How to make a hit strong fast. How to punch harder and faster

The power of impact in all types of contact martial arts plays a decisive role. This gives rise to the need for its development, but everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Let's talk about this in the boxing plane and look at ways to increase punching power, what exercises contribute to this, and how training can be structured to achieve the desired result.

Who and why seeks a strong blow

Well, everything is clear with athletes. If the swimmer wants to swim fast, then the contact works on the speed and force of the blow. Everything is logical here. However, many are interested in how to develop punching power, despite the fact that these many have never been involved in contact sports. Even if they say they did.

This certainly caused a smile in someone, but it should be said that such aspirations for strength and physical capabilities seem to be due to primitive instincts. Since ancient times, a man has been a hunter, a breadwinner, he must be strong, be able to protect. And, of course, the enemies should be afraid of him. That is, it is quite normal when a modern man strives to be strong.

But the sad thing is that the concept of the norm has shifted somewhat in recent times. I would not like to analyze the details in this article, this topic is more complicated than it might seem at first glance. But the priorities of young people have changed considerably, and this has not happened in favor of sports. Unhealthy greed, drugs are the scourge of modern society, and possibly the future. In light of this, at least some desire to develop, including sports, is encouraging, so it is gratifying even when an ordinary boy is interested, how to increase punch without even boxing. Unless, of course, he has malicious intent.

But I got carried away with the lyrics. Let's get to the point.

How to increase punching power

To answer this question, it is important to understand the biomechanics of certain movements. I would not like to talk here about how to develop the power of a beginner's strike. It is nonsense. For a person who has no idea about elementary technology, the force of impact should not be an end in itself. And I really don't want to explain here that gotta hit hard, in touch, without using a push, without falling over, etc. Without understanding these common truths, there would be nothing to talk about. Unless, of course, you are a healthy developed bull weighing 150 kg, hitting an immovable target.

No matter how strong an athlete is, he will not overtake a sprinter, swimmer or cyclist. And the key lies in technology. It is not productive to work on strengthening the blow without understanding, for example, the role of the legs. Low efficiency. Therefore, in order to learn how to hit hard, you need to learn how to hit correctly. And to master one correct blow, tens, or even hundreds of thousands of blows, developments may be required. I only mean that the question of how to develop the force of impact, asked from an ignorant person, will remain unanswered. Yes, and a counter question: why does this ignorant one need the force of impact?

How to develop punching power

We decided that it was important to understand the technology. We discussed the need for experience. It seems that for a right-hander it will be easiest to consider a direct blow right hand. In order not to delve into technical subtleties here, I will refer to, which describes in detail everything related to the application of direct strikes.

Here we will only discuss key points. Arguing about how to increase the power of impact, and not just learn how to hit, we logically come to the need to strengthen some of the functional areas of our body. Let's briefly consider each of them.


The initial impulse for any strike is set by the legs. And if the calf muscles are more important for moving around the ring, carrying an increased load, then when striking, the hips can already be well invested. It would be strange if the resource of such large muscles was not used. Here, the usual basic squats are the best fit, as well as any kind of plyometric exercises, which I have already talked about. But I will touch on them briefly again a little lower.

Core muscles, abs

It should be clarified that the core muscles already begin where the legs do not yet end. Therefore, after talking about them, we climbed up here. I once wrote that not a single complex movement is possible without the participation of the core muscles. During the strike, it is necessary to quickly and sharply turn the body, following the impulse given by the foot, and many muscles are involved here. Imagine that in this place is your weak link. Then this link will fail the entire chain, absorbing some of the energy. After all, if there is a leak in the middle of the hose with water, the pressure on its second segment will inevitably weaken. This is important to remember.


And I also wrote about their significance in the article “ Shoulders in boxing: it’s impossible to pump over”. Here, wondering how to increase the force of impact, it is impossible not to remember the shoulders, since they are a key area. A weak shoulder will not send the hand along the desired trajectory, will not give the opportunity to hit hard and bitingly.

Forearms and hands

It is the fist that transfers all the energy to its target in the final phase of the blow. It should be hard, heavy and tightly compressed, and strong brush and the forearm should keep it in this state as much as possible. At the moment of impact with the target.

To understand how important this moment is, it is enough to simply imagine that you were hit on the head, for example, with a soft and hard punching bag. With the fact that both of them will have the same weight, it is the density and resistance to deformation that plays a decisive role. If, upon contact with an obstacle, the fist "plays" at least slightly relative to the hand, this is to a decent extent dampen the impact, and the impulse will be distributed between the target and the arm ligaments. By the way, this is why hands are sometimes damaged. Therefore, since we have the question of how to increase the force of a blow with a fist, and not, say, with a palm, the hand and fist at the moment of collision with the target should be as monolithic as possible. How to reach the goal?

Striking exercises

In one of the articles, I closely associated boxing with plyometrics. In fact, he is one of its manifestations, and his training arsenal consists mainly of plyometric exercises. A boxer must run, jump, be well coordinated and have a good physical condition. This makes him versatile, and a fighter should be like that.

Boxing is not built on just one punch. Here, besides him, endurance, the ability to move, evade attacks and defend themselves are important. That's why training technique suggests A complex approach, which is what I said above. But since we are talking here about how to increase the force of impact, we will consider some targeted exercises. Of course, we will rely on those key areas that take part in this, namely:

  • legs;
  • core and abs muscles;
  • shoulders;
  • forearms and hands.

I have placed emphasis on them, but this does not detract from the importance, for example, of the back, biceps and triceps. Moreover, without a good back it is absolutely impossible good hit. Look at the boxers from behind. Therefore, in the considered exercises, not only the listed muscle groups will be involved.

Throwing a medicine ball

In the video above, you can see and hear comments regarding this exercise. It develops muscle skill explosive force and speed-strength qualities in general.

Push-ups with claps

Everything is simple here - push up and clap. The amplitude is not important - the repulsion force from the floor is important, which determines your ability to explode. And here you need the skill of rapid muscle contraction.

Deep squat jumps

This exercise develops not only the legs, but also the core muscles and the entire musculoskeletal system. Plus, this is a skill for explosive movement, and you should not talk about its role if the goal is to increase the power of the blow.

Bench press from behind the head

You can do this while holding the barbell in front of you, since the first option is quite traumatic, especially for thoracic spine. It is important to understand that this is, first of all, strength exercise, and our goal here is to develop impact power. Therefore, 6-8 repetitions in the approach will be quite enough.

Throwing the bar in front of you

And here, contrary to the opinion of some athletes, multi-repetitive approaches should be used, at least 30 times. Weight should be selected accordingly, arm extensions should be done quickly and vigorously.

Shoulders and more shoulders

Again, emphasizing their importance, I say that the shoulders can be developed in any way possible, without fear of busting. Because they also play a big role in developing the force of impact, and you will definitely feel it.

Shot put

This exercise for the power of impact is difficult to overestimate. It develops explosive power, and imitation of the correct movements during the shot put allows you to improve your technical skill. It is good if it is possible to vary the weight of the projectile in order to accustom the muscles to different work.

wall pushing

In the boxing gym, the exercise can also be performed using a wall cushion. You simply rest your working hand against the surface of the wall and with sharp jerky movements (legs and pelvis) press it into the wall. Repetitions should be frequent, in large numbers, preferably if this element will “finish off” the previous exercise. The fist (you can also rest with your fingers, if they are strong enough) should not be torn off the wall.

Working on a heavy bag or wall cushion

Here, in fact, an accented strike is practiced, taking into account the available technology. Do not forget to insert the leg, turn the body, “let go” of the hand and wrap the fist upon contact with the work surface. The latter is important, because we are talking about how to increase the power of a punch, and it should not become our weak link.

Any ab exercise

And I spoke about the functional purpose of the press in boxing in one of the articles, citing some exercises for its development as examples. The abdominal muscles play the role of a kind of twisting spring when striking, and they must be adapted for this task.


Here it would be possible to list a lot more exercises for the power of impact. But I have outlined the main ones. And in combination with an understanding of priority muscle zones, it will be easy to build your own training process accordingly. The modern Internet is full of advisers who, of course, know how to develop punching power, but the methods they offer often have no connection with reality.

If we approach the issue from a scientific point of view, it is necessary to take into account the anthropometric features of each athlete, correlating with each other the size and level of development of certain muscle groups. Here, a special methodology should be developed individually, including power training and individual elements of the SFP. Moreover, such directed training should be built according to a certain algorithm, using a clear sequence and intensity of exercises, as well as a schedule for varying the nature of the loads.

But, since we are speaking here in a simpler and more understandable language, pursuing much more mundane goals and wondering how to increase the force of impact, in general terms, I think we have dealt with this topic quite well.

Practice and you will be happy.

Hello, dear readers of the site. Our conversation today will certainly be interesting and useful for men and women, since, in addition to the sports component, it touches on such an important aspect as effective self-defense. Pumped up, of course, look impressive. However, sometimes it is not impressive enough to avoid or resolve a conflict, acute situation. Agree that from this point of view, training punches will be the trump card in the sleeve that will help resolve the issue in your favor.

From a sports point of view, exercises aimed at developing the strength of impact, as you will see later, are strengthening, training endurance, reaction and much more. Interested? I'm sure yes. Then change into training clothes and please follow me.

You can do most of the exercises on your own, and if you have dumbbells and a punching bag, then we can do it at home. Therefore, I suggest not to sit for a long time and go straight to training.

How to achieve surprise

Let's start our lesson by making your blow as unexpected as possible. Try from a relaxed standing position, on a sound signal, sharply gather and strike. How is the reaction? Lame? Then work on it in this way, trying to minimize the gap from the signal to the completion of the strike. Do a similar workout, replacing the beep with touch. Ask family members to help with this. The goal is the same - to reduce the gap to a minimum. Naturally, this is how sharpness is developed.

Another great speed exercise is hitting the newspaper. Ask someone to hold or simply attach a sheet of newspaper to the clothesline with clothespins and try to hit it as sharply as possible. If at some point you managed to break through the sheet with your fist, you are a master of sharpness and speed.

I advise you to do this kind of training with two or more, as there are exercises that will require the help of a partner. Comrade nearby? Well then remember boxing. Even if you didn’t do it, you must have seen such exercises on TV or in films.

If the mood is serious, then get boxing paws. Let your partner, putting them on, change the position of the hands all the time: higher, lower, further, closer. The main thing is not to exceed the impact distance. In turn, try to beat as quickly as possible, sharply, so that the partner does not have time to take the paw away.

Also try to strike the body, while the partner unexpectedly for you will bounce sharply. You need to have time to orient yourself and hit until the partner jumps out of the area in which you can reach him. Agree that this is a great speed workout?

How to get punching power

To achieve a knockout effect, in addition to speed, it is also necessary to train the force of impact. This is where push-ups come to the rescue. Push-ups on fists, on fingers, with claps. Starting position - hands are shoulder-width apart, slightly wider. When lowering, try not to spread your elbows, but to lead them along the body. It is necessary to push up sharply, quickly.

When working with a pear, try to punch it. Hit not on it, but inside it. Another good exercise- is to swing the bag and beat oncoming blows. When doing any exercise with a punching bag, take care of your wrist.

Incredibly useful for hard hit hand, and for the endurance of the whole organism. Start with a weight of 1-1.5 kg. Take the dumbbells, stretch your arms out in front of you and start swinging quickly: up, down, left, right. Do 3 sets of 3 minutes, allocating 30 seconds for each direction of the swings. Such training not only strengthens the shoulders, making them as hardy as possible, but also raises the pain threshold. How? And you do these 3 by 3 - you will understand.

You can also shadowbox. Also, with dumbbells in your hands, perform various combinations on an imaginary opponent. The longer the training is, the stronger, more powerful the blows will be, the higher the speed without weights, the more enduring and rhythmic you will work.

How to harden your hands

By the way, a very good question. Indeed, hard, hardened outer parts of the hands are important for knockout. Here again, push-ups come to the rescue. We've already done push-ups. Now try to perform the same exercise on the phalanges, on the knuckles. I'm sure it will hurt at first. Therefore, start such classes, for example, on a towel.

Over time, the surface on which you do push-ups should become as hard as possible, and the pain should completely disappear. Such training will also protect you from unnecessary, unnecessary hand injuries, and this, you see, is important.

Feeling the power behind you, the ability to hit the enemy with one sharp movement of the hand, of course, greatly adds confidence. However, try to apply these skills exclusively in sports, and resolve conflicts as much as possible in each individual situation in a peaceful way. Believe me, you will not be less respected from this.

Strengthen your health, train your body, remember to warm up, oh correct breathing. I do not say goodbye, because tomorrow we will meet again at the same place. See you.

Impact force largely depends on the natural qualities of a person. Even among professional boxers, there are those who have a knockout blow, and there are those who are not a “knockout”, although they have a fairly powerful blow.
And yet, the impact force of an ordinary person who is fond of sports can be increased. To do this, there are several exercises that must be performed as often as possible.

First of all, this is the well-known push-up on the fists, which must be performed on a hard surface in several approaches. The number of push-ups in this case should be selected individually, based on your own training. Flexion and extension of the arms at a fast pace is a kind of imitation of strikes, which will help to strengthen them significantly.

The second way to develop punching power is to use weights when practicing punches or conducting “shadow boxing”. For this purpose, small dumbbells with a total weight of 2-3 kilograms are ideal. Shadowboxing should be done over three rounds of three minutes each.

You need to rest between rounds for 1-2 minutes. At the same time, straight lines are processed, side impacts and strikes from below. When the arms are strong enough, it is necessary to train the "series of blows."
You can significantly increase the impact force when training with a light barbell or a bar from this barbell.

Hands with a barbell in the “on the chest” position are thrown forward sharply in front of them, and then return to their original position. You should be aware that this exercise requires initial preparation and a thorough warm-up of the hands before performing it.

A kettlebell weighing from ten to sixteen kilograms will help increase striking power. With it, you can perform a wide variety of exercises, such as: chest press lying; bench presses and jerks alternately with the left and right hand while standing; "eights".

It must be remembered that all exercises with a kettlebell should be performed on the "extension". “Bending” exercises increase the strength of the arms, but at the same time enslave them, which does not contribute to the development of sharpness and impact force.

Exercises that imitate chopping firewood develop the power of impact well.

You can “chop wood” at home with a small sledgehammer and a tire, however, this exercise requires the strictest observance of safety precautions. It’s best to do it outside, away from home furniture and other people.

Boxing is considered one of the toughest sports and is preferred by many for its ability to practice a knockout punch. He is so strong that he will help to defeat the enemy in the ring in a couple of seconds and give a worthy rebuff in street fight. It is desirable to work it out in sparring, but some exercises can be performed at home. Let's talk more about how to deliver a knockout punch.

How to properly punch?

Sports, both amateur and professional, are a constant risk of injury if the execution technique is violated. There are 5 main strokes, all the rest (about 12) are their varieties.

The most common is jab . It is applied with the front hand. The target is the head or body of the sparring partner (opponent). The fist should be parallel to the ground, the arm should be fully extended. Protect your face and solar plexus(fist and elbow of the far hand, respectively).

The disadvantage of the jab is that it is not as strong as any other. Plus - the ability to keep the opponent (sparring partner) in constant tension, while defending - to keep him at a distance.

Cross applied with a far hand to the body of a partner (opponent) or his head. This is done quickly and along the shortest path. The body needs to be deployed, the weight of the body should be transferred to the leg that is forward. The attacker's shoulder must be at the same level as the target. In this case, it is better to bend the legs at the knees.

Minus the blow: when applying it, you have to take an unusual position of the body. This means it takes time to work out. Plus - in its accuracy and in the fact that after application it is easy to dodge the enemy's counterattack.

When applied swing the shock arm must be pulled back and straightened. After that, deploy the body, make a "dive" head down. The hand, before it reaches its target (partner's head), needs to describe a large radius.

The downside is that it takes time to capture and actually strike, and the opponent has time to “close”, dodge. Plus - in the strength that the hand manages to gain while describing the "arc".

Hook boxers call it the main side kick. He will help in the clinch. The target in this case is also the opponent's head or body. When applying, the shoulder should be pulled back, the body should be untwisted, the arm bent at the elbow. It is important that the fold is 90°, otherwise the impact will lose power.

Plus - in its "invisibility", because it is applied without a swing, strength and speed. Minus: you have to “work” on the oblique muscles of the abdomen: you have to use them first of all.

Uppercut also used in the clinch, at the moment when the opponent forgets to bring his elbows together while defending. It is applied from the bottom up with the front hand (at this moment the weight is transferred to the front leg) or the far one (a step forward with the far leg, the weight is transferred to it). In this case, the fist must be thrown so that it inner part was facing the attacker. It is directed to the chin or solar plexus (the goal is to knock down the breath).

Cons: It leaves the attacker defenseless. Plus, as in the case of applying a hook, in its strength and "stealth".

How to develop punching power?

The strength of individual fighters is legendary. They become heroes, gain world fame. Nature endows some with remarkable strength, others have to long months improve his technique, so that as a result he will hit the enemy with just one blow. Becoming a knockout is hard, but it's worth trying. This will require the implementation of special exercises for the development of strength. There are a lot of them, and you should not do absolutely everything in one workout. It is enough to choose those that seem the most effective. For advice, contact a trainer. He will help dose the load and follow the technique.

Imagine a few effective exercises for strength development:

    push ups;

    barbell bench press;

    kettlebell snatch;

    kettlebell push;

    exercises with a boxing bag;

    work with paws;

    sledgehammer exercise.

Push ups

Peculiar calling card any professional boxer might be called push-ups on the fists (or fingers) on the bare floor. They acquire this skill not out of a desire to show off their achievements, although there is something to envy. This is a necessity, thanks to which it is possible to develop sufficient impact force and at the same time “harden” the knuckles so that they are less injured.

Push-ups can be done as follows:

    on fists or fingers at a fast pace (in this case, hands should be placed slightly wider than shoulders, and elbows should move along the body);

    on the palms (between approaches to make cotton);

    on one hand (either left or right).


The bench press is performed lying down. You can’t stop, so you need to pick up such a weight so that you can do up to 12 repetitions at an average pace.


The snatch is performed alternately with each hand. Kettlebell weight - 24 kg. Performed, like push-ups, at a fast pace. The load is created on the muscles of the legs and back.

In order to make a push, you have to work with two kettlebells at the same time. The weight is still the same - 24 kg. Performed at a fast pace.

Punching bag

Do not neglect the work sports equipment. For example, powerful blows are recommended to be worked out on a boxing bag:

    stand up and deliver a single blow as if you were going to punch a bag:

    hit "two", apply it with one hand or alternately with each, but be sure the first is weak, the second is stronger;

    swing the bag and strike back; the more powerful they are, the better.

These exercises can be performed both during training and at home, provided that you have a boxing bag and its characteristics meet all the necessary requirements.


Boxing paws are called one of the best shells, universal. With their help, you can well simulate the movement of the enemy during the fight. In this case, you can not do without the help of a partner:

    the sparring partner keeps the paw down, periodically raises it sharply and takes it to the left or right, up or down; the task of the boxer is to strike the paw, his position is a stand with legs close together (with a lunge);

    sparring partner keeps the paw at the same level, but constantly moves; the task of the boxer is to hit the paw;

    the sparring partner holds a paw in one hand, and a rope in the other, with which he beats the boxer's arm if he, after hitting the paw, does not have time to pull it back in time.


An effective exercise for developing strength is hitting a rubber tire with a sledgehammer. It is often performed by CrossFitters. The goal is to develop strength and endurance. Note that no less importance is attached to concentration: the exercise is quite difficult and to a certain extent dangerous. The execution technique resembles chopping firewood with an ax: the sledgehammer rises high and is retracted behind the head, and then sharply falls onto the tire. Blows should be delivered in a straight line. It is important to prevent twisting of the spine: this increases the risk of injury.

Punching in boxing

The peculiarity of the knockout blow is that it is strong, inconspicuous and applied as quickly as possible. The goal is to hit the opponent so that he has the strength to continue the fight. The coach will help to deliver the blow, but if desired special exercises can be done at home as well. First, let's look at what a knockout punch is. First stall (surprise), then acceleration (strength and speed.)


Before striking, the fighter's head should be cold, and all muscles should be relaxed. His task is to deceive the enemy, to look as if he has no idea to cripple someone. By the way, you can't knock out if you're furious. This blow is powerful, when it is applied, all muscles are involved, since you need to beat not with your hand, but with your whole body. At the same time, excessive muscle tension should not be allowed: it may turn out that both the speed of the blow and its trajectory will change. As a result, the boxer will not hit his opponent, but will fall on him.

How to learn to hit sharply? There are several exercises: strike

    after sound;

    after touch;

    on a sheet of newsprint.

After the sound . It is performed as follows: the boxer takes a fighting stance, the partner stands in a place where he is not visible, and makes some kind of sound, for example, claps his hands. Upon hearing the beep, the boxer must deliver a whipping blow. His task is to do this as quickly as possible so that as little time as possible passes between the sound and the impact. If desired or necessary, complicate: alternate clapping your hands and a voice signal.

After touch. This exercise resembles the previous one, just the boxer strikes not after the sound he hears, but after the partner slightly touches him (different parts of the body) or pushes him more noticeably. Throw away as quickly as possible.

On a sheet of newsprint. The size of the sheet is 30x30 cm. The partner holds it by the upper corners. The task of the fighter is to hit with such speed that the newspaper is torn. This exercise is aerobatics, an ideal worth approaching.


The second component of a knockout blow is acceleration. In other words, speed matters. The distance to the target must be equal to the length of the boxer's arm in order to be able to develop the desired speed. Note that you do not need to swing, otherwise the enemy will notice this preparation for striking. This cannot be allowed, as mentioned earlier, the knockout punch must be unexpected.

The following exercises will help develop speed:

    exercises with rubber band;

    blows in front of a candle flame.

Rubber Band Exercises is constructed as follows: it must be thrown over a boxing bag or fixed on the wall. The boxer stands with his back to the bag (wall), takes the ends of the tourniquet in his hands and delivers single direct blows, trying to do it as quickly as possible.

Blows in front of a candle flame. This is another exercise that helps develop speed (sharpness) and punching power. The boxer must strike an imaginary opponent, but use a lit candle instead of a bag or paw. The fist must stop before the flame. It is necessary to achieve that it goes out from the directed air flow.

Hand hardening

There is another nuance that should not be forgotten: hardening of the hands. It is quite risky for an unprepared person to deliver a knockout blow, since there is a high probability of injury. It's not just about clenching your fist properly thumb should be located on top of the second phalanges of the index and middle), and prepare the back of the hand for such loads. How to do it? Many have probably watched feature films more than once, where main character smashed several bricks with the edge of his hand or punched hard surfaces with his fingertips. This is achieved by a few and is achieved by many years of hard training. It is also possible to prepare brushes for applying a knockout blow. Push-ups and bag work will help.

You need to do push-ups first on soft surfaces, and then on hard ones, on the floor. Do not immediately create an unbearable load for yourself by pushing up from the floor. So you can easily injure your knuckles. Instead of a positive result, you get a negative one. Start small, with light exercises, and then you will be able to “walk” on the floor on your fists, lying down.

The boxing bag is designed specifically for work with gloves. Some athletes make it at home, and if you use the right stuffing, then the density of this shell will match the density as much as possible. human body. How to work on the bag? The same exercises as for strength development will do.

So, the coach will help to deliver a knockout blow. We'll have to work on the rack and proper application. For this, there are special exercises that you can work out at home. It is important to remember that you should hit unexpectedly, quickly, powerfully and right on target.

If you want to figure out how to increase punching power, you need to understand exactly how the power needed to deliver a crushing attack is generated. We will cover several techniques that will allow you to learn how to hit clearly and confidently.

Nuances to remember

A powerful punch is obtained not only due to the high speed of the lunge, but also with the help of its own weight. If you can put the entire mass of the body into your hand, the result will exceed all expectations. In order to avoid possible injuries in the form of dislocations, it is necessary to strictly follow the technique, observing precautions when performing exercises.

The meaning and position of the feet

The feet play an important role in increasing the striking power of the hands. Their movement and position are subject to the following rules:

  • Feet should be slightly wider shoulder girdle.
  • They turn the leg in the direction of the movement made by the hand, while initially the heel always rises.
  • At the time when the blow is performed with the right hand, the right heel rises before this, and the left one stands motionless. And vice versa.
  • Remember that the correct position of the feet during the execution of the lunge significantly increases its power, but is not the only and defining moment that is worth considering.

To increase the power of punching at home, training is needed, but before starting, be sure to familiarize yourself with the following recommendations:

  • During the attack, the knees should be kept slightly bent, and the weight of the body should be transferred slightly forward.
  • The hips at this time turn in the direction where the opponent is.
  • In close contact combat, the increase in pressure is facilitated by the full-scale movement of the entire body.
  • You can’t stretch forward, the movements of the body should be sharp and clear.
  • If you take your hand back when swinging, then you give the enemy time to orient himself and predict the direction of the hand movement.
  • When attacking, the hand is compressed as tightly as possible.
  • Each new element is performed with the exhalation of air.

Exercises for developing punching power

To increase the strength and speed of the attack you need to practice. A set of exercises contributes to the achievement of this goal:

kick the ball

In order to fulfill this training, you need enough free space. Choose a heavier ball. Best of all is the one with which boxing athletes train. The technique for performing the exercise consists of the following steps:

  • legs are at shoulder width (maybe a little wider);
  • the body is straightened;
  • the ball is raised high above the head;
  • the ball is hit hard on the ground and caught after it bounces.

Stuffing is done at least 15-17 times.

Jumping out of a deep squat

Exercises that increase the force of impact are repeated as long as they can. Proceed as follows:

  • stand straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, and place your arms at your sides;
  • squat down to the level where the hips and knees form a straight line;
  • jump higher up, at the same time raise your arms.
  • you need to jump as high as possible, with maximum repetitions.

For non-beginners in sports, you can double the effect by picking up dumbbells.

Shoulder, triceps and back workout

These muscle groups are far from the last in importance in the training of impact strength.

You can train them with the following exercises:

  • You may have heard that push-ups increase punching power. It's true. Take an emphasis lying down, and put your hands as close to each other as possible. The back remains straight without arching. Bend your arms and straighten them with maximum amplitude. In order to strengthen the hands, you can.

  • Pull-ups. When pulling up, the arms hold the bar wider than the shoulders. To improve performance, you can hang a weight in the form of a strap with a pancake from the bar attached to it. The number of repetitions should be as far as your physical fitness will allow.

  • Push-ups are the opposite. Fulfill this species exercises can be done with a bench. Stand with your back to her, lean on your palms, and sit down slightly without arching your back. Lower and rise by bending and extending your arms. For the desired effect, perform 3 sets of 20 times.

  • Kettlebell lifts will help strengthen the hands and develop deltoid muscles. Deltas are of great importance for the development of attacking movements. In addition to everything, this is the shell, classes with which will help you build muscle.
  • Kettlebell lifts forward. Spread your legs to the sides, and in a straightened arm between your legs, hold the projectile. knee joints bend a little. With a sharp movement, lift the weighting forward so that a right angle is formed between the body and the projectile. At the same time, make sure that the back remains straight at the top extreme point. Do 8 reps for each arm. At correct execution you should feel tension and trembling in the muscles.

  • Lifting the kettlebell up. The execution is similar to the previous one, but already lift the projectile over your head. We recommend 8 to 12 repetitions for each side.

  • Classic kettlebell lift. Place the projectile between the legs apart. The hand is placed on top of it so that the hips remain slightly behind. A sharp jerk upwards is performed, while the weight is thrown over the shoulders, and after that it rises above itself with a push. It returns to the starting position. Perform 10 lifts for each arm.

  • Kettlebell lifts from a sitting position up. Throw the kettlebell over your shoulder and squat down. Extend your free hand forward to keep your balance. Lift the weight above you, wait a second, perform a torso raise. Change your hand. Make sure that the buttocks and calves remain in tension. Perform 5-10 repetitions for each arm, depending on physical form and projectile weight.

  • The work to overcome the reverse resistance will help to increase the force of the blow with the hand. Cut out a piece of rubber band from the tire, or buy a thick exercise band from the store. Fasten one end tightly to the wall behind your back, and take the other end in your hand. Perform "beating" movements forward, overcoming resistance, and stretching the elastic band. Move your arm back gradually to avoid injury.
  • Two weights up. Throw both projectiles on your shoulders. Take in air into the lungs, jerk them up above your head, and then slowly lower them. During execution, strain the press.

To develop a strong blow, you can use the following methods and techniques:

  • . Choose the hardest one. Squeeze it sharply and with maximum force. This develops the interdigital muscles and forearms, which will make your fists stronger and stronger.

  • Jump rope every day. Jump as high as you can by raising your hip.
  • Pick up a sledgehammer and hit the old tires with it. This activates the right muscle groups and develops endurance.
  • If you are paired with "paws", then imagine that the target is a couple of centimeters further, try to break through it. This is how you work for speed.
  • Don't neglect shadow boxing. This exercise will help you learn how to deliver sharp, unexpected blows, which at the same time are the most effective, since the enemy often does not have time to react.
  • An explosive blow develops push-ups on the palms with their separation from the floor. Do 3 sets of 10 reps each.
  • If possible, use a bag or similar machine with gloves on.

Interesting! There is an opinion that a lighter in a fist increases the force of impact. In fact, there are different opinions on this matter. Some believe that not only a lighter can increase strength, but any ergonomically shaped object held in the hand, for example, a matchbox, while others insist that only a heavy metal lighter will help.

These exercises will help you train endurance and make tendons and muscles stronger. If you perform them comprehensively and systematically, then the first results will become noticeable after 2 weeks. For a detailed study of your attention to the video of effective exercises.

Video: Power training from a professional