What causes different doshas to gain weight. Constitution types

In Ayurveda, there are three psychophysiological types of a person - three doshas. Each of them is characterized by a certain natural element: vata - wind, pitta - fire, kapha - water, mucus. Each person combines all three doshas, ​​but in different proportions (one predominates), which determines the features of his constitution, character and health.

“Each dosha has its own strengths and weaknesses,” says Garif Murzanov, psychotherapist, specialist in Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine. For example, Vata people are very sociable and energetic. But if you take them out of a state of harmony, they can experience anxiety and nervousness. Many things help to maintain this harmony and balance. Including fitness. The main thing is to choose workouts in accordance with your constitution. Ours will help determine it.

cotton wool type

Often we envy these genetic thin people: thin bone, good flexibility, easy gait and incredible energy. Moreover, they retain their activity until old age! Their metabolism is very fast. This is what they usually say about them: "They can eat everything, and at the same time not get fat." However, vata people get tired quickly, and if the dosha is out of balance, they become nervous and excitable.

20-30 minutes with minimal exercise.

Vata type people have a hard time typing muscle mass. “This is their genetic feature,” says Kirill Ingi, leading expert of JustMe Club. — Section muscle fibers small, respectively, and the potential for their growth is small. Moreover, vata has few so-called fast muscle fibers, which are included in the work during intense anaerobic exercise. Therefore, people of this constitution cannot boast of special strength and endurance. By the way, it is generally contraindicated to work for wear and tear! “This constitutional type is characterized by an accelerated heartbeat, pressure instability, thermoregulation disorder and difficulty breathing,” adds Konstantin Shadrin, sports doctor, fitness specialist. — Most suitable look activities for such people is a regular exercise.

The best types of fitness. Vata will enjoy such sports as tai chi, qigong, taijiquan, aikido, wushu, ballroom dancing, dance aerobics, playing tennis and badminton, as well as swimming, jogging on fresh air, cycling trips at an average pace. « Do not neglect stretching, adds Garif Murzanov. - Pilates, any kind of yoga, gymnastics, aimed at improving flexibility, mobility of the joints and spine, will do you good. Be sure to do a warm-up before starting the main exercises. This will protect against injuries of the ligaments and joints.

How to balance doshas. To avoid malnutrition and exhaustion, vata must devote time to strength training. You need to build your program on basic exercises such as squats, bench presses, deadlift. You should start with a minimum weight, and exercise about 3 times a week.

Pitta type

Nature has not deprived the people of this constitution. They are athletic, strong, naturally slender and with good posture. However, they love movement and have a fast metabolism. Even if, by coincidence, people like Pitta lose their shape, they will quickly catch up, regaining their harmony and beautiful muscular relief in a matter of months. They love to be the center of attention and are strict with themselves and others. If pitta gets out of control, they can be overly emotional.

Optimal workout duration: 30-45 minutes, the complex should include an average amount of exercises.

What to consider when choosing a fitness strategy. Thanks to the peculiarities of metabolism, people of the Pitta type easily process the protein that comes with food and build muscles from it. Moreover, their constitution contributes to the accumulation of glycogen in the muscles. This makes it possible to withstand long and intense loads. “Any training is effective for Pitta,” says Kirill Ingi. “For a person of this type, it’s not a problem to make a flat press or increase the biceps to the desired volume. The only possible trouble for them is the loss physical form after 30 years, which is inevitable with age due to malnutrition, physical inactivity and slowing down of metabolic processes. To avoid this, do not quit fitness.

The best types of fitness. The best option- classes with a uniform load, without downtime and acceleration. Suitable tennis, ski trips, skating or rollerblading, swimming, running, walking and cycling at a moderate pace. “It is very important for Pitta to periodically burn out his inner fire,” adds Garif Murzanov. “And here shorter workouts, 15-20 minutes long, but with maximum impact, will help. As an option, you can give yourself a power load - hold short workout with maximum weight.

How to balance doshas. This will help any activities that allow you to achieve peace and cope with stress. It is good to start the day with a complex of pranayamas or asanas from any direction of yoga, except for power yoga.

Kapha type

Representatives of this type of dosha fight all their lives for slim figure. Any extra eaten piece is invariably deposited in reserve, but getting rid of body fat can be very difficult. Their metabolism is slow, it is difficult to keep themselves in shape. Although kapha people are the hardiest and strongest, they are also very slow and lazy, it takes them a long time to get involved in a new business or activity.

Optimal workout duration: at least 45 minutes, but it is better to bring up to 1 hour. Classes should be intense and with a lot of different exercises.

What to consider when choosing a fitness strategy. Despite a slow metabolism, people of this type simply need to gain muscle mass. That's just well-developed muscles they often hide under a layer of fat. To achieve a result, kapha must give all the best in the classroom for all 200%! This will help them burn excess fat, remove excess fluid from the tissues, and develop flexibility.

The best types of fitness. " Kapha people can get hooked on fitness classes only when they see a quick result from training. The best option for this is interval training. They allow you to reduce the time of fitness lessons, which is important for busy people, but at the same time increase the effectiveness of the exercises performed. “If there is a desire to dry out, such training should be done 5 times a week,” adds Kirill Ingi . For kapha, in principle, all types of anaerobic loads are good, their intensity should be high enough. This is exactly the case when you can set yourself the goal of defeating marathon distance. If you love yoga, then it is better to give preference to power directions.

How to balance doshas. Kaphas tend to shirk their activities. It is especially important for them to alternate different kinds training, within one session to change the intensity of the load. It is advisable to review the set of exercises every one and a half months, to introduce something new into it.

The main task of Ayurveda is to convey to a person the knowledge that helps him maintain his body strong and healthy. A healthy person is one who normal weight and growth has excellent health and lives in harmony with himself and the world around him.

Low weight and its causes according to Ayurveda

With a widespread problem overweight there are people who unsuccessfully try to gain weight. Difficulties with weight gain are usually experienced by people who are dominated by Vata dosha. Vata is characterized by activity, restlessness, and a fast metabolism that instantly burns calories from food. People with this body constitution, even with enhanced nutrition, cannot accumulate the necessary kilograms.

The cause of low weight may be Vata imbalance. With such a problem, it is important to monitor its balance, remembering that Vata rises due to anxiety, insomnia, fasting or eating cold and dry food, exposure to cold. With high Pitta, there can also be low weight - the body "burns" itself.

Ayurveda has many recipes for solving the problem of low weight, but people who want to gain weight should first think - do they really need it? Indeed, according to Ayurveda, a healthy person is thin, and if low weight does not threaten health and is not accompanied by poor health, then it is better to leave everything as it is. Another thing is if a person has low Ojas ( Vital energy), weakness and Vata-type diseases.

When gaining weight, it is better to try to increase not fat mass, but muscular, by doing moderate loads on the muscles, while not increasing Vata. Perfect option- yoga classes.

Ayurveda and human growth

For the growth and structure of the human body, the creation of new and restoration of damaged cells. Kapha answers. Kapha (the elements of Water and Earth) creates the structures of the body, binds them together and creates a lubricant (in the joints, tissues, cells).

Of course, you can’t argue against genetics, and a person in whose family there were people of short stature is unlikely to become a giant, but Ayurveda has special remedies that help increase growth a little. There are also special recipes for the normal development of a person in adolescence.

Ways to normalize height and weight

1. Appropriate diet - "anti-Vata", with the intake of sour, salty and sweet foods; the use of root vegetables, dates, bananas, whole grains, nuts, butter, sugar, cheese and cottage cheese.

2. Self-massages with oils that improve metabolic processes.

4. Meditation and the ability to relax.

5. Healthy sleep and rest.

6. Reception of tonic herbs - licorice, shatavari, ashwagandha, boiled in milk.

7. Taking Ayurvedic drugs to help gain muscle mass.

Ayurvedic preparations for increasing height, body weight and during sports

Excellent results are shown by such natural herbal preparations as: Chyawanprash, Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Dashamulaharitaki, Narasimha rasayana, Dhatupaustik, Kapikachhu, Aja mamsa, Methikhils, Bala churna, Ratan Hightop, Swasth vardhak.

IN last years active research in the field of optimization sports achievements in athletes. It is necessary that the funds found do not give side effects and help speedy recovery high loads. In this regard, Ayurvedic preparations, which are produced exclusively from natural ingredients, are of significant interest.

Not being medicines, Ayurveda preparations gently and naturally allow you to achieve the desired results.

People with a dominant Vata dosha have a thin and sinewy constitution. However, this does not mean that being overweight will never be a problem for them. It also happens that all his life Vata has a refined figure, after which he sharply gains weight due to a changed metabolism.

Vata-dominant people are prone to mental stress because they are prone to overexertion. When under stress, they tend to skip meals, disturbing the regularity of eating and digestion, resulting in the formation of ama (toxins) and clogging of the channels. This is often a precursor to weight gain.

For a Vata person, the most important thing is to minimize emotional / mental stress and feed yourself with easily digestible food. In addition, this constitution especially recommends the practice of meditation for 20 minutes 2 times a day.

Regularity is the best friend of Vata dosha

Discipline and a regular daily routine is essential to balance the fickle, changing nature of Vata dosha. It is recommended to go to bed early, before 10 pm, and rise early, before 6 am. Regularity and good sleep are the best antidotes for Vata imbalance. Receptions of warm, freshly prepared food at the same hours. By eating at the usual time, the digestive enzymes will be ready to digest the food.

Vata is very prone to haste, which is extremely negative for both emotional health and maintaining a normal weight.

healthy eating

When Vata dosha imbalance is the main cause of weight loss, it is especially important to eat a balanced diet that is easy to digest and nourish. You can follow the middle path and choose a diet that balances all three doshas. Avoid too hot and spicy foods, as well as cold ones. Stay away from heavy foods such as meats, cheeses, massive desserts. Vata should exclude dry foods from their menu, such as cookies, crackers, crackers, snacks. Frozen, canned and refined foods are undesirable.

herbal teas

Ayurveda is very positive about herbal drinks. In the case of a dominant Vata dosha, warm teas based on ginger / cinnamon are needed. Brewed Arjuna (a plant that grows in the foothills of the Himalayas) balances the physical and emotional state well. To calm Vata, teas from the following herbs are good: Ashoka, Costus, Eclipta, Iron Mezuya, Red Saunders.

To maintain such an easily out of control dosha as Vata, it is necessary to adhere to the above-described diet, regular daily routine, and emotional calmness. Following these recommendations will minimize your chances of gaining weight due to the removal of Vata dosha from the balance.

    To gain weight. natural remedies and methods of Ayurveda. S. Sadhwani

    Many people know that it is difficult to lose weight reliably and permanently, but did you know that gaining weight is even more difficult?
    Weight below the norm is a sign of an incorrectly chosen regimen and diet. And extreme thinness is already a risk of more serious health problems, such as facilitated infection due to low immunity, weakening of the bones (osteoporosis), etc. Such people also have a lack of energy to perform even simple daily tasks, fatigue.
    And even revealed a direct relationship between significantly low body weight and early mortality.
    Thus, it makes sense to give enough time and effort to normalize weight, getting it back to normal through a complete balanced diet and not becoming overweight.

    Classification by mass norm index

    Body mass index is defined as a person's weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters.
    The body mass index is a very simple tool used to evaluate, classify a person's weight as underweight, normal, or overweight. The index is practically independent of age and gender.

    Reasons for being underweight:

    Infections such as tuberculosis or gastrointestinal infections
    Liver or kidney disease
    Hyperthyroidism or overactive thyroid
    Medications that suppress appetite
    Poor food due to lack of funds
    Regular meals less than three times a day
    Eating very low-calorie, nutrient-poor foods
    Eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia.

    Side effects of being underweight

    Weak immune system

    People who are very thin or underweight often have a weakened immune system and are therefore at increased risk of contracting infections.
    Main function immune system - fighting infections and preventing the entry of bacteria and viruses into the body.
    However, in case of a weakened immune system, the body cannot fight the infection, as a result of which a person can get infections, get sick too often.
    This is generally a reduced quality of life.

    Dry rough skin, easy hair loss

    Underweight is an important sign of poor nutrition. This indicates that the diet is lacking in important nutrients. Due to the lack of nutrients, a person can look dull, the skin loses moisture, looks dry, rough and scaly. Not only the skin, but also the hair begins to thin out.
    Hair loss, loss of hair volume and volume are also very common in these people.

    Decreased absorption of nutrients

    Decreased nutrient absorption is quite common in thin people. And this makes the situation worse. An underweight person can become ill due to a deficiency of one or another nutrient in the body. For example, a calcium deficiency can increase the risk of osteoporosis and easy fractures, while a lack of iron and protein can lead to anemia.

    Decreased muscle strength

    Thin people tend to have low muscle mass and reduced muscle strength. This leads to increased fatigue, difficulties in performing daily tasks, a person gets tired easily.

    Complications of the course of pregnancy

    Women who are very thin or who are markedly underweight have many complications during pregnancy.
    In severe cases of thinness, women are even unable to conceive. If such women become pregnant, they remain at high risk of difficulties during pregnancy and childbirth.

    Healthy natural ways to gain weight

    Eat small and frequent foods rich in nutrients
    Thin people tend to have little appetite and a small stomach. They just can't eat a lot at one time.
    Therefore, it is desirable to organize meals in such a way that you can eat a little, but more often than you are used to, and you should eat more energy-rich food.
    Here are a few more ways to make your meals more nutritious:

    Add to soups, cereals, in any hot dish.
    - Add crushed nuts to milk, other drinks.
    - Eat more often any natural pure oils, such as sesame, peanut butter, walnut, etc. For example, pouring a little slice of bread on top.
    - Serve vegetable dishes or salads with high-calorie dressings such as cheese sauce.
    - Eat nuts and dried fruits more often as a snack, snack.
    However, one should not overdo it with the use of fats in food products and should not lean on fried foods.
    The use of the latter will increase body weight, but, most likely, due to an increase in the percentage of body fat, we also need this to a certain extent, but everything needs to be measured.

    Increase your vegetable protein intake

    Dietary protein is essential for muscle growth and for the development of lean body mass. At least 15 - 20% off total calories must come from protein.
    A diet rich in carbohydrates and fats leads to the accumulation of body fat, but when a diet high in protein is used, the gain is mainly lean body mass. Developed muscles are an indicator of health and provide sufficient strength to carry out all daily activities without overwork.
    Vegetarians can easily increase their protein intake by using various combinations of grains and legumes. The combination of cereals with legumes improves their resulting effect on the body. Although the meat of animals is rich in protein, eating it cannot be recommended, as the meat is rich in unhealthy types of fat, and besides, the meat carries the energy of fear, death and torment of the slaughtered animal.

    Thus, here a list of foods rich in healthy protein or very nutritious:

    soy nuts
    Nuts: walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, pecans, cashews, pistachios, almonds, coconut, pine nuts
    Dried fruits
    Cottage cheese
    Cheese, paneer, yogurt
    Dal, moong dal
    Seaweed, spirulina.

    Include whole grains in your daily diet

    Whole grains are rich in carbohydrates, dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, phytoestrogens, phenols and unsaturated fatty acids.
    Studies show that people who eat high-carbohydrate meals gain more weight compared to people who eat the same calorie, high-fat meals. That is why it is so important to include natural whole grains in your daily diet.
    However, refined foods are also rich in carbohydrates, but they should be avoided because they do not contain dietary fiber, minerals and vitamins and are not healthy foods.

    Examples of cereals and whole grain dishes:

    brown rice
    Whole grain flour from these cereals
    Whole grain flour products: pasta, noodles, bread.

    Make nuts and oilseeds a regular part of your diet

    Nuts and oilseeds are a concentrated source of energy and eating nuts daily helps maintain a decent energy balance. Adding nuts to various recipes significantly increases their calorie content.
    Nuts, even when consumed in small quantities, increase the overall daily caloric intake and help improve well-being, and eating nuts in larger volumes already leads to weight gain.

    For example, eating 4-5 almonds a day as a snack increases the caloric content of the diet so that the weight stops decreasing, and eating the same 4-5 almonds, but twice a day and with milk already brings the opportunity to gain weight. However, you should not consume more than 10-12 almonds or 4-5 whole walnuts per day. In addition, nuts protect the heart, have a low glycemic index, and help maintain healthy lipid metabolism.

    Pay attention to the taste variety of dishes and the variety of foods consumed

    More complete use of various flavors of food, an increase in the variety of products used for cooking, the use of a wide range of spices and seasonings - all this improves the palatability of food, significantly increases its attractiveness and increases appetite, which, in turn, reliably contributes to weight gain.

    Examples of some herbs, spices and condiments include:

    Parsley, Fennel, Anise, Basil, Horseradish, Onion, Garlic, Asafoetida, Thyme, Rosemary, Pepper, Clove, Cinnamon, Cumin, Mustard, Cumin, Fenugreek, Turmeric, Ginger, Nutmeg, Saffron, Dill, Mint, Melissa, Thyme and other.

    It is also worth it to start to understand the main ones on your own and start adding them to everyday meals as well. It may be advised to take a closer look, for example, to, guduchi, haritaki, etc. Dosages in dishes should not exceed the recommended daily maximum doses for each herb. It is best to start with the minimum recommended daily doses.

    Include more dairy products in your diet

    Dairy products such as milk, yogurt, buttermilk (lassi), cheese (paneer), butter and ghee are good sources of energy.
    These foods also provide the body with calcium, protein and other essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
    Studies have proven that drinking a significant amount of milk creates a positive energy balance. This study also found that milk contains the hormone estrone, which promotes weight gain. Hence, people who want to gain weight should make milk and dairy products part of their daily diet. You can replace milk with tea, carbonated drinks, other everyday drinks, this will increase the positive energy balance.

    Weight lifting exercise, muscle resistance training

    Studies have shown that weight lifting training results in increased muscle mass and muscle strength.
    Start by lifting light weights and then gradually increase the load. Muscle resistance training should be done at least 2-3 times a week. Such training will increase the size of the muscles and provide better muscle and tendon strength. If you are new to this, it makes sense to take the help of a qualified trainer. People with musculoskeletal problems or other health conditions should consult their doctor, even better if the coach and doctor are the same person.

    Get yourself a good night's sleep

    Every person should sleep at least 7 to 8 hours. Research on this topic shows that people who sleep fewer hours are more likely to lose muscle mass and lose muscle strength. Therefore, it is very important to get proper sleep for muscle strengthening and recovery.

    Maintain a positive energy balance

    In order to maintain normal body weight gained, daily energy intake should be monitored, it should be lower than incoming energy and approximately equal. But in order to gain weight, a person's energy intake must be significantly greater than the body's energy expenditure.
    This creates an environment of positive energy balance in the body. In other words, a positive energy balance is when you take in more calories than you expend. Therefore, in order to gain weight, you need to eat more often and at the same time eat more nutritious and healthy meals.

    Avoid drinking water shortly before, during and after meals

    Water is the best drink and drinking enough water is very important as water makes up 60% of your body weight.
    Studies have shown that the mode that certain people adhere to in drinking water affects the quality and quantity of food consumed, and changes in body weight. Many people drink water before meals or during meals. Studies show that drinking too much water before or during meals is bad, it reduces appetite and impairs nutrient absorption.
    This can be extremely beneficial for people who want to lose weight, but a person who wants to gain weight should avoid drinking water (any drink) half an hour before meals, during meals, and two hours after.

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Useful properties of figs.

Thanks to what useful properties Figs have been valued for over 5,000 years? How to choose the sweetest figs? How to make a healthy breakfast out of it? You will find out the answers to these and other questions in just a few minutes.

A fig tree, a fig, just a fig, a fig tree - as soon as they are not called Ficus carica - a deciduous subtropical ficus. Its homeland is considered the mountainous region of ancient Caria, which is in Asia Minor, therefore it is called Carian. By the way, "ficus" is a modified word from "fig".

This is one of the oldest plants chosen by the best resorts: Egypt, Greece, Spain, Italy, Turkey, the Caucasus, Crimea. And also you can meet it in India and America, in Central Asia and on the Absheron Peninsula. Trees live on average 60-100 years, but there are also three-hundred-year-old representatives.

Fig fruits pear-shaped, weighing about 40-70 g, reddish, yellow or purple in color. They are covered with skin with fine hairs. At the top of the fruit is an eye, which is covered with scales. Inside are many seeds. Ripening figs become sweet and juicy. And unripe fruits are not edible.

How to choose figs? The "elite" of the fig family are considered yellow fruits. Reddish and dark purple - also have the right to visit your table. But black fruits are not honored in the East.

The figs should be smooth, without mold, not too large. The best tender figs are fruits with more than 900 seeds. If there are less than 500 seeds, the figs are classified as mediocre. Naturally, hardly anyone will recount them. Just know that the smaller the figs and the more seeds they contain, the tastier they are.

Unfortunately, fresh fruits of figs can only be eaten in places where they grow. They have very short term storage. Because inside the fruits there is a sweet jelly that starts to ferment very quickly. In this regard, they are also called wine berries.

Therefore, dried figs are more common in mid-latitudes. Choose fruits that are yellowish in color, not candied, without plaque.

How are figs used? In the East, they make jam, jam, marshmallow and, of course, wine from it. They also prepare condensed fig juice - dushab. And fig gin is called Buha.

It is advisable to soak dried figs overnight before use, and eat them together with the infusion in the morning. The peel must be removed, and the pulp must be chewed for a long time. 3 figs a day will make up for the lack of iron.

And it is not advisable for drivers on the road to get involved in figs, especially fresh ones. It contains alcohol.

Keep Dried figs are best refrigerated in a container as they absorb odors.

Compound: dried fruits can contain up to 50% sugars, fresh - up to 24%. Also in figs there are tannins, a little fat (only 0.5%), organic acids, proteins (up to 1.3%), vitamins B1, B3, B6, C, PP, folic acid (10 mg), beta-carotene, phosphorus (32 mg), calcium (34 mg), sodium (18 mg), potassium (268 mg), magnesium, iodine, copper. It contains quite a lot of iron (more than in apples), useful enzymes, pectins and about 2% alcohol.

Keep in mind that figs are quite high in calories - 214 kcal per 100 g.

Properties of figs.

First of all, it is necessary to mention the extraordinary nutritional value of these fruits. It is a good supplier of energy, vitamins and minerals. Dried fruits are convenient to take with you to work and travel. And fresh ones quench your thirst well, so do not neglect them on vacation. Figs are very high in calories, so they are quite suitable for those who need to get better.

Figs are rich in fiber, thanks to which it treats constipation, improves intestinal motility, and also lowers cholesterol and cleanses the blood.

A large amount of potassium makes figs useful for both the treatment and prevention of heart disease, venous insufficiency and hypertension.

Potassium relieves blood vessel tension, lowers blood pressure and is good for the kidneys. Ficin promotes the resorption of blood clots, lowers blood clotting.

A significant amount of iron makes figs useful for anemia. Pregnant women and children need to include it in the diet.

Figs have been used in medicine since ancient times. It is one of the best cough medicines bronchial asthma, for inflammation respiratory tract and chest pains. They are used to treat angina. A decoction on the water is used for colds, the pulp has an antipyretic effect.

Figs have diuretic properties, useful in diseases of the liver and spleen. The pulp of the fruit is used for fungal skin diseases.

And the leaves contain furocoumarins - substances that are used in the pharmaceutical industry for the manufacture of antispasmodic, vasodilator, antitumor agents, as well as drugs for the treatment of vitiligo. In addition, decoctions from the leaves are used to regulate metabolism.

Figs in Ayurveda considered to be good products. And the fig tree itself is considered in ancient india sacred tree.

Fresh fig taste has a sweet astringent, cold energy. It increases kapha and decreases vata. Dried has a hot nature, reduces kapha and increases vata. For people of Pitta constitution, figs are shown in any form.

Fresh figs quench thirst, which is caused by excess mucus. But in large quantities it is difficult to digest. Unripe - removes warts when used externally.

Dried is useful for back pain, cleanses the lungs. Combined with thyme and savory, cleanses the kidneys and bladder. Figs pair wonderfully with other sweet fruits and nuts. It is better to use it in the morning

Recipe. Energy breakfast with figs

You will need: three small dried figs, 10 almonds (or any other), 10 dates, 1.5 teaspoons of fennel seeds, 1 teaspoon of ground cardamom.

Preparation: put everything in a bowl, fill it with a mill of water overnight, leave it in a cool place. In the morning, peel the almonds, remove the pits from the dates. And beat the dried fruits and nuts in a blender along with the infusion.

The dish adds energy and strengthens the immune system.