Kettlebell lifting competitions. Weight-lifting

Kettlebell lifting competition rules

1. Nature and program of the competition

The nature of the competition

1.1. By the nature of kettlebell lifting competitions are divided into:

a) personal

b) command

c) personal-team

In individual competitions, only the personal result of the participant is counted and, in accordance with this, his place in the competition is determined.
In team competitions, the results of the team as a whole are counted and, in accordance with this, the place of the team is determined.
In individual-team competitions, the result of each participant and the team as a whole is counted separately and, in accordance with this, the personal places of participants and teams are determined. The composition of the team members is submitted to the panel of judges by the representative of the team daily before the start of the competition. Re-registration is carried out daily before the start of the competition.

1.2. The nature of the competition in each individual case is determined by the regulation on the competition.

1.3. Competitions with kettlebells 16, 24 and 32 kg are held according to the program: - clean and jerk of two kettlebells from the chest (short cycle)
- push of two kettlebells from the chest with lowering to the hanging position after each rise (long cycle)
- kettlebell market alternately with one and the other hand
- classic biathlon (jerk and snatch)
- team competitions (relay races)

Competition program

1.4. The competition program is determined by the Regulations and must be drawn up so that an athlete can compete on one day in no more than biathlon or a separate exercise and relay race
Competitions must be organized so that the rest time between exercises is at least 30 minutes.

1.5. The winner is determined in each weight class, both in separate exercises, and in classical biathlon for the largest amount of lifts. In the snatch, the average result of the sum of the lifts performed by one and the other hand is taken into account. With the same number of lifts for several athletes, the advantage is gained by the participant who has a lower body weight before the performance
- a participant who has a lower body weight after the performance,
- a participant who is ahead of the opponent in the draw.

1.6. Locations in team championship are determined based on the results of the qualifying participants in one of the ways determined by the Regulations (according to the tables of equalizing coefficients, by places in the individual championship).

2. Competitors.
Age of participants

Athletes are allowed to compete:
- boys and girls - up to 16 years old
- older boys and girls - up to 18 years old
– juniors and juniors – up to 20 years
– youth – up to 22 years old
- men and women - 20 years and older
- veterans - 40-44.45-49.50-54.55-59.60-64.65 years and older.
The age of the participant is determined by the year of birth (as of January 1 of the current year).
Note: boys and girls, older boys and girls, juniors and juniors with a high sports training and special permission from a doctor, may perform in an older age group.

Competitors are divided into the following weight categories:

boys: up to 45 kg, up to 50 kg, up to 55 kg, up to 60 kg, up to 65 kg, up to 70 kg, over 70 kg;
older boys: up to 55 kg, up to 60 kg, up to 65 kg, up to 70 kg, up to 75 kg, up to 80 kg, over 80 kg;
men, youth, juniors: up to 60 kg, up to 65 kg, up to 70 kg, up to 75 kg, up to 80 kg, up to 90 kg, over 90 kg;
girls, older girls: up to 55 kg, up to 60 kg, up to 70 kg, over 70 kg;
women, juniors: up to 60 kg, up to 70 kg, over 70 kg;

Each participant has the right to participate in specific competitions in only one weight category. It is allowed to perform in a different weight category only in team competitions (relay), subject to re-weighing.


Before the start of the competition (a day before), applications for participation in competitions are submitted to the Main Jury (Secretariat), where a mandate commission is held to admit participants and teams to competitions.
During the credentials committee, the final composition of participants in weight categories is determined. The cards of participants are filled in, in which information about the athletes must be indicated: last name, first name, year of birth, sports title, weight category, territory, DSO, department, top scores, FULL NAME. trainer.
The application must be certified by the head sports organization and a WFD doctor.

The procedure for weighing participants

2.1. Participants are weighed in 2 hours before the start of the competition and lasts 1 hour. Participants participating in team competitions (relay) are allowed to participate according to the results of weighing in individual competitions.

2.2. Weighing is carried out in a room specially designated for this purpose. Members of the main panel of judges, one official representative from each team, are allowed to be present during the weigh-in.

2.3. Weighing of participants is carried out by the judges who provide refereeing of competitions in this weight category.

2.4. Participants are weighed naked or in swimming trunks. Each participant is weighed once. The participant whose own weight does not correspond to the weight category at the initial weigh-in is allowed to re-weigh. Women and girls are weighed only in the presence of female judges.

2.5. When passing the credentials committee, or during the weigh-in, a draw of participants is carried out to determine the order of entering the platform, and a technical application is submitted.

2.6. The main panel of judges is allowed to form the final group of the strongest athletes (group "A") and teams (in team competitions) based on the results of performances in the last competitions:
- current year;
- the previous year.

The champion of Russia or the winner of the championships of Russia and the 2nd prize-winners perform on the 3rd and 4th platforms.

Rights and obligations of a participant

2.7. The participant has the right to apply to the main panel of judges on all issues only through the representative of the team or the judge with the participants;

2.8. The participant has the right to prepare weights for the exercise before being called to the platform. The preparation of weights is carried out in a place designated for this purpose. When preparing weights and hands, only magnesia is allowed.

2.9. The participant has the right to be a representative of an enterprise or firm in advertising its products. The participant or team representative must notify the organization conducting the competition, the main panel of judges about this and obtain permission for this.

2.10. The participant is obliged to know the rules of the competition and the regulations on the competition.

2.11. In case of violation of the rules and order of the competition, the participant is given a warning. In case of repeated violation, he may be removed from the competition by the decision of the Main Jury (Jury).

2.12. The participant must strictly observe discipline, be correct in relation to other participants, as well as to spectators and judges. A participant who did not appear at the performance is not allowed to compete. Participants who won prizes are required to go to the awards in the front sportswear. Athletes who do not appear for the awards are removed from the competition, lose their awards and do not bring credit points to the team.

2.13. The participant prepares and performs with weights installed on the platform, on which he must go.

2.14. The participant is forbidden to use any devices that facilitate the lifting of the weight (weights).

2.15. The participant is forbidden to talk during the exercise and to approach the judge on the platform after the exercise.

2.16. A participant who, for health reasons, is withdrawn by a doctor in one of the types of programs, is not allowed to further participate in these competitions.

Athletes uniform

Athletes are required to compete in a uniform that must be clean, smart and meet the following criteria:
- the suit may consist of one or two parts, but must completely cover the body of the athlete;
- sports or cycling shorts, weightlifting leotards should not cover knee joints;
T-shirt must be collarless and not cover elbow joints;
- it is allowed to use a weightlifting belt, no more than 12 cm wide, bandages no more than 1.5 m long. The width of the bandages on the wrist should be no more than 10 cm, on the knees - no more than 25 cm. It is allowed to use knee pads and bandages. The belt cannot be worn under a competitive suit;
sport shoes may be arbitrary.

Team representatives and captains

2.17. Each organization participating in individual-team and team competitions must have its own representative.

2.18. The representative is the head of the team, is fully responsible for the organization and discipline of the participants, ensures their timely appearance at the competition and awarding in sports uniform in accordance with the rules of the competition.

2.19. The representative is present at the weigh-in of the members of his team and the draw, as well as at the meetings of the judiciary, if they are held with representatives.

2.20. Representatives, coaches and participants are prohibited from being in the competition area during the performance of participants. Representatives must be in a place specially designated for representatives or among members of their team.

2.21. The representative is prohibited from interfering with the orders of the judges and persons conducting the competition. The representative has the right to submit statements and protests to the panel of judges concerning only the members of his team.
Protests are submitted before the next change of participants leaves.

2.22. If the members of any team do not have a representative, his duties are performed by the team captain.

3. Equipment and inventory

3.1. Competitions are held on platforms with a size of at least 1.5 x 1.5 m. The distance between the platforms must ensure safety and not interfere with the competitive process.

3.2. The weight of the weights must not deviate from the nominal by more than 100 grams.

3.3. Parameters and color of weights:

– height – 280 mm
– case diameter 210 mm
– handle diameter 35 mm

16 kg - yellow
24 kg - green
32 kg - red

3.4. Referee alarms must be installed for keeping score and information.

3.5. Before the start of the competition, an act must be drawn up for the compliance of equipment and inventory with the rules of the competition.

Warm-up hall

3.6. In order to prepare for the competition, athletes must be provided with a warm-up room located near the competition venue. The warm-up room should have a sufficient number of platforms, weights, chalk, etc. according to the number of participants.
In addition, the warm-up hall must have the following equipment - loudspeakers connected to the speaker's microphone; scoreboard (duplicate protocols) showing the names of the participants in the order of the draw, their own weight and teams; table for the doctor on duty.

4. Panel of judges

4.1. The panel of judges is completed by the organization conducting these competitions.

4.2. The panel of judges includes:
– when holding competitions with up to 20 participants: chief judge, chief secretary, doctor, fixing judge (for each platform), judge on the backup protocol, secretary, informing judge, judge with participants, technical controller;
– when holding competitions with a number of participants of 20 people, as well as when holding competitions on several platforms at once, a deputy chief judge is additionally introduced and the number of other judges increases accordingly.

4.3. A kettlebell referee must have a firm knowledge of these rules and be able to
apply them during the competition.
He must be objective and principled in his decisions, being an example of discipline, organization and clarity in work, he must know the regulations on the competitions well.

4.4. Judges must wear a uniform uniform: a dark jacket and black trousers.

4.5. For economic support, the organization conducting the competition allocates at the disposal of the panel of judges the commandant of the competition.

Main panel of judges

4.6. The composition of the main judiciary includes the chief judge, his deputy and the chief secretary

4.7. A jury is elected from the composition of the panel of judges, which is headed by the chief referee of the competition.

4.8. The jury consists of the chief judge and up to five jury members with the highest category. The composition of the jury is determined by the main panel of judges.

Rights and obligations of the main panel of judges (jury)

- monitor the correct conduct of the competition in accordance with the rules
and competition rules
- accepts applications and protests and makes decisions on them.
- for the period of analysis of the protest, the competition is suspended. At All-Russian competitions, for objective decision-making on protests, a video recording of the performances of athletes is used.
– removes from work judges who have committed gross errors or committed rudeness
in relation to participants, other judges, representatives, coaches
- makes changes to the competition schedule, if necessary

Note: The main panel of judges (jury) has no right to change the conditions of the competitions established by the regulation.
All decisions are made by the main panel of judges (jury) by a majority vote.

Main judge and his deputies

4.9. The chief judge directs the work of the panel of judges and is responsible to the organization conducting the competition for the clear organization, discipline and safety of the competition, the creation of equal conditions for all participants, strict adherence to the current rules, objectivity of refereeing, calculation of results and summing up the competition.

4.10. The Chief Judge must:
– before the start of the competition, hold a meeting of the panel of judges and a seminar with representatives on the rules of the competition, as well as check the availability
related inventory and equipment
– determine the procedure for the work of the judiciary and judging teams
- manage the course of the competition and resolve emerging issues
– exercise control over the work of judges during the competition and in determining
- to accept for discussion by the jury received applications and protests
– submit within 5 days a written report and the necessary documentation to the organization conducting the competition
– appoint and hold meetings of the panel of judges during the competition

4.11. The deputy chief judge is guided by the instructions of the chief judge, in the absence of the latter, performs his duties.

Chief Competition Secretary

4.12. Chief Secretary:
- prepares the necessary technical documentation and is responsible for the correctness of its execution
- draws up minutes of meetings of the panel of judges and draws up orders and decisions of the chief judge
- with the permission of the chief referee, gives information about the competition to the judge-informer, team representatives and correspondents
- draws up acts on setting records
– handles all competition documentation
- presents the necessary materials for the report to the chief judge
- keeps records and fixes decisions on protests

Judge on the platform

4.13. Judge on the platform:
– conducts weighing of participants of the weight category, which he is judging
- monitors appearance and the form of clothing of each participant and has the right not to allow the participant to perform the exercise due to inconsistency in the form of clothing and the use by the participant of means prohibited by the rules of the competition. After the participant eliminates the comments, the judge gives the “Start” command and the participant performs the exercise in the time remaining up to 10 minutes.
- loudly and clearly announces the score of correctly performed lifts
- fixes technically incorrectly performed lifts with the “do not count” command
- loudly announces the final result of the participant in each exercise

Note: At the championships and championships of Russia, all-Russian competitions two judges are assigned to each platform, one of whom is the head judge and keeps the score. His assistant fixes the rises and keeps a record. The final result is determined by the joint decision of the two judges.


4.14. Secretary:
– fills in the cards of participants at the weigh-in (weighing protocol) and the protocol of the competition on the platform of this weight category
- calls the participants to the platform and warns the next participants about the need to prepare

informant judge

4.15. Informant Judge:
- announces decisions, orders of the main panel of judges
- informs spectators and participants about the results of the competition

Judge with participants

4.16. Judge with participants:
- checks the appearance of the participants of the competition according to the lists, as well as the compliance of their costumes with the requirements of the competition rules and informs the chief secretary of the results of the check
- conducts the construction and displays the participants of the competition according to the lot for the presentation and performance of exercises
- warns the participants in a timely manner about their call to the platform
- informs the secretary of information about the absence of a participant or refusal to participate in competitions
– is an intermediary between the participants and the panel of judges

Technical controller

4.17. Technical controller:
- together with the deputy chief referee, weighs the weights and draws up an act on their compliance with the rules of the competition;
- controls technical condition weights and equipment;
- monitors the order of preparation of kettlebells and hands;
- is present at the weigh-in and assists the lead secretary of the competition in establishing the identity of the athletes, as well as their first and last names, the weight of the participants, etc.
– checks the competition platforms, scales, electronic judging system, chronometers, warm-up room, the presence of 2 video cameras and other objects at the competitions;
- checks the correctness of the form of judges;
- ensures that while the athletes are on the platforms, no one, including the technical controller, is there (in front of the eyes of the public and television cameras).

Competition Doctor

4.18. The doctor of the competition is a member of the panel of judges as a deputy chief referee for the medical part

4.19. Competition Doctor:
– checks the presence of a doctor’s visa in applications for the admission of participants to competitions
– carries out medical supervision of the participants during weighing and during the competition
– monitors compliance with sanitary and hygienic conditions during competitions, places of residence and meals
- provides medical care in case of injury or illness
participants of the competition, determines the possibility of their further performance
– agrees with the chief judge on the removal of the participant, gives a written opinion on the reasons for its removal
- after the end of the competition, submits a report on health care to the chief judge

Competition Commandant

4.20. The commandant of the competition is responsible for the timely preparation of equipment (platforms, weights, scales, etc. equipment), competition places, places for participants, representatives, judges, and the press.
Provides a parade of participants technical means and paraphernalia, follow the instructions of the chief referee and the representative of the organization conducting the competition.

5. Rules for performing exercises

General provisions

5.1. 2 minutes before the start of the exercise, the participant is invited to the performance. 5 seconds before the start, the control time is counted down: 5,4,3,2,1 sec. during which the participant is obliged to enter the platform, after which the “Start” command is given. After the “Start” command, the participant must begin to perform the exercises: push or snatch. When the participant lifts the weights (weights) from the platform to the “Start” command, the senior referee gives the command “Stop, put the weights (weight) on the platform and start the exercise.”

5.2. A participant who is late to the platform by the time of the start is not allowed to compete.

5.3. The participant is given 10 minutes to complete the exercise. The referee-secretary announces the control time every minute. After 9 minutes, the control time is announced after 30 seconds, 50 seconds, the last 5 seconds, every second.

5.4. After 10 minutes, the “Stop” command is given, after which the lifts are not counted, and the participant must stop the exercise.

5.5. Each lift performed correctly is accompanied by the score of the judge on the platform. The referee announces the score as soon as all parts of the athlete's body become motionless.

5.6. In case of violation of the requirements for the technical performance of the exercise, the judge on the platform gives the commands “Do not count”, “Stop”.

5.7. When leaving the platform while performing exercises, i.e. touching any part of the space outside the platform, the “Stop” command is given.

5.8. An athlete who cannot fully extend his elbows due to natural deviations must inform the platform judges and the jury before starting the exercises.


5.9. The push is performed from the starting position: the weights are fixed on the chest, the shoulders are pressed to the body, the legs are straightened.
At the moment of fixing the weights in the upper position, the arms, torso and legs should be straightened. The athlete's hands must be on the frontal plane of the head. Legs and kettlebells should be on the same line parallel to the plane of the body. After fixing in the upper position and the count of the judge, the participant lowers the weights to the starting position in an arbitrary way.
Important note:
Fixation - emphasized, visible stop of the weights and the athlete.

5.10. The stop command is given when:
- lowering weights (weights) from the chest to the hanging position;
- setting weights (weights) on shoulder joints, with an explicit rest stop

Important note:
Continuous lowering of weights over the shoulders (rolling) is not a mistake.

5.12. Push 2 kettlebells from the chest, followed by lowering to the hanging position after each lift (according to long cycle) is carried out according to the same rules, but the “Stop” command is given when placing weights on the platform.
Note: Stopping the kettlebells during the next swing in the hanging position is not considered a mistake, provided that the kettlebells and hands do not touch the legs and torso.


5.13. The exercise is performed in one step. The participant must continuously lift the weight up to a straight arm and fix it. At the moment of fixing the kettlebell in the upper position, the arm, legs and torso should be straightened. The athlete's hand should be on the frontal plane of the head. It is not allowed to bend and twist the body, bend in hip joint. After fixing at the top, the participant, without touching the kettlebell
trunk and shoulder, lowers it down to perform the next lift.

5.14. The change of hands is made once, in an arbitrary way. When lowering the weight on the shoulder during the snatch, the “Shift” command is given with the first hand.

5.15. The “Stop” command is given when:
- putting the kettlebell on the shoulder when snatching with the second hand;
- putting the kettlebell on the platform.

Note: Accidentally touching the platform while swinging is not considered a fault. Stopping the kettlebell below during the next swing is not considered a mistake, provided that the arm and kettlebell do not touch the legs and torso.

Team competitions (relay races)

5.17. The weight of the kettlebells (kettlebells), the exercise, the time factor, the number of stages is determined by the competition regulations.

5.18. The exercises are carried out according to the general rules.

5.19. Performing exercises in stages begins with light weight categories.

5.20. A competitor is only allowed to compete in one stage

5.21. Relay order:
- before the start of the relay race, the participants line up for the performance by teams, by stages. 5 seconds before the start, the control time is counted: 5,4,3,2,1 after which the “Start” command is given to the participants of the first stage.
- 15 seconds before the start of the next stage, the judge in front of the participants takes the next athletes out.
- 5 seconds before the end of the next stage, the control time is counted: 5,4,3,2,1
- the transfer of the baton is carried out on the command "Change". The participant who finished the stage must put the weights on the platform
- to the participant of the previous stage, who fixed the weights after the “Change” command for the next stage, lifts are not counted
- the account is kept overall with a cumulative total
- the winning team is determined by the largest number of lifts.
- if the number of lifts for two or more teams is equal, the advantage is given to the team with the lower body weight of the participants

6. Registration of records and highest achievements

Russian records and top achievements among youths, juniors, youth and veterans are registered only at competitions included in the calendar plan sports events VFGS. The panel of judges must include at least 3 judges of the Republican category.

Until the end of the 40s of the XX century, kettlebell lifting in the modern sense, as a competition in strength endurance, did not exist. Although the kettlebells themselves sports equipment have been known since the end of the 17th century. Kettlebells along with barbells and dumbbells were used to develop physical strength or in circus performances.

October 24, 1948 under the patronage of specialists from weightlifting the first competitions were held in which athletes exercised with two-pound weights. Although there were no official rules yet, such competitions began to be held on an ongoing basis and weightlifters saw them as a way to attract the masses to their sport.

In 1962, the first rules for kettlebell lifting competitions were developed. Since the 70s, meetings were held on an ongoing basis between athletes of the USSR, sports were also cultivated in Armed Forces. During that period, the rules of kettlebell lifting were constantly changing towards simplification to involve ever wider layers.

If bodybuilding in the USSR was not encouraged due to the fact that they took away resources from weightlifting, then kettlebell lifting was strongly approved. The only obstacle to the official recognition of this sport as an independent one was the lack of permanent rules - even within the same season, competitions could be held according to different rules.

Variants of the rules on the example of a snatch:

The snatch was performed with only one hand (either) or each hand;

It was forbidden / allowed to touch the kettlebell to any part of the body;

The change of hands in the snatch was carried out through a swing or through a somersault of the kettlebell;

Scoring was done either by the simple sum of both hands, or by doubling the weak hand;

Hanging time limit, etc.

In 1985, kettlebell lifting received official recognition, and in 1987 the All-Union Kettlebell Sport Federation of the USSR was established. On October 29, 1992, it was dissolved and the International Kettlebell Lifting Federation was established in its place.

History of rules

Initially, athletes practiced triathlon - bench press, clean and jerk and snatch. The exercise lasted no more than 1-1.5 minutes and the results were very low compared to the current ones. When training was put on a professional level, the results increased dramatically. For example, in 1973 in Yaroslavl, at the final competitions of the championship of the Rossovet DSO "Urozhay", A. Vorotyntsev, with the help of a shvung press with one hand, squeezed a two-pound weight 123 times, after which the judge stopped the exercise, preventing the athlete from continuing with the second hand. At that time, the record in the press was 42 times, and was done in the usual "strength" manner. At the same time, the time for performing the exercise also increased - it could reach 40-50 minutes, which sharply reduced the entertainment.

To reduce the time of the competition in 1982, the kettlebell press was removed from the program.

For the same purpose, at some competitions, rules were first introduced prohibiting the delay of kettlebells in the clean and jerk in the position on the chest for more than 2 seconds. But in the position of fixation, you could stay as long as you like. In the snatch, the rules forbade touching the kettlebell on the shoulder and chest during the next lowering of the kettlebell in the backswing, as well as touching any part of the body with the free hand. The jerk began to be performed with each hand.

In 1989, the restrictions on the athlete being in the starting position were lifted and a 10-minute restriction was introduced on the exercise. In the same year, competitions were held in a new discipline - long cycle push.

Modern rules

Kettlebell lifting competitions are held with kettlebells weighing 16, 24 and 32 kg according to the biathlon program: pushing two kettlebells with two hands, jerking the kettlebell with one and the other hand without a break for rest; or according to the program of a long cycle: a push of two weights with two hands from the chest, plus a short descent of weights. Competitions are also held according to the program of juggling one kettlebell, for men and boys 16-18 years old - 16 kg, for boys 14-15 years old - 12 kg, for women, girls and boys 11-15 years old - 8 kg.

Kettlebell weight 32 kg

Kettlebell weight 24 kg

Kettlebell weight 16 kg

Men. Long cycle push.(number of lifts)

Kettlebell weight 32 kg

Kettlebell weight 24 kg

Kettlebell weight 16 kg

V/c 48 kg

V/c 53 kg

V/c 58 kg

V/c 63 kg
V/c 68 kg
V/c 73 kg
V/c +73 kg

V/c 78 kg

V/c 85 kg

V/c +85 kg

V/c 95 kg

V/c 105 kg

V/c +105 kg

Women. Jerk.(number of lifts)

Kettlebell weight 24 kg

Kettlebell weight 16 kg

V/c 53 kg

V/c 58 kg
V/c 63 kg
V/C 63+ kg

V/c 68 kg
V/C 68+ kg

General special conditions:

  • You have 10 minutes to complete each exercise.
  • Biathlon consists of a push and a snatch exercise.
  • Points in biathlon are awarded: 1 push - 1 point, 1 snatch - 0.5 points.
  • The sports title of MS is awarded at competitions not lower than the status of the championship federal district Russian Federation, semi-finals of the Championship of Russia.
  • Sports KMS category assigned at competitions not lower than the status of a subject of the Russian Federation, subject to other requirements of the rules of the VFGS.
  • The first and other mass sports ranks are assigned at competitions of any status.
  • Championships of Russia are held among juniors and juniors (19 - 22 years old), among boys and girls (14 - 18 years old).
  • For participation in sports competitions the specified number of years the athlete must be executed in the calendar year of the competition.


Main article: World Kettlebell Lifting Championship

There are two disciplines in Kettlebell lifting for men and one for women. Men compete in classic biathlon or long cycle clean and jerk. In turn, biathlon consists of two exercises: a push of two kettlebells with two hands from the chest and a snatch of one kettlebell with each hand. In the snatch, one change of hands is allowed without placing the projectile on the platform. After completing two exercises, points are counted in the sum of biathlon. The long cycle push consists of throwing the weights on the chest, pushing up from the chest, lowering to the chest and descending without touching the platform. The exercise is performed with two kettlebells.

To date International Union Kettlebell Lifting (International Union of Kettlebell Lifting) annually holds the World Championship, the European Championship, the World Championship among juniors (age of participants from 18 to 22), the European Championship among juniors, the World Championship among youths (age of participants under 18 years old), the European Championship among youths . Since 2014, 5 stages of the World Cup and the final of the World Cup have been held.

In Russia, the main tournament in kettlebell lifting is the Championship of Russia, which is held by the All-Russian Federation of Kettlebell Lifting (VFGS). The Russian Championship is held annually, the participants are selected based on the results of two semi-finals.

Year World Championship Europe championship
2010 Tampere, Finland Siauliai, Lithuania
2011 New York, USA Siauliai, Lithuania
2012 Talsi, Latvia Belgorod, Russia
2013 Tyumen, Russia Wexford, Ireland
2014 Hamburg, Germany Saint-Petersburg, Russia
2015 Dublin, Ireland Varna, Bulgaria
2016 Aktobe, Kazakhstan Gdynia, Poland
2017 Seoul , South Korea Daugavpils, Latvia
2018 Daugavpils, Latvia Budapest, Hungary
2019 Novi Sad, Serbia Stolberg, Germany
Year Stage Stages of the World Cup
2014 1 Paris, France
2 Chelyabinsk, Russia
3 Saint-Petersburg, Russia
4 Darlington, UK
5 Las Vegas, US
2015 1 Columbus, USA
2 Saint-Petersburg, Russia
3 Jakarta, Indonesia
4 Singapore
5 Tokyo, Japan
6 Melbourne, Australia
2016 1 Cancun, Mexico

They were asked to tell a little about what they are like in general. I'll try to give you the most basic information. Maybe someone from the fitness category, which we all mostly do, wants to move on to kettlebells as a sports discipline.


In kettlebell lifting competitions, 3 exercises are performed - snatch, push and push in a long cycle. As a rule, a long cycle push is carried out as a separate event. Thus, the most common type of competition is snatch+push. This is called biathlon. Women don't push and usually don't even train. For them, there is only a breakthrough.

Girls don't do that :)


10 minutes are allotted for each exercise. During this time, you need to do as many repetitions as possible. The push is done with 2 weights, a snatch with one. There is quite a bit of time between the snatch and the clean and jerk, because the participants do the clean and jerk first, then wait for all the athletes to do it, and only then does the snatch phase begin.

According to my observations at the Moscow Cup, it turned out that about half of the participants do not use all 10 minutes for a snatch and drop out earlier due to fatigue.


To participate in competitions, you need insurance - suddenly something goes wrong. It's cheap and takes a year to make. The policy is called "Sports", I made it for 225 rubles. Of the injuries that were at these competitions, these were plucked corns and nails. The latter happens in the clean and jerk with two kettlebells, when two kettlebells are lowered onto the chest, and if the fingers are not placed in the right way, then they just fall between two 32-kg kettlebells, which are lowered very quickly.

Doctor on duty

Before the start of the competition, participants arrive early, register and weigh in. Then everyone is divided into groups of 6 people. That is how many platforms stand in front of the judges. Groups are formed according to weight categories - “heavy” and “light” are not placed at the same time. One place is often left for an open platform, which I will discuss below. Competitions begin with the lightest weight categories and end with the heaviest. Before going on the platform, everyone is given time to warm up.

Warm-up behind the "screen"

A judge sits in front of each participant, counts repetitions and makes sure that there are no violations. The participant himself sees his repetitions on the scoreboard of the referee's table. For example, of the violations in the snatch, due to which they can be removed from the competition, the following moments are not allowed:
. You can't touch the body with your free hand
. You can only do one kettlebell interception
. You can’t do a swing with a kettlebell, if suddenly there wasn’t enough strength for a jerk - each repetition should be a jerk

open platform

The open platform gives almost anyone a chance to compete. If you do not feel the strength to compete with 32 kettlebells (and men only perform with it) or with 24 kg for women, then you can stand on the platform next to the competitors, but compete not with them, but with yourself. For example, to get a rank. So, to obtain adults of 1, 2 and 3 categories for men, it is necessary to fulfill the standard with a 24 kg kettlebell, for women - 16 kg. If anyone wants to aim at the CCM and above, then there are only 32 for men and 24 kg for women.

The man on the left performs on an open platform - he has a weight of 24 kg, the rest - 32 kg.

Standards and categories

New standards were introduced in 2014. Points in biathlon are calculated as follows: for each push they give one point, for each snatch - half a point.

I did not find any updates on the standards on the websites of the kettlebell federations - I give a link to the previous ones that were in force until 2013. The new standards will be slightly higher than the previous ones.

There are many weight categories in kettlebell lifting, so according to the results of performances, quite a lot of gold medalists are obtained - each in his own category. Accordingly, also for silver and bronze. Gradation goes every 5 kg: 58-63, 63-68, 68-73 and so on up to 105.

There are also junior categories (this is up to 22 years old). And, for example, it may turn out that a junior performs together with everyone, takes, say, 5th place. But, since there is also a separate age category for him, he can become a champion in it if the other juniors performed even worse.

Final photo of the winners.

Competition calendar

Competitions in your region can be viewed on the website of your local federation. Calendar of all-Russian competitions. The main Moscow competitions will be in May and December. Details.

with additions and changes, approved by the Presidium of the VFGS

1. The nature and program of the competition.

The nature of the competition

1.1. By the nature of kettlebell lifting competitions are divided into:
A) personal
b) command
With) personal-team

In individual competitions, only the personal result of the participant is counted and, in accordance with this, his place in the competition is determined.

In team competitions, the results of the team as a whole are counted and, in accordance with this, the place of the team is determined.

In individual-team competitions, the result of each participant and the team as a whole is counted separately and, in accordance with this, the personal places of participants and teams are determined. The composition of the team members is submitted to the panel of judges by the representative of the team daily before the start of the competition. Re-registration is carried out daily before the start of the competition.

1.2. The nature of the competition in each individual case is determined by the regulation on the competition.

1.3. Competitions with kettlebells 16, 24 and 32 kg are held according to the program: - clean and jerk of two kettlebells from the chest (short cycle)
- push of two weights from the chest with lowering to the hanging position after each rise (long cycle)
- kettlebell market alternately with one and the other hand
- classical biathlon (push and snatch)
- team competitions (relay races)

Competition program

1.4. The competition program is determined by the Regulations and must be drawn up so that an athlete can compete on one day in no more than biathlon or a separate exercise and relay race.
Competitions must be organized so that the rest time between exercises is at least 30 minutes.

1.5. The winner is determined in each weight category, both in individual exercises and in classical biathlon by the largest amount of lifts. In the snatch, the average result of the sum of the lifts performed by one and the other hand is taken into account. With the same number of lifts for several athletes, the advantage is gained by the participant who has a lower body weight before the performance
- a participant who has a lower body weight after the performance,
- a participant who is ahead of the opponent in the draw.

1.6. Places in the team championship are determined by the results of the qualifying participants in one of the ways determined by the Regulations (according to the tables of equalizing coefficients, by places in the individual championship).

2. Competitors.

Age of participants

Athletes are allowed to compete:
- boys and girls - up to 16 years
- older boys and girls - up to 18 years old
- juniors and juniors - up to 20 years
- youth - up to 22 years old
- men and women - 20 years and older
- veterans - 40-44.45-49.50-54.55-59.60-64.65 years and older.

The age of the participant is determined by the year of birth (as of January 1 of the current year).
boys and girls, older boys and girls, juniors and juniors, who have high sports training and special permission from a doctor, can compete in an older age group.

Weight categories

Competitors are divided into the following weight categories:

boys: up to 45 kg, up to 50 kg, up to 55 kg, up to 60 kg, up to 65 kg, up to 70 kg, over 70 kg;

older boys: up to 55 kg, up to 60 kg, up to 65 kg, up to 70 kg, up to 75 kg, up to 80 kg, over 80 kg;

men, youth, juniors: up to 60 kg, up to 65 kg, up to 70 kg, up to 75 kg, up to 80 kg, up to 90 kg, over 90 kg;

girls, older girls: up to 55 kg, up to 60 kg, up to 70 kg, over 70 kg;

women, juniors: up to 60 kg, up to 70 kg, over 70 kg;

Each participant has the right to participate in specific competitions in only one weight category. It is allowed to perform in a different weight category only in team competitions (relay), subject to re-weighing.


Before the start of the competition (a day before), applications for participation in competitions are submitted to the Main Jury (Secretariat), where a mandate commission is held to admit participants and teams to competitions.

During the credentials committee, the final composition of participants in weight categories is determined. Participant cards are filled in, which must contain information about athletes: last name, first name, year of birth, sports title, weight category, territory, DSO, department, best results, full name. trainer.

The application must be certified by the head of the sports organization and the WFD doctor.

The procedure for weighing participants

2.1. Participants are weighed in 2 hours before the start of the competition and lasts 1 hour. Participants participating in team competitions (relay) are allowed to participate according to the results of weighing in individual competitions.

2.2. Weighing is carried out in a room specially designated for this purpose. Members of the main panel of judges, one official representative from each team, are allowed to be present during the weigh-in.

2.3. Weighing of participants is carried out by the judges who provide refereeing of competitions in this weight category.

2.4. Participants are weighed naked or in swimming trunks. Each participant is weighed once. The participant whose own weight does not correspond to the weight category at the initial weigh-in is allowed to re-weigh. Women and girls are weighed only in the presence of female judges.

2.5. When passing the credentials committee, or during the weigh-in, a draw of participants is carried out to determine the order of entering the platform, and a technical application is submitted.

2.6. The main panel of judges is allowed to form the final group of the strongest athletes (group "A") and teams (in team competitions) based on the results of performances in the last competitions:
- current year;
- the previous year.
The champion of Russia or the winner of the championships of Russia and the 2nd prize-winners perform on the 3rd and 4th platforms.

Rights and obligations of a participant

2.7. The participant has the right to apply to the main panel of judges on all issues only through the representative of the team or the judge with the participants;

2.8. The participant has the right to prepare weights for the exercise before being called to the platform. The preparation of weights is carried out in a place designated for this purpose. When preparing weights and hands, only magnesia is allowed.

2.9. The participant has the right to be a representative of an enterprise or firm in advertising its products. The participant or team representative must notify the organization conducting the competition, the Chief Jury about this and obtain permission for this.

2.10. The participant is obliged to know the rules of the competition and the regulations on the competition.

2.11. In case of violation of the rules and order of the competition, the participant is given a warning. In case of repeated violation, he may be removed from the competition by the decision of the Main Jury (Jury).

2.12. The participant must strictly observe discipline, be correct in relation to other participants, as well as to spectators and judges. A participant who did not appear at the performance is not allowed to compete. Participants who have won prizes must come to the awards ceremony in full dress uniform. Athletes who do not appear for the awards are removed from the competition, lose their awards and do not bring credit points to the team.

2.13. The participant prepares and performs with weights installed on the platform, on which he must go.

2.14. The participant is forbidden to use any devices that facilitate the lifting of the weight (weights).

2.15. The participant is forbidden to talk during the exercise and to approach the judge on the platform after the exercise.

2.16. A participant who, for health reasons, is withdrawn by a doctor in one of the types of programs, is not allowed to further participate in these competitions.

Athletes uniform

Athletes are required to compete in a uniform that must be clean, smart and meet the following criteria:
- the suit may consist of one or two parts, but must completely cover the athlete's torso;
- sports or cycling shorts, weightlifting leotards should not cover the knee joints;
- T-shirt should be without a collar and not cover the elbow joints;
- it is allowed to use a weightlifting belt, no more than 12 cm wide, bandages no more than 1.5 m long. The width of bandages on the wrist should be no more than 10 cm, on the knees - no more than 25 cm. It is allowed to use knee pads and bandages. The belt cannot be worn under a competitive suit;
- sports shoes can be optional.

Team representatives and captains

2.17. Each organization participating in individual-team and team competitions must have its own representative.

2.18. The representative is the head of the team, is fully responsible for the organization and discipline of the participants, ensures their timely appearance at the competition and awarding in sports uniform in accordance with the rules of the competition.

2.19. The representative is present at the weigh-in of the members of his team and the draw, as well as at the meetings of the judiciary, if they are held with representatives.

2.20. Representatives, coaches and participants are prohibited from being in the competition area during the performance of participants. Representatives must be in a place specially designated for representatives or among members of their team.

2.21. The representative is prohibited from interfering with the orders of the judges and persons conducting the competition. The representative has the right to submit statements and protests to the panel of judges concerning only the members of his team.
Protests are submitted before the next change of participants leaves.

2.22. If the members of any team do not have a representative, his duties are performed by the team captain.

3. Equipment and inventory

3.1. Competitions are held on platforms with a size of at least 1.5 x 1.5 m. The distance between the platforms must ensure safety and not interfere with the competitive process.

3.2. The weight of the weights must not deviate from the nominal by more than 100 grams.

3.3. Parameters and color of weights:


Height - 280 mm
- case diameter 210 mm
- handle diameter 35 mm


16 kg - yellow
24 kg - green
32 kg - red

3.4. Referee alarms must be installed for keeping score and information.

3.5. Before the start of the competition, an act must be drawn up for the compliance of equipment and inventory with the rules of the competition.

Warm-up hall

3.6. In order to prepare for the competition, athletes must be provided with a warm-up room located near the competition venue. The warm-up room should have a sufficient number of platforms, weights, chalk, etc. according to the number of participants.

In addition, the warm-up hall must have the following equipment - loudspeakers connected to the speaker's microphone; scoreboard (duplicate protocols) showing the names of the participants in the order of the draw, their own weight and teams; table for the doctor on duty.

4. Panel of judges

4.1. The panel of judges is completed by the organization conducting these competitions.

4.2. The panel of judges includes:
- when holding competitions with up to 20 participants: chief judge, chief secretary, doctor, fixing judge (for each platform), judge on the backup protocol, secretary, informing judge, judge with participants, technical controller;
- when holding competitions with a number of participants of 20 people, as well as when holding competitions on several platforms at once, a deputy chief judge is additionally introduced and the number of other judges increases accordingly.

4.3. A kettlebell referee must have a firm knowledge of these rules and be able to
apply them during the competition. He must be objective and principled in his decisions, being an example of discipline, organization and clarity in work, he must know the regulations on the competitions well.

4.4. Judges must wear a uniform uniform: a dark jacket and black trousers.

4.5. For economic support, the organization conducting the competition allocates at the disposal of the panel of judges the commandant of the competition.

Main panel of judges

4.6. The composition of the main judiciary includes the chief judge, his deputy and the chief secretary

4.7. A jury is elected from the composition of the panel of judges, which is headed by the chief referee of the competition.

4.8. The jury consists of the chief judge and up to five jury members with the highest category. The composition of the jury is determined by the main panel of judges.

Rights and obligations of the main panel of judges (jury)

Monitor the correct conduct of the competition in accordance with the rules
and competition rules
- Accepts applications and protests and makes decisions on them.
- for the period of analysis of the protest, the competition is suspended. At All-Russian competitions, for objective decision-making on protests, a video recording of the performances of athletes is used.
- removes from work judges who have committed gross errors or committed rudeness
in relation to participants, other judges, representatives, coaches
- makes changes to the competition schedule, if necessary

The main panel of judges (jury) does not have the right to change the conditions for holding competitions established by the regulations. All decisions are made by the main panel of judges (jury) by a majority vote.

Chief Judge and his deputies

4.9. The chief judge directs the work of the panel of judges and is responsible to the organization conducting the competition for the clear organization, discipline and safety of the competition, the creation of equal conditions for all participants, strict adherence to the current rules, objectivity of refereeing, calculation of results and summing up the competition.
4.10. The Chief Judge must:
- before the start of the competition, hold a meeting of the panel of judges and a seminar with representatives on the rules of the competition, as well as check the availability
related inventory and equipment
- determine the procedure for the work of the panel of judges and referee teams
- manage the course of the competition and resolve emerging issues
- to exercise control over the work of judges during the competition and in determining
- accept for discussion by the jury received applications and protests
- submit within 5 days a written report and the necessary documentation to the organization conducting the competition
- appoint and hold meetings of the panel of judges during the competition

4.11. The deputy chief judge is guided by the instructions of the chief judge, in the absence of the latter, performs his duties.

Chief Competition Secretary

4.12. Chief Secretary:
- prepares the necessary technical documentation and is responsible for the correctness of its execution
- draws up minutes of meetings of the panel of judges and draws up orders and decisions of the chief judge
- with the permission of the chief referee, gives information about the competition to the judge-informer, team representatives and correspondents
- draws up acts on the establishment of records
- handles all competition documentation
- presents to the chief judge the necessary materials for the report
- keeps records and fixes decisions on protests

Judge on the platform

4.13. Judge on the platform:
- conducts weighing of participants of the weight category, which he is judging
- monitors the appearance and uniform of each participant and has the right not to allow the participant to perform the exercise due to inconsistency in the uniform and the use by the participant of means prohibited by the rules of the competition. After the participant eliminates the comments, the judge gives the “Start” command and the participant performs the exercise in the time remaining up to 10 minutes.
- loudly and clearly announces the score of correctly performed lifts
- fixes technically incorrectly performed lifts with the “do not count” command
- loudly announces the final result of the participant in each exercise
Note: At the championships and championships of Russia, all-Russian competitions, two judges are appointed for each platform, one of which is the senior one and keeps the score. His assistant fixes the rises and keeps a record. The final result is determined by the joint decision of the two judges.


4.14. Secretary:
- fills in the cards of participants at the weigh-in (weighing protocol) and the protocol of the competition on the platform of this weight category
- calls the participants to the platform and warns the next participants about the need to prepare

informant judge

4.15. Informant Judge:
- announces decisions, orders of the main panel of judges
- informs spectators and participants about the results of the competition

Judge with participants

4.16. Judge with participants:
- checks the appearance of the participants of the competition according to the lists, as well as the compliance of their costumes with the requirements of the competition rules and informs the chief secretary of the results of the check
- conducts the construction and displays the participants of the competition according to the lot for the presentation and performance of exercises
- timely warns the participants about their call to the platform
- informs the secretary about the absence of a participant or refusal to participate in competitions
- is an intermediary between the participants and the panel of judges

Technical controller

4.17. Technical controller:
- together with the deputy chief referee, weighs the weights and draws up an act on their compliance with the rules of the competition;
- controls the technical condition of weights and equipment;
- monitors the order of preparation of kettlebells and hands;
- is present at the weigh-in and assists the lead secretary of the competition in identifying the athletes, as well as their first and last names, the weight of the participants, etc.
- checks the competition platforms, scales, electronic judging system, chronometers, warm-up room, the presence of 2 video cameras and other objects at the competitions;
- checks the correctness of the form of judges;
- ensures that while the athletes are on the platforms, no one, including the technical controller, is there (in front of the eyes of the public and television cameras).

Competition Doctor

4.18. The doctor of the competition is a member of the panel of judges as a deputy chief referee for the medical part

4.19. Competition Doctor:
- checks the presence of a doctor's visa in applications for the admission of participants to competitions
- carries out medical supervision of the participants during weighing and during the competition
- monitors compliance with sanitary and hygienic conditions during competitions, places of residence and meals
- provides medical care in case of injury or illness
participants of the competition, determines the possibility of their further performance
- agrees with the chief referee on the removal of the participant, gives a written opinion on the reasons for his removal
- after the end of the competition, submits a report on health care to the chief judge
Competition Commandant

4.20. The commandant of the competition is responsible for the timely preparation of equipment (platforms, weights, scales, etc. equipment), competition places, places for participants, representatives, judges, and the press.
Provides the parade of participants with technical equipment and paraphernalia, follows the instructions of the chief judge and a representative of the organization conducting the competition.

5. Rules for performing exercises

General provisions

5.1. 2 minutes before the start of the exercise, the participant is invited to the performance. 5 seconds before the start, the control time is counted down: 5,4,3,2,1 sec. during which the participant is obliged to enter the platform, after which the “Start” command is given. After the “Start” command, the participant must begin to perform the exercises: push or snatch. When the participant lifts the weights (weights) from the platform to the “Start” command, the senior referee gives the command “Stop, put the weights (weight) on the platform and start the exercise.”

5.2. A participant who is late to the platform by the time of the start is not allowed to compete.

5.3. The participant is given 10 minutes to complete the exercise. The referee-secretary announces the control time every minute. After 9 minutes, the control time is announced after 30 seconds, 50 seconds, the last 5 seconds, every second.

5.4. After 10 minutes, the “Stop” command is given, after which the lifts are not counted, and the participant must stop the exercise.

5.5. Each lift performed correctly is accompanied by the score of the judge on the platform. The referee announces the score as soon as all parts of the athlete's body become motionless.

5.6. In case of violation of the requirements for the technical performance of the exercise, the judge on the platform gives the commands “Do not count”, “Stop”.

5.7. When leaving the platform while performing exercises, i.e. touching any part of the space outside the platform, the “Stop” command is given.

5.8. An athlete who cannot fully extend his elbows due to natural deviations must inform the platform judges and the jury before starting the exercises.


5.9. The push is performed from the starting position: the weights are fixed on the chest, the shoulders are pressed to the body, the legs are straightened.
At the moment of fixing the weights in the upper position, the arms, torso and legs should be straightened. The athlete's hands must be on the frontal plane of the head. Legs and kettlebells should be on the same line parallel to the plane of the body. After fixing in the upper position and the count of the judge, the participant lowers the weights to the starting position in an arbitrary way.

Important note:
Fixation - emphasized, visible stop of the weights and the athlete.

5.10. The stop command is given when:
- lowering weights (weights) from the chest to the hanging position;
- putting weights (weights) on the shoulder joints, with a clear stop for rest

Important note:
Continuous lowering of weights over the shoulders (rolling) is not a mistake.

5.12. A push of 2 kettlebells from the chest, followed by lowering to the hanging position after each lift (in a long cycle) is carried out according to the same rules, but the “Stop” command is given when placing the kettlebells on the platform.

Stopping the kettlebells during the next swing in the hanging position is not considered a mistake, provided that the kettlebells and hands do not touch the legs and torso.


5.13. The exercise is performed in one step. The participant must continuously lift the weight up to a straight arm and fix it. At the moment of fixing the kettlebell in the upper position, the arm, legs and torso should be straightened. The athlete's hand should be on the frontal plane of the head. It is not allowed to bend and twist the torso, flexion in the hip joint. After fixing at the top, the participant, without touching the body and shoulder with the kettlebell, lowers it down to perform the next lift.

5.14. The change of hands is made once, in an arbitrary way. When lowering the weight on the shoulder during the snatch, the “Shift” command is given with the first hand.

5.15. The “Stop” command is given when:
- putting the kettlebell on the shoulder when snatching with the second hand;
- putting the kettlebell on the platform.

Accidentally touching the platform while swinging is not considered a fault. Stopping the kettlebell below during the next swing is not considered a mistake, provided that the arm and kettlebell do not touch the legs and torso.

Team competitions (relay races)

5.17. The weight of the kettlebells (kettlebells), the exercise, the time factor, the number of stages is determined by the competition regulations.

5.18. The exercises are carried out according to the general rules.

5.19. Performing exercises in stages begins with light weight categories.

5.20. A competitor is only allowed to compete in one stage

5.21. Relay order:
- before the start of the relay race, the participants line up for the performance by teams, by stages. 5 seconds before the start, the control time is counted: 5,4,3,2,1 after which the “Start” command is given to the participants of the first stage.
- 15 seconds before the start of the next stage, the judge in front of the participants takes the next athletes out.
- 5 seconds before the end of the next stage, the control time is counted down: 5,4,3,2,1
- the transfer of the baton is carried out on the command "Change". The participant who finished the stage must put the weights on the platform
- to the participant of the previous stage, who fixed the weights after the “Change” command for the next stage, lifts are not counted
- the account is kept overall with a cumulative total
- the winning team is determined by the largest number of lifts.
- if two or more teams have the same number of lifts, the advantage is given to the team with the lower body weight of the participants

6. Registration of records and highest achievements

Russian records and the highest achievements among youths, juniors, youth and veterans are registered only at competitions included in the calendar plan of sports events of the WFGS. The panel of judges must include at least 3 judges of the Republican category.

It has been many years since kettlebell lifting entered the wide arena. Over the years, changes and additions to the competition rules and sports classification have been repeatedly made.
In 1991, the executive committee of the Federation of Kettlebell Lifting and Power Show Programs approved in general and accepted for execution all the additions and changes. In order to timely bring to the attention of those involved in kettlebell lifting all the additions and changes, we offer the prepared material for publication.

Extract from the rules of kettlebell lifting competitions


1. Classic biathlon; push of two weights from the chest; kettlebell snatch alternately with the left and right hand.
2. A push of two weights from the chest, followed by lowering to the hanging position after each lift.
3. Juggling with kettlebells.

Competitions are held with kettlebells weighing 16 kg (boys and juggling), 24 and 32 kg.


Boys 14-17 years old;
juniors 18-20 years old;
men over 20 years of age.

Boys Men (juniors)
up to 55 kg up to 60 kg
up to 60 kg up to 65 kg
up to 70 kg up to 70 kg
up to 75 kg up to 80 kg
up to 80 kg up to 90 kg
St. 80 kg St. 90 kg


Competitions are held on a platform (platform) with a size of at least 2X2 m. The weight of the kettlebell (oscillations) should not exceed 100 g.

The weight must have the following dimensions:
height 280 mm;
case diameter — 210 mm;
handle diameter - 35 mm.

The weights must have a color corresponding to the weight:
32 kg - red; 24 kg - green; 16 kg - yellow.


  1. 2 minutes before the start of the exercise, the participant is called to the platform. 10 s before the start, the control time is counted: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 s, after which the “Start” command is given.
  2. The participant is given 10 minutes to complete the exercise. The referee-secretary announces the control time every minute. After 10 minutes, the “Stop” command is given, after which the participant must stop the exercise.
  3. In case of violation of the requirements for the technical performance of the exercise, the judge on the platform gives the commands “Stop”, “Do not count” or gives a warning.


The push is performed from the chest from a position when the shoulders are pressed to the body, and the legs are straightened. At the moment of fixation of the weights at the top of the arm, torso and legs are straightened.
The “Stop” command is given when: placing kettlebells (kettlebells) on the shoulder joints;
lowering the kettlebell(s) from the chest. The “Do not count” command is given during: a push with a break in movement, i.e., pushing, boosting;
alternating push of weights from the chest;
changing the position of the hands, weights during the squat before pushing out;
lack of fixation in the starting position.
A warning is given when: connecting the hands and laying the arms of the weights on top of each other.


The exercise is performed in one step. The participant must continuously lift the weight up to a straight arm and fix it. At the moment of fixing the kettlebell at the top, the arm, legs and torso should be straightened.

After the count of the judge on the platform, the participant must, without touching the shoulder or torso with the kettlebell, lower it down to perform the next cycle.

The stop command is given when:
putting the kettlebell on the shoulder;
placing the kettlebell on the platform.

A warning is given when:
touching with a free hand or any part of the body of the platform, kettlebell, working arm, legs, torso;
touching the platform with the kettlebell when performing the swing.

Classification of errors when performing push and snatch

The “Stop” command is given in case of three violations of the competition rules.

A warning is given when the participant speaks during the exercise.


In each weight category, the winner is determined by the highest total lifts in two exercises. In the snatch, the smallest number of lifts in the two exercises counts. In the snatch, the smallest number of lifts lifted with one hand counts.

With the same number of lifts for several athletes, the advantage is gained by:
a participant who has a lower body weight before the performance;
a participant who is ahead of the opponent in the draw;
in case of equality of the first two indicators, the participant with the lower body weight after the performance.

A participant who received a zero mark in the clean and jerk is not allowed to the second exercise.


1. The title of master of sports is awarded at major competitions held in the Russian Federation; the category of a candidate for master of sports - at competitions not lower than the city scale.
2. The title and ranks are assigned subject to the fulfillment of the norms in each exercise.
3. Fulfillment of the norms of the master of sports is also counted by the sum of two
exercises (push, snatch with right and left hand), if in each exercise the results are not lower than the KMC norms

  1. The first exercise is a push, the second is a snatch.
  2. The snatch is performed alternately with each hand without rest.