Homemade sports equipment for home drawings. We create simulators for the home with our own hands according to simple drawings

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Any person who wants to create a perfect body cannot do without a gym or exercise equipment for exercising at home, which, by the way, can be done by yourself, having drawings of exercise equipment and desire. Modern simulators are very expensive, but you can make them yourself. Of course, you can't make it the way it is in the original. After all, dozens of craftsmen, designers and doctors worked on it to make the most best trainer.

Make a simulator at home according to drawings and diagrams

Let's see how to create your own Gym inexpensive for home use. For this, some points should be taken into account. So, for example, some missing parts may have to be bought.

However, there is also positive side- if you wish, you can make inexpensive and high-quality sports equipment. So, in order to make a simulator with your own hands, the drawings of which can be found on the Internet, you should find the necessary equipment.

DIY Bubnovsky simulator

As you know, the multifunctional wellness is designed specifically to work out the muscles of the spine and joints without the use of drugs. It activates deep muscles spine, returning the previous activity. In addition, systematic training on it allows you to eliminate muscle spasm, as well as reduce spinal hernia and even eliminate it over time.

DIY Bubnovsky simulator

It is noteworthy that during training the body assumes a suspended position. In this state, the load on the joints and muscle groups is removed, the body is completely relaxed. Due to this, the pain syndrome disappears.

You can buy it on the official website or find drawings and make it yourself. It consists of 2 vertical frames, where each has upper and lower blocks, as well as one stationary one, and ropes with loads pass through it. For support and fixation to the frame of the trainee, special handles (short and long) are made. On the simulator, you can perform various wellness exercises. In addition, it can be installed in the gym or at home.

Barbell Rack Drawings

MTB helps to maintain a toned figure by working out the main muscle groups of the body:

  • abdominal and pectoral muscles.
  • biceps, triceps, and delta muscles.
  • gluteal and thigh muscles.

Do-it-yourself power simulator

The sports equipment of any gym consists of a certain set of simulators aimed at developing certain muscle groups. Many drawings for self-assembly of power simulators are presented on various sites. Let's take an example of how to make a bench press.

To make a bench frame, you need a metal strip 4 cm wide and 4 mm thick, as well as a profile pipe 2 mm thick and a metal corner 32 mm. As a rack, you can take a 40x40 pipe to hold the weight, as well as 30x30 connectors. For a bench, you need a pipe, 40x40 in size, and for a seat with a back, a corner.

In addition, to assemble a sports simulator, you will need measuring devices, including tools for further metal processing. First, you should cut the profile frame, as well as the corner into segments and drill all the necessary holes.

Having prepared all the necessary materials, you should proceed directly to the assembly of all parts. Those connections that take on the main load during classes should be welded. The remaining parts that serve as adjustment are bolted together. After that, the priming of the structure is carried out, as well as its painting.

Do-it-yourself power simulator

Starting the final assembly of the bench, you should prepare the supporting part of the backrest, as well as the seats, fixing them on the frame of the bench. Take 2 USB panels, the thickness of which should be 2 cm, as well as foam rubber and leather substitute for upholstery.

Thus, making a sports simulator on your own is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to correctly draw up a drawing diagram.

Simulator "Rule" and drawings for self-assembly

One of the ancient simulators is the rule simulator, which is still actively used by many athletes, so having a drawing, you can easily make it yourself. For manufacturing, only one rule should be followed - the angle between the legs and arms should be about 90 °.

Simulator "Rule" and drawings for self-assembly

To start work, the following materials are needed: cable, grips, winch, block rollers. You can fix all these details in different ways in the yard on special posts or even in the walls of the room. Such a simulator can be taken with you on a trip to nature or practice at home.

To make the simulators yourself, you will need drawings, but this simulator is easy to manufacture. When buying block rollers, you should pay attention to their quality. They must be reliable and mobile, which is especially important when making turns during classes. The cable is necessary for uniform distribution of the load and therefore must be metal.

Make a staircase with your own hands

Thus, you can make easy-to-use simulators or find them on various forums under the do-it-yourself section, the drawings of which are presented on their pages. At first glance, it seems that the machine is usually only able to strengthen the tendons and core muscles. However, this is only one of its main qualities. It also enhances performance internal organs, musculoskeletal system, restores strength.

Drawings of the power simulator

In matters of survival, the development of the body and spirit has an important role, because what stronger man the more likely it is to survive!

Undoubtedly physically developed, hardy and healthy body- this is just one of the components needed for successful survival! Useful knowledge, the ability to make the right decisions, a good reaction, psychological preparedness, willpower and spirit, and many other parameters are no less important! In this article we will talk about the physical component!

No better way develop your own body than sports! You can even say this: regular participation in active sports will 100% positively affect your emergency preparedness and ability to survive. The most detailed results, in terms of developing your own body, can be achieved by doing iron!

Moreover, in the case of a survivalist, it is not so important for us to pump up a certain volume of biceps, make a relief press, participate in Mr. Universe competitions, etc.

For a survivalist, the goal is basically just to become stronger, more resilient, and to acquire a body that can withstand any challenge! However, this does not mean that pumping up a hand at least up to 40 cm in volume is bad or that we do not want cubes on our stomach! Lifting weights allows you to focus on the most underdeveloped areas of your body and strengthen them.

Weight training for the survivalist is only part of the general training and in addition to bodybuilding, be sure to choose for regular classes other sports that develop endurance: running, swimming, cycling, boxing, etc.) This will strengthen you even more!

Personally, I am of the opinion that a person involved in bodybuilding, regardless of his goals (survival or some other), in any case, should develop his body harmoniously, that is, engage in the whole body, and not pump only biceps or chest for days on end (for example) . However, for the purposes of survival in a variety of extreme situations, the most important are: the back and legs! After all, it is they who provide all-terrain cross-country ability with a heavy load during the war or survival in wild nature. In the conditions of the beginning of the BP, in order to quickly drag as much as possible of the still available food, drinking water and other goodies, it takes a lot developed muscles lower extremities and back. Therefore, it is definitely worth paying due attention to them.

Strength or endurance, which is more important for a survivalist? I think it's both! After all, you never know what will be needed in a given situation. Will you have to lift a heavy log that crushes one of the parts of your (or someone else's) body or hang over an abyss a certain amount of time!

What is the optimal body weight for a survivalist (meaning athletically developed, the presence of a large amount of fat as a way of survival is not considered in this article)? The answer to this question is quite difficult, it all depends on the individual! One thing is clear that the muscle mass you have gained should not significantly deprive you of flexibility, agility, reaction, speed of movement (the development of these qualities is also worth working hard and the more muscle mass you have, the more time you should devote to it).

The advice for any beginner to lift irons is the regularity of training (draw up a lesson plan and stick to it strictly, because restoring your former shape is much harder than keeping yourself in good athletic tone). Correct technique performing exercises, a well-designed training system, proper nutrition is the key to success!

In this article, we also decided to collect some useful drawings of simulators! After all, in fact, not everyone has the opportunity to visit the gym, but with sufficient desire, you can always organize a rocking chair at home! All you need is a drawing of the simulator, welding, electrodes, and the material itself from which we will assemble the simulator - iron. Can't cook? It's time to learn! A welder is a very good profession in a post-apocalyptic world.

Drawings of simulators for self-production:

Press bench (collapsible) with adjustable tilt.

Find out how at home with minimal cash costs you can design the perfect simulator for the development of all the muscles of the body.

The content of the article:

Many people would like to go in for sports, but due to different reasons they can't start attending the gym. It could be lack of free time or shyness. We will not talk now about the reasons that may prevent you from starting to train, since there can be many of them. The purpose of this article is to tell you how to make a simulator with your own hands.

Of course, it is very difficult to make many simulators, although it is theoretically possible. Take for example a treadmill, which you can also do yourself, but this will require serious financial and time costs. Perhaps, if you want to have this cardio machine, it's easier to buy it. But some types sports equipment and shells can be made independently. After reading this article, you will learn how to make a simulator with your own hands.

Creating simulators for your own gym

In order for you to be able to effectively engage in bodybuilding at home, you will need not the most sophisticated equipment and several sports equipment. They can be made independently if desired. If you go into the gym and pay attention to the people training in it, then beginners often occupy the simulators, and more experienced athletes actively work with barbells and dumbbells.

To effectively pump all muscle groups, these two sports equipment is quite enough for you. But at the same time, you should remember about the need for progression of the load. An incline bench is also of great importance for achieving the desired result.

If we talk about dumbbells, it is much easier to make a couple of collapsible shells on your own and in this case you do not need welding. Benches, on the contrary, are easier to make two - horizontal and at an angle of 70 degrees. You should also remember about the barbell rack, and here you can make one with the ability to change its height or two. In the second case, the height racks should be designed for bench press and deadlift.

It is also desirable to make a horizontal bar and bars. Of all the necessary equipment for your gym, they are the easiest to manufacture. And the last product to think about is a weight belt. At a certain point, it will no longer be enough for you to work only with own weight body on the horizontal bar and additional load will be required. In this situation, the best solution is a belt.

So, let's sum it up and see what we need to create our own home gym:

  • Vulture.
  • A pair of dumbbells.
  • Universal pancakes d with the same mounting hole for the barbell and dumbbells, although you can make them separately for each of the shells.
  • Horizontal bar, preferably wall-mounted or outdoors.
  • Bars are wall.
  • Rack for a rod with a possibility of regulation of height or two fixed.
  • Punching bag optional.
  • Rope.

How to make a simulator with your own hands?

You can quickly find drawings of the necessary equipment on the Internet. However, you should visit a sporting goods store and look at some machines to get an idea of ​​their design. Now we will look at the most simple equipment and find out how to make these simulators with your own hands or where you can get them.

Bars and horizontal bar

It is quite difficult and quite expensive to make a strong and safe horizontal bar on your own and install it in a room. Thus, it can be recommended to purchase bars with a horizontal bar in the online store. Installing a horizontal bar on the street is also not the best solution, since in winter period you will not use it, but training is necessary. They will cost you between $60 and $70.

As we have already said, it is better to give preference to a wall horizontal bar, rather than installing it in a doorway. In this case, you can safely use wide grip. Bars are also worth taking wall-mounted in order to save space. However, there is also the option of a horizontal bar and bars, so to speak, 2 in 1. You can even take a Swedish wall, which has its advantages, but this equipment will cost more.

Barbell and dumbbells

For the manufacture of dumbbells, barbells and racks, you will need materials, and this is the main problem. Sometimes on the net you can find recommendations on the possibility of using Concrete for the manufacture of disks. However, this material is significantly inferior to steel and cast iron, so it is still not advisable to use it. However, steel pipes are not cheap and this should also be remembered. Here are some tips on how you can get this material as cheaply as possible:
  • Place ads in the newspaper of your city about the purchase of old dumbbells, barbells and weights. There is a high probability that these sports equipment is in someone's basement and is not used.
  • Go to the scrap metal collection point.
  • Ask for help from relatives or friends who work at the enterprise.

By the way, you most likely still have to turn to someone working at the enterprise. This is due to the fact that it is quite difficult to make pancakes and vultures at home. The enterprises have special machines and the process of making pancakes or vultures will be noticeably simplified.

Punching bag

Compared to other necessary equipment, making a punching bag is the easiest. As a material, you can use ordinary shopping bags (at least three pieces). After that, insert them into each other, and you just have to fill them with filler.

However, it is best to make a pear bag from a dense material, and fabric is much easier and cheaper to find compared to iron. The length of the punching bag should be about 1.3 meters, well, you probably know its shape. You can fill the pear with sand or small sawdust. You can mount the pear to the wall, but for this you need to make a special bracket. The best option seems to be its attachment to the horizontal bar.

Other sports equipment

With a jump rope, everything is extremely simple and you should buy it, and not do it yourself. It should also be said that in many power movements you can use an expander instead of a barbell. This sports equipment It is inexpensive and can be purchased at any specialized store. But you need to make dumbbells, because without them, training will not be as effective.

You can see for yourself that making a simulator with your own hands is not very difficult, and the main problem is finding the necessary materials. If you have access to various materials and machines, you can create a great gym yourself.

Today we talked about how to make simple simulators with your own hands. But if you wish, you can make more complex ones. And for this, in many cases, you can even get by with wood, although metal structures are much more reliable. You can find a large number of drawings on the Internet various kinds simulators and the whole thing is just the availability of free time and materials with machines.

How to make your own Strongman simulator using welding, see this video:

Get a simulator blueprint and make a simulator!
Assembly drawings of power and sports simulators in PDF format!
Currently, many are interested in the issue of making a quality simulator with their own hands.
But there is a need for a drawing or sketch, the choice of drawings on the Internet for free is not great, while there remains a need for a high-quality and detailed drawing of the simulator.
You will not find the drawings below on the Internet - the drawings are unique and easy to manufacture.
If you have a desire to assemble a simulator with your own hands and do not want to shell out a round sum for a power simulator in a fitness equipment store - feel free to download a drawing of a simulator for self-production!

Drawings of sports simulators:

Horizontal bar in the doorway

back muscle strengthening machine shoulder girdle, arm muscles, etc.
The horizontal bar is installed above the doorway, the horizontal bar is fixed with bolts through the wall or with anchors,
For manufacturing, you will need ~ 1.5 m of a square pipe and 1.1 m of a cr. pipe.
The horizontal bar installed in the doorway does not block the opening and does not interfere with door movements.
- for free!

Drawing of a children's playground

The drawing is useful for those who decide to deploy a full-fledged and modern playground with horizontal bars, bars and many other devices for outdoor games and training with their own weight.
The drawings show the required dimensions.
- for free!

Drawing bench for bench press

A simulator for strengthening the shoulder girdle, chest muscles, etc.
Easily disassembled into three parts: racks, bench and steel pipe,
used to fix the bench on the racks at different angles.
When disassembled, the simulator takes up almost no space.

Block device drawing

Used to develop the muscles of the arms, back, shoulder girdle.
Exercises can be performed both standing and sitting on the simulator.

Drawing simulator "Roman chair"

We offer lovers of classic bodybuilding a drawing of the Roman Chair simulator
Roman chair - this machine is designed to train the muscles of the back and abdominals and oblique abdominal muscles.
And much more, see the FAQ on the drawings of simulators below for more details.

Download drawings of simulators for free

For those who want to get drawings of simple simulators for free, I suggest downloading

The set consists of 19 sets of drawings of simulators with descriptions of the principles of operation of each of the simulators.
1. Drawing of a simulator for the development of biceps
2. Drawing simulator for development pectoral muscles.
3. Drawing of the power frame;
4. Drawing of an inclined bench;
- drawing of a universal bench
- drawing of a horizontal bench;
- drawing of parallel bars;
- drawing of the crossbar;
- drawing of a rack for squats;
- drawing block simulator for triceps exercises.
5. Bench for bench press (drawings - 1 pc)
6. Biceps trainer 1 (drawings - 1 pc)
7. Biceps trainer 2 (drawings - 1 pc)
8. Hack-machine (drawings - 1 pc)
9. Incline bench for bench press (drawings - 1 pc)
10. Simulator for the development of thigh muscles (drawings - 1 pc)
11. Leg press machine 1 (drawings - 2 pcs)
12. Leg press machine 2 (drawings - 1 pc)
13. Simulator for the development of pectoral muscles (drawings - 1 pc)
14. Classic simulator for the development of pectoral muscles of the "Butterfly" type (drawings - 1 pc)
15. Incline bench for the development of abdominal muscles (drawings - 1 pc)
16. Racks for squats (drawings - 1 pc)
17. T-bar (drawings - 1pc)
18. Swedish wall at home (drawings - 1pc)
19. Short rod (drawings - 1 pc)

As a bonus, the kit includes 3 books for beginner athletes.

FAQ on strength training drawings

How to make a simulator?
- Assemble with your own hands according to the assembly diagram of the simulator.

How to get full and high-speed access to direct download of drawings from our server?
- Access to all available free drawings, you have already received above.

Is it possible to buy drawings of professional simulators?
- You can buy professional assembly drawings of the structures of various simulators by contacting the site administration (for example)

The drawings of the simulators have all the necessary dimensions, quantities and profiles of the materials used.

A few facts:
- Making simulators by hand is saving money, for example, a store simulator for 30,000 rubles. will cost you (for material) a maximum of 1500 rubles. The difference is sometimes very noticeable.
- In addition, making simulators with your own hands allows you to change and customize the design of each simulator to your anatomical features, you can also exclude those structural elements that you consider superfluous and vice versa, it becomes possible to refine something.
If independent production drawing simulators is difficult for you, you can entrust the drawings and assembly diagrams to a familiar welder, assembler or locksmith, along with the material, and he will complete this task without problems.

More suggestions.

Strength training is needed for people who are not only trying to get muscle relief. They are an integral part of fitness programs, as they help to reduce weight, develop and strengthen muscles and bones. To achieve the first result, you can even train at home several times a week.

The power home multistation (or fitness station) is no less efficient, reliable and durable than its counterparts from fitness clubs.

Its feature is a combination of several simulators into one. They are more versatile in a compact size. It can work many muscle groups. Even for beginners, the settings of the simulator are clear and convenient, which simplifies training at home.

Multistation for home BodySolid-PHG-1000

Strength training equipment for the home is not only kettlebells, barbells, dumbbells, although they come to mind first. These are the sports equipment that belongs to the group of free weights and has been popular for many centuries. They are effective, but require attention - an awkward movement can easily lead to serious injury. In this case, strength training equipment will help you get your body in shape without damage.

Homemade simulator in the garage

Three types of strength training equipment

  1. First. Home. They are designed for home use. Therefore, their main characteristics are compactness and low weight.
  2. Second. Fitness class strength training equipment. Most often found in small gyms. They have a large number of workstations that allow you to train different muscle groups. Such simulators are designed for a large load. They can also be placed at home. These are the multistations we are talking about.
  3. And the third type is professional strength training equipment. They are designed for large gyms. Loads on them can reach hundreds of kilograms, so they are very durable and have a smooth ride. Such simulators are most often for performing one exercise on specific muscles.

Inspire-M4 Professional Room Multistation

The design of the simulator allows you to accurately adjust the technique of the exercises performed, directing the movements of a person along one correct trajectory. Training on such a simulator takes place without the risk of injury.

For example, the Adidas ADBE-10250 fitness station has several workstations: overhead pull, butterfly, chest press, biceps desk, leg assembly, and rowing.

Equipped home gym with multistation

The next group is simulators with a free trajectory. They differ in that they do not restrict freedom of movement during exercise, allowing you to maximize muscle work. Such sports devices are suitable for experienced athletes, as they require certain skills and good coordination of movement.

The power station has an advantage over free weights - you can change the load with a slight movement, you do not need to waste storage space additional weights, disks or dumbbells.

So, in the process of training, you can add extra weight and get better results.

Choosing the right trainer

The first selection criterion is the price. The difference between expensive and cheap simulators is in the maximum compliance with human biomechanics. A team of engineers and special designers and trainers is working on the creation of a good sports equipment. The result is a simulator that is not only effective, but also meets safety standards and takes into account all the nuances of the natural movements of the body. This also means the complete absence of unnecessary additional stress on the joints and tendons.

Horizontal hyperextension machine

Another important selection parameter is the material. It is better to choose a power simulator for the home from sheet steel. The service life of the simulator is affected by the strength of the connections and the quality of the main frame. Cheap models are dangerous because they loosen much faster.

For tall, as well as densely built people, it is important to consider and Weight Limit multistation user. The Adidas fitness station lists a maximum user weight of 135kg.

A necessary element of a sports station is cables. Inexpensive options suffer from insufficient cable strength, which leads to serious injury. When buying, you should pay attention to the possibility of changing loads.

Drawing hyperextension will help you do it yourself

A quality simulator will allow the user to easily change the weight, tilt and height of the seats.

The functionality of the device plays an important role, since a home simulator should allow you to perform developmental exercises. different groups muscles.

Homemade power frame

Do not forget about the manufacturer. Popular firms such as Adidas guarantee safety, reliability and durability. When buying a cheap product from a dubious manufacturer, you risk your health.

Popular home trainer

Home multistations are produced by different companies. Practical, compact and comfortable trainers are produced by Adidas, Precon, Life Fitness. average price home gym is 150,000 rubles, and individual models can cost up to 500,000. Simulators with a fixed trajectory will cost a little cheaper. When choosing a model, you should pay attention to the functions that are needed. A power bench is a must. Multifunctionality directly affects the cost.

Trainer Adidas ADBE 10250

One of the popular models that combines low price and quality is the Adidas ADBE 10250.

This model has good features:

  • Sturdy steel frame.
  • Thick wide pillow.
  • There are European quality certificates.
  • Model 10250 is available in black, white and red.
  • The Adidas 10250 has a two-year warranty.
  • Top pull with wide and narrow grip.
  • Stack weight up to 100 kg.

Classes on Adidas ADBE 10250 in the fitness room

The performance characteristics of the Adidas 10250 are also noteworthy:

  • The maximum rowing load of the Adidas 10250 model is 95 kg.
  • Recommended exercises for Adidas ADBE 10250 - photo from instructions

    The Adidas 10250 power station is one of the few multifunctional sports equipment in its price class from a world-famous manufacturer that allows you to do exercises for the development of different muscle groups. Adidas has been improving the technology for the production of home exercise equipment for many years and today has largest number positive feedback among users.

    DIY simulator

    You can not only buy a modern multistation, but also make it yourself at home. Creating a multifunctional simulator will require certain materials and skills, but will allow you to make a unique model according to your personal requirements. The bench press is a popular exercise machine. There are many types.

    Types of exercise equipment you can do yourself

    You can make both iron and wood with the desired coating yourself. Work begins with the search or creation of drawings.

    An example of a drawing of a simulator that you can create with your own hands:

    • In addition to the drawings, you will need a welding machine and sufficient free space.
    • A do-it-yourself sports device will allow you to perform several types of exercises, depending on the design.

    Minimum and optimal set:

    • Power bench.
    • Installation in the form of a horizontal bar.
    • Installation in the form of bars.

    Materials for the simulator - profile steel pipes

    From the materials you will need several pipes with a round and square section, foam rubber and durable material for lining the armrests, a chipboard sheet. Pipes with a square section are cut:

    • 40 cm - two pieces,
    • 55 cm - three pieces,
    • 65 cm - two pieces,
    • 75 cm - one piece,

    For round tubes length:

    • 75 cm - one piece,
    • 20 cm - two pieces,
    • 15 cm - six pieces.

    Creating a structure for the frame of the simulator

    Pipes are welded into a single structure according to the drawings. A rectangular power bench is cut out of chipboard, pasted over with foam rubber and covered with fabric. The power bench can also be made from boards. The main thing is high-quality and comfortable coverage. After all wooden bench less durable and is only recommended for beginners.

    The lower part of the frame of a homemade simulator

    Drawings and the complexity of the work

    Having decided to make a home multistation with your own hands, consider the progress of work, and also calculate the possible costs for the purchase of materials and the estimated time of work.

    Finished trainer frame

    The drawings of some simulators, for example, for running, are very complex and it is almost impossible to make such a sports equipment with your own hands without additional help and expensive materials. Treadmill, as an example, made by hand, it will turn out to be both unnecessarily cumbersome and inconvenient to use. Such a simulator is easier and more convenient to buy in a store.

    If you are going to start working with your own hands on creating a home multifunctional simulator, pay attention to the ease of drawings and the availability of materials.

    The finished simulator can be supplemented with various shells

    With your own hands, you can make several options for bars or a power bench. For starters, this will be a good experience and will allow you to evaluate your strength before moving on to more complex machines.

    You can find a good example of a simple but functional drawing of a simulator with your own hands in this book:

    Home Gym Blueprint Book

    A do-it-yourself simulator can be more compact than a purchased one, but at the same time meet the tasks assigned to it.