5 basic exercises. Basic exercise program

The first and main exercise for a person who wants to become big and strong, as it involves about ¾ of all the muscles of a person when performing. It is carried out in various versions and with various shells. But the main ones still remain three types of rod traction.

This is classic deadlift, originally from weightlifting.

Deadlift on straight legs, also known as "Romanian" or "Dead".

Deadlift "Sumo", more often called "Lifter".

All of them are performed with the most straight back, straight outstretched arms. To avoid injury.

They differ among themselves in the setting of the legs in width, the type of grip, and the bend of the knee joints. For beginners, only the classic is recommended for execution - it gives the maximum result with the minimum explosiveness. The grip is straight, the knees are bent, the shins almost touch the bar, the legs are shoulder-width apart.

Number two of our top is used in the preparation of athletes in almost all sports. It includes almost all the muscles of the lower body, as well as the press and back. It is almost impossible to give large volumes to the muscles of the legs, or to develop the body as much as possible.

Can be performed with a barbell on the back or on the chest, with dumbbells, and even with kettlebells. They vary in depth of squats to deep, partial and parallel (thighs parallel to the floor.) There are also many different options for setting the legs and holding the weight in this exercise.

We recommend performing classic squats with a barbell on your back, feet shoulder-width apart, toes turned outward, to the parallel. At the same time, carefully observe safety precautions and always under the supervision of a coach or insurer partners.

Another great exercise for mass gain, one of the three, the so-called basic exercises. Perfectly develops the muscles of the upper part of the body, such as small and large pectoral muscles, deltoid and triceps, as well as the latissimus dorsi.

There are several options for doing the bench press:

Bench press "classic" is performed in two different options, both of which are performed on a bench press. As the name of the bench suggests, the starting position of the athlete is lying on his back. In the first version, the bar is held on straight arms in front of the chest, then slowly lowered to the chest and, after a pause, is squeezed to its original position. In the second option, the neck is initially at chest level, then squeezed out on straight arms, and then comes back.

Bench press "Without a pause" or "in repulsion" - performed without a pause in lowest point, the bar is squeezed out immediately after touching the chest. Not suitable for competition.

This exercise can also be done on incline bench to increase the load on a certain type of muscle. The same purpose is served by different width and type of grip in the bench press.

Some experts still distinguish "Bench press in the frame", but apart from increased safety for the practitioner, it does not differ from the classics.

Pull-ups with weights

They differ from ordinary pull-ups by increased stress on muscles and joints. Great for building muscle mass and developing the muscles of the arms, back, chest and even the press. The weight of the burden is chosen individually, it can be hung from the belt, put in a backpack, sewn onto clothes, put into a special vest.

Pull-ups with weight require attention to technique - swinging and jumping off the bar are unacceptable, and can lead to spinal injury.

It is worth performing no more than 7 repetitions in the approach, while the lifting phase should be performed as quickly as possible, and lower slowly, without throwing your weight down, and without straightening your arms at the elbows completely.

Seated Barbell Press

Rounding out our top 5 best exercises for bulking up is the seated bench press. It perfectly develops deltas and pectoral muscles, and has a beneficial effect on health. shoulder joint, strengthening the muscles of the rotators of the shoulder.

The exercise is performed while sitting on a bench with a vertical or almost vertical back, if there is no back, then remember that your back should be vertical during the exercise. Usually the bar is on the racks at chest level, if not, then you can easily take it with a direct grip and raise it to this level. Then, as you exhale, you must squeeze the bar straight up so that it is above your head, and then return it to its original position. It is worth noting that doing the bench press in full amplitude also trains the top pectoral muscles.

Don't take too much big weight, use a non-standard grip and perform the exercise from behind the head. It's better to leave all these frills professional athletes. Also avoid sudden movements and jerks, they give an unreasonably high load on the spine.

Style Outcome

The following will allow you to achieve maximum mass gain: bench press, weighted squats, deadlift, weighted pull-ups and seated bench press. It is necessary to carefully observe the technique of performing these exercises and perform no more than 5-8 repetitions in the approach.

Too many athletes fall for isolated movements. Do not repeat their mistakes, do not sacrifice your progress in the name of love for single-joint movements. Lead the game with basic drills!

The training process is a series of choices. You choose the goals you want to achieve and determine what you need to achieve them. Then you decide to devote some of your time and energy to moving towards these goals. It's simple, isn't it?

In fact, there are other choices that have a huge impact on training process, but we rarely give them even a fraction of our attention. One of the most important aspects is the definition of the concept within which we will consider human body. Is it a set of independent parts called "muscle groups" that should be separated and worked out one by one? Or is it a single system that should be trained and strengthened with intense and global incentives?

To be honest, you can not answer this question. I give my hand on cutting off that for an unmistakable determination of your attitude to the subject of discussion, a cursory glance at training program and how you spend your time in the gym. If week after week, for hours on end, you make your way through the jungle of dozens of exercises and try to work out each muscle group from every possible angle, then you are a supporter of isolated movements. And I'm here to tell you that it's time to change your approach and use .

I know what you're thinking: “But Todd, I want to build my arms. Therefore, I will train biceps and triceps. And leave me alone". Such a view distorts the very essence of how human body moves, grows, and how it works in general. If you want to more muscle, strong muscles, strive to create a more athletic physique, basic exercises will become the best choice from all available options. That is why almost every one of you should send isolated movements to hell.

Single joint movements

Also called isolated movements, these exercises focus on movement in one joint.

Examples:, and almost all exercises performed on simulators. If the goal of the exercise is to “work out” a particular muscle group (for example, the middle delta or short head biceps), these are single-joint movements.

Multi-joint movements

They are also called basic or compound movements; to move the load, these exercises require the coordinated work of many levers and joints.

Examples: free weight exercises such as, and,. If the day after performing the movement you feel soreness and fatigue of many muscle groups, most likely, this is a multi-joint movement.

Hypertrophy and single joint movements

Mechanical tension, load volume and calories cause muscles to grow. This is a simplified explanation, but I prefer it to most of the other explanations because it is clear and easy to put into practice.

If you are going to increase muscle mass according to the proposed scheme, it is clear to you that in exercises with high load that create the maximum mechanical (muscular) tension, the largest number of muscles are involved. Think about how many joints and muscles are involved in squats, deadlifts, presses, and deadlifts. There is nothing supernatural in these movements. Yes, they are difficult, complex, but when performed correctly, they create such a load on the muscles that no isolated exercise can compare with.

This is true in relation to the volume of the load. For that stimulation muscle growth that heavy compound movements provide, you will need an unrealistic amount of single-joint exercises.

Without exception, all compound movements are the most efficient use of the precious time you spent in the gym.

Strength and single joint exercises

Despite the fact that strength is most often symbolized by tight biceps, strength indicators are more determined not by muscles, but by nerves. Muscle able to withstand the load only when the central nervous system and its signaling systems in the periphery tell the muscles to generate force. To train the brain and the motor centers of the central nervous system, you need powerful stimuli that require a quick response. But it is much simpler than nuclear physics. All you need to do is to quickly lift a heavy load.

Despite the fact that strength is most often symbolized by tight biceps, strength indicators are more determined not by muscles, but by nerves.

Heavy load not compatible with isolated exercises. I'm sure you can pick up a weight that will make the curl extremely difficult exercise, but it will not be a real test for the nervous system.

Biceps curls can stimulate local muscle growth and increase muscle resistance to stress, but the impulse that the brain receives will not be that emergency signal that will scream: “Watch out!” Therefore, you will not receive an impulse, without which it is impossible to develop the real strength of all muscle groups.

Athleticism and single-joint exercises

Body parts are not isolated from each other. Every muscle, joint, tendon, and bone is part of a system, which in turn makes up an even larger system. The only reason we call biceps or muscles rear surface hips as independent motor units, this is the curiosity of the ancient Greeks, who identified these structures in the process of dissecting a corpse.

It is enough to look at the human body as a single and global propulsion system, not as isolated motor units in the atlas of anatomy, and it will become obvious that muscles and joints do not work alone. We move using a complex joint system that extends from head to toe. And until artificial devices like rollers isolate the joint, natural movement will require the involvement of many joints throughout the body.

Single-joint movements are often performed in a sitting or lying position, and the movement is made in one joint along the simplest trajectory, which is never seen in everyday life. motor activity. IN sports we also move freely in space without any external stabilizers like benches, seats, or nautilus machines.

Nearly all athletes got bigger and stronger when they ditched single-joint exercises for high training loads

Think about it and ask yourself which makes more sense, squats or leg extensions? You know the answer.

There is no substitute for lifting weights

If you're a competitive bodybuilder and you really need a high biceps peak for an upcoming performance, some single-joint exercises will definitely come in handy. But for most of us, they are simply not necessary.

I can't talk to every athlete, but many people choose single-joint exercises because:

  1. They think that presses or curls can be a substitute for complex multi-joint exercises; or
  2. They want to develop a specific muscle group or tighten lagging muscles in order to improve strength in basic exercises.

An example of the latter would be people who believe that machine leg extensions will help them with squats, or that they can pull themselves up more after a bicep straight workout. However, the truth is that simply increasing the amount of load in the basic exercises is much more effective option solution to this problem.

I know from experience that almost all athletes have gotten bigger and stronger when they forgo single-joint exercises in favor of high training loads. Your body doesn't care about biceps, triceps, or quadriceps. It only assesses the intensity of the stress factor and adapts to the loads, and therefore, well-chosen compound exercises with a high load are best suited for forcing muscle growth.

And so that you can get to your cherished goal faster, I will list my favorite basic exercises to replace the popular single-joint exercises.

Instead of biceps curls - pull-ups

Most pulling movements place stress on the biceps, but pull-ups are the most efficient and powerful of all the pulling variations. Pull-ups simultaneously develop massive hands and a strong back, so this is a wonderful and win-win option.

Instead of spreading hands on deltas - bench presses

The bench press and overhead press hit the deltoid muscles. After a military or bench press, don't rush into focusing on the deltoids, but add a couple of sets to the presses and give the delts a heavy load.

Instead of leg curls - Romanian deadlift

To lift a heavy load and develop an athletic physique, strong muscles of the back of the body are needed. PCT trains the hamstring muscles to become bigger and stronger when standing, which is much more applicable in sports and Everyday life than bending the knees while sitting or lying down.

Instead of leg extensions - front squats

Squats are the king of lower body exercises. A lot of guys dedicate years to perfecting their squat skills, but stay a step away from success by ignoring the front squat.

When performed correctly, the front squat is a safe movement that generates significant force, which is several times more effective than the endless extension of the legs in the machine.

Which can be used even with beginners. On initial stage for their implementation, the weight of one's own body is quite enough, and it is fundamentally important to master the correct technique. Complicating elements (additional resistance, weights, unstable platforms, etc.) need to be added after the technique is mastered, and the weight of one's own body becomes insufficient for further progress in the results.

1. Squats

The squat is a movement similar to sitting down on a low stool. The squat is one of the best exercises for the lower body. During the squat work gluteal muscles, muscles of the back of the thigh, quadriceps femoris, calf muscles. important it correct execution to prevent too hard impact on the knees and back and avoid injury.

The movement is driven by the hips, not the knees. It is necessary to keep the knees above the ankles, and the feet should be directed forward when bending the legs. Don't let your knees move forward of your toes. The entire foot should be kept on the floor, the weight of the body moving towards the heels so that the gluteal muscles perform the main action, and not the hip flexors and quadriceps femoris. It is necessary to actively contract the gluteal muscles and include the stabilizing muscles. The upper body should be stabilized with a slight natural curve in the lower back, with the shoulders dropped and turned back.

If your client's heels come off the floor while doing a squat, then they are most likely overstressed. triceps shins. To eliminate this tension, something should be placed under the heels (for example, pancakes from the bar - see photo), which will allow the heels to return to the support. To correct tense calf muscles, it is necessary to add stretching of these muscles to the training program.

2. Lunges

The lunge is an exaggerated form of walking. Lunges are also considered to be one of the best exercises for the lower body. When performing lunges, the main muscles work lower limb and pelvic muscles. From the main stance, one leg is pushed forward about 30 centimeters, the knees are strongly bent and then unbent, lifting the body up, the legs return to the position together. The lunge can be performed forward or backward, and even performed in place if space is limited.

The ideal technique is one in which the upper torso is held vertically with the shoulders down and turned back. The feet should be parallel to each other, the knee of the "front" leg should not "go beyond" the toes. The pelvis should not turn, both anterior superior iliac spines should point forward (as if the iliac bones are the headlights on your car and you are driving straight ahead).

The weight of one's own body is quite sufficient for most people, lunges are quite stressful when correct technique and without additional burden. But at a later, more advanced level, you can use additional weights in the arms/shoulders.

3. Push-ups

Push-ups are another fundamental functional exercise, which is based on the basic movement that is often found in everyday life - this is repulsion from something. Push-ups develop the pectoral muscles, the muscles of the arms and the muscles that stabilize lumbar spine.

Push-ups are a very popular exercise, but very few people understand the intricacies of its technique and perform it correctly. But this exercise is worth learning - it is extremely effective.

When doing push-ups in the classic version (hands are narrow on the floor), the elbows should be kept as close to the body as possible, push-ups should be strictly upwards, without completely straightening the elbows at the top point of the movement (and, moreover, without making a sharp movement of straightening at the end - which, to unfortunately, they do it very often, until “a click in the elbow joint). The whole body from head to toes should be absolutely straight - an imaginary straight line should pass through the ear, shoulder, thigh, knee and ankle. To prevent the middle part of the body from sagging to the floor, you need to tighten the stabilizing muscles, pull in the stomach.

Oddly enough, execution speed does not play a big role in achieving a training effect. It doesn't matter if you do 20 slow push-ups in a minute or 60, the result will be the same, provided that you perform it correctly.

Push-ups are distinguished by a huge number of possible options - both in the direction of complication and in the direction of relief. If push-ups with straight legs on the floor are too difficult, you can put your hands on a higher support to make it easier. For example, you can start push-ups from a wall (the easiest option), then from a lower stable surface (table, chair, etc.) until you can finally do push-ups from the floor. What you should not do is use kneeling push-ups, as in this version it is very difficult to feel the alignment of the whole body and the stabilizing muscles will not be sufficiently involved in the work. It is better to get used to push-ups with a completely straight body right away, let there be a higher support first. It can be gradually lowered as you get used to it.

You can also make push-ups more difficult in many ways. For example, you can put your feet on an elevation, or you can put your feet on a fitball (unstable support), which will cause a greater load on the muscles, which will additionally be involved in maintaining balance. To increase the load, you can also lift one leg or additionally raise the opposite arm, an even more difficult option is the same with the legs on the fitball.

4. Pull-ups

Pull-ups are an example of a series of pulling (or "pulling") movements that are the opposite of push-ups (push-ups). - Very effective exercise, it affects the muscles of the back, arms and muscles that stabilize the spine. In addition, it can be performed almost anywhere, you just need to find a crossbar or horizontal bar (if you wish, this is not difficult).

When pulling up, you need to ensure that the entire shoulder girdle is tense, the shoulders should be turned back and lowered down. And this position of the shoulders must be maintained at all stages of movement. This will reduce the possibility of injury, allow you to perform traction more comfortably and efficiently by tying the entire shoulder girdle together. The movement should be performed with full amplitude, but overstretching when extending the arms should be avoided.

The pull places high demands on the strength of the upper body, so not everyone can perform this movement on their own and correctly even once at the initial stage. This is especially true for women. Therefore, you need to specifically learn to pull yourself up.

It is better not to use special simulators for this, in which assistance is provided by supporting the knees on the platform. The problem is that in this version the lower body is in a relaxed state, not allowing the simultaneous manifestation of the total strength of all the constituent parts of the body, called functional strength. (Similar to push-ups, which should not be done on your knees, but rather start with a higher support but keep your legs straight.)

Instead, it is better to use the help of a support partner from below, as shown in the photo, or, if there is no one to help, it is better to put something on which you can press with your toes to facilitate the exercise.

Special attention you need to pay attention to the performance of the inferior part of the movement - lowering down. (also called eccentric - negative phase of movement). You need to go down slowly. It seems less difficult than pulling up quickly over and over again, but it requires constant muscle tension, which develops proper technique and makes the execution more and more free and easy.

For greater participation in the movement of the biceps (biceps of the shoulder), the hands must be turned so that the palms are directed towards the face (grip from below). This position of the hands will allow you to distribute a large load on the biceps and chest muscles while simultaneously tensing the whole body.

In any embodiment, the legs and the whole body should be stretched and tense: the body should not dangle and sway, there should not be a “bouncing” movement - this is how it looks when they try to compensate for the lack of strength with inertia from body swaying.

Incorrectly strenuously pulling the neck and chin to reach the crossbar - this may cause pain in the neck and shoulders. It is necessary to ensure that the movement is performed due to the strength of the muscles of the hands and shoulder girdle.

5. Rotations

Rotations are movements that we constantly do in life, turning the torso. Rotational movements should definitely be included in functional training in order to reduce the likelihood of back injury during torso twists. Almost all the so-called "lumbago" of the back occur at the moment of combining some kind of effort (lifting something) with a turn of the torso. Even the elementary movement of getting out of the car sometimes ends up with “grabbing the back”: one leg is on the ground, the other is still in the car, the body is still bent at the hip joint, and the movement from the car to the side-up is accompanied by a slight twisting - in the absence of functional connections in body with such a movement, you can get a back injury.

There are a lot of rotational exercises. Here we will analyze only one, the basic one. This exercise is associated with resistance to twisting of the spine, it allows you to improve strength and stability. deep muscles stabilizers.

Attach a rubber band to a fixed object at waist height, such as a door handle. Grasp the rubber band with both hands and slow pace stretch it by turning the torso without simultaneously rotating the pelvis (the pelvis remains motionless!), the muscles that stabilize the lumbar spine should be constantly tensed. Control the vertical position of the body. Then turn to the other side, standing with the other side to the place where the rubber is fixed.

These are just 5 of the most basic functional exercises that can be used with clients of any fitness level, choosing the right variation, degree of difficulty, number of repetitions and combination with other types of training during the training period.

The 5×5 workout program is the simplest and most effective way get stronger, build muscle and burn fat. Thousands of people have used it to change their bodies. It is very simple and involves only 3 workouts per week lasting 45 minutes each.

The 5×5 program includes 5 basic exercises: squat, bench press, deadlift, military press and bent over row. You do 3 exercises in each workout 3 times a week for 45 minutes. Squats are done every workout.

The 5x5 program calls for 5 sets of 5 reps on all exercises except the deadlift, which requires 1 set of 5 reps. Squats will help you improve your deadlift results because they work many of the same muscles.

Unlike most other bodybuilding programs, here you don't have to achieve muscle failure, pumping, or muscle pain. Your goal is to increase working weight. How? Start with light weights, focus on proper technique, and add 2.5kg each workout for as long as you can. This is the easiest way to get fast results.

The 5×5 program consists of two complex workouts:

  • Workout A: Squats, Bench Press, Bent over Rows
  • Workout B: Squat, military press, deadlift

You train three times a week, alternating workouts A and B, resting at least 1 day between them. Never train 2 days in a row as the body needs rest to get stronger.

Most people train on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. But you can do it on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday or Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. If you start exercising 3 times a week and resting at least 1 day between 2 workouts, you will build strength.

When starting the 5×5 program, you will start with workout A, and after 2 days do workout B. In total, in the first week you train according to the A / B / A scheme, in the second - B / A / B, in the third - A / B /A and so on.

The chart looks like this:

Week 1

Week 2

Further, these programs simply alternate. Everything is very simple.

All repetitions in all sets are performed with the same weight, except for light warm-up sets.

Your goal is not to achieve a pump or muscle soreness (although this is possible after working with heavy weights), but to increase the weight in each workout. If you are doing 5 reps for each set of an exercise, next time add 2.5 kg per bar. On the 1x5 deadlift, add 5kg each time.

Do not immediately start working with too heavy weights, otherwise you will experience pain, which can cause you to miss a workout. Start with light weights so that your body can adapt to the loads. Don't forget to add 2.5kg per workout (30kg per month) to your squats.

If you're doing free-weight exercises like squats, bench presses, and deadlifts without breaking form, start with 50% of your 5RM. If you have never worked with free weights, have not trained for several years, or do not know what a 5RM is, then start with the following loads:

  • Squat, Bench Press, Military Press: 20kg (Empty Olympic Bar)
  • Deadlift: 40kg (empty Olympic bar + 2 x 10kg discs)
  • Bent Over Row: 30kg (empty Olympic bar + 2 x 5kg discs)

You will start with more heavy weights in the deadlift and bent over row, because it is impossible to perform these exercises correctly with an empty bar. With each new repetition, the bar should touch the floor.

Your first 2 weeks of training on the 5x5 program will look like this:

Week 1

Week 2

The deadlift uses more muscles than other exercises, so it will take you less time to progress. As soon as you reach 100 kg in working weight, add 2.5 kg to the bar with each workout.

If these weights seem easy to you, remember that you will be adding 2.5 kg each workout. This means you will be squatting 50kg in 4 weeks, 80kg in 4 weeks and 100kg in 12 weeks! And all this in 5 sets of 5 reps! This weight is much more than what most guys in the gym use. In general, do not forget about what you have to do.

You will not always gain weight. After a while, it will become difficult for you to do 5 reps. You may not be able to follow the 5x5 protocol. Don't stop - just try again at your next workout. If that doesn't work, don't worry, there are plenty of ways to get over a plateau. Now the important thing is that you just get started!

5x5 Straight Program - 5×5 Scheme Videos

I wanted to demonstrate that the 5×5 program is so simple and clear that any of you can follow it. Therefore, I recorded 2 videos in which I complete workouts A and B.

In them you will see what you have to do in 8-9 weeks. Note that it takes me less than 30 minutes to train.

History of the program 5×5

The basics of the 5×5 program were compiled by Arnold Schwarzenegger's mentor Reg Park in 1960.

Over the past 60 years, many people have written about it, so I did not invent anything new.

I came across the 5×5 program in 2003. Then I trained up to 6 times a week, spending 2 hours in the gym, reaching muscle failure in each set and experiencing muscle pain every day. Unfortunately, I did not know other training approaches.

Over time, I realized that I have large, but weak muscles. After a long search for a solution to the problem, I found that in order to develop strength you need:

  • Use free weights, not machines.
  • Fulfill multi-joint exercises, not insulating.
  • Build up working weights without reaching the pump and without achieving the appearance of muscle pain

Everything became clear to me. I began to look for a program that would make me stronger. On one forum, a guy advised me the good old "5 × 5".

I tried it and I was very pleased with the results. Since then, the program has become the basis for my training.

Where to begin?

The best way to find out if the 5×5 program will make you stronger is to try it for 12 weeks. Start with the following steps:

  1. Watch this video and you will see that the program is so simple that any of you can follow it.
  2. Use my tables - it will motivate you and let you see how much stronger you will be in 12 weeks.
  3. Select Gym- All you need is a power rack, bench, bar and weight plates.
  4. Download the 5×5 app and it will show you which exercises to perform and with what weight, as well as how long to rest between sets. It is free and suitable for iPhone and Android OS.
  5. Take advantage of my daily advice - many guys read my daily motivation letters first thing in the morning. They claim it helps them stay on track and keep hitting the gym. You can check out my tips here.

Apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Only through action will you become stronger.


Strength Development

IN Ancient Greece wrestler Milon from Croton, preparing for Olympic Games, developed strength by carrying a newborn calf on his back every day. As the animal grew, it became heavier. Such training stimulated the athlete's body to increase strength and muscle mass. He turned Milo into himself strong wrestler of his time.

Perhaps this is just a legend, but practice shows that the 5 × 5 program helps to become stronger without muscle failure and pumping. You start with light weights, master the technique of performing exercises and constantly increase the load. Do this for as long as you can and you will get stronger.

The 5×5 program will allow you to build real strength, which some call "functional." You just need to adhere to the following basic provisions:

  • Free weights. Machines balance the weight for you, which leaves the stabilizing muscles weak. With free weights, the opposite is true. They develop real strength, so in the 5×5 program we use only them.
  • Basic exercises . In everyday life, we rarely do movements similar to bending our arms for biceps. Several muscle groups are always involved in carrying or lifting heavy objects. Therefore, in order to become stronger, you must do exercises that mimic human movements - deadlifts, squats, etc.
  • Barbell. Squatting with a 180kg barbell on your back is easier than squatting with 90kg dumbbells in each hand. It's also much easier to add 2.5kg each workout with a barbell than with dumbbells. The 5×5 program suggests the use of stays as it allows you to lift more weight and progress more easily.
  • 5 repetitions. You can lift more weight at 5 reps than at 8, 10, or 12. The more reps you do, the more tired you will be and the worse your technique will become. The 5x5 program only works for 5 reps.
  • Frequency. The more often you do the exercise, the better the technique becomes and more effective training. With the 5×5 program, you will be doing each exercise several times a week, as this is the key to building strength.

Remember that building strength is a marathon, not a sprint. Do not immediately start working with large weights in the hope of speeding up the appearance of results. By doing so, you will only get muscle pain, a desire to skip a workout, and an early plateau. Start with a light weight, build up with each workout, and then you can get stronger at a steady pace.

If you can squat 140kg with your hips below parallel to the floor, you are too strong for a 5x5 program. You need a more advanced technique. But if you can't squat 100kg without losing form, then the 5×5 program is the easiest way for you to quickly build strength.

Building muscle mass

To build muscle, you don't have to do 10 exercises in every workout, work your muscles from different angles, and reach muscle failure or muscle pain.

Instead, you just need to get stronger. Because the stronger you are, the more weight you can lift and the more muscle you can build. Therefore, the athlete who presses 140 kg has more pectoral muscles than the one who barely presses 60 kg.

It also explains the fact that most successful bodybuilders from Reg Park to Arnold Schwarzenegger to Ronnie Coleman have deadlifted over 300kg.

Many guys think they can't build muscle with a 5×5 program because it only includes 3 exercises. However, the key to building muscle is not the amount of exercise, but the intensity.

Exercises such as squats and deadlifts are called complex exercises because they involve several muscle groups at the same time.

Let's see how the 5×5 program will work every muscle in your body.

  • Press. The abdominal muscles help maintain balance in exercises such as squats, deadlifts, and military presses.
  • Shoulders. Shoulder muscles are actively involved in army press and bench press.
  • Breast. Lifting 100kg on the bench press horizontal bench, you can pump up massive pectoral muscles.
  • Hands. The biceps are involved in the barbell row, bench press, and military press. In addition, in all exercises you tightly squeeze the bar of the bar, so the muscles of the hands are almost always involved.
  • forearms. Again, since you are squeezing the bar tightly in all exercises, you will promote the growth of the muscles of the forearm.
  • Trapeze. The trapezius muscles will become huge by the time you can overpower 180 kg in deadlift.
  • Hips. Once you can squat with 140 kg, you will definitely have to buy a new pair of jeans due to the increased thigh muscles.
  • Back. Forget about traction upper block to the chest! Heavy deadlift and bent-over row allow you to build a massive V-shaped back that every athlete dreams of.
  • caviar. Calf muscles work out squats and deadlifts.

weight loss

Weight loss on the 5×5 program depends on the number of calories burned. How can this process be accelerated? Increase working weights. If you begin to squat with 140 kg on your shoulders, then turn into a real fat burning machine.

Also, you can add half an hour of cardio after strength training to burn excess calories and speed up weight loss. And don't do cardio on the days your body needs to recover! To lose 500 grams of fat per week, you need to maintain a 20% calorie deficit.

Fat burning

Lifting weights builds muscle, burns calories, and boosts metabolism.

Meanwhile, most people are trying to lose weight by eating fewer calories and not exercising. physical exercise. But few people can stick to low-calorie diets for a long time. In the end, people tend to break down, gain even more excess weight and become fat, weak and unattractive.

Others try to get rid of fat with cardio alone. They don't realize that a half-hour cardio session only burns about 400 calories, which is the equivalent of 1 Big Mac.

In fact, when burning fat, weight lifting should always take precedence over cardio for the following reasons:

  • Burning calories. The heavier the weight, the higher the intensity and the more calories you burn. Especially if you do complex exercises like squats. This is why strength athletes can eat more than the average person and not gain weight.
  • Acceleration of metabolism. This phenomenon is called post-exercise oxygen consumption. That is, after strength training, the body burns more calories for several hours.
  • muscle building. Cardio and a low-calorie diet do not lead to muscle growth, as they do strength exercises. The stronger you get, the more weight you can lift and the more muscle you build.
  • slim physique. Muscle is denser than fat. Lifting weights allows you to build muscle, lose fat, and look leaner than you were before for the same body weight.

Mass gain

Some guys (and a lot of women) think that strength training will turn them into bulky athletes like Arnold. However, they do not understand that for this you need to consume a lot of food. This means that a 5×5 program alone is not enough to make it "unwieldy".

To gain mass, start with three meals a day. A month later, eat four times a day, and a month later - five times. Take your time, give your body time to get used to a large amount of food.



Barbell Squats

Squats work the muscles of the back of the thigh, quadriceps, buttocks and calves. The muscles of the abdomen and lower back are also involved as stabilizing.

Squats stimulate the production of testosterone and growth hormone more actively than, for example, leg presses. That is why they are a decisive factor in building strength and muscle mass.

Many people are afraid to do squats because they think they will hurt knee joints and cause them pain. However, the key to safety lies in proper technique. Here are some tips for this:

  • Pull your hips back as if you were sitting in a chair
  • Spread your knees outward (do not bring them together) and keep them in the same direction as your toes
  • Lower yourself into a squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor.

Parallel squats will strengthen your knees, not hurt them.

There are many various kinds squats. On the 5×5 program, you will position the bar just below your upper back. This will take the load off your knees and transfer it to your hips.

It is safest to squat in a power rack, because if you can't master the repetition, then just drop the barbell on the limit bars.

Bench press

Bench press, lying on a horizontal bench

The bench press works the shoulders, triceps, and chest. As stabilizing, it involves the muscles of the abdomen, back and biceps.

Lower the bar to your chest, then lift it up until your arms are fully extended. Place your elbows at a 45 degree angle to your body. You should go through a full range of motion - this will build more strength and muscle.

You can lift more weight with this upper body exercise than with the military press.

The 5×5 program does not include incline presses because it is not possible to isolate the top or lower part chest muscles. muscles chest are reduced overall.

To avoid injury, press inside a power rack. If you can’t master the repetition, then just drop the barbell on the restrictive bars. If there is no power rack in the hall, ask someone to secure you. Also, don't put clamps on the bar so you can tilt the bar to the side in case of failure and drop the cargo disks.


"There are many programs out there to help you progress in your deadlift and set personal bests."

The deadlift mainly targets the thighs, glutes, quadriceps, and adductors. It perfectly stimulates the production of growth hormone and testosterone, so it is crucial for building strength and muscle.

To avoid lower back injuries, always keep your back straight.

  • Raise the weight by pushing off the floor with your heels (as in the platform leg press).
  • Keep the bar in contact with your feet.
  • When the bar reaches the level of the knees, bring the hips forward.
  • Finish the lift when your legs are fully extended.
  • In the upper phase, do not take your torso back.
  • Place your feet approximately shoulder-width apart

On the 5×5 program, the deadlift is only done for 1 set of 5 reps because doing it for 5 sets after squats is very hard. You will quickly begin to skip reps and reach a plateau.

Recommended starting weight, if you have never done a deadlift before, is 40 kg. This means that you will need to use small diameter weight plates, which means the bar will be closer to the floor. Since the bar should be at mid-calf level when you start the row, place a pair of weight plates under the bar.

Army barbell bench press

The military press works the shoulders, triceps and upper part chest muscles. As stabilizing, it also involves the muscles of the legs, back, abdomen and trapezium.

As with other exercises, always keep your back straight to avoid injury to your lower back and other parts of your body. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart and do not bend.

You can also perform an army bench press in a power rack. If the height of the ceiling does not allow you to work in full amplitude, then as an alternative, you can perform the exercise while sitting. However, in a sitting position, the abdominal muscles will not be so actively involved.

Bent over row

Bent-over barbell row

Bent Over Rows work your upper back, trapezius, lats, and biceps. As stabilizing, it involves the muscles of the lower back, abdomen and legs.

To avoid lower back pain, keep your back straight.

With each repetition, the bar should touch the floor, as with the deadlift. Pull your knees back to make room for the bar to move. The torso can be slightly lifted when pulling. If the torso rises more than 15°, then this means that you have chosen too heavy a weight.

The recommended starting weight, if you've never done a barbell row before, is 30kg. This means that you will need to use small diameter weight plates, which means the bar will be closer to the floor. Since the projectile must touch the floor surface in each repetition, place a pair of cargo disks.


Why is the deadlift only done in one set?

Because the deadlift engages more muscles than any other exercise, and

allows you to lift a lot of weight, it takes a lot of strength. It is even more difficult to perform it in 5 sets after squats.

The first time, when the weights are light, you can deadlift in 5 sets. But then it will be very difficult for you to cope with such a volume of work, which can lead to a plateau.

How much time do you need to rest between sets?

At the beginning of the program, when the weights are light, you do not need to rest for a long time. When the weight increases significantly, then follow these recommendations:

  • 1.5 minutes if last set reps were easy
  • 3 minutes if last set reps were difficult
  • 5 minutes if you couldn't complete all reps on your last set

Pay attention to the pulse. For example, I often pant after five heavy reps of squats. When my heart rate returns to normal, it usually means I'm ready for the next set.

During the warm-up, do not rest between sets. Just add weight to the bar and keep going.

How much time should I rest between exercises?

You don't need to rest between exercises. I unload the bar after the squat, prep for the bench press or military press, and then move on to the warm-up with an empty bar. By then my CNS is recovering.

At what pace should repetitions be performed?

After the first 12 weeks, when you gain experience and perfect your technique, lift the weight as fast as you can. When lowering the weight, control it and don't drop it.

Rapid weight lifting is the key to increasing the load, and hence the strength.

What should a warm-up look like?

Start with 2 sets of 5 empty bar reps on the squat, bench press, and overhead press. Then add 10-20 kg and do 2-3 more repetitions. Continue adding 10-20kg, doing 2-3 reps per set, until you reach your working weight. Do not rest between these warm-up sets.

This means that in the first weeks there will be no warm-up as such in these exercises, since you will work with an empty bar. But as soon as you reach 30kg in working weight, then perform 2 sets with an empty bar.

Deadlift and bent-over row with an empty bar will not work, because the projectile must touch the floor. Plus, by the time they are completed, you will already be warmed up by the previous exercises. Therefore, cargo disks are already used here.

Never do heavy sets without warm-ups. This can damage equipment and increase the risk of injury.

How should I breathe while exercising?

Do not think about it and you will do everything right. strength training- do not run. Just stay tight. If you pick up a heavy projectile from the floor, you automatically take a big breath and hold your breath.

  • Squats. Take a deep breath in the upper phase, hold your breath, do a squat, and then exhale.
  • Bench press. Take a deep breath in the high phase, do as many repetitions as possible, exhale in the high phase when you feel the need. I often do 3 or even 5 reps on one breath.
  • Deadlift. Take a deep breath in the lower phase, lift the weight, exhale in the upper phase. You can exhale after lowering the weight.
  • . Take a deep breath in the lower phase, do as many repetitions as possible, exhale in the upper or lower phase when you feel the need.
  • Bent over pull. Take a deep breath in the bottom phase, do as many reps as possible, exhale in the bottom phase when you feel the need.

Can I change the order of exercises?

No. The order of exercises is not random and is set in such a way as to achieve the best results.

Can you do workout A and B on the same day?

No. You could do this in the first weeks when the weights are still small, later on you will not be able to do it.

If you feel like you could do more, just increase the weight. Add 5kg to the bar instead of the usual 2.5kg.

Can I train two days in a row?

No. The body needs rest to recover and build muscle. If you feel that the training is easy, just increase the working weight.

What if I couldn't complete 5 reps?

Wait 5 minutes for your CNS to recover. Then do the next set with the same weight and try to do 5 reps.

If you missed reps in all 5 sets, then don't increase the weight by 2.5 kg in the next workout, but work with the same one.

Here are a couple more tips:

  • Never do more than 5 reps in 5 sets with the same weight. If in the fifth approach you could only do 3 repetitions, it is unnecessary to do the sixth.
  • Don't lose weight while exercising. If you did 5 reps on the first set but only 3 on the second, don't drop the weight, but try your best to complete the prescribed program.

What if I still can't handle the weight for all reps?

If you can't follow the 5x5 protocol for three workouts in a row, reduce the weight by 10% just to this exercise. This will give your body extra rest and also help you avoid a psychological plateau.

How long should I follow the 5×5 program?

As long as you keep getting stronger. 12 weeks is just the beginning. Many guys stuck with the program for 16, 24 and even 52 weeks!

You'll know it's time to upgrade to a more advanced program when you're unable to add 2.5kg every workout.

Can a woman train on the 5x5 program?

Yes, but there may be some differences:

  • An empty neck can be too heavy. My friend, for example, does goblet squats and deadlifts with kettlebells, and bench presses with dumbbells.
  • Truck wheels with even lighter weight will be required. Adding 2.5 kg to the bench press and military press each workout can be too much for a woman, as she tends to have smaller upper body muscles than a man.

In bodybuilding, all exercises are divided into basic and isolating. The first just form the basis of this sport. Basic exercises are designed to help gain muscle mass by shocking the muscles.

The difference between basic and isolating exercises is that when performing basic exercises, several muscles or their groups work at once, as well as stabilizing muscles.

It is with the basic exercises that you should start training. When you first visit the gym, you should not do isolation exercises, because first you need to develop the body as a whole. For maximum effect in the future, it is recommended to include isolating exercises, but still do not forget about the basic ones.

The concepts of "basic exercise" and "heavy weight" are very closely related, which is one of key points in bodybuilding.

For example, if you want to pump up the biceps, it is not enough to do exercises exclusively for the biceps. Biceps can and will increase in volume and acquire some relief. But real mass cannot be obtained in this way. The basic exercises include, for example, barbells for standing biceps, but even this will not give a sufficient impetus to produce the necessary hormones and for growth. And if you do squats, then such a push will happen. From the produced testosterone, not only the legs will grow, but also the rest of the muscles, including the biceps.

Also, due to the fact that several muscles are involved in basic exercises during loads, you can work with more weight, which again gives impetus to growth. The body has the ability to adapt to external conditions, including to physical activity. Therefore, only basic exercises, their correct implementation and building up working weights, can provide muscle mass.

So, let's look at the list of basic exercises.

Basic chest exercises

Bench press

The bench press is a basic free weight exercise. To perform it, they lie down on a bench, lower the bar of the bar until it touches the chest, and then raise it to full extension. elbow joint. The grip should be wide enough, more than shoulder width. In bodybuilding, the bench press is used as an exercise to develop the muscles of the chest, triceps, and also the anterior delta bundle.

Incline Bench Press

The bench press on an incline bench allows you to work out the upper sections of the chest muscles (if performed in the “head over legs” position) or their lower sections (in the head-down position).

Dumbbell press

With the dumbbell press, the bottom point of the movement is much lower than with the barbell press, which allows you to perfectly work out the pectoral muscles. In addition, you can change the trajectory of movement, squeeze parallel dumbbells, bring them together at the top point, which involves new muscle bundles and has a slightly different effect on them.

Breeding dumbbells

Due to the fact that the lying dumbbell breeding involves the same muscles as the bench press, the load is focused on the inner edge and middle of the pectoralis major muscle. In this case, the chest is given a convex shape, a clear separation between its muscles is achieved. The layout is also done to improve the relief of the pectoral muscles. Performing this exercise, you can improve your results in wrestling, tennis, boxing, gymnastics, acrobatics, basketball, badminton.


This auxiliary exercise is aimed primarily at strengthening the pectoral muscles, latissimus dorsi back and, indirectly, triceps. Pullover is usually performed as additional exercise when working on the pectoral muscles.

Basic back exercises



As a complex movement, almost all muscles are involved in the deadlift: either to stabilize the position or to lift the weight. This exercise is used to increase the strength and mass of the muscles of the legs, back, and indeed the whole body.

Bent over row

Regularly performing this exercise, you can develop the latissimus dorsi, large round muscles, as well as influence a number of others, which will allow you to achieve a visual and actual thickening of the back. This exercise is used as an addition to various deadlift variations in order to fully work out the back muscles.

Block pull behind the head

This exercise allows you to create an aesthetic V-shaped torso. In this case, the hands should not go back, but move strictly in the plane of the body. The grip should not be wide, optimally when at the bottom point the forearm is perpendicular to the crossbar. The back should bend, and the legs should be in focus.

Basic leg exercises


already described above


Squatting with a barbell primarily involves the quadriceps, synergists (helping in movement) in this case are the gluteal muscles, soleus muscles, along with the adductors of the thigh. The calf and thigh muscles act as stabilizers. Also work the extensors of the back, muscles abdominals and others.

Rise on socks

Exercise perfectly develops the calf muscles. You can perform both sitting and standing. For achievement best result both options are reasonable to combine.

Basic hand exercises

Push-ups on the uneven bars

Performing this exercise requires very simple equipment - bars. You can find them in almost any yard, not to mention gyms. For the development of the triceps and pectoral muscles, this is perhaps the most best exercise. This also applies to a large number of auxiliary muscles located in the shoulder girdle. Push-ups allow you to qualitatively work out the triceps and chest, but the degree of load depends on the position of the hands.

french press

In order to increase the strength and volume of the triceps, apply french press. It affects all bundles of the triceps, especially the upper and long ones. It also allows you to visually increase the volume of the hand.

Close Grip Press

To develop the upper part of the triceps and increase its strength and volume, it is worth using a press narrow grip. At the same time, despite the largest working weight compared to other triceps exercises, this exercise is used, as a rule, as an addition to pumping the triceps. The reason is simple: in addition to the triceps, the front bundle of the delta and the top of the pectoral muscles work. Another advantage of the close grip press is that you can work out the shape of the triceps very well. When this muscle goes into failure, and the performer continues the exercise with the help of the anterior deltoids and chest muscles, it is these repetitions that allow for excellent grinding of the triceps.

Barbell curl for biceps

With this basic exercise, you can increase the strength and build mass of the biceps. The load is distributed evenly over both bundles of the biceps, the muscles of the inner surface of the forearm and the shoulder muscle.

If you change the width of the grip, you can shift the load on different bundles of biceps. The narrower the grip, the more the internal beams work. And vice versa.

Lifting dumbbells for biceps

In order to develop biceps shoulders and forearms, lifting dumbbells for biceps is used. The exercise involves turning the hands outward during lifting. This allows you to achieve maximum contraction of the biceps and synergistic muscles. For training the biceps, this exercise is considered one of the best, since turning the palm while bending the elbow adds efficiency.

Basic shoulder exercises

Press from behind the head

This basic exercise is used by most bodybuilders to develop the shoulder girdle. It perfectly loads the middle and front deltoid muscles, as well as the upper part of the trapezius muscles.

Standing press

For the development of triceps and muscles of the shoulder girdle, it is recommended to perform a dumbbell or barbell press overhead in a standing position. Here, the main load falls on the deltoid muscles with the main emphasis on the anterior section, as well as on the triceps.

Breeding dumbbells in an incline

With the help of this exercise, the rear deltas, the rotator cuff muscles and the trapezius muscle are pumped. Incline dumbbell raises are best for developing the shape and definition of the deltoid muscles.

Pull to the chin

The exercise is suitable for working out the middle deltas, top and middle of the trapezoid. Also, the pull to the chin separates the trapezius from the deltas, allowing you to draw and hone the shape of the trapezius muscles, as well as draw a clear line between the deltas and the trapezoid.


Scars are used to develop the trapezius muscle. The exercise is quite simple: holding the weight in straight arms, lowered along the body, the shoulders are raised as high as possible, after which the shoulders fall back without bending the arm at the elbow. Shrags are usually performed with kettlebells, dumbbells, barbells or on a special simulator. The bar can be positioned both in front of the hips and behind the body.

Basic exercises for the press

I'll just give you a list:


Reverse crunches

Hanging leg raises

Oblique twists


A distinctive feature of basic exercises is that several muscles or their groups are involved in the work. Thanks to this, the athlete gets the opportunity to work with large weights, which is a powerful impetus for muscle growth. Performing basic exercises for someone who wants to achieve a significant result is a must.