A set of exercises for the development of the abdominal press. More difficult is this exercise.

Today we are happy to share with you another express workout that will help you remove your stomach in the shortest possible time. Just 2 weeks of regular classes - and you will notice the first positive results!

It is advisable to perform exercises for the development of abdominal muscles at least every other day and at the same time follow a minimal diet.

And soon you will be able to boast of a beautiful tummy!

Exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles

First level

Butterfly press

Lie on your back, bend your knees and spread your legs apart, keep your feet together and your hands behind your head. Without bending your back, slightly raise the body and stay in this position for a couple of seconds. Get down to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
Exercise for oblique abdominal muscles
Lie on your back, bend your knees, arms along the floor. Slightly lift the body of the body and stretch forward with your left hand, then with your right. The head and neck should remain in one line, and Bottom part back - pressed to the floor. Repeat 15 times on each side.


In this set of exercises, do the bar like this: 10 sets of 3 seconds.

Average level

Let's get to the socks!

Lie on your back, raise your legs and stretch your hands to your socks. At the same time, do not bend your back and legs. You have 2 sets of 15 reps.

In the prone position, slightly raise the body of the body, hands behind the head, the back is even. Touch with your elbow right hand knee of the left leg, and vice versa. Repeat the exercise in each direction 15 times. Do 2 sets.

Advanced level

knees up

For this exercise, you need to firmly hold on to the backs of the chairs. Slightly bend your elbows, drop your shoulders down and relax your neck. Slowly lift your knees up. Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

Legs to the sides

Lie on your back, arms out to the sides, legs up. Without lifting the body from the floor, lower your straight legs to the right side, and then to the left. Do 2 sets of 15 reps on each side.

ball exercise

In this position, as shown in the picture, begin to do the following: keeping your back straight, take turns lifting your legs a few centimeters. There are 2 trips of 15 times.

Start simple and work your way up to more complex levels. You will definitely succeed!
A set of exercises for the abdominal press may also appeal to your friends!

Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation


by discipline " Physical Culture»

"Method of development of abdominal muscles"


faculty student

Service and tourism

Efimova M.G

Chelyabinsk 2012


Abdominal muscles and abdominals

Abdominal Exercises

1 The pace of the exercise

5 Designing a workout program




It used to happen that in the old days, girdling a shirt, a portly man tried to lower his belt lower. And why do you think? Yes, so that his stomach is better visible - a sign of solidity and well-being. That's the reason! Working people are another matter. A carpenter swings an ax all day long, a mower swings a scythe, a digger swings a shovel. Where do they have a stomach? You can immediately see from the figure - “fluffy” people, erratic need!

That was before ... Now it's time to set an example of a fit person, with graceful waist. And the owners of burly bellies dream only of how to get rid of them, how to regain their harmony and mobility. And this means, if you look deeper, what they strive for is how to prolong youth.

In fact, a well-chosen muscular belly, underlined waist lines, regardless of age, make the figure slim, youthful. But a strong abdominal press is not only evidence of attention to your figure, to its appearance. This is a convincing sign of health care, an integral part of a healthy person. It is an elastic "muscle corset" that reliably protects internal organs and support them in correct position, it neutralizes intra-abdominal pressure and prevents the formation of a hernia, besides contributing to many physiological functions organism.

And yet (sadly!) the stomach - this vital part of the body - in the general plan of physical development and recovery is still given little attention. But it is here that fat likes to accumulate. Here he is less disturbed. The place is quiet, cozy... As soon as you start moving less and less often, you should abandon your workout, and the first area where your laziness will affect is the abdomen. As a rule, this is where the deformation of the figure begins. Of course, first of all, the stomach begins to grow menacingly in persons who are alienated physical activity and those who love to eat well. But to be honest, unfortunately, even some fans of athleticism underestimate the importance of exercises for the abdomen and waist. Meanwhile, the abdominal muscles perform complex and diverse functions. They are involved in many movements of the body: bending forward and to the side, turning, and also in raising the pelvis when the body is motionless. It is not difficult to imagine how great the role of the strength and strength endurance of the abdominal press is in bodybuilding and in the most various types sports.

Fine developed muscles abdominals is a necessary condition for good posture and a healthy lower back. The abdominal press, in addition, is the key to physical beauty. Any person who has well-developed abdominal muscles can be said to be on the way to beautiful body. And the millions of dollars annually spent on the "abdominal mania" confirm the desire of many people to keep this part of their body in an attractive and physically developed state. Since the abdominal muscles are the basis of health and beauty, excessive passion physical development it is this muscle group that becomes quite understandable.

1. Abdominal muscles and abdominals

The abdominal press is a wide muscle layer, passing closer to the midline into the same wide and flat tendons. Since there are no bone elements in the anterior abdominal wall, the tendons of the right and left muscles are connected together, and their fusion makes up the white line of the abdomen. All these muscles make up three clearly distinguishable layers with a heterogeneous direction of fibers (external, internal oblique and transverse abdominal muscles). On the sides of the white line, the rectus abdominis is located vertically, while the tendons bypass it in front and behind broad muscles.

The abdominal muscles continue from the chest to the linea alba and the pelvic bones. They take part in flexion and lateral inclinations of the body, in breathing, and also create intra-abdominal pressure, which is relevant for fixing the abdominal organs, urination, childbirth, and so on.

From above, the abdomen is limited by a line passing through the xiphoid process and costal arches.

Below, it is limited by the iliac crests, inguinal folds and the superior branch of the pubic bones, and from the sides by the posterior axillary lines. Aperture forms upper wall abdominal cavity.

Under the diaphragm is the abdominal cavity with internal organs lying in it. Its anterior and lateral walls are formed by three paired broad abdominal muscles. The posterior wall is formed by the lumbar spine, psoas major and quadratus lumborum. The lower wall is formed by the iliac bones, the muscles of the pelvic diaphragm and the urogenital diaphragm.

In addition, the abdominal cavity and the pelvic cavity are isolated. The walls of the pelvic cavity are: behind - the anterior surface of the sacrum with piriformis muscles, from the sides and in front - the pelvic bones with internal obturator muscles and, finally, from below - the pelvic diaphragm and the urogenital diaphragm.

From the inside, the abdominal cavity is lined with peritoneum - a parietal sheet that passes to the insides ("visceral sheet"). Under the peritoneum is the subperitoneal (otherwise intra-abdominal) fascia, which lines the entire abdominal cavity.

The abdominal wall of a person does not bear the weight of the viscera. Its front and side walls are completely devoid of a bone skeleton, while a group of powerful muscles forms the abdominal press.

The muscle groups located in layers are divided into three groups: the muscles of the side walls (external and internal oblique, transverse abdominal muscles), the muscles of the anterior wall (rectus abdominis, pyramidal muscle) and the muscles of the back wall (square muscle of the lower back, large and psoas muscle). The abdominal muscles that make up the abdominal press protect the insides from external influences. They also put pressure on them, fix them strictly in one position and participate in the movements of the spine and ribs.

As a rule, the muscles of the lateral walls pass into wide aponeuroses. The intersection of the fibers of the aponeuroses of the oblique and transverse abdominal muscles on both sides forms a white line of the abdomen, located along its anterior midline from the xiphoid process of the sternum to the pubic symphysis. Almost in its very middle is the so-called umbilical ring.

The rectus abdominis muscle is located in a special vagina, consisting of two sheets. The anterior leaf, located in the upper half of the vagina, is formed by the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle of the abdomen and the anterior plate of the aponeurosis of the internal oblique muscle of the abdomen. The posterior leaf is formed by the posterior plate of the aponeurosis of the internal oblique and the aponeurosis of the transverse abdominal muscle. Approximately 4-5 cm below the navel, the aponeuroses of all three abdominal muscles, fused together, form the anterior wall of the vagina, while the transverse fascia, lining the abdominal wall from the inside, forms its posterior wall. At this level, there is a concave downward aponeurotic edge in the form of an arcuate line. A thickening in the lower part of the anterior wall of the vagina of the rectus muscle is associated with the vertical position of the human body.

On each side, the lower edge of the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle of the abdomen is thrown between the anterior superior iliac network and the pubic tubercle, after which, tucking inward in the form of a gutter, it forms the inguinal ligament.

The slit-like inguinal canal, 4–5 cm long, is located in the inguinal region above the inguinal ligament. It is obliquely and medially directed from top to bottom.

In males, it contains the spermatic cord, and in women, the round ligament of the uterus. The anterior wall of the slit-like inguinal canal is formed by the aponeurosis of the external oblique abdominal muscle, the posterior wall by the transverse fascia, the upper one by the lower bundles of the internal oblique and transverse abdominal muscles, and finally the lower one by the inguinal ligament. The inguinal canal consists of two openings. The superficial inguinal ring is limited by the lateral and medial crura of the aponeurosis of the external oblique abdominal muscle. They are connected by transverse interpeduncular fibers and a recurrent ligament from below. The inner (deep) ring outwardly resembles a fossa on the transverse fascia (part of the subperitoneal fascia), which protrudes 1.5-2 cm above the middle of the inguinal ligament.

Muscles of the lateral wall of the abdomen:

The external oblique muscle of the abdomen is the abdominal muscle; contracting on one side, rotates the body in the opposite direction; bilateral contraction with a strengthened pelvis pulls chest and flexes the spinal column.

The internal oblique muscle of the abdomen is the abdominal muscle; contracting on one side, rotates the body in its direction.

The transverse abdominis muscle is the abdominal muscle; flattens the wall of the abdomen, brings together the lower parts of the chest.

Muscles of the middle abdominal wall:

rectus abdominis;

pyramidal muscle.

Both muscles, the rectus and pyramidal, are enclosed in the sheath of the rectus abdominis muscle, which is formed by the aponeuroses of the broad abdominal muscles. Action: are part of the abdominals, tilt the torso in front; the pyramidal muscles, in addition, stretch the white line of the abdomen.

Wide and long muscles The abdominal wall are the muscles of the trunk and cause the following movements:

lower the ribs;

participate in the act of breathing;

change the position of the spinal column;

provide contraction of all muscles (except transverse);

pull the chest down - the spinal column leans forward;

with unilateral contraction, lateral flexion of the spinal column occurs.

2. Exercises for the abdominals

“Every person already has an almost ideal tool for training the abdominals - their own body. For the development of almost any other muscle group in the body, weights or special devices are needed - for example, any attempts to develop biceps will be useless if weights are not used for this. development of the abdominal muscles, a person has everything necessary from birth.Therefore, you should not worry and bother looking for any special equipment.

To strengthen the abdominal muscles and improve appearance The body needs to do three things:

Perform special exercises for the abdominal muscles.

Do aerobic exercise to burn calories and gradually lose weight.

Stick to a low-calorie balanced nutrition system with exclusively wholesome foods.

1 The pace of the exercise

Reducing the speed of movement - effective method load increase. The slow style is also the least traumatic, and is suitable for painful conditions in the lower back. However, basic exercises performed with additional burden in an explosive, forceful manner, they are able to activate more muscle myofibrils than the slow repetition technique.

The right decision is to reduce the tempo of repetitions for light, isolating exercises, such as crunches, or use them as an additional technique for working out the abs.

4 sets of exercises with additional weights in an explosive manner;

2 sets of a similar exercise without weights in a slow style.

2 Best Basic Exercises for Developing Abdominal Strength and Mass

Owners of massive abdominal muscles (and there are few of them) may not read this section at all, since it is intended for those who want to develop abdominal muscles that are absent even with a very thin layer of fat.

Body lifts for incline bench with extra weight

exercise effect. Fully targets the rectus abdominis and external obliques, with a slight emphasis on the top of the rectus abdominis.

Technique. If your gym has a special bench with an adjustable incline and leg attachment, get down to business immediately. Place your feet firmly on top of the bench, keeping your knees slightly bent. Adjust the incline of the bench so that you can complete at least 6 and no more than 12 reps. Raise the body with a powerful, explosive movement, save the slow pace for crunches. Avoid touching the surface of the bench with your back, determine your individual depth of inclination, based on the absence of discomfort in the lumbar region.

The traditional amplitude of movement consists of the upper two-thirds of the full amplitude - the body at the end of the movement does not lie on the board, but stops in the hang after passing two-thirds of the movement, and then returns to its original position.

Perform 2-3 sets until the “muscles” completely fail. First, do several workouts without using additional weights, trying to increase the inclination of the bench with each session, getting closer and closer to a vertical position. When this stops working, use an additional weight by holding it behind your head.

Hanging straight leg raise

Apparently the most powerful exercise for the abdominal muscles, especially if you have massive hips. If your muscle strength is not enough to perform this exercise, do a cycle of preparatory workouts by practicing leg raises on an incline bench.

exercise effect. The exercise develops the muscles and ligamentous apparatus of the abdomen very well, preventing injuries (inguinal and umbilical hernias, divergence along the white line) when working with maximum weights in squats and deadlifts. The rectus and oblique muscles of the anterior wall of the abdomen are powerfully worked out, with an emphasis on the lower part of the press.

Technique. The exercise is performed hanging on the crossbar. To fix the brushes, special straps can be used. Swinging the body during the exercise should not have a large amplitude; the exercise is performed at an average pace, with an emphasis on the inclusion of the abdominal muscles.

Keeping your legs straight or slightly bent, lift them up to the bar. Perform 2-3 sets of up to 15 reps each. If you can get more than 15 reps, start using extra leg weights.

There are interpretations of this exercise - on the Swedish wall and a special simulator Option y wall bars very interesting, because it eliminates the possibility of rocking the body.

Pull knees to chest using a horizontal block

exercise effect. Working out the rectus and external oblique muscles of the abdomen with an emphasis on the lower part of the rectus abdominis.

Technique. Sit on the floor with your feet on the bottom block. Wrap the strap around your closed feet and attach it to lower block. Lie on the floor and push yourself back, pulling on the cable of the lower block. Straighten your arms back and grab onto a secure support. If you are using the lower block of the crossover machine, grasp the opposite end of the machine. The legs of a partner can also serve as a support. Raising the pelvis, pull the legs bent at the knees to the chest, bending your back and trying to “roll into a ball”, then smoothly return to the starting position.

Do 3 sets using a weight that you can do 12-15 reps with.

3 Best Isolation Exercises for Targeted, Isolated Abs Workouts

Torso twists at the upper block

exercise effect. Concentrated study of the abdominal muscles with an emphasis on upper part rectus abdominis.

Technique. Come to top block(usually a crossover machine is used) and attach a rope handle to it. This exercise can be performed sitting both with your back and facing towards the upper block. Get down on your knees, and securely fix the handles at the back of your head or near your shoulders. Lean forward, arching your back and pulling your chest toward your pelvis. Avoid movement in hip joint, just "twist" and "untwist" the spine.

Perform 10-15 repetitions, focusing on the sensations in the rectus abdominis.

Twisting using the abdominal bench

exercise effect. Isolated study of the abdominal muscles, with a maximum range of motion.

Technique. If you don't have an abs bench in your gym, place a reclining bench near the top block so that you sit with your back to it. Set the back of the bench so that you can sit down, leaning back a little, place a roller under the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lower back, which provides a reverse deflection of the spine.

Note: If you want to use a significant amount of weight in this exercise, you will need to eliminate the backbend of the spine. In this case, the roller is not used.

Attach a rope handle to the upper block and sit on the bench without letting go of the handle. Bend and tighten your arms, tightly fixing your fists near the forehead, at the back of the head, for at the shoulders (the easiest option with a shortened range of motion). Inhale, fully straighten the spine, touch the back of the shoulders and relax the abdominal muscles. Then, exhaling air, gently “twist into a ball”, pulling your shoulders to the pelvic area. Avoid turning the exercise into a regular chest-to-hips tilt, otherwise the exercise will no longer be an isolating exercise and you will have to use big weight.

Lifting the legs in a vertical plane - "birch"

exercise effect. Development of the lower and middle sections of the abdominal press. This rather rare exercise remarkably "shocks" the muscles.

Technique. To perform the exercise, a regular bench press is suitable. Lie on your back on a bench and place your hands on the edge of the bench or on the barbell rack to gain balance and a point of support. Raise your legs, straightened or slightly bent at the knees, and constantly hold them in a position perpendicular to the body. Then lift your buttocks into the air, as if you were doing the birch exercise. In this case, your legs should move strictly in a vertical plane. Repeat this movement smoothly and under complete control. If you are comfortable doing 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps, try doing this exercise on a slightly inclined bench with your head up.

4 Exercises to keep the internal organs of the abdomen in a normal position

These exercises should be performed daily, they do not require special conditions and can be practiced at home, on a walk, in the cinema, etc. They mechanically act directly on the stomach and intestines, so it is better to perform them when empty stomach. If these recommendations are followed, after 1.5-2 months the abdominal muscles will get stronger and will hold the abdominal wall securely. Also, during the specified period, a decrease in waist circumference by 2-5 cm is necessarily observed, even if the thickness subcutaneous fat remained unchanged. The secrets of these exercises passed into bodybuilding from yoga, which explains the passion for yoga "Mr. Olympia" Frank Zane, known for his narrow waist.

Abdominal retraction

Various starting positions are possible. The easiest option is standing on all fours. A more difficult option is sitting on the heels or on a chair, hands are on the knees, the back is straightened, the body is slightly tilted forward.

Having taken the starting position, exhale all the air from the lungs, at the same time drawing in the stomach with the maximum possible force. Hold the most retracted and tense state of the abdominal muscles for 30-60 seconds, holding your breath, or at least avoiding breathing bottom lungs. Then relax for a few seconds and repeat the whole procedure again.

Start with 2-3 retractions of 30 seconds and work your way up to 8 or more retractions of 60-90 seconds over time.

Oscillatory movements of the abdomen

After a relaxed inhalation through the nose, with a sharp, full and vigorous exhalation through the mouth, empty the lungs, raising the diaphragm as high as possible, creating a kind of vacuum in the abdominal cavity. After that, strongly contract and pull in the abdominal wall so that the stomach disappears. Continuing to hold your breath in the exhalation phase, release the stomach, relaxing the muscles, and pull it in again. To begin with, perform 3-5 oscillatory movements with the wall in a row. It is possible to make 10-20 or more such movements with the abdominal wall at one delay. But of course it takes practice. Then - a full breath and a long exhalation.

2.5 Designing a training program

To train the abdominal muscles, it is recommended to make a complex consisting of exercises for each part of the press, and perform it for a certain time. The workout should include exercises to strengthen the lower and upper parts of the rectus, obliques, and transverse abdominus muscles.

On initial stage classes, you can perform approximately 1-2 exercises from each section of the program that you think are most suitable for you, and perform them in one workout with an individual dosage until muscle fatigue. The number of repetitions to achieve a state of muscle fatigue depends on the level of their strength training.
Load selection in training process is the most important point to achieve the set goal. If exercises for the abdominal muscles are performed without sufficient physical activity and tension, at a fast pace, then this option does not provide proper stimulation for their growth. It should be borne in mind that for the development of the abdominal muscles, a greater number of repetitions of the exercise to fatigue is required than for other muscles of the body. Gradually, from lesson to lesson, you need to increase the number of repetitions of each exercise and approaches.

It is also necessary to know that in the process of performing any exercises for the press, all abdominal muscles work.
It is desirable to carry out training for the abdominal muscles every other day, and small complexes or individual exercises can be performed daily.
Separate training option. Another option is separate training according to the principle of work in bodybuilding: the first day - training of the muscles of the lower part of the abdominal press;

the second day - exercises for the oblique muscles of the abdomen are performed;

the third day - exercises for the muscles of the upper abdomen;

the fourth day is the day of rest.

This mode of operation allows you to work out more intensively in turn each area or a certain part of the abdominal press. It can also be used when there is not enough time for short sessions.

This principle of work must be followed if you do not conduct a separate workout to strengthen the abdominal muscles, but include exercises for these muscles in general workout.

Methodology correct execution exercises. We give an example of the execution method basic exercise for the upper abdominals: lifting the upper torso, lying on your back with bent legs.

I. p. lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor, hands behind your head, elbows to the sides.

Performing an exercise. Raise the head and upper body (shoulder blades) by contracting the abdominal muscles. The shoulder blades should come off the floor, keep the head and neck straight.
Then perform the reverse movement, returning to the starting position. You need to start repeating the exercise immediately after touching the support with the shoulder blades, without resting, until you reach the state of maximum muscle fatigue. Do not hold your breath while exercising:

exhalation is performed through the mouth when making a tense movement. For example, when lifting the upper body from a supine position, exhale in the phase when the shoulder blades come off the floor;

inhalation is performed when lowering the upper body to its original position.

Do not lock your hands behind your head. Keep your fingers straight, only lightly touching the palms of your head in the area auricles.

keep your arms in this position, keeping your elbows out to the sides throughout the exercise.

This exercise can be performed in various versions with a change in the position of the legs: in the initial position, lying on your back with your legs raised up; with legs raised and bent, shins parallel to the floor; legs are bent, feet are fixed.

The main requirement for any position of the legs or arms (on the chest, behind the head) is that the lower back should be pressed to the floor. At the same time, observe the condition: tensing the muscles of the press, slowly raise the body so that the shoulder blades come off the floor. Repeat the exercise in each of 2-3 approaches until the abdominal muscles are tired.

Important details:

exercises should be done in slow pace, without jerks, since with slow exercise, you can work out the trained muscle group much more strongly;

abdominal muscles it is necessary to isolate as much as possible in order to exclude the participation of other auxiliary muscles in the exercise;

it is very important to do everything with interest, passion, desire and positive emotions.

Try to work out the abdominal muscles to fatigue. Gradually increase the number of repetitions of the exercises performed.

Choose exercises with a dosage that you can handle and do them regularly, pre-warming up your muscles by walking, running in place or dancing to music. There is research evidence that the bicycle - The best way shaping the waist, since it affects all the muscles of the press.

Find at least a few minutes a day for your body to work out, and the result will be visible not only to you.

abdominal muscle aerobic


"Analysis of individual data"

Quetelet index.

Quetelet index = body weight (g) / height (cm)

Table 1. Calculation of the Quetelet index

Semester Body weight (g) Height (cm) Quetelet index658000165351.5

My body type is normosthenic. I should not eat a lot of high carbohydrate foods and should try to avoid a sedentary lifestyle and continue shaping.

Body mass index:

BMI = weight / (height * height)

Table 2. Calculation of body mass index

SemesterBody weight (kg) Height (m) Body mass index6581.6521.3

For SUSU students, the BMI index is from 18.7 to 22.4 units. My BMI is normal.

Grunch test.

Inspiratory breath hold: 68 seconds

Expiratory breath hold: 41 seconds

Conclusion: the assessment of breath holding on inspiration is excellent (falls into the interval of more than 60 seconds (Stange's test)), on exhalation - good (falls into the interval of 40-50 seconds (Grench's test)). Regular classes sports helped to achieve very good result.

Rufier test.

The heart rate is measured in 15 seconds.

Before the exercise (P1) After the exercise (P2) After 1 min. After exercise (P3) Heart rate (pulse) after 30 squats in 45 seconds19.2526.7521.25

Calculate the Rufier index using the formula

. = (4(P1 + P2 + P3) - 200) / 10

Rufier index (jumping) = (4(19.25 + 26.75 + 21.25) - 200) / 10 = 6.9

Conclusion: fitness for physical activity is good - falls in the range from 5.1 to 10 units. This speaks to the benefits of regular endurance training (running, swimming, games).

Influence of physical activity on heart rate.

Graph 1. Effect of physical activity on heart rate

1. Heart rate at rest - 85

2.100 rope jumps - 98,

Rest 1 minute - 90

3.Press for 1 min. - 110,

Rest 1 minute - 100

4.Push-ups from the floor - 116

Rest 1 minute - 99

5.50 squats - 120

Rest 1 minute - 105

6.Boat exercise - 107

Rest 1 minute - 95

7.Press in 2 min. - 122

8.Recovery of heart rate after 1 min. recreation - 110

2 minutes. recreation - 95

min. recreation - 87

Exercise stress led to an increase in heart rate, but rest led to a rapid recovery.

6. Mobility in the hip joint.

Mobility in the hip joint: 155-165 = -10

Mobility in the hip joint is average. You need to increase it with special exercises.

7. Calculation of the number of kilocalories consumed per day (menu for 05/20/2012).

Table 4. The number of kilocalories consumed per day.

ProductKilocalories per 100 g of productKilocalories receivedBreakfast: cottage cheese (18% fat content)226339Rye bread210105Cheese357178Chocolate539270Lunch: boiled chicken135270 Boiled potatoes 6060120Fresh cucumber and tomato salad3535Dinner: boiled rice 337505 Sausages235235Apple4545Total calories consumed:2102

My lifestyle requires a daily mental load and, in addition, I work out exercise, so this calorie intake can be considered normal.

A method for calculating metabolism at rest. For example for my metabolism:

ORP \u003d (9.99 * 58 (weight) + 6.25 * 165 (height) -5 * 21 (age) -161) * 1.375 (fitness 1-3 times a week) \u003d 1849 kcal per day is consumed.

Conclusion: thanks to fitness, most of the calories are burned. But you should attend classes regularly and do not abuse flour products and chocolate.


The abdominal muscles are one of the most large groups muscles human body. Trained abdominals are of great importance not only for beauty, but also for health. In order for the internal organs of the abdominal cavity to function normally, they must be in the correct position, and this requires a good tone of the rectus abdominis muscle.

The sets of exercises for the press progressively pursue two main goals: burning subcutaneous fat in the abdomen; the formation of relief "press cubes".

It is best to start the fight with a soft fat belly under the guidance of a fitness instructor who will determine the level physical training and recommend desired complex exercises.

Any set of exercises involves the observance of certain rules, without which it is impossible to achieve timely tangible results, but you can easily harm your own body.

For successful work with the press, positive motivation and an appropriate psychological attitude are necessary.

List of used literature

1.Ananiev B.G. Psychophysiology of student age and assimilation of knowledge Vestnik high school. 1972. № 7.

2.Anishchenko B.C. Physical culture / Textbook. allowance. M., 1999.

.Babansky Yu.K. Optimization of the learning process. M., 1977.

.Belyaev B.C. Health, ecology, sports // Soviet sport. M.: 1995.

.Zakharov E.N. Encyclopedia of physical training / E.N. Zakharov - M.: Leptos, 1994. 368 p.

.Kovalchuk O.G., Voskanyan G.V. Development physical qualities students circuit training / Guidelines, 2004

.Pogodina, L.Z. Exercises for the abdominal press [Text] / L.Z. Pogodin. M.: MIREiA, 2004 - 18 p.

.Semerensky V.I. Developing power qualities / V.I. Semerensky - M .: Physical culture, 1995 - No. 5 28-30 p.

.Kholodov, Zh. K. Theory and Methods physical education and sports: A textbook for students. higher ped. manager / J.K. Kholodov, V.S. Kuznetsov. - M.: Academy, 2000. 226 p.


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Twisting with weights on outstretched arms

This exercise is aimed at strengthening the upper abdominal muscles. Lie on your back, knees bent, heels on the floor. Take light dumbbells in your hands and stretch your arms straight behind your head. Now do crunches without bending your arms. Do not push with just your hands. Perform 12-15 repetitions.

Abdominal crunches in sitting position

Sit on the edge of the bench. Grasp its edge and lean back slightly, straighten your legs, feet 10-15 cm from the floor. Bend your legs and slowly bring your knees up to your chest. At the same time, tilt your body forward so that your hips are pressed against your chest. Return to starting position. Complete a set of 12 reps.

Exercise "corkscrew"

This exercise targets both the lower and oblique abdominal muscles. Lie on your back, raise your legs strictly vertically. The knees should be slightly bent. Hands lie along the body with palms down. Use the lower press to lift your hips off the floor and tilt your legs towards your chest, lifting your feet straight up. At the same time, rotate your hips to the right. Lock in this position, then return to the starting position. Repeat the movement by turning to the left. Do 10 reps on each side.

Unilateral crunches with weights

This exercise targets both the upper and oblique abdominal muscles. Lie on your back, legs bent, feet on the floor. Grab a dumbbell with both hands and hold it against your right shoulder. Lift the body and turn it to the left. Sit on your back, then repeat the exercise on the other side, pressing the dumbbell to your left shoulder. Do 3 sets of 8 reps on each side.

Kneeling crunches with upper pulley

Kneel facing the block and grasp the ends of the rope attached to the high block. Hands are located on the sides of the face. Tilt your body forward. Return to the starting position, then repeat the movement, this time leaning towards your left knee. Return to the starting position, then bend over to your right knee. This is one repetition. Do 3 sets of 8 reps.

Combination of crunches and side bends

This exercise targets both the upper and oblique abdominal muscles. Lying on your back, knees bent, feet on the floor, hands behind your head. Lift your shoulder blades off the floor and bend forward. Then turn the body to the left, move the left armpit towards the left thigh. Straighten up, then turn to the right. Lower yourself to the starting position and repeat the movement. Do 3 sets of 8 reps on each side.

Tighten the stomach at home quickly (exercises) - it is possible, subject to the basic rules. The key to successful training is the exact observance of the recommendations, slowness and sequence of physical actions.

What should I do to tighten my stomach at home quickly? Exercise is the most effective method.

Start training the body after muscle warm-up(jumping rope, running, gymnastics). During the performance of the power complex, the abdominal muscles of the abdomen should be involved in the work and always be in a tense state.

Note! Burning sensations in the muscles should be regarded as a sign of technically correct execution of exercises.

Effective training includes several cycles with a gradual increase in pace and increase in load. This is the only way to tighten your stomach at home quickly with exercises.

Every movement should be accompanied by sports breathing, where exhalation is done before the effort, and inhalation during relaxation.

The sequence of muscle pumping determines the effectiveness of gymnastics. At first, attention is paid to the upper part of the abdominal region, then to the lateral (oblique) muscles and complete with a load on the lower press. Effective training includes several cycles with a gradual increase in pace and increase in load.

Exercises for tightening the upper press

It is important to know! A warm-up should precede the start complex classes. To quickly tighten your stomach at home without harming yourself, you should start performing effective exercises after a basic warm-up.

A good workout for the part of the press in question will be the following:

  • lie on your back;
  • put your hands under the back of your head or cross on your chest;
  • tone the press;
  • watch your breath;
  • raise and lower both legs without touching the floor surface.

This power complex can be modified if the legs are fixed on a hill. While exhaling, you should raise the body as high as possible, then, while inhaling, lower it to the 0 mark. The cycle should be 25-30 movements in 3 sets. It is recommended to bend the legs, ensuring that the lower back is pressed to the floor.

More difficult is this exercise:

  • position - lying;
  • legs bent at the knee joints;
  • feet, lumbar area are on the floor;
  • lifting the torso with alternately outstretched arms;
  • fixation at the point of ascent and return to the original position.

Good for stretching the muscles of all parts of the press training performed on the stomach face to the floor. The task is to simultaneously raise the legs and arms (straight), and then lower them to their original position.

From this position (horizontal on the stomach), you can move on to the next lesson - "scissors", accompanied by synchronous movements of the legs and arms.

Exercises to strengthen the lower press

You can get the desired relief in the lower abdomen by creating a significant load on this part of the body.

With this task, "Bicycle" perfectly copes. Back on the floor, head in hands, lift bent legs and begin to move them in a circle, simulating cycling.

Effective is gymnastics, which consists in lifting straight legs. The whole secret is that the limbs cannot be completely lowered to the floor, thereby giving the body a rest. Hands are behind the head, the back is pressed to the floor, and two legs simultaneously rise and fall to a height of 50-20 cm from the floor.

Synchronous loads on all parts of the press are provided by the exercise "Book". Lying, pressing the lower back tightly to the floor, you should simultaneously direct the outstretched legs and arms towards each other in such a way as to reach the knees with the forehead.

Movements are done without jerks, breathing correctly (exhale before lunging, and inhale before lowering to the floor).

Active movements "Scissors" on the back. Hands are placed on the back of the head or stretched along the body. With straight legs at a height of 20 cm from the surface, they make synchronous movements that imitate the blade of scissors, winding, limbs for each other.

Exercises for the oblique muscles of the abdomen

To tighten the stomach at home quickly (exercises for oblique muscles), perform tilts, rotations, twists.

Classes should begin with body rotations in different sides.

Then, take a stable position:

  • put hands on the belt;
  • spread your legs shoulder width apart;
  • put the abdominal muscles into a state of tension;
  • make turns with the body in a cone-shaped pattern.

Movements should be confident, smooth and intense at the same time.

Lateral tilts of the body are made from the initial position of the previous training.

To perform twisting, you must take a horizontal position:

  • raise your legs, forming an angle of 90 degrees;
  • rest your palms on the back of your head;
  • alternately twist the body in the opposite direction from the inclination of the bent legs (torso to the left, bent legs to the right, and vice versa).
  • the abdominal muscles are tense.

The muscles located on the sides of the abdomen are effectively pumped during classes, with alternately approaching the opposite lower and upper limbs(knee-elbow). Lumbar fixed on the floor.

Exercises for the press and small waist

As a warm-up before the main workout for the wasp waist, they perform the “Mill”. To do this, the legs are placed wider than the shoulders, the body is tilted forward, and the arms are swinging left and right 20-30 times.

Actions must be confident, fairly smooth and intense. With each subsequent workout, the frequency of approaches and movements should be increased.

Universal training is the plank. Standard position straps - emphasis on the toes of the legs and elbows of the hands. Pull the stomach in strongly, fix it for 30-60 s. and more, then loosen.

When training with a hoop, you should take into account the fact that the smaller the distance between the feet, the greater the load will be on the muscles.

The side bar provides high-quality training of the oblique muscles of the abdomen. You should lean on the outstretched arm, and keep the body in a state of tone with tense muscles. Periodically, one hand replaces the other.

Tighten the stomach at home quickly exercises will help with the hula hoop. This is a weighted and equipped with massage balls and spikes hoop.

When training with a hoop, you should take into account the fact that the smaller the distance between the feet, the greater the load will be on the muscles. Training should take place in the background deep breathing And muscle tone belly.

Exercises for tightening the abdomen after childbirth

After giving birth, a woman needs high-quality burpee training. You need to take up the exercise from a standing position: squat deeply, make a plank on both outstretched arms (wait 30-60s); jump back to the previous position (squat) and jump to the vertical starting position. The whole complex is required to be performed confidently, smoothly and at a pace.

Jumps "Walk" - from the "start" position they make confident jumps on two legs simultaneously in different directions, forward - backward, each time returning to their original position.

The simplest physical exercise for the muscles is to slowly raise both straightened legs and smoothly lower them.

Contribute to the return to its former shape after childbirth classes with additional equipment for 5 minutes.

Equipment used at home for a quick tummy tuck
Hoop jump rope Bench Video clip Dumbbells
For elaboration
abdominal muscles,
improving the vestibular apparatus, coordination of movements and burning subcutaneous fat at the waist.
To improve physical fitness, not only the press, but also the back, arms, legs, buttocks.Universal
simulator for strength training, increasing the effectiveness of exercises.
Ideal trainer for pumping abdominal muscles.Special equipment for enlargement

Exercises performed with a chair or on an abs bench

For bench and chair exercises:

  • all abdominal muscles are tense;
  • the neck is kept straight;
  • the chin is not pressed against the chest.

When performing exercises on a bench at home, in order to quickly tighten your stomach, you should avoid:

  • jerky movements;
  • pulling hands around the neck;
  • separation of the lower back from the bench;
  • back deflection when the body is fed forward;
  • lie down on your feet with a full forward bend.

Lying on a bench, throwing your feet over the stop, bending a little at their knees, putting your hands behind your head, they begin to cyclically raise the torso. The meaning of the action is to achieve a right angle between the legs and the raised torso.

At the peak of the lift, fixation occurs, then inhalation and return to the starting position. Start on the exhale, end on the inhale. When training with an inclined bench, you do not need to return to the original position, leaving a distance of 10 cm between the body and the surface of the simulator.

Dumbbell tummy tuck exercises

The additional use of dumbbells is aimed at improving the tone of the whole body, where a significant group of muscles is involved.

Most of the training for the press can also be complicated with dumbbells. For beginners when training with dumbbells, it is recommended to dose the duration of classes.

  1. Hands with heaviness are fixed on the chest in a crossed form.
  2. The feet are brought to the stop.

Lying on your back, dumbbells are placed on outstretched legs in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe feet, and they are raised to a height of 25-35 cm, wait a while and lower them without touching the floor. It is allowed to fix with your hands on the support (the edge of the sofa, bed, etc.).

Turning over from the previous position on the stomach, clamped between the feet Sports Equipment, and bend the legs back, trying to touch the buttocks. Even simple tilts of the torso from a vertical position in different directions with dumbbells in hand will strengthen the lumbar and lateral muscles press.

Ab Roller Exercises

An effective simulator for physical activities is a roller. Working with this gymnastic device, they strengthen the muscles of the abdominal cavity, arms and back.

Trainers assure that effective exercises with a roller will quickly help to tighten your stomach at home only if you follow the basic rules: movements should be smooth, the technique of movements should be accurately performed, there should be no contraindications(trauma, pain).

For a task with a roller, you need to kneel, hold the roller in outstretched arms. The simulator should gradually roll away from you on the floor as much as possible, and then return to the start position. The frequency of manipulations should gradually increase.

Body position - vertically, legs wide apart, take the roller in hand. It is necessary to lean forward and lower the roller to the floor, and make movements to the left and right (without taking your feet off the floor). So the oblique muscles of the press are perfectly worked out. For training top press it is recommended to move the roller back and forth.

Sitting and spreading straight legs to the sides, pick up gymnastic roller. With smooth movements, roll the roller away from you. Avoid touching the body to the floor surface. Slowly take the original position.

Exercise vacuum for a quick tummy tuck at home

To do the exercise, you need to lie on your back and pull your stomach in as much as possible, straining your abs. There should be a feeling that the stomach reached the spine. "Vacuum" action must be carried out on inspiration.

At this point, you need to hold your breath, keeping the abdominal muscles in good shape, and then, without relaxing the press, exhale slowly, and “fix” the muscles again.

To achieve the appearance of the press on the abdomen is possible only after losing weight and active physical training.

The cycle of classes consists of 10 exercises in 3 sets. For a week, you need to take 5 times for training. The initial posture for performing "Vacuum" can be a traditional vertical position or a sitting position. Success from "Vacuum" will depend only on compliance with the execution technique.

Important to remember! final stage physical activity should be a hitch (a complex for stretching muscles).

How to enhance the effect of tummy tuck exercises

To get the desired result - tighten the stomach at home quickly - effective exercises should be included in a set of measures to improve the figure. Physical activity should be combined with healthy eating and way of life.

Self-confidence, the presence of a powerful motivator and the regularity of classes will provide the desired physical form and a tucked up belly.

To achieve the appearance of the press on the abdomen is possible only after losing weight and active physical training. If during classes you show pity for yourself, do not adhere to the schedule, technique and cyclicity of exercises, then the expected result may not be obtained.

How to quickly get rid of the stomach at home: effective exercises in this video:

How to quickly tighten your stomach, see here:

This is a standard ab exercise. It is during the execution of twists that the rectus abdominis (it is responsible for the cubes on the abdomen), the pectoralis major, external and internal obliques, as well as the transverse abdominal muscles are included in the work.

Performance. Keep your middle and lower back pressed into the floor. This way you avoid engaging the hip flexors. Try to keep your hands at your temples, do not stretch your chin and neck up. The abdominal muscles should lift you. On the rise, you should exhale deeply, inhale - in the lower position.

Do three sets of 30 reps.

This exercise is aimed at working out the lower press (abdominal part). Muscles involved in this exercise: iliopsoas, tensor fascia lata, sartorius, rectus femoris, adductor longus and brevis, pectineus, rectus, oblique and transverse abdominis, quadriceps.

Performance. Lie on the floor, stretch your arms along the body and press to the floor. Raise your legs off the floor and perform crossing movements. During the exercise, make sure that the lower back is pressed to the floor. The lower the legs are lowered, the greater the load on the lower press. If you find it difficult to keep your legs at this level, raise them a little higher. If you feel your lower back lift off the floor, raise your legs a little higher. Make sure your legs are straight.

This exercise is also aimed at working out the lower press (abdominal part). Muscles involved in this exercise: iliopsoas, tensor fascia lata, sartorius, rectus femoris, adductor longus and brevis, pectineus, rectus, oblique and transverse abdominis, quadriceps.

Performance. Lie on the floor, stretch your arms along the body and press to the floor. Raise your legs off the floor and perform walking movements with a small amplitude. Socks should be pulled over, the lower back pressed to the floor. The lower the legs are lowered, the greater the load on the lower press. If you feel that your lower back is off the floor, lift your legs a little higher and fix this position. Make sure your legs are straight.

Do three sets of 30 seconds each.

During this exercise, the rectus abdominis, external oblique, quadriceps and tensor fascia lata (thigh muscles) work. This exercise is more aimed at burning fat, and not at working out the relief.

Performance. Lie on the floor, raise your legs bent at the knees (the angle should be 90 degrees), stretch your arms in front of you. Raise your upper body towards your knees, reaching forward with your arms. On the rise, exhale, in the lower position - inhale. Try not to tear your lower back off the floor and do not lower your legs. Make sure that the chin is not pressed against the neck.

A simpler version of this exercise is to cross your arms and lie on your chest. More complex - the hands are behind the head or are at the temples.

Do three sets of 10 reps.

During this exercise, the main load is directed to the oblique muscles of the abdomen, but the rectus abdominis, quadriceps and tensor fascia lata (thigh muscles) also work.

Performance. Lie on the floor, put your hands behind your head, bend your knees. The feet should rest on the floor. Perform a twist in which the right elbow reaches for the left knee to the middle of the thigh, and the knee approaches the elbow. During the exercise, try to raise the upper body so that the shoulder blades come off the floor. The lower back should be pressed to the floor. Don't tuck your chin into your neck or pull yourself up with your hands. When twisting, exhale, in the starting position - inhale.

The closer the feet are to the pelvis, the greater the load.

A simpler version of this exercise - the non-working arm is extended to the side (forms with shoulder girdle straight line) and pressed to the floor. This will give you extra support while twisting.

Do 30 reps on each leg.

During this exercise, the rectus abdominis, external obliques, internal obliques, transversus abdominis, as well as the muscles of the legs and buttocks (gluteus maximus) work.

Performance. Lie on the floor, put your hands behind your head. Start doing leg movements like you are pedaling a bicycle. At the same time, lift your upper body, trying to tear your shoulder blades off the floor. Alternately stretch your right elbow to your left knee, your left elbow to your right knee. The exercise can be performed at any pace. Try not to press your chin to your chest and do not pull your head up with your hands. Remember to breathe properly: exhale should fall on each twist.

Do three sets of 20 reps.

During this exercise, the core muscles are included in the work (the rectus and transverse abdominal muscles, the extensor of the back, the trapezius muscle, biceps and pectoral muscles), buttocks and leg muscles (thighs and calves).

Performance. Get into a plank position on your forearms. The elbows should be located exactly under the shoulders, the stomach is pulled in (the navel is pulled up to the coccyx), the back is even (there should be no deflection in the lower back). In this position, swing with a small amplitude. When moving forward, the shoulders should be in front of the elbows, and when moving back, be behind the elbows. Make sure that the back with the legs constantly form a straight line (without deflections or, conversely, arches in the lower back).

Do the exercise for one minute.

You can watch the full video with all the exercises.