Effective exercises for problem areas. Light exercises for problem areas

According to an online survey of the Cosmo.ru website, most girls would like to tone their thigh muscles, tighten their buttocks and reduce their waist. There is nothing easier. Do these exercises for problem areas three times a week, and problem areas turn into trouble-free!



Initial position: lying on your back, feet shoulder width apart. Only due to the tension of the abdominal muscles, tear your shoulders and left leg off the floor (toe extended). The left hand is behind the head, the right hand is raised up.

To the TIME account: Bend your left leg at the knee and pull it towards your stomach. At the same time, reach with your right hand outside left thigh.

On account of TWO

Repeat 30 times on each side.


Starting position: lying on the left side. The legs are bent at the knees, the right leg is extended forward. Emphasis with the right palm on the floor (fingertips look at the chest), support the head with the left hand.

To the TIME account: Get up using right hand: Torso and left arm should be off the floor. At the same time, place your right foot on top of your left. Hold this position for a few seconds.

On account of TWO: Return to starting position.

Do 30 repetitions in each direction.

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We are working on rear surface hips

Starting position: standing on all fours, legs together, emphasis on the palms. Lift your right knee off the floor.

To the TIME account: stretch the right leg back, the foot is turned to the side, the toe is extended. Hold this position for a few seconds.

On account of TWO: Return to starting position. Repeat 30 times with each leg.

Working on the inner thigh

Starting position: standing on all fours, emphasis on the palms. The right palm rests on top of the left. Shift your weight onto your left leg and arm.

To the TIME account: Raise your right leg so that it is parallel to the floor. Slightly bend it at the knee and take it to the side. Right hand up.

On account of TWO: return to IP.

Do 30 reps with each leg.

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Hello dear girls! Decided to work out? Good deal slender hips have never been superfluous, nor ...

PROBLEM AREA 3: Buttocks

Bow and arrows

I.P .: lying on your stomach, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, bend at the knees. Grab your feet with your hands. Important: the chest is off the floor.

To the TIME account: straighten your left leg and fix it a few centimeters from the floor. Stay in this position for a few seconds.

On account of TWO: Return to starting position. This is one repeat.

Do 30 on each side.


I.P .: lying down, this is a slightly modified plank position. Legs are spread shoulder-width apart, emphasis on the elbows. The right knee and the toe of the left foot are on the floor.

To the TIME account: bend the left leg too and tear it off 9-15 cm from the floor, the socks are extended. Hold this position for a few seconds.

On account of TWO: Return to starting position.

Repeat 30 times. Now on the other leg

Your hips and abs during these exercises will feel like slices of bread in a toaster: fried on all sides!

Training plan: do the exercises one after the other without rest in between. Rest 1 minute and repeat the entire set 2 more times.

You will need: dumbbells weighing 3-4 kg

"Kalinka Malinka"

The abdominal muscles and oblique abdominal muscles work.

Lie face up on the mat, bend your knees slightly and place your feet on the floor, arms crossed in front of you at chest level. Perform a crunch and at the same time twist your torso to the left and bring your left knee to your chest. Return to starting position and repeat on the other side. Do 18 reps, alternating sides.


The muscles of the buttocks, thighs and legs work.

Stand with your right side against the wall, put your feet shoulder-width apart, rest your right hand on the wall at shoulder level (you can also use a chair as a support). Stretch your left arm to the side at the shoulder line, palm down. Bend your left knee at a 90 degree angle and bring it out behind you. Get down into a semi-squat. Return to starting position and repeat. After completing 18 repetitions, switch sides.

Plie with work on balance

The muscles of the press, hips and buttocks work.

Stand straight, bring your heels together, spread your toes apart. Take a dumbbell and hold it horizontally with both hands on the floor in front of you at the hip line. Rise up on your toes and then bend your knees to 90 degrees and lower yourself into a plié without dropping your heels to the floor! Do 18 reps.

Squats with rotation

The muscles of the press, buttocks and thighs work.

Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, take dumbbells in each hand, bend your elbows and bring the weight to your shoulders, palms facing each other. Lower into a squat, lean forward from the hip, and twisting your torso to the right, bring your left elbow to your right knee. Return to starting position and repeat on the other side. Do 18 reps, alternating sides.


The abdominal muscles, oblique abdominal muscles, hip flexors work.

Lie face up on the floor. Bend your knees slightly and place your feet on the floor. Raise your torso 45 degrees off the floor, resting on your forearms. With straight legs, you lead up in front of you to a height of about 45 degrees from the floor. “Draw” with your feet first a large circle counterclockwise, then clockwise. This will be 1 repetition. Do 18 reps.

Did you get the riding breeches on the hips? Jeans won't zip up? Heavy "fifth point" poisons existence? Do not give up! "Problem areas" are not hopeless! The main thing is to know. From which side to take them.

"breeches"? As easy as pie!

Where do "riding breeches" come from? The answer is simple. Fat molecules are like sand in the bloodstream. Where the "current" is fast, there the bottom of the bloodstream is clean. Well, there. Where blood stagnates, fat molecules precipitate. Here's to you body fat! You do all the movements with your legs back and forth. The blood circulates vigorously in the same direction. Therefore, on the front surface of the legs, above the knees, there is no fat at all. He can't stop here! But the “sidewalls” of your hips are a quiet pool. The blood stagnates, and fat molecules are deposited in the manner of silt. You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to understand the solution. Right! It is necessary to direct the blood into these very "riding breeches" and thoroughly rinse the tissues from fatty layers! Traditional exercises not good for feet. This is back and forth again. What then? And that's what!

Dropped belly? Pull in!

Talk about the fact that “here I, they say, trained the press with all my might, but there are no “cubes” like no” is a lie! Means. Little training! World fitness experience says: you get as much as you work hard! If you're serious about flat stomach, get ready for a killer job! First, remember, this is work from home. You go to the fitness club two or three times a week, but this is not enough for the press. The press needs daily loads! Well, this is possible only at home. But! Never train the press in the morning! The ligaments of the spine have softened overnight, and an unfortunate injury is possible. Best time- in the evening, an hour and a half after dinner. Secondly, you can’t do without a training ball! Will have to buy.


And further. Immediately after sleep, stand in front of a mirror and do a “vacuumization”. Place your hands on your sides as if you are about to go into a squat and pull in your stomach. Very very! Let go. Do this 50-100 times. Then switch to delays: pull in and hold until the count of "ten"! Do this exercise throughout the day. It is necessary to dial up to 600 "vacuumizations"!

For some, it is only important to correct problem areas, while others, due to age or injury, cannot do exercises for all muscles. Don't be discouraged - now you have a workout in which different parts of the body are worked out separately!

Please note that such exercises are much safer than complex ones. You need to do it on the floor or at the support, and this reduces the load on the spine, knees and hip joints. Therefore, we recommend our gymnastics primarily to those who have a significant excess weight or a long-standing habit of a sedentary lifestyle. If you are not sure that traditional training is within your power, start with split training! Perform the entire complex in a row, exercises for problem areas can be repeated twice.

Outer thigh

Stand sideways to a chair, put your hand on its back, lean slightly. Bend one leg, bringing your knee up to your chest.

Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky

The outer surface of the thigh ("riding breeches")

Get on all fours. Leaning on your hands and one knee, lift the other leg to the side. The movement is discrete: they raised the knee to the side - fixed this position - straightened it to the side - fixed this position - bent back - fixed it - put it back on the floor. Try not to dangle your shoulders and pelvis and do not bend in the lower back, in order to better keep them motionless, draw in the stomach.

Repeat 20-30 times and switch sides.

Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky

Back of the thigh

Get on all fours. Extend one leg back parallel to the floor, pull the toe towards you. Bend the leg at the knee, trying to touch the buttocks with the heel. Make sure that the hip and foot remain motionless, only the lower leg moves.

Repeat 40-60 times and switch legs.

Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky

Inner thigh

Lying on your right side, bend your right arm. Elbow on the floor, head in the palm of your hand. Place your left hand on the floor in front of you. Bring your straight right leg forward a little, tighten your toe and stretch it out. Bend your left leg and place your foot on the floor. Raise and lower the straight right leg, feeling the muscles of the inner thigh tighten. The range of motion will be small to increase the load, do not put your foot on the floor while you can. Don't relax your toe.

Repeat 20-50 times and switch sides.

Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky


Starting position, as in the previous exercise. Leaning on your hands and one knee, lift the other bent leg so that the thigh is parallel to the floor, and the heel is directed to the ceiling. From that position, straighten the leg with the heel up as high as possible and lower it back to parallel with the floor. Try to "push your heel into the ceiling" as if. Make sure that the lower back and shoulders do not shake, but the arms can be bent at the elbows and lower the shoulders to the floor.

Repeat 40-50 times and switch legs.

Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky

Upper abdomen

Sit on your back with your knees bent on the floor. Hands behind your head, look at the ceiling. Stretch your arms forward and, lowering your chin to your chest and rounding your back, stretch to your knees. Neck, shoulders and shoulder blades should be off the floor. Return to the starting position with your hands behind your head.

Repeat 15-20 times.

Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky


Lie down on your back, arms along the body. Raise bent legs up above you. Leaning on your palms, straighten one leg above the floor, then lift it straight up and bend it to its original position. Repeat with the second leg. Make sure that the lower back does not come off the floor, you can put a folded towel.

Repeat 6-10 times with each leg.

Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky

chest and arms

Leaning on the back of a sturdy chair or the edge of a secure table, move your legs as far as possible. Place your palms shoulder-width apart. Bend and straighten your arms, pushing up from this surface. Legs and body should form a straight line. If you don’t have enough strength, find a higher support (for example, put your hands on the wall at chest level and push up from it).

Do 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky

It is possible to form a beautiful line of arms and elastic muscles with the help of a special set of exercises aimed at the forearms. It is this area that is problematic for many girls. Fat deposits are deposited in this area, and the skin may also sag due to muscle weakness.

Strength training will give results in two months. The muscles will become stronger, their relief will be outlined. The conditions for such a result are regular classes according to our system, even at home.

A bit of theory: how to train women?

Hands in women can be pumped up with the help of power loads. There is an opinion that they cannot be practiced by the fair sex, as they will form too much muscle mass.

In fact, this should not be feared - it is not at all easy to do this, since it is necessary to use large weights, and this is in the characteristics of the female body, it is almost impossible. Weight muscle tissue women have ten percent less than men. The increase in volume for this reason is much slower compared to members of the opposite sex.

The goal of training is not to increase muscle volume, but to correct and work out problem areas.

In particular, to strengthen the muscles of the arms and burn fat, instructors recommend choosing a minimum weight and repeating the exercise up to ten times. After the muscles have strengthened, you can gradually increase the weight of the projectile and the number of repetitions. But you must always start with minimal loads! Before giving loads, you need to prepare and strengthen the muscles.

If you have never done exercise, it will not be superfluous consult a doctor.

Carefully! You can not use the load during menstruation, with some diseases of the spine and joints.

Complex of 6 exercises

There are many ways to effectively pump up your hands, make them stronger and more resilient. Method number one - power loads!

1. Dumbbell chin row

The exercise is not difficult, but very effective. An excellent type of power load for women. It is aimed primarily at the triceps: the part of the forearm where fat is deposited, as well as the area where the skin can sag. It also tightens the back and all muscles perfectly. shoulder girdle.

  1. holding dumbbells palms inward in the area of ​​the front of the thigh;
  2. We stretch the dumbbells to the chin, bending the elbows.

Ten repetitions are enough to start.

2. Bending the arms behind the head

Designed to work target muscles. Contributes to the formation of the muscular relief of the forearms and the inner part of the hands.

  1. We work with one dumbbell. We take it with both hands and lift it up. We pull our arms up, the body forms a straight line, the maximum point of which should be a dumbbell;
  2. Bending your elbows, bring the dumbbell back as much as possible;
  3. Movement only in elbow joint the shoulders don't move.

We repeat ten times.

3. Curl with dumbbells

Working out the biceps outer part forearms).

  1. We stand straight, shoulders straightened, chin raised;
  2. Hands with dumbbells stretch forward;
  3. We bend and unbend our elbows at the same time or in turn. With a weak physical training the second option is preferred;
  4. Only the elbow joint works.

For beginners, the number of repetitions, up to ten times.

4. Various push-ups

All types of push-ups perfectly work out the muscles of the forearm: biceps and triceps. Among other things, push-ups burn calories well, so they are indicated for weight loss.

performed at the beginning of the workout.

  1. Standing against the wall, place your hands in front of your chest and take a step back. We do not lower the head, we do not round the lower back;
  2. Bending and unbending the elbows, we perform ten exercises with three approaches.

Table push-ups- Good for girls. It is a slightly more complicated option than the previous method. We perform the exercise with an emphasis on the countertop.

- a great opportunity to pump up your hands. This simplified version push-ups from the floor, which is difficult for many girls.

  1. The support is the knees and palms;
  2. Raise the ankles and connect, or start each other;
  3. We push out, fully straightening our arms.
  1. Resting palms and toes on the floor, stretch the body in a straight line;
  2. We try to hold the bar for a minute.

We repeat three times.

6. Pulling up on the horizontal bar

One of the most popular basic exercises. It is recommended to do at least the minimum number of pull-ups according to your strength.

If you perform it regularly, then the shoulder girdle will strengthen, and then the number of repetitions can be increased.

When doing the exercise the chin should touch the horizontal bar. It is most effective to pull up with the usual or.

See the video for more details:

  • Warm up. We start with an active warm-up for muscle groups shoulder girdle. It can include push-ups from the wall and any gymnastic exercises for hands, for example, vigorous alternating swings of the arms up (twenty times) and to the sides (ten times).
  • Experienced instructors recommend start training an hour after eating, and start eating no earlier than forty minutes after training.
  • Nutrition principles. The diet should be varied - it should contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates. You can't go hungry because strength training need energy.
  • Healthy foods. Preference should be given to protein products - fish, low-fat chicken, cottage cheese, kefir. Porridge also fits well into the diet. The restriction must be observed only for fats.
  • Connection of cardioloads. Strength training, if desired, can be supplemented by running, swimming, and exercising on simulators. This contributes to better fat burning, as well as a harmonious distribution of the load on all muscle groups.
  • Newcomers! For those who start power loads for the first time, it is recommended to start with minimal weights. If inadequate loads are used, training may result in injury to the shoulder joint.
  • Muscle pain. After the first workout, everyone has muscle pain. It can be removed by taking a warm bath with the addition of sea ​​salt and a few drops of tea tree oil, camphor oil, rosemary or lavender.
Note! The most optimal regimen for strength training is considered to be classes every other day. Daily workouts do not contribute to muscle recovery and relaxation.

Strength training, in comparison with other types of activities, gives relatively fast, notable results. The muscles become strong, the relief of the arms and forearms appears. The figure becomes more slender, as active loads burn calories well. But we must remember that a necessary condition for obtaining results is regularity and perseverance.