Extension of arms in a block simulator for girls. We train triceps: how to perform an extension of the arms on a vertical block

Which is present in every room. Depending on the grips, handles, you can effectively work out each bundle of the triceps, isolated from the rest of the muscles. Everyone can choose exercise options for themselves - a beginner and a professional.

This exercise is good. loads all bundles of triceps: medial, lateral, long, and also the ulnar muscle. This is an easy version of the regular grip triceps block exercise because it uses fewer muscles than other variations. This technique allows you to qualitatively work out the triceps for a beginner, having learned to feel the muscle, other options can be included in the training of more trained athletes, or after a month of introductory classes.

Technique and options for extensions in the block

Extension of the arms of the upper block with a regular grip

  1. Face the Crossover, grab a straight handle upper block overhand grip around the edges.
  2. Place your feet hip-width apart and press your elbows into your body. The forearms are relaxed, the handle is at shoulder level.
  3. Exhale: extend your arms without lifting your elbows, lowering the handle completely to your hips.
  4. Inhale: bend your elbows smoothly and without jerking.

To increase volume, do 4х8–12.

Straight handle extension with reverse grip

Extension of the arms in the upper block reverse grip Also includes work all bundles of triceps, especially the medial. Unlike other options, they still work here elbow muscles, extensors of the elbows, hands and fingers. The weight of the load will be less than with the normal grip option.

  1. Standing in front of the block, grab the straight handle with an underhand grip, pressing your elbows tightly to the body.
  2. Exhale: fully extend your arms to your hips.
  3. Inhale: Slowly relax your triceps as you lift the handle.

As usual - 4x8-12.

Extension of the arms from behind the head in the Crossover

Extension option with a straight handle back to the block better works out the long and medial head of the triceps. The exercise is performed in the upper block.

  1. Grab the handle of the upper block with a regular grip from the bottom along the edges, then turn around with your back to the simulator.
  2. Tilt the body forward, and take a step forward with one foot - for stability, pressing the elbows as close to the head as possible.
  3. Maintain shoulder position. The elbows are bent, the handle is closer to the back of the head.
  4. Exhale: unbend your elbows completely, in the direction forward above the crown.
  5. Inhale: gently relax your muscles and move the handle behind your head, keeping the slope.

Choose your working weight for 4x8–12 times.

Extension from the upper block with one hand

Extension with one hand with a reverse grip with a special handle connects to work all the bundles of the triceps, but more lateral, as well as the triceps tendon and the ulnar muscle. This technique will allow you to work out concentratedly each hand separately, without helping the stronger side.

  1. Facing the block, place your feet steadily, with one hand under grip from below, take a narrow handle for one hand.
  2. Press the elbow of the working hand to the body, as in other options, the second hand is on the belt.
  3. Exhale: extend the elbow completely without twisting the hands, keeping in a straight line with the forearm.
  4. Inhale: Relax and bend your elbow to its original position.
  5. Repeat for each hand 4х8–12.

Extension with ropes, from the upper block

When extending the arms in Crossover with a rope, you can stronger feel the lateral head of the triceps, training with a rope handle allows for more tension in the triceps, since a soft handle requires more precision in technique and muscles prepared for this. Such extensions fit muscles more prepared for the load.

  1. Facing the block, grasp the ropes with both hands. Position your elbows, as usual, pressing against the body. At the top point, the palms are naturally close to the ropes.
  2. Exhale: unbend your elbows, spreading your arms from the middle of the movement to the sides of the hips. At the end of the movement, bring the hands in a straight line with the forearm. Contract your triceps as much as possible lowest point feeling intense tension.
  3. Inhale: return the ropes to the starting position.

Perform with light weight 4 sets, 8-12 reps.

And also exists curved handle to work out the triceps from the upper block, this option includes the same bundles as the ropes, it only facilitates the grip and extension technique at the bottom point. It is performed in the same way as the classic extension version.

Extension of arms with ropes from the lower block

In this case, it is necessary to hook the ropes to lower block. The exercise requires more stabilization of the weight, respectively, the muscle tension will be stronger.

No need to take huge weights, the block will pull the body back, the technique will be lost and the load on the spine will increase.

A good way to work out triceps for professionals.

  1. Take the edges from the lower block with both hands. Raising the handles over your head, turn your body with your back to the simulator.
  2. Take one foot step back for stability and tilt the body slightly.
  3. Raise your arms above your head, keeping your elbows close to your head. The brushes start moving from the back of the head.
  4. Exhale: extend your arms as much as possible, feeling the tension of the triceps.
  5. Inhale: slowly lower the ropes behind your head.

So 4x8-12.

Triceps training in Crossover blocks implies high-quality and isolating technique, not strength work (up to 8 repetitions). choose light weight, perform up to 12 times, most importantly, the burning sensation of the triceps.

Perform arm extension on a block with a large weight girls it’s not worth it, 15-20 repetitions with handles with a grip from above are enough, work with a reverse grip for the forearm is not needed for the weaker sex.

What muscles work in exercise

Main muscle group: lateral bundle of the triceps muscles of the hands
Additional group: if done correctly, no.
Type of exercise: insulating
Complexity: for newbies

How to do an extension from the top block while standing down

The triceps block press belongs to the category of isolation exercises for one of the heads of the triceps. Properly executed traction involves only this particular bundle of muscles. The load contributes to an increase in the relief and shape of the hands.

How triceps extensions look in motion (video)


To perform traction from the upper block, you will need a cable simulator. The exercise does not involve other muscles, except for the triceps. Performing the extension of the arms from the upper block is aimed at achieving the following goals:

increase in the strength of the triceps muscle;
the formation of the relief of the hand;
reduction of skin "wings" in the shoulder area;
increase in the volume of the hand;
strengthening of pressing characteristics.

Execution technique

The exercise actively involves only the triceps, as well as the stabilizers of the body to hold the position and, in fact, the muscles of the hands that hold the block handle. If you feel tension in any other muscle group, the extension of the arms on the block while standing is performed incorrectly.

1. Install the desired handle on the upper block, select an adequate weight.
2. Grab the handle.
3. Stand straight (a slight forward lean is perfectly acceptable), legs slightly bent in knee joints.
4. Keep your back straight and your chest turned out.
5. For good stability, you can put one foot forward a little.
6. Lower the handle so that a right angle is formed between the forearm and shoulder.
7. Keep your elbows close to your body.
8. Extend your arms so that the bar touches the front of the thigh.
9. You need to unbend your arms with some effort. The speed of upward movement should be one and a half to two times slower.
10. At the bottom point, stop and fix the position for 1-2 seconds.
11. While inhaling, return to the starting position.
12. Perform the desired number of repetitions.

For men: 10 - 15 times with a weight of 15 - 20 kg in 2 - 3 sets.
For women: 10 - 15 times with a weight of 5 - 10 kg in 2 - 3 sets.

Exercise Options

In addition to the classic grip, the pull of the upper block on the triceps is performed in the following modifications:

Working with straps. Thus, the arms are lowered and spread apart, which allows you to work out not only the lateral group of the triceps much more effectively, but all 3 heads together.
Reverse grip redistributes the load on the thumbs, which may require extra workout hands.
Techniques with straight and slightly bent handles can lead to incorrect trajectory and are therefore not recommended for beginners.
The rope handle provides an isolated load and the greatest contraction of the triceps muscle.
The V-handle is a fairly popular modification, but it also reduces the scope of the exercise. The technique is used to work with weights up to 60 kg.
The knot requires maximum control of the movement of the hands and is also contraindicated for those who have not yet mastered the correct movement technique.
The one-handed version is rarely recommended for beginner athletes. This technique is an order of magnitude more complicated than the classical one. A large amplitude of movement changes the angle of study, using all three extensor bundles, as well as the posterior delta, under load. The disadvantages of the modification include the impossibility of uniform study of both hands, and insufficient targeting.
The extension of the triceps on the block with a cord significantly expands the amplitude of the exercise, makes it more natural and reduces the risk of injury. However, the technique is one third more difficult than exercises with a fixed handle.

Common mistakes

Brush bending. Keep your elbows and bones at the same level. Flexion of the hands will increase the load on the wrist and additionally involve latissimus dorsi back for the exercise. The level of load on the triceps will decrease, the exercise will lose its effectiveness.

Straight body. Fixation of the body in the starting position due to the muscles of the press and lat back or stoop contribute to the development of spinal problems.

Small distance to the block. The weight will pull up, and the exercise will require the elbows to be pulled back. The load is redistributed to other muscles, and posture is also disturbed.

The block is too far. Excessive leaning forward will load the lower back.

Head down or looking sideways. Keep your head strictly straight, this contributes to normal posture and body position.


In order to most effectively load the triceps on vertical block follow these recommendations:

squeeze the bar only at the expense of triceps;
at the lowest point of the forearm should be straightened;
don't throw the weight back up quickly;
press the elbow joints to the body and do not turn back;
use adequate working weight;
do not exercise if you feel pain in your shoulders or elbows.
for greater isolation of the lateral head, you can perform the exercise with one hand.


Lifting the block while standing is not performed after damage to the elbow joints.
It is not recommended to perform a block press after operations.
If you have recently had a wrist injury, it is recommended to reduce the aggravating weight by 40% of the usual.

Extension of the arms on the upper block while standing video exercise


The standing block extension is a relatively simple exercise that has a large number of variations. Technology advantages:

effective study of the lateral head of the triceps;
complete isolation of a muscle group;
low risk of injury;
high efficiency.

The triceps pulldown exercise is recommended as a final triceps workout when heavy weight exercises have already been completed. The most effective combination of traction on the block with triceps bench presses, push-ups from the bench and various modifications of the extension of the arms.

Starting isolation exercises with blocks in the first year of training is not recommended. Isolation and isolation of individual heads of the triceps is impossible without impressive relief and a large volume of the arm.

Principles and technique of performing the exercise

The arm extension in the simulator is a fairly popular exercise that is equally suitable for both beginners and experienced athletes. It can be performed with various lever designs, which allows you to change the level of difficulty, work the muscles from different angles and apply the exercise in almost any gym.

Benefits of exercise and muscles involved

Arm extension - isolated exercise aimed at working out only one muscle group. The main part of the load goes to the triceps.

Also in the exercise are indirectly involved deltoid, wrist flexors, large pectoral muscle, but at wrong technique part of the load can be shifted to the biceps.

Exercise helps to effectively work out the triceps muscle of the shoulder, increase its volume. Girls also should not be afraid of this exercise: with regular performance your arms will look toned and sporty.

It is most convenient to perform arm extension in a crossover, using the upper or lower block. There is also a special arm extension simulator, but, unfortunately, it is not available in all gyms. TO general rules performing extension on the triceps down or up can be attributed to:

The gym is often concerned not only correct technique execution, but also a training plan:

  1. It is enough to perform triceps exercises 1-2 times a week. Don't forget that muscles need recovery.
  2. The number of repetitions depends on your goal: 8-10 repetitions with maximum weight are enough for mass, 12 to 15 repetitions for relief, if your goal is fat burning, do the exercise at least 20 times in each approach.
  3. For greater efficiency, the extension of the arms in the block can be combined with a set with another triceps exercise.

Crossover triceps work usually occurs in the middle or end of a workout, after completing the basic exercises. If triceps is your lagging muscle, you can move the extension to the beginning of the workout.


It is worth separately analyzing the execution of extensions from the upper and lower blocks.

When extending from the lower block the long head of the triceps muscle of the shoulder is more involved in the work. This subtype of exercise is more complex and traumatic.

To perform it, you need to stand with your back to the simulator. With your palms up, bend your arms in elbow joint and grab the handle of the block. Turn your arms so that the shoulder axis and forearm are parallel. Try to keep your elbows as close to your head as possible. From the starting position, begin to straighten your arms completely, while not moving your elbows to the side, but fixing them. Then return to the original position.

Attention: for greater convenience, the extension of the arms from the lower block can be performed while sitting, leaning on the back of the bench.

- an easier version of the exercise, which is great for beginner athletes.

To perform it, stand facing the simulator, take a balanced position, straighten your back. Take the handle with an overhand grip with the palms facing down. Press your elbows to the body and fix them. Bend your arms at an angle greater than 90 degrees, and then lower the weight down with the effort of the muscle group being worked on. The upper pull of the block on the triceps uses its lateral head more.

The easiest option is to work out the triceps in a crossover with a straight handle. You can complicate the exercise by taking a rope handle or straps. In this case, you will additionally have to spread the ropes to the sides at the point of greatest extension of the arms - this will help ensure a greater contraction of all the heads of the triceps.

It is also possible to alternately unbend the right and left hand, taking a special handle for this. The technique of the exercise remains the same. This option isolates the work of the hands, which allows you to equally effectively work out the muscles, since when unbending with both hands, most of the load is taken over by more strong hand. At the same time, you need to start performing alternate extensions in the block with a weaker hand.


Since the exercise is isolated and involves only one muscle group, it has almost no contraindications. Only one main contraindication can be distinguished - an injury in the elbow or shoulder joints. In this case, it is better to wait until the body recovers, and only then proceed to full-fledged training.

The extension of the arms on the block is easy to replace with analogues: French bench press, push-ups on the uneven bars, extension of the arms with a dumbbell.

Performing extensions and other exercises on the triceps muscle of the shoulder 1-2 times a week, you will soon notice positive results.

Arm extensions include the triceps (triceps muscle of the shoulder). Most of the athletes attending Gym or working out with iron at home, do not pay due attention to this muscle, preferring to concentrate on the biceps, thinking that it is he who is responsible for the “beauty and sportiness” of the arms, especially in the frontal position. However, this is a deep delusion, since it is the triceps that is a complex and large muscle. Usually biceps take up about 1/3 of the volume, and triceps - 2/3. In addition, if a guy or girl actively trains the elbow flexors, then they definitely need to train the extensors, so as not to create an imbalance. And from an aesthetic point of view, the hands will not look harmonious in the photo. Therefore, we bring to your attention an effective and very good complex, including exercises for triceps.

Usually, to work out this muscle group without the goal of creating a certain volume and relief, it is enough to perform regular push ups, either from the floor (bench) or from the bars (which is more effective, but rather difficult). And if you have a desire to work out all the beams muscle fibers, as well as create volume, it is necessary to arm yourself with several types of exercises. They will be discussed further.

Quite common, convenient and effective exercise which is suitable for both women and men. This exercise has several options. The technique is as follows:

  • Stand facing the simulator, take the handle of the block so that the hands look down and the elbows are pressed to the body.
  • Inhale, straighten your elbows so that they do not come off the body, and exhale at the end point.

To perform this exercise on the Crossover, there are several types of handles. It is best to use a rope, as this will maximize the use of all the heads of the muscle and prevent extension in the wrists. In this case, you need to keep your hands parallel to each other, for maximum inclusion of the medial head at the end point, supination of the wrist can be added. To maximize the load on the lower triceps, perform three-quarter movements.

Another variation of the extension of the arms on the upper block can be a change in the position of the hand. In this case, you need to grab the handle with your palms up. This will add to the work of the muscles of the forearm:

  • Short radial extensor of the wrist;
  • Finger extensor;
  • Elbow extensor of the wrist;
  • Long radial extensor of the wrist;
  • Elbow muscle.

You can perform arm extensions in Crossover separately. For this, there is also a special handle. The technique is the same. To get acquainted with it, we offer a video plot below.

Barbell Extension (French Bench Press)

The exercise is quite technical from a technical point of view, so a woman or an inexperienced athlete should not perform it at first. Technique:

  • Lying on a bench, take the barbell so that it is located on straight, vertically raised arms.
  • Inhale, bend your elbows, bringing the bar to your forehead (or winding it behind your head), trying to keep your elbows, not allowing them to move apart too wide, as the picture shows. And straighten your arms to the starting position, ending with an exhalation.

Depending on the morphology (broad/narrow shoulders, wrist stiffness, etc.), the exercise may undergo changes from a technical point of view, including a basic and more difficult load level. Therefore, it is desirable to perform it with an assistant who could exercise control from the outside.

Extension of arms with dumbbells

Extension of arms with dumbbells can be performed in various variations. In the case of performing an exercise on horizontal bench, the technique is almost the same as in the case of extension of the arms with a barbell, but here the position of the wrist changes.

  • Lying on a bench, take a dumbbell with each hand, straightening your arms so that the hands are parallel to each other.
  • Inhale, bend your elbows, making sure that the elbows remain in their original position. Extend your arms and exhale at the end point.

Most inexperienced athletes in this exercise fail to hold their elbows, for this you can ask a friend or coach to fix their shoulders with their hands or with a belt.

This exercise targets all three heads of the triceps.

As mentioned above, dumbbell extensions can be performed in various variations, and one more effective option there will be an extension of the arm from behind the head. Here, the long head of the triceps is most involved. Technique:

  • Sit or stand and bring a straightened arm with dumbbells over your head so that your wrist is in a natural position for it.
  • Inhale, bend your elbow, winding the dumbbell behind your head and maintaining the position of the elbow. Then straighten your elbow and exhale.

In this exercise, it is also important to control the position of the back and abdomen, avoiding excessive deflection in the lower back. You can lean on a bench with a short back. A similar exercise can be performed with two hands, holding one dumbbell. It can also be a kettlebell, W-shaped neck or barbell (the so-called french press sitting).

The next no less popular are extensions of the arms in an inclination. This exercise can be done standing up or on a bench. Technique:

  • Get up in stable position so that the knees are slightly bent, the body is tilted, the back is straight, not the working arm rests on the leg, but the working arm is bent at the elbow with a dumbbell (or kettlebell) at an angle of 90 degrees and pressed against the body.
  • Inhale, straighten your arm at the elbow, and exhale.

To perform the same exercise from the bench, simply place one knee and non-working hand on the bench.

  • When doing crossover extensions, keep an eye on the range of motion - do not allow the forearm to be pressed against the biceps.
  • Never relax your arms at the top point, keep in tension all the time.
  • Do not train the triceps brachii in isolation more than once a week. This is a small muscle group that is sufficiently loaded in many exercises aimed at developing other muscles.
  • It is not recommended to resort to cheating during a triceps workout.
  • To train the lateral and medial heads of the triceps, it is recommended to pronate the wrist and turn the elbows outward. To train the medial and long heads, you need to supinate the wrist and press the elbows closer to the body.

Cheating is a movement during exercise that allows you to transfer weight from an isolated muscle group to other auxiliary muscles, thereby facilitating the execution process, and also allows the athlete to take more weight and increase the number of repetitions to improve their own result.

Supination is the outward movement of a limb or part of it.

Pronation is the movement of a limb or part of it inward.

The following materials were used in the article:

  1. Frederic Delavier "Anatomy strength exercises for men and women"
  2. Stuart McRobert "A Comprehensive Guide to Resistance Exercise Technique"
  3. Arnold Schwarzenegger "The New Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding"

The standing block extension is an isolated triceps exercise that engages the lateral and medial head this muscle. This exercise can be performed both at the beginning of the training for warming up and warming up the triceps, and at the end of the session to finish off the muscle or get the pumping effect. Block extensions can be performed different grips and with different handles. When performing a movement, it is very important to observe the technique so as not to get injured.

Extension of the arms from the upper block with a direct grip

Execution technique

  • Go to the simulator, take the handle with a grip slightly narrower than shoulder width, straighten your back and bend your knees slightly, feet shoulder width apart. Lean forward a little. Hands are tightly pressed to the body.
  • Inhale and as you exhale fully straighten your arms, pause for a second at the end point of the amplitude to feel the peak muscle contraction.
  • Slowly and under control return to the starting position. Make sure that the movement occurs only in the elbow joint. When lifting, do not raise your arms to the end, but only to the middle, when a right angle forms between the forearms and the shoulder.

This exercise is best performed at the end of the session, in order to finish off the triceps.

Reverse grip allows you to emphasize the load on the lateral head of the triceps. Also, a static load acts on the forearms. The exercise is recommended to be performed immediately after the extension of the arms on the block with a direct grip.

Execution technique

  • Go to the simulator, grab the handle with a reverse grip, elbows pressed to the body.
  • On the exhale, the arms unbend, and on the inhale they bend.
  • Movements occur smoothly, without jerks, so as not to get injured in the elbow joint.
  • The weight on the projectile is selected so that the athlete can perform about 10-12 repetitions.
  • Movement occurs at the maximum amplitude.

Extension of the arms on the block with a rope handle

This type of standing block extension is considered the most effective by many professional athletes, as the rope handle provides perfect isolated work and maximum triceps contraction. The lateral head is loaded the most.

Execution technique

  • Approach the machine and grab the rope handle with a straight grip. Press your elbows to your body and begin to straighten your arms. At the lower point of the amplitude, you need to spread the ends of the rope and pause for a second to get a peak muscle contraction.
  • Slowly return to the starting position. Exhale as you lower the handle and inhale as you raise it.
  • Make sure that the arms are tightly pressed to the body, and the movement occurs only in the elbow joint.

Triceps workout with arm extensions at the block

To get the best stimulation for the growth of a muscle group, we must first warm up the muscle, then do some heavy basic exercises, and after them some isolated ones. It is this approach that is considered the most effective in modern bodybuilding. Let's look at how it would look like with an example triceps workout:

  • Extension of the arms on the block for warming up with a straight handle (2 X 15-20);
  • (3-4 X 8-12);
  • (3-4 X 8-12);
  • Extension of the arms from the upper block with rope handle(3-4 X 8-12);
  • Extension on the block with a reverse grip (3-4 X 8-12).

Now you know everything you need to know about triceps extensions and can apply this exercise to your workouts. If you have any questions, or want to see how to perform live extensions, we recommend that you check out the video below.

Video with the technique of performing arm extensions on the block while standing