Game complex for morning exercises in the senior group. A complex of morning exercises for senior and preparatory groups

Complexes of exercises for morning exercises for older preschool children

Prepared by: Varentsova Marina Vladislavovna physical education instructor MADOU d / s No. 39 of the city of Tyumen
This complex will be useful for physical education instructors, educators and teachers.


Complex №1
(no items)

1. Walking in a column one at a time, on a signal - a change of direction, with tasks for the hands.
2. Running is normal, on a signal - change of direction.

4. Loose formation.
5. Outdoor switchgear without items:
I.p.: o.s.
1-tilt head to the right (left) shoulder
2-ip (8-10 times)
I.p.: o.s.
1-2-hands through the sides up, rise on toes
3-4-ip (8-10 times)
I.p .: feet shoulder width apart, arms to the sides.
1-turn right (left), right (left) hand behind the back, left (right) behind the head
2-ip (6-8 times)

1-tilt to the right (left), left (right) hand draw an arc
2-ip (6-8 times)
I.p .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt.
1-turn the torso to the right (left), right (left) hand to the side, palm up
2-ip (6-8 times)
I.p .: sitting, hands in support behind.
1-raise the body, bend, look back
2-ip (8-10 times)

1-raise up the right (left) leg, left (right) arm
2-ip (6-8 times)
I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt.
Jumping alternately on one and the other leg. Alternate with walking (2-3 times)

Complex №2
(with a ball)

1. Walking in a column one at a time, scattered, on the heels, "Gnomes and Giants", "Polar Bears".
2. Running is normal, on the signal - on the spot.
3. Walking with the restoration of breathing.
4. Building in a column of two (according to the landmark).
5. Outdoor switchgear with a ball:
I.p .: feet on the width of the foot, hands with the ball below.
1-ball on the chest
2-with power up
3-on the chest
4-ip (8-10 times)
I.p .: sitting, legs together, the ball in front of the chest.
1-3-tilt forward, touch the toes with the ball
4-ip (8 times)
I.p .: feet shoulder width apart, arms forward.
1-turn right (left)
2-ip (8 times)
I.p .: sitting on the heels, the ball at the chest.
1-kneel down, raise your hands up, look at the ball
2-ip (10 times)
I.p .: lying on your back, hands with the ball above your head.
1-2-ball forward, sit down
3-4-ip (6-8 times)
I.p .: lying on his stomach, the ball is in outstretched arms.
1-2-raise hands, look at the ball
3-4-ip (6-8 times)
I.p.: o.s.
1-sit down, hands forward
2-ip (8 times)
I.p .: the ball is clamped by the knees, hands on the belt.
Alternate jumping with walking (2-3 times)
6. Exercise to restore breathing.
7. Relaxation - 3 weeks

Complex №3
(no items)

1. Walking with small and wide steps, with high knees.
2. Running, side gallop, on a signal - sit down.
3. Walking with the restoration of breathing.
4. Loose formation.
5. Outdoor switchgear without items:
I.p .: legs apart, hands on the belt.
1-turn the head to the right (left)
2-ip (8-10 times)
I.p.: o.s.
1-arms to the sides,
2 hands up
3 hands forward
4-ip (8-10 times)
I.p .: legs apart, hands on shoulders
1-turn right (left), arms to the sides, fingers apart,
2-ip (6-8 times)
I.p.: sitting, emphasis on the forearms.
1-raise straight legs,
2-spread to the sides,
4-ip (6-8 times)
I.p .: standing on the palms and knees.
1-max left (right) foot back
2-ip (6-8 times)
I.p.: o.s.
1-sit down, cover your face with your hands
2-ip (8-10 times)
I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt.
Jumping legs together, legs apart, alternate with walking (2-3 times)
6. Exercise to restore breathing.
7. Self-massage - 1 week
8. Relaxation - 2 weeks
Complex №4
(with handkerchief)

1. Walking in place, on toes, on heels, on outside feet with high knees.
2. Normal running, on a signal - stand up like "Herons", sit down like "Frogs".
3. Walking with the restoration of breathing.
4. Construction in a circle.
5. Outdoor switchgear with a handkerchief:
I.p .: feet on the width of the foot, hands with handkerchiefs behind the back.
1-arms to the sides
4-ip (8-10 times)
I.p .: feet on the width of the foot, right hand above, left below.
1 - lower the right hand through the sides, and raise the left
2-ip (6-8 times)
I.p .: feet shoulder-width apart, right hand with a handkerchief at the top, left on the belt.
1-3-tilt left
4-change hands (8-10 times)
I.p .: legs wider than shoulders, arms in front.
1-3-tilt, touch the floor with a handkerchief
4-ip (6-8 times)
I.p.: sitting on your heels, hands on your knees.
1-kneel down, put your hands up
2-ip (8-10 times)
I.p.: o.s.
1-half squat, swing handkerchiefs forward
2-ip (8 times)
I.p.: o.s.
Jumping legs and arms to the sides, alternate with walking (2-3 times)
6. Exercise to restore breathing.

Complex №5
(no items)

1. Walking with a change of direction according to a landmark, stopping at a signal.
2. Running, throwing straight legs forward, running with small and wide steps.
3. Walking with the restoration of breathing.
4. Loose formation.
5. Outdoor switchgear without items:
I.p.: o.s.
1-hands through the sides behind the head,
2-ip (8-10 times)
I.p.: o.s.
1 step right (left), hands to the sides
2-ip (8-10 times)
I.p .: feet shoulder width apart, hands in front of the chest.
1-turn right (left), arms to the sides
2-ip (6-8 times)
I.p .: legs wider than shoulders, arms below.
1-arms to the sides
2- bend over, touch the toes of the right (left) foot with the fingers
3- straighten up, arms to the sides
4-ip (6-8 times)
I.p .: sitting on the floor, hands in support behind.
1-bend your knees
2- i.p. (8-10 times)
I.p.: o.s.
1-hands behind the head, sit down
2-ip (6-8 times)
I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt.
Jumping legs apart, legs crossed, alternate with walking (2-3 times)
6. Exercise to restore breathing.
7. Finger gymnastics- 1 Week
8. Exercises for the eyes - 2 weeks
Complex №6
(with flat ring)

1. Walking in a column, with a gymnastic step, in a semi-squat.
2. Running at an average pace, snake, loose.
3. Walking with the restoration of breathing.
4. Building in a column of two through the middle in motion.
5. Flat ring outdoor switchgear:
I.p.: o.s.
1-hands forward,
4-ip (8-10 times)
I.p .: feet shoulder width apart, arms below.
1-hands forward,
2-turn right (left)
3 hands forward
4-ip (8-10 times)
I.p .: sitting, legs extended forward and to the sides, arms at the chest.
1-3-tilt to the right (left) leg, grab the foot with a ring
4-ip (6-8 times)
I.p .: lying on your back, hands with a ring above your head
1-raise your legs and arms up
2-3- grab the feet with a ring, hold
4-ip (6-8 times)
I.p .: lying on his stomach, hands in front
1-lift the ring up, look into it
2-ip (6-8 times)
I.p.: o.s.
1-sit down, hands forward
2- i.p. (8-10 times)
I.p .: o.s., hands on the belt, a ring on the floor in front of the feet.
Jumping through the ring back and forth, alternate with walking (2-3 times)
6. Exercise to restore breathing.
7. Relaxation - 3 weeks
8. Articulation gymnastics– 4 weeks
Complex №7
(no items)

1. Walking on toes, on heels, cross step.
2. Running, running in all directions, on a signal - line up in a column one at a time.
3. Walking with the restoration of breathing.
4. Loose formation.
5. Outdoor switchgear without items:
I.p .: feet shoulder width apart, hands to the shoulders.
1-4- rotation of the arms forward (backward) (6-8 times)
I.p .: feet shoulder-width apart, hands in the castle behind.
1-tilt right (left)
2-ip (8-10 times)
I.p .: sitting, legs wide apart, hands on the belt.
1-tilt to the right (left) leg, touch the toes with your hands
2-ip (6-8 times)

1-raise straight legs at an angle of 90o
2-ip (8 times)
I.p.: lying on the stomach, hands under the chin.
1- rise, hands to the side
2-ip (8-10 times)
I.p .: legs slightly apart, arms to the sides.
1-touch the elbow of the right (left) hand of the left (right) knee
2-ip (6-8 times)
I.p .: one leg in front, hands on the belt.
Jumping with change of legs, alternating with walking (2-3 times)
6. Exercise to restore breathing.
7. Self-massage - 1 week
8. Relaxation - 2 weeks
Complex №8
(with ribbon)

1. Walking on toes, on the outside of the foot, on the heels, in pairs, in all directions.
2. Regular running, in pairs, loose.
3. Walking with the restoration of breathing.
4. Building in a column of two (through the middle in pairs).
5. Outdoor switchgear with ribbon:
I.p.: o.s.
1-2-hands through the sides up, shift the ribbon to the other hand
3-4-ip (8-10 times)

1-raise the knee, shift the ribbon to the other hand under the knee
2-ip (6-8 times)
I.p .: legs wider than shoulders, arms to the sides.
1-bend over to the right (left) leg, shift the ribbon behind the leg to the other hand
2-ip (6-8 times)

1-2-raise the right (left) leg, shift the ribbon to the other hand
3-4-ip (8 times)
I.p .: sitting, legs apart, hands at the chest
1-2-lean forward, touch the floor with your hands
3-4-ip (8-10 times)
I.p.: o.s.
1-spring, hand forward
2-ip (8-10 times)
I.p.: o.s.
Jumping on two legs with a turn around you, alternating with walking (2-3 times)
6. Exercise to restore breathing.
7. Prevention of flat feet - 3 weeks
8. Finger gymnastics - 4 weeks
Complex №9
(no items)

1. Walking with an added step forward, backward, on toes, rolling from heel to toe.
2. Running in a column one at a time, with a change of guide, with a change of direction, lateral canter.
3. Walking with the restoration of breathing.
4. Loose formation.
5. Outdoor switchgear without items:
I.p .: feet on the width of the foot, arms to the sides.
1-arms bend to the shoulders
2-ip (10 times)
I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt.
1-right (left) leg to the side on the toe, arms up
2-ip (8-10 times)
I.p .: legs together, arms at chest level, slightly apart.
1-max with the right (left) foot, reach the palm of the left (right) hand
2-ip (6-8 times)
I.p .: lying on your back, arms along the body.
1-4- raise your legs, try to get them to the floor
5-8-slowly lower your legs (6-8 times)
I.p .: lying on your stomach, stretch your arms forward.
1-2-raise arms and legs, arch your back
3-4- i.p. (6-8 times)
I.p.: o.s.
1-right (left) arm forward, left (right) leg back
2-ip (6-8 times)
I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt.
Jumping legs apart-together, alternating with walking (2-3 times)
6. Exercise to restore breathing.
7. Finger gymnastics - 1 week
8. Exercises for the eyes - 2 weeks
Complex №10
(with rope)

1. Walking in a column one at a time, with side steps to the right (left), on toes, on heels, on the outside of the foot.
2. Running is normal, with a change of direction, diagonally.
3. Walking with the restoration of breathing.
4. Building in a column of three (according to the landmark).
5. Outdoor switchgear with rope:
I.p .: o.s., hold the rope by the ends.
1-rising on your toes, raise your hands up
2-ip (10 times)
I.p .: feet at the width of the foot, a rope in both hands in front of you.
1-lean down, touch the floor
2-ip (6-8 times);
I.p .: kneeling, hands with a rope below.
1- hands forward, turn right (left)
2-ip (6-8 times)
I.p .: sitting, the rope lies on the legs, hands in support behind.
1-raise straight legs
2-ip (8-10 times)
I.p .: sitting on his heels, hands with a rope on his knees.
1-lean forward, reach for the rope
2-ip (8-10 times)
I.p.: o.s.
1-sit down, put a rope in front of your feet
3-sit down, take a rope
4-ip (6-8 times)
I.p .: o.s., hands on the belt, the rope lies on the floor on the right.
Jumping through the rope sideways on two legs, alternating with walking (2-3 times)
6. Exercise to restore breathing.
7. Relaxation - 3 weeks
8. Articulation gymnastics - 4 weeks
Complex №11
(no items)

1. Walking with small and wide steps, back forward.
2. Normal running, on a signal - sit down.
3. Walking with the restoration of breathing.
4. Loose formation.
5. Outdoor switchgear without items:
I.p .: feet on the width of the foot, hands on the belt.
1 - wrap your arms around your shoulders
2-ip (8-10 times)
I.p .: legs wider than shoulders, hands on shoulders.
1-lean forward, pat on the knees
2-ip (8-10 times)
I.p.: o.s.
1-sit down, clasp your knees with your hands
2-ip (6-8 times)
I.p .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt.
1-turn right (left)
2-ip (6-8 times)
I.p .: legs together, hands on the belt.
1-raise the right (left) leg bent at the knee
2-ip (6-8 times)
I.p .: feet shoulder-width apart, hands in the lock above the head.
1-tilt down, hands in the castle
2-ip (8-10 times)
I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt.
Jumping alternately on one leg, alternating with walking (2-3 times)
6. Exercise to restore breathing.
7. Self-massage - 1 week
8. Relaxation - 2 weeks
Complex №12
(with dumbbells)

2. Running, alternating with running with a wide step.
3. Walking with the restoration of breathing.

5. ORU with dumbbells:
I.p .: feet on the width of the foot, hands with dumbbells below.
1-arms to the sides
4-ip (8-10 times)

1-take forward the right (left) hand
2-ip (8-10 times)
I.p .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt.
1-tilt to the right (left), lower the right (left) hand down
2-ip (8-10 times)
I.p .: sitting, legs apart, hands on the belt.
1-tilt forward, hands touch the floor
2-ip (6-8 times)
I.p .: lying on your back, arms above your head.
1-2-raise arms and legs up
3-4-ip (6-8 times)

1-sit down, hands with dumbbells up
2-ip (6-8 times)
I.p.: o.s.
Jumping arms and legs to the sides, alternating with walking (2-3 times)
6. Exercise to restore breathing.
7. Prevention of flat feet - 3 weeks
8. Finger gymnastics - 4 weeks
Complex №13
(in pairs)

1. Walking on toes, on heels, diagonally.
2. Running is normal, on a signal - a snake.
3. Walking with the restoration of breathing.
4. Loose formation.
5. Outdoor switchgear in pairs:
I.p .: back to each other, hold hands.
1-3-stand on toes, arms through the sides up
4-ip (8-10 times)
I.p .: standing facing each other, legs wider than shoulders, hands clasped over
1-tilt clasped hands to the right (left)
2-ip (6-8 times)
I.p .: standing with their backs to each other, hands on the belt.
1-3-half squat, head turn to the right (left), smile at each other
4-ip (8-10 times)
I.p .: standing with your back, legs wider than shoulders, hands on the belt.
1-3-tilt forward - down, look at each other through the legs
4-ip (6-8 times)
I.p .: stand with your shoulder to each other, one hand on your belt, legs together.
1-foot forward
2- to the side
4-ip (6-8 times)
I.p .: standing facing each other, put your hands on the shoulders of your partner.
1-bend the right (left) leg at the knee
2-ip (8-10 times)
I.p .: standing facing each other and holding hands.
Jumps are performed arbitrarily, alternating with walking (2-3 times).
6. Exercise to restore breathing.
7. Finger gymnastics - 1 week
8. Exercises for the eyes - 2 weeks
Complex №14
(with small ball)

1. Walking in a column one by one with tasks for arms and legs.
2. Running at an average pace, with acceleration, snake.
3. Walking with the restoration of breathing.
4. Building in a column of four (according to the landmark).
5. Outdoor switchgear with a small ball:

1-2-hands through the sides up, shift the ball to the other hand
3-4-lower hands down (8-10 times)
I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, ball in right hand.
1-arms to the sides
2-lean forward - down, shift the ball to the other hand
3- straighten up, arms to the sides
4-ip (6-8 times)
I.p .: feet shoulder width apart, right hand with the ball at the top, left on
1-3-tilt left
4-ip (6-8 times)
I.p .: o.s., the ball is in the right hand.
1-arms to the sides
2-sit down, transfer the ball to the other hand
3- stand up, hands to the sides
4-ip (8-10 times)
I.p .: kneeling, the ball is in the right hand.
1-4-roll the ball to the right (left) around you, following the ball
Eyes (6-8 times)
I.p .: lying on your back, the ball in both hands behind your head.
1-2- raise the right (left) straight leg, touch the ball
foot toe
3-4-slowly lower the leg (6-8 times)
I.p .: o.s., the ball is on the floor in front of the feet.
Jumping around the ball on 2 legs to the right - to the left, alternating with
walking (2-3 times)
6. Exercise to restore breathing.
7. Relaxation - 3 weeks
8. Articulation gymnastics - 4 weeks
Complex №15
(no items)

1. Walking in a cross step, in a semi-squat, on a signal - sit down.
2. Running, with overflowing of the lower leg back, lateral gallop, on a signal - sit down.
3. Walking with the restoration of breathing.
4. Loose formation.
5. Outdoor switchgear without "Toys" items:
"Airplane" I.p .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt.
1-arms to the sides
2-ip (8-10 times)
"Doll" I.p.: the same
1-tilt forward, arms to the sides
2-ip (8-10 times)
"Soldier" I.p.: o.s.
1-right (left) straight leg forward
2-ip (8-10 times)
"Tumbler" I.p .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt.
1-tilt right (left)
2-ip (8-10 times)
"Cockerel" I.p.: o.s.
1-4-raise the right (left) leg, bent at the knee, wave your hands with the words "ku-ka-re-ku!" (8-10 times)
"Parsley clockwork" I.p.: legs together, hands on the belt.
2-ip (8-10 times)
"Balls" I.p .: legs together, hands on the belt.
Jumping with turns around yourself, alternating with walking (2-3 times)
6. Exercise to restore breathing.
7. Self-massage - 1 week
8. Relaxation - 2 weeks
Complex №16
(with flat linoleum flower or plate)

1. Walking with a roll from heel to toe, alternating walking in pairs in a circle with loose walking.
2. Running, at the signal stop - spin.
3. Walking with the restoration of breathing.
4. Building in a column of three.
5. Flat Flower Outdoor Switch:
I.p .: feet on the width of the foot, hands below.
1-hands up, right (left) foot back on the toe
2-ip (8-10 times)
I.p .: feet shoulder width apart, hands at the chest.
1 raise your hands up
2-tilt right-left
3-hands up
4-ip (8-10 times)
I.p .: legs wider than shoulders, arms at the chest.
1-tilt forward, put the flower on the floor
3-tilt forward, raise the flower
4-ip (8-10 times)
I.p .: sitting, put the flower on your feet, hands in support behind your back.
1-raise straight legs at an angle of 450
2-ip (6-8 times)
I.p .: lying on your back, arms above your head.
1-2-hand swing, sit down
3-4-ip (6-8 times)
I.p .: feet on the width of the foot, hands below.
1-sit down, hands with a flower up
2-ip (8-10 times)
I.p.: o.s., a flower on the floor in front of the feet, hands arbitrarily.
Jumping over a flower, alternating with walking (2-3 times)
6. Exercise to restore breathing.
7. Prevention of flat feet - 3 weeks
8. Finger gymnastics - 4 weeks
Complex №17
(no items)

1. Walking with high knees, mincing step.
2. Running, running in all directions, on a signal - find your place in the column.
3. Walking with the restoration of breathing.
4. Loose formation.
5. Outdoor switchgear without items "Spring":
“The trees are swaying” I.p.: o.s.
1-hands up
2-3- slight side bends
4-ip (8-10 times)
“Streams murmur” I.p .: legs shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.
1-tilt forward, arms down, wiggle your fingers
2-ip (8-10 times)
"Windmill" I.p .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt.
1-torso turn to the right (left)
2-ip (8-10 times)
"Swing" I.p .: feet on the width of the foot, hands on the shoulders.
1-tilt right (left)
2-ip (8-10 times)
"Wind" I.p.: o.s.
1-sit down, hands forward
2-ip (8-10 times)
"Rain" I.p.: o.s.
1-spring legs, arms through the sides up, folded
2-ip (8-10 times)
“Sparrows rejoice in spring” I.p .: o.s.
Jumping on one leg, on two with a turn, alternating with walking
(2-3 times)
6. Exercise to restore breathing.
7. Finger gymnastics - 1 week
8. Exercises for the eyes - 2 weeks
Complex №18
(no items)

1. Walking backwards, with tasks for arms and legs.
2. Running, on a signal - jumping on two legs in place.
3. Walking with the restoration of breathing.
4. Construction in two columns.
5. Outdoor switchgear without items "Athletes":
"Swimmers" I.p.: o.s.
1-hands forward
2-arms to the sides
3-4-ip (8-10 times)
"Weightlifters" I.p .: legs shoulder-width apart, arms lowered
1-tilt forward, arms down
2- straighten up, arms up
3-4-ip (8-10 times)
"Boxers" I.p .: feet at the width of the foot, arms bent at the elbows, at the chest in a fist.
1- with force straighten the right (left) arm forward
2-ip (8-10 times)
“Warm-up for athletes” I.p .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt.
1-4-circular rotation of the body to the right-left (6-8 times)
"Gymnasts" I.p.: o.s.
1-raise the straight right (left) leg forward, hands
touch the toes
2-ip (6-8 times)
"Dumbbells" I.p .: feet at the width of the foot, hands to the shoulders.
1-turn right (left), arms with power to the sides
2-ip (8-10 times)
"Jumpers" I.p .: o.s., hands on the belt
Free jumps in alternation with walking (2-3 times)
6. Exercise to restore breathing.
7. Relaxation - 3 weeks
8. Articulation gymnastics - 4 weeks

Complex of morning exercises for the senior group

Complex of morning exercises(1-2 weeks)


Exercises without objects

Repeat: 6 times

Repeat: 6 times

Repeat: 4-5 times.

Repeat:6-7 times.

Walking in a column one at a time.

Breathing exercise "Mill"

Complex of morning exercises(3-4 weeks)

(senior - preparatory group)

Hoop exercises

Repeat: 6 times

Repeat: 5-6 times

up Repeat: 4-5 times.

Repeat: 2 times with a short pause.

Walking in a column one at a time.

Breathing exercise "Ball"

Complex of morning exercises(1-2 weeks)

(senior - preparatory group)

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time on toes, hands on the belt; running in a column one at a time; walking and running loose; Walking in a column one at a time.

Exercises without objects

2. I. p .: main stance, hands on the belt.

1-arms to the sides; 2-hands up, rise on toes; 3-arms to the sides; 4- return to and. P. Repeat: 6 times

3. I. p .: Stand feet shoulder width apart, arms below. 1- arms to the sides; 2 tilt to the right (left leg, touch the toes with your fingers; 3-straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 and. p. Repeat: 6 times

4. I. p .: main stance, hands on the belt. 1-2 sit down, bring your hands forward; 3-4 return to and. P. Repeat: 4-5 times.

5. I. p .: main stance, arms along the body. 1- right leg back on the toe, hands behind the head; 2-and. n. The same left. Repeat:6-7 times.

6. I. p.: Main stance, hands on the belt. 1-jump legs apart, arms to the sides; 2 - jump legs together. Performed at the expense of 1-8.

Walking in a column one at a time.

Breathing exercise "Mill"

Complex of morning exercises(3-4 weeks)

(senior - preparatory group)

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time, at the signal of the teacher, turn in the other direction. Walking with stepping over the cord.

Hoop exercises

2. I. p .: the main stand, the hoop is vertically gripped from the sides. 1 hoop forward; 2- hoop up, arms straight; 3 hoop forward; 4- return to and. P. Repeat: 6 times

3. I. p .: Stand feet shoulder width apart, hoop vertically behind the back. 1-turn the body to the right; 2-and. n. The same to the left. Repeat: 5-6 times

4. I. p .: sitting legs apart, a hoop in front of the chest in bent arms with a grip from the sides. 1-hoop up, look; 2- tilt forward to the toe of the left leg, hoop vertically; 3- hoop up: 4 and. n. The same to the right leg. Repeat: 4-5 times.

5. I. p .: the main stand in the center of the hoop lying on the floor; 8-jump from the hoop. Return to the hoop. 1-7 jumps in front of the hoop; 8 - jump into the hoop. Repeat: 2 times with a short pause.

Walking in a column one at a time.

Breathing exercise "Ball"

Complex of morning exercises(1-2 weeks)

(senior - preparatory group)

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time on toes, hands on the belt; running in a column one at a time; walking and running loose; Walking in a column one at a time.

Stick exercises

1. I. p. - main stance, stick on the chest, grip from above. 1-stick

up; 2 - a stick for the head, on the shoulders; 3 - stick up; 4th. P.

Repeat: (6 times).

2. I. p. -stand legs shoulder-width apart, stick below. 1 - stick up;

2 - tilt to the right (left); 3 - straighten up, stick up; 4 - and. P.

Repeat: (6-8 times).

3. I. p. - main stance, stick down. 1- sit down, stick forward; 2nd. P. Repeat:(6 times).

4. I. p. - sitting, legs apart, stick on your knees. 1 - stick up; 2 - tilt forward, touch the floor; 3 - straighten up, stick up; 4i. P. Repeat: (6 times).

5. I. p. - lying on his stomach, a stick in bent arms in front of him. 1-2 -

bend, stick up-forward; 3-4 - and. P. Repeat:(6 times).

6. I. p. - main stand, stick on the floor. Jumping around the stick in

both sides (2-3 times).

Complex of morning exercises(3-4 weeks)

(senior - preparatory group)

Exercise without an object

2. I. p. - main stance, hands behind the head. 1- arms to the sides; 2nd. P.

Repeat:(6-8 times).

3. I. p. - stand legs apart, arms in front of the chest, bent at the elbows. 1 -

turn to the right (to the left, arms to the sides; 2 - i. p. Repeat: (6 times).

4. I. p. -sitting, hands in support behind, knees bent. Raise straight

right (left) leg, toe pulled back Repeat:(6-8 times).

5. I. p. - lying on your back, arms straight behind your head. 1-2 - turn on the stomach;

3-4 - return to and. P. Repeat: (3-4 times each side).

6. I. p. - main stance, arms along the body. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - rising on toes, hands behind the head; 3 - go all the way down

foot, arms to the sides; 4th. P. Repeat: (6-8 times).

Complex of morning exercises(1-2 weeks)

(senior - preparatory group)

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time on toes, hands on the belt; running in a column one at a time; walking and running loose; Walking in a column one at a time.

2. I. p .: main stance, hands on the belt.

1-arms to the sides; 2-hands up, rise on toes; 3-arms to the sides; 4- return to and. P. Repeat: 6 times

3. I. p .: Stand feet shoulder width apart, arms below. 1- arms to the sides; 2 tilt to the right (left leg, touch the toes with your fingers; 3-straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 i. p. Repeat: 6 times

4. I. p .: main stance, hands on the belt. 1-2 sit down, bring your hands forward; 3-4 return to and. P. Repeat: 4-5 times.

5. I. p .: main stance, arms along the body. 1- right leg back on the toe, hands behind the head; 2-and. n. The same left. Repeat:6-7 times.

6. I. p.: Main stance, hands on the belt. 1-jump legs apart, arms to the sides; 2 - jump legs together. Performed at the expense of 1-8.

Walking in a column one at a time.

Breathing exercise "Watch"

Complex of morning exercises(3-4 weeks)

(senior - preparatory group)

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time, at the signal of the teacher, turn in the other direction. Walking hand in hand, turning to the other side.

Hoop exercises

2. I. p .: the main stand, the hoop is vertically gripped from the sides. 1 hoop forward; 2- hoop up, arms straight; 3 hoop forward; 4- return to and. P. Repeat: 6 times

3. I. p .: Stand feet shoulder width apart, hoop vertically behind the back. 1-turn the body to the right; 2-and. n. The same to the left. Repeat: 5-6 times

4. I. p .: sitting legs apart, a hoop in front of the chest in bent arms with a grip from the sides. 1-hoop up, look; 2- tilt forward to the toe of the left leg, hoop vertically; 3- hoop up: 4 and. n. The same to the right leg. Repeat: 4-5 times.

5. I. p .: the main stand in the center of the hoop lying on the floor; 8-jump from the hoop. Return to the hoop. 1-7 jumps in front of the hoop; 8 - jump into the hoop. Repeat: 2 times with a short pause.

Walking in a column one at a time.

Breathing exercise "Breath"

Morning gymnastics complex No. 1


outdoor switchgear

Exercises without objects

Final part

1. Game "Silence »

Silence by the pond

The water does not sway

The reeds do not make noise.

Sleep, little ones.

Morning gymnastics complex No. 2


Walking in a column one at a time; running between objects (cubes, skittles or stuffed balls).

outdoor switchgear

Stick exercises

2. I. p. - main stance, stick below. 1 - stick forward, right (left) foot back on the toe; 2 - return to the starting position (6 times).

3. I. p. - main stance, stick on the chest. 1 - sit down, bring the stick forward; 2 - return to the starting position (5-6 times).

4. I. p. - stand legs apart, stick below. 1-2 - turn the body to the right (left), arms are straight, do not bend your knees; 3-4 - return to the starting position (6 times).

5. I. p. - sitting legs apart, a stick on your knees. 1 - stick up; 2 - tilt forward, touch the toe of the right (left) leg; 3 - straighten up, stick up; 4 - return to the starting position (3 times).

6. I. p. - lying on his stomach, a stick in bent arms in front of him. 1 - bend over, lift the stick forward; 2 - return to the starting position (5-6 times).

7. I. p. - main stance, stick below. 1 - jumping legs apart, stick up; 2 - return to the starting position. On the count of 1-8, repeat 2-3 times.

Final part

1. Game"Edible - inedible"

Children stand in a circle. The driver says the word he has conceived and throws the ball to one of the children. If something edible is planned (fruits, vegetables, sweets, milk, etc.), then the child to whom the ball was thrown must catch it (“eat”). If the word means something inedible, the ball cannot be caught. The child who did not cope with the task becomes the driver, and the game is repeated.

2. Walking in a column one at a time with a stick in hand.

Morning gymnastics complex No. 3


Walking in a column one at a time, walking and running in all directions. At the signal of the educator (a blow to the tambourine), everyone stops at the place where the team found them and take a pose. The teacher notes the most successful figures.

outdoor switchgear

Exercises without objects

1. I. p. - main stance, hands on the belt. 1 - hands behind the head, right (left) leg back on the toe; 2 - return to the starting position (6 times).

2. I. p. - stand feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - tilt forward to the right (left) leg; 3 - straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 - starting position (4-6 times).

3. I. p. - stand feet shoulder width apart, hands behind the head. 1 - turn to the right (left), right hand to the side; 2 - starting position (6 times).

4. I. p. - kneeling, arms along the body. 1-2 - sit on the right (left) on the thigh, hands forward (Fig. 24); return to the starting position (4-6 times).

5. I. p. - sitting on the floor, hands in support behind. 1 - raise straight legs forward and upward - angle (Fig. 25); 2 - return to the starting position (5-6 times).

6 I. p. - main stance, hands on the belt. Jumping on two legs - left forward, right back, jump to change the position of the legs. It is performed under the count of 1-8, then a pause and jumps again (2-3 times).

Final part

1 Game "Who has the ball?"

The players form a circle. The leader is selected, he becomes in the center of the circle, and the rest of the children move tightly towards each other, everyone's hands are behind their backs. The teacher gives someone a ball (diameter 6–8 cm), and the children pass it around behind their backs. The driver tries to guess who has the ball. He says: "Hands!" - and the person being addressed should put forward both hands, palms up, showing that he does not have the ball. If the driver has guessed correctly, he takes the ball and stands in a circle, and the one with the ball found becomes the driver. The game is repeated.

2. Walking in a column one at a time.

Morning gymnastics complex No. 4


Walking and running between objects with a snake.

outdoor switchgear

Exercises with a large diameter ball

1. I. p. - main stance, the ball is in both hands below. 1 - ball up; 2 - step to the right (left); 3 - put a foot; 4 - return to the starting position (6-7 times).

2. I. p. - foot stand on the width of the foot, the ball in bent arms in front of you. 1-2 - sit down, ball forward; 3-4 - return to the starting position (5-6 times).

3. I. p. - stand legs apart, the ball is in both hands below. 1 - the ball is up, arms are straight; 2 - turn right (left); 3 - straighten up, the ball is up; 4 - return to the starting position (4-5 times).

4. I. p. - sitting, legs together, ball on the feet, hands in support behind. 1-2 - raise your legs up, roll the ball on your stomach, catch it; 3-4 - return to the starting position (5-6 times).

5. I. p. - the main stand, the ball is below. 1-2 - rising on toes, raise the ball up; 3-4 - return to the starting position (6-8 times).

Final part

2. Walking in a column one by one behind the most dexterous trap.

Morning gymnastics complex No. 5


game exercise"On the bridge". A track is laid out from cords or rails (length 3 m, width 25 cm). 2-3 cubes are placed on the track. Task: go over the bridge, step over the obstacle and not fall into the river. Scatter run.

outdoor switchgear

Exercises without objects

1. I. p. - main stance, arms along the body. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - bending your arms to your shoulders, rise on your toes; 3 - go down on the whole foot, arms to the sides; 4 - return to the starting position (5-6 times).

2. I. p. - stand feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - turn the body to the right (left), right hand to the side; 2 - return to the starting position (6 times).

3. I. p. - foot stand on the width of the foot, hands at the top. 1-2 - sit down deeply, hands behind your head, bringing your elbows forward; 3-4 - return to the starting position (5-6 times).

4. I. p. - stand feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - tilt to the right (left), right hand down, left up; 3 - straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 - starting position (4-6 times).

5. I. p. - main stance, hands below. 1 - jumping legs apart, arms to the sides; 2 - jump legs together, arms down. Performed at the expense of 1-8, repeat 2 times.

6. I. p. - main stance, hands down. 1-2 - hands through the sides up; 3-4 - return to the starting position (5-7 times).

Final part

1. Game "Gate"

Children walk around the playground in pairs, holding hands. At the teacher’s signal “Gate!” stop and raise their hands. The last pair pass under the gate and stand in front. Game continues.

2. Walking in a column one at a time.

Morning gymnastics complex No. 6


Walking in a column one at a time, at the signal of the educator, performing exercises for the hands, without stopping walking; scatter run.

outdoor switchgear

Checkbox exercises

1. I. p. - the main rack, the flags are below. 1 - flags forward; 2 - flags up; 3 - flags to the sides; 4 - starting position (6-7 times).

2. I. p. - stand legs shoulder-width apart, flags at the chest. 1 - turn to the right (left), right hand to the side; 2 - starting position (6 times).

3. I. p. - the main rack, the flags are below. 1-2 - sit down, take the flags forward; 3-4 - starting position (5-7 times).

4. I. p. - stand feet shoulder width apart, flags below. 1 - flags to the sides; 2 - tilt forward to the left (right) leg; 3 - straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 - starting position (4-6 times).

5. I. p. - the main rack, the flags below. At the expense of 1-8 jumps on two legs, a short pause, then repeat the jumps.

6. I. p. - main stance, flags at the bottom 1-2 - put the right foot back on the toe, flags up; 3-4 - return to the starting position. The same with the left foot (6-8 times).

Final part

1. Game"Free place"

The players sit in a circle. The teacher calls two people sitting next to each other, they stand with their backs to each other and, at the signal: “One, two, three, run!” - they run to different sides around the circle, run to their place and sit down. An adult and children note who was the first to take empty seats. Then the teacher calls two other children and the game is repeated

2. Walking in a column one at a time.

Morning gymnastics complex No. 7


Walking in a column one at a time, on toes, hands on the belt; running in a column one at a time; walking and running in all directions; walking in a column one at a time.

outdoor switchgear

Exercises without objects

1. I. p. - main stance, hands on the belt. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - hands up, rise on toes; 3 - arms to the sides; 4 - return to the starting position (6 times).

2. I. p. - stand feet shoulder-width apart, arms below. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - tilt to the right (left) leg, touch the toes with your fingers; 3 - straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 - starting position (6 times).

3. I. p. - main stance, hands on the belt; 1-2 - sit down, bring your hands forward; 3-4 - return to the starting position (5-6 times).

4. I. p. - main stance, arms along the body. 1 - step to the right, arms to the sides; 2 - tilt to the right (left), right hand down, left up; 3- straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 - starting position (5-6 times).

5. I. p. - main stance, arms along the body. 1 - right leg back on the toe, hands behind the head; 2 - starting position. The same with the left foot (6-7 times).

6. I. p. - main stance, hands on the belt. 1 - jumping legs apart, arms to the sides; 2 - jump legs together. Performed at the expense of 1–8 (or with musical accompaniment).

Final part

1. Game "Fishing Rod".

Children stand in a circle, at a small distance from each other. In the center, the teacher rotates a cord in a circle, to the end of which a bag of sand is tied. As the bag approaches, the children jump up so as not to hit it. The one who touched the bag takes a step back and is out of the game. After a short pause, the game is repeated, all children again participate.

Morning gymnastics complex No. 8


Walking in a column one at a time with performing exercises for the hands at the command of the teacher (hands to the sides, behind the head, on the belt), running between objects (cubes, skittles) with a snake.

outdoor switchgear

Exercises with a cube

1. I. p. - foot stand on the width of the foot, a cube in the right hand. 1-2 - raise your hands through the sides up, shift the cube to your left hand; 3-4 - starting position (6-7 times).

2. I. p. - leg stand apart, cube in the right hand. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - tilt forward, put the cube at the toe of the left foot; 3 - straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 - bend down, take the cube in your left hand. The same with the left hand (4-6 times).

3. I. p. - foot stand on the width of the foot, a cube in the right hand. 1 - sit down, cube forward, shift to the left hand; 2 - stand up, cube in the left hand (6-7 times).

4. I. p. - stand in an emphasis on the knees, a cube in the right hand. 1 - turn to the right, put the cube at the toes of the feet; 2 - straighten up, hands on the belt; 3 - turn right, take a cube; 4 - return to the starting position, shift the cube to the left hand. The same to the left (3 times).

5. I. p. - main stance, hands arbitrarily, a cube on the floor. Jumping on the right and left foot around the cube in alternation with a short pause. Performed at the expense of 1-8, repeat 2-3 times.

Final part

1. Game exercise "Giants and gnomes".

2. Walking in a column one at a time

Morning gymnastics complex No. 9


Walking and running in a column one at a time, walking and running scattered throughout the hall.

outdoor switchgear

Exercises without objects

1. I. p. - main stance, hands on the belt. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - rising on toes, stretch, arms up; 3 - go down on the whole foot, arms to the sides; 4 - starting position (6-7 times).

2. I. p. - stand legs apart, arms below. 1 - hands behind the head; 2 - turn to the right; 3-straighten up; 4 - starting position. The same to the left (6 times).

3. I. p. - the main stance, arms along the body. 1 - sit down, hands forward, clap your hands; 2 - return to the starting position (6-7 times).

4. I. p. - stand feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - tilt to the right (left), right hand down, left up; 3 - straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 - starting position (6 times).

5. I. p. - main stance, arms along the body. 1 - swing with the right (left) leg, clap under the knee; 2 - starting position (6-8 times).

Final part

1. Game "Gate"

2. Walking in a column one at a time.

Morning gymnastics complex No. 10


Walking in a column one at a time, at the signal of the teacher: "Stork!" stop, raise the leg bent at the knee, arms to the sides, continue walking. At the signal: "Frogs!" stop, sit down, put your hands on your knees. loose run

outdoor switchgear

Ball exercises

1. I. p. - foot stand on the width of the foot, the ball is below. 1-2 - rising on toes, raise the ball up; 3-4 - return to the starting position (6-7 times).

2. I. p. - stand feet shoulder-width apart, ball in bent arms in front of you. Turn right (left), hit the ball on the floor, catch with both hands (3-4 times in each direction). The pace is arbitrary.

3. I. p. - leg stand at the width of the foot, the ball in bent arms at the chest. 1 - sit down, drop the ball, catch it; 2 - return to the starting position (6-7 times).

4. I. p. - sitting legs apart, the ball is below. 1 - lift the ball up; 2 - lean forward, touch the floor with the ball; 3 - straighten up, lift the ball up; 4 - return to the starting position (5-6 times).

5. I. p. - lying on your back, the ball behind your head, arms straight. 1 - raise the right (left) leg forward and up, touch the ball; 2 - starting position (5-6 times).

Final part

1. Game "Pass the ball!"

Children are divided into several groups (5-6 people each). One of the players has a ball of large diameter, and he throws it to the players in turn

2. Walking in a column one at a time.

Morning gymnastics complex No. 11


Walking in a column one at a time; walking with high knees - horses; normal walking; easy running - arms to the sides, like birds.

outdoor switchgear

1. I. p. - the main stand, a rope folded in half, below. 1-2 - rising on toes, jump rope up; 3-4 - return to the starting position (6-8 times).

2. I. p. - leg stand apart, rope below. 1 - step to the right, jump rope up; 2 - tilt to the right; 3 - straighten up, jump rope up; 4 - starting position (6-8 times).

3. I. p. - the main stand, the rope is below. 1-2 - sit down, rope forward; 3-4 - starting position (5-7 times).

4. I. p. - stand feet shoulder width apart, rope on the shoulders. 1 - turn the body to the right (left); 2 - return to the starting position (6 times).

5. I. p. - legs slightly apart, rope at the back at the bottom. Jumping on two legs in place with the rotation of the rope forward in alternation with a short pause. (If children are not good enough at jumping over a short rope, the exercise can be replaced.)

Final part

1. Game Giants and Dwarves.

2. Walking in a column one at a time.

Morning gymnastics complex No. 12


Walking in a column one at a time; walking and jogging.

outdoor switchgear

Exercises with a short rope

Hoop exercises

1. I. p. - the main stand inside the hoop, arms along the body. 1 - sit down; 2 - take the hoop with a grip from the sides and stand up, the hoop is at the level of the belt; 3 - sit down, put a hoop; 4 - get up, return to the starting position (6 times).

2. I. p. - leg stand apart, hoop in bent arms on the chest. 1 - turn the body to the right; 2 - starting position. The same to the left (6-7 times).

3 I. p. - main stand, hoop vertically on the floor with both hands on top. 1-2 - leaning on the rim of the hoop with your hands, take your right leg back; 3-4 - starting position. The same with the left foot (6-7 times).

4. I. p. - leg stand at the width of the foot, hoop in bent arms on the chest. 1-2 - sit down, hoop forward, arms straight; 3-4 - return to the starting position (6-7 times).

5. I. p. - the main stand in the hoop, arms along the body. Jumps on two legs at the expense of 1-7, at the expense of 8 - a jump from the hoop. Repeat 2-3 timesFinal part

1. Game Giants and Dwarves.

2. Walking in a column one at a time.

Complex of morning exercises №13


Walking and running in a column one at a time with a change in direction of movement at the signal of the teacher; walking and jogging

outdoor switchgear

Ball exercises

1. I. p. - leg stand apart, the ball in both hands in front of you. Throws the ball up (low) at an arbitrary pace.

2. I. p. - leg stand slightly apart, the ball is in both bent arms in front of you. Turn the body to the right, throw the ball on the floor, catch it. The same with turning to the left (3-4 times in each direction).

3. I. p. - Stand on your knees, sitting on your heels, the ball in front of you on the floor. Roll the ball around you to the right, helping with your hands. Do the same to the left (3 times).

4. I. p. - lying on your back, legs straight, the ball behind your head. 1-2 - raise your legs up in a slow motion, touch them with the ball; 3-4 - return to the starting position (6-7 times).

5. I. p. - lying on your back, the ball in both hands behind your head, arms straight. 1-2 - turn on your stomach, the ball in both hands; 3-4 - turn back on your back, return to the starting position (5-6 times).

6. I. p. - the main stand, the ball is below. 1-2 - right foot back on the toe, ball up; 3-4 - return to the starting position. The same with the left foot (6-7 times).

Final part

1. Game "Fishing Rod".

Morning gymnastics complex No. 14


Game Giants and Dwarves.

outdoor switchgear

Exercises without objects

1. I. p. - the main stance, arms bent in front of the chest with palms down. 1-3 - three jerks with arms to the sides; 4 - starting position (5-6 times).

2. I. p. - stand feet shoulder width apart, hands behind the head. 1 - torso tilt to the right (left); 2 - return to the starting position (6-7 times).

3. I. p. - lying on your back, legs bent, feet on the floor, arms along the body. 1-2 - raise the pelvis, bend, leaning on the palms; 3-4 - return to the starting position (5-6 times).

4. I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. 1 - raise the right leg forward and up; 2 - with a simultaneous movement, lower the right leg down, raise the left leg up; 3 - left leg down, right up; 4 - lower the right leg. After a pause, repeat 2-3 times.

5. I. p. - sitting legs apart, hands on the belt. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - lean forward, touch the toes of the right (left) leg with your hands; 3 - straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 - return to the starting position (6 times).

6. I. p. - main stance, arms along the body. 1-2 - rising on toes, hands through the sides up; 3-4 - starting position (6-7 times).

Final part

1. Game "Don't get caught!" (jumping in and out of the circle as the driver approaches).

2. Walking and running around the balls with a turn at the signal of the teacher

Morning gymnastics complex No. 15


Walking in a column one at a time, in a circle with a turn at the command of the teacher; walking and jogging.

outdoor switchgear

Skittles exercises

1. I. p. - main rack, skittles below. 1 - skittles to the sides; 2 - skittles up; 3 - skittles to the sides; 4 - return to the starting position (6-7 times).

2. I. p. - leg stand apart, skittles below. 1 - skittles to the sides; 2 - tilt forward to the right leg, put the skittles at the toe; 3 - straighten up, hands on the belt; 4 - bend over, take the skittles, return to the starting position. The same to the left leg (4-6 times).

3. I. p. - standing in an emphasis on his knees, skittles at his shoulders. 1 - turn to the right, put the pin at the heel of the right foot; 2 - turn to the left, put the pin at the heel of the left foot; 3 - turn to the right, take the pin; 4 - turn left, take the skittle (4-6 times).

4. I. p. - sitting legs apart, skittles at the chest. 1-2 - lean forward, touch the floor with pins between the toes of the legs (Fig. 30); 3-4 - return to the starting position (6 times).

5. I. p. - main rack, skittles below. 1 - sit down, move the pins forward; 2 - starting position (6-7 times).

6. I. p. - main rack, skittles on the floor. Jumps on the right and left legs around the pins in both directions (Fig. 31). Repeat 2-3 times.

Final part

1. Game "Gate"

Children walk around the playground in pairs, holding hands. At the teacher’s signal “Gate!” stop and raise their hands. The last pair pass under the gate and stand in front. Game continues

2. Walking in a column one at a time

Morning gymnastics complex No. 16


Walking and running with stepping over objects; walking and jogging.

outdoor switchgear

Exercises without objects

1. I. p. - main stance, arms along the body; 1-2 - rising on toes, arms through the sides up, bend over; 3-4 - starting position (6-7 times).

2. I. p. - foot stand on the width of the foot, hands behind the head. 1-2 - sit down in a slow motion, arms to the sides; 3-4 - starting position (5-6 times).

3. I. p. - stand with legs shoulder-width apart, hands behind the back. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - bend over to the right leg, clap your hands behind the knee; 3 - straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 - starting position. The same to the left leg (6 times).

4. I. p. - stand on the knees, resting your palms on the floor. 1 - raise the right leg back and up; 2 - return to the starting position. The same with the left foot (6-7 times).

5. I. p. - stand on the knees, hands on the belt. 1 - turn to the right, right hand to the right; 2 - return to the starting position. The same to the left (4–6 times).

6. I. p. - main stance, arms along the body. 1 - jumping legs apart, arms to the sides; 2 - jump legs together. Performed under the count of 1-8 (2-3 times)

Final part

1. The game "Silence"

Children go around the playground in a column one at a time.

Silence by the pond

The water does not sway

The reeds do not make noise.

Sleep, little ones.

(They stop at the last words, squat, tilt their heads and close their eyes for 10 seconds.)

2. Walking in a column one at a time.

Morning gymnastics complex No. 17


Walking and running in a column one at a time, walking and running with a stop at the signal of the teacher.

outdoor switchgear

Stick exercises

1. I. p. - main stance, stick below. 1 - raise the stick to the chest; 2 - stick up; 3 - a stick on the chest; 4 - starting position (6-7 times).

2. I. p. - stand legs apart, stick below. 1 - stick up; 2 - tilt to the right leg; 3 - straighten up, stick up; 4 - starting position. The same to the left leg (6 times).

3. I. p. - main stance, stick on the shoulders. 1-2 - sit down in a slow motion, keep your back and head straight; 3-4 - starting position (5-7 times).

4. I. p. - lying on his stomach, a stick in bent arms in front of him. 1 - bend, stick forward-up; 2 - return to the starting position (5-7 times).

56. I. p. - main stance, stick grip from above wider than shoulders below. 1 - jumping legs apart, stick up; 2 - jump legs together. Performed at the expense of 1-8 (2 times).

Final part

1. The game "Cars".

You can leave the garages only at the signal of the teacher, return to the garage also at the signal.

If the checkbox is omitted, the cars do not move

2. Walking in a column one at a time.

Morning gymnastics complex No. 18


Echo game.

outdoor switchgear

Exercises without objects

1. I. p. - main stance, arms along the body. 1 - step with the right foot to the right, arms to the sides; 2 - starting position. The same with the left foot (6-7 times).

2. I. p. - legs slightly apart, arms along the body. 1-3 - springy squats, arms forward; 4 - starting position (5-7 times).

3. I. p. - stand legs shoulder-width apart, arms below. 1 - bend your arms in front of your chest; 2 - turn to the right, spread your arms to the sides; 3 - hands in front of the chest; 4 - starting position. The same to the left side (6 times).

4. I. p. - legs parallel, arms along the body. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - bend the right leg, put on the knee; 3 - lower the leg, arms to the sides; 4 - starting position. The same with the left foot (6 times).

5. I. p. - kneeling, hands on the belt. 1-2 - with a turn to the right, sit on the right thigh; 3-4 - starting position. The same to the left (3 times).

6. I. p. - main stance, arms along the body. Jumps on the right and left legs at the expense of the teacher 1-8. Repeat the exercise 1-3 times.

Final part

1. Game exercise "Don't get caught".

The players are located around the cord (feature), laid in the form of a circle. In the center is the driver-trap. Children jump on two legs in and out of the circle as the trap approaches. The one whom the driver managed to stain (touch) receives a penalty point, but does not leave the game. After 30-40 seconds, the game stops, the number of losers is counted. The game is repeated with another driver, chosen not from among those previously caught.

2. Walking in a column one at a time behind the most dexterous trap.2. Walking in a column one at a time.

Morning gymnastics complex №19


Walking in a column one at a time, performing exercises for the hands at the signal of the teacher - hands to the sides, behind the head, on the belt; scatter run.

outdoor switchgear

Small ball exercises

1. I. p. - main stance, the ball in the right hand below. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - hands up, transfer the ball to the other hand; 3 - arms to the sides; 4 - starting position (6-7 times).

2. I. p. - leg stand apart, ball in the right hand. 1 - tilt to the right leg; 2-3 - roll the ball from the right foot to the left and back; 4 - starting position. The same to the left leg (4-5 times).

3. I. p. - kneeling, the ball in both hands. 1-2 - sitting on your heels and turning your torso to the right, touch the floor with the ball; 3-4 - return to the starting position. The same to the left (4-6 times).

4. I. p. - sitting on the floor, the ball is sandwiched between the feet, hands in support behind. 1-2 - raise straight legs, trying not to drop the ball; 3-4 - return to the starting position (5-7 times).

5. I. p. - lying on your back, the ball in straight arms behind your head. 1-2 - raise straight arms and right leg forward, touch it with the ball; 3-4 - return to the starting position. The same with the left foot (6-7 times).

6. I. p. - legs slightly apart, the ball is in the right hand. Hit the ball on the floor with your right hand, catch the ball with both hands. The pace is arbitrary.

Final part

1. Game "Fishing Rod".

The players stand in a circle, in the center is the teacher. He holds a rope in his hands, at the end of which is tied a bag of sand. The teacher rotates the rope with the bag in a circle above the ground itself (floor), and the children jump up on two legs, trying to prevent the bag from touching their legs. Having described two or three circles with the bag, the teacher pauses, during which the number of those who have done the bag is counted and the necessary instructions are given for performing jumps.

2. Walking and running around the balls with a turn at the signal of the teacher

The value of morning exercises is primarily determined by the increase

the vital activity of the whole organism. Job muscular system activates the heart

vascular, respiratory system, disinhibits nervous system, promotes

formation correct posture, good gait, prevents the occurrence

flat feet, creates conditions for good mental performance, for the transition

to the active state of the whole organism. The dictation way of submitting assignments enlivens

perception and attention of children. Morning exercises are also valuable because children develop

habit, and the need to do physical exercises every day in the morning.

In addition, it provides an organized start to the day at kindergarten, gives

the opportunity to switch the attention of pupils to joint forms of activity.

To organize and conduct morning exercises there are a number of specific


Hygienic: morning exercises should be performed in a pre-ventilated

room or outdoors. In the warm season, charging is carried out outdoors.

air. If the gymnastics complex includes exercises performed on the floor,

a gym mat must be used.

Pedagogical: morning exercises must be performed in

a certain sequence: at the beginning, stretching exercises are performed,

then follows a quiet walk, turning into slow run. Walking and running increases

frequency and depth of breathing, improves blood circulation. Followed by respiratory

exercises. Then alternately do exercises for the muscles of the hands and shoulder girdle,

torso and legs. The dosage of the load during morning exercises should be

so that children feel energized, not tired. At the end of charging, you can

use special breathing exercises with a slow continuous

exhalation in the form of reading a quatrain in one or two breaths or game exercises

(“Porridge is cooked”, “Snowflakes”, etc.). Gymnastics can be carried out in the form of games and

game exercises (for example, on holidays or matinees).

Organizational: for morning exercises, you must first

dismantle the complexes exercise, determine the sequence

performance, dosage and pre-test them. Preference is given

dynamic exercises. Static and straining efforts are undesirable. Number

complex exercises usually range from 8 to 12, each of them is repeated 10-12

times or more. The complex of morning exercises includes three groups of exercises: 1)

aimed at strengthening the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms; 2) to increase flexibility

spine and strengthening of the back muscles; 3) to strengthen the abdominal muscles,

development of the muscles of the legs and arch of the foot.

Clothing Requirements: Clothing for morning exercises must be made of


Complex №1

1 Week (no items)

I Walking. Run. Walking on toes (arms to shoulders). Walking on heels (hands on the belt) Light running. Walking with high knees (hands on the belt). Walking.

IIConstruction in three columns.

1. "Eyes" I.p. - o.s. "Eyes left, eyes right, up and down, and all over again"(6 times).

2. "Mouth" (kinesiology exercise). “In order to speak better, the mouth must be mobile”

(6 times).

3. "Let's wave our wings!" I.p. - hands to the side.1 - hands to shoulders;2 - i.p.(8 times).

4. "Let's grow big!" I.p. - o.s.1 -right leg back on the toe, stretch; 2 - i.p.;3 - left foot back on the toe, stretch;4 - i.p.(8 times).

5. "Spiral". I.p. - sitting, legs crossed, hands on the belt.1 - turning the body to the right;2 - i.p.;3 - turning the body to the left;4 - i.p.(8 times).

6. "Fence". I.p. 1-2 - raise arms and legs at the same time;3-4 - i.p.(8 times).

7. "Let's jump on one leg!" I.p. - hands on the belt.1-4- jumping on the right leg;5-8 - jumping on the left leg (alternating with walking)(2-3 times).

8. "Watch" (breathing exercise). "The clock goes forward, they lead us behind it."I.p. - standing, legs slightly apart.1 - swing your arms forward - "tic" (inhale);2 - swing your arms back - “so” (exhale)(2 times).

Complex №3

3 week (with handkerchiefs)

II. handkerchief exercises

1. "Show the handkerchief"

I.P .: feet on the width of the foot, a handkerchief in both hands at the chest. 1- straighten your arms, show a handkerchief, 2- and. P.

2. "Wave your handkerchief"

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, handkerchief in right hand, lowered down 1- hands up, shift the handkerchief from the right. hands to the left, wave them; 2nd. n. The same in the other direction.

3. "Put the handkerchief"

I. P .: legs on sh. p., hands down, handkerchief in the right hand.

2-and. n., shift the handkerchief behind the back from the right hand to the left.

The same on the other side.

4. "Put a handkerchief"

1- sit down, put a handkerchief on the floor, 2- and. p., hands on the belt,

3- sit down, take a handkerchief, 4- and. P.

5. "Jumping"

6 . "Geese are flying" I.p. - Oh.1 - 2 - (2 times).


Complex №5

1 Week (no items)

I. Line up, column, posture check; walking in a column one at a time on toes, hands behind the head, on the heels, hands behind the back, easy run, walking.

II. Exercises without objects

1 "Cotton on top" I.P .: legs slightly apart, hands below 1- hands through the sides up, clap your hands, 2-and. P.

2 "Shake our heads" I.P.: legs together, hands on the belt 1- head tilt to the right, 2- and. p., 3 - tilt to the left, 4 - i.p.

3 "Lean forward" I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt 1- tilt forward, touch the socks with your hands, 2- sp.

4 "Pendulum" I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt 1- tilt to the right, 2- tilt to the left

5 "Squats" I.P .: heels together, socks apart, hands on the belt 1 - sit down, hands forward, 2-and. P.

6 Star Jumps I.P .: legs together, hands below 1 - legs apart, arms up, 2- sp.

7. "Rooster" (breathing exercise) 1 - raise your arms to the sides (inhale), 2 - clap your hands on the hips "ku-ka-re-ku" (exhale).

Complex №7

3 week (no items)

IWalking one after another on toes, on heels, in a squat with different position hands Running one after another, with straight legs forward and with different positions of the hands. Walking.

IIBuilding in links.

1. "Tongue" (kinesiology exercise). “You show the tongue, everyone look at it”(6 times).

2. "Let's dance!" (kinesiology exercise).I.p. - hands on the belt.1 - raise the right leg, bend at the knee;2 - i.p.;3 - raise the left leg, bend at the knee;4 - i.p.(6 times).

3. "Adjuster". I.p. - feet on the width of the feet, standing parallel, hands on the belt.1 - hands to the side;2 - up;3 - in sides;4 - i.p.(8 times).

4. "Look what's behind you!" I.p. - 1 - body turn to the right;2 - i.p.;3 - turning the body to the left;4 - i.p.(8 times).

5. "Look at your leg!" I.p. - lying on your back, hands behind your head.1 - raise the straight right leg;2 - i.p.;3 - raise the straight left leg;4 - i.p.(6 times).

6. "Airplane". I.p. - lying on the stomach, legs together, hands forward.1-2 - raise upper part torso, legs and arms extended to the sides;3-4 - i.p.(4 times).

7. "Let's jump!" I.p. - o.s. Jumping on the right, then on the left leg, alternating with walking(3-4 times).

8. "Geese are flying" (breathing exercise). Geese fly high, they look at the guys.I.p. - Oh.1 - raise your arms to the sides (inhale);2 - put your hands down with the sound "goo!" (exhalation)(2 times).


Complex №9

1 Week (no items)

IWalking one after another on toes, on heels, with straight legs moving forward and up, with pulling the socks forward and down and a strong wave of the arms to the sides (like soldiers). Run after each other. Walking.

IIConstruction in three columns.

1 . "Tongue" (see complex October 2) (10 times).

2. "Palm" (kinesiology exercise).I.p. - o.s. With the fingers of the right hand, with an effort, press on the palm of the left hand, which should resist; the same with the other hand(10 times).

3. "Roll your shoulder!" I.p. - Feet shoulder width apart.1-3 - circular movements with the right shoulder;4 - i.p.;5-7 - circular movements with the left shoulder;8 - i.p.(8 times).

4. "Tilts to the side." I.p. - legs apart, hands behind the back - tilt to the right;2 - i.p.;3 - tilt to the left;4 - i.p.(8 times).

5. "Tilts Down". I.p. ~ legs apart, arms to the sides.1-2 - lean forward, touch your toes;3-4 - i.p.(8 times).

6. "Fish". I.p. - lying on your stomach, arms forward and up.1-3- raise the upper body, arms and legs;4 - i.p.(4 times).

7. "Turn around yourself!". I.p. - hands on the belt. Jumping around its axis in alternation with walking to the right and left side alternately(10 times).

8. "Cockerel" (breathing exercise). “The rooster flapped its wings, he suddenly woke us all.”I.p. - o.s.1-2 - arms to the sides (inhale);3-4 - hands down, “ku-ka-re-ku!”, claps on the hips (exhale for each syllable)(6 times).

Complex №11

3 week (no items)

I. Line up, column, posture check; walking in a column one at a time, jogging (1-2 min), jumping, walking.

II. Exercises "Tailors"

1 "Scissors"

I. P .: legs on sh. st., arms to the sides

1- cross straight arms in front, 2- and. P.

2 "Shuttle"

I. P .: legs on sh. p., hands down

1- tilt to the right, 2- and. p., 3- tilt to the left, 4- and. P.

3 "The sewing machine is running"

I.P .: legs together, hands clasped behind the lock

1- raise the right knee, 2- and. p., 3- raise the left knee, 4- and. P.

4 "Pull rubber" IP: feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest, hands clenched. 1- take your elbows back with force, 2- and. P.

5 "The wheel of the car is spinning" I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, arms below

1- 8 circular rotations with straight arms (right - forward, left - back).

6 "The needle sews - jumps" I.P .: legs together, hands below. 1-8 jumps in place.

7 "Breathe with one nostril" (breathing exercise) ip - main stance 1 - close the right nostril with the index finger of the right hand. Take a quiet long breath with the left nostril; open the right nostril, and close the left with the index finger of the left hand. Breathe out slowly through the right nostril(2 times).


Complex №13

1 Week (no items)

I Walking. Easy run. Walking on toes (hands to the sides). Walking on the heels (hands behind the head). Running, throwing heels back. Walking. Building in links.

"To the forest, to the Christmas tree"

1. "Christmas tree". I. p. - the main rack; 1 - hands through the sides up. 2 - starting position Repeat 8-10 times.

2. "The blizzard shakes the trees." I. p. - the main rack. 1 - arms to the sides. 2 - 3 keeping your hands parallel to the floor, tilt to the right and left. Repeat 8-10 times.

3. "Snow". I.p. - kneeling, hands forward. 1 - hands up. 2 - starting position. Repeat 8-10 times.

5. "Hedgehog". I. p. - reliance on the hands and toes; 1 - support on the forearms and knees; 2- starting position. Repeat 6 - 8 times.

6. "Nut". I. p. - lying on your back, wrap your arms around your bent knees; 1 - legs straight, arms along the body; 2 - starting position. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

7. "Sled". I. p. - lying on the stomach, arms up, legs slightly up; 1 - 4 - swing forward, backward. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

8. "Squirrel". Jumping on two legs (10-12 times) alternating with walking.

9 "Blizzard" (Breathing exercise)

Children stand with straight backs, then take a deep breath, pronounced in exhalation lingeringly: "U-o-o-o-oo."

"Strong blizzard" - Children increase the power of their voices.

"The blizzard subsides" - Children reduce the power of their voices.

“The blizzard is over” - The children fall silent.

Complex №15

3 week (with checkboxes)

I. Line up, column, posture check; walking in a column one at a time with a high raising of the hip, like horses. Running, waving your arms like wings - butterflies.

II. Checkbox exercises

1 "Flags forward"

I.P .: feet on the width of the foot, flags below

1 - flags forward; 2 - to the sides; 3 - up; 4 - i.p.

2 "Show flag"

I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, flags at the chest

1 - turn to the right, right hand to the side; 2 - i.p. The same to the left.

3 "Bow nicely"

I. P .: feet shoulder width apart, flags below

1 - arms to the sides; 2 - tilt to the right leg, 3 - stand up, 4 - I.p.

The same for the left leg.

4 "Twisting with flags"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, flags to the sides in straight arms

1 - tilt - twisting to the right, 2 - I.p. The same to the left.

5 "Squats"

I.P.: heels together, toes apart, flags down

1 - sit down, move the flags forward, 2 - ip.

6 "Jumps"

I.P .: legs together, flags below.

Jumping - "asterisks with flags"

7 "Snowstorm" (Breathing exercise). See Complex No. 13 point 9


Complex №17

1 Week (no items)

IWalking one after another on toes, on heels, like a horse, like dolls. Running one after another, wide jumps, with different positions of the hands. Walking.

IIBuilding in links.

1. "Spine" (kinesiology exercise).I.p. - lying on the floor, touch the elbow (hand) of the knee, slightly raising the shoulders and bending the leg(10 times).

2. "Palm" (kinesiology exercise).I.p. - o.s. With phalanxes of fingers clenched into a fist, make movements according to the principle of a gimlet in the palm of the massaged hand; then change hands(10 times).

3. “Tilts to the sides” I.p. - legs apart, hands behind the back. / - tilt to the right;2 - i.p.;3 - tilt to the left;4 - i.p.(8 times).

4. "Turns". I.p. - feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt.1 - turn to the right, hands in front of you;2 - i.p.;3 - turn left, hands in front of you;4 - i.p.(8 times).

5. "Bridge". I.p. - lying on back, legs bent, palms resting on the floor.1-2- raise the pelvis, bend;3-4 - i.p.(in time).

6. "Birch". I.p. - lying on your back, arms along the body.1-2 - raise your legs, back, support the pelvis with your hands;3-4 - i.p.(6 times).

7. "Jumping to the side". I.p. - o.s.1-4- jumping right and left alternately in alternation with walking(4 times).

8 "Hedgehog" (breathing exercise).1 - turning the head to the right - a short noisy breath through the nose, 2 - turning the head to the left - exhalation through a half-open mouth. Walking.

Complex №19

3 week ("Sports warm-up")

I. Line up, column, posture check; walking and running with a change of leader.

II. Exercises "Sports warm-up"

1 "Running in place"

We alternately tear off the heels from the floor, socks in place (1-2 min.)

2 "Strongmen" I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides, fingers clenched into fists

1- bend your arms to your shoulders with force, 2-and. P.

3" side stretch » I. P .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt

1 - tilt to the right, left hand above the head,

2 - i. p., the same on the other side.

4 "Look behind you" I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt

1 - turn to the right, with the left hand gently push the right shoulder back and

we look behind the back, 2 - and. p., the same on the other side.

5 "Lunges to the side » I.P.: legs together, hands on the belt

1 - lunge with the right foot to the right, the back is straight, 2 - ip, the same to the left.

6 "Jumps" I.P .: legs together, hands on the belt. 1 - 3 - jumping in place,

4 - jump as high as possible.

7 . "Geese are flying" (breathing exercise). Geese fly high, they look at the guys.I.p. - Oh.1 - raise your arms to the sides (inhale);2 - put your hands down with the sound "goo!" (exhalation)(2 times).


Complex №21

1 Week (no items)

IWalking one after another on toes, on heels, like penguins (with socks very spread apart)

IIBuilding in links.

1. "Flight" (kinesiology exercise).I.p. - o.s. Standing, make a few strong waves with your hands, spreading them to the sides. Close your eyes and imagine that you are flying flapping your wings.(10 times).

2. "Neck" (kinesiology exercise).I.p. - o.s. Turn your head slowly from side to side, breathe freely. Lower your chin as low as possible. Relax your shoulders. Turn your head from side to side with your shoulders up and your eyes open(10 times).

3. "Let's be surprised!" I.p. - feet shoulder width apart, hands behind the back.1 - raise the right shoulder;2 - i.p.;3 - raise the left shoulder;4 - i.p.(8 times).

4. "Tilts". I.p.- feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. 1-2 tilts forward, 3-4 tilts back, bending the back. (8r)

5. "Let's swear!" I.p. - hands on the belt.1-2 - sit down, palms on the floor;3-4 - i.p.(8 times).

6. "Swan". I.p. - O.c. 1-2 - right leg forward and sit on it, bending the leg at the knee;3-4 - i.p.;5-6 - left leg forward and sit on it, bending the leg at the knee;7-8 - i.p.(8 times).

8. "Jumping Forward". I.p. - o.s.1-8 - jumping on two legs, moving forward, turning around in alternation with walking(4 times).

9. "Wings" (breathing exercise). “We have wings instead of hands, so we fly - the highest class!”.I.p. - standing, legs slightly apart.1-2 - raise hands through the sides (inhale);3-4 - hands down through the sides (exhale)(6 times).

Complex №23

3 week (no items)

I. Line up, column, posture check; walking on heels, on toes, on the outside of the foot, on the inside; easy run.

II. Exercises "Let's dance"

1 "Met"

I. P .: legs on sh. p., hands down

1- spread your arms to the sides, smile, 2- and. P.

2 "Turns"

1- turn to the right, spread your arms to the sides, 2- and. P.,

same on the other side

3 "Heel, toe"

I. P .: legs on sh. p., hands on the belt

1- right foot on the heel, sit down, and. p., 2- left foot on the heel, 3- right

foot on toe, and. p. 4 - left foot on the toe

4 "Bent over merrily"

I.P .: legs together, hands on the belt

1- tilt to the right, smiled, 2- and. p., the same on the other side

5 "Dancing legs"

I.P .: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt

1 - lunge to the right, the left foot on the heel turns to the left, 2-and. p., the same to the left side

6 "Asterisks"

I.P .: legs together, hands below. 1- arms up, legs to the side, 2- and. P.

7 "Blizzard" (Breathing exercise). (See Complex No. 13 point 9)


Complex №25

1 Week (no items)

IWalking one after another, on toes, on heels, with high knees, with claps in front of you and behind your back for every step, like penguins, like soldiers, like mice, like dolls. Running diagonally, jumping, galloping to the right side. Walking.

IIBuilding in links.

1. "Turns" (kinesiology exercise)I.p. - o.s. Turn your head and try to see objects behind you(10 times).

2. "Teeth" (kinesiology exercise) i.p. – o.s. close your eyes, massage the areas of connection of the upper and lower molars with the index and middle fingers simultaneously on the right and left. Then make a relaxing sound of yawning.(10 times).

3. "Strongmen". I.p. - o.s., hands to the sides.1 - hands to shoulders;2 - i.p.(8 times).

4. "Ballerina". I.p. - hands on the belt.1 - right foot to the side on the toe;2 - i.p.;3 - left foot to the side on the toe;4 - i.p.(8 times).

5. "We exercise our hands." I.p. - o.s.1 - hands to the side;2 - hands up;3 - hands to the side;4 - i.p.(8 times).

6. "Fish" (see complex 9) (4 times).

7. "Scissors". I.p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Leg movements left and right(6 times).

8. "Jumping". I.p. - o.s., hands on the belt. Legs apart - legs crossed(2 times 8 jumps).

9. « Grow big ”(breathing exercise) 1 - raise your hands up, stretch, rise on your toes (inhale). 2 - put your hands down, go down on the whole foot (exhale), say "Uhhh."

Complex №27

3 week (repetition with difficulty)

Complicate exercise 3. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered down. 1 - tilt forward - down, clap behind the right foot, 2 - starting position 3.4 - also clap behind the left foot. Repeat 6-8 times.


Complex №29

1 Week ( "Space motives" no items)

I Walking. Run. Walking on toes (arms to shoulders). Walking with toes too far apart (like penguins). Running with high knees. Walking.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

1. "Cosmic wind". I. p. - o. with., hands up. 1-4 - sway like the wind, from side to side. (6-8 times).

2. "Trial rocket launch." I. p. - feet shoulder width apart. 1 - raise your arms through the sides up, rise on your toes, inhale (8 times).

3. "Let's check the suit" I. p. - main stance, hands on the belt. 1-2 - tilts to the right - to the left. 3-4 - tilt forward - back. 5-6 - turns of the body. 7 - i. n. (8 times).

4. "Getting Ready to Fly" I. p. - kneeling, hands down. 1-2 - turn to the right, arms to the sides; 3-4 - and. p., 5-6 - turn to the left, arms to the sides; 7-8 - and. n. (8 times).

5. "We warm up in flight." I. p. - kneeling, hands on the belt. 1 - arms to the sides, sitting on the heels. 2 - return to the starting position (6-8 times).

6. "The state of weightlessness." I. p. - lying on your stomach, hands under your chin. 1 - raise your head, legs, arms. 2 - return to the starting position. (6 times).

7. "We sit in the astronaut's chair ". Starting position - lying on your back, arms along the body. 1 - sitting with straight legs, arms down. 2 - return to the starting position. Repeat 6 times.

8. "The joy of arrival." Starting position - legs together, hands on the belt. Jumping in place on two legs, alternating with walking.

9. "Sounds of Space" (breathing exercise) (for the development of speech breathing). Children pronounce the sound “UUUU” on a long exhalation.

Complex №31

3 week ( with handkerchiefs)

I. Line up, column, posture check; walking and running in a column one at a time, bending around objects placed at the corners of the hall, lateral gallop from the right leg.

II. handkerchief exercises

1 "Show handkerchief" I.P .: feet on the width of the foot, a handkerchief in both hands at the chest.

1- straighten your arms, show a handkerchief, 2- and. P.

2 "Wave your handkerchief"

IP: feet shoulder-width apart, handkerchief in right hand, lowered down.

1- hands up, shift the handkerchief from the right hand to the left, wave it,

2nd. n. The same in the other direction.

3 "Put the handkerchief"

I. P .: legs on sh. p., hands down, handkerchief in right hand

1- tilt to the right, hand with a handkerchief straight to the side,

2-and. n., shift the handkerchief behind the back from the right hand to the left. The same on the other side.

4 "Put a handkerchief"

I.P .: heels together, socks apart, handkerchief below

1 - sit down, put a handkerchief on the floor, 2- and. p., hands on the belt,

3 - sit down, take a handkerchief, 4 - and. P.

5 "Jumps"

IP: legs together, handkerchief below. Jumping with a handkerchief.

    "Stork" (breathing exercise)

On an inhale, raise your arms to the sides. The leg, bent at the knee, proudly bring forward, fix. On the exhale, take a step. Lower the leg and arms, saying "shhhhh."


Complex №33

1 Week (with rope)

IWalking. Easy run. Walking on toes (hands to the sides). Walking on the heels (hands behind the head).

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

1. "Rope up." I. p .: feet shoulder-width apart, rope below. 1- rope forward, 2- up, 3- forward, 4- and. n. (8 times).

2. "Rope down." I. p .: legs on the w.p., rope below 1 - lift the rope up, 2 - bend down 3 - straighten up, lift the rope up, 4 - and. n. (8 times.)

3. "Rope rotation". I. p .: legs apart, one hand at the top, the other at the bottom, the rope is vertical. At the expense of 1,2,3,4 - change hands, while pulling the rope. Repeat 6-8 times.

4. "Put the rope." I. p .: legs on the w.p., rope in outstretched hands. 1- tilt down, put the rope on the floor, 2- stand up, hands on the belt, 3- tilt down, take the rope, 4- starting position. Repeat 6-8 times.

5. "Turns". I. p .: standing, feet on sh. p., rope forward. 1 - turn to the right, 2 - and. n., the same in the other direction. 8 times.

6. "Tilts". I. p .: feet shoulder-width apart, rope at the top. 1- tilt to the right, 2- and. p., the same on the other side. 6-8 times.

7. "Half squats." Starting position: heels together, socks apart, rope below. 1- sit down, rope forward, 2-starting position, the same in the other direction. Repeat 6-8 times.

8. "Jumping". I. p .: legs together, rope below. Jumping - legs apart, rope up, legs together, rope down. 6-8 times.

    "Crane" I.p.: o.s. Inhale, raise the right leg, slightly bent at the knee, arms to the sides, down, say "urrrr". Do the same with your left foot.

Complex №3 5

3 week (with handkerchief)

IWalking. Easy run. Walking on toes (hands to the sides). Walking on the heels (hands behind the head) Snake running. Walking.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

1. "Show the handkerchief." I. p .: legs on the, a handkerchief in both hands at the chest. 1- straighten your arms, show a handkerchief, 2- starting position. Repeat 8 times.

2. "Wave your handkerchief." I. p .: legs on the s.p., a handkerchief in the right hand, lowered down. 1 - hands up, shift the handkerchief from the right hand to the left, wave it, 2 - starting position, the same in the other direction. Repeat 8 times.

3. "Signals to the aircraft." I. p .: legs on the s.p., a handkerchief in the right hand, lowered down. 1 - hands to the sides, shift the handkerchief from the right hand to the left, wave it, 2 - starting position, the same in the other direction. Repeat 8 times.

4. "Put the handkerchief." I. p .: legs on the w.p., hands below, handkerchief in the right hand. 1- tilt to the right, hand with a handkerchief straight to the side, 2- and. p., shift the handkerchief behind the back from the right hand to the left, the same in the other direction. 8 times.

5. "Pinwheel". I. p .: legs on sh. p., hands down, handkerchief in the right hand. 1- tilt to the right, hand with a handkerchief straight to the side, 2-and. p., shift the handkerchief behind the back from the right hand to the left, the same in the other direction. Repeat 8 times.

6. "Mahi hands." I. p .: legs on sh. p., hands down, handkerchief in the right hand. 1 - right hand up, 2-3-4-5 - swing your arms up and down, 6 - and. p., 7 - shift the handkerchief behind the back from the right hand to the left, repeat the exercise, starting with the left hand. Repeat 4 times.

7. "Jumping". I. p .: legs together, a handkerchief below. 12–18 times

8. "Grow big" ( breath. ex.) 1 - raise your hands up, stretch, rise on your toes (inhale).