Tennis ball is your personal massage therapist at home. Tennis ball exercises Tennis ball exercises

The described exercises with tennis balls perfectly develop not only the speed of reaction, but also the eye

Single exercises

1. Dribbling like a basketball

Do you know how to dribble in basketball? So try to deal with tennis ball, but only with each rebound from the floor change the receiving hand. And when you begin to perform the exercise with ease, try to master the technique of dribbling two tennis balls at the same time.

2. Rebounding the ball after bouncing off the wall

Surely in your school years, when no one went out for a walk, you had to kick the ball against the wall alone. So, remember the sad adolescence, but just replace soccer ball tennis. Throw it against the wall at different angles and catch it with the same hand that you threw, remembering to switch hands.

Pair work

1. Throws from behind

Stand with your partner facing the wall (at a distance of several meters), he is behind you. Your partner throws the ball at the wall, you catch it. Not knowing where and when the projectile will fly, it is much more difficult to catch it. The exercise will develop your sixth sense and speed of decision making.

2. Crossfire

Stand with a partner opposite each other at a distance of 3-4 meters and start throwing balls to each other at the same time: one makes a bottom serve with a rebound from the floor, and the second - the top one. Exercise improves reaction and manual dexterity.

3. Lottery

The partner holds the ball in outstretched hands. Hold something holds, but can at any time let go. Your task is to prevent the ball from touching the floor. Can you? After all, a partner will disorient you in various ways - make false jerks or release both balls at once.

4. Shot in the forehead

Everything is extremely simple here. You stand against the wall and wait for the ball to hit your forehead. If you can dodge - well done, if you can't - you will walk with a bump. And don't forget to switch roles with your partner. The skill will come in handy in life too: how many uncontrolled objects fly around our cities and villages.

This article brings to your attention exercises with small (tennis) balls, which are advisable to use during the warm-up for students of all ages, as well as in the main part of the lesson - for students elementary school.



Exercise with tennis balls.

This article brings to your attention exercises with small (tennis) balls, which are advisable to use during the warm-up for students of all ages, as well as in the main part of the lesson - for elementary school students.

The tennis ball is small and can be easily held in one hand and passed to the other. The round shape allows you to freely roll it on a flat horizontal surface, and elasticity - to use it as an expander, throw it at the floor and wall of the hall and catch it after a rebound. It should be remembered that different tennis balls have different elasticity, which depends on the quality and "age": elasticity decreases over time.


Exercise with tennis balls is much safer than with basketballs or volleyballs. However, this also requires strict adherence to safety regulations. The attention of each student should be focused only on his ball. It is unacceptable to be distracted by extraneous interference. If the ball fell to the floor and rolled to the side, it is necessary to pick it up without interfering with the rest of the students, take its original position and only after that continue the exercise, and stop immediately at the teacher's command. You should constantly ensure that the balls do not roll on the floor.


Exercise for the muscles of the cervical region

Place the ball between the chin and chest and hold it with your hand, squeeze the chin with the effort of the neck muscles. In this case, small safe pain sensations may occur, which students must be warned about in advance.

Exercises for the muscles of the arms and upper shoulder girdle

1. I.p. - leg stand apart, ball in hand. Raise straight arms through the sides up and shift it to the other hand above the head. Then lower your arms down to the sides.

2. I.p. - Same. Raise straight arms through the sides up and shift the ball from one hand to the other over your head. Then lower your hands through the sides behind your back and shift from one hand to the other back.

3. I.p. - stand legs apart, arms to the sides, ball in hand. Put your hands forward, transfer the ball to the other hand and return to the starting position.

4. I.p. - Same. Bend your elbows, take the position of the hand in front of the chest, shift the ball from one hand to the other and return to the starting position.

5. I.p. - stand legs apart, arms bent at the elbows, fingers in the "lock", the ball is sandwiched between the palms. Perform several vigorous squeezes of the ball, then, holding the ball, lower your hands down and for 2-3 seconds. relax your muscles.

6. I.p. - stand legs apart, arms bent at the elbows, the pads of all fingers, except for the big ones, rest against the ball, sandwiched between the palms. Squeeze it several times, then, holding the ball, lower your hands down and for 2-3 seconds. relax your muscles.

7. I.p. - leg stand apart, ball in hand. Circular movements with straight arms forward and backward. At the moment of the meeting of the palms, shift the ball from one hand to the other.

Exercises for the muscles of the body

1. I.p. - leg stand apart, ball in hand. Raise your arms up, tilt your body back. Then tilt, put the ball on the floor in front of you. Raise your arms up again, tilt your torso back, then forward and pick up the ball from the floor with your other hand.

2. I.p. - Same. Tilt the body forward; pass the ball from hand to hand and between the legs in a figure-of-eight at a height below the knees. Do not bend your knees.

3. The same, but roll the ball on the floor.

Leg exercises

1. I.p. - o.s., the tennis ball is clamped between the thighs just above the knees. Perform squats, trying not to drop it.

2. The same, but the ball is clamped between the shins.

3. I.p. - the same, but the ball is sandwiched between the feet. Perform rolls from heels to toes and back, each time lifting the ball off the floor.

4. I.p. - stand on one leg, the other is bent at the knee, the ball is sandwiched between rear surfaces shins and thighs. Perform jumps on one leg, trying not to drop the ball. The same on the other leg.

5. I.p. - Same. Perform a jump up, toss the ball with a sharp movement of the legs, then catch it without letting it touch the floor.


Exercises that develop dexterity and coordination of movements are intended primarily for elementary school students and are based on throwing a tennis ball into the floor, into the wall, tossing it up and then catching it.

Tossing exercises

1. I.p. - standing, arms bent at the elbows, the ball in the right hand, the back of the hand is facing the floor. Throw the ball up 1–1.5 m and catch it with your right hand. The same with the left hand.

2. I.p. - Same. Throw the ball up 1-1.5 m and catch it in the "basket" from the joined palms. The same with the left hand.

3. The same, but during the flight of the ball, perform 1–3 claps or more. To complicate the exercise, you can invite students to perform all or part of the claps behind their backs. The same with the left hand.

4. The same with cotton under the knee of the leg bent and raised at the time of the ball's flight. Perform alternately with the left and right legs.

5. I.p. - Same. Throw the ball up 1–1.5 m and catch it with an overhand grip; the back of the hand at the moment of catching the ball is turned up. The same with the left hand.

6. The same, after hitting the ball on the floor; catch him at the moment of takeoff. The same with the left hand. The same, but after hitting the ball with the right hand, catch it with the left hand, and vice versa.

7. The same, but perform the blow with force. The ball after the rebound should fly above the head; it should be caught at chest and waist level as it descends.

wall exercises

1. I.p. - Same. Students sit facing the wall at a distance of 1-2 m from it. The arms are slightly bent at the elbows, the ball is in the right hand, the back of the hand is turned down and back. From the hip, throw the ball against the wall. After the ball bounces, catch it in the "basket" from the joined palms. The same with the left hand.

2. The same, but at the moment of flight of the ball, perform 1–3 claps or more. To complicate the exercise, you can invite students to perform all or part of the claps behind their backs. The same with the left hand. In order to have time to perform more claps, you can increase the distance to the wall.

3. I.p. - Same. Perform a wall throw from the hip. After the rebound, catch the ball with your right hand with a grip from below, the back of the hand is turned down and back. The same with the left hand and alternately with the right and left hands.

4. The same, but catch the ball with an overhand grip, i.e. the back of the hand at the moment of catching is turned back and up.

5. I.p. - Same. With a movement from the ear, throw the ball at an angle so that it bounces into the wall, then catch it with both hands. The same with the left hand.

6. The same, but catch the ball with one hand with a grip from below, then from above.

7. I.p. - stand on one leg, the other is raised above the floor and the sole slightly touches the tennis ball lying on the floor. Roll it with your foot on the floor to the right - to the left and forward - back.

8. The same with the other leg. Children with high level physical fitness you can offer to roll the ball around the supporting leg.

9. I.p. - sitting astride a gymnastic bench, a tennis ball nearby on the floor. Move forward on the bench in a squat, and roll the ball on the floor with your hand. The same in the opposite direction and with the other hand. The exercise can also be performed on a floor log or on the bottom bar of an inverted bench.


In relay races offered to elementary school students, the ball can be used as a kind of relay baton, passing it to each other after completing the task. The ball can be replaced by any other object suitable in shape, weight and size, for example, a regular baton, pins, etc. But there are a number of relay races in which it is difficult or impossible to replace a tennis ball.

1. Players are placed in columns one at a time. The guides are on the starting line. The first hoops lie at a distance of 5–6 m from them, and the second hoops at a distance of 8–9 m. The first hoops contain 2-4 tennis balls. Approximately 1 m behind the second hoop there is a control post (hereinafter referred to as the CS). At the command of the teacher, the first numbers run up to the balls and one by one transfer them to another hoop. After all the balls have been transferred, the players run around the CS, return to their teams and, by touching their hands, pass the baton to the second numbers, and they themselves stand at the end of the column. The second numbers carry the balls into the freed hoop, run around the CS, then pass the baton to the third, etc. If the ball rolls out of the hoop, the player must replace it. If he did not do this, the team is awarded penalty points.

2. Players are placed in columns one by one. The guides stand on the starting line, at a distance of 10 m from it - hoops, and in them - the second numbers. At the command of the teacher, the first numbers throw balls to the second, who must catch them without going beyond the boundaries of the hoop. Throwing should be done over the shoulder, not from below. Then the first numbers run to the hoops and take the place of the second ones, who, if they managed to catch the ball, run around the CS and head to the start line, where they pass the balls to the third numbers, and stand at the end of the column. Those, in turn, perform a throw to the first numbers standing in hoops, and so on. If the player failed to catch the ball or made a mistake: he left the hoop, dropped the ball, etc., he performs a penalty task, for example, climbs through the hoop. For younger students, a number of simplifications can be introduced, for example, to allow them to catch the ball outside the hoop; after touching the floor once, and also reduce the distance from the start line to the hoop.

3. Players are placed in columns one by one. The guides are on the starting line. At the command of the teacher, the first numbers run up with the ball in their hand to the throwing line - the closest to the far wall gym the front line of the volleyball court - and, without stepping over it, throw the ball into the wall and catch it after the rebound, trying not to let it touch the floor. After the players have caught the balls or picked them up from the floor after falling, for which penalty points are awarded, they return to their teams and pass the ball to the next participants. To catch the ball, you can step over the throwing line. For younger students, a number of simplifications can be introduced, for example, allowing them to catch the ball after touching the floor once, and also reducing the distance from the throwing line to the wall. The task can be done in pairs. Players line up in columns of two. The first couples stand on the starting line, one of the participants has a tennis ball. At the command of the teacher, the first couples with the ball run up to the throwing line: one throws into the wall, and the other catches the ball after the rebound. In case of a mistake when catching or throwing: stepping over the line, throwing from below, etc. - The team receives penalty points. Then the first couples return to the starting line, where they pass the ball to the next.

4. Players are placed in columns one by one. The guides stand on the starting line, at a distance of 5–6 m from which there are hoops, and in each of them there is a ball. At the command of the teacher, the first numbers run up to the hoops, bend over and roll the ball with their palm, without grabbing it with the brush, around the CS, then back into the hoop and run back to the start line, where they pass the baton to the second numbers. If the ball rolled out of the hoop and the player did not return it back, the team is awarded penalty points.

5. Players are placed in columns one by one. The guides stand on the starting line, at a distance of 8–10 m from which the CS is located, holding a badminton racket in their hands, on which the ball lies. At the command of the teacher, the first numbers with rackets and balls lying on them, which are now not allowed to be held by hands, run to the CS, go around them and return to the starting point, where they pass the inventory to the second numbers. At the moment of passing the baton, it is allowed to touch the ball with the free hand. Penalty points are awarded for dropping the ball off the racket and touching it with the hand while moving. For older students and children with a high level of physical fitness, you can complicate the task by prohibiting touching the ball with your hand, as well as installing an additional two or three CSs that you need to run around with a “snake”.

6. Players are placed in columns one by one. The guides stand on the starting line, at a distance of 8-10 m from which there is a horizontal target - a ball lying on the floor - or a target drawn on the floor: a circle, a square, etc., at a distance of 2-3 m from which the CS is located. Do guiding the ball. Near each team on the start line - a basket with balls in an amount not less than the number of team members. Instead of a basket, you can use a half of a torn basketball ball. At the command of the teacher, the first numbers throw the ball at a horizontal target, then run to the CS, go around them and return to the starting point, where they pass the baton to the second numbers. The throw is performed over the shoulder. In case of a miss, the team receives penalty points or the player who made the mistake performs an additional penalty task, for example, crawls into the hoop or runs around the CS not one, but two or three times. The thrown balls are collected by assistant referees from among the students released from classes so as not to interfere with the participants of the relay races.

7. Players are placed in columns one by one. The guides stand on the starting line, at a distance of 8–10 m from which the CS is located, and hold a badminton racket in their hands. The tennis ball lies on the floor behind the start line. At the command of the teacher, the first numbers with rackets roll the ball across the floor to the CS and back, then they pass the inventory to the second numbers, which at this moment can stop it with their foot. Touching the ball with the hand and foot while moving is penalized. Hitting the ball with a racket is not allowed. For older students and children with a high level of physical fitness, you can complicate the task by installing an additional two or three CSs that you need to run around with a “snake”.

If there are many students and the size of the hall allows, you can divide the class into three teams. A larger number is impractical, as it will be difficult to control the time and correctness of the tasks. If the teams have an unequal number of participants, then either in the team with fewer players, someone will complete tasks twice, or the team with a large number of participants must choose substitutes who will change. The overall result of the relay races can be summed up either by the sum of the time to complete all tasks, or by the smallest amount occupied places in all relay races, which is much faster.

General developmental exercises are called certain movements of the arms, legs, torso and head, which are characterized by different muscle tension, speed and amplitude. They are performed by groups of children in physical education classes in order to increase the level physical development and moving on to more complex motor actions.

General developmental physical education exercises have a beneficial effect on various organs and systems of the child. Strengthening of the musculoskeletal system occurs due to the increase muscle tone, increase lumbar curve spine and joint mobility.

The benefits for the cardiovascular system are due to the fact that with active physical exertion, the entire volume of blood circulates in the circulatory system, while with a long stay in a sedentary state, 25-45% of the blood stagnates in the spleen and liver.

General developmental physical education exercises have a positive effect on both the physical and psycho-emotional state of the child

A larger volume of blood delivers more oxygen to the cells of all organs, thereby improving the body's metabolism. Increasing the oxygen content in the brain cells contributes to better student performance.

Using various sets of exercises, you can achieve the maximum benefit for the physical development of children. So, gymnastic training develops coordination, flexibility, strength qualities, and athletics (running, jumping, throwing a ball) are designed to increase speed and endurance.

Indications for classes

General developmental physical education exercises in one form or another are shown to almost all children and adolescents, including those with health disorders. Depending on the existing diseases, a training regimen is formed that is different from the usual physical education lessons for healthy children.

If there are disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, sports are designed to activate blood circulation and improve the nutrition of the heart muscles.

In this case, it will be useful:

  • walking;
  • breathing exercises;
  • training of the subscapular and gluteal muscles.

In children who are sick bronchial asthma, general strengthening exercises affect the respiratory muscles and chest increasing their strength and mobility. This helps to reduce the breathing rate while increasing the amount of oxygen that comes in when you inhale.

In this case, the workouts include walking and running at a slow pace. For diseases of the digestive system physical activities strengthen the muscles of the upper and lower press and also improve blood circulation in the organs of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis.

Apart from special training press, this is facilitated by:

For curvature of the spine, apply:

  • power training aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back and neck;
  • specific exercises for posture formation, improvement motor function joints;
  • sports walking.


General developmental physical education exercises have absolute and relative contraindications. Absolute contraindications are grounds for complete exclusion physical activity. Depending on the nature of the disease, this prohibition may last for a certain period of time or be permanent.

Absolute contraindications are due to the following diseases:

  • acute infections accompanied by fever, and a certain period after their acute phase, during which the body is fully restored to a healthy state;
  • defeat nervous system, in which its functioning is difficult;
  • organ diseases respiratory system causing difficulty breathing, weight loss, failure in the circulatory system;
  • diseases that cause the risk of bleeding;
  • the presence of purulent foci (boils, inflammation of the middle ear);
  • diseases of the urinary system (nephritis, nephrosis, kidney stones and Bladder);
  • period of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system, accompanied by impaired mobility in the joints and pain;
  • certain diseases of the cardiovascular system (aneurysms, cardiac arrhythmias, angina pectoris, heart attack, frequent hypertensive crises).

Relative contraindications will help to identify a pediatrician. If the initial examination reveals any health problems, he will refer the child to a specialist doctor in this field to establish acceptable physical activity.

Frequency and duration of classes for children of different ages

General developmental physical education exercises for preschoolers are carried out with a frequency and duration that directly depends on the age of the children.

Physical education for schoolchildren is carried out according to the schedule 3 times a week for 45 minutes, however, experts recommend doing such exercises for another 3 hours a week.

If a student has some health problems, he is assigned to a special medical group. For such children, physical education lessons are held before the start schoolwork or after them, with a frequency of 2 times a week for 45 minutes. or 3 times a week for 30 minutes.

Rules and precautions during exercise

Physical education classes can be held outdoors and indoors. If the sports ground is located on the street, then the distance from it to the nearest building must be at least 10 m. It must have flat surface, without stones, pits, potholes, the presence of debris and foreign objects on the site is unacceptable.

Sports facilities must have a level floor.

Before classes, airing and wet cleaning should be carried out in it., however, it is necessary to ensure that the floor is dry before the start of training. Sport equipment and inventory must be in good condition, not damaged, meet the hygienic requirements for them.

Only students dressed in sportswear corresponding to the environmental conditions. The most suitable sole material sports shoes is rubber. Of all the options, it is the least slippery. All items that interfere with training or that can injure must be removed (watches, jewelry).

Complaints of malaise should be grounds for suspension of the student.

During the physical education lesson, you must follow all the instructions of the head. Only with his permission, you can go to the place of the lesson, prepare the inventory, and at the end of the lesson, remove it and leave sports ground or hall. To avoid muscle injury before starting the main exercises, you should warm up.

A set of exercises with a stuffed ball

The ball for these exercises must be selected in such a way that its weight corresponds to the age and level of physical development of the students.

  1. Starting stance: legs apart shoulder-width apart, hands with the ball freely lowered down. The student raises the ball, fixes it at chest level in outstretched arms, lifts it up, then again stretches his arms in front of his chest, at the end lowers his arms down, returning to the initial stance.
  2. Starting stance: legs apart shoulder-width apart, hands with the ball freely lowered down. The practitioner alternately leans to the right and left sides, fixing the body in a straight position between the slopes.
  3. Spreading his legs shoulder-width apart and raising the ball above his head, the practitioner rotates the body, first in one direction, then in the other.
  4. Initially, the student should become, bringing his heels together and spreading his socks, spread his arms to the sides, one of them holds the ball. The practitioner raises his hands up, describing arcs through the sides, and shifts the ball from one hand to the other, then the hands are again spread apart.
  5. The exercise is performed while sitting., legs are extended on the floor and spread apart to the sides, arms are also extended, they contain the ball. The practitioner turns the body alternately to the right, then to the left, fixing the body in a straight position between turns.

Each exercise should be done 4-6 times.

A set of exercises with a small (tennis) ball

Exercises with a small ball are most often used for groups of younger students. To keep children interested and involved in training process, before general strengthening exercises, you can spend several games.

For example:

  • tossing the ball up, followed by catching with both hands;
  • the same action with catching with one hand;
  • toss with a full turn before catching the ball.
  1. Initially, you should take a sitting position, stretch your legs in front of you on the floor, while the arms are spread apart, the ball is in the left hand. The practitioner raises his legs above the floor without bending them, and shifts the ball from his left hand to his right under his raised legs, then lowers his legs and returns to his original position. The exercise must be done 6-8 times.
  2. Start the exercise while standing, placing the heels together, spreading the socks apart, hands hold the ball near the chest. The trainee raises his hands with the ball above his head, stands on his toes and bends in the lower back, returns to his original position, then leans forward while simultaneously touching the floor with the ball in his outstretched arms, after which he returns to his original position. The exercise should be performed - 6-8 times.
  3. Start the exercise while standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. and loose arms. The ball is in the left hand. First you should inhale and stand on your toes, bring your hands up, describing arcs through the sides, and shift the ball from your left hand to your right, then lower your hands and stand on the entire surface of the foot. In the same way, the ball should be passed from the right hand to the left. Number of repetitions for this exercise 6-8 times.
  4. At the beginning of the exercise, you should stand up and hold the ball between your feet., and then make 10-20 jumps in place without releasing the ball.

You can complete the complex by jumping with simultaneous hits of the ball on the floor.

A set of exercises with a gymnastic stick

Sports activities with the use of a gymnastic stick, they mainly contribute to the formation of an even posture.

  1. Initially, the practitioner stands with his hands down, holding gymnastic stick. He takes a breath and raises the stick, stretches, looking at the projectile, then exhale follows and the hands fall again. The exercise requires slow execution, without arm curls, ensuring the fixation of the feet motionless. The exercise should be done 6-8 times.
  2. Starting position: standing, heels are together, socks are apart, the stick is held by the hands behind the back of the head. The practitioner stretches his left leg back, raises the stick above his head and bends in the lower back, tilts to the left, straightens up, the projectile remains at the top. Straightening up, he again lowers the gymnastic stick behind the back of his head. Then he performs similar actions, leaning to the right. You need to do the exercise 5-6 times.
  3. In the initial stance, the heels are together, the socks are spread apart, the left hand holds one end of the stick, and the other end of the projectile rests on the floor near the foot of the left foot. The student should sit down on one left leg, leaning on a gymnastic stick and straightening the other leg forward. This is followed by a return to the initial stance and a repetition of the same actions with a squat on the right leg. Required amount repetitions for this exercise - 4-6 times on each leg.
  4. Begin the exercise while standing with your heels together and your toes apart. The practitioner puts a stick in front of him and jumps over it, then forward, then back.

Jumping should be done 4-6 times.

A set of exercises with a rope

Sports activities with a skipping rope improve body coordination, improve dexterity and speed of movement, train the muscles of the legs and arms. At the beginning of the lesson, the rope is folded four times and walking is performed with it to warm up the muscles.

Walking gradually becomes more difficult:

  • ordinary;
  • on heels and toes with a rope wound over the shoulders;
  • with lunges forward (rope at the top);
  • squatting with a skipping rope in front.

Subsequently, walking is replaced by running, in which the hands occupy various positions:

  • front;
  • behind;
  • overhead;
  • behind the back of the head.

After restoring breathing, you should proceed to general strengthening exercises:

  1. Initially, you should take a standing position, the heels are together, the socks are apart, the rope is folded four times and held down by the hands. Inhaling, the trainee pulls the projectile, raises his straightened arms with the rope up, stretches the muscles, looking up; exhaling, returns the hands with the projectile to their original position. Actions are performed smoothly and are done 6 to 8 times.
  2. Initially, you should become even, fold the rope in half, hang it around your neck, holding on to its ends. The exercise consists in alternating springy tilts of the body to one side and the other. At the same time, the arm towards which the tilt is made unbends, and the other bends behind the back of the head. It is necessary to repeat the exercise 4-5 times, observing average speed.
  3. The student performs squats, each time stretching his arms with a stretched rope forward. After each squat, you should take the starting position with your hands down. The optimal number of repetitions for this exercise is 7-8 times.

Training must necessarily contain jumping rope in various modifications:

  • with the rotation of the rope forward and backward;
  • on two legs and on one;
  • moving forward by jumping and running.

A set of exercises in pairs

Training in pairs can be included in general developmental classes with complexes of 3-5 exercises.

The video shows simple exercises that can be carried out with children of school and preschool age:

  1. In the initial stance, the partners press their backs and hold hands, which are omitted. First, you should raise your hands, describing arcs through the sides, and then, bending over, step forward with your bent left leg and make 2 springy movements. In total, you should do 6-8 repetitions on each leg alternately.
  2. Standing with their backs to each other, spreading their legs and arms to the sides, holding hands, the partners turn the torso in one direction and the other alternately. You should perform 8-10 such turns.
  3. One of the partners should initially kneel on the left leg, the second should face him close and take a step back, fix his hands on the belt, and the right leg on the knee of the first partner, who holds it by the shin. The second partner makes 6-8 tilts back.
  4. The initial position of the partners is standing in front of each other and holding hands as follows: the right hand of one partner holds on to the right of the second, and the left ones are freely lowered. The first partner, with the support of the second, leans back with the body and touches the right heel with his left hand, then rises, and a change of hands is made.

Partners perform 6-8 repetitions and change roles.

A set of exercises using gymnastic benches

gymnastic bench- the most suitable projectile for performing various kinds of static and dynamic balances.

  1. Within 1-2 min. those involved walk along the rail of the bench, using various modifications of walking: transferring the weight of the body to the toes, on the heels, changing the position of the hands to the upper or side.
  2. Starting position: standing, facing the bench, heels together, toes apart, hands down. The student should place the left foot on the bench (leg straight), and raise his hands forward with palms down; bend the left leg at the knee and focus on it, and fix the hands on the belt; climb onto the bench with both feet, turning to the right, and lower your arms; get off the bench and take your original position. You should do the same steps, starting with the other leg. The exercise should be done 4 to 6 times.
  3. This exercise is done while standing on a bench so that the gaze is directed along it. The trainee makes torso tilts, grabbing the edges of the bench from both sides with his hands. In a bent state, you should linger and spring 2 times, then unbend.

4-6 such slopes should be made.

ORU complex with dumbbells

Classes with dumbbells can be started from the age of seven, however, the loads for younger students should be moderate so that there are no disturbances in the formation of the skeleton.

  1. Initially, you should stand up straight, holding the dumbbells down. The student lunges forward, alternating legs. At the time of the lunge, the arms go up, lifting the dumbbells. Such lunges should be done 6-8 with each leg.
  2. Initially, you should become straight, holding the dumbbells with your hands below. The student alternately raises his shoulders, keeping his back and head straight. You should do 8-10 lifts of each shoulder.
  3. Initially, you should stand upright and hold the dumbbells at your shoulders. The student performs alternating dumbbell raises once up and once to the sides, after each lifting and breeding, returning them back to the shoulders. The required number of repetitions is 10 times.
  4. The trainee makes alternate turns of the body to the right and to the left while simultaneously moving the arms from the shoulder forward from the dumbbells. When turning to the left, the right hand is displayed and vice versa. You have to make 10 turns.

A set of exercises sitting and lying on the floor

The lying and sitting positions on the floor allow you to do the most effective exercises for training the muscles of the legs and abdomen.

  1. Initially, the practitioner needs to sit down and lean on his palms, bringing his arms back, and stretch his legs forward. The student swings his legs: when one leg goes up, the second goes down. Should start with slow pace and then accelerate. The duration of the exercise is from 15 to 20 seconds.
  2. The exercise is also performed while sitting, with emphasis on the palms behind and legs straightened forward. The student makes counter swings of his legs up and down, the second stage - cross to the left and right. The duration of this exercise is 15 to 20 seconds.
  3. The trainee should raise the body of the lying state from 6 to 8 times and touch the socks with the fingers.
  4. Initially, the practitioner lies on his back, legs bent at the knees, feet pressed to the floor. The student makes alternate tilts of the legs to one side and the other, touching the floor. He should make 4-6 such slopes.
  5. The exercise consists in fixing the body for 15 seconds, lying on your back with your legs up and a raised pelvis, using your hands as a stop.

Then you should bring your legs into such a position that the socks touch the floor above your head, and hold out for another 15 seconds.

A set of exercises with a chair

In this collection, all exercises are performed from a sitting position on a chair.

  1. The student should sit on a chair, straighten his legs and arms forward and rotate his feet and hands: 8 times inward, 8 times outward.
  2. The student rotates his head, kneading the neck joints and vertebrae. During execution, his hands lie relaxed on his knees. You should make 8 turns in one direction and 8 in the other.
  3. The practitioner reaches his toes with his fingertips and springs 3 times, after which he straightens up. Thus, 3 or 4 inclinations should be made.
  4. The student performs 5-6 alternate lifts up through the side of the left and right hands.
  5. Initially, you should fix the hands at the shoulders. The trainee describes circles with his elbows 5-6 times in each direction.
  6. In this exercise, the practitioner should alternately press the left and right legs bent at the knee to the body. Press the leg with your hands.

Exercise must be performed 3-5 times with each leg.

Completion Rules

General strengthening workouts must have a final part lasting 3-5 minutes. It provides a smooth transition from a tense and excited state to relative calm. At the end of the lesson, the leader conducts a construction, and the children are engaged in calm walking, making breathing exercises.

This helps to normalize the heart rate and respiration.

At the end of the physical education class, students clean up after themselves. Sports Equipment, which was used to perform general developmental exercises, change clothes and wash their hands.

Article formatting: E. Chaikina

A useful video clip about physical education in kindergarten

The plot of the game form of physical education with preschoolers:

One way to use a tennis ball is to perform acupressure, which is indicated for many painful conditions:
back pain;
pinched nerves;
salt deposits.

Due to some features, a tennis ball can be considered an excellent tool for massage - it is quite dense and covered with soft cloth. Massage with a tennis ball should be done on a hard enough surface so that it exerts the necessary pressure on the painful area. Only in this case can one speak of effective exercises with a tennis ball.

Before you start doing tennis ball exercises, you need to identify your problematic - painful places. Here are some examples of tennis ball exercises for different areas.

FOOT MASSAGE should be done while standing and leaning on the back of a chair, for example. Place the ball under your right foot and slowly roll it back and forth and left and right. When doing this exercise, you first need to stretch your foot, and then you can increase the pace if you feel comfortable. The duration of the exercise for one leg is about two minutes, after which you need to change legs. Do five sets of this exercise.

If you are concerned about PAIN IN THE NECK, you can try this exercise. Sitting on the edge of a chair with a straight back, turn your head to the right and take the ball in your right hand. Then, gently press the ball against the left side of your neck until you feel a slight tension. After that, slowly turn your head to the left, and then return to the starting position and do the same with your left hand.

With the help of a tennis ball, you can also perform a MASSAGE OF THE LUMBAR. To do this, put the ball under your back at waist level and roll on it until you determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bmost soreness. At this point, stop and lie on the ball until the pain subsides. This usually takes no more than a minute.

1.I.p. - the ball is on the back of the palm of the right hand, the left hand covers the ball from above. Fulfill circular motions ball right and left.
The same with the other hand.

2. Throwing the ball up with one hand, catching with both hands. The same, but catching with one hand.

3.I.p. - arms to the sides, down, the ball in the left hand. Hit the ball with your left hand on the floor, catch with your right, and vice versa.

4. Transferring the ball from one hand to another around the neck, torso, knees to the right and left sides.

5.I.p. - right forward. Throw the ball under right foot and catch it with both hands.
The same with the left leg.

6.I.p. - Wide leg stance. Shifting the ball from one hand to the other under the feet of the "eight".

7.I.p. - Same. Rolling the ball on the floor around the feet "eight".

8. Ball in the right hand, grip from above. Throw it up and catch it with your right hand.
The same with the left hand.

9. Transferring the ball behind the back from one hand to the other.

10. Juggling with two balls.

11. Simultaneous tossing and catching two balls.

12. Passing two balls in pairs. One partner passes the ball to the other by hitting the floor, he performs a pass from the chest.

13. The same, but one of the partners has both balls, who passes them to the other with a rebound from the floor, and he must catch.

14. Dribbling around the legs to the right, to the left.

15. I.p. - Wide leg stance. Kicking the ball with a figure eight under your feet.

16. Throw the ball up, clap behind the back, then in front of the chest and catch.

17. Throw the ball at the wall with one hand, catch the bounced ball with both hands.

18. Same as in ex. 18, but before touching the wall, the ball must touch the floor.

19. I.p. - Bend your right knee forward. Shift the ball from one hand to the other around the thigh.

20. Alternately raising either the right or the left straight leg, shift the ball from hand to hand.

21. I.p. - Take your right hand back, holding the ball. With a wrist movement, throw it up, catch it in front with both hands.
The same with the left hand.

22. I.p. - right hand forward, the ball is held with an overhand grip. Throw it up, turn your palm and catch it with your right hand.
The same with the other hand.

23. I.p. - right hand forward, the ball is held on the back of the hand. Throw the ball up and try to catch it with the back of your hand.
The same with the other hand.