Eye of rebirth 5 Tibetan exercises description. Initial stage of classes

Tibetan Yoga

This set of exercises also has the following names: Five Tibetan Rituals, Five Tibetan Pearls. This complex, consisting of five exercises, was created by Tibetan lamas and monks. They managed to develop a system of movements that would help strengthen the human physical body by increasing its energy potential. The principle of operation of the complex is based on the theory of vortexes, which are attributes of the human etheric body; in other words, these are rotating energy areas, saturated prana. Thanks to the systematic implementation of these five rituals, a person begins to move through the energy channels prana, which fills the physical body and aura, literally launches the process of rejuvenation and healing of the body. By performing this complex daily, a person strengthens the immune system, restores the vitality of the body, gets rid of many diseases, balances the interaction of bioenergetic processes, and many others. Completing this complex takes from ten to thirty minutes.

    The complex includes the following five ritual actions:
  • Combination of Rod Pose and Table Pose;
  • A combination of Dog Pose and Snake Pose.

First ritual action

This exercise is a rotation aimed at stimulating the flow of vital energy in the human body. It is performed with the aim of imparting rotation vortices additional moment of inertia. To put it simply, with the help of the first ritual action we, as it were, disperse vortices, giving their rotation speed and stability. The direction of rotation is of great importance - clockwise. Significantly increases the speed of energy rotation in all chakras, especially those located in the forehead, chest, knees and crown. Cell renewal has a positive effect on spinal cord, which in turn helps to get rid of headaches, even chronic ones. The whole body is rejuvenated.

  • Stand up and straighten up. Extend your arms to the sides at shoulder level, palms down.
  • Start rotating clockwise, i.e. from left to right. Count the rotations.
  • Try not to move while spinning. Make sure that your chin is not tucked down and your shoulders remain relaxed. Don't slouch.
  • Perform rotations until you feel dizzy, but no more than 21 times.
  • After spinning, take a few deep breaths in and out through your nose to stop the dizziness.


  • The first ritual action may cause dizziness, nausea, and loss of balance. Therefore, if this is your first time doing this exercise, try to rotate slowly and focus your gaze on some stationary point.
  • During the period of initial mastery of ritual actions, it is very important not to overdo it. Try never to cross the line beyond which mild dizziness becomes very noticeable and is accompanied by mild bouts of nausea, since the practice of subsequent ritual actions in this case can cause vomiting. As you practice all five ritual actions, you will gradually find over time that you can spin more and more in the first action without becoming noticeably dizzy.
  • For the vast majority of adults, turning around five times is enough to start feeling dizzy. That's why Tibetan monks recommend for beginners limit to three turns. If, after performing the first ritual action, you feel the need to sit down or lie down in order to get rid of dizziness, be sure to follow this natural requirement of your body.

Second ritual action

The purpose of performing the second ritual action is to fill vortices etheric force, increasing the speed of their rotation and ensuring their stability. On a physiological level, exercise has a tonic effect on the kidneys, thyroid gland, digestive organs, and genitals. Has a beneficial effect on arthritis, diseases gastrointestinal tract, irregular menstruation and menopausal symptoms, back pain, stiffness in the neck and legs. Positively affects blood circulation, lymph flow, breathing, strengthens the diaphragm and heart muscle. Relieves chronic fatigue, tightens abdominal muscles.

  • Lie on your back. Extend your arms along your body. Press your palms tightly to the floor, creating a slight emphasis.
  • Take a deep breath through your nose, lift your head off the floor and press your chin firmly to your chest.
  • Then lift your straight legs vertically upward, while trying not to lift your pelvis off the floor. If you can, raise your legs not just vertically up, but even further towards yourself - until your pelvis begins to lift off the floor.
  • Exhaling through your nose, slowly lower your head and legs back to the floor in unison.
  • Take a short break, allowing your muscles to relax a little, and repeat this action required amount once. Maximum number 21 times.


  • When performing this movement, try keep your legs straight. If raising straight legs is difficult, do the exercise with half-bent legs; with practice, they will become straighter.
  • For severe pain in the lower back, neck, excessive stiffness in the shoulders or legs, ulcers, multiple sclerosis, high blood pressure - perform the second ritual slowly and increase the number of repetitions by one or two per week.
  • In this ritual action, it is of great importance coordination of movements with breathing. At the very beginning, you need to exhale, completely ridding your lungs of air. While raising your head and legs, you should take a smooth, but very deep and full breath, and while lowering, exhale the same way. If you are tired and decide to rest a little between repetitions, try to breathe at the same rhythm as during the movements. The deeper the breathing, the higher the effectiveness of the practice.

Third ritual action

The third ritual action further enhances the effect of the second. It has a beneficial effect on arthritis, irregular menstruation, menopause, back pain, neck pain, and congestion in the sinuses.

  • Get on your knees and place them at a distance of the width of the pelvis, palms located on the back of the thighs under the buttocks.
  • Exhale completely through your nose and gently lower your head forward, pressing your chin to your chest.
  • With a slow, deep breath, bend back, arching your spine, resting your hands on your hips, and tilting your head back as far as possible.
  • After a short pause, exhale and return to the starting position.


  • The exercise requires strict coordination of movements with the rhythm of breathing. At the very beginning, you should exhale as deeply and completely as in the first. When bending back, you need to inhale, returning to the starting position - exhale. The depth of breathing is of great importance, since it is the breath that serves as the link between the movements of the physical body and the control of etheric force. Therefore, breathe when performing ritual actions Eye of Rebirth necessary as fully and deeply as possible. The key to complete and deep breathing The completeness of exhalation always serves. If the exhalation is completed fully, the naturally following inhalation will inevitably be equally complete.
  • Your toes should be curled so that the balls of your toes touch the floor. When placing your palms around the back of your thighs, your thumbs should be facing forward.
  • Keep your head and neck relaxed.
  • If you have high blood pressure, do not let your head fall below the level of your heart. If you suffer from severe pain in the neck, back, frequent migraines, chronic fatigue - do this exercise very slowly, adding no more than two repetitions every week.
  • To avoid discomfort from your knees resting on a hard surface, you should fold the mat the required number of times.

Fourth ritual action

The fourth ritual action strengthens the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, genitals, including the uterus and prostate, thyroid gland, heart muscle, abdominal cavity, abdominal muscles, arms, shoulders, thighs, improves blood circulation and lymph flow. Thanks to this movement, breathing becomes deep, the nasal sinuses are cleared, and the speed of rotation of important vortices located in the throat, chest, abdominal cavity, and tailbone increases. The level of vitality increases and the immune system is significantly strengthened.

  • Sit on your mat and assume Wand Pose. The legs are stretched out in front of you, shoulder-width apart, with the feet pointing toes upward.
  • The palms are located on the floor near the buttocks, the arms are straight, the fingers are closed and facing forward, towards the legs.
  • As you exhale, press your chin to your chest.
  • Then slowly take a deep breath, tilt your head back as far as possible and lift your torso parallel to the floor. You should rest on your arms and legs with your knees bent.
  • Having reached this position - Table Poses, you need to strongly tense all the muscles of the body for a few seconds, and then relax and return to the starting position with your chin pressed to your chest.
  • Repeat as many times as necessary. Maximum number 21 times.


  • And here the key aspect is breathing. First you need to exhale. Rising and throwing your head back, take a deep, smooth breath. During tension, hold your breath, and when lowering, exhale completely. While resting between repetitions, maintain a constant breathing rhythm.
  • When you have raised and fixed your torso parallel to the floor, make sure that your feet do not leave the floor and your knees do not spread to the sides. The head should be kept in line with the spine. If you have injured wrists, try clenching your hands into fists so you can lean on them.
  • If you have an ulcer, high blood pressure, pain in the back, neck, shoulders, legs, extensive sclerosis, Parkinson's disease - follow this exercise extremely carefully, in at a slow pace, increasing the number of repetitions gradually, no more than two per week. Performing this ritual may cause a break in the menstrual cycle or increased cramping.

Fifth ritual action

The fifth ritual action is especially useful for women with symptoms of menopause, irregular and sluggish menstruation, and diseases of the genital organs. Cleans well Airways, helps with diseases of the digestive system, brings relief from arthritis in the back, hips, arms, feet. Improves blood and lymph circulation, which has a beneficial effect on the immune system, promotes deep breathing, increased energy levels and vitality.

  • Take Snake Pose, bend your spine as much as possible, resting your body on your palms and balls of your toes. Shoulders are directly above your palms, feet shoulder-width apart. The torso should be elevated so that the legs and pelvis do not touch the floor. The distance between the palms is slightly wider than the shoulders. The distance between the feet is the same.
  • After exhaling deeply, inhale slowly through your nose and gently tilt your head back as far as possible. Create tension in your muscles for a couple of seconds.
  • As you continue to inhale, lift your buttocks up so that your body forms the shape of a regular triangle. You will enter Dog Pose.
  • Tuck your chin toward your chest so you can see your feet.
  • Try to press your feet to the floor and try to straighten your legs.
  • Hold this position for a couple of seconds, creating tension in the muscles.
  • Then exhale completely and return to Snake Pose.
  • Repeat as many times as necessary. Maximum number 21 times.


  • In Snake Pose, try to bend your back as much as possible, but not through extreme bending in the lower back, but by straightening your shoulders and maximizing arching in the thoracic region.
  • The breathing pattern in the fifth ritual action is somewhat unusual. Starting with a full exhalation Snake Pose bending over, you take as deep a breath as possible as your body enters Dog Pose. Returning to Snake Pose, you exhale completely. Stopping at the extreme points to perform a tense pause, you hold your breath for a few seconds after inhaling and after exhaling, respectively.
  • For ulcers, chronic fatigue, pain in the back, legs, arms, neck, weak abdominal muscles, extensive sclerosis, Parkinson's disease - perform this movement slowly and increase the number of repetitions little by little, no more than two per week.
  • The preferred time of day to perform is morning or evening. The best time is at sunrise and sunset. But if you have a lot of work and you couldn’t wake up before sunrise, don’t worry. You can perform your morning ritual series whenever it is convenient for you. The main thing is that this happens before noon, since after noon the time for the evening series begins. However, this regime should be approached gradually, starting with one complete series once a day - in the morning or evening.
  • At the beginning of practice, it is advisable to perform each ritual action three times once a day. Such mode should keep for one week. Then add two repetitions each week. Thus, during the second week, five repetitions of each ritual action are performed daily, during the third - seven, during the fourth - nine, and so on until the daily number of repetitions reaches twenty-one times. If performing all ritual actions in the appropriate quantity causes difficulties, you can divide them into series and perform them in two or even three steps. But every episode all five ritual actions must be included strictly in the appropriate order.
  • Rearrange ritual actions Eye of Rebirth in places, nor can they be spaced out in time. For example, instead of one, say, morning workout consisting of twenty-one repetitions of each action, you can do two - morning and evening, performing, say, ten repetitions in the morning and eleven in the evening. Or - three workouts of seven repetitions each: morning, noon and evening.
  • Particular problems are often associated with mastering the first ritual action - rotation around its axis. If you encounter them, do not despair and do not rush. Perform the rotation as many times as you can. Time will pass, and you will learn to easily turn around your axis all the prescribed twenty-one times.
  • Order and integrity should be observed in the performance of ritual actions. One without the other they do not work as effectively.
  • In no case overstrain and overwork should not be allowed. This can only lead to a negative result. You just need to do as it turns out, what happens, gradually increasing the quantity and approaching the ideal form. Time and patience in this case act as allies.
  • If, for some reason, a person cannot perform any of the five ritual actions at all. One should find at least some way to overcome the obstacle, say, by inventing some kind of device or taking help from someone else, one should do this and practice all five actions. However, as a last resort, if there is no other way out, you need to do at least what is available.
  • If you do anything else, do it for your health. Eye of rebirth will only help you by significantly increasing the effectiveness of your basic training.
  • In the intervals between repetitions of ritual actions, you need to continue breathing at the same rhythm as during practice. However, if you do not feel any difficulty, there is no need to pause between repetitions of the same ritual action; you should simply repeat the movements in one continuous series. But between each two ritual actions a pause is necessary. And not just a pause. You need to stand up straight, put your hands on your waist and take several smooth, full breaths, while carefully monitoring the sensations that arise in the body, and focusing on the area of ​​​​the body located inside the abdomen at the level of the navel. Sooner or later, you will certainly feel the flow of prana flowing through your body during inhalation. And after a while, you will probably begin to see vortices. Breathing in pauses between actions, try to relax as much as possible while exhaling and feel how spoiled prana, along with subtle impurities and painful blocks, leave the body, washed out by streams of fresh prana that entered the body when inhaling.
  • After practice, it is best to take a lukewarm or slightly cool bath or shower. You can simply wipe your entire body with a towel soaked in warm water and then dry yourself. But under no circumstances should you use noticeably cool, much less cold, water after practice. And one more thing - never take a cold bath, shower, douche or rubdown to the point where the cold penetrates deep inside the body, as this will significantly disrupt the etheric structure built by the practice of ritual actions. Neither before classes, nor after, nor at any other time. Moreover, if before training and at other times short and shallow cold water procedures can be used by you for general hardening, then immediately after training they are strictly contraindicated, since they can cause pathological changes that, given the arsenal of means that you have, will be irreversible. Therefore, if you are not able to immediately after practice take any of the warm water procedures, wait until your body cools down after exercise for at least an hour before using cold water.
  • It is necessary to practice ritual actions regularly, starting with three repetitions of each and gradually increasing to twenty-one times a day. It is permissible to skip no more than once a week, but in no case more. If travel or some other reason forces you to interrupt your practice for even two days, all the results you have achieved will be in jeopardy. With a long break, there is a danger that your body will begin to degrade much faster than it did before you started the practice.
  • The vast majority of those who begin to practice Eye of rebirth, very soon discovers that it is not only useful, but also very pleasant. The feeling of composure, strength and readiness to face any task fully inspires the practitioner so much that he simply looks forward to the moment when the time allotted for his next classes comes. After all, it only takes about fifteen to twenty minutes to complete all five ritual actions! And a well-trained person performs all of them in eight to ten minutes.

There are different ways to keep yourself in good shape - some people prefer to visit sanatoriums, others do exercises. I want to talk about the practice that my mother does - it’s called Eye of rebirth, and it is also often called 5 Tibetan pearls . According to legend, this stretch came to us from Tibetan monks and llamas, and with its help, millions of women and men improve their quality of life and their health.

Many people are ready to devote a lot of time to their appearance, but think little about their health - in my opinion, this is wrong. The secret of beauty for many women lies precisely in health, which depends on:

  • appearance of nails and hair;
  • skin condition;
  • general body tone;
  • muscle tone;
  • condition of the spine and joints.
But all this is nothing other than beauty. Imagine a fit man sports man With correct posture, With beautiful skin, shiny hair, a white-toothed smile - would you dare call such a person ugly? You need to take care of your health, and the Eye of Rebirth gymnastics will help here.

History of Gymnastics Five Tibetans

The whole world learned about what stretching is from a book by Peter Kalder. Kalder's book has a short preface - he talks about his friend who learned about the existence of a monastery in the Tibetan mountains called the Eye of Renaissance. It was a monastery of lamas who were famous for their longevity and at the same time high quality of life - they were healthy, looked much younger than their peers and their minds remained clear and pure.

By the way, the secret of the lamas was not such a secret - those travelers who did get to the remote monastery were taught by the monks special rituals that helped to restore and preserve youth. The Colonel, a friend of Peter Kalder, had seen a lot in his time, and at the age of 74 he was not very healthy. He asked Calder to travel with him to the monastery, but Peter refused, finding some excuse.

Subsequently, Peter Kalder tried to convince himself that no secret will help avoid old age, and all that a person can do is to grow old with dignity and grace. But he was overcome by doubts, and secretly he dreamed that the secret that the Tibetans kept in the Eye of Renaissance Monastery would turn out to be a real means for the lamas to continue life - what if the monks could do something that medicine couldn’t? Peter Calder's friend Bradford was able to get into the monastery, and you can read about the events that happened to him

IN book- The Eye of Rebirth. After Colonel Bradford left the monastery, Calder did not recognize him - the man looked no more than forty years old. And then Peter believed that the 5 exercises of Tibetan monks are an effective and useful practice, the benefits of which are obvious.

Principle of the technique

Of course, it is best to read the book (if not the first version, then at least

Would this- The Eye of True Revival), but I believe that before you start studying the materials in depth, you need to know in general whether you need a certain technique or not. Therefore, I will talk about what the Eye of Renaissance stretching gymnastics is, describe a set of exercises, and you can decide whether you need to read the book and comprehend these secrets. The “Five Tibetans” set of exercises is based on a combination of thoughts, physical actions and energy flows. This ancient way of “dividing” a person into the sphere of thoughts, energy and physical body is widespread even now - not only are the Five Pearls of Tibet based on it, but also many types of yoga and other practices consider a person from this point of view.

The essence, as you know, is harmony. In order to achieve harmony, you need to learn correct thinking, you need to liberate the body special exercises, and also find the right frame of mind. Do not think that five Tibetan pearls are a sports and fitness complex or a regular warm-up. This practice combines actions aimed at the comprehensive development of a person - this is the only way he can come to harmony.

In the human body, according to the theory of the 5 Tibetans, there are energy flows, which the author of the book calls vortexes. In order to stay young, you need to launch these whirlwinds, give them strength and force your energy to flow in the right direction. If energy flows weaken, then a person ages, diseases appear, and energy reserves disappear. To maintain the circulation of energy vortices at the proper level, there are five Tibetan pearls - five exercises available to everyone.

I’ll make a reservation right away - in fact, there were six exercises by Tibetan lamas. But not all fans of this practice come to perform the sixth ritual action of the Tibetan lamas - the fact is that it can only be performed if a person has completely renounced sexual life. Therefore, most often we are talking about five exercises - this ancient complex will help any person regain health and maintain youth.

Ritual actions

By the way, the five Tibetans are not exercises, but rather ritual actions, so they should be treated as such.

The complex must be performed in the morning, immediately after waking up.. There are strict rules for implementation, and you must follow them - not only in order to get results, but also so as not to harm yourself. The fact is that at first glance the complex looks no more difficult than a regular warm-up - and therefore many people start doing it instead of morning exercises, without thinking at all about its meaning. If you understand what the Eye of Rebirth requires from a person and follow its instructions, then you will understand what its secret is literally on your own body.

What is included in the set of exercises:

  • body turns with arms outstretched;
  • raising the head and legs in a lying position;
  • arching of the back while a person is kneeling;
  • transition from a sitting position to a “table” position;
  • transition from a supine position to a triangle pose.

Naturally, the recommendations are not mine, but belong, according to the author of the book, to the monks. The lamas' advice is quite simple and easy to follow. Before you perform the ritual actions, you can take a shower (after performing it, it is better to refrain from cold water for some time - do not allow a sharp temperature contrast).

If you need a little warm-up before exercise, do not deny yourself, even medicine confirms that before morning exercises You need to warm up a little, because the muscles are not toned.

In the video below you can see the technique of execution, the correct positions, but there are also the correct thought forms for each ritual action:

  1. Energy of force. You need to feel the power that passes through your body, it gives confidence and fills literally the whole body.
  2. The joy of life. The second ritual action must be performed slowly, setting yourself up in a positive mood, all the time remembering that life is joy and pleasure, and there is a lot of beauty in the world.
  3. Beauty and will. The third ritual action involves a feeling of your own beauty; you need to feel and believe that you are beautiful, healthy and young.
  4. Love and peace. Feel the energy of love, try with every breath to feel how you are filled with the energy of love and tranquility.
  5. The world around. Feel the beauty of the world - how beautiful it is, how many facets the universe has, and how much freedom there is around you.
After completing each ritual action, you need to listen to yourself, take three deep breaths and only then move on. If after the exercise you feel discomfort, then you need to either interrupt the exercise altogether, or just give yourself a little time to come to your senses. calm state.

After the entire complex is completed, you need to lie on your back on a hard surface(yes, an ordinary floor is just right), and completely relax - stretch out, relax your legs and arms and spend from five to fifteen minutes in this position. This will help normalize all processes in the body. After this, you need to take a deep breath, stretch from your heart into different sides and stand on your right side. Then you can have breakfast, but It is better to take a shower after half an hour.

How to perform ritual actions

The easiest way to understand how to correctly perform the five Tibetan pearls is by watching a video. This is not a simple warm-up, but an ancient and serious way of rejuvenation, so you need to do everything as correctly as possible. You can always watch the video to make sure your actions are correct.

How many times should you do the exercises

Beginners should do no more than three repetitions of each exercise. You can increase the number of repetitions weekly, by no more than two. The first week - three times, the second - five times and so on. No more than 21 times for one exercise. If after performing a certain number of exercises for a week, you do not feel the strength to increase the approaches, then it is better to stay at the current number.

Translation difference

There are also other books that are based on the practice of the Five Tibetans. For example, Eye of Rebirth for new era- a continuation of the book, written by a modern author, a new look at the practice of lamas, which includes not only an energetic mood and special stretching, but also many spiritual messages, as well as many exercises. If you get your hands on the Eye of Rebirth for a new era, then it’s better to turn to the source text, the first book authored by Kalder - so you can understand what guided

The author of the additional book is Sidersky. There is another version of the book, edited by Levin The Eye of the Real Revival. Peter Levin rethought Kalder’s work and slightly adapted it for our time (it’s no joke, Kalder wrote in the first half of the last century), and also modernized many of the esoteric messages in the book.

In my opinion, it is incorrect to call the Eye of Rebirth for a New Age and the Eye of Real Rebirth simply translations - this is a serious work of authorship, which, however, is somewhat different from the original. I don’t presume to judge who adapted the old book better and who worse - it’s important that it’s best to start reading with original version, and only then proceed to copyright. Or give up books altogether (although the reading is more than entertaining) and watch video tutorials.

Try this technique, and you will be surprised how effective it is - my mother forgot about the doctors, and now she has infected me with this gymnastics. At first, my mother’s stretching seemed like an ordinary exercise for women, but after watching a couple of videos and learning about the book The Eye of True Revival, I realized that this was more than stretching or warming up.

These are real rejuvenating apples that everyone can use. I can say that now I don’t even remember that I have a bad back, I don’t use sleeping pills, and I’ve become much more productive. I wish the same for you, be healthy, use the secrets of the llamas and stay young!

Since ancient times, Tibetan monks have developed five exercises that help restore health, beauty and youth to the human body. This gymnastics is called differently - five Tibetan pearls or the eye of rebirth. Tibetan monks claim that the secret of longevity is very simple, because it lies in the amount of necessary hormones in human body. This opinion is also confirmed by many clinical studies (we talked about this in more detail in). If, on the advice of the lamas, you perform the five Tibetan pearls, you can bring the body’s hormonal balance back to normal.

Eye of rebirth gymnastics allows you to stimulate the seven energy points of the body (chakras). So, let's learn five simple breathing and physical exercise, which the monks kept secret for many millennia.

You need to do the five Tibetan pearl exercises every day for at least 20 minutes a day. This gymnastics of Tibetan lamas must be performed daily, which is the only guarantee of good psychological and physical condition. Another condition is that the number of exercises should be exactly as specified in the method (no more, no less).

News line ✆

Gymnastics of Tibetan lamas, when performed correctly, due to its healing qualities, will help restore health, but can also harm it if the five exercises are not performed correctly.

Assigning Executions

Gymnastics are performed daily according to the following scheme.

  1. The first week, perform each eye of rebirth three times a day.
  2. The second week, perform all exercises five times.
  3. The third week, perform all exercises seven times.
  4. In the fourth week, perform gymnastics consisting of five exercises nine times.
  5. That is, increase the number of times you perform the eye of rebirth by two actions until the ninth week.

After daily practice of performing Tibetan pearls, the number of each exercise should reach 21 times. It is very important to observe proper breathing during gymnastics; the morning time before breakfast is best suited for exercise. After finishing the gymnastics, try to relax a little while lying down.

Chakra activation

The sequence of exercises and the completeness of the complex are very important. Better do fewer approaches.

Ritual 1

The first exercise of the eye of revival of Tibetan lamas is performed as follows: position - standing, at the level shoulder joint spread your arms horizontally to the sides. In this starting position, make circular rotations with your body (twirl) in the direction from left to right! Both men and women rotate in the same direction. You should feel slightly dizzy. On the advice of the lamas, beginners who decide to try this technique on themselves should limit this exercise to only three turns.

Ritual 2

The second point of the eye of rebirth gymnastics gives a tonic effect on the body. Improves digestion, has a positive effect on the thyroid gland, kidneys, and genitals. It will help alleviate diseases such as arthritis, stiffness of the legs and neck, help to establish an irregular menstrual cycle, ease the symptoms of menopause, and relieve back pain. Strengthens the heart muscle, diaphragm, improves respiratory system and blood circulation. It will help overcome chronic fatigue and also tighten the abdominal muscles.

Take a lying position on the floor. Exhale completely, empty your lungs of air. Movements must be accompanied by proper breathing. Then raise your head and legs at the same time, pull them towards each other, inhale smoothly and deeply at this moment. While lowering, you need to exhale just as deeply, until the lungs are completely empty. Effective result will only happen with proper breathing, so if you decide to take a break between counts of this exercise, do not forget to inhale and exhale correctly.

Ritual 3

To perform this action, kneel down. Your hips should be vertical, so your knees should be hip-width apart. Place your palms under your buttocks back surface hips

Then press your chin to your chest, tilting your head. Then throw your head back, simultaneously straightening your sternum and arching your spine. Help yourself with your hands, rest them on your hips. Then take the original position with your chin touching your chest. Don't make sudden movements, and if you feel tired, give yourself a break.

Remember that when performing the Eye of Rebirth ritual, correct breathing must be strictly consistent with the rhythm of the movements. Inhale and exhale, as in the second action, make it smooth but deep. As you bend your spine, inhale and exhale, returning to your original position.

Ritual 4

When performing the fourth ritual of the Five Pearls of Tibet, sit on the floor. Your legs should be extended in front of you, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Close your fingers and place your palms on the floor along your buttocks, keeping your spine straight. Lower your head down, pressing your chin to your chest.

Next, move the position of your head back at the same time as your body and hips horizontal position, and place your shins and arms vertically. This pose is very associated with a coffee table. . The tabletop is in a horizontal plane, and the legs are placed vertically in space. Now tighten up muscle tissue entire body for a moment, then relax and return to the starting position.

In this situation, it is also worth remembering about proper breathing. Throwing your head back and raising your body, inhale deeply and smoothly. After tightening your muscles, hold your breath and then exhale as you lower your body. If you decide to take a break between the sequence of exercises, do not change your breathing rhythm.

Ritual 5

For this exercise, lie on the floor (with your stomach on the mat). Now, according to the advice of the lamas of Tibet, bend over, the body of the body should rest entirely on the palms in front and on the back on the tips of the fingers. The pelvis and knees should not touch the floor. Make sure your fingers are tightly closed and pointing forward. The distance between both the palms and the feet should be the same, slightly larger than shoulder width.

This eye of rebirth ritual begins with throwing the head back. After this, take a position in which the body will be associated with an acute angle. The top of the body should point upward. Return your head to its normal position, and then press your chin to your chest. Keep your legs and arms straight. Another condition is that the torso and arms must be in the same plane. The picture of this pose resembles a folded body in hip joints in half. The initial position is an emphasis, lying bent over, it is to this position that you need to return and repeat the gymnastic ritual the required number of times. Muscles must be strained to the maximum during all positions.

As statistics show, after practicing for a week, the fifth exercise of the eye of rebirth gymnastics will become the easiest to perform.

When you begin to master this ritual fluently, taking the starting position, bend your back as deeply as possible, but without breaking your lower back, but arching thoracic region and straightening your shoulders wide. The knees and pelvis should not touch during these manipulations.

In the fifth Tibetan pearl exercise, breathing is also of great importance. Taking an emphasis, lying down, while folding the body, inhale as deeply as possible. Returning to the starting position, bending over, also exhale the air completely.

After you reach the level of exercises up to 21 times in the practice of 5 pearls of Tibet, you can begin the second round of gymnastics - evening. In the morning, do a full cycle of the ritual, and in the evening begin to perform 5 pearls from already familiar exercises, starting three times each.

Video - Tibetan gymnastics “Eye of Renaissance”

No need to treat joints with pills!

Have you ever experienced unpleasant discomfort in your joints or annoying back pain? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you or your loved ones have encountered this problem. And you know firsthand what it is:

  • inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
  • unpleasant crunching, clicking not of your own accord;
  • pain during or after exercise;
  • inflammation in the joints and swelling;
  • causeless and sometimes unbearable aching pain in the joints...

Surely you have tried a bunch of medications, creams, ointments, injections, doctors, examinations, and, apparently, none of the above has helped you... And there is an explanation for this: it is simply not profitable for pharmacists to sell a working product, since they will lose clients! It was precisely this that the leading rheumatologists and orthopedists of Russia jointly opposed, presenting what has long been known among the people effective remedy for joint pain that actually heals, and not just relieves pain! with a famous professor.

The monks of a forgotten monastery in Tibet would remain unknown if they had not revealed the secrets of their health, vitality and longevity. Knowledge of their Eye of Renaissance gymnastics, consisting of five exercises, was first revealed in the 1930s, but became popular in the late 20th century. Get to know them better for better health.

What is the Eye of Rebirth

5 Tibetan pearls - this is the name of the Eye of Revival practice, because it consists of five simple exercises from a physical point of view. They are difficult from the spiritual side, because they require maximum concentration and special technology to perform. Tibetan monks perform Eye of Rebirth gymnastics daily for 10-20 minutes. Exercise affirmation reinforces a person’s habit of working on the body and can help improve his psychological and physical state.

According to the Tibetan monks who developed the Eye of Revival technique, human body There are 19 energy centers - vortexes, seven of which are major, and the rest are secondary. These formations are located near the joints, rotate quickly, providing the body with energy. In case of illness or illness, the speed of the vortices slows down, which impairs the flow of prana (vital matter) to the organs. The Eye of Revival exercises help return the flow of energy to a healthy state and feel the flow of energy.

What does the Eye of Rebirth give?

It was developed by monks for a reason breathing exercises Eye of rebirth - 5 Tibetan exercises. She helps to launch energy vortices, normalize their speed when performing ritual actions. The Eye of Rebirth exercises are similar to regular yoga; they give the body health and youth, launching vital processes. Thanks to them they leave overweight, but the Tibetan practice is universal not only for losing weight - if a person is underweight, he gains it without problems.

Tibetan exercises for rejuvenating the body

From technology correct breathing Tibetan rejuvenation gymnastics begins with five pearls of the Eye of Revival. Inhale through your nose. Exhale through your mouth, making the sound “he”. Tibetan monks advise putting all irritation, anger and fatigue into the exhalation in order to release them from yourself. When performing the Eye of Rebirth exercise scheme, exhalation occurs when power section, inhale – to the starting position.

Learn to perform the exercise while standing with a relaxed body and clear head, then proceed to perform full deep yogic breathing. It is divided into three phases of lung movement:

  • lower diaphragmatic - while inhaling, lower the diaphragm down, push your stomach forward so that the lungs fill with air, draw in the perineal area;
  • middle pectoral - try to tighten your stomach so that the intercostal muscles expand the chest;
  • upper clavicular - straighten your shoulders without lifting up, let your neck muscles lift your upper ribs without straining your chest.

The exhalation continues with similar three exercises - first, relax the perineum, lower the ribs and collarbones. When doing the Tibetan workout, pull in your stomach, lower your shoulders, and squeeze your buttocks. This tone should accompany the body for the entire duration of the Eye of Rebirth gymnastics. For complete energetic immersion in yourself, close your eyes, follow the sequence of exercises without changing their sequence.

5 exercises of Tibetan monks

After mastering real yogic breathing, start doing 5 Tibetan exercises every day:

  1. Stand up straight, extend your arms to the sides. Rotate around your axis from left to right until you feel slightly dizzy. Close your eyelids and take several full breaths to stop your head from spinning. This exercise is considered a warm-up exercise.
  2. Lie down on a soft mat. Stretch your arms along the body, place your palms with clenched fingers on the floor. Exhale, take a full breath, hold, raise your head, press your chin to your chest. Without bending your knees, lift your legs vertically up without engaging your pelvis and shoulders. Fix at the top point for a couple of seconds, exhale through your mouth, relax your neck. Smoothly tilt your head and legs, repeat.
  3. Get on your knees, place your feet on your toes, extend your knees hip-width apart, and keep your hips vertical. Place your palms on your thighs, completely fill your lungs with oxygen, and stretch your chin toward your chest. Exhale intensely through your mouth, relax your body, tighten your neck muscles. Inhale through your nose, raising your head vertically. Keep your chest relaxed, stick out forward, and push your shoulders back, trying to bring your shoulder blades together. At the same time, move the back of your head back, stretch your neck as much as possible, and hold for a couple of seconds. Exhale through your mouth.
  4. Sit on a light mat, straighten your spine, relax your chest. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, place your palms side by side so that they are not pulled behind your back, close your fingers and point forward. Tilt your chin to your chest, exhale intensely through your mouth, relax your body, stretch your neck. Inhale, lift your head, move your body forward, sliding slightly, and up to stand horizontally. Roll your heels in place. Tighten your muscles for a couple of seconds. The correct position of the body looks like this: hips and torso in a horizontal direction, shins and arms in a vertical direction (by analogy with table legs). Exhale, return to the starting position.
  5. Make an effort lying down, arch your back or get on all fours. Rest your body on your palms and the balls of your toes. Do not touch your knees and pelvis to the floor, point your hands forward, clasp your fingers. Place your arms vertically and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Exhale through your mouth, move the back of your head as far back as possible. Stretch your vertebrae, round your spine with your chest extended and your shoulder blades squeezed together. Fix, exhale, stand in an acute angle, with your buttocks up. Try to stand with your heels on the floor, straighten your knees, and “drown” your lower back towards your stomach. Try to bring your shoulder blades together. Place your chin on your chest, keeping your arms and back straight. Tighten as much as possible, exhale intensely through your mouth, and return to your original state.

All five Eye of Rebirth exercises are done three times per workout, in slow mode. The regime is maintained for a week, then every seven days the number of repetitions is increased by two until they reach 21 times. There is also a sixth exercise of Tibetan gymnastics, the Eye of Revival, which is included in the complex in the form of 3-9 repetitions. This exercise redirects free energy and dissolves the sexual desire that has arisen. The position is not recommended for women who are menstruating and those who are not ready to give up sex completely.

Stand up straight, take a deep breath, squeeze the sphincters of the urinary and anal openings, tighten the pelvic and perineal muscles. Quickly bend over, place your hands on your hips, and exhale intensely with a thick “hah” sound. Strongly draw in your stomach, straighten up, place your chin on the subjugular notch, keeping your hands on your waist. Keep this rhythm until the air runs out, release the tension in the diaphragm, straighten your head, inhale, catch your breath, repeat.

How to do Tibetan gymnastics

Eye of Rebirth - gymnastics of Tibetan monks is done in accordance with strict rules:

  • we must not forget to train - once you start performing the Tibetan Eye of Rebirth complex, you will have to do it every day for the rest of your life, otherwise the body will degrade more than it was before;
  • You can’t do more than 21 repetitions, strictly observe level increases every week;
  • after the Tibetan set of exercises, lie down and relax;
  • The optimal time for the Eye of Rebirth training is immediately after waking up in the morning at sunrise or in the evening at sunset and at empty stomach;
  • after four months of frequent exercise, you can start doing the exercises twice a day - 21 repetitions in the morning, three in the evening, adding twice every week until you reach 21;
  • You must not overexert yourself, overwork yourself, or allow unpleasant sensations to occur;
  • between two ritual actions (the first rotations do not count), take pauses - stand straight, put your hands on your waist, and perform smooth breathing;
  • if it is difficult to perform a repetition, break them into 2-3 parts: in the morning - the first 10 or 7 repetitions, in the evening - the second 11 or 7, plus in the afternoon - 7 times;
  • after the Eye of Rebirth training, it’s good to take a slightly cool bath, shower, wipe your body from sweat with a warm, damp towel, dry off, cold water not recommended to use;
  • There are no contraindications for performing the Eye of Rebirth.

Eye of Rebirth for Women

Followers of the technique sometimes claim that the Eye of Rebirth gymnastics is not intended for women because it was developed by male monks. This is not true - exercise is beneficial for any gender because it increases metabolism and increases blood circulation, which triggers the regeneration process. As a result, the body loses weight if it is overweight or gains weight if it is underweight.

Five Tibetans for Beginners

The basic rule of gymnastics is that Tibetan yoga for beginners it is accompanied by training in breathing techniques. When performing the Eye of Rebirth exercises, you should start with just three repetitions of each type, which will take 8-10 minutes. You need to perform the training strictly according to the rules, without changing the order of the classes, preferably in the morning. Additional sports and proper nutrition won't hurt.

Video: 5 pearls of Tibetan gymnastics

Eye of Rebirth - reviews from practitioners

Marina, 27 years old

I am interested in Eastern culture and do yoga, so I have heard a lot about the Tibetan Eye of Revival. I was scared daily execution exercises, but I decided to try it, and I don’t regret it. In just a month, I have gained so much energy that I don’t know where to direct it. My back pain disappeared, I began to sleep better and lost a couple of kilograms.

Maxim, 39 years old

A friend told me about the Tibetan practice of the Eye of Rebirth, who has been doing it for two years in a row without a single break. He began to look noticeably better without additional exercise and changing eating habits. I also decided to try it, I'm doing three repetitions for now, but I already like it.

Eye of rebirth - reviews from doctors

Natalya, 44 years old

I work as a fitness trainer, so I know most of the weight loss practices. As for the Eye of Rebirth, I can say that the technique works, because as a result of its execution, calories are burned, which is equivalent physical activity. Exercise is done daily and is beneficial. There are different reviews about the Eye of Rebirth, but there are more positive ones with photos.

Evgeniy, 40 years old

I am a practicing yogi, so I can say that the Eye of Rebirth is one of the most strong training with saving effect vital energy– prana. In my classes, after six months, people got rid of spinal curvature, excess body weight and became more cheerful.

If you haven't heard about the Eye of Renaissance gymnastics yet. Do you lack energy or have already started having health problems? Then be sure to read this article and watch the Eye of Revival 5 Tibetan exercises video. After all, this is your chance to become an energetic person, look younger, improve your health and keep your body in good shape.

The civilized world first learned about this set of energy exercises from a book by Peter Kalder; by the way, you can listen to a fascinating audio version on this page. And if you are going to engage in this rejuvenating practice of Tibetan monks, then I advise you to read this book without fail.

What diseases does the Eye of Rebirth treat? Yes, almost everything. They train the body and work with energy flows. This is not simple physical education, but energy gymnastics. Which helps to disperse and stabilize the so-called vortices that revolve around our body.

This is what these vortices look like in the diagram. In a healthy person, they merge into an egg, and in a patient they are concentrated near the centers, of which in humans there are 7 - primary and 12 - secondary.

How to correctly perform 5 exercises of Tibetan monks.

Be sure to create insulation from the cold floor, take a yoga mat for example. Make sure that your legs and arms do not slip, otherwise you will perform the exercises incorrectly.

  • You need to start each ritual with 3 repetitions and do it for a week, then add 2 repetitions.
  1. Week – 3 repetitions
  2. Week – 5
  3. Week – 7
  4. Week – 9
  5. Week - 11
  6. Week – 13
  7. Week – 15
  8. Week – 17
  9. Week – 19
  10. Week – 21
  • You cannot rearrange the exercises or split them over time. You need to do the whole complex.
  • It is advisable to do exercises at sunrise or sunset. But if you wake up later, be sure to perform your morning rituals before 12 noon. If you decide to exercise in the morning, then do it in the morning. And if you decide in the evening, then do it only in the evening. Since this will be a new practice. That is, if you worked out in the morning and decided to move it to the evening, then you need to start again with 3 repetitions of each exercise.
  • If you absolutely cannot do some exercise, then do it as best you can, or don’t do it temporarily, the complex will still work. By the way, under some exercises you will see a lighter version for weakened people.
  • Avoid overexertion and fatigue. If it is difficult to increase the approaches, as written in the diagram, then do 3 exercises for 2 or 3 weeks to strengthen the body. Move more slowly.
  • Breathing plays a very important role here. You must take a deep breath and exhale as completely as possible. Between exercises, if you need breaks, you need to breathe rhythmically as well. Since breathing is inextricably linked with energy flows or vortexes.
  • If you do the exercises easily and they do not cause any difficulties. So do just that - one after another, without any pauses.
  • And if Tibetan practices are difficult for you. Then you definitely need to take a break between exercises. And during the pause you need to take deep breaths and exhale. As you exhale, relax your body as much as possible and imagine how impurities and bad energy come out of you (you can imagine it in red). And as you inhale, pure, blue prana enters you. In this case, you need to monitor the area of ​​​​the body, at the level of the navel. After some time, you will definitely feel and even see flows of energy (prana).
  • It will be very good if the revival of gymnastics ends with water procedures. It is better if it is a warm or slightly cool shower or bath or wiping with a towel dipped in warm water. And under no circumstances perform cold water procedures, the cold of which penetrates deep into the body. Otherwise, it will disrupt the etheric body and nullify your efforts.
  • Don't take breaks more than 1 day a week! Otherwise, you will return the body to its previous state. And if you still had to miss more than one day, then start doing them again with 3 repetitions.

The explanations are written, but something may be missing, so it’s still better to listen to this video with the audiobook. There are explanations there from which you can learn something of your own.

"The Eye of Rebirth" (AUDIOBOOK)

If you don't feel like listening to the whole book, here's a breakdown of the exercises:

Ritual actions:

This book was written in 1938 by P. Calder from the words of his acquaintance, a colonel in the British army, who visited a Tibetan monastery and became more than 20 years younger.

But there is another book on this topic that was published in the 90s. And it was written by Peter Levin, who learned rejuvenating Tibetan practices in the monastery. And there are 7 exercises. And they are described not much differently. Some people think that you need to study according to Kalder’s book, since this is the original source. And some believe that Peter Levin’s book is more correct and advanced.

But I believe that if there are other sources, then we need to study all the available materials. After all, each person conveys information in their own way. And it’s up to you to decide what you will use and what you won’t. You can read Levin's book

Exercises or practices Eye of Renaissance – 5 Tibetan pearls

  1. Ritual action. "Rotation of energy."

It disperses vortices and gives them speed and stability. Helps fight lethargy. Stand up straight, spread your arms out to the sides like an airplane. Fix your gaze on something and rotate clockwise. While rotating, turn your head towards the object fixed with your gaze, this is what dancers do to reduce dizziness. Or try to keep your head turned to the right as you move. Start spinning slowly and gradually increase the pace. If you feel dizzy, stop immediately and lie down or sit down until the dizziness goes away.

And yet, in Kelder’s book it is written that you need to start rotations with 3 times and add 2 times every week. And in Levin’s book it is said that you cannot perform the entire complex until you learn to rotate 9 times without dizziness.

  1. Ritual action. "Return of power."

It helps to master energy, fills the vortexes with ethereal force, increases the speed of their rotation and gives them stability. First, sit on the mat, close your eyes, focus on breathing and imagine that the World is limited by this mat. You need to disconnect from communication with the outside world and focus on yourself in order to maintain strength within yourself.

Lie down on the mat, without opening your eyes, exhale as much air as possible. Inhale and exhale again until your lungs are completely free of air. Repeat this breathing again.

Focus on the solar plexus, this is where a person’s source of strength and energy is concentrated... And breathe full breath 2-3 times, but this time imagine that, along with a sigh, you are filled with energy solar plexus. And when you exhale, energy spreads throughout the body.

Now, while continuing to breathe fully, imagine that as you inhale, you are driving a flow of energy from your feet to the top of your head. On the exhale, on the contrary, from the crown to the feet. And before you begin the second part of the exercise, practice so that you clearly understand that you can control the flow of energy in your body.

After this, while inhaling, raise your head, pressing your chin to your sternum, while your back and shoulders remain pressed to the floor, and raise your legs straight without lifting your hips from the floor. As soon as your legs reach a vertical position, finish inhaling. And begin to exhale, slowly and smoothly lowering your legs and head to the floor. If you think it necessary, you can rest for no more than a minute before each repetition.

Light version for weakened people

  1. Ritual action. "The connection between body and mind."

Saturates the body with the energy of youth. Activates intention, will and consciousness.

Get on your knees with your feet hip-width apart for comfort, with your big toes touching the floor. Place your hands on the back of the thigh muscles, under the buttocks. The chin should be pressed to the sternum and exhale deeply. As you inhale, stick out your sternum and throw your head back. And return to the starting position as you exhale.

  1. Ritual action. Energy shower, cleanses of negative energies. Returns energy and prevents leakage.

It may seem very difficult at first. But this is from the very beginning, after 1-3 weeks you will be able to do it with ease. The main thing is not to be afraid, it is as scary as jumping over a narrow ditch as a child. And for women it may seem that their weak arms will not withstand the weight, but firstly, they will, and secondly, in a couple of weeks they will get stronger.

Sit on the floor, stretch your legs, feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands, palms forward, on either side of your thighs. Press your head to your sternum and exhale to the limit.

As you inhale, tilt your head back, roll your legs from your heels to your feet, and lift your hips. You should now have a table. Tighten all your muscles in this position and hold your breath, then exhale the air and smoothly return to the starting position.

Light version

  1. Ritual action. "Energy Balancing"

The starting position of the dog pose is lying on straightened arms (hands forward, fingers closed) and big toes. Legs and arms are slightly wider than shoulders. The rest of the body should not touch the floor. The back is in an arched state. (This exercise may also seem difficult in the first 1-2 weeks.)

As you exhale deeply, tilt your head back. Taking a deep breath, pressing your head to your chest, fold yourself into a hill without lifting your legs off the floor. Hold your breath and fix this position, tensing all your muscles.

Return to the starting position, exhaling deeply and also tensing all your muscles.

Easy version

It is possible that when folding in a slide, at first your heels will not fully rise to the floor. You have to strive for this and over time it will happen with ease.

IMPORTANT: And you definitely need to lie down in Shavasana for 2-3 minutes!!! You can't run errands right away.

Eye of Rebirth 5 exercises video

As for rejuvenating your appearance, the book says that you need to give yourself a mental attitude towards rejuvenation. And when you have enough energy, your appearance will also begin to change automatically.

And yet, P. Kalder’s book describes 6 exercises, and as it says, this is exactly what makes a person’s appearance younger. And the energy level rises significantly. It is called Udiyana banha. But you can’t just take it and do it. First, you need to properly master the first 5 rituals. And secondly, you need to give up your sexual life, because sex takes a lot of energy out of a person and opens up endless prospects for improvement. Peter Kalder threatens destruction in the body of anyone who breaks the rules. Therefore, I will not describe the exercise; if you decide, listen to it in an audiobook or read it in a book yourself.

I think that you will be interested in watching a video with a professional yogi who shows and tells how, from the point of view of yoga, to correctly do the Tibetan practices of the Eye of Revival in order to get the maximum benefit.

To be honest, when I did everything as the yoga teacher advised in the video, I no longer wanted to do it “the right way,” as written in the books by Kalder and Levin. He shows you how to breathe and move and tune in to the smallest detail, how to place your feet... And this way the exercises are much easier to do, and your mood becomes much better. And you don’t need to think about where and how to breathe, in short - everything is great. Thanks to the creators of this video tutorial.

Five Tibetans with addition, training

If it is difficult for you to do 5 Tibetan rejuvenating Tibetan practices in this form, then you can perform the lightweight version for the first time.

Eye of Renaissance light version for weakened or sick people

How to lie down in Shavasana.

This must be done at the end of the practice, no matter what method of doing the exercises you chose. You need to lie on the mat, feet at a distance of 5 cm. Bring your shoulder blades together so that your hands lie palms up. And focus on breathing: inhale and exhale, stop the thoughts in your head and relax. Shavasana is also a whole science and you can read how to do it below.

When finished, move your fingers and toes, take the deepest breath and exhale as much as possible. That's it, practice is over. Have a nice day!

Here are some reviews from Eye of Rebirth practitioners.

First review from me. I am 52 years old, I have high blood pressure and excess weight. The exercises were not easy for me, I mean the 4th - table and 5th - slide. At first I did the fourth ritual, resting on the floor not with my palms, but with my fists, although this is considered more difficult. By the way, the 4th exercise didn’t work because the floor was slippery and my arms and legs were moving.

Nothing special has happened to me so far. But in the 4th week, when I had already done 9 repetitions, and the 5th ritual was Gorka, I even began to like it... I noticed that I somehow became less lazy, that is, my energy increased... There was a tone in the body. My hands have become stronger, I’m already doing the 4th ritual, leaning on my palms. And almost every day rituals come easier and easier to me.

And then the elevator was turned off, and I went up to the 9th floor without rapid breathing. I entered the apartment as if I was riding in an elevator... And yet, I lost 1.5 kg of excess weight... that's all for now. But I don't expect quick results. Another surprising thing is that they have already appeared.

This set of 5 Tibetan exercises works great for healing and rejuvenating the body and takes little time, although it needs to be done every day. Therefore, I advise you to pay attention to it if you want to be healthy, energetic and look good.