Pull-ups in a horizontal position. We study all the subtleties and secrets

Think you have a strong back? Let's check. Do 10 horizontal pull-ups on the Smith machine. If you fail to do this, then your back muscles and rear delts are too weak. These muscles are very important for correct posture. It is through the weak muscles of the upper back that stoop develops. Horizontal pull-ups are one of the the best exercises to strengthen not only the back, but also the flexors of the arms.

Besides, regular execution This exercise effectively improves results in martial arts, golf, tennis and other sports.

Exercise technique

Set the bar in the Smith machine at the level of the buttocks. Grab the bar reverse grip shoulder width apart and sit under it. Stretch your legs forward and put on your heels Do not sag, keep your body straight. With an accentuated effort of the muscles of the back and rear deltas, pull yourself up to the neck, while exhaling. Having reached the top point of the amplitude, linger for 1-2 seconds, then slowly lower yourself to the starting position while inhaling. Fully extend your arms at the elbows and pull yourself up until your chest touches the bar. Perform 10 clean reps. If it’s very hard and you can’t complete the specified number of pull-ups in one approach, then break it into two approaches. Do horizontal pull-ups until you can easily do more than 10 reps in one set. Then it will be possible to say that your back muscles and rear deltas are quite developed and strong.

  • Keep your body straight and keep your back straight.
  • Grab the bar with a grip slightly wider than shoulder width.
  • Place your feet on the bench.
  • Pull yourself up until your chest almost touches the bar.
  • At the highest point of the ascent latissimus dorsi come together.
  • Lower yourself down with your arms outstretched so that you feel a slight stretch in your back.

Horizontal pull-ups: muscles involved

  • lat back
  • Big round
  • diamond-shaped
  • Posterior deltoid
  • Subastnaya
  • Biceps brachii (biceps)
  • Trapezoidal
  • Spinal straightener

Horizontal pull-ups: exercise description

    Pull-ups are indispensable for working out the muscles of the back. Different kinds this exercise allows you to load various sections back. For example, horizontal pull-ups in the Smith machine will help pump up the muscles that are involved in the formation of correct posture. The technique for performing this exercise is shown in the video.

    The described pull-ups using the Smith machine not only increase the mass and increase the strength of the muscles of the back, but also expand it. In addition, when performing this exercise, the tension of the back muscles is felt much better.

    When performing horizontal pull-ups, a wide grip allows you to load the muscles of the upper back and contributes to its expansion. A narrow reverse grip will help pump the lower lats.

    To complicate the task, you can use weights by placing it on the hips. When performing pull-ups, it is recommended to take the feet out of the bench, leaning on it with calves. Otherwise, you are tempted to push yourself up with the strength of your legs. If you use horizontal pull-ups to expand the bony structure of the back, it is recommended to perform the exercise using the multi-stage drop set method.

Exercise projectile muscle group Muscles involved Popularity Rating
Pull-ups (narrow reverse grip)Use of body weightBacklat back182590 798
Pull-ups (wide grip)Use of body weightBacklat back129099 393
Pull-upsUse of body weightBacklat back112892 315

Fizkult-hello, friends! Wide back is the cherished goal of many visitors to the rocking chair. But achieving this goal is not so easy.

It is not enough to know the exercises for training the back, you need to understand which muscles work when pulling up and in others. basic movements on the back. , therefore, require increased attention to themselves!

Before delving into the features of back training and muscle work, let's briefly get acquainted with the structure of this muscle mass.

Examining the back from the bottom up, we immediately stumble upon the most powerful muscles called the rectifiers of the back. From the name it is already clear that they are responsible for the extension of the trunk and for the stabilization of the body. When pulling up, they are loaded only to stabilize the spine.

We rise above and see the most important back muscles for a bodybuilder - the latissimus dorsi. It is their development that gives the back a gigantic look. They are responsible for bringing the elbows to the body in the frontal (vertical) plane and sagittal (human symmetry plane). .

Behind them is their assistant - a large round muscle. It helps in bringing the elbows to the body and pulling the shoulders back. And the trapezius muscles complete our review. They are a reliable "roof" of the back and, among other things, assist other muscles when spreading the arms in a horizontal plane.

The rhomboid muscle is also involved in pull-ups, but you will not see it, since it is hidden under the thickness of the trapezium. I have given only the main muscle groups that help us deftly manage the horizontal bar!

Types of pull-ups

If you always thought barbell pull-ups were boring, it’s only because you didn’t know how many types of this exercise there are!

Take at least a grip. By manipulating just the distance between the palms and their position, you can already get a lot of different exercises in terms of load.

Straight grip pull-ups

With this position of the hands, the load will go straight to the latissimus dorsi, and the large round, trapezoid and rear deltas will help her.

Biceps, although they will work, but minimally. But the forearms will have to work hard. After all, how much you pull up depends on the strength of the grip. Therefore, I advise you not to postpone his training indefinitely. Pay attention to the flexors and extensors of the fingers, brachiradialis (bends the arms in elbow joint), pronators and supinators (turn the palm down and up, respectively).

The emphasis of the load on a particular area of ​​​​the widest depends on how you take up the crossbar!

Classic (medium) grip, slightly wider than shoulders

If you are a beginner, I recommend starting with it. The middle grip evenly distributes the load between the muscles of the back and arms. When performing, pay attention to the position of the body: the back is straight, the shoulders are straightened. Reach for the crossbar not with your chin, as many are accustomed to with school physics, but with your chest!

Wide grip

It is not in vain that it is considered the most difficult, because the emphasis of the load is shifted to the broadest. At correct technique shoulder muscles (biceps and brachialis) practically do not work. But there is a lot of tension in shoulder girdle. So don't get carried away at first. It is better to first strengthen and hone the technique of pull-ups with medium and narrow grip.

narrow grip

If you place the brushes close, so that they practically touch each other, then you get! Not only the arms and back will be involved (mainly the area close to the spine and Bottom part), but also pectoral muscles.

Reverse pull-ups

  1. Australian pull-ups for 8-12 reps in 3-4 sets
  2. Hanging on bent arms - 3-4 approaches to the limit. Imagine that you are pulling up. Freeze at the top point for as long as possible - this is hanging on bent arms. How to deliver your body to the top point? It's simple, substitute a bench or use a low crossbar

For those who can pull themselves up, the complex is as follows:

  1. Medium grip pull-ups - 8-10 reps for 3-4 sets
  2. Pull-ups wide grip– 8-10 reps for 3-4 sets
  3. Reverse close grip pull-ups - 8-10 reps for 3-4 sets

This complex is not strict, you are free to change it at your discretion. This is even welcome, because! But try to adhere to this recommendation: put those exercises in which you are weak at the beginning of the workout, and complete the training with “strong” exercises.

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Some people may have watched an athlete do one-arm pull-ups on the horizontal bar. From the outside it looks very impressive. But it is very, very difficult to perform such a movement, and therefore auxiliary and more simple exercises, which make it possible to prepare your body for stress. Standing horizontal pull-ups - efficient technique for muscle development.

What muscle groups does the exercise target?

As with regular pull-ups, in the horizontal version of this exercise, a large number of muscle groups will be included in the work. The working muscles include the following: triceps, biceps, trapezius, forearms, back muscles, which are called the latissimus dorsi, as well as the back of the shoulder, that is, the posterior deltoid bundle.

Performance this exercise becomes possible and correct only if retraction is carried out in the process. Horizontal pull-ups include extension of the deltoid sections, as well as flexion of the forearms.

Proper execution of the movement

In order to perform horizontal pull-ups, the athlete will have to attend to the presence of some kind of crossbar that can be held on to. The technique for performing the movement is as follows:

  1. The first thing to do is to adjust the height or bars in the Smith to a certain angle. Correct setting the crossbar is considered if, with a grip slightly wider than the shoulders, the athlete does not reach the floor a few centimeters.
  2. from bottom to top is carried out due to the reduction of the shoulder blades. However, when the highest point is reached and the latissimus dorsi is already brought to the maximum, it is necessary to help yourself a little with your hands in order to rise even higher. At the same time, you need to spread your arms at an angle of 45 degrees in relation to your body.
  3. Horizontal pull-ups to the bar should last until the athlete’s chest touches the projectile itself. At this point, the repetition can be considered completed.
  4. It happens that it becomes difficult to perform the exercise and people begin to help themselves with their feet. This is strictly prohibited. In such situations, it is better to raise the bar a little higher and continue the execution correctly (from a technical point of view).
  5. It is necessary to monitor the movements of the pelvis and head throughout the entire time of the exercise. These parts of the body should move with the whole body, and not overtake or lag behind.
  6. Horizontal pull-ups must be performed in full amplitude, since this exercise is initially easier than regular pull-ups. Those movements in which the athlete does not touch the crossbar with his chest are not counted at all.
  7. After the body begins to go down, that is, it is in the negative phase of the repetition, it is necessary to carefully monitor it. You can not abruptly "throw" your body down, you need to go down slowly, controlling the whole process.

The process of breathing during exercise

There are no special requirements for breathing during this exercise. The process of inhalation and exhalation is the same as with other power movements. That is, when inhaling, the body should fall, and when exhaling, it should rise.

How to improve your results?

Horizontal pull-ups are a fairly simple exercise, and therefore the athlete must begin to progress quickly. However, there are still some limits and conditions that are very important and must be observed.

Since the crossbar must be adjustable, you can start training at an angle of 90 degrees with respect to the floor. With an increase in the number of repetitions, the angle must be reduced, lowering the support lower. A measure to increase the load, that is, to change the angle, will be the number of repetitions equal to 15, with correct technique. When this becomes possible, the load can be increased.

Exercise replacement options

Of course, this is unlikely, but it also happens that there is no opportunity to perform this exercise. If this happens, then this movement can be replaced by pulling up on a horizontal bench.

As you can see, the execution technique practically does not change. muscle groups the same are involved as when performing horizontal pull-ups. However, everyone can find a pair of dumbbells and an ordinary horizontal bench, if it is not possible to make a movable horizontal bar.

Australian pull-ups (also called horizontal pull-ups) are performed on the bar, which is located at waist level. In this case, the body is located at an angle of 30-50 degrees to the floor.

Exercise loads the biceps, allows you to strengthen upper part back, pump up the latissimus dorsi and trapezium.

What muscles work: biceps, latissimus dorsi, rear deltas, trapezius muscles.

Difficulty: easy.

Who will suit?

The technique of performing horizontal pull-ups is not difficult, it does not cause difficulties even for beginners. This exercise - perfect option for women who do not have enough strength to pull themselves up on the crossbar in an upright position. Men also practice such pull-ups - mainly in order to pump up powerful back. They are suitable to finish off the biceps and latissimus dorsi at the end of the workout.

Horizontal pull-ups are used by fighters and boxers in their training. This exercise helps them improve their performance.


keep the line of the body without letting the pelvis sag

The technique for performing the exercise is similar to the classic pull-up technique, only the location of the crossbar and the position of the body differ:

  • grab the crossbar with your hands, hanging on straight arms and resting your heels on the floor, while your legs and body form a straight line;
  • as you exhale, bend your elbows, pulling your shoulders to the crossbar;
  • as you inhale, slowly lower yourself to the starting position.

In the gym, it is convenient to perform the exercise on the Smith machine, placing the neck at the desired height.

To make your workouts more effective, combine horizontal pull-ups in supersets with push-ups or regular pull-ups.


Common mistakes include:

  • body deflection: during the exercise, the body, like the legs, should be straight;
  • performance with jerks: in order to work out the muscles well, do lifting and lowering the body smoothly;
  • spreading the shoulder blades to the sides: in order to load the latissimus dorsi, the shoulder blades must be kept together during the exercise;
  • touching at the level of the neck or abdomen: the back will grow if you pull yourself up to the crossbar with your chest.

Australian pull-up variations

Grip Options

Try different grips:

  • back: maximum load for the biceps, the latissimus dorsi are also involved;
  • straight: loads the biceps and the upper part of the latissimus dorsi;
  • straight wide: first of all, it loads the latissimus dorsi, also works out the trapezium well.

each grip in its own way affects the muscles of the back, forcing different parts of it to be included in the work

If you want to maximize the load on the biceps, choose a narrow reverse grip. If the main goal of training is to work out the latissimus dorsi, a direct wide grip will suit you.

Crossbar height

Experiment with the height of the crossbar: the lower it is located, the greater the load you will get.. Gradually lower the bar so that the body during the exercise is close to the horizontal. In this case, you pump the latissimus dorsi to the maximum.

One-arm horizontal pull-ups

A difficult version of the exercise, it will suit you if you want to get maximum load. To further increase the level of difficulty, lean on only one leg.

Advantages and disadvantages of exercise

Benefits of horizontal pull-ups:

  • the exercise perfectly loads the latissimus dorsi, with it you can pump up a powerful back;
  • performing Australian pull-ups is not difficult even for beginners;
  • the exercise is suitable for beginners in order to prepare the muscles for classic pull-ups.

There is only one drawback to this exercise - not every house has a crossbar located at waist level. To get out of the situation, place it on two chairs.

Choose the appropriate Australian pull-up variation to focus on the muscles you want to target and exercise regularly. In this case, the result will not keep you waiting.