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Signs of heart problems cannot be ignored, even if it seems to you that the pain has already passed and you can live with it. Heart disease is the number one cause of death worldwide, especially in developed countries. The insidiousness of cardiovascular pathologies is that the first signs are almost imperceptible or can occur in a latent form.

Mild discomfort most people choose to ignore. Although in the early stages it is possible to treat and avoid irreversible complications. It is much more difficult to cope with sharp pains that indicate the development of life-threatening diseases: myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, heart attacks and others. In total, there are about 60 types of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The first signs of heart problems: what should arouse suspicion

Chest pain does not always indicate a heart problem. This does not mean that you can relax and not go to the doctor. Most likely, these symptoms will not go away on their own and can threaten serious health complications. An accurate diagnosis can only be established by a doctor.

But since our health is in our hands, all signs of heart problems should be taken seriously and sign up for an examination.

You can suspect something is wrong by the following first signals of the body:

Chest pain

The most alarming sign that may indicate heart disease. This is one of the first symptoms of a heart attack, so with any severe pain in chest urgent need to seek medical attention. You should also be alerted by short-term, pressing pains in the sternum, which are accompanied by sweating, pallor, lack of air. The pain can radiate to the shoulder, left arm and even the jaw.

With different diseases of the heart, pain can be of a different nature. For example, with angina pectoris, the pain is severe, has a pressing, squeezing character. Accompanied by profuse sweating and fear of death. It lasts 1 to 15 minutes. With pericarditis, the pain is constant, which is aggravated by coughing and breathing. With myocarditis, the pain is long and aching.

Chest pain can indicate not only heart disease, but also other organs. It requires a mandatory visit to the doctor for any character and intensity.


Expressed in lack of air, easy suffocation. It can manifest itself when a person works, during physical activity and in the supine position. The fact that you have shortness of breath in calm state Or in situations where it was not there before.

Dizziness and fainting

With heart disease, the blood supply to the brain worsens, so a person may feel dizzy and faint. Fainting in heart failure is very dangerous, as it can lead to cardiac arrest.

Fatigue and weakness

Due to the lack of oxygen and other nutrients in heart disease, the whole body suffers. A person feels overwhelmed and tired at the slightest physical exertion. Often, fatigue is accompanied by pallor, absent-mindedness, poor sleep and anxiety.


Normally, we hardly notice it. With pathologies of the cardiovascular system, frequent arrhythmia is one of the signs of heart problems. With arrhythmia, the heart either jumps out of the chest, or freezes and is characterized by a rapid heartbeat and an increase in pulse.


Edema lower extremities talking about the development of heart failure. They appear on the feet and legs in the late afternoon. If you press on this area, then the dent will remain for 30-40 seconds. Edema requires treatment, as it spreads higher and fluid can accumulate in body cavities. Edema in heart disease is often accompanied by pain in the right hypochondrium.

Common signs of heart problems include:

    Dry cough is manifested in most heart diseases. With a pulmonary infarction, it can be streaked with blood.

    Weakness in the arms and poor grip.

    Increased body temperature.

    Nausea, vomiting.

    Bruising under nails.

    Blueish fingers and toes indicate clogged blood vessels or heart defects.

Heart hurts: who to contact and who is at risk

Some heart diseases are difficult to prevent, but most of them are associated with an unhealthy lifestyle. The following factors belong to a special risk group in the development of cardiovascular pathologies:

  • Congenital disorders of the cardiovascular system.

    Diets and malnutrition.

    Infections, bacteria and viruses.

    Unhealthy lifestyle: alcohol and drugs.

    Sedentary and sedentary lifestyle.

Experts warn that there are no simple heart diseases. For any of the symptoms discussed in the article, it is worth undergoing a diagnosis. Timely detected pathology has a good chance for treatment. While serious heart disease is difficult to treat, it is expensive and it is not always possible to predict a positive outcome.

If you have any of the signs of a heart problem, see your family therapist or cardiologist. The doctor will select the most suitable examination methods for you to clarify the diagnosis.

Ecology, malnutrition, bad habits, daily stress, rapid pace modern life and lack of proper rest wear out the heart.

Not surprisingly, the incidence of heart disease is increasing every year. Moreover, it is the pathology of the heart that ranks first among the causes of death.

At the same time, many heart problems can be avoided if they are diagnosed in time. And for this it is important not to miss those first "bells" that will tell us that the heart is working for wear and tear. about them and will be discussed Further.

1. Prolonged cough

In most cases, coughing is one of the symptoms of a cold or flu. But if the cough does not go away within a month, despite the use of antitussive and expectorant drugs, this may indicate heart problems.

Cough in heart failure is dry and irritating, and most often it appears in the evening, especially when lying down, although it can also bother you during the day.

In addition, pink, frothy mucus may be released during coughing.

2. Shortness of breath

Shortness of breath is one of the important signs of heart failure.

In the initial stages, cardiac dyspnea worries only after intense physical or emotional stress. But with the progression of the pathology, even a 10-minute walk causes a feeling of acute lack of air.

If shortness of breath torments you even at rest, especially when lying down, because of which you are forced to sleep in a sitting or semi-sitting position, if it is difficult for you to breathe in a well-ventilated room, urgently make an appointment with a therapist or cardiologist.

3. Snoring and sleep apnea

Do you wake up at night from your own snoring? Does your breathing stop during sleep for 5 to 10 seconds? Don't ignore these symptoms that indicate heart problems.

Snoring and sleep apnea (namely, the short-term cessation of breathing during sleep) lead to hypoxia of the heart muscle, which increases the risk of a heart attack by 3 times!

4. Pain syndrome

Pain between the shoulder blades and in the neck, radiating to the left arm, shoulder, and even the jaw, often accompanies heart disease.

Pain can occur both after physical or emotional stress, and without any reason.

The pain may be squeezing, dull or sharp. In addition, the patient complains of a burning sensation in the chest, against which the fear of death may develop.

Particular attention should be paid to pain localized in the chest area and not passing after taking cardiac nitrate-containing drugs. Such pain may be a sign of a developing myocardial infarction.

Any pain in the chest and heart area should be a reason to visit a cardiologist, as it may indicate angina, heart attack, pulmonary embolism, aortic aneurysm, pericarditis.

5. Chronic fatigue

A weak heart is not able to provide proper blood circulation, as a result of which the cells and tissues of the body experience a lack of oxygen and nutrients, which leads to the development of chronic fatigue.

If the feeling of weakness and fatigue is your constant companion, if even a long rest does not bring a feeling of cheerfulness, if you are physically unable to perform your usual activities (for example, take a shower or cook breakfast), this may indicate a violation of the cardiovascular system.

6. Headache

Pulsating headache, concentrated in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe temples and tormenting mainly in the morning, may be the result of high blood pressure.

In turn, hypertension can become a trigger in the development of serious heart diseases, including stroke and heart attack.

7. Nausea and loss of appetite

One of the symptoms of chronic heart failure is loss of appetite, accompanied by abdominal pain and flatulence.

In addition, people with heart disease often experience nausea after eating even a small amount of food.

Important! Short bouts of intestinal colic often become harbingers of a heart attack.

8. Dizziness and loss of consciousness

Jumps in blood pressure in combination with circulatory disorders lead to the following symptoms:

  • sudden dizziness,
  • fainting state,
  • short syncope.

These signs may precede a stroke, so they should never be ignored.

9. Frequent urination

Nocturnal diuresis is a sign of chronic heart failure.

The volume of urine excreted increases at night due to increased blood supply to the kidneys (during the day the body intensively supplies blood to the heart and brain, the activity of which decreases significantly at night).

10. Pale and blue skin

Failures in the work of the heart lead to the fact that this organ is not able to transport blood in full to all organs and systems of the body. The lack of blood supply leads to the fact that the skin becomes unnaturally pale.

This symptom is observed in the following pathologies:

  • anemia,
  • vasospasm;
  • rheumatism,
  • insufficiency of the aortic valves.

In the chronic course of heart failure, the lips may turn pale or acquire a bluish tint.

If the mitral valve is disrupted, the cheeks will turn bluish-red or purple.

With hypertension, the nose is modified, which becomes red, bumpy, with capillaries appearing on the surface of the skin.

11. Swelling of the legs

Disorders in the work of the heart prevent the removal of fluid from the tissue and provoke poor blood circulation, especially in those parts of the body that are farthest from the heart. As a result, fluid accumulates under the skin, and edema forms.

Most often, the legs swell (namely the feet and legs), and this happens in the evening, while by morning the swelling disappears.

At first, swelling is small and barely noticeable, so their appearance is not given much attention. But as heart failure progresses, the swelling increases, causing difficulty walking.

Ignoring this symptom can lead to the fact that not only the legs, but also other parts of the body, including internal organs, will begin to swell.

12. Rapid heartbeat

Our heart begins to beat faster during intense physical exertion, emotional arousal, and even when overeating. And this is a normal physiological process.

But if the heartbeat quickens for no apparent reason, this may indicate heart problems.

Therefore, if you regularly experience a feeling in which the heart seems to “pop out” of the chest, do not hesitate to visit a cardiologist. Especially if such attacks of palpitations are accompanied by weakness, dizziness, pain in the heart or fainting.

These symptoms may indicate tachycardia, angina pectoris, heart failure, and wear and tear of the heart muscle.

Remember that early diagnosis of heart diseases is the key to their successful treatment and maintaining a high quality of life!

Check how your heart works

According to statistics World Organization Health, diseases of the cardiovascular system - the most common cause of death worldwide. Despite this, in most cases they are easily treatable and, if the symptoms of a particular heart disease are detected in a timely manner, the chances of recovery are very high.

Common symptoms of heart disease:

  • Swelling and increased sweating. If the heart is unable to pump blood normally, the patient may experience swelling under the skin or eyes;
  • Fatigue and fatigue. This symptom should be addressed Special attention, if it appears suddenly, comes without visible objective reasons and does not go away for a long time. May be accompanied by tremor of the limbs;
  • Chest pain. It is a manifestation of many heart diseases - from coronary heart disease and imminent myocardial infarction, if the pain is burning (before a heart attack, it is especially strong and can be given to the left arm, neck and back), to inflammatory pathological processes of the cardiovascular system (if it is supplemented by elevated body temperature );
  • Strong heartbeat;
  • Dyspnea. The feeling of lack of air and severe shortness of breath can speak not only of lung diseases, but also of heart problems. Asphyxiation attacks are often a harbinger of myocardial infarction. Only doctors can accurately identify the cause of shortness of breath;
  • Nausea. The lower parts of the heart are located next to the stomach, therefore, with diseases of the cardiovascular system, the patient may experience frequent bouts of nausea, outwardly resembling simple poisoning;
  • Blood pressure above 140/90 and pulse above 80 or below 60 bpm;
  • Cough that is not amenable to adequate treatment with antitussive drugs and aggravated by taking a supine position.

Women are less likely than men to suffer from such diseases. The most common symptoms of heart disease in women are cough, shortness of breath and swelling.

Below is a list of heart diseases, as well as symptoms and treatment for each individual diagnosis.

Cardiac ischemia

Ischemic heart disease is a violation of the flow of blood to the myocardium (heart muscle) due to damage to the arteries through which it is supplied to it. The chest pain described above is the most striking symptom of its manifestation. These symptoms of heart disease in men are more common than in women, since the statistics of the disease itself show a predominance of the number of male patients. Unfortunately, completely cure CHD modern means impossible - treatment is usually aimed at preventing the course of the disease in a severe form.

Only a cardiologist can adequately draw up a treatment plan for this heart disease. Patients are usually prescribed the following drugs:

  • medicines that reduce the formation of blood clots by reducing blood clotting;
  • drugs that block receptors for mediators of adrenaline and norepinephrine;
  • medicines belonging to the group of nitrates ("Nitroglycerin", etc.);
  • diuretics.

IHD is also amenable to surgical treatment - patients with this diagnosis often undergo coronary bypass surgery and the introduction of a medical balloon.

Myocardial infarction - advanced stage coronary disease ischemic heart disease. With it, the blood supply to one of its sections is completely stopped.

IHD is more common in the elderly. Obesity, arterial hypertension, high salt intake, smoking and alcohol abuse, low physical activity. The appearance of coronary artery disease is also possible with large sports loads without prior preparation.


Frequent fluctuations in the pulse may indicate the presence of an arrhythmia in the patient. Many experts do not consider an arrhythmia to be a heart condition, but this symptom often means that the patient may have a more serious problem. Some cardiac pathologies, according to the WHO classification, can be attributed to particular forms of arrhythmia, for example, heart block, flutter, atrial fibrillation, etc.

Arrhythmia can be treated with drugs such as Verapamil, Timolol, Magnesium Sulfate, Disopyramide and some others. Unauthorized data reception medicines invalid. In the treatment of arrhythmia, you can use decoctions based on hawthorn flowers, motherwort, valerian, hops, mint, St. John's wort, but even here you need to remember: herbal medicine cannot completely replace traditional treatment.

Heart failure

Heart failure, like arrhythmia, is not classified by many specialists as a group of diseases. In this syndrome, due to poor functioning of the heart, the blood supply to other organs and tissues is disrupted. Depending on the rate of flow, the disease is divided into two forms: acute and chronic. Symptoms of heart disease in men and women will be the same: bluish lips and limbs, shortness of breath, dry wheezing, hemoptysis.

For the treatment of acute heart failure, doctors take all necessary measures to normalize blood circulation, achieve normal blood pressure and heart rate. If acute heart failure was caused by myocardial infarction, the pain symptom is eliminated. Further therapeutic measures involve the treatment of the disease that caused the acute form of heart failure.

In chronic heart failure, the patient is advised to reduce the amount of water consumed, give up salty foods and follow a certain diet to normalize body weight. For treatment, the doctor usually prescribes drugs of the nitrate group, diuretics, cardiac glycosides (for example, digoxin), and antihypertensives (lowering arterial pressure) funds, etc. Self-treatment for heart failure is categorically unacceptable.

Heart defects

Heart disease - a violation of the heart, caused by pathological changes in one or more heart valves. Heart disease can be either acquired or congenital.

With this disease, the patient has stagnation of blood in the path of small and large circles of blood circulation. This happens due to the loss of the ability to regulate blood flow in one or more valves.

Medicines in the treatment of heart disease are used only to eliminate inflammatory processes. Surgery will be required for a complete cure. Previously, congenital heart disease was not amenable to complete cure, but thanks to modern advances in surgery, now it will not be difficult.

Heart neurosis

Neurosis of the heart occurs with a general neurosis. Complaints that appear with this disease are heart palpitations, high blood pressure, pain in the heart area, numbness of the extremities, dizziness, sleep disturbance, increased sweating, general weakness, etc. Each individual person will have different symptoms and treatment for this disease , but complaints are always expressed strongly. Pain in neurosis of the heart lasts at least a few hours, sometimes they are present up to 2-3 days. Patients can sometimes hear their own pulse and this will cause them anxiety. The disease may be accompanied by a slight increase in temperature (up to 37.5).

The elimination of such a condition is possible only after the patient has been cured of a complete neurosis. Patients are categorically contraindicated in alcohol and drugs. In the treatment of neurosis, it is very important to resort not only to medical methods, but also to psychological ones.

Prevention of heart disease

Prevention of heart disease involves the systemic use of some recreational activities:

  1. Regular exercise. Physical activity in a small amount can strengthen the heart muscle and increase blood circulation. The most beneficial for heart health are those types of exercises that use respiratory function body - running, ski trips, cycling, etc.
  2. Sticking to principles healthy eating. The intake of fatty, salty and spicy foods, if possible, is best minimized, but steamed fish, raw avocados, flaxseed oil, nuts and cereal cereals will be useful for heart function due to their high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids .
  3. Avoidance of stress. Stressful situations contribute to the production of the hormone adrenaline in humans. If a calm reaction to stress is not possible, it is recommended to take herbal sedatives - valerian, mint, motherwort, etc.
  4. Rejection of bad habits. Smoking and drinking alcohol accelerate the formation of blood clots and destroy the walls of blood vessels. Tobacco and ethanol can cause coronary heart disease, arrhythmias and other severe health consequences. If alcohol cannot be avoided, it is recommended to eat as much fresh green vegetables as possible while drinking it.
  5. Regular examinations and visits to a cardiologist. Usually suffering from heart disease is brought not by the very fact of their existence, but by the severe consequences that have come due to the late detection of the diagnosis. The minimum procedure required to undergo at least 1 time per year is an ECG. If you have complaints, the cardiologist may refer you to other examinations.
  6. Prompt and timely treatment of all emerging infectious diseases, especially in the elderly, to avoid possible complications.
  7. By following all the above recommendations, you can reduce the likelihood of such diseases by almost 2 times.

What are the first symptoms of heart problems?

The very first sign of emerging heart problems. Shortness of breath occurs when the heart is still slightly affected, but can no longer pump enough blood.

These are signs of vascular disorders. Edema in heart disease begins to appear in cases where the heart can no longer cope with the increased load and decompensation occurs.

bluish lips

With circulatory failure of the heart, a pale or bluish color of the lips is noted. If the lips are completely pale, anemia (anemia) should be excluded.

If you see an obese person in front of you, you can almost certainly suspect cardiovascular disease in him. Overweight This is a serious additional load on the heart.

The bluish-red color of the cheeks may be an indicator of abnormalities in the mitral valve.

Red bumpy nose

A red bumpy nose with streaks of blood vessels suggests hypertension.

Signs of a medical emergency:

  • superficial shortness of breath, in which the patient cannot take a full breath;
  • severe pallor or abnormally red complexion;
  • weakly palpable, but frequent pulse;
  • suddenly blurred look;
  • the appearance of slurred speech;
  • the inability of the patient to respond to speech addressed to him;
  • loss of consciousness.

You should not ignore the feeling of discomfort in the chest, heaviness or pain behind the sternum, pain radiating to the arm, back, under the shoulder blade, throat, jaw, lack of air - these are symptoms of a heart attack.

A sick heart: hidden signs

We are well aware of the signs of a heart attack: chest pain or pressure, shortness of breath, heart rhythm disturbance, fear, sweating, dizziness, and sometimes loss of consciousness. However, there are a number of signs by which you can suspect and warn him long before an attack.

The first signs of heart failure begin to appear months or even years before a heart attack. These may be the following signs.

What can be confused with pain from angina pectoris. with heartburn, with toothache, with intercostal neuralgia, with muscle pain, with nerve impingement. It's easy to check: take nitroglycerin. The pain of angina pectoris will significantly decrease or stop.

Periodically occurring these "pains" in men over 40 years of age and in women over 45 years of age should be the reason for contacting a therapist for a heart check.

Feeling short of breath

Shortness of breath is rapid breathing and a feeling of lack of air that occurs during physical or emotional stress, and then with daily activities. This is a symptom of problems with either the lungs or the heart.

"Cardiac" shortness of breath often occurs in the supine position. It happens that the cores a few days before the attack even sleep sitting or suffer from insomnia.

Increased fatigue, tiredness

This symptom is noted by most women who have had a heart attack. Uncharacteristic fatigue from daily work may have haunted them for several months before the attack, but they did not pay attention to it.

65% of men who are diagnosed with coronary heart disease may have suffered from erectile dysfunction for several years before. In women, this manifests itself as a decrease in libido, difficulty in achieving orgasm.

If the problem with erection persists for a long time and does not depend on stress at work or physical fatigue, this is a reason to contact a therapist or cardiologist and check the heart.

Snoring and sleep apnea

According to statistics, sleep apnea increases the risk of a heart attack three times over the next 5 years. That is why difficulty breathing during sleep and snoring should not go unnoticed - these are problems that require immediate correction by the therapist. Possibly with a cardiologist.

Gingivitis and periodontitis

Oddly enough, inflammation of the gums and their bleeding can also be associated with heart disease.

There are two theories to explain this fact. First, at cardiovascular diseases the blood supply to the body worsens, small arteries suffer, and the tissues around the tooth are very sensitive to the amount of incoming oxygen. Secondly, it is known that diseases of the oral cavity can be complicated by heart diseases (for example, myocarditis after tonsillitis). This means that the bacteria that cause inflammation of the gums may be involved in damage to the arteries that feed the heart, and in the development of inflammation in them.

When the heart stops beating full force, blood cannot remove metabolic products and fluid from tissues. As a result, edema is formed - this is a sign of heart failure. Inconspicuous at first, they grow over time. Edema can be suspected by shoes and rings. This symptom requires a mandatory examination of the heart.

Violation of the heart rhythm can manifest itself long before the attack. Sometimes it only shows up under load. Preventive ECG helps to identify it, which should be performed once a year for men after 40 years and women after 45.

Particular attention should be paid to the presence of these symptoms in people with risk factors for myocardial infarction. These include: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart attacks in the patient himself or in relatives, smoking, diabetes. physical inactivity. obesity.

The first signs of coronary heart disease

Ischemic disease consists of several diseases, the root cause of which is a lack of oxygen. This factor has a significant impact on the functioning of the heart muscle, as a result of which the organ loses its previous performance.

Like any other disease, coronary disease is best prevented or treated in the early stages, rather than triggered. Therefore, it is very important to be able to identify the symptoms of this disease.

Depending on the form of the disease, the symptoms of coronary heart disease will be different. Many people live with the disease for several years and do not even realize that their heart muscle feels an acute lack of oxygen. If you visit massage chairs several times a week. If you run in the morning, have a tight lunch and dinner and do not feel discomfort in the heart area, then such coronary disease is considered asymptomatic. In most cases, a person feels some pain in the heart area, but cannot understand what it is connected with.

Do not think that the pain will be permanent. There are so-called peaks and valleys of coronary disease. This disease develops slowly, and the symptoms of the disease themselves can change over time. Sometimes it seems that the disease has receded, but in fact it began to develop in a different way.

The first symptoms of the disease may be pain in the back. Some people begin to feel pain in the left side of the jaw and in the left arm. If you begin to notice a rapid heartbeat and excessive sweating, then you should consult a doctor. The most common symptom of the disease is still pain in the left side of the chest. You may not even be able to use the massager. because you will feel his touch incredibly strongly. With overexcitation or heavy loads, a patient with coronary disease develops shortness of breath.

There is a so-called arrhythmic form of coronary disease, in which a person has a change in the frequency of contraction of the heart muscle. The most popular with this form of the disease is atrial fibrillation. Interruptions in the heart, at the same time, people sometimes almost do not feel and do not pay attention to them for a long time. All the symptoms that we cited above are typical for a disease of moderate severity. If a person has launched an ailment, then oxygen starvation will cause not only severe pain in the heart area, but can also lead to myocardial infarction.

In the latter case, what is scary is that after a heart attack, part of the heart muscle cells die and it is impossible to restore them.

According to WHO statistics, 17 million people die every year from heart disease in the world. Moreover, diseases are getting younger every year. Today it is not uncommon for a heart attack to strike men in their 30s.

But after 50 years, women get sick even more often than men.

10 signs of a sick heart

Symptoms of a heart attack are chest pain, abnormal heart rate, high blood pressure, severe shortness of breath, dizziness, sweating, and sometimes even loss of consciousness. But there are a number of signs of heart disease that begin to appear months or even years before a heart attack.

1. Pain. It happens not only in the chest, but also in the upper abdomen or neck, gives to the shoulder, arm, back, jaw. May come on suddenly or recur from day to day for weeks. It is often confused with toothache, muscle pain, heartburn, intercostal neuralgia, nerve entrapment. It is easy to check: if the painful manifestations are noticeably relieved when taking nitroglycerin, then they are associated with heart pathology.

2. Lack of air. Even slight shortness of breath should be a cause for alarm: this symptom accompanies heart disease in 90% of cases. And without physical activity, in the supine position. A few days before an attack, it often becomes more comfortable for a person to sleep while sitting.

3. Excessive fatigue. Fatigue can be associated with increased stress, but these symptoms are also possible with the development of heart failure. If there really are violations of the heart, a person eventually feels more and more overwhelmed.

4. Edema. If the heart does not work at full strength, the blood does not have time to remove all the fluid, swelling occurs. They are easy to spot by rings and shoes.

5. Rapid heartbeat. If the increase in heart rate is frequent and prolonged, we can talk about serious cardiac disorders.

6. Snoring and breathing disorders during sleep. All this triples the risk of developing a heart attack within 5 years.

7. Sudden dizziness or loss of balance. In diseases of the heart, they can signal vascular pathology, heart failure.

8. Fainting. A serious reason to visit a cardiologist.

9. Periodontitis and gingivitis. Inflammation and bleeding of the gums can also be associated with heart disease: in diseases of the vessels and heart, blood supply worsens and small arteries begin to suffer in the first place.

10. Sexual problems. 65% of men diagnosed with ischemia had erection problems for several years. This is also associated with a deterioration in blood supply due to pathologies with blood vessels.

Risk factors

Age - for men over 40 years old, for women - postmenopausal;

High blood pressure (greater than 140/90 mm Hg) and high blood cholesterol (greater than 5 mmol/l, or 200 mg/dl);


Smoking (one of the most significant risk factors), alcohol and drugs;

Obesity, unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle;

Excessive emotional stress;


How can cores protect themselves from heat?

Cardiologists advise those suffering from cardiovascular diseases not to go out in the heat without medication, monitor their pressure, avoid the sun, drink more fluids and go to the doctor more often. During the day, stay in cool rooms and take a shower more often.

In the heat, the need for fluid in a person increases, as does excessive sweating. As a result, the required content of potassium and magnesium in the blood decreases, and this can provoke heart rhythm disturbances. In the elderly, the potassium content is often already reduced, therefore, during the heat, cardiologists additionally prescribe potassium-containing drugs.

Dehydration leads to severe consequences in the heat, especially in the elderly: the blood thickens and there is a threat of thrombosis. A blood clot is the most common cause of a stroke or myocardial infarction. Cardiac aspirin is widely used worldwide to reduce blood clotting. It's inexpensive.

In the heat, do not drink tea, coffee, soda, and especially beer. Cores need to drink water, but not more than 1 liter per day, if their weight is 60 - 80 kg. Don't forget to take a bottle of water with you when you go out.