Exercises for beginners in the gym. Beginner workout

With the advent of winter, the average person begins to understand that the next beach season is just around the corner, and the arrow on his scales shows impermissible numbers. So it's time to take matters into your own hands. So, in most cases, there is a desire to go to the gym. Once there, a person discovers a new world in which he, most likely, does not understand anything. Today we will talk about what you need to pay attention to if you signed up for a gym. For beginners, it is extremely important not to miss anything, so that a positive result is not long in coming. Below will also be considered the main training programs for beginners.


The first thing to do when you get into the gym is to hire a trainer. no matter how smart and successful person you were not, a professional knows more about sports, because this is his job. Therefore, pride in this case is best left with shoes in the locker room. After a couple of months, when you already know the technique of all exercises, you can refuse the trainer. But at first it is better to trust a professional.

If you can't afford a trainer, or just don't want to hire one, there is still a way out. On the Internet you can find a lot of information about fitness and bodybuilding. Articles and videos will help you get a basic knowledge base for a beginner. Another way to gain knowledge without a coach is to communicate with more experienced athletes. In the hall, no one will refuse you advice or safety net. Just do not often distract people from their own activities.


An important component of successful classes is support. Therefore, in order to always remain motivated, it is better to go to the gym with a friend. When you are exhausted and want to stay at home, lying on the couch watching your favorite series, a faithful friend will simply force you to go to the gym. You will do the same for him. In addition, when there is at least one acquaintance nearby, beginners in gym feel much more comfortable.

The main thing is not to show off your achievements to a friend and experienced athletes. If you have not been involved in sports for a long time and have just begun to tone your body, then excessive zeal will lead to the fact that for the next few days you will not be able to do anything due to wild muscle pain. And this is only the best case. And for people who have been practicing for more than one year, it doesn’t matter how much newcomers are reaping. People come and go in the hall. No one pays attention to strangers. However, if you need advice or help, then an experienced athlete will not refuse.


Training for beginners in the gym is difficult at first. The beginner does not understand what he is doing, does not feel his muscles. He just follows the instructions of the coach. But after a while, full awareness of actions will come. Then every movement will be deliberate. Do not be shy if at first you do something wrong. No one will laugh with you, since everyone once started. The right technique will definitely come, just be patient.

Now it's time to talk directly about training. Coming to the hall, a person can harm himself. To prevent this from happening, you need to strictly adhere to the lesson plan and not try to show your superpowers. The gym for beginners is a place where your willpower, determination and ability to live according to a schedule will be tested.

The first program that we will consider is aimed at creating some kind of foundation. It provides for the preparation of the athlete for further, more difficult tests. There are no special wisdoms and any specific techniques in it. This program includes mostly free weights. The reason for this is simple - not all gyms have special simulators designed to work out a particular muscle. So that the question does not arise (how to replace the exercise on this simulator?), the program is simplified as much as possible. However, it should very much take place three times a week. With experience, athletes expand the program to 4-6 days. But for now, this is of no use to us.

First day

It looks something like this:

  1. Warm up. Done up to 10 minutes. Provides exercise and cardio training.
  2. Pectoral muscles. You need to do a dumbbell bench press, you can also breed them to the sides.
  3. Triceps. Various narrow grip, down on the top block.
  4. Shoulder. We raise our hands with dumbbells in front of us. Next, we do a bench press while standing.
  5. Abs workout (any exercise of your choice).
  6. Stretching.

Second day

Step by step training looks like this:

  • Warm up.
  • Back. We make different bars to the belt in an inclination. Pull-ups provided wide grip.
  • Biceps: Curl with dumbbells or barbell. Lifting the barbell on the Scott bench.
  • Shoulder. First, raise the dumbbells to the sides. Then we do the barbell pull to the chin.
  • Press work.
  • Stretching.

The third day

The program is slightly transformed:

  1. Warm up.
  2. Legs: squats with a barbell, extension and flexion on the simulator.
  3. Shoulders: abduction of arms on the Peck-Dek simulator.
  4. Press.
  5. Stretching.

All exercises are performed in three sets of 10-15 times. Except for those near which a different number of repetitions is indicated. The weight of the shells should be selected in such a way that you can do exactly as many approaches as indicated above. Of course, in exercises where everything depends on your strength, for example, in pull-ups or training the press, you need to do as much as possible, trying to bring your performance to the maximum.

In addition to the warm-up, at the beginning of the workout, warm-up approaches with an empty neck will not be superfluous. You need to do them not before each exercise, but before starting to train a particular muscle group. 10-20 repetitions will be enough for the muscles to be enriched with nutrients that are known to come with blood.

Above, the standard was considered in which each muscle group is worked out on a specific day. But there is another method. According to him, the whole body trains in a complex way - in one trip to the gym. For beginners, this approach is also very effective. Let's take a look at it for comparison.

Program #2

This program at first glance seems extraordinary. However, it gives a huge effect. The workout looks like this:

  • Warm up.
  • Shoulders: lifting the bar above the head, pull to the chin.
  • Legs. We do barbell squats.
  • Biceps. Provides for lifting the bar.
  • Back: projectile thrust to the belt in an inclination.
  • Chest: bench press (horizontal bench).
  • Abs: hanging leg raises.
  • Stretching.

You also need to practice three days a week. Only the exercises in each workout are repeated. If you are under 20 years old, then one lesson per week should be replaced with a complex aimed at expanding chest and shoulders. It looks like this:

  1. Warm up.
  2. Super series of deep squats and pullover. Each of the exercises is done 15-20 times. The number of approaches - 3.
  3. Pull-ups (to the chest, behind the head, reverse grip) 3 / 15-30.
  4. Push-ups on uneven bars (maximum amplitude) - 3-4 / 20-30.
  5. Raising the legs, hanging on the crossbar.
  6. Stretching.

From a program in which everything is worked out muscle groups, it is recommended to start. A beginner in the gym for the first time does not have to pump accentuated. This training plan can be used for the first 1-2 months, and then move on to the standard program, where each muscle is given individual attention.

Gym for beginner girls

Unlike men, girls, as a rule, go to the gym not to get bigger, but on the contrary, to become fitter, slimmer, lose weight. overweight. There is an opinion that when doing weights, a young lady loses her femininity and becomes a “jock in a skirt”. But this is not so at all. Firstly, a normal girl will not be able to become one due to the fact that her body is not arranged in the same way as a man's. He is not prone to growth muscle mass. Secondly, the exercises and loads included in the girls' training program are not aimed at turning a lady into a pile of muscles. So do not take with hostility the fact that the fairer sex also go to train in the gym.

For beginner girls, the goal of training is a comprehensive study of the whole body. As well as gaining harmony and weight loss. Therefore, the most acceptable would be such a program in which all muscle groups are worked out in one day. She is comfortable. After all, if you often skip workouts due to a busy schedule, there will be no muscles that are deprived of attention. So, here is an example of a standard program for a girl:

  • Cardio exercises - 10 minutes with a pulse of 100-120 beats per minute.
  • Warm-up and stretching.
  • Hanging leg/knee raises.
  • Seated leg extension.
  • Short hyperextension.
  • Dumbbell bench press.
  • thrust upper block to chest ( reverse grip) - 2/10-12.
  • Overhead dumbbell press.
  • Their rise is for biceps.
  • Twisting on the bench.

All exercises, except those noted separately, are done in three sets of 10-12 times. Arriving at the gym for the first time, cardio and warm-up should be done fully. And power - on one approach. The break between repetitions is about a minute. The second workout may be more intense. In each exercise, you need to do two sets, and reduce the break to 50 seconds. The third time it's time to start training according to a full-fledged scheme. It will take a couple of weeks, and you will see how other beginners start classes. The program in the gym will already be easier. You will feel like an experienced athlete. Keep that positive attitude going forward and you'll be fine.


Training for beginners can turn into sheer stress if there is no reasonable approach to classes and an experienced mentor. At first, most likely, nothing will work. Therefore, you should be careful if you decide to go to the gym. For beginner men, this path will be easier than for women. But the representatives of the weaker sex are also good at sports, if there is a desire. Today we learned what difficulties await a beginner in the gym and what exercises should be paid attention to at first.

Training for a beginner - if you want to train seriously and for a long time, do not rush, progress slowly, and in the early days leave the gym with the feeling that I can do as much more.

So, something or someone motivated you to work out at the gym. What exactly to do there, you can tell personal coach, but it is not always possible to hire him, and coaches are not always adequate. Zozhnik put together a guide for you on your initial training program. So: training for a beginner.

Basic approaches for a beginner

There are two main and many intermediate (between these main) approaches to how to properly train a beginner. Moreover, most often, professionals select a workout depending on the beginner himself, how much he was initially prepared by dragging packages from the supermarket.

However, science tends not to recommend splits to beginners.

The approach is harsh. Splits with free weights and base

There are many muscles in the human body and you need to train everything, but not all at once. For decades, professionals and their sympathizers have been arguing about how to load muscles more efficiently: all at once or in batches, that is, splits.

Quite often, trainers advise their clients to divide the muscles into three main groups and load them on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It turns out that each muscle receives its load during the week. This is called "splits".

It looks something like this:

On Monday, exercises are done on pectoral muscles, shoulders, lower leg.

On Wednesday - all back muscles, biceps.

Friday is the biggest base group muscles: legs, as well as triceps. And only the press is customary to load at each workout.

Gentle approach - circuit training, simulators and OFP

The second basic approach to training a beginner says that this creature is too fragile to pull free weights without training (and even without a coach!)

And it must be admitted that for beginners, science and the most professional unambiguously recommend “full body” training, i.e. full body workout at once (which we provide below in this text).

For the first 1-3 months, a beginner should do training almost without the use of free weights, in order to get used to the loads, strengthen the ligaments, and start various processes associated with training in the body.

A gentle approach is prescribed for people who are not at all ready for stress. Most likely, after two or three months of such training, the beginner will get stronger and begin to master the program for advanced.

Of course, how many outstanding coaches, so many opinions. An individual approach is required when building a training program.

Ready-made strength training for a beginner from the ru-healthlife community

Training from the leading LJ community about healthy way life is simple and understandable. The training is prepared, verified and highly appreciated by professionals. It consists of two workouts A and B, which must be alternated one after another, doing 3-4 times a week (According to ru-healthlife). Meanwhile scientific work leading American institutes for physical education Beginners are advised to practice 2-3 times a week. In other words, 3 times a week is just right.

Each of the only five exercises must be done three times (that is, perform 3 sets). In the first 2-3 months, the weight must be selected in such a way as to master 12-15 repetitions in each approach. Then you need to alternate the load and select the weight so as to do in one week - 15 repetitions of each exercise, in the second - 12, in the third - 10 and again in a circle.

And do not forget to do a warm-up before each workout - walk or run along the track for at least 5 minutes, and then do a simple joint warm-up like how your physical education class started at school.

Beginner A Workout

1. Squat - normal or frontal (can be alternated).

2. Lunges in place with dumbbells

3. Rod pull to the belt or pull of the lower block to the belt

From workout to workout, you can change the grip for variety: straight / reverse / wide / narrow.

4. Bench Press

You can alternate: one workout - bench press, in next time: dumbbell bench press on an incline bench.

5. Plank
Try to hold out for 60-90 seconds. Also, do side 2 sets on each side for as long as you can. But if you start with a plank of 30-40 seconds, that’s also a good place to start.

Beginner Workout B

On the sequence of exercises in workout B, the opinions of community professionals differed. Usually the heavy exercise always comes first. That is, first of all, they load big muscles and do the most energy-intensive exercises. However, in this case, there is another opinion: that the “hyperextension” exercise, which is the second number in training, can be done before the deadlift / Romanian thrust - as a warm-up. In addition, the community says that the Romanian deadlift is enough to build the body, the deadlift is a competitive exercise, and it can be overwhelming for a beginner. Although "Zozhnik" believes that among the real adherents of the gym, few people do not do deadlift - one of the three basic exercises.

1. Deadlift or Romanian Deadlift

2. Reverse Hyper

3. Thrust of the upper block to the chest

The grip from training to training also needs to be changed: straight, reverse, narrower, wider.

4. Dumbbell press up or army press.

5. Exercises for the press

Again, the same straps or any other exercise for the press (twisting on a bench or fitball, lifting legs in the hang). For hardcore newbies, Zozhnick recommends trying "prayer".

In Workout B, also do cardio (brisk walking, running, or walking on a stair or ellipse). Without feats and anguish - lasting about 15-20 minutes.

Workouts A and B should be alternated, for example, on Monday and Thursday do A, on Tuesday and Saturday - B. You can do 3 workouts a week, one week A - B - A, the next: B - A - B.

Beginner training: how to ease the load

If you feel very weak, then you can reduce the number of approaches in each exercise from three to two.

In workout B, replace the deadlift with a Romanian, and in workout A, replace the bench press with push-ups from the floor (you can on your knees).

If you can’t squat with an empty bar (20 kilograms) - this is normal, then take a bodybar (a weighted stick, it happens, for example, from 3 to 11 kg).

Instead of pulling the bar to the belt, leave only the pull in the simulator. Don't force the weights, be patient, let your body get used to the loads.

Beginner Workout: Khow to choose weight

As we have already written, the weight must be selected solely according to subjective indicators, and then do not forget to write it down. The biggest difficulty in choosing weight for a beginner is the lack of experience and lack of confidence in technique, and even the fatigue that rolls up to the end of the workout. The general is correct - take less weight just in case. Especially when it comes to squats or deadlifts.

Let's say you guess by eye that you will squat with a weight of 20 kilograms. It seems hard at first, but that's only because you're focusing on technique and making unfamiliar moves. Then you happily discover that you have done 25 repetitions and could do a dozen more. If you did 25 repetitions in the third (last) approach, then in the next workout, lift the weight, for example, by 2.5 or 5 kg. By the way, there is a table of weights for squats (perhaps the king of all exercises) for girls. The table shows what is the maximum weight with which the girl will sit down once.

A beginner for training needs to select approximately 65% ​​of maximum weight. those. a girl with no training experience weighing 60 kilograms should focus on squats with a weight of 17.9 kg, which is slightly less than an empty bar from a barbell. But the very first time, of course, you need to take even less on your shoulders.

By the way, remember that after an illness or skipping, the weight must be rolled back: firstly, they naturally decrease and the body can no longer do as much as it could last time, and secondly, if you think that this is not so - risk injury.

Beginner training: how to diversify the load

The body quickly gets used to the load and to increase the effectiveness of training, it needs to be prevented from doing this. Some athletes even have a principle - that no training should repeat another. Here's what you can do with this basic workout:

1. Increase the weight.

2. Introduce supersets. A superset is when you alternate 2 exercises at once in a row with no rest in between. For example, in Workout A, do the first two exercises with no rest in between. Rest a minute and a half and do the second, and then the third approach. Then, combine the following two exercises and do in the same rhythm. In workout B, it is recommended to superset exercises 1-3, and 2-4.

3. Do circuit training. Do all 5 exercises without a break, rest 60 seconds. Repeat this 5 times.

Beginner Workout: Khow to control technology

The most important thing in training a beginner is technique, technique and again technique. It is clear what to do if you have hired a coach. But if you decide to practice on your own: ask the trainer on duty in the gym for advice on technique - he will be pleased to give advice to a beginner.

Show special scrupulousness to the technique in the squat and in the deadlift - these are important, complex and dangerous exercises. At the same time, learn the technique from the video, read about the main mistakes, take pictures of yourself and compare. But most importantly, don't hesitate to ask. It's not shameful to ask, it's shameful not to ask.

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The decision to exercise regularly is not easy for everyone.

For those who have never encountered work in the gym or in group classes, there are many questions.

What to choose for beginners: a gym, training at home or a fitness club - this is one of the main problems that future athletes face.

How to force yourself to start exercising

Even after making the decision to exercise, getting yourself to exercise regularly is not easy. And in this novice athletes will help little tricks:

  1. Favorite sport. Much more enthusiasm exercise stress which brings pleasure. For some, this is aerobics, dancing or tai-bo, while others prefer exercise equipment or crossfit.
  2. Good company. Going to the gym or fitness club with friends is more interesting and more fun. In addition, it will not work once again to skip a workout because of laziness.
  3. "Your" coach. The first lessons are best done under the supervision of a professional who will develop individual program, follow the technique, motivate and cheer.
  4. Definition of goals. Lose weight, pump up, tighten the relief - the goal can be any. It is even better if it is visualized as a photo of an athlete, a star, or at least a slender girlfriend.
  5. Step by step training plan. Working on a program where everything is planned is much easier and more effective than aimlessly freezing in front of each simulator, thinking about whether you need to practice on it or not.
  6. Form for training. Special clothing not only solve the problem with air exchange and moisture release, but also psychologically set up for classes.
  7. public promise. Having told friends and acquaintances about the start of training, it will be difficult to “back off” and ignore their questions about sports achievements.
  8. First results. Studies have shown that after achieving a minimal effect from sports, people are more enthusiastic about continuing their workouts.
  9. Entourage. It's not just about clothes, but also about a playlist with your favorite music or sports gadgets that can brighten up your stay in the gym.
  10. Reward system. For productive work in the gym or group, you can reward yourself with small “goodies” or less high-calorie things: shopping, movies, going to an amusement park.

Strange as it may sound, but sport is addictive, and many, once they start exercising, continue to do so for the rest of their lives.

When choosing a coach, you need to find out his experience and profile education. It's better if it's higher special education rather than 2-week courses. You need to understand well which person you can trust with your health.

Be sure to check out:

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Gym choice: gym or fitness

To obtain beautiful figure You will have to work hard on your body. Here, for beginners, the question arises what to choose - a gym or a fitness club.

Do right choice It will help to clearly define the objectives of the training. If an athlete wants to lose weight, tighten the contours of the body, improve his endurance and performance, then he should pay attention to fitness classes. If the main goal is to build muscle mass, then welcome to the gym.

Each of these training venues has its own advantages and disadvantages. Speaking about fitness, we should mention its advantages such as:

  • accessibility (basic elements can be performed by almost everyone);
  • versatility ( group lessons Suitable for most athletes
  • a variety of programs (from strength to express weight loss).

It is also worth mentioning that when training in a group, it is much more difficult to miss a visit without a good reason.

Important! Speaking about the shortcomings, first of all it is worth mentioning the cost of the subscription. The second disadvantage is the tight schedule. The athlete will have to adapt to the majority. Another "fly in the ointment" is a limited set of groups. You may not have time to sign up for the program you like.

In the gym most often go for voluminous muscles. Additionally, there is a strengthening of the cardiovascular system and endurance. With a well-designed training plan, doing in the gym, you can lose weight.

The main features of the hall are:

  • a variety of simulators that can load almost all muscle groups;
  • mass of additional sports equipment;
  • convenient visiting schedule;
  • lower subscription cost compared to a fitness club;
  • individual lesson plan with the possibility of its subsequent adjustment;
  • a clearer focus on results.

There are some downsides here as well:

  • lack of experience in using the projectile and simulators for beginners (first lessons only with a trainer or instructor);
  • "Sold out" in the evening after work.

Each athlete chooses where and how to practice, but a novice athlete should still consult with experts.

How to organize and prepare for your first workout

The preparatory stage is as important as the first few workouts. It allows you to tune in psychologically and develop self-confidence and an understanding of the need for physical education.

What you need on your first day at the gym

The first fees to the gym are similar to vacation fees. Just like in the last case, it is better to make a list of necessary things in advance. The athlete will need:

  1. Sports backpack or bag.
  2. Sneakers.
  3. Shower shoes (flip flops).
  4. Towel and soap accessories.
  5. Clothing for classes.
  6. Bottle of water.

You can also take a fitness bracelet with you, which will measure your heart rate. When working with a barbell, gloves are useful to prevent the appearance of corns.

Don't forget to warm up

One of the most common mistakes beginners make is ignoring the warm-up, and this is a very important stage of training.

Warm-up is necessary for:

  • stretching the muscles and improving the elasticity of the joints;
  • reducing the risk of injury;
  • increase the effectiveness of training;
  • acceleration of metabolism (due to increased heart rate);
  • preparing the body for further stress.

A full warm-up takes from 5 to 15 minutes and includes muscle exercises:

  • shoulder girdle;
  • chest;
  • back;
  • torso;
  • lower back;
  • calf and ankle.

In this case, areas that have been injured should be given more attention. The warm-up can also include classes on cardio machines: rowing, elliptical, treadmill.

How to choose the right load so as not to harm your health

A competent training plan includes not only a list of exercises and the frequency of visiting the gym, but also the distribution of the load. This should be done by a professional.

Even in the process of compiling the program, all initial anthropometric data and information about the presence of injuries, diseases and daily routine are taken from the athlete. Only after that, the optimal plan is selected, which includes gradually progressive loads.

Often the first type of workout that is recommended for a beginner is the full body. This type of training allows you to work out all the major muscle groups in one session. You can work with a full body 2-3 times a week, which is quite enough for an inexperienced athlete.

Important! When compiling a list of exercises, age and the presence of diseases must be taken into account. So, a 16-year-old teenager will not be allowed to do deadlifts or press with large weights, on the other hand, people with varicose veins will be removed from the program of leg exercises.

Athletes will also have to reduce the load after a long break in classes. Of course, muscle memory will allow them to progress faster and change weights, but they will not be able to immediately return to their previous indicators.

How to choose a mode: how many times to go to the gym per week

Many novice athletes think that the more time they spend in the gym, the faster they will achieve results. However, in reality, things are different.

Everything depends on the goals. To lose weight, you need to focus on cardio training and go to the gym 3-4 times a week. In this case, one of the workouts can be replaced by a morning jog for several kilometers.

But for those who want to swing properly, it is worth remembering such a phenomenon as recovery muscle tissue. It is during power loads that the muscles receive micro-ruptures, which, recovering, thicken the muscle fibers, thus producing muscle growth. After each session, any muscle group needs time to rest and regenerate. For professionals, it is 48-55 hours, for beginners - at least 72. Thus, the optimal training regimen for novice athletes is 2-3 times a week.

Adjust nutrition

The training plan necessarily includes the development of a diet. Girls, in order to lose weight, should reduce the amount of fast carbohydrates in their diet, increase the amount of fluid consumed, and add vitamins.

When pumping up muscle mass, you need to increase the amount of protein, both animal and vegetable.

Interesting: to reduce appetite, you can drink water with magnesium.

Do you need a coach

The question of the need for a coach is often faced by novice athletes. Many people think that this is a waste of money, since the instructor available in each gym is able to help you understand the operation of the simulators and give general recommendations.

Yet the functions individual trainer very important:

  1. It will help you create a training program.
  2. Explain the rules for using the equipment.
  3. Will follow correct technique execution of elements.
  4. Make adjustments to the program if necessary.

Important! It is difficult for beginners to understand how correctly they perform this or that exercise, and the result directly depends on the technique.

How to avoid mistakes at the very beginning of training

Mistakes can be made by both novice athletes and professionals. The difference is that the first group has much more of them. In general, they all affect the effectiveness of training.

Beginners most often “sin” with the following:

  • ignore program development;
  • forget about the meal plan;
  • neglect rest between classes;
  • perform exercises incorrectly;
  • do not study the rules for operating simulators;
  • ignore the breathing technique, warm-up and hitch.

Finally, even after a month intensive classes and visiting the gym 4-5 times a week, there is no visible result. The beginner is disappointed and eventually reduces his sports activity to nothing.

What loads should be included in the first classes

The first workouts in the gym are of a sparing and introductory nature. The main task of the coach is to prepare the athlete's body for the loads and teach him how to work with shells and perform the necessary elements. Regardless of the goals of the training, experts recommend starting any work with cardio loads (in the absence of contraindications).


Cardio exercises are needed not only for weight loss, as many people think. They additionally allow:

  • improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • develop endurance;
  • get rid of the negative
  • reduce the risk of diabetes;
  • speed up calorie burning and metabolism;
  • increase bone density;
  • increase muscle tone.

Cardio load can be obtained on special simulators (running, rowing or elliptical) or perform a series of exercises that will give exactly the same effect.

Running with an overlap of the lower leg

  • tilt the body slightly forward;
  • start running, alternately throwing the lower leg back and touching the buttocks with the heel.

Jumping with arms and legs

  • put your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms;
  • at the expense of "one" jump out, simultaneously spreading arms and legs to the sides;
  • at the expense of "2" return to the IP.


A polymetric exercise that intensively works several muscle groups at once.

  • IP - deep squat with hands resting on the floor;
  • at the expense of "1" jump back, taking the emphasis lying down;
  • at the expense of "2" to wring out;
  • about "3" return to the squat;
  • stand on the count of "4".

Lunge with a swing

  • stand up straight, arms at your sides;
  • do right foot lunge back, touching the floor with the knee;
  • getting up, take your leg forward and swing it;
  • again go into a lunge.

Performed alternately with each leg.


It is a mistake to think that strength training is only for bodybuilders. Competent work with weights and approaches can also allow slender girls to tighten their figures. For beginners, it is best to start with basic exercises.


The muscles of the back, legs and buttocks work.

  • feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned outward;
  • pulling the pelvis back, slightly bend your knees and, with a straight back, grab the bar of the projectile;
  • slowly start lifting the bar along the legs until it is fully extended;
  • at the peak point, reduce the shoulder blades;
  • start lowering again.

Enough 2-3 sets with 6-7 repetitions.

Barbell squat

  • stand up so that the neck rests on the trapezium of the back;
  • feet shoulder-width apart, toes apart;
  • remove the projectile from the supports;
  • while inhaling, start squatting, slightly tilting the torso forward;
  • having reached the peak position (thighs parallel to the floor), fix for a second and, slowly exhaling, rise.

A great exercise for girls to pump up the ass.

leg press

In order to do this exercise, you will need a special simulator.

  • set weight;
  • sit in the simulator, fixing the legs on the upper platform shoulder width apart;
  • holding on to the stupor, slowly straighten your legs, pushing the platform away from you;
  • smoothly return to IP.

The biceps femoris, gluteal, popliteal and quadriceps muscles are strained.


  • grab the bar with both hands with any grip;
  • pull up, “pushing out” the chin beyond the lines of the pole;
  • linger for a couple of seconds and return to the IP.

The shoulder section, biceps and torso are well worked out.

Top block pull

  • sit in the simulator;
  • grab the handle with a wide grip and, slightly tilting the body, pull it towards you;
  • return to IP.

During the exercise, you need to remember that you need to pull the handle to the chest, and not to the waist.

What simulators

One of the advantages of the gym is the simulators, which make it easier to perform elements or adjust the technique.

Power frame - a system of vertical racks and horizontal bars. On it you can comfortably perform bench press (when using a bench), deadlift, squat with a barbell and pull-ups.

Horizontal bar - multifunctional sport equipment, designed to implement different kind pull-ups.

The leg press machine is a system that includes a seat, canopy supports and a moving platform. Allows you to pump the muscles of the legs.

Scott's bench is a prefabricated metal frame with a bench and an adjustable desk. Helps to work out the biceps.

Vertical-horizontal traction - a system of blocks with which you can work both in a sitting position and standing. Allows you to train the upper back.

Crossover - multifunctional block simulator designed for combined upper and lower training.

Examples of training programs for beginner men and women

If we talk about how a beginner should start working in the gym, then this, of course, with the selection of the optimal program.

3 days a week workout for weight loss

The weight loss course for girls includes a nutrition plan and classes up to 3 times in 7-8 days with mandatory cardio elements.





Press (twisting)

Bar Squat

Lunges back with swings up

8-10 (each leg)

30-60 seconds

Top block pull


Deadlift with bar

Arm extension with dumbbells


Elliptical Trainer

1.5-2 minutes

Hanging knee raise

leg press


Bar pull to the chin


20 (each way)

Cardio exercises will increase the number of calories burned, while bench presses, deadlifts and dips will improve the contours and tighten the figure.

Weight loss course for men:




20-25 minutes

Dumbbell reconnaissance lying down

Seated Barbell Press

french press


20-25 minutes

The pull of the upper block behind the head


Barbell curl for biceps

Breeding dumbbells through the sides

Raising dumbbells in front of you


20-25 minutes


Bending the legs in the simulator

Rise on socks

Shoulder Dumbbell Press

Twisting on a Roman chair

Men working on this plan need to follow a diet and rest periods between sessions.

Complex for muscle tightening

The body relief complex for women consists of:

Rest between sets should not exceed 2 minutes.

Male training:

The rest period is no more than one minute.

Workout plan to start pumping all muscle groups

Girls and men can gain muscle mass using the same type of training. The weights, the number of sessions and the number of repetitions will differ.






pull up

to failure

Horizontal block pull

Standing dumbbell press


Leg extension

To failure

To failure

Barbell squat

In this case, in order to achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to work with more weights and fewer repetitions.

How to practice without an instructor with maximum impact

You can do it without a coach, the main thing is to systematically approach the process. For this you need:

  • draw up a training and nutrition plan;
  • do not forget about the warm-up and hitch;
  • track exercise using a mirror;
  • try to feel the muscles as much as possible during the execution of the elements.

A good help will be fitness applications and trackers that not only monitor the user's condition, but can also help him develop a program and track achievements. In the absence of mobile “assistants”, you can keep a diary yourself, where you can enter all the results of training.

Denis Semenikhin, TV presenter, video blogger, author of books on fitness

First of all, Denis advises, beginners should not forget about the importance of a warm-up, which starts the work of the cardiovascular system. With the possibility of control, you need to ensure that the pulse at this stage does not exceed 60% of its maximum.

Stanislav Lindover, European champion, master of sports in bodybuilding

Beginning athletes need to train on simulators with a given trajectory of movement, says Stanislav. In this case, the correct technique for performing the elements is guaranteed.

Ekaterina Usmanova, current champion of Russia in fitness bikini, video blogger

Useful video

Main conclusions

Beginners who come to the gym need to understand what goal they are pursuing, and only after that start exercising:

  1. You can't practice effectively without a training plan.
  2. Fitness club or gym - the choice depends on the goals.
  3. For weight loss, it is necessary to focus on cardio, for muscle building - on a power block, for relief, choose a comprehensive workout.
  4. The first lessons are best done under the supervision of a trainer.

Beginner training will not be easy, and you need to be prepared for this. However, over time, with the right prioritization and selection of exercises, sports will become an important part of life and a way to maintain your health and attractive appearance.

We will be glad to know what exercises and programs our readers like. Share in the comments your types of training and the results achieved.

Want to get into strength training but don't know where to start? Here are the basic principles and training rules for beginners in the gym who have just decided to start exercising.

Decided to get in shape? Looking for suitable program training for beginners? Not sure what exercises to do and what machines to use? No problem!

I will tell you how to start exercising in the gym correctly and about the main recommendations and rules for those who are just starting to strength training. Whether you're looking to get stronger, lose weight, build muscle, or simply improve your fitness, this article will help you get on the right path to your health and fitness goals.

strength training will also give remarkable results to those who have tried (and failed) to get in shape with just diet and cardio. Consistent and regular workouts(more than twice a week for 12 weeks) will result in:

  • Size increase muscle fibers
  • Building strength
  • Increasing tendon strength
  • Increasing the strength of the ligaments

All this will help you build a healthy and resilient body, as well as reduce the risk of injury. In the end, you will look just amazing!

Gym for beginners: rules of conduct

  • Always take a towel with you to put it on the machines and apparatus on which you will be exercising.
  • Replace dumbbells, barbells, weight plates and other equipment after use.
  • Do not rest for long periods of time between sets when working on machines while others are waiting for their turn.
  • Lastly, leave your cell phone in your locker or car so that others don't have to listen in on your conversations.

Common Newbie Mistakes

  • Use too heavy weights in the early stages. Start with small loads, and then gradually increase them. If technique suffers, you sway or use inertia of movements, then this means that you have chosen too big weight. In addition, it increases the risk of injury and reduces the effectiveness of working on target muscle groups.
  • Using too light weight. It always makes sense to play it safe, but if you can do 30 reps with a certain weight, then it's probably better to increase it. Tip: add no more than 5% weight at a time.
  • Too fast reps. Lifting heavy weights at a slow and controlled pace results in more muscle tension and allows more muscle fibers to be broken down, as well as reducing the risk of injury. Remember that joints are only as strong as the muscles that surround them.
  • Insufficient or excessive rest. Both factors have a negative impact on training. Rest between sets is recommended from 30 to 90 seconds.

Training program for beginners

This set of exercises in the gym for beginners is perfect even for those who even came to the gym for the first time. By doing this scheme, you can strengthen the ligaments and joints, as well as prepare the muscles for more complex workouts and exercises.

  1. Running on a treadmill - 5-10 minutes
  2. Leg press - 1 set
  3. Lying leg curl - 1 set
  4. Thrust of the upper block to the chest - 1 set
  5. Reduction of hands in the simulator "butterfly" - 1 set
  6. Extension of arms in a crossover with a rope - 1 set
  7. Curl of arms for biceps in the simulator - 1 set
  8. Press overhead in the simulator - 1 set
  9. Twisting in the simulator - 1 set
  10. "Bike" - 1 set

note! Beginners should not use heavy basic exercises in the first workouts. Such an approach can end in injuries and forever discourage you from exercising in the gym.

Moreover, a smooth entry into the training mode will provide a better start, help avoid injuries and soreness, and make it possible to get results faster.

Beginner Workout Guidelines

This program is designed to improve physical training a healthy adult who has never exercised before (or has little experience).

You will notice that most of the exercises are performed in machines. This is intentional, as beginners have less joint stability and weaker core muscles. When trying to immediately work with free weights (dumbbells or a barbell), beginners increase the risk of injury.

Using machines provides support for these weak spots and allows you to isolate and strengthen your muscles before moving on to free weights.

  • Do a workout at least 2 times a week to ensure a significant increase in strength.
  • There should be 1 day of rest between each workout.
  • At least 1 set of 8-12 repetitions should significantly tire the muscles. That is, you should choose a weight with which you will not be able to perform 2 sets in a row without a 30-90 second rest break.
  • Performing one repetition in full amplitude in a slow and controlled manner should take 4-5 seconds.
  • Between sets, rest at least 30 and no more than 90 seconds, and between exercises - from 1 to 2 minutes.

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your workouts:

  • Stay hydrated! Be sure to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day. Dehydration can weaken you and reduce the effectiveness of your workouts. Also drink plenty of water during your workouts.
  • Eat a small meal with equal parts lean protein (lean chicken, turkey, beef, or fish) and complex carbohydrates (oatmeal, rice) 30-60 minutes before your workout and within 60 minutes after. This will give the body energy and ensure its recovery.
  • Keep a workout diary. Write down the number of sets and repetitions, the size of the working weights, as well as the exercises performed. This will allow you to track progress and progress.
  • On your way to building your body, take regular photos and measure all parts of your body to keep track of your results.

When you first come to the gym, you don't know what to do. There are a lot of simulators, inflated guys and fit, slender girls walk around. You are lost. In this case, the training program for beginners will help you!

Start of classes

Getting started in the gym is no easy task. This is a whole world of weights and muscles, strong people.

Usually the programs are made by the trainer of the fitness club you came to. The service is paid. We recommend for the first time (for a month) to take individual training for your coach to give you correct technique exercises.

Training in the gym for beginners is an unsafe process, because the body has not yet got used to the loads. Therefore, at first, it is better to practice under supervision.

It's important not to be afraid to ask questions. You can ask for help from any trainer working in this club or to the administrator, if you are completely confused. Of course, only your trainer will advise on the intricacies of your program, but another specialist may well answer the question of how to use the simulator or where to drink water.

To correctly compose a program, the coach must know:

  1. Human anatomy, features of the functioning of muscles, their location, dangerous moments.
  2. The basics of compiling programs for various areas: for gaining muscle mass, for losing weight, for increasing strength, and so on.
  3. To know the technique of exercising most of the training elements, to understand why this or that exercise is being done.
  4. Ideally, if the coach has a specialized higher education.

What usually happens in the halls: a person comes to practice after reading various tips on the Internet. Often with a ready-made program, which no one has adapted to his individual characteristics. It is good if this person asks the coach to show each exercise. Usually, people try to get by with video tutorials only. This is the wrong approach!

Remember that everything universal cannot be perfect. For the general reader, one can only give sample program, which can be used as a basis. But top scores achieved through individual work.

Programming for beginners

Today, there are a lot of fitness clubs all over the world. Each of them has several trainers. Some clubs have serious requirements for the selection of a candidate for instructors. But there are also unscrupulous owners of sports establishments who select only on the basis of appearance, not paying attention to experience, knowledge, education.

For beginners, bodybuilding is a whole world in which you want to achieve everything quickly, try everything. Beginners think this way: in order for muscles to grow faster, you need to work with large weights. Their muscles are not ready for this, causing people to get injured and abandon the gym forever.

Principle 1: gradualism is the basis of safety

Training programs for beginners in the gym should take into account unpreparedness human body. It happens that inexperienced trainers will load you into the very first workout, make you do 3 sets of 10 times of basic exercises (sometimes they will drive out both squats and bench press in one day).

And this is all done with weights, at the redistribution of your forces.

What is the result:

  • A week after training, you cannot bend and unbend your arms and legs.
  • Your temperature rises due to extensive inflammatory processes in the muscles.

Will the desire to train further remain after this? Few have.

The beginning of training in the gym should always be gradual!

The entire workout must be observed by the beginner, how he works with the proposed weights. The selection of weights in this case is very dynamic. Light at first glance, weight can be heavy and vice versa. You need to keep your finger on the pulse all the time, notice everything in time.

The first month you can not give a beginner heavy exercises. You need to gradually accustom his muscles to work.

Workouts for beginners in the gym should consist of 5-6 exercises, in each of which no more than 2-3 approaches. Basic exercises should be started with 2 approaches.

The first week should be gentle so that the beginner can come to the next workout. If you immediately load his muscles, he will recover for a week, and this should not be allowed. The first workout should be introductory, not killer.

Principle 2: base first

Usually guys come to the gym to increase muscle volume, to become pumped up. They need a weight training program for beginners. It should include basic exercises.

For example, here basic program workouts for beginners:

  1. Cardio 5-7 minutes (running).
  2. Bench press: 2 to 10.
  3. Breeding dumbbells lying down: 2 to 10.
  4. Extension of the arms on the block: 2 to 10.
  5. Dumbbell bench press from behind the head: 2 to 10.
  6. Press: 3 to 10.
  1. Cardio 5-7 minutes (exercise bike).
  2. Empty bar squats: 2 to 10.
  3. Leg press in the simulator: 2 to 10.
  4. Seated dumbbell press: 2 to 10.
  5. Bar pull to the chin: 2 to 10.
  6. Press: 2 to 15.
  1. Cardio (running) 5-7 minutes.
  2. Hyperextension 2 to 15.
  3. Thrust of the upper block: 2 to 10.
  4. The thrust of the lower block: 2 to 10.
  5. Biceps curl with barbell: 2 to 10.
  6. Hammer: 2 to 10.
  7. Press: 3 to 10

In the first week you need to do 2 sets. In the second week, you can add a third approach to all those exercises where there were 2 of them.

Of course, when careful attention everything will be fine on the part of the instructor, the person will be able to treat his back. But in some cases there is no such control, most beginners walk in the gyms on their own. Newbie and deadlift- an explosive mixture, after the explosion of which an injured lower back remains.

The same applies to squats. Wrong technique, haste with the choice of weight - and now, the beginner is already at the appointment with a neurologist.

Why is the program not working?

It also happens that a well-designed program did not lead a person to his dream. 3 months have passed, and the weight is still at an undesirable level, the biceps are of the wrong volume, the bench press has not grown to 100 kg.

All this can be for two reasons:

  1. The program does have bugs.
  2. The problem is not in the program, but in the newcomer.

We have already discussed the first part of the question. Now let's briefly see what depends on the beginner himself.

  1. The quality of training, discipline, following the recommendations.
  2. Complete nutrition.
  3. Sufficient healthy sleep.

How responsibly a beginner approaches training determines 70% of success. Remember this! And the gym and the trainer are just good helpers and stimulants.