Types of barbell trainers. The name of the simulators in the gym with pictures

Strength training equipment - view sports equipment, which is designed to enhance the effect of training. Models are available for different groups muscles, load level and method of operation.

The work of power simulators is based on a single principle - with the help of weighting with a load, increase pressure on the muscles during movements.

Types of strength training equipment

Strength training equipment designed for training and building muscle mass. home distinguishing feature- a set of muscle mass in a short period of time.

Universal and special models are produced, which are designed to work out certain areas of the body.

Trainers are divided into four types:

  • fitness station;
  • block frame;
  • Smith machine;
  • strength trainer.

By class, professional, semi-professional and home models are produced. Equipment for a sports or fitness room is divided according to its purpose - each device trains a separate muscle group.

Home units are multifunctional, they exercise the muscles as a whole.

The difference between the equipment is in the principle of operation, the basis is the difference in the load and the action of the weighting agents.

Using own weight

  • Designed to develop the muscles of the back, chest and arms. Used to work out the rectus, oblique and transverse abdominal muscles. The difference is that they allow you to develop the latissimus dorsi.
  • The main exercises are hanging and pull-ups, which are designed to work out the muscles of the press, deltoid and transverse. Strengthen shoulder joints and give a load to the whole body.
  • Press benches. The purpose is to train the body, develop the deltoid, rectus and oblique muscles of the abdomen. Models with the function of regulation (change) of inclination are used to correct the load during exercise.
  • Hyperextensions. The simulator is designed to work out the gluteal muscles, legs and back. Suitable for people with sick and weakened spine. It is used to burn excess fat in hard-to-reach and problem areas.

Using built-in weight

  • Multistation. A universal power complex that involves all muscle groups. The difference is quick adjustment for a specific type of training.

Is not limited a certain amount exercises, allows you to basic movements for the main muscle groups (bench press, mixing / breeding, traction from above and below, flexion and extension).

  • Crossover trainer. This is a block simulator, a station for working out the muscles of the back and chest. Difference - allows you to perform isolating exercises that develop the internal and lower muscle tissues in the chest, the press is loaded in parallel.

The model is produced in addition to the barbell and dumbbell bench press in the supine position.

Using free weight

  • Traction to the chest with an emphasis. The equipment is used to work out the latissimus dorsi and round muscles of the back, biceps.
  • Device for isolated load on the biceps. The equipment is used for professional training, which is aimed at point work of the muscle, correction of size and shape.

The simulator allows you to change the shape of the head and lower arch. The station is used to give relief to the arms, highlight the brachial biceps muscle.

  • Athletic bench. Universal bench, which is designed to perform exercises while sitting or lying on the station. Suitable for training arms, shoulder girdle, legs and abs.


The principle of operation of power simulators is the effect of weight on muscle groups during exercise (own or additional, which is provided by the device itself).

Four groups of power simulators are distinguished according to the principle of weight:

  • under own weight;
  • block (with built-in weight);
  • loadable (with free weight);
  • functional training (combined weight).

Models with the hydraulic principle of creating a load are produced. The weights are replaced by a piston hydraulic system. The difference is a smooth change in load, and attention is also paid to the safe adjustment of gravity when performing exercises.

The principle is used in rehabilitation simulators for women and the elderly.

Under its own weight

The severity of your own body is the main load during exercise. The difference is versatility, a combination of several functions in one device. All muscle groups are exercised here, stamina, strength and flexibility of the body are developed.

The load is changed by shifting the angle of the body or the exercise bench. An alternative is to attach additional weights to the body, which will increase the load.

Models are designed for professional, semi-professional and home use. Most commonly used as a personal home workout station. The difference is compact dimensions and lightweight design.

Regular exercise on such a simulator helps to improve endurance, tighten the figure, tone the muscles, shape the relief of the muscles, and get rid of extra pounds.

They give enough load during training to restart the metabolism in the body. Not suitable for gaining muscle mass without additional weight.

Most models are developed for a separate muscle group, but universal simulators are also produced. At one station, from 3 to 20 exercises for the whole body are performed.

The self-load class principle allows people with zero fitness levels to train and professional athletes to keep fit.

With built-in weight

Additional heaviness during training is provided by flat weights built into the design of the simulator.

  • The weights are held by the latch in the stack package.
  • During the exercise, they move up and down the rod or guide cables, maintaining a constant load on the muscles.
  • Change in weight: moving the latch, which catches fewer flat weights.
  • mount on extra weight- using holes and a pin.

Designed to work on specific areas of the body. Specialized models are available for the press, legs, arms and back.

The design uses cam mechanisms that adjust to the speed and frequency of muscle contraction during exercise.

This group is used for training entry level due to the automation of the load on the human body. The principle of operation is recognized as safe to use, allows a beginner to exercise without being accompanied by a trainer.

Universal models and devices are produced for working out a specific muscle group, which are placed in gyms. The universal type is a combination of several units for training the whole body, can be used at home.

With free weight

This is a set of professional equipment that combines a single principle - free weight. These include: dumbbells, manes, pancakes, etc. The simulator loads a separate muscle group, enhancing the effect of synergistic exercises.

Models are designed to increase weight for the main muscle group, to provoke a rapid increase in mass and body volume. The principle of operation allows you to work out areas of the body that are not captured by exercises on simulators with a built-in type of load.

Characteristics of power simulators


This is a multifunctional simulator that combines the functions of several separate simulators. The second name is multistation. Models with a built-in and free type of load, combined units are produced.

In the first universal type, additional weights are used - disks. And the second type of combined model is a bench for working with free shells.

Refers to the semi-professional and professional look. Models are designed for installation in sports and fitness rooms, saunas and health centers. The difference is that they create a constant load on the main muscle groups.

The design is stable, the material is heavy. The difference between professional models and home models is the noise suppression function. The set does not include expanders, stops and handles.

Block Frame Trainer

The design repeats the horizontal bar: two vertical block and top bar. Along the perimeter there are cables with a load. Models with a built-in load type are available. The frame is stable, designed for working deep internal muscles.

With the help of the device, the press, buttocks, arms and back are trained. Purpose - for professional training of athletes and rapid weight gain.

The peculiarity is the training of the arms and chest (in a standing position, mixing and breeding are performed), triceps (straightening of the arms in a standing position), abs (leaning forward in a kneeling position).

Allows you to train everything base groups muscles, gives a point load and a variable range of exercises.

This is a universal type of simulator with the principle of free weight. Combines basic elements to work the whole body. Used as home station or professional gym equipment. Block design, multifunctional.

The specialization of the Smith machine is to build muscle mass for a short time. The design consists of several planks to work out all parts of the body. The emphasis is on building and correcting the muscles of the arms, back and abs.

An increase in volume occurs with hypertrophy of muscle fibers, which occurs due to intense contraction during exercise.

This is a type for training, strengthening and building muscle. Universal models are produced, which are discussed above, and specialized ones, designed to work out certain parts of the body.

Specialized devices are named after the part of the body that is being worked out on a power simulator. They produce models for the back, press, legs and arms.


Versatile steel construction, often all-metal, designed for training with equipment in the gym or at home.

The barbell rack is used for professional training, helps to adjust the load on the athlete, add or remove pancakes from the bar. Sold as a set with a power bench for bench press in the prone position.

It is based on a frame that can withstand up to 200-500kg. Stability and maximum weight of the model are specified individually by different manufacturers.

Choose models with stops built into the design of the legs, which make the equipment safe to lift and squeeze.

A device that is used to train the biceps and brachialis. This is a bench press with a curved bar that allows you to train your arms while lifting dumbbells in a prone position.

The equipment belongs to the forming group, helps to adjust the size and shape of a particular muscle.

The design is oblong, with a rise up at the level chest and a downward-curved edge for fixing the hands during the exercise.

Sports bench for working out the muscles of the body, back and abdomen. There are five varieties:

  • with tilt adjustment - helps to change the load during training;
  • hyperextension - suitable for training the whole body;
  • with a curved back - increases the load;
  • Roman bench - equipped with a leg lock and a seat, increases the load;
  • universal - designed for complex training.

The design of five types - a bench with a slope and additional elements. The angle allows you to increase the load during bending. When choosing, pay attention to allowable weight athlete for training.

Equipment that is designed to work out the abdominal muscles under its own type of load. The design is stable, there are handrails for fixation at the elbow bend level.

The load during the exercise is given by the weight of the legs, which rise at right angles to the body. When choosing, pay attention to the latch and the height of the rack.

Device for working out abdominal muscles with the help of twists (crunches). This is a cable with two handles at an angle, a loop or a belt for fixing on the hands. The equipment is designed for loading under tension.

Available in a set with fitness stations, sold separately for training with a bench for the press.

Gymnastic apparatus, which is designed for universal body training. Beam structure, which is mounted horizontally on two supports. Produced as part of a fitness station or as a stand-alone device for installation at home, outdoors or in the gym.

Gymnastic apparatus, which is designed to perform several groups of exercises. Allows you to perform both swing and power movements.

Develops strength, flexibility and endurance. This is a universal equipment that is designed to perform a wide range of elements.

Mechanical simulator for training the muscles of the lower extremities and body. Represents a design with two pedals on springs, imitates sports walking.

For the load, the tension of the cable is used, which is attached in the hands. Trains the torso and upper limbs, works well on areas of accumulation of body fat (buttocks, external and inner thigh, caviar). The machine is suitable for cardio workouts.

Twister trainer

This is a cardio machine that is used to work out the entire body, waist and hips. The design is scrolled along the axis, a handle-steering wheel is provided to fix the body. The trainer is suitable for home use.

To train the buttocks and legs, a stepper is built into the lower structure. The equipment is used for cardio training at home or in the fitness room.
Types of exercises

  • Vertical thrust: back exercise. Helps to increase muscle volume, adjust the shape and size. It is intended for the formation of the deltoid and trapezius muscles, forearms, buttocks, biceps, abdomen and lower back.
  • Horizontal pull: movements that are opposed to vertical thrust. Designed to train the internal trapezius muscles, set posture, align the back and spine.

Shoulder joints are also being worked out. Appointed for training athletes and rehabilitation of patients.

  • Lower link: designed to correct the lower body. All parts of the back are worked out, the entire body is trained. Performed in a sitting position with legs stretched forward half-bent.
  • Shoulder press: exercise for the development of the muscles of the arms, shoulders and back. It is performed with the help of dumbbell-shells in a sitting or standing position, hands rise up from the shoulder. Strength training helps to correct volumes.
  • Chest press: an arm and chest workout that is done while lying down on a bench press. Power equipment with free weight is used: dumbbells or a barbell with pancakes.
  • training latissimus dorsi body, aimed at correcting the size and volume. It is performed in a standing position or sitting on a bench, the muscles throughout the body are involved, but the hands make the rise.

Equipment with a free type of load is used: dumbbells or a barbell with pancakes. Performed at a barbell rack to ensure safety.

  • Butterfly: exercise on the simulator for training the internal muscles of the chest. According to the execution technique, it resembles the swimming style of the same name.
  • Arm Curl: training with a free type of load or with a built-in simulator that works out isolated areas of the body. Used in bodybuilding.
  • an isolated technique that helps to work out the inner part of the body. Used in bodybuilding. It is performed in a sitting or standing position on a bench.

For weighting, use the free weight of the inventory or simulators with built-in weights.

  • Hand spread: an exercise to train the muscles of the chest, upper back and shoulders, to form volume and relief on the torso.

It is performed in a sitting position or lying on a bench with equipment with free weight - dumbbells or pancakes. An alternative is a simulator with a built-in weight and tension cables.

  • Back extension: a type of basic exercise for working out the press, extensor muscles of the back, buttocks and hips. It is performed in the prone position on the stomach, on half-bent arms, palms to the floor.

For correct execution you need to raise the entire abdomen entirely above the surface of the support.

An alternative exercise with built-in weight is performed on the simulator - in a sitting position, with the handrail fixed at the level of the middle of the back, which is pushed up when lifting.

  • Pullover: basic free weight exercise to work out the latissimus dorsi and chest muscles. It is performed using equipment: barbells or dumbbells.

The difference is the technique of stretching with a load fixed in the hands. Position - sitting, and then lying with your back on the bench.

  • Twisting (press): exercise for the development of abdominal muscles. A bench for the press with clamps for the legs is used. Instead of bending the torso, a slow twisting of the stomach from the chest is performed with the arms pulled back.
  • training technique outer thigh and buttocks on the simulator with built-in weight. The lower limbs are fixed in the blocks of the apparatus and bred to the sides under load.

Difference - isolated exercise middle muscle of the buttock. The reduction of the legs is performed on another function of the simulator, where the load falls on inside hips.

  • Leg press: an isolated exercise for a comprehensive workout of the muscles of the thigh and buttocks. It is performed on the simulator in a lying position upside down, the load must be pressed upside down. Helps to correct the shape and increase volume.
  • Squats: exercises are performed on a simulator with free or built-in weights. In the first case, these are dumbbells or a barbell with pancakes. In the second - a specialized apparatus. Squats help increase the volume of the muscles of the lower extremities.
  • Flexion / extension of the legs: exercise to correct the lower legs, calves and lower legs. It is performed on a fitness station in a prone position, understanding free or built-in weight.

When choosing, pay attention to your own weight, adding another ten kilograms to the indicator for a reserve.

  • If your weight is 100 kg and you are going to gain muscle mass, choose models with a maximum user weight in the range of 121-150 kg. These are devices of semi-professional and professional class.
  • ≤ 120 kg- a standard indicator for simulators for the home. Free weight models are calculated for the average person. They produce models for women and children. This equipment is with free weight or hydraulic loading system.
  • 121 - 150 kg- the average figure for the home and the fitness room in which professional athletes train. Home and semi-professional models are produced.
  • > 150 kg– Models for weightlifters, rehabilitation training of people. These are semi-professional and professional equipment with free or built-in weights.

The indicator takes into account only the weight of the athlete, it does not include the weight of the shells and the hull.

As a standard, the ratio is indicated in the technical data sheet of the equipment. This is an indicator of the strength of the training apparatus.

  • ≤ 100 kg: these are devices for non-professional use, which are purchased for the home. Suitable for users with zero experience in sports.
  • 101 - 150 kg: this is an option for women who are already involved in sports and men with a body weight of less than 80 kg. An indicator of home or semi-professional equipment.
  • 151 - 200 kg: devices of professional and semi-professional level for heavyweight athletes, which are suitable for gaining muscle mass. Installed in gyms and fitness centers.
  • > 200 kg: professional equipment for bodybuilders, athletes. Used only in professional fitness centers and gyms.

They help to adjust the universal equipment to the individual characteristics of the body: height, weight, load capacity.

  • Seat adjustment. It is used to increase or decrease the load on the body during strength exercises.
  • Back adjustment: an additional option for adjusting the angle of inclination of the apparatus, changing which increases or decreases the load on the body. When choosing, pay attention to the regulator knob and the range of rotation.
  • Handle height adjustment: the ability to change the height of the body, legs or other functions during classes. Helps to adjust the device to your body.

  • bottle holder: fastener for an individual drink to be drunk during class. Helps replenish fluid loss in the body from excessive sweating.
  • Cover on the block: upholstery of the bench, seat and other parts of the body of the equipment that are in contact with the body. Helps to exercise without injuring the skin with bruises, scratches, calluses and abrasions.

Prevents slipping when performing certain groups of exercises.

  • Transport rollers: are mounted in the basis of the equipment frame for moving heavy devices around the hall.


Under its own weight

  1. Safe models that do not overload your body during exercise more than it can handle at the moment.
  2. Suitable for initial training.
  3. Promote weight loss, shape the relief of the body.
  4. The cost is much lower than other types.

With loadable weight

  1. They allow you to work out internal muscle groups.
  2. Correct the size and shape of the muscles.
  3. Suitable for a wide range of basic exercises.
  4. The design is compact: the dimensions are designed for installation in the fitness room, and for the home.
  5. Suitable for people with zero, basic and professional training.

With built-in weight

  1. The user's level of training is taken into account: the load during classes is adjusted for people with different levels of strength and endurance.
  2. Equipped with safe regulators and protection.
  3. Designed for isolated areas of the body.
  4. Allow two people to train at the same time if equipped with additional stacks.
  5. Coordinate elements and direction of movement.

With hydraulic system

  1. Suitable for minimal loads during rehabilitation.
  2. Smooth change of loading during movements.

  • develop strength and endurance;
  • improve posture;
  • coordination of movements;
  • reduce body fat;
  • develop the relief of the body.


Under its own weight

  1. Not suitable for weight gain, give insufficient load during exercise.
  2. In the absence of regulators, they are not suitable for tall or short people.
  3. They require endurance and flexibility.

With loadable weight

  1. Harm when incorrect execution movements and load: stretch ligaments, muscles.
  2. Causes of most injuries, you can drop equipment on your feet.
  3. Unable to coordinate the user's movements during the session.

With built-in weight

  1. They are expensive, the price range is well above average.
  2. They take up a lot of space (even non-professional home equipment).

With hydraulic system

  1. They break down without regular maintenance.
  2. They cost more than models with built-in weight.
  3. Not suitable for strength training for rapid weight gain.

A common problem for all types of simulators is the load that the apparatus gives during classes. A full-fledged result is obtained only when using professional-class devices.

Home models are simple, the design is lightweight, which wears out faster. Pay attention to semi-professional products for classes outside the fitness club.

How to choose a strength trainer

When choosing devices under your own weight, pay attention to the following indicators:

  1. Permissible user weight. Give preference to models with an average or high rate (120-200 kg).
  2. The maximum weight of key fobs that can additionally load the user during training so as not to harm either the person or the device.
  3. The distance between the racks for fixing, which should fit your inventory, body dimensions and room.
  4. The function of adjusting the height of the racks, which is necessary for safe sports.
  5. Adjusting the angle of the bench to vary the load during exercise.
  6. Built-in accessories: bottle holder, and soft, non-slip upholstery on seats and handrails.

When choosing equipment for a load training, pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. Possibility to adjust the weight.
  2. Non-slip rods and handles with special relief.
  3. Material, preference - steel.
  4. The ability to combine inventory with a fitness station, rack or bench.

Block simulator

Models with a built-in weight are purchased for working out isolated areas of the body or universal devices. When choosing, pay attention to the general indicators:

  1. Permissible weight of a person who is engaged in the apparatus. Professional models are designed for 150+ kg.
  2. Permissible weight of inventory and key fobs that can be used in the lesson without harm to health and equipment.
  3. Build quality and material of the device, screw mechanisms and regulators.
  4. Built-in cables and tension adjuster.
  5. Load correction system and the ability to repair or replace blocks.
  6. Built-in protective caps and regulators.

  • Before buying, determine the purpose of the training and select desired view for isolated and basic exercises.
  • Pay attention to the installation location of the device and select professional or small semi-professional equipment.
  • When choosing a home model, make sure that the allowable weight of a person exceeds your own by ten kilograms.
  • Make a purchase only in specialized stores, order the initial debugging of the device.

Before purchasing, test the equipment for the basic exercises that you are going to perform. You can not buy a simulator if it hinders movement, is too large or small, is not adjustable.

  • Pay attention to the manufacturer and place of manufacture, international quality certificates.
  • Inspect the structure and spare parts, cargo. You can not purchase the device if it has damage or is not made of steel. Check the quality and strength of the cables and bearings.
  • Pay attention to the set of additional equipment, what is included in it, what loads and fixtures you will use, and which ones are missing.

Find out if the missing parts can be purchased additionally and whether they will fit this brand and type of equipment.

Which is better

Optimal model:

  • medium size;
  • human weight 121-150 kg;
  • of steel;
  • with additional regulators and nozzles;
  • allows you to perform basic exercises for the whole body.

Semi-professional exercise equipment (for the fitness room)

  • multifunctional, combined fitness stations;
  • maximum weight of a person - 121-200kg;
  • weight limit for additional shells - 150 kg;
  • equipped with seat height adjustments, handles.

Professional strength trainers

  • focused on training separate group or muscles;
  • suitable for training two or more people;
  • withstand the weight of athletes heavier than 150 kg;
  • additional load - more than 500 kg;
  • equipped with protective nozzles;
  • adjustable for weight and height;
  • there is an opportunity to insert additional blocks or shells.

In comparison between devices with different operating principles, one can distinguish those loaded under their own and built-in weights.

Professional athletes combine all three types to achieve muscle development throughout the body, including hard-to-reach deep areas.

Today, hydraulic devices have been replaced by electrically powered simulators, which are used more often not for strength, but for cardio training along with and.

  1. Use the trainers as directed. Do not perform basic exercises with equipment that is not intended for this.
  2. Train muscles in isolation, for each group - its own subtype of equipment.
  3. You can not overload the device with a weight greater than it can withstand, consider your own and the weight of additional shells.
  4. When working with free weight, follow the safety regulations. Firmly fix the shells on the rack.
  5. Before starting the lesson, check the operability of the device: the integrity of the cable and bearings, the angle tilt fasteners.
  6. For correct work on the equipment, a professional fitness trainer is involved, who will teach you how to perform the exercises correctly.

When buying a simulator, a warranty card is issued, in which conditions are individually prescribed.

Buyer's Standard Obligations:

  • use of the device for its intended purpose;
  • the absence of mechanical damage not related to the malfunction of the equipment itself;
  • preservation of documents that confirm the purchase and warranty obligations of the seller;
  • preservation of the original packaging of the product.

There are two types of warranty for exercise equipment: full replacement and repair at the expense of the seller's warranty obligations. The alternative is to return and purchase other equipment for the same amount.

Detailed conditions are spelled out in each agreement differently, read the rules before purchasing the device.

  • A typical failure of a strength machine is wear and tear on additional parts and accessories such as seat upholstery, cables, and handles. Replacement is carried out at home or in a service center, it depends on the dimensions and weight of the equipment.
  • The second typical problem is the breakdown of regulators and mechanisms. Bearings often require lubrication or replacement. For such repairs, it is possible to leave the master or partial replacement of spare parts with dismantling.
  • A more serious problem, which is rarely corrected by repair, is the failure of the base of the steel structure due to improper operation of the equipment or manufacturing defects. In this case, the conditions for replacement and repair are decided by the master on an individual basis.

Strength Equipment Manufacturers

A company that specializes in the production of power semi-professional and professional models. Production is located in the USA and products are sold worldwide.

The principle of operation is loadable and block models. The company also produces electrically powered cardio machines.

The company was one of the first to start producing power simulators of block, own and load type, as well as with free load. The difference is a reduced price and compliance with international quality standards.

Production is concentrated in Taiwan. Products are sold in America, Europe and the CIS. Power and cardio models are available.

The company specializes in the production of all types of simulators: from home to professional. Models with free and block type are being developed.

The difference is the release of professional multifunctional models that are intended for a comprehensive workout of the whole body. Sales of products worldwide: America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia.

The company produces models for semi-professional and professional fitness and weight loss. The difference is the development of electrically powered exercise machines, which are aimed not at gaining body weight, but at burning extra kilocalories.

The company specializes in the manufacture of semi-professional and professional strength and cardio equipment with electronic drive. The difference is a number of additional options (for example, wide adjustment of the tilt angle).

The products are used at home and in fitness rooms. Sold in the European Union, the CIS. Production in Germany.


The company specializes in the production of equipment for fitness rooms and professional use. The peculiarity is the production of small-sized equipment that athletes use at home.

Models are produced for classes under their own, loadable or block type, as well as with an electric drive.

The company produces power products and accessories for models. Specializes in professional equipment for athletes who take part in the Olympic Games.

Models are available with a free, loadable or block type. The difference is the average price range of equipment and high quality. Equipment can only be purchased from an authorized distributor.

A company from Russia that specializes in home strength and cardio equipment. Models with free, own and block load are produced.

The difference is the release of products for the home and the fitness room, with small dimensions and protective elements for the safety of users with a zero level of training.

Manufacturer of professional and semi-professional equipment from Germany. The difference is the average cost of inventory and high quality materials.

They pay attention to power models with a free, own load, and block equipment for professional activities is also produced. Products designed specifically for bodybuilders.

The company specializes in the production of models with a built-in and free type of load, benches and racks. The difference between products and competitors is design. The company pays attention to the professional segment of the market, sells products for athletes and fitness clubs.

The company specializes in the production of models for home bodybuilding. The difference is the reduced dimensions and weight of the equipment, attention is paid to the appearance, smooth surfaces and the absence of sharp corners and protrusions.

Produced professional and semi-professional models for fitness rooms and bodybuilders. The difference is the high quality of steel and additional accessories. Multifunctional devices for complex classes are on sale.


The company specializes in the production of models for semi-professional training at home or in the fitness room. The difference is the average price range and quality materials. All types are produced according to the principle of work and class.


Professional models for athletes-bodybuilders who are installed in fitness rooms. Specificity - a high threshold of gravity of a person and shells. Combination of several places in one rack, multifunctional compartments.

And modifications, the purpose of which may not be clear to a beginner, especially girls and women.

The division of sports equipment into simulators designed for men and women is major mistake any beginner athlete. There is a number of equipment, the implementation of exercises with the use of which is given with varying degrees of severity for representatives of the 2 sexes.

In this case, the anatomical features of the structure of the human body and physical form play a more significant role than gender. All fitness equipment in fitness clubs are equally applicable for both women and men. However, not all models and not all manufacturers can be recommended for those involved in the exercises.

In general, all gym equipment is divided into 3 groups:

Name Description Scroll
Cardio equipment They are used for aerobic exercise. That is, this type of load, in which the main energy exchange occurs with the participation of oxygen. Treadmills, ellipsoids, exercise bikes.
Free weights This is the most efficient group. Classes with free weights require the presence of a training experience or the help of a qualified specialist. These are barbells, dumbbells and related complexes.
simulators They are used for anaerobic training - a type of load, energy metabolism in which occurs without the participation of oxygen. Block, articulated, lever and other equipment.

Features of simulators for girls, women

Simulators in the gym, the purpose of which is to help those involved in diversifying the training process, take into account the features of the anatomical structure of the body of an average man and woman. Fitness club equipment is not divided by gender. Wellness clubs are an exception.

These sport complexes equipped with specialized equipment designed for women and girls.

The equipment of these beauty studios is divided into 2 parts:

The first group of Wellness equipment includes:

  • tone tables;
  • vibration platforms;
  • platform balance;
  • hippotrainers.

The task of this type of simulators is to redistribute the load on the selected muscle group and relieve harmful stress from the joints and ligaments.

Passive wellness equipment includes:

  • pressotherapy;
  • massagers and chairs;
  • infrared clothing.

Classes on this equipment do not require any participation from the girls, except for the presence. Despite the large selection of exercise equipment and the assurances of wellness industry workers, it is difficult to call these workouts effective. On early stages training, the result can be noticeable. But in the long run, it's not worth the wait.

Such training may be useful for women with movement restrictions.

Popular gym equipment and their purpose

Exercise machines in the gym, the purpose of which depends on the target muscle group, are monotonous. A standard fitness club has a number of mandatory equipment. It allows you to work out muscles throughout the body. The most widespread and popular are the following sports equipment.

power frame

The power frame is a multifunctional complex. There are a lot of options for its implementation. The standard set of equipment includes 4 vertical racks interconnected by crossbars at the top and at the base (these structural elements form the frame of the product). Through holes are made in the vertical guides on the front side.

They serve to fasten the support hooks on which the bar rests. Holes are made in the same plane at equal distance intervals. On the sides of the frame are often mounted pins for athletic pancakes. The upper horizontal bar is equipped with a pull-up bar. Often the complex is supplied with 2 restrictive poles.

They make it possible to perform failure repetitions without an assistant. The main exercise performed in the power of the frame is squats. Thanks to this movement, girls and women can strengthen: pectoral muscles, back, abs and legs.

also in this complex you can do:

  • Pull-ups.
  • Traction.
  • Presses.

Thanks to the frame, athletes can work with more weights and an increased number of approaches. Equipment stands reduce the possibility of injury due to a fall of the bar or loss of balance. Training with free weights in a power rack promotes weight loss. The workload in the complex is selected similarly to the load in squats using racks.

Presses and pulls are performed both inside the frame itself and in front of it (if there are hooks for the barbell)

bench press

The equipment consists of 2 vertically located racks for fixing the barbell and a bench fixed between them. The inventory is designed to strengthen the chest. Also, during the exercise, the muscles of the arms, shoulders, and back are involved. According to the majority of girls involved, this particular projectile is intended exclusively for men.

However, according to studies by British scientists, developed pectoral muscles reduce the risk of cataracts by 25%. Involved during the bench press deltoid muscles have a positive effect on the formation correct posture. Therefore, women are not advised to ignore the bench press in the gym.

When doing the bench press, it is important for girls to focus on correct technique movement execution.

To do this, position yourself on the projectile as follows:

  • Barbell at eye level.
  • The shoulder blades are brought together.
  • Shoulders are turned and pressed.
  • The grip is medium closed.
  • The pelvis is pressed.
  • Feet on the floor.

The load is selected in accordance with the level of physical readiness. The weight of a standard Olympic barbell is 20 kg without locks.

Incline Bench Press

The purpose of this simulator in the gym is often questioned. The load on the deltas when doing presses on incline bench increases. But its value depends on the angle of inclination. Thanks to this equipment, it is possible to work out the upper beams pectoral muscles. By virtue of their fastening, they are practically not involved in horizontal position benches.

Structurally, this type of equipment differs little from the previous version. The support for the athlete consists of 2 parts. The upper one, located closer to the uprights, is fixed to the frame by means of a hinge. That allows it to move in a vertical plane. The choice of the angle of inclination is due to the installation of the leg-support in the groove of the beam or the installation of the crossbar in the appropriate slots on the racks.

Lever trainer Hammer

Hammer type exercise machines are lever machines. The load in them is transmitted through a hinged lever. At the same time, the classic models of this equipment provide the transfer of independent force to each hand of the athlete.

Depending on the target muscle group, these simulators are aimed at developing:

  • Nursing.
  • Deltoid.
  • Muscles of the hands.

The most widely used in fitness clubs is the Hummer exercise machine with a vertically positioned back support. In this version, classes on the projectile contribute to the development of the pectoral and deltoid muscles. Hammer is most popular when it is necessary to develop explosive power.

Pull-up bar

The pull-up bar is a universal projectile in gym. The main target muscle group for this exercise is the back. Depending on the type and width of the grip, as well as on the method of performing the exercise, lifting the body up can shift the emphasis of the load from the outside to the inside, from the upper to the lower back zones.

It is possible to work out exercises on the horizontal bar functional training:

  • Power output.
  • Horizontal bar.
  • Hanging leg raises.
  • Push-ups from the crossbar.

The complex for pull-ups provides for the possibility of performing exercises: with weights, own weight, with auxiliary devices.

Upper block

The block exercise machine with the top arrangement of a body is a multifunctional projectile. The upper block is a complete training tool. It is suitable for girls who find it difficult to perform full pull-ups. The set of exercises available on this apparatus is completely identical to the pull-up bar. With the exception of functional training elements.

Leg curl machine

Leg curls in the simulator are an isolated exercise aimed at working out the muscles in detail. rear surface hips. The machine is a block structure with a horizontal bench. Rollers for legs transmit through the cable forces from weights to the athlete.

When performing a movement, the selection of the load is selected depending on the individual characteristics of the student. It is advisable to include a leg curl simulator in training program as an additional item.


Exercise machines in the gym, the purpose of which is to develop the muscles of the shoulder girdle, are in many ways inferior to such a simple projectile as bars. This is a universal simulator on which it is possible to develop the deltoid muscles, arms, abs, chest. Training on the uneven bars involves working with the weight of your own body.

Exercise equipment in the gym is very diverse. But one of the universal simulators are bars.

However, when high level physical readiness can be resorted to additional weight.

Smith simulator

The Smith machine is a vertically oriented barbell frame. The barbell is strictly fixed in the horizontal plane. And in the vertical - it moves along steel guides.

In the Smith simulator, exercises for development are performed:

  • Legs. To do this, squats, lunges, leg bends are performed with different feet position relative to the plane of the simulator.
  • Chest and arms. Presses with different body positions on a horizontal and inclined bench.
  • Back. Traction with partial and full amplitude.

Scott Bench for Biceps

The projectile is an inclined platform, a bench for the practitioner and hooks for the bar in the front of the structure. The Cattle bench is designed for isolated loading of the 2 head of the shoulder muscle. In the process of performing flexions on the simulator, it is important not to lower the bar all the way to the bottom of the trajectory.

This will create an additional load on elbow joint. The use of Larry Scott's shop is advisable in combination with basic exercise on the biceps.

Abdominal trainer

The simulator for the press is a hinged structure consisting of 2 blocks. Both elements are connected in a movable support. The axis passing through it is the axis of the simulator. The increase in the load in the projectile is achieved by adding athletic pancakes to special equipment brackets.

Performing exercises on this machine twists the body relative to the pelvis. That is, the process of movement is carried out due to the simultaneous convergence of the chest and knees of the athlete. The simulator helps to effectively develop the abdominal muscles. Due to the oncoming movement of the upper and lower half body manages to equally load all parts of the abdomen.

During the exercise, the student is rigidly fixed in the simulator. The trajectory of movement is determined by the equipment. To minimize the possibility of injury, bend without jerking.

Leg press platform

The platform is a structure inclined to the floor plane, with a bench for the athlete and end position limiters. The projectile is designed to develop the muscles of the legs. It is an analogue of the classic squats. Due to the rigid fixation of the upper half of the body, the leg press platform is suitable for girls and women who are contraindicated in free weights.

While working in the simulator, it is important not to tear off the pelvis from the support bench. When setting your feet on the platform, you should monitor the position of the heel and toe. At the bottom of the trajectory, the heel should not come off the surface. This type equipment is used for detailed study of the thigh muscles. To do this, press with one leg.

Trained athletes use the platform to shock the deltoid muscles. They push the projectile overhead.

HACK Squat Machine

The GACK machine is a type of leg press machine. The projectile is a vertically oriented frame, the movable, loaded part of which moves along the guides. In the lower zone of the simulator there is a platform for support.

The equipment for the HACK squat is used to train the front and back of the thighs and is considered an alternative to the back squat. During the movement, it is important not to allow the heels to tear off the support. This will greatly increase the load on the spine.

Calf trainer

Depending on the position involved in the equipment for the development of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, there are 2 types:

  • From a standing position.
  • sitting.

Both methods include lifting on toes. In the first, there is no load on the spine. Therefore, it is preferable. During the exercise, it is necessary to monitor the range of motion. The calf muscles experience a lot of stress throughout the day. Therefore, it is important to shock them in training.

Simulator for adduction and breeding of legs

Universal machine for the development of the adductor muscles of the inner surface of the thigh. Very important for girls and women. The simulator is a block design with a chair. A load is applied to it by means of cables and rollers. Depending on the type of exercise, the rollers are located on the outer or inner thigh.

The load during the mixing and breeding of the legs is selected individually. The simulator fully controls the trajectory of movement. The trainee is required to perform repetitions smoothly.

Butterfly for chest muscles

The reduction of the hands in the simulator in front of the chest is an isolated movement aimed at a detailed study of the muscles. The simulator is block. The transmission of force is carried out through 2 hinged handles. The movement should be done smoothly. Wherein Special attention pay attention to the position of the back. It should not be rounded at the time of peak muscle contraction.

rowing machine

The pull of the lower block or the rowing machine is aimed at working out the muscles of the back. Depending on the selected crossbar, the load may shift from the outside to the inside. When performing repetitions on the simulator, it is important to pay attention to the position lumbar spine. Rounding is not allowed.

rowing machine is a block structure. The transmission of force is carried out by means of cables and rollers. The weight moves along the guides inside the metal frame. The athlete is located on the bench in the front of the equipment.

Arc Trainer Cardio Cross Station

The station is a variation of elliptical trainers.

Due to the combination of 3 types of rectilinear movement in the simulator, all parts of the body are loaded:

  • Slip. Occupies 1/3 of the total trajectory. Actively engages the stabilizing muscles of the body, legs and adductors.
  • Step. Lasts for 1/3 of the entire amplitude. During this phase, the muscles of the front of the thigh and the cortex are actively included.
  • Climb. The most energy intensive part of the workout. The work includes back and press stabilizers, back and front thighs, calf and soleus muscles.

Cross-station refers to simulators of the cardiological zone.


Simulators in the gym, the purpose of which is to help novice athletes in the development of strength indicators, are called the gravitron. The equipment is a frame with a crossbar and bars, equipped with a block platform. The latter serves to compensate for the effort during pull-ups and push-ups. Gravitron is an analogue of bars and horizontal bar for pull-ups.

Thanks to the introduction of auxiliary blocks, it is suitable for girls and women as an alternative to deadlifts upper block to the chest.


Orbitron is an elliptical cardio machine. In terms of its functionality, it is similar to the Ark-Trainer cross-station. Suitable for performing aerobic exercises by girls and women with problems of the musculoskeletal system.


The exercise machine intended for conducting aerobic training. Depending on the goals of the trainee, the treadmill can be included in the training split as the final exercise. It is recommended to use this equipment at the beginning of a workout to warm up before lifting weights.

The track is often used as an independent projectile to improve the MPC (maximum oxygen consumption).

This indicator is important for athletes. Also, this equipment is widely used when it is necessary to reduce body weight. When working on the track, you should follow the basic rules of running. The setting of the foot at each step must be carried out from the toe and performed in the plane of the body. This will reduce shock loads on the joints and ligaments, as well as reduce the risk of injury.

exercise bike

Exercise bikes belong to the aerobic zone of gyms. The main purpose of this equipment is to warm up before training. Conducting separate classes on this projectile is advisable for people with overweight. Weight training and the use of specialized simulators in the gym are equally necessary for both men and women.

Fitness club equipment is designed for the harmonious development of muscles and the normalization of body weight. Ignore main projectiles when building training process slow down the process of obtaining results.

Video about the types of simulators

Types of simulators and their functions:

A flat and toned tummy is the dream of many people. However, not every one of us is ready to exhaust ourselves with daily workouts and sit on special diets. In such situations, exercise equipment comes to the rescue. They allow you to quickly adjust the figure and pump problem areas, strengthen the press. Let's figure out which sports simulators provide amazing results and allow you to see the cubes on your stomach in the shortest possible time.

Professional and home exercise equipment for the press

Abdominal trainer (for abdominal muscles) is an indispensable thing for a person who does not have time to regularly visit the gym, but who really wants to have attractive abs. Such sports equipment has a narrowly targeted action aimed at working out the abdominal muscles.

Today, a large assortment of simulators is on sale that can quickly pump the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles. They are divided into 2 main types: professional and home.

Professional trainers. As a rule, they are used in gyms, rehabilitation centers and require the development of certain skills, knowledge, as well as good physical fitness. It will be quite problematic for a person who has come to such a unit for the first time to understand the mechanism without outside help.

Such sport equipment has a lot of advantages:

  • differs in good durability (simulators are made of especially strong and wearproof materials and details, as a rule, with strengthening, and perfectly cope with the raised loadings);
  • professional units can be operated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week;
  • simulators are designed for amateurs and athletes who are professionally involved in sports.

Home trainers. Easy to use, with regular training they give good results and do not require special physical training. On such simulators, any person who wants to correct his stomach can do it.

Other Benefits of Home Abs Workouts

  • saving money (no need to buy a subscription to the gym);
  • the trainee himself regulates the frequency of training and the level of load;
  • saving time (no need to waste time traveling by public or other transport in the direction there and back);
  • hygiene (sports equipment will not be used by anyone except you);
  • the opportunity to create your own special training atmosphere (turn on a rhythmic melody, favorite movie, etc.).

Most often at home, the following simulators are used:

  • press bench;
  • Beresh loops;
  • bars;
  • video clip;
  • elliptical trainer;
  • swedish wall;
  • all kinds of electric simulators, etc.

Let's take a closer look at the most popular types.

The most affordable and easy-to-use option is. Do you have sports equipment at home? Great! Regular plank workouts will help strengthen your abdominal muscles and achieve good results pretty fast.

The advantage of such a simulator is not only in ease of use and relatively low price, but also in functionality: it can be used not only to strengthen the abdominal muscles, but also to strengthen the muscular corset of the back and pump the buttocks. Such simulators take up very little space and can be installed even in a small area.

Additional Information. Exercises on the board for the press are repeated many times. Several approaches provide a good flow of oxygen and improve metabolism, which, in turn, contributes to the burning of extra pounds and weight loss.

Types of boards for the press

Typical bench for the press. Can be placed at different angles. Larger angle tilting the board requires more effort and allows you to quickly achieve the desired result. Such boards are the most affordable - within 2 thousand rubles.

Boards with adjustable backrest. Perfect option for training several muscle groups: abdominal muscles, back, waist, buttocks. The average price of such a simulator is 3 thousand rubles.

Benches with curved back. Training on this type of simulator takes place with an increased level of load. Most often, such units are chosen by people with good physical training and professional athletes.

« Roman" benches for the press. The most "advanced" type of simulators. They allow you to swing the press with your legs up. They cost an order of magnitude more. With regular training, they help to quickly form beautiful muscles press.

Additional Information. Most modern board trainers have optional equipment: massage rollers, special springs, etc., which increase the functionality and efficiency of sports equipment.

The press bench has practically no drawbacks. However, it can be problematic for tall people to choose a board according to their height. To train other muscle groups, it will be necessary to buy other sports equipment.

How to effectively and correctly pump the press on the bench (video)

Press bench. Affordable and easy way to pump up the abdominal muscles. The complex is simple in execution, but very effective exercises on the bench.

Belongs to the category of the most effective devices for the formation of a beautiful press and strengthening the heart vascular system.

Despite the fact that this type of sports equipment is considered a cardio machine, it allows you to work on many muscle groups. An elliptical trainer is a successful combination of a treadmill, a “bike” and a stepper. Such equipment is used not only at home when creating home gym, but also in professional fitness centers and "simulators".

During classes on an elliptical trainer, all the main muscle groups. The trainee feels the slowness and synchronism of movements, which is felt in every part of the body. The pedals of the simulator move along an oval trajectory resembling an ellipse (hence the corresponding name). Due to the fact that all movements are performed very smoothly, the load on the joints and tendons is minimal.

Special handles of the simulator allow you to effectively pump the muscles of the arms, back and abdominals. At the same time, the spine is not subjected to increased axial load, which is especially important for people who want to, but cannot go in for sports due to problems with the spinal column.

The anaerobic load provided by the elliptical trainer allows you to saturate the cells of the body with oxygen. What do we get as a result? Increased stamina and minimal feeling of fatigue.

Important! To achieve the desired results, you must remember that nice abs is the result of regular physical activity using a trainer. Short-term and irregular training will not allow you to achieve your goal.

Before you start exercising on simulators of this type, you need to decide on your physical form, physical capabilities and only after that choose the level of load and make individual program workouts.

The second name is myostimulators. These are special devices that make it possible to ensure the tone of the abdominal muscles without effort on the part of the trainee. The creators of electric simulators assure that it is quite possible to achieve the desired result without grueling workouts, regular diet and other unpleasant loads.

During operation, the device directs electrical discharges to the muscles located in the abdomen (abdominal muscles) and causes them to contract. Today, a wide range of all kinds of electric simulators is on sale. For pumping up the muscles of the press, simulators of the so-called local type (shorts, belts) are used.

Fitball is a multifunctional sports device that will be a real find for a person who follows the figure and dreams of strengthening the abdominal muscles. They can be used by all family members, including children. Fitball - a simulator that suits people different ages, different physique and level of physical fitness.

Pumping up the abdominal muscles on a fitball is quite interesting view workouts. To achieve good results, you should choose special program exercise and exercise regularly.

Among the advantages of such a simulator, the following can be distinguished: ease of operation, long service life, low price, good efficiency, versatility.

Find out what exercises for the press you can do on a fitball -.


A fairly common and beloved by many simulator, which allows you to pump not only the abdominal muscles, but also other muscle groups - the muscles of the back, arms, legs, buttocks. To regularly exercise on the uneven bars, it is not at all necessary to visit the gym or go to the sports ground near your home. There are a large number of compact mini-trainers on sale at very affordable prices that can be used at home. They are easily and conveniently mounted on the wall and combine the functions of a horizontal bar and bars.

The bars have only one drawback - the complexity of the exercises. Therefore, such simulators are chosen mainly by men or professional athletes. For women and people "far from sports", classes on the uneven bars can become an unbearable burden.

Experienced athletes advise regularly practicing on the uneven bars to achieve maximum effect. All exercises should be done very smoothly and slowly, so as not to damage the ligaments and not get muscle strain.

On the simulator, you can perform twisting, raising and lowering legs, “corners”, “scissors”, etc.

The main feature of using bars is a small number of repetitions of each exercise due to the increased load.

To have a pumped-up press and an attractive flat tummy, it is not at all necessary to visit the gym regularly. A more convenient and easier option is training at home. In this case, modern press simulators will come to the rescue, which allow you to quickly form beautiful cubes on your stomach and strengthen some other muscle groups. Whichever simulator you choose, remember: the effect of training will only be if the classes are regular and the diet is balanced.

Coming to the gym or sports shop, a beginner is often lost in the variety of types of simulators. To independently navigate among them and choose exactly those that are designed to work out the necessary muscle groups is not an easy task. We will tell you in the article how to understand the assortment provided, why certain shells are needed and how to deal with them.

History of creation

Human culture, in the general sense of the term, is directly associated with the culture of the body. Even at the dawn of civilizations, beautiful, structured forms were admired and emulated.

To maintain the necessary appearance, a person had to use a variety of objects and devices, from the most primitive to high-tech, as in our days.

So, over time, the first simulators appeared, allowing you to exercise exercise using structures with specific functions. The pioneer in this area was the German teacher, founder and ideologist of gymnastics as a sport, Friedrich Ludwig Jahn, in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. It was he who opened the first gyms and arenas.

However, the follower, Gustav Wilhelm Sander, a doctor by education, had to improve the idea. It was he who brought such a concept as a simulator to a new stage of transformation, putting a new meaning into classes. He was the first to apply and adapt mechanical elements, directing their action to the work of the muscular system.

Since then, sports simulators have been modified, supplemented with new features, up to the present day.


All simulators are divided into two main groups: cardio simulators (aerobic) and strength. Classes on aerobic simulators allow you to effectively reduce weight, since the load on the body is distributed evenly. Aerobes perfectly regulate the work of the cardiovascular system, train endurance, and develop the vestibular apparatus.

In turn, all cardio machines are represented by the following models:

Strength training equipment

If during training on cardio simulators the load is distributed evenly, then in the case of using power modules, training takes place purposefully on a specific muscle group, implying a change in the volume and size of muscle mass. Thus, the configuration of the body changes. Power simulators are classified according to their purpose and complexity of use:

Trainers with built-in weights

Modification of the simulator with built-in weights is suitable for those who are just starting to use directional loads. The module mechanisms are designed so that the trajectory of the movement of the load occurs vertically, horizontally and in other directions. You can determine the load value yourself, in manual mode. The guides along which the load moves are able to fix the movement at any stage of the workout. Types of simulators with built-in weights are diverse, as they are designed for various groups muscles and their surfaces.

Free weight machines

This concept means the use during training, and. This type of exercise is suitable only for experienced athletes, as it requires certain training and experience in using this kind of load.

Strength training equipment under your own weight

Simply put, weight training machines under their own weight are, and different kind. They are great for beginners, children and those who just want to keep the body in the right tone. Body training occurs through the use of its own weight, squeezing it or pulling it up.

How to practice

There are several rules that should not be neglected when planning training sessions on simulators:

  • consultation with a doctor will help determine the absence of contraindications to classes and eliminate the risk of injuries and complications;
  • expert advice to help you the right choice modifications and degrees of loads;
  • performing exercises under the control of blood pressure and pulse rate;
  • classes must be held in a special sportswear and functional shoes with thick soles.

What mistakes should be avoided while exercising

  • you should not start classes, feeling unwell;
  • you can not exercise immediately after eating;
  • during exercise, increase water intake;
  • do not dramatically increase the level of difficulty of the workout;
  • exercise on simulators (including) only in special sportswear and shoes.

When choosing a simulator for training, analyze the goals and objectives that need to be solved. Determine the correct level of load, shown specifically to your body. Calculate your budget so that the price and quality fully meet your desires.

Working on the new generation models is easy and convenient. The result of training is not long in coming. Computerization of modern simulators makes it possible to set new goals and successfully implement them.

Going to the gym is always fraught with excitement, especially if this event is planned for the first time. Huge iron aggregates seem so complex that studying them and starting classes is a question that, on a subconscious level, is postponed until later. Learning the name of the equipment in the gym with pictures is the first step to overcome all fears and feel prepared.

All Sport halls can be conditionally divided into zones corresponding to the types of load:

  1. cardio(the main goal is to lose weight and wake up the body's endurance reserves)
  2. power(exercises help build muscle, tone and gain mass).

In order for women and men who crossed the threshold of the gym for the first time to gain self-confidence and make a minimum of mistakes, it is worth taking a mini-tour of the inventory. It is conditionally divided into several categories:

  • simulators - this includes all devices that purposefully affect certain muscle groups, it also means working with weights;
  • fitness equipment - hoops, dumbbell sets different weight, balls, steppers and other female assistants in the pursuit of harmony;
  • power sports equipment - bars, vultures and pancakes.

The main types of simulators

Each gym, which is popular among visitors, has several varieties of exercise equipment. This helps to get the maximum in one "simulator" and not look for other options that enhance the effect.

Trainers are divided into the following types:

  • cardio equipment (orbitrek, Treadmills and other aggregates that increase endurance);
  • lever - their design provides for free weights, which can be adjusted at your discretion (or using the advice of an experienced instructor);
  • block - built-in weight, there is a movable pin that helps to regulate it;
  • simulators in which the main driving force is the weight of the athlete;
  • power frames (the second name is “named”, as a rule, they have their own name).

exercise bike

It has a positive effect on the strengthening of the cardiovascular system, is indispensable for the legs, forms attractive reliefs of the calves and thighs, strengthens gluteal muscles. Modern models are equipped with a display that displays the pace, speed, various individual indicators.


An effective way to reset overweight, accelerate metabolism. Excess calories are burned faster, the degree of load depends on the angle of the torso. The athlete independently regulates the speed of movement. One of the simplest simulators, every woman intuitively understands how to use them.

Elliptical Trainers

This type of equipment in the gym can be classified as universal, they perform two types of exercises - for a stepper and a treadmill. Strengthens ligaments and muscles. During classes, simultaneously involved muscle fibers legs, buttocks. Stress on knee-joint minimal, the presence of handles allows you to pump up your arms, form beautiful shoulders and strengthen the pectoral muscles. Can be equipped with a display.


An effective simulator for the buttocks and leg muscles. The athlete chooses the pace independently. Depending on the model, it is possible to adjust the load for each pedal separately, in other cases the pedals are connected into one system. The name of the simulators in the gym, the video with a demonstration of which is located below, will help you determine its type at a glance at the new unit.

rowing machine

Allows you to quickly form a beautiful shoulder girdle and hands regular classes have a positive effect on respiratory system. During the exercises, the legs are involved, the minimum load on the ankle allows you to increase the intensity of the lesson. Good simulator for the press and maintaining the tone of the pectoral muscles.


Women's simulator, the purpose of training on which is a well-developed biceps. Ideal for girls who prefer to train long and hard. Simulators belong to the category of complex ones, they are called so, displaying the essence of the exercise. In the package there are several sets of weights for adjusting the load.

Bench for extension

The main areas that are worked out are the back and legs. The photo shows a female version of the simulator, which is not difficult to use. On it, you can do various modifications of exercises, having previously coordinated the load with the trainer. A woman can start with a more gentle program, gradually increasing the load.


An interesting and new model of simulators, the main purpose of which is to train all the muscles (abs, arms, legs). The lesson resembles an imitation of rock climbing, not suitable for beginners. The beginning of classes on the climber (in English CLIMBER) requires endurance and remarkable physical fitness from the athletes.


A sports device shaped like scissors. Designed to strengthen muscle tone and weight loss. Ideal option for women. "Rider" works out all muscle groups, works the press, shoulder girdle, legs and arms. The simulator is equipped with a display with which it is easy to track your pace, calories burned, the number of repetitions per minute is displayed.

Roman chair

This name of simulators in the gym combines several types of devices, the main function of which is to fix the legs when pumping the press. The athlete takes a sitting position, the load on the joints is reduced. The rectus abdominis and obliques are well worked out. There is such a simulator in every gym, it can be used by men and women, regardless of the level of physical fitness.

Butterfly trainer

The main purpose is to train the pectoral muscles. High back bench (back support) and two moving parts for right and left hand. Smooth bringing and spreading the arms to the sides in just a few months of regular training is able to form a beautiful high chest, working with muscles that are quite difficult to get close to. Simulators come in various modifications, but the working mechanism for all models is identical.

Strength training equipment for legs - slender and graceful

The muscular corset is supported by the tone of different muscle groups, in particular those located in lower limbs. The depth of their occurrence is quite large, therefore, large scales and an average number of repetitions are recommended for study.

Hackenschmidt simulator

During classes, the gluteal, semitendinous muscles, quadriceps are involved, the effect on the calf muscles is mediocre.

Platform trainer

It is used to work out all the muscles of the legs. Preferred for those with back problems. When performing exercises of varying intensity, this part of the body is not involved.

Seated knee extension

The main feature of the simulator is to unload the knees, which allows you to protect the joint from overload.

Clying knee bending

A similar effect on the muscles of the legs, only the position of the athlete changes.