Physical education minutes for kindergarten on a patriotic theme. World Maritime Day in Kindergarten

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Goals and objectives:


    expand and enrich the horizons of children about marine life, about their way of life;

    to consolidate children's ideas about colors and shades, about the shapes of fish and other inhabitants of the underwater world;

    to teach how to apply previously mastered techniques and methods of drawing when working with paints and pencils;

    learn to design an image of a landscape composition (pebble seabed, underwater plants, marine inhabitants;

    learn to arrange objects and elements beautifully and evenly over the entire background surface - plates with a plasticine base.


    to develop in children an interest in living and inanimate nature;

    develop coherent speech, the ability to answer questions and the ability to justify one's judgments;

    develop independence, activity, creativity of children.


    cause a positive emotional response to the proposal to engage in creativity;

    to form an aesthetic idea when creating images and plot compositions;

    to teach to show friendliness and a sense of responsibility in collective work;

    develop respect for natural resources.

Methodical methods:

Literary word, answers to questions, the use of visuals, solving riddles, drawing using “magic lines” and various techniques, drawing up landscape compositions, working with paper, performing partial search tasks, physical minutes, the outdoor game “Fish and Pike”.

Vocabulary work:

Hermit crab, shore snail, sea anemone, predator, inhabitants of the seabed, tentacles, malady, claw, fins, gills, scales.

Equipment and materials:

Illustration materials, seabed paintings, objects and elements for the “Seabed” landscape composition, colored paper, watercolor paints, simple pencils, sheets with “magic lines”, water cups, palettes, brushes, toothbrushes, sponges, oilcloth, napkins , tape recorder, CD “Magical Sounds of Nature”, coloring book “Sea Animals” from the series “The World Around”, pictures of different fish.

Preliminary work:

Conversations, viewing magazines, pictures, joint activities of the educator and children in modeling and application, guessing riddles, didactic games " gold fish”, “Collect a picture”, sedentary games“The sea is worried”, “Earth, Water, Air”, reading stories and interesting facts.

Lesson progress

The children and the teacher sit on the mat.

Educator: Guys, do you like to make discoveries?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Today we will go on a sea voyage. More precisely, we will go down to the bottom of the sea to explore the underwater world. Close your eyes and imagine that we are all on an underwater ship, diving into the depths of the sea. Through a special window we observe this unusually beautiful and mysterious underwater world.

The children closed their eyes, you can hear the music and the sounds of the sea coast.


What a sea
Without end and end.
On the sandy shore
Waves are rolling in.
The wind will stop
Angry at sea.
You will see who is there
Hiding in the depths.

Guys, what do we see in the depths of the sea?

Suggested responses from children: Various fish, shark, octopus, crayfish, jellyfish, starfish, etc.

Educator: What grows at the bottom of the sea?

Children: Herbs, algae.

Teacher: What are they? What color is the algae?

Children: Long, narrow, wide, green or brown.

Educator: Why do you think they are called algae?

Children: Because they grow in water.

Preparatory part.

Educator: Guys, let's go to the tables and divide into two subgroups (4 people each). We have 2 panels (disposable plates with a plasticine base) and many other items: plastic fish, octopuses, starfish, turtles, crayfish. There is also colored paper, beans, peas, shells, I think we will need them. We need to compose the composition “Seabed” - correctly arrange all the objects in the pann.

Children consider the proposed material, arrange the fish and other marine inhabitants on the panel. The teacher helps the children gently tear the paper into strips that look like algae. Children will beautifully arrange them against the background of the panel, put “pebbles”, snails, small shells on the bottom.

Educator: And now, guys, let's have a little rest.


The fish swam, splashed (hand movements)
In cool sea water.
Then they sink, then they float, (squats)
They will bury themselves in the sand. (children lie down on the mat)

Educator: Guys, and at the bottom of the sea, where strange fish, octopuses, jellyfish live, a fairy tale happened. Listen...

A hermit crab lived at the bottom of the sea. One claw is larger than the other, the tail is small, the abdomen is soft. He somehow found an empty shell, climbed into it. I liked the house: reliable, protects from toothy fish. Day and night, the crayfish crawled along the sand with the house, rarely left it: there are many predators around. It used to stick out of the shell to grab a blade of grass or a worm, and the enemies are right there, just have time to hide. And decided cancer to find a good friend. Someone who could protect him.

Shoreline! Let's be friends with you, - he suggested to the shore snail.

I'm afraid of your sharp ticks, and my body is soft and tender, - the snail answered.

The jellyfish heard them.

Swim to me, - offered cancer. - We'll be friends with you.

But I can't swim. I can only crawl along the bottom, - the cancer answered.

Medusa walked away in disappointment.

The cancer got depressed, even forgot about caution, left his house, draws different figures at the bottom of the claws. Suddenly, a huge fish swims towards. The crayfish rushed to the house, but got tangled in algae. He closed his eyes in fear and waits for his death.

A minute passed, then two. He opened the cancer of the eye - it's quiet around, no one. And suddenly I saw an unusual flower very close by.

Did you save me? What is your name?


The crustacean carefully looked at the sea anemone and asked:

Are you a plant?

No, I'm an animal, but I look like a flower. Look at my tentacles, they are like petals. But those who touch them will not do well, I will burn them.

Let's be friends with you and live together, - the sea anemone hermit crab suggested. - Only you will live on the roof of my house.

The sea anemone thought: “What if you really live on the roof? Then we will travel together through the day of the sea. I will see a lot of interesting things: marine plants, various inhabitants of the bottom…. It is much better than sitting in one place.”

I will walk along the bottom and look for food, and you will scare away enemies with your tentacles, - the cancer continued.

Well, I agree to become your friend, - the sea anemone agreed. The cancer was delighted and carefully planted her on the roof of his house.

Since then, they began to live together. The sea anemone scares away all enemies with its tentacles, and the hermit crab seeks food and treats it to dinner.

The story of the educator is accompanied by a display of illustrations of marine animals from the series “The World Around”.

Educator: Guys, let's draw this fairy tale. For this work, we have everything, we need to include our skills and imagination.

Work algorithm:

  1. Color them.

Independent work of children.

Educator: Look what beautiful drawings we got. What inhabitants live in these drawings?

Each child talks about their drawing.

Educator: We did a good job, and now, let's play the game "Fish and Pike". We choose “pike”, and the rest will be “fish”. We move, depicting fish, accompanying the movements with verses:

We can swim fast
We love to jump and dive
One two three four five-
No way to catch us.

Suddenly the driver shouts: “Pike!” and children - "fish" run away, "pike" catches them.

Educator: Guys, I really hope that you enjoyed our sea voyage. We learned to explore the depths of the sea, made new discoveries, learned a lot of interesting things. See you soon!

Physical minutes on the topic "Water" are designed to organize a minute of health in a lesson for children in kindergarten.

The purpose of the physical education minute: to relieve fatigue and drowsiness in children of the older group, to restore physical strength preschoolers.

Physical education about water

How nice it is to swim in the river!

How nice it is to swim in the river! (Swimming movements.)
Beach on the left, beach on the right. (Turns left and right.)
River ribbon ahead. (Sipping - hands forward.)
Above the bridge - look. (Sipping - hands up.)
To swim faster
We need to row faster.
We work with our hands.
Who will follow us? (Swimming movements.)
And now it's time for us, brothers,
Lie on the sand.
We get out of the river (Walking on the spot.)
And rest on the grass.

To the fast river

We went down to the fast river, (We walk in place.)
Bent over and washed. (Tilts forward, hands on the belt.)
One, two, three, four (clap hands)
That's how nicely refreshed. (Shake hands.)
You need to do this by hand:
Together - one, it's breaststroke. (Circles with both hands forward.)
One, the other is a crawl. (Circles with hands forward alternately.)
All as one, we swim like a dolphin. (Jumping in place.)
We went ashore steep (We walk on the spot.)

And over the sea - we are with you!

Seagulls circling over the waves
Let's follow them together.
Splashes of foam, the sound of the surf,
And over the sea - we are with you! (Children flap their arms like wings.)
We are now sailing on the sea
And frolic in space.
More fun rake
And chase the dolphins. (Children make swimming movements with their hands.)

What is there in the fog?

What is there in the fog? (Children stretch their hands forward.)
Waves splash in the ocean. (Children wave their hands, depicting waves.)
These are ship masts. (Children stretch their hands up.)
Let them swim here quickly! (Children wave their hands in greeting.)
We walk along the coast
We are waiting for sailors, (Walking on the spot.)
We are looking for shells in the sand (Tilts.)
And we clench our fists. (Children clench their fists.)
To collect more of them -
Need to visit more often. (Squats.)

Quiet splashing water

Quietly splashing water
We are sailing on a warm river. (swimming motions with hands)
Clouds in the sky like sheep
They fled, who went where. (Sipping - arms up and to the sides)
We get out of the river
Let's take a walk to dry off. (Walking in place)
And now a deep breath.
And we sit on the sand. (Children sit down)


We quickly went down to the river,
Bent over and washed. One two three four,
That's how nicely refreshed.
And now they swam together. You need to do this by hand:
Together - time, this is breaststroke.
One, the other is a crawl. All as one, we swim like a dolphin.
Went to the steep shore
And we went home. (Perform movements in the text)

The goose stood up on its paws

In the morning the gander got up on his paws, (Stretched, hands up - inhale-exhale)
Ready to charge. (Jerks of hands in front of the chest)
Turned left, right, (Turns left, right)
Did the squat right, (Squats)
I cleaned the fluff with my beak, (Tilts of the head left and right)
Hurry into the water - plop! (Sit down)

The ducks went out to the meadow

The ducks went out into the meadow, quack-quack-quack! (We walk.)
A cheerful beetle flew by, w-w-w! (We wave our wings.)
Geese arch their necks
Ha-ha-ha! (Circular rotation of the neck.)
The beak straightens the feathers. (Torso turns left and right.)
Did the wind blow the branches? (We swing with our hands raised up.)
Sharik growled too, rrrr!
(Hands on the belt, leaning forward, looking ahead.)
The reed whispered in the water,
Sh-sh-sh! (Raise hands, stretch.)
And again there was silence, shhhh. (Sit down.)

The heron walks on the water

The heron walks on the water
And dreams of food.
Raise your legs higher
You, like a heron, do not yawn!
(Jerk to raise the leg, bent at the knee, as high as possible, then the other.)
To catch food in the water
The heron must bend over.
Come on, bend over too.
Reach for the toe.
(Bend over and reach right hand left foot, then right foot with left hand.)


Who is among the swamp waters
Standing on one leg?
The heron will not fall into the mud,
Even if standing asleep.
Well, try it too.
Can you stand like a heron? (Stand in turn on one leg, maintaining balance.)
We will walk through the swamp (Walking in place.)
And we will return to the place again. (Children sit down.)


Young sandpiper got in
On the deck - flopping into the water. (squat down, clasping his knees with his hands and lowering his head low)
Resurfaced. Wet. Got out. Dried up. (get up)
Climbed onto the deck and back into the water. (repeated squat)
The kulik completely drooped his head.
I remembered the young sandpiper,
That he has wings behind his back, (pull out his arms to the sides and shake them)
And flew. (jumping in place, shaking hands)

Swifts fly over the water

Swifts fly over the water, (Hands to the sides.)
Ruffs swim under the water, - (Sit down.)
A beautiful boat floats - painted sails.
(Hands are clasped in front of the chest, smooth movements of the torso.)

Physical education minutes on a patriotic theme for preschoolers

Educator MDOU d / s. "Birch" village Borok of the Udmurt Republic Tanacheva Svetlana Kuzmovna

Physical education minute: "Hurrah!"
One two three four Hands to the sides and with force to the shoulders.
Let's be the strongest in the world. We will protect the world Raise arms straight and cross
Let's hug mom. over your head.
Let's stand on our toes They rise on toes.
We'll get the sun.
We count to five Squat five times. We sit together. Hooray! They shout with their hands up.

Physical education minute: "We will protect the world"(performed in pairs).
One two three four five. Alternately connect the fingers of both hands.
We will protect the world! They shake hands with each other.
Let's stand on the border Straight arms stretch forward.
We'll get all the enemies. Step forward lunge.
Let's smile more often Turns to the sides, smile at each other.
Don't quarrel and fight! They hug each other.

Physical education minute: "Helicopter"
Here the motor rumbled. Rotate with arms bent at the elbows,
Wow, how fast it flew. brushes clenched into a fist. Flew over the meadow They move around in circles.
In a big circle. And then he climbed the mountains They raise their hands up.
And from the mountain to the gorge. They squat. Here is the forest, and here we are Depict spruces, lowering their hands down under
We get a parachute. circle around the corner. The parachutes all opened, the children landed softly. They sit down.

Physical education minute: "We are military"
We will all become soldiers They walk in place.
Big, healthy. Hands stretch up, lower through
Let's serve in the army sides. Let's love our country. The movements are repeated.
Guard your garden and house, Tilt forward, look through the binoculars.
We will protect the world! They walk in place.

Physical education minute: "Let there always be peace!"
May there always be sunshine! Raise your arms up above your head.
May there always be heaven! Spread your arms out to the sides above your head.
May there always be a sea! Extend your arms to the sides in front of you.
May I always be! Get up on your toes and pet yourself.
May they always sing songs! Tilt your head to the side. May there always be dancing! Make an oath.
May there always be birds! Tilts to the sides, taking your hands back.
May there always be peace! Claps above the head.

Physical education minute: "Victory!"
We celebrate victory! They walk in place.
Firework! Firework! Firework! Raise your hands up, squeeze your fingers, unclench
spring flowers all around Hands on the belt, torso twists,
Bloom, bloom, bloom! Extend your arms to the sides.
All people are dancing, celebrating, Squats with legs forward.
Sing, sing, sing!
Let there be different countries in the world Inhale, circular motion with hands, depicting
Live, live, live! Earth.

Physical education minute
(we show pictures with the image military equipment and numbers)
We smile at each other
And then we raise our hands ___ times.
How many green tanks are here, ___
So many slopes.
We squat so many times
How many ships do we have. ___
Count the planes quickly, ___
And jump more fun.
We will smile now many, many times!

Physical education minute: "The game is on!"
We are pilots, pilots Hands to the sides, torso twists.
We fly planes.
Tankers and rocketmen, Tilts to the side.
We are good scouts.
We are sailors, submariners, Squats.
We are brave fighters.
Soon we will go to the Army, They walk in place.
While the game is on!

Holiday "World Sea Day" for children of the senior group of preschool educational institutions

Author : Salimova Evgenia Igorevna, teacher of MBDOU kindergarten No. 65, Oryol.
Description of work: I bring to your attention a summary of the lesson for the senior group of kindergarten. In this work, the guys get acquainted with an amazing holiday that is celebrated in our country in the last week of September, the World Day of the Sea. In the process of getting acquainted with the tasks of this holiday, we will get acquainted with the marine life and flora of the sea.
Relevance of the topic : children are interested in marine life positive emotions. And if you add a festive mood to emotions, you get an amazing event that will remain in the memory of children. Thus, the child learns the material better.
Target: Acquaintance of children with the holiday<< Всемирный День Моря>>.
Educational: introduce children to the purpose of this holiday. To form an idea about the richness of the underwater world, about the benefits of the seas and oceans for humans, as well as about what every inhabitant of the planet Earth can do to preserve them.
educational: To expand the horizons of children about the flora and fauna of the seabed.
Educational: To cultivate a caring attitude and a desire to help in the conservation of the seas and their biological resources.
Preliminary work: Making various fish, corals, algae to simulate the seabed, conversations on marine topics, making masks on this topic, reading fiction, observing on a map and getting to know different seas.
Material for work: ornamental fish, algae, corals, shells, carnival masks, soundtrack (you can choose any music), Crab toy.

Event progress :
Educator: Hello guys. Today I want to congratulate you on an amazing holiday - World Maritime Day. This holiday has been celebrated in our country since 1978. It is celebrated in the last week of September. What do you think the purpose of this holiday is?
Children's answers.
caregiver: The purpose of this holiday all over the world is to attract the attention of the public, public and private structures to the problem of preserving the seas and their biological resources. Traditionally, Day of the Sea is held in kindergartens, schools, libraries in the form of competitions, festivals that tell the younger generation about the richness of the underwater world, about the benefits of the seas and oceans for humans, and about what every inhabitant of the planet Earth can do to preserve them. Tell me, how do you think the seas and oceans are useful to us?
Children's answers.
In their waters, a person catches fish, which he then eats. Some algae, such as kelp (seaweed), are good for our body. It has a high content of vitamins and minerals. One of the oldest Japanese legends tells us about the wise ruler Shan Gin. On the verge of death from cruel conquerors, he called out to the gods. And the gods brought a wonderful drink that gives strength, stamina, fearlessness and longevity. To deliver the drink to all the islands of the state, the daughter of the ruler, the beautiful Yui, drank it and threw herself into the sea. The gods turned Yui into a kelp that absorbed all the power of the divine drink. Algae quickly spread around the islands. Having tried them, the exhausted inhabitants gained stamina and strength, and the enemy was defeated ...

During the story, an image of a kelp is shown.
caregiver: Quite often, public organizations celebrate this holiday by cleaning public beaches, as well as rallies and processions in defense of the seas. What can we do?
Children's answers.
I suggest you go to the seabed and see what kind of inhabitants live there.
Fizminutka "Sea"
The sea is very wide
(Children spread their arms wide to the side.)
The sea is very deep.
(They squat, touching the floor with their hands.)
Fish live there, friends,
(Perform the "Fish" movement.)
But you can't drink water.
(Spread your arms to the side, raising your shoulders.)
caregiver: Now we can dive to the bottom of the sea. Look around, what do you see?
Children's answers.
Let's get to know some of the inhabitants. Look, here is a crab hiding under a stone. Hello Grandpa Crab.
Children greet Crab.
Crab: Hello Hello! Who is it that came to visit us?
caregiver: The guys from the kindergarten came to visit you. They want to meet the inhabitants of the seabed.
Crab: This is good! I love riddles, listen to this:
A flock floats on the sea,
Makes a wonderful sound
Curious, playful,
With fins, but not fish!
Answer: Dolphins
Author: Leonov V.A.

caregiver: What do you know about dolphins?
Children's answers.
Dolphins are very intelligent and amazingly advanced mammals. The inexplicable love for people, the amazing process of sleep - these and many other mysteries about dolphins are constantly being studied and confirmed by new facts. It seems that the dolphin looks like a shark, but this is not at all the case. Although they have a fin and impressive teeth, they are not predators at all and, strictly speaking, they are not even fish. You talked about how dolphins love children. Some children are specially brought to the dolphins, they are allowed to swim in the pool together. The child comes out of the water a completely new person. This is explained by the fact that the dolphin seems to see through a person and if something hurts us, he feels it and can help. Being next to them, we calm down and tune in to an optimistic mood, we get new strength, lightness and joy. Let's not forget that dolphins always treat us with disinterested love and tenderness, any person should learn such an attitude.
Across the sea-ocean
A giant swims.

caregiver: Whales are the largest animals on Earth. These are wonderful creatures, and not at all evil inhabitants of the oceans. The whales got their name from the old Greek word ketos (sea monster). They look a little scary, but they are not at all dangerous to people, because whales are not predators. And even though outwardly they are huge fish, inside they are not at all like the rest of the inhabitants of the oceans. Keith can't chew anything and has to swallow his lunch whole. Scientists often talk about the extraordinary ability of whales to communicate with each other. They signal on their own frequency and may tell their brethren of anxiety or fear, even complain of pain. The whale is a family animal that prefers to stay in large companies. Whales are on the verge of extinction, and we must take care of them and show respect for these huge creatures of nature.
Crab: what other inhabitants of the seas and oceans do you know?
Children's answers.
What good fellows you are! Look, do you see?
Islands in the ocean
from living matter.
And the polyps are hard
Very very proud
Without stones and without earth
Reefs were able to build. (Corals, coral polyps, coral reefs)
caregiver: Fish live on reefs, let's see what they are.
Children and the teacher are examining the reef, near which many different fish have gathered.
Educator: Let's play a little.
mobile game<<Море волнуется>>.
Head and many legs
And the character is very strict:
If a guest is not invited to me,
I'm acting nice
I release into the ocean
Black ink.(Octopus)

caregiver: There are 200 species of octopus in the world. If you look closely, you can see a hole or a short tube under the eyes - this is a siphon. The siphon leads to the mantle cavity, into which the octopus draws water. By contracting the muscles of the mantle, he forcefully squeezes water out of the mantle cavity, thereby creating a jet stream that pushes his body forward. It just turns out that the octopus swims backwards. These animals have three hearts. Octopuses have blue blood! Octopuses have a special ink sac that accumulates a dye for protection. Octopuses are often colored brown, red, yellowish, but they can change color no worse than chameleons. Octopuses live alone and are very attached to their site. These animals are active in the dark, they sleep with their eyes open (they only narrow the pupils), in a dream the octopuses turn yellow.
Crab: I see you guys are very inquisitive! Did you know that today we have a carnival on the reefs, in honor of the Day of the Sea! I would like to invite you.
caregiver: Thank you, Grandpa Crab. The guys and I just brought masks for the carnival with us.
The teacher takes out the masks. Children dress up. The sounds of the ocean + melodious music are included. Children have fun and fish swim next to them (fish can be hung on a fishing line, thus creating the effect that they are on the seabed).

Physical minutes

for all age groups


We played, we played

Our fingers are tired.

(brush up and down)

And now we'll rest

(imitation of wave movement)

And let's play again

(circular motions hands)

Pinocchio stretched,

Once - bent over

Two - bent over

Three - bent over.

Raised hands to the sides,

Apparently the key has not been found.

To get us the key

You need to get on your toes.


One, two, three, four (clap hands)
Who lives in our apartment? (turns to the sides with shoulders raised)
One, two, three, four, five (clap hands)
I can count everyone; (count with index finger)
Dad, mom, brother, sister,
Murka cat, two kittens,
My goldfinch, cricket and me
That's our whole family! (They bend their fingers alternately on their hands)


Like our Zina (They make their palms a “basket”.)

Fruits in the basket:

Apples and pears, (Bend fingers, starting with the little finger.)

For the kids to eat

Peaches and plums -

How beautiful!

Our autumn garden is beautiful. (They walk in a circle.)

It has plums and grapes.

On the branches, like toys, (Raise their hands up.)

Both apples and pears.

And by night a chill blows (Wave their hands.)

And the yellow leaf rustles at your feet. (They walk, shuffling their feet.)

I stand on my toesGet up on your toes
I get an appleHands up I run home with an apple Running in place My gift to my mom!Clap hands

Seasons - autumn

We are autumn leaves

We are sitting on branches.

(sit down)

The wind blew - flew

We flew, we flew

(easy running around)

And they sat quietly on the ground.

(sit down)

The wind came up again

And lifted all the leaves.

(easy running around)

Twirled, flew

And they sat quietly on the ground.

(sit down)

The goblin walked along the path, In the clearing he found a mushroom. (Walking in place.)
One fungus, two fungus, That's a full box. (Squats.)
Goblin groans: tired.
From the fact that he sat down.
Leshy stretched sweetly,
(Sipping - hands up.)
And then leaned back
And then he leaned forward.
And reached the floor.
(Tilts forward and backward.)
Both left and right.
Turned around. Well, fine.
(Turns of the body to the right and left.)
Leshy performed a warm-up
And sat down on the path.

seasons - vegetables

Finger gymnastics"Cabbage"

We chop cabbage, chop, (sweeping movements with our hands, like an ax)

We mash cabbage, we mash cabbage,

We salt and salt the cabbage, (“they take” a pinch of salt and “salt”)

We press cabbage. (flexion and extension of the hands)

Fizminutka "Vegetables"

One, two, three, four (Walking in place)

Children taught vegetables: (Jumping in place)

Onion, radish, zucchini, (Tilts left and right)

Horseradish, carrot, garlic (clap hands)

Home construction

Knock-knock with a hammer,Imitation hammer

We are building a new house.Walking in place

You, drank, drank faster,Imitation saw

We are building houses for people.Jumping in place

Garden Garden

Let's go to the garden, we'll harvest,

we will drag carrots, we will dig up potatoes.

Let's pick a little sorrel,

And let's get back on track.

The children walked, walked, walked, the children walk in place

They entered the garden.

Cabbage found, bent over and picking vegetables

Cucumbers were found, tomatoes were all collected,

The zucchini was found

All put in baskets

And they went home. walking in place

The family is the parts of the body. Toilet items.

We stomp our feet,stomp)

We clap our hands(clap )

We shake our heads (shake their heads)

We raise our handshands up )

Then we drop themhands down)

We give handshands in the "lock")

And we run around. (spin in place)

Animal world - pets.

The horse is waiting for me on the road,(hands clasped behind back)

Beats with a hoof at the gate,(rhythmic alternate lifting of legs bent at the knees)

Mane plays in the wind

Lush, fabulously beautiful, (shaking the head, then tilting to the side)

Quickly jump on the saddle

I won't go - I'll fly, (jumps in place)

Tsok - tsok - tsok,

Tsok - tsok - tsok, (arms bent at the elbows in front of you)

There beyond the distant river

I'll wave my hand to you. (jumps in place )

Kindergarten - food

The mouse found a grain
And took it to the mill.
I grinded flour there,
I baked pies for everyone.
Mouse - with cabbage,
Mouse - with potatoes,
Mouse - with carrots,
Mouse - with cloudberries.
For the big fat man
All four pies:
With cabbage, with potatoes,
With carrots, with cloudberries.

Steps in place
Hands to shoulders - to the sides
Hands in the "ring" above the head
Movements that mimic washing dishes
Shoulder movements up and down

Head to shoulder tilts

Extend your arms to the sides

Fauna - wild animals

One two three four five,

The hare began to jump.

(jumps in place)

Jump hare much

He jumped ten times


Three bears were walking home:(children walk like bears)

Dad was big, bighands up)

Mom is with him - smaller in stature,(arms at chest level, extended forward )

And the son is just a baby, (squat down )

He was very small

Walked with rattles. (get up and imitate the game of rattles )

Hares jump hop-hop-hop,

Yes to white snow

They squat, listen - is the wolf coming!

One - bend, unbend,

Two - bend down, stretch,

Three - three claps in the palms,

Three head nods.


On the street of our Children walk in place

Cars, Cars

Baby cars hand showing

Large cars

Hurry trucks, jumping in place

Cars snort

Hurry up, rush running in place

As if alive

Hey cars, full speed, clap your hands

I am an exemplary pedestrian

I don't like to hurry Walking on the spot

I give way to everyone, they stop

Our street, my city

Toys - furniture

Armchair, table, sofa, bed

Shelf, bedside table, sideboard,

Wardrobe, chest of drawers and stool.


Finger gymnastics "My family"

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother, This finger is a daddy,

Clench your hand into a fist, alternately unclench your fingers, starting with the thumb.

This finger is mommy

This finger is me.

That's my whole family

Vigorously clench your hand into a fist several times.

Christmas tree holiday

In the morning, the children were surprised (spread their arms to the sides, raising their shoulders)

What miracles happened

This New Year's Eve night.

Expected anything, (squeeze and unclench fingers)

And we saw the parade:

Snowmen stand in a row, (draw three circles in the air with their hands)

Eyes are burning merrily, (close and open eyes with palms)

And in front of them is a Christmas tree (clap their hands)

Fluffy, with needles.

The Christmas tree is lit with lights, under it the shadows are blue,We raise our hands up

Prickly needles, as if in white frost.We lower through the sides, down

The lights on the Christmas tree are bright everywhere.Tilts right, left

In all houses, all over the country, the guys are smilingWalking in place, smile

seasons - winter

(rotations around its own axis)

We are snowflakes, we are fluffs,

We are not averse to spinning.

We are snowflakes - ballerinas,

We dance day and night.

Let's stand together in a circle ─

It turns out snow.

How fun it is for us in winter! ( )

On a sled we ride in a crowd, (imitate sledding )

Then we'll play snowballsimitate sculpting and throwing snowballs)

All together we put on skis,("put on" skis, "take" sticks, "go")

Then everyone got on skates, (depict ice skating )

Happy winter days! (thumbs up )

We warm up a littleRubbing our shoulders

We clap our handsClap your hands

Let's stomp our feetWe stomp in place

And pat ourselves.We slap on the knees

Animal world - domestic birds

Like ours at the gateWalking in place The rooster is pecking at the grain,Jumping in place The rooster is pecking at the grain,He calls the chickens.Clap hands


Dressed up the legs in new boots,We put the socks in order

You walk, legs, straight along the path.Walking in place

You walk, stomp, do not splash through the puddles,Stomp on the spot

Do not go into the mud, do not tear your boots.Jumping in place

Animal world - birds

The birds are sitting in the nest

(sit down)

And they look out into the street.

They want to take a walk

(get up on toes)

And quietly all fly.

(wave hands)

The swans are flying

Wings are flapping,smooth hand movements with a large amplitude )

Bent over the water

shake their heads (bending forward, bending over )

Quietly sit on the water (squats)

Swans fly, flap their wings,

They fly over the water, shake their heads.

Straight and proud they know how to hold on,

They sit very quietly on the water.

They sat down, sat down, flew away again.

Family - shoes

Here are the boots

This is from the left leg.

This is from the right leg.

If it rains

Let's put on galoshes

This is from the right leg.

This is from the left leg.

That's how good!


We've worked hard - we'll have a rest.
Let's get up, take a deep breath.
Hands to the sides, forward
Left, right, turn.
Bend over, stand up straight
Raise your hands up and down.
Hands slowly lowered
All smiles were given!

Sunny fine day
My friends and I are going to the forest.
We carry baskets with us.
Here's a good trail!
(Walking in place.)
Collecting strawberries
Looking for delicious blueberries
blueberry, bone berry,
Sour cranberries.
(Leaning forward.)
And there are a lot of raspberries around.
We couldn't get past.
We collect bushes.
There are great places here!
(Turns left and right.)
Again we go through the forest.
(Walking in place.)
And around - so interesting!
(Sipping - arms to the sides.)

Mom's holiday

I love my mom
I will always help her.
I wash, caress,
I shake the water off my hands.
I will clean the floor
And I'll chop wood for her.
Mom needs to rest
Mom wants to sleep.
I walk on tiptoe
And never, and never
I won't say a word.


Here is a large glass teapot.

Very important as a boss.

Here are porcelain cups,

Very big, poor things.

Here are porcelain saucers,

Just knock - they will break.

Here are the silver spoons

Head on a thin stem.

Here is the plastic tray.

He brought us dishes.

Seasons - spring

The sun began to warm
Droplets began to knock
Drop one, drop two
Drops slowly at first
And then faster, faster
The streams ran
Try them, catch up!


Fauna - differentiation of wild and domestic animals

The animals went to the watering place.

A moose calf stomped behind the moose mother, (They walk loudly stomping.)

A fox cub crept behind the mother fox, (Sneaking on toes.)

A hedgehog was rolling behind the mother hedgehog, (They squat, slowly move forward.)

A bear cub followed the mother bear, (They are waddling.)

The squirrels galloped after the squirrel mom, (They squat.)

Behind the mother-hare - oblique hares, (Jumping on straight legs.)

The she-wolf led the cubs behind her, (They go on all fours.)

All mothers and children want to get drunk. (Face in a circle, make tongue movements - “lacquer”)

We stomp our feet, (Children follow the text) We clap our hands, Nod our heads. We raise our hands, We lower our hands, We whirl later. We stomp our feet: Top-top-top. We clap our hands: Clap-clap-clap. We clasp our hands and run around.

sea ​​world

In the stormy sea, the blue sea

Dolphins swim fast. (smooth movements with the hand)

The wave does not scare them

She splashes around. (rubbing hands)

A whale swims past and says to the dolphins: (walking in single file)

You dolphins do not make noise,

Catch a fast fish:

One, two, three, four, five - (walking with handclaps)

The fish need to swim. (hands lock in and out)

The fish swam, splashed (hand movements)
In cool sea water.
Then they sink, then they float, (squats)
They will bury themselves in the sand. (children lie down on the mat)


The wind is blowing in our faces.
(wave hands to face)
The tree swayed.
(swing from side to side)
The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter.
(sit down, wave your hands up and down)
The tree is getting higher and higher.
(reach up)


First I'll be small (Sit down)

I'll get on my knees. (Hug your knees)

Then I'll grow big (Get up)

I'll reach for the lamp. (Hands up


(s.p. sitting)

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up

(get up, hands on waist)

I didn't want to sleep anymore.

Moved, stretched

(hands up, stretch right, left, up)

Soared up and flew.


The sun will only wake up in the morning

Butterfly circles and curls.

Animal world - insects


Black head (children run in all directions)

Fly away to the sky

Bring us some bread (raise hands up)

Black and white, (show first one palm, then the other palm)

Just not hot.

Raise your shoulders.

Jump, grasshoppers!

Jump jump, jump jump.

We sat down, we eat grass,

Let's listen to the silence.

Hush, hush, high

Jump on your toes easily.


Birds flew across the sky (children flap their wings and run in a circle).

And they sat down on a branch (squatted down),

A handful of berries were pecked (hands show how birds peck).

And we sat down at tables.

One two three four five,

Let's pick cherries

Let's pick up a bucket

Plump, with a gore.

burgundy cherries,

We will be healthy!

Let's collect from a bush,

Eat, son and daughter!

From the branches of the berry I remove Actions according to the text.

And I collect in a basket.

Berries - a full basket!

I'll try a little.

I'll eat a little more -

It will be easier to get home.

And then more raspberries.

How many berries are in the basket?

One two three four five…

I will collect again.

seasons - summer

Look at us, we've all grown up now

we raise the handles up, we also smoothly lower them,

the sun will shine on our children to amuse,

the sun smiles at the children, bends down,

sun, sun, you stand, sing a song to our children,

and they will all dance to you, they will dance together with their hands,

don't leave yet, sit next to us!


On this sultry summer day, we are not too lazy to run, jump,

we will swim, sunbathe, so that we become healthy,

we will all stand on our toes and not get tired at all,

we stomp a little to warm up the legs,

and now let's squat, stretch our shoulders,

ran to the meadow, made a big circle,

turned away, fled, and again gathered in a circle!