Brain training and intelligence development. Mind training

Our jobs, opportunities, relationships… our whole life depends on how our mind works. At any age you can develop your mind, which in any case will be useful to you.


There are many interesting and useful books in the world, by reading which you enrich your mind with new knowledge, thus developing your mind. At the same time, you need to be vigilant so as not to waste your time on empty books that will not give you anything.

Vocabulary replenishment

Expand your lexicon, learning new words of your profession, foreign words or those words that you hear but do not know their meaning. This can help not only in strengthening your memory, but also in moving up the career ladder, as in modern world knowledge of foreign languages ​​and the ability to express one's thoughts are important.


Logic tasks strengthen the connections of neurons in such a way that the brain begins to work better and serve you longer. There are many types of puzzles that develop memory, thinking, mindfulness, fantasy and more. Start enjoying and benefiting from these games and tasks.


Mathematics teaches us to think critically, and gives us access to analytical thinking, which contributes to the development of the mind.


Drawing is a great opportunity for self-expression. Try yourself in creativity, as this can not only give you a new hobby, but also give you the opportunity to develop your thinking.


While cooking, you use your senses, sensations of various smells and tastes. Cooking is especially useful if you are not using recipes, in which case all your senses are involved.


Listening to music develops sensitivity and also stimulates emotional intelligence. If you listen to an opera in a language you do not know, you may be pleasantly surprised that you will not only know what is happening on the stage, but also feel the emotions of the performance.


Poetry can stimulate your creativity as you try to create something beautiful with words. It's also a great way to train your memory when you have to remember the right words as well as memorize the verses.


Meditation is a great way to expand your consciousness, calm your mind, and weed out unnecessary thoughts. But most importantly, meditation gives you the opportunity to control your mind, despite the fact that usually the mind controls us.

Foreign languages

Learning a new language can be challenging, interesting and fun. Not only will you strain your mind to memorize new words and phrases, but you will eventually be able to think in another language.

Think for yourself

In today's world, it is very easy to get an answer to almost any question. All you have to do is go online and use search engines. It is also easy to do simple and complex calculations with the calculator. And it is easy to get prepared information from the media. But the less we use our own mind to find answers, the weaker it becomes. So, try to rely not only on other people's information, but also think for yourself. This will help you not only in the development of the mind, but also in life.

Do you want to take a quick test of intelligence and quick wits or do brain training in online mode, rightly believing that there is no limit to perfection? Why choose, combine! Start playing The Brain Game 2 online with puzzles to develop your thinking and simple exercises in Russian. This best fitness brain - with a gradual increase in the complexity of training and a simultaneous test of mindset, logic and reaction speed.

The best brain trainers are free: they are mini-games for the mind with clear conditions and the need for a quick solution. Start playing and develop your concentration, the ability to quickly navigate the situation and remember.

How to play brain games

Here are 6 mini-tests of the type of fitness training, just for the brain. You get a task and the opportunity to repeat it several times with minor changes to consolidate the result. Read the game rules and answer the simple question as quickly as you can. Get a cycle of similar questions that you need to answer before the timer expires on the timer bar at the bottom of the screen. The answers are analyzed according to three indicators:

  • correct problem solving;
  • the number of shown and completed tasks during the training;
  • The sooner you answer, the more chances.

This exercise for the brain and a kind online test mental abilities. You will learn how developed the ability to carefully look, analyze and memorize. Try it right now and have fun!

Advice is given by a candidate of medical sciences, coordinator of the Association interdisciplinary medicine, expert of the project "Ecology of the brain" Elena Anisimova.

The head must work

Our brain is like muscles: if it is not given daily work, it becomes decrepit, becomes lazy, the command “think!” does not recognize. But if there is a load, the gray cells grow in the literal sense of the word. Scientists describe this process as follows: new synapses are formed between neurons, the cerebral cortex becomes thicker and more sinuous, new capillaries grow into the substance of the brain, axons conduct nerve signals faster, functional connections between individual brain structures become more complicated.

But meanwhile the brain is not as primitive as the muscles. The usual “rocking chair” (such as writing 10 thousand characters daily on the computer) is not enough for him: he will get bored and sooner or later mark the routine as unnecessary. You will have to surprise him and even deceive him with unusual gymnastics.

AiF infographics


This training technique for our convolutions was invented by the Americans - neuroscientist Lawrence Katz And writer Manning Rubin. And for 15 years now, the world has been following the book "Fitness for the Mind", choosing the most suitable of 83 exercises to improve memory and develop intellectual abilities.

To perform fun exercises, you will have to get a little "freaky", doing daily activities in a somewhat crazy way, using all 5 senses in an unusual combination. Performing the same routine work, it is difficult for us to focus on the new: memory weakens, concentration of attention falls. But if you do the usual things in an unexpected way, the brain has to build fresh connections between nerve cells and restore them if they were lost.

Try to start a craving for everything unusual in every free minute, doing household chores, on the way to work and to the store, sitting in front of the TV or at the computer. Do exercises fun, ironic, with good mood The brain loves emotions.

6 useful exercises

1. Engage your left hand(or right if you're left-handed). Try brushing your teeth with it, buttoning your blouse, eating soup, typing on a computer keyboard, and writing letters.

Why do it? The activation of the motor cortex is transferred from the left hemisphere of the brain to the right, which has a beneficial effect on creativity and lateral thinking.

2. Experience new sensations, develop new abilities. Move around your own apartment, which you know well, take a shower with your eyes closed. Try to feel the value of the coin in your pocket by touch. Try Braille, a reading and writing system for the blind. Agree with your family to communicate all day only in sign language.

Why do it? New sensory areas of the brain that are usually underused or not working at all are heated to the limit, which is also good gymnastics for neurons throughout the brain.

3. Don't be afraid to change your image. Wear new unusual clothes, try new makeup, experiment with hair color and hairstyle.

Why do it? A person feels differently when trying on a new image (remember at least the “jacket effect” for a man or “hairpins” for a woman!), And his way of thinking changes.

4. Walk and commute to work with new routes(even if the unusual road will be longer!), travel more often, try to spend every vacation in a new place, go to museums and exhibitions.

Why do it? Spatial memory develops and even the size of the hippocampus increases, according to latest research physiologists.

5. Change the interior of your home and work often, rearrange things in the apartment weekly, swap kitchen utensils, try cooking according to overseas recipes, buy new perfumes. Walk around the apartment for a few minutes, putting on right leg a shoe with a heel, and on the left - a slipper.

Why do it? Habits tire the brain, and novelty stimulates the sensory inputs of the brain, making life more vivid and memorable.

6. Learn to answer annoying questions in a non-trivial way like “how are you?”, “what's new?”, come up with new phrases every time - give up stereotypes, memorize jokes, come up with new jokes yourself, entertaining stories - and be sure to flash them in a conversation.

Why do it? If you approach everything that is said creatively, with different parties, then thereby stimulate the memory and speech center in the brain - the left temporal region of Wernicke's and Broca's zones.

150 minutes of movement - every week

Remember that traditional physical activity also affects brain activity.

Researchers at the University of Illinois, USA, led by Arthur Cramer, found that moderate exercise, just 150 minutes a week (or 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity), plus daily walking of at least 500 meters increase the volume of the human cerebral cortex in the frontal and parietal regions. They are responsible for working memory, attention, and switching from one task to another. As confirmation, scientists provided a picture obtained by a computer tomograph.

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Our brains are lazy and clumsy. If you load him with the same type and familiar tasks, he quickly "gets dumb" and loses the ability to act quickly. The gears in my head begin to spin more slowly and with a creak.

website I found 15 sites where there are many different brain simulators. With the help of tasks, exercises and games today we will train memory, tomorrow logic. And we get a beautiful and fit mind.

Wikium suggests that you first get tested and determine the quality of your memory, thinking, and attention. Based on these results, you get a training program. Again, there is a paid level, where more features are promised.

This site greets us with the phrase: "There are no people with a bad memory. There are people who do not know how to use it." Fulfilling simple exercises, you can develop memory, gain skills in memorizing numbers, words and texts, develop attention and imaginative thinking. Also on the site there are small articles with useful tips.

On the site, you can check your memory and get online training for attention, concentration, reaction and other brain functions using programs and games. There is a detailed theoretical part about what the brain is and how to keep it in good condition.

There is only one brain simulator on this site - the N-back problem. This is an exercise that improves operational ("working") memory, improves mobile intelligence, and optimizes the speed of thinking. The essence of the game: the user sees the squares in the cells of the matrix and hears the letters. In this case, it is necessary to determine and indicate whether the presented image was encountered n-positions (1, 2, 3...) ago.

The games posted on this site are designed to train memory, speed, flexibility of thinking, and computational skills. Before you start training, you will need to determine those mental abilities that you want to develop in the first place. This will determine the choice of exercises for training.

Another site with logic games, puzzles, memory exercises and mindfulness puzzles. Motto - "Pump your brain."

On the site "Entertaining Pedagogy" there is an interesting test, after passing which, you can determine the age of your brain.

This is a site about the possibilities of the human brain and the development of intelligence. Here they talk about how our head works, how everything works there, and give advice on how to speed up this work. For example, there is an article "How to improve short-term memory", logic puzzles and much more.

Online game for the development of counting speed. There are several modes: training, where time is not counted; marathon - you need to answer 20 questions as quickly as possible; error-free, where the game lasts as much as two minutes, but not a single mistake can be made, and others.

If English is almost like your first language, you can hang out on this platform. There are tests for motor skills, verbal, context switching, short-term memory, reaction time, visual perception and many others. At the same time, users can not only train their brains, but also participate in various studies.

In the "Shape of the Mind" section, the site offers various fun exercises and puzzles to train memory, attention, imagination, speed and flexibility of the mind. You can just have fun - for example, there is a funny puzzle "Seed", where you lose the logic of what is happening somewhere in the fifth or sixth step.

Online games for the development of memory, training of observation, visual memory.

Brainexer has the most different exercises: tasks for concentration, sorting, switching, groups and lists of words, arithmetic operations, missing numbers, counting characters, finding a path, etc. One of the most interesting exercises is the Stroop Effect. Be sure to click.

How nice to keep in touch with wise man. From his first words it is clear that this is a man of extraordinary abilities. Mind is a quality that requires constant development. It is impossible to reduce the concept of the mind to some personal qualities. Good and evil, small and big, men and women, old and young can be smart. But they may not be ... That's why we want to talk with you, our smart readers of the site, how to strengthen your mental abilities and make them ideal.

If you think that the brain is responsible for all the mental operations of our body, then you are very mistaken. It is not the brain that thinks, all actions are performed by a person, controlling his brain. Of course, all this is complex and interconnected. But today I want to talk not about how the thought process occurs, but how to develop a person’s mental abilities.

Mind training, like any other, includes exercises that help you stay fit and improve. A weightlifter trains muscles and endurance, an accountant develops computational skills, a translator expands vocabulary. And a person who has decided to develop his mind should work on developing his intellect.

The mind is given to a person so that he can find the right solution in difficult life situations, make discoveries. However, this does not mean that if today you cannot solve a problem, then you will never cope with it. Mind can be developed. Now we will give you specific tips on how to become smarter.

1. Read more

2. Solve crossword puzzles

There are so many fun puzzles out there. And they all develop our mind! Puzzles and crosswords, charades and anagrams, riddles and palindromes are not just an interesting pastime. All this develops memory, attention, imagination, and therefore trains our brain. To distract from sad thoughts and avoid stress and depression, psychologists recommend picking up books and magazines with puzzles more often.

3. Compose your own pieces

Words make beautiful things. And it is possible not only from words. Musicians created their great suites and plays with sounds, and artists with color. And they all had their own mindset. The ability to find the right word, shade trains the brain, makes it work.

4. Meditate

In order for the mind to develop, it is important not only to work, but also to rest. Allow your brain to rest. Let him focus on important points, teach him to work harder at the right moment. You will learn this by mastering.

5. Learn foreign languages

If necessary, be sure to study foreign language. It outlines new perspectives and makes you think in a different language. It's hard, but real. You will quickly notice how much more interesting life has become for you. By memorizing new words and phrases, you will not only replenish your vocabulary, but will force your brain to think about understanding unfamiliar words in the text.

6. Just think for yourself

Never take the easy way out looking for the answer to a question. Look up the answer in an encyclopedia or on the Internet. Better yet, do your own research and draw your own conclusions. And then compare it with the conclusion of the great scientists.

If you use our advice, you will not only develop your mind. Put your brain to work. read books that develop the mind. Perfection has no limit. Let every day add to you not only emotional impressions, but also clarity of mind.