Massage with hedgehog balls with a cheerful rhyme. massage ball

For the development of speech, attention and fine motor skills it is recommended to regularly massage the baby's hands and play finger games with him. Massage balls are very useful in such games. In addition to its standard functions of a game object, the ball massages the child's fingertips with rounded spines, developing tactile sensations and stimulating points on the palms.

Finger games develop creativity, reaction speed, kids better learn concepts such as “above”, “below”, “left”, “right”, learn how to count, and their mood just improves. In China, in ancient times, exercises with stone and metal balls were common, and in Japan - with walnuts. From childhood we remember "Magpie-Beloboka", "Ladushki", etc.

We offer you a selection of exercises that will diversify your games with your baby. Poems can be combined or divided into smaller ones, depending on the age of the child.

We will take the hedgehog ball, (take massage ball)
Let's ride and rub. (roll between palms)
Throw up and catch (you can just lift the ball up)
And count the needles. (with the fingers of one hand we press the spines)
Let's put the hedgehog on the table (put the ball on the table)
We press the hedgehog with the handle (we press the ball with the handle)
And we’ll ride a little ... (we roll the ball with the handle)
Then we change the handle. (change the handle and also roll the ball)

* * *
"Hedgehog" in hand you need to take, (we take a massage ball)
To count the needles. (roll between palms)
One two three four five! (with the fingers of one hand we press the spines)
Let's start counting again. (shift the ball to the other hand)
One two three four five! (with the fingers of the other hand, press the spines)

* * *
We will take the "Hedgehog" in our hands (we take a massage ball)
And rub it lightly, (we hold the ball in one handle, we pass it over it with the other)
Let's see his needles, (change the handle, do the same)
Let's massage the sides. (roll between palms)
"Hedgehog" I twist in my hands, (we twist the ball with our fingers)
I want to play with him.
I will make a house in the palms - (we hide the ball in the palms)
The cat won't get it. (press hands to ourselves)

I squeeze the ball hard
And I'll change hands. (squeeze the ball with the right hand, then the left)
"Hello, my favorite ball!" -
Every finger will say in the morning. (Hold the ball with index and thumb, then middle and thumb, ring and thumb, little finger and thumb)

Two goats butted the ball
And they gave it to other goats.
(Hold the ball with the index fingers of the right and left hands. Then with the middle fingers, etc.)

I roll circles on the table
I don't get out of hand.
I roll it back and forth;
Left or right, as you wish.
(Roll the ball with the palm of your right hand left and right, back and forth.)

Dance knows how to dance
Every finger is on the ball.
(Roll the ball with the tips of the fingers of the right hand: index, middle, ring and little fingers.)
I knead the ball with my finger,
I drive the ball along the fingers.
(roll the ball all over finger length right hand.)
My ball does not rest -
Walks between fingers.
(Hold the ball between the index and middle fingers, middle and ring fingers, ring and little fingers.)

I will play football
And I'll score a goal in the palm of my hand.
(Hit the ball with your palms.)
Top left, bottom right
I ride it - bravo.
(Roll the ball on the right palm with the left palm.)
I'll turn, and you check -
Top right now!
(Roll the ball over the left palm with the right palm.)

Based on the book "Ball Games" by T. Vorobieva, O. Krupenchuk

hope petrova
Methodological development "The use of massage balls in combination with motor speech exercises for children"

Well-developed speech is the most important condition for the comprehensive development of children, but in recent years there has been an increase in the number children with fine motor impairments and speech development.

At the beginning of the year, children came to my group, most of whom did not master fine hand movements and many had speech disorders. They also had muscle tension, decreased tone, impaired general motor skills.

Therefore, in his work for children with speech impairment, I successfully began to use method of using massage balls in combination with speech and movement exercises.

Cute ball with spikes ( "hedgehog", light and hygienic, easy to handle and available at any time. Its pointed protrusions act on biologically active points. Rolling it between the palms, there is a surge of warmth and a slight tingling sensation.

massage ball - effective remedy the development of the child's hands, the movements of his fingers, muscle development. The ribbed needle-like surface of the ball gently affects the nerve endings, improves blood flow and activates blood circulation. This fun bouncy toy enriches baby's sensory environment, stimulating his psychomotor development. By using balls"hedgehogs" kids like it massage fingers and palms, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body, as well as on the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, thereby contributing to the development of speech.

During such classes, I try to take into account the individual characteristics of each child, his age, mood, desire and capabilities. The main thing is that the lesson brings only positive emotions to the children.

All exercises play a positive role in the development of my speech children.

Target methods:- adjust speech violations through using massage balls.


Preserve and strengthen the physical and mental health preschool children,

Develop precise complex-coordinated hand movements, general and fine motor skills, orientation in space, muscle strength,

To fix the correct pronunciation of sounds and their differentiation,

Summarize and expand vocabulary,

Develop the grammatical structure of speech.


balls massage(small, medium, large).

It is noticed that children prefer balls, combining 3 qualities:

Let's jump

Practice use ball in my work has shown that the ball can be an excellent corrective tool:

Ball games divert the child's attention from speech defect and encourage communication

Regulate strength and precision of movement

Activate spontaneous attention

Develop eye, strength, agility, speed of reaction

Thus, the result of my work with massage balls became better functioning speech activity of children and development of the right speech skills.

Sample Views exercises which I used in my work:

Ball games aimed at developing fine motor skills

We start with a warm-up. Use you can small balls, balls. They fit easily in the palm of your hand. children, do not slip out of the hands. This complex is advisable to carry out at the beginning of classes.

Complex "Warm-up" with small balls

I squeeze the ball hard

And I'll change hands.

"Hello, my favorite ball!" -

Every finger will say in the morning.

Holds the ball tightly

Doesn't release anywhere.

Gives only to brother:

Brother takes the ball from his brother.

I roll circles on the table

I don't get out of hand.

Back and forth I roll it;

Left or right, as you wish.

"Prickly hedgehog"

Stroke my palms hedgehog!

You're prickly, so what?

I want to stroke you

I want to get along with you!

(We roll the ball between the palms, stroke, touch the individual "thorns")

(Appendix No. 1)

Exercises with a massage medium ball.

"Game with a hedgehog"

The hedgehog is exhausted -

He carried apples and mushrooms.

We will rub his sides -

You need to loosen them up a bit.

And then we stroke the legs,

To rest a little.

And then we scratch the belly,

We tickle near the ear.

hedgehog in the wood ran away,

We squeaked thanks.

(we feel sorry for the hedgehog - we stroke, three sides, knead, scratch, tickle, roll on the table with pressure)


(roll the ball between the palms up and down slowly at first, then increase the pace)

This ball is not easy:

He's all prickly

We put between the palms

Let's rub their hands.

We roll it up and down,

We develop our hands!

You can roll the ball around

Roll over to each other.

One two three four five

It's time for us to rest.

(movements correspond to the text)


I roll circles with the ball

Back and forth I drive him,

I will stroke their hand,

And then I'll squeeze a little.

I will press the ball with each finger

And I'll start with the other hand.

And now the last trick-

The ball flies between the hands!

(movements correspond to the text (Appendix No. 1)

Massage ball exercises.

1."We will bake a loaf"

Knead, knead the dough (squeeze the ball)

There is room in the oven. (shift to another hand)

We will bake a loaf! (Squeeze with both hands)

Shift go ahead (roll between palms)

2. We will take a hedgehog ball (sitting on the floor)

Let's ride and rub.

Throw up and catch

And count the needles.

Let's put the hedgehog on the floor

We press the hedgehog with the handle

And let's ride a little

Then we change the handle.

You need to take a hedgehog in your hands,

One two three four. Five.

Let's start counting again.

We will take a hedgehog in our hands

And rub it lightly

Let's see his needles

Let's massage the sides.

(movements are performed in accordance with the text) (Appendix No. 2)

Ball games aimed at the development of speech.

1. Automation of sounds.

We roll the ball between the palms, while pronouncing a poem to automate the disturbed sound.

Sound automation "AND"

A hedgehog walks without tracks,

Doesn't run from anyone.

From head to toe.

All in needles hedgehog.

How to take it? (Appendix No. 3)

2. Improvement of lexical and grammatical categories.

The teacher rolls the ball to the child, naming the object in units. h. The child, having caught the ball with his palm, rolls it back, naming nouns in plural. h.

Exercise"One is many"

"Call it sweetly"

"Say the opposite" etc. (Appendix No. 4)

3. Improvement of spatial orientation skills, memory development, attention:

exercise: “I knock on the right, on the left - I don’t want to confuse”, “Listen and remember, repeat and do”

Take hedgehog to the right (left) hand and hide behind your back, above your head, in front of you, etc. (Appendix No. 5)

4. Improving the skills of using prepositions.

There is a box on the table. According to the instructions of the teacher, the child puts "hedgehogs" respectively:

red in the box,

Blue - UNDER the box,

Green - NEAR the box.

Then vice versa - the child must describe the actions teacher:

Take it out of the box

Hide UNDER box, etc. (Appendix No. 6)

7. Development of phonemic hearing.

“If the ears hear the sound, raise the ball above the crown”

"Telegraphers" (tapping with a ball of a given rhythmic pattern)

“The ball we palm “knock” if we hear the right sound” (Appendix No. 7)

Games with massage balls are universal and their variety and content depends on the imagination of adults and the desire to work with children in a fun and interesting way.

methodical manuals and literature.

1. Ogloblina I. Yu. Logopedic massage: games and exercises. - M., 2016.

2. Tryasorukova T. P. Games, riddles, poems and speech phrases for the development of speech. -Rostov-on-Don, 2016

3. Tryasorukova T. P. Games for home and kindergarten. -Rostov-on-Don, 2017

4. Materials from the Internet.

Related publications:

Today at preschool institutions Much attention is paid to health-saving technologies that are aimed at solving the main problem.

The use of massage mats and tracks in physical education and health work with preschool children The use of massage mats and tracks in physical education and health work with children preschool age Prepared by the teacher.

On the pages of your blogs, you share your ideas, creative developments on topics that interest you, colleagues. I can't stop admiring.

Good day, dear colleagues! Glad to see you again on the pages of my blog. I continue to share my experience and impressions.

Greetings, dear readers and just guests of the blog!

About the usual classic, also very useful massage for palms and fingers, we talked in, and now I want to tell you about massage using a massage ball. You can massage everything with this ball: the arms and legs, the back and even the head. Which is not only useful, but also funny and exciting when it takes place in a playful way and the child laughs while doing simple exercises.

Thanks to the "spiky" surface of such a ball, the skin, muscles and nerve endings are affected, thereby stimulating various points on the child's body. Blood circulation noticeably improves, blood begins to circulate faster and spread to the most remote corners, which gives the child the prevention of venous stasis.

When the baby repeats the game movements for his mother, he learns concentration, he develops reaction and coordination, dexterity. The skill of controlling your hands and fingers comes. In a playful way, it is easier to learn such concepts that are difficult for a child, such as “left”, “right”, “up”, “down”, and just learn a simple account. So do not forget to comment and encourage the exercises with a cheerful song or rhyme. As you can see, there are a lot of advantages for a growing organism.

Balls are rubber, silicone, plastic. With spines or pimples. There are even sets of balls with different diameters and different hardness. They can also be with animal faces. There is also such a variety as "Su - Jok". Which one to choose is up to you, but the benefits of them are the same, in my opinion.

First of all, for a baby, this is of course a toy, and sometimes even one of the most beloved ones, if you use it properly, it will not get bored for a very long time. Such a massage ball can be used already from the age of 6 months, of course, at such a young age, you can only lightly roll such a ball all over the child's body, children usually do not resist, but rather enjoy the procedure.

For older children, from 1 year old, you can already do such a simple set of exercises.

For pens, this is, of course, the development of everyone's favorite fine motor skills. Such small massage balls, which are placed in a small hand, stimulate it well, the sensitivity of the palms and fingers improves. They have a beneficial effect on the speech apparatus, your child will speak much earlier if you massage the hands daily.

Mom takes the child's hand in hers and shows how to do it, accompanying with rhymes or a song. At first, the baby may complete one exercise and may refuse others, do not force him. But if you do such gymnastics systematically, he will get used to it and will soon do it on his own. In this case, it is better to have two balls so that mom and baby do the exercises in parallel. The child looks at his mother and tries to apply the technique on his own. It's very funny how they do it.

1. Pick up the ball and roll it back and forth on the palm of your hand

2. Roll in a circular motion on the palm, in one direction and the other

3. Roll the ball on the table or floor with different load(then weakly press on the ball, then hard)

4. Roll the ball along outside hands to the elbow and back. For each handle

5. Squeeze and unclench the ball in your hand. First in one, then in the other

6. Throw a ball into the air and catch it.

For a variety of activities, you can use such a massage with a walnut in the shell, a fir cone, a round comb or prickly curlers.

Such funny songs and rhymes can be used during classes:

Here is such a fun ball

He's ready to take off

That's how you want to play

It's hard to keep him!

The ball bounced and bounced

It fell into our hands again!

We will take the "Hedgehog" in our hands

And rub it lightly

Let's see his needles

Let's massage the sides.

"Hedgehog" I twist in my hands,

I want to play with him!

Let's put the hedgehog on the table

We press the hedgehog with the handle,

And let's ride a little...

Then we change the handle.

All day long Jerzy Jeżowicz

Collect fruits and vegetables.

Plums, apples and pears

They dry on stumps and bumps.

Cucumbers and tomatoes

Carefully wear in holes!

At the market, a hedgehog bought boots.

Boots on the leg - yourself.

A little less for my wife.

With buckles - to the son, with clasps - to the daughter,

And he put everything in a bag!

A cunning hedgehog - an eccentric sewed a prickly jacket:

Hundred pins on the chest

One hundred needles behind.

A hedgehog walks in the garden on the grass,

Sticks to pins

pear, plum, any fruit,

What will he find under the tree?

I hope the article was useful to you. All the best!

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

« Kindergarten"Teremok" town. Guards»

Card file of exercises with massage balls for preschool children


Instructor for physical education

Zelenskaya M.A.

Guards, 2016

Exercises with massage balls for children

"The source of knowledge is at your fingertips" - so said

V. Sukhomlinsky and you and I know for sure that the development of fine motor skills is directly related to the development of the baby's speech.
The purpose of these exercises - development of fine motor skills, general coordination and plasticity of movements.


1. contribute to the hardening of the child's body.

2. Influence biologically active points located on the surface of the palms.

3. Promote the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

4. Good gymnastics for the fingers, improves blood circulation, tones the small muscles in the hands.

One of the ways to develop motor skills and speech is exercises with massage balls. You can play with "hedgehogs" with early age. Here are exercises for the little ones.

Before conducting a set of exercises presented with children or one child, it is necessary to acquaint them with the name of the parts of the palm and fingers.

Make sure that when doing exercises for the hands, the fingers of both hands are always in a closed state, the shoulders do not rise. It is recommended that children wear short sleeves. If this is not possible, then the children need to roll up their sleeves. When an adult shows a set of exercises for the hands, it is necessary to remove the watch and rings from the fingers from the wrist.

Show exercises at an average pace, focusing the attention of children (child) on some nuances in their implementation.

starting from the age of 3.

Hedgehog ball exercises can be used as part of a structured activity remedial lesson conducted by the teacher, as well as an independent lesson. It can be both individual and subgroup.

Exercises for the little ones.


Imagine that a hedgehog has come to visit you. All movements are performed in accordance with the text.

The hedgehog is exhausted

He carried apples and mushrooms.

We'll rub his sides

You need to loosen them up a bit.

And then we stroke the legs,

To rest a little.

And then we scratch the belly,

We tickle near the ear.

The hedgehog ran away along the path,

We "Thank you!" squeaked.

The child feels sorry for the hedgehog, strokes, scratches, tickles. On the words “I ran away along the path”, the ball can be rolled on the table, knees.

"Knead the dough"

Knead, knead the dough - squeeze the massage ball in one hand.

There is a place in the stove - we shift and squeeze the ball with the other hand.

I'm for sweet mommy - squeeze the ball with both hands several times.

Bake two gingerbread - roll the ball between the palms.


I roll my nut

Palms from bottom to top.

And then back

To make me happy.

I roll my nut

To become rounder.


By the pine, by the fir, by the fir tree

Very sharp needles.

But even stronger than the spruce forest,

Juniper will prick you.

The child rolls the ball between the palms, on the wrist, legs, etc. Slowly at first, then speed up.

"Tough Ball"

The movements correspond to the text.

This ball is hard

All prickly, like this!

We put between the palms

Let's rub their hands.

Up, down we roll it,

We develop our hands.


The child rolls the ball between the palms, you can roll it with your foot, massage any part of the body, replacing the words in the text.

Stroke my palms, ezh!

You're prickly, so what?

I want to stroke you

I want to get along with you!

Exercises for children from 4 years old


The hedgehog pricks our palms,

Let's play with him a little.

The hedgehog pricks our hands -

He prepares pens for school.

We will take the hedgehog ball, (throw the ball up)

Let's ride and rub. (roll between palms)

Let's throw up and catch, (again throw the ball)

And count the needles. (with fingers we crush the needles of the ball)

And let's ride a little ... (roll the ball)

Then we change the handle (change hands)


Children repeat the words and perform actions with the ball in accordance with the text:

I roll circles with the ball

Back and forth I drive him.

I will stroke their hands.

It's like I'm sweeping a crumb

And squeeze it a little

How a cat squeezes its paw,

I will press the ball with each finger,

And I'll start with the other hand.


The child strokes the ball with his palms with the words:

Stroke my palms, hedgehog!
You're prickly, so what!
I want to stroke you
I want to get along with you.

"Hares in the Lawn"
In the clearing, on the lawn / roll the ball between the palms /
Bunnies jumped all day long. /jump on the palm with a ball/
And rolled on the grass, / roll forward - back /
From tail to head.
For a long time, the hares galloped like that, /jump on the palm of the hand with a ball/
But they jumped, they got tired. / put the ball on the palm of your hand /
Snakes crawled past, / lead on the palm of your hand /
"Good morning!" - they were told.
I began to stroke and caress
All hare mother hare. / stroke each finger with a ball /

"The Bears"
The she-bear walked awake, / walk the ball on the hand /
And behind her is a teddy bear. / walk quietly with a ball on the hand /
And then the kids came, / walk the ball on the hand /
They brought books in briefcases.
They began to open books / press the ball on each finger /
And write in notebooks.


Press both hands with your elbows to yourself. Turn your palms towards each other in a semicircle. Put a ball into one of them (the ball should be the size of the child's palm). Throw the ball from one hand to the other, keeping the position of the palms. Exercise to perform at the same pace. As soon as the exercise is mastered by the child, the pace of its implementation can be accelerated.


Press both hands with your elbows to yourself. Turn your palms up, taking the position of the “boat”. Put the ball in one of the palms. Throw the ball from one palm to the other, constantly holding the starting position "boat". When the ball is being thrown, the palm that makes the throw must be turned slightly and try not to throw the ball high. Exercise to perform at the same pace. As soon as the exercise is mastered by the child, the pace of its implementation can be accelerated.


Make the palm "boat". Put a ball in it. Squeeze the palm with the ball with force. Then unclench your palm. Indentations from the thorns of the ball should remain on the arm. Make sure that the child tries to squeeze the ball with one hand. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times with one hand, then also repeat with the other hand. Then you can offer to perform this exercise with both hands immediately. So that the child understands with what force

it is necessary to squeeze the ball, the adult first performs this exercise himself, demonstrating to the child the dents on his palm from the thorns of the ball. Point out to the child that correct execution this exercise, it will hurt him. This is done so that the child feels the moment when his hand is tense (squeezes the ball and at the same time it hurts), and when the hand is relaxed and the ball lies freely in the palm of his hand.

"Roll up the ball"

1 option

Press both hands with your elbows to yourself. The fingers of the palms are tightly compressed with each other and tense. Put the ball on the left palm, cover it with the other palm on top. Do circular motions top palm on the bottom as when sculpting a ball of plasticine. Make sure that the fingers of both hands are pressed tightly together and tense. Exercise to perform inside hands, not fingers! Then change the position of the hands.

Option 2

Put your elbows on the table, palms opposite each other. Place a ball between them. Move both palms up and down. Make sure that the fingers of both hands are pressed tightly together and tense. When performing the exercise, keep your elbows on the table. Exercise to perform at the same pace. As soon as the exercise is mastered by the child, the pace of its implementation can be accelerated.

"Roll on the palm of your hand"

Press the elbow of the left hand tightly to yourself, turn the hand with the palm up. The fingers are tightly closed together. Put the ball on the palm, cover the ball with the other hand. The fingers of the upper palm are tightly pressed together. Move the upper palm back and forth along the length of the entire palm. Make sure that during this exercise the child does not raise his shoulder. Repeat the same with the other hand. Perform the exercise slowly, with a good range of motion. Such exercises are carried out when the ball is rolled on the back of the hand. In this case, the palm rests on the table, with the back side up.


Place your hand on your knee, palm up. The fingers are tightly pressed together. Put the ball on your hand. With the other hand, start lifting the ball to the neck. Then slightly press the ball with your head tilted. Hold for a count of up to 5, and then "lower" the ball down. Gradually increase the count to 10. The same exercise is performed with the other hand. It is important to ensure that the child rolls the ball along the entire length of the arm.

The same exercise can be performed by turning one hand with the back of the palm up. You can do leg exercises while sitting on a chair.

"Be healthy"

Put the ball on the floor. Put one foot on top of the ball. The other foot is firmly on the floor. Sit straight, press your back against the back of the chair. Roll the ball with your foot back and forth, slowly. Then, the same movement is performed with the other leg. This exercise can be performed with both feet, rolling the ball alternately, or with both feet at the same time. Alternatively, you can make circular movements with one leg, then the other. The exercise is done in slow pace with good range of motion. The exercise can be performed with both legs at once or alternately, or with both legs at the same time.


Take off your shoes. Sit on a chair. One foot is firmly on the floor, and the other is straight ahead, the toe is extended. Take the ball in the opposite hand from the exposed leg. With this hand, begin to lift the ball up your leg. Cover the ball with your hand and hold it for a count of up to 5, then “lower” it down the hill. Repeat the same exercise with the other leg. Then increase the count to 10. The exercise is performed slowly, with a good range of motion.

Exercises for children 6-7 years old


Press both hands tightly with your elbows. Take the ball in one hand. Perform circular movements first with the brush of one hand, then transfer the ball to the other hand and perform the same exercise. Perform movements slowly, without rushing. Circular movements are performed towards and away from you. When the child learns the correct execution of the exercise, the pace can be increased. Make sure that the child does not raise his shoulder. When the child learns the correctness of the exercise with one hand, you can offer him to perform the same exercise with both hands at the same time.


Both hands at the elbows and tightly pressed to you. Take the ball in one hand. Perform movements with the hand back and forth, then transfer the ball to the other hand and perform the same exercise. Perform movements slowly, without rushing. When the child learns the correct execution of the exercise, the pace can be increased. Make sure that the child does not raise his shoulder. When the child learns the correctness of performing the exercise with one hand, he can be offered to perform the same exercise with both hands alternately or simultaneously.

Hands when performing some exercises, you can put on the table. The height of the table should be such that the child sits at the table evenly, without hunching over.

"We develop fine motor skills of kids"

(exercises from the book by Ermakova I. A.)

Massage of the palms and fingers with a prickly massage ball

1. The ball is between the palms of the child, the fingers are pressed to each other. Make massage movements by rolling the ball back and forth.

2. The ball is between the palms of the child, the fingers are pressed to each other. Make circular motions by rolling the ball over your palms.

3. Holding the ball with your fingertips, do rotational movements forward (as if twisting the lid).

4. Holding the ball with the pads of your fingers, press them firmly on the ball (4-6 times).

5. Holding the ball with your fingertips, rotate back (as if opening a lid).

6. Throw the ball with both hands to a height of 20-30 cm and catch it.

7. Hold the ball between your palms, fingers interlocked in a "lock", elbows pointing to the sides. Press your palms on the ball (4-6 times).

8. Shift the ball from one hand to the other, gradually increasing the pace.

Exercise #1

We will take a hedgehog in our hands, (we take a massage ball)

Let's ride and rub. (roll between palms)

Throw up and catch (throw up and catch)

And count the needles. (with the fingers of one hand we press the spikes)

Let's put the hedgehog on the table (put the ball on the table)

We press the hedgehog with the handle (we press the ball with the handle)

And we’ll roll a little ... (we roll the ball with the handle)

Then we change the handle. (change the handle and also roll the ball)

Exercise #2

We take the hedgehog in our hands (we take a massage ball)

And rub it lightly, (we hold the ball in one handle, we pass it over it with the other)

Let's look at his needles, (change the pen, do the same myself)

Let's massage the sides. (roll between palms)

I twist the hedgehog in my hands, (we twist the ball with our fingers)

I want to play with him.

I will make a house in the palms - (we hide the ball in the palms)

The cat won't get it. (press hands to ourselves)

Exercise #3

I roll circles with a ball, (Movements are performed according to the text)

Back and forth I drive him.

I will stroke their hands,

And then I'll squeeze a little.

I will press the ball with each finger,

And I'll start with the other hand.

Now for the last trick!

I roll the ball between my hands!

Exercise #4

I roll circles with the ball, (roll the ball between the palms in a circular motion)

I drive it back and forth, (we drive the ball between the palms on the table)

I will stroke their palm, (stroke one palm with a ball)

It’s as if I’m sweeping away a crumb, (we stroke the other palm with a ball)

And I remember it a little, (squeeze the ball with one hand)

How a cat squeezes its paw. (change and squeeze the ball with the other hand

Exercise #5

Hedgehog, hedgehog - eccentric

I sewed a prickly jacket (roll the ball in the palms back and forth)

I got up in the morning, and in the forest - for a walk, (raise your hands up)

To see all my friends. (touch the ball with your fingers, slowly lowering your hands down)

The hedgehog stomped along the path (knock the ball on the table)

And he carried a mushroom on his back. (put hands with the ball behind the head, roll the ball around the neck)

The hedgehog stomped slowly, (roll the ball forward one knee)

Quiet rustle of leaves. (roll the ball back on the other knee)

And a bunny jumps towards

Long-eared Jumper, (toss and catch the ball)

In someone's garden deftly

Got a slanting carrot! (put your hands behind your back and hide the ball)

Exercise #6

This ball is not simple (Movements are performed according to the text)

All prickly, like this.

We put between the palms

Let's rub their hands.

We roll it up and down

We develop our hands!

Can the ball be rolled around?

Throw to each other.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 –

It's time for us all to rest!

Exercise number 7

A prickly hedgehog is rolling (we perform circular movements with a ball between the palms)

There is no head or legs.

On the palms he runs

And puffs, puffs, puffs.

It runs on my fingers (we touch the ball with our fingers)

And puffs, puffs, puffs

Runs to and fro! Am I ticklish? (moves the ball on the fingers)

Yes Yes Yes!

Go away, prickly hedgehog, (we let it go on the table and catch it with our fingertips)

To the dark forest where you live!

A set of exercises with a massage ball


The source of knowledge is at your fingertips,” said V. Sukhomlinsky, and you and I know for sure that the development of fine motor skills is directly related to the development of the baby’s speech.
One of the ways to develop motor skills and speech is exercises with massage balls.

The purpose of these exercises - development of fine motor skills, general coordination and plasticity of movements.


1. contribute to the hardening of the child's body.

2. Influence biologically active points located on the surface of the palms.

3. Promote the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

4. Good, improves blood circulation, tones the small muscles in the arms.

Before conducting a set of exercises presented with children or one child, it is necessary to introduce the child to the name of the parts of the palm and fingers.
Make sure that when doing exercises for the hands, the fingers of both hands are always in a closed state, the shoulders do not rise. It is desirable that children (children) wear short sleeves. If this is not possible, then the children need to roll up their sleeves.
When an adult shows a set of exercises for the hands, it is necessary to remove the watch and rings from the fingers from the wrist.
Show exercises at an average pace, focusing the attention of children (child) on some nuances in their implementation.
These sets of exercises are recommended for children from 3 years of age. They contribute to the development of fine motor skills in children, which in turn is directly related to the development of speech.

For the development of speech, attention and fine motor skills, it is recommended to regularly massage the baby's hands and play finger games with him. Massage balls are very useful in such games. In addition to its standard functions of a game object, the ball massages the child's fingertips with rounded spines, developing tactile sensations and stimulating points on the palms.

finger game"Turtle" (with a ball)


on the left.

There was a big turtle(children roll Su-Jok between their palms)

And bit everyone from fear,

Bite, bite, bite, bite,(Su-jok between thumb and

the rest that the child is holding

"pinch". Press rhythmically on

Su Jok, shifting from hand to hand).

I'm not afraid of anyone.(children roll Su-Jok between their palms).

Finger game "Hedgehog" (with a ball)

Description : the exercise is performed first on right hand, then

on the left.

Hedgehog, hedgehog, sly hedgehog,

you look like a ball.

Needles on the back(massage movements thumb)

very very spiky(massage movements of the index finger)

Although the hedgehog is small in stature,(massage movements of the middle finger)

showed us the thorns(massage movements of the ring finger)

And thorns too(massage movements of the little finger)

look like a hedgehog.(children roll Su-Jok between their palms)

Finger game "Bunnies on the Lawn" (with a ball)

Description : the exercise is performed first on the right hand, then

on the left.

In the meadow, on the lawn(roll the ball between the palms)

Bunnies jumped all day long.(jump on the palm of your hand with a ball)

And rolled on the grass(roll forward - backward)

From tail to head.

For a long time the hares jumped like that,(jump on the palm of your hand with a ball)

But they jumped, they got tired.(put the ball in the palm of your hand)

The snakes crawled past(lead on the palm of your hand)

"Good morning!" - they were told.

I began to stroke and caress

All rabbits hare-mother. (stroke each finger with a ball)

Finger game "Bears" (with a ball)

Description : the exercise is performed first on the right hand, then

on the left.

The she-bear walked awake(walk the ball on the arm, pressing)

And behind her is a teddy bear.(walk quietly with a ball on the hand)

And then the kids came(walk the ball along the hand at a fast pace)

They brought books in briefcases.

They began to open books(press the ball on each finger)

And write in notebooks.

Finger game "Hedgehog on the track" (with a ball)

Description : the exercise is performed first on the right hand, then

on the left.

Along the path, along the path(roll the ball in the palm of your hand)

Someone's feet are stomping towards us.("Stomp" the ball in the palm of your hand)

This is a hedgehog - a prickly side,(Show the ball on the outstretched palm)

Mushroom expert!(Press on each finger in turn

Finger game "Prickly hedgehog". (with ball)

Description : the exercise is performed first on the right hand, then

on the left.

Rolling spiny hedgehog(circular movements of the ball between the palms).
There is no head or legs.
Runs on the palm
And puffs, puffs, puffs.

Runs on my fingers

And puffs, puffs, puffs.
Runs to and fro
I'm ticklish yes yes yes. (movement of the ball on the fingers).

Go away, prickly hedgehog
To the dark forest where you live! (we let it go on the table and catch it with pillows


Finger game "Little Hedgehog" (with a ball)

Description : the exercise is performed first on the right hand, then

on the left.

Little hedgehog frozen

and curled up into a ball.(squeeze the ball tightly with the palm of your hand)

The hedgehog sun warmed

Hedgehog turned around. (open palm and show the ball)

Finger game "Toys". (with ball)

Description : the exercise is performed first on the right hand, then

on the left.

On the big sofa in a row(alternately roll the ball to each

finger, starting with the thumb)

Katina's dolls are sitting:

Two bears, Pinocchio,

And cheerful Cipollino,

Both a kitten and an elephant.

One, two, three, four, five (press the ball on the fingertips)

Helping our Kate

Finger game "Ball - hedgehog". (with ball)

Description : the exercise is performed first on the right hand, then

on the left.

The hedgehog pricks our palms,(roll the ball in different directions)

Let's play with him a little.

The hedgehog pricks our hands -(ball hit palm)

He prepares pens for school.

We'll take the hedgehog ball, (throw the ball up)

Let's ride and rub.(roll between palms)

Throw up and catch(toss the ball again)

And count the needles.(with fingers we crush the needles of the ball)

Let's put the hedgehog on the table(put the ball on the table)

We press the hedgehog with the handle(hand press the ball)

And let's ride a little...(roll the ball on the table)

Then change the handle(change hands)

Finger game "House". (with ball)

Description : the exercise is performed first on the right hand, then

on the left.

This house has five floors:(roll the ball in the palm of your hand)
On the first floor lives a family of hedgehogs,
(press in turn on each


On the second lives a family of rabbits,
On the third - a family of red squirrels,
On the fourth, a tit lives with chicks,
On the fifth, an owl is a very smart bird.
Well, it's time for us to go back down:
On the fifth owl
On the fourth tit
Belchata on the third
Bunnies - the second,
On the first hedgehogs, we will come to them.

Finger game "Nuts" (with a ball) Description: the exercise is performed first on the right hand, then

on the left.

We will learn nuts
Roll between fingers.
(Children roll the ball between the fingers, first of one hand, then the other).
This will help us in school
Write even letters.

(There is also visual material for massage with a special ball)