Senior group in the dhow. Card file of outdoor games in the senior group of kindergarten

The proposed list of project topics was developed for use in the senior group of the preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution). To implement project activities and to diversify the educational process, preschool teachers are recommended to use additional materials, interactive and multimedia technologies.

We recommend using data project topics in the senior group kindergarten(DOE) for the implementation of the tasks of a preschool educational institution. Topics of projects about plants, animate and inanimate nature, about animals, about the properties of materials and about natural phenomena in preschool educational institutions are also effective method interaction with the environment of pupils in a preschool educational institution.

In the process of implementing projects in the senior group of the kindergarten, pupils improve the skills of interaction in activities with the teacher and other pupils. Data-driven project activities topics of projects in the senior group of preschool educational institutions is a conscious search for new knowledge that will interest pupils and raise the level of intellectual development of children.

Topics of projects of the senior group of preschool educational institutions

Baikal - the pearl of Siberia
We want to be healthy
Sorceress - Voditsa
Magic transformation of clay
The Magical World of K.I. Chukovsky
Magic in the garden
The whole truth about sharks
We grow beans
Long live scented soap
Trees are our friends
Friendship is to be treasured
Friends of planet earth
Christmas tree beauty
Animals of hot countries
Mysteries of space
mysterious space
Healthy teeth - beautiful smile
Hello summer!
Hello theater!
Green pharmacy
Green Planet
Wintering birds are our friends
Toys from a Russian hut
The art of book making
The history of the New Year's toy
To distant worlds
How did the colors appear on the palette?
How did the phone come about
How can we save our river?
How bread came to the table
What kind of water do we drink
Potatoes - bread help
book house
Tumbler doll
Onion is our good friend
Humans and Dolphins
People and cats.
Little discoveries in my big family
Mammoths are ancient and powerful
The bear is fabulous and real
World of funny animals
zebra world
cactus world
world of whales
horse world
The world of plants on the windowsill
dog world
world of flowers
Can a hamster replace a boba, and can a hamster replace a boba?
Is it possible to grow a large cactus at home?
Is it possible to grow a plant in a closed glass jar?
My green friends
My cat
My land
my favorite flower
My poodle
My hometown
Milk and dairy products
My small home
My family, my kindergarten
DIY cartoon
We love cleanliness

Our house
Our health is in our hands
health week
Fire is a dangerous country
autumn tree
Fundamentals of safety and life at home and on the street
The first flower is a snowdrop
Over the seas, over the waves
According to the tales of A.S. Pushkin
Feed the birds in winter
Useful tops and roots
Polyethylene in the city of craftsmen
Look, dandelion!
Lost World of Dinosaurs
Why did dinosaurs become extinct?
Why do volcanoes erupt?
Why do whales float to the surface and release a fountain of water?
Why does a cow give milk?
Why sea ​​water salty?
Why do waterfalls appear?
Why does the plant grow
Why does the tree have sharp needles?
Safety regulations
About tops and roots
Walk in the woods
Traveling across the world
Journey to the North Pole
Pushkin and music
The child has the right
christmas tree
The role of plants in human life
Russia is my artisan
Sports games with a ball
Mysterious komos
At the Khanty in the taiga
The amazing world of space
The wonderful world of fish
Photos - stories without words
Bread is the head of everything
I want to be like my dad!
What do crafts smell like?
What do we know about sunflowers?
What is a microscope?
What is an experiment?
What do we have in the salt shaker and in the sugar bowl?
What do I know about myself
Miraculous transformations, or What is cheese?
Wide carnival
ecological trail
I am human
I am in the human world


Performed: Smirnova Margarita Sergeevna - teacher of the preschool group of the municipal educational institution "Raikonkosskaya OOSh".

Mobile game "Cunning Fox"

Target: To develop in children endurance, observation. Exercise in fast running with dodging, in building in a circle, in catching.

Description: The players stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. Outside the circle, the fox's house is drawn. The teacher invites the players to close their eyes, goes around the circle behind the children and says “I’m going to look for a cunning and red fox in the forest!”, Touches one of the players, who becomes a cunning fox. Then the teacher invites the players to open their eyes and look carefully which of them is a cunning fox, if she will give herself away with something. The players ask in chorus 3 times, at first quietly, and then louder, “Sly fox, where are you?”. While everyone is looking at each other. The cunning fox quickly comes to the middle of the circle, raises his hand up, says "I'm here." All the players scatter around the site, and the fox catches them. The captured fox takes it home to the hole.

Rules: The fox begins to catch the children only after the players who play 3 times in chorus ask and the fox says "I'm here!" If the fox gave himself away earlier, the teacher appoints a new fox.
The player who ran out of the area is considered to be caught.

Options: 2 foxes are selected.

Mobile game "Pass - get up"

Target: To instill in children a sense of camaraderie, develop dexterity, attention. Strengthen the muscles of the shoulders and back.

Description: The players are built in two columns, at a distance of two steps from one another. In each stand from each other at arm's length. A line is drawn in front of the columns. Two balls are placed on it. At the signal to “sit down”, everyone sits down cross-legged. At the signal “pass”, the first in the columns take the balls and pass them over their heads behind those sitting, then they stand up and turn to face the column. The one who received the ball passes it back over his head, then gets up and also turns to face the column, etc. The column that passes correctly and does not drop the ball wins.

Rules: Pass the ball only over the head and while sitting. Get up only after passing the ball behind the person sitting. The one who failed to take the ball runs after him, sits down and continues the game.

Options: Pass the ball to the right or left by turning the body.

Mobile game "Find the ball"

Target: To develop in children observation, dexterity.

Description: All players stand in a circle close to the center. One player becomes the center, this is the speaker. The players keep their hands behind their backs. One is given a ball. Children begin to pass the ball to each other behind their backs. The driver tries to guess who has the ball. He can ask each of the players to show their hands by saying "hands". The player extends both hands forward, palms up. The one who had the ball or who dropped it, becomes in the middle, and the driver takes his place.

Rules: The ball is passed in any direction. The ball is passed only to a neighbor. You cannot pass the ball to a neighbor after the driver demands to show his hands.

Options: Put two balls into play. Increase the number of drivers. Give the task to the one who had the ball: jump, dance, etc.

Mobile game "Two frosts"

Target: To develop in children inhibition, the ability to act on a signal (by word). Exercise in running with dodging in catching. Contribute to the development of speech.

Description: On opposite sides of the site, two houses are marked with lines. The players are located on one side of the court. The teacher selects two drivers who stand in the middle of the site between the houses, facing the children. These are Frost Red Nose and Frost Blue Nose. At the signal of the educator, “Start,” both Frosts say: “We are two young brothers, two frosts are remote. I am Frost Red Nose. I am Blue Nose Frost. Which of you decide to set off on the path? All the players answer: “We are not afraid of threats and we are not afraid of frost” and run to the house on the opposite side of the site, and the Frosts try to freeze them, i.e. touch with your hand. The frozen ones stop where the frost has taken them, and so they stand until the end of the dash for everyone else. The frozen ones are counted, after which they join the players.

Rules: Players can run out of the house only after the word "frost". Those who run out earlier and who remain in the house are considered frozen. Anyone touched by Frost immediately stops. You can only run forward, but not backward and not out of bounds.

Options: Behind one line are the children of the Blue Frost, behind the other are the children of the Red. At the “blue” signal, the blue ones run, and the Red Frost catches and vice versa. Who will catch more.

Mobile game "Carousel"

Target: To develop in children the rhythm of movements and the ability to coordinate them with words. Exercise in running, walking in a circle and building in a circle.

Description: The players form a circle. The teacher gives the children a cord, the ends of which are tied. Children holding right hand by the cord, turn to the left and say a poem: “Barely, barely, barely, barely, the carousels spun. And then around, around, all running, running, running. In accordance with the text of the poem, children walk in a circle, first slowly, then faster, then run. During the run, the educator says: “Be-be-y-whether.” Children run 2 times in a circle, the teacher changes the direction of movement, saying: “Turn”. The players turn around, quickly intercepting the cord with their left hand and run in the other direction. Then the teacher continues with the children: “Hush, hush, don’t write off, stop the carousel. One, two, one, two, the game is over!"

Mobile game "Mousetrap"

Target: To develop in children endurance, the ability to coordinate movements with words, dexterity. Practice running and squatting, building in a circle and walking in a circle. Contribute to the development of speech.

Description: The players are divided into two unequal groups. The smaller one forms a circle - a “mousetrap”, the rest of the “mice” - they are outside the circle. The players, representing a mousetrap, hold hands and begin to walk in a circle, saying: “Oh, how tired the mice are, they gnawed everything, everyone ate. Beware, cheaters, we will get to you. We will put mousetraps for you, we will catch everyone now. Children stop and raise their clasped hands up, forming a gate. Mice run into and out of the mousetrap. According to the word of the teacher: "clap", the children standing in a circle, lower their hands and squat - the mousetrap slammed shut. Players who do not have time to run out of the circle are considered to be caught. Caught mice move into a circle and increase the size of the mousetrap. When most of the mice are caught, the children switch roles.

Rules: Lower clasped hands at the word “clap”. After the mousetrap is slammed, you can not crawl under your arms

Mobile game "Guess who got caught"

Target: Develop observation, activity, initiative. Practice running and jumping.

Description: Children sit on chairs, the teacher offers to go for a walk in the forest or in a clearing. There you can see birds, bugs, bees, frogs, grasshoppers, bunnies, hedgehogs. They can be caught and brought to a living corner. The players follow the teacher, and then scatter in different sides and pretend to catch in the air or crouching on the ground. “It's time to go home,” says the teacher and all the children, holding the living creatures in their hands, run home and occupy each of their chairs. The teacher calls one of the children and offers to show who he caught in the forest. The child imitates the movements of the caught animal. Children guess who was caught. Then they go for a walk in the woods again.

Rules: Return at the signal "Time to go home."

Options: A train ride (sitting on chairs, imitating movements and the sound of wheels with hands and feet).

Mobile game "We are funny guys"

Target: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a verbal signal. Exercise in running in a certain direction with dodging. Contribute to the development of speech.

Description: Children stand on one side of the playground. A line is drawn in front of them. A line is also drawn on the opposite side. To the side of the children, in the middle, between the two lines, there is a trap appointed by the teacher. The children say in unison: “We are funny guys, we love to run and jump, well, try to catch up with us. One, two, three - catch! After the word “catch”, the children run to the other side of the playground, and the trap catches up with the runners. The one who was touched by the trap before the player crossed the line is considered to be caught and sits near the trap. After 2-3 runs, the caught ones are recalculated and a new trap is selected. Rules: Crossing to the other side is possible only after the word "catch". The one who was touched by the trap steps aside. The one who ran across to the other side, beyond the line, cannot be caught. Options: Introduce a second trap. On the way of the evaders - an obstacle - running between objects.

Mobile game "The herd and the wolf"

Target: Develop the ability to perform movements on a signal. Practice walking and running fast.

Description: Circles and squares are outlined on one side of the site. These are buildings: a calf barn, a stable. The rest is occupied by "meadow". In one of the corners on the opposite side is the "wolf's lair" (circled). The teacher appoints one of the players as a "shepherd", the other as a "wolf", which is located in the den. The rest of the children depict horses, calves, which are in the barnyard, in the appropriate premises. At the sign of the educator, the "shepherd" in turn approaches the "doors" of the calf house, stables and, as it were, opens them. Playing the pipe, he leads the whole herd to the meadow. He himself goes behind. The players, imitating domestic animals, nibble grass, run, move from one place to another, approaching the wolf's lair. “Wolf,” the teacher says, everyone runs to the shepherd and stands behind him. Those who did not have time to reach the shepherd, the wolf catches and takes them to the lair. The shepherd takes the flock to the barnyard, where everyone is placed in their places.

Rules: The wolf runs out of the lair only after the word "wolf". Simultaneously with the wolf running out, all the players must run to the shepherd. Those who did not have time to stand behind the shepherd, the wolf takes them to him.

Options: Include a “watering hole” in the game, bend down and, as it were, drink water.

Mobile game "Geese - Swans"

Target: To develop in children endurance, the ability to perform movements on a signal. Practice dodging. Promote the development of speech.

Description: At one end of the site, a “house” line is drawn, where the geese are located, at the opposite end there is a shepherd. To the side of the house is the "wolf's lair". The rest of the place is "meadow". The teacher appoints one as a shepherd, another as a wolf, the rest depict geese. The shepherd drives out the geese to graze on the meadow. Geese walk, fly across the meadow. The shepherd calls them "Geese, geese." The geese answer: "Ha-ha-ha." "Do you want to eat?" "Yes Yes Yes". "So fly." "We are not allowed. The gray wolf under the mountain does not let us go home. "So fly as you like, just take care of the wings." The geese, spreading their wings, fly home through the meadow, and the wolf runs out, cuts off their path, trying to catch more geese (touch with your hand). The captured geese are carried away by the wolf. After 3-4 runs, the number of those caught is counted, then a new wolf and a shepherd are appointed.

Rules: Geese can fly home, and the wolf can catch them only after the words "So fly as you want, just take care of your wings." The wolf can catch geese in the meadow up to the border of the house.

Options: Increase distance. Enter the second wolf. On the way of the wolf obstacles, which must be jumped over.

Mobile game "Who will quickly remove the tape"

Description: A line is drawn on the site, beyond which the children are built in several columns of 4-5 people. At a distance of 10-15 steps, a rope is stretched opposite the columns, the height is 15 cm higher than the hands of the children raised up. Against each column, a ribbon is thrown onto this rope. At the “run” signal, all those standing first in the columns run to their ribbon, jump up and pull it off the rope. The first person to remove the tape is considered the winner. Ribbons are hung up again, those who were first in the column stand at the end, and the rest move towards the line. At the signal, the next children run. Etc. The winnings in each column are counted. Rules: You can run only after the word "run". Pull off the tape only opposite your column. Options: Put obstacles in the way of running. Stretch the rope at a distance of 40 cm, under which you need to crawl without hitting it. Draw two lines at a distance of 30 cm, through which you need to jump.

Mobile game "Quick to places"

Target: Develop orientation in space, the ability to perform movements on a signal. Exercise in fast running, walking, bouncing.

Description: Children stand in a circle at arm's length, the place of each is marked with an object. At the word "run", the children leave the circle, walk, run or jump all over the site. The teacher removes one item. After the words "in places", all the children run in a circle and take empty seats. To the rest, the children say in unison, “Vanya, Vanya, don’t yawn, quickly take a seat!”

Rules: A place in a circle can only be taken after the words “In places”. You can not stay still after the word "run."

Options: At the beginning of the game, do not hide the die so that no one is left without a place. Remove 2 or 3 cubes. In winter, flags are stuck in the snow.

Mobile game "Trap, take the tape"

Target: To develop in children dexterity, ingenuity. Practice running with dodging, catching and building in a circle.

Description: The players are built in a circle, each receives a ribbon, which he lays behind the belt or behind the collar. In the center of the circle is a trap. At the signal “run”, the children scatter, and the trap seeks to pull the ribbon from someone. The one who has lost the ribbon steps aside. At the signal “One, two, three, quickly run into a circle,” the children line up in a circle. The trap counts the number of ribbons and returns them to the children. The game starts with a new trap.

Rules: The trap should take only the tape, without delaying the player. The player, having lost the tape, steps aside.

Options: Choose two traps. You cannot take a tape from a crouched player. The players run along the "path", "bridge", jumping over the "hummocks".

Mobile game "Bear and bees"

Target: Teach children to get off and climb on the gymnastic wall. develop dexterity and speed.

The hive (gymnastic wall or tower) is located on one side of the site. On the opposite side is a meadow. To the side is a bear den. At the same time, no more than 12-15 people participate in the game. The players are divided into 2 unequal groups. Most of them are bees that live in the hive. Bears are in the den. At a prearranged signal, the bees fly out of the hive (get down from the gymnastic wall), fly to the meadow for honey and buzz. As they fly away, the bears run out of the den and climb into the hive (climb the wall) and feast on honey. As soon as the teacher gives the signal “bears”, the bees fly to the hives, and the bears run away to the den. The bees that did not have time to hide sting (touch by hand). Then the game resumes. Stung bears do not participate in the next game.
Directions. After two repetitions, the children switch roles. The teacher makes sure that the children do not jump off, but get off the stairs; help if necessary.

Mobile game "Hunters and hares"

Target: Improve the skills of jumping and throwing at a target on both legs. Develop dexterity, speed and orientation in space.

Separation of roles: One or two "hunters" are chosen, who stand on one side of the site, the rest of the children are "hares".

Game progress.
Hares sit in their "minks" located on the opposite side of the site. "Hunters" go around the site and pretend to be looking for "hares", then go to their places, hide behind "trees" (chairs, bench).
In the teacher's words:
Bunny jump-jump. jumping gallop
Into the green forest
"Hares" go to the site and jump. To the word "Hunter!" The "hares" run to their "minks", one of the "hunters" aims the ball at their feet and whoever it hits, he takes with him. The "hares" again go out into the forest and the "hunter" hunts them again, but throws the ball with his second hand. When the game is repeated, new "hunters" are chosen.

Game instructions. Make sure that the "hunter" throws the ball with both the right and left hand. "Hunters" throw the ball only at the feet of "hares". The ball is picked up by the one who threw it.

Mobile game "Free place"

Target: Develop dexterity, speed; the ability not to collide.

The players sit on the floor in a circle with their legs crossed. The teacher calls two children sitting next to each other. They stand up and stand in a circle with their backs to each other. At the signal “one, two, three - run,” they run in different directions, run to their place and sit down. The players note who first took the free place. The teacher calls two other children. Game continues.

Directions. You can call for running and children sitting in different places of the circle.

Mobile game "Wolf in the ditch"

Target: Teach children to jump, develop dexterity.

A moat is marked across the platform (hall) by two parallel lines at a distance of about 100 cm from one another. It contains a driver - a wolf. The rest of the children are goats. They live in the house (stand behind the line along the border of the hall). On the opposite side of the hall, a line separates the field. To the words "Goats, in the field, the wolf in the ditch!" children run from the house into the field and jump over the ditch along the road. The wolf runs in the moat, trying to overpower the jumping goats. Salted walks to the side. The teacher says: “Goats, go home!” The goats run home, jumping over the ditch along the way. After 2-3 runs, another leader is selected or assigned.

Directions. A goat is considered caught if the wolf touched it at the moment when it jumped over the ditch, or if it hit the ditch with its foot. To complicate the game, you can choose 2 wolves.

Mobile game "Frogs and herons"

Target: To develop in children dexterity, speed. Learn to jump back and forth over an object.
The boundaries of the swamp (rectangle, square or circle) where frogs live are marked with cubes (side 20 cm), between which ropes are stretched. At the ends of the ropes are sandbags. Away is a heron's nest. Frogs jump, frolic in the swamp. The heron (leader) stands in its nest. At the signal of the teacher, she, raising her legs high, goes to the swamp, steps over the rope and catches the frogs. The frogs escape from the heron - they jump out of the swamp. The heron takes the frogs he has caught to his house. (They stay there until they choose a new heron.) If all the frogs manage to jump out of the swamp and the heron does not catch anyone, she returns to her house alone. After 2-3 games, a new heron is chosen.

Directions. The ropes are placed on the cubes so that they can easily fall if they are touched when jumping. The fallen rope is put back in place. Playing (frogs) should be evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​​​the swamp. There may be 2 herons in the game.

Udmurt outdoor game "Water"

Target: nurture positive relationships among children.

The driver sits in a circle with his eyes closed. The players move in a circle with the words:
Grandfather Water,
What are you doing underwater?
Look out for a glimpse
For one minute.

The circle stops. The merman gets up and, with his eyes closed, approaches one of the players. His task is to determine who is in front of him. The merman can touch the player in front of him, but his eyes cannot be opened. If the Waterman guesses the player's name, they switch roles and the game continues.

Mobile game "Cosmonauts"

Target: To develop in children attention, dexterity, imagination. Exercise in quick orientation in space.
The contours of the missiles are drawn along the edges of the site. Total there should be fewer seats in the rockets than the number of children playing. In the middle of the platform, the astronauts, holding hands, walk in a circle, saying:
Fast rockets are waiting for us. Let's fly to such a one!
For planet walks. But there is one secret in the game:
Whatever we want, There is no place for latecomers.
With the last words, the children let go of their hands and run to take their places in the rocket. Those who did not have enough space in the rockets remain at the cosmodrome, and those who sit in the rockets tell in turn where they fly and what they see. After that, everyone again stands in a circle, and the game is repeated. During the flight, instead of talking about what they saw, children are invited to perform various exercises, tasks related to spacewalks, etc.

Mobile game "Falcon and pigeons"

Target: exercise children in dodging.

On opposite sides of the site, dove houses are indicated by lines. Between the houses there is a falcon (leader). All children are pigeons. They stand behind the line on one side of the court. The falcon shouts: "Doves, fly!" pigeons fly (run) from one house to another, trying not to get caught by a falcon. The one whom the falcon has touched with his hand steps aside. When 3 pigeons are caught, another falcon is chosen.

Mobile game "Birds and a cage"

Target: increasing motivation for gaming activities, exercise running - in a half-sitting position with acceleration and deceleration of the pace of movement.

Children are divided into two groups. One forms a circle in the center of the playground (children walk in a circle, holding hands) - this is a cage. Another subgroup is birds. The teacher says: “Open the cage!” Children forming a cage raise their hands. Birds fly into a cage (in a circle) and immediately fly out of it. The teacher says: “Close the cage!” children throw up their hands. Birds left in the cage are considered to be caught. They stand in a circle. The cage increases and the game continues until 1-3 birds remain. Then the children switch roles.

Mobile game "Airplanes"

Goals: teach children slow run, keep your back and head straight while running, keep a distance between each other, develop orientation in space.

Option I: children run around the playground, depicting airplanes (hands apart). Planes must not collide and break their wings. The victims of the accident approach the teacher. After repairs, they are again sent to flight. The game lasts 2-3 minutes.

Option II: children are placed around the teacher in one corner of the site and squat down. These are planes at the airport. At the signal of the educator, the planes take off one after another and fly (slowly) in any direction, trying not to touch each other with wings (arms outstretched to the sides). On a signal, the planes come in for a landing and take their place at the airfield. At the end of the game, the best flying without accidents are marked. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Mobile game "Who has the ball"

Goals: learn to keep your back straight, strengthen your back muscles, exercise ball passing.
Children form a circle. The driver is chosen (becomes in the center of the circle), the rest move tightly towards each other. Children pass the ball in a circle behind their backs. The driver tries to guess who has the ball, he says “Hands!” and the one being addressed should show both hands, palms up. If the driver guessed right, he takes the ball and stands in a circle.

Mobile game "Owl"

Goals: development of attention, response to a verbal command and arbitrary regulation of behavior.
An owl's nest is marked on the site. The rest are mice, bugs, butterflies. At the signal "Day!" Everyone is walking and running. After a while, the signal “Night!” sounds. and everyone freezes, remaining in the position in which the team found them. The owl wakes up, flies out of the nest and the one who moves, takes him to his nest.

Mobile game "Homeless Hare"

Goals: short-term exercise fast run and running with dodging, development of a reaction to a quick decision.
From among the players, a "hunter" and a "homeless hare" are selected. The rest of the children - hares are located in the houses (circles drawn on the ground). A homeless hare runs away from a hunter. A hare can escape by running into someone's house, but then the hare standing in the circle becomes a homeless hare and must immediately run away. After 2-3 minutes, the teacher changes the hunter.

Counter relay
Swan geese
Golden Gate
Carp and pike
fire horse
Bear and bees
We are funny guys
Hunters and hares
Passed - sit down
Change subject
Firefighters on the street
planting potatoes
Sly Fox
Chickens and a hawk

Children line up on one side of the playground: these are flowers in the garden. The driver is chosen - the gardener. Stands in front of the children at a distance of 3-4 m. The gardener pronounces the words:
I'm going to pick a flower
Weave a wreath from flowers
We don't want us
plucked- (wave hands in front of you).
And they wove wreaths of us- ("turntable" with hands).
We want to stay in the garden- (stand on toes, hands up).
We will admire- (circling on toes, arms up with head tilted).
The kids run to the other side. The driver catches. Caught - drives!

Counter relay
The players are divided into two teams. Each in turn is divided in half. The players line up opposite each other behind the lines. Players leading teams on one side of the court are given baton (tennis ball). On command: "March!" they start running.
The runners, having run up to the head players of the opposing teams, pass the baton to them and stand behind. The one who received the baton runs forward and passes it to the next player standing opposite, and so on.
The relay ends when the teams change places on the court. Those who finish the run first win.
To increase the load, you can play a game with double runs: the player who is on the opposite side, after passing the baton to him, again runs to where he started running.
To teach the guys to pass the stick according to the rules athletics- to hand over to the player who is standing with his back, you must give the task to run around the column from right to left and then pass the baton to the player who went half a step to the right. You can invite the player who is waiting for the relay to stand with his back to the runner, leaving his column half a step to the side. Then the player, having received the baton, runs around the entire column, runs to the opposite one.
In oncoming relay players can also be lined up so that each player who crosses to the opposite half passes the baton to a teammate and remains in his place. The relay race ends with the last player running.

Swan geese
On one edge of the site, a line indicates the house in which the geese are located. On the opposite side stands a shepherd. To the side of the house is a lair in which there is a wolf. The rest of the place is a meadow. Children playing the roles of a wolf and a shepherd are appointed by the teacher, the rest portray geese. The shepherd drives the geese out into the meadow, they graze on the logs, fly.
Shepherd: Geese, geese!
Geese (stop and answer in chorus): Ha, ha, ha!
Shepherd: Do you want to eat?
Geese: Yes. Yes Yes!
Shepherd: So fly!
Geese: We are not allowed,
Gray wolf under the mountain
He won't let us go home.
Shepherd: So fly how you want
Just take care of your wings!
The geese, spreading their wings (stretching their arms to the side), fly home through the meadow, and the wolf, running out of the lair, tries to catch them (to touch with his hand). Caught geese go to the lair. After several runs (according to the condition of the game), the geese caught by the wolf are counted. Then a new wolf and a shepherd are appointed. The game is repeated 3-4 times.
At first, the teacher plays the role of the wolf.

One of the players is chosen as an entertainer, he becomes in the middle of the circle. The rest of the children, holding hands, walk in a circle (to the right or left as directed by the teacher) and says:
In a circle, stay where you are
One by one, friendly, together
We go step by step. Let's do... like this.
Children stop, lower their hands. The entertainer shows some kind of movement, and all the children repeat it. After 2-3 repetitions of the game (according to the condition), the entertainer chooses one of the players to take his place, and the game continues. The game is repeated 3-4 times.
Directions. Entertainers come up with a variety of movements, not repeating those shown.

The children walk in a circle, the trapper goes in the opposite direction.
1. In the forest, in the forest
2. Among the green oaks,
3. The animals walked,
4. Danger did not know
5. Oh! The hunter is coming!
6. He will take us into captivity
7. Animals run away!
Children run in different directions. Trapper catches up.
Note: 5 p. - semi-squat, for each word, clap on the knees.
6 pages - three hand claps for each word.

Golden Gate
The game involves 10-20 people. Two players are chosen, they step aside and agree which of them will be the sun and which will be the moon. Then they become facing each other, join hands and raise them, forming a gate. The rest of the children join hands and file through the gate. At the same time, they say (or sing):
Golden Gate
Not always missed:
Saying goodbye for the first time
The second time is forbidden
And for the third time
We won't miss you!
The gates close at the last words and catch the one who did not have time to pass. The detainee is quietly asked which side he would like to take: the moon or the sun. He chooses and stands behind the respective player. The rest again go through the gate, and again one of the participants falls into the group of the moon or the sun. When all players are distributed, a tug-of-war between the two groups is arranged. In this case, a rope, rope, stick is used, or children take each other by the belt.

Carp and pike
Half of the players, standing at a distance of 3 steps from each other, form a circle. This is a pond, on the banks of which lie pebbles. One of the players, appointed by the teacher, depicts a pike, he is outside the circle. The rest of the players are carp, they swim (run) inside the circle, in the pond. At the signal of the educator "pike", the pike quickly swims out into the pond, trying to catch carp. Carp rush to hide behind one of the players, standing in a circle and depicting pebbles. The pike catches those carp that did not have time to hide behind the pebbles, and takes them to his house. The game is played 2-3 times, after which the number of carp caught by pike is counted. Then another player is assigned to the role of the pike. The game is repeated 3-4 times.
Directions. When the game is repeated, when a new pike is chosen, the children depicting crucians and pebbles change roles.

fire horse
The players stand in a circle, one in the center (leader) with a flag.
Children in a circle jump in circles with the words: "I have a horse, this horse is fire!" The leader performs jumps on the spot. To the words: "But-but-but-but, but-but-but-but!" Stop in place, make a move bent leg- the horse beats with a hoof. The leader does the same.
"I ride on it, on my horse. The children move in a circle, running horses," leading the opposite way in the other direction. To the words: But-but-but-but, but-but-but-but! - the outer circle remains, performs the movement with a bent leg. The leader continues to move. With the end of the words, he stops and holds out a flag between the two players. One player runs to the right side, the other to the left, trying to run faster and take the flag. The one who succeeded is the driver.

Bears and bees
The hive (gymnastic wall or tower) is located on one side of the site. On the opposite side is a meadow. To the side is a bear den. At the same time, no more than 12-15 people participate in the game. The players are divided into 2 unequal groups. Most of them are bees that live in the hive. Bears are in the den. On a conditioned signal, the bees fly out of the hive (get down from the gymnastic wall), fly to the meadow for honey and buzz. As soon as the bees fly away, the bears run out of the den and climb into the hive (climb the wall) and feast on honey. As soon as the teacher gives the signal "bears", the bees fly to the hives, and the bears run away to the den. The bees that did not have time to hide sting (touch by hand). Then the game resumes. Stung bears do not participate in the next game.
Directions. After two repetitions, the children change roles, the teacher makes sure that the children do not jump, but get off the stairs; help if necessary.

We are fun guys.
Children stand on one side of the playground beyond the line. A line is also drawn on the opposite side of the site. To the side of the children, approximately in the middle between the two lines, is a trap. The trap is assigned by the teacher or chosen by the children. The children say in unison:
We, funny guys, Well, try to catch up with us.
We love to run and jump. One, two, three - catch!
After the word "catch" the children run to the other side of the playground, and the trap catches up with the runners, catches them. The one whom the trap manages to touch before the evader crosses the line is considered to be caught. He steps aside. After 2-3 runs, the caught ones are counted and a new trap is selected. The game is repeated 4-5 times.
Directions. If after 2-3 runs the trap does not catch anyone, a new trap is still selected.

The players are divided into 2 unequal groups. The smaller group, holding hands, form a circle. They represent a mousetrap. The remaining children (mice) are outside the circle. Those representing the mousetrap begin to walk in a circle, saying:
Oh, how tired the mice are, We will get to you.
Everyone gnawed, everyone ate, Here we put mousetraps.
Beware of the cheats, Let's catch everyone now!
Children stop, raise their clasped hands up, forming a gate. Mice run into and out of the mousetrap. At the signal of the teacher "clap", the children standing in a circle lower their hands, squat - the mousetrap slams shut. Mice that do not have time to run out of the circle (mousetraps) are considered to be caught. Those caught become in a circle, the mousetrap increases. When most of the children are caught, the children change roles - the game resumes. The game is repeated 4-5 times.
Directions. After the mousetrap is closed, the mice should not crawl under the arms of those standing in a circle or try to break the clasped hands. The most dexterous children who have never fallen into a mousetrap should be noted.

Hunters and hares
On one side of the site, a place for hunters is outlined. On the other side are houses for hares. In each house there are 2-3 hares. The hunter walks around the site, pretending to be looking for traces of hares, and then returns to his place. On a signal, the hares run out of their houses into the clearing and jump on two legs, moving forward. According to the teacher "Hunter!" hares run to the houses, and a child, representing a hunter, throws a ball at them. A hare hit by a ball is considered to have been hit. The hunter takes him to him. The game is repeated several times, after which another hunter is chosen.
Directions. The hunter may have several balls in his hands. Shooting at hares in the houses is not allowed.

Passed - sit down
This game appeared in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.
Children are divided into two teams and line up in columns one parallel to the other. Each team chooses a captain who stands opposite his team at a distance of 3-4 m. The captains each have the ball in their hands. On a signal from the leader, the captain throws the ball (in any or a predetermined way - from the chest, from the shoulder, from below, with two hands from behind the head, etc.) to the first player in his team. He catches, returns to the captain and immediately crouches. Then the captain exchanges passes with the second, third and other players of the team. Each player, returning the ball to the captain, crouches. When the last player in the column gives the ball to the captain, he lifts it up, and the whole team quickly gets up.
Whose team will quickly and accurately complete the transfer of the ball from the captain to the players and vice versa, that team is considered the winner.

Change subject
Players stand behind the line on one side of the court, forming 4-5 columns (the distance between the columns is about 1.5 m). On the opposite side of the site, opposite each column, circles with a diameter of 60-80 cm are outlined. Each first in the column holds a bag of sand, a cube or other object in his hands. The same object is placed in the center of each circle. On a signal, the players run to the mugs, put an object and take another, then return to their place in a run and raise the brought object above their heads. The one who does it first is considered the winner. Those who came running pass objects to those standing behind them, and they themselves run to the end of the column. When everyone completes the task, the column with the most wins is marked.
Directions. The child can lift the object up only after he stands in the column. The teacher makes sure that the children do not approach the line, leaving a free place for the returning player.

Firefighters in training
The children face gymnastic wall in 3-4 columns (according to the number of spans). The first in columns stand on the line. On each span of the gymnastic wall, bells are hung on the rail at the same height. At the signal of the teacher "one, two, three - run," all the children standing in the columns first run to the gymnastic wall, climb on it and ring the bells. Then they descend and return to the end of their column. The teacher notes the one who called first. Game continues. All children must complete the task. That column wins, in which there are more players who managed to call first.
Directions. The teacher makes sure that the children get off, and not jump off the rails, if necessary, helps. Those who break the rule will not receive any winnings.

planting potatoes
The players are divided into 2-3 teams, which line up parallel to each other at a distance of 2-3 steps. The intervals in the columns are half a step. A starting line is drawn in front of those in front. At a distance of 10-20 steps from the starting line, in front of each team, circles (holes) are drawn in a row or small hoops are placed - according to the number of potatoes in each bag. The circles are at a distance of 1 step from each other.
The players standing in front are given a bag filled with potatoes (according to the number of circles-holes).
At the signal of the leader, the players with bags run up to their circles (holes) and put one potato in each circle. Then the players come back and pass the bags to the next players. They run to their circles, collect potatoes in bags, return and pass the bags to the next players, etc. The returning player stands at the end of his column. The team that managed to finish the layout of potatoes faster than others and without errors is considered the winner.
If a player drops a potato while running, he must pick it up and put it in a bag, and only then continue the game.
If during the layout the potato did not fall into the circle, it must be put there, and only then the player can continue the game. the player can run out only when he gets the bag. All players must complete the layout and collection of potatoes.

Sly Fox
The players stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. To the side, outside the circle, the fox's house is indicated. At the signal of the teacher, the children close their eyes, and the teacher goes around the circle behind the children and imperceptibly touches one of the players. The one touched by the teacher becomes a cunning fox. The teacher invites the players to open their eyes and look carefully at each other, trying to find out which of them is a cunning fox, if she will give herself away with something. Those who play in chorus 3 times (at short intervals) ask (quietly at first, and then louder and louder): "Cunning fox, where are you?" At the same time, everyone is looking at each other carefully. As soon as the question: "Cunning fox, where are you?" - will be pronounced for the third time, the player, chosen by the cunning fox, quickly runs out into the middle of the circle, raises his hand, the player, chosen by the cunning fox, quickly runs out into the middle of the circle, raises his hand up and says: "I'm here" All the players scatter around platform, and the fox catches them (touches his hand). The captured fox takes him to his house. After the fox catches 2-3 children, the teacher says loudly: "In a circle" The players form a circle, the game resumes. The game is repeated 5-6 times.
Directions. If the fox gave himself away with something, the teacher appoints another fox. One of the players can also choose a fox. If the fox cannot catch anyone for a long time, you can choose another driver. If the site is very large, you can mark its boundaries.

Chickens and a hawk
One child is a hawk. The chickens are walking. Suddenly, the host says: "Hawk!". The hawk rushes at the chickens, they freeze, who moved, the hawk takes him.
We play 3-4 times. We choose the most agile chicken. We change the hawk.

Continuation: "What groups are in kindergarten?".

This article will talk about middle group kindergarten. Examples of classes and works are given.

Part four: Senior group

● Kindergarten groups. Senior group.


senior group of kindergarten

The senior group is attended by children aged 5 to 6 years.
In public kindergartens, this group works 5 days a week, from Monday to Friday inclusive.

Opening hours - from 7 am to 19 pm.

As a rule, children in this group are graduates junior group, so they already know a lot and in the older group there is a further development of their knowledge and skills.

Classes usually last 20-25 minutes and are interrupted by “physical education minutes” so that the child can relax, be distracted and so that the classes do not seem boring and boring to him.

Classes with children held in the senior group:

- getting to know the outside world(at this age, children can communicate on almost any topic related to family, nature, discuss stories, children's educational programs, etc.)

- speech development(At 5-6 years old, children can not only listen and understand the requests of an adult, but also talk freely with each other, talk about what they saw or heard, argue, reason, draw conclusions, catch intonations, speak in a whisper)

- introduction to literature(the list of works includes not only works of children's literature, but also complex texts various kinds and genres that have a hidden subtext (household fairy tale, epic, fable, etc.)

- math classes(During the classes, children will receive stable counting skills, get acquainted with the processes of addition and subtraction, learn how to compose and solve problems)

* the senior group of kindergarten in mathematics classes

- modeling, application(Classes contribute to the development of a sense of beauty; the development of emotional responsiveness of the imagination, independence, perseverance, accuracy, diligence, the ability to complete work)

- drawing(at this age, children should be introduced to getting acquainted with different types fine arts (painting, graphics, sculpture)

- music lessons- aimed at creating conditions for the development of musical and creative abilities of children preschool age by means of music, rhythmoplasty, theatrical activity, the ability to emotionally perceive music.

- construction and manual labor(manufacture of items from a variety of materials: cardboard, paper, wood, natural material(cones, acorns, straw, bark, corn cobs, peach pits), waste material (reels, boxes) using fur, feathers, fabric scraps, etc.)

-physical training in the classroom aims to further physical development children, taking into account their age, individual psychological and physiological characteristics.

  • Information for parents about age features children 5-6 years old.

The fifth and especially the sixth year of a child's life is characterized by the formation of its basic qualities, such as:

- intelligence development- at this age, there is a sharp "growing up" in views and judgments. They become balanced, thoughtful, with attempts to logically substantiate their words.

- development of volitional qualities(such as understanding the meaning of the word "necessity", "should", "mandatory", etc. and everything connected with this.)

- awareness of responsibility for one's actions and decisions made

going on the formation of social relationships with friends, with a team, there is a feeling of friendship, sympathy, affection for each other. There is a feeling of solidarity, community with those like him, etc.

Baby starts more critical of interpersonal relationships in kindergarten, in the family, among peers. There is an active formation of one's own opinion in relation to the surrounding environment.

- the properties of memory and the ability to analyze are changing. Improves attention and ability to perceive the material. This is especially true in cases where these classes are useful for his practical activities.

Tops and roots

Children stand in a circle or in a line.

In the center of the circle or in front of the line is a teacher with a large ball in his hands. This game can also be played by one of the guys.

The driver throws the ball, while calling the tops or roots. The child catches the ball and throws it back, calling the right word. For example:

Educator. Eggplant.

Child. Tops.

caregiver. Radish.

Child. Roots.

caregiver. Cabbage.

Child. Tops.

Educator. Potato.

Child. Roots.

caregiver. Strawberry.

Child. Tops.

caregiver. Garlic.

Child. Roots.

Educator. Cucumbers.

Child. Tops.

At the end of the game, children are marked who have never made a mistake.


Children walk around the playground in pairs, holding hands. To the teacher's signal: "Gate!" Everyone stops and raises their hands. The last pair pass under the gate - and stand in front. Game continues.

Days of the week

On Monday I swam, (They depict how they swim.)

And on Tuesday he painted, (They depict how they draw.)

On Wednesday, he washed himself for a long time, (They depict how they wash.)

And on Thursday he played football, (They run on the spot.)

On Friday I jumped, ran, (Jump on the spot.)

And on Saturday he danced, (Whirling in place.)

On Sunday I ate a cake, (They depict how they eat.)

And rested in the evening. (They squat, put folded palms under the cheek, close their eyes.)


Children form a circle. In the center of the circle, the driver is a bug. He is squatting. Children, holding hands, walk in a circle with the words:

spider bug,

thin legs,

red boots,

We fed you

We fed you

They put on their feet.

(The players approach the bug and help him to his feet.)

Forced to dance.

Dance as much as you want

Choose who you want!

The bug dances and then chooses the next driver.

The game is repeated.

Animal charging

Children stand in a circle or scattered.

The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.

Once - squat, (Squat.)

Two is a jump. (Jump on two legs in place.)

This is a rabbit load. (They put their hands on their heads - “ears on top.”)

And when the foxes wake up, (They rub their eyes with their fists.)

They like to stretch for a long time, (They stretch with the abduction of hands.)

Be sure to yawn, (They yawn, covering their mouth with their palms.)

Well, wag your tail. (Perform hip movements from side to side.)

And the cubs - bend their backs (Bend forward.)

And jump lightly. (Jumping on two legs.)

Well, the bear is clubfoot, (Arms are half-bent at the elbows, palms are connected below the waist.)

Legs wide apart (Feet shoulder-width apart.)

Now one, then both together, (They shift from foot to foot.)

Long time treading water. (Swing the body from side to side.)

And for whom charging is not enough -

Start over! (Spread your arms to the sides at waist level, palms up.)

How are you?

Children stand in a circle or scattered.

The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.

- How are you?

- Like this! (Show thumbs up.)

- Do you swim?

- Like this! (Imitate swimming.)

- How do you run?

- Like this! (Running in place.)

- Do you look far away?

- Like this! (Put fingers to eyes with binoculars.)

- Are you looking forward to dinner?

- Like this! (Put cheek on fist.)

- Are you following?

- Like this! (Waving their hands.)

- Do you sleep in the morning?

- Like this! (Put both hands under the cheek.)

- Are you kidding?

- Like this! (Slap their pouted cheeks.)

Flying - not flying

Children sit or become a semicircle.

The leader names the items. If the object flies, the children raise their hands up or to the sides. If it doesn't fly, hands down. The host may deliberately make mistakes, while many children will involuntarily raise their hands, by virtue of imitation.

It is necessary to hold back in a timely manner and not raise your hands if a non-flying object is named.


Children stand in a circle or scattered.

The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements in accordance with the text.

We are funny monkeys.

We play too loud.

We clap our hands (clap)

We stomp our feet, (Stomp.)

We inflate our cheeks, (Inflate our cheeks.)

We jump on toes (Bounce in place.)

And even to each other

We'll show you the tongues. (Show tongue.)

Let's jump together to the ceiling, (Jump.)

Let's put a finger to the temple. (Put a finger to the temple.)

Open your mouth wider, (Open your mouth.)

We'll make all the grimaces. (They make faces.)

How do I say the number 3 -

All freeze with grimaces!

Pass the ball

The players stand in a circle at a step distance from each other. The teacher gives one of the guys a ball. At the command of the teacher: “Start!” children pass the ball in a circle, while clearly saying:

You run, funny ball,

Quick, quick hand.

Who has a funny ball

He bounces himself!

The one who has a ball on the word “himself” starts bouncing, and the children accompany his jumps with the words: “One, two, three!”.

The game is repeated, the ball is passed around the circle further. To complicate the game, you can offer children, passing the ball, step in place and pronounce the words.

In an even circle

Children, holding hands, walk rhythmically in a circle, reciting a poem:

In an even circle

One after another

We go step by step.

Stay where you are!


Let's do it like this!

With the end of the words, the children stop and repeat the movement that the teacher shows, for example, turn around, bend over, sit down, etc.

Good morning!

Children stand in a circle or scattered.

The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.

Good morning, eyes! (Index fingers stroke eyelids.)

You woke up? (Connect index and thumb both hands, make "binoculars" from the fingers and look into it.)

Good morning ears! (Palms stroke ears.)

You woke up? (Spread fingers, put spread palms to ears.)

Good morning, pens! (Stroking first one, then the other hand.)

You woke up? (Clap hands.)

Good morning feet! (Stroking knees.)

You woke up? (Stomp their feet.)

Good morning sunshine! (Raise hands up.)

I woke up! (Look up.)

Sun, fence, pebbles

Children repeat the movements of an adult.

The hands are raised up, the fingers of both hands are strongly spread out - this is the sun.

Hands raised, palms straightened, fingers pressed together - this is a fence.

Hands clenched into fists - these are pebbles.

The king walked through the forest

Children stand in a circle, hold hands and walk in a circle, reciting a poem and performing movements in accordance with the text:

The king walked through the forest

Through the forest, through the forest. (They walk in a circle, holding hands.)

Found a princess

Princess, princess.

Let's jump with you

Let's jump, let's jump. (Jump on two legs in place.)

And kicking our legs

We jump, we jump. (Throw straight legs forward.)

And clap our hands

Let's clap, clap. (Clap hands.)

And we'll stomp our feet

Let's drown, let's drown. (Stomp their feet in place.)

It's me

Children stand in a circle or scattered.

The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.

These are eyeballs. Here. Here. (Show first the left, then the right eye.)

These are ears. Here. Here. (First they take the left ear, then the right.)

This is the nose. This is a mouth. (The nose is shown with the left hand, the mouth with the right.)

There is a back. Here is the belly. (The left hand is placed on the back, the right hand on the stomach.)

These are pens. Clap clap. (Hold out both hands, clap twice.)

These are legs. Top, top. (Put palms on hips, stomp twice.)

Oh, we're tired. I'll wipe my forehead. (The right palm is passed over the forehead.)


Children stand in a circle or scattered.

The teacher shows the movements and says the text, the children repeat the movements.

Giraffes have spots, spots,

Spots, spots everywhere, (Pat themselves on the body - put spots.)

(Touch with index fingers

to the corresponding parts of the body.)

Elephants have folds, folds,

Creases, folds everywhere: (Pinch themselves - collect folds.)

On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,

There are on the noses, on the stomachs, on the knees and socks.

Kittens have fur, fur, fur everywhere:

On the forehead, ears, on the neck, on the elbows (Stroke themselves - smooth the fur.)

There are on the noses, on the stomachs, on the knees and socks. (Touch with index fingers the corresponding parts of the body.)

And the zebra has stripes

There are stripes everywhere: (Pass the edge of the hand along the body - draw stripes.)

On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows

There are on the noses, on the stomachs, knees and socks.

(Touch with index fingers the corresponding parts of the body.)

Be careful

Children form a circle. The teacher randomly throws the ball to the players. The one who catches the ball returns it, naming an object that helps to be clean, tidy, and take care of himself./p>