Muscles of the shoulder biceps. Muscles of the free part of the upper limb

The biceps brachii is easily visible. Undoubtedly biceps is the most famous of the muscles. Better known than the heart.

The structure of the biceps

It consists of two heads - long and short. The long head starts from a protrusion on the shoulder blade called the supraarticular tubercle. This is just above the articular fossa of the shoulder joint. Although it has a very long tendon, the muscular belly is not as long as the short head of the biceps. The long head sits on the side of the arm, and its fibers alternate with those of the short head as it approaches the elbow. short head attached to the coracoid process outside shoulder blades. It runs from the inside humerus, reaching the long head, and together with it forms a thick tendon of the biceps, which goes inside the radius of the forearm near the elbow.

Both heads are connected to the elbow joint with the help of the biceps tendon, due to which they are powerful flexors of the forearm. However, because this biceps tendon attaches to the radius (lateral bone of the forearm), the biceps also aids in hand supination (turns the palm forward if the elbow is extended; turns it toward the ceiling if the elbow is bent at 90 degrees).

Function of the biceps brachii (biceps)

The biceps bends the arms in the elbow sutatva, and also supinates the hand, i.e. turns it forward, with the arm bent up.

Since the long head of the biceps crosses the shoulder joint in the upper part, it is involved in the contraction of the muscles of the shoulder (i.e. when raising the arms in front of you). This also means that in order to fully stretch the long head of the biceps, the elbows must be pulled back. The reason why the arm must be extended at the elbow (elbows back in relation to the body) is that in this position the long head is stretched, and therefore more mechanically active from the first millisecond after the start of muscle contraction. If you were to perform curls with the elbows at the sides, or even in front of the body (for example, curls on the Scott bench), this position in front would weaken the long head of the biceps and reduce its activity to such an extent that most of the load would go to short head and muscle

Not in last place when pumping up the muscles of the hands is nutrition. If everything is done correctly, 85% success is already guaranteed. The rule is general: proteins (1.5 g per kilogram of weight), less carbohydrates (fast - sugar, of course, bread, pastries), only for energy production (cereals, pasta) and only in the morning.

The structure of the muscles of a man, rear view: 1 - back head of the shoulder; 2 - a small round muscle; 3 - large round muscle; 4 - infraspinatus muscle; 5 - rhomboid muscle; 6 - extensor muscle of the wrist; 7 - brachioradialis muscle; 8 - elbow flexor of the wrist; 9 - trapezius muscle; 10 - straight spinous muscle; 11 - the latissimus dorsi; 12 - thoracolumbar fascia; 13 - biceps of the thigh; 14 - a large adductor muscle of the thigh; 15 - semitendinosus muscle; 16 - thin muscle; 17 - semimembranous muscle; 18 - calf muscle; 19 - soleus muscle; 20 - long peroneus muscle; 21 - abductor muscle of the big toe; 22 - long head of the triceps; 23 - lateral head of the triceps; 24- medial head triceps; 25 - external oblique muscles of the abdomen; 26 - gluteus medius; 27 - large gluteal muscle

The structure of the muscles of a woman, front view: 1 - scapular hyoid muscle; 2 - sternohyoid muscle; 3 - sternocleidomastoid muscle; 4 - trapezius muscle; 5 - small pectoral muscle(not visible); 6 - pectoralis major muscle; 7 - dentate muscle; 8 - rectus abdominis; 9 - external oblique muscle of the abdomen; 10 - comb muscle; 11 - tailor muscle; 12 - long adductor muscle of the thigh; 13 - tensioner of the wide fascia; 14 - thin muscle of the thigh; 15 - rectus femoris; 16 - intermediate broad muscle hips (not visible); 17 - lateral wide muscle of the thigh; 18 - wide medial muscle of the thigh; 19 - calf muscle; 20 - anterior tibial muscle; 21 - long extensor of the toes; 22 - long tibial muscle; 23 - soleus muscle; 24 - front bundle of deltas; 25 - middle beam of deltas; 26 - brachialis shoulder muscle; 27 - a long bunch of biceps; 28 - a short bundle of biceps; 29 - brachioradialis muscle; 30 - radial extensor of the wrist; 31 - round pronator; 32- radial flexor wrists; 33 - long palmar muscle; 34 - elbow flexor of the wrist

The structure of the muscles of a woman, rear view: 1 - rear bundle of deltas; 2 - a long bundle of triceps; 3 - lateral bundle of triceps; 4 - medial bundle of triceps; 5 - ulnar extensor of the wrist; 6 - external oblique muscle of the abdomen; 7 - extensor of the fingers; 8 - wide fascia; 9 - biceps of the thigh; 10 - semitendinosus muscle; 11 - thin muscle of the thigh; 12 - semimembranosus muscle; 13 - calf muscle; 14 - soleus muscle; 15 - short peroneal muscle; 16 - long flexor of the thumb; 17 - a small round muscle; 18 - large round muscle; 19 - infraspinatus muscle; 20 - trapezius muscle; 21 - rhomboid muscle; 22 - the latissimus dorsi; 23 - extensors of the spine; 24 - thoracolumbar fascia; 25 - small gluteal muscle; 26 - gluteus maximus

Muscles are quite diverse in shape. Muscles that share a common tendon but have two or more heads are called biceps (biceps), triceps (triceps), or quadriceps (quadriceps). The functions of the muscles are also quite diverse, these are flexors, extensors, abductors, adductors, rotators (inward and outward), raising, lowering, straightening and others.

Types of muscle tissue

The characteristic features of the structure make it possible to classify human muscles into three types: skeletal, smooth and cardiac.

Types of human muscle tissue: I - skeletal muscles; II - smooth muscles; III- cardiac muscle

  • Skeletal muscles. The contraction of this type of muscle is completely controlled by the person. Combined with the human skeleton, they form the musculoskeletal system. This type of muscle is called skeletal precisely because of their attachment to the bones of the skeleton.
  • Smooth muscles. This type of tissue is present in the cells of internal organs, skin and blood vessels. Structure smooth muscles a person implies their presence for the most part in the walls of hollow internal organs such as the esophagus or bladder. They also play an important role in processes that are not controlled by our consciousness, for example, in intestinal motility.
  • Heart muscle (myocardium). The work of this muscle is controlled by the autonomic nervous system. Its contractions are not controlled by human consciousness.

Since the contraction is smooth and cardiac muscle tissue is not controlled by human consciousness, in this article we will focus on the skeletal muscles and their detailed description.

Muscle structure

muscle fiber is a structural element of muscles. Separately, each of them is not only a cellular, but also a physiological unit that is able to contract. The muscle fiber has the appearance of a multinucleated cell, the diameter of the fiber is in the range from 10 to 100 microns. This multinucleated cell is located in a shell called the sarcolemma, which in turn is filled with sarcoplasm, and already in the sarcoplasm are myofibrils.

Myofibril is a filamentous formation, which consists of sarcomeres. The thickness of myofibrils is usually less than 1 µm. Given the number of myofibrils, they usually distinguish between white (they are also fast) and red (they are also slow) muscle fibers. White fibers contain more myofibrils, but less sarcoplasm. It is for this reason that they shrink faster. Red fibers contain a lot of myoglobin, which is why they got their name.

The internal structure of the human muscle: 1 - bone; 2 - tendon; 3 - muscular fascia; 4 - skeletal muscle; 5 - fibrous sheath of skeletal muscle; 6 - connective tissue sheath; 7 - arteries, veins, nerves; 8 - beam; 9 - connective tissue; 10 - muscle fiber; 11 - myofibril

Muscle work is characterized by the fact that the ability to contract faster and stronger is characteristic of white fibers. They can develop force and contraction speed 3-5 times faster than slow fibers. Physical activity of the anaerobic type (work with weights) is performed mainly by fast muscle fibers. Long-term aerobic physical activity (running, swimming, cycling) is performed mainly by slow muscle fibers.

Slow fibers are more resistant to fatigue, while fast fibers are not adapted to prolonged physical activity. As for the ratio of fast and slow muscle fibers in human muscles, their number is approximately the same. In most of both sexes, about 45-50% of the muscles of the limbs are slow muscle fibers. There are no significant gender differences in the ratio of different types of muscle fibers in men and women. Their ratio is formed at the beginning of the human life cycle, in other words, it is genetically programmed and practically does not change until old age.

Sarcomeres (constituent components of myofibrils) are formed by thick myosin filaments and thin actin filaments. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

Actin- a protein that is a structural element of the cytoskeleton of cells and has the ability to contract. Consists of 375 amino acid residues, and makes up about 15% of muscle protein.

Myosinmain component myofibrils - contractile muscle fibers, where its content can be about 65%. The molecules are formed by two polypeptide chains, each of which contains about 2000 amino acids. Each of these chains has a so-called head at the end, which includes two small chains consisting of 150-190 amino acids.

Actomyosin- a complex of proteins formed from actin and myosin.

FACT. For the most part, muscles are made up of water, proteins and other components: glycogen, lipids, nitrogenous substances, salts, etc. The water content ranges from 72-80% of the total muscle mass. Skeletal muscle consists of a large number of fibers, and characteristically, the more of them, the stronger the muscle.

Muscle classification

The human muscular system is characterized by a variety of muscle shapes, which in turn are divided into simple and complex. Simple: spindle-shaped, straight, long, short, wide. The complex muscles include the multi-headed muscles. As we have already said, if the muscles have a common tendon, and there are two or more heads, then they are called two-headed (biceps), three-headed (triceps) or quadriceps (quadriceps), as well as multi-tendon and digastric muscles. Complex muscles also include the following types of muscles with a specific geometric shape: square, deltoid, soleus, pyramidal, round, serrated, triangular, rhomboid, soleus.

Main functions muscles are flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, supination, pronation, raising, lowering, straightening and more. The term supination refers to outward rotation, and the term pronation refers to inward rotation.

In the direction of the fibers muscles are divided into: straight, transverse, circular, oblique, single-pinnate, double-pinnate, multi-pinnate, semitendinous and semimembranosus.

In relation to the joints, taking into account the number of joints through which they are thrown: single-joint, two-joint and multi-joint.

Muscle work

In the process of contraction, the actin filaments penetrate deep into the spaces between the myosin filaments, and the length of both structures does not change, but only the total length of the actomyosin complex is reduced - this method of muscle contraction is called sliding. The sliding of actin filaments along myosin filaments requires energy, and the energy necessary for muscle contraction is released as a result of the interaction of actomyosin with ATP (adenosine triphosphate). In addition to ATP, water, as well as calcium and magnesium ions, play an important role in muscle contraction.

As already mentioned, the work of the muscles is completely controlled by the nervous system. This suggests that their work (contraction and relaxation) can be controlled consciously. For the normal and full functioning of the body and its movement in space, the muscles work in groups. Most of the muscle groups of the human body work in pairs, and perform opposite functions. It looks like when the “agonist” muscle contracts, the “antagonist” muscle stretches. The same is true and vice versa.

  • Agonist- a muscle that performs a specific movement.
  • Antagonist- a muscle that performs the opposite movement.

Muscles have the following properties: elasticity, stretching, contraction. Elasticity and stretching give the muscles the ability to change in size and return to their original state, the third quality makes it possible to create force at its ends and lead to shortening.

Nerve stimulation can cause the following types of muscle contraction: concentric, eccentric and isometric. Concentric contraction occurs in the process of overcoming the load when performing a given movement (lifting up during pull-ups on the crossbar). Eccentric contraction occurs in the process of slowing down movements in the joints (lowering down during pull-ups on the crossbar). Isometric contraction occurs at the moment when the force created by the muscles is equal to the load exerted on them (keeping the body hanging on the bar).

Muscle Functions

Knowing the name and location of this or that muscle or muscle group, we can proceed to the study of the block - the function of human muscles. Below in the table we will look at the most basic muscles that train in the gym. As a rule, six main muscle groups are trained: chest, back, legs, shoulders, arms and abs.

FACT. The biggest and strongest muscle group in the human body it is the legs. The largest muscle is the gluteus. The strongest is the calf, it can hold weight up to 150 kg.


In this article, we examined such a complex and voluminous topic as the structure and functions of human muscles. Speaking of muscles, of course, we also mean muscle fibers, and the involvement of muscle fibers in the work involves the interaction of the nervous system with them, since the performance of muscle activity is preceded by innervation of motor neurons. It is for this reason that in our next article we will move on to consider the structure and functions nervous system.

They are divided into two groups: anterior (flexors), posterior (extensors). These groups are separated from each other by plates of the own fascia of the shoulder: on the medial side, the medial intermuscular septum of the shoulder, with the lateral-lateral intermuscular septum of the shoulder.

Anterior shoulder muscle group:

1. Coracobrachial muscle (m. Coracobrachialis)

From the apex of the coracoid process to the humerus below the crest of the lesser tubercle. Part of the bundles is woven into the medial intermuscular septum of the shoulder.


Flexes the shoulder at the shoulder joint and brings it to the body;

If the shoulder is pronated, then the muscle is involved in its supination;

If the shoulder is fixed, then the muscle pulls the scapula forward and down.

2. The biceps muscle of the shoulder (m. Biceps brachii)

Has two heads:

Short head (caputBreve) begins with the coracobrachial muscle.

long head (caputlongum) starts from the supraarticular tubercle of the scapula with a tendon that penetrates the capsule of the shoulder joint and lies in the intertubercular groove, where it is fixed by the transverse ligament of the shoulder (lig. transversum humeri), stretching between the large and small tubercles of the humerus. In the joint cavity and in the groove, the tendon is surrounded by a synovial sheath (vagina tendinis intertubercularis). At the level of the middle of the shoulder, both heads are connected into a common abdomen, which is attached to the tuberosity of the radius. From the tendon to the medial side departs aponeurosis of the biceps muscle of the shoulder (aponeurosis musculi bicipitis brachii), which merges with the fascia of the forearm.


Flexes the shoulder at the shoulder joint;

Flexes the forearm in elbow joint;

Supinates the forearm.

3. Shoulder muscle (m. Brachialis)

It begins between the deltoid tuberosity and the articular capsule of the elbow joint, the medial and lateral muscular septa of the shoulder.

Attaches to the tuberosity of the ulna

Function: flexes the forearm at the elbow joint.

Posterior shoulder muscle group

1. The triceps muscle of the shoulder (m. Triceps brachii)

Has three heads:

Lateral head (caputlaterale) begins on the outer surface of the humerus, the bundles pass down and medially, covering the furrow of the radial nerve.

medial head (caputmediale) from rear surface shoulder

long head (caputlongum) from the subarticular tubercle of the scapula, passes down between the small and large round muscles to the middle of the back surface of the shoulder, where its bundles are connected to the medial and lateral heads. Attached to the olecranon of the ulna, part of the bundles is woven into the capsule of the elbow joint and into the fascia of the forearm.


Extends the forearm at the elbow joint;

The long head is involved in the extension and bringing the shoulder to the body.

2. Elbow muscle (m. Anconeus)

It begins on the posterior surface of the lateral epicondyle of the shoulder.

It is attached to the lateral surface of the olecranon, the posterior surface of the ulna, the fascia of the forearm.

Function: participates in the extension of the forearm.

Fascia of the upper limb

superficial fascia upper limb It is represented by a layer of subcutaneous adipose tissue, the amount of which varies individually. The thickness of the skin fold on the back of the shoulder is one of the anthropometric indicators of obesity.

Deep (intrinsic) fascia differs in its structure in different areas of the upper limb. In the deep fascia covering the muscles of the shoulder girdle, secrete five parts.

1. Deltoid fascia (fascia deltoidea) surrounds the muscle of the same name, forms numerous partitions between its bundles; in front it connects with fascia pectoralis, behind - with fascia infraspinata, at the top it is attached to the clavicle, acromion and spine of the scapula, from below it continues into the fascia of the shoulder.

2. Supraspinous fascia (fascia supraspinata) is a thin fibrous plate, which is attached along the edges of the supraspinatus fossa of the scapula, forming a bone-fibrous case for the supraspinatus muscle, in the medial part it is thicker.

3. Infraspinatus fascia (fascia infraspinata), is a well-defined strong aponeurotic plate, attached to the scapula along the edges of the infraspinatus fossa, forms a bone-fibrous case for the infraspinatus muscle.

4. Subscapular fascia (fascia subscapularis) is a thin fibrous plate, which is attached along the edges of the scapular fossa, forms a bone-fibrous case for the subscapularis muscle.

5. Axillary fascia (fascia axillaris) It is formed as follows: the pectoral fascia in the gap between the edges of the pectoralis major muscle and the latissimus dorsi muscle thickens, forming the bottom of the axillary cavity, here it is called the axillary fascia, continues into the fascia of the shoulder.

Shoulder fascia (fascia brachii) surrounds the muscles of the shoulder; from its inner surface, two intermuscular septa extend deep into the medial and lateral (septum intermusculare brachii mediale etlaterale), attached to the humerus and separating the anterior and posterior muscle groups. The medial intermuscular septum separates the coracobrachialis muscle from the medial head of the triceps brachii. The lateral intermuscular septum separates the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles from the lateral head of the triceps muscle.

As a result, two fascial beds are formed - front (compartmentumbrachiianterius) and back (compartmentumbrachiiposterius).

Covering the anterior group of muscles of the shoulder, the fascia is divided into two plates, forming a separate fibrous case for the coracobrachial and biceps muscles and a bone-fibrous case for the shoulder muscle. The triceps muscle of the shoulder lies in a separate bone-fibrous case. In the lower third of the shoulder, the medial saphenous vein of the arm (v. basilica) lies in the subcutaneous tissue, on the border with the middle third it pierces its own fascia and lies in the splitting of the fascia (Pirogov’s canal) in the middle third of the shoulder, in the upper third of the shoulder the vein goes under its own fascia and flows into one of the brachial veins.

Fascia of the forearm (fascia antebrachii) is a continuation of the deep fascia of the shoulder, it forms a tight case for all the muscles of the forearm together and for each muscle separately. The fascia of the forearm is attached to the olecranon and to the posterior edge of the ulna.

The shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in the human body, which provides us with the ability to perform a variety of movements with the upper limb. This is the main joint that connects the arm to the torso.

In animals, the shoulder joint is less mobile and more reliably strengthened by ligaments and muscles, its main function in this case is support. In humans, in connection with upright posture, in the process of evolution, the shoulder joint has somewhat changed its structure, since now its main function has become not a support, but to provide a high amplitude of movements of the upper limb. Because of this, the joint has become less durable, which is its weak point, but at the same time, such “victims” allow a person to perform a wide variety of hand movements.

Consider the structural features of this joint and its most frequent diseases.

Anterior shoulder muscle group

These include:

  • biceps brachii,
  • coracobrachialis muscle,
  • shoulder muscle.


It has two heads, from where it got its characteristic name. The long head originates with the help of a tendon from the supraarticular tubercle of the scapula. The tendon passes through the articular cavity of the shoulder joint, lies in the intertubercular groove of the humerus and passes into the muscle tissue. In the intertubercular groove, the tendon is surrounded by a synovial membrane, which connects to the cavity of the shoulder joint.

The short head originates from the top of the coracoid process of the scapula. Both heads merge together and pass into the spindle-shaped muscle tissue. A little above the ulnar fossa, the muscle narrows and passes again into the tendon, which is attached to the tuberosity of the radius of the forearm.

Biceps brachii

  • flexion of the upper limb in the shoulder and elbow joints;
  • supination of the forearm.


The muscle fiber starts from the coracoid process of the scapula, is attached to the humerus approximately in the middle with inside.

  • flexion of the shoulder in the shoulder joint;
  • bringing the shoulder to the body;
  • takes part in turning the shoulder outward;
  • pulls the scapula down and forward.

Coracobrachial muscle


This is a fairly wide muscle that lies directly under the biceps. It starts from the anterior surface of the upper part of the humerus and from the intermuscular septa of the shoulder. Attaches to the tuberosity of the ulna. Function - flexion of the forearm at the elbow joint.

shoulder muscle

Which doctor to contact

If a person has pain in the shoulder joint, then the most reasonable thing would be to visit a therapist. After the examination, he will give a referral to one of the following specialists:

  • rheumatologist;
  • orthopedist;
  • traumatologist;
  • neurologist
  • oncologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • allergist.

What studies can be prescribed to make an accurate diagnosis and choose treatment tactics:

  • blood tests, including rheumatic tests;
  • biopsy;
  • positron emission tomography;
  • arthroscopy;
  • radiography;

Posterior muscle group

This group includes:

  • triceps shoulder,
  • elbow,
  • muscle of the elbow joint.


This anatomical formation has three heads, hence the name. The long head originates from the subarticular tubercle of the humerus and below the middle of the humerus passes into the tendon common to the three heads.

The lateral head starts from the posterior surface of the humerus and the lateral intermuscular septum.

The median head starts from the posterior surface of the humerus and both intermuscular septa of the shoulder. It is attached by a powerful tendon to the olecranon of the ulna.

  • extension of the forearm in the elbow joint;
  • adduction and extension of the shoulder due to the long head.


It is, as it were, a continuation of the median head of the triceps muscle of the shoulder. It originates from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus, and is attached to the posterior surface of the olecranon of the ulna and to its body (proximal part).

Function - extension of the forearm in the elbow joint.

Elbow muscle

Elbow muscle

This is a non-permanent anatomical formation. Some experts consider it as part of the fibers of the median head of the triceps muscle, which are attached to the capsule of the elbow joint.

Function - stretches the capsule of the elbow joint, which prevents it from being pinched.


If the treatment process is not started in time, then the shoulder joint can hurt for quite a long time, while the pain will be when raising the arm, any movements and physical activity. If the patient first had the usual pain from an injury, then serious illnesses may soon develop:

  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • bursitis;
  • joint dysplasia;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • polyarthritis.

If the pain syndrome is not eliminated in a timely manner, then severe pathological processes can begin in the human body, leading to a violation of the musculoskeletal system. With incorrect or late treatment, the patient may lose motor function and become disabled.

Muscles of the shoulder girdle

It is worth mentioning the muscles of the girdle of the upper limb, which are often considered to be muscle formations of the shoulder:

  • deltoid muscle of the shoulder,
  • supra- and infraspinatus muscle,
  • small and large round
  • subscapular.

Both groups of muscles of the shoulder are separated from each other by two connective tissue intermuscular septa, which stretch from the common shoulder fascia (enveloping the entire muscular frame of the shoulder) to the lateral and median edges of the humerus.

Acromioclavicular joint:

Its function is to allow the hand to connect with the chest area. According to their specificity, the acromioclavicular ligaments act as an important horizontal stabilizer. In turn, the coracoclavicular ligaments act as a vertical stabilizer of the clavicle. The largest number of rotations occurs precisely in the clavicle, and only 10% of rotations occur at the junctions of the acromio-clavicular joint itself.

Shoulder muscle pain

Shoulder pain and shoulder girdle is a common complaint among people of various age groups. Such a symptom may be associated with pathology of the skeleton, joints, ligaments, but most often the cause is hidden in damage to muscle tissue.


Consider the most common causes of pain syndrome in shoulder area:

  • overstrain and sprain of ligaments, tendons, muscles;
  • diseases or traumatic injuries of the shoulder joint;
  • inflammation of the ligaments and tendons of the muscles (tendinitis);
  • rupture of tendons and muscles;
  • joint capsulitis (inflammation of the joint capsule);
  • inflammation of the periarticular bags - bursitis;
  • frozen shoulder syndrome;
  • humeroscapular periarthrosis;
  • myofascial pain syndrome;
  • vertebrogenic causes of pain syndrome (associated with lesions of the cervical and thoracic spine);
  • impingement syndrome;
  • rheumatic polymyalgia;
  • myositis of infectious (specific and non-specific) and non-infectious nature (with autoimmune, allergic diseases, ossifying myositis).

Pain in the shoulder area can be associated with both damage to bones, joints, ligaments, and damage to muscle tissue.

Articulation functions

As already mentioned, the shoulder joint is the most mobile of all joints in the human body. Movements in it are carried out due to several factors: the shape and structure, the presence of ligaments and muscles, the capsule and synovial bags. Movement options:

  • flexion and extension,
  • abduction and adduction,
  • rotation in and out.

Range of motion in healthy shoulder joint

Differential Diagnosis

The following criteria will help distinguish shoulder pain caused by muscle damage from joint diseases.

signJoint diseasesMuscular lesions
The nature of the pain syndromeThe pain is constant, does not disappear at rest, slightly increases with movementPain occurs or is greatly aggravated by a certain type of motor activity(depending on the injured muscle)
Pain localizationUnlimited, diffuse, spilledIt has a clear localization and certain boundaries, which depends on the localization of the damaged muscle fiber
Dependence on passive and active movementsAll types of movements are limited due to the development of pain syndromeDue to pain, the amplitude of active movements decreases, but all passive ones are preserved in full
Additional diagnostic featuresChange in the shape, contours and size of the joint, its swelling, hyperemiaThe joint area is not changed, but there may be swelling in the soft tissue area, slight diffuse redness and an increase in local temperature with inflammatory causes of pain

What to do?

If you are suffering from shoulder pain, which is associated with damage to muscle tissue, the first thing to do in order to get rid of such an unpleasant symptom is to identify the provoking factor and eliminate it.

If after that the pain still returns, you need to visit a doctor, perhaps the cause of the pain syndrome is completely different. The following tips will help you get rid of pain quickly:

  • in case of acute pain, it is necessary to immobilize the sore arm and provide it with complete rest;
  • on your own, you can take 1-2 tablets of an over-the-counter pain reliever of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug or apply it to the affected area in the form of an ointment or gel;
  • massage can be used only after the elimination of acute pain syndrome, as well as physiotherapy;
  • after the pain subsides, it is important to regularly engage in physiotherapy exercises to develop and strengthen the muscles of the shoulder;
  • if a person, on duty, is forced to perform daily monotonous hand movements, it is important to take care of protecting the muscles and preventing their damage (wear special bandages, protective and supporting orthoses, perform gymnastics to relax and strengthen, undergo regular therapeutic and preventive massage courses, etc.).

As a rule, the treatment of muscle pain caused by overexertion or mild injury lasts no more than 3-5 days and requires only rest, minimal stress on the hands, correction of the rest and work regimen, massage, and sometimes taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. If the pain does not go away or it initially has a high intensity, is accompanied by other alarming signs, it is imperative to visit a doctor for examination and correction of treatment.


Chronic joint pain is often the result of a sedentary lifestyle, microtrauma or inflammation. In addition to drugs to relieve inflammation and gymnastic exercises a dietary supplement for food of the Glucosamine-Maximum line from Natur Product, which contains two active ingredients: glucosamine and chondroitin, has proven itself well. These substances are natural structural elements of healthy cartilage tissue and are directly involved in metabolic processes.

Due to their natural nature, they are well absorbed and stimulate the metabolism in cartilage cells, contribute to the restoration of the structure of cartilage tissue after the inflammatory process.

Therapy should be comprehensive and must include the following steps:

  1. Eliminate the cause of the pain. It is necessary to treat the disease that provokes it.
  2. Therapy aimed at stopping the development of pathological processes.
  3. symptomatic treatment. Elimination of pain, obvious swelling, redness, fever, etc.
  4. Recovery treatment. Aimed at the resumption of impaired joint functions.

There are conservative methods of treatment and surgical ones, but the latter are resorted to in the most advanced cases. Along with them, alternative medicine can also be used. Of the medicines for treatment, various ointments and creams with analgesic, anti-inflammatory effects, tablets, injection solutions are used.

Ointments for pain

Means for local treatment quickly improve blood circulation, relieve inflammation, and start recovery processes. The list of commonly prescribed drugs for pain relief and inflammation relief:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Fastum gel;
  • Ketonal;
  • Chondroxide;
  • Diklak;
  • ibuprofen;
  • Hondart;
  • Deep relief;
  • Voltaren;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Chondroitin.

If the pain is caused by a neglected disease and it is almost impossible to endure it, then it is advisable to prescribe drugs to the patient in the form of injections. The most effective drugs:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Metipred;
  • Flosteron;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Omnopon;
  • Diprospan;
  • Promedol.


It will be possible to restore the mobility and function of the joint with the help of physiotherapy exercises. You can do it only after the pain syndrome of the shoulder region is completely stopped. It is preferable to visit a doctor and coordinate with him a set of exercises that is suitable for recovery. You should do no more than half an hour a day. rotational movements of the hands, raising and lowering the limbs, and gripping the lock help well.


A few recipes for those who do not have enough traditional treatment:

  1. Crush the herbs of lemon balm and mint in a mortar to let the juice flow. Attach them to the sore shoulder, wrap with a warm cloth, leave for an hour.
  2. Grate some horseradish. Apply a compress with it to your shoulder, wrap it with a warm towel or woolen scarf and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Rub 1 tablespoon of calendula tincture on alcohol into the affected joint twice a day. Repeat until the discomfort is completely gone.

Causes of pain

The shoulder often hurts after serious physical activity- intensive sports training or lifting weights. A lot of lactic acid accumulates in the muscles, which is formed during the breakdown of glucose. It irritates the tissues, causing burning and pain. To get rid of them, a short rest is enough. But if the pain occurs more often, does not go away for a long time, then you should consult a doctor. There is a high probability of microtrauma of the articular cartilage and further development of osteoarthritis.

How are the bones of the forearm united?

The tubular bones of the forearm are united in a special way. Thanks to the joint, the radius bends around the ulna during actions. She forms it in both directions, hence the action. During this, the entire skeleton of the hand interacts organically, working in a single system.

During any action of the hand, the radius bypasses the ulna in a semicircle up to one hundred and forty degrees. This is an example of a very small movement, during which the hand and shoulder are involved. Other options involve all 360 degrees. The outer limbs are constantly moving, thus, the bones regulate all actions.

Hand movements are as natural as possible, without interference, thanks to the collagen from which the interosseous membrane is formed. It is formed between the ends of the radius and ulna. The photo of the skeleton clearly shows where the person has a joint with all its structure.


If none of the above helps, then you can always resort to the services of plastic surgeons. True, and here everything is not easy. Brachioplasty (skin tightening in the shoulder area) is a rather painful operation, and it is usually required to perform it several times, sometimes in combination with liposuction. During the operation, excess sagging skin is removed. The surgeon makes an incision from the armpit to the elbow on the inside of the shoulder, then excised all excess fat and skin. After such an operation, traces remain, although over time the scars fade. The stitches are removed after two weeks, compression underwear must be worn for a month, and after one and a half to two months, sports are allowed.


The tubular bones of the forearm are very thin, therefore they can easily break with minor violations. Types of fractures:

  1. Fracture of the middle part of the tubular bone. As a rule, in this case, a parallel violation of both bones of the forearm occurs.
  2. Monteggia defects. Fracture associated with dislocation of the head of the bone.
  3. Galezzi violation. Fracture in several places with dislocation of the head.
  4. Classic beam fracture. Fracture of the head and main radius, which joins the wrist.

First aid - fix the hand with a special splint, or improvised means. Also, pain medication will be required. A complex and at the same time simple way to correct a fracture is instantaneous reduction with the imposition of plaster, for further fusion. If fragments and displacement have formed during the fracture, after anesthesia, traction and counter-traction for the shoulder section are performed. The position is fixed in exactly the same way.

Body of the humerus

Between the upper and lower ends there is a diaphysis, which acts as a lever for receiving the main load, it has a non-uniform cross section: at the top, the shape is cylindrical, and closer to the lower end, a transition is made to a trihedral form.

This view is determined by the front, outer and inner ridges that stretch in this area.

On the body of the bone stand out:

  • literal surface- in the region of the upper third of this part of the body, the deltoid tuberosity of the humerus is distinguished, a relief area along which the muscle of the same name is attached, raising the shoulder outward to the horizontal plane,
  • medial surface- here the furrow of the radial nerve descends in a spiral, the ulnar nerve itself lies in it, coming close to the bone in this place, as well as the deep brachial arteries,
  • nutrient hole- located on the medial front and leads to the distal nutrient canal through which small arteries pass.

Reference! Most of the diaphysis is a compact substance. On the body of the bone, which borders the medullary cavity, the lamellar bone tissue forms the crossbars of the spongy substance. The space of the tubular body is filled with bone marrow.

  • Strengthening of muscles and ligaments is carried out with a small weight, gradually increasing, and a large number of repetitions.
  • Push-ups in all sorts of options with own weight will prepare the muscle to stabilize the shoulder when lifting large weights. Perform exercises on the floor, on a hill, or do push-ups from a bench or on the uneven bars.
  • For trained athletes, which increase muscle mass or increase strength, can perform exercises with a large weight, allowing you to perform no more than 12 repetitions of 3-4 sets.

Shoulder joint hurts: treatment with folk methods

Treatment of a diseased joint with folk methods is possible only as a complex therapy with medications. Most effective recipes are:

1. Alcohol remedy:

Take 3 tablespoons of lilac flowers and 1 tablespoon of chopped burdock root;

Mix them with 3 pods of hot pepper and pour 1 liter of alcohol;

Insist for three days and rub into the affected joint.

2. Home ointment:

Melt 200 g of lard;

Add there three tablespoons of St. John's wort;

Mix everything well and lubricate the sore shoulder with the finished ointment daily.

3. Vinegar Remedy:

Mix 200 ml of vinegar and 100 ml of olive oil;

Add a pinch of hot pepper;

Soak gauze in the finished composition and apply a compress to the shoulder. Leave for two hours. Repeat the procedure daily.

4. Herbal remedy:

Mix 200 ml of fresh honey with cinquefoil grass, and a spoonful of horsetail;

Apply on the shoulder and leave for two hours. Repeat for a week.

When using recipes traditional medicine it is recommended to consult with your doctor, as for some diseases it is contraindicated to apply warm compresses.


Stretch in the doorway

  1. Warm up your muscles by standing in a doorway with your arms out to the sides.
  2. Grasp the sides of the opening with both hands at or below shoulder level. Lean forward until you feel a slight stretch.
  3. Keep your back straight and shift your body weight onto your toes. You should feel a stretch in the front of your shoulder. Don't stretch too hard.

Lateral rotation lying on the floor

  1. Lie on the side opposite the injured arm.
  2. Bend the elbow of the injured arm 90 degrees and lean on the other arm. The forearm should be at the level of the abdomen.
  3. Hold a light dumbbell and, without raising your elbow, slowly raise the dumbbell toward the ceiling. Stop rotating the arm if pain occurs.
  4. Hold the dumbbell up for a few seconds before returning to the starting position.
  5. Do 3 sets of 10 to 3 times a day. Increase the number of repetitions to 20 when doing 10 repetitions is already easy.

Expander pull to the body

  1. Attach the expander to something stable at shoulder height or higher. Make sure you attach it securely enough to allow you to pull the expander towards you.
  2. Get down on one knee. The injured arm should be on the opposite side of the bent knee. Straighten up. The knee on which you lowered should be in line with the body. Place your other hand on your bent knee.
  3. Holding the expander with an outstretched hand, pull your elbow towards you. Keep your back straight and bring your shoulder blades together as you pull the band towards you. The body should not move during the exercise.

Mahi dumbbells

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bend at the knees. Keep your back straight and lean forward slightly.
  2. Using light dumbbells, raise your arms to the sides (do not unbend your arms at the elbows). Squeeze your shoulder blades together during this phase of the exercise. Do not raise your arms above shoulder level.
  3. Return to starting position and do 3 sets of 10 reps.

Exercise "Lawn Mower"

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Press one end of the expander with the foot opposite to the injured arm. Take the other end of the expander in the injured hand so that the expander tape crosses your body diagonally.
  2. Place your free hand on your thigh and bend slightly at the lower back (do not unbend your knees) so that the hand holding the expander is parallel to the opposite knee.
  3. As if starting a lawn mower in slow motion, straighten your body, moving your elbow across your body towards your ribs. Keep your shoulders relaxed and pull your shoulder blades together as you straighten up.
  4. Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

People's secrets

In the absence of contraindications and a doctor's ban, you can use affordable and inexpensive means:

  • white cabbage leaf(in the summer also a burdock leaf) is rolled out with a rolling pin and applied to the sore joint in the form of a compress.
  • Swamp cinquefoil can be used both as a raw material for the manufacture of ointments, and as the basis for a drink.
  • Cowberry leaf tea effective in diabetes (and diabetes provokes adhesive capsulitis). In addition, lingonberry tea has disinfectant properties. But be careful! This folk remedy there are very serious contraindications - gastritis and ulcers, allergies and individual intolerance.


Of the salon procedures, laser nanoperforation helps to improve skin tone: with the help of an apparatus, tens of thousands of the finest microchannels are “pierced” on the skin. Such an impact makes the cells work with a vengeance, starting the regeneration processes. As a result, the skin is completely renewed, tightened, and becomes more elastic. Initially, redness may occur, it will disappear within 2-3 days, peeling can last about a week. The effect of the procedure appears gradually, intensifying during the year.


Another way to increase elasticity in this area is massage. It helps to improve blood circulation, and hence the nutrition of the skin. You can carry it out on your own, using special lifting tools, or in the salon. A massage with mummy has a good effect. This substance does not dissolve in oil or greasy cream. Therefore, the tablet or powder must first be soaked in a small amount of warm water, and then mixed with the cream. If you do not like the smell of mummy, you can add aromatic oils - for example, mint, orange or fir: they go well together. If you have no contraindications (diseases of the veins), you can do it at home vacuum massage. Special jars for it are sold in pharmacies. You just need to be careful, as the skin of the hands in these places is delicate and it can be damaged by too active exposure.

Useful video

A short video clip about why the shoulder joint hurts

It is strictly forbidden to independently use traditional medicine recipes, perform gymnastic procedures and massaging without prior consultation with a treating professional. Self-medication can aggravate the situation of a person and provoke complications.

Complete prevention of pain in the shoulder joint right hand it is possible to achieve only with a timely appeal to a medical institution for examination and verification of the basic prerequisite.

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Pozharov Ivan

Therapeutic exercise and prevention

Exercise therapy is the main treatment for tendinitis. Active movements (rotation of the shoulders, raising the arms above the head, swinging, spreading the arms to the sides) should be used when the pain subsides.

During the period when movements still cause pain, you need to use the following exercises:

  • Postisometric relaxation: a combination of tension in the sore shoulder joint followed by relaxation without movement.
  • Passive exercises with a sore shoulder using a healthy arm.
  • Pulling up a sore arm with the help of improvised means (a rope or a cord thrown over a pipe or a crossbar at the top).
  • Abduction of the diseased arm to the side with support on the gymnastic stick.
  • Pendulum movements with a sick hand in a relaxed state.

Simple examples of exercise therapy exercises:

  1. As props, you will need a rather long towel and a reinforced transverse bar (horizontal bar). You should throw a towel over the horizontal bar and grab the ends with both hands. Gently lowering the healthy arm down, the diseased limb must be slowly raised up. At the first symptoms of pain, you should hold your hand in this position for three seconds. Return to starting point.
  2. You need to take a stick (gymnastic). Place emphasis on the floor on the outstretched arm from the patient and describe a circle with the injured hand. The amplitude must be large.
  3. Fix the hand of the diseased hand on a healthy shoulder, if necessary, using the help of a healthy one. With a working limb, take hold of the elbow of the injured arm and gently, without sudden movements, lift the affected arm up. At the peak of the lift, fix the position for three seconds. Increase the amplitude of the lifts daily.
  4. Lowered, clasped in front of you in the lock hands gently raise up. So the load falls on the tendons of a healthy hand, it pulls the patient along with it, like a tugboat.
  5. Step back slightly from the chair in front of you. Rest your working hand on his back. The torso is bent at the lower back, and the sore arm should just hang down. Start swinging with a sore hand, like a pendulum, gradually increasing the pace.
  6. Place the palm of the left hand on the right elbow, and the right hand on the left, respectively. Raise your folded arms to chest level, parallel to the floor, and start swinging in one direction or the other.

Tendinitis of the shoulder joint will not develop:

  • If you dose loads, limiting their intensity and duration
  • Emergency methods are unacceptable with poor general fitness (for example, they didn’t do anything for a whole year, and then they suddenly wanted to dig up a plot in the country in a day, plaster walls and ceilings, etc.)
  • Before any active load, whether it be sports or work, a light warm-up workout is necessary.
  • Make sure to take breaks for rest during prolonged exertion

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proximal attachment. Long head: supraarticular tuberosity of the scapula. Short head: coracoid process of the scapula.

Distal attachment. Tuberosity of the radius.

Function. Flexes the forearm at the elbow joint; promotes shoulder flexion at the shoulder joint. Takes the shoulder away from the body and at the same time turns it inward.

Palpation. For localization it is necessary to identify the following structures:
. Intertubercular groove of the humerus - Locate the greater and lesser tubercles of the humerus, lying just distal to the lateral surface of the acromion. (It is most convenient to palpate them on the hand turned outward.) The furrow lies medial to the large tubercle and lateral to the small one. The tendon of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle runs along the interstitial groove.

Coracoid process of the scapula - departs from the upper edge of the scapula between the neck and the notch of the scapula. Find the most concave surface of the lateral part of the clavicle; move the palpating hand distally about 2.5 cm into the deltopectoral triangle. When pressed posterolaterally, you will feel a bony protrusion - the coracoid process. This area can be very sensitive.

Powerful biceps shoulder can be palpated along its entire length. Flex the shoulder 15 to 45 degrees to locate the tendon attaching to the tuberosity of the radius. Palpate the biceps muscle, moving upward. The long head can be palpated by following its tendon, which runs along the intertubercular furrow; palpation of the tendon and sulcus is facilitated with the shoulder turned outward. The short head is palpated medially in the direction of its attachment to the coracoid process of the scapula.

Pain pattern. Superficial aching pain on the anterior surface of the shoulder and shoulder joint with some limitation of mobility.

Causal or supporting factors.

Prolonged flexion of the elbow; chronic or acute sprain during sports or heavy lifting.

satellite trigger points. Shoulder muscle, triceps muscle of the shoulder, muscle that turns the forearm outward (arch support).

Affected organ system. Respiratory system.

Associated zones, meridians and points.

ventral zone. Manual meridian of the lung tai-yin, manual meridian of the pericardium jue-yin. W 3, 4, 5; PC 2, 3.
Stretching exercise. Grab the door frame with your affected hand. The palm should be at shoulder level, the elbow is straight, and the thumb is pointing down. Rotate your torso away from your shoulder without allowing your arm joints to bend. Fix the pose until the count of 15-20.

Strengthening exercise. Stand up straight, arms at your sides, palms facing inward. Bend your forearms without taking your elbows away from your body. Stretch your palms towards shoulder joints. Slowly return to the starting position. Bending on count 2, return to the starting position on count 4.

Now stand in the same way, but turn your palms outward. Bend your forearms without taking your elbows away from your body. Pull your palms towards your shoulder joints. Slowly return to the starting position. Bending on count 2, return to the starting position on count 4.

Repeat the exercise 8-10 times, increasing the number of repetitions with increasing strength. To increase the load, you can use dumbbells.

D. Finando, C. Finando