There was a sports event at the school. "Funny starts" in the kindergarten "Smile": provocatively and with sports passion

The sports festival was a success!

February 23 is the national Day of Defenders of the Fatherland. On the eve of this event, on Saturday, events dedicated to this holiday were held in the Zemlyansky branch. In the morning, the school hosted the annual review "Building and Songs" among students in grades 5-9. The participants of the competition demonstrated their skill and ability in performing such elements of drill training as building, marching in formation with a song. Of course, the guys were worried, but, in general, the event was organized, clear, colorful. The competent jury took into account everything: appearance participants, the execution of commands and the performance of the song. According to the results, the first place was taken by students of grade 9.

In grades 1-4, a sports and music festival dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day was held. The students sang several songs about the Russian Army, recited poems by heart, showed their marching step. During the event, Eremina Svetlana Alexandrovna spent with the guys, dividing them into two teams, relay races and competitions: “Minefield”, “Draw a tank”, “Who is faster?”. As a result, the Olympians team won with 47 points.The children took part in the games with enthusiasm and interest and were satisfied with this holiday.

But the most long-awaited on this day was the traditional annual event "Ski Track of Russia". Skiing is a massive winter sport that has always been loved by our students.

Several schools of the district took part in the ski run, having received a charge of vivacity and Have a good mood. The weather, as ordered, gave an excellent ski track. Invigorating frost, clear day, silence. What could be better for a ski race?

Ski competition classic move were divided into three age groups. Most of the starters were students of the Zemlyansky branch of the Inzhavinsky secondary school. Many guys deservedly won prizes, but we want to talk about the achievements of our athletes.

A start was given for girls born in 1998-99. And our first victory! Alina Chizhikova, rightfully considered one of the strongest skiers in our region in her age group, took 1st place (result 12.20 min.).

The most stubborn struggle was in the group of athletes born in 2000-2001. As a result, the silver and bronze medals are in the hands of our young men. 2nd place with a score of 11.56 minutes was taken by Raspopov Nikita, 3rd place - Rogov Semyon, the result of which was 13.20 minutes.

In the age category born in 2002 and younger among boys Kapitonov Anatoly took 2nd place (result of 6.56 min.), among girls 3rd place - Anna Kobzeva with result of 8.02 min. After the race is over panel of judges traditionally awarded the winners with medals and certificates.

Well done guys, you are the pride of our school! We wish you continued success!

Sports competitions are always a holiday, and any holiday should look memorable and exciting. Such massive, spectacular events immerse in the world of goodness and beauty. Our sports festival was a success!

Surely in every school there are those who succeed in something more than others: winners of various olympiads, successful dancers or musicians. And I want to tell you about a boy who goes in for biathlon.

But first, about what biathlon itself is. This is a very exciting sport that combines ski race with rifle shooting. It originated in ancient times, when the northern peoples hunted the beast. It was hard to walk in the snow, so people had to put on their feet the first semblance of skis. Only in the 18th century did this occupation begin to be regarded as sporting event. The first official biathlon competition took place in 1767.

So, the hero of my story is Nikita Aikashev, a student of grade 9A of secondary school No. 6. In early childhood, he often watched biathlon competitions. I decided to try myself in it and, as they say, did not lose. Nikita is the winner and prize-winner of many city, regional and Russian competitions. He has more than 45 awards in his piggy bank! Of course, such results are simply not achieved.

Every day Nikita has training. About seven times a year he rides sports camp, which, by the way, was at the time of writing this article.

As for school life, Nikita never stands aside and is always happy to compete for the honor of his native educational institution or class. Of course, it is difficult to combine sports and study, therefore Nikita's success in general education subjects is average. However, returning from competitions or training camps, he always works hard, catching up with the school curriculum.

Nikita is kind and sympathetic. This helps him maintain good relationships with his classmates. In addition to biathlon, my hero loves to play tennis, tries himself in new sports. And he spends his free time in the same way as all teenagers: at the computer or on the street with friends.

In the future, Nikita dreams of becoming a great biathlete and be like his idol - Anton Shipulin, who at the age of 19 won the relay at the junior world championship. I think that the hero of my story will succeed, because in addition to natural data, he has perseverance, perseverance and the desire to win.

Maria Petrova, secondary school №6

On a creative flight

Each person is unique in their own way, and everyone has their own interests. So Dasha Maslova, an 11th grader from the tenth school, found a job to her liking.

WITH early childhood she was fond of creativity: she sang, drew, attended other additional classes. But she was most interested in beadwork, which Dasha learned in a school circle. Her success in this area is confirmed by numerous diplomas, including those for the first places.

Along with creative work, Dasha is also attracted to social activities. At the moment, the student is a member of the council of high school students of secondary school No. 10. Together with the rest of the members of this children's association, she organizes school events and all kinds of actions. So, they participated in the preparation of an event dedicated to the rap session. “Some members of the council, including myself, are journalists for the school newspaper and news portal"School FM" in the social network "VKontakte", - says Daria.

In my opinion, if a person has an active life position and is truly passionate about something, he will certainly achieve significant results and achieve his goal. I sincerely wish Dasha success!

Anna Kucheryuk, secondary school №5

« Fun starts».

“...Physical education is what

What provides health and

Brings joy."

The greatest value of every person is health. Raising a child strong, strong, healthy is the desire of parents and one of the leading tasks facing a preschool institution.

Family and kindergarten are those social structures that mainly determine the level of a child's health. Many years of experience shows that a positive result happens when there is interaction and understanding between the family and the kindergarten. We must work together to provide the child with psychological comfort, support and love.

Perhaps nothing brings parents and children closer than joint holidays and entertainment. That is why in our kindergarten it has become a tradition to hold a family sports festival dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

On Thursday, February 19, in a beautifully decorated hall, participants, fans, and jury gathered to play "Funny Starts" in order to return to childhood for a moment and reduce the "deficit" positive emotions in children. 3 teams started:"Smeshariki" (Afonkin and Potyakin family),"Daredevils" (family of the Tyurins and Alexandrovs),"Fortress" (family Kharitonov and Marimakov). The competition was judged by a "strict" but fair jury: the head of the MU "Department of Education" Surzhikova T.V., the head of the MDOU "Romodanovsky kindergarten of a combined type" Levashova I.A. and teacher MOU "Romodanovskaya secondary school No. 1" Efimkin A.V. .

"Merry Starts" began with the congratulations of dads and grandfathers on the Defender of the Fatherland Day. Serezha Chalov and Nikolin Stas read poetry, and the boys' ensemble sang the song "Future Soldier". And then the most interesting and exciting began - the teams started the competition. The present excitement of the parents at the beginning of the holiday is gone. Taking the position of a child, they are already screaming, “getting sick”, worrying about their team. Everyone tried their best to reach the finish line first. Participants showed their dexterity, accuracy, strength, speed, intelligence and organization.

In between relay races, children read poems, girls sports school gymnastics demonstrated the ability to beautifully, rhythmically move. And the music director Balyasova T.V. prepared musical numbers with the children.

Dr. Pilyulkin (Lashina O.S., teacher of the Malyshok group) came to visit the holiday, to whom the children: Sasha Kulaev, Alyosha Firstov, Denis Chugrin and Vanya Milov explained how to do without drugs.

Laughter, noise and fun reigned in the hall. Everyone was happy - children, parents, employees. And the eyes of children happy with delight are the best reward for all the organizers of the holiday ...

The jury summed up the results of the competition and it turned out that all teams scored the same number of points - Friendship won!!! The teams were awarded with Diplomas, and the children received incentive prizes.

We felt like one big family!

Thank you, dear parents, for your understanding and your participation in the life of the kindergarten; for finding the time; for the help you give us. Let's continue to work like this and further, understanding each other and making the life of children happy and interesting.

Savinova E.B., instructor in

Physical culture

MDOU "Romodanovsky kindergarten

Combined type.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

summary of the sports festival "Merry Starts"

summary of the sports festival "fun starts" between the team of school children and their parents and the team of kindergarten children and parents ...

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Details Posted on 20.02.2016 09:20

"...Physical education is what ensures health and brings joy" Kratten.

February 19 at gym schools for students in grades 5-9 hosted a sports festival "Merry Starts", dedicated to the day of defenders of the Fatherland. 2 teams came to the start: “Torch” and “Well, wait a minute”, the teams were teams.

The competition program was quite intense. The first task was to introduce the teams. It was playful and rhyming. The teams were offered very difficult competitions with running, jumping, crawling and somersaults, where they had to show accuracy and quick wits. All stages of this exciting competition were held in a tense struggle. Fans and spectators followed the course of events and were very worried. Sports enthusiasm and the desire to achieve victory for their team captured the competitors so much that they did not notice what was happening around. Everyone tried their best to come to the finish line first. During the competition, the girls of each class showed amateur performances, congratulated the boys on the upcoming holiday.

Fortune smiled at the Fakel team. The guys understood that in order to win a victory, it is not enough just to be physically strong. At the same time, it is necessary to have sufficient determination, willpower, to be organized and collected, dexterous and resourceful.

It was a real celebration of sports. Two teams became participants in the competition: "Smeshariki" (building No. 1), educator Maria Anatolyevna Ermilina, and "Stars" (building No. 2), educator Olga Alekseevna Tonkoshkur. As in real competitions, the “strict” jury evaluated the little athletes, which included Anna Ivanovna Zamoreva, a teacher primary school Elkhovskaya school, Svetlana Nikolaevna Klyushnichenko, librarian of the Elkhovskaya school, and Alena V.ladimirovna Ryzhenkova, Chief Editor newspaper "Elhovskie prostory".

Even at the "Merry Starts", as well as at any real sports festivals, there were sports fans - fans, guys from junior groups who actively supported their favorite team, educators and, which is very gratifying, parents.

Before the start of the competition, physical education instructor Tatyana Valentinovna Sergeeva conducted a fun exercise-warm-up with the guys to incendiary music.

The first stage was the contest "Greetings". Here, each team voiced its motto, and Smeshariki sang a song about their native Samara land, for which they were met with thunderous applause. Well, then it was the turn to show their dexterity and skill in the following five stages: "The fastest", "Agile penguins", "Two on a bike", "Harvest", "Bring water".

In general, the sports festival in the kindergarten was very interesting and bright, with sports enthusiasm, noisy and very fun. Naturally, there were no losing athletes at this holiday - friendship won. But still, the boys and girls from the Smeshariki team were a little stronger and faster, they outran their rivals with a score of 10:7. But, of course, everyone received prizes and sweet treats for active participation in the Merry Starts.

Lyubov Nikolaevna Moiseeva, head of the kindergarten "Smile", commented on this sporting event and its importance for both kids and educators:

-All adults are well aware that a very important, integral part of the personality is physical perfection: good health, hardening, dexterity, strength, endurance. And the education of all these qualities begins from childhood. Therefore, one of the tasks of the kindergarten is the functional improvement of the child's body, increasing its performance, preparing the body for adverse environmental factors. In preparation and during physical education classes and sports holidays in kindergarten, exercises aimed at developing the qualities of endurance (running, jumping, outdoor games, relay races) are of particular importance. It should be noted that educators not only teach children motor skills and increase the functionality of their body, but also solve educational and upbringing tasks during physical education and during sports holidays during school year. During the sports festival "Merry Starts", it was clearly seen how experienced kindergarten teachers develop children's determination, courage, a sense of camaraderie, the desire for mutual assistance, a kind attitude towards each other. You can see how the children themselves enjoy such sports events. Our task is to instill in a little man a love for sports, so that when he goes out, he preschool, he had no desire to part with the sport

And now preschoolers dream of continuing the sports festival. Wait guys, hopefully, will not be long. Teachers of the kindergarten "Smile" will definitely come up with something interesting for their pupils. So, until new sports victories!