Physical exercises for vertebral hernia. Exercises for a hernia of the lumbar spine: benefits and rules for performing

As you know, it is a protrusion of the fibrous ring, which can continue until it ruptures, as a result of which the nucleus pulposus moves towards the protrusion, until it falls into the spinal canal. The result is compression of the nerve endings. spinal cord that respond to this effect with severe pain, the work of some internal organs. An intervertebral hernia can form in any part of the spine, but most often it manifests itself in the cervical and lumbar regions. The basis of treatment (not counting the moment of pain relief) are physical exercise for the spine with a hernia, which allow you to restore the muscle corset and improve the condition of the ligamentous apparatus, thereby preventing relapses of the disease.

Causes of the appearance of an intervertebral hernia

Any disease is much easier to prevent than to cure.

Such a problem does not arise at one moment, it is the result of long-term negative processes that occur in the spine and in the body in general, and these processes last for many years. But the very manifestation of the disease occurs after exposure to a provoking factor, which is a kind of “last straw”, and not the cause of the onset of the disease. Most often, such a provoking effect is the wrong lifting of a heavy load, when the weight is lifted not with the legs, but with the back.

The cause of a herniated disc is the degenerative processes that occur in the discs. The reasons for these processes are:

  • wrong load on the back. It is not only about the wrong lifting of weights, it is also important to follow, work in comfortable posture etc. Failure to follow the simplest rules leads to the fact that the destruction of the intervertebral discs is accelerated;
  • lack of water in the body has an extremely negative effect on connective tissues, including intervertebral discs. The main task of the discs is the spring function, they can fully perform it only if there is a sufficient amount of fluid that they absorb from the surrounding tissues. If there is little fluid, then the discs will literally dry out, which will seriously increase the likelihood of a hernia;
  • lack of moderate physical activity. It is not for nothing that the basis of treatment for a hernia of the spine is physical exercises, but they are also needed in Everyday life. Thanks to just such exercises, the ligaments and muscles of the spine develop, the task of which is to maintain the spine in optimal condition. In addition, the intervertebral discs "feed" (receive the necessary nutrients, as well as get rid of unnecessary ones) through diffusion. For it to be successful, a certain load is needed, which will improve blood circulation. And the easiest way to create such conditions is with the help of physical exercises.
  • malnutrition is also a serious problem. Both the spine and the intervertebral discs constantly need certain trace elements that can only enter the human body with food. The most important of them are known to all - calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, etc. With a lack of these elements, the bone tissue becomes porous and weak, and the intervertebral discs begin to collapse. So proper nutrition is essential for back health.

Basic rules for performing exercises with a hernia of the spine

You need to start performing such exercises immediately after you managed to cope with the pain syndrome. But at the same time, certain rules must be observed, otherwise physical. exercises for a hernia of the spine instead of benefit will be harmful.

Exercises for a herniated spine should be performed after you cope with pain syndromes

1. When choosing exercises, you must carefully monitor your own condition and the absence of pain. This is necessary because the protrusion of the intervertebral disc could occur in any direction. It is necessary to perform those exercises that do not cause any discomfort, it is these exercises for the treatment of spinal hernia that will be really useful. If during the exercise there is a slight feeling of discomfort, then it must also be performed, but as carefully and carefully as possible. The exceptions are those exercises, during which there is a sharp pain in the spine. It is clear that it makes sense to postpone such exercises "until better times", but they can act as a kind of diagnostician. If after a while you repeat this exercise and it causes less pain, then you are moving in the right direction.

2. On early stages those exercises that involve "twisting" the torso should be avoided.

3. Avoid blows to the back, jumps and sudden shocks.

4. You need to do the exercises as often as possible throughout the day (2-6 times), but at the same time divide the set of exercises into several separate parts that you will perform at different times.

5. Do not apply sudden efforts to problem areas of the spine.

6. You need to start exercises with a minimum amplitude and load, and only then gradually increase them.

7. No need to try to recover in one day, instantly "setting" all the vertebrae and discs at once. The spine must be restored gently, while it is necessary to gradually increase blood circulation in the diseased area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe spine.

Exercises for lumbar hernia of the spine

In most cases, a herniated disc appears in the lumbar region. The set of exercises below is standard, it is aimed at people who have been suffering from a herniated disc for a long time. But it should be borne in mind that the treatment is almost always individual, which means that the attending physician may recommend additional exercises to this complex. In general, the purpose of these exercises is to strengthen and develop the functionality of the spine, as well as general training body muscles.

Exercise 1

Lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body, legs should be in a slightly bent position. When performing the exercise, do not hold your breath. Tighten your abdominal muscles until firm. You can control the condition of the muscles by placing your hands on your stomach. This exercise is performed 10-15 times.

Exercise 2

It is also performed lying on your back, arms lie along the body, legs should be extended. It is necessary to slightly raise the body, while the legs should be on the floor all the time. This position is maintained for 10 seconds, after which the body must be slowly lowered, returning to its original position. After completing the exercise, take a short break, no more than 10 seconds. This exercise is repeated 10-15 times.

Exercise 3

The starting position is lying on your back, while the legs should be slightly bent. It is necessary to stretch the right arm forward, placing the brush on the knee of the left leg. Then you begin to bend your left leg, while resisting the leg with your right hand, preventing the leg from approaching the head. This exercise is performed with an effort of about 10 seconds, after which the starting position is slowly and smoothly taken. This is followed by rest for 10-15 seconds. Such an exercise is performed 5-10 times, after which it is necessary to change the arm and leg (the left hand rests on the right leg), repeat the exercise another 5-10 times. During rest, you should relax the muscles of the trunk, arms and legs as much as possible.

Therapeutic exercise for a hernia in the cervical spine

The following set of exercises is performed with a hernia of the spine in cervical region. But it should be noted that the cervical region in many ways is very "capricious", so the exercise should be approached with caution. In addition, the exercises are selected individually, so the attending physician can add some exercises to the complex below. Also, exercises should not be performed during the period of an acute course of the disease, on the contrary, during this period it is recommended to wear a fixing bandage, which will provide rest to the diseased vertebrae and discs.

Turning the head to the right to the left with a hernia of the cervical spine

The above exercises of the complex are aimed at restoring the elasticity of the neck muscles and improving the mobility of the vertebrae.

Exercise 1

Performed sitting or standing, arms lowered along the body. It is necessary to perform smooth turns of the head to the extreme right, and then to the extreme left position. The exercise is repeated 5-10 times. With a lightweight version, small turns are made to the sides.

Exercise 2

The starting position is similar to the previous exercise. You need to gently lower your head down, trying to press your chin to your chest. It is performed 5-10 times.

Exercise 3

It is performed standing or sitting, with arms lowered along the body. Slowly throws the head back, while you need to retract the chin. The exercise is repeated 5-10 times.

It should be noted that any exercises should be performed only after consulting a doctor. The above sets of exercises for a hernia of the spine will not hurt, of course, but only a doctor will be able to take into account all the nuances, taking into account your specific case.

Also, do not forget that the exercises performed after surgery to remove a hernia of the spine may differ slightly from the above complexes.

Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system are common in modern world, as they are associated with a passive lifestyle and lack of physical activity. They are treated in most cases with the involvement therapeutic gymnastics, since drug therapy alone does not give the desired effect. Accompanied by lifestyle changes proper nutrition and wearing a corset.

Is exercise therapy effective?

Therapeutic gymnastics is indicated for a hernia of the lumbar spine, as it has a positive effect on blood circulation, metabolic processes between soft tissues and bone structure. Exercise therapy is an important part of treatment tactics, as effective remedy rehabilitation and restoration of mobility of the ridge. The main positive results from regular execution assigned exercises:

  • Restoring the elasticity of the muscle structure.
  • Normalization of blood circulation and increased nutrition of all tissues in the spinal canal.
  • Improving the movement of lymph.
  • Return of spinal mobility.
  • Reducing the manifestation of pain syndrome.
  • Strengthening of the muscular corset.
  • Correct fixation of the spine.
  • Uniform distribution of the body load on the ridge, due to the removal of blocks.
  • Relaxation of the muscle structure, elimination of spasms.
  • Removal of the inflammatory process.

Therapeutic gymnastics for a hernia of the spine is carried out under the supervision of a specialist, in particular, at first, then training at home is allowed. Exercises are selected individually based on the characteristics of the pathology, the severity of symptoms. The effectiveness directly depends on the correctness of the compilation of the complex.

Approximate complex Exercise therapy for intervertebral hernia of the spine

How is a set of exercises selected?

Exercise therapy for intervertebral hernia is an important component of the chosen therapy. The complex is selected taking into account the localization of the pathology, as well as the symptoms of the disease. Selected exercises are aimed at strengthening hip joints And muscle tissue press. They atrophy mainly due to low activity or the development of pathology of the spine. If timely action is not taken, the hernia progresses and leads to serious deformation of the discs. The load is distributed on the bone and cartilage tissue, leading to their destruction. The ideal complex should take into account the following features:

  • Patient's age.
  • Degree of it physical development and preparation.
  • The stage of disease progression.
  • Other prescribed treatments.

Exercise therapy is prescribed for lumbar hernia only during remission, when the acute period is completely stopped. Otherwise, classes lead to the development of a number of serious complications (damage to the spinal cord, pinching of blood vessels, increased pressure on nerve endings). universal recommendations regarding the choice of the complex does not exist, but usually with pathologies of the lumbar sacral department and other areas worth doing the following sports:

  • . Classes are held together with an instructor and allow you to improve the elasticity of muscle tissue. Not all types of asanas are allowed, but some of them will significantly improve the patient's condition.
  • Swimming. It has a positive effect on the entire musculoskeletal system, normalizes blood circulation and removes excess load, clamps, infringements and blocks from the vertebrae. Normalizes with water psychological condition, the person relaxes faster. Regular classes relieve pain, increase blood flow to certain areas, eliminate discomfort in the back.
  • Pilates. Some exercises from this sport improve posture, normalize the mobility of the vertebrae, and make the spine more flexible. Classes are held only with an instructor.
  • Dikul complex. Back treatment is not complete without techniques developed by specialists and orthopedic doctors. This technique is offered by a doctor who himself has suffered a fracture of the spine and therefore he himself has tried many methods and techniques. His complex includes only the most effective.
  • Bubnovsky's exercises. Another specialist who offers to cure the spine with the help of kinesiotherapy. It allows you to use even small muscles in the work, and thereby quickly get rid of spasms. Behind a short time the ridge becomes elastic, more flexible, and the muscular corset is stronger.

It has a good effect on the condition of the back and intervertebral discs hanging on the horizontal bar. It is often prescribed even as a prophylaxis, if there is a high risk of developing a hernia, protrusion of the disc. But stretching must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, since, otherwise, it will be carried out unevenly.

Important information! It is strictly forbidden to engage in full-fledged physical education during the treatment period, as this will provoke displacements or more serious processes.

The first classes of therapeutic exercises should be carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist.

Safety regulations

When performing exercise therapy for lumbar hernia, it is extremely important not to overdo it so as not to harm your health. For this, there are simple rules that will allow you to conduct training correctly:

  • Every time you need to monitor the condition to eliminate pain. At the first appearance of excessive discomfort, it is necessary to stop the session.
  • Jumping, striking techniques or sudden movements, turns should be avoided.
  • On problem areas, the load should be minimal to avoid injury.
  • Therapeutic exercise for intervertebral hernia eliminates excessive effort or a large range of motion.
  • The intensity of work with the back and the duration are gradually increased, preference is given to smooth movements that do not cause discomfort.
  • Classes are performed every day or according to the schedule prescribed by the doctor.
  • Severe fatigue should not be allowed; during treatment, it is prohibited to perform exercises “for wear”.

Exercise therapy for vertebral hernia should not cause discomfort or pain and be performed at minimal loads. It is useful to begin with straining individual parts of the body while lying on the floor or a flat hard surface (cervical, then chest, arms, buttocks, legs). Only then can you move on to more complex approaches.

Yoga offers excellent complexes for improving the health of the spine, stretching it and increasing mobility.

Effective Exercises

Therapeutic gymnastics for vertebral hernia is aimed at stopping the main symptoms of the pathology. These are spasms, pains, discomfort, numbness of the extremities. They usually disappear after two weeks. regular workouts. Exercise therapy is recommended during the recovery period after rehabilitation, as well as for other pathologies, regardless of the patient's age. All manipulations are performed only on flat surface preferably on the floor. The number of repetitions is not more than 10.

Useful exercises with intervertebral hernia, there are:

  • Take the position of the starting position, lying on the floor, legs and arms stretch along the torso. Raise the body slowly up, use your arms and legs as a support. Hold the body in this position for 8-10 minutes. Time and distance from the floor increase gradually.
  • Another exercise useful for the spine as a whole. It is necessary to lie on your back, stretch your arms forward, bend your legs at the knees. The head rises up to 15 cm, the trunk of the ridge remains motionless. It is held in position for 20 seconds.
  • Sit on a chair, stretch your legs straight, spread them to the side. Gently lower yourself to each leg 15 times.
  • Squat down so that the buttocks rest on the heels. Stretch forward with your arms as far as the stretch allows.
  • Lie on your back, legs bent at the knees, pull to the chest. Stay in this position for 10 seconds.

The described exercises are useful for the lower back, neck, chest or any other. The earlier exercise therapy is prescribed, the higher its effectiveness. During the rehabilitation period after the operation, it should be carried out only under the supervision of medical personnel. Its main goal in this case is adaptation in everyday life, prevention of pain and normalization of metabolic processes.

In an acute period, it is extremely important to organize a sleeping place correctly by choosing a high-quality mattress and pillow, preferably with an orthopedic effect.

What to do in an acute period?

Physical activity during an exacerbation of a hernia of the cervical, thoracic or lower back is strictly prohibited, as it leads to a serious complication of the patient's condition. But during this period, the patient is advised to adhere to the following rules:

  • Using only an orthopedic mattress and pillow for sleeping.
  • Strict bed rest and exclusion of excessive load on the vertebrae.
  • Wearing a corset is not more than the recommended time, the duration is assigned individually.
  • If obesity is the cause, a weight loss diet is strictly followed.

During the treatment period, it is important for the patient to abandon physical activity altogether, to rest more, breathe fresh air. As the condition normalizes, exercises are prescribed lying on the floor, on a gymnastic ball, wall bars. An individually composed gymnastics complex is adjusted gradually, taking into account the dynamics of the disease.


Treatment of a lumbar hernia at home is unacceptable during an exacerbation of the disease or an increase in body temperature. At this time, any impact and increased blood flow will only worsen your well-being. In addition, the following contraindications are distinguished:

  • Oncology or metastases to the spine.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Exacerbation of diseases of internal organs.
  • Stroke or heart attack.
  • preinfarction state.
  • postoperative period.

Self-medication can be dangerous, since a set of exercises must be compiled by a specialist and necessarily accompanied by other methods to improve the patient's well-being. Usually this is taking vitamins and minerals, swimming and visiting a massage therapist.

Important information! During the treatment of a hernia, it is strictly forbidden to engage in weightlifting, twisting, running long distances, loading the intervertebral discs with other exercises and doing leg presses.

Treatment of a cervical hernia or other part of the spine is carried out with the help of physical exercises, but only under the supervision of a specialist. Thanks to a properly selected complex, pressure on the nerve roots is reduced, the manifestation of pain and spasm is stopped.

Article publication date: 05/14/2015

Article last updated: 11/10/2018

Physical exercise plays a huge, and in many cases even a paramount role in. Doctors recommend connecting therapeutic exercises immediately after diagnosis, in any phase of the disease - but depending on the phase and severity of symptoms, they select different complexes exercises. Gymnastics for spinal hernia is included in any treatment regimen (with or without surgery), since without it, full treatment and recovery will be impossible.

Effects of therapeutic exercises for intervertebral hernia:

    subsidence of back pain;

    elimination of other unpleasant symptoms (tingling, numbness in the back, limbs, headaches);

    restoration of spine flexibility;

    return physical activity;

    increase in general tone (improvement of mood, elimination of feelings of fatigue).

To get beneficial effects when doing gymnastics, follow these three rules:

    An experienced exercise therapy instructor should select a set of exercises for you in accordance with the diagnosis, phase and severity of the hernia, based on the recommendations of the attending physician (neurologist or orthopedist).

    It is advisable to take a course of therapeutic exercises in the rehabilitation department of a polyclinic or hospital under the supervision of an instructor, and then continue doing the exercises at home. If you do not have the opportunity to go through at least a one-time briefing, make a list of exercises and consult with the instructor if they can be performed in your particular case.

    Be sure to specify which categories of exercises are categorically contraindicated for you - remember that excessive exercise will not only not be beneficial, but can cause a severe exacerbation.

For gymnastics to give maximum benefit, do it daily, and with gradual complication. Do not stop there, add new exercises or replace simple ones with more complex ones, add exercises with weights (with small weights or other load). But do not allow a sharp increase in the load - a damaged spine may not be able to cope.

A good result is given by daily workouts with a single execution. full complex exercises for the spine as a whole and with an emphasis on training the department in which the hernia is localized (cervical, thoracic, lumbar). A full-fledged complex is performed within 45-60 minutes.

  • morning exercises-warm-up for 10 minutes;
  • short warm-ups and unloading every 2 hours of work or load on the spine;
  • unloading the back before going to bed (it can be a walk, swimming).

Physical exercise is an integral part of the treatment of a herniated disc.

To avoid stress on the spine, exercises are performed from a supine position on a hard, flat surface (on the floor covered with a gymnastic rug or a thin blanket). Active movements in the spine are contraindicated, because they can lead to compression of the vascular and nerve bundles, and cause other complications.

The main emphasis is on relaxing the back, stretching the spine and exercises for the limbs, in which, against the background of intervertebral hernias, unpleasant sensations arise (paresthesia - tingling, numbness) and the ability to actively move decreases.


Execution technique Effect

Lying on your back, take even deep breaths in and out. Close your eyes and try to relax as much as possible. Do this for at least 5 minutes.

Relaxation of the back muscles, relieving tension from the spine.

Slowly pull your toes towards you, feeling the stretch in your spine. Relax. Repeat 4 more times.

Stretching of the spine.

Bend your knees without lifting your feet from the floor (sliding them along the floor). Slowly bring your knees to your chest, arms clasping your legs below the knee and pressing them to you. Bend your head, trying to reach your knees with your chin. Fix the position, as if curled up into a ball. Repeat one more time.

Stretching of the spine.

Squeeze and unclench your fingers quickly. Perform at a fast pace, repeating 10 times.

Restoration of blood circulation in the hands, elimination of paresthesia.

Clench your hands into a fist and bend them into elbow joint trying to touch his shoulder with his fists. Straighten your arms and relax your hands. Perform the exercise at a fast pace, 10 repetitions.

Restoration of blood circulation and elimination of paresthesia in the hands, strengthening the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Alternately pull the toe of the right and then the left foot towards you. Perform at a fast pace, counting from 1 to 20.

Restoration of blood circulation and elimination of paresthesias in the legs.

Stretching the socks and the spine allows you to restore blood circulation

Start the complex by doing the exercise from the supine position. Then add exercises from other positions - lying on your stomach, sitting, standing on all fours. The standing position is not recommended as it gives maximum load on the spinal column.

You can make active movements in the spine: twisting, bending in different planes. In addition to relaxation and stretching exercises, exercises are added to strengthen the back muscles and restore the flexibility of the spinal column.


(if the table is not fully visible, scroll to the right)

IP Execution technique Effect
Lying on your back

Raise your head and hold it for a count of 10 while pulling your toes towards you. Repeat 4 times.

Strengthening the muscles of the neck, upper back, stretching the spine.


Raise your head and hold it for a count of 5, while simultaneously lifting about 15 cm from the floor and keeping your right leg straightened in weight. Repeat the exercise with the left leg. Complete 4-8 sets.

Strengthening the muscles of the back.


Bicycle exercise. Do at least 5 minutes.

Strengthening the muscles of the back, legs.


Lying, perform turns of the torso to the right and left, tearing alternately the right, then the left shoulder from the floor.

Restoration of flexibility, mobility in the upper spine.


Bend your knees, feet on the floor. Tilt your legs to the right and left, as close to the floor as possible (twisting in the lumbar region).

Restoration of flexibility, mobility in the lumbar spine.

Lying on your stomach

Stretch your arms forward, palms down. Lift straight arms and legs off the floor (slightly, to a height of about 10 cm). Lock the "boat" position on the count from 1 to 10. Repeat 1 more time.

Strengthening the muscles of the back.


Hands in the "lock" under the chin. Quickly bend your knees, trying to touch your buttocks with your heels. Repeat 10 times.

Improving blood circulation in the lower extremities, strengthening the muscles of the back, stretching the spine.

Standing on all fours

Arch your back by lifting your chin up. Then arch your back in an arc, lowering your head down. Perform in slow pace repeating 5-10 times.

Restoring the flexibility of the spine.


Slow tilts of the head forward-backward, left-right.

Restoration of flexibility in the cervical spine.

Hanging on the crossbar

Hang on the bar, holding the body on weight on straightened arms (without push-ups) for as long as you can.

Stretching the spine, unloading the back.

Exercise "twisting in the lumbar"

Video lesson

In the video below - good complex gymnastics for the spine, including with intervertebral hernias. Exercises are performed from sitting and lying positions, the emphasis is on stretching the spine and restoring its mobility.

Please note: the complex contains twisting exercises that are contraindicated in acute periods, but are acceptable and recommended during remission (when pain subsides).


Remember to be careful while exercising. This is especially true for those who choose their own sets of exercises.

Therapeutic exercises for a hernia of the spine should not cause pain or intensify them, therefore, if pain occurs, stop the exercise and relax your back (just lying on your back, on a hard surface).

Never start with difficult exercises and do not strive to do a technically difficult exercise at once in full: do it as best you can, controlling your well-being. Gradually, the spine will acquire (restore) flexibility, and you will effortlessly do exercises that were previously impossible.

Owner and responsible for the site and content: Afinogenov Alexey.

D 75%-80% of the population of socially active age (30-60 years) suffer from regenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine, 80% of the examined out of 100% are people who have been diagnosed with an intervertebral hernia of the lumbar or lumbosacral region.

A feeling of numbness, heaviness, pulling pain in the lower back, a feeling of pain or weakness, paresthesia in the leg are the main symptoms. Unpleasant sensations arise not simply due to the developed deformation in the disc, but due to the fact that herniation affects and irritates the nerve roots, which are in great abundance in the lower sections of the column.

Neurological symptoms depress not only physical ability person, but also the psycho-physiological state. According to statistics, hernias are the result of neglected osteochondrosis: about 50% of people with a history of osteochondrosis experience a hernia.

It is necessary to start therapeutic measures as early as possible, until the disease has reached the stage when it will be impossible to help conservatively. The basis of any conservative therapy for the diagnosis of "intervertebral hernia" is physical exercises - physiotherapy. It is also indicated after surgical treatment.

What exercises are recommended for people with lumbosacral hernias, how to perform them, what is the essence of popular techniques, what is strictly contraindicated to do? We have prepared comprehensive material that will become your true guide in achieving victory over the painful manifestations of the disease.

The Importance of Exercise

Thematic sites post exercise videos, visual illustrations, advice from Sergei Bubnovsky and his colleagues. All this, of course, is wonderful, but remember one thing: we are not all the same people! Even the same disease in each individual person has its own cause of development, the nature of the course, location, severity, etc.

With such a hernia as in the picture, gymnastics will not help.

Therefore, a therapeutic and prophylactic complex of exercises, intensity, frequency and duration of loads should be developed by your attending physician together with an exercise therapy instructor. A kind of exercise is a simple remedy for Schmorl's hernia of the lumbar, dorsal, foraminal, diffuse form. But only proper gymnastics will allow:

  • reduce pressure in the area of ​​the hernial protrusion, and the pathological effect on the nervous structures, spinal canal and vertebrae will be reduced;
  • activate blood circulation, eliminate and prevent congestion and inflammation in the weak part of the spine and other segments;
  • improve local metabolism and nutrition of intervertebral discs and joints, thereby stopping or significantly slowing down the progression;
  • evenly distribute the load over the departments, while safely strengthening the diseased area;
  • restore the previous mobility and flexibility of the spinal column;
  • strengthen the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the back, normalize muscle tone;
  • prevent the appearance of pain syndrome, achieve a stable remission of the pathology, perhaps even its regression;
  • if an operation was performed, quickly recover and return to a normal rhythm of life, prevent a relapse of the disease;
  • restore psycho-emotional comfort, establish a healthy sleep.

First, perform strictly under the supervision of a rehabilitation trainer. It will be possible to calmly study at home later, when you have mastered the technique perfectly. There are a number of movements that are strictly forbidden to do with a lumbar disc herniation. They will be discussed in our article.

Effective Exercises

Physical exercises should be done exclusively outside the exacerbation phase, only in the absence of pain it is allowed to gradually start them. You can not force physical. loads, intentionally increasing the pace, duration, number of approaches. They should be dosed, feasible, performed calmly and smoothly, not provoke a painful syndrome. The wrong approach is fraught with aggravation of well-being.

Goal Setting: Muscle Workout

It has been established that normal muscle tension is the leading factor in resistance to pathological changes in the spinal motion segment and to protect against injuries. A lot depends on the condition of the muscles. Muscular-ligamentous dysfunction negatively affects flexion/extension, turns, rotation of the back, the stability of the correct position of the spinal axis and the nutrition of the intervertebral discs.

The primary task is to strengthen, normalize the tone, increase the endurance of muscle structures. The main therapeutic measures are aimed at restoring deep layers muscles of the back and abdomen. And it matters a lot correct position body to perform exercise therapy, so as not to overload the diseased level.

Correct body position

The smallest intradiscal pressure is observed in the prone position, the degree of load corresponds to 25 kg. For comparison, when a person is just standing, it reaches 100 kg, and when sitting - 140 kg. With physical activity, the initial values ​​\u200b\u200bmuch increase. In the supine position during exercise therapy, it is possible to achieve an isolated strengthening of the necessary muscle elements without harming the problematic department. Therefore, the main exercises for patients with lumbosacral hernias are those that will be performed in the following positions:

  • lying on your back;
  • lying on the side;
  • on the stomach;
  • On knees.

By doing gymnastics in the listed starting positions, the weak department will be unloaded, and physical training will take place in a safe and productive mode, since we will protect the lower back from additional axial load and pressure above the placed parts of the body.

Of value are tasks for natural traction of the spine, performed on an inclined surface, which allow you to expand the interarticular distance and reduce mechanical compression. nerve fibers, as well as relieve swelling and inflammation, normalize blood flow and metabolic processes in the problem area.

A set of exercises for a hernia of the lumbar

Caution requires power loads with resistance, with the use of additional load, for endurance. They will cause injury, generalization of disc prolapse, compression and damage to nerves, vascular formations, spinal cord and other dangerous reactions. In the easy stages strength training sometimes allowed, but only on medical advice. With serious displacements of the pulpous nucleus, a strict taboo is often placed on them. Be that as it may, completely avoid independent experiments, entrust the choice of any training to the doctor!

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees. Feet are completely on the surface, arms along the body. As you inhale, draw in the stomach, tensing the muscles abdominals. Having reached the maximum retraction point, fix this result for 10 seconds. As you exhale, relax your stomach. Repeat 8-10 times.
  2. I. p. the same. raise upper part torso by about 30 degrees (you can put your hands behind your head for convenience). Hold in this position for 7-10 seconds, then slowly come back. Rest for the same number of seconds, then perform the task again. The number of repetitions is similar to exercise. No. 1.
  3. Lying on my back lower limbs bend at the knees. Very gently and smoothly pull your knees to your stomach one by one, helping yourself with this with your hands. If you feel muscle tension in the back, fix the pose, at the expense of ten, just as measuredly return to and. n. Do 10 times with each limb.
  4. The original posture is the same. Raise one limb up, straightening it in knee joint. Hold a straight leg at the top for about 7 seconds. Then slowly lower it, returning it to its original position of the bent knee resting on the foot. Do the same steps with the opposite leg. The frequency of repetitions is 8-10 times.
  5. Lie down on your stomach. Hands pressed to outer surface hips. Raise your head, together with the thoracic region, above the surface to a distance acceptable for you. Hold this position for about 8 seconds. slowly lower yourself to the floor, relax. Repeat after a 10 second break. Number of sets - up to 10 times.
  6. I. p. - lying on the stomach. Arms extended forward, legs together. Lift your right arm and left leg off the floor at the same time. We pull the toe of the foot back, the tips of the fingers of the palm forward for about 10 seconds. The chest is raised, do not throw back the head. We perform a similar action with the left leg and right hand.
  7. Get on all fours. Support in the legs: on the knees and the front side of the shins. Support in the hands: on the palm, arms straight. This type of charging is similar to the previous one. Raise the straightened right arm and, on the opposite side, the left lower limb so that they are flush with the back. We pull in different directions the toe (posteriorly) and the brush (anteriorly). Do not lift your chest and head.
  8. It is useful for intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine to walk around the room on all fours for several minutes. Keep your back in a straight position (do not bend or arch), make sure that your arms do not bend when moving.
  9. Beneficial effect of classes in the pool. It can be aqua gymnastics or swimming. There are practically no restrictions on such activity in water, but the value is great: the lower back is unloaded and the spine is tactfully stretched, along with this, blood circulation is restored, metabolic processes are activated, and the muscles are non-traumatically strengthened. But be aware that it is preferable for you to swim on your back or crawl style, other types are undesirable to use.

Choosing a rehabilitation center

The domestic rehabilitation system is in a state of decline. In Russia, there is very poor assistance in the physical rehabilitation of such patients. Accordingly, the indicators of positive dynamics are too low, and our doctors do not even deny this. With conservative and surgical therapy, too, not everything is fine. In this regard, the flow of people goes abroad for treatment. The Czech Republic is especially trustworthy, where the sphere of orthopedics and traumatology is developed on a global scale.

In the Czech Republic, prices are the most affordable abroad, and the quality of any medical service is excellent.

Prohibited exercises for a hernia of the lumbar spine

  • "Pure" vertical hanging and pull-ups on the crossbar. Since the spine will experience a significant load of body weight, due to the weakness of the ligamentous apparatus, its pathological stretching may occur, which will have the opposite effect.
  • Work with extra weight on the lower extremities and lower body. Lifting weights with your feet, pressing limbs for resistance, squats and bends with dumbbells, kettlebells, or lifting heavy shells from the floor with your hands. The danger lies in the overstrain of the dorsal and abdominal muscles, increased compression in the lumbosacral region.
  • Torso twisting. In simple terms, it is forbidden to pump the press in any way. When performing crunch, the lumbar region is critically overworked in your case. Moreover, twisting can displace a hernia and provoke a pinched nerve, squeezing the spinal canal.
  • Do running, jumping. It is worth avoiding all sorts of situations where you want to run, jump or jump off some elevated object. Fast walking is also not welcome. The listed types of activity reduce the depreciation resource of the intervertebral discs, and, therefore, are fraught with aggravation of their morphological state and the appearance of pain.

It is worth warning you against trying to swing your lower limbs, “windmill” with your arms, all kinds of lunges on one leg, deep torso bends down and to the sides from a standing position, circular rotations at the waist.

Yoga for lumbar hernia

It should be taken into account that all these non-traditional tactics for the spinal system should not be regarded as the main treatment, since they are not recognized by official medicine. And after the removal of a pathological formation, don’t even think about them at all, operated patients are not restored by dubious methods! Well, now let's briefly dwell on each of the popular methods.

All non-traditional tactics should not be regarded as the main treatment, since they are not recognized by official medicine. And after the removal of the pathological formation, do not even think about them at all. Yoga in no way will renew the already degraded cartilaginous tissues, will not resolve the hernia and will not set it back. But it can unload, increase flexibility and stabilize the spine.

Asanas consist of twisting the body, deep flexion and extension of the body, which is strictly contraindicated for this medical problem. Breathing and meditation tactics are allowed. Safe asanas:

  • Lie on your back. Hands along the body, lower limbs lie freely. We bring the feet together, pull the socks towards us, push the heels back. Then, while inhaling, slowly raise our hands up, take them as far as possible behind the head, opening them slightly wider than the shoulder line. At the same time, we are trying to press the lower back to the surface of the floor with the stomach. Fix the pose for 3 seconds, continuing to pull the hands and heels in different directions. As you exhale, release the stretch, return to the starting position, relaxing all parts of the body.
  • Sit on all fours, kneeling and straight arms. Inhaling, slowly lower your head, directing it towards the pelvis. At the same time, round your back like a cat. When you reach the highest point of the deflection, a short fixation of the pose is required, we return the head to and. p., align the back and bend it in thoracic region. Do not overextend your lower back in the second approach, do not throw your head back.

Non-standard postures with insufficient flexibility of the musculoskeletal frame can end badly, up to complete paralysis of the legs. Especially with extrusion or a sequestered form of protrusion, turn on your mind, these workouts are not for you. When using this approach for protrusions, control the sensations very carefully! Don't do anything to force your fitness threshold. If you feel an increase in paresthesia or pain, even a mild one, step back from the idea of ​​​​training in a non-trivial way, and immediately notify the orthopedist about this.

Attention! Perennial hernia of Schmorl L1 and others extremely thins the bone tissue of the vertebrae. Having done the asana, it is possible that a compression fracture of the vertebral body will follow. Such an outcome will add even more physical suffering and difficulties in the treatment of the spine.

Pilates technique

Fashionable fitness direction is actively promoted on the Internet as a remedy for disc herniation. Experts are not against such classes, but they warn that they should be done only under the guidance of a trainer with a higher medical education, who understands what is good for you and what is bad. Pilates principles for the sacral and lumbar segment are completely different from those for the neck or dorsal region.

Even if you have chosen the most technically simple exercise, for example, the plank, keep in mind that its incorrect variation and inaccurate execution will not end in anything good.

A plank from this fitness category is often recommended for protrusions and hernias. This static exercise, that is, you need to take an immobilized position and hold out in the desired position. This technique has a complex effect on the condition of the back, maintaining the elasticity and tension of the muscle-ligamentous fibers, straightening and stretching the spine along the entire axis. Example:

  • take a pose, as for push-ups from the floor (stand on outstretched arms);
  • hands should be located strictly shoulder width apart, legs at hip level, support in the legs on the toes of the feet, heels do not touch the surface;
  • back is straight, lower and upper limbs straightened;
  • the pelvis, head, neck, lower limbs coincide with the line of the spine, hence the name of the “plank” technique (imagine that they are connected by one even string);
  • hold the position as long as your endurance allows it (physically strong people are allowed to stay in this position for 30-60 seconds);
  • most importantly, do not allow the back to sag, then most of the load will move to the lumbar and sacral area, that is, the epicenter of gravity will be concentrated in the most vulnerable place.

There are other postures, for example, to create support in the hands on the forearms. Every day, increase the duration of the emphasis by a few seconds, as a result, stop at a maximum of 2-3 minutes.

Bubnovsky's exercises

famous doctor says that it is necessary to treat the cause, and not the consequences of the pathology. The problem is shortening, weakness and stiffness of the muscles of the body, due to which the spinal elements do not receive the necessary nutrition, and the vertebral chain is destabilized and degenerative changes occur. Frankly speaking, this is not news for orthopedics, and all rehabilitators offer exercise therapy based specifically on the study of muscles and ligaments.

The well-known Shamil's physical education technique or Dikul's gymnastics also involve working with muscles, when the spinal column is aligned, the distance between the vertebrae increases, the load balance is corrected, the disc is decompressed, and as a result, neurological signs subside. We present for review the program of Bubnovsky, which, without surgery and drugs, as the specialist says, will help to forget about a hernia. But it is expedient only for unopened forms of pathogenesis. It will also come in handy as a good prevention of the development of degenerative-dystrophic diseases.

Exercises to perform at home:

  1. Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knee joint. The soles of the feet are completely on the floor, arms along the body. Leaning on the shoulders and feet, while inhaling, raise the pelvis high. As you exhale, slowly lower your pelvis to the floor.
  2. Accept horizontal position, belly up. Place the palms of the hands under the head, press the chin to the chest. Point your elbows up, at the same time bend your knees.
  3. We complicate the previous task. We try to reach our bent knees with our elbows, raising our head and upper back.
  4. Sit on the floor. Legs in a straightened state, hands in the castle at the back of the head. We do bending at the knee with each leg in turn, then extending in an elevated position and lifting the straight limb to the maximum distance from the surface.
  5. Lying on your back, turn the "bike". Leg movements should be measured, without sharp jerks, breathing is uniform.
  6. Sit on the floor, cross your arms behind your head. Raising the buttocks alternately, move forward. Now you need to go back in the same way.

If you have already been recommended surgery, it is naive to think that physical education, whatever it may be, will replace it. Perhaps it will help to delay the time before the operation for a while. There are no other ways to solve the problem with a large protrusion of the disc, which pinches the neurovascular plexuses to a critical level and, in the end, compresses the spinal cord, does not exist. Delaying the removal of herniation, you risk becoming chained to wheelchair due to death nervous tissue and damage to the main organ of the central nervous system - the spinal cord. And then surgery will already be powerless.

Gymnastics after hernia surgery

For the spine that has been operated on, exercise therapy is developed taking into account the scope of the intervention and indicators general condition patient's health. It is addressed only after the elimination of severe pain and inflammatory reactions. Breathing techniques are introduced immediately. We advise you to watch the video, they are told by physiotherapists and patients how to properly after the removal of the usual and Schmorl's hernia, rehabilitation should be carried out.

There are a lot of restrictions, the observance of which must be unquestioning, especially at an early stage of physical recovery:

  • wear an orthopedic corset for several hours a day with vertebral postoperative insolvency;
  • supporting bandage for any recovery training (the period of its use is set by the doctor);
  • sitting or lifting more than 3-5 kg ​​of weight at an early stage is completely contraindicated, and at the end of rehabilitation throughout life, do not lift more than 8 kg of weight and sit dosed;
  • in the initial period, do not perform any turns and inclinations of the body;
  • regardless of the time elapsed after the intervention, exclude jumping, intense running, sharp swings of the limbs;
  • does not stay in one position for a long time, avoid prolonged physical activity, always alternate loads with breaks for rest;
  • do not interrupt the started course of physical rehabilitation even for a day, and after recovery, do therapeutic and prophylactic exercises every day throughout life;
  • do not engage in active and heavy sports, in your situation it is worth choosing a sparing sport that does not overload the lower back, for example, swimming.

Such a complex pathology should be treated in world-renowned clinics. These include medical centers in the Czech Republic, where they return the quality of life to people even with the most complex diagnoses. The reason for this is the equipment of Czech medical institutions with innovative equipment; the best neurosurgeons, orthopedists and physiotherapists; exemplary and coordinated rehabilitation and neurosurgical structure; goal-oriented work for the result, in the interests of each individual admitted patient. Note that a full course of high-quality treatment in the Czech Republic is several times cheaper than in other leading countries of medical tourism.

Therapeutic exercises for a hernia of the lumbar spine are needed both during the conservative treatment of the disease and after its surgical treatment. No pills, procedures or oral instructions will replace daily performance special exercises.

They will not only restore a strong muscular corset of the back, but will also help to form new stereotypes of motor and everyday skills - in what position to sleep, how to get out of bed or the floor and how to lift weights. Let us immediately clarify that gymnastics for a hernia of the lumbar spine, videos and photos of so many exercises on this topic posted on the Internet are strictly prohibited to be performed with this pathology.

Despite the fact that you will not find a subject complex video in this article, but a selection of exercises allowed for a hernia of the lumbosacral region, the primary complex for the subacute stage and the rules for its implementation, which will be described below, was compiled by a certified sports doctor.

For exercises in IP: lying on your back, you will need rollers and a pillow

Gymnastics with a hernia of the lumbosacral spine requires strict adherence to the rules:

  1. Exercises exercise therapy complex performed only against the background of stable relief of pain.
  2. Perform only those exercises that do not cause pain. The starting positions of such exercises: lying on your back, stomach and side, as well as a knee-wrist emphasis. In cases of pain syndrome, it is forbidden to continue the complex - Gymnastics from a hernia of the lumbar.
  3. The number of types of exercises should be increased gradually. You can make such an "increase" only after 2-3 days. Start practicing with the first five exercises of the complex described below.
  4. The number of repetitions of each exercise starts with two or three, and it feels like it increases (by +1) up to 12 times.
  5. The amplitude of movements of each exercise is gentle, and the pace of execution is slow and smooth, as if they were performed in water.
  6. You need to do it every day, and several times a day. Best time for this - shortly before the main meals: before the first breakfast, lunch and dinner. It's better to start with 10 minutes. Over time, increasing the number of exercises and their repetitions, the time to complete the complex should reach 40 minutes.
  7. Therapeutic exercises for a hernia of the lumbar spine are performed exclusively without a slimming corset. For some exercises, a roller will need to be placed under the lower back or legs, and a small pillow under the stomach.
  8. It is strictly forbidden to twist, rotate, turn and tilt while standing and sitting, as well as exercises that require the simultaneous lifting of straight legs.

Exercises shown for lumbar hernia

In the list of exercises of the Gymnastics complex for a hernia of the lumbosacral region, abbreviations are used: IP - starting position and DS - repeat to the other side or from the other leg, arm.

On a note! It is necessary to start a lesson, alternate exercises and finish the complex with several breaths and exhalations of the “belly” ( diaphragmatic breathing). Inhalation is performed through the nose, while expanding not the chest, but the stomach. Air is exhaled through the lips, folded with a tube, and the stomach is drawn to the spine.

Lying on your back

  • IP - knees bent, soles on the floor at a distance of 30-40 cm:
    1. Hands along the body. 1 - while exhaling, slowly straighten one leg without lifting the foot from the floor. 2 - while inhaling, take the straight leg and the opposite arm to the sides. 3 - exhaling, return the arm and leg "back". 4 - with a deep breath, bend the leg at the knee, sliding the sole along the floor. DS.
    2. Hands in the castle under the neck. 1 - exhale, sliding the sole, straighten one leg. 2 - while inhaling, bending the straightened leg, put it on the knee of the other leg. 3 - inhaling, remove the leg from the knee and unbending, lower it to the floor. 4 - while inhaling, we pull the leg into the IP. DS.
    3. Hands outstretched. 1 - while inhaling, put the left knee on the right. 2 - while exhaling, straighten the left leg and stretch with the right palm to the toes of the straightened leg, which should be "pulled" on themselves. 3 - while exhaling, put the right hand back to the side, and bend the left leg, putting the knee on the right. 4 - return the legs to the PI, inhale. DS.
    4. Hands on the back of the head. 1 - while inhaling, touch the left knee with the right heel. 2 - exhaling, return to the PI. Following the breath, we do the same with the other heel.
    5. Hands arbitrarily. 1 - while exhaling, straighten one leg, in the final position, pull the toe over, stretch the spine and rear surface straightened leg. 2 - while inhaling and without lifting the heel from the floor, turn the toe as much as possible inward, then outward, trying to touch the floor. 3 - on the exhale, return the sock to a vertical position and forcefully spring it towards you. 4 - while inhaling, sliding the sole, bend the leg in the IP. DS.
    6. The arms are crossed on the chest. 1 - Pay attention, exhaling (!), spread your arms to the sides and at the same time straighten one leg, toe towards you. 2 - inhaling (!), bend your leg, and clasping your knee with your palms, pull it up to your stomach as much as possible, reach your knee with your forehead. 3 - while inhaling (!) straighten the leg with the toe towards you, spread your arms to the sides. 4 - while exhaling (!), return to the PI. DS.
    7. Hands along the body. 1 - while exhaling, raising the left hand, put it back, at this time the right leg straightens, sliding the sole along the floor. In the final position, stretch the muscles of the straightened limbs and spine, not forgetting to pull the sock towards you. 2 - inhaling, return to the PI, where you shake your knees a little, slightly spreading and bringing them together. DS.
    8. Hands behind the head, feet to connect (!). 1 - as you exhale, touch with your fingers right hand left knee. 2 - while inhaling, return to the PI. DS.
    9. Hands behind your head, feet on the floor shoulder width apart. 1 - inhale, lift the pelvis up. 2 - exhale, return to IP.