How to sit on the bridge while standing. Gymnastic element "bridge"

In a modern city dweller, the spine is not loaded much - it mainly performs a supporting function. The cartilage of the discs from this coarsens, the ligaments grow, as a result of which the mobility of the vertebrae relative to each other decreases. Even if there is no back pain, it can be difficult to bend forward to reach your fingertips without bending your legs. It's even harder to bend back to see the wall, let alone step on the bridge. If these symptoms are present, it is urgent to start exercises that can restore flexibility.

It is easy to check this even at home: at shoulder level on the wall or door make a mark.

First test: the mark must be seen by bending back, for which you need to stand with your back to the wall a step away from it.

Second test: Turn your right side to the wall and straighten your left hand, try to touch the mark with it. Repeat the same steps for the left side. If you do these movements is not difficult - the flexibility is excellent. If efforts are made for this, good. Well, if the tests fail, it’s bad and you need to urgently restore it.

People who do not pass the tests will not be able to stand on the bridge - training is needed to develop flexibility. When starting it, be sure to do a warm-up that will warm up the body and help achieve the goal.

Warm up shoulder girdle:

  • With the warming up of this muscle group, exercises do an excellent job, during which the arms rotate simultaneously or alternately back and forth. To do them you need to stand up straight, do not bend your back.
  • Bend your left hand into elbow joint and place at chest level. The forearm is parallel to the floor. Turn the upper part of the body to the right, twisting the spine. Then, repeat all for the right side.
  • The arm raised and bent at the elbow (forearm behind the back of the head) is pulled down and to the side with the other hand. Change the position of the hands, and repeat for the other side.
  • Straightened arms are in front and clasped in the lock. Raise them up, bending in the back and shoulders.

Warm-up of the shoulder girdle and lumbar:

  • Put your hands on your lower back and bend your back back while tilting your head back.
  • Perform torso forward bends with simultaneous retraction of straight and closed arms.
  • The hands are closed, the arms are straight. Perform a swing above the back of the head, tilt the body forward until the fingers touch the floor, swing again, etc.
  • Legs straight, with your palms, grasp the back of a stable chair and the crossbar (at waist level). Try to bend down at the shoulders and spine as much as possible.

Warming up the back muscles:

  • Circular rotations. In the starting position, the legs are straightened, the back is straight. try top torso describe a circle.
  • Put your feet shoulder-width apart. Without bending them, lean to the sides, straightening the arm that is at the top parallel to the floor.
  • Get on all fours, and arch your back up and down with maximum amplitude, as a cat does.
  • From the same starting position, perform next exercise, which will later help you get on the bridge: imagine the crossbar, which is located close to the floor, as if crawling under it.
  • Lie on your stomach with your hands clasped at the back of your head. Curve towards the waist upper part body.
  • From the same position, arch your spine backwards.
  • Having laid a gymnastic mat, do rolls from the chest to the hips and vice versa.
  • Hips on the floor, rest your hands on the floor and bend in the lower back, throwing your head back and trying to reach the back of the head with your toes.
  • Starting position: lie on your stomach, then, straightening your legs and arms, try to rise as high as possible and stay in this position.
  • Another exercise useful for getting on the bridge: you need to kneel, grab your heels and bend at the waist.
  • Without changing the position, i.e. kneeling, swing your leg, bending at the neck and lower back. Try to see your foot above your head. Mahi is performed alternately with both legs.

After performing the complex for the deflection, which is necessary, it is required to bend the spine. To do this, you need to sit on your knees, lowering your buttocks on your heels, and your stomach on your hips, stretching your arms and putting them on the floor: arch your back upwards.

This is the easiest option. To get on the bridge, first lie on your back, bending your knees and bringing your heels closer to your buttocks. Put your palms, fingers turned to the body, behind your head (above your shoulders). Raise your pelvis by tensing your leg muscles and leaning on your arms. Arch your back, trying to straighten your legs. Returning to the starting position, first the shoulder blades touch the floor, and then the buttocks. The exercise is repeated several times.

With insufficient flexibility of the shoulder girdle, getting on the bridge is obtained mainly by leaning on the legs. The weight of the body is unevenly distributed, so the position is unstable. In addition, the palms and feet are at a great distance from each other, which increases the load on both pairs of limbs.

Those who can stand up correctly have straight legs and arms perpendicular to their backs. To achieve this, try to bend your back and straighten your limbs from the “bridge”.

Rocking in the direction of the foot-head is recommended. As flexibility increases, the distance between the palms and feet should be reduced so that the limbs experience less stress. Yes, and stand on the bridge will be easier.

To stand on the bridge, you need to bend your knees (feet are on the surface, and your back is straight), put the palm of one hand back, slightly turn your torso in her direction. Leaning on this hand and feet, tear the buttocks off the surface, describe an arc with your free hand, lowering it to the surface.

To return to the original position, perform the movements in reverse order. With the acquisition of flexibility, it is recommended to master the inversions performed from the bridge. To do it this way: rotating the torso to the left, move the right hand (behind the left), then right leg move to the left. As a result, the back will be at the top, and the emphasis will be on the feet and palms. To do the bridge again, it is necessary to rearrange the right leg and left arm almost simultaneously. At the same time, learn to roll over to the other side.

When you have mastered the rollover, you can easily get on the bridge from the sitting and lying positions, you can try to do the bridge from the standing position. At first, the Swedish wall will help to do it: come up and turn your back to it. Bend over and grab the bar. Arching in the back, slowly "step" down the crossbars

If there is no Swedish wall in the house, use the usual one: bending over, move your palms along it, going down. Return to the starting position by “stepping” with your palms up.

Shoes and the surface should not be slippery, so as not to fall and hit the back of the head.

When with the help of the wall you can touch the floor with your palms, you can stand on the bridge, which is considered the most difficult ”: bending your knees slightly and moving your body forward, bend at the waist, straighten your arms and throw your head back to see the floor. Bending down, stand on the bridge.

The gymnastic bridge, or as it is called - the bridge, is basic exercise in gymnastics, which serves as the foundation for performing complex acrobatic tricks. The bridge is quite beautiful from the outside, it allows you to show the people around you how great the level of flexibility of your body and all physical fitness.

Getting ready for the bridge

Before you make a bridge, you need to do a little warm-up, warm up the muscles of the joints and back. In the future, once you find that you are light enough on the bridge, you will not need to prepare and warm up. However, for beginners, warming up muscle mass It's not just recommended, it's required.

In order to get on the bridge as quickly as possible, you should regularly perform special gymnastic exercises:

  • Lie down on your stomach, stretch your arms forward. Raise your legs and arms at the same time, while trying to bend as much as possible. Keep your knees straight. Try to hold out in this position for a start for about one minute.
  • Get on horseback. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, and raise your arms up. Lean back very slowly so that you can touch the floor with your hands. do it this exercise until you touch the floor with your fingertips.
  • Lie on your stomach on the floor. Place your hands in line with your hips and straighten them. Bend in the back. Next, bending your knees and raising your head, reach your toes to your head.
  • Now lie down on the floor with your back. Bend your knees, bend your arms in the same way and place them as close to your shoulders as possible so that your elbows are pointing up. From this position, carefully straighten your legs and arms, and, arching your back, try to make a bridge. Having reached the maximum point of the exercise, fix the position and stay in it for a few seconds.

If you learn to confidently do preparatory exercises, and even the last one (bridge from a lying position), you can begin to gradually bridge from a standing position. If you are doing this in the training room, then you can use the Swedish wall. If your workouts take place at home, then choose a comfortable place near the wall.

Bridge exercises

Standing with your back to the Swedish wall or to the usual wall, raise your hands to the top, and place your legs at shoulder level. Start leaning back from this position until you touch with your hands to the surface of the wall. Without ceasing to bend over, move your hands along the wall, and continue to descend to the bridge. After fixing it for a few seconds, you can return to the original position by doing the same movements with your hands. Do the exercise until you fix it.

The next exercise will also help solve the main problem - how to get on the bridge. Lay a soft mat for this, and first ask for help from an assistant or from a coach. Stand facing him, spread your legs at a distance equal to the width of your shoulders, raise your arms to the top. The assistant should at the same time insure you, holding you under your back. Lean back, hold the position for a while, and slowly lower yourself into gymnastic bridge. Stay in this position for a while, and then return to the starting position. You can refuse partner support when you can independently stand on the bridge.

gymnastic bridge

If you have been dreaming of getting on the bridge for a long time, but nothing happens, do not despair, we will teach you. The gymnastic bridge looks very beautiful from the side and you will soon be able to show off your flexibility and excellent physical shape.

Before you stand on the bridge, you need to stretch the muscles of your back and shoulders, that is, do it. Later, you will be able to do the bridge quickly and without much preparation, but for this you need this exercise to become familiar and ordinary for you. For beginners, warming up the muscles is a must.

So, in order to quickly and painlessly learn how to perform a bridge, you need to master special exercises which are very good at developing back flexibility.

  • Exercise number 1. Lie on your stomach with your arms extended up. Raise your arms and legs together, while bending as much as possible. The knees must be kept straight. It is necessary to fix the position for 30-60 seconds.
  • Exercise number 2. Lie on your back, bend your knees, and straighten your arms along the body. Raise your pelvis as high as possible, hold for 5 seconds and slowly lower yourself onto your back.
  • Exercise number 3. On your knees, place your feet hip-width apart. Slowly bending back, reach your heels with your hands. The back should be arched and the head tilted back.
  • Exercise number 4. Lie on your stomach, grab your ankles with your hands. Arch up by lifting your head, chest, and legs. Hold on for a few seconds.
  • Exercise number 5. Fitball bridge. Lie back on the fitball. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, and raise your arms and try to reach the floor.
  • Exercise number 6. Lie down on your stomach. Place your arms straight at hip level. Arch your back. Now your task is to touch your head with your toes, bending your knees and raising your head. Try to hold for 30 seconds.
  • Exercise number 7. Bridge from a prone position. Lie down on your back. Next, bend your legs and arms, put your hands close to your shoulders, pointing your elbows up. Now try to get on the bridge from this pose, straightening your legs, arms and bending in the lower back. When you feel like you can't bend any further, hold your limit pose for a couple of seconds. When you get good at this exercise, make it harder by moving your arms as close to your legs as possible. Swing back and forth.

Do these exercises every day. If you have problems with your spine, you will quickly forget about them if you are not lazy, and soon you will be able to easily get up on the bridge, no matter how old you are.

How to get on the bridge while standing:

When you are good at doing all the exercises of the preparatory stage, including the gymnastic bridge from a prone position, begin to perform the bridge from a standing position. If you have a Swedish wall - great, but if not - use the free space near the wall.

Standing with your back to the wall (at a distance of about 80 cm), raise your arms up and put your feet shoulder-width apart. From this position, lean back until you feel the wall with your fingers. Lean further, moving your fingers along the wall (or along the rails, if you work at wall bars). This will bring you down to the bridge position. Having lingered in this position, return to the starting position in the same way (hand over with your hands). Do this exercise until you are good at it.

The next step is to refuse the help of the wall. The exercise is performed on a gymnastic mat. It will be safer if someone will insure you. Stand facing the other person with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your hands up. At this stage, your assistant may already be insuring you, supporting you under your back. Lean back, hold this position for a second and, without making sudden movements, lower yourself onto the bridge. Hold a little in the position of the bridge and, pushing off with your hands, return to the original position. Do not refuse the help of another person until you learn how to perform this exercise confidently and independently.

How to get on the bridge correctly:

Agree, it is important not only to be able to stand on the bridge, but also to do it correctly and beautifully.

When you do the bridge from a standing position, the main thing is not to be afraid and do not make the common mistake of walking on the bridge with your shoulders and back. That's right - only by hand.

The next mistake in doing this exercise is that some people do the bridge with their backs without considering the shoulders. The result is an ugly and unstable bridge with arched arms. It is correct to transfer the weight of the body to the hands, after warming up the shoulders. Ideally, the angle between the floor and your arms should be 90º. To achieve this, you must, while standing on the bridge, rock back and forth, thus stretching your shoulders.

Video - how to get on the bridge:

The bridge is great exercise, which gives a load on many muscle groups, strengthens the spine and tones the whole body. To learn how to do this exercise, you need a certain physical training and stretching. You should not immediately go on a feat and try to stand on the bridge from a standing position, as you can get seriously injured.

How to learn to do a bridge from a prone position?

Before proceeding to training, you need to warm up the muscles well and do it. Stretch your ankles, wrists, and of course your back.

Instructions on how to learn to do a bridge lying down:

  1. Lie down on the floor. If you are doing this exercise for the first time, then it is recommended to perform it on something soft so that, if anything, it is not difficult to fall. The legs must be bent at the knees until a right angle is formed. Put your hands next to your head different parties so that the fingers point towards the legs. It is important that it is comfortable, it is not necessary to bend strongly to the point of pain. Elbows should be directed towards the ceiling.
  2. Having figured out what the starting position should be, you can move on to information regarding how quickly you learn to make a bridge. Make a light push from the ground with your hands and lift the body, it is important to do it evenly. Move up until the arms are straight, but the legs should remain slightly bent. To avoid injury, do not focus on the brushes.
  3. Having done the right one, linger in the upper position for a while, and then slowly lower yourself. After a short rest, repeat the exercise again. Do not overexert yourself, as you can break your back.

How to quickly learn to do a bridge while standing?

First, try doing the exercise against the wall. Stand with your back next to her and take two steps away from her. Put your feet at shoulder level, put your hands behind your head and slowly lower yourself down, making a bridge. If this goal is achieved, you can move on to the most important task.

How to learn how to make a bridge from a standing position at home:

  1. Place your feet at shoulder level, and raise your hands up, pointing your fingers to the ceiling.
  2. Begin to slowly lower yourself down, arching your back and pushing your hips forward. Hands should be tense and not move from the chosen trajectory.
  3. Lower yourself down until your hands touch the ground with a full palm. The gaze should be directed between the hands.
  4. After standing in the bridge for several minutes, you need to slowly lower yourself to the ground.

The beauty of the body is not only developed muscles, but also plasticity, therefore, in addition to strength training It is very important to pay attention to stretching and flexibility exercises. One of the best such exercises is the bridge. This stance is a kind of test for spinal flexibility and coordination. Learning how to perform it is not easy, but in the process of training, the level of plasticity that is necessary for the beauty and harmonious development of the body is achieved. Consider how to get on the bridge, even if at first it seems like an impossible task. Including in training complex special exercises, you can master the most difficult version of this stance, simultaneously developing the flexibility of the spine and improving the quality of the muscles.

Having pumped up the muscles, you can look spectacular in statics, but if the joints are not flexible, the muscles are “wooden”, then the movements will not have the lightness and plasticity inherent in a harmoniously developed body. Athletes who combine power with flexibility and ease of movement look the most attractive. The bridge exercise will help to achieve the necessary flexibility and dynamism of the figure, to acquire excellent posture.

The benefits of bridge exercises are not limited to a positive effect on appearance. This stance has powerful healing potential.

Well-known Eastern healers of antiquity believed that the health and longevity of a person depends on the condition of the spine. They are proven right indian yoga, practicing exercises, most of which are aimed specifically at developing flexibility and strengthening the spinal column.

Backbends develop the flexibility of the spine, strengthen deep muscles back. The cartilaginous tissue of the vertebral discs receives the necessary substances not from the blood, but from the synovial fluid. For its influx, active movements of the vertebrae are necessary. Due to the low mobility of the spinal column, its cartilages receive less nutrition, and degenerative changes in cartilage tissue begin at a young age.

Bending back causes the intervertebral discs to contract and stretch, acting like internal massage. As a result, the inflow of synovial fluid is ensured, and the vertebrae are actively supplied with the necessary substances. As a result, metabolic processes in the cartilage tissue are accelerated, regeneration processes are launched.

strong and healthy spine especially important when strength training, because this type of load is very traumatic. The inclusion of the bridge in the training program of athletes and bodybuilders serves as an excellent prevention of back injuries.

In addition to the beneficial effects on the spine, regular standing on the bridge helps to expand chest, increase in lung volume, stretching of the abdominal muscles. Due to the unusual position of the head, the vestibular apparatus and the vessels of the brain are trained, which serves as a prevention of cerebrovascular accidents.

The benefits of this exercise cannot be overestimated. In addition, being able to easily stand on the bridge from a standing position and get up from it, you can attract admiring glances in gym which boosts mood and motivation.

Preparatory exercises

Attempts to make a bridge without proper preparation can end not only in failure, but also in injury. When performing this stance, sufficient flexibility of the spine is required, the strength of certain muscle groups and coordination of movements. Therefore, it is necessary to master the stance gradually, systematically performing special exercises, moving from simple to complex.

Consider the lead-up exercises to get on the bridge. Include them in your training program, and you will be able to master even the most difficult version of this stance.

This simple exercise will help strengthen the muscles of the legs, lower back and buttocks.

Lying on your back, you need to put your legs bent at the knees slightly wider than your shoulders. Hands lie relaxed on the floor. Raise your pelvis as high as you can by arching your lower back and tensing your buttocks. At the same time, lean on your feet and shoulders, do not take your head off the floor, your neck should be relaxed, otherwise injuries may occur. At the top, hold for 1-2 seconds and lower the pelvis. Gradually increase the number of repetitions and approaches. When you can do 3 sets of 15-20 reps, move on to next step training process.

This exercise strengthens the muscles of the arms, back, and abs. Perform it from a sitting position.

Legs lie on the floor, straightened and parted slightly wider than shoulders. The palms rest on the floor slightly behind the body. Raise your pelvis and align your torso and legs in a straight line. At the same time, do not bend your neck, do not lower your head, look in front of you. If you can’t take this position, you can at first slightly bend your knees. Hold this pose for a few seconds. Achieve 3 sets of 10-15 reps.

Bridge with support

Having worked out the previous two exercises, you will sufficiently strengthen the necessary muscle groups, and you can try to stand in the bridge from the support. A fitball is suitable as a support; in its absence, you can use an ottoman or a low bench.

Sit on the floor with your back to the support, then, leaning on your feet and palms, move the middle of your back to the support. Put your hands behind your head and rest your palms on the floor, fingers pointing towards your shoulders. Legs bent at the knees are slightly wider than shoulders. The neck is relaxed, the head is down. Extend your arms and legs at the same time, breaking away from the support and bending. Try to straighten your arms and legs as much as possible and stay in this position.

When this stance is already easy to obtain, then you can already master the bridge exercise from a prone position.

classic bridge

Having learned to easily stand up on the bridge from the support, you can proceed to working out the rack from the prone position.

Starting position: lying on your back, feet stand near the buttocks shoulder-width apart, hands rest on the floor with palms on both sides of the head, fingers pointing towards the shoulders. With the effort of your arms and legs, push the body up and, bending in the back, try to straighten the limbs. After you have stood in the bridge, freeze in this position, and then return to the starting position. Practice the handstand until you have completed 15 reps on each of the two sets.

The correct technique for performing the bridge exercise must meet the following conditions:

  • The maximum deflection in the back, the body should take the form of an arc.
  • The arms should be straightened, palms placed under the head.
  • The pelvis should be as high as possible and be above the level of the head and shoulders.
  • The legs must be straightened, a slight bend in the knees is allowed.
  • Breathing is even and deep, should not go astray.

Even more impressive is the ability to stand on the bridge from a standing position. It will take a little more time to learn how to do a bridge from a standing position, but your diligence will be rewarded by the fact that you can add this acrobatic element to your arsenal.

To work out the bridge from the vertical rack, you need a free section of the wall. Stand with your back to him at a distance of a couple of steps. Raise your hands up, bend back a little and lean your palms against the wall so that your fingers are pointing down. Swing your hands down the wall while arching your back and lowering your head. In this case, you can bend your knees a little. Reach the maximum possible level, and, moving your hands up, return to the starting position.

Perform this exercise for 8 repetitions in two sets in each workout, trying to go lower each time. When you can easily reach the floor and climb up the wall from this position, you can try to make a bridge from a standing position without the help of a wall.

Start practicing this stance only when you have learned to confidently do it against the wall. You need to stand up straight, put your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Raise your bent arms above your head and arch your back while bending your knees and bringing your pelvis forward for balance. The gaze is directed back. It is necessary to bend as much as possible and see the place of "landing" of the palms. If the maximum deflection is reached, and the floor is still far away, then ask someone to insure you by grabbing your waist. With your hands on the floor, straighten your legs and arms, and keep your balance. You can get up from the bridge by raising one hand and turning over to the side.

When you can confidently stand upright from a vertical position and can easily repeat this exercise without losing your balance, you can move on to final stage exercises to help you master the skill of getting up from the bridge.

Climbing from bridge to vertical position

Getting off the bridge to your feet is perhaps the most difficult thing. But if you've been training hard, developing your muscles and your vestibular apparatus, with a little exercise you can do it.

Standing in the bridge, try to transfer the weight of the body to the legs, for this you need to bend your knees and push your pelvis forward. You can “go” a little with your hands to your feet. Then, pushing off the floor with your palms and at the same time shifting the center of gravity forward, straighten up. This will require a lot of effort.

At the initial stage of mastering the rise from the bridge, a safety net is desirable. Have someone help you up with support at the waist. By understanding which muscles are involved in this movement, you will soon learn how to get into a standing position on your own.

Having mastered the technique of performing the bridge and lifting from it, work out this exercise to automatism and leave it in your training program. Regular execution bridge will bring many benefits to your health and beauty. But if this exercise is not performed regularly, then the acquired skill may be lost.