Synopsis of physical education in the senior group. Synopsis of physical education "In the country of Health


  • have a general strengthening effect on the child's body;
  • create a joyful mood in children, develop dexterity, speed;
  • to cultivate friendly feelings, empathy for the successes and failures of comrades, justice,.


“pancakes” 2 pcs., 2 gymnastic sticks with buckets, 4 arcs, skittles - 8 pcs., a rope stretched across the hall, soft toys - 20 pcs., 2 gymnastic benches; 6 stuffed balls (soft modules); medals and sweets according to the number of children.

Entertainment progress:

To the song "Together it's fun to walk" children in sportswear come into gym and line up in two lines.

Leading."If you want to become skilled,

Strong, smart, brave,

Learn to love jump ropes

Pancakes and sticks.

Never be discouraged

Hit the target with balls.

Here is the secret of health

Be healthy, physical education hello!

Today two teams will compete - "Solnyshko" and "Daisy". Team greetings:

Team "Sunshine"- captain:

“Everyone take an example from us,

walk gently,

Sit upright

Breathe right

Write fluently -

And then there will be no curves

Both stooped and sick.

There will be joy and health

There will be happiness for all relatives.

Hello to the Romashka team!

Team "Daisy"- captain:

We repeat in the morning:

My spine is flexible, straight!

When I lie, I stand, I sit,

I take care of my spine.

I protect the spine

And run away from disease.

It is made up of vertebrae

Therefore, it bends.

We leaned left and right

And how flexible he is - they were surprised.

Muscles are also ligaments,

Who has them stronger -

We know for sure, will be happy

Everyone is prettier and kinder.

Very complex device

We're in control guys!

You just need to be friends with him

To live without diseases!

Physical education hello to the Sun team!

Leading.“Competitions are dedicated to the formation correct posture. What is posture? Why do we need beautiful posture? What should we do to have a beautiful posture? (Answers of children). Remember our assistant-friend who helps us to monitor our posture? (Cheerful pancake.)

Now you show how you can walk smoothly, keep your back straight and monitor your posture. Our friend "pancake" will help you. All relay races today will be held with a pancake. Our sportlandia has a jury and your friends-fans who will support and “cheer” for you. Let's welcome them. Ready to compete?"

Teams line up in two columns.

Relay races with "pancakes":

1. "Hot pancake." Transfer of "pancake" from right to left, from bottom to top.

2. "Who will carry it faster and never drop it." Move the "pancake" on the head between objects.

3. "Turtles". Crawling on all fours with crawling under the arches (pancake on the back).

4. "Bring it in and don't spill it." walking with gymnastic sticks(rocker with buckets) on the shoulders and a "pancake" on the head.

5. Competition of captains. Name and show exercises to strengthen the back muscles, correct posture.

6. Crawling on the stomach on the bench, pull-ups on the hands, with a "pancake" on the head.

7. "Walk through bumps with a pancake on your head." Walking with stepping over stuffed balls(soft module).

8. "Crabs". Belly crawl up with support on the palms and feet with a "pancake" on the stomach.

Mobile game "Big cleaning".

Moms and dads went to the theater, the children were left alone and began to put things in order, throwing their toys from their room to another (children throw toys over a stretched mesh rope). To the words “One, two, three. Mom and dad suddenly came in! the game ends. The team with the most toys on their side loses.

Children line up in two lines. The jury sums up the results of the competition. Rewarding. To the music of "Together it's fun to walk" the children go to the group.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 20" of the city of Votkinsk, Udmurt Republic

Synopsis of physical education with children of the older group

"Journey to the Land of Safety Rules"


Develop physical qualities: speed, agility, flexibility,

To fix with children the rules of behavior in various dangerous situations,

Learn to find solutions in problem situations

Consolidate knowledge of the rules traffic.

Equipment: an envelope with riddles, a handset-2 pcs., a tunnel-2 pcs., a bucket - 2 pcs., a gate - 2 pcs., a hoop - 2 pcs., skittles-8-10 pcs., a steering wheel-2 pcs., ball - according to the number of children, stumps - 8 pcs., 3 flags - yellow, green and red, a / record for warm-up, children are pre-divided into 2 teams

Entertainment progress:

Vedas.: Guys, we have gathered in this room to talk about safety rules.

There are rules in the world

All children should know them.

Now we're on our way

In a country where the rules live ...

Introduction :

1. Walking around the hall

2. Walking in a semi-squat - Gnomes

3. Walking with a high knee lift, touching the elbow crosswise

4. Regular running

5. Running with the task: "clap-stop"

6. Walking with breathing exercises.

Main part:

So, we are in the Land of Safety Rules!

The main rule for all of us is the ability to take care of your health!

Guys, tell me, how do you take care of your health?

(children's answers)

“Health is cooler than that

Who is friendly with sports and the TRP!

I suggest you do a warm up! Get loose!

(outdoor switchgear under the a/record "Sport, sport, sport...")

Vedas.: I have an envelope with riddles in my hands:

Window on the wall

It's black

I press the button

Lives here! (TV)

Maybe a beast, maybe a robot.
He has a tail and a trunk.
He squeals, buzzes the engine,
And he eats rubbish. (vacuum cleaner)

It's hard to live without him
He can serve everyone.
From scarves to curtains and trousers
Everything will stroke us …. ( iron )

In the summer, our dad brought

There is frost in the white box.

And now the frost is gray

Houses in summer and winter

Protects products:

Meat, fish, fruits. (fridge)

Vedas.: - What must be done when ironing clothes, watching TV? That's right, you need to turn off the appliance!

What can happen if you put another object into the socket?

(electric shock, fire may occur)

Listen to my next riddle:

If suddenly there was a problem,

If there is strong smoke,

Don't get lost and never be afraid -

Dial by phone….. 01!

I saw smoke - do not yawn and firefighters ... call!

Join 2 teams!

relay games:

1. "We call the firefighters"(the child crawls into the tunnel, runs up to the phone, picks up the phone and says loudly: “01!”, Comes back without a task, pass the baton)

2. "Extinguish the fire"(the child steps over obstacles - gates - with a bucket in his hands, runs up to the "fire" - there are red skittles in the hoop - pours water on the fire, comes back, passes the bucket to the next one)

Vedas: Serious injuries and burns occur in fires:

Listen to the riddle:

And on a clear day, and even at midnight Always in a hurry to help the sick, Everyone gives way to her, And with respect they pass. (ambulance)

3. " Ambulance hurry to help!”(A child with a steering wheel in his hands runs like a snake between objects, runs around the landmark, comes back, passes the ring to the next one)

Vedas.: Now I propose to remember the rules of the road.

Day and night I burn

I give signals to everyone.

I have three colors.

What is my name, friends? (Traffic light)

What is a traffic light for? (children's answers)

Guys, let's play the game "Colored bikers"!

(p / game "Colored motorcyclists" is held 2-3 times)

Vedas: Guys, put the balls in place and get up all around!

I'll tell you a story about a boy. Repeat the movements after me.

(Fizminutka "I once got lost ..." as shown by an adult)

I got lost once ... (pretend to be frightened, grab my face with my hands)

I just quickly guessed ... (smile, stretch your hand forward, thumb up)

Looked back and forth ... (turns left and right with an inclination forward, arms to the sides and back)

There is no mother - that's the trouble ... (spread your arms to the sides, raise your shoulders)

I ran to the right ... (running in place, turning to the right)

I ran to the left ... (running in place, turning to the left)

My mother was not found ... ("visor", leaning forward)

I turned around ... (turn around myself)

Maybe I’ll suddenly see ... (“binoculars”, leaning forward)

No! I decided to stand! ... (wave your hand from top to bottom, cross your arms over your chest)

And wait for mom on the spot ...

Did the boy do the right thing? Yes, if you are lost, then you do not need to run anywhere. Stop and wait. You will definitely be found. Do you know what number to call in such cases? Can you tell me the telephone number of the police, please? (02)

I remind: small children should know the rules of safe behavior and not walk around the city without adults!

Today we visited the Land of Safety Rules. I am very glad that you know the rules of safe behavior. We return to our kindergarten. (Walking is normal)

Remember the rules always!

So that suddenly trouble does not happen!

You need to know the rules

Do them all the time! Stay healthy!

Physio Instructor:

You warmed up well!

The holiday has gone merrier.

New tasks are waiting for you

Difficult tests!

Rebuilding from a column of one to a column of two.

Physio Instructor:

Who among you does not know boredom?

Who is the master of all trades here?

It is necessary to pass the path with obstacles

And come back to your team.

The first team to complete the task gets 2 points, the second team gets 1 point.

But, to go to the first task, guess the riddle:

In the forest near the stump there is vanity, running around:

The working people are busy all day.

He builds a city out of forest debris. /Anthill/

The first task is a test:

"Industrious Ant"

Participants with a bag on their backs run in turn to the landmark, run around it, come back, pass the baton along with the bag to the next players. The team that completes the test the fastest wins.

And again the riddle: On the chamomile at the gate helicopter descended Golden eyes. Who is this? ... Answer: Dragonfly

The second task is a test:

"Fast Dragonflies"

Participants take turns running to the landmark, running around the skittles standing in the way and also returning back. The team that overcomes the test faster and does not knock down a single pin wins.

Well done guys, you did a great job!

And again the riddle:

Jump and jump - not a little man.

Jumping in the grass /grasshopper/

The third task is a test:

"Funny Grasshoppers"

Participants take turns jumping from hoop to hoop, running to the landmark, running back, passing the baton to the next. The team that completes the test the fastest wins.

Well done guys, you did a great job!

Now let's play the Nose-Ear-Nose attention game. Be careful! Everyone plays!

Touch your nose with your finger and say: "Nose."

Repeat one more time. I will do the same.

If I say "ear", they must show the ear. It's clear? Started!

The instructor says "ear", points to the chin. Having fun. The game is repeated several times.

Well done guys, you did a great job!

And again the riddle:

She has all 40 legs.

Often walks without paths.

Doesn't wear shoes.

How to dress, he doesn't know.

Legs run without a track -

This, children, / centipede /

The fourth task is a test:


Team members put their hands on each other's shoulders. In full force, they run to the landmark and return back. The team that completes the test the fastest wins. And the last riddle:

Wax wings.

Striped belly.

Flying everywhere

Honey is collected /bee/

Fifth task - test:

"Caring Bee"

Each team gets 3 dice. It is necessary to put the cubes one on top of the other and, holding the bottom cube, carry them to the landmark and back.

The team that overcomes the test faster and does not drop a single cube wins.

Well done guys, you did a great job!

Synopsis of sports entertainment

in the senior preparatory group

"In the Land of Health"



Shilova E.I.



Goal: Continue to encourage children to lead healthy lifestyle life.


1). Form a conscious attitude towards your health.

2). Cause in children an emotional response in the process of entertainment, a desire to participate in it.

3). Exercise children in the ability to perform familiar movements: walking on a log, throwing at a horizontal target, jumping.

4). To develop creativity in outdoor games through a specific recreation of the character's activity, acting out.

5). To form physical qualities: speed, dexterity, endurance, courage, evasiveness.

6). Cultivate friendships.

Equipment: A log, cones according to the number of children, a basket, hemp, a jump rope, attributes for a game.

Methods and techniques: game method, explanation, indication, encouragement.

Beyond the seas, beyond the forests, there is a huge country. It is called the country of health. Guys, I invite you to travel!

Let's go ahead

Many discoveries await you.

We walk one after the other

Forest and green meadow.

The bridge swayed to the side

And beneath him the stream laughed.

The horse walks across the bridge.

We can do that too.

There is a bear, rustling in the bushes.

We can do that too.

We follow each other

And let's go to the swamp

Let's cross the barrier

And jump over bumps, jump, jump.

We walk, we walk

We raise our hands higher

We don't lower our heads

We breathe evenly, deeply,

You see how easy it is to go.

To make our trip fun, I invite all the kids, girls and boys to turn into little people from my favorite fairy tale "Dunno in the Sunny City". There are only short people in this city. Anyone who crawls under this ribbon (a ribbon is stretched on the gates at the entrance to the site) and never touches the ground will turn into a real cheerful and dexterous shorty! Forward!

Dear shorties and shorties. Our journey continues.

To be healthy, strong and courageous, we are together now, we will do exercises right here.

To become strong and dexterous, we start training.

1. Bogatyr.

I.p. o.s., hands down.

Slowly raise your arms to the sides, inhale and clench your fingers into fists. 8 times

2. Boxers.

I.p. stand in a stance - right leg forward, arms bent at the chest, fingers clenched into fists. We box for 15 seconds.

3. Weightlifters.

I.p. o.s., fingers clenched into fists.

Raise your arms up, put them on your shoulders. 8 times.

4. Swimmers.

I.p. legs slightly apart, arms bent at the chest.

Spread your arms forward, to the sides.

5. Gymnasts.

I.p.o.s., hands down.

Sit down, clasp your knees with your hands, head down, stand up, arms to the sides, take your leg back.

6. Runners.

I.p. legs slightly apart, arms bent at the elbows. Running in place. 15 sec. In alternation with walking 3 times.

And now blow on the shoulder, blow on the other. We blow on the stomach, as the tube becomes the mouth. And then to the clouds and stop for now.

They quickly reached out and smiled at me.

Our journey continues. Dear little ones. This is the bridge for the bravest of you. To walk on it, you must be able to keep balance. So go ahead!

We have a swamp ahead of us. To get ashore, you have to jump from bump to bump. Will you overcome such an obstacle? Of course, because you are agile and fast.

To continue our journey, we must complete a very difficult task. You need to throw into the basket all the bumps that lie in our path.

And now, after we have overcome all the obstacles, you can play.

Guess the riddle

You will immediately see the answer:

Very important game

jump ropes,

Master training

Faithful hardening.

The mobile game "Fishing rod" is held.

ripened a new game, difficult task.

Mobile game "Hares and the wolf".

Hares jump in the meadow

Suddenly a shadow flickered

The hares hid behind a tree stump.

Come on, bunny, get up on your toes,

Look around. Is he sitting behind a bush

Gray wolf with a big tail.

Suddenly the wolf runs out

There are enough gray bunnies.

Quick, bunnies, go home

The angry wolf runs uphill.

Is our sports travel ends. You are brave, strong, dexterous, athletic children. And now, in order for you to turn from little shorties into big children, into future first graders, you must correctly answer all my questions.

I will ask questions, and you, if this is about you, answer: it's me, it's me, these are all my friends. Do you agree?

    Let's ask everyone now

Who here loves jokes, laughter?

    Who is used to your order, does exercises in the morning?

    Which of you, tell me, brothers, forgets to wash?

    And one more question,

Who doesn't wash their nose?

    Which of you does not walk gloomy, loves sports and physical education?

    Which one of you, say out loud

catches flies in class?

    Which of you is always ready

life without doctors?

    Which of you will give way to the old people in the cramped tram?

    Who doesn't love tomatoes, fruits, vegetables, lemons?

    Well, who will start dinner

with imported chewing gum, sweets?

    Who ate and brushed their teeth, every day, twice a day?

    Who is not afraid of frost

skating flies like a bird?

Well done! Do exercise and sports. Be healthy! Our journey is over.

Normal walking.

High knee walking

The legs are slightly apart, the knees are slightly bent, the body is straight, springy step on the entire foot.

Jumping on 2 legs from hoop to hoop.

They raise their hands up, through the sides they lower down.

Crawl under the ribbon.

Children do a fun workout.

Children do breathing exercises.

Log walking.

Jumps with advancement on 2 legs through stumps.

Throwing at a horizontal target.

Children guess the riddle and take out the rope hanging from the collars.

Jumping on 2 legs moving forward.

A wolf runs out - a driver, catches bunnies.

The game "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends."

sports entertainment for children

preparatory group

"Brave, skillful"

Target: cheer up, evoke an emotionally positive response, consolidate ball possession skills.

preliminary work: performing exercises with the ball, outdoor games with the ball, skittles, hoops.

Attributes: balls for a subgroup of children, 2 sets of skittles, 4 hoops.

Event progress

A teacher with children in sportswear enters the gym to the music.

IN.: To grow and mature

Not by days, but by hours,

engage in physical education,

We need to take care of it!

And today we guys have a holiday of ours fun ball. He loves to roll, jump up and down, bounce against the wall - in general, he loves to play. And today we will play with him. Get in pairs facing each other. The game is called "Toss and Catch". (D children become pairs and throw balls to each other with clap)

IN.: Well done guys, helped the ball to warm up, and now we will play a common game with two balls.

The teacher conducts folk game"Race of balls" (M.F. Litvinova "Russian folk outdoor games")

IN.: Well done boys. Well played. Now you need to split into two teams of five people, the rest of the guys can go to the fans' bench.

Held Relay game "Knock down the skittles"

Children line up in two columns of 5 people. At the other end of the hall, the teacher lines up 2 sets of pins in front of each team. The task of the children is to knock down the skittles with the ball, each child once. Knocked down pins count as points. The team that knocks down the most pins wins. The game is played again with another group of children.

IN.: Our next game is "Plant cabbage", and instead of cabbage we will have our balls. Now those guys who were “sick” are divided into two teams.

Held Relay game "Plant cabbage".

Children stand near two hoops. At the other end of the hall, there are balls in two hoops according to the number of children. At the signal of the teacher, the children should run, take one ball at a time and transfer it to their hoop - “plant cabbage in the garden”. The first team to plant all the "cabbage" wins.

IN.: You guys are great, everything is fine, you play together. Now I suggest you take a break and help me finish the verses:

1. Fun football game

already scored the first ...... (goal).

2. Someone quickly ran away

and without a ball flew into ...... (gate).

3. And Petya kicked the ball

and hit the boy in ..... (forehead).

4. The boy laughs merrily,

a large ....... (bump) grows on the forehead.

5. But the guy does not care about the lump

again he runs after ....... (ball).

And goodbye - fun game"Like this".

Children stand in front of the teacher and say the words “Like this!” and show movements in accordance with the text that the teacher pronounces.

Text Children say and show

How are you? Like this! (show thumb)

How are you swimming? Like this! (imitate swimming)

How are you going? Like this! (walking in place)

Are you looking into the distance? Like this! (put hand to forehead)

Are you following? Like this! (waving hand)

How are you kidding? Like this! (hitting fists on puffed cheeks)

The children leave the room. While walking to the site kindergarten continue playing with the ball.