flying

The wind stopped blowing

We all sat down in a circle - (Sit down)

The wind suddenly blew again

And the leaves quickly blew away. (Running, slowly circling in place)

All the leaves flew

And they sat quietly on the ground. (Sit down)

Leading: After the rain in the forest it is difficult to follow the path, but we are not used to retreat!

Obstacle track. walking on gymnastic bench, jumping through "puddles", crawling under the arcs, walking along the cord with side steps.

Leading: Here we are at the place. What a beauty!

Autumn enters the hall.

Autumn: Who called me? Hello guys!

I am golden autumn. My bow to you, my friends!

I have been dreaming of meeting you for a long time!

I have a basket in my hands

It contains autumn gifts.

Everything I'm rich with

Brought for the kids.

Brought you vegetables from the garden

And here, to know them,

Riddles must be solved.


In a golden shell

I really like him

Worth peeling off the husk

I'll start shedding tears. (Onion)

Round, ruddy.

Juicy and sweet

very fragrant,

Fluffy, smooth. (Apple)

Round, crumbly, white,

She came to the table from the fields,

You salt it a little

After all, the truth is delicious .... (Potato)

70 clothes and all without fasteners. (Cabbage)

Autumn. Well done, solved all the riddles.

Leading. Autumn, golden autumn

Play with dreams today

We want to play with you!

Attraction "Sort vegetables and fruits."

On opposite sides of the hall, one small hoop is placed. In the middle of the hall, 2 sets of didactic toys "Vegetables" and "Fruits" are mixed up. The host calls 4 players who go to the center of the hall and stand near the toys. Two of the players will collect "vegetables" and put them into one of the hoops as directed by the leader, two other children will collect "fruits" and put them into another hoop. After the leader's words:

Baby don't yawn


players begin to collect "vegetables" and "fruits", take them to the specified hoops.

Leading: Guys, what autumn months do you know? What are the signs of autumn?

Mobile game "Autumn rain".

Drop one, drop two

Drop slowly at first

And then, then, then

All run, run, run.

We opened our umbrellas

Sheltered from the rain.

Children slowly walk in a circle, speed up the pace, run in a circle, look around, raise their hands up with an “umbrella”.

Autumn: And you know poems about me.

(Children read poetry.)

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves rain down, rustle underfoot

And fly, fly, fly.

Gossamer webs fly

With spiders in the middle

And high from the ground

The cranes flew by.

Everything flies! It must be

Our summer is flying!

Autumn has come to visit us

Rain and wind brought

The wind is blowing, blowing

It plucks leaves from branches.

Leaves swirl in the wind

And under our feet lie down ...

Leading: In the forest, in the woods

Mushrooms have grown!

Guys, what mushrooms do you know?

Relay "Collect the mushrooms in the basket."

Children are built in two columns, one behind the start lines, marked on the floor with Velcro. Opposite each of the start lines at a distance of 5-6 m, one wicker basket is placed. Between the start lines, 3 Christmas trees are placed. The distance between the trees is 1m. Under each of the Christmas trees, 2-4 "mushrooms" are placed on the floor. At the command of the host, “One, two, three, pick the mushrooms in the basket!” the first players of each team begin to move in a “snake” between the “trees”, take one mushroom from under one of the trees along the way, run to the basket, put the mushroom in it, run back to their team, pass the baton to the next player.

Autumn: Animals store mushrooms, nuts, so the squirrel is busy, let's help her.

Attraction "Collect cones for squirrels."

Two children are randomly selected. Children are given small wicker baskets in their hands, their eyes are tied with opaque scarves. At the command of the host, “One, two, three, collect the bumps!” players begin to collect fir and pine cones scattered on the floor of the hall into baskets. On command "Stop, game!" children stop collecting cones. The host and Autumn count the cones collected by the players.

Host: And now let's see what else is happening in the forest.

Scene "Autumn in the forest."

Autumn: Today we played different games, had fun! Well done! And now it's time for me to say goodbye to you. Goodbye!


Kindergarten. Everything for the teacher! No. 9 2012.

Kirillova Yu. A. Scenarios of sports activities and holidays for children speech therapy groups with a diagnosis of OHP and children of kindergarten mass groups from 3 to 7 years.