Japanese morning exercises. morning exercises in japan

Most often, correct problem areas on the body and remove body fat offer either through diets or through intensive training in the gym. Due to some circumstances, this is not available to everyone (there are special contraindications for physical activity or dietary restrictions). Therefore, for many, Japanese gymnastics can be a salvation - you just need to choose one of several author's systems that suit you personally according to individual parameters.


Japanese gymnastics, which are used for weight loss, are often compared with. Indeed, they have a lot in common:

  • Most of them are based on the principle of correct diaphragmatic breathing, which provides tissues with oxygen - the main fat burner;
  • physical activity allows you to spend a sufficient number of calories daily;
  • along with them, great importance is given to the mental state, and the absence of depression and worries excludes overeating, which occurs precisely against the background of an increase in stress hormones;
  • Japanese techniques are not suitable for fast weight loss: the first results (and the most modest ones) can be seen only after a month of classes.

However Japanese systems weight loss is still different from Chinese. Firstly, any gymnastics should be carried out with a change in eating habits. And if Tibetan monks offer predominantly vegetarianism, in Japan the basis of diets are seafood, fish and rice.

Secondly, among the Chinese, all systems are based on ancient teachings and healing practices. Here you will have to deal with the author's methods. They were developed by athletes, PhDs, nutritionists, fitness trainers, etc. This is a significant difference, because in the latter case, all sets of exercises are adapted to modern conditions, although they are also based on the knowledge of Japanese traditional medicine.


It is worth trying weight loss with a roller according to the Fukutsuji method - the famous Japanese doctor who offers gymnastics using the most ordinary towel.


Initially, the technique was developed to restore the musculoskeletal system, which, due to age and various external factors (injuries, working conditions, ecology), suffers serious damage. As a result, over the years, a person develops back and lower back pain, stoop, and the pelvic bones unnaturally diverge. Scientists have long found out that all this ultimately leads to an increase in waist volume.

Therefore, despite the fact that Japanese gymnastics with a roller was originally intended for the treatment of the spine, as a result regular classes the waist becomes noticeably narrower, the chest rises, and the back straightens - figure correction, as they say, is evident!

And given that Fukutsuji strongly recommends that exercises be accompanied by adherence to the principles of proper nutrition and sports, weight loss as a result of such training becomes understandable and understandable.


  1. Prepare a special sports roller or roll a towel into a small and tight roll, bandage it so that it does not turn around during the exercise.
  2. Lie on your back on the floor or massage table - the surface should be flat and firm.
  3. Place the roller under the back just below the navel.
  4. Spread your legs shoulder width apart. Turn the feet inward so that the thumbs touch each other without any tension. If for some reason it is difficult to keep them in this position, it is allowed to put a small pressure on them (in the form of a pillow, for example) or tie them (without squeezing).
  5. Stretch your arms up over your head. Lay them on the floor, palms down. The little fingers touch each other, and the thumbs look in different sides.
  6. Relax your body as much as possible.
  7. Do not tilt your head back, lightly touch your chest with your chin.
  8. Lie in this position relaxed and soft. Close your eyes. Breathe evenly and calmly.
  9. Runtime - 5 minutes.

Before practicing this system, it is strongly recommended that you obtain medical clearance for this through a medical examination. Given that the impact will be primarily on the musculoskeletal system, any changes in which are very dangerous, it is necessary to strictly observe the contraindications:

  • pain in the hip joints;
  • hypertension;
  • spinal hernia;
  • bleeding;
  • elevated temperature;
  • protrusion of the vertebral discs;
  • restless legs and arms syndrome;
  • scoliosis;
  • spinal injury.

Gymnastics from Dr. Fukutsuji is not only popular, but also effective, not only in terms of losing weight, but also in terms of healing the body. It can be recommended to those who excess weight accompanied by problems with the spine.


Another Japanese gymnastics with a towel is imabari. However, here this subject acts as sports equipment to work on various problematic parts of the body.


Imabari excludes power loads and is based on. Therefore, prepare dance music in advance, under which exercises will be performed to lose weight in the abdomen, legs and arms - the load is equally distributed between all parts of the body, which allows you to get rid of fat reserves almost everywhere.

All exercises are very simple, and even beginners can easily cope with them. The towel is twisted into a bundle, folded into a roller or stretched along the length, taken by the ends with both hands and used as a large homemade one.

Result - good stretch, flexible and elastic body, volume reduction. However, without proper nutrition and physical activity, gymnastics is unlikely to contribute to weight loss.


  1. Hold a rolled towel in outstretched hands in front of you. Turn the body to the right, bring the arms while maintaining the width as far as possible behind the back. Repeat on the other side.
  2. Stretch a rolled towel and lift it over your head. Perform torso tilts in different directions, holding the towel in outstretched arms. Great exercise for weight loss belly.
  3. Bring your hands back, behind your back, pull the towel. Bend back in the lower back, put the pelvis as far forward as possible.
  4. Lie on your back, raise your leg, bend it at the knee. Throw a rolled towel over the foot, holding its edges with your hands. In this position, try to straighten the leg, and then return to its original state. Repeat for the other leg. The exercise resembles a "bicycle", therefore it is actively used for weight loss of the legs.
  5. Lie on a towel rolled up in a roller, putting it under your lower back. Relax for 5 minutes (an analogy with Fukutsuji gymnastics).

So light exercise stress definitely will not give you colossal results, but the muscles will get their tone. This gymnastics can be considered as an excellent preparation for intensive training. Therefore, imabari is recommended to be included in the morning or warm-up before serious cardio loads.


Japanese gymnastics became a real revolution in its time. She turned the attitude towards weight loss in general, as she suggests exercising only 4 minutes a day and at the same time losing up to 4 kg in a week.

The technique was developed by Dr. Izumi Tabata together with specialists from the Tokyo Institute of Fitness and Sports. In 1996, their innovative discoveries spread around the world and allowed thousands of people to breathe easy, for whom the problem of excess weight has finally found a quick and effective solution.


Within 4 minutes, you need to alternate intense exercise with a little rest. 20 seconds the exercise is performed at the maximum pace - 10 seconds of respite. This set is repeated exactly 8 times. The mechanism of losing weight is very simple: such a training scheme starts the process of burning fat, which lasts for as long as 24 hours. Moreover, the complexes of exercises are selected in such a way as to involve more muscles. The system does not require any diets or supplements.

All exercises should be done as quickly as possible. Results (how many squats, jumps, twists per set) are best recorded to track progress.


  • I set

Stand up straight, back straight, tighten your abdominal muscles as much as possible, spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders. 20 seconds to perform. When leaving them, raise your arms to chest level.

  • II set

Rest for 10 seconds, sit down on the floor, quickly jump out of this frog pose, stretching your arms up. Land in starting position, repeat.

  • III set

Stand in, in a jump, take turns pulling your knees to your chest as close as possible, and then quickly return to the starting position.

  • IV set

Lie on your back, do twisting in different directions, trying to reach your knee to the elbow of the opposite hand, then in the opposite direction.

Then the sets are repeated one more time. A fast pace will provide the muscles with a sufficient load and accelerate the fat burning process. It is important to avoid hitches during the workout, so for the first time it will be logical to write down the lesson protocol on a piece of paper and keep it in front of your eyes.

Mike Ryosuke

An alternative to tabata is another gymnastics - only not from a doctor, but from the famous Japanese actor Mike Ryosuke. This weight loss system is also called "inhale-exhale". She suggests giving even less time to classes - only 2 minutes a day. For six months, Mika, adhering to this technique, lost 10 kg, and the size of his waist decreased by as much as 13 cm. At the same time, he additionally got rid of lower back pain.


The technique of performing exercises from a Japanese actor is very simple. Need to borrow correct posture, which, as in the system of Dr. Fukutsuji, has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system, straightens the posture, which helps to reduce the waist. And then you need to take a breath at the expense and a strong, long exhalation. This maximally fills the blood with oxygen, which, as we have already mentioned, acts as an active fat burner and antioxidant.


  1. Straighten your back, bring your feet together, take your shoulders back, pull your head up.
  2. Do right foot step forward, shift the weight to the left.
  3. Raise both hands up. At the same time, slowly count “1, 2, 3” to yourself, inhale long and deeply through the nose with the stomach (diaphragmatic breathing).
  4. Lower your arms, while exhaling air very slowly for 7 seconds, straining your whole body.
  5. Relax.
  6. Repeat again.
  7. Runtime - 2 minutes.
  8. Perform daily, but change legs every day.

So you can arrange for yourself to lose weight in Japanese style by choosing the appropriate author's gymnastics. Easy exercises coupled with proper nutrition, motor activity and a cheerful mood will allow you to get rid of extra pounds quickly and without the slightest harm to health. Moreover, they will contribute to its improvement, help to understand oneself, to acquire harmony of body and soul.

Surely you thought about a set of exercises that would be easy to perform and effective for your body. Such gymnastics exists, and it came to us from Japan. Makko-ho- this is gymnastics, which has no contraindications.

This stretching exercise set appeared relatively recently - in 1933. In this short period of time, gymnastics managed to gain fans all over the world.

Japanese gymnastics

Makko-ho gymnastics consists of four exercises that everyone can do.

  • To perform the first exercise, sit on the floor and straighten your back. Bend your knees and bring your heels together without lifting your feet from the floor. Pull your heels as close as possible. Lean forward as low as possible so that your head touches the floor. Slowly raise your body to the starting position.

    Exhale while bending, and inhale when lifting. The exercise should be repeated 10 times. Be prepared that this exercise may not work the first time.

  • Sitting on the floor, stretch your legs forward. Keep your body straight. Pull your feet towards you. Without bending your knees, keeping your feet on the floor and keeping your back straight, lean forward. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  • Spread your legs as wide as possible, but do not bend at the knees (the optimal angle between the legs is 120 degrees). Keep your back straight. Pull your socks towards you and lean forward. Return to starting position. This exercise must also be repeated 10 times.
  • Get on your knees, spread your legs hip-width apart and sit on the floor. Don't forget to keep your back straight! Slowly lean back, leaning on your hands. Try to lie completely on the floor and relax. Inhale and exhale deeply and slowly. Hold this position for 60 seconds and return to the starting position.

    Do the exercise 10 times. Don't be discouraged if you fail to complete this exercise the first time. Do what you can, just pay attention to the straight back.

  • These exercises straighten the spine, stimulate the metabolism, improve the mobility of the leg joints and strengthen the immune system. This Japanese gym is great for office workers. It will help relieve stress after a hard day at work and strengthen the immune system.

    In addition, during this gymnastics, somatropin, a growth hormone, is produced. Its large amount has a good effect on immunity and promotes longevity.

    To date, there are many gymnastics that contribute to active weight loss: Chinese, Tibetan, developed Russian specialists and others. One of the most popular is Japanese gymnastics for weight loss. It is very simple, requires a minimum of time and preparation, but at the same time extremely effective. The peculiarity of this gymnastics is that almost all exercises are performed lying down. In our article, we will consider in detail the Japanese way of losing weight. Lose weight, lying in Japanese!

    Japanese gymnastics or Nishi's health system is very effective complex, which is aimed primarily at the general improvement of the body. Losing weight through this complex is a pleasant " side effect”: Indeed, classes contribute to active weight loss, as evidenced by the reviews of those who have been engaged in this technique. In order to get the best effect, you must first follow the two basic rules that are the basis of the Niche system. According to the author of the methodology, these rules must be followed if you want to be healthy.

    Sleep on a firm bed

    A person spends a significant part of his life in a dream, so a hard bed and a hard mattress are a guarantee healthy spine, which means general condition organism. Indeed, in a dream, our muscles relax, evenly distributed, displaced vertebrae fall into place - and this is all possible only if you sleep in a natural position. In addition, it helps to restore work nervous system and internal organs.

    Sleep on a firm pillow

    There is a saying in Japan that says that a crooked neck is a sign of a short life. If you sleep on a large soft pillow, cervical region your spine will definitely be curved. Only a firm, almost flat pillow will provide the neck correct position. And this is the right way to healthy eyes, ears, nose. In addition, you will forget about headaches.

    It would seem that these rules are not directly related to the process of losing weight. However, it seems so only at first glance. After all, the cause of excess weight can be a violation of activity. gastrointestinal tract, and the nervous system, and much more. According to Nisha, all this can be solved only by adhering to his recommendations for proper sleep. Thus, performing the complex, we lose weight, lying in Japanese.

    Japanese gymnastics for weight loss consists of 4 exercises, although Nishi points out that this is a continuation of the rules, following which guarantees health and longevity. Next, we will look at each exercise in more detail.

    Japanese Weight Loss Method: Goldfish Exercise

    The first exercise is called gold fish". Nishi considers it the most important of all exercises. It is this exercise that normalizes all metabolic processes in the body, including fat, and it is thanks to this that you are actively losing weight. In addition, the exercise improves blood circulation, the functioning of the kidneys, heart, liver, intestines, and nervous system. Improves posture.

    Performing an exercise

    Starting position: lying on your back, arms thrown behind your head, toes raised in a position perpendicular to the floor. You can do the exercise either on the floor or on a hard bed. Now begin to perform movements with your feet, reminiscent of those that a fish makes with its tail. At the same time, create vibration with your feet so that it spreads to your entire body.

    At first, this exercise should be performed no more than 1 minute, increasing the duration over time. You can do the exercise at any time convenient for you. It is good to do it in the evening - at this time of the day it perfectly aligns your posture.

    Japanese method of weight loss: exercises "Joy of the baby" and "Closure of limbs"

    The following two exercises are excellent means for losing weight. The first of them was called "The Joy of the Baby." This effective exercise to strengthen the capillaries, it improves blood flow and renews the lymphatic fluid, preventing its stagnation. Thanks to this, there is an active fight against cellulite, if you already have it, or effective prevention problem development. After all, it is known that cellulite appears due to stagnation of the lymph.

    Performing an exercise

    Starting position: lying on your back, head resting on a hard roller. Straighten your arms and legs. Raise them at right angles to your body. Start lifting your limbs up and at the same time perform vibrating movements with them, as if shaking. These movements are very similar to those made by Small child when happy. The duration of the exercise is 1 minute, with time it is necessary to increase the time.

    The exercise "Closing the limbs", or "Closing the palms and feet" is aimed at improving the functioning of the muscles, blood vessels, and nerves in the thighs and abdomen. On the one hand, this the best way affects women's health, on the other hand, contributes to efficient combustion fat in these areas (which are known to be the most problematic in women).

    Performing an exercise

    Starting position: lying on your back, hands on the chest, head can lie on the roller. Open your palms, connect the pads of all fingers of both hands. Start pressing them against each other while relaxing. Repeat the exercise 5 times or more. Then move forward and backward. Repeat a few times too. Complete the cycle of movements by closing the palms over the chest.

    Now it's time to stop. Bend your knees and spread them out to the sides. Start doing the exercises with your feet towards the groin and back. The amplitude of movement of the legs should not exceed 1.5 of the length of the entire foot. Repeat the movement 10 times, and then relax and lie down for 5-10 minutes.

    Correct breathing exercise

    The exercise is called "Abdominal Breathing". It is aimed at restoring the acid-base balance in the body, normalizing metabolism. Accordingly, it also contributes to the active disposal of excess weight.

    Performing an exercise

    Starting position: kneel down, sit on your heels with your pelvis, while fully straightening your spine. Keep your balance on your tailbone. Start tilting your head back - forward, right - left. Then stretch your arms in front of you so that they are parallel to each other. Turn back, at the same time try to see your tailbone over your right shoulder, then in the same way - over your left shoulder.

    Then repeat the exercise, but with your arms raised up. Raise your arms, bend them at a right angle at the elbows, squeeze your hands into a fist. Tilt your head back, lift your chin up. Start slowly pulling your elbows back, trying to clasp them together behind your back. Pull your chin up at the same time. At the same time, swing to the left - to the right, but do not bend the spine. Throughout the entire exercise, you need to breathe in your stomach. Follow this.

    Weight Loss Remedies: A Series of Exercises

    The last in the complex are exercises for the abdomen and back. They are also aimed at restoring the acid-base balance.

    Performing an exercise

    Starting position: sitting on the floor on your knees, the pelvis is lowered on the heels (you can sit in Turkish). Straighten your spine, as in the previous exercise. Tilt your head left - right, back - forward. Stretch your arms in front of you so that they are parallel to each other. Look back quickly over your left shoulder, trying to see your tailbone. Return to starting position. Look over your right shoulder as well.

    Then follow the same movements, but with your arms raised. Raise your arms up parallel to each other, bend them at a right angle at the elbows, clench your hands into fists. Tilt your head back so that your chin is pointing up. Begin to slowly move your elbows back, as if you intend to clasp them behind your back. At the same time, pull the chin up, do not bend the spine. Breathe in with your belly, moving it forward and backward. The duration of the cycle of movements is 10 minutes.

    Weight loss using the Fukutsuji method

    The towel weight loss method, authored by Dr. Fukutsuji, involves just one stretching exercise that will help you quickly lose weight. It's fast and effective method lose weight. If you do everything correctly, then in 2 sessions your waist will become 4 cm thinner. For this you need: a large towel, an elastic band and 5 minutes of free time.

    The exercise is performed lying on the floor or on a hard bed. From the towel you need to twist the roller. At the same time, the towel should not stick out on the sides when you put it under your lower back. You need to put the roller clearly on the area under the navel (from the side of the lower back). When you take the starting position, proceed to the exercise.

    Stretch your arms in an upward direction, connect the little fingers. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and bring them together so that your thumbs touch. You can put on an elastic band on your legs so that you do not have to constantly be distracted by the correct position of the legs. Now you need to lie in this position for 2-3 minutes. In fact, the exercise is not as simple as it might seem. After 2 minutes, very unpleasant sensations can begin, because the spine begins to stretch. Every day it is necessary to increase the time spent in the pose. Your goal is to lie like this for 5 minutes.

    But also straighten your posture, add a few centimeters to your height. This method should be treated with caution, as it is in many ways similar to therapeutic massages for the back, if used incorrectly, some problems with the spine can be aggravated.

    The technique of gymnastics is based on karate-do, includes exercises that combine statics and dynamics at the same time.

    Gymnastics was developed, who noticed that the incorrect position of the pelvic bones gives an increase in volume in the abdomen and waist. So the method is mainly aimed at returning the bones to their place, by exercising the back and spine.

    Gymnastics for quick weight loss of the abdomen includes only one exercise that needs to be done within 5 minutes.

    For classes you need:

    • Rigid Smooth surface e.g. gender;
    • Towel, preferably terry;
    • A tourniquet or cord to turn a towel into a roller.

    Tip: choose a larger towel so that you end up with a tight roll as wide as your shoulders.

    Exercise method:

    Roll a terry towel into a roll, tie it with a pre-prepared cord or tourniquet so that the roller certainly does not roll out.

    1. Sit on the floor, straighten up and place the towel roll behind you.
    2. Gently, slowly lie on your back, while holding the towel so that the roller is exactly under the navel when you lie down.
    3. Move your feet apart shoulder-width apart and connect your feet together diagonally, “slope your feet”, your big toes should touch, and your heels should be separated by about 20 centimeters.
    4. Straighten your arms along the body and bring them behind your head, do not bend them, while the little fingers should be connected and the palms turned to the floor.
    5. Check the position of your body, pay attention to the big toes and little fingers.
    6. Try to fix in this position and stay in it for 5 minutes. Slowly and smoothly rise from the floor, completing the exercise, get up very carefully so as not to damage the spine.

    This is the most basic type of this exercise, after you can be in this position for 5 minutes, you can modify it. Depending on the goal you are pursuing, the roller can be placed under various parts of the back, for the waist - at the level of the lower ribs, for the chest - at the level of the shoulder blades.

    Don't try to do all 5 minutes at once, start with a minute or two and gradually add time, the workout is not as easy as it seems.

    • The muscles must be in tonic tension, that is, they must be strained to such an extent that they tremble;
    • Concentrate on your feelings and sensations from the exercises;
    • Watch your breathing, it should be smooth, viscous, continuous, contributing to the restoration of the body;
    • Organize your meals Japanese diet would be a great weight loss supplement.

    Fast and the stomach is due to the stretching of the spine, and not due to, you are losing weight because you are growing. The Fukutsuji method is contraindicated for people suffering from various diseases of the spine, scoliosis, herniated discs.

    Imabari Method

    The Imabari method is another variation of Japanese towel gymnastics for weight loss. It is not as dangerous as the previous one, and is aimed at overall weight loss body, not the abdomen.

    Some exercises:

    1. Grasp the edges of the towel, raise your straight arms to chest level and begin to stretch the roller in different directions. You should feel tension in the muscles of your chest and arms. Do 20 times. Exercise helps to remove fat deposits in the lower part of the forearm.
    2. Take a towel, as in the previous exercise, raise your hands up and begin to stretch the roll. Add tilts to the left and right, make sure that the arms do not bend. When performing this exercise, you should feel tension in the oblique muscles of the press and arms. The slopes form the waist well, the towel acts as an expander. The exercise helps to remove excess fat deposits from the abdomen, it must be repeated 10 times in each direction.
    3. The initial position is the same, now you need to put straight arms behind your back and pull the edges of the roller from each other. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the back, arms, improves posture, helps with the back and abdomen. Repeat 20 times.
    4. Grasp the edges of the towel, raise your straight arms up, and bending them at the elbows, lower the towel to the level of the neck. The exercise is also aimed at strengthening the back and arms, helps to remove fat from the upper forearm. Repeat, like the previous ones, 20 times.
    5. Lie on the floor, make a loop out of a towel and grab your left or right foot, while bending your leg at the knee. Start straightening your leg, you should feel tension and tension in the muscles of the thigh, under kneecap and the press. Exercise helps to remove fat from the hips and abdomen. on each leg you need to exercise for a minute.

    This simple set of exercises will take no more than 10-15 minutes a day, but it helps to quickly strengthen and tidy up the whole body. The number of repetitions in the exercises can be gradually increased, then the results will be more significant.


    Your feedback on the article:

    Morning work-out in Japan

    Charge - stand up!

    Japan is a country that always honors, cherishes and observes its traditions and customs. Particularly well, traditions associated with in a healthy way life. Not without reason, there are so many centenarians in Japan, and this is despite not the best environmental situation in the country! One of the interesting parts of Japanese culture is morning radio gymnastics, which has been broadcast every morning in Japan on local radio stations for almost a century (since 1928) for almost a century (since 1928). The secret of such ethereal longevity lies in a well-thought-out set of exercises and, apparently, in the conservatism of the Japanese people.

    Radio gymnastics consists of two alternating sets of exercises, which are given only 3 minutes and 15 seconds each. In this short period of time, participants manage to do 13 exercises different type: aerobic, in which many muscles are involved and a large amount of oxygen is consumed, stretching and coordination exercises, as well as exercises aimed at strengthening muscles. The result of such daily gymnastics is to increase endurance and plasticity, and to strengthen the whole organism as a whole.

    If you are looking for a well-chosen and proven set of exercises for morning exercises, try it! Maybe these exercises that do not take much time are exactly what you need right now ?!

    The first set of charging exercises - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YZZfaMGEOU

    The second set of charging exercises - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yi1TbzML2cU

    Gymnastics for everyone (which can be done even sitting at the computer) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MGsuinRElk

    Charging in Japan is popular with all segments of the population. It is made by children and adults, office workers, workers in factories, medical staff in clinics, teachers in schools. It is believed that gymnastics contributes to rapprochement and increased cohesion in the team.

    During the summer holidays, many district parent committees arrange "morning exercises" for children right in the courtyards of houses or near schools. Each child is given a membership card, which must be filled in with stamps, one stamp for each day. Anyone who has not missed a single class and filled out the entire card receives a prize at the end of the holidays in the form of sweets, juices and stationery.

    Previously, such children's gymnastics was carried out everywhere, in almost every yard, but recently its distribution has declined. This is largely due to the general aging of the population in Japan. Elderly people are also happy to take part in morning exercises that are held for them in parks and special institutions.

    Morning exercises start early, at 6:30 in the morning, but the Japanese are used to getting up even earlier and by this time they already have time to redo almost all important household chores.

    Many Japanese women have time in the morning not only to water the flowers, load the washing machine, do the cleaning, but also take an herbal foot bath and devote about an hour to their beloved (the ritual of washing, cleansing and moisturizing the face and body). At the same time, they also manage to prepare a traditional breakfast for the whole family, which includes a huge variety of dishes. (We wrote about what the Japanese eat for breakfast in this article - ).