Workouts for girls by body type. How to train girls with different body types? How to train women with a T-shaped body

We all know the body types of women. If the top is fragile, and the bottom is “heavy”, “pear”. If only the stomach is full, and not the legs - “apple”. There is a waist with approximately the same volume of shoulders and hips - "hourglass", No? "Square"! Right from day one, separate sources recommend that we engage in special training plans for each body type. But scientists say that while you are being given basic techniques and increasing overall endurance, there can be no talk of any training “according to the type of figure”.

Then - please, but the difference will be minimal, you just identify those muscle groups that will lag behind, and begin to train them in accordance with your type. physical development. In general, this area is very “mythologized”, because it is on myths that you can make a lot of sales. All people want solutions to their problems, and - immediate. We just have to "sell the technique", and that's it.

Training for "pears"

Here the human imagination stepped far. The most common is the following selection of tips:

  1. if the hips and buttocks are full, in no case should you “swing” your legs with weights. They need to be worked out without weight, doing cardio;
  2. top, on the contrary, you need to “swing” with rather heavy weights for 8-12 repetitions;
  3. all this is supposed to be combined in one plan, and even with a diet.

There are also a lot of myths and discrepancies. Say, just some kind of calorie deficit is for the weak in spirit. Real heroes need to take a detour and eat exclusively low-carb foods. If you're on a low carb diet, you won't gain weight, you'll lose weight. And the fat will burn, and the top will miraculously pump up, from the power ones.

What's Really Happening: We're changing the way we eat, not our workouts. On a calorie deficit, and even with a low-carb plan, we quickly lose both fat and muscle glycogen. As a result, the muscles become "flat", and small. And, guess what? Our top becomes even smaller than before the start of the diet. The bottom is also losing weight, but not so quickly and dynamically. As a result, we get an interesting picture - an exhausted top, full hips, no interaction of desires and possibilities.

In addition, the recommended low-carb diet does not go well with the ton of cardio that the poor "pears" do. After all, they are advised to run 2 times a week for an hour, or to do intervals on a treadmill. After all, the stepper, supposedly, will make their hips even more “pumped up”. At the same time, we get 120 minutes a week high intensity cardio. Since we also perform strength exercises with microweights, which, according to the mode of operation, also load exclusively the cardiovascular system, we are faced with overtraining.

Yes, the nervous system will be the first to “surrender” from such exploitation. This will make recovery impossible and make life more difficult in the sense that a person will have great problems performing daily duties.

Thyroid hormone levels will then drop (a typical consequence of a low-carbohydrate diet) and metabolism will slow down. Losing weight will become more difficult. We will get only problems, not some bonuses. So is it worth it to engage in such plans?

Perfect option: Who are these tips intended for? For a woman who is 2-3 kg overweight and has slightly full hips. Let's say there is about 1 cm excess fat around the entire circumference. This one will really lose weight with cardio and a low-carb diet for 1-2 months to the “ideal”, maintain a slight imbalance between the top and bottom and remain satisfied with the result, especially if she really does not need voluminous muscles.

How to actually deal with "pears"

  • No medical overweight

You have the notorious “slight friability” and no muscle relief, while you have a weak top and a powerful bottom. Then the training takes the form:

  1. Day 1. Squat and deadlift, 2 sets of 6 reps. Everything else - if there is strength and desire. You can do abductions in the simulator on the buttocks, leg extensions, hip flexion, again, if you want. After power - 5-6 sprints of 200 m with a rest interval until full recovery.
  2. Day 2: Bench press, bench press, chin-up and row to the waist, 2 sets of 6 reps, with enough warm-up sets before the start of the main sets. Push-ups from the floor narrow setting arms, parallel pull-ups on the horizontal bar, a couple of isolation exercises for biceps and triceps. Abs, better plank and bringing socks to the horizontal bar in the hang than anything else.

These days should be alternated every other day of complete rest for 4-6 weeks. Then - change the options for basic exercises, change the grip, use more weight and fewer repetitions.

The goal of training should be to increase working weights. Eat at this time should be on the need for calories, and without reducing carbohydrates. You will not gain weight, fat or anything else, you will become more muscular and sculpted. And you will see that the volume of the hips has only decreased, because. low-rep training and sprints don't make us big, but they make us fitter.

In this case, you do not need "special training", but simply lose weight to start with the physiological norm. You can use any plan for a beginner gym, and do not divide the body into "top" and "bottom". It would be better to go to a competent strength training coach so that you can get the technique strength exercises. Recommended and cardio in the amount of up to 200 minutes a week. At the same time, it is necessary to control the pulse and work on the intensity of aerobic training, and not just “peddle at random”, or watch movies while sitting on the simulator.

Nutrition should be balanced (and remain so until you start preparing for bodybuilding competitions), and the calorie deficit should not exceed 10%. If you are not losing weight on this regime, you are counting with errors, reweigh your food and do not try to engage in self-deception.

Video workout program at home:

Workouts for the apple body type

Here the advice really depends on the degree of "corruption" of the author by modern fitness videos. If the whole culture has passed by so far, we will be recommended:

  • pump the press until the rectus abdominis turns blue. Literally go to classes like ABL crunch and do crunches and leg raises on the mat for an hour;
  • do side bends with dumbbells weighing 2-3 kg;
  • twist the hula hoop at the waist;
  • put on the unfortunate center of the body also a belt or cling film for weight loss;
  • in addition to this, do a lot of cardio, literally spend an hour a day on a treadmill, exercise bike or any other “human aerobic friend”;
  • if possible, wind kilometers on foot;
  • what to do with food is also unclear. Some advise a “belly diet” of only vegetables, fruits and nuts in the spirit of radical veganism. Others eat only chicken breasts and vegetables, eating almost like the great Ducan bequeathed, but without the first stage of the diet, when you have to chew only meat. Still others are advised to abandon the dull attempts to eat food altogether, and go on the ABC diet. Which is the "anorexic training camp" and recommends that we limit ourselves to 400-500 kcal per day, and not suffer about it.

In general, live happily, eat nothing, do cardio and you will ... No, not with a slender and wasp waist, but with a “killed” nervous system due to the critically high volumes of cardio and low calorie intake, and a well-pumped hormonal system. In the sense that high level thyroid hormones with such nutrition is also not to be expected. Particularly stubborn are also waiting for amenorrhea, and problems with nails and hair. It remains only to clarify whether you need such weight loss, or is it better without it.

There are also tips in the spirit of more modern fitness, but also not very “suitable” for use:

  • do planks and vacuums every morning. Moreover, the longer you stand in the bar, the better for your overall health;
  • swing in simulators, trying to do 8-12 repetitions of each exercise, and striving solely for muscle failure in each repetition, and not for any other results;
  • Do an hour of low-intensity cardio every day so you don't burn your muscles.

In fact, you will need again common sense. If you are an advanced client and not overweight, but just can not boast of the relief of the press, you need to decide for yourself how much you need it and how much of your own health you are willing to sacrifice for the sake of the press. Yes, everything is so sad - if you strive for relief, you will have to use the means of amateur bodybuilding:

  • "drying" with all the consequences. We start with 2 g of protein, 1 g of fat and about 3 g of carbohydrates per kilogram, and each week we reduce the amount of carbohydrates until we reach 1 g per 1 kg of body weight. We “sit” on these figures until the notorious relief appears;
  • if it still does not show, we exclude all foods that may cause fluid retention;
  • at the same time, we do cardio in the amount of half an hour a day on the pulse of the bottom of the aerobic zone, and perform strength training according to the level of fitness. If we have it average, we save 1 basic exercise with heavy weight, performing 2 working sets of 6 repetitions, we “cut” everything else to the required minimum, it is more important for us to do cardio, keep a diet and recover;
  • all this will give us beautiful figure provided that a certain muscularity is already present. Without this condition, we will simply be thin.

Important: We may never see the relief of the press. For many, it is normal to have just “two strips” on the stomach and maintain a healthy amount of sex hormones. Anything "lower" can lead them to a state where the level of sex hormones drops to a critically low level. Then the cycle is broken and health suffers. But relief can be. It is usually customary to keep silent about this, but it is a fact.

  • We just want to lose weight with a lot of excess weight

The first thing we need to do is forget about hula hoops and twists. They will not help, just as wraps, stomach pills and other folk “dietology and fitness” products will not help. We should reasonably limit calories, creating a deficit of about 10%. At the same time, we should eat at least 1.5 g of protein and 1 g of fat per kilogram of actual (not ideal, this is important) body weight. We create the rest of the deficit by increasing physical activity.

It is better if you perform a cardio load, in which not only the muscles of the legs work, but also the body - work in rowing, elliptical trainer, tai bo or fitbox classes, amateur kettlebell training, swimming. At the same time, we take cardio in the amount of up to 200 minutes a week, more is a leading sacrifice. We train regularly, but leave at least 2 days a week for rest. And we're not in a hurry.

After spending about 16 weeks on the weight loss regime, we gradually increase the calorie content by supporting calories, and “sit” here until at least 12-16 weeks have passed. At this time, it is worth adding working weights to gym and try to get stronger. As you develop strength, you will become "tougher" and have more muscle mass. As a result, you will get a more harmonious development. Then you can return to losing weight or just consolidate the results.

Video workout at home:

Hourglass Workouts

Here the popular thought went even further. You are supposed to be perfection. Pump or not swing (so as not to expand the waist), the press, go to dances and some kind of tap, and eat moderately and balanced. Gives downright hatred for the other two types of figures. Say, they - low-carb, vegetables and cardio to the state of free fall, you - a light balanced or "proper" diet. The advice goes in the spirit of "do not spoil the natural beauty."

Meanwhile, the hourglass may have the same problems as the rest of humanity:

  • weak muscular corset, protruding belly and stooped posture with a small percentage of fat. Or everything is the same, but with "big";
  • eternal weight loss syndrome, when a woman strives for a competitive relief, does 1-2 hours of cardio a day, strives to become drier than a cracker, but nothing comes of it. Since the stubborn natural hormonal background does not “give up”;
  • a large percentage of fat and excess weight with a deficit or norm of muscle mass. Why? Because any person, with any type of figure, can get fat, it is enough to feed him abundantly, “pump” him with alcohol a couple of times a week, and put him in the office for 8 hours, and in the car for the remaining 2 hours of an active day;
  • syndrome of eternal muscle gain. In our country, it is not yet very common, but it refers to the same problem - a person is not old enough to understand that it is not possible to "swing" to the category of "women's classic bodybuilding" on a natural hormonal background;
  • just very run down physical form with the best appearance. Well, you know, the weight is normal, but we smoke, drink on Fridays and pride ourselves on skipping gym where possible. The result is disappointing - a bunch of hidden chronic diseases, the inability to do push-ups once and shake the press at least 10 times, but it’s somehow scary to talk about squats.

What to do "hours"? Squats, deadlifts, bench and standing presses and pull-ups. Plus one exercise for the press. If you wish, you can divide the movements by the days of the week and add auxiliary exercises for the shoulders, back, legs in the simulators. Cardio - as needed, but no more than 200 minutes per week. It’s really not worth doing tilts with weight, but a couple of sets of twisting on the press can be quite afforded.

Workouts for the type of figure "square"

Here the people's thought went in the spirit of the people's bodybuilding. We are advised to do a lot of standing shoulder swings, a lot of seated shoulder presses, a lot of shoulder exercises in general. You can also swing your back. And, of course, a bunch of glute leads, glute bridges, weighted bends, and so on and so forth. Everything to "pump up the hourglass."

You can use these methods, but it is worth adjusting them:

  • still do squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and bench presses. Learn to pull up. Without these exercises, there are no good muscle corsets. If you have problems with the spine, go to a rehabilitation specialist and a doctor sports medicine so that you change the technique accordingly;
  • perform all isolating exercises in a total volume of no more than 9 working approaches;
  • alternate workouts "in failure" with work in an easier mode;
  • do not try to push mass gain and drying in one plan. If you want to adjust the proportions, eat on the "net weight" - plus 200-300 kcal in excess of what you need;
  • if you want to lose fat, eat in a calorie "deficit";
  • lower your expectations - do not strive at all costs to achieve a model shape in 1 year of classes.

In general, all “classes by type of figure” come down to one thing. You must learn to do basic exercises with good technique and add 1-2 isolation movements to those muscle groups that you think you are lagging behind. The rest of the work must be done through proper and rational nutrition.

The article was prepared by Anna Tarskaya (trainer, nutritionist)

At the beginning of your weight loss workouts in the gym, some weight gain is possible. Muscles tighten and become denser - this is normal. Therefore, at first (1-2 months), try not to pay attention to fluctuations in your weight; much more important will be the volume of the body. Measure your circumference, not your weight. Measure once a week.

Also understand - it is very difficult for girls and women to score big muscles(nearly impossible without special pharma), so don't worry about you "pumping".

Consider the features of training for different types of the female body (body build).

A-shaped figure (pear)

A-shaped figure (pear) - medium size or narrow shoulders thin waist(or its clear isthmus), voluminous hips and buttocks. The bottom expands with age (after childbirth, due to a sedentary lifestyle and overeating).

Choice of exercises: basic with light or medium weights with the number of repetitions from 12 to 20-25 for the lower body and 6-10 for the top.

  • wide and narrow stance squats
  • bench and seated presses
  • deadlift
  • hyperextension with clamping of the buttocks at the top point
  • broach
  • standing french press or triceps bench press
  • crunches on a bench or fitball

Number of strength training sessions - from 2 to 4; aerobic (depending on excess weight) - from 2 to 4.

Time spent in the hall (together with aerobics) - no more than 1.5 hours. Without aerobics on "iron day" - no more than 1 hour. A beginner should not overload himself, and an experienced athlete knows how to "finish" herself in an hour.

H-shaped figure (rectangle)

H-shaped figure (rectangle) - the bottom and top of the body are approximately balanced, as a rule, Strong arms and legs. Easy adaptation to loads. The disadvantages usually include a wide waist and a protruding tummy.

The training consists in working on muscle tone from above and below. Active work with the press area. Persistent aerobics without fanaticism.

Weights - average or slightly above average. Do not forget about the elements of yoga or Pilates or callanetics for the abdomen.

  • squats or lunges
  • push-ups from the floor modified and standard
  • work with the back on the upper and lower block

The number of strength training 2-3. The number of repetitions in the approach is from 8-12 for the top and bottom and a high number of repetitions for the press area. An ultra-high number of repetitions of the same rises of the body to the pelvis will not give almost any "fat-burning" effect. It's just that the abdominal muscles are weakened and powerful, you simply cannot perform 12-15 repetitions clearly without a jerk. Therefore, let's take the number first, but then already - you can switch to low-rep training and the press area.

O-shaped figure (apple)

O-shaped figure (apple) - this type adds up due to the large excess weight. As a rule, behind extensive fat deposits there can be both an A-shaped, X-shaped, and H-shaped figure. There is easy weight gain and slow, heavy weight loss. Often in childhood or adolescence, the figure already becomes too wide (accumulates a lot of excess fat). About the same type can be your parents.

Aerobics and power circles are yours. At least for the first time.

Strength training - 3 times a week. Aerobic - from 3 to 5. Just the intensity should be low, especially with severe obesity. Your rules are light weights, high (from 15) number of repetitions and Special attention to the pulse and breath! With aerobic exercise, your heart rate should be much more accurate in the zone of fat burning. The formula for calculating heart rate in the target zone is: 220 minus your age and multiply by 0.6 or 0.65

Cardio should be long, diaphoretic and relatively comfortable. You should never be out of breath or in pain inside your body, so take your time. Give yourself a period of a year to 2-3 years to thoughtfully bring yourself into a healthy state. I understand that these numbers sound monstrous. But this is exactly the option that says: you go quieter, you will continue.

T-shaped figure (inverted triangle)

T-shaped figure (inverted triangle) - broad shoulders, strong arms, a powerful bust (often) and narrow hips, thin legs. Unpleasant in the figure can be fat on the abdomen, back and sides.

The task of figure correction is to slightly add grace to the top and increase the bottom.

Upper body work with light to medium weights for medium to high reps. For the bottom - relatively high weights (70-80% of your repeated maximum - RM) with a small (6-10) number of repetitions.

  • basic squats (you can also lower the parallel - if the knee and hip joints do not bother).
  • lunge forward or backward
  • bending in the simulator while standing or lying down.
  • for the top, modified push-ups and triceps push-ups from the floor work great
  • standing presses and wiring - for shoulders
  • dumbbell bicep curls and tricep curls
  • great for negative pull-ups or deadlifts upper block narrow reverse grip

I-shaped figure (model standard)

I-shaped figure (model standard) - narrow shoulders and pelvis, long thin hands And slender legs. Possible problems - a little fat in the abdomen and rear surface hands

All basic exercises are suitable. Weights 70-85% of the RM.

Number of repetitions from 6 to 8-10. Take great care of sleep and rest. Cardio - only 2 times a week not on days of strength training. No more than 15-20 minutes.

X-shaped figure (hourglass)

X-shaped figure (hourglass) - is still considered a kind of "standard" of a beautiful female body. Balanced top and bottom, narrow waist. Minor body fat which only add to the charm.

Maintaining the shape or minor correction of body parts. Cardio 2 to 4 times a week for pleasure and to keep endorphins high. 2-3 strength training sessions. Weights are average, depending on micro-macrocycles. The same applies to the number of repetitions in sets.

In general, for all types of figures it is important to do something, constant physical exercise. You can choose not only a fitness room, but what you like - rhythmic dancing, active yoga, swimming pool, Pilates, shaping or running. The main thing is to work on yourself, and not sit on the couch.

Many women work hard with their bodies for years, but cannot achieve the perfect result. Centimeters and kilograms go from anywhere, except for those places where they are really superfluous. Exhausting exercises and diets are not effective if they do not work for problem areas. To adjust the proportions, you need training according to the type of figure. Let's figure out how to determine your type and do it right in order to get the maximum result.

How to quickly and easily determine your body type

Body type is a given. The structure of a person is almost 100% dependent on genetic factors. But there is always an opportunity to improve the proportions if you know your “weak points” and understand exactly how to work with them.

The first thing to do is take a centimeter tape and take basic measurements:

    Chest girth. You should measure over a T-shirt or a simple bra without inserts. You need to focus on the most prominent points. The tape does not need to be pulled tight or loosened.

    Waist. This is the narrowest area of ​​the body. Focus on a place slightly above the navel. Try not to pull in your stomach.

    Hip girth. Measure at the protruding points of the buttocks, keep the centimeter tape parallel to the floor.

Write down the received numbers on a piece of paper and proceed to determine the type of figure:

    Approximately the same girths of the chest and hips with a narrow waist (20-30 cm less) is classic hourglass, those very notorious 90-60-90 in your personal format.

    If the hips and chest are almost the same, but the waist circumference differs by 20 cm or less, then your type is rectangle.

    The chest is noticeably smaller than the hips, and the waist is well defined - the characteristic signs of a pear. This type is also called triangle.

    If the top is wider than the bottom, then inverted triangle. Also, such a figure is called a T-shaped.

    If the difference between the measurements of the chest, waist and hips is small, and the legs are long and slender, then you have a figure apple. The second name is circle.

Whatever results you get, do not get upset and do not think that you have a “not such” figure. Any body is great. By choosing the right workout for your body type, you can adjust the proportions and look perfect.

Body type workouts: how to improve proportions

There are no universal workouts. This is mythology. Women with different types figures can be trained in the same way only in one case: if they just need to keep their muscles in good shape, and the body is perceived as ideal. If you need a figure correction, you should select suitable species loads.

How to deal with pear-shaped women

This is the most feminine type. The toned pear is almost flawless. The only negative is the massive lower body and ... cellulite. Orange peel on the thighs and buttocks is the scourge of beautiful pears, so they have to tightly control their diet in order to remain attractive.

During training, you need to load your back, arms and shoulders as much as possible. Having pumped up upper part, you can balance it with the bottom. The figure will seem more attractive. In addition, it is almost impossible for pear women to pump their arms and shoulders. So they should be loaded twice a week, correctly choosing the weight and doing the exercises 10-12 times in 3 sets.

The bottom part should be dried, so big weight is excluded, and the emphasis is on the number of repetitions of exercises (at least 25-30). Good result give isolating exercises (abduction, swings), but the basic ones are mediocre. Cardio sessions should be intense and long (at least 40 minutes).

Hourglass: working with problem areas

An hourglass is a miss ideal if the figure is in order. To achieve this, you need to work out the triceps, lower part abdomen and thighs. Good Decisions - circuit training, plyometrics, crossfit. For legs, it is better to use basic exercises (any kind of squats, lunges). The press is perfectly pumped with the help of the “bicycle” exercise and different types of planks.

It is important to perform the exercises 15-30 times. The number of circles is 4-5. For cardio sessions, it is better to choose a jump rope. As the simulator is suitable path without slope. The duration of cardio is at least 30-35 minutes.

How to train women with a T-shaped body

In women whose figures resemble an inverted triangle, often beautiful breasts and luxurious long legs. This is a huge advantage. If excess weight appears, then the stomach begins to protrude, but fat is deposited on the hips and legs last. The goal is to balance the upper and lower body.

It is necessary to add volume to the legs and hips. This will help the basic exercises - squats, bench presses, lunges. To dry the upper part, arms, back, chest, work out in a multi-repetitive mode (20-30 times) for 4-5 sets. Weight is minimal so as not to increase mass.

Features of the circle and rectangle shape types

There are no absolute circles and rectangles, because anyway some of the parameters are larger. If the shoulders are wider, then it is better to train in the same way as women with a T-shaped figure. If there are more measurements on the hips, then you should pay attention to the exercises recommended for the pear figure.

Determining the type of female physique is much more difficult than male. Each girl is unique, has her own characteristics of the figure, metabolism, endurance and initial physical training. But despite all this, everyone wants to have toned body without treacherous folds, appetizing forms and just a good overall condition.

Of course, the basic body types (ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph) are also relevant here. But, due to the physiological differences between the female body and the male body (more wide hips with less narrow shoulders), the issue of physique in girls requires further clarification. And here I would immediately like to note that the presence of the figure that is, each girl owes, first of all, to genetic heredity, and, secondly, to her lifestyle. And if you can’t do anything with the first one, then, for example, you can completely refuse fast food.

Types of female figures

This issue should be paid special attention not only when going shopping. Going to the gym should also be preceded by an answer to the question: “What type of figure is typical for me?”. After all, the recommended training program and the choice of simulators depend on this.

Pear (aka spoon)

This type of figure is characterized by the presence of a massive lower body (hips, buttocks) with a fairly small size of the bust and waist. The body resembles the letter "A" in this case. Characteristics:

  • fairly thin legs and arms;
  • legs are short;
  • calves and ankles are wide;
  • fat deposition mainly in the thighs, buttocks and sides;
  • cellulite is a constant companion of girls with this type of figure.

But there is also an advantage - it is this type of figure, which is owned by 15% of girls, that is very attractive to men.

V-shape (or inverted triangle)

In contrast to girls with a "pear-shaped" type of figure, the V-shape, on the contrary, is characterized by the presence of narrow hips with broad shoulders. The main features include:

  • the presence of a magnificent bust;
  • butt is fairly flat;
  • the waist is thin;
  • fat deposition - mainly in the abdomen and upper body.

The main advantage of girls with this type of figure is slender, beautiful legs.

Rectangle (or H shape)

By appearance girls of this somatotype resemble boys, because:

  • the circumference of the chest, waist and hips is almost the same;
  • the buttocks are flat, as, in principle, the figure as a whole;
  • fast metabolism leading to problems with weight gain.

Like girls of the previous body type, slender legs are a clear advantage.

Hourglass (X or figure eight shape)

Such forms are very attractive to the opposite sex, since this type of figure can be called the most "balanced". Characteristics:

  • ideal ratio of height and body weight;
  • the circumference of the bust corresponds to the volume of the hips;
  • the ratio of the waist to the circumference of the hips is 0.7;
  • rounded buttocks;
  • the curves of the body are soft, graceful;
  • the distribution of adipose tissue is uniform;
  • legs are slender, proportional to the length of the upper body.

Needless to say, the girl who can apply all of the above points to herself is lucky.

Apple (or circle)

The body of girls with this type of figure may resemble an oval or a circle. This type of figure is characterized by:

  • the presence of a magnificent bust;
  • buttocks are flat;
  • hips are narrow;
  • growth is average;
  • fat layer is formed in the waist and abdomen;
  • the neck is short;
  • full face.

But the legs did not disappoint here either. It is their harmony and beauty that is the main advantage of this type of figure.

Of course, in the matter of determining your somatotype, everything may not be as simple as described above. But for the ease of determining it, many calculators have been developed that will help determine the type of figure if you enter your anthropometric data.

What workouts are suitable for girls with different body types?

Regardless of what nature has given you, a beginner in the gym should not start working out the body from “problem areas”. First you need to tone the muscles, drive away fat, and for health excessive loads for an unprepared organism is quite dangerous. Moreover, they are often performed in the wrong mode.

So, for newbies The following training regimen is quite suitable:

  • every other day - strength training for all muscle groups in a multi-repetition mode (20 repetitions per approach);
  • after strength training - 20 minutes of cardio training.

It is this mode that will allow you to tighten the muscles, bring them into tone. And only when you begin to make progress and notice the first positive results, remember that problem areas each type of figure has its own, and start working on them.

Training for the figure "Pear"

The main emphasis when performing strength training should be on the upper part. You will not be able to pump it beyond measure, and a certain balance will appear in the figure. Pull-ups, arm extensions with dumbbells to the sides, dumbbell presses up, thrust of the upper block with 6-8 repetitions in the approach are perfect.

When training the lower body, work with heavy weights, since the goal is not to pump up, but rather to burn the existing fat. The ideal option is lunges, squats, leg extensions in the simulator. The number of repetitions is 10-15.

Cardio training must necessarily include a load on the lower body - an ellipsoid, walking. The stepper is contraindicated, as it can add massiveness to the legs.

Workout for the "V-figure"

Strength training for girls with this type of figure, first of all, should be aimed at adding volume to the legs. To do this, you can first perform heavy complex exercises (bench presses, squats, deadlifts on straight legs), and then polishing with extensions, lunges with a barbell or dumbbells, abductions, jumping up from a deep squat. The approach should be 6-8 repetitions.

Upper body training should be multi-rep (20 reps per set).

Of all types of cardio, perhaps ideal option there will be a stepper. It will help to give some volume to the legs and burn calories. Contraindicated treadmill, and the ellipsoid is completely forbidden. It dries the legs too much, which visually only adds volume to the top.

Workout for the "Rectangle" figure

As noted earlier, this type of figure is characterized by the absence of a waist and the deposition of fat in the flanks and abdomen. And it is the struggle for the appearance of the waist that becomes the main goal of girls with this type of figure. And here it is worth realizing one simple truth - there was no waist and never will be! Well, that's how nature decreed, there's nothing to be done about it. In the case of this type of figure, the stomach can only be “dry” by eating right and using a hula hoop.

The workouts are short but very intense. Each muscle group should be exercised once a week.

By doing strength training it is important to avoid stress on the lower back. You should not perform twisting with weight (especially tilting to the side with dumbbells), deadlift. Squats with heavy weights will also not help to give volume to the buttocks. This will only strengthen your waist muscles and make it more massive. In this case, the shoulder press, bench press, squats, traction of the upper block will be effective. The number of repetitions is 6-8 in each repetition.

But attention to the main trump card - the legs - should be paid twice a week. You can build a workout like this:

  • heavy complex exercises (lunges, presses);
  • grinding with leads, lunges, extensions.

But here it is important to understand: are you able to accurately feel which part of the body is under load. If some of the tension goes to the lower back and you cannot “turn it off”, then you should give preference to multiple repetitions. simple exercises on your feet.

Of all the variety of cardio workouts, give preference to those where the load goes to the middle part (stepper, sloped track).

Workout for the hourglass figure

Of course, girls with this type of figure are immensely lucky: fat is deposited evenly, and the waist is always narrower than the hips and chest. But do not forget that with the wrong attitude towards your body, even the most magnificent natural data can be greatly spoiled.

Hourglass allows you to build beautiful body in the hall. All the rest can only correct what nature has given. The main principle is a variety of workouts, approaches, breaks between them, repetitions. So the body will be in good shape and will not reach a plateau.

The duration of each program should be from 6 to 8 weeks. After that, it is worth starting to change the exercises, the number of repetitions in the approaches.

Workouts for girls with an hourglass figure must contain cardio . And the more varied they are, the better result. Ellipse, stepper, walking uphill, running, biking - the choice is great. It is cardio training that should be completed with power loads to work out certain muscle groups. After exercising on your legs, do a jog, after training with a load on your arms - remember the ellipsoid or rowing machine.

The frequency of classes is only twice a week for 25-30 minutes.

Workout for the "Apple" figure

Classes for girls with this type of figure are perhaps the most intense and fast. The main recommendation is to perform complex workouts, the intervals between sets (4-5) should be minimal, since their main goal is to burn fat. Such power aerobics (or high-intensity strength training) - exactly what is needed. Only Fast passage from one machine to another, a high pace of training will help overcome excess deposits in the abdomen. For the same purpose, it is effective to use the hula hoop and perform abdominal exercises.

Strength training should focus on working the legs to create balance with top body. Leg presses, deadlifts, squats with a rep range of 6-8 per set will be effective.

When performing cardio loads, literally everything can be used, except for the ellipsoid.

Dear girls, whatever your figure, remember that all its shortcomings can be dealt with with the help of sports, which should become an integral part of the life of any person who cares about their health.

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No matter what high-waisted skinny jean manufacturers want girls to believe, we are all very different (now talking about figures). But fear not, WH will not leave you alone with this “news”, at least in terms of fitness. Instead of the usual “one size fits all” approach, we offer you to experience all the delights of individual tailoring - that is, training. One that targets your body type and characteristic muscle-building abilities. What to expect? Actually, a lot. This training will help balance proportions by optimizing burning (something you don't need) and pumping (what you need). Last Argument- you don’t have to go to an elite personal tailor (that is, a fitness instructor). We have already cut everything for you with him.

Especially for WH, two top trainers - author of the book Fit & Female, instructor physiotherapy exercises Geralyn Coopersmith and strength specialist Mike Mejia developed fast way calculate your body type. And then they told how to transform this invaluable knowledge into personal training.

Determine your body type

The first thing to do is find out if you are an apple or a pear. And in sound mind and sober memory. Firstly, physiologists use these fruit terms to describe the shape of the figure by the localization of fat deposits. Secondly, it is necessary to carry out accurate mathematical calculations. So, divide the circumference of the narrowest part of your waist by the circumference of your hips at the widest. If it's 0.8 or more, you're an apple. Less is a pear.

The second stage of self-identification is a no less serious reflection on who you are: ecto-, meso- or endomorph (in science, this is how body types are called, or - in a simple way - somatotypes). To do this, look at the pictures above (in blue-blue if you are an apple, or yellow-red if you are a pear). And decide which one is more like you. Then feel free to read the descriptions of the pictures. At least two characteristics will coincide - cheers, you have found your somatotype. If you are not lucky right away, check the next similar drawing.

Once you've made your choice, get to work. All you have to do is follow the plans recommended to you and almost only to you. Get ready to make the most of your potential. And everything accumulated over the summer vacation, of course.

You are an ectoapple if...

  • You have a very fast metabolism.
  • You have thin, “model” arms and legs.
  • Growing up with difficulty muscle mass. But also fat, fortunately, too.

your perspective

  • Become like Gisele Bündchen, adding some muscle here and there.

your plan

  1. bends
    Strength training focused primarily on the upper and middle back will help straighten the shoulders. Plus affects the buttocks and thighs, so as not to deprive them of the relief. Do three sets of each exercise, resting between the last 1-1.5 minutes. Then move on to the next movement. Maximum effect guaranteed if you practice meticulously three times a week.
  2. Quick Cardio
    Your somatotype “loses” muscles with unpleasant ease. If you burn too many calories in cardio, it will be difficult to maintain the amount acquired by back-breaking work. So your maximum cardio is three times a week for 30 minutes at an average pace to train your heart. Or opt for cardio that also flexes and targets the midsection. For example, pole dance lessons - seemingly energetic pole dancing, but in fact - a mixture of cardio and strength training, which is perfect for toning the core and forming slender, sculpted muscles of all four limbs. Bikram yoga is also suitable, which will improve your posture.

Standing bodybar lift

  • (a) Hold the implement weighing 4-6 kg in front of you so that it is at the level of the thighs, but does not touch them. Grip - shoulder width apart, legs - hip width apart. Bend your knees and lean forward, as if folding in half in hip joint.
  • (b) Lower the bodybar, keeping it close to your legs and extending your arms until the bar is about knee level (angle of inclination at the hip joint is about 90 degrees).
  • Squeeze your shoulder blades and pull the weight down to your lower abdomen. Try to take your shoulders back as far as possible and do not raise your elbows high above your back. Without straightening, lower the bodybar back down.
  • This is one repeat. Do 10. Remember to keep your lower back arched throughout the exercise.


  • (a) Take a bodybar weighing 4-6 kg wide grip(arms shoulder-width apart), palms facing you.
  • (b) Slowly lower your pelvis back until your thighs are parallel to the floor. At the same time, keep the projectile close to the body, and arms straight.
  • Rise to the start and repeat seven more times.

Incline dumbbell fly

  • (a) Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Take dumbbells weighing 1-2 kg and hold in front of you - so that the palms look at each other. The knees and elbows should be slightly bent (the latter turned outward). Bending your lower back, lean forward almost to the horizontal with the floor.
  • (b) While squeezing the shoulder blades, slowly open the dumbbells to the sides to shoulder level (without changing the direction of the elbows). Lower the weights back down (this is one rep) and do this 10 times.

Walking with leg lift

  • (a) Stand facing a bench or step just below your knees. Put your right foot on a raised platform and go up, not pushing off the floor with your left (for this, strain gluteal muscles and right thigh). Keep your back straight.
  • (b) Stretch your left leg up behind you. Then put it next to the right one. Slowly slide down (with your right foot, then with your left) and perform the next step with your left foot. Do 10 times on each side, alternating limbs through repetition.

You are a mesoapple if...

  • You are strong, muscular, athletic.
  • At the same time, it is slightly soft (and if rough, then flabby and loose) in the middle part of the body.
  • But you have dancer's legs - slender and strong.

your perspective

  • Decorate your toned athletic figure with a strong middle.

your plan

  1. Abdominal muscle training
    These exercises tighten your core while you work other parts of your body. Leg movements with extra weight with a small number of repetitions, they form a rounded and, frankly, daring rear view. And arm exercises with many repetitions and light weights increase the tone of the limbs without adding volume to them. Do three sets (with 40-60 seconds rest in between) of each exercise. Allow yourself to relax for a minute and move on to the next movement. Do this three times a week.
  2. cardio for belly fat
    Three 30 minute interval training a week will help the body cope with a vital task. Choose your cardio like running, the StairMaster stepper or an exercise bike. And act like that. Warm up for 5 minutes, then alternate 100m sprint sessions with 200m recovery sessions. After 20 minutes, slow down to cool down for the last five minutes.

Twist lunge with medicine ball

  • (a) Take a 3-5 kg ​​ball and stand up with your arms outstretched in front of you. Step forward with your right foot, drop into a lunge and turn your body to the right (do not bend your arms).
  • (b) Return to the start, simultaneously standing up and turning the ball back towards the center. And start all over again by lunging with your left foot. This is one repeat. Do four.

Plank pull

  • (a) Stand in push-up position with a 2kg dumbbell in each hand (palms pointing inward).
  • (b) Lean on the left weight and pull the right elbow up, bringing the scapula to the spine until it (the elbow) rises above the line of the torso. Lower the dumbbell and do the same with the other hand.
  • This is one repeat. Your target is eight. If it's too hard, do the exercise on your knees.

Squat with arms raised

  • (a) Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and lift your lightest bodybar (2-4kg) directly over your head.
  • (b) Squat, pushing your pelvis back until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Make sure that your knees are exactly above the feet, do not go forward beyond the toes. And tighten your core throughout the movement to maintain balance. Do eight reps.

You are an endoapple if...

  • You have well-defined legs and a flat bottom.
  • But the chest is definitely not flat. But the hands are loose, they lack the sharpness of the contours.
  • Putting on a skirt or trousers, you can clearly see the fold above the belt, for which you can pinch yourself if you wish.

your perspective

  • Sex bomb curves.

your plan

  1. Circuit training for arms and buttocks
    It will balance the proportions: it will tone the arms and add “certainty” to the lower body. Do three circuits (each repetition of one exercise after another without stopping or, if difficult, with a short break of 10 seconds), resting for a minute between them. Perform a workout three times a week before cardio or alternating with it every day.
  2. Incendiary cardio
    To melt belly and upper body fat, aim for three to five sessions per week, 40-60 minutes each. To enhance the effect, try to maintain an average pace (theoretically you can speak, but only blurt out one sentence at a time). Zumba and salsa are good options. Any "torsion" in the waist will be pleasant bark. Or try boxing to work your arms.

Incline dumbbell row

  • (a) Place your left hand and lower leg on the training bench. Take a dumbbell 3-5 kg ​​in right hand, which let it hang straight. Lift the weight up to the lower abdomen, pulling the shoulder blade towards the spine.
  • (b) Lower the dumbbell slightly until the elbow is in line with the torso. Then raise your hand back and lower it again - but completely. This is one repeat. Do six in a row on each side.

One arm dumbbell press

  • (a) Take a pair of 1-3 kg weights and lift them up to shoulder level (elbows bent, palms facing forward).
  • (b) Press the left dumbbell up so that the hand is close to the ear. Then slowly lower and switch sides. Do 14 for each hand.

Push-up + side plank

  • (a) Start in the bottom push-up position, with your elbows bent.
  • (b) Rise up to support lying down. Then simultaneously stretch your left arm up and turn to the side of your feet so that the body straightens in one line. Hold like this for 1 second.
  • And then return to the lying position, do a push-up and turn to the left side, stretching your right arm up. You should have six push-ups plus three planks on each side.


  • (a) Stand with your feet hip-width apart and step back with your left foot, diagonally.
  • (b) Without changing the position of the hips, lower yourself into a lunge until the angle is in knee joint the supporting leg will not reach 90 degrees. Important: do not make the lunge too big. This can lead to injury, because the position of the knee of the supporting limb is unstable.
  • Make sure that it (knee) is in the projection to the middle of the foot. Return to the top, putting your left foot to the right, and do nine more repetitions on the same side. And then 10 - on the other.

You are an ectopear if...

  • You can eat anything at the buffet (and twice) without gaining a single kilogram.
  • Not entirely devoid of roundness in the hips and buttocks.
  • It seems to you that pumping up muscles in your arms is an impossible dream.

your perspective

  • Design an uplifting rear view.

your plan

  1. Movements with weights to raise the fifth point
    The exercises focus on the buttocks and upper body - the biggest muscle groups. Do three sets of each movement (with a 30-60 second rest) before moving on to the next. Do this three times a week: before cardio or alternating with it every day.
  2. Quick Cardio
    Indulging in long aerobic sessions (from 60 minutes or more), you risk losing the last muscles. So just do enough to keep your heart healthy (30 minutes at least three times a week). And pay special attention to swimming: it forms beautiful, unpumped muscles in the upper body, aligning the silhouettes of people like you.

Press Squats

  • (a) Stand with 3–5 kg dumbbells at shoulder height, palms forward. Without lowering your chest and keeping your lower back arched, squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • (b) Stand up pushing the dumbbells over your head (this is one rep). And then sit down again in a squat, while lowering your hands to shoulder level. There should be 8 repetitions in total.

Romanian deadlift

  • (a) Take the same dumbbells in front of you (overhand grip), knees slightly bent.
  • (b) Bend at the waist and lower the weights (keeping them close to the legs) as low as you can. Repeat this eight times.

Crossing the step

  • (a) Get into a push-up position, hands on the platform 15-30 cm. Shift your body weight to the right limb and place the left on the floor.
  • (b) Move your right palm to the floor (on the other side of the step). And return to the step with the left, and then with the right. Repeat starting on the opposite side. Do eight times each.

Reverse lunge from an elevated position

  • (a) Stand on the step with feet hip-width apart.
  • (b) Do very big step back with your right foot and lower into a lunge until your left knee is bent to 90 degrees. Squeeze your buttocks to rise up, leaning on your left leg. Do four repetitions: first on one side, then on the other.

You are a prickly pear if...

  • You have athletic, muscular thighs.
  • You are thin at the top, with a clearly defined waist.
  • It's easy to build muscle, you just need to shake the fat a little.

your perspective

  • Slender, taut forms of an Olympic athlete.

your plan

  1. Multilevel training
    Use weights to balance the proportions. Exercises on the lower body with a large number of repetitions will tone it, without making the contours heavier, but making them more elongated. While an upper body exercise with a small number of repetitions will add the missing fullness to the curves. Do three sets of each exercise, perform the complex three times a week, alternating between days with cardio.
  2. Cardio against the hips
    Work out for 40-60 minutes twice a week to keep fat in check. Running and dancing are the best things you can think of, they slim down the bottom.

Plie squat

  • (a) Stand with your feet wider than your hips, turning your toes outward about 45 degrees. Take a three-kilogram dumbbell.
  • (b) Lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Pause briefly, then push off with your feet to return to the start. Do 16 repetitions. If it is difficult, do not use weights in the first week of training.

Fell out with a stride

  • (a) Take 1–2 kg dumbbells and stand about a meter from the step (just below the knees).
  • (b) Step onto a raised platform with your left foot, dropping into a deep lunge.
  • (c) Rise up, leaning on the left limb, and put the right foot. Come back to the floor with your right foot to finish the rep. Do it all over again, this time stepping onto the step with your right foot and going down with your left. Do a total of 16 repetitions on each side.

Incline Bench Press

  • (a) Take a pair of 3–5 kg dumbbells and lie down on a bench set at a 45 degree incline. Starting position: weights at chest level, in the projection on its middle. Then squeeze the shells up about 20 cm.
  • (b) Return to start. Then stretch your arms up to the end. And lower to the starting position to complete the rep. Do six (two movements each). Don't rush anywhere.

You are an endogrush if...

  • Naturally curvy (curvy).
  • Easily gain weight in the lower body.
  • It is difficult for you to pull up the upper part, which is small in proportion compared to the lower part.

your perspective

  • Reveal to the world an hourglass figure hidden under fat (like Marilyn Monroe).

your plan

  1. Circuit training
    She will work her arms, back, chest and shoulders to add some muscle at the top. And in the lower part it will burn fat without increasing your volume: due to light weight and a large number of repetitions. Do three circles (no rest between movements). Do the workout three times a week, but not for days in a row.
  2. Cardio against fat
    Do little (40 minutes), but often (three to five times a week) measured cardio (at an average or slightly above average pace). This will help you say goodbye to excess calories and get acquainted with muscle tone. Alternatively, try step aerobics to heat up the fat in your lower body.

Squat + lunge

  • (a) Stand with your feet hip-width apart and squat down (to a right angle at the knee joint). Rise up, take a big step forward with your right foot and lower yourself down until your right thigh is parallel to the floor.
  • (b) Stand up and lift the left heel towards the buttock. Return to the start and do the squat again. Again perform a lunge (from the left foot) and a “heel” (from the right). Do 10-15 repetitions on each side.

Abduction of the shoulder to the side

  • (a) Take hold of the left hand rubber shock absorber and step with your right foot on the other end of it. The limb is along the body, the elbow is slightly bent.
  • (b) Raise the arm along the body until it is in line with the left shoulder. Then slowly lower. Do 10 reps and switch sides.

Pullover lying down

  • (a) Lie down on the step, holding hands with dumbbells of 1-3 kg in weight on the sides of the thighs. Knees bent, elbows slightly bent, feet flat on the floor.
  • (b) Raise the dumbbells up to the ceiling and lower them behind your head (without touching the floor). Bring your shoulder blades together and, without unbending your arms, elbow joint, bring the dumbbells back to your hips. Do 15 repetitions.

We were advised by the multiple champion of Russia and two-time champion Europe in fitness Lydia Ershova.