Running with the ball in hand. Relay races for elementary grades in the gym

Ride the ball

All competitors line up at the start line. Each group of three players receives a tight volleyball or soccer ball. On a signal, one of the participants in the trio, supported under the elbows by two other players, stands on the ball and, stepping over, rolls it. Thus, the whole trio moves to the finish line. On the way, the participants of the trio alternately, without stopping the movement, replace the player standing on the ball. The group that reaches the finish line first is the winner.

Three exercises with the ball

Throw the ball up, get down on one knee and catch it. Standing with your feet apart, take the ball in your right hand, take it behind your back and toss the ball so that it flies over your left shoulder. Catch the ball in front with your left hand. hold the ball right hand, stretched forward and turned palm down. Spreading your fingers, release the ball and catch it with your left hand just above the ground, grabbing from above.

Jump with the ball

Hold the ball between your knees and jump, competing with someone and not losing the ball.

Running with the ball

Stand against each other and squeeze between foreheads big ball. Then try to reach the goal as quickly as possible without dropping the ball. In this case, one runs forward, and the other "back to front". The ball can be pinched between the shoulders, between the ears or backs.


Five or six members of each team line up one after the other in a row. A ball is clamped between each participant, which can only be held with the back and chest, but not with the hands. And in this case, you need to again run to the goal as quickly as possible. More precisely crawl like a crocodile.

catch net

The thrower and the catcher stand at a distance of approximately 15-20 meters from each other. The thrower then throws the ball ten times. The catcher must try to catch a tennis or rubber ball with a net. The number of successful attempts is counted.

Ball on racket

Two or two groups compete. Task: carry on tennis racket ball a certain distance without dropping it on the way. Wins the one or those who you-fill this condition more quickly and deftly.

Ball on the head

Competitors place a rubber bagel on their head, a soccer ball on top, or volleyball on the head you need to walk or run a certain distance.

Ball over the head

The teams stand behind each other. Balls are given to captains. On a signal from the leader, the captains pass the ball over the head to the second player. The second - to the third and so on, etc. to the last. The latter, having received the ball, must run around his team, stand at the head of it and send the ball back, accurately directing it between the legs of the team members. The third, having received the ball, runs forward and again passes the ball over his head. Here it is important not only to quickly change all the players, but also not to get confused in the sequence.

Hold the ball

Each participant in the game has a stick 40-50 centimeters long. One has it in the left hand, and the other has it in the right. Each pair is given a ball. The difficulty is to, holding the ball with sticks, run a distance of 10-15 meters and, without stopping at the finish line, return to the start line. Whoever can do it faster wins. If the ball falls, pick it up and keep running. Naturally, each ball drop is reflected in the speed of the run.

Salki in a square

In a square with a side of 14 m, the players disperse in random order, two of them, located in the center of the site, join hands. These two pursue the rest, trying to either overpower them or force them out of the square. In any case, the one who is tagged or who is outside the area adjoins a pair of pursuers, which thus gradually turns into a chain. The chase continues until only one player remains. If the chain breaks during the exercise, then everyone else can scatter, and the first two start chasing the others again. Inventory. Four racks. Recommendation. The pairs in the chains change, and the time of each is timed to determine which pair will take how long to complete the task.


From four to six players join hands, forming a circle with a diameter of 5–9 m, in which one of the players stands out with special clothes. Another becomes a "pursuer" and is located a few meters away. The coach gives a signal to the player left outside, and he seeks to pin down the highlighted partner in the circle. All the rest, without opening their hands, move in a circle, trying to prevent the driver from taunting their partner. As the exercise progresses, the players switch roles so that everyone tries himself in both roles. Inventory. A circle is marked on the site. One vest. Recommendation. Can be attracted in a circle more players so that the driver adds speed in pursuit. You can record the time of each player in order to compare the performance at the end of the exercise.

Run to the line!

A square with a side of 11-15 m is marked on the site. The whole group lines up on one side in a line facing the coach. Players wear contrasting vests and form 2-3 teams. At the signal of the coach, the players make a dash, trying to reach a certain line. The player who reached the line last brings a penalty point to his team. At the end of the exercise, points are added up. Inventory. Four racks and 1-3 sets of colorful vests. Recommendation. The exercise can be made more difficult by changing the direction in which the players should move during the course of the run, thereby developing the reaction.

Balls with balls

In the central circle there is a group of 10-16 people, each of whom, while holding the ball, performs an individual dribbling, using a variety of movements. After some time, the guys are given the task to knock down any of the partners on the go without losing the ball. A point is awarded for each touch. And the players should, accordingly, avoid tagging, trying to get to a safe distance. Inventory. One ball for each player. Recommendation. The player with the fewest touches within a fixed time wins.

Try to take it!

A group of 12-20 players participate, each of whom dribbles the ball in a center circle or similar area. At the moment when one of the players slightly releases the ball from himself, the other tries to steal the ball from him and knock him out of the circle. The one who lost the ball returns it to the circle and continues to work, and the "stole" gets a point. At the end of the exercise, the players themselves add up their points, and the one with the most points is declared the winner. Inventory. Each player has a ball. Recommendation. A player can also get a point for the fact that, while dribbling the ball, he will force another to go out of the zone with his ball, for example, approaching him.


Teams line up in columns facing the post at a distance of 9–14 m. The front has a ball at its feet, with which it runs at speed around the post. He returns to his column, where his partners stand with their legs wide apart and forming a kind of tunnel. The player makes a pass through this "tunnel", the last player stops the ball, runs to the post, bending around it. The number of repetitions for each team is set by the coach. Inventory. One stance and one ball per team. Recommendation. The coach can offer the guys a variety of movements while running with the ball (jumping on one leg alternately; jumping with a change of legs to make a full circle around the rack before returning to his team, etc.).

football chain

Game with a gradual decrease in load, recovery A group of players, holding the bottom of the vest or T-shirt in front of the standing partner, forms a chain. At the feet of the first in the chain is the ball. He begins to lead him arbitrarily along the perimeter of a pre-marked square with a side of 10 m between the posts. The whole chain follows him. When they reach the starting point, the first one goes to the tail and the exercise continues. The chain must not break - otherwise they will have to start over. Inventory. Four racks, a set of colored vests, one ball. Recommendation. Instead of a ball, you can use a medicine ball or invite players to move around the perimeter of the square in both directions.

Running in teams (trains)

Two equal teams line up in a column one at a time, wrapping their arms around the person in front or taking him by the belt. The columns stand parallel to each other at a distance of 3-5 steps. A starting line is drawn in front of the columns, and opposite the competing teams at a distance of 15-20 m they put a rack or other object.

On a signal, the players in the columns run forward to the rack, go around it and come back. The team wins, whose players ran the entire distance without breaking up, and earlier crossed the starting line with the entire column.

It can be agreed that the players join each other in turn, that is, first the first number goes around the rack, then the second number joins it and they run around together, then the third, etc. Since in this version the game requires endurance, when it is repeated players in columns are arranged in reverse order.

For younger kids school age you can play both versions of the game, agreeing that they will run, holding not each other's belt, but their hands.

Calling numbers

Players stand in front of racks (flags, maces ...) located 15-20 steps away, and are calculated in numerical order. The formation can be in columns or ranks.

The leader of the game loudly calls the number, for example "5". The fifth team numbers run forward, run around the object and return to their places. Whoever crosses the finish line first, which is held four steps in front of the columns (lines), gets a point. If there are 3 teams, the first team in the race gets 2 points, the second one gets 1 point.

The last finisher does not receive any points. The finishers are simultaneously credited with a point.

Players are called in any order, with no pause for summing up after each call. A new challenge follows immediately after the last player crosses the finish line. The game stops after everyone starts 1-2 times.

The team with the most points wins.

If children are playing younger age, then instead of numbers, you can call the players animals: "lions", "tigers", "foxes", "hares" - or flowers. Then it will not be “Calling Numbers”, but “Animal Relay Race”, etc.

Relay with side steps

This relay is held as a line. Movements are carried out: a) side steps with the right side; b) side steps with the left side; c) side steps backwards.

Leapfrog relay

Players are built in columns, 10 steps in front of each of them a square is drawn with sides of one meter or a circle of the same diameter. The first players of each team get up in them. They rest their hands on one leg, lean forward and hide their heads.

On a signal, the players standing in front of the column run forward, jump, pushing off with their hands on the backs (leapfrog) of the players in the squares, and take their places. The jumped players run back to their columns, touch the next players with the palm of their hand, and then stand behind their teams.

The players who received the baton (in this case, a touch) run forward, also leapfrog over those standing in the square and take their place, and they return to the column, etc.

The relay ends when the player who originally stood in the square makes a jump (then remaining in the square), and the one who jumped (the last one in the column) crosses the start line.

Cancer moves back

Teams are built in columns one at a time. Before each team at 10-15 meters put a flag. On a signal, the first players turn around and go to the flags with their backs forward, go around them to the right and in the same way - backs first - return to their place. As soon as they cross the start line, the second players set off, then the third players, etc. The team that finishes the competition first wins.

You are not allowed to look back while driving.

Towards each other

A minimum of 16 people are required to play. In this case, 2 teams of 8 people are created, each of which is divided in half. Players line up against each other. The participant of the game, leading his team on one side of the site, is given a baton (tennis ball, plastic mace, town). At the command "March!" he starts running.

The runners, having run up to the head players of the opposing columns, pass the baton to them and stand behind. The one who received the baton runs forward and passes it to the next player standing opposite, etc. The baton ends when the columns that make up the team change places on the site. Those who finish the run first win.

The game is often played with double dashes, that is, the game does not stop when the guys change places on the court. In this case, the player who was the first on the opposite half, after passing the baton to him, again runs forward. Having passed the baton, he stands at the end of the column, and when he is again in front and the baton is brought to him, the game ends. The player indicates this by raising his hand with the baton.

If the team has an odd number of players, for example 9, then there will be 4 players in one column and 5 in the other. In this case, the run starts from the side where the number of participants in the team is 1 more. If you do the opposite, then one of the players will be left without a dash.

The game can be played with balls, such as basketballs. Then the participants move forward, driving the ball with hits on the ground.

In a simplified relay race with balls, the players in the columns do not run across to the opposite side, but, after passing the ball through the air to the player standing opposite, they run back and stand at the end of their column. In this version, the game ends when the player who started the throws is again in front, receives the ball and lifts it up. Passing the ball can also be done by hitting the ball on the ground or rolling it to the opposite side on the ground.

Circuit relay

All players are divided into 3-5 teams and stand in rays from the center of the circle (like the spokes of a wheel), turning left or right side to the center. Each beam - line is a team. The players standing farthest from the center of the circle hold a baton (town, tennis ball) in their right hand.

At the general signal, the extreme players with the relay run in a circle with outside past the rest of the “spokes” to their team and pass the wand to the player waiting from the edge, and then run to the other end of their line (closer to the center) and stand there.

The one who received the baton also runs around the circle and passes it to the third number, etc. When the one who starts the game is on the edge, they bring an object to him, he lifts it up, announcing the end of the game by his team.

The rules forbid during the game to touch the players standing in the “spokes”, to interfere with those who make runs. The fallen stick is picked up and the run continues. Penalty points are awarded for breaking the rules.

A relay race in a circle, just like an oncoming one, can be carried out with a basketball dribbling. You can change the direction of movement, i.e., repeating the game, give the task to the participants to run in a circle in the other direction.

Relay with turns

Behind the common starting line, two or three teams line up, the players of which stand in a column one at a time. 12-18 meters from the line opposite each column - medicine ball(town, flag).

On a signal, the guides of each team run to their ball, run around it (from left to right) 2 times and come back. Having passed the starting line, the player runs around his column and, being near the player standing in front, touches him with his hand. This is a signal for the next participant to run, who does the same as the previous one. The one who has finished the dash stands at the end of his column.

The victory, as a rule, goes to the faster players. It should be borne in mind that the teams should be as equal as possible in the number of boys and girls.

Relay race with overcoming obstacles

It is conducted in the same way as a linear relay race. During the relay race, the players overcome obstacles: they jump over balls, strips 80-100 cm wide, etc.

planting potatoes

Teams line up in front of the starting line. At a distance of 10-20 steps (depending on the size of the playground and the age of the players), 4-6 circles are drawn in front of the columns one and a half steps from one another. Those standing in front are given a bag filled with potatoes (according to the number of circles).

On a signal, the players with bags, moving forward, put one potato in each circle. Then they come back and pass the empty containers to the next players. They run forward to collect the planted potatoes and, having filled the bags, return to the third team number, who again runs forward to “plant potatoes”. After a run, the player stands at the end of his column. All team players are required to complete the layout and collection of potatoes. At the same time, they must pick up the fallen potatoes, put them in a bag, and only after that continue to move.

The team that manages to finish planting and harvesting potatoes faster than others is considered the winner.

Instead of circles, you can put small plastic hoops in front of the teams, replace potatoes with tennis balls. If there are no bags, you can take bags, baby baskets, buckets.

Walking and running with cardboard on your head

The formation is the same as in the linear relay, only the players move with cardboard on their heads, maintaining balance. If the card falls while walking or running, the player must stop, pick it up, put it on his head and continue moving. Cardboard must not be held by hand.

Walking along the drawn line

The construction is the same as in the linear relay, only the players move along the drawn line (board or gymnastic bench) with arms raised up or bent behind the head, maintaining a position of balance and correct posture.

bumpy running

In front of each team, from the start line to the finish line, at a distance of 1-1.5 m from each other, circles with a diameter of 30-40 cm are drawn (in a straight or winding line). At the leader’s signal, the first numbers, jumping from circle to circle, reach the end line, after which they return along the shortest path and pass baton next players. Having handed the baton to the next number, each player stands at the end of the column.

The team that finishes the game first wins.

planting vegetables

Two or three teams line up in columns one at a time. In front of the teams at the opposite end of the site, 5 circles are drawn. The first players are given a bag of vegetables (garlic, onions, beets, carrots, potatoes) or with objects that conditionally depict them. On a signal, the children run, put all the vegetables in their mugs and pass the empty bag to the second numbers. The second numbers run, collect vegetables and pass the bag of vegetables to the third, etc. The team that finishes the game first wins.

Relay with the puck

Team members line up in columns one at a time. In front of each team at 10-12 meters, they put a flag (or a chair). The first numbers in the teams receive a stick and a puck. On a signal, they must, knocking the puck with a stick, circle it around the flag and return it back to the start line. The stick is then passed to the second player, who in turn circles the puck around the flagstick, and so on. The first team to complete the game wins.

When repeating the game, you can set the task of driving not one, but two pucks at the same time and returning both to the start line.

jump after jump

Players in columns are divided into pairs, each has one short rope. Teams stand in 3-4 steps from each other, the distance in them between the players is 1 step. A pair of players hold the rope by the handles, pulling it 50-60 cm from the floor.

On a signal, the first pairs put the rope on the ground and both players run (one to the left, the other to the right) to the end of their column, and then sequentially jump over the ropes of all the pairs in front. Having reached their places, both players stop and again take their rope by the ends.

As soon as the first rope is lifted from the ground, the second pair puts their rope on the ground, jumps over the rope of the first pair, runs past the column to its end and jumps over the ropes to their place. Then the third pair enters the game, and so on. The relay continues until all the players in the teams have finished jumping.

The team whose players finished jumping first and without violating the rules wins.

relay race with rope

It is carried out as a linear relay race: the players move by rotating the rope. Can be done in pairs. The players move around holding hands, and rotate the rope with their free hands.

Stick jumping

Players become a line or columns at a step distance from each other. The distance between the columns (teams) is 4-5 steps. At 10-12 meters, flags are placed in front of the teams. The first numbers are held in hands gymnastic stick 90-100 cm long. At the command "Attention, march!" the player with the stick rushes forward, goes around the flag and, returning to his column, holds out one of the ends of the stick to the second number (usually in his right hand). Then both players, lowering the stick, carry it to the end of the column under the feet of all the players. They closely monitor the progress of the stick and jump when they need to miss the stick.

The first number remains at the end of the column, and the second player runs with a stick to the flag, goes around it and, returning back, also carries the stick (together with the third number) under the feet of all players, etc.

The game ends when all team members complete the exercise and the stick is again in the hands of the team captain.

If the player did not jump, but stepped over the stick, or when carrying the stick, the players released one end or dropped it, a penalty point is awarded for each such violation.

The team that finishes the relay first and has the fewest violations wins.

Don't drop the stick

It is carried out as a linear relay race. Players run along the distance, carrying a vertically standing stick in their palms.

hoop running

Players line up in pairs. The first pair has a gymnastic hoop in their hands, and in front of the teams there is an object (a stuffed ball, a flag, a town) that needs to be run around. On a signal, the first two players in the teams move forward inside the hoop, holding it with both hands. Having run around the object, the first couple hands the hoop to the next couple, and she herself stands at the end of the column.

The relay race ends when all the players have completed the exercise and the first pair has the hoop again.

If there are a lot of people who want to play, you can arrange a run in hoops in threes, while the sequence of changing threes remains the same.

Relays with a hoop

a) Conducted as a linear relay race. The players overcome the distance by jumping through a hoop that rotates like a skipping rope;

b) two or three players put on a hoop and run a relay race;

c) the players run along the distance and roll a hoop in front of them. If the hoop falls, it must be picked up and the baton continued from the same place.

Run through the hoop

The relay is held in pairs. The first half of the distance before the turn, one player runs and rolls the hoop ahead, the other must slip through it on the move the agreed number of times (3-4). Having reached the mark, they change roles.

Relay with running

Children are built in two teams behind the start line, Opposite each team is a hoop. Before the start of the relay, a team captain is selected. On a signal, the player must run to the hoop, stand in the middle of the hoop and throw it over himself, then return to the team, pass the baton to another.

At the end of the relay race, the team captain must report this to the leader by raising his hands.

Relay with hoops

For the game you need hoops and baton according to the number of teams. A flag is placed in front of each team 20-15 steps from the start line. In the middle of the distance is placed on the hoop. The first numbers in the teams receive baton.

At the leader’s signal, the first numbers run to the hoops lying on the ground and, without releasing the sticks, raise the hoops, crawl through them, put them in their place (it should be indicated) and run further to the flags. Having rounded the flags, they return, again crawl through the hoop and hand over the baton to the second numbers, and themselves stand at the end of their column. The second numbers do the same and pass the baton to the third, etc. The team that finishes the game first wins.

penguin run

Teams line up in columns in front of the starting line. The players standing first pinch a volleyball or stuffed ball between their legs. In this position, they must reach the flag standing 10-12 steps away from them and go back, passing the ball with their hands to the second number of their team.

If the ball fell to the ground, you need to pinch it with your feet again and continue the game. Those who finish the run stand at the end of the column.

The team that manages to complete the relay faster and without errors wins.

With and without ball

Having lined up in columns, the guys can perform the following tasks.

1. Participants carry and then pass three volleyballs to the next player. If in the course of carrying one or two balls fell, they need to be picked up and the relay race continued.

2. Line or oncoming relay lead (10-12 m) at the same time two balls (left and right hand).

3. Players alternately run with the ball 8-12 meters to the line, from which they perform five passes against the wall, then return to their team. The next player repeats the exercise.

4. In teams, the players stand three steps apart (in circles that they outline themselves). The guide alternately bypasses all the players with a snake, and back to his place in a straight line leads the ball by hitting the ground, then passing it to the second number. Everyone moves one circle forward, and the one who comes running takes the last vacant circle.

5. During the oncoming relay, the players standing opposite lead the balls moving forward. Having reached the middle in a zone 2 m wide, they exchange balls and continue to lead to the line where the next players stand,

6. The players dribble the ball, moving backwards to the flag, and then back. On the start line of the relay, the next player receives the ball, turns around and so leads it back to front.

7. Players (boys) sit on basketball and move forward, bouncing on the ball. The ball is held with both hands on the side.

8. Relay participants dribble a soccer ball with their feet, skirting standing players or flags (maces). As an option, the participants of the relay race alternately with a gymnastic stick (or club) roll (lead) a small ball to the rotary flag and back.

9. Players in pairs stand close to each other. One of them is holding short rope. During the relay, players move forward by running, jumping over a rotating rope. In another relay, the player folds the rope in half and runs, spinning it horizontally under their feet. You can, moving forward, rotate the hoop and jump over it, like over a rope.

10. The participants in the game move forward with a racket in their hand, on which lies a tennis ball (big or table). During the run in both directions, they try not to drop the ball to the ground.

11. Players move forward, holding a gymnastic stick in the palm of their hand, trying not to let it fall; players run forward, knocking an inflated balloon with their hand, without letting

him to sink to the ground; the players run with one or two cups of water, being careful not to spill it.

12. The first players in columns carry the second from the start line to the opposite line (10-12 m) and remain there, while the second run back and carry the third, etc. Carrying one together - in this option, the first remains behind the line, and two they run after the next player, then the second one remains, etc.

Relay with hanging ball

The formation is the same as in the linear relay, only the players run to the suspended ball, touch it with their right hand while jumping, run further, run around the rack on the right side and touch the ball with their left hand on the way back.

Relay with balls

For the game you need volleyballs according to the number of teams. A chair is placed in front of each team 6-7 steps from the start line. The first numbers, having received the ball, run to their chairs, stand behind them and from this place throw balls to the second numbers, after which they return and stand at the end of their column. The second and subsequent numbers, having caught the ball, do the same. If the next player did not catch the ball, he must run after it, return to his place and only after that continue the game. The team that wins the ball, having bypassed all the players, will return to the first number earlier.

Players can throw the ball while standing, or sitting on a chair, or lying down, depending on how they agreed.

Relay with dribbling

It is carried out, as well as a linear relay race. The ball is dribbled: a) with the right hand; b) left hand.

Relay with ball throws melting dribbling

The players of each team, after dribbling the ball, throw it into the basket, then pass the ball to their column (by dribbling or passing). A player who does not hit the ball in the basket brings his team a penalty point. The team with the fewest penalty points wins.

Stage 1 - run from start to finish, tossing the ball, and go back and hit the ball on the ground with your hand.

Stage 2 - run from start to finish and back, throwing a small ball over your head from hand to hand. Who is faster?

Stage 3 - jump from start to finish and back, riding a bouncing ball, while singing a cheerful song. Who jumps faster and sings better?

Stage 4 - run from start to finish, passing a small ball under your foot, take another small ball at the finish line and, juggling two balls, run from finish to start. You need to try not to drop the balls and run as fast as possible.

Stage 5 - run to the finish line and, taking two large balls (watermelon) on it, run with them from the finish line to the start. It is undesirable to drop watermelon balls, because they can “break”.

Stage 6 - holding the ball between your knees, go from start to finish like funny penguins. From the finish to the start, take the ball in your hands, run and give the ball to the next team member. Whose team will cope with this task faster, that one will be the winner.

Stage 7 - each team member must bring one multi-colored ball to a bright box at the finish line. Who is faster?

Stage 8 - run from start to finish, kicking the ball with your foot, while snake around the pins placed along the way. Also run back. The main task is not only to do it as quickly as possible, but also not to knock down the pins. So, who will be more accurate, more precise, more careful?

Stage 9 - run from start to finish, tossing an inflatable ball over your head on the move, also run from finish to start. You need to try not to drop the ball and complete the task as quickly as possible.

Stage 10 - run from the start to the finish line and try to throw the ball into the basketball basket set at the finish line with an accurate throw. Then run to the start and pass the ball to the next player.

11th stage - to adjust a small ball with a children's hockey stick from start to finish, and at the finish, score the ball into the goal set at the finish line. Then run to the start and pass the props to the next player. Who will do it more accurately and faster? Who will score more goals for their team?

Stage 12 - to bring from start to finish a large children's truck filled to the brim with multi-colored small balls. At the finish line, unload the contents from the body into a special box, run back to the start, pass the truck to the next team member. The next participant runs to the finish line and loads the body with balls, rides with this load to the start and passes it to the next player. The player drives the truck to the finish line, unloads, etc.

Stage 13 - run from start to finish, collecting small multi-colored balls (4-6 pieces) scattered along the way. Whoever does it faster will win.

Stage 14 - with an inflatable children's multi-colored sledgehammer for swimming, adjust an inflatable ball from start to finish, run back and forth. Who is faster?

Stage 15 - run from start to finish with a small bright ball placed on a badmenton racket. Make sure that the ball does not fall along the way. At the finish line, take the props in your hands, run to the start and pass them to the next player. Whoever turns out to be quick and dexterous, he, of course, will win.

At the end of the relay race, the winners are awarded with gifts and funny symbolic medals.

Outdoor ball games have been known and popular at all times. The main purpose of ball play is to hit, throw, bounce or pot the ball in a certain way so that the opponent cannot catch it. Ball games perfectly develop reaction, dexterity, ingenuity.

Relays with the ball

Passing the ball.
Participants line up one after another at arm's length. Captain ahead. He has a ball in his hands. On a signal, the captain passes the ball over his head to the one standing behind, the next one, and so on until the end. The player standing at the end, having received the ball, runs with it to the head of the team, stands in front of the captain and repeats the transfer of the ball.
- passing the ball between the legs,
- the ball is passed to the right or left,
- alternating transmission, top, bottom.
Holding the ball.
Two are running. They stand facing each other and hold the ball with their foreheads. Hands are placed on each other's shoulders. If the ball falls down, pick it up and continue running from where it fell.
- the ball is held by the stomachs, and hands on the shoulders,
- the ball is held by the backs, and the hands are at the elbows,
Jumping and running with the ball.
Participants stand in pairs holding hands. Each player has a ball in their free hand. The task is to jump together to the finish line without unhooking hands and without dropping the ball. In this case, the ball cannot be pressed to the body, back as well.
Jumping with a fixed ball.
The first participant secures the ball between the knees, holds it in this position, starts jumping at the signal. Having jumped to the turning flag, he takes the ball in his hands, runs back and, not reaching his 1 meter, puts it down. If the ball fell out, pick it up, return to the place where the jumps were interrupted, secure the ball and continue the relay.
- the ball is placed on the head and held with one hand,
- the ball is pinched between the soles of the feet,
- the ball is fixed between the elbows in front of the chest.
Running with three balls.

On the start line, the first one takes 3 balls in a convenient way (football, volleyball and basketball). On a signal, he runs with them to the turning flag and stacks the balls near it. It comes back empty. The next participant runs empty to the lying balls, picks them up, returns with them back to the team and, not reaching 1 meter, puts them on the floor.
- instead of big balls, you can take 6 tennis balls,
- instead of running - jumping.
Hitting the target with the ball.

At a distance of 8-10 meters, a skittle or a flag is set. Each team member gets the right to one throw, he must try to knock down the target. After each throw, the ball is returned to the team. If the target is knocked down, it is set to its original place. The team with the most accurate hits wins.
- the ball does not fly, but rolls on the ground, thrown by hand,
- players kick the ball with their feet,
- Players throw the ball with both hands over their heads.

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1. Ride the ball

All competitors line up at the start line. Each group of three players receives a tight volleyball or soccer ball. On a signal, one of the participants in the trio, supported under the elbows by two other players, stands on the ball and, stepping over, rolls it. Thus, the whole trio moves to the finish line. On the way, the participants of the trio alternately, without stopping the movement, replace the player standing on the ball. The group that reaches the finish line first is the winner.

2. Three exercises with the ball

Throw the ball up, get down on one knee and catch it. Standing with your feet apart, take the ball in your right hand, take it behind your back and toss the ball so that it flies over your left shoulder. Catch the ball in front with your left hand. Hold the ball with your right hand extended forward and turned palm down. Spreading your fingers, release the ball and catch it with your left hand just above the ground, grabbing from above.

3. Jump with the ball

Hold the ball between your knees and jump, competing with someone and not losing the ball.

4. Running with the ball.

Stand opposite each other and squeeze a large ball between their foreheads. Then try to reach the goal as quickly as possible without dropping the ball. In this case, one runs forward, and the other "back to front". The ball can be pinched between the shoulders, between the ears or backs.

5. Crocodile.

Five or six members of each team line up one after the other in a row. A ball is clamped between each participant, which can only be held with the back and chest, but not with the hands. And in this case, you need to again run to the goal as quickly as possible. More precisely crawl like a crocodile.

The thrower and the catcher stand at a distance of approximately 15-20 meters from each other. The thrower then throws the ball ten times. The catcher must try to catch a tennis or rubber ball with a net. The number of successful attempts is counted.

7. Ball on racket.

Two or two groups compete. Task: carry the ball on a tennis racket a certain distance without dropping it on the road. Wins the one or those who you-fill this condition more quickly and deftly.

8. Ball on the head.

Competitors put a rubber bagel on their heads, a soccer ball on top, or with a volleyball on their heads, they must walk or run a certain distance.

9. Ball over the head.

The teams stand behind each other. Balls are given to captains. On a signal from the leader, the captains pass the ball over the head to the second player. The second - to the third and so on, etc. to the last. The latter, having received the ball, must run around his team, stand at the head of it and send the ball back, accurately directing it between the legs of the team members. The third, having received the ball, runs forward and again passes the ball over his head. Here it is important not only to quickly change all the players, but also not to get confused in the sequence.