Classic basic exercises. The most effective basic exercises for gaining muscle mass

In bodybuilding there is such a thing as a base. He is often referred to experienced trainers to explain to the beginner why he is not able to achieve good results neither in an increase in strength, nor in growth muscle mass. "You don't have a base," they say.

The term is very capacious and it is not always clear what is hidden behind it. It usually means that the large muscles are not pumped - the muscles of the legs, back and chest.

Therefore, under the basic exercises in bodybuilding, they often understand the same thing as in powerlifting - bench press, squats and deadlift. The latter, however, is not always included in the list of basic exercises. Sometimes the list expands with pull-ups.

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- are a basic exercise for the legs, it involves almost all muscle groups, and with certain tricks, that's all.

The greatest load falls on the quadriceps. The smallest - on the calf, muscles experience a static load lumbar. Squats in bodybuilding are performed a little differently compared to how they are done in powerlifting.

Firstly, the exercise itself is performed more slowly and, secondly, to a shallower depth. Bodybuilders perform the so-called semi-squats when the angle between the biceps femoris and the calf muscle is close to a straight line.

Some athletes advise to linger for a few seconds at BDC, but this leads to an unjustified increase in the load on the knee ligaments. Roni Coleman called this method the right way to kill his joints. However, many bodybuilders still perform the powerlifting version of the exercise, it is objectively easier to build leg mass.

As well as its variations with a change in the width of the grip and the angle of the bench. Designed to develop chest muscles. It differs from the powerlifting version in the absence of a neck delay on the chest. The rest is a complete copy.

Some athletes, instead of the bench press, indicate the basic chest exercise as push-ups on the uneven bars. This statement can be considered valid exactly during the first month of training, and even then in relation to one embodiment.

At the same time, the bench press is one of the favorite exercises of the vast majority of athletes. Serves as a testing ground for who is stronger even among bodybuilders.

- the most controversial candidate for the title of basic bodybuilding exercise. The most disliked exercise for most athletes, which is why many do not recognize it, preferring to replace it with something simpler.

For example, forward bends with a barbell or disc behind your head. There are two options for execution, only one is recognized in bodybuilding, the so-called classic, with legs almost straight at the knees, spaced shoulder-width apart.

In addition to the big three, and, sometimes, pull-ups, there are other basic exercises in bodybuilding, but they are local in nature, i.e. designed to develop a single muscle.

For example, for triceps - these are push-ups from the floor and bars, for biceps - barbell lifts, for the press - body lifts, etc.

So guys, master the base and forward to new records of muscle mass. Good luck!

An athletic body starts with basic exercises. Such training contributes to the recruitment of muscle mass and the creation of a foundation, which is then polished to get a muscular skeleton, like the best bodybuilders.

In this article you will find a lot of tips and useful information about basic exercises gym for muscle building.

Base for mass gain

To start the growth muscle tissue, they are complexly loaded. For this, basic exercises are intended, which are also called multi-joint, since two or more joints are involved. They are aimed at the tension of not one muscle, but the whole group. Training is carried out with large weights.

Action of basic exercises:

  1. Increases muscle mass and burns fat.
  2. Increases appetite, which is useful for ectomorphs - people with a lean physique and thin bones.
  3. Improved muscle symmetry.
  4. The connection between the muscles and the brain is strengthened.

In a scientific experiment involving forty men, it was found that muscle mass gain comes from hormones, in particular, testosterone, and not from physical effort. At physical activity hormonal release occurs. How more muscle loaded at a time, the more hormones are produced. The effect is enhanced by the inclusion in the work of the respiratory and central nervous system.

The proportion of back and leg muscles reaches 80% of the total mass. Therefore, those who want to pump up the body pay attention, first of all, to these groups. By developing them, the athlete develops other muscles.

Main basic exercises

Here is a list of the basic basic exercises that a beginner needs to create a muscular “foundation”. After a year, the relief of the body can be improved by isolated exercises.- those that work out one muscle group.

From the video you will learn how to properly perform the bench press, squats and deadlift, as well as how to get the maximum result from them:

Deadlift classic

never deadlift without an athletic belt

This exercise is better than others to develop the muscles of the body, because it involves the most muscles in the work:

  • the main ones are the quadriceps femoral, gluteus maximus, extensors of the back;
  • additional - femoral biceps, semimembranosus, trapezius, semitendinosus.

Deadlift is performed in 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions. Approximately starting weight for men - up to 40 kg, for women - up to 20 kg. “Your” weight is calculated so that the athlete lifts it with a straight back. If there is a curvature, roundness, then in the future there will be diseases of the spine.

With injuries or back pain, deadlifts are not included in the program immediately. The first two months are fulfilled. The same exercise in 3 sets is performed before the deadlift.


barbell squats will help build extra pounds in the biceps

This exercise is popular not only in bodybuilding, but also in other sports, rehabilitation programs and in preparing an athlete for competitions. Stretches when combined with pullovers chest, increases the volume and ventilation of the lungs.

Working muscles:

  • the main ones are quadriceps, large gluteal, soleus;
  • additionally - biceps femoris, calves, extensors.

If the technique is poorly mastered or the inventory is not set up, the exercise is traumatic, the knees and spine suffer.

When working with large weights, use elastic bandages on my knees and wrist joints, belt. The weight is lifted only with a straight back. In the lower amplitude, the feet should be on the same level with the knees.

By changing the width of the grip, the athlete shifts the emphasis to the desired muscle group.

Yes, at wide grip the middle of the chest receives the load, with a narrow one - the triceps and the inner section. Lowering the bar to different parts of the chest helps to avoid stagnation in growth.

When performing a bench press, observe the following rules:

  • at big weight use only a closed grip;
  • the bar from the racks must be served by an assistant;
  • do not allow the lower back to bend upward.

Pull-ups on a tunic

chin raised during exercise

They make the body more embossed, drier. Muscles work:

  • basic - broadest backs, trapezoid, ;
  • additionally - flexors, extensors of the forearms, middle part of the body, deltoid.

Depending on the width and direction of the grip, the following muscle groups are worked out:

  • straight-, extensors of the forearm;
  • middle reverse- biceps, wide dorsal (preferable for beginners);
  • straight narrow- serrated, broadest dorsal in the lower part, shoulders;
  • narrow reverse- biceps, latissimus dorsi;
  • wide- the broadest dorsal in the upper part, paired round, trapezoidal;
  • wide for the head- paired round, middle section of the widest, trapezoidal.

The last two options are for experienced athletes only.

Standing barbell press

do not relax the muscles of the back and the press, otherwise there is a high risk of injury

This bench press is also called army and is among the best for,. Previously included in the program Olympic Games in weightlifting to test upper body strength. The main working muscles are the deltoid, top part, triceps.

With a change in grip width, the load moves:

  • narrow- anterior deltoid, clavicular part chest muscle, long head of the triceps;
  • wide- front and middle parts deltoid muscles, upper chest.

Army bench press is also performed with dumbbells.

The optimal frequency of training is 3-4 times a week, the duration is up to 60-90 minutes. Break between sets - 2-3 minutes.

In the first year of classes, the training program does not contain isolated exercises- master the "base". Begin classes with minimal loads, increase the intensity gradually. In the early stages, correct technique is important, not weight.

So that the body does not get used, the loads are periodically increased- change the working weight, the number of repetitions, reduce the break between sets.

The correct diet, adherence to the diet, water balance is important. Overeating is not allowed.

Rules for gaining muscle mass:

It seems like an unattainable dream to get a body like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lee Priest, other bodybuilders. But once you study the success story of Martin Ford, the obvious will be revealed: the goal will be achieved if efforts are made to achieve it.

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In this article we will talk about basic exercises for mass gain.

The powerful effect of basic exercises is achieved by including a huge layer of muscles in the work - in addition to the main working ones, a whole group of stabilizer muscles participates in the load. All this leads to the stimulation and production of the male hormone testosterone, which provokes an increase in strength, and as a result, an increase in body volume and weight.

Let's define the concepts. Basic exercises- This multi-joint exercises that load two or more joints. For example, barbell squats work the ankle, knee, and hip joints.

What effect can be achieved from basic exercises

Basic exercises for a beginner are the basis of his training. For a few years, you should forget about isolation altogether - biceps on the bench, triceps on the block and other perversions. The biceps work great in all back exercises. Imagine how much weight you have to hold with your hands in the deadlift.

What about triceps? Triceps in bench presses are more loaded than in " special exercises". All isolation is a waste of time and loss of results from constant chronic fatigue in heavy basic exercises.

By working hard, basic exercises will help you get a big, powerful back, broad shoulders with traced and powerful legs. Any dystrophic will turn into a strong man.

Basic exercises are hard work!

Increase in strength and mass in basic exercises

Since the basic exercises in bodybuilding include work big number muscles, we can create stress for them if we work with large enough weights. However, always remember that in the beginning we master the technique and only then add weights.

Your training strategy should focus on adding weight to these exercises. Don't get distracted by isolation. Concentration of efforts is the key to success, everything superfluous is a hindrance.

Basic exercises in the gym will give the maximum anabolic effect if the explosion of your strength during the set is in the interval between 5-10 repetitions. And the scheme and the number of sets are not important at all.

intense but short workouts(a small amount of exercises and only concentration at work); high-quality and plentiful and sufficient for recovery - they will give impetus to your mass, which means progress in yours.

Basic chest exercises

Basic back exercises

  • and its variations (deadlift,)

Basic leg exercises

Basic barbell exercises are multi-joint exercises used in strength training to gain muscle mass. Basic are squats with a barbell on the shoulders, a barbell bench press on a straight bench, a barbell bench press standing overhead, a deadlift and a barbell row to the belt in an inclination. Studies show that when they are performed, the body produces the most testosterone¹.

These five exercises make up . It should be noted that other multi-joint exercises can repeat and supplement the basic exercises. For example, a platform leg press can replace squats, and a seated pulldown can replace a barbell row. The only exception is the deadlift - it cannot be replaced.

The main advantage of basic exercises is that, when performed correctly, they involve all muscle groups in the work - including the abs and arms. However, improper technique can cause serious harm to the athlete. Since multi-joint exercises are performed with a barbell and other free weights, there is a risk of getting sports injury joints.

Mass Gaining Exercises

Benefits of basic exercises for muscle growth

The main advantage of basic exercises is the simultaneous growth of muscles and burning fat. The reason is that basic exercises require an increased consumption of nutrients from the body. During strength training, it is actively used, and after the end of the training, recovery processes start burning fat.

At regular workouts with the use of basic exercises, the metabolism gradually increases, leading to an increase in appetite - which, again, is necessary for gaining muscle mass, since without additional calories, muscles simply will not grow. This is especially important for naturally thin ectomorphs who have problems gaining weight.

Building an athletic physique

Technically correct execution basic exercises have a positive effect on the symmetry of muscle development. As a result of training in basic program not just a pumped, but a powerful and athletic physique is formed. In addition, basic exercises have a positive effect on the connection of the brain with muscles.

Most beginners can't force a specific muscle at will (let alone consciously engage that muscle while exercising), indicating a weak neuromuscular connection between the brain and muscles. Performing heavy basic exercises can improve this connection, increasing the effectiveness of the training.

Cons of basic exercises

The main disadvantage of basic exercises is that they really require perfect knowledge of the correct technique. Performing these exercises with heavy weight significantly increases the risk of injury even with the slightest mistake - which is why it is best to study correct technique these exercises with a personal trainer.

In addition, many beginners tend to progress too quickly, unnecessarily increasing the working weight and carrying out more frequent power training than their body needs. It must be remembered that basic training must be performed. Otherwise, the result will be chronic overtraining.


The most important for gaining muscle mass are multi-joint basic exercises that increase the level of testosterone and other hormones due to the complex effect on the body and central nervous system. Five such exercises are highlighted in the basic group - deadlift, squat, bench press, bench press and traction to the belt.

Hi all! Do you do basic bodybuilding exercises? Well, yes, a stupid question, especially if you are a serious bodybuilder. Without the bench press, squat, deadlift, and chest press, it's hard to imagine true bodybuilding in its classic form.

The base is like a main dish, everything else is just seasoning. However, you shouldn't be fanatical about it. Many outstanding athletes completely exclude some basic exercises.

They will be very useful to you especially if you cannot squat with a barbell for any reason. But let's once again pay attention to the most basic exercises in bodybuilding and perhaps in this article you will learn something new for yourself in relation to these exercises.

The push of the barbell from the chest is a super-exercise for the mass!

This exercise is considered basic and perfectly builds all the muscles. shoulder girdle as well as back and legs. Moreover, with this exercise alone, you can add a very solid amount of lean muscle mass. To be specific:

Having set a goal for yourself and working according to a clear training scheme, you can add 10-15 kg per year. lean muscle mass with just this one exercise!

It is unlikely that everyone who is engaged in bodybuilding will succeed, but those who have put this exercise on a serious level in their training and who train selflessly show exactly these numbers.

This is the result that beginner weightlifters often show. This exercise is divided into 2 stages. First, you throw the barbell on your chest, and thereby work out your legs and back. Then, with a sharp push, you lift the barbell up to straight arms, working through all the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Let's look at the technically correct execution of the exercise:

1st phase: To begin, squat down and grab a barbell as if you were doing a deadlift. Only take the barbell not with a different grip, but with your palms facing you.

The loin should be arched, and the back should not be rounded in any way. Begin to lift the bar purely by leg extension. When the bar rises above the knees, you will need to undermine the barbell.

2nd phase: At this stage, you need to strongly straighten the body and make a movement with your shoulders to give momentum to the movement of the bar up.

3rd phase: It is necessary to turn the brushes and sit down under the bar, which will already be pulled down after a jerky movement with the shoulders. Take the barbell to your chest and fully straighten up.

4th phase: It is necessary to bend your knees without any pause and push the bar up, while at the same time applying efforts with both legs and arms. Raise the bar above your head with straight arms and also, without a pause, throw the barbell to the floor (only not on concrete, like in my basement).

leg training

Legs are a rather complicated thing in terms of pumping. The muscle fibers of the leg muscles can be poorly developed in many beginner athletes. There could be many reasons for this. This is also a feature of muscle fibers who react to heavy weights and explosive training, this is insufficient knowledge in this area and laziness, etc. But now is not about that.

The specific tips below should help anyone who uses them in practice to increase the muscle mass of the legs. This is a universal protocol for successful leg training:

  • It is advisable to train your legs on the very first day of your training week (Monday or Tuesday) separately from all muscle groups.
  • Quadriceps need to be trained in pumping mode, and this implies a minimum of 12-15 repetitions per set. On the contrary, the buttocks and hamstrings need to be “bombed” with a small number of repetitions, they respond well to this. Namely 4-6 reps with a lot of weight.
  • At the end of the week Special attention give the biceps of the thighs and work them out in the next workout.
  • Once a week, if possible, do special workouts. During such leg training, you will need to jump on high supports, run on short distances at a powerful pace, jump forward and up from the spot. This is a fundamentally different workout for your legs and it affects them in a special way.

bench press

Bodybuilding experts who have studied the muscles during the bench press have noticed that during the performance of this basic exercise, the muscles of the upper back are subjected to static stress. This is necessary in order to ensure the stabilization of the hands. Exactly the same role is played by triceps, which are statically strained at the very beginning of the exercise. This tension helps keep the elbows bent at right angles. But since the strength of the static tension of the muscles of the back and triceps is too small, this makes it difficult to press at 100%.

To solve this problem, you just need to make the triceps and back muscles contract much more intensely. To achieve this goal, the usual rubber shock absorber closed in a ring, which must be put on the wrist and twisted with a figure eight. Only after you stretch the shock absorber can you grab the bar. This very stretch activates the stabilizer muscles, as a result they contract more strongly and from this you will definitely press harder.

If you work in this style for at least a couple of weeks or a month, then at the end you will add 100% in bench strength, and therefore in muscle mass!

How to do a deadlift

This mega-exercise is considered incredibly important for those who decide to seriously gain weight. As the saying goes - "you can't imagine a more basic one." But not everything is so simple here, of course. This exercise is recognized as one of the most traumatic for bodybuilders.

There is a particular danger for those who have worked for a very long time sedentary work and thereby significantly weakened the muscles of the lower back. For such people, the deadlift should be almost a forbidden exercise. No, it is certainly possible and necessary to do a deadlift, but with a special approach. Follow these tips and you'll be doing an injury-free deadlift while adding more weight to the bar:

You must set yourself the goal of developing a simply flawless technique for this exercise, bringing it to automatism. In this exercise, this is especially important, because then you can lift "brutal" weights and any oversight in technique can cost you a serious injury, a very serious one. Therefore, I considered it necessary to once again pay attention to the technique, giving you a clear scheme for performing the exercise in 3 stages. Fix for yourself again:

Start: lift the weight off the support or the floor very slowly.

Middle: immediately after the bar is lifted from the support, start accelerating the rate of lifting, but without sudden movements. Everything is very smooth.

Finish: after the bar passes the line of your knees, the lifting speed should be maximum. But do not deviate strongly back by inertia. This can cause injury to the lower back due to its overextension. When the body is strictly vertical - stop and fix this position.

IMPORTANT: for the deadlift, use special "traction" that will help you keep the weight with your hands. They look like this:

Weights to help the "base"

Kettlebells will help you activate and significantly accelerate progress in all basic exercises. In the near future you can experience the accuracy of this statement and its effectiveness. After some effective exercises with kettlebells - you should feel the following:

  • clear fat burning effect
  • increase in functional strength
  • more pronounced muscle relief and definition

This effect is given by jerks, jerks and swings, which are characteristic of all exercises with kettlebells. I advise you to try on yourself at least 3 exercises, which are described below. These exercises are little known in bodybuilding and rarely used. If you suddenly have an interest, then you can test them for yourself, and then unsubscribe in the comments what it gave you. It will be very cool and interesting, so don't be shy!

1) "Gladiator" - to perform this exercise, you need to lean sideways on a straight arm. The free leg must be lifted and kept on weight. With your free hand, press the kettlebell up. After an acceptable number of repetitions for you, roll over to the other side and repeat the exercise.

2) Kettlebell press from squat - first you need to take a squat position, but at the same time you need to keep a straight arm with a kettlebell above your head. The second hand holds the second weight, which lies on the floor. Get up from a squat position and at the same time lift the second kettlebell with your other hand to your shoulder. Squeeze the kettlebell over your head.

3) Kettlebell lunges - you need to squeeze 2 kettlebells over your head and hold them with straight arms. In this position, do lunges while walking. Walk 10 meters, turn around and go back.

Try, experiment, dare. Perhaps these exercises are especially good at “boosting” your progress in basic bodybuilding exercises. Be that as it may, always remember the property of our muscles to respond affably to new loads and exercises. So surprise them and they will thank you generously!

At the end of the article, I advise you to watch a useful video. Well done guys, really good and useful video was shot. You will learn some more "tricks" regarding basic bodybuilding exercises that I have not described in this article:

Or maybe the "base" is not needed at all?

Now more and more often I meet on the Internet the opinions of people who are against doing barbell squats, deadlifts and all sorts of barbell snatches, lifting them overhead, etc. I have not yet met opponents of the bench press, either in reality or virtually. There are quite adequate reasons for this, which can be explained.

  1. Firstly due to incorrect execution basic exercises people get injured because they work with large weights . But should it be taken as an inevitability? No, 100% no. Injuries occur due to improper execution technique, this is understandable. And the one who is against the base because of this reason - he simply did not master the perfect technique and lost his caution.
  2. Secondly, many do not see the effect of the base. Again, it's all about how the weight builds up and the technique is followed. If everything is done correctly, it is impossible not to get results!
  3. Thirdly, many bodybuilders say that the squat-deadlift-press base is the base for powerlifters. And for bodybuilders, such a base is not the main one. There is a deal of truth in it. Indeed, powerlifters focus on these 3 exercises. And indeed bodybuilding and powerlifting are two different things. But, nevertheless, all successful bodybuilders make this particular base and you can’t convince them that you can do without it.

You can argue about this forever, and there will always be disputes about it. Some do, some don't. And everyone thinks he's right. I think that the wisest thing in this situation would be to stay with your opinion and not convince anyone.

Because the most important thing in this matter is not naked rightness, but a concrete result. If you say that the base is nonsense, show in practice that it is so. Create yourself beautiful body without a base, and everyone will be silent.

And if you say that you can’t go anywhere without a base, you should look accordingly. In short, no matter what you say, theory will not work here - prove it in practice.

Personally, I did the base, squatted with a barbell, did the deadlift. Then I abandoned it for a while and continued to train without these exercises. Then he resumed again.

The base helped me build my core muscles even though I hated the squat and deadlift. Unsubscribe in the comments what and how you have about this. Express your opinion.

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