Boxer training program. Training for the king of boxing at home

Circuit training method for boxers, training in the USSR

As a result of several tests to determine top speed and speed, we can talk about a way to improve the speed-strength performance of each boxer. Individually for each boxer, a selection of techniques is made. Measuring indicators during training allows you to adjust the technique itself so that its effectiveness is maximum.

When it comes to increasing the speed-strength component of a boxer, the circuit training method is considered very effective.

The fact is that circular training allows you to develop strength, speed and endurance not separately - but as a complex manifestation: strength endurance, speed-strength endurance and speed-strength.

What is this method?

Vsevolod Grigorievich Cherny, Senior Lecturer of the Boxing Department of the State Central Institute of Physical Education, Honorary Master of Sports of the USSR, explained the main essence of the method.

“The outward sign of this form of training is that it is carried out, as it were, in a circle, in almost any gym or ordinary gym, sports ground. If there is a minimum number of sports equipment, a number of stations are planned, that is, places where exercises are performed. The number of stations depends on the number of students. Boxers must go through all the stations in sequence, completing the assigned exercises on them. The material for improving the means of general physical training, in the general preparatory period, is practically simple and not complex exercises of basic or sports-auxiliary gymnastics. With the growth of fitness, the exercises in terms of the method of execution and the nature of the developed efforts should be as close as possible to special exercises. This is due to the fact that as qualifications increase, the transfer of fitness from general exercises change to special ones. Alternate impact on those muscle groups of the boxer that are involved in the technique of movements during the fight: shoulder girdle, legs, body.

Consider the appointment of the main instances

3. Tilts of the torso from a prone position (press on the floor)

Contribute to strengthening the muscles of the abdominal Persian, mobility and flexibility of the spine in lumbar. A sharp transition of the abdominal muscles from relaxation to tension increases resistance to shock. The slope should be combined with sharp exhalation in final position.

4. Exercise with a barbell - throwing the barbell forward while standing

It is used to develop explosive strength and speed of the muscles of the arms, upper shoulder girdle and back. The weight of the projectile depends on the weight and fitness of the boxer. The bar is held by the fingers at chest level. An initial powerful volitional and muscular tension is necessary - an explosion. The exercise is distinguished by distinct muscular-motor sensations.

5. Jumping in depth (jumping on a bench + shadow boxing)

Develop explosive force leg muscles. The most important thing is the moment of repulsion after landing. The time of contact of the feet with the floor should be minimal. And the height of the jump after repulsion is the maximum.

6. Exercise with a medicine ball (throwing a heavy ball forward from the shoulder, into the wall)

It serves to develop explosive strength and speed of the muscles of the arms, upper shoulder girdle, back, pelvis, legs and improve their coordination relationships. The athlete's movements should be as close as possible to boxing. The drill develops the boxer's valuable ability to instantly transition from tension to relaxation, and vice versa.

7. Somersaults

Are effective tool increasing the vestibular stability of boxers, mastering the ability to maintain a stable dynamic balance. Without this, his actions in the ring will be ineffective, and he himself is more vulnerable to an opponent's blow.

8. Exercise with a floor bar (pushing forward with one hand, vertical bar)

Develops strength endurance of the arms, muscles of the lateral surface of the body. This exercise should be performed in the starting position of the boxing stance, both for the left and for the right hand. When performing, an initial powerful acceleration is necessary, it is important that the movement starts without a swing.

9. Jumping over a goat

Here, coordination of movements is improved, the ability to accurately measure movements in terms of their strength, speed, direction, and amplitude develops. The unusual position of the body in space and the speed of their change during jumps contributes to quick orientation in combat conditions.

10. Exercise with a sledgehammer

Under the influence of shock movements, the muscles acquire elasticity, the mobility of the arm joint improves, the wrists become stronger, and the strength of the hand increases. The blow is combined with a sharp exhalation, and therefore with the movement of the respiratory muscles, which helps in setting the boxer's breathing, and also brings up the ability to concentrate efforts at the moment of impact.

To check the optimal load after every three minutes of clean work on the shells, a minute break is given, during which the heart rate of the trainee is determined. If the load is optimal, then the heart rate should correspond to the pulse value of a boxing match - that is, 120-140 beats per minute after three minutes of work. 160-180 strokes after 6 minutes. 200-220 beats per minute after 9 minutes of work. If the heart rate does not meet the requirements, then the trainer must, by changing the intensity of the exercise at the station, optimize the load.

In Soviet times, there was no workout movement yet, or rather, something similar already existed: our fathers went to work out on horizontal bars, parallel bars in schoolyards, on sports grounds (The open-air sports hall in Hydropark arose precisely at the initiative of ordinary people who brought iron junk there from all factories). At that time, for example, there was no equipment for a kangaroo pro workout, and everything had to be done on its own.

This method of training is also applicable in the pre-competition period. Using the structure of circuit training, including specific exercises, you can successfully improve special strength qualities. The principle of training does not differ from that used in the preparatory period.

The following stations are included in the circuit training

1. Pneumatic bulb

After the blow, the pear hits the platform and moves quickly and rhythmically. With the help of this projectile, rhythm, speed and accuracy of striking, speed endurance are developed. Here you can improve both direct and side impacts.

2.Heavy bag

Exercises in hitting the bag develop strength, the ability to strike in a single combination, as well as special endurance when striking at a fast pace for a long time. On heavy bags it is better to improve blows from below.

3.Hanging pear

The pear can be filled with sand with sawdust, peas, water - this determines the weight and capabilities. On this projectile, all types of impact are improved, their accuracy and speed, a sense of distance, and the ability to correctly differentiate efforts in the final position of the impact are developed.

4.Light bag

On bags of smaller diameter, side impacts are improved. The technique of their application is significantly different from the technique of hitting from below and straight lines. Others are involved in the movement muscle groups. Therefore, it is necessary to give Special attention the correctness of side impacts.

5. Movement

At this station, the coordination of movement of the legs, the speed of their movement, the ability to sense the transfer of body weight from one leg to another are improved, stability is increased, which is very important when conducting attacking and counterattacking actions.

6.Wall cushion

The main projectile for practicing strong, accented strikes. Due to immobility, it allows you to develop a specific sense of impact, the maximum concentration of effort at the moment the glove touches the target. Here it is most expedient to apply direct blows.

7. Exercise with dumbbells (air work with dumbbells)

It is important to follow the correct technique of striking. The explosive nature of the work is required. Blows must be applied with maximum initial acceleration, but without a backswing.

8. Diving

During the fight, a boxer is affected by a set of accelerations that occur due to the variety of motor activities. These accelerations affect the athlete's vestibular apparatus. This exercise just increases the special vestibular stability of the boxer.

9. Outdoor pear (or stretched pear)

On this projectile they improve in applying direct and side impacts. A sense of distance, coordination of movements, rhythm, speed and accuracy of striking are well developed.

The emphasis during the circuit training itself is to make high speed during the passage of the "stations" but at the same time follow the correct technique.

What is the methodological basis circuit training

A great advantage of circuit training is the imitation of a duel, since here the alternation of rest and load is multiple, and is dosed in the order necessary for a particular athlete, i.e. develops the missing qualities.

Work at the station alternates with rest intervals, the so-called interval exercise. Work time at the station, and rest time, depends on congestion sports training. So, for example, at the beginning of the general preparatory period, the time of work at the stations can reach up to three minutes, and the intervals of rest up to one minute. As fitness increases, the intensity of exercise increases, and the time for rest and work is significantly reduced.

You can use the already known scheme: at the end of both the general preparatory and precompetitive periods of training, a three-round boxing match is simulated. The time of work at the stations is 20 seconds, the transition from station to station is 10 seconds. Three minutes of pure time. 9 stations will be passed, followed by a one-minute rest and the cycle repeats twice more. Thus, for the entire circuit training takes 15 minutes.

Without strength there will be no speed, neither sharpness of blows, nor special endurance, which allows maintaining during the battle a high density of combat operations, light and fast movements around the ring for forceful counteraction to the enemy in close combat.

In the various actions of boxers, the main work is performed by the deltoid muscles and extensor muscles of the arms, pectoral and oblique muscles of the abdomen, back and legs.

These muscles develop and during normal training, but in order to meet the modern requirements of strength training, a boxer needs to systematically apply and special exercises with burdens.

Before proceeding -

* His lessons will help you become stronger and more confident in battle!

Below are complexes of effective strength exercises for a boxer.

Exercises for the development of extensor muscles:

1. Bench press, weights, dumbbells from various positions (standing, sitting, lying, from the chest, from behind the head).

2. Stretching the rubber bandage to the sides from the starting position of the hand in front of the chest.

3. Stretching the bandage up until the arms are fully extended, stepping on its middle with both feet.

4. Push-ups in an emphasis lying or on the uneven bars. To increase the load, you can attach an additional weight to the body.

5. Resting hands with different angles in the elbow joints on the rail gymnastic wall, perform static tension.

Development Exercises deltoid muscles:

I. p. - standing, hands with dumbbells, weights or any other weights are lowered along the body.

1. Raise bent or straight arms to shoulder level, bring them together and spread them.

2. Bench press from the chest with wide grip neck.

3. From a standing position, with arms lowered along the body, raise them through the sides to shoulder level. The partner at this time presses on your wrist joints.

4. Fix one end of the rubber bandage on the floor, grab the other right hand, stand with your right side to the fixed end. The hand and rubber form one straight line. From this position, raise your right hand up until your shoulder touches your head. This exercise can also be performed on a special machine.

5. Stand facing the rail of the gymnastic wall or some immovable object with a ledge, rest with straight arms and perform static stress, trying to raise your arms up, as it were.

Development Exercises pectoral muscles:

1. Stand with your right side to the end of your bandage fixed at chest level, take the other end with your right hand. Stretch the bandage, moving the straight arm forward in front of the chest. Do the same with your left hand.

2. Starting position - lying down. Reduction and dilution of hands with dumbbells or some other weights to the sides.

3. From the starting position - hands to the sides bringing them together with overcoming the obstacle of a partner who is trying to keep your hands in front of your chest.

4. Stand facing some immovable object, rest against the edge with an outstretched or bent arm and perform static stress.

Exercises for the development of oblique muscles abdominals:

Remember: the internal oblique muscle helps to turn the body in its direction, the external one in the opposite direction.

1. Lie on your back, spread your legs apart and bend the body, alternately taking out the toes of the left and right legs with your hands. To complicate the exercise, you can use a load, a rubber bandage, an expander.

2. Sit sideways on a chair, cross your legs and fasten to the gymnastic wall, put your hands behind your head and tilt your body forward, then returning to the starting position. Tilts are performed first in one direction and then in the other, for which the athlete turns to the wall with the other side. Then the exercise is done with weights, holding the load in front of the chest or behind the head.

3. Set your legs wide, tilt the body, spread your arms to the sides, turn the body alternately to the left and right, reaching the toe of the opposite leg with your hand.

Exercises for the development of back muscles:

1. Lifting the bar to the chest or up on straight arms, pulling it up to the waist or chest.

2. Flexion and extension of the body with a barbell or kettlebell on the shoulders.

3. Lie down on a gymnastic goat, bench or chair face down, put your hands behind your head, fasten your legs, and then bend your torso in jerks. To increase the load, you can use dumbbells.

4. Place the weight between the feet and raise it to the chest or straight arms up. The exercise can be performed with one or two hands.

5. Throwing the core, weight, stone over the head back.

Leg Development Exercises:

1. Squat with a barbell on the shoulders or chest.

2. Jumps, jumps with a barbell or some other weight on the shoulders.

3. Leg extension with a weight attached to them, sitting on a chair.

4. High jumps, on a gymnastic goat with a load tied to the belt.

5. Rope jumps with a load tied to the belt.

These exercises strengthen the ligaments of the wrist, elbow and shoulder joints, i.e. those that are primarily affected by impact stress.

Except local exercises for the development of certain muscles, it is advisable to perform those that develop the muscles of a boxer in a complex. These are different shots. medicine ball, shot put, bench press, snatch, clean and jerk.

Strength exercises are included with a small load at the end of each main workout. On the days of auxiliary training, the strength load increases slightly. "Pump up" muscle strength is also useful in morning exercises.

At each stage of the training, it is advisable to make two or three groups of sequentially alternating exercises.

We offer exercises aimed at developing the strength of the main muscle group.

* Below, the numerator will indicate the weight of the barbell, and the denominator will indicate the number of lifts in one approach. The number by which the fraction is multiplied indicates the number of approaches.

First workout:

1. Lifting through the sides of the arms with weights (for the deltoid muscles) - 4 sets of 5 times.

2. Tilts with a barbell on the shoulders (for the extensors of the back) - (20/5, 30/3) x 3

3. Squat with a barbell on the shoulders (for legs) - (50/5, 60/5, 70/3) x 3

4. Medicine ball throws (complex task) 10 throws each (right and left hand).

Second workout:

1. Snatch with half squat (mainly for back muscles) - (20/4, 30/3) x 3, 40/2

2. Bench press (for chest muscles and triceps) - (20/3, 30/4, 40/3) x 4

3. Flexion and extension of the torso, sitting on a gymnastic goat sideways with fixed legs (this is necessary for oblique muscles), with arms behind the head, and a 5 kg disk. Three sets of five on each side.

4. Eight jumps on a gymnastic goat with weight (for the development of explosive leg strength).

Third workout:

1. mixing and breeding of arms with weights lying down (for pectoral muscles) - 5/5 x 4

2. Bench press from behind the head while sitting (for the deltoid muscles and triceps) - (20/5, 30/3) x 4

3. Jumps with a barbell on the shoulders (for legs) - (30/5, 40/5) x 4

4. Medicine ball throws (complex task) - 15 throws with each hand.

The variability in the selection of exercises is very large. For example, boxers who do not need to develop equally all the leading muscles can eliminate unnecessary exercises from training or perform with a small load.

Depending on different tasks the number of exercises in training can also be reduced, other exercises are selected, their order is changed, etc. For slow boxers, you need to include more speed-strength exercises in your workouts. If a boxer needs to improve a certain blow, the selection and purposefulness of the exercises are natural.

Classes for the development of strength are best completed with exercises similar in structure to boxer punches in combat. These are throws of a stuffed ball, shot put or some other projectile, imitation of weighted blows (with a rubber bandage, for example). Sometimes boxers, in pursuit of speed, ignore strength training, not realizing that speed usually comes with strength.

For effective strength gains it is necessary to correctly set the training weight in exercises with a barbell, kettlebells, dumbbells, as well as tension, exercising with a rubber bandage, expander, on special block walls. Already in the first lessons, it is necessary to identify the ultimate result in a particular exercise.

Then determine the boxer's training weight. The weight that makes up 60-70% of the maximum result is conditionally called light training weight, the weight from 70 to 80% of the maximum is called average training weight. Weights exceeding 90% of the limit are called maximum.

For a good strength gain in the classroom use all these training weights. The main training weight is a weight equal to 70-80% of the maximum result. The greatest number of projectile lifts is performed with this training weight.

Light training weights are most often used in classes for better workability before lifting heavier weights. The maximum training weights in the classes are raised a little - from one to five times for the entire lesson.

Limiting results in individual exercises rise 1-2 times in 10-12 days.

It is difficult to establish the ultimate result in exercises with a rubber bandage, an expander, on blocks. Here, the magnitude of the tension can be determined by the number of repetitions of the exercise. So, for example, if a boxer plans an exercise for 70% of the maximum, then he must repeat it at least 8-10 times, for 80% - 6-7 times, for 90% - only 3-5.

As practice shows, it is advisable to alternate training weights. In the first workout, include light weights, in the second - medium, in the third - heavy.

The volume of load in the classes (the amount of kilograms lifted per lesson) is in the range of 1-3 tons.

Are you a boxing lover? Is your dream to become like the stars of the ring? Do you think that training a boxer at home is not serious, and it is impossible to achieve any success here?

Yes, indeed, there is no ring, ropes, and other equipment at home. There is no coach, no sparring partners.

But independent training of boxers is possible in such conditions. If you make serious efforts, the results can be very, very decent. You will get good sportswear and become a real fighter. What exactly is required for this?

How effective is a boxer's home workout?

Of course, one cannot seriously dream of victories in the ring without training in the gym - with partners and a coach. Classes in sports section the future champion can not be avoided.

If your goal is to learn self-defense techniques for your own safety and feel confident in the street, it is best to study individually for an agreed fee experienced trainer, and boxing in this case is not the only and far from the best of the options.

Well, the goal pursued by independent training of boxers at home is somewhat different - working out the nuances sports equipment, honing combat movements, working out speed and force of blows. The point of all this is to improve the overall physical condition, the growth of agility and speed of each movement, the strengthening of the muscles and ligaments of the body, the acquisition of a beautiful sports silhouette, as well as a sports (fighting) image and strong-willed character.

On the benefits of homework

If this is basically what you need, then homework is the best choice, because there are no disadvantages of the gym, and there are many advantages. Which ones?

First of all, you do not have an average training plan for boxers, you are engaged in an individual program. That is, the one that best suits your body in terms of load and purely psychologically for you as a person.

The start and end time of training is up to you.

There are no dangerous blows to the head and other vital places that do not add to your health at all. That is, the inevitable harm to the body in boxing is reduced to nothing, classes are only beneficial.

But is it possible to train in a small room, and what about the equipment in this case?

What a boxer needs at home

Here is a list of what a normal boxer training is impossible without (namely, working out the strength of your punch):

  • Let's start with boxing gloves - without them, hitting a heavy bag will not work in any way.
  • It is desirable to have bandages-gloves that are worn under boxing. They eliminate the long and not very convenient procedure of rewinding each brush with ordinary bandages.
  • Be sure to have a heavy pear (bag).
  • Do not do without kilogram dumbbells. They are needed in order to effectively work out punches in addition to the pear.
  • Besides, strength exercises you will need to carry out with dumbbells weighing more. This is the best projectile for such activities, combining reasonable cost with small dimensions.
  • For certain exercises, you will need a bench.

And it's all?

If you are doing it exclusively for yourself, you don’t really need anything else.

Such "bells and whistles" as a helmet, a cap, a dynamic pear, paws, etc., can be safely classified as excesses.

It's great when the apartment has at least an elementary horizontal bar, not to mention a set with a bench, swedish wall and bars. But there is no urgent need for all this, in general.

Dress up and put on your usual sportswear - just like you would for any workout.

Let's warm up

Training a beginner boxer is impossible without a good warm-up. We begin to walk slowly along our home gym- own room, simultaneously moving and rotating the head. The goal is to stretch cervical muscles. Then the pace accelerates a little, we move our hands in different directions, we turn the body. We walk for three minutes in the so-called "duck walk" with simultaneous rotation of the wrists and hands to warm up. Then - we step in place, raise our knees as high as possible.

After warming up, it is necessary to stretch the muscles, for which you need to do exercises for each of their groups, and do not forget about the spine. He, too, should get his portion of movements for the purpose of stretching, since the program necessarily includes back training.

Having warmed up, we proceed directly to boxing classes. Kilogram dumbbells are not yet recommended for beginners, they should be picked up after the first two or three months of training.

Boxing racks

Learn and memorize a few starting positions (there are three in total) from which you will perform the exercises.

  • The front stance (we will abbreviate it as FS) is a position in which the legs are placed shoulder-width apart with knees slightly bent, hands with clenched fists are held near the chest.
  • With your stance (or SS) - such that the weakest leg is put forward, that of the hands, which is also less strong, moves forward (its task is to cover the jaw), while we hold the other at chest level. Most often, for right-handers, this is the left arm and leg, for left-handers, respectively, the right;
  • With the opposite stance (denoted as PS), we push forward strong arm and leg.

What are the exercises

The boxer's training program allots each person a round to complete (who doesn't know - the duration of a round is three minutes). Rest intervals between rounds - one minute.

Exercise 1. We make small, short jumps (they are also called shuttle jumps) in the direction back and forth, taking the position of the SS (that is, taking our stance), the front hand leads direct blows.

Exercise 2. We repeat the same movements in the opposite stance (PS).

Exercise 3 front rack(FS), we make direct blows on the spot with an increase in their pace and strength.

Exercise 4. Consists of slopes from the SS.

Exercise 5. Having accepted, as in the third exercise, the front stance, we produce side impacts on the spot.

Exercise 6. Consists of dives in the SS.

Exercise 7. It is done according to the same principle as exercises No. 3 and No. 5 (from the FS on the spot), and consists in strikes from below, called uppercuts.

Exercise 8. Shadow boxing.

Upon completion this complex worth doing what is called " power training boxers for the legs. "Jumping rope is the best fit here. With a good level of preparation, you can jump for three rounds, each time taking a break between them for a minute.

How to hit the pear

Before you begin, give yourself a short break to rest for five or ten minutes. You can take a leisurely walk around your home gym at this time. Then we put on gloves and approach the pear.

The rules by which a pear fight should be fought are as follows:

  • As a starting position, we take our stance (SS).
  • Strikes should be alternated - a straight left alternates with an uppercut, a straight right - with a side kick.
  • Don't stop at individual strikes, move on to whole series and combinations.
  • Try to hit the center of the projectile.
  • To increase the speed, as well as the force of impact, should be done little by little, without sudden jerks.
  • By entering a fast rhythm and leading strikes with almost no pauses, you will provide yourself with a good cardio load, in addition to improving your technique.

Individual parts

With independent training, it is better to start with strikes from the SS position, then move on to the PS. But if you are comfortable with a different sequence, be guided by your individual preferences. Sports activities should bring muscle joy.

How much time to devote to training with a pear is up to you. Your body will tell you when to stop exercising. The appearance of slight fatigue is obligatory as a signal of a job well done. But a strong overvoltage should not be allowed.

If the bag swings too much under your punches, then it's time to replace it with a heavier one.

Boxer strength training

Does a boxer need to build muscle?

It's not just necessary, it's necessary. The fact is that without good developed muscles high speed of strikes, and other movements are impossible. Legs in such a sport are also important, and strengthening them together with the muscles of the buttocks should be given no less attention than training the arms.

It seems unnecessary to talk about the importance of strong, pumped-up abdominal muscles. At the same time, a weak back will nullify all achievements - that is, it is necessary to strengthen it too.

Strength exercises to help the novice athlete and boxer (approximate complex):

  1. The best way to pump up the shoulder girdle, arms, pectoral muscles is to do push-ups regularly.
  2. The lower part of the abdominal press is strengthened by lifting the legs from a supine position.
  3. The lower back is leaning forward, keeping it straight, and the arms are heavy dumbbells.
  4. Legs - squats with dumbbells on weight.
  5. The lateral muscles of the press are trained by leaning from side to side and holding a dumbbell in each hand.
  6. In addition to push-ups, on the arms, shoulder girdle and the whole upper part hulls are remarkably affected by pull-ups. If you don’t have a horizontal bar, you can replace it by bending your arms with dumbbells (perform after the second exercise), and instead of the sixth, pull the dumbbells to your belt in an inclination.
  7. Strengthening the buttocks is done by lunges back and forth, holding dumbbells in your hands.
  8. We swing the "upper" press by lifting the body from the supine (on the back) position.

If you would like to improve appearance any specific parts of the body should be found and added to the proposed exercises for certain muscle groups.

How much to train?

Beginners should start with just a couple of approaches, no more, in three months you can add another one. The optimal number of repetitions is from six to ten. But if this load is not enough, and you don’t have heavier dumbbells, you can do more.

The transition to performing strength exercises should be done only after having properly restored strength after a fight with a punching bag. Rest should last at least a quarter of an hour.

It is important to complete the training competently - walking in extremely slow pace with small shaking of the hands, contributing to general relaxation.

Taken from the internet. The original source was not found.

Champion training is the best that exists in the world of boxing theory and methodology. If the fights best boxers can serve as a great training tool for boxing tactics, the training programs of champions are great study guides for general and special physical training boxer. Of course, not everyone can become a world boxing champion. But any boxer - from a beginner to a master - can afford to train as selflessly and persistently as the best of the best - world boxing champions among professionals.

The article "Training Champions" presents individual training programs for world stars of the professional ring: Dempsey, Tani, Ali, Foreman, Norton, Bruno, Tyson, Holyfield, Lewis, Byrd, Valuev, Jones, Tarver, Vargas, Wright, De La Hoya, Mayorga , Morales, Benn, Eubank, Hamed, Barrera, Tszyu, Hatton, etc.

Training mode Jack Dempsey while preparing for the fight with Willard:
Wake up at 6 am
Running 7-10 miles (11-16 km)
Hot and cold shower
Breakfast, meat and vegetables
Sprints, a few miles
Training in the gym, sparring (everyone who paid $ 2 could see)

Jean Tunney said he ran 10 miles a few times a week, a lot of walking and exercise, plus work in a boxing gym enough for a "modern boxer" (1927) to be in good shape. Fleischer writes, "It's well known that modern fighters don't train as hard. This is probably one of the main reasons longtime boxing fans insist that modern fighters are no match for the best fighters of the past".

In order to go a distance of 40 or more rounds and throw as many or more punches per round as the fighters in the current fights, plus withstand much tougher conditions, when no one stopped fighting because of closed eyes and torn ears, the boxers performed a huge amount of work and trained almost the whole day. Bob Fitzsimmons ran 30-kilometer marathons; Corbett, the day before the match with Fitz, ran 13 km in the morning, 6 in the afternoon, shadowboxed for an hour, played two handball games and worked an hour in the gym. To maintain a good pace, the crosses ran behind the galloping horse.

As now, with long breaks between fights, the fighters gained weight, only they worked on losing weight and getting into shape much harder. For example, for a fight with Jack Johnson, which was supposed to last 45 rounds, Willard trained from November to April, dropping from 320 (Valuev's weight), according to Fleischer.
With the transition to "short" fights training methods have changed. Workouts became less strenuous, Tunney and Dempsey were running "only" 10 miles a day, but they weren't gaining excess weight between fights. While running, it was recommended to carry a cane or squeeze tennis balls to develop the hands. Cross-countries usually ran with a trainer, Tunney, for example, had a winner in fitness coach Olympic marathon Johnny Hayes. The fighters usually did interval work and hurdling was also very common. After the cross-country, the standard exercises were pull-ups and/or simple tree climbing.

The fighters engaged in traditional heavy physical labor to develop strength and endurance: they chopped wood, carried logs, Dempsey dug ditches before the fight with Willard, Benny Leonard plowed a field on a farm, and Fitzsimmons worked as a blacksmith.
Traditional work was going on in the hall
stretching, shadow boxing with rubber bands, jump rope (Johnny Dundee, for example, jumped 2000 times without a single failure, and heavyweight Jeffreys jumped 1500-2500 times in each workout), bag trapping, bag work (Dempsey bag weighed 100 pounds , 45 kg, like standard bags now), sparring (during preparation for the fight, Dempsey sparred 10-20 rounds a day), medicine ball exercises, floor exercises
push-ups, press, etc.
In order to avoid cuts, the fighters wiped their faces with saline or alcohol (Philadelphia Jack O'Brien wiped his face with alcohol at least 20 times a day). In addition, the sparring was without helmets and the fighters worked a lot on close combat and trained to enter the close combat correctly. avoiding cuts from clashing heads.

Daily regime Muhammad Ali

What time did you get up in the morning? Very early, about half past five in the morning, and sent a run.
Did you stretch before your morning run? Yes a little.
How far did you usually run?
About 6 miles, which took about 40 minutes (I always run in army boots).
What did you do after running? A few exercises, stretching, and home in the shower.
What did you eat for breakfast? Natural products, orange juice and water.
What did you do after breakfast? I have always been busy meeting and talking to the press. I loved interacting with people.
What time did you come to the gym? At 12.30.
What time did you leave the room? At 15.30.
What did you do after training? Massage, then shower. Further, perhaps, I spoke with TV reporters, "went out in public", then ate.
What did you eat for lunch? I have always eaten well: chicken, steak, green beans, potatoes, fruit, juice and water.
What did you do after dinner? I liked to go for a walk and watch TV.
For dinner, chicken, steak, vegetables, fruits, juice, water.
What time did you go to bed? Depending on how I feel.
What exercise did you enjoy the most?
Shadow boxing and rope work. I really enjoyed working in the gym.
How many days a week did you train? Six days.

Mohammed Ali training program

leaning to the side
torso twists
toe jumps to warm up (15 minutes total)
work on movement and speed of punches: 5 rounds of three minutes (after each round there is a break of 30 seconds)
6 rounds of three minutes, work on endurance and combinatorics of blows (after each round, a break of 30 seconds)
increase in sparring time as the training cycle develops
total execution time 15 minutes ( total repetitions of all exercises 300)
torso lifts from a prone position with alternate knee lifts ("cycling")
body lifts from a prone position
leg raises
WORK 9 minutes (after exercise, rest 1 minute)
20 minutes (when working with a skipping rope, Ali always moved around the hall: forward, backward, in a circle, mixing different movements, never jumping in one place). Dundee says standing in one place is bad for the heart
1 minute, at an easy pace or half step while hitting
Ali never used weights in his workouts.

Daily regime George Foreman

Wake up: at 4.15 am.
Did you stretch before your morning run? Yes, I did stretching exercises for all the muscles of the pelvis.
How far did you usually run? Approximately 3-8 miles, depending on the stage of the training program.
Comes to the hall at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Leaves at 15:30.
Goes to bed at 10.30 pm.
What exercise did you enjoy the most? I loved all the exercises.
How many days a week did you train? Six days, Sunday was a day off.

George Foreman Workout

20 minutes of stretching exercises for all muscles of the body
3-9 rounds of three minutes (after each round a break of 30 seconds), after every three rounds change partner
3 rounds of three minutes (30 seconds break after each round)
250-300 torso lifts from a prone position
250 leg lifts
stretching exercises (30 minutes total)
shower and rest

Daily regime Ken Norton

When did you get up? 4.15 am.
Did you stretch before running? Yes, full stretch.
How much did you run? From 3 to 8 miles, depending on the stage of preparation for battle.
What did you do after running? I lay down for 15 minutes, then shower and food.
What did you eat for breakfast? 9 eggs, 7 slices of bacon, 8 toast, a bowl of cereal, 2 cups of orange juice, and 2 cups of milk.
What did you do after breakfast? I would go for a 3 mile walk, come home and sleep.
When did you come to the hall? At one P.M.
When did you leave the room? At 3.30.
What did you do after training? He let my body rest and relaxed.
What did you eat for lunch? I ate around 5:30. Two large steaks, beans and lots of vegetables.
What did you do after dinner? I loved watching movies, as well as recordings of the fights of my future opponent.
When did you go to bed? At 10.30.
What was your favorite exercise?
How many days a week did you train?
6 days, Sunday off.
Did you have a job before you won the world title?

Ken Norton training program

Warm up
20 minutes of stretching all parts of the body Shadow boxing
3 rounds sparring
3-9 rounds with 3 sparring partners, depending on the stage of preparation. Pear
3 rounds Airbag
3 rounds Stretched Pneumatic Bag
3 rounds Shadowboxing
3 rounds Exercises on the floor
250-300 body lifts
250 leg lifts
stretching (total 30 minutes) End of workout
Shower, rest

Training program Frank Bruno

Frank got up at 6am for a run at 6:30am.
Before running, he did a full stretch, which took about 15 minutes. Usually ran 5-6 miles. The route included several hills, I accelerated up and slowed down at the top.
After running, I always jumped rope for 6 minutes, followed by stretching and calisthenics. Then George Francis made me jump into the pond.
For breakfast, I ate fruit juice, cereal, fruit, and yogurt, and drank plenty of water. After breakfast, I went for a walk, then went to bed. I also participated in charity events and promotions. Then I had a snack at noon.
Around 2.30 I went for a pre-workout massage.
I left the room at 5:30. I always ended up with a massage, then a shower, and then went home for dinner.
For lunch, I always ate healthy, nutritious food: chicken, rice, vegetables, pasta, fruits, lots of water. It is very important to have a balanced diet.
After dinner I liked to go for a walk, then I watched TV or read. I also love music.
Went to bed at 10.
I trained 5 days a week, plus an easy run on Saturday mornings. On Sunday I had a day off.
- Did you have a job before you won the title of world champion?
- Some. I worked as a bartender in a lotto parlor.
Frank Bruno Workout:
Warm up. - 15-20 minutes stretching all parts of the body
A fight with a shadow. - 3 rounds, work on combinations
Pear. - 4 rounds (Frank sometimes replaced the pear with sparring)
Paws. - 3 rounds, practicing combinations or learning new ones
Pneumatic bag. - 3 rounds
Exercise bike. - 18 minutes (listening to the player)
Trainers. - Chest press sitting, from the shoulders, fast paced
- Cable trainer, arm retraction, fast paced
- Light weights, high reps at a fast pace
- Cable trainer, seated chest row
- Seated shoulder press, fast paced
Press exercises. - 100 slopes
- 3 x 20 medicine ball leg raises
- 3 x 20 medicine ball drops on the press
- Body raises with standing up
Neck. - Frank hangs weights on a special head strap, then raises and lowers his head.
End of workout.
- Walk, drink water, massage.

Daily regime Mike Tyson

Monday - Saturday - "working" days, days off - days off.
So, the daily training regimen:
5 a.m.: Wake up and run three miles
6 a.m.: Mike returned home, took a shower and went to bed to fill up
10 a.m. Wake up for breakfast steak and pasta (Italian pasta) and fruit juice (orange)
12 noon: Mike enters the ring and does 10 rounds of sparring
2 p.m.: same lunch as breakfast
4 p.m.: ring work including bag work, heavy bag last, shadowboxing and exercise bike
5 p.m.: Mike did 2,000 sit-ups from a prone position, 500-800 dips, 500 floor dips, 500 reps of 30kg shrugs, and then 10 minutes of neck work. Exercises to the neck were done in 10 sets - 200 lifts, respectively, 25-40 on the bars, 50 push-ups, 25-40 on the bars, 50 shrugs, and then on again.
<Шраги (shrugs) - это упражнение на развитее трапецивидных мышц. Выглядит как пожимание плечами. Делают со штангой, гантелялми, на блоке">
<Хотя: как отметил, Ramon, если взять все упражнения выше, то Тайсон делал 2000+500+500+500=3500 повторений, плюс 10 минут на шею. Рекорд по подъемам туловища за час - 2201, установлен 3 июня этого года, до этого рекордсменом был какой-то индус с результатом в 1448 раз">
7 p.m.: Dinner same as lunch (Mike is not a gourmet)
8 p.m.: exercise bike again, 30 minutes.
9-30: telly and crib
Mike did it in 10 fast cycles: 200 squats, 25-40 sit-ups, 50 presses, 25-40 sit-ups again, 50 shrugs. And so 10 times. And also 10 minutes on the neck wiggles.
At this rate, by the age of 20, he was already able to do 2000 squats in 2 hours.
Neck training was conducted by Mike, in principle, like wrestlers, that is, more precisely, he used one of the elements of wrestling training, since there are several types of neck exercises in wrestling. Mike did a bridge without hands with uniform rocking on his head.
Mike used a variety of training bags: for example, a small, tear-shaped sandbag that wobbled in front of Mike and he had to do constant slips to avoid touching that slip-bag.
Mike hit a heavy bag last, the bag constantly swayed (if it stopped, then Mike swayed it), that is, without stopping it, he breaks through certain series, hits hard, quickly, as it should, very quickly returns his hands and immediately after the series makes slips with his body , all this in constant motion around the pear.
Rooney: Mike's punching power was developed through hitting heavy bags for a long time, before turning pro he hit a 350 pound 84 inch bag, but he injured his hand a few weeks later and we didn't use that bag again.
(Cus said that the weight of the bag increased and Mike's punching power grew)
Everyone knows that Mike used a digital punching system in training and in fights. This system was developed by Cus D'Amato. Its essence is that the boxer works like an automaton, he does not need time to think about names, only numbers, and the boxer becomes a machine. When Damato was training Puerto Rican José Torres, he developed a punching tool called the Willie Sack, after Willie Pastrano, whom Torres defeated in title fight. Willie was made from five mattresses wrapped around a frame. A profile of a person was drawn on the front of the mattresses, on which the zones that were the target for strikes were indicated, the zones have a digital designation:
1 left hook to the jaw
2-right hook to the jaw
3-left uppercut
4-right uppercut
5 left hook to the body
6-right hook to the body
7-jab to the head
8-jab to the body
It should be noted that these numbers denoted zones, not strikes. That is, 2 - can be either a right hook or a right straight or cross, etc.
Cus recorded his commands with combinations of numbers on tape, and the fighter listened to them and punched combinations. During the fight, the coach could always easily tell the boxer how to beat the boxer, quickly and efficiently. For example: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1.
The parade is commanded by Rooney:
This mode is given for Mike, who was trained by Cass, Rooney.
Under Rooney, Mike did not work much with iron, he did strength exercises three times a week and usually after a workout.
Rooney said: Mike never touched the scales (iron) when I was with him. If he worked with them he would become much slower, you can't get faster hands than Ali with weights.
After Rooney, Mike worked with iron regularly. He does the bench press very quickly, one might say with an explosion.
Squats are also smoothly without pauses.
I also read somewhere, I don’t know whether to believe that Tyson’s brother was about 196 cm tall and his father was also very tall. Cus knew this and made young Mike run with 50 pounds of weight on his back in the morning, as he did not want Tyson to grow, because he believed that his style and height were perfect for each other" Shuba.

Daily routine of post-jail Mike Tyson

Wake up: 9 am.
stretching before your morning run? No never.
Runs 5-7 kilometers over rough terrain.
He comes to the hall at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Leaves at 4.
Goes to bed at 9.30 pm.
Favorite exercise- I really like practicing punches and sparring.
How many days a week does he train. Six.

Mike Tyson's post-jail training program

4 rounds of three minutes (30 seconds break between rounds)
PAW WORK 6 rounds of three minutes (30 seconds break between rounds)
in the weeks leading up to the fight, Mike devotes more time directly to sparring, gradually increasing the number of rounds from 3 to 12 for three minutes each (30 seconds break between rounds)
9 minutes followed by a 30 second break
20 minutes (1 minute break at the end of the exercise)
HEAVY BAG 6 rounds of 3 minutes (30 seconds break after each round)
5 minutes (after work break 30 seconds)
5 sets of 20 push-ups (between sets a break of 30 seconds) 15 sets of 20 torso lifts and; lying position (30 seconds break between sets)
massage, shower, drink water


Modern boxing is an aggressive-offensive form of combat, and for this, a boxer needs to have a large supply of physical and mental endurance. Physical training is the most important part of the training process in both amateur and professional boxing. It should be noted that distinctive feature training methodology in professional boxing is the lack of group training. In professional boxing for an athlete, individual program preparing it personal trainer: volume and density physical activity, the main fighting style, most effective strikes, characteristic for this particular boxer, etc.

General and special physical training occupies a special place in training process masters of the professional ring, because the choice of technical and tactical means of combat, and hence the level of the fight as a whole, the boxer's class depends on her level.

The first part of the book presents the training programs of world boxing stars. Champion training is the best that exists in the world of boxing theory and methodology. If the fights of the best boxers can serve as an excellent teaching aid for boxing tactics, then the training programs of champions are excellent teaching aids for the general and special physical preparation of a boxer. Of course, not everyone can become a world boxing champion. But any boxer - from beginner to master - can afford to train as selflessly and persistently as the best of the best - world boxing champions among professionals.

The second part of the book presents the boxer's gymnastics exercises for the development of basic functional and motor-coordinating qualities.

Part I
Champion Training

Kostya Tszyu

What time do you get up in the morning?

At 7 a.m.

Yes, always.

How far do you run in the morning?

First I run up and down the hill for 25 minutes, then jogging down the road for another 30 minutes.

At 2 pm and I leave at about 4-5.30.

At 10 pm.

Any exercise after which I feel tired. In principle, I like everything, but most of all I love exercises with weights.

Six days.

Kostya Tszyu training program


Kostya uses this program to improve his strengths before moving directly to the traditional training program boxers, including work with a bag, pear, paws, sparring and so on.


tilt to the toes and delay in the final position up to 10 seconds, tilt to the sides for a minute, alternate rotation of the arms forward and backward for 1 minute, bending the knees and touching the floor with the fingers


50 times on fists


10 times narrow grip(after exercise break 30 seconds)


20 minutes at an average pace (after the exercise, a break of 1 minute)


4 sets of 10 reps (30 second break after each set)


curls with dumbbells: 4 sets of 1 minute with dumbbells different weight(30 second break after each set, 1 minute break at the end of the whole exercise)


barbell curl: 4 sets of 15 reps (30 second break after each set, 1 minute break at the end of the whole exercise)


3 sets of 20 lifts (30 second break after each set): With both hands, pull the disc up to your chest and let it drop back down to your hips


70 reps with a weight of 35 kilograms


lying on your back, lift your head off the floor and move it up and down, then in a circle, for 1 minute


1 minute, then 30 seconds rest lying on your back, stretch your legs, lift them off the floor and hold for 1 minute


4 sets of 1 minute (after each set, rest 30 seconds), similar to the previous exercise, only for a minute, the legs slowly rise up


3 sets of 50 reps (after each set, rest 30 seconds) before the end of the workout, walk quietly for 1 minute, drink water and go to the shower



similar to a strength development program


50 times on fists




3 rounds of three minutes (after each round rest 30 seconds)


6-12 rounds of three minutes (after each round rest 30 seconds)

(Kostya brings the number of rounds to 12 by working with 3 different sparring partners. You can replace sparring practice with work on a heavy bag.)


working out combinations of blows: 6 rounds of three minutes (after each round, rest 30 seconds)


one 3-minute round at a slow pace (after the exercise, rest 30 seconds)


stand on your head in the middle of the ring, the task is to maintain concentration and balance (about 3 minutes)

then somersaults around the ring without stopping, approximately 25 somersaults


3 minutes (after exercise break 30 seconds)


Bones has his own way of training hand-eye coordination. To do this, he uses a special tape that he wears around his head and to which a rubber cord is attached. Attached to the other end of the elastic is a regular tennis ball, on which Kostya strikes with his hands. The task is to maintain a constant rhythm, hands and the ball are in constant motion throughout the entire exercise.


dry off, drink some water, shower

Roy Jones

What time do you wake up?

At 5.30 am.

Do you stretch before your morning run?

Yes, I do a full warm-up, then I do stretching exercises for the muscles of the legs, back, lateral surfaces of the torso.

How much are you running?

Approximately 3-5 miles.

What time do you come to the gym?

At noon.

What time do you finish your workout?

What time do you go to bed?

At 10.30 pm.

I generally like to train, but most of all I love ab exercises.

How many days a week do you train?

Five or six.

Roy Jones training program


tilt to the toes and delay in the final position

leaning to the side

torso twists

push ups

full body stretch

jumping on socks in a circle



4 rounds of four minutes (30 second break after each round)


16 minutes (break 30 seconds)


16 minutes (at the end of the exercise, a break of 30 seconds)


25 minutes at constant speed (break 1 minute)


4 sets of 100 torso lifts from a prone position (after each set, a break of 30 seconds)

4 sets of 100 leg raises (30 second break after each set)

4 sets of 100 folds (30 second break after each set)


massage, shower, drink water

Roy does not use weights in his training.

Fernando Vargas

What time do you get up in the morning?

At 7 a.m.

Do you stretch before your morning run?

Yes, a full stretch of the muscles of the legs and back.

How much are you running?

What time do you come to the gym?

At 9 AM.

When do you finish your workout?

Around 10 pm.

What is your favorite exercise?

I like to train and do my best full program. I love all exercises.

How many days a week do you train?

Six days.

Fernando Vargas training program


15 minutes full body stretching and warm-up




6 rounds of three minutes (30 seconds break after each round)

(if sparring is included in the training, then the amount of time to work with the paws and the bag is reduced)


5 minutes (after work break 30 seconds)


abdominal exercises:

body lifts from a prone position

8 sets of 50 leg raises ( Various types lifts)

3 sets of 20 trunk extensions in a lying position on a bench face down

3 sets of 20 pull-ups

resistance exercises with medical elastic bandages



stretching exercises for 5 minutes, walk around the room several times


Mike Tyson

What time do you wake up?

At 9 AM.

Do you stretch before your morning run?

No never.

How much are you running?

5-7 kilometers cross-country.

What time do you come to the gym?

At 2pm.

At 4 p.m.

What time do you go to bed?

At 9.30 pm.

What is your favorite exercise?

I really enjoy practicing punches and sparring in the gym.

How many days a week do you train?

Six days.

Mike Tyson training program


4 rounds of three minutes (30 seconds break between rounds)


6 rounds of three minutes (30 seconds break between rounds)


in the weeks leading up to the fight, Mike devotes more time directly to sparring, gradually increasing the number of rounds from 3 to 12 for three minutes each (30 seconds break between rounds)


9 minutes followed by a 30 second break


20 minutes (1 minute break at the end of the exercise)


6 rounds of 3 minutes (30 seconds break after each round)


5 minutes (after work break 30 seconds)


5 sets of 20 push-ups (30 seconds break between sets)

At what time do you go to bed?

At ten o'clock in the evening.

What exercise do you like the most?

Bag Bar (rack with a bag).

How many days a week do you train?

I work out in the gym from Monday to Friday, on weekends I just run. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday I do very hard workouts; while classes on Tuesday and Thursday are also not easy (traditional boxing training, exercises on the floor, etc.), but still these days I train not so intensively.

Ricky Hatton training program


10 minutes full body stretch


3 rounds of three minutes (30 seconds break after each round)


10 minutes non-stop (warm up)


4-12 rounds of three minutes (depending on the stage of the training program)

Ricky does this exercise with the help of a trainer. The trainer puts on a special shock-absorbing vest and picks up boxing paws. This is followed by a continuous exchange of blows. This type of training is almost a complete imitation of a real fight. This is not a battle in the usual sense for many, but, nevertheless, an exercise as close as possible to a real combat situation. On other days, Ricky also performs the exercises traditional for all boxers (floor work, etc.).

BAG BAR (rack with a bag)

4 rounds of 3 minutes (1 minute break after each round)

For this exercise, Ricky uses two implements: a heavy punching bag and a "stand" (a steel bar with steel tripods on either side). The beam is located approximately at the level of Ricky's belt. The drill starts with Ricky jumping back and forth over the bar for one minute, then moving to the bag and punching for another minute, then back to the bar for another minute. After three minutes - a break. After resting, he repeats the whole sequence again.



shower and relaxation

The last series of intense training ends a week before the upcoming fight. This week Ricky does 15 rounds of three minutes of work in the vest. He says that this exercise, like no other, is very good at helping him feel confident in his abilities. When he finishes the last week of intensive training, he is sure that he can beat any opponent, no matter how strong he is.

Evander Holyfield

What time do you get up in the morning?

At 9 AM.

How much do you run at one time?

I never liked to run, so I do it very rarely.

What time do you come to the gym?

At 4 p.m.

What time do you leave the room?

Around 6 pm (Monday to Friday).

What time do you go to bed?

At 9.30 pm.

What is your favorite exercise?

Work on boxing paws, sparring.

How many days a week do you train?