Smooth-bore carbine vepr molot 12 caliber. Body kit, additional equipment and features

The main purpose of the new guns is sport (practical shooting according to IPSC rules), as well as home defense and security activities. In addition, Vepr-12 is good weapon support for the police and other law enforcement agencies.
The Vepr-12 shotgun is based on the time-tested design of the Kalashnikov RPK light machine gun (also manufactured at the Molot factory), however, when it was created, the wishes of sports shooters were taken into account, and additional elements were introduced into the design of the shotgun to make handling it more convenient - a double-sided fuse, store shaft, shutter delay, etc. Currently, the Vepr-12 series guns are produced in three versions, differing in barrel length - in the basic version, the barrel is the shortest, in versions 01 and version 02, the barrels are longer.

Smooth-bore gun (carbine) Vepr-12 in the basic version, the stock is unfolded, right side view.

Smooth-bore gun (carbine) Vepr-12 in the basic version, the stock is unfolded, left view.

Smooth-bore gun (carbine) Vepr-12 in the basic version, the stock is complicated.

Smooth-bore gun (carbine) Vepr-12, version 01, with an additional front handle installed.

Smooth-bore gun (carbine) Vepr-12 in version 02 (export)

The Vepr-12 smoothbore guns inherited the general layout and device of the Kalashnikov assault rifle (light machine gun), with a gas vent mechanism and locking by turning the bolt. Naturally, the bolt group and receiver were redesigned to take into account the use of hunting cartridges, the firing mechanism lost the self-timer, the gas vent mechanism is self-adjusting and allows you to shoot cartridges with both 70mm and 76mm cartridges (Magnum) without additional adjustments. Sights according to the type of Kalashnikov assault rifle, with fully adjustable and front sight mounted on a gas chamber. The cover of the receiver is not detachable, but leans up and forward, like the AKS-74U assault rifle. Additionally, a Picatinny rail is made on the cover of the receiver, allowing quick and convenient installation of various additional sights on the corresponding brackets. Cartridges are fed from plastic single-row magazines with a capacity of 8 rounds, a slide delay is introduced into the design of the weapon, blocking the shutter in the open position after all the cartridges in the magazine are used up (to speed up reloading). Butt metal, skeletal structure, folding sideways. Outside, the buttstock is covered with plastic to increase the comfort of shooting in cold or hot weather. On the forearm and under the gas chamber there are additional Picatinny rails for mounting laser designators, tactical lights or other accessories.

The fuse is generally similar in design to that of Kalashnikov assault rifles, but has additional levers on the right and left, which make handling weapons safer and more convenient. For the basic version with a shortened barrel, produced for the Russian market, an additional safety mechanism has been introduced that blocks firing when the butt is folded (in accordance with the requirements of the Law “On Weapons” of the Russian Federation).

Commandos with "Vepr-12 Hammer"

The situation with civilian weapons in Russian Federation relatively far from ideal. On the one hand, citizens are free to acquire weapons of limited destruction, long-barreled smooth-bore, pneumatic, gas and even rifled long-barreled weapons. Trauma or weapons of limited destruction are used only for self-defense, and you can not only store them at home, but also carry them with you, well, with the exception of some events, for example, mass events. With some pneumatics and other sporting weapons, you can spawn on sports facilities and also shoot at the shooting range during leisure hours. With long-barreled weapons, you can go hunting or protect your home and loved ones from illegal encroachments. But to buy a revolver or a pistol to give an effective rebuff to an armed criminal, alas, is impossible. So far, our legislator, who often travels with armed guards and in armored cars, does not allow citizens of their country to defend themselves from criminals with real effective weapons in their hands. But let us leave such prohibitions to the conscience of those who invent laws and restrictions, and leave the task of fighting them to specialized associations. But we'd better focus on what an ordinary citizen can get for himself, as they say, for a home, for a family. So that it would be useful in the household and in front of relatives one could show off. We will further talk about such a very interesting smoothbore gun as the Vepr-12 produced by an arms factory in the city of Vyatskiye Polyany.

The plant where the "Vepr-12 Hammer" is produced in the city of Vyatskiye-Polyany. By the way, the dirt on the roads there in the fall is really knee-deep! Collective farmers and other farmers are trying.

Of course, my opponents may object that now, it is completely legal to purchase a Degtyarev machine gun, sniper rifle Dragunov, and indeed the Kalashnikov assault rifle itself is available and costs, in principle, not at all expensive. And in general, quite recently, openly and legally, Maxim machine guns were sold, written off from warehouses for moral obsolescence. But, all of the weapons listed above, although they are rifled and combat, are deprived of the ability to shoot in bursts. In fact, they are all equated to the usual hunting. Yes, and you can buy rifled weapons only five years after a license for smooth-bore weapons has been obtained. Yes, and there is noticeably more trouble with a rifled one than with a smoothbore one. It is necessary to periodically carry out the shooting and hand over the shot to the "file cabinet" of the security forces.

Vepr-12 Hammer

"Vepr-12 Hammer" exists in several varieties. They differ mainly in the length of the trunk. There is a version with an elongated barrel, it proudly bears the VPO-205-01 modification index, there is a VPO-205-00 with a medium-length barrel, and there is a version with a shortened barrel, called VPO-205-03. It is precisely the latter that is the hero of our today's story. But, let's start from afar.

The manufacturer, the Vyatka-Polyaninsky Machine-Building Plant Molot, stubbornly calls a series of smooth-bore guns carbines. If we approach the issue of naming from a scientific point of view, then a self-loading rifle is called a carbine, which, in principle, differs from a self-loading smoothbore gun precisely in that it is rifled and is not intended for hunting or protecting a home, but for warfare. But it so happened that, wanting to distance themselves from the morally obsolete grandfather's "breaks", manufacturers and sellers call self-loading smoothbore guns carbines.

"Vepr-12 Hammer" with a shortened barrel. Of the non-standard only tactical pen.

The Molot plant is one of a cohort of plants scattered across the territory of vast Russia, which belongs to our glorious military-industrial complex. And they produce on it not only the Vepr guns, but also a lot of other, strategically important weapons. Including machine guns of the Kalashnikov system. The legendary Kalashnikov assault rifle is a very formidable weapon, if it is equipped with the appropriate ammunition, then even the highest class of passenger car armor will not withstand its shot. A cartridge with an increased charge of gunpowder and an armor-piercing incendiary bullet is capable of piercing not only armored glass of the highest protection class, but also armored steel. It is clear that it is not reasonable to go against a tank with a machine gun, the tank is designed for slightly different shock loads than from small arms, but any civilian “armored car” will not suit such a shot. The main thing is to aim accurately. And what can we say about the Kalashnikov machine gun ... Well, it is on the basis of this very Kalashnikov machine gun that the “carbine” “Vepr-12” was made.

Origins Vepr-12 Hammer

All the features of a machine gun have been transferred to the design of the carbine, with the exception of two parts. The carbine cannot fire bursts and 12 gauge ammunition is used instead of 7.62 caliber rounds. From the machine gun, the gun got increased reliability, especially with regard to the barrel, and as a result, increased weight. The machine gun is designed for long-term fire on the enemy, so all its mechanisms are made with a certain margin. But the weight of this increases excessively, even when compared with the banal Kalashnikov assault rifle. And the most massive and heaviest part of the Vepr-12 is precisely the thick and durable machine-gun barrel. If in the version with a shortened barrel (VPO-205-00) the barrel does not outweigh the forward and the gun is held very harmoniously on the whole, then even in the version with a medium barrel there is an excessive load on the hand holding the forearm. And what can we say about the long-barreled version. She is not only uncomfortable to shoot with her hands, it is generally uncomfortable to walk with her, especially over rough terrain and over long distances. I remember how the sellers, praising their products, said that they say that when hunting, a long-barreled gun always catches the ground when you throw it on a belt from your back to your hands.

What shoots

Now about the caliber. There is confusion in the definition of caliber, and not a small one. Fact. In modern everyday life, there are at least two main options for determining the caliber with which small arms can work. Shotgun caliber is defined as the number of bullets that can be cast from one pound of lead. The pound is taken in English, not American. So, for the 12 gauge, which is suitable for the Vepr-12, 12 bullets can be cast from one English pound of lead (not to be confused with the pound sterling). A very ambiguous interpretation, so tables were also thought out that determine the diameter of the barrel based on the caliber of a smoothbore gun. So for the 12th gauge, the inner diameter is 18.5 mm, for the 20th it is already 15.6 mm, and for the 32nd the diameter will be 13.4 mm. Those. the larger the caliber number, the smaller the bullet itself and the diameter of the barrel.

For rifled weapons, such a medieval approach is unacceptable and the normal measurement of the inside diameter of the barrel in millimeters is used. But not without a clash of civilizations. In some countries, the minimum diameter of the trunk is measured, and in some the maximum (along the grooves of the thread). And in backward countries like the USA or Great Britain, they still cling to their own obsolete inches. A mess in one word, and more!

In addition to the diameter of the bullet, an important characteristic that determines the ammunition is also the total length of the entire cartridge. Usually it is indicated after the designation of the caliber. And this value means the maximum length of the cartridge that can be used in weapons (for rifled weapons, only the length of the sleeve is indicated). So "Vepr-12" feeds on 12x76 cartridges, i.e. cartridges no longer than 76 mm are suitable for the gun (usually shooters supply the gun with more common 12x70 cartridges). And its ancestor, the Kalashnikov machine gun, consumes 7.62x54 R cartridges. And if we compare 12x76 and 7.62x54 cartridges, the latter will look like a very slender ancestor, a descendant fed by hamburgers.

Service Vepr-12 Hammer

By the way, the barrel of the Vepr-12 is chrome-plated from the inside. This was done in order to increase the resource of the barrel and reduce the need for cleaning it. In the days of black powder, which was invented back in China in ancient times, after each shot, there was a certain amount of both burnt and unburned gunpowder particles. More precisely, even a very large number of them. And these substances, gradually combining with water (and it is always in the air), turned into acid, which slowly but surely corroded the barrel. And after a while, the barrel degrades so much that it is simply dangerous to use it further, at any moment it can break into pieces. But scientific thought does not stand still, especially if it is financed from the generous pocket of the Ministry of Defense. And already in the 19th century, the so-called. smokeless powder that does not leave such an aggressive coating on the barrel. And only thanks to smokeless powder, automatic weapons can work, built on the principles of venting gases from the barrel (just all the Kalashnikovs and their descendants).

Some sources claim that even when using smokeless powder cartridges, barrels need to be cleaned. Say, during a shot, the barrel expands by a small fraction of a percent under the influence of the pressure of powder gases, and the burnt powder penetrates into the expanded pores. And you need to clean the barrel after each use. Of course, experts are a little cunning. Firstly, the barrel is chrome-plated precisely so that absolutely no pores remain in the barrel, especially with the meager expansion that occurs during the shot. And, secondly, the barrel can still be cleaned, but what to do with a branch of the gas outlet pipe? The piston and cylinder itself can be removed and washed from carbon deposits, but a small and very curved channel, the beginning of which is in the barrel, is mechanically completely unrealistic to wash off carbon deposits. But it is not required. No corrosion threatens your barrel, pistons and automation channels. Smokeless powder was invented precisely for this, in order to save the servicemen from this tedious procedure. And, thirdly, to try to clean the carbon deposits that got into the pores of the trunk during its expansion with a cloth or a soft roller is a completely unpromising undertaking. And the use of a hard wire brush will only spoil the chrome plating.

But you need to clean your gun and you should do it periodically if you want it to work properly. After all, even though the carbon deposits from modern gunpowder are negligible and not so dangerous, it still exists even with very large deposits, it will interfere with the operation of automation. With a large shot, especially with the use of lead bullets or shot without plastic containers, the so-called. “leaded” barrel, when the thinnest layers of lead can stick to it from the inside. Theoretically, such traces can interfere with the passage of, for example, a bullet with a barrel diameter, but still this is unlikely in a shotgun. In addition, when using plastic containers for shot, plastic wads and other plastic pleasures, pieces of plastic can also stick to the inside of the barrel. But I repeat, for a smoothbore gun, such growths are within reason and do not affect shooting in any way. And lead plating is generally typical mainly for rifled weapons and it is the barrel cuts along which the bullet moves that are clogged there, and in a smoothbore gun there is simply nothing for lead to catch on. But, again, do not forget about lubricating all moving parts and cleaning from dirt and too much carbon deposits in places where there are moving elements, for example, in a gas chamber. And, of course, it is worth using high-quality lubricants specially designed for this type of weapon.


As I mentioned above, the gun perfectly accepts cartridges of 12x76 and 12x70 calibers (a shortened and more common cartridge). Such cartridges can be equipped with lead shot of various sizes, buckshot and, of course, bullets. In my opinion, the 12th caliber at the current stage of development of science and technology is too big. Even with an increased weight of gunpowder, a fair amount of air remains in the cartridge between the warhead (shot or bullet) and the gunpowder itself. This eloquently suggests that this caliber, developed during the reign of less effective black powder, is already outdated. Modern gunpowders have a much greater capacity for gas formation. Moreover, dozens if not hundreds of powder mixtures have been developed that have diverse characteristics. Some burn instantly, almost explode, some, on the contrary, burn slowly, giving a lot of gas, but with less momentum. And even an experienced shooter can get confused in such a variety, especially considering that the same manufacturer can produce many types of cartridges at once, under different goals, and sometimes change the recipe of the gunpowder used.

Ammunition firm "Fetter". Blue caliber 12x70, and blue 12x76.

The warheads of cartridges can similarly vary, both in total weight and in shape and material. The main ammunition used in the "smoothbore" is, of course, shot. It varies in size and is numbered starting from the 12th number for shots with a diameter of 1.25 mm and ending with size 0 for shots with a diameter of each shot of 4.25 mm. There is a fraction of a larger size, it is numbered with additional zeros, where each individual zero adds 0.25 mm to the previous size. From a size of 5.25 to 10 mm, the shot is called buckshot. Shot is usually cast from lead, with the addition of various other metals, but any other material can be used. Lead, as you know, is not the most environmentally friendly metal, so manufacturers are trying to replace it with something more environmentally friendly. This trend is most noticeable in Europe, where ecology is baked everywhere and copper-based alloys are increasingly being used instead of lead.

Soft lead shot or buckshot are good for hunting where you don't need to aim very accurately or when shooting in places where there is a risk of ricochet. The shot scatters to the sides and somehow hits the target. And soft metal flattens out against obstacles and does not fly back into the arrow. But in addition to "friable" materials, bullets can also be used as striking elements. Here the choice of factory offers is incredibly wide. There are feathered bullets that stabilize during flight. There are bullets of a special shape with the effect of expansion, when hitting the body, the bullet opens and inflicts injuries incompatible with life. There are bullets made not from soft lead, but from stronger metals and looking like a simple piece of rebar rolled into a cartridge. Moreover, each owner of a gun is free to independently equip, in fact, manufacture, cartridges for himself. Gunpowder, cartridge cases, etc. are bought in specialized stores, completely legally, and the warhead can be made independently by picking out balls from bearings or cutting scrap into pieces.

In general, 12-gauge ammunition is quite formidable equipment and in its potential it significantly exceeds the needs of hunters or self-defense purposes. So, according to the Russian classifier of bullet resistance, protection against a shot from a lead bullet from a 12-gauge gun is required greater than from a shot from a Kalashnikov assault rifle with an ordinary cartridge. Yes, yes, a powerful charge of gunpowder and a huge kinetic energy of a heavy bullet do their dirty work. And if you equip the cartridge with an increased weight of more impulse powder and use a hard alloy bullet, or even better, a lead bullet with a hard alloy core, installed in a plastic container with a stabilizing plumage? Such an armor-piercer will be able to penetrate already armored civilian targets, for example, an armored car of the highest protection class. And cash-in-transit vehicles will turn out to be completely defenseless against such weapons, since, according to the requirements of the Central Bank, they are protected by reservation classes, which are obviously lower than even protection from a conventional 12-gauge cartridge with a lead bullet. Remember at least the anti-tank guns that were used to fight tanks. The caliber of the Degtyarev PTR was only 14.5 mm, and this is against 18.5 mm for the 12 gauge. But such a gun pierced up to 30 mm of armored steel with one shot. And this is the tank!

But the high potential of armor-piercing has a downside, namely, it suffers from excess weight and takes up too much volume. For people who have never held real cartridges in their hands, it is difficult to imagine how much a pack of at least 15 12-gauge cartridges weighs. And if you need not 15, but say 50 rounds of ammunition, you are going on a multi-day hunt, and you need to carry all of them with you? Then, in this case, the weight of the carried ammunition will be equal to the weight or even more than the weight of the gun itself. It is not a pleasant pleasure to carry a heavy gun and no less heavy ammunition with you, and through the forest, and climbing over fallen trees and jumping over flooded ditches.

From this point of view, smaller calibers, such as 20, seem to me more suitable for the practice of hunting or self-defense. The 20th caliber, although smaller than the 12th, is noticeably lighter, takes up noticeably less space, and in terms of lethal force, if you do not need to knock out enemy armored vehicles, then it is quite enough. Moreover, given modern gunpowder and a rich selection of striking elements. Yes, and a gun for the 20th caliber is lighter, if only because of the smaller diameter and, accordingly, lighter barrel. From this point, any Vepr-12 loses to its more modest competitors, for example, the Saiga-20 20-gauge hunting carbine, created on the basis of the Kalashnikov assault rifle, and being the cousin of the Vepr-12.

Body kit, additional equipment and features

The Vepr-12 shotgun with a short barrel comes from the factory already in a black tactical body kit. The handguard has been replaced, various bars for mounting attachments have been screwed on. The resulting gun no longer looks like some kind of alien from the past, but quite in a modern way successfully sets off the bow of fashionable pepper. Of course, if someone wants to get a traditional wooden-steel look of a gun, to make it more like an army weapon of the late 70s of the last century, then nothing is impossible. Everything is removed and replaced. By the way, the equipment rails themselves seem to be universal and you can install accessories designed for both Picatinny rails and Weaver rails on them. And there are a lot of accessories that can be stuck on a gun. Starting from tactical flashlights, laser sights and ending with collimators.

A collimator, a useful thing on an archi gun, especially if it is sighted in, works reliably and has small diopters. Aiming with a collimator is much easier and more convenient. From a Vepr-12 with a short barrel, I confidently hit sectors 4-5 of the belt model from 50 meters. Of course a bullet. But, the catch is that from this distance, the entire belt target is narrower than an open sight, and the front sight almost completely covers it. put serious optical sight it’s probably not worth it at all for a smooth-bore gun, because the accuracy of hitting at long distances, where good optics are effective, can be said to be absent. But the collimator will not only allow you to hit more confidently even from 50 meters, but also increase the range of aimed shooting by another twenty meters.

Commandos at the ready with "Vepr-12"

In addition to the external body kit, the gun also has a built-in feature that can be very useful in practice. I mean shutter lag. What it is? Since Vepr-12 is a self-loading rifle, the rate of fire from it can be very, very high. But due to the size of the caliber, the capacity of the magazine with cartridges is very limited and there is a possibility that the shooter, carried away, may miss the very moment when he ran out of cartridges. With a shutter delay, after the last cartridge has been fired, the shutter remains in the extreme position pulled towards the shooter, signaling that it is necessary to replace the magazine, since all the cartridges have been successfully fired. You insert a new magazine and everything, you can shoot further. Save precious seconds on shutter jerking.

In addition to the bolt delay, the gun has another very important feature. There is a thread at the end of the barrel and by default a standard flash hider is screwed onto it. The role of the flame arrester is to divert part of the powder gases in all directions from the tip of the barrel, so as not to accidentally set fire to the vegetation in the immediate area of ​​the shot. Powder gases are very hot and if you send them all at once to one point, then dry grass or moss can catch fire. And with the help of a flame arrester, hot gases are partially removed to the side and the risk of fire is reduced. The regular flame arrester is made according to the “cylinder” scheme, i.e. it does not narrow or widen the trunk. But if desired, special nozzles can also be screwed onto the barrel, which slightly narrow the barrel or, on the contrary, expand it. Such nozzles, for example, are needed in order to make a beam of flying shot concentrated and hit a target with high accuracy. To do this, there are narrowing muzzle nozzles, called choke And pay. However, such narrowing nozzles may not be compatible with specific types of bullets and therefore, in order to avoid damage to the weapon, one must always remember which nozzle is installed and whether it has restrictions on the use of damaging elements. Expanding nozzles are designed, on the contrary, to expand the expansion of the fraction and hit as large an area as possible. Such nozzles are mainly used when you need to hit a close-range target or many small targets, and at the same time do not require careful aiming.

Barrel thread and "zero choke" flash hider

But that's not all. To improve the accuracy of the shooter during high-speed shooting, various muzzle compensators can be screwed onto the barrel, which compensate for the withdrawal of the barrel immediately after the shot. The fact is that during a shot, recoil can shift the line of sight. As a rule, it shifts almost all the time in one and the same direction. Therefore, the task of the compensator is to compensate for the recoil by diverting part of the powder gases in the right direction, so that in general there is no serious removal of the barrel. The problem of barrel withdrawal during high-speed shooting was encountered immediately after the invention of automatic small arms. Even such a popular assault rifle as the Thompson assault rifle is not without this trouble, moreover, due to the high rate of fire, its withdrawal is much higher than that of other assault rifles. And in the tactical plan of hitting targets, the Thompson submachine gun automatically loses to guns and much more.

It is in such a backpack that the gun moves. Stores, cartridges, spare parts, etc. fit in.

The presence of a thread on the barrel for installing additional nozzles allows you to install not only various kinds of compensators and chokes, but you can screw an extension cord onto the barrel. And instead of a short barrel, get an elongated barrel. In nature, there are even such extensions that turn a smoothbore gun into a rifled one. Those. the extension itself contains an internal thread and twists the bullet, immeasurably increasing the accuracy of shooting at long distances. The most famous of these extension cords is the Paradox, but if you search properly, you can find a lot of other, both factory and handicraft devices.


The short-barreled "Vepr-12" buttstock is made in the spirit of minimalism of its longer-barreled counterparts. This is just a metal frame, with a plastic pad to distribute the load on the shoulder and a special rotating cheek that protects the shooter's jaw from crushing. But the example is shaping up. And thus the gun turns into a very compact weapon that easily fits in a backpack. However, it is impossible to shoot with a folded butt, this is required by legislation that limits the minimum length for smooth-bore weapons allowed for citizens. Therefore, in transportation such a gun is convenient, but for shooting the butt will have to be expanded. If the gun is new or unlubricated, then doing this is not as easy as it might seem, you need to make serious efforts on special metal levers.

The rifle with the butt folded snugly fit into a specially designed backpack.


"Vepr-12" weapon is exceptionally reliable, time-tested design, strong progenitor. Yes, and the firepower of a 12-gauge automatic shotgun is truly outstanding, especially with specially selected ammunition. But it is precisely in this that the problems that can irritate the consumer, and sometimes even be dangerous, lie.

"Vepr-12" is a gun in which the change of the shot cartridge to a new one is carried out due to the energy of the powder gases of the perfect shot. And this means that the pressure of these gases must be sufficient to carry out such a recharge. But the short barrel of a gun, so conveniently used in cramped spaces, cannot provide sufficient pressure of powder gases, they simply fly away from the barrel before some of the same gases reach the gas piston with a rod through the gas outlet tube. As a result, the bolt does not move back enough and it cannot properly eject the spent cartridge case and catch up with a new cartridge into the barrel. The sleeve is tritely bitten by the shutter. The problem is further aggravated by the categorically rigid return bolt spring, which was inherited from the Kalashnikov machine gun.

How can you fight something like this? There are several ways. The easiest is to use cartridges with increased pressure of powder gases, the so-called. cartridges "Magnum". Automation works just fine on them. But the increased weight of gunpowder has a very negative effect on recoil and on the volume of the shot. The recoil on Magnum-type cartridges is so great that even a grown man shooter can be knocked down. And bruises remain on the shoulder after the shot. Yes, you can install a special spring shock absorber on the butt, but this already belongs to the category of tuning and does not solve the original problem.

You can also install a choke, which will prevent the rapid exit of gases from the barrel, thereby creating increased pressure. But the use of chokes is not the best way out, especially when firing alternately with different ammunition. Some shooters try to select cartridges with which their gun works well, here both bullets and the type of gunpowder with its quantity play a role, but there are no options with shot, it is too crumbly and cannot block the barrel to the right extent.

Or you can put up with this trouble and wait for the moment when the return spring weakens from constant work and will no longer be so rigid. And the manufacturer should think about their consumers and modify the gun so that it can shoot not only magnums, but also semi-magnums and, in general, ordinary cartridges. Another reason for jamming can be not very standard cartridges, with swollen cartridge cases or non-standard flaring, as well as imperfections in the gun itself.

In general, the manufacturing quality of the Vepr-12 guns suffers, it is very inconsistent. And often, users themselves modify their guns, eliminating production flaws. They cut down unremoved tides, protect uncleaned surfaces and engage in other folk art. Therefore, it is worth purchasing weapons in trusted places and it is advisable to check it before buying, look at the overall quality of manufacture, alignment and other parameters. It would be ideal to shoot a gun, but we still have very few shooting galleries at gun shops, if not to say that they do not exist at all.

Why and for whom you need Vepr-12 Hammer

A shortened automatic smooth-bore, heavy, reliable shooting only with magnums, the gun is definitely not suitable for hunting. Although it is, of course, possible to hunt with him, but take a gun more for entourage. Is this gun good for self defense? Here, for self-defense and in general actions in cramped conditions, such firearms are quite suitable. It remains only to fill the store with magnums and cover your ears with noise-canceling headphones. And then only scorched earth and holes in the walls. Therefore, the guns of the Vepr-12 series are rather weapons for active self-defense at home, or for enthusiasts who like to shoot at targets in a shooting range. And to be more powerful and babahalo louder!

Instead of an epilogue

It would seem from good military weapons you can make a high-quality civilian conversion. But as can be seen from the example of Vepr-12, this is not always possible. The gun came out clumsy and can be successfully used only in a very limited range. For hunting, it is better to take a gun that is lighter, shoots quieter and has weaker recoil. If you need to shoot at a fast pace, then you should consider pump-action shotguns, here you can shoot with any high-quality cartridge, and not engage in the selection of exactly “your” manufacturer. And if you really want an automatic gun so much, then you should look at the 20-gauge, since the 12-gauge is already redundant, except, perhaps, except for hunting hippos, elephants and German tanks at the beginning of World War II.

Update 1. It was possible to get acquainted with the technology of barrel chrome plating in more detail. It turns out that it is used not only on the Molot, but also by other Russian gunsmiths. Internal chrome plating of the trunk is not what most of us imagine when we draw pictures of parts of luxury cars and bumpers cast in the sun on the VAZ 2106. In the case of internal chrome plating of the trunk, the so-called hard chrome plating technology is used. Hard chrome plating is used all over the world to provide increased surface wear resistance, in particular for machining tools (saws, drills, etc.). Well, in Russian conditions, an even more advanced technology of cluster hard chromium plating is used, where nanodiamond powder is used as a cluster. The technology is quite complex in terms of engineering and expensive, but for gunsmiths it is a real find, since it can significantly increase the wear resistance of barrels at high temperatures, which are provided by domestic gunpowder.

Update 2. Recently I came across a version explaining the former need to clean the barrel with gun oil after each use. The version states that the burnt gunpowder combines with atmospheric moisture and forms nitric acid. And gun oil, having a certain alkaline component, neutralizes the action of acid. Again, I agree with the authors of the version regarding smoke powders, where the "powder" coating must be removed as it appears, but with smokeless powders, where the chemical composition can be anything, the use of alkaline oil is not justified. After all, alkalis are no worse than acids capable of destroying metal. For this reason, if you use alkaline oil, which manufacturers recommend even for pneumatics (where there are no powder gases), then after treatment with such oil, it is necessary to remove it and repeat the treatment with neutral oil.

Update 3. By the will of fate, I have accumulated a fair amount of ammunition for the Vepr, and at the same time a small time window has formed to go to the training ground and burn all the stocks. According to the results of the shooting, it was possible to establish the following:

1. Cartridges "Sport-S" issued by the Izhevsk Tekhkrim are worthless. Not only that, in most cases, automation cannot pull them out of the gun normally, but some of the cartridges in the batch are generally defective!

Cartridges Sport-S from Techkrim. Normally shot in the center, rounds around the edges, which were only enough for a "zilch".

Of the two shot packs of ten rounds, two of them, and from different packs, turned out to be completely defective! When fired, they emitted only a light puff, a bunch of flames and a cloud of smoke, and the bullet flew out 20 meters and calmly slammed against the ground of the training ground.

Moreover, the batch of cartridges turned out to be fresh, produced in the same year, stored in a safe, under controlled conditions, not damp.

Flame Hider "Vepra" after shooting "Sport-S". Soot is clearly visible even on blued metal.

It is surprising that after shooting two boxes of Sport-S, and especially after defective cartridges, I had to completely disassemble the gun and carry out a complete cleaning, since absolutely everything was smeared with soot! Yes, and at the very shot, an atypical, for good gunpowder, smell was clearly felt. Maybe the Izhevsk mixed up the mixtures and instead of normal gunpowder they filled the cartridges with a tear substance? After all, they are known, first of all, just for their gas cartridges and non-lethal ammunition.

Cartridges with a 32 g bullet from Vetter, which are perfectly digested by automation and a short barrel.

From several packs, not a single jam or misfire! Automation worked as it should, the return is minimal. Additionally, pay attention to the spent cartridge case. It is not smoked with powder gases, like even a well-functioning cartridge case from Tekhkrim. Accordingly, the barrel with automatics remains clean after firing with such cartridges.

Carbine Vepr-12 Molot VPO-205-00 12/76 L=430.

Carbine Vepr-12 Hammer VPO-205-00- a smooth-bore self-loading carbine designed for hunting and sports competitions in the open class. Carabiners Vepr-12 Hammer created on the basis of the Kalashnikov light machine gun, chambered for 12 × 76 and have a high degree of reliability and reliability when working in various operating conditions.

Automatic carbine reload Vepr VPO 205 00 is carried out by using the energy of powder gases discharged from the bore into the gas chamber and the energy of return springs. The barrel bore is locked by turning the bolt around its axis by two lugs while moving the bolt frame longitudinally. The trigger mechanism of the trigger type ensures the production of a single shot and the arming of the weapon.

The flag-type fuse is double-sided with two levers located on the right side of the receiver and one lever on the left side. To facilitate the attachment of the magazine to the weapon, the carbine is equipped with a receiver. To increase corrosion resistance, the bore and chamber of the barrel, the bolt carrier rod and the gas chamber are chrome-plated. Bottom part The gas chamber is made in the form of a Weaver bar for installing a tactical flashlight or a laser designator. Carbine with automatic slide stop.

How to buy a carbine Vepr-12 Hammer VPO-205-00?

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Russian smooth-bore self-loading carbine, based on the design of the Kalashnikov light machine gun. Designed for hunting, sports competitions (usually in practical shooting in the open class), self-defense, and also for use as a service weapon. It is a direct competitor to the Saiga-12 series guns.


The Vepr-12 smoothbore guns inherited the general layout and device of the RPK light machine gun, with a gas-operated mechanism and locking by turning the bolt, however, the bolt group and receiver were redesigned to take into account the use of rifle cartridges, and the trigger mechanism was deprived of self-timer.

In order to increase the service life of the weapon, the bore, bolt carrier, and gas chamber are chrome-plated.

Cartridges are fed from detachable plastic box magazines with a single-row arrangement of cartridges.

Sights - mechanical, include a front sight mounted on the gas chamber and an adjustable rear sight on the block of the gas chamber (except for the Vepr-12 IPSC model).

The fittings (handguard and pistol grip) are made of black plastic. Regular butt - folding metal, skeletal type. In the basic version, the carbines of the Vepr-12 series are equipped with a slide delay and a magazine receiver neck, the forearm and receiver cover are equipped with Weaver rails.

Variants and modifications

The model with a barrel length of 430 mm has a removable flash hider and a trigger lock mechanism, which excludes the possibility of firing with the stock folded.

Model with a barrel length of 520 mm, has a non-removable flash suppressor, the ability to fire with a folded butt.

Model with a barrel length of 570 mm, has a removable flash hider, the ability to fire with a folded butt.

The model with a barrel length of 680 mm, has the ability to install internal muzzle bushings in the muzzle of the barrel, unified with shotguns of the Bekas and Bekas-Avto series, it is also possible to fire with a folded butt.

The model with a barrel length of 305 mm has a removable flash hider and a trigger lock mechanism, which excludes the possibility of firing with the stock folded.

Model with a barrel length of 483 mm, has a wooden clumsy stock.

Modification VPO-205-00 chambered for 12/70.

Sports modification, modified in accordance with the requirements of the Federation practical shooting and taking into account the wishes of shooters-athletes. Additional elements have been introduced into the design that make handling the carbine more convenient (a double-sided push-button safety, a magazine reset button, a left-hand cocking lever, there are no standard sights, etc.).

The final version of the Vepr-12 modification for the needs of shooting athletes is mass-produced in several versions.

Service modification chambered for 12/76 mm, designed in 2005-2006, designed for private security companies


For the Vepr-12 smoothbore carbines, accessories and additional equipment have been created and are being produced:

Muzzle brake compensator (“Ilyin GK-01 compensator”);

Various kinds of chokes (in a firearms smoothbore weapon - a muzzle narrowing (or bell), necessary to reduce or increase the dispersion of shots when fired) (pay, "paradox" on the barrel (nozzles and barrel extensions);

Telescopic folding bipod

Shop receiver shaft (available in two versions: welded steel and cast duralumin);

Several different options for the forearm (smooth or with a Weaver rail - for installing a front handle, a tactical flashlight, a laser designator);

Sports ergonomic handles for the convenience of holding weapons (including adjustable ones).

Receiver cover with Weaver rail for mounting sights;

Box magazines for 4, 8 and 10 rounds;

Drum (rotary) stores for 10 or more rounds (often pseudo-capacious, since Russian law prohibits magazines with a capacity of more than 10 rounds);

Various butt options, including folding and telescopic;

Tactical flashlights;

Laser and diode infrared illuminators to improve the performance of night sights;

A telescopic buttstock is installed through a special adapter instead of the standard one, which gives an additional degree of freedom for shooting with different arrows and in different conditions (for example, in winter clothes). Some types of telescopic stocks have compartments for storing spare parts and / or spare batteries for sights, flashlights or laser designators.

Operating countries

Russia - certified as a civilian and service weapon.

Greece - "Vepr-12" with a telescopic butt, an EOTech sight and a tactical flashlight is in service with the EKAM police special unit of the Greek Ministry of the Interior

NATO - in September 2012, the carbine was tested at the NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency (NAMSA), after which approval was received for the carbine to be included in the list of weapons operated by NATO countries

performance characteristics

Caliber: 12
-Principles of operation: removal of powder gases, butterfly valve
-Sighting range, m: 100
- Type of ammunition: box magazine for 4, 8, 10 rounds
-Sight: sector

From the moment of their appearance on the arms market of the Saiga smooth-bore rifle models, these semi-automatic machines have been in great demand among the consumer. However, after some time, the products of Izhmash designers began to appear negative feedback. Smooth-bore semi-automatic "Saiga" often jammed and misfired. The weapons designers of the Molot plant decided to take advantage of the great consumer demand for shooting models of this category and designed the Vepr-12 gun. Soon, gunsmiths from Vyatskiye Polyany created a whole series of smooth-bore carbines that became a worthy competitor to the Saiga. Description, device and performance characteristics guns "Vepr-12" are presented in the article.


The Vepr-12 is a Russian smooth-bore self-loading carbine based on the Kalashnikov light machine gun (RPK). Hunting and sports competitions are considered the main areas of application for these smoothbore. In addition, Vepr-12 can be used for hunting and sports competitions. Judging by the numerous reviews, this carbine is considered a fairly effective service weapon. In the technical documentation, it is listed under the index VPO-205. "Vepr-12" is adapted for firing 12-gauge cartridges. Judging by the numerous reviews, carbines are characterized by high firepower. The cost of one rifle unit is within 500 euros.

About production

The Saiga semi-automatic line was created on the basis of AK. The choice of this system was due to the fact that Kalashnikov assault rifles were manufactured at the Izhmashevsky plant, and there were no problems in the design of rifle counterparts intended for civilian consumers. At the plant in Vyatskiye Polyany, the production of Kalashnikov light machine guns was launched. The 74th Kalash model and the RPK differed from each other in structural strength, weight and overall characteristics. According to experts, the machine gun is equipped with a more "survivable" mechanism, which means it has a higher operational resource. The design of the Vepr-12 smoothbore carbines was carried out taking into account the main options for its purpose. These rifle units were created for self-defense and sports shooting. Models were also developed for police officers and hunters.


In the Vepr-12 smoothbore guns, the general layout and design of the RPK was inherited. Both shooting models with the same handles, forearm and overlays for the gas exhaust system. The carbine has a gas outlet mechanism, locking is provided with a rotary bolt. Nevertheless, according to experts, minor design changes were made to the bolt group and receiver of the smoothbore. Also, there is no self-timer in the trigger mechanism. The carbine is equipped with a regular skeletal butt, which can be folded if necessary.

Its tubes are connected near the receiver. The smoothbore is assembled on the basis of a high-strength metal frame covered with plastic. For the manufacture of the forearm and pistol grip, which performs an orthopedic function, black plastic was used. The carbine is equipped with a rubber recoil pad. In order to ensure comfort during the operation of the weapon, the designers provide for the possibility of changing the height of its regular stock. In the event of a fall on a hard surface, magazines and windows in the receivers are not damaged due to the presence of special receivers for clips. In an effort to extend the operational life of the barrel channel, gas chamber and rod in the bolt frame, these elements are subjected to a chrome plating procedure. The carbines are equipped with detachable plastic box magazines, through which ammunition is supplied. The arrangement of ammunition in clips is single-row.

How does it work?

For automatic reloading of carbines, the energy generated by return springs and powder gases is used, which are removed from the barrel channel into a special chamber. Turning around its axis, the sliding bolt frame locks the barrel. The carbines are equipped with trigger triggers. The weapon is designed to perform only single shooting. For security reasons, the receiver was equipped with a special locking device, due to which it becomes impossible to operate the carbine with the butt folded. In addition, the design of these shooting models has a slide delay, the task of which is to securely fix the moving system when all the cartridges are used up in the magazine.

About aiming devices

"Vepr-12 Molot 205" is equipped with a classic front sight and a whole. The end of the gas outlet tube became a place for their fastenings. The rear sight in the carabiner is adjustable. In this shooting model, there are positions defined by the developers, by installing mechanical sights on which, the smoothbore can be effectively used on various distances. In addition, during the adjustment of the rear sight, the ammunition used is taken into account. According to experts, the Vepr-12-205 has a short sighting line. In connection with this fact, experienced consumers recommend the use of bullets, since shooting with buckshot will be less effective. It is better to use buckshot with an aiming bar.

About accessories

Owners of Vepr-12 smoothbore carbines, if desired, can equip their weapons with the following accessories and equipment:

  • Muzzle brake-compensator and muzzle nozzle-flame hider.
  • Various chokes and barrel extensions. Judging by the numerous reviews, many shooters install special “paradox” attachments on their carbines.
  • Telescopic folding bipods.

  • Welded steel or cast duralumin shaft of the clip receiver.
  • Various forearm options. Judging by the reviews, many install Weaver straps on carbines. It makes it possible to equip the weapon with a front grip, a tactical flashlight, a laser designator.

  • Sports ergonomic handles. Thanks to the possibility of their adjustment, the carabiners become much more comfortable to hold.
  • Various covers for receiver boxes. Accessories can be plastic or metal.
  • Box magazines with a capacity of 4, 8 and 10 ammunition.
  • Drum (rotary) stores for 10 rounds.
  • Folding and telescopic butts.
  • Laser and diode infrared illuminators for night sighting devices.

About virtues

Due to the use of 12-gauge ammunition, Vepr-12, according to weapons experts, has impressive firepower. In addition, many consumers appreciate the high rate of fire of carbines. This was made possible thanks to the presence of spacious stores. Structurally, the weapon is adapted so that the change of clips proceeds easily and quickly. Judging by the reviews, the rifle products of the Vepr line are considered to be the most durable semi-automatic shotguns in the world.

What is the downside?

The weak side of the carbines is the inconvenient location of the Picatinny rail. Since it is located at the bottom of the forearm, holding the gun is somewhat uncomfortable. In addition, there are many consumer complaints about heavy weight these rifle products. Not equipped with ammunition and additional equipment, the carbine weighs at least 4.2 kg. However, some hunters see this disadvantage as an advantage, since a massive gun is easier to control when shooting.

About design features

Today, several versions of the Vepr-12 carbine are produced. Shooting models have different designs and barrel lengths. In the line of smoothbore "Vepr" options are presented to the attention of consumers, for which the following are provided:

  • Removable flame arresters and mechanisms responsible for blocking triggers.
  • Rifle units in which the ability to remove the flash hider is not structurally provided. The length of the trunks in such models is not more than 52 cm.
  • Carbines, the barrels of which can reach 68 cm. The guns are equipped with muzzle nozzles.
  • Rifle units with short barrels up to 30.5 cm.

The Vepr-12 Molot VPO line is represented by carbines with effective range up to a hundred meters. Shotguns are equipped with magazines of 4 and 8 ammunition. The weight of the weapon varies from 4.2 to 4.5 kg. Judging by consumer reviews, you can buy a carbine for 35 thousand rubles.

About modifications

VPO "Vepr-12" became the basis for the creation of the following options for smooth-bore weapons:

  • 12-00. The carbine is equipped with a barrel, the length of which is 43 cm. Design with a folding butt and a mechanism that prevents firing from a folded weapon. It is completed with a removable compensator.
  • "Vepr-12-01". This version uses a 53 cm barrel. The design of the carbine allows you to fold the butt, however, this smoothbore is not equipped with a blocking system. A weapon with a rather rigid compensator, which is not possible to remove.
  • 12-02. The length of the barrel in this carbine reaches 68 cm. There is no compensator, but this rifle model is equipped with choke nozzles. In order to increase the accuracy of the battle, the designers equipped the end of the barrel bore with threads for various extensions.
  • "Vepr-12-03". It is a carbine with the shortest barrel. Its length does not exceed 30.5 cm. The butt is folded. The design has a locking system. Complete with compensator. Without ammunition, the weight of the carbine is 4.2 kg.
  • 12-04. Structurally, it does not differ from the previous version. However, in this carbine, the barrel length is increased to 48.3 cm.
  • 12 IPSC. Represents a sport modification. The carbine is used by professional shooters. The developers placed the fuse button on both sides of the receiver. The cocking of the shutter is carried out using a lever. sports model without the standard sighting mechanism.

  • Vepr-12-205S. It is a special version created for law enforcement and security agencies.

How to take care of a weapon?

Despite the fact that carbines have chrome barrel channels, according to experts, they need to be cleaned regularly. Even when firing ammunition that uses smokeless powder, carbon deposits will always remain on the surface of the barrel. It is important to prevent their accumulation. This recommendation is due to the fact that a thick layer of soot can lead to peeling of the protective chrome coating. Cleaning of weapons is carried out with a brush and a soft cloth. It is undesirable to use abrasive materials, as they will erase the chrome coating. You also need to clean the piston and cylinder of the gas chamber.

According to many owners, the carbine will look more modern if it is equipped with a special black body kit. It is not difficult to remove it before washing and cleaning. The weapon will not burden the hands, since high-strength plastic is used for the manufacture of body kits. Those who do not want to use an optical sighting device can equip the carbine with a collimator. It will provide effective shooting at a distance of up to 70 m. With optics, the distance can be increased. You can control the dispersion of buckshot with the help of special nozzles. While working with them, you need to remember about the restrictions on the cartridges used. When firing from an automatic weapon, powder gases divert the barrel to the side, thus shifting the aiming line. Anyone who wants to improve the accuracy of the carbine, experts recommend using a compensator. This device will direct the powder gases in the right direction. For long distances, special extension cords have been developed. A carbine with such a device would qualify as a rifled weapon.