Full body workout: static exercises and exercises without additional weight. Full Body Workout: Static and No Weight Exercises Workout Rules

In this note, I would like to talk about a few interesting exercises on the horizontal bar. Some of them are very difficult, but just as effective for building strength and endurance.

I did not set out to tell in detail about all the exercises and about the method of increasing pull-ups. This is a big and complex topic. I give only a superficial overview of the exercises, which will help develop the imagination of those who like to hang on the horizontal bar.

First of all, consider the three simplest types of pull-ups.

Pull-ups to the chest with a wide grip

Under wide grip I mean the wider the better. The photo shows as wide a grip as the width of the horizontal bar allows. You can also go wider. It is believed that such pull-ups contribute to the development of the outer part. latissimus dorsi, making the back visually wider. However, my experience is that it's not that simple. There are many technical nuances in such pull-ups. The result also depends on the structure. chest, the back muscles themselves. I've seen guys build massive back muscles with just pull-ups. Including the trapezius muscles.

Between the arms is about 60-75 cm. It is generally accepted that it is this kind of pull-ups that allows you to do the maximum number of repetitions and work out the back muscles best. I don't agree with this. I can pull myself up with this grip 33 times today. And if I turn my palms towards me, then I can reach 40. As for the study of the muscles of the back, there are exercises and abruptly. But more on that later.
There is also an opinion that to train the muscles of the back with the help of a horizontal bar, it is worth doing only pull-ups with an average grip. And that they are quite enough for full development. But this point of view is not supported by my experience. It is enough to carefully study the biomechanics of movements with various types of pull-ups, and it becomes clear that one person really has enough pull-ups with an average grip, while the other is clearly not enough and requires additional various exercises. To understand for yourself whether this is true or not, you just need to try it. The most common introduction additional exercises on the horizontal bar allows you to increase your record by several times (at least).

Pull-ups with a narrow grip, palms facing you

Grip width from 0 to 40 cm. Such pull-ups are considered biceps. That is, the biceps are more involved in them due to the supination of the palms. But this does not mean at all that it is easy to pump up biceps in this way. Here everything is somewhat more complicated. If you have strong latissimus dorsi and chest muscles, then the biceps cannot be pumped up with this exercise.

Such pull-ups perfectly train the latissimus dorsi, trapezius muscles, rear deltoid bundles, forearm muscles and, of course, biceps.

This type of pull-up can be done in different ways. For example, you can try to keep the body upright for the entire approach. Another option is to try to touch the bar with your chest while arching your back. Try both options and feel the difference.

Hanging on one hand

It's pretty complicated static exercise. It perfectly strengthens the latissimus dorsi, biceps and forearms.

To perform this exercise, you should pull yourself up on both hands, turning your palms towards you, and then let go of one arm (I extend it to the side for balance) and try to stay on one arm for as long as possible. Then you should rest and do the exercise for the other hand. And so 2-4 approaches.

I do not advise you to do this exercise more than once a week, because it is extremely stressful on the muscles and ligaments of the hands. And this means that sufficient time is required for recovery.

It's pretty too difficult exercise. To perform it, you should pull yourself up on the crossbar on both hands, turning your palms towards you. Then let go of one hand and, hanging a little on the arm, smoothly go down, resisting gravity with the muscles of the arm and back.

To be more precise, these are not exactly one-arm pull-ups. As you can see in the photo, the second hand is involved here, but it must hold on to the hand holding the crossbar.

This exercise is pretty simple. You need to take the middle grip on the crossbar, pull yourself up a little and linger in this position (see photo). After hanging like this for 10 seconds, you can pull yourself up a little higher and again linger in a new, unusual position. Then pause and do 2-3 more sets.

Enough unusual exercise. For him, you need such a bend of the stairs in the stadium. Another option is to use a strong towel. It is thrown through the horizontal bar. Grab the bar with one hand and the towel with the other hand.

You can try different grip widths. And, of course, after rest, you should do the exercise, changing the position of the hands to the opposite.

This is difficult and very effective exercise to increase endurance and strength of the arms and latissimus dorsi.

To perform this exercise, you should pull yourself up on the crossbar with a regular overhand grip and a medium grip, and after pulling up, put one arm away. Then, without going down, do smooth rolls from side to side. It's difficult! Try to do an even number of rolls so that the muscles of both halves of the body receive an equal load. For example, I will say that I manage to do 28-30 such rolls per approach (14-15 times in each direction).

Exercise "Kolobok"

This is a static exercise. To perform it, you should pull yourself up on both hands with your palms facing you. At the same time, pull your knees up to your chest. Then you need to hang in this position (see photo). The longer the better. Several approaches can be taken. Perfectly trains not only the arms, back and chest muscles, but also the press.

Hanging corner on the crossbar

To perform this exercise, you should hang on the crossbar and stretch your straight (or bent, if not strong enough) legs forward. Hold them as long as possible. After a pause, you can repeat this exercise.

Alternatively, you can smoothly describe a small circle with your feet.

By doing this exercise regularly, you will soon notice the fruits of your efforts. The press will become stronger and more prominent.

Body flips

This exercise uses a peculiar movement of the legs, which allows you to almost effortlessly throw the body up. While hanging on the bar, take your legs back, and then sharply feed them forward, at the same time making a movement with your hands as in normal pull-ups. With due effort, you will feel that your body, as it were, flew up by itself. Lock the top position (chin above the bar), and then slowly lower yourself down. Then throw the body up again. And so the right number of times.

The exercise will be useful in two cases.

1. If you can’t pull yourself up yet and 5-6 times. This exercise help to overcome the psychological barrier. After all, having learned to throw out the body, you can lift the body on the horizontal bar one and a half times more times.

2. If you are trying to increase the number of repetitions, but you no longer have the strength to pull yourself up cleanly. After doing, say, 15 repetitions, you can add a few more tosses like this to them. This will help to additionally load the muscles, and therefore, increase your result in pull-ups in the near future. This is a kind of CHEATING in pull-ups. Cheating is a self-help exercise technique. Its purpose is not to facilitate the exercise, but to help go beyond the usual loads.

I wish you success in training on the horizontal bar!

The horizontal bar is a universal sports equipment, which a novice athlete can even build on their own. The main exercise that is performed with the help of such a device is pull-ups, in which the weight of a person is fully involved. Using the horizontal bar, you can very quickly assess your own physical fitness and learn about the correspondence of muscle development to your body weight.

Women's set of exercises on the horizontal bar

chest exercises

Execution technique.

This is one of the most useful horizontal bar exercises for girls.

The starting position is as follows: grab the horizontal bar with your hands, place your palms shoulder-width apart. Then slowly bend your arms, at the same time raising the body and trying to reach the crossbar with your chin. As soon as you reach the highest point, pause for two to three seconds, then lower yourself.

The exercise is done in three sets, and the number of repetitions performed in one set is determined individually according to your physical capabilities. The main thing is the constant desire to increase their number.

Exercises for the abs

Execution technique.

It is also extremely important, and, in addition, is a wonderful bonus to exercises on an inclined board.

Starting position: grab the horizontal bar, place your palms shoulder-width apart. Slowly raise and lower your legs in front of you. Once you've done three sets, keep your straight legs in a position in front of you for as long as there is enough effort.

The number of sets and repetitions.

The lesson is carried out in three approaches. The number of repetitions included in one approach, according to the recommendations of instructors - 8 times, this number will primarily be affected by the level of fatigue. It is necessary to constantly strive to increase the number of repetitions.


Execution technique.

Hang from the bar for as long as possible, up to several minutes.

What muscles are involved.

This exercise improves muscle and ligament stretching, the condition of the intervertebral discs, is an excellent prevention of various diseases of the spine (for example, osteochondrosis).

Training plan

You can perform the lesson wide, narrow and reverse grip. Each of these types has its own characteristics.

The main advantage of training on the horizontal bar is that you can do it at home - the most important thing is that you have a horizontal bar. Nowadays, you can buy special wall horizontal bars in any store, including online. By doing this, you can exercise at any time and in any weather conditions.

So, it's time to go directly to the exercise plan. By exercising regularly, using the program that will be presented below, you can increase the number of pull-ups up to 25-30 times, as well as improve your own physical training. To increase the effectiveness of training significantly, do not forget about exercises for the abdominal muscles and biceps.

Classes are held four times a week. For example, you can train on Monday and Tuesday, and take a rest on Wednesday. Thursday and Friday is the time of enhanced training, and on the weekends, recovery. This option is very comfortable and optimal, but if you wish, you can choose other days of the week.


  • Pull up with a wide grip to your chest. The number of approaches - 4 to 8 repetitions;
  • Pull up with a medium grip, palms facing away from you. 4 sets of 8 reps;
  • Raise your legs 12 times in the hang on the horizontal bar.


  • Pull up with a wide grip on the head 4 sets of 8 times;
  • Pull up the middle grip, palms are towards you. The number of approaches - 4 to 8;
  • Raise your legs on the bar 2 times 12.

Wednesday: rest day and Thursday and Friday everything is duplicated in accordance.

The program presented above is one of the easiest, but at the same time very effective. Then, when each approach of 12 repetitions will be easily completed by you, take a load with which it will not be so easy to pull up 7 or 8 times again. Then the plan starts again.

Training rules

No need to overdo it and overdo it big number approaches. To avoid harm to health, increase the level of exercise gradually.

Fitness classes using the horizontal bar will be highly effective if you strictly follow the following few rules:

  • The body of the body should be perpendicular to the floor, and the grip of the horizontal bar should be as strong as possible;
  • Pull-ups should be carried out only due to muscle strength and without unnecessary swinging;
  • Lifts are smooth, there are no jerks;
  • The rise must be done until the chin is above the level of the crossbar;
  • Lower your body slowly and smoothly. This stage should be as long as the time taken to lift the body up;
  • Respiratory mode: exhale on the ascent, inhale on the descent.

About how well you pull yourself up narrow grip, should signal a touch of the crossbar bottom chest. When performing exercises with a wide grip, you should not bend too much or carry out choppy movements. Reverse grip involves straightening the shoulders and bringing the shoulder blades together.

An individual fitness plan for training on the horizontal bar can be intelligently diluted with additional loads that are designed to stimulate growth. For this purpose, you need a free hang, while holding on to the crossbar, and performing swings and turns in different sides. The torso will stretch under the pressure of its mass.

Beginning athletes should first master at least two types of pull-ups. You need to do it without haste and taking into account professional recommendations.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Almost anyone can use the horizontal bar, because even more teenage playgrounds are equipped with some amount of sports equipment. If you choose a place with a rich selection of various sports equipment, you can provide a good physical activity for your own muscles.
  • You don’t have to pay for this, and also be in cramped quarters, so there is an opportunity to pump up on the horizontal bar.


  • The disadvantage of this method of training is that the horizontal bar is only the bare minimum that can be used to train muscles. build up a large mass this method will not work. If you combine these activities with running, the result will be very good, but for the muscular standards of bodybuilders, you will be very far away.


This option physical activity has a list of contraindications.

  • Protrusions of the intervertebral discs;
  • Scoliosis;
  • Intervertebral hernia.

Osteochondrosis, especially cervical, most likely will also be the reason for the presence of some restrictions in the training plan. In any case, before starting training, you should definitely consult with a specialist.

Sports, in addition to a strong body, give an additional boost of energy and positive for the whole day.

Today we want to offer you another selection of full body exercises that you can perform without additional weight. Some of the exercises can be performed, which can be found on any sports ground.

Exercise #1

During the exercise, the back should be straight, the head is lowered, the stomach is pulled in. Make sure that there are no deflections in the lower back. Hold this position for 60 seconds.

Exercise #2

During this exercise, make sure that the elbow is under the shoulder. The shoulder blades should be pulled down and brought together, thus forming a "pocket".

Exercise #3

Lie on the floor, raise the body so that an angle of 60 degrees forms between it and the floor. Hold this position for at least 60 seconds. To complicate the exercise, you can slightly raise your legs.

Exercise #4

This is a plank at the fingertips and at the toes. During this exercise, make sure that your back is straight and there are no arches in the lower back. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds.

Exercise #5

Pull up on the bar and hold for at least 30 seconds. The back should be straight, the stomach pulled in, the elbows bent, the forearms should be on the same level with the body.

Exercise number 6

This exercise can be performed both in a static version and in the usual one - just raise straight legs. The angle between the hips and the body should be 90 degrees. The body should not sway, the back should be straight. The ideal option for this exercise is swedish wall. On the horizontal bar, the execution will be complicated by the fact that you will need to constantly monitor so as not to sway and thus not give the legs an additional impulse. A static option is to linger with your legs up for 30-60 seconds.

Exercise number 7

To perform vertical push-ups, stand with your back to the wall at a distance of about 1 meter. Put your hands on the floor and your feet on the wall and start slowly climbing up the wall with your feet until the angle between the body and legs is 60 degrees. After that, you can do push-ups. The stronger you get, the more vertical push-ups you will be able to complete.

Exercise number 8

These are squats on one leg and they somehow remind everyone of the familiar "pistol". Bend one leg slightly at the knee, and on the other, do regular squats. If it is difficult to maintain balance, you can use one hand to hold onto a horizontal bar or wall.

Exercise number 9

After doing a lunge squat, you switch legs in a jump. To do this, after performing a squat, you must jump out of it as high as possible and change legs. Make sure that your knees are half-bent during the landing (never land on straight knees!). The jump must be soft.

Exercise number 10

Find yourself a lower horizontal bar and perform deep squats, moving from one side to the other under the bar. If you can't find a bar that's the right height, you can just do deep squats as if you're crawling under something low.

Many people love to do the horizontal bar. But how exactly can you pull up on the horizontal bar? In what ways? What are the types of pull-ups? In this post, I would like to talk about a few beneficial species pull-ups on the horizontal bar. Some of them are very difficult, but also very effective for building strength and endurance.

I did not set out to tell in detail about all the exercises on the horizontal bar and about the method of increasing pull-ups. This is a big and complex topic. I give only a superficial overview of the exercises, which will help develop the imagination of those who like to train on the horizontal bar.

First of all, consider the three simplest types of pull-ups.

How to pull up on the horizontal bar, exercises

Pull-ups to the chest with a wide grip

A wide grip means the wider the better. It is much more convenient to perform such pull-ups on a specially curved horizontal bar, which is usually found in gyms. But you can pull up with a wide grip on a regular stadium horizontal bar. Even on it you can take on a width of 80-90 or more centimeters. The photo shows as wide a grip as the width of the horizontal bar allows. You can use a wider grip if the horizontal bar allows.

It is believed that such pull-ups contribute to the study of the outer part of the latissimus dorsi, making the back visually wider. However, my experience is that it's not that simple. There are many technical nuances in such pull-ups. The result depends on the structure of the chest and the back muscles themselves. I've seen guys build massive back muscles with just pull-ups. Including the trapezius muscles. Wide grip pull-ups are great for developing trapezius!

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a wide grip. Start.
Pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a wide grip. Finish.

This is the basic form of pull-ups. Between the arms is about 50-70 cm. It is generally accepted that it is this kind of pull-ups that allows you to do the maximum number of repetitions and work out the back muscles best.

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a medium grip. Finish.

I don't quite agree with this. I can pull myself up with this grip 33 times today. And if I turn my palms towards me, then I can reach 40. And all the clients that I teach to pull up achieve high results much faster if they start pulling up not with the usual, but with the reverse grip (palms to themselves). As for working out the muscles of the back, there are exercises that develop the latissimus dorsi and trapezius muscles much better (for example, the previous one).

There is also an opinion that to train the muscles of the back with the help of a horizontal bar, it is worth doing only pull-ups with an average grip. And that they are quite enough for full development. But this point of view is not supported by my experience. It is enough to take a closer look at the biomechanics of the movements of various types of pull-ups, and it becomes clear that one person really has enough pull-ups with an average grip, while the other is clearly not enough and additional various exercises are required. To understand for yourself whether this is true or not, you just need to try it. Most often, the introduction of additional exercises on the horizontal bar allows you to increase the record in pull-ups by several times (at least).

Pull-ups with a narrow grip, palms facing you

The most comfortable form of pull-ups, allowing you to pull up with maximum extra weight or the maximum number of times. The grip width is from 0 to 40 cm. It is believed that these are pull-ups for the biceps (they develop the biceps). That is, the biceps are more involved in them due to the supination of the palms.

Narrow grip pull-ups
Narrow grip pull-ups

But this does not mean at all that it is easy to pump up biceps in this way. Here everything is somewhat more complicated. If you have strong latissimus dorsi and chest muscles, then the biceps cannot be pumped up with this exercise.

Such pull-ups perfectly train the latissimus dorsi, trapezius muscles, back bundles deltoid muscles, forearm muscles and, of course, biceps.

This type of pull-up can be done in different ways. For example, you can try to keep the body upright for the entire approach. Another option is to try to touch the bar with your chest, arching your back. Try both options and feel the difference.

Static exercise on one arm

This is a pretty hard pull-up. More precisely, these are not even pull-ups, but hangs. Exercise perfectly strengthens the latissimus dorsi, biceps and forearms. And especially tendons and ligaments!

To perform this exercise, you should pull yourself up on both hands, turning your palms towards you, and then let go of one arm (I extend it to the side for balance) and try to stay on one arm for as long as possible. Then you should rest and do the exercise for the other hand. And so 2-4 approaches.

I do not advise you to do this exercise more than once a week, because it is extremely stressful on the muscles and ligaments of the hands. And this means that sufficient time is required for recovery.

Drops on one hand

This is also a rather difficult exercise. This type of pull-up is based on the principle negative reps. To perform it, you should pull yourself up on the crossbar on both hands, turning your palms towards you. Then remove one hand from the horizontal bar and, hanging a little on the arm, smoothly lower yourself down, resisting gravity with the muscles of the arm and back. These are the so-called negative pull-ups, in which the load is created in a yielding, rather than overcoming mode.

You can pull up on the horizontal bar on one hand. To be more precise, these are not exactly one-arm pull-ups. As you can see in the photo, the second hand is involved here, but it must be held on to the wrist of the hand holding the crossbar. In such pull-ups, you must first complete the approach on one arm, and then on the other. For symmetry.

These are pull-ups with elements of static training. You need to take the middle grip on the crossbar, pull yourself up a little and linger in this position (see photo below). After hanging like this for 5-10 seconds, you can pull yourself up a little higher and again linger in a new, unusual position. Then pause and do 2-3 more sets.

Static-dynamic pull-ups

Oblique (asymmetrical) pull-ups

When pulling up on the horizontal bar, you can use all kinds of deformations of the crossbar. Here is a rather unusual exercise. For him, you need, for example, such a bend of the stairs in the stadium. Another option is to use a strong towel. It is thrown through the horizontal bar. Grab the bar with one hand and the towel with the other hand.

You can try different grip widths. And, of course, after rest, you should perform the exercise, changing the position of the hands to the opposite.

Oblique pull-ups. Initial position.

Oblique pull-ups. Finish.

You can pull up on the horizontal bar not only in the vertical direction, but also in the horizontal direction. This is a difficult and very effective exercise for increasing the endurance and strength of the arms and latissimus dorsi.

To perform this exercise, you should pull yourself up on the crossbar with a regular overhand grip and a medium grip, and after pulling up, put one arm away. Then, without going down, do smooth rolls from side to side. It's difficult! Try to do an even number of rolls so that the muscles of both halves of the body receive an equal load. For example, I will say that I manage to complete 28-30 such rolls per approach (14-15 times in each direction).