Oru complex with stuffed ball. General developmental exercises with stuffed balls

Teaching aid

in physical culture

General developmental exercises

With stuffed balls

Designed by:

hands physical education

Dubna, 2008


The proposed teaching aid is devoted to the organization and conduct of physical education classes using stuffed balls. It is aimed at teachers. physical education schools and colleges. The purpose of this manual is to improve the level physical fitness students, replenishment of the methodological baggage of physical education teachers.

General developmental exercises are called quite simple moves various parts of the body (arms, legs, torso inclinations, etc.), aimed mainly at the development of basic motor qualities. They can be performed with objects, such as medicine balls.

Purpose of general developmental exercises:

used to prepare for difficult motor actions;

necessary to improve the ability to control various parts of your body;

for the development of motor qualities. So, fast execution of exercises will contribute to the development of speed. By achieving the maximum range of motion (for example, trying to bend lower or lunge wider), you can increase mobility in the joints, flexibility;

Contribute to the prevention of flat feet and posture disorders;

help develop strength.

The main task of general developmental exercises:

increasing the level of overall performance and promoting the harmonious development of students.

The presented set of exercises is focused on the implementation of the following modern pedagogical technologies: developmental and differentiated learning and is aimed at developing in students such qualities as flexibility, endurance, mobility and speed of reaction.

This material can serve as a guide to the study of the proposed discipline, both in the classroom and for independent work of students.

A set of exercises

1. I. p. - feet shoulder width apart, arms down, ball in hands; 1 - raise your arms to chest level; 2 - raise your hands up; 3 - lower your arms to chest level; 4 - and. P.

2. I. p. - feet shoulder width apart, arms up, ball in hands; 1,2 - torso tilt to the right (left); 3, 4 - i. P.

3. I. p. - feet shoulder width apart, arms up, ball in hands; circular rotation of the body different sides.

4. I. p. - feet shoulder width apart, arms up, ball in hands; 1 - bend over without bending your knees, touch the floor with the ball; 2 - touch the floor with the ball behind your back; 3 - touch the floor in front of you with the ball; 4 - and. P.

5. I. p. - about. With. ball in hand; 1 - throwing the ball up, sit down, touch the floor with your hands; 2 - stand up, catch the ball with your hands.

6. I. p. - about. With. arms to the sides, ball in one hand; 1 - raise your hands up, shift the ball from one hand to another; 2 - lower the hand with the ball to the side.

7. I. p. - about. With. arms to the sides, ball in one hand; 1 - throwing the ball up, catch it with the other hand; 2 - the same in the other direction.

8. I. p. - legs apart, hands with the ball forward; 1 - tilt forward, roll the ball around the left leg; 2 - i. P.; 3 - the same around right foot; 4 - and. P.

9. I. p. - squat, ball in bent arms in front of the chest; 1 - jump in a squat to the right side; 2 - i. P.; 3 - the same to the left side; 4 - and. P.

10. I. p. - gray legs apart, hands with the ball forward; 1 - turn the body to the right; 2 - i. P.; 3 - the same to the left; 4 - and. P.

11. I. p. - gray legs apart, the ball is near the left foot on the floor; 1 - bend over, with your right hand roll the ball across the floor to your right foot; 2 - i. P.; 3 - bend over, with your left hand roll the ball across the floor to your left foot; 4 - and. P.

12. I. p. - gray legs apart, arms up, ball in hands; 1 - lower your arms to chest level; 2 - i. P.

13. I. p. - gray, the ball is clamped with the feet, resting on the forearms; 1 - raise your legs up; 2 - i. P.

14. I. p. - gray, the ball is clamped with the feet, resting on the forearms; 1 - bend your legs; 2 - straighten up; 3 - bend; 4 - and. P.

15. I. p. - kneeling hands with the ball down; 1 - sitting on the heels of the hand with the ball forward; 2 - i. P.

16. I. p. - kneeling hands forward, ball in hands; 1 - sitting on the thigh on the left; 2 - i. P.; 3 - sitting on the thigh on the right; 4 - and. P.

17. I. p. - lying on your back, the ball in your hands behind your head; 1 - sit down and, having made an inclination, get the toes of the feet with the ball; 2 - i. P.

18. I. p. - lying on your back, hands with the ball forward; 1 - raise your left leg, touch the ball; 2 - i. P.; 3 - the same with the other leg; 4 - and. P.

19. I. p. - lying on the stomach, hands with the ball up; 1 - bend over, moving your hands with the ball back; 2 - i. P.

20. I. p. - lying on the stomach, the ball between the feet; 1 - raise your legs up; 2 - i. P.

21. I. p. - about. With. ball in bent arms in front of the chest; 1 - sit down, straightening your arms; 2 - i. P.

22. I. p. - forward lunge position, ball in bent arms; 1 - jump to change the position of the legs; 2 - i. P.

23. I. p. - emphasis crouching, the ball lies behind on the floor at the feet; 1 - moving the legs over the ball lying down; 2 - i. P.

24. I. p. - about. With. ball in hand; 1 - throwing the ball up, sit with your legs apart and catch the ball while sitting on the floor; 2 - toss the ball while sitting and catch it while standing.

25. I. p. - emphasis lying, the ball lies on the floor between the hands; 1 - bend your arms and get the ball with your chin; 2 - straightening the arms to wring out in and. P.

26. I. p. - about. With. the ball is clamped with the feet; 1 - bouncing up, toss the ball with your feet; 2 - catch the ball with both hands.

27. Jumping, ball in hands (on the right, on the left, on two legs).

Note. Depending on the physical fitness of the students, it is necessary to correctly select the load: the weight of the ball and the number of repetitions of each exercise.


3. I.p. stand legs slightly apart, ball at chest Turn right (left), hit the ball on the floor, catch it. Performed at an arbitrary pace several times in a row (4 times in each direction)

4. I.p. - lying on your back, the ball in both hands behind your head. Turn on your stomach, the ball in straight arms, turn on your back, return to the starting position. (6-8 times)


1. I.p. main stance (heels together, toes apart), ball in both hands below 1-raise the ball up 2-lower the ball behind the head 3-raise the ball up 4-starting position (6-8 times)

2. I.p. stand with feet shoulder-width apart, ball in both hands at chest Throw the ball on the floor and catch it. Performed at an arbitrary pace (8-10 times)

3. I.p. stand legs slightly apart, ball at chest Turn right (left), hit the ball on the floor, catch it. Performed at an arbitrary pace several times in a row (4 times in each direction) (8-10 times)

4. I.p. - kneeling, sitting on your heels, the ball in front of you on the floor. Rolling the ball around the body to the right and left, helping with hands.

5. I.p. leg stance apart, ball in bent arms in front of chest Throwing the ball up and catching it with both hands. The pace of execution is arbitrary. (8-10 times)

6. I.p. main stance (heels together, toes apart), ball at the bottom 1-2 sit down, take the ball forward 3-4 starting position (6 times)

7. I.p. - standing legs slightly apart, the ball on the floor. Jumping on two legs around the ball in both directions with a short pause. Repeat 3-4 times


1. I. p. - the main stand, the ball is below.

1 - the ball on the chest, bending the elbows;

2 - ball up, rising on toes, arms straight;

3 - ball on the chest; 4 - starting position (6-7 times).

2. I. p. - stand feet shoulder width apart, ball down.

1- ball up;

2-tilt forward, touch the right (left toe);

3 - straighten the ball up; 4 - starting position (6-8 times).

3. I. p. - kneeling, sitting on the heels, the ball in front of you in both hands.

1-4 - turn the body to the right (left), touching the ball with hands

and rolling it around the body (4 times in each direction).

4. I.p. - lying on your stomach, legs straight, the ball in bent arms in front of you.

1-bend, lift the ball forward.

2-Return to starting position. (6 - 8 times)

5. I.p. - stand feet shoulder width apart, ball down.

1-2 - tilt to the right (left) in slow motion;

3-4 - starting position.

6. I. p. - main stance, ball down.

1-2 - squat, ball forward;

3-4 - return to the starting position (6-8 times).

7. I. p. - main stance, ball on the floor.

Jumping around the ball to the right and left (3-4 times).


1. I.p. main stance (heels together, toes apart), ball down 1-lift the ball forward 2-ball up 3-ball forward 4-starting position (6-8 times)

2. I.p. feet shoulder-width apart, ball in bent arms at the chest 1-lean forward to the right leg 2-3-roll the ball from the right to the left leg and back 4-starting position (7-8 times)

3. I.p. - sitting legs straight, hands in support behind, the ball on the feet. 1-2-raise straight legs, roll the ball onto the chest, catching it. 3-4-return to starting position. (5-6 times)

4. I.p. - lying on your back, the ball in both hands behind your head. Bend your knees, pulling them up to your stomach, and touch your knees with the ball, straighten your knees, put your hands behind your head, and return to the starting position. (7 - 8 times)

5. I.p. kneeling, ball on the floor 1-4-rolling the ball to the right, back and, intercepting with the left hand, return to the starting position. The same with a turn to the left (4 times)

6. I.p. main stance (heels together, toes apart), the ball in bent arms at the chest 1-2-sit down, take the ball forward, arms straight 3-4-return to the starting position (8 times)

7. I.p. leg stance apart, ball down Throwing the ball up and catching it with both hands (10-12 times in a row). Done at your own pace.

General developmental exercises with a hoop


1. I.p. main stand (heels together, toes apart), hoop vertically with grip from the sides 1-hoop forward 2-hoop up, arms straight 3-hoop forward 4-return to starting position (6-7 times)

2. I.p. stand feet shoulder-width apart, hoop vertically behind the back 1-turn the torso to the right 2-starting position 3-4-the same to the left (6 times)

3. I.p. sitting legs apart, a hoop in front of the chest in bent arms with a grip from the sides 1-hoop up, look 2-tilt forward to the left leg (toe), hoop vertically 3-hoop up 4-starting position. The same to the right leg (6 times)

4. I.p. lying on your back, the hoop is horizontal at chest level 1-2-raise the hoop, bending your legs, thread them into the hoop, straighten and lower to the floor 3-4-return to the starting position (5-6 times)

5. I.p. - sitting, legs apart, hoop in both hands to the chest. Lean forward, touch the rim of the floor hoop (arms straight), straighten up, return to the starting position. (8 times)

6. I.p. - standing in a hoop, legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. Sit down, take the hoop with both hands (grip from the sides), straightening up, raise the hoop to the level of the belt, sit down, put the hoop on the floor, return to the starting position. (8 times)

7. I.p. main stance (heels together, toes apart) in the center of the hoop lying on the floor, arms along the body 1-7-jumps on two legs in the hoop 8-jump from the hoop Turn towards the hoop 1-7-jumps in front of the hoop 8-jump into the hoop


1. I.p. main stance (heels together, toes apart), hoop in the right hand 1-3-swing with the right hand back and forth 4-shift the hoop to the left hand. The same with the left hand (8 times)

2. I.p. main stance (heels together, toes apart), hoop vertically, grip from the sides 1-set the right foot aside on the toe, lean to the right 2-starting position 3-4-the same to the left side (8 times)

3. I.p. main stance (heels together, toes apart), hoop in the right hand with a grip from above 1 lunge with the right foot to the right, hoop in the straightened right hand 2-starting position, quickly shift the hoop to the left hand 3-4-the same to the left (6 - 8 times)

4. I.p. lying on the stomach, the hoop is horizontal in bent arms, the grip from the sides is 1-2-bend, the hoop is forward-up, the legs are lifted 3-4 starting position (6-8 times)

6. I.p. stand on the width of the foot, hoop vertically, grip from the sides 1-hoop up 2-crouch 3-stand up, hoop up 4-starting position (6-8 times)

7. I.p. main stance (heels together, toes apart), arms along the body, hoop on the floor 1-turn to the hoop with the right side 1-8-jumps around the hoop, stop, turn and again jumps around the hoop in the other direction


1. I.p. main stance (heels together, toes apart), hoop below 1 hoop up, right foot to the side on the toe 2-return to starting position 3-4-the same with the left foot (6-8 times)

2. I.p. stand feet shoulder-width apart, hoop in bent arms at the chest 1-turn the torso to the right, arms straight 2-starting position. The same to the left (8 times)

3. I.p. lying on your back, hoop in straight arms behind your head 1-2-bend your knees and put a hoop on them 3-4-starting position (6-8 times)

4. I.p. - a stand on the knees, a hoop in bent arms on the chest. 1-turn the body to the right (left). 2-return to the starting position. (6 times)

5. I.p. - sitting legs bent in a hoop, hands in support behind. 1-straightening, raise both legs up. 2-spread legs apart, lower to the floor on both sides of the hoop. 3-raise straight legs up, connecting. 4-Return to starting position. (6-8 times)

7. I.p. standing in front of the hoop, hands free along the body Jump on two legs into the hoop, out of the hoop; turn around, repeat jumps. It is performed only at the expense of the teacher at an average pace several times in a row


1. I.p. main stance (heels together, toes apart), hoop down with grip from the sides 1-lift the hoop up 2-turn the hoop and lower behind the back 3-hoop up 4-starting position (6-8 times)

2. I.p. stand legs apart, hoop down 1-hoop up 2-lean to the right (left) 3-straighten up, hoop up 4-starting position (6 times)

3. I.p. lying on your back, the hoop is horizontal at chest level 1-2-raise the hoop, bending your legs, thread them into the hoop, straighten and lower to the floor 3-4-return to the starting position (5-6 times)

4. I.p. standing in a hoop lying on the floor, arms along the body 1-squat, take the hoop with a grip from the sides 2-get up, hoop at waist level 3-squat, put the hoop on the floor 4-starting position (5-6 times)

5. I.p. leg stand apart, in bent arms at the chest 1-2-lean forward, touch the rim of the hoop of the toe of the right (left) leg 3-4-return to the starting position

6. I.p. main stance (heels together, toes apart), hoop in the right hand, overhand grip. 1-sit down, hoop to the side 2-starting position, take the hoop in the left hand The same to the left (3 times in each direction)

7. I.p. standing in a hoop, jumping on two legs at the expense of 1-7, at the expense of 8 jump from the hoop; turn around and repeat the jumps again

Tatyana Kiryushina
Abstract morning exercises for children senior group"OSU with a small ball"

Goal - Preservation, strengthening and protection of health children, increase mental and physical performance, warning of overwork. Formation of the need for daily motor activity.

Task -

Educational tasks - Continue to form the correct posture, the ability to consciously perform movements. Improve motor skills and abilities children.

Developmental tasks - To develop speed, strength, endurance, flexibility and performance of the body.

Educational tasks - To cultivate a culture of behavior, independence, strong-willed spirit.

Wellness tasks- Improve health children, to ensure the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the body, hardening of the body.

Integration of educational regions: physical development, cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development

Methods and techniques: verbal, visual, practical

Preliminary work with pupils: frontal and individual work with children

Material and equipment: Tambourine, small balls


Building: Shoulder to shoulder, heels together, toes apart, arms along the body.

caregiver: "The sun rises early -

Children: calls everyone to charge!

caregiver: On the right! With marching step, march around the hall (tambourine)

1. Get ready, hands up, walk on toes, keep your back straight!

2. Get ready, hands behind your back, walk on your heels, breathe through your nose!

3. Get ready, arms out to the side walking with high knees!

4. Get ready, start jumping with your hands on your belt! (keep your distance)

Combat step - step march! We take small balls from the basket. (Ball in right hand.) We are preparing to rebuild in three columns. Start rebuilding!

Main part:

outdoor switchgear: With small ball

1. "Fan" (7 times)

I. p. - stand feet shoulder width apart, arms along the body, ball in the right hand:

1- arms to the sides,

2- hands up, shift the ball to the left hand,

3- arms to the sides,

4- starting position.

2. "Mill" (7 times)

I. p. - leg stand wide apart, arms to the side, ball in the right hand:

1- tilt, right hand down, put the ball on the floor, left hand up

2- straighten up, arms to the sides,

3- tilt, left hand down, take the ball from the floor, right hand up

4 - starting position.

We left the starting position, became free.

3. "Yula" (8 times)

I. p. - stand feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt, ball on semi:

Performing circular movements of the torso around the ball, start!

1- Emphasis to the right, 2-forward, 3-to the left, 4-back.

4. "rocking chairs" (7 times)

I. p. - foot stand on the width of the foot, arms along the body, the ball in the right hand:

1- squat, passing the ball to the left hand

2- starting position.

3- squat, passing the ball to the right hand

4- starting position.

5. "Hammers" (8 times)

I. p. - sitting on the floor, grasping the ball with both hands, behind head:

1 - tilt forward, to the right toe

2- starting position.

3- tilt forward, to the left toe

4- starting position.

6. "Balls" (8 times)

I. p. - stand legs together, arms along the body, ball in the right hand:

1- jump, legs wide apart, arms up through the sides, passing the ball to the left hand

2- jump, legs together, arms down through the sides, passing the ball to the left hand

Let's take a break! (Tambourine)

- "Balls"

Let's take a break!

Final part:

Close the column! March around the hall!

Balls in the basket!

Free step.

Breathing exercise: "Locomotive"(Moving in the column one after another, the arms are bent at the elbows, the legs are shoulder-width apart. Inhale through the nose, move the hands forward in a circular motion and talking: Choo-choo-choo-choo-choo).

Formation for the exit!

caregiver: Is your health okay?

Children: Thank you charging!

caregiver: Well done!

List of used literature:

1. P. P. Butsinskaya "General developmental exercises in kindergarten"

2. L. E. Penzulaeva "Physical Culture"

3. V. I. Telenchi "Hygienic foundations of education children from 3 to 7 years old»

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ORU COMPLEX with a ball

1. I.P. - O.S. Feet together, arms down. Ball in right hand. Stand on your toes, raise your hands through the sides up, take a deep breath, pass the ball from your right hand to your left hand, lower your hands down - exhale. Also, passing the ball from the left hand to the right hand. Perform slowly. Repeat 8 times.

2. I.P. - O.S. Legs apart, arms bent at the elbows, hold the ball in front of the chest. Perform a rhythmic turn of the head to the right and left (“Parrot”), then hit the ball to the floor and catch. Repeat 8 times.

3. I.P. - O.S. Legs apart, arms down, keep the ball in front. Tilt your head forward - back rhythmically, then hit the ball on the floor, catch the ball with both hands. Repeat 8 times.

4. I.P. - O.S. No. 2. Squeeze the ball with your hands in front of your chest with effort and relax. Perform rhythmically. Repeat 16 times.

5. I.P. - O.S. Legs apart, straight arms hold the ball above your head. Perform jerks with your hands above your head back rhythmically. Repeat 16 times.

6. I.P. - O.S. Legs apart, hold the ball behind your back with straight arms. Perform jerks with your hands back - up rhythmically. Repeat 16 times.

7. I.P. - O.S. Feet together, arms out to the sides, ball in right hand. Perform a semi-squat, pass the ball behind your back from your right hand to your left hand. Repeat the same in the opposite direction. Run 8 times.

8. I.P. - O.S. The ball is clamped between the knees, hands on the belt. Perform 4 jumps around yourself to the right, then to the left. Repeat 8 times. Rhythmically.

Main part.

General developmental exercises.

1. I.P. - O.S. Feet together, arms to the sides. Step right foot forward, lunge, spring leg movement - push, return to starting position. The same - from the left leg. Repeat 4-8 times.

2. I.P. - O.S. No. 1 Step right foot to the side, lunge, return to starting position. The same with the left leg. Repeat 4-8 times. Rhythmically.

3. I.P. - O.S. Feet together, arms down. Perform a low torso forward, keep your legs straight, move forward on your hands and perform the “Plank” (emphasis lying on your hands), hold 4 counts. Bend your elbows, lie on your stomach, then straighten your arms with a push and do the “Plank”, slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 4-8 times. Slowly.

4. I.P. - O.S. Hands on the belt. Perform 2 half squats, 2 squats. Repeat 8 times. Rhythmically.

5. I.P. - Sitting on the mat in a group, hug your knees with your hands. Roll back onto your back and return to the starting position, straighten your legs, lean forward, crease. Repeat 16 times. Rhythmically.

6. I.P. - Sitting on the rug. Run the “angle” with bent legs, keep your arms to the sides, change the position of the legs, straightening one or the other alternately. Repeat 8-16 times. Slowly.

7. I.P. - Lying on the mat, on your back, legs bent at the knees, grab your ankles with your hands. Perform backbends up and return to the starting position. Repeat 8-16 times. Slowly.

8. I.P. - Lying on the rug, on the stomach. Run Airplane. Repeat 16-20 times. Rhythmically.

9. I.P. - No. 8. Perform body deflections in the back, springy, deep, alternately bending the right and left legs. Repeat 16-20 times.

10. I.P. - "Planck". Walk forward on your hands, keep your legs straight. 10 steps.

Final part.

Breathing and balance exercises.

1. I.P. - O.S. Feet together, arms down. Rising on toes, raise your hands up through the sides, take a deep breath, lowering - exhale. Repeat 8 times. Slowly.

2. I.P. - "Crane". Place your arms out to the sides and balance on your right foot. Keep 10-20 counts on each leg. Repeat 3 times.

3. I.P. - O.S. Take a deep breath and exhale say letter F-F-F. Repeat 4-8 times.

Summarizing. Homework assignment.

Target. Improve ball handling skills through joint game exercises and outdoor games.

Tasks: educational: fix the technique of dribbling and passing the ball with 2 hands from the chest.

  • Educational: to develop the skill of student interaction, dexterity, attention, coordination.
  • Educational: to cultivate a sense of collectivism and a conscious attitude towards healthy lifestyle life.
  • wellness: contribute to the development correct posture, strengthening the muscles of the foot and respiratory muscles.
  • Venue: Sports Hall.

    Equipment and inventory: basketballs, gymnastic wall.

    b/u Lesson content Dos. Guidelines
    Preparatory part (11 min.) Construction. Greetings.

    Reporting lesson objectives.

    1 min. "Class! Equal! Attention!"
    - on socks, hands on the belt, hands up;
    - on the heels, hands forward, hands behind the head;
    - on the outside of the foot, arms to the sides;
    - socks inward, hands behind the back.
    1.5 min "Right! Bypass to the left with a step - march! Keep a distance of 1m.

    Do not bend your knees, straighten your arms.
    Elbows apart, back straight.
    Follow your posture. The step is short.

    - side steps right, left side;
    - back forward;
    - "snake".
    2 minutes. The pace is moderate, keep your distance.
    Sliding step, hands in front of the chest.
    Look back over your shoulder.
    Opposite to the left, "snake" march.
    Transition to walking, restoration of breathing.

    Rebuilding in a column of 2, followed by rebuilding in 2 ranks.

    1 min. Hands up - inhale, hands down - exhale.
    “To the left in a column of 2 - march! Distance and interval 3 steps”.
    Outdoor switchgear complex with balls: 6 min.
    1. I.p.: stand, ball down; 1 - ball up, right back on the toe; 2 - i.p.; 3-4 - the same on the left.

    2. I.p.: stand, ball in front of the chest; 1 - tilt the head forward, squeeze the ball with your hands; 2 - i.p.; 3 - head tilt back; 4 - i.p.; 5 - head tilt to the right; 6 - i.p.; 7 - head tilt to the left; 8 - i.p.

    Bend over, head up.
    We keep our back straight.

    Press on the ball with your fingertips.
    In i.p. relax your fingers.

    3. I.p.: stand, ball down; 1 - right to the side on the toe, tilt to the right, ball up; 2 - i.p.; 3-4 - the same to the left. When tilting, look over your shoulder at your heel.
    4. I.p.: leg stand apart, ball up; 1-4 - circular movement of the body to the right; 5–8 - the same to the left. The amplitude is greater, look at the ball.
    5. I.p.: wide leg stance apart, ball up; 1 - tilt forward - to the right, put the ball; 2 - stand legs apart, arms up; 3 - tilt forward - to the right, take the ball; 4 - i.p.; 5-8 - the same in the other direction. When bending over, do not bend your knees.
    6. I.p.: stand, ball down; 1 - right lunge to the side, the ball on the chest; 2 - i.p.; 3-4 - the same from the left leg, to the left; Trunk straight, lunge deeper.
    7. I.p.: narrow leg stance apart, ball up; 1 - the ball forward and with a swing of the right to touch the toe of the ball; 2 - i.p.; 3-4 - the same with the other leg. Max with a straight leg. Lower your leg to the floor calmly.
    8. I.p.: stand, ball in front of the chest; 1 - jump legs apart, ball up; 2 - jump legs together, the ball in front of the chest; 3-4 - the same. Jumping on toes, slightly bending your knees.
    9. Walking in place, ball in right hand. Keep your back straight.
    Main part (23 min.) Breathing exercises “Balls are flying”.

    Standing, the ball on the chest. Throw the ball from the chest up, say "Uuuuuuuuuuh."

    1 min. Middle stance of a basketball player. Inhale through the nose, long exhale. Straighten your legs when throwing the ball.
    Fixing the technique of dribbling and passing the ball with 2 hands from the chest:
    1. Dribbling in place in a high and medium stance with the right, left hand. 3 min. Do not hit the ball with your palm, move with your hand and forearm. With soft pushes of the ball down - forward, apply the brush to the right (left) - side.
    2. Passing the ball with 2 hands from the chest in place. 3 min. The ball is at waist level. With a circular motion of the hands, pull the ball to the chest. With a sharp straightening of the arms, send the ball forward, brushes forward.
    3. Passing the ball with a hit on the floor. 3 Throw for the middle line. Bend your legs more, point your arms forward - down.
    4. Dribbling in place, followed by a pass with 2 hands from the chest. 3 min. Pay attention to the coordination of the work of the arms and legs, their simultaneous extension. Signal transmission.
    6. Relay races with dribbling and passing the ball:

    a) "Handed - run away"

    7 min. Players of 2 teams stand in opposite columns at a distance of 5-6 steps. On a signal, the first ones pass the ball with 2 hands from the chest to the player in the oncoming column and runs back to the end of their column. The next repeat the task until the first ones fall into place.
    b) "Running" The construction is the same. Transfer 2 - with my hands from the chest with a blow to the floor. After passing the ball, the player runs to the end of the oncoming column.
    c) "Who is faster" The distance between the columns is 10-12 m.

    The first lead the ball to the column opposite, circle it to the right, pass the ball to the first and stand at the end of the column.

    Game "Ball in a circle" 3 min. Players form a large circle and count on the 1st, 2nd. The captains have the ball. On a signal, the balls are passed in a circle in different directions through one player with 2 hands from the chest. The ball must quickly return to the captains.

    The losing teams complete the tasks of the teacher.

    Final part (6 min.) game exercise“Guidance on signal”

    (to develop attention and ability to dribble without eye contact).

    Building a class in one line.

    2 minutes. Players with balls are located on one half of the court. The teacher is on the other side. With his hand, he shows the direction of movement: up - leading in place, forward - leading back, back - leading forward, right - leading to the right, left - left.
    Structural exercises:

    - turns to the right;
    - turns to the left;
    - roundabouts.

    Summing up the lesson.

    2 minutes. Listen carefully and follow the instructions of the teacher. Be sure to maintain the correct posture while performing turns.

    Mark the best students, give grades to students.

    Homework: for the development of the muscles of the hands: flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position

    Exit the class from the gym.

    2 minutes. 15 times - girls; 20 times - boys.

    “Class, to the left! March to the exit!"

    Hand exercises and shoulder girdle (Fig. 22)

    1. Bending the arms at the elbows, touching the chest with the ball. The same with the extension of the arms up. Do not spread your elbows to the sides, the back is straight.

    2. Raising the ball forward, do not deflect the body back.

    3. Raising and lowering the ball with straight arms:

    a) raise to a horizontal position and lower;

    b) lower to a horizontal position and lift up.

    4. Throwing the ball with straight arms and catching it with straight arms.

    5. Unbending the arms, the ball is up, the leg is back on the toe, the stomach is pulled in. Bending your arms, the ball behind your head, holding it with your fingers, spread your elbows to the sides.

    6. Throwing the ball up from behind the head with catching it in front of the chest.

    7. Jerks with straight arms back, the same, but slowly lifting the ball back to failure, holding it behind your back.

    8. Raising the arms to the sides and bringing them together at shoulder height, alternately shifting the ball from one hand to the other, do not lower the head, the stomach is pulled in.

    9. Passing the ball up from one hand to the other. After passing the ball, spread your arms to the sides.

    10. Throwing the ball in front of the chest from one hand to the other.

    11. Throwing the ball over your head.

    12. Throwing the ball up with a push with the hands (from the chest) and a small push with the legs due to a sharp extension of the legs at the knees.

    13. Lying on your back, alternately passing the ball from one hand to the other in front of the chest and spreading the arms to the sides.

    14. Lying on your back, swinging the ball on straight arms to the right and left.

    15. Lying on your back, circular movements of the ball on straight arms.

    16. Lying on your back, throwing the ball up and catching it in front of your chest.

    17. Passing the ball from one hand to the other behind the back and in front of the body without touching the ball to the body.

    18. Spinning the ball spirally up. The same in reverse order in I.P.

    1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

    8) 9) 10) 11) 12)

    13) 14) 15) 16)

    17) 18)

    Figure 22 - Exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle

    Leg exercises(Fig. 23)

    1. Squats - ball up, standing up - ball down.

    2. Squats with the ball down-back. Keep your torso straight.

    3. Alternately getting up on your toes and on your heels, lifting the ball up. When moving to the heels, raise your hands up slowly: a quick movement with them can lead to a loss of balance.

    4. Lying on your back, feet forward, the ball is clamped with your feet. Flexion and extension of the legs at the knees.

    5. Transferring the ball from one hand to the other under the foot.

    6. Throwing the ball up and out (in) from under the foot and catching it with both hands.

    7. Lying on the stomach in emphasis on the elbows, forearms inward, the ball is clamped by the feet. Flexion and extension of the legs.

    8. Standing on the shoulder blades, the ball is clamped with the feet. Flexion and extension of the legs.

    9. From the squat, jumping up, straightening up.

    10. The same, but on one leg. First, perform a jump, straightening up, pushing with both legs, landing in a squat on one leg, the other forward.

    1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

    7) 8) 9) 10)

    Figure 23 - Exercises for the legs

    Exercises for the abdominal muscles(Fig. 24)

    1. Sit, the ball is clamped by the feet. Flexion and extension of the legs, sliding the ball along the floor.

    2. The same, but lift the ball with bent legs. Extending your legs, put the ball on the floor.

    3. Same circular motions bent legs.

    4. The same, raising and lowering straight legs.

    5. Lying on your back, the ball is clamped with your feet, hands behind your head, to the sides or up. Raising and lowering straight legs.

    6. I.p. - Same. Bending at the hip joints with the ball touching behind the head. Do not bend your knees.

    7. In a sitting position, shifting the ball with your feet from side to side, when shifting the ball, raise your legs within an angle of 45 °.

    8. Transferring the ball from one hand to the other under the foot. Raise legs straight: a) alternately; b) both legs together.

    9. Lying on your back bent over, shifting the ball from one hand to the other behind the legs.

    10. Kneeling ball at the top. bend over. The same with springy swings in the tilt back. At first, to facilitate the ball, keep it on your chest.

    11. Lying on your back, the ball is clamped with your feet. Sit down slowly and lie down.

    12. Lying on your back, the ball is clamped with your feet, sit down sharply and group, slowly return to the sp.

    13. Lying on your back, the ball is clamped with your feet, sit down bent over, take the ball with your hands and lie down. The same in reverse order.

    1) 2) 3) 4)

    5) 6) 7)

    8) 9) 10)

    11) 12) 13)

    Figure 24 - Exercises for the abdominal muscles

    Back exercises(Fig. 25)

    1. Tilt forward until the ball touches the floor.

    2. Tilts forward with raising hands forward.

    3. Standing in an inclination, touching the floor with the ball, straighten up to a position, bending forward, bending the ball up, i.p.

    4. Standing legs apart, transferring the ball from one hand to the other, alternately behind the legs.

    5. In a leg stance, bend forward, bending over, the ball behind the head. Raising the ball up and returning to I.p.

    6. Inclined lunge forward while lifting the ball up on straight arms.

    7. Forward bends, kneeling, ball up.

    8. Lying on the stomach, the ball is at the top, bending, the ball is behind the head, then lift it up and return to the sp.

    9. The same, but, lifting the ball up, hold the bent position of the body for 2-3 counts, then slowly return to the SP.

    10. In the gray-haired legs apart, the ball is at the top, slow forward bends, keeping the position of the hands at the top.

    11. Sit feet together, ball forward. Springy forward bends, reaching for socks with the ball.

    1) 2) 3) 4)

    5) 6) 7)

    8) 9) 10) 11)

    Figure - 25 Exercises for the muscles of the back



    This chapter lists the most simple, widely available, jumping rope (jumps) that do not require complex coordination of movements. Jumping strengthens muscles and ligaments lower extremities especially the feet. Jumping rope develops almost all motor qualities, except for flexibility, but with its help you can perfectly warm up the muscles before stretching exercises.

    Jumps are performed with the rotation of the rope forward, backward, to the sides, with one and two rotations in one jump.

    When performing a jump rope with intermediate jumps, the movement of the rope slows down by half and is performed with almost straight arms, or with only one hand.

    When jumping, the rope is held freely, without pinching it tightly with your fingers. For the convenience of adjusting the speed and direction of movement, keep your thumb on top of the handle.

    Jumping rope is performed on toes. Jumps are made low, rising a little higher than the rope moving above the floor in such a way that, in the rhythm of the rope, jump without stopping. Land softly with your knees slightly bent.

    The length of the rope should correspond to the height of the student. To determine its length, while holding the rope by the ends, stand in the middle with two legs (feet shoulder-width apart), bend your arms, pressing your elbows to your body, and take your forearms at a right angle to the sides. In this position, the rope should be taut (Fig. 26).

    Figure 26 - Determining the length of the rope

    You can determine the length in another way, standing in the middle of the rope with closed legs. Then pull the ends of the rope up, while the handles of the rope should touch the armpits.

    The usual starting position for performing exercises with a rope is to stand with the legs together, arms slightly forward, slightly bent in elbow joints, shoulders laid aside, approximately at an angle of 30 °, the rope lies on the floor in front or behind (Fig. 27).

    Figure 27 - Starting position with a rope

    The initial rotational movement of the rope is performed with the forearms slightly bent and the hands turned forward and outward (thumbs up). After one or two rotations of the hands, circular movements are performed only in the wrist joints.

    First, jumps must be performed in slow pace, and as you master them, speed up the pace.

    During the performance of jumps, special attention should be paid to the regulated duration of the exercise, which allows you to adjust the load.

    Physical activity during jumps is also regulated by: a) the type of jumps; b) the number of jumps; c) the pace of jumps.

    It must be borne in mind that jumping rope is an exercise with great physical exertion. Therefore, it is very important: a) to pay attention to the correct movement of the hands, avoiding excessive waste of energy, avoiding unnecessary movements for the rotation of the rope; b) carefully consider the dosage and training methodology. The initial load should be no more than one minute, then it is necessary to gradually increase it, bringing it up to 5-6 minutes.

    It is advisable to alternate jumps with walking in this variant: jumps - 1-2 minutes, walking at a calm pace - 1 - 2 minutes, then jumps again - 1-2 minutes. etc. The number of alternations of jumps and walks is determined by the preparedness of those involved and should increase gradually

    While in service, the rope is held in the right hand, folded 8 times.

    Rope exercises are successfully used in lessons with schoolchildren of all age groups. In the lower grades, they are used to develop coordination of movements, orientation and coordination of students' actions. In the middle and senior classes - in order to improve coordination and develop speed-strength training, general and speed endurance. Learning this type of exercise is recommended to start with the formation of the skill of rotating the rope. To do this, standing still, the rope is folded in half - rotation alternately with the left (right) hand from the side is carried out mainly with a brush. Then the same, but with jumps at the moment the rope hits the floor. Next, they begin to learn various exercises through the rope.

    Simple jumps- low bouncing in place or with advancement (forward, backward, left, right).

    double jump- two jumps: the first one is higher through the rope, the second (intermediate) is lower when the rope is at the top.

    Jump crosswise- the initial position of the leg is crossed, maintaining this position in flight.

    loop jump- the rope rotates with alternately bringing the hands together inside (forming a loop) and diluting them.

    Jump with double rotation- jump, during which the rope makes two turns.

    Jump from one foot to the other.

    Jumps with turns- during jumps, turns are performed to the left and right by 90, 180 and 360 °, etc.

    Half squat and squat jumps- jumps are performed on bent legs.

    squatting- jumps through a shortened rope with alternately putting the legs forward on the heel.

    Jump by changing legs(“pendulum”) - for each jump, the position of the legs alternately changes back and forth with a swing.

    Jumps with one rope can be performed simultaneously by two or three people.

    Exercises with a long rope. Exercises are performed using a 6-8-meter rope, one end of which can be fixed (to a wall, projectile, etc.), and the other end is rotated by a teacher or a student (two students can rotate). Jumping exercises over a long rope can be performed by one student and a group of students. You can perform jumps while standing still and running in (running out) under a rotating rope. It is characteristic that the student performing the jump cannot control the speed of rotation of the rope, as it is rotated by others, this forces him to measure his actions with the rhythm and pace of the movement of the rope.

    In addition to the listed jumps, after a little training, it is possible to perform a number of different jumps, connected one after the other in one combination.

    Also with a jump rope, you can perform general developmental exercises, compiled into complexes of various directions.

    Exercise 1.rice. 1). 1-2 - hands through the sides up, stretch and pass the ball to the right hand - inhale; 3-4 - lower your hands down - exhale. Repeat the same, passing the ball from the right hand to the left. Raise your head to watch the ball pass. Hands at the top should be exactly above the head.

    Exercise 2. I.p.: legs apart, ball in left hand ( rice. 2). 1 - tilt to the right, hands behind the head, pass the ball to the right hand; 2 - straighten up, arms down; 3-4 - the same in the other direction, passing the ball to the left hand. When passing the ball, the elbows are laid back and to the sides. Body weight all the time on two legs. Tilt to perform in one plane. Breathing is arbitrary, without delay.

    Exercise 3 I.p .: legs together, arms to the sides, ball in the right hand ( rice. 3). 1 - deep squat, knees together, hands down, pass the ball to the left hand (at the toes) - exhale; 2 - stand up, arms to the sides - inhale; 3-4 - the same, passing the ball to the right hand. Make sure that when standing up, the children straighten their shoulders and raise their arms exactly to the sides.

    Exercise 4 I.p .: legs apart, the ball in the hands below. 1-2 - turn to the right, throw the ball up ( rice. 4); 3 - catch the ball with both hands; 4 - i.p.; 5-8 - the same in the other direction. Toss the ball with both hands low and strictly vertically, without taking your feet off the floor. Breathing is arbitrary.

    Exercise 5 I.p .: kneeling, the ball is on the floor between the palms. 1 - take the ball with your right hand; 2–4 - make it a large circle forward and upward (in the lateral plane); 5 - put the ball in place ( rice. 5); 6 - the same with the left hand. Follow the movement of the ball with your eyes, do not tear your knees off the floor. The beginning of the movement is inhalation, the end is exhalation.

    Exercise 6 I.p .: legs apart, hands on the belt, the ball on the floor between the legs. 1 - jump left foot forward, right back (in line); 2 - jumping legs apart; 3 - jump right foot forward, left back; 4 - jumping legs apart ( rice. 6). Jumps should be performed softly, on toes, stretching "to the side". Make sure that the ball remains between the legs at all times. After jumping, move on to walking. Breathing is arbitrary.

    2nd grade

    Exercise 1.rice. 1). 1 - hands forward, pass the ball to the left hand - exhale; 2 - arms to the sides and a jerk back - inhale; 3-4 - the same, passing the ball to the right hand. Perform the exercise at an average pace, with straight arms, without lowering them below shoulder level.

    Exercise 2. I.p .: legs apart, ball at the top ( rice. 2). 1 - tilt forward, the ball on the floor between the legs - exhale; 2 - straighten up, arms up - inhale; 3 - tilt forward, take the ball - exhale; 4 - straighten up, the ball up - inhale. Do not bend your knees, do not throw the ball on the floor. The stance can be changed gradually, reducing the distance between the feet.

    Exercise 3 I.p .: kneeling, legs slightly apart, arms to the sides, the ball in the right hand. 1 - turn the body to the right, tilt back, put the ball on the floor between the feet ( rice. 3); 2 - i.p.; 3 - turn left, raise the ball with your left hand; 4 - i.p. Perform movements by bending over, do not tear your knees off the floor. Breathing is arbitrary.

    Exercise 4 I.p .: legs together, right hand on the belt, left hand in front, ball in the palm of your hand ( rice. 4). 1 - squat on the right, left forward, do not bend the knee; 2 - get up, return to I.p. Breathing is arbitrary.

    Exercise 5 I.p .: legs apart, the ball is in the right hand. 1 - swing the right foot forward and up, hit the ball on the floor under the foot ( rice. 5); lowering the leg, catch it with both hands on the other side; 2 - shift the ball to the left hand, swinging with the left foot, hit the ball on the floor under the foot. The ball is thrown at a slight angle inward so that it bounces off the floor (ground) without touching the legs. Do not lean forward while swinging your foot. Breathing is arbitrary.

    Exercise 6. I.p.: ball in hands below. 1 - throw the ball up; 2 - clap behind the back, catch the ball with both hands ( rice. 6). Throw the ball strictly vertically, do not leave the place. The number of claps can be increased by clapping in front and behind. Breathing is arbitrary.

    Exercise 7 I.p. – o.s., the ball is on the floor on the right. Jumping left and right over the ball ( rice. 7), jumping left and right with intermediate jumps in place, and then two, three or more jumps over the ball, performed at a fast pace. Breathing is arbitrary. After jumping, move on to walking.

    3rd grade

    Exercise 1. I.p. – o.s., ball in left hand ( rice. 1

    Complicated version: 1-2 - rise on toes.

    Exercise 2. I.p .: legs apart, arms to the sides, the ball in the right hand ( rice. 2). 1 - tilt to the left leg, arms down, pass the ball to the left hand under the leg - exhale; 2 - straighten up, arms to the sides - inhale; 3-4 - the same to the other leg, passing the ball to the right hand. Perform inclinations without bending your knees. The exercise can be supplemented by jerking the arms back (when spreading the arms to the sides).

    Exercise 3 I.p .: leg stand apart, ball in left hand ( rice. 3). 1-2 - turn to the right, hit the ball on the floor; 3 - catch the ball with both hands; 4 - ball in the right hand; 5-8 - the same in the other direction. The ball is thrown vertically. Do not move your feet, do not lift your heels off the floor.

    Exercise 4 I.p.: legs apart, ball in hands. 1 - throw the ball up; 2 - sit down, catch the ball with both hands ( rice. 4); 3 - in a squat throw the ball up; 4 - stand up, catch the ball. The throw height is not more than 1–1.5 m. When performing the exercise, do not leave the place.

    Difficult option: after the throw, you need to sit down and stand up, then catch the ball. Breathing is arbitrary.

    Exercise 5. I.p.: ball in right hand ( rice. 5). 1 - bend forward the right leg, the ball under the knee; 2 - hold the ball under the knee, take it away bent leg back and bend; 3 - right foot forward and take the ball with your left hand; 4 - leg down. The same with the left foot. When moving your legs back, to maintain balance, you can spread your arms to the sides or slightly back, trying to keep your torso straight. First, do this exercise without the ball. Breathing is arbitrary.

    Exercise 6 I.p .: lying on your back, arms to the sides, the ball in your right hand ( rice. 6). 1 - bend your legs forward and put the ball on your shins at the feet - exhale; 2 - straighten your legs and gently lower to the floor, arms to the sides - inhale; 3 - bend your legs forward and take the ball with your left hand - exhale; 4 - straighten your legs, arms to the sides, the ball in your left hand - inhale. When bending the legs, tilt the head forward, controlling the position of the ball with a glance. Leg movements must be smooth so that the ball does not fall.

    Exercise 7 I.p. – o.s., the ball is on the floor in front ( rice. 7). 1 - jump forward legs apart, the ball between the feet; 2 - jump forward with legs together, ball from behind; 3-4 - two jumps in place, turn around. Alternate jumps with turns to the left and right. Jump softly, on your toes. Breathing is arbitrary.

    Option: 3-4 - jumping back legs apart and together (backward).

    Exercise 8 Walking in place, hitting the ball on the floor alternately with the left and right hand and catching with both hands ( rice. 8). Each throw should be made under a certain score, for example, on account 1 or on account 3.

    Complicated version: Complete the task moving forward. Breathing is arbitrary.

    4th grade

    Exercise 1. I.p .: legs apart wider, arms to the sides, the ball in the right hand ( rice. 1). 1-2 - shift the center of gravity to the left leg, shift the ball under the knee to the left hand; 3–4 - i.p.; 5-8 - the same in the other direction. Do the exercise smoothly, slowly, stretching while spreading your arms to the sides and turning your palms up. Breathing is arbitrary.

    Exercise 2. I.p.: ball in left hand ( rice. 2). 1-2 - hands through the sides up, stretch and pass the ball to the right hand - inhale; 3-4 - hands through the sides down, behind the back pass the ball to the left hand - exhale. When hands are up, look at the ball.

    Complicated version: 1-2 - rise on toes.

    Exercise 3 I.p .: legs apart, the ball is in the left hand. 1-2 - turn to the right, hit the ball on the floor; 3 - catch the ball with both hands ( rice. 3); 4 - ip, ball in the right hand; 5-8 - the same in the other direction. The ball is thrown vertically. Do not move your feet, do not lift your heels off the floor.

    Exercise 4 I.p .: legs apart, the ball in the hands below. Throw the ball up, quickly crouch and slam one hand on the floor ( rice. 4), stand up, catch the ball with both hands. When performing the exercise, do not leave the place. Squat on a full foot, keep the torso as straight as possible, following the flight of the ball with your eyes. Cotton should be done alternately with the right and left hand.

    Complicated version: throwing and catching the ball with one hand. Breathing is arbitrary.

    Exercise 5 I.p .: legs apart, arms up, ball in left hand ( rice. 5). 1 - torso tilt to the right, release the ball and catch it with the right hand; 2 - straighten up; 3-4 - the same in the other direction. Make the slope stronger so that the hands are almost in horizontal position and the ball fell exactly on the palm lower hand. Try not to bring your hands together. The head should be raised all the time, look at the ball. Breathing is arbitrary, without delay.

    Exercise 6 I.p .: sitting, arms to the sides, ball in the right hand ( rice. 6). 1 - high swing of the right (left) leg up, arms forward and pass the ball under the foot to the left hand - exhale; 2 - lower the leg, arms to the sides; 3 - bend your arms behind your head and pass the ball to your right hand - inhale; 4 - arms to the sides. Mahi do alternately with the right, left hand. The leg is straight, the toe is pulled back. Spreading your arms, you need to straighten your back. Exercise to perform vigorously at a fast pace. After several repetitions, the direction of the ball must be changed.

    Exercise 7 I.p .: hands on the belt, the ball on the floor on the side. Jumping sideways over the ball from the right foot to the left and back with double stomp ( rice. 7). These jumps are reminiscent of the movement found in Russian and Ukrainian dances: on the count of “one”, a jump is performed from foot to foot, and on the count of “two”, a double stomp is performed. Perform the jump gently, focusing only on overstepping. Breathing is arbitrary.

    Exercise 8. Walking in place or moving forward, hitting the ball on the floor with your left hand and catching it with your right hand and vice versa ( rice. 8). You need to throw the ball in front of you at a slight angle so that it bounces exactly into the other hand. When the exercise is mastered, it can be performed under the count, making throws under a certain leg and at a given pace. Breathing is arbitrary.